Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-23 Thread Dogberry2

aubuti;539106 Wrote: 
> You missed his "real" conclusion:
> 5) Therefore the Touch is useless.
> Holy non sequitur Batman!Good point. In the midst of the Duet rant, I sorta 
> forgot that this was
the Touch forum. But yes, that final leap is a tremendous paralogical


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread aubuti

Dogberry2;539032 Wrote: 
> Did everybody follow the logic here? It goes like this:
> 1) Notec couldn't get the Duet to work
> 2) Therefore Notec concludes the Duet doesn't work, and calls it a POS
> 3) It then follows that nobody's Duet works
> 4) Conclusion: People who say their Duets work are lying or deluded
You missed his "real" conclusion:

5) Therefore the Touch is useless.

Holy non sequitur Batman!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread Gazjam

Actually on another thread hes singing the praises of the the
guys firmly got his tongue in his cheek methinks

Americans huh?
What you gonna do? :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread Dogberry2

notec;538730 Wrote: 
> Folks that claim they've never had issues with the duet either:
> 1) rarely use it
> 2) have it setup right next to their router
> 3) live in a dream world
Did everybody follow the logic here? It goes like this:

1) Notec couldn't get the Duet to work
2) Therefore Notec concludes the Duet doesn't work, and calls it a POS
3) It then follows that nobody's Duet works
4) Conclusion: People who say their Duets work are lying or deluded

I think that pretty much says everything we need to know about the
aptly-named Notec. Anybody possessing logical and analytical skills
that can achieve such a very special degree of reasoning probably has
difficulty working a toaster. So it really is no surprise that it was
impossible for somebody like that to get a Duet working. People whose
brains work that way walk among us, folks. They're even permitted to
drive cars. So be careful out there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread iPhone

notec;538730 Wrote: 
> The only successful org to ever tame the open source arena was/is
> Logitech sold vaporware with the Duet. It's that simple.
> Folks that claim they've never had issues with the duet either:
> 1) rarely use it
> 2) have it setup right next to their router
> 3) live in a dream world
> Good luck to all you Touch owners. You're gonna need it to remotely
> enjoy your music.

To answer your questions and again false statements/comments:

Just exactly what vaporware did Logitech sell? The NMP division doesn't
even SALE software so how do they sell vaporware? I had one of the first
Duets sold. It worked right out of the box. Took all of 7 minutes to
setup. And actually, my Receiver is the farthest Squeezebox from my
wireless router and I live in an over 5000 sqft home. But again, my
network is properly setup with the wireless router in almost the exact
middle of the house and on the middle of three floors, set to the
channel with the least interference IE not the default channel. I don't
have my router setup in the bedroom next to the PC and cable outlet and
then expect the signal to go through multiple walls/floors to reach a
Duet on the far end of the house. The second Duet took about 5 minutes
to setup because I didn't have to read the directions.

I am the furthest thing from a Fanboy. Do I enjoy my Squeezeboxes, I
do, mainly because I love music and listen to music for 12 hours or
more everyday. I have been in the last three beta programs and know I
have told Logitech many many things they didn't want to hear. What good
is a Fanboy when one is developing a new product. I am still upset/mad
that the Touch needs an Internet connection for setup. I have a
business model for the Touch that will not work because of this fact.

Now for the three:
1) My Duets are used for a minimum of 4 hours a day. I am listening to
one now. I even use one in one of my vehicles everyday.
2) Already covered, it is the furthest from my wireless router.
3) Actually I live in reality and know that the problem with just about
anything is usually me or the fact that I will not except that something
or anything could be wrong with something. I taught Introduction to
Basic Programming in the 80's. It was evening classes so I had adults
and students as young as 12 years old. The 12 year olds finished the
whole course ahead of schedule and I had to come up with extra work for
them. The adults did not complete all the programming assignments. Kids
know and admit they messed up and then find the problem. Adults say the
they did it right but the program just isn't doing the right thing and
they feed it in again just to keep getting the wrong result. You seem
to be are one of those adults. So if your definition of a dream world
is properly working wireless network and always working Duets, maybe I
am lucky enough to live in your dream world because that is exactly the
world I am living in.

PS. With a little work and proper troubleshooting while admitting that
it just could be something other then the Duet, you could live in this
world also. It could be as simple as buying a new router!


