Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-17 Thread Sike

divisionbell77;536201 Wrote: 
 So you think that these devices, once finalized and ready for
 production, are all of a sudden available in mass quantities?
 Or do you not realize that a company can't have enough for everyone
 right away and will put priorities to where they will sell the most. 
 They are, after all, doing this to make a profit, and as much of it and
 as fast as possible.

If you have been following the Touchs' progress, you should know that
the devices were produced last year and have been waiting in some
warehouse for the last 6 or 7 months.

If they are discounting them in the US already I'm sure it would make
sense to sell a couple over here for a much higher price and make some
real money :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-17 Thread Sike

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 This is anyway a mystery story, why not Switzerland ? you can get one
 whenever you want in the Eu, Switzerland  is in the middle of Europe
 but not a member of Eu, is this a complication ?

It apears that the Logitech supply chain does not work that well here.

Not being in the EU probably is a slight complication, but I'm sure
that Logi has a guy who knows how to fill out the tax form.

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 I live in Sweden small population market insignificant, but we have them
 price is horrible but I have one.

I feel for you. Your VAT is very high. But on the bright side you have
lots of nice looking blonde people. 

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 But next time sike is in Germany or France or any other neighbor he can
 get one I suppose, for a better price.

Thet would be a reason to go to one of those countrys. I would then
have to find a shop that stocks it and pay full sticker price.

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 I'm recently been to Switzerland beautiful country seems pretty modern
 to me ?

It's not. Apart from the trains.

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 There must be a market for computers hifi and Squeezeboxes there to ?

Don't need them.

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 Why is not anyone picking it up and sell Squeezeboxes there ?

They will come eventualy. No need for paralel imports yet.

Mnyb;536212 Wrote: 
 I assume Swizz people loves music too ?

We only listen to gong and chime music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-17 Thread Swimmerbird123

Sike;536583 Wrote: 
 We only listen to gong and chime music.

Yes, The Swiss like the bells so much that the national radio station
has an archive of church bells ringing where you can even pick which
church in which part of the country you want to hear:

Now if there were only a way to get the Touch to play these!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-17 Thread Mnyb

Sike;536583 Wrote: 
 It apears that the Logitech supply chain does not work that well here.
 Not being in the EU probably is a slight complication, but I'm sure
 that Logi has a guy who knows how to fill out the tax form.
 I feel for you. Your VAT is very high. But on the bright side you have
 lots of nice looking blonde people. 
 Thet would be a reason to go to one of those countrys. I would then
 have to find a shop that stocks it and pay full sticker price.
 It's not. Apart from the trains.
 Don't need them.
 They will come eventualy. No need for paralel imports yet.
 We only listen to gong and chime music.

Oh I loved the trains, got me everywhere.

Gong and chime here you go ;)

tune this in your squeezebox


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-16 Thread dmg

Upgradealways;535886 Wrote: 
 Canada is 25 years behind in commerce and goods. Most online retaillers
 wont ship in Canada or will ding you with retarded duty, vat, services
 fees and taxes. We are litterally 3rd world country for e-commerce,
 acutally all commerce. I never buy canadian, I will find an online
 retailler and have it overnight shipped. Usually air shippment cost
 less in duty. I encourage US, Canada is retarded

Yep, e-commerce sucks in Canada, especially if you are trying to buy
electronics or services online. Online retailers Canada usually charge
much higher prices than their US counterparts, either because the CDN
distributor charges more or because of artificially created market
segments created by large manufacturers or distributors. The relatively
small population spread over a large geographic area is part of the
problem--there is simply a lack of effective competition. It is
possible to find US-based online retailers who charge reasonable rates
for shipping and use methods that won't trigger a customs brokerage fee
(Monoprice comes to mind), but sometimes it can take a while to find an
online retailer for a particular product. Electronics are exempt from
duty, but you may have to pay a Goods and Service Tax (5%) and
Provincial Sales Tax (unless you live in Alberta) to pick up the item.
Usually, I get away with paying none of these extra fees, but sometimes
I have to cough up the dough at the post office or the courier office.
(Duty is considered a service, so if you pay duty on an item, you have
to pay GST on it, which really sucks because it feels like double


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-16 Thread squeezyjim

Interesting thread...

