Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
The water is a proprietary Dasani blend.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Mon, 2017-12-18 at 16:35 +0100, wrote:
> What do you guys think about BS that mozilla pulled by installing an addon  
> without the users consent? I was just in the process of fully switching to  
> Firefox - despite knowing that they were basically just the lesser evil. I  
> figured as long as the product was good, and I could configure my browser  
> with privacy in mind, Id give it a shot. Well they are showing thier true  
> colors - I will not be using firefox anymore.
> Whats the next best alternative?
> Waterfox?

Waerfox has freedom issues.

> Icecat?

IceCat is good.

> Pale Moon?

This has freedom issues.

> Vivaldi?

This is proprietary software.  Do not use it.

> And what do you think about Brave?  I kinda get the same feel about Brave  
> that I do about Mozilla.

This has freedom issues, because it contains Chromium code, which itself
has freedom issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install packages downloaded from the web, like IceCat?

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
Or open file with gdebi.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
Archiving email is hard.  I don't blame you for not saving it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
Don't use the proprietary software on your computer.  Use THEIR software
on THEIR computers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread enduzzer
Purism are not upfront about their offerings. People might fall for their  
nice marketing parlance but at the end of the day, it is just that,  
sugar-coated words without real meaning.

One might give them credit for trying not so hard and failing miserably.

The OS is a separate issue and it might be useful. Endorsed by FSF, it should  
be genuinely libre.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread calmstorm
Well, what do you know, something that comes from purism that is ACTUALLY  


Don't really trust them though and I won't be using the os just because of  
systemd alone...

but yeah... that's not the only reason.

*cough librem cough*

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread ejh

A page of that sort does not appear to exist, unfortunately.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread jason
There seems no community around it. As I go to the website (which seems very  
basic) I find no reference to mailing lists, IRC channel, forums, or anything  
at all beyond a bug tracking system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread fbits
Is there no page to see which distros have requested fsf endorsement? It  
would be good if there was a transparent "waiting list" which included the  
dates when each request was made.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
They could make a libre laptop, but the specs would have to be lower. I don't  
mind that they compromise on freedom for more modern hardware. It's not  
ideal, but there is a set of people who would be unwilling to use any of the  
machines supported by libreboot, and I would much rather they use PureOS +  
Coreboot - Intel ME than a Macbook Pro or some other atrocity.

However, potential users of Purism's products should know exactly how they  
would be compromising their freedom so that they can make an informed  
decision, and it is Purism's responsibility to inform them. Otherwise, even  
if they learn about some of the freedom issues on our own, they won't know  
how many more there are that they don't know about unless they have the  
knowledge and time required to investigate.

If, like Technoethical, Purism clearly documented the freedom limitations of  
their products, I would have no problem with them, and I bet they would still  
be very successful.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread amrprznu

.-*| In support of the community |*-.

Dear Trisquel,

You know that they don't let me hack with you at work anymore. They even  
pushed me to use M$ and Ma¢ crap. You also know that I am using another  
distro at home, because I just needed more recent software. But girl! I have  
found more love for you: having to build every single package for this new  
distro made me realise how much work is needed to keep a free GNU/Linux like  
you. So, I want you to know that in the little free time that I may have I  
will try to find the way to contribute to your development. If anyone ever  
overhears our conversation, I hope that they will have the time to outline a  
first of couple (or more) steps to follow.

For the uninformed: where do I start? Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread ejh

ConnochaetOS, Uruk, Hyperbola, CloverOS, Heads.

I haven't spoken with any of those developers in quite some time, especially  
ConnochaetOS, but I know the last time I did they were all seeking  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix usage

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock

Yes, I also think that's where the Mate stuff is from, but as long as


is in there I don't see why that would matter

What is the output of$ echo ${GUIX_PROFILE}?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread christian

Uruk and Hyperbola aren't?

Re: [Trisquel-users] have you installed signal on replicant?

2017-12-21 Thread jabjabs
Doesn't Signal usually use Google play services to make the contact links? I  
know there is a Libre version ( but it uses a  
different server backend to make it work.

Am I missing something here?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix usage

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
I am hoping the icons for the programs i install would appear in the pull  
down menu. When I was using Trisquel 8, ADFENOs technique worked. But in  
Trisquel 7, that doesn't work.

