Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread jadedml
 People like Supertramp83, Calinou, Basstard, using debian, and/or  
proprietary drivers.
I can't vouch for Basstard, but I'm almost certain that Calinou and  
Supertramp aren't using propreitary drivers. If memory serves, they are using  
Debian, however. Debian is a great fully free distribution, just like  
Trisquel, as long as you don't enable the non-free repository.

 People like jxself and others linking me rms videos and gnu documentation,  
and claiming using free software for privacy and security reasons is not as  
important as the ethical reasons. Even though thats why most people would  
want to use it over the alternatives.
Um, that's not contradictory at all. It's quite the opposite. The free  
software movement is primarilly about ethics, with practicality, security,  
and privacy being great side-effects.

 Being unable to express what the 'ethical' reasons are themselves, when to  
me I interpret not 'having full control over software you own' and 'being  
able to share it with others', being 'unethical' for security and privacy  
reasons just as much as any other reason.
OK. You have a differing view. That doesn't make their statements  

 When there is a community of people that seem to be against themselves and  
standing for nothing, its no wonder why the rest of society can't respect it  
or take it as seriously as other projects or movements.
Considering your prior statements, it seems to me that you have a weak  
understanding of the free software movement...

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
People like jxself and others linking me rms videos and gnu documentation,  
and claiming using free software for privacy and security reasons is not as  
important as the ethical reasons.

You do not get it. Free software is developed in the interest of the users  
because the users are in control (the whole objective of the four freedoms).  
If the users want programs that are secure and respectful of their privacy,  
they will get it. Anyone among those users is free to work on that or they  
can contract any third developer to work on that. In other words, privacy and  
security are features. Like having a nice GUI or the support for a new  
format. The free software movement is more fundamental than that. If, like  
you claim, most people want secure and privacy-respecting software then  
that is what free software becomes because free software is developed in the  
interest of the users. Not in the interest of large corporations.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
1. I am talking about the work achieved *with* the software. Like writing a  
document with LibreOffice.

2. Many bugs are no security threat. Yet users want it fixed.

3. You do not get it. Security and privacy are features. The free software  
movement is not about specific features. See my post in the other thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
You keep coming off as someone who thinks people who program the software are  
more entitled to have control over it, then those that don't.  Do you hear  
how you sound?

I'm not a developer or programmer,   so I'm beneath you it seems.

You are the ones focusing on specific features,  when you seperate ethics'  
from privacy and security.  Which I still find ludicrous to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
1. You're wrong.  Calinou admits it openly,  he uses proprietary nvidia  
drivers,  because he claims he can't run xonotic without it.  Which i find  
hard to believe since I can run it with nouveau drivers on my gtx 650   
perfectly fine.  And when the game depends more on cpu then anything and he  
has an i7 lol.

And like supertramp he uses debian,  which super tramp has told me himself,  
Supertramp never used trisquel for more then a couple months,  because it is  
not popular enough for him.  Which means he must be emabarrased to use it.   
Or probably for prop vid drivers, which like calinou, he believes he needs  
for his gaming.

   As for basstard,  Im only guessing he doesn't use trisquel only because of  
his actions in the room in how he demeans trisquel all the time.   How he  
puts down francis and calls him a liar,  which francis seems to like  and how  
he does nothing but complain that trisquel is horrible to use.

2. As far as the claim to ethics as being more important then practicality,  
functionality, security and privacy...  I feel they are all one and the same!  
 Is just biggoted to claim otherwise.

3.  Again,  claiming their views are more important then mine,  comes off  
self righteous.

4. I think its own members don't understand what they stand for,  want to be  
different for the sake of it,  and thats why society doesn't respect it like  
it should.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
1.  why would someone writing a document with libreoffice be licensed to  
someone?   Anyone deserves the control of her own work  it speaks it for it  
self what you meant.

2.  I don't how many times i have to say it,  but any bug has a potential to  
be a security exploit,  even if not known to be exploited before its fixed.