The bottom line is, as someone pointed out in an earlier post, the
internet is a great way to allow the consumer to uncover these devious
marketing strategies and make a conscious decision based on that
knowlege. If Logitec are smart about it they will react and make sure
that the EU (and everywhere else for that matter) gets the same
treatment as the US market PDQ or they will be punished (i.e. lose
sales and get a bad rep). 

I simply don't buy the bland capitalist argument 'let the market
decide' as over the years I have heard this phrase banded about (not
least by a certain M Thatcher hundreds of IT years ago) and seen it
proven to be no more than horse manure.

As long as any company has a niche (as most companies do by
definition), or in other words a monopoly in a certain market area, the
'rules' of market forces simply don't apply. The Squeezebox range is
pretty unique in its capabilities, so it is effectively a monopolistic
market, but it wont be long till someone thinks, Hey, I can make a box
that does all that and more, looks better for less money and then you
might see 'Market Forces' at work. And only then, if you abolish all
copywrite and patent laws, which inevitably skew the market.
Capitalists seem to want it all ways these days.

But while all this amateur economics is quite interesting to read, none
of it is relevant to the OP; the point is that us Europeans are pretty
darned miffed about being treated as fools, made to wait longer than
ONE country in the world without any clear reason and then expected to
cover the loss they lead in that country. 

Why is this necessary, if all the units come from China anyway? Well,
its not, its just the usual short sighted and foolish marketing
strategy of a multi national corporation. (Most of the suits in
corporations appear to have never heard of the internet it seems - see
Music Industry).

Bad PR is very costly, so moaning in a forum like this /should/ make a
difference. I wouldn't be very surprised if they didn't read them, to
be honest, but they absolutely should if they care about PR. For
goodness sake, its FREE MARKET RESEARCH DATA This is exactly the
same kind of data which they pay the likes of Facebook millions of
dollars for; possibly even more concise and useful.

The point is, Logitech should sit up and listen before some clever
person comes along with a better product for less money and blows them
out of the water, but until that guy comes along, they will screw us
Europeans simply because they can.


(PS: Touch is still NOT available anywhere for purchase in Holland, via
Logitech's own discriminatory extortion rackets or not)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-16 Thread dmg

squeezyjim;536101 Wrote: 
 Interesting thread...
 (PS: Touch is still NOT available anywhere for purchase in Holland, via
 Logitech's own discriminatory extortion rackets or not)

Touch units have started to show up on eBay, probably from folks who
were able to grab units with the discount coupon that was available for
a short time. But, with these eBay sellers, you are pretty much on your
own if the unit doesn't work properly (no returns, warranty not
honoured in a country other than the US, etc.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-16 Thread aubuti

squeezyjim;536101 Wrote: 
 As long as any company has a niche (as most companies do by definition),
 or in other words a monopoly in a certain market area, the 'rules' of
 market forces simply don't apply. The Squeezebox range is pretty unique
 in its capabilities, so it is effectively a monopolistic market, but it
 wont be long till someone thinks, Hey, I can make a box that does all
 that and more, looks better for less money and then you might see
 'Market Forces' at work. And only then, if you abolish all copywrite
 and patent laws, which inevitably skew the market. Capitalists seem to
 want it all ways these days.
 But while all this amateur economics is quite interesting to read, none
 of it is relevant to the OP; the point is that us Europeans are pretty
 darned miffed about being treated as fools, made to wait longer than
 ONE country in the world without any clear reason and then expected to
 cover the loss they lead in that country. 
It's hard to know where to start with an economically illiterate post
like this. SBs hardly represent a monopoly. Ever hear of Sonos, Roku,
or the newer line of Cisco and Sony network music players? Even if it
were a monopoly, market rules still apply -- it's just a different set
of rules from a competitive market. 

Number one, no one is holding a gun to your head. Apparently Logitech's
market research is telling them that other markets are less price
sensitive than the US, and the revenue they gain by jacking up the
price in those markets more than offsets the smaller loss in units
sold. In the lower price markets it's the other way around, where
setting a lower price is more than compensated by the higher volume.
But if you think they are selling at a loss in those markets, then
reasoned debate is impossible.

Bottom line: If you think the price is unfairly high, vote with your
wallet and don't buy an SB. Buy a competing product or keep listening
to your CDs. Logitech will notice that a lot more than any moaning in
these forums.