Mine looks like this:

My suspicion is when I copied my home folder from Trisquel 8 to 7 some  
"remains" of Trisquel 8's Mate Desktop still exists, because it shows up in  
my XDG listing.

Do you see something suspicious in mine?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread jabjabs
I have said for a while that I feel Purism has some good intentions but they  
mess up the message so badly some times.

Their business interests butt up against the moral ones and they let the  
business side win.

I'm sure if they could make fully-Libre hardware they will be the first to  
jump on but so far they are putting out a somewhat misleading image of their  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix usage

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock

Mine looks like this in Trisquel 8


I think /home/mason/.guix-profile/share was added by ADFENO's steps.

ADFENO's solution worked fine back when I was using Trisquel 7 too. What  
specifically is going wrong for you?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix usage

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
I'm having issues getting this to work in Trisquel 7 ... What does your XDG  
output look like? I think mine may be messed up somehow.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI

2017-12-21 Thread lcerf
Would you make that post a manual?  Trisquel's documentation is a wiki:

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
I have no issues with Purism except for the way they promote their laptops,  
so I don't know what prior experience could be biasing me against the way  
they promote their laptops.

Have you read the page I linked to yet? It's not like I'm cherry picking a  
few potentially misleading quotes from what is otherwise transparent and  
informative. Can you find a single sentence pertaining to freedom that does  
not falsely imply that the laptop is 100% libre? The closest I can find is  
this one:

"PureOS, from the bootloader, kernel, through to the hundreds of thousands of  
software applications available, is built line-by-line with emphasis on your  
rights to privacy, security, and freedom."

That sentence only makes a claim about the OS, which is libre, so I don't  
have a problem with it, although it does seem to imply that every line of  
code in PureOS was either written by Purism or written by another developer  
motivated by privacy, security, and freedom, neither of which is the case.

I don't see how anyone can look at that page and claim that it isn't  
misleading, and the misleading language is so consistent, effective, and  
well-written that I can't imagine that it isn't intentional. Am I just going  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread 0d54770d
Your reply was everything I expected it to be; thanks for showing me that  
unfair bias is still alive and well!

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread 0d54770d

PureOS is based on Debian testing.

[Trisquel-users] Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI

2017-12-21 Thread arielgnu

I will like to share how I manage to make a bridge between Ethernet to Wifi.

If all what your looking for is just to simply share your Internet connection  
you don't necessarily need a bridge for that and it is easier to do so by  
following some other how to on the Internet like the following instead:

I my self needed a way to connect to an Ethernet network wirelessly.

First will need to install some packages:

sudo apt-get install iw hostapd rfkill bridge-utils

Now make sure your wireless device supports the access point mode by running  
the following command:

iw list

And look where it says “Supported interface modes” and “AP” should be  
listed, otherwise your card will not work to make a bridge.

Edit the following file:

gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

Adding the following lines:

auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
bridge-ports eth0 wlan0 

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread onpon4
Just a note: I don't like Purism either (I think I've made that clear  
enough), but it's possible to denounce one activity while being in favor of  
another. There's nothing wrong with PureOS as an OS as long as it's entirely  
libre, which has been verified to be the case.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread onpon4
Cool. Not one I'll likely be using personally, but it's nice to have another  

I forget, is this based on Sid, testing, or stable? I seem to recall it being  
the testing branch, but I'm not entirely sure (the website doesn't say).

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread onpon4

I don't think any other GNU distro is currently seeking endorsement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread Pablo Correa Gómez
Send the stdout and stderr of the command
 sudo BUILD=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder create 
so I can compare it with mine. Also, make sure that you don't have a warning 
about pbuilderrc missing. It you have that warning, that means that the 
chrooted environment is not able to follow the symlink to your ~/.pbuilderrc. 
You can probably fix that by copying that file to /root directory or maybe 
adding the variable HOME=/home/user-name to the create command.
If you can't fix it, I'll give you my output once I've got access to my 


El 21 de diciembre de 2017 22:36:02 CET, escribió:

 Then, you have to make sure that the file
/var/cache/pbuilder/flidas-amd64-base.tgz has been created.