3.  If its not about specific features,   then there is no reason to tell  
someone thats not the main reason for using them.  Any reason is a reason to  
use free software.   This talk about ethics comes off as nonsense for the  
sake of argument,  and self righteous.   It really needs to stop unless the  
movement wants to get even less popular.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Major Vulnerability Found In Firefox, Latest Browser Version Fixes It

2015-08-08 Thread franparpe
Mmmm. It's good thing that I have the habit of not using javascript and  
downloading the documents instead of viewing them on the browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Major Vulnerability Found In Firefox, Latest Browser Version Fixes It

2015-08-08 Thread andrew
The latest Abrowser from the repo is at the right level.  Icecat - not yet,  
I'll give quidam a nudge as he said he was planning to give Icecat some extra  
love about a fortnight ago.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread 166291
It's really easy to use, and Tor is optional (not default) - Maybe you're  
thinking of Whonix?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
 saying you represent free software, when you use proprietary drivers...Is  
not only hypocritical, its suspicious.

I'm going to call bullshit here. Using a proprietary driver while saying that  
proprietary software is bad is not necessarily hypocritical. There could be  
all sorts of reasons for using a proprietary program even when you wish to  
avoid doing so. Context matters.

Most of us use computers that run proprietary software at the level of the  
boot loader which is actually quite dangerous, myself included (though my  
laptop being from Think Penguin, it's probably not quite as dangerous as most  
systems out there). Even RMS used a computer which had a proprietary BIOS for  
some time before he finally found one which supported a libre BIOS. Does that  
make him a hypocrite? No! It's just that the fact of computing today is it's  
incredibly difficult to run no proprietary software at all. In this imperfect  
world, we often have to make compromises. Compromises that mostly harm  
ourselves, mind you, so it's not even unethical for us to make these choices.

And suspicious? What ulterior motive could you possibly expect people to  
have to run software that mistreats them? It's like saying you're  
suspicious of a person who says he is against indentured servitude, and yet  
is an indentured servent himself because economic circumstances required it  
of him. You're vilifying the wrong person.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
See my above post. You're vilifying the wrong person here. If it is true that  
he uses proprietary drivers or firmware (I don't know if it is; I got the  
impression that he uses Debian for other reasons), then the party which is in  
the wrong is whoever manufactured his hardware which requires that  
proprietary driver or firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread tegskywalker
The BSD operating systems are popular with companies that like to take the  
code, make it locked down, and keep the improvements to themselves. Apple  
with OSX, Sony with their PlayStation 4, and Netflix come to mind.

Netflix programmers are always at the conferences talking about how much they  
love BSD, but would never release code back. Why? They probably would list  
competitive advantage as one reason and fear of backlash from the mega  
media corporations as another.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
GNU/Linux has been a viable target for years; last time I checked, most  
servers ran GNU/Linux. That's why Heartbleed and Shellshock were a huge deal.

If you honestly think that Windows doesn't have occasional bugs like this,  
you're naïve. In fact, we don't even know how many vulnerabilities Windows  
has had, because there's no guarantee that Microsoft is going to report the  
existence of one they discover and patch before anyone else notices. All  
software has bugs, and security vulnerabilities being caused by bugs is a  
simple fact of life.

[Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread tegskywalker
As you may or may not know, the latest point release of Ubuntu (that Trisquel  
7 is based on) has been released and uses the backported 3.19 kernel and xorg  
by default. Both are available in Trisquel 7 in the repos as we speak as  
linux-generic-lts-vivid and xserver-xorg-lts-vivid.

In general, its good to refresh the ISOs so newer hardware is supported and  
users don't have to download as many updates. With my Nvidia GTX 970, I could  
not have the card detected via live CDs, but 14.04.3's xorg does let me boot  
with nonfree firmware. I believe it kicked back to llvmpipe in the live cd.