Just out of curiosity, anyone know what international price
differentials and availability are for some of the competing products
like Sonos? I'd be very surprised if similar price discrimination did
not occur.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-16 Thread aubuti

aubuti;536141 Wrote: 
 Just out of curiosity, anyone know what international price
 differentials and availability are for some of the competing products
 like Sonos? I'd be very surprised if similar price discrimination did
 not occur.
I just took a look at Sonos's site, and found that the only difference
between US and EU pricing is the currency symbol. The nominal prices
(ie, before applying the ever-important exchange rate) in CDN$ are
generally 20% higher than the nominal USD prices, and the nominal GBP
prices are generally 20% lower than the nominal USD prices. Use your
favorite exchange rate calculator to see exactly how much lower the US
prices are.


  Item   USD CDN$Euro GBP
  Bundle 2501000 12001000 800
  Spkr Bundle 250   1300 160013001100
  Controller 350  400 350 280
  Zone Player S5 400  480 400 350
  ZP120  500  600 500 400
  ZP90   350  400 350 280
  ZB 100 100  120 100  80


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[SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

As per usual the no Swiss stock in sight. Digitec has just upped the
price and set the delivery date to 'Unknown'

Adding insult to injury apparently logitech has been selling them
-directly- for 225 $ in the states. This is really out
of order. 

If it's Logitechs' stratergy to get Joe Sixpack his Squeezebox on the
cheap and try tp get his Squeezebox hooked up with his Facebook and try
to listen to Pandora... and maybe fail because he has no wireless
network at home... That's fine. 
However if you want to keep the userbase happy, who work as free
ambasadors to the brand and probably sell more of these devices than a
presentation unit in the back of a store... why not just throw us the
occasional bone?

So not d


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

Wow, and I though Americans were impatient. I wouldn't count having to
wait a week or two as getting screwed. After all, think of how many
months all of us have had to wait while the Touch was delayed again and
again. Compared to that, a few weeks is nothing. Personally, I'm waiting
so other people can find the bugs. ;)

As for the US$225 price, I'm guessing that's about what it will sell
for on once they have adequate stock. (Of course, most of
you Europeans have a VAT, so you'll never see that price. That's not
Logitech's fault, though.)

Keep in mind that while Logitech is Swiss, SlimDevices is American,
isn't it? (I understand that the software developers are in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread erland

hawaiijim;535312 Wrote: 
 Keep in mind that while Logitech is Swiss, SlimDevices is American,
 isn't it? (I understand that the software developers are in
SlimDevices doesn't exist any more, it's part of the standard business
units of Logitech now. I'm pretty sure some of the developers are from
Switzerland, not all though. I think the hardware is manufactured in

Still, Logitech really isn't any different than other big companies.
Prices are adjusted to what people in different part of the world is
prepared to pay. We just just have to face the fact that the people in
US aren't prepared to pay as much as us in Europe.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

hawaiijim;535312 Wrote: 
 Wow, and I though Americans were impatient. I wouldn't count having to
 wait a week or two as getting screwed. After all, think of how many
 months all of us have had to wait while the Touch was delayed again and
 again. Compared to that, a few weeks is nothing. Personally, I'm waiting
 so other people can find the bugs. ;)

The getting screwed was referring to the price. Logitech selling in
through their own chanells 225 $ is quite a slap in the face...

I don't mind finding the bugs. I don't want to use it as an alarm
clock, to turn on/off any other equipment with it or link to facebook.
I just want to listen to music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Hans_NL

Yes, prices in Europe are generally much higher, even when we consider
the difference in taxes. Europe is also a somewhat smaller market, and
a 2-year unconditional warranty is mandatory in most countries. Add the
fact that you're an early adopter and you know that something has to

If you don't like the price level of a Touch, you can always look at
the competition (depending on your requirements). The Sagem My Web 500
comes to mind (82 euro), or the similar priced Muvid IR 615.

They don't offer the level of customisation that Logitech offers, but
they do what they're supposed to do, and offer native NAS and USB
support without the need to install server software. No Facebook nor
Pandora support however. You get what you pay for.