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread maggior

Daverz;538666 Wrote: 
> Yes, but I want the improved transport electronics of the Touch as well.
> I could always buy another Touch to use as a controller, but this is
> starting to get expensive!

At the current price of the Touch, yes, it would be expensive to buy
one just to use it as a controller.  The price will likely drop over
time.  I'm fortunate that where mine is I can use it as both easily.  I
have it connected to a headphone amp next to my "man chair", which sits
in front of my main music listening setup which has a SBR connected to


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread maggior

notec;538741 Wrote: 
> you have to ask? cant figure that out on your own, eh?

OK, I'll bite.  Can you tell us why?

Though I don't agree with much of what you say, you actually make some
valid points - yes, the duet had other issues than WiFi and yes, the
product is developed by the same team on the same OS.  That doesn't
justify the hate toward the Touch however.  As somebody that has
suffered through issues with the Duet and currently owns both a Duet
and a Touch, I can say that the release of the Touch is a completely
different experience.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-22 Thread mlsstl

notec;538741 Wrote: 
> you have to ask? cant figure that out on your own, eh?

Please forgive me. Sometimes I forget that certain people actually
prefer misery to solving their problem.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Gazjam

Can I helpfully suggest you go get attention from somewhere
better...this is an Internet forum, not real life.
Perhaps, say, from a member of the opposite sex?

What age are you by the way "bro"?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread pounce

Arguing with a troll is like mud wrestling with a pig.
After a while you realize the pig likes it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Mnyb

notec;538741 Wrote: 
> you have to ask? cant figure that out on your own, eh?

Wild guess, to Troll bash the products, create badwill lower the mood
on the forum...

Is it not more "logical" to bash the duet in the duet forum in treads
on topics regarding the duets problems.

But it is better Trolling to rant in unrelated treads.

Your quote here is interesting, iPhone is probably correct then :)

1) rarely use it
3) live in a dream world

Your -are- one of those guys that can't get that your wifi may have
Or "live in dream world" where just because a product has wifi it works
unconditionally under all circumstances for all people.

If you want your questionary filled in

1 No
2 No
3 No, or can I pick a nice one :)


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread notec

mlsstl;538734 Wrote: 
> I guess my question is why are you still here? There are other players
> on the market. Why not sell yours on eBay or Audiogon, buy something
> else and move on?

you have to ask? cant figure that out on your own, eh?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread mlsstl

notec;538730 Wrote: 
> Folks that claim they've never had issues with the duet either:
> 1) rarely use it
> 2) have it setup right next to their router
> 3) live in a dream world
> Good luck to all you Touch owners. You're gonna need it to remotely
> enjoy your music.

I always find it interesting when someone I don't know tells me what my
experience has been with a product. 

I guess my question is why are you still here? There are other players
on the market. Why not sell yours on eBay or Audiogon, buy something
else and move on?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread notec

iPhone;538523 Wrote: 
> First off your opening statement is completely false and untrue. The
> Duet was not a disaster. I have two of them and they have worked
> flawlessly for years.

Oh, ok. You're right. How silly of my to state the Duet is a POS from
day one to now and in the future... it works for you and ALWAYS has. My
bad. Or you own five of them and never had a problem. Fanboys unite eh?

iPhone;538523 Wrote: 
> Is the Duet WiFi Network sensitive, in my opinion it is. Ninety-five
> precent of all issues with the Duet can be traced back to an improperly
> setup WiFi Network or one that has interference or is performing poorly.
> This is in no way Logitech's fault or the Duet's for that matter. It is
> directly related to the fact that the complaining owner will not take
> the time or do what is necessary to resolve his own WiFi issue which is
> at the root of the problem. Just because a laptop works OK on a WiFi
> network doesn't mean that network is healthy and properly setup.
> Downloading Email and Webpages on a bad WiFi Network will still work
> without showing major problems, attempting to stream real time audio is
> a completely different story.

Funny. Wi-Fi is a fickle beast to tame. This isn't the only thing the
Duet has problems with.

> Second, as others have already pointed out, the Touch basically has
> nothing in common with the Duet. The Touch can more closely be related
> to the SB3 IE it is the SB4, the SB3s replacement. Yes it is a smart
> device where the SB3 was a dumb device, but the Touch in no way is
> trying to do what a Duet does or is it the replacement for the Duet.

