Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
The philosophy of freedom being more important is a correct one.  If we 
want to have free software, we cannot accept non-free software.

It is the freedom to have that community (and move within it) that 
matters. It is about the people and the people's ability to grow and 
expand upon the skills and gifts of others that matters. It is about 
that growth that matters.

See, we're all supposed to be here for one another. We're supposed to 
look to God, who, as the Creator, teaches us everything about ourselves. 
And then we take that knowledge and understanding and we look to our 
fellow man, those He's placed here with us, and each of us, using our 
unique and special gifts, examines how we can contribute to that 
community He created, and to do so that others might receive and build 
upon our offering, our work, to take it and improve upon it by their own 
unique and special gifts, so they ultimately produce something more than 
what could've done by our more limited selves in the first place, so 
that even of our own work, that work which we cast out unto the waters 
from our shores, that even we might receive something far better back 
from the community.

This is how we're supposed to be. All of us. And if everybody did this 
... everybody would be constantly receiving something better back than 
what they offered.

The unique and special talents we all possess, they are meant to be 
shared, given to others that they might improve, both improve themselves 
through instruction and observation, but also to improve the actual work 
through unique insight and gifts.

We offer what we have, so that others can receive and contribute and add 
back to it, so that when it comes back our way it's more than we sent out.

This is how we're supposed to be to each other. God gives us everything 
and teaches us how to serve others, and in so doing we are wholly served 

None of us are here by accident. We are all part of a plan. And it is 
God, through His Son Jesus Christ, who shows us how to be, how to live, 
how to share, how to give, and yes also how to TRULY receive ... and 
that by giving.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/31/2012 09:40 PM, wrote:

Stallman opens up his big mouth again calling Valve games on Linux 
unethical. Just when most Linux users are getting excited about the OS 
again, here he comes to try to derail it. We all know his viewpoints 
on proprietary software (including games) but he is going after the 
big news sites with this one.

Right now, there seems to be some hype and interest from not only 
Valve, but other developers like Blizzard who are strongly considering 
Linux. They are considering because they believe that Windows 8 will 
not only piss off the average consumer, but the Windows 8 App Store 
may close off developers from releasing independent software of their 
app store.

So with computing moving away from the traditional PC toward 
smartphones and tablets and with those still hanging on to their 
desktop PC now being locked into Apple and Microsoft app stores, it is 
a slap in the face that there are people out there like Stallman who 
are vindictive in trying to keep Linux a running joke.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? More and more people are paying.

2012-07-24 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Microsoft has not given a list for the devs to then code around. They're just 
seeking money targets.


Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 05:15 PM
 Subject: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? More   
and more people are paying.

First it was Amazon in 2010 for their datacenters and now Microsoft is  
licensing technology that they own the patents when it is used in a Linux  
datacenter. Of course no one is disclosing what the actual patent is or what  
it stands for, but these companies are growing in paying Microsoft just to  
have the right to use them.

We all know that Apple just wants to shut you down when you violate their  
patents and Microsoft plays nice and has you pay for them. What is in Linux  
that Microsoft has the patent for and does it also apply to Trisquel? Will we  
have to pay Microsoft if Trisquel is used in a datacenter?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? More and more people are paying.

2012-07-24 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
When I was a journalist, they were called paid shills.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 05:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux?
More and more people are paying.,_uncertainty_and_doubt#Microsoft

ps. zdnet is rubbish

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? More and more people are paying.

2012-07-24 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
In my opinion, the worst part about it is the degree to which they're being 
sneaky about what patents they hold. Almost extortionist.

I believe Linux and GNU will be in real trouble this decade, and the face of 
free software will change by this movement already underfoot here, as seen in 

These, and SecureBoot, won't be the last attacks either so long as the Fedoras 
and Ubuntus of the world bow to their demands.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 From: kendell clark
 Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 05:59 PM
 To: User help and discussion
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? 
More and more people are paying.

This is disturbing.   MS isn't supposed  to have any part in linux other 
than the code it contributed to the linux kernel who knows when. This is 
part of why I use linux, to get away from the MS corporate structure. 
Now they're involved in linux? Sighs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thinkpenguin suggestions/questions

2012-07-22 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/22/2012 01:07 PM, wrote:
There are no plans for an 11 netbook at this time. There are plans to 
replace teh 13.3 model we are currently selling with another 134.3 
model. It is extremely light and available with a minimally spec'd CPU 
to keep the price down.

How much will that 134.3 model sell for?  $50, $60K?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
RMS also has personal views where he believes pedophilia and necrophilia 
should be legalized, provided all parties involved are in agreement.  I 
have personally written to him and verified this quote is accurate, and 
not taken out of context.  It is his belief.

Search for pedophilia or necrophilia and you'll find that section.

It is for this reason that I have started a new free software 
foundation, called Liberty Software Foundation.  This all happened last 
week, so I am still figuring things out and getting started.

I wanted an official vehicle to continue the work I've found beneficial 
from the FSF, but without any affiliation with Stallman.   Support is 

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/16/2012 07:52 AM, wrote:
This topic is not constructive because you just ignore what people 
wrote to you.

RMS is very different from the CEO of a large proprietary company. 
His objective is social/ethical and not financial at all. RMS makes a 
*very modest* living by defending his viewpoints. Given his 
exceptional technical skills, he would be rich today if he would have 
gone to the path of proprietary companies.

RMS does not need you to buy his product. Otherwise he would 
precisely do what you seem to regret: he would not badmouth large 
companies so that these companies invite him.