Oh and since Trisquel uses XFS as the default for /home, there have been some  
improvements to XFS since the 3.13 kernel that you may benefit from. I've  
been paying attention to changelogs via Phoronix for the post 3.13 kernel  

So does an upgraded ISO seem like a food plan? This is a great time to do it  
now that the Ubuntu core is on its 3rd point release and will require less  
tweaking after install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread tegskywalker

Oops I meant to say that it let's me boot WITHOUT nonfree firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4

Being ethical is a property, not a feature.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
 Calinou admits it openly, he uses proprietary nvidia drivers, because he  
claims he can't run xonotic without it. Which i find hard to believe since I  
can run it with nouveau drivers on my gtx 650 perfectly fine. And when the  
game depends more on cpu then anything and I have a crappy amd phenom 2.8ghz  
he has an i7 lol.

I haven't seen Calinou say this, and I don't know if what you say is true.  
But let's suppose it is, at least until Calinou clarifies.

Firstly, if Calinou wants 3-D acceleration, it's hardly unethical for him to  
get it from a proprietary driver. It's almost entirely harming himself, not  
others. Xonotic is a libre game and doesn't require any proprietary software,  
or any hardware that requires proprietary software (I'm pretty sure it would  
run just fine on a Libreboot X200).

Secondly, Nouveau doesn't work well for all Nvidia cards. The effort is  
largely hit-and-miss; it's reverse-engineering, after all. In fact, future  
Nvidia cards won't even be able to theoretically work with libre software,  
because Nvidia has started to require signed firmware with Maxwell GPUs.

 How he puts down francis and calls him a liar, which francis seems to like

That little bit gave me a chuckle.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
What do you do, run an SSH server all day with a weak password and then taunt  
millions of people to get them to invade your system?

I'm sure I've pissed some people off before, but I'm not aware of anyone  
breaking into my system at all, let alone messing with my files.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread calmstorm

yep I wholeheartedly agree.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread greatgnu
First, I have used very happily Trisquel 7 for five months (since day one it  
came out). Now I use Debian stable with Xfce and I love it.

Second, I use 0 as in ZERO proprietary software on my computer and my Debian  
installation is libre 100%.
I switched the wifi adapter and don't have video acceleration on my ati crap  
but I have freedom and control over my computing.
As we repeatedly and pointlessly tried to explain you, jsxelf did not  
introduce a non free proprietary blob in the linux libre kernel. The linux  
libre kernel packaged and patched by jxself is..yes..LIBRE.

Third, For a guy who already made up his mind, believes Windo$e is more  
secure than GNU and has decided to leave Trisquel, you seem to spend a lot  
of energy and time trolling on this forum..Because for some reason or another  
which I ignore that is what you do CoolOut.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread greatgnu

Can you believe this guy?
I DON'T use any proprietary driver. AT ALL. I never told you I did. Why are  
you openly lying? What's your point?

I NEVER SAID to no one that Trisquel is not good enough. What are you talking  
about? STOP TROLLING dude seriously.

Can we people just stop feeding this mayor one?

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread greatgnu
Supertramp never used trisquel for more then a couple months, because it is  
not popular enough for him

Never told you so. In fact I was using Trisquel exclusively for 5 months  

Again, let's just ignore and not feed this troll

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread davidvargas1

I could vouch for super tramp that he does not use any proprietary drivers.

 I would like someone to feed me this guy to me, I got my Southern deep fry  
pan ready to pinch his soft-side of a troll coming from my repertoire of a  
nasty troller.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread legimet . calc

Sounds good, but I think it should wait until the radeon patch is finalized.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
1. I am not talking about the licensing of the document. I do not know if you  
are trolling or sincerely do not understand. Again: someone who does her work  
(e.g., write documents) through a computer program (e.g., LibreOffice)  
deserves the control of her work, hence on the computer program she uses. She  
is in control if and only if the program is free software.

2. And I don't how many times I have to say it but that is not true. I am a  
developer, whereas you wrote that you cannot read source code. Yesterday, for  
instance, I corrected a benign bug that made a warning be printed on the  
error output in incorrect situations. And the program is not even using the  
network in any way. You cannot exploit such a bug. If you have not learned,  
then you should acknowledge your ignorance. If you want to learn about  
security bugs, you can start with : Security bugs  
generally fall into a fairly *small* number of broad categories 

3. It is ethics that started the whole movement and make it popular. I see no  
reason for users being put off by a speech that focuses on empowering them in  
their computing lives. Only a small number of cynical people like you think  
that having an ethics is ridiculous.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
You keep coming off as someone who thinks people who program the software are  
more entitled to have control over it, then those that don't.

