Re: [TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
So if you buy into the "400 different gospels" idea, The next step is the "One True Church" idea.
Is this what you are leading to Blaine?
By the way how many "different gospels" do the followers of Joe Smith have?
LDS, RLDS, and hundreds of others. Make any difference whether it is 300 or 400?

From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Blaine:  But Judy, if what presents itself as the "clear teaching of God's word" 
is really so clear, how come your stats--400 different Protestant gospels--
suggest otherwise?    
The fact that there are so many different gospels does not reflect poorly
on the Word itself, the problem now is with the people, same as it has
always been.  God said "My people perish for lack of knowledge" and  He
does not bless ignorance.
I do not doubt they seem clear to you, and they do to me too,  but they 
apparently also seem clear to those who draw different conclusions from 
you or I--and even you and I do not always agree.  There are not only the 
Protestants who cannot agree, but we have a growing number of Messianics 
who disagree with what is fundamentally agreed upon by most Protestants-- 
that the feasts of the Law of Moses no longer need to be kept, the Sabbath 
should be observed on Sunday, not Saturday, etc.   All this from the same 
"clear teaching of God's word."   Read the following, and tell we that this 
does not describe our day:
As I say above, it is not a problem with the Word, the problem is with
the people. Scripture is quite clear about the Levitical law and rituals
being nailed to the cross.
Isaiah 29:9-10   Stay yourselves, and wonder, cry ye out, and cry:  they 
are drunken, but not with wine.  They stagger, but not with strong drink.  
For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath 
closed your eyes;  the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
Isaiah 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near 
me with their mouth,  and with their lips do honor me, but have removed 
their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept 
of men.
The above was true in Isaiah's day, it was true when Jesus spoke these
words to the Jews (Matt 13:14-16) and it is true today but God has always 
had a people, there has always been a remnant who loved God and love
His Truth.

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Let me throw y'all something to ponder.  
I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  Consider this: 
Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are warned that he will, 
if possible, deceive us.  I think that all of us will agree that this 
is true.  The Bible not only says so; we ourselves have all seen 
deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real easy to spot.  
We are not surprised at this.  Satan has been around longer 
than the human race.  He is the father of lies. He has experience.  
He is good at what he does.  
My question is, since this is a common occurance, how do you 
know that you are not the one being deceived?  Satan doesn't 
just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and he doesn't say, 
"Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, the way he operates, 
the one being deceived never realizes that he or she is deceived. 
It is always someone else.  If you knew you were deceived, you 
would not be deceived.  So how do you know that you aren't?
Very good question Terry; I've been wondering how to approach
the subject of demon oppressed/led believers and you are making it
As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of faith) the fruit of faith 
is obedience to the will of God. We should recognize the voice of the
Chief Shepherd and obey Him.  
Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
upon the wrong message. At one point during his ministry to the
Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
"lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so
their minds might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3)  
Paul goes on to speak of one who comes with another Jesus, 
a different spirit, and a different gospel - a scenario which we are all 
familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ years since Calvary the adversary 
has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this 
is not including the quasi-Christian cults and the RCC.  
I know from personal experience that it is possible for a born again 
believer to be deceived because I've been there and today I guard 
against the spirit of error by continuing to study to show myself 
approved to God and to the best of my ability walking in all the light
He has given me.  
We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice 
speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of 
God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive and cast it 
down to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 10:5).
Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread Terry Clifton

> Terry wrote:
> > My question is ... how do you know that you are 
> > not the one being deceived?  
> If it was all up to intellect, I don't think a person could know for
> sure.  However, I think if a person truly walks in faith and holiness,
> God reveals his truth to us and we can be confident that the Holy Spirit
> will guide us into all truth.  Anybody who knows of sin in his life
> should also suspect that he is deceived in some areas of his life.  On
> the other hand, when a person has a pure conscience and his eye is
> single on the Lord, his whole body becomes full of great light.
> "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it
> be of God, or whether I speak of myself. He that speaketh of himself
> seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the
> same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him." (John 7:17-18 KJV)
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
Thank you David. 'preciate your thoughts.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread Charles Perry Locke
In a recent response to Blaine I posted: "...There are no mortal men and 
women on this earth." I mistyped "mortal" should have said "immortal".


From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Blaine wrote:

IF Adam had not transgressed, he would have been immortal.
No biblical evidence that this is true. This is an erroneous premise.

I assume you agree with that?