His viewpoints are *separated* from those of the FSF. They are on and go far beyond free software (whereas the FSF 
exclusively focuses on free software).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
A life's work giving full and proper credit over to God is not for 
everybody.  No hard feelings. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/16/2012 09:03 AM, Michał Masłowski wrote:

RMS also has personal views where he believes pedophilia and
necrophilia should be legalized, provided all parties involved are in
agreement.  I have personally written to him and verified this quote
is accurate, and not taken out of context.  It is his belief.

Search for pedophilia or necrophilia and you'll find that section.

If X is not a subset of Y, Y is not a subset of X, both are not empty,
and X is harmful and illegal, Y itself isn't harmful, and we usually
speak about the intersection of X and Y, should we prohibit Y?  Harming
children (also e.g. by arresting them for sharing pictures of
themselves with other children) is bad and isn't the same as what RMS
writes about.

It is for this reason that I have started a new free software
foundation, called Liberty Software Foundation.  This all happened
last week, so I am still figuring things out and getting started.

I wanted an official vehicle to continue the work I've found
beneficial from the FSF, but without any affiliation with Stallman.
Support is welcomed.

I won't support your organization for the beliefs stated there.  If you
support a master, why not support software controlled by a master.

Another issue that I consider harmful are the modified (ignoring the
licensing notice stated there) and renamed licenses.  Unless this
license has a non-literal meaning, they seem incompatible with much
free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/16/2012 09:19 AM, wrote:
As you write, those are personal views and have absolutely nothing 
to do with the FSF. We do not need another foundation.

The two are inseparable.  You cannot isolate damning components of your 
being over here, and then have a set of productive, 
positive-contribution things over there.  If you have the damning 
components as part of your fundamental belief system, everything you do 
is tainted.

I realize that in general society doesn't see it this way.  But it is 
the way it is.

Do you believe that the president of a foundation should never express 
her/his opinions on completely unrelated subjects and on a website 
that is completely unrelated with that of the foundation? I don't. 
Notice moreover that clearly states it on the home page:

I believe a person reflects their entire core belief structure in 
everything they do.  And if there are any components which are damning 
... then the entire thing must be addressed with the attempt made to 
change that course, and if it can't be, then it must be avoided.

I tried to communicate with RMS over this.  He is passionate about his 
views being correct.  So ... I leave it there and move on.

This is the personal web site of Richard Stallman.
The views expressed here are my personal views, not those of the Free 
Software Foundation or the GNU Project.

The two are inseparable.  The man is what he is, and the things he 
contributes to will be affected by him.

There are spiritual components to our existence which come off of us and 
influence others even when we're not there any longer.  We must severe 
ties to keep ourselves clean (unspotted from the world).

I am not perfect at this yet as I have 42 years of mindset-inertia and 
societal teachings working continually against me, but I am learning, 
understanding, and putting into practice that which I believe on the 
inside.  It's a hard walk.  I am alone in it right now.  My family, 
friends, they've all left me to go and pursue stuff of this world.  Yet, 
in my heart I know what I am doing is right ... so, as painful as it is 
(and it is painful), I proceed.

It's okay if nobody wants to assist me.  It's okay if I am considered 
something other than desirable for pursuing this course. It's what I 
must do.

Hope this makes sense.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/16/2012 10:26 AM, wrote:
Repeated jabs at rms about his views on disgusting unnatural s*x acts 
compelled me to go searching out on the internet. I am absolutely 
shocked to find that the rumors are indeed true. Earlier, i thought 
they were just rumors spread by propriety software companies.

.[ wikiqoute], 
.[ rhinophytonec..], 
.[ extreme], 

This is so bad, cant imagine how much badly this is going to effect 
FSF's image. I still just cant believe it that RMS has these sick ideas.

LibSF is defintely not the answer to any issues here. LibSF = 
Freeware(copy,distribute;But, no modifications), nothing new about it.
Giving it a spiritual touch is okay, but LibSF is preaching only 

LifSF is continuing the work of the FSF and GNU.  We use a copyleft 
protected licensing scheme, not freeware, not public domain.  We are 
built around the central axioms of free software in the traditional 
copyleft plus four fundamental freedoms / rights sense.  We are just 
doing it away from Stallman.

Emblem(signature image) used is associated with 
[ Churches]; Describing 
LibSF as 'God fearing alternative' and then mentioning Jesus in 
footer; all seems kinda like you are imposing Christianity.

Christianity *IS* at the heart of why LibSF exists.  We recognize that 
everything we have, everything we are, everything we can be, that all of 
it is a gift which comes from God, and that the rock upon which we must 
build everything is Jesus Christ.

Free software, the idea of giving that which you possess unto others, 
that they might take your work and receive it, and possibly improve upon 
it, making the end result better than you individually were capable of 
doing alone, is the very central idea of what Jesus Christ.  When He 
came here, He gave everything.  Very few received Him, but it was 
offered to all, and it was completely free.

It is my best attempt at devoting my talents and life to Jesus Christ.  
I am probably making every mistake possible as I am pioneering this 
effort (to my knowledge at least) ... but I pray I will get it right in 

LibSF is DOA.

The image may be from them.  It will be replaced at some point soon.  It 
was one I found online and edited.

LibSF has no affiliation with a particular church building.  We are 
Christians across the globe working together for Jesus Christ.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/16/2012 10:44 AM, wrote:
LibSF was created to be a God-fearing alternative to both the Linux 
Foundation and The FSF (Free Software Foundation), because of certain 
beliefs held by their founders.

It is not a parody.  It is a fundamental difference of foundation. RMS 
works with free software because he believes in it. Personally.  He 
doesn't have a foundation in anything other than his personal sense of 
morals and ethics as to why he believes in it. This is well stated in 
his book Free as in Freedom, along with countless other interviews.