I actually keep on writing the exact opposite: that the users (not the  
developers) of a computer program are entitled to have control over it  
because it is their work (not the developers') that is achieved through the  
use of the program.

You are the ones focusing on specific features, when you seperate ethics'  
from privacy and security.

Ethics is not a feature. Developing an ethical software (i.e., a free  
software) rather than an unethical one (i.e., a proprietary software) is no  
different from a technical point of view.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
Also, send it upstream. :) That way any deblobbed Linux will get the fix,  
rather than just the ones done by someone aware of the patch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
I don't believe you! lol.   Do you admit you use debian,  and didn't use  
trisquel for more then a couple months?   Why are you even here if you don't  
use trisquel!?!?  What is your reason for preferring debian?

You told me yourself you don't use trisquel because its not popular enough.   
I mean wowwhat a sorry excuse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

nopeits just how easy it is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
now you are,  its about fkn time.  Ty for changing your posts.   You are not  
better then me cause you are a developer/programmer and I'm not.   I'm glad  
you finally realize that.

And if its no different then why argue with me on what reasons are more  
important to use free software?  Would you rather free software stay  
unpopular so you can feel more special for using it yourself?

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
He has never used trisquel for more then a couple months.  And how can you  
know he doesn't use proprietary drivers,  are you on his machine?

I use fedora in a laptop for my family because they need a proprietary  
wireless driver don't want to buy another card.   But at least I'll admit it  
and not lie to myself and others.

Trisquel is my main o/s there is no reason for me to use anything else. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

Why do you keep replying?

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread legimet . calc

I thought you were leaving this forum. Why are you still here?

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
One should know how to define why something is ethical and why its not.   
Thats the reasons for using free software.  And my point is,   to say to  
someon their resons for using free software is not a good reason,  and its  
more about the ethics.   Explains nothing but self righteousness.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

5 months?  thats all you lasted?

And you indeed told me you don't use trisquel cause its not popular enough.
SHame on you for being such a wussy.  Be a fkn man.  I heard the same thing  
from Calinou.   You think debian is better cause its more popular  lol  
gimme a break.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
If I posted the chat logs you would probably lie to yourself anyways.   Tell  
me if you want me to and I will.

I get 3d acceleration fron nouveau.  He doesn't need the prop drivers with  
his i7.  And he harms the community when he promotes it in #trisquel.

Thirdly,  i'm a gamer,  I live for fps games and i'm known in many  
communities.   And i have no issues playing xonotic with my nouveau driver.   
Because what matters more is your cpu,  and Calinou has an i7!!  gimme a  

As far as francis,  i found it sad that francis doesn't even stick up for  
himself,  and says hes known basstard for a long time and likes him talking  
to him like that because it motivates him.   I find it crazy that he says  
himself he is pessimistic about free firmware.   I mean no wonder purism gets  
more sponsorships.   That was the last straw for me man lol.  I can't be  
around you nuts.   No wonder Supertramp is embarrassed to say he uses  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread greatgnu

the linux libre kernel 4.1.4 withe the radeon patch works flawlessly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
They are popular for firewalls because they requires much less maintenance  
then linux.  Its more about a set it and forget it thing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
wow thats really what you believe? lmao.   Saying proprietary software is  
bad,  but using it for your video games,  when imo,  its not needed, is not  

I don't know what to say to you,  except that you people keep confirming to  
me why noone can take free software seriously.

Using a harderive with proprietary firmware or a computer with a non free  
bios is hardly the same thing.  How can you use that as a defense for these  
frauds with a straight face.