It doesn't look like it was. Hmm ... what do I do now?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock

> The FSF article states that Purisms hardware is still not approved.

Yes, the FSF was very clear. I wish that Purism were equally transparent.

> its just the reality of tryign to run a business that costs millions of  
dollars to keep afloat.

Minifree manages to survive selling only freedom respecting products.  
Technoethical sells some products that are not 100% libre, but they are  
extremely upfront about it so that potential customers are not mislead.  
Compare the Purism page I linked to to the Technoethical page I linked to.

> cleaning up the distro is a great step

It's Debian based. Once you remove the non-free and contrib repositories from  
Debian there is no more "cleaning up" to do as far as freedom goes.

> Its generally quite difficult.impossible right now to create an appealing  
computer these days with fully open hardware

That's why pretending to have free hardware is dangerous. Why would anyone  
support libreboot or EOMA68 if they don't understand why such efforts are  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
You're confusing PureOS, which is libre and warrants FSF endorsement, with  
Librem laptops, which are not and do not. This is not your fault, but a  
result of Purism being intentionally misleading at every opportunity.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
> No, their laptops are not perfect now, but please show me a place where  
they state/imply that they are.

I already have. The page I linked to

implies that the laptop has no freedom issues as strongly as possible without  
making any explicitly false statements. The language tows the line so  
carefully that it is obvious that the intention is to mislead. If you didn't  
know anything about Purism you would almost certainly interpret this page has  
saying that the laptop is libre.

In order to find out what BIOS it uses, you have to click "compare  
specifications with our other models" which is the last thing on the page.  
That takes you here,

and the second to last thing on that page discloses that it uses coreboot.  
Even then, their wording is "Say goodbye to proprietary BIOSes, say hello to  
coreboot," clearly implying that coreboot is not a proprietary BIOS, when  
they know that it contains proprietary blobs.

You'd have to be deliberately obtuse to argue that Purism is honest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread greatgnu
downvoted, in the trollo hollo it needs to go, just like all that pure crap  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread 0d54770d
Most of the criticism of Purism that I see on this forum is a textbook  
example of bikeshedding; rather than focusing efforts on criticizing the  
people who explicitly, knowingly, and unapologetically make and endorse  
proprietary software, those efforts are used to criticize a company about  
whom I can find no clear example of intentional fraud. Fraud is not saying  
something false; fraud is when you know that a statement is false, but  
proclaim it to be true anyway. If someone can point out a clear example of  
Purism doing that, please show me some documentation thereof.

And I don't mean an example of them promising something that they later  
determined they would be unable to deliver; only those who have been involved  
in the fabrication of any kind of computing device would be able to fully  
understand the complexities of funding, designing, sourcing, delivery, and  
distribution of such items, to the point where they would be able to  
understand how unforeseen obstacles can derail months of progress.

Quite frankly, they've accomplished more since Purism's inception than the  
Trisquel project has (in that same amount of time), as far as furthering the  
cause of free software goes, and this FSF distribution endorsement is further  
proof of that. More proof comes in the form of the TPM/heads, disabling (not  
merely "cleaning") the Intel ME, that they have official Debian developers  
working on PureOS, as well as their own Coreboot port (for which they are  
working to reverse-engineer the Intel FSP, as well as the VBIOS). There are  
probably other things that I either forgot, or else don't have the room to  
mention here (due to space constraints).

No, their laptops are not perfect now, but please show me a place where they  
state/imply that they are. They are doing the best they can with modern  
technology, and all of their efforts supporting free software, as well as  
their progress (not to mention the money and time invested), prove that they  
aren't just taking everyone for a ride.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread leestrobel
> Then, you have to make sure that the file  
/var/cache/pbuilder/flidas-amd64-base.tgz has been created.

It doesn't look like it was. Hmm ... what do I do now?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
The FSF article states that Purisms hardware is still not approved. I think  
its just the reality of tryign to run a business that costs millions of  
dollars to keep afloat. They are AIMing to be pure and I think at least  
cleaning up the distro is a great step in showing that. Its generally quite  
difficult.impossible right now to create an appealing computer these days  
with fully open hardware - See EOMA68. I think the mainstream Linux world is  
trying to be Libre but they are also trying to survive so they can keep  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread ejh
It is quite strange. I realize PureOS has been a topic of discussion for a  
while regarding an addition to the recommended gnu/linux distros, but  
there are so many free as in freedom distributions that I'm sure have been  
waiting approval at this point.