Torvalds is also an atheist, describing himself as completely 
a-religious -- atheist.

For me, I cannot contribute to either of those projects.  They are 
founded upon people whose lives are not founded upon God, and 
specifically Jesus Christ.  So, I had to create something new with which 
to proceed.

I don't know if this is serious or a parody. I'm really curious 
because this seems in response to RMS fully supporting the 
objectification of children and his viewpoints being reflective of the 
FSF as a whole. Heck, this site even has its own GPL, Affero, and 
Lesser GPL licenses too.

It is serious.  And as I say, I am probably making every mistake 
possible in how I am getting it off the ground.  It is the best I can 
do, and I pray that the mistakes will be corrected over time.

I am doing this because I know that everything we are, everything we 
have comes from God, and through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Without our 
building everything we do upon Him, nothing we do will ever stand or be 
of value.

LibSF is my faith put into practice, and my beliefs put into action.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-16 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
 that other people's hearts will be 
opened, that they too may come to know that which we know.

God is not dead ... He lives in us.  You can see Him by our actions.  We 
offer what we offer in love, expecting nothing in return.  But if you or 
anybody else wants to help, we are grateful to God for that as well.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-13 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
RMS was not invited to speak at the LinuxWorld Summit in Revolution OS. He 
spoke briefly when receiving the Linus Torvalds award, but that's about it.

This is discussed in his book: Free as in Freedom.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Fri, Jul 13, 2012 06:56 AM
 Subject: [Trisquel-users] Re : Stallman on the Linux Action Show

I'm not going to repeat what I said in heavy detail either (and I am tired of  
providing links you ignore), but:

Richard Stallman is *not* using the FSF as a way to pay his flights. His  
flights are paid by who is inviting him to give a talk. And rms uses these  
talks to raise quite a lot of money for the FSF (auction, sell of goodies,  
Richard Stallman would never speak at Google I/O because he would never be  
invited in the first place. If he would, I strongly believe that he would go  
and speak... about the privacy problems Google+ raise, the even greater  
problem of SaaS (Google Docs being the best example), etc. When you are  
subversive, you are not invited anywhere. I assume you would prefer Stallman  
not to be subversive. I certainly would not. The large companies already are  
far too powerful (politically) and people need to take the power back. It  
will never happen if you only consider talks authorized by Google and other  
Richard Stallman has spoken numerous times to very large audiences (for  
instance, the LinuxWorld Summit as displayed in the movie RevolutionOS).  
Besides, I really do not like the tone of your sentence small groups, at a  
university, or some small country (maybe because I am an academics in a  
country that is not the USA, hence probably small in your way of thinking).
Richard Stallman does not hate capitalism, the economic theory (but I  
assume you make a confusion between Republicans and Capitalism).
Richard Stallman should be taken seriously. Do you remember who wrote, in  
1983, that he would start alone a complete operating system (not only  
programming tools) that would be free? It is not only a technical  
performance but a political one too.
Today, the free software movement counts tens (hundreds?) of thousands of  
developers. Thousands for the GNU project alone. The movement lacks people  
like rms brilliantly explaining (you write rambling but it looks useful  
since you keep on pretending he says things he does not) the ethical  
motivations that started it all. The Free Software movement is not technical  
but, yes, ethical, social and political.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-12 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I watched this show last night (episode 200, called GNU/Linux Action 
Show), as well as episode 201 (where the hosts also discuss RMS for a 
lengthy segment).

I found the host on the left, Bryan Lunduke, to be of such a kind of 
person that I do not believe I can watch this show ever again.

Through the show I did learn about some comments made by RMS in the 
mid-2000s regarding pedophilia and necrophilia, that they should be 
legalized so long as all parties involved are okay with it and not 
frowned upon to the extent they are today. :-(

These comments have significantly changed my opinion of RMS as a 
person.  However, my feelings on free software have not changed.

Yet, I am at this place now where I find it very difficult to move 
forward with either the FSF or GNU because of Stallman.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/09/2012 07:14 PM, wrote:
lembas' link is legit. Of course if you want YouTube, it is at

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel forum policy LIES

2012-07-10 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I receive email from the list. I hit reply. My email programs are set to 
include quoted prior content.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 12:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel forum policy LIES

We were discussing options:

Trisquel IRC
(09:33:42 AM) quidam: but we need to decide what to do anyway
(09:33:47 AM) quidam: we can:
(09:34:06 AM) quidam: - hack mailman to make it behave as we want
(09:34:34 AM) quidam: - disconnect the lists and the forum, so the forum will  
be anonymous if you want that
(09:35:15 AM) quidam: - keep it as it is, and warn that the forum is not  
anonymous regarding to email
Trisquel IRC

Rick, if you don't mind asking how are you posting on the forums.  Are you  
doing so through the website?  Or are you doing it through the  
[ mailing list?].   
Also specifically if you are using the website what are you using to quote  
users?  Thanks.

Because part of the problem is that the website forum is linked to the  
mailman mailing-list and so actually if you go to the mailing list everyone's  
email is public.  It isn't simply just if you quote someone else.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-07-10 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I found pausing and restarting fixed the 35KB/s download issue.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 From: Ivaylo Valkov
 Sent: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 01:17 AM
 To: User help and discussion
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

В 16:18 +0200 на 09.07.2012 (пн), написа:
 Is anyone still able to view or download this from the  
 given link] by thread starter.
 I keep getting a 35kb file for all the direct download options on that page.