Squeezebox Radio x2 (black  red)
MUVID IR 615 (poor man's Transporter)
Currently running Fedora 10 on all systems

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

Hans_NL;535330 Wrote: 
 Yes, prices in Europe are generally much higher, even when we consider
 the difference in taxes. Europe is also a somewhat smaller market, and
 a 2-year unconditional warranty is mandatory in most countries. Add the
 fact that you're an early adopter and you know that something has to

Being an early adopter never bothered me. I'm not asking for a rebait
on the numerous Slimp3's that I bought nearly 10 years ago.

The EU has nearly double the population of the US, if you count the
whole continent europe gets up to nearly 3 x the population of the US.
If europeans really is that much richer than americans, then they must
sell a lot more in europe than in the states. If the device price is
double then the profit margin a lot more that that, therefore they have
to sell less devices over here to get their cost back... 

Hans_NL;535330 Wrote: 
 If you don't like the price level of a Touch, you can always look at
 the competition (depending on your requirements). The Sagem My Web 500
 comes to mind (82 euro), or the similar priced Muvid IR 615.

I have my touch on preorder. I'll probably end up buying a couple of
them to replace the SB3s. I used to order 10 at a time directly for the
states... Those were the good ol days..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread dmg

Sike;535326 Wrote: 
 The getting screwed was referring to the price. Logitech selling in
 through their own chanells 225 $ is quite a slap in the face...
 I don't mind finding the bugs. I don't want to use it as an alarm
 clock, to turn on/off any other equipment with it or link to facebook.
 I just want to listen to music.

The issue is similar in Canada, where the CDN dollar is higher than the
US dollar and yet the MSRP is $379.00 CDN. The Touch is not yet
available in Canada and one rumour has it that it will be May before
the CDN stock arrives. I can't speak to any extraordinary warranty
requirements in Canada, but the packaging and software do have to be in
both English and French. Still, the extra cost for this and other
expenses such as cross-border shipping and customs brokerage do not
justify the huge price disparity. There is no duty on items like this
under NAFTA. 

As I have said in other posts, I do not mind spending a bit more for a
product if I can buy it locally. But, I do mind being gouged on the
price if the price delta is too large. The Internet has helped to bring
some of this price discrimination in Canada under control because
consumers can check prices around the world and register their
dissatisfaction in one way or another if they think they are being
ripped off. (A sunglass manufacturer once tried to block Canadian IP
addresses to prevent Canadians from checking US prices--a lame and
laughable attempt to prevent the knowledge of discrimatory pricing from
becoming more widely known.)

It does, however, baffle me that companies would continue such blatant
price discrimination when people have such easy access to pricing
information the world over. 

First, there is the damage that this discrimination does to their
reputation--ie, it creates the perception that consumers exist in other
countries only to be squeezed for their money and exploited by limiting
purchasing options (eg, not being able to purchase from the Logitech US
site directly). And, as you have so ably pointed out it is slap in the
face to early adopters who have contributed to the promotion of the
product. It is actually because of you and others in the Logitech
community that I am interested in purchasing one of these and in fact
have pulled some CAT5e cable from my server to my stereo in order to
accomodate Ethernet connectivity with a Touch. 

Second, it hurts the relationship between retailers and manufacturers,
who really should be partners in the promotion and selling of these
products. If I were a CDN retailer I would be pretty upset to see a
large chunk of my potential business go directly to the US because the
CDN distributor wouldn't sell units to me at a competitive price. Who
would want to be a retailer of Logitech products when consumer outrage
over price discrimination would force me to cut my profit margin to the
extent that I could only compete if I sold them for a loss or for a such
a slim margin that it is not worth my while to sell them? This in turn
must hurt the sales of the CDN distributors and negative consequences
on the distribution chain. 

The US dollar is declining against almost every major currency in the
world. One would hope that such blatant price discrimination cannot
last over the long term. Consumers do have options. In my case, I have
a US currency bank account and credit card and travel to the US a few
times a year--I can pick up one in the US at a much reduced price to
what I would have to pay in Canada. I would rather not have to do this,
but I will if the blatant price discrimation continues. Or, I will
simply choose not to purchase one at all and register my
dissatisfaction that way--that is also an option.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535443 Wrote: 
 The issue is similar in Canada, where the CDN dollar is higher than the
 US dollar and yet the MSRP is $379.00 CDN. The Touch is not yet
 available in Canada and one rumour has it that it will be May before
 the CDN stock arrives.