I also realize the difficulty in deeming a distribution 100% free as in  
freedom. It is likely quite a bit of work, and they probably don't have many  
people working on approving distributions.

I was also disappointed to see they are making the move from SysV init to  
systemd, but I am certainly pleased nonetheless to see that more free as in  
freedom gnu/linux distributions are being added to the list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
Why would the FSF endorse PureOS if Purism was created a malicious distro? I  
don't understand your arguments.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
> Its like they all got high and just watched old videos of Steve Jobs for  
hours when they were coming up with how they would engage with the world.

Haha. That sums it up better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-21 Thread dhood
oh ya, I know. I'm just tired of people posting stuff the effect that no one  
has personally explained to them why it is not available...without ever  
trying to figure it out on their own. The example I used is right on the  
Wikipedia page for those so inclined. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread dhood

I'm more blunt when I am asked about them:

Purism = Slimeballs

Everything they do is just sudo-marketing double speak. Its like they all got  
high and just watched old videos of Steve Jobs for hours when they were  
coming up with how they would engage with the world.

All this in the shadow of other products that cost about half as much and  
meet the same standard without the slime. No thanks.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] have you installed signal on replicant?

2017-12-21 Thread svhaab


Newest version is replicant 6.0 0003?

In security, unknown sources must you enable allow installation of apps from  
unknown sources?

You download the signal apk. Move it to a sd card. Where do you locate the  
signal apk file on the replicant phone?

>open it

How do you open the signal apk?

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
It's a shame, because if they were upfront about the freedom issues with  
their products the way Technoethical is

I might recommend them to people who want a mostly libre system but are  
willing to make some compromises to have more modern hardware. Unfortunately,  
their lack of transparency makes them untrustworthy, and I could not direct  
people to them with a clear conscience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
I was curious to see if Purism had started conflating this with their  
non-free hardware yet. They don't yet mention the FSF endorsement, but I had  
forgotten just how slimy they are.

No mention of the fact that only the OS is free. They don't even disclose  
what BIOS it uses. (Last I heard it was Coreboot.) And I love sentences like  

"Every hardware and software component—and everything we do—is in line  
with our belief in respecting your rights to privacy, security, and freedom."

They don't say "Every hardware and software component respects your rights to  
privacy, security, and freedom." because that wouldn't be true, but unless  
you read very carefully that's how you would interpret it.

"The first 15.6″ laptop designed to protect your digital life" is great  
too. Let's act like this product is the first of its kind because similar  
products have different dimensions.

"Purism Key: A powerful key to search your computer and applications" It's  
literally just a WIN key with a rectangle on it instead. Not a freedom issue,  
but come on.

"Every hardware chip individually selected with emphasis on  

Again, they don't say "Every hardware chip freedom-respecting" because that  
wouldn't be a true, but if you didn't know anything about Purism and had no  
context you'd read it that way.

"Comes with the most rights-respecting operating system" Pure OS is  
FSF-endorsed, but how is it *more* rights-respecting than other FSF-endorsed  

"The first high-end 15″ laptop that respects your privacy, security, and  
freedom." Here they start to border on explicitly lying. "Respects your  
freedom" to many people has a specific meaning that does does not apply to  
this product.

The end. No where in the entire page do they disclose that this is not a  
libre product, and every sentence is carefully crafted to mislead the reader  
into thinking that it is. What a scam.

[Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil

Re: [Trisquel-users] I Went Back From Trisquel 8 Alpha to Trisquel 7 and This Is What Happened

2017-12-21 Thread masonhock
Trisquel/Guix (or as I've taken to calling it lately, Trisquel+Guix) is a  
great solution. You get the stability of a LTS distro with the ability to  
upgrade a package to the latest version of a package if necessary. That said,  
since the packages in Trisquel 8 are more up-to-date, I've found since  
upgrading that I don't have to rely on Guix as often, which has had some  

- Updating and installing with apt is faster and more convenient. guix pull  
takes much longer than apt update. When binary substitutes are not available  
Guix will begin building from source, which is better than the install  
failing, but it once took 16 hours just to install Emacs, which then wouldn't  
- Many packages in Trisquel have not been packaged yet in Guix. For instance,  
Guix has none of the popular GUI mail clients or web browsers. Trisquel 8  
already has Abrowser/Firefox 57, whereas Trisquel 7 does not and there is no  
equivalent in Guix.
- I recommend Trisquel to people who want to use an accessible libre distro.  
While I'm comfortable supplementing Trisquel with Guix, they would not be.  
When possible, I prefer solutions to protect my freedom that will help my  
friends as well.
- This might be a bit of an edge case, but Trisquel 8 has the latest stable  
version of Lilypond (2.18.2) and Guix always has the latest development  
version (currently 2.19.63). This makes it very easy to have both versions  
installed alongside each other. Back when I used Trisquel 7, which has  
2.16.2, I had to rely on Guix just to get the current stable version. By  
default Guix will only install the latest devel version of Lilypond, and it  
took quite a bit of support from the guix-help mailing list to override  
Guix's default behavior in this way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
If you read the link on EOMA68 it explains it in detail. If you want to fully  
understand this stuff you need to invest attention into it. Its ALOT of info,  
but I think it's very worthwhile to learn all about it. It would probably be  
more useful to go on youtube and lookup Richard Stallman talking about free  
software. Good luck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-12-21 Thread greatgnu


Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-21 Thread greatgnu

Tx, Alij, will do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-21 Thread svenerik_vn

That's some great information right there, sir. Tyvm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-21 Thread info
3D printed keycaps for X200/T400 would be nice, with the user's own choice of  
symbols on the keycaps. Then native dvorak would be possible. It would also  
make it cheaper to get native keyboards in almost any layout.

[Trisquel-users] I Went Back From Trisquel 8 Alpha to Trisquel 7 and This Is What Happened

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
After I accidentally "nuked" my Trisquel 8 Alpha install, I moved back to  
Trisquel 7 because I heard from ADFENO and others that you can use the Guix  
package manager with it.

Some things I would like to say and I may add more later as I get up and  
running more...

- The Linux-Libre Kernel messes up my installation, possibly due to the fact  
I am using a laptop connected to a dock that has monitors plugged into it.  
Trisquel 8 could handle this well using Compiz Configuration Manager. I had  
to reinstall the default Trisquel 7 kernel. Booting up with the Linux-Libre  
kernel with my dual monitors plugged into my dock causes me to boot into the  
terminal with an error that it cannot display the Desktop Environment.
- I can't get Both of my monitors to non-mirrored with my dock-laptop  
situation without plugging one monitor into the dock and the other into the  
laptop directly, which makes my laptop annoying to be portable because I need  
to unplug the monitor attached to my laptop
- I was able to move my home directory (and config files in it) from Trisquel  
8 to Trisquel 7 with no problems
- Trisquel 7 uses Init - which is fine, but I often forget that I don't have  
system D installed.
- Caja from Trisquel 8 is more useful to me than the default Trisquel 7 file  
- Automatically mounting USB drives seems to work more consistently for me in  
Trisquel 8 than 7. Particularly the "Disks" app doesn't seem to be doing what  
its supposed to do in Trisquel 7 ... I am not 100% sure of this though.

I would say most of these are very minor. Trisquel 7 + Guix to me is  
basically almost like using Trisquel 8 alpha. Guix gives me more current  
packages and to me that is basically why I would upgrade to a later version  
of an OS.

What are the other benefits of upgrading to Trisquel 8?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fluid Automounting External USB Drives In Trisquel 7

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
I'm using Trisquel 7 now ... I have used usbmount before, but I felt it was  
kinda weird. The way it works is it gives you soome usb1 through x "slots"  
and you can plugin to those. I guess, if thats the only option, then I will  
have another look at it and see if I can make it less weird to use.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No open FSF/GNU forum?