I get the same behavior with Linterna Mágica. The strangest thing is
that if I copy the extracted link and pass it to wget I get the right
file. [1] [2] The only logical explanation is they sniff the user-agent
string, but then it is a mystery why wget does not trigger this
Turns out they return the 35/37KB file on some user-agents. [3] Seems
their user-agent sniffing logic is a poor job. ;)

$ wget --spider;
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-07-10 08:11:49--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-07-10 08:11:49--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 666395814 (636M) [video/mp4]
Remote file exists.

$ wget -O RMS_linux_show.mp4;
--2012-07-10 08:12:07--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
--2012-07-10 08:12:07--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 666395814 (636M) [video/mp4]
Saving to: `RMS_linux_show.mp4'

0% [ ] 548,544 1.31M/s  

$ wget --spider --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20110927 IceCat/3.6.16 (like Firefox/3.6.16);
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-07-10 08:13:39--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-07-10 08:13:39--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-07-10 08:13:40--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 38370 (37K) [video/mp4]
Remote file exists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel forum policy LIES

2012-07-10 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
One other note is that when I receive an email it has three addresses: me, the 
list, and the original poster.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 12:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel forum policy LIES

We were discussing options:

Trisquel IRC
(09:33:42 AM) quidam: but we need to decide what to do anyway
(09:33:47 AM) quidam: we can:
(09:34:06 AM) quidam: - hack mailman to make it behave as we want
(09:34:34 AM) quidam: - disconnect the lists and the forum, so the forum will  
be anonymous if you want that
(09:35:15 AM) quidam: - keep it as it is, and warn that the forum is not  
anonymous regarding to email
Trisquel IRC

Rick, if you don't mind asking how are you posting on the forums.  Are you  
doing so through the website?  Or are you doing it through the  
[ mailing list?].   
Also specifically if you are using the website what are you using to quote  
users?  Thanks.

Because part of the problem is that the website forum is linked to the  
mailman mailing-list and so actually if you go to the mailing list everyone's  
email is public.  It isn't simply just if you quote someone else.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About DRM and Freedom

2012-07-09 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
There will always be dishonest people. The work you do is for those who 
will use it rightly.  And those people will donate or participate or in 
some way repay that which you give in effort to it.

On 07/09/2012 10:11 PM, wrote:
DRM-free is not an effortless endeavour. Nor is DRM though. If you 
can't stand your work being used without compensation don't publish it 
to begin with. It'll solve the problem. Ultimately people pirate with 
or without DRM and you are only hurting your customers who are more 
likely to pirate if you implement DRM.

You give people an excuse and they will take it.

[Trisquel-users] Shutdown / restart issue

2012-07-03 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

I have a Gigabyte motherboard with integrated AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4200:

And I'm using a Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 GHz CPU with 8GB of DDR3:

With Trisquel 5.0 (and now 5.5), when I shutdown or restart, about half 
the time, I get an unending series of errors which don't stop. It refers 
to something about a radeon memory allocation error, and just repeats 
forever.  The other half it does that for about 5x to 20x screen pages, 
and then reboots like normal.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Shutdown / restart issue

2012-07-03 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/03/2012 12:01 PM, wrote:
Whoa dude you must have something weird going on with your system 
because that page (rrhistorical) is not at all what he linked.  He 
linked to a trisquel bug page.

I'm seeing this thread and responding to it on the email list, not the 
forum.  He must've edited it after the initial posting.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Shutdown / restart issue

2012-07-03 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
LOL!  Well, that's not to say I'm not. :-)  But, probably less likely 
that I am. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/03/2012 02:14 PM, wrote:
That makes sense.  I thought you were getting man in the middle 
attacked or something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing 5.5 on Toshiba Notebook

2012-06-29 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I agree completely with this position.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 04:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing 5.5 on  Toshiba Notebook

Chris, I was chatting with somebody at #fsf, and they said to totally avoid  
Intel, due to their integrating DRM into their CPUs and other freedom hostile  

He said go with AMD and use Nouveau drivers for an nVidia car. His other  
option was not getting a new computer at all and donating the money to free  
software development instead!

Ruling out both AMD and Intel would make it almost impossible to find a CPU  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing 5.5 on Toshiba Notebook

2012-06-27 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

I find this:
[83.953255] init: udev-fallback-graphics main process (3575) terminated 
with status 1

[84.059919] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
[90.288738] init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (4131) terminated with 
status 1

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/27/2012 11:03 AM, wrote:

You could try reading
for any insights.

And installing the latest version of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-06-27 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I have vowed off Apple since the mid-90s.  I've actively and 
purposefully avoided everything related to them and advised everyone I 
know to NOT use or buy their products, including iTunes and QuickTime 

Apple is evil.  $536+ billion market capitalization.  Ever hear the 
expression, Power corrupts.  And absolute power corrupts absolutely?  
There it is. :-(

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/27/2012 01:17 PM, wrote: 

While Samsung will certainly suffer lost sales from the issuance of 
an injunction, the hardship to Apple of having to directly compete 
with Samsung’s infringing products outweighs Samsung’s harm in light 
of the previous findings by the Court.

A Samsung statement said: Should Apple continue to make legal claims 
based on such a generic design patent, design innovation and progress 
in the industry could be restricted.

An Apple spokesperson said that this kind of blatant copying is wrong 
and, as we’ve said many times before, we need to protect Apple’s 
intellectual property when companies steal our ideas, reiterating an 
earlier company statement. The Cupertino-based company did not say 
when — or even if — the bond would be posted.

Another reason why I don't buy tablets and why I would NEVER buy an 
Apple product either for a phone or tablet. It seems that Apple's war 
against Android is still going very strong with the courts sadly on 
their side.