Their motives are to keep free software unpopular.  And with people like you  
defending them,  it will be easy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Here we go again  control of her work  work= documents written in libre  
office.Do you read what you say?  how did i misinterpret that?  How would  
using MS word be any different for you?  1.   the MS WOrd is  MS's hard  
work   2.  She would have no less control over her work  when using word  
compared to libreoffice.

3.  you can't even define what makes something unethical  So I can't take  
you seriously.  Its meaningless.   Its a false argumet.  To say privacy and  
security are not and important enough reason to use free software compared to  
ethics  is not onlyl contradictory.   Its self righteous and only for the  
sake of argument.  And I can't believe how you don't see that keeps free  
software unpopular.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
oh now yo upped it from 5 to 7?  lmao.  I don't think you used it more then  

Tell me you didn't say you prefer debian cause its more popular.   W/e that  
means... That makes not only a fraud in my book,  it makes you a wuss too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
hahahahah oh man i'm so disappointed in you.  I thought you were one of the  
good ones.

He uses prop video drivers for no reason at all.   He uses it so he can see  
higher fps numbers on the screen.

But take it from a gamer who doesn't have nearly as good as a cpu as calinou.  
  He doesn't need them.  I run xonotic fine with nouveau and my crappy amd  
cpu.  He is a fraud.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

One should know how to define why something is ethical and why its not.

No. Any reasoning is ultimately based on principles that are not explainable  
(in mathematics, they are called axioms; in ethics, they are principles).  
Just try to tell me why users deserve privacy and you will see that your  
ultimate explanation will be because it is right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Does deja-dup-monitor run automatically by default once a month?  If not my  
computer was compromised,  as usual when using linux.   Sorry i had to post  
here,  its too coincidental.

A few days ago,  it started running on boot,  or when i opened up abrowser,   
and started to toally eat up all my cpu,   and my swap,  freezing the pc.   
I've never set up any backups and its never ran before.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

Ty for changing your posts.

I have not.

You are not better then me cause you are a developer/programmer and I'm not.  
I'm glad you finally realize that.

I have never pretended otherwise.

And if its no different then why argue with me on what reasons are more  
important to use free software?

I do not care about your reasons to use free software. I believe nobody does.  
We only correct the false statements you write: writing that reasons to use  
free software all boil down to privacy and security is wrong; writing that  
any bug can be a possible malicious exploit is wrong; etc.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
And how can you know he doesn't use proprietary drivers, are you on his  

Are you?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
Developing proprietary software is denying the users freedoms they deserve.  
The developer is the bad guy. The user is the victim. A user may depend on  
proprietary software (I depend on a proprietary BIOS for instance), be aware  
that this software harms her and criticize its developers for that reason.  
That does not make her a hypocrite. She is a victim.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Using proprietary software when you don't have to is hypocritical.  Removing  
free software in favor of proprietary software is hypocritical.  Promoting  
proprietary software over free software is hypocritical.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
1. Microsoft deserves the control of the development on MS Office, i.e., I  
hope (for Microsoft) that this development only happens with software that  
Microsoft controls. In the same way, the user of MS Office deserves the  
control of the work she achieves with Microsoft office. An editing work this  
time, not a development work. With MS Office, she does not have this control  
over her own work. Microsoft controls the software and, through the software,  
controls the user. That is not right. Developing proprietary software is not  

2. On the contrary, a user of LibreOffice is in control of on her editing  
work. She can use the program as she wishes (is MS Office's license still  
prohibiting the use of the software to criticize Microsoft?), she can study  
the source code to verify that the program does what she wishes (no spyware  
for instance), she can modify the program so that it does what she wishes  
(correct a bug for instance) and she can redistribute exact or modified  
versions of the program to help her neighbor (MS Office's license attacks the  
social solidarity).

3. You can't gives reasons to principles. By definition. Yet principles are  
essential. They are the starting points of any argumentation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

I know for a fact he doesn't use trisquel,  because he told me himself.

And his reasons are that trisquel is less popular?  Either he is more of a  
wuss then I give him credit for,   or that is not the real reason.  The real  
reasons must be the same as every other user who prefers debian.