2017-12-21 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira

2017-11-16T20:26:25-0600 J.B. Nicholson wrote:
> I think the concept of a focal point is wrongheaded, particularly when
> it comes to free (as in freedom) discussion. Every free software
> project (even different GNU distribution) will continue to make their
> own choices for hosting and get into or avoid the problems I mention
> here. Also, we don't need a single point of focus any more than any
> other topic discussed anywhere needs one: let a thousand flowers bloom
> while recognizing that some choices are better at achieving certain
> ends than others. There are lots of books covering the same topics,
> lots of websites, and so on. Software freedom or the GNU OS can (and
> so far has) gone the same way.
> When it comes to what hosting software should be chosen, I find that
> web forums are highly overrated and ultimately a problem, not a
> solution. There are some concepts that have always been simply
> inappropriate for a centralized deployment. Web forums are currently
> deployed in a centralized way (on purpose) thus they are inherently
> censor-friendly, they're very hard to get complete and provably
> accurate archives from (by design; bad design choices), and they're
> likely to unnecessarily require Javascript (JS) to be fully
> useful. These two problems are sufficient to arm any anti-software
> freedom argument simply by pointing out the readily-apparent
> ironies. Web forum moderators/hosters also like to put in ridiculous
> non-features like rating systems on posts and use points gained/lost
> as a default way to keep low-scoring posts from being seen right along
> side high-scoring posts.
> I maintain that proper scoring, filtering, or anything like that is
> properly done only on the endpoint by the user, and done in a way that
> the servers that client uses have no idea the scoring/filtering is
> being done. In other words, my scores/filters are nobody else's
> business.
> Unmoderated mailing lists are only marginally better than web forums
> as commonly implemented today: no JS use needed (which is a huge plus
> and completely avoids the nonfree-JS problem), and they're more likely
> to send copies of posts immediately. Scoring systems implemented on
> mailing lists are very likely to fail as there's no standard for such
> a thing with emails (which is good). But they're still centralized; if
> one is kicked off the list one has to use another email address and
> possibly some subterfuge to get back on the list and that's not
> good. Public archives reading is easily curtailed through
> subscriber-only archives, and web-based archive access can also
> reintroduce the needless JS problem or fail to offer bulk archives in
> useful formats (like a compressed mbox archive). GMane goes some way
> toward fixing this, but even a hundred gmane workalikes wouldn't fix
> the underlying centralization. Archives become less reliable because
> the same party that could censor posts can also edit the archives
> (this problem would go away with widespread support for public key
> crypto use, but that's not popular enough to be practical for post
> verification now).
> But netnews (particularly with widely distributed newsgroups available
> on many news servers) is far better on this ground than either mailing
> lists or web forums: no JS needed at all, scoring is optional and done
> at the endpoint, and an increased chance of avoiding censorship
> through competitive service delivery. If one NNTP server blocks one
> from posting and/or reading there, or if some server admin does
> something foolish to the posts, users can move to other
> servers. Single-server newsgroups are a problem for the same reasons
> mailing lists and web forums are a problem --
> a single point of failure and control (censorship) over the user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-21 Thread davidpgil
At the moment there is very limited support for a purely non proprietary  
computer/ parts.

Some options are:
EOMA68 seems to be aiming to be libre hardware

I have heard but I don't understand how that the Talos II is also libre  

I think with your current computer situation you may have to compromise right  
now, and just learn more about what truly free and open options there are. I  
also suggest you get yourself a libre and open hardware 3d printer so you can  
printer parts you may need. Enjoy the journey! Don't be distracted by the  
shiny objects in proprietary land, and support projects that are supporting  
yoru computational freedom! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-12-21 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Thank you very much! ;)

2017-11-23T20:28:47+0100 wrote:
> shame on you for doubting adfeno's level of celebritivenesss.
> or is it celebritivity?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-21 Thread nuevodesorden
Love you SuperTrump. ;) check this out too >

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-21 Thread svenerik_vn

Ah, yes.

I know the tubes and fittings doesn't contain any software, but for me  
personally, it would bug me to buy from a company that also develops  
waterblocks for locked/proprietary parts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread ablocorrea
Yes, fixing the package builder is a priority, but it is quite a lot of work  
(there are more things to fix than it looks like), so releasing Trisquel 8 is  
an even higher priority. Here you can find some very nice sum up of the  
meetings, that is usually updated on the road:

You also have a development mailing list. You can find it in the right pane  
of the forum. It's nice because it has a very small amount of messages.