Same OS. Same programmers. No QA. Same issues. Time is all there is at
this point bro.

> More importantly, I would be willing to bet that you don't own a Touch
> so you have no idea what you are talking about and more over are again
> making statements from no point in fact!

With my subject of "And Now The Touch?" do you really think I'd throw
my money away again? Really?

> You sir are nothing but a Troll since you obviously don't even own a
> Touch and have no way to make any comparisons much less objective
> factual statements. How about growing a brain and checking the Forum
> before you type. Are there any other posts comparing the Touch to the
> Duet? I will save you some time, there are not. The postings and
> feedback on the Touch are overwhelmingly positive! Is it perfect and
> will even do the dishes, it will not. Is it for everybody, again it is
> not. Is it a great addition to the Squeezebox line of products? It is
> and again the postings and feedback point this out!

Troll? I'm really not - but I can see how my post comes across as such.
I'm a frustrated and unsatisfied and jilted Logitech Squeezebox user...

The only successful org to ever tame the open source arena was/is Logitech sold vaporware with the Duet. It's that simple.

Folks that claim they've never had issues with the duet either:

1) rarely use it
2) have it setup right next to their router
3) live in a dream world

Good luck to all you Touch owners. Your gonna need it to remotely enjoy
your music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Daverz

maggior;538661 Wrote: 
> You could accomplish that by purchasing a SBR (the player part of the
> duet) and controlling it with your Touch.  With the Touch, you can
> select a player to control just like the controller.
> This assumes that one day you'll be able to buy a seperate player one
> day...

Yes, but I want the improved transport electronics of the Touch as
well.  I could always buy another Touch to use as a controller, but
this is starting to get expensive!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread maggior

Daverz;538658 Wrote: 
> I do wish the Touch were more like the Duet, with the touch component
> in the remote and the transport just a box like the Duet receiver.

You could accomplish that by purchasing a SBR (the player part of the
duet) and controlling it with your Touch.  With the Touch, you can
select a player to control just like the controller.

This assumes that one day you'll be able to buy a seperate player one


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Daverz

My first couple weeks with the Duet were problematic.  Problems with the
server at the time didn't help.  If I weren't somewhat stubborn, I
probably would have given up.  But it's been working smoothly now for 6
months or so.

I do wish the Touch were more like the Duet, with the touch component
in the remote and the transport just a box like the Duet receiver.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread maggior

Muele;538626 Wrote: 
> The OP is obviously 0/10 and shouldn't be fed.
> Nonetheless, the replies are quite interesting and would provide good
> information for a would-be customer.

What better way to derail a troll than turning it into a productive


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread maggior

snarlydwarf;538619 Wrote: 
> Not really.
> And you left out the Radio, which also uses much of the same code.
> 'SqueezeOS' is maturing.
> (Of course, it helps that the operating model of the Radio and Touch
> are also simpler: there isn't a headless device they need to talk to...
> there is no doubt some confusion when setting up SBR's whether you're
> talking to the SBC or the SBR...  The Touch and Radio don't have that
> layer of confusion to them.)

I left the radio out only because I don't own one and can't comment on
it based on first hand use; I only know what's been said about it here.
What you say makes sense.

Your comment on "SqueezeOS is maturing" is what I was driving at: Duet
maturing = SqueezeOS maturing.  Touch uses SqueezeOS, therefor Touch
benefits from Duet maturity.

Good, I'm not nuts :-).  Seeing comments like "the duet has nothing to
do with the Touch" were making me wonder if I understood the
architecture correctly.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Muele

The OP is obviously 0/10 and shouldn't be fed.

Nonetheless, the replies are quite interesting and would provide good
information for a would-be customer.


BR Mogens

2 Radios (1 battery), 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Served
by an old 800 mhz IBM T21 Thinkpad (Yes I know most phones have more
cpu-power these days, but it gets the job done).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread snarlydwarf

maggior;538596 Wrote: 
> Fast foward to today and the Duet is a much better and stable product. 
> In my mind, part of the success of the Touch is due the stability and
> maturity that the Duet has attained.  Am I out in left field again?

Not really.

And you left out the Radio, which also uses much of the same code.

'SqueezeOS' is maturing.