How the f**k is this good for the future of computing when the average 
consumer is moving away from PCs and to smartphones and tablets?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Next Trisquel LTS

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 04:27 PM, wrote:
Some discussion and suggestion regarding the next release, which I 
assume will be an LTS based on 12.04

Rather than using Gnome 3, I think Trisquel should move towards the 
most stable and usable MATE desktop environment, similar to Linux 
Mint's latest release. Anybody else agree?

Well, I truly hate Gnome 3 if only because its Gnome 2 compatibility 
layer is not even close to the real Gnome 2.  I also hate Gnome 3 as a 
UI in general, and am no fan of Unity either.  Gnome 3 has kept me from 
moving from Trisquel 5.0 to 5.5 (because the Gnome 2 compatibility layer 
is horrid).

I've never used MATE.  I'll download Linux Mint, give it a try and see 
what it looks like.  At this point, would welcome just about anything 
other than Gnome.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel release numbering

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

I was wondering about the Trisquel release numbers.

Since the next release will base things off 12.04, why not keep a 
numbering system similar to that source?

Switch from Trisquel 6.0 to Trisquel 12.04, Trisquel 12.10 and so on?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Next Trisquel LTS

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

I'm in. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 06:09 PM, wrote:

MATE = Gnome 2.32 sources renamed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Next Trisquel LTS

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I'm in favor of shipping Trisquel with something other than MATE enabled 
by default, just so long as MATE is there too and can be easily enabled 
(like through the login screen).

I'm 42 yrs old and both Unity and GNOME3 make me cry like a baby with 
their UIs.  They just aren't right. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 06:20 PM, wrote:
There is some work on this desktop environment. If it sticks to GTK 2, 
I do not see much future in it because that would mean the versions of 
the GNOME applications, which MATE ships, will never be updated (what 
may include some security leaks that may never be fixed). Notice also 
that no distribution ships MATE as the default environment. Mint now 
prefers Cinnamon, which is based on GNOME 3.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Next Trisquel LTS

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin


Didn't know such a thing was possible!  Will try XFCE.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 06:28 PM, Roberto Rodríguez wrote:

Hash: SHA1

In Brigantia I did not choose Gnome 3 neither Trisquel-Mini but rather
the nice and stable XFCE and I´m as happy as I can be.
- -- 
Roberto Rodríguez

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Next Trisquel LTS

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I don't think AMD released all their hardware specs.  Their drivers are 
still proprietary.

Trisquel 5.x will not use the card in my Toshiba notebook in native 
resolutions (1600 x 1200).  It will only boot up in something like 1280 
x 960.  Trisquel 5.x does use the motherboard-card on my desktop machine 
just fine.

I was hoping the 3.4 kernel would fix the notebook issue, but it didn't.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 06:33 PM, wrote:
I have an AMD card in my Elitebook, works fine out of the box when I 
used Linux mint for 3d acceleration. Why single out AMD when they 
actually relase hardware specifications to the community, unlike NVIDIA?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel release numbering

2012-06-25 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Codenames are great.  I enjoy them.  Especially when they're doubled-up 
like Pointy Panda or Zealous Zebra ... but when you're looking back 
through a bunch of install DVDs, I'd prefer numbers.  Numbers are easier 
and make more sense in the long-term (IMO).

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/25/2012 06:31 PM, wrote:
I suppose 'Trisquel 12.09' would be more appropriate than 'Trisquel 
6.0', but personally I prefer code names.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linus supports Secure Boot and doesn't think its a big deal

2012-06-15 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
It's why we need HURD. The Linux camp does not support free software.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Fri, Jun 15, 2012 03:44 PM
 Subject: [Trisquel-users] Linus supports Secure Boot and doesn't think its a   
big deal

And if it's only $99 to get a key for Fedora, I don't see what the huge deal  
is. - Linus Torvalds

P.S. We discussed this earlier with Red Hat and Canonical possibly paying for  
the keys to get their OSes through the Windows 8 secure boot. How this  
affects smaller distros could be a different story. With Trisquel, won't it  
already be paid for by Canonical since it is based off Ubuntu or will Ruben  
have to fork over $99?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Humble Indie Bundle

2012-06-13 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
It affords opportunities like Azure to exist, even Ubuntu to exist. And 
people will not take the time required to step back and philosophically 
analyze the ramifications of some of the choices they make, but instead 
will (to them) simply be grabbing a tool to use, and the entities in 
place to wield their power (power of hardware and software in these 
tool areas) will do so without having proper motives in mind.  They 
will do so to garner information, gather data, connect the dots, not to 
provide a service.

People need to wake up to what's happening.

I don't believe it can be stopped because this very scenario is 
described in the Bible regarding the end times and one-world financial 
system, the mark of the beast where nobody on Earth can buy or sell 
anything unless they receive the mark.  So it's inevitable, it has been 
foretold, such a system IS coming, and it's going to be everywhere, in 
everybody's home, in everybody's car, on everybody's person, at 
everybody's cubicle / workspace.  It cannot be stopped.

But for those who will be saved from this evil, they need to know about it.

What matters is it complies with a free standard for compatibility and 
therefore supportable by others should they be so inclined to develop 
there own compatible services. It's not your hardware. It's 
Canonicals. It would be like us publishing the code to our web site. 
While it may be of little value to others it's only where that code is 
obfuscated javascript under a proprietary license that a concern 
exists. This isn't to say though that relying on a service for which 
you can't move away from isn't bad. It is. I wouldn't use Canonical's 
services as a user unless I could move away form it should I ever need 
to. That they don't release the code here though doesn't seem unusual 
or in violation of the four freedoms since the users aren't running 
that code. And while we are running free software 
( aren't any obligations for us to release any 
changes we make to it unless we distribute it. We aren't. We are the 
end user not our customers.