Then, do you believe immortal men and women can have children?
There are no mortal men and women on this earth. When we are resurrected 
the mortal put on immortality. (1 Cor 15:53)
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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[TruthTalk] Double Post

2004-02-05 Thread Charles Perry Locke

My messages have been posting very late to the group, so I reposted one of 
them thinking the previous one was lost, but it came through. So, if you see 
a similar message from me come by, please ignore it.


From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please tell me this is true!  LOL
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 20:28:45 -0600
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 5:48 PM
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Please tell me this is true! LOL
Stirring up the Spirit

You can explain the concept of the Holy Spirit-filled life using 
this simple recipe for chocolate milk.

Step One: Add chocolate syrup to a glass of milk.

Step Two: Stir.

In the Christian life, the "chocolate" of the Holy Spirit is added 
at the moment of salvation. Ephesians 1:13 explains that we receive the 
Spirit when we trust in Jesus as our Savior. The Spirit never needs to be 
added again.

However, in milk the chocolate syrup settles on the bottom of the 
glass until the milk is stirred up. Then the appearance and taste change 

Similarly, a Christian cannot experience the sweetness of 
spiritual change and growth until he or she asks the Holy Spirit to be in 
control. Then the Spirit produces godliness in a Christian's life, as 
promised in Galatians 5:22,23.

God adds the Spirit when we become Christians, but we must "stir" 
Him up in our lives daily.

Challenge a Christian by asking, "Are you settled or sweet?"

How can you stir up the Holy Spirit in your life?

When you receive Christ as your Savior and Lord, God gave you an 
amazing gift -- His very life, breath and power lives in You in the person 
of the Holy Spirit.

We experience the Holy Spirit's constant help, guidance, comfort 
as we ask Him and we trust Him to keep on filling us. When we do, we 
overflow: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust 
in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" 
(Romans 15:13).

Hey Laura:

Not really a bad analogy.  Pretty much on target, and simple 
enough to understand.   Being filled with the Holy Spirit has been made to 
seem way too complicated.  We seem to expect some mystery or something 
really deep or supernatural, but it is really simple.  You would know what 
I meant if I said that I was filled with rage, or filled with jealousy, or 
filled with anger.  It would be obvious to you that I was allowing one of 
those emotions to control my thinking, my behavior, my attitude, my life.

That is how it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  He controls 
the attitude, the behavior, the thinking, the life of every Christian.

 Deny self, follow me.  Real simple.


Optimize your Internet experience to the max with the new MSN Premium 
Internet Software.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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RE: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread Charles Perry Locke
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perry wrote:
> If I may interject, neither Adam nor Eve were physically
> immortal to start with.
I'm VERY surprised to hear this response.  Why do you believe that they
were created as mortal beings who would die?
cpl: There is no scriptural evidence that they were created immortal, nor is 
there any compelling reason to assume the had to be created immortal.

Perry wrote:
> The death that God was talking about was spiritual death!
Does not spiritual life result in physical life, and spiritual death
result in physical death?
No. When we believe, we are made alive sprirtually, but we still are going 
to die a physical death. At the resurrection we will put on the immortal, 
but we are not talking about resurrection, we are talking about A&E in and 
after the garden.

Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this 
the judgment:

The literal reading of Genesis 2:17 is as follows:

Green's Literal Translation:
but of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you may not eat, for
in the day that you eat of it, dying you shall die. (Genesis 2:17 LITV)
Young's Literal Translation:
and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it,
for in the day of thine eating of it--dying thou dost die.' (Genesis
2:17 YLT)
The "dying thou dost die" phrase is called among the Rabbi's a doubled
death.  They interpret it to refer to both spiritual and physical death.
This makes a lot of sense to me.
Do you interpret the plural uise of "Gods" and "We" in Genesis the same way 
the Rabbis do?

Perry wrote:
> Recall that they were bannished from the garden so
> they would not partake of the tree of life and, thus,
> live forever in a fallen and unredeemable state. Kicking
> them out of the garden was an act of mercy, to remove
> them from the presence of the tree of life, thus allowing
> them to be remain redeemable.
I don't understand.  Why would living forever make them unredeemable?

  There was a reason why God did not want them to live forever. That is why 
he banned them from the garden and placed guards at the gate. Why would he 
not want them to live forever? Well, my assumption is that there IS some 
association with death and redemption: Hebrews 9:27 - "And as it is 
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment". Had they never 
been able to die, then perhaps they never could have been redeemded.