(Of course, it helps that the operating model of the Radio and Touch
are also simpler: there isn't a headless device they need to talk to...
there is no doubt some confusion when setting up SBR's whether you're
talking to the SBC or the SBR...  The Touch and Radio don't have that
layer of confusion to them.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread maggior

iPhone;538523 Wrote: 
> Second, as others have already pointed out, the Touch basically has
> nothing in common with the Duet. The Touch can more closely be related
> to the SB3 IE it is the SB4, the SB3s replacement. Yes it is a smart
> device where the SB3 was a dumb device, but the Touch in no way is
> trying to do what a Duet does or is it the replacement for the Duet. 

Perhaps somebody could clear this up.  Both the Duet, specifically the
controller, and the Touch are based on SqueezeOS.  The controller and
Touch share a good bit of functionality - playback, ability to control
any other player, change player settings, etc.  I would surmise that
this means there is a significant amount of common code between the two
devices.  Am I out in left field with this?

Calling the Duet a "disaster" is extreme, but it definitly had some
growing pains that had nothing to do with network configuration.  The
initial setup didn't handle a server that had security enabled well and
there was a bug where the controller would lockup and reboot itself when
navigating the music library.

Fast foward to today and the Duet is a much better and stable product. 
In my mind, part of the success of the Touch is due the stability and
maturity that the Duet has attained.  Am I out in left field again?


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Sounder

iPhone;538523 Wrote: 
> Ninety-five precent of all issues with the Duet can be traced back to an
> improperly setup WiFi Network or one that has interference or is
> performing poorly. This is in no way Logitech's fault or the Duet's for
> that matter. 

I agree. I bought my Duet more than a year ago, that day I got home at
about 10 PM and by 2 AM the thing wasn't working. I decided that this
was maybe due to the fact that I had a couple of beers while
configuring the thing so I gave it a try the next morning. By noon
nothing is working and I'm cursing and willing to return the thing
because I though the WiFi network couldn't be the cause. After some
troubleshooting on the network side I noticed that the problem was that
my old Linksys Travel Router crashed when the Duet tried to connect.
Linksys provided no help and no firmware updates for this box so I
changed to an Apple Airport Express (similar form and factor than the
Linksys) and voila! Since this is in my living room me, my family and
our guests have enjoyed the system a LOT! Can't wait to get a Touch to
replace my Linux+SqueezePlay+DAC arrangement in my listening room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Gazjam

Is he a Sonos employee?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Phil Leigh

notec;538465 Wrote: 
> After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
> Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again? No thanks to the
> power of ten


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Mnyb

iPhone;538523 Wrote: 
> Is the Duet WiFi Network sensitive, in my opinion it is. Ninety-five
> precent of all issues with the Duet can be traced back to an improperly
> setup WiFi Network or one that has interference or is performing poorly.
> This is in no way Logitech's fault or the Duet's for that matter. It is
> directly related to the fact that the complaining owner will not take
> the time or do what is necessary to resolve his own WiFi issue which is
> at the root of the problem. Just because a laptop works OK on a WiFi
> network doesn't mean that network is healthy and properly setup.
> Downloading Email and Webpages on a bad WiFi Network will still work
> without showing major problems, attempting to stream real time audio is
> a completely different story.
> You sir are nothing but a Troll

Exactly, You have to take your time to learn something sometimes, for
example how does my network really work is that so hard to do ?
Re networking some users also cheap out on very bad "broadband" deals
with very low speeds and a lot of throttling etc.
So the ISP is crap but they still blame the Squeezebox when they get no
internet radio.
If you want to use internet get a good ISP.

Sadly he is good Troll, he provoked 9 post's from a vague negative and
clueless post ? But it has o be met with some kind of response, hence
sometimes you have to go with it

My duet has also worked for  2 years now initial setup was finicky for
me, it have had it's period but always been usable and up for it when
it's time for some music. It has some design limitations, but it's made
to price piont so it's ok.
But now I'm back to be impressed by my Touch :)

"And Now the Touch "
Read the post carefully these are not you average users fiddling with
Some like to plays 24/96 hirez with it.
Some like to use the limited "Tiny" server with an 5 track
collections ?
Or connect networks shares and whatnot's ?
Demanding users with vocal opinions that are not Easy to please.

So it's not many average Joe's pleading for help with basic things
that's not fits in with 95% category of flawed local network or
internet conection.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread iPhone

notec;538465 Wrote: 
> After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
> Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again?