That is the free software position as far as I understand it.

The Landscape software for the enterprise always seemed like a bad 
move to me. At the time that move did make me think why are you going 
to distance yourself from your customers? As much as we are focused 
on less technical users we aren't going to go out of our way to 
distance ourselves from the people pushing our product.

I urge everybody to watch these videos by Eben Moglen.  They will/may 
open your eyes to what's going on here with non-free software and 
locked-down hardware:

re:publica 2012 - Why freedom of thought requires free media, and why 
free media requires free technology:

Innovation Under Austerity:

Also this shorter interview by yasssu taken in Berlin:

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Humble Indie Bundle

2012-06-12 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I think for a lot of power users the only thing really holding them 
back from switching to Linux is that they don't want to lose gaming, or 
lose performance by running it in a VM or mess around with dual booting.

I'm sure there are a lot of apps people would be willing to either pay 
for up front in Linux, or pay as they use it over time.  It's the model 
of Donate to Author or Donate to Project featured prominently 
somewhere, and would be a welcomed addition to free software downloads.

There are certain tools I use every day that if there were a simple 
Donate button available somewhere that's linked to a secure 
transaction site, I might press it two or three times a week and send 
off a dollar each time because that tool just made my life easier, did 
some fantastic job for me, or whatever.  Rather than paying $120 up 
front, I might pay out $120 over the lifetime of me using the app.

I'm sure I'm not alone on this.  RMS has mentioned something similar in 
several speeches for sending an artist/group money for free downloadable 

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/12/2012 04:43 PM, wrote:
Well, GNU/Linux users may very well pay more for the same product but 
you have to admit that the Windows and Mac users are having far better 
alternatives for gaming and that the humblebundle data is irrelevant 
in relation to the gaming ecosystem.

However, I must admit that the fact that the GNU/Linux users are 
willing to pay for games is sending a good signal to game developers, 
be that libre or not; I believe the road from Linux to 
GNU/Linux(libre) is shorter than the road from Windows/Mac to 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Humble Indie Bundle

2012-06-12 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
The quote I gave about RMS was regarding paying a certain dollar amount 
periodically to developers while using software, or to an artist / group 
while listening to music.  A button available on the player itself that 
says Donate $1 that can be pressed when the music is really moving 
you, for example.  Or a link on the help menu that allows you to click 
Donate $1 when you have just done something awesome and you want to 
give a little back.

As far as non-free software goes, RMS is always exceedingly clear on 
that.  He believes categorically that non-free software only harms 
everybody continually.  And he's right.

That being said, we live in society.  There are very few people who 
truly realize any aspects of Stallman's arguments.  The number is 
growing, but I'd wager it's below 0.1% of all software users, Windows, 
Mac and *nux.  It's just not something people care about.

The benefits of having free software (Linux, GNU, other free software) 
are today totally lost on all of those people who will not approach 
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD or other similar system, simply because of the 
reputation it has with no games, no cool apps, etc.  Gaming could 
bring people over.  They'd begin to hear the message of free software.  
And, as Stallman says, some of those people will understand it and be 
moved to make a change in their computing lives as well.

I believe in free software unreservedly.  I see the harm non-free 
software does every day.  Enough that there is not a single person with 
whom I'm acquainted that hasn't heard me discuss it whenever we spend 
more than 2 minutes together socially.  But I also need to be able to 
use my tools effectively.  I need things to be able to do a job.  I have 
to have features which work or else my hands are tied.

The same is true for 99.9% or more of computer users out there.  They 
won't take the time to learn Linux or other free software system because 
it requires energy, their time, going through hassles and difficulties, 
retraining their way of thinking, etc.  It's a huge curve for most people.

Having awesome games running on Linux might take some of the edge off 
that, allow them to tolerate a little of the hardship, and increase the 
user base.

It's also something regular Linux users have wanted for years.  There 
are many, for example, which keep Windows partitions around just for 
gaming.  With properly ported games, that would no longer be required 

The day of Linux (and I pray the HURD) is coming.  The age of free 
software will have its time in the limelight simply because you cannot 
innovate as even a large corporation as quickly as you can with free 
software efforts.  Linux is sustaining nearly 7 changes per hour, 
24/7/365.  It's around 10K lines of code added or changed each day.  No 
single company (even Microsoft or Google) can maintain that rate of 
change continually, 24/7.  There are just too many people contributing 
to the Linux kernel now to pass it by.

This is also why I pray the HURD gets some funding (not monetarily, but 
capital nonetheless -- time, effort, energies, resources from people) 
and is completed, because it needs to be completed on a GPLv3 kernel, 
with itself being moved from GPLv2 to v3.  And if not, then a GNU 
replacement needs to be created, so the GNU Operating System can truly 
be finished.

If I could find a way to eat where I only devoted 3-4 hours per day of 
doing actual, physical work for my daily job, I would devote the rest of 
my workday time to finishing that kernel/OS.

In any event... some of my opinions and ramblings.  Please feel free to 
disregard. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/12/2012 06:30 PM, wrote:
This has to be taken out of context and is very misleading. The last I 
spoke with Stallman he was saying non-free software for GNU/Linux is 
bad for freedom. While the above statement may be a quote from him it 
doesn't lead to say he supports or otherwise encourages non-free 
software or is in any way good for freedom or GNU/Linux.

This is different from the licensing issue. Not everything should be 
released under the GPL. However that doesn't mean it is OK to release 
it under a non-free license.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-06-08 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
It was my understanding AMD released their driver source code in March for 3.4 
kernel update.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Fri, Jun 8, 2012 09:21 AM
 To: User help and discussion
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

 What can I do to help Trisquel?  If there's a way I can help get the
 recently released AMD open-source drivers working ... point me in the
 right direction and I'll go for it.