It seems to me that the problem of them living forever is not that they
would be unredeemable, but rather that their progeny being born in a
sinful state would have problems created by the longevity of their

This is perhaps partly why the lifespan of man was
continually shortened as the iniquity of men increased.  Modern man's
lifespan is one-tenth of those who lived in Adam's generation.
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may 
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a 
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
Create your own personal Web page with the info you use most, at My MSN.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread Charles Perry Locke

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 23:32:28 -0800

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> >Blain wrote::
> >...Does that answer your question, Laura?  Now let me ask you a
> >couple...IF Adam had not transgressed, he would have been immortal.
> >I assume you agree with that?  Then, do you believe immortal men and
> >women can have children?  Now let me take it a step 
> >Eve had partaken of the FF and had fallen, but Adam had not 
> >and remained immortal.   Do you think Adam (being in a higher state of
> >immortality) could have had children with Eve (in a lower state of
> >mortality)?
> If I may interject, neither Adam nor Eve were physically immortal to 
> with.

DAVEH:  ???   Really?  Is that commonly believed by most Protestants, 
cpl: I do not speak for protestants in general, but I know Christians 
besides myself who also believe it to be so.

> The death that God was talking about was spiritual death!

DAVEH:  When God said to Adam thou shalt surely die if he partook of the 
FF, you believe he was not speaking about physical death?  I just want to 
make sure I am understanding you on this, Perry.
cpl: Correct. He was speaking about spiritual death. After all, A&E did not 
die physically when they ate it, they died spiritually. Their making figleaf 
aprons was an effort to cover up their own sin. Sort of like the LDS' 
aprons. :-)

So..if A&E had partaken of the fruit of the tree of life instead of the 
fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil..then would they have 
lived on into mortality?
cpl: That is what the Bible says...partaking of the tree of life would have 
caused them to live forever.

May I assume you believe the tree of life's benefit is directed to physical 
life as contrasted to spiritual life?
cpl: That is correct. I separate the two. Tree of life would have brought 
immortality, tree of knowledge of good and evil brought spiritual death.

> Recall that
> they were bannished from the garden so they would not partake of the 
tree of
> life and, thus, live forever in a fallen and unredeemable state. Kicking
> them out of the garden was an act of mercy, to remove them from the 
> of the tree of life, thus allowing them to be remain redeemable.
> Gen 3:22b-24 ...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of 
> tree of life, and eat, and live for ever; 23 Therefore the LORD God sent 
> forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was 
> 24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of 
> Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way 
> the tree of life.
> Perry

Dave Hansen
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Please tell me this is true! LOL

2004-02-05 Thread Terry Clifton


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 5:48 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Please tell me this 
  is true! LOL

  Stirring up the 


You can explain the concept of the Holy Spirit-filled life using this 
simple recipe for chocolate milk.
Step One: Add chocolate syrup to a glass of milk.
Step Two: Stir.
In the Christian life, the "chocolate" of the Holy Spirit is added at 
the moment of salvation. Ephesians 1:13 explains that we receive the 
Spirit when we trust in Jesus as our Savior. The Spirit never needs to 
be added again.
However, in milk the chocolate syrup settles on the bottom of the 
glass until the milk is stirred up. Then the appearance and taste change 
Similarly, a Christian cannot experience the sweetness of spiritual 
change and growth until he or she asks the Holy Spirit to be in control. 
Then the Spirit produces godliness in a Christian's life, as promised in 
Galatians 5:22,23.
God adds the Spirit when we become Christians, but we must "stir" Him 
up in our lives daily.
Challenge a Christian by asking, "Are you settled or 
sweet?"How can you stir up the Holy Spirit in your 
When you receive Christ as your Savior and Lord, God gave you an 
amazing gift -- His very life, breath and power lives in You in the 
person of the Holy Spirit.
We experience the Holy Spirit's constant help, guidance, comfort as 
we ask Him and we trust Him to keep on 
filling us. When we do, we overflow: "May the God of hope fill you with 
all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with 
hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).
Hey Laura:
Not really a bad analogy.  Pretty much on target, and simple 
enough to understand.   Being filled with the Holy Spirit has 
been made to seem way too complicated.  We seem to expect some 
mystery or something really deep or supernatural, but it is really 
simple.  You would know what I meant if I said that I was filled 
with rage, or filled with jealousy, or filled with anger.  It would 
be obvious to you that I was allowing one of those emotions to control 
my thinking, my behavior, my attitude, my life.
That is how it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  He 
controls the attitude, the behavior, the thinking, the life of every 
 Deny self, follow me.  Real simple.

[TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Blaine:  But Judy, if what presents itself as 
the "clear teaching of God's word" 
is really so clear, how come your stats--400 
different Protestant gospels--
suggest otherwise?    
The fact that there are so many different gospels 
does not reflect poorly
on the Word itself, the problem now is with 
the people, same as it has
always been.  God said "My people perish for 
lack of knowledge" and  He
does not bless ignorance.
I do not doubt they seem clear to you, and 
they do to me too,  but they 
apparently also seem clear to those who draw 
different conclusions from 
you or I--and even you and I do not always 
agree.  There are not only the 
Protestants who cannot agree, but we have a growing 
number of Messianics 
who disagree with what is fundamentally agreed upon 
by most Protestants-- 
that the feasts of the Law of Moses no longer need 
to be kept, the Sabbath 
should be observed on Sunday, not Saturday, 
etc.   All this from the same 
"clear teaching of God's word."   Read 
the following, and tell we that this 
does not describe our day:
As I say above, it is not a problem with the Word, 
the problem is with
the people. Scripture is quite clear about the 
Levitical law and rituals
being nailed to the cross.
Isaiah 29:9-10   Stay yourselves, and wonder, cry ye out, and cry:  they 

are drunken, but not with wine.  They stagger, 
but not with strong drink.  
For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of 
deep sleep, and hath 
closed your eyes;  the prophets and your 
rulers, the seers hath he covered.
Isaiah 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, 
forasmuch as this people draw near 
me with their mouth,  and with their lips do 
honor me, but have removed 
their heart far from me, and their fear toward me 
is taught by the precept 
of men.
The above was true in Isaiah's day, it was true 
when Jesus spoke these
words to the Jews (Matt 13:14-16) and it is 
true today but God has always 
had a people, there has always been a remnant who loved God and love
His Truth.


From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Let me throw y'all something to ponder.  

I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  
Consider this: 
Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are 
warned that he will, 
if possible, deceive us.  I think that all 
of us will agree that this 
is true.  The Bible not only says so; we 
ourselves have all seen 
deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real 
easy to spot.  
We are not surprised at this.  Satan has 
been around longer 
than the human race.  He is the father of 
lies. He has experience.  
He is good at what he does.  
My question is, since this is a common 
occurance, how do you 
know that you are not the one being 
deceived?  Satan doesn't 
just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and 
he doesn't say, 
"Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, 
the way he operates, 
the one being deceived never realizes that he 
or she is deceived. 
It is always someone else.  If you knew 
you were deceived, you 
would not be deceived.  So how do you know 
that you aren't?
Very good question Terry; I've been wondering 
how to approach
the subject of demon oppressed/led believers 
and you are making it
As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of 
faith) the fruit of faith 
is obedience to the will of God. We 
should recognize the voice of the
Chief Shepherd and obey Him.  

Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
upon the wrong message. At one point 
during his ministry to the
Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
"lest somehow as the serpent deceived 
Eve by his craftiness, so
their minds might be corrupted from the 
simplicity that is in
Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3)  

Paul goes on to speak of one who 
comes with another Jesus, 
a different spirit, and a 
different gospel - a scenario which we 
are all 
familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ 
years since Calvary the adversary 

has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this 
is not including the quasi-Christian 
cults and the RCC.  
I know from personal experience that it is 
possible for a born again 
believer to be deceived because I've been 
there and today I guard 
against the spirit of error by continuing 
to study to show myself 
approved to God and to the best of my ability 
walking in all the light
He has given me.  
We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice 
speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of 

God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive 

[TruthTalk] arophobia: fear of reason

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Do you suppose these men who paid Judas 30 peices of silver 
(the price of a slave)  were aware, along with Judas, that this was 
the Messiah they were doing away with?There is evidence they were. 

Where is this evidence?  I just showed from 1 Corinthians above
that neither Satan nor the people he used in executing his supposed
plan knew what they were about.

**Blaine:  I doubt they understood fully what the results of killing 
the Son of God would mean--but that they knew who he was there 
is little doubt.  See the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, 
Matthew 21:33-45, wherein the laborers first killed the servants of 
the Lord of the vineyard, then killed the son, or, as he was called, 
the heir.  The wicked laborers said, "This is the heir, come, let us 
kill him, and seize on his inheritance."  And they caught him, and 
cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.  .  .  .  And when the 
chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived 
that he spoke of them.  