Are you telling me that Canadians can't buy directly from U.S. internet
retailers? in Seattle, Washington doesn't ship to Vancouver?
(Not that has the Touch yet, but I'm sure they will soon.) I
think most credit cards can be used to buy stuff in foreign currencies
for a small fee. You do have the 'same electrical outlets as us'
(, right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread kdf
hawaiijim wrote:

 Are you telling me that Canadians can't buy directly from U.S. internet
 retailers? in Seattle, Washington doesn't ship to Vancouver?
Absolutely they do.  Then UPS adds $106 for handling the difficult task 
of crossing the border.  Better plan is go through ebay and a user who 
will ship via post.

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread dmg

hawaiijim;535455 Wrote: 
 Are you telling me that Canadians can't buy directly from U.S. internet
 retailers? in Seattle, Washington doesn't ship to Vancouver?
 (Not that has the Touch yet, but I'm sure they will soon.) I
 think most credit cards can be used to buy stuff in foreign currencies
 for a small fee. You do have the 'same electrical outlets as us'
 (, right?

If you live in Canada, you must purchase from the Web site,
not The Web site does not have the same range of
products (especially in electronics) that the site has. And,
when it does the have same products, pricing is related to the
CDN not US MSRP. It is the same story with Crutchfield and TigerDirect.
They both have the CDN Web sites that list products with the
discriminatory pricing intact. At one time, you were able to buy
directly from the US Web sites, but they must have realized that there
was more money to be squeezed out of Canadians by setting up CDN
versions of their online stores. Or it could simply be they are forced
in too many occasions to get product from the CDN distributors who
provide inventory at a higher price for CDN sales. 

However, it is still possible to find online US retailers who will ship
internationally. Usually, the mark up on shipping is a bit out of line,
but even considering this mark up, it is often cheaper to buy directly
from the US retailer. And, of course, there is always eBay. When the
initial demand subsides, the Touch units will start appearing on eBay.
It is not unheard to see something like 20-30 dollars for shipping on a
product of the approximate weight and dimensions of the Touch.
(Strangely, it is ofent a lot cheaper for shipping from Hong Kong to
Canada than from a US address). However, it is usually a no brainer to
make the purchase from an eBayer (discounted price of, say, 225 + 20 =
250 vs 379 + shipping in Canada). There is more risk in the purchase
and returns can be problematic. But, most people would find the risk
acceptable if they could save over 100.00 on the purchase.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Mnyb

dmg;535443 Wrote: 
 The issue is similar in Canada, where the CDN dollar is higher than the
 US dollar and yet the MSRP is $379.00 CDN. The Touch is not yet
 available in Canada and one rumour has it that it will be May before
 the CDN stock arrives. I can't speak to any extraordinary warranty
 requirements in Canada, but the packaging and software do have to be in
 both English and French. Still, the extra cost for this and other
 expenses such as cross-border shipping and customs brokerage do not
 justify the huge price disparity. There is no duty on items like this
 under NAFTA. 
 As I have said in other posts, I do not mind spending a bit more for a
 product if I can buy it locally. But, I do mind being gouged on the
 price if the price delta is too large. The Internet has helped to bring
 some of this price discrimination in Canada under control because
 consumers can check prices around the world and register their
 dissatisfaction in one way or another if they think they are being
 ripped off. (A sunglass manufacturer once tried to block Canadian IP
 addresses to prevent Canadians from checking US prices--a lame and
 laughable attempt to prevent the knowledge of discrimatory pricing from
 becoming more widely known.)
 It does, however, baffle me that companies would continue such blatant
 price discrimination when people have such easy access to pricing
 information the world over. 
 First, there is the damage that this discrimination does to their
 reputation--ie, it creates the perception that consumers exist in other
 countries only to be squeezed for their money and exploited by limiting
 purchasing options (eg, not being able to purchase from the Logitech US
 site directly). And, as you have so ably pointed out it is slap in the
 face to early adopters who have contributed to the promotion of the
 product. It is actually because of you and others in the Logitech
 community that I am interested in purchasing one of these and in fact
 have pulled some CAT5e cable from my server to my stereo in order to
 accomodate Ethernet connectivity with a Touch. 
 Second, it hurts the relationship between retailers and manufacturers,
 who really should be partners in the promotion and selling of these
 products. If I were a CDN retailer I would be pretty upset to see a
 large chunk of my potential business go directly to the US because the
 CDN distributor wouldn't sell units to me at a competitive price. Who
 would want to be a retailer of Logitech products when consumer outrage
 over price discrimination would force me to cut my profit margin to the
 extent that I could only compete if I sold them for a loss or for a such
 a slim margin that it is not worth my while to sell them? This in turn
 must hurt the sales of the CDN distributors and have negative
 consequences for the international distribution chain. 
 The US dollar is declining against almost every major currency in the
 world. One would hope that such blatant price discrimination cannot
 last over the long term. Consumers do have options. In my case, I have
 a US currency bank account and credit card and travel to the US a few
 times a year--I can pick up one in the US at a much reduced price to
 what I would have to pay in Canada. I would rather not have to do this,
 but I will if the blatant price discrimation continues. Or, I will
 simply choose not to purchase one at all and register my
 dissatisfaction that way--that is also an option.