First off your opening statement is completely false and untrue. The
Duet was not a disaster. I have two of them and they have worked
flawlessly for years. Is the Duet WiFi Network sensitive, in my opinion
it is. Ninety-five precent of all issues with the Duet can be traced
back to an improperly setup WiFi Network or one that has interference
or is performing poorly. This is in no way Logitech's fault or the
Duet's for that matter. It is directly related to the fact that the
complaining owner will not take the time or do what is necessary to
resolve his own WiFi issue which is at the root of the problem. Just
because a laptop works OK on a WiFi network doesn't mean that network
is healthy and properly setup. Downloading Email and Webpages on a bad
WiFi Network will still work without showing major problems, attempting
to stream real time audio is a completely different story.

Second, as others have already pointed out, the Touch basically has
nothing in common with the Duet. The Touch can more closely be related
to the SB3 IE it is the SB4, the SB3s replacement. Yes it is a smart
device where the SB3 was a dumb device, but the Touch in no way is
trying to do what a Duet does or is it the replacement for the Duet. 

More importantly, I would be willing to bet that you don't own a Touch
so you have no idea what you are talking about and more over are again
making statements from no point in fact! 

You sir are nothing but a Troll since you obviously don't even own a
Touch and have no way to make any comparisons much less objective
factual statements. How about growing a brain and checking the Forum
before you type. Are there any other posts comparing the Touch to the
Duet? I will save you some time, there are not. The postings and
feedback on the Touch are overwhelmingly positive! Is it perfect and
will even do the dishes, it will not. Is it for everybody, again it is
not. Is it a great addition to the Squeezebox line of products? It is
and again the postings and feedback point this out!


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Mnyb

Touch is good release and a very good product ? it has some issues
But works right out of the box for most users.
This is a much better than the initial Duet debacle.

Kudos to Logitech for getting closer the goal regarding smooth releases
( from customer perspective )


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread pounce

If you look at the OP's past posts you see a trend of being pretty


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread mlsstl

notec;538465 Wrote: 
> After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
> Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again? No thanks to the
> power of ten

First, I have a Duet and it works fine. The initial software/firmware
for the controller was a bit flaky but was fixed in subsequent
versions. I haven't had any significant issues for quite some time. 

Second, the Touch's release was intentionally delayed to minimize those
types of issues. I've had mine running in my system for 12 days now. 

Of course, no product ever made by any company is going to work
perfectly for everyone. It is simply impossible for a computer products
company to anticipate and test for every single possible variable in
computers, operating systems & software installation, wireless routers
and so on. 

If you look back through the forum archives, you'll find people who had
difficulty with the earliest Squeezebox models. Those who wish to
pretend there were no issues with the SB Classic and prior models are
simply choosing to remain willfully ignorant.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread yerma

Strange, I'm using my Duet for somewhat two years now, moved twice, had
every server version between 7.2 and 7.5 (except 7.4.x) on 4 machines
with 5 different OS configurations, 5 different network setups and 3
different routers (3 different i-net providers and some weeks in
between without i-net), and had no problems so far. But maybe I'm just


SC 7.5.0 on QNAP TS-219P, one Duet, one Boom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread maggior

notec;538465 Wrote: 
> After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
> Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again? No thanks to the
> power of ten

I can understand the sentiment toward the Duet, but it's not warrented
toward the Touch.  I own both and can say that from direct experience.

Setting up the Touch was as easy as it was to set up my SB3.  Actually,
it's easier because the Touch interface gives you a virtual keyboard to
use to enter usernames and passwords, which is a lot easier to use than
the remote.

The Duet has come a long way since it was initially released.  It has
had taken time to stabilize, but it has.  Given that both the Duet
(controller specifically) and Touch are based on the SqueezeOS
architecture, the Touch has benefited from the maturity of the Duet.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread Rangdo

Thumbs up ^10 from me, superb device (and not just for the money)



SBT > Benchmark DAC1 > Bel Canto S300iu > MA GR20

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread JJZolx

notec;538465 Wrote: 
> After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
> Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again? No thanks to the
> power of ten

For one, they're not remotely similar in the way they're set up or in
the way they operate.



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[SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread notec

After the disaster known as the Squeezebox Duet why would anyone get a
Touch? To go thru the same troubles all over again? No thanks to the
power of ten


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