These drivers (as they have been doing for years) require nonfree
microcode which is sourceless and (for modern cards) has a license
forbidding reverse engineering.  There is completely no AMD cooperation
on replacing it.  I don't expect this to be easy to fix (although
Nouveau developers probably did similar tasks for different

(My reason for not being a member is not using PayPal, this can change.
I don't contribute to Trisquel in programming ways, since I don't
experience easier bugs and have several other projects I spend not
enough time on.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-06-08 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/08/2012 11:12 AM, wrote:
You can install MATE from and then install the 
trisquel-themes-gtk and trisquel-icons manually for the 5.0 release to 
get the Gnome 2 look in 5.5. The program names will be different like 
caja instead of nautilus and may require manual tweaks to be exactly 
like Trisquel 5.0.

Thanks, tegskywalker! :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secure boot and the future of Trisquel. Who will pay Microsoft?

2012-06-05 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
BIOS contains bugs too. It can be updated (flashed) periodically to fix them, 
or to support new cpus.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 04:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Secure boot and the future of Trisquel. Who  
will pay Microsoft?

Dose anybody know why the BIOS is no longer put on a ROM ?

 From what I saw, the Secure Boot justification from Microsoft is sharing  
basically the same problem with the FSF's need of free BIOS, which is that  
the BIOS is not read only.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good place to buy a Linux-libre Laptop in the UK

2012-06-05 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Agree 100%.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 11:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] A good place to buy a Linux-libre Laptop in  
the UK

I totally agree with you. This isn't just an issue for libre GNU/Linux users  
though. Non-free software negatively impacts everybody and the Ubuntu  
population is (unkowningly) doing themselves and everybody else a diservice  
by supporting non-free software- particularly where there are decent free  
software friendly solutions available.

I like what Debian has done in recent releases. They stopped shipping the  
non-free firmware with the distribution even though there is still support  
for it. I think ultimately what we should be doing as distributors of  
GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc) is releasing software that is more  
freedom friendly and point people to freedom friendly hardware. It may not be  
the right answer although it at least builds the demand.

I think that is largely what Trisquel has done (all a bit more extreme- for  
the right reasons) and even while I don't think Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or other  
distributions are going to impliment it to this extent there is still room to  
work with them where the goals overlap (freedom for support / ease of use  
/etc - rather than ethical).

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good place to buy a Linux-libre Laptop in the UK

2012-06-05 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Agree 100%. Free software, firmware and even plugin free hardware modules (over 
a range of free connection protocols) is essential in the age of the web.

Freedom 0 - the ability to use the thing the way __I__ want to use it. Why? 
Because it's only a thing, and I'm a person.

That thing I use should not be an agent of another entity, a remote, 
invisible army-man-like device working/fighting tirelessly against me, 
gathering data on me, to be used for God only knows what purposes. It should be 
my trustworthy tool, nothing more. It should be in my arsenal, not in another's.

Free software is absolutely essential to free media in an age where media flows 
through the web. And free media is absolutely essential to free thought.  And 
free thought is absolutely essential for the opportunity to have a free society.

It is not a trifle we're facing with non-free software in the age of the web. 
It's a battle of such scope that if we lose, it will mean the elimination of 
everything we've striven for as a society since the adoption of writing.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 11:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] A good place to buy a Linux-libre Laptop in  
the UK

I actually have more 'extreme' views than RMS in regards to what should be  


However his patience certaintly trumps mine.

The BIOS should be free. If it can be changed we should be able to fix  
it/update it/improve upon it/etc. Simply moving to a read only BIOS seems  
wrong even if it solves the probably 'technically'.

The writing is non-trival although so is the porting proccess.

There are some good reasons for installing an alternative BIOS even if it  
isn't something one would update regularly. For instance there are some  
features one might want to impliment or use that aren't otherwise available.

I can think of some good examples. If I want to connect my computer to a  
network and control it remotely I may not be able to do that with the  
firmware released by a motherboard manufacturer.

However I should be able to add such features in. Then I could turn the  
computer on/off remotely, restart it, etc. These features actually exist I  
believe in the fre BIOS project's BIOS. There is a non-free BIOS with similar  
features too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Secure boot and the future of Trisquel. Who will pay Microsoft?

2012-06-01 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Exactly my thoughts. The only good news I read is RedHat's boot loader 
will only load grub2, which can then be used to launch other free 
operating systems, and not just RedHat's.

Still, Secure Boot will now be enabled by default on all devices, and 
only a hidden setting turns it off.

Evil.  Just evil.

The Freedombox project could surely use everybody's support who's 
outraged by this.  Google freedombox if you don't know about it.  It's 
a design to get a completely free software stack running on a tiny 
server about the size of a cell phone, and for less than $50 when 
complete.  The idea is to have millions of these little servers running 
outside the regular Internet.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 06/01/2012 12:49 PM, wrote:
I read today that RedHat will pay Microsofot to make sure their 
operating systems are able to boot with the upcoming Secure Boot that 
Microsoft may or may not require OEMs to have:

With this in mind, it would suck if operating systems will require 
payment to Microsoft to be able to install with Secure Boot in place. 
How would this affect community distros like Debian, Slackware and 
Arch? If that is the case, would Canonical pay Microsoft for Ubuntu? I 
say this because Trisquel is based off of Ubuntu and their payment 
towards it would then hopefully affect Trisquel due to the shared code 

I am aware that there are companies like Think Penguin and System76 
that think about GNU/Linux support as their main concern, but Secure 
Boot affects the average consumer who buys a computer from a store or 
a retailer like Dell.