Eh it's actually made in china and logitech is a swiss company, so
stock arrives from china to each market.

I'm a early adopter I bent over and prepared myself to be screwed
autumn 2009, but I have a Touch *now* :-D I can rise my back now.

But they do gouge the price the pre-sales blurb from logitech was -same
price as SB Classic- This is essentially true in US. SB3 (with wifi) was
introduced at aprox 300$

But this does not correspond to the EU price, SB3 was more expensive in
EU than in US right ?
So then we may have the right to expect that the Touch would be
released in EU at the same price as SB3 aka Classic was originally
going for.

But No it is even more expensive ! (here is the price gouge hint hint)

That irritates me little -same price as SB3- was promised from logitech
on this very forum, live up to that on *all* markets, given that same
price is what SB3 was at that market.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

Mnyb;535473 Wrote: 
 That irritates me little -same price as SB3- was promised from logitech
 on this very forum, live up to that on *all* markets, given that same
 price is what SB3 was at that market.

True story.

I'll second that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread iPhone

I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world. One
thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply and
Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price of
goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
place then in another, they are REQUIRED to. It is that simple. Supply
and Demand as well as the fiduciary responsibility of the company to
its share holders requires them to seek the highest price the market
will bear, since Logitech is a publicly traded company. Period.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Mnyb

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world. One
 thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply and
 Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price of
 goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
 place then in another, they are REQUIRED to. It is that simple. Supply
 and Demand as well as the fiduciary responsibility of the company to
 its share holders requires them to seek the highest price the market
 will bear, since Logitech is a publicly traded company. Period.

If it was that simple in reality...


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread dmg

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world. One
 thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply and
 Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price of
 goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
 place then in another, they are REQUIRED to. It is that simple. Supply
 and Demand as well as the fiduciary responsibility of the company to
 its share holders requires them to seek the highest price the market
 will bear, since Logitech is a publicly traded company. Period.

I would say that Logitech has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize
profits, not just to price units at the highest price that the markets
will bear. So, the calculation of price in a particular market is
neither straighforward or simple. If discriminatory pricing damages
reputation and hurts the international distribution channels to the
extent that sales volume suffers and potential profits are not
maximized, they would have an obligation to reduce prices in those
market segments. I am not sure if they are anywhere near that point,
since consumer outrage at discriminatory pricing is muted by the fact
that many who are patient can find ways around discriminatory pricing
in artifically created market segments by purchasing the product from a
US retailer at some point in the future. But, they and other
manufacturers are not immune to these pressures, which will only grow
as the US dollar continues its decline for the short term.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535471 Wrote: 
 If you live in Canada, you must purchase from the Web site,

This doesn't seem right to me. I can go to (not
right now and see their 'shipping rates to Canada'
$7.99 per shipment plus $1.99 per item. These rates are different than
the 'rates listed on'
even though, 'according to'
(, the U.S. dollar is currently
roughly equal in value to the Canadian dollar.

On the page, 'it says'
( gladly accepts orders from all around the globe. Available
 product lines, shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the
 delivery address for your order.

On the page, 'it says'
( can ship to almost any address in the world. Click the links
 to the left for more information on costs and delivery times.

Of course, I don't live in Canada so you probably know better than me,
but when the Squeezebox Touch becomes available from it may
be worth your while to at least attempt to buy it from
(unless you REALLY need instructions in French).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world.