And i know its not because its nescessary for him to have prop wireless  
drivers,  since he has stated he bought a dongle for free drivers.   So what  
else could it be?

The fact he uses debian and not trisquel,  makes him fake enough as it is.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
He uses prop video drivers for no reason at all. He uses it so he can see  
higher fps numbers on the screen.

Well, that is a reason. If that is true, I feel sad that he does no value his  
freedoms more than a higher frame rate. Yet, that does not make him a bad  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
1.  How does she not have control over her own work?  Explain?  How are they  
controlling her through the server,  any examples?  Of course developing  
proprietary software is not right,  because it can be used maliciously by the  
company.  For example,  logging keystrokes,  spying on data,  monitoring  
computer habits..etc   But these things are not as important to you as  
ethics  which you can't even explain.

2.  MS'f office license does not license any work she creates with it.  Thats  
a ridiculous statement.  Regarding,  her correcting bugs in the program she  
uses to create her work,  again I say that can fall under security and is  
just as imporant as feature usability.

3.  You have to define your principles otherwise they are just false self  
righteous bigoted arguments.  To me the reaosns for wanting to be able to  
share software and have full control over software you own,  is common sense.  
 And any reasons for wanting that are not more important then another.   But  
apparently you people claim otherwise, and by doing so hurt your own  

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread blade . vp2020

bTW, I Returned from trisquel6 to trisquel7
and not from bad distributions

[Trisquel-users] Re : I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

Does deja-dup-monitor run automatically by default once a month?

I chose weekly backups. That can be configured of course.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread marioxcc . MT
If you are attempting to use software that will hand control over your  
computer to its developer then you have a bigger problem thereof than whether  
it “breaks”.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
How can anyone not want to use trisquel because it is not popular enough for  

There are advantages in belonging to a larger community. Better support for  
instance. But why do you even care about the validity of the reasons someone  
provides to justify her use of Debian or Trisquel? You are entitled find  
those reasons stupid. But it is no justification for acting like the Spanish  
inquisition, pointing out anyone that does not us free software for the same  
reasons you do and saying (s)he is a wuss.

The real reasons must be the same as every other free software advocate who  
uses debian over trisquel. For prop drivers.

So, basically, you do not know but assumes that he is a liar. With no proof  
whatsoever. If anything, buying a dongle that Linux-libre runs suggests  
refusing proprietary drivers/firmware as much as possible.

The fact he uses debian and not trisquel, makes him fake enough as it is,  
regardless if he uses prop drivers or not.

Where did he lie about using Trisquel when he was actually using Debian? You  
are probably just making more things up...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

1. I explained and gave examples.

2. I never wrote that Microsoft has the copyright on every document created  
with MS Office. I explained how Microsoft controls copies of its software  
and, through them, its users.

3. For the nth times: principles need no explanation. By definition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

I don't think its something I can test in a vm.  I need a test machine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
You have explained nothing,  I'm the one that gave you examples,  which you  
deem less important then ethics

2.  you only claim they control its users.  I gave you examples of how.  You  
have none of your own.

3.  when you explain nothing you stand for nothing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Your last staement says it all,  You don't care,  and thats why society  
doesn't care about free software.

I don't say they all boil down to privacy security,  only thats what it boils  
down to for ME!modifying software to add features,  is not important to  
me.   But would never make a self righteous comment that its less important  
then my reasons.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
I gave you my reasons,  privacy and security.  Proprietary software is more  
likely to log keystrokes,  spy on data,  and those companies are more likely  
to sell information on you to data brokers,  or ad companies.   They are also  
more likely to install backdoors under pressure...etc..   These are not  
principles,  they are real tangible things society can understand.

When you say these things are not as important as ethics,  when in fact  
they would define ethics,  you are come off as being under a false sense of  
importance and entitlement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread dilillo . agostino

I agree, trisquel7's software is too old

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
I never configured it nor did I ever use it.  I'm just wondering if by  
default it runs once a month. Its the only thing I can think of,   Otherwise  
I was most likely compromised.