They may have been paranoid and thought he was talking about
them but their main concern was the people and who they were
listening to.  The scribes and pharisees referred to Jesus as Rabbi
or teacher but only a few of them had any kind of spiritual insight
Anyone who truly had a revelation about who he was bowed down
and worshipped Him. The religious leaders never did this, they
never did know that he was their Messiah.


Hi Blaine:
There is no reason against the Truth and the people knew Jesus spoke
as one having authority and not like the scribes (Mark 1:22 and 
Matthew 7:29).  It was not for "arophobia" that the Jewish leaders had 
him killed, it was for envy (that green eyed monster); this is what the 
scripture teaches. Pilate the Roman Governor was the one with civil 
authority and he was aware of this (see Matthew 27:18 and Mark 15:10)


From: "Blaine Borrowman" 
Blaine: The Jews were free to use reason to counter his statements, 
but chose instead to use their authority and influence to have him
This was an extreme form of arophobia, I would say.  
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Original sin

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> Only if he was a man with Adam's blood coursing
> through his veins which would impart Adam's iniquity
> and disqualify him as a sacrifice for our sin.

I'm not buying what you're selling, Judy.  :-)  If the blood of a lowly
lamb can atone for sin, how much more can the blood of a righteous man
born of the seed of Adam atone for sin.  

On the other hand, if Jesus did not have the blood of Adam coursing
through his veins, he would have been disqualified from being an eternal
sacrifice for our sin.  Only the son of man could redeem man.  If Jesus
had come through some other way, he would have been a thief and a
robber.  However, Jesus came through the door, that is to say, his
flesh.  Jesus became man that he might redeem man rightfully so.  Satan
came in his own form and as a thief usurped the authority of man.  Jesus
came in the flesh of man so that he rightfully possessed that which
belonged to him as a man.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Terry wrote:
> My question is ... how do you know that you are 
> not the one being deceived?  

If it was all up to intellect, I don't think a person could know for
sure.  However, I think if a person truly walks in faith and holiness,
God reveals his truth to us and we can be confident that the Holy Spirit
will guide us into all truth.  Anybody who knows of sin in his life
should also suspect that he is deceived in some areas of his life.  On
the other hand, when a person has a pure conscience and his eye is
single on the Lord, his whole body becomes full of great light.

"If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it
be of God, or whether I speak of myself. He that speaketh of himself
seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the
same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him." (John 7:17-18 KJV)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] street preachers/free speech

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Blaine, why is Rocky Anderson and the Mormon church against free speech?
Do you agree with their direction of becoming the thought police?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Immortality & Redemption

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> Note it is the "dead in Christ" who are dead and those 
> who are alive "in Christ" - Noone makes it apart from 
> the sacrifice and obedience to the Word of God.

You are missing the whole point.  I don't know what more to say other
than to repeat what I have already said.  God doesn't need a dead body
in order to redeem a person from sin.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Please tell me this is true! LOL

2004-02-05 Thread LaurHamm

Stirring up the Spirit

You can explain the concept of the Holy Spirit-filled life using this simple recipe for chocolate milk.
Step One: Add chocolate syrup to a glass of milk.
Step Two: Stir.
In the Christian life, the "chocolate" of the Holy Spirit is added at the moment of salvation. Ephesians 1:13 explains that we receive the Spirit when we trust in Jesus as our Savior. The Spirit never needs to be added again.
However, in milk the chocolate syrup settles on the bottom of the glass until the milk is stirred up. Then the appearance and taste change completely.
Similarly, a Christian cannot experience the sweetness of spiritual change and growth until he or she asks the Holy Spirit to be in control. Then the Spirit produces godliness in a Christian's life, as promised in Galatians 5:22,23.
God adds the Spirit when we become Christians, but we must "stir" Him up in our lives daily.
Challenge a Christian by asking, "Are you settled or sweet?"How can you stir up the Holy Spirit in your life?
When you receive Christ as your Savior and Lord, God gave you an amazing gift -- His very life, breath and power lives in You in the person of the Holy Spirit.
We experience the Holy Spirit's constant help, guidance, comfort as we ask Him and we trust Him to keep on filling us. When we do, we overflow: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).