As in Not communist ?

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 One thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply
 and Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price
 of goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
 place then in another, they are REQUIRED to.

But not for that long. Eventualy things like grey (Parallel) imports
will pick up ... leading to guaranties that are not valid in the county
they are sold, thus making Joe Sixpack unhappy when his device breaks
after 11 months.. etc.

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
  It is that simple. Supply and Demand as well as the fiduciary
 responsibility of the company to its share holders requires them to
 seek the highest price the market will bear, since Logitech is a
 publicly traded company. Period.

The problem is that in the US the median household income varies by
city and state, but everyone pays the same price. Someone who lives in
New Jersy or Maryland is more likely to earn double than someone in
Mississippi or West Virginia. But everyone gets the same price. In
europe it's easier for companies to set a price per country. 

My main point of this thread was that Logitech is/was selling the
device for 225 $ themselves, not a discounter, while we europeans have
to wait until it becomes availible and then pay double.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

Sike;535520 Wrote: 
 My main point of this thread was that Logitech is/was selling the device
 for 225 $ themselves, not a discounter, while we europeans have to wait
 until it becomes availible and then pay double.

You could always move to the states. We'd love to have you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread erland

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world. One
 thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply and
 Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price of
 goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
 place then in another, they are REQUIRED to. It is that simple. Supply
 and Demand as well as the fiduciary responsibility of the company to
 its share holders requires them to seek the highest price the market
 will bear, since Logitech is a publicly traded company. Period.
Exactly and complaining in a forum will not solve this, the only
indication the market will understand is if people doesn't buy the
product. Unfortunately that would mean that you can't get the best
audio streaming product on the market if you live in the wrong country,
most of us doesn't accept that so we buy it anyway to the higher price
and the market continues to do the same thing in the future.

As mentioned, this isn't specific to Logitech, all most big
international companies does the same thing.

I'm not recommending people to not buy the Touch, it's worth all you
have to pay for it. I'm just saying that either you accept the higher
price in your country or you go through the hassle of having to wait a
bit and order it from US through some intermediate company since that
seems to be cheaper. Believe me, you aren't going to make Logitech
change their price strategy by posting your complains here in the
forum, the people that need to see the complains don't even read this


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535522 Wrote: 
 If I follow the link to the Amazon Global Program store, I notice that
 the Touch is not available through this link. But, as I said, I have
 not tried to complete a checkout on for the Touch.

For the record, the Touch is not yet available from in the
U.S. I'm just assuming it will be soon. They've got all the other
Squeezeboxes. As a test, try to see what info you get for a Squeezebox


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Teus de Jong

iPhone;535490 Wrote: 
 I will say it again. The EU is still a Capitalist part of the world. One
 thing drives all prices in all Capitalist areas and that is Supply and
 Demand with Market driven pricing. The Market determines the price of
 goods in a free market. If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one
 place then in another, they are REQUIRED to. It is that simple. Supply
 and Demand as well as the fiduciary responsibility of the company to
 its share holders requires them to seek the highest price the market
 will bear, since Logitech is a publicly traded company. Period.
This isn't a general definition of the capitalist market at all. It is
a definition of a specific form of the capitalist market: the current
hyper capitalist market only driven by what you tell it was always only
drive by. It says a lot that this current hyper capitalist system is
presented by you as THE definition of capitalism. This system only
exists for some 20 years and has lead to several disasters in the
recent past and will lead to more in the near future if we don't get
rid of the hyper before capitalist. In a normal capitalist society a
company not only has responsibility to it's stockholders but to their
customers and the rest of the society also.

Especially this statement:
If Logitech can get more for a Touch in one place then in another,
they are REQUIRED to.

is a joke invented by neo-con hyper capitalist market apologetics.


Teus de Jong

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread dmg

hawaiijim;535531 Wrote: 
 For the record, the Touch is not yet available from in the
 U.S. I'm just assuming it will be soon. They've got all the other
 Squeezeboxes. As a test, try to see what info you get for a Squeezebox

I just checked again and noticed that one retailer is now
selling for 334.99. I don't think the price is adjusted because of my
CDN IP address, although others might want to check it out. That's
capitalism for you. : ) The pent up demand is causing at least one
retailer to jack prices. 