I can't find any cron scripts for it,  but it might be because i already  
purged it from the system.

[Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread dilillo . agostino

Does parabola have an official forum? I'm searching it :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread jadedml

Hiya, fellow Parabola user. 'Tis a fantastic distribution. =w=
And no, it doesn't.
There's a wiki, if you're looking for documentation.
There's the IRC channel, if you're looking for discussion.
There's the Trisquel forums, if your looking for a community.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

I gave you my reasons, privacy and security.

I asked you to tell me why users deserve privacy. Your answer basically is  
for privacy. You do not have any deeper explanation. It is a principle. And  
I hope you now realize that any argument boils down to principles. That you  
were wrong to mock ethics.

You then list applications of the principles. We did the same to show you  
that the users controlling the software has real impacts. For instance that  
they can correct any bug or implement any missing feature.

These are not principles, they are real tangible things society can  

They are principles. Applications of principles are tangible. Free software  
principles really empower the users. In practice. And society can understand  
those principles.

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
But I would never make a self righteous comment that someone elses reasons  
for using free software are less important then mine to the movement. Nor  
would I spend time arguing why it shouldn't be someones main reasons for  
using it.

That is precisely what you do.

[Trisquel-users] Re : I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
It is impressive how much bullshit you can pack up in a post! My favorite one  
is quidam not using Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Error 5004 when trying to access hard-wired NAS

2015-08-08 Thread amenex

Answering my own question.

I changed the workgroup name while logged in as admin in MyBookWorld, and now  
Network access works fine from the desktop, but still there is no access  
using Terminal.

Therefore, I'm not frozen out from the MyBookWorld NAS anymore, but Terminal  
remains a quandary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread christian
I'm going to use this as an opportunity to ask:  has anyone else had trouble  
with the Parabola repositories in the past couple days?  It seems to have  
stopped updating for me.  If I do sudo pacman -Syu it says everything is  
up-to-date and if I do sudo pacman -Syyu it successfully redownloads but  
tells me there are no updates.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread franparpe

Old, but not obsolete :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread nicolasmaia

There's a tiny subreddit for it:

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Everything I say is true bud.   I was just chatting with quidam on irc and he  
couldn't tell me if it runs by default.   When I asked him if thats because  
he doesn't even use trisquel and prefers debian,  he got really offended.   
Then when I told him if he doesn't even use trisquel why should anyone else.   
And he stopped responding.

Do you think i'm making this up about deja-dup?  This really happened man,   
and the timing of it is quite a coincidence...

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
wrong,  that is what you do when you claim ethics is more important then  
privacy and security.   I am trying to explain to you that they are one and  
the same. And anyones reasoning for using free software is no less important  
then another.   By claiming otherwise,  you drive people away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

so then why do you prefer to use proprietary software?

You are the one that makes these claims yourself in the irc channel.  You  
sure are quite the character lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
So i guess you understand why security is important.  Since you now ask about  
privacy let me try to explain. Users deserve privacy,  because if not things  
they do on their computer can be used against them.

For example,  The same way to stasi used seemingly innocent information to  
blackmail people into doing things that would hurt others in their  
communities.  Because things we do in private should sometimes stay private  
because it could lead to endangering others physical well being or hurt them  
mentally, when it is unnecessary or taken out of context.   Because I don't  
believe users should be treated as a product for others gain,  whether  
monetary or not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

I'm only telling you of my personal experience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread jadedml
I had some issues this week with a couple of mirrors, but it seems that  
sorted itself out.

I'm not sure what your problem is--
although there always is the possibility that your system *is* up-to-date,  
and that's why it isn't updating.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Off-topic, parabola gnu/linux-libre

2015-08-08 Thread christian
Aaand just after I ask the repositories have successfully updated (except  
for libre for some reason - I'd guess that will be taken care of soon).  A  
ton of updates coming through at once now.  Thanks for the reply though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread onpon4
Shellshock and Heartbleed are your personal experience? Your computer has  
been attacked by people via these vulnerabilities? That must mean you run an  
OpenSSL server, though I can't imagine why you would do that, and that you're  
automatically executing commands in Bash based on information you get from  
the Internet, which again, I can't imagine a reason for a regular desktop  
user to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread shiretoko

For example, The same way the stasi in nazi germany (...)