Let's just hope Stallman doesn't have another heart attack if this is 
the way of computing from now on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-30 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I was able to get 3.4 up and running.  It worked perfectly for 
everything I tested, except for these items:

1) It still does not support ATI video cards (which was the only reason 
I wanted to upgrade),

2) Blender 2.62 did not work, would launch and immediately close.
3) Xine would not work, would launch and immediately close.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 05/29/2012 01:43 PM, wrote:

You can also build the kernel from source. Here's my usual procedure.

If you don't have the build requirements:
sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses5


tar xf linux-libre-3.4-gnu.tar.xz
cd linux-3.4
make menuconfig (to edit and save the kernel .config file)
INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make deb-pkg (this can take a few hours)
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb

[Trisquel-users] InDisk utility

2012-05-30 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Has anybody heard of a utility like this?  Its intent is to create a 
ram-disk which appears to be a usable file system, but where the files 
are created by guidance given to the layer, such as to mirror a physical 
file on a hard disk, or retrieve a remote file from the Internet or 
cloud, or the assemble some data from a remote SQL database server into 
a disk file that is in the form being requested, etc.?

I'd like to know if it exists so I can use it.  If not, I'd like some 
FLOSS developers to help me complete it.

Thanks!  Please cross-post to any other FLOSS lists you're on asking for 

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative freedom friendly solution to Raspberry Pi

2012-05-29 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Interesting, Chris. What is it called? And when will it be available?

I'd like to read more on the specs. I'm working with the Freedombox project and 
such an x86-based non-Intel (free/libre software stack) product would be 

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 Sent: Tue, May 29, 2012 03:59 AM
 Subject: [Trisquel-users] Alternative freedom friendly solution to Raspberry   

The one thing I don't like about the Raspberry Pi project is the use of a  
graphics chip dependent on non-free software.

I think there may be a new better alternative from VIA though. I sent an  
email to graphics chipset vendor in use in the device and got word back from  
an engineer (David Berol from wolfsonmicro) that the WM8750 chipset is not  
dependent on proprietary drivers or firmware. I did have to clarify this  
though as he thought I was talking about the price :).

I've also gotten word through an intermediary who investigated the BIOS  
situation on the VIA board. This motherboard will be released unlocked. Right  
now VIA is releasing it with Android although there is nothing preventing  
this community (free software users) from porting a GNU/Linux distribution to  

It is based on ARM and I think it's primary usefulness would be streaming HD  
content as the cost is low ($50 USD) and has built-in hardware HD decoding.  
It has severely limited built-in ram  (512MB) although more than sufficient  
for a purpose built device (HTPC). It also has 2GB internal storage and  
microsd expansion slot. It also has limited CPU (just 800Mhz).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-29 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

Great information!  Thanks.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 05/29/2012 01:43 PM, wrote:

You can also build the kernel from source. Here's my usual procedure.

If you don't have the build requirements:
sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses5


tar xf linux-libre-3.4-gnu.tar.xz
cd linux-3.4
make menuconfig (to edit and save the kernel .config file)
INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make deb-pkg (this can take a few hours)
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-29 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
Can this step be sped up using the -j# option, such as this for a 6-core 

 INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make -j6 deb-pkg (this can take a few hours)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 05/29/2012 07:13 PM, Rick C. Hodgin wrote:

Great information!  Thanks.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 05/29/2012 01:43 PM, wrote:

You can also build the kernel from source. Here's my usual procedure.

If you don't have the build requirements:
sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses5


tar xf linux-libre-3.4-gnu.tar.xz
cd linux-3.4
make menuconfig (to edit and save the kernel .config file)
INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make deb-pkg (this can take a few hours)
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb

[Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-28 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

Has anybody tried running 3.4 in Trisquel 5.0?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-28 Thread Rick C. Hodgin

I appreciate Trisquel users very much.  Thank you.

I'm going to try this today on my desktop.  If I'm able to get it 
working I'll upgrade my laptop from Ubuntu 12.04 to Trisquel 5.0.  My 
laptop is the only remaining piece of hardware I'm using without 
Trisquel (as it's not supported by free drivers and is essentially 
unworkable outside of Ubuntu, save the recent releases by AMD/ATI to the 
3.4 kernel).

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 05/28/2012 08:52 AM, Morne Alberts wrote:

On 28/05/2012 14:11, Rick C. Hodgin wrote:

Has anybody tried running 3.4 in Trisquel 5.0?

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

I ran 3.2 in Trisquel 5.0 with no problem.

With Trisquel 5.5 I ran 3.3.6 and now I'm running 3.4.0 and I'm not
having any problems.

If it is important to you, make sure that the kernel version has
AppArmor patches. When I used 3.3.0, shortly after it entered that
repository, it did not have AppArmor patches. There might be other
things to look out for but I don't have very good knowledge of kernel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

2012-05-28 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
I haven't installed it yet. That computer isn't on the internet and I was 
missing ncurses-devel. So I built it on an Ubuntu machine but my default 
Trisquel partition wax only 10 gb and I was out of space.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

 Original Message 
 From: Morne Alberts
 Sent: Mon, May 28, 2012 03:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [Trisquel-users] Running kernel 3.4

 I'm going to try this today on my desktop.  If I'm able to get it
 working I'll upgrade my laptop from Ubuntu 12.04 to Trisquel 5.0.  My

It appears that there might be some issues with 3.4. I haven't been
running linux-image-3.4.0-gnu long enough (only since you made the first
post). I am currently having AppArmor issues that, amongst other things,
prevents MySQL from working. So you might want to wait a while before
you try.

Morne Alberts