Regarding package-helpers, the ones missing can be found here:


Re: [Trisquel-users] setting up a SeaGRUB configuration on an x200

2017-12-21 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I wonder if Libreboot support channel might help.

If I recall correctly, the product you have has ways to contact the
people who provided the product for you, or even links to where you can
contact Libreboot.

Trisquel is concerned with Trisquel related things. If both the people
from the provider of your product and of Libreboot say that they didn't
change anything, then perhaps we can investigate it (because in that
case only Trisquel, Trisquel's upstream and GRUB would be left).

I would also recommend attaching the files directly to the email message
(if you're using the trisquel-users mailing list) or in the forum
message (if you are using the forums, in which case please write
explicitly that you attached something because people in the mailing
lists can't see the forum attachments by default).

2017-12-12T15:08:10+0100 wrote:
> hello. i am wondering how to set up a SeaGRUB configuration on my
> ThinkPad x200 laptop. apparently the laptop (which came with libreboot
> installed) does not use a SeaGRUB configuration. i am wondering how i
> am to configure libreboot with a SeaBIOS setup. (sorry if my
> terminology is a bit newbie-ish because i am a bit of a newbie)
> if this is necessary then here: [URL][/URL]
> (if any of you can recommend something better than
> then please tell me)

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-21 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira

As a plus to what Magic Banana said: we mustn't recommend non-free
software for other people, exceptions are for people who are committed
to replace the very non-free part, but this person didn't say that,
instead the person said to be a normal user.

2017-12-20T00:14:21+0100 wrote:
> Please refrain to present proprietary software as a solution.  The
> objective of the Trisquel project and of the free software movement as
> a whole is to free the users.  Given that objective, proprietary
> software is never a solution.  It is the problem.

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread leestrobel

Hi gnutastyc,

Thanks for the info. I downloaded that diff you pointed to and patched  
trisquel-builder and it seems to be working better now. Yes, I would think  
that fixing the package builder should be a high priority, if it isn't  
working properly.

I haven't actually been to any of the development meetings, because the  
timing doesn't work very well for me, unfortunately (I am at work at that  
time). I am keen to help out though, so if someone can point me to a list of  
things that need doing, I will see what I can do. Is there a Trisquel  
development mailing list, or anything like that, for those that can't  
conveniently attend a scheduled meeting?

About the branches, you are probably right that Belenos is still being  
developed and is still the 'current' release, so that might explain why HEAD  
is pointing to it. For now, I will switch to the flidas branch and try to  
work on that.

Thanks again! :-)

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: have you installed signal on replicant?

2017-12-21 Thread baheto


I am using Signal on replicant. Just download the apk file from the signal  
homepage and open it. Then it will be installed. But keep in mind to upgrade  
to the new replicant version fist 6.1 003, otherwise yout system will crash.

I described the problem here:

In general it works fine with replicant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fluid Automounting External USB Drives In Trisquel 7

2017-12-21 Thread ablocorrea
I think that the package "usbmount" should do the work for you. I have found  
it in Trisquel 8 repo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-21 Thread ablocorrea
Hi Time4Tea! It's awesome that you are already working on it. I've started  
helping a couple of weeks ago, and I faced some

There are a couple of things that still need to be fixed to help with the  
package helpers. They were raised in the last meeting if you were there.

First of all, the code of the package builder need to be updated and still  
hasn't. kpengboy pushed this merge request that fixed most of my problems: You  
can download the diff file and patch your local repository. Just ask if you  
need help on how to work that out.

Then, you would need to do:
  sudo DIST=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder create

Then, you have to make sure that the file  
/var/cache/pbuilder/flidas-amd64-base.tgz has been created.

After that, if you want to build the package, and you find some trouble  
because it cannot find the base tarball, try:

 sudo DIST=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder build PACKAGES/hello/*.dsc

After that, I found some trouble because it couldn't download the packages  
inside the base tarball. I modified the first line of the D hook like this:

 echo "deb [trusted=yes]$DIST  
$DIST main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Most of this has been tested in my computer while trying to work with the  
helpers. Probably it is not perfect and have some mistakes, but it works  
quite well for me. I hope you can also work it out :)