Major history-knowledge fail.
just look up when the stasi was founded and when nazi germany ended

[Trisquel-users] Re : I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
When I asked him if thats because he doesn't even use trisquel and prefers  
debian, he got offended and said he was done talking to me.

Quidam is Trisquel's leader. Of course, he uses Trisquel. Stop trolling  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

I believe he uses debian.  I might as well install debian too I guess...

[Trisquel-users] Re : returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf
Users deserve privacy, because if not things they do on their computer can be  
used against them.

Then, why shouldn't computer usages be used against people? At some point,  
you will have to end up with because it is right or because it is wrong,  
i.e., a principle.

[Trisquel-users] Re : I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread lcerf

I believe he uses debian.

So, one more time, you don't know. You just assume that people are frauds  
and shout it on the forum and the IRC. Like you wrote: you just piss off  
people on the Internet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread tegskywalker

Hey Jason,

Do you know if this is being published upstream to the main Linux kernel or  
at least to the Ubuntu ones? That way it makes its way down and not just for  
Linux Libre. :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread mcz
It's not that GNU/Linux isn't rock solid, it's that it's less automated, less  
dumbed down, more in the way between the user and the work. Flexibility is a  
double-edged sword.
The multiplicity of hardware support (sometimes without free drivers) is not  
a problem that proprietary OSs have to deal with.

Also, I'm being a bit unfair since I don't know the ratio of minor issues vs  
the user base of each kind of OS.

But I'll state it once again without ambiguity:
While I think exceptional useability/convenience will help a wider adoption,  
I will keep on giving up a few convenience-related features for software that  
respects the user (i.e. free software).

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread mcz

For once, that's a good point.
Guys, don't feed it ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread dilillo . agostino

Of course :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread dilillo . agostino


Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread nicolasmaia

Then he wonders why he's banned from every community he tries to join...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-08 Thread jason
I am not aware of any plans to do that. I imagine that e.g. Ubuntu and such  
are quite happy with the proprietary firmware. Even though it works it's more  
of a hack anyway than a proper fix so I doubt it'd be accepted anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread andrew
As mentioned elsewhere on this forum work on 7.0.1 is planned to start in the  
none too distant future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread calmstorm
Makes sense, its just a shame people like that cannot stick to the troll  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

I feel sorry for you guys.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
Those are partly why gnulinux has been voted most vulnerable operating system  
 since 2013.

Regarding your windows comment,  my windows hasn't been destroyed since  
windows xp.  In my opinion,  people who think the nsa is more likley to  
compromise their system  then some malicous hacking kid, some criminal,  or  
some private researcher are the ones who are naive.   In my personal  
experience,  Only my gnulinux systems get constantly raped.  So take that how  
you want..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 14.04.3 is out. Let's consider an upgraded Trisquel 7 ISO now.

2015-08-08 Thread tesseract

And on a side note, as a humble Trisquel 6.01 user, I'm quite content...

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

did you not read the rest of my post?,  let me repaste it for you.

For example, The same way the stasi in nazi germany used seemingly innocent  
information to blackmail people into doing things that would hurt others in  
their communities. Because things we do in private should sometimes stay  
private because it could lead to endangering others physical well being or  
hurt them mentally, when it is unnecessary and taken out of context or  
misunderstood. Because I don't believe users should be treated as a product  
unknowingly for others gain, whether monetary or not, for all the above  
reasons. These things can stall our human evolution.

replace stasi with gestapo, nazi germany with post wwII,  so i can be  
historically correct in case my point is missed and flies over you head...

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac

Ok secret service, gestapo,   stasi,  doesn't take away from the point.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I wondered how does one set up duplicity/duply on trisquel?

2015-08-08 Thread nicolasmaia

What an achievement!

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