As an aside, I also note the following in the product description:
Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
 Again its not discriminatory pricing, its the price that market will

Actually, 'it is price discrimination'
Wikipedia Wrote: 
 Price discrimination, or price differentiation [1], exists when sales of
 identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the
 same provider. In general, the practice of charging different customers
 different prices is called price discrimination.[1]  In a theoretical
 market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no
 transaction costs or prohibition on secondary exchange (or re-selling)
 to prevent arbitrage, price discrimination can only be a feature of
 monopolistic and oligopolistic  markets[2], where market power can be

Discrimination in this case is not a bad thing, it's just a way of
maximizing revenue. Actually, the definition I quoted appears to be
incorrect. A better definition is 'here'
 A seller price discriminates when it charges different prices to
 different buyers. The ideal form of price discrimination, from the
 seller's point of view, is to charge each buyer the maximum that the
 buyer is willing to pay.

Sometimes price discrimination is done with different versions of the
same product, such as the different versions of MS Windows 7 that sell
at different prices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread dmg

hawaiijim;535531 Wrote: 
 For the record, the Touch is not yet available from in the
 U.S. I'm just assuming it will be soon. They've got all the other
 Squeezeboxes. As a test, try to see what info you get for a Squeezebox

I just checked again and noticed that one retailer is now
selling for 334.99. I don't think the price is adjusted because of my
CDN IP address, although others might want to check it out. That's
capitalism for you. : ) The pent up demand is causing at least one
retailer to jack prices. 

As an aside, I also note the following in the product description:
Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
 Again its not discriminatory pricing, its the price that market will

Actually, 'it is price discrimination'
Wikipedia Wrote: 
 Price discrimination, or price differentiation [1], exists when sales of
 identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the
 same provider. In general, the practice of charging different customers
 different prices is called price discrimination.[1]  In a theoretical
 market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no
 transaction costs or prohibition on secondary exchange (or re-selling)
 to prevent arbitrage, price discrimination can only be a feature of
 monopolistic and oligopolistic  markets[2], where market power can be

Discrimination in this case is not a bad thing, it's just a way of
maximizing revenue. Actually, the definition I quoted appears to be
incorrect. A better definition is 'here'
 A seller price discriminates when it charges different prices to
 different buyers. The ideal form of price discrimination, from the
 seller's point of view, is to charge each buyer the maximum that the
 buyer is willing to pay.

Sometimes price discrimination is done with different versions of the
same product, such as the different versions of MS Windows 7 that sell
at different prices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535553 Wrote: 
 I just checked again and noticed that one retailer is now
 selling for 334.99. I don't think the price is adjusted because of my
 CDN IP address, although others might want to check it out. That's
 capitalism for you. : ) The pent up demand is causing at least one
 retailer to jack prices. 
 As an aside, I also note the following in the product description:
 Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.

Ha! That's funny. I see it too. That retailer was selling it for
$299.99 about an hour ago. It must be selling well compared to the
available stock. When I say I mean itself, not
one of its shady sellers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
 The Touch IS selling in Europe. And from what has been said, demand is
 VERY high.

That works both ways: From what it looks like the demand is also high
in the US.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Sike

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
 The Touch IS selling in Europe. And from what has been said, demand is
 VERY high.

That works both ways: From what it looks like the demand is also high
in the US.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread Upgradealways

hawaiijim;535455 Wrote: 
 Are you telling me that Canadians can't buy directly from U.S. internet
 retailers? in Seattle, Washington doesn't 'ship to
 (Not that has the Touch yet, but I'm sure they will soon.) I
 think most credit cards can be used to buy stuff in foreign currencies
 for a small fee. You do have the 'same electrical outlets as us'
 (, right?

Canada is 25 years behind in commerce and goods. Most online retaillers
wont ship in Canada or will ding you with retarded duty, vat, services
fees and taxes. We are litterally 3rd world country for e-commerce,
acutally all commerce. I never buy canadian, I will find an online
retailler and have it overnight shipped. Usually air shippment cost
less in duty. I encourage US, Canada is retarded


SB3 Silver#9474;SB3 Black#9474;SB Radio#9474;SB Boom #9474;QNAP
TS-219 2X 1TB Raid1#9474;IPeng,Apple Touch#9474;(FLAC)
Library#9474;Media Monkey#9474;Win7

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