Re: [TruthTalk] street preachers/free speech

2004-02-05 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Blaine:  I knew you would want the honor of 
finishing the article Kevin, so I saved it for you.  We haven't been 
hearing too much from you, so I wanted to get you rejuvenated  (:>)Where 
you been?  Sleepin?
See how well I know you?  LOL

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:55 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] street 
  preachers/free speech
  Hey Blaine how come you censored out the rest 
  of the story?
  Not Faith 
  Here it is:,1249,590040864,00.html
  But Anderson said the Constitution likely 
  protects the preachers' ability to wear such garments. It would be similar to 
  protections on flag burning, he said.      "While it 
  induces outrage in a lot of people, the First Amendment seems to protect 
  against restrictions of that sort of thing," the mayor said.    
    Lonnie Pursifull, head of the Utah chapter of the Street Preachers 
  Fellowship, said any efforts to curb preachers' speech would be met with legal 
  action. Preaching, Pursifull said, is protected as "religious speech" under 
  the Constitution. Pursifull said he only calls LDS women "spiritual whores" 
  for "following after another God and another Jesus."      
  "(Anderson) can look at tightening any laws he wants. I guarantee it won't 
  stand up in federal court," Pursifull said. "The only reason he's doing it is 
  because of the Mormon Church. It's the Mormon Church that's pushing his 
  buttons! and telling him what to do. He's being led around by the nose by the 
  Mormon Church." 
  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Deseret Morning 
      Following a 
Monday meeting with Salt Lake City Attorney Ed Rutan, Mayor Rocky Anderson 
said he thinks the city can censor some of the infamous street preaching 
that goes on near LDS Church headquarters downtown.      
In the "next couple of days," Anderson said, the city will produce a 
document detailing what sort of speech, words and decibel levels are 
constitutionally protected and what speech the city can prohibit. Following 
the release of that document, Anderson said he will recommend to the City 
Council some "fairly minor revisions" of city ordinances governing free 
speech.      The changes come several months after 
Anderson — dismayed by what he considers boorish behavior by street 
preachers — asked Rutan to examine the city's rules governing free 
speech.      Rutan, along with Deputy City Attorney Boyd 
Ferguson, briefed Anderson Monday after examinin! g between five and 15 city 
ordinances that govern various aspects of free speech, including the city's 
ordinance on disturbing the peace.










        "We are taking a look at ordinances that 
potentially impact free speech," Rutan said.      For 
years now, Christian street preachers have descended on The Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter-day Saints headquarters during semi-annual conferences and 
other church events to preach against the LDS faith. In recent years, street 
preaching has become more controversial with reports that the preachers have 
called LDS women "whores" and "harlots."      After his 
meeting with Rutan, Anderson, himself a former civil rights attorney and 
ex-American Civil Liberties Union of Utah board member, said that language 
is likely illegal — not protected by the Constitution.    
  Calling someone's mother, wife or new bride a "whore" or "harlot," 
Anderson said, wo! uld likely be considered part of the so-called "fighting 
words doctrine" — a body of case law explaining that certain speech is not 
protected by the First Amendment. These are words that are so inflammatory 
they are reasonably likely to incite another person to violence.  
    "The concern that I had arose when I first heard accounts of 
so-called street preachers yelling at new brides that they are whores and 
harlots and telling children that their mothers are whores and harlots," 
Anderson said. "That kind of speech is very likely not constitutionally 
protected and would be considered fighting words."      
This past October, during the church's general conference, two conference 
attendees were incited to violence after street preachers donned sacred 
religious clothing worn by LDS faithful. The two men were cited for assault 
and theft after ripping the clothing off the 
preachers.> ATTACHMENT part 2 im! 
age/gif name=xclear.gif> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/gif 

Re: [TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread Blaine Borrowman


  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 11:21 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] deceived
  Thanks Judy.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:39 
Subject: [TruthTalk] deceived

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Let me throw y'all something to ponder.  

I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  
Consider this: 
Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are 
warned that he will, 
if possible, deceive us.  I think that all 
of us will agree that this 
is true.  The Bible not only says so; we 
ourselves have all seen 
deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real 
easy to spot.  
We are not surprised at this.  Satan has 
been around longer 
than the human race.  He is the father of 
lies. He has experience.  
He is good at what he does.  
My question is, since this is a common 
occurance, how do you 
know that you are not the one being 
deceived?  Satan doesn't 
just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and 
he doesn't say, 
"Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, 
the way he operates, 
the one being deceived never realizes that he 
or she is deceived. 
It is always someone else.  If you knew 
you were deceived, you 
would not be deceived.  So how do you know 
that you aren't?
Very good question Terry; I've been wondering 
how to approach
the subject of demon oppressed/led believers 
and you are making it
As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of 
faith) the fruit of faith 
is obedience to the will of God. We 
should recognize the voice of the
Chief Shepherd and obey Him.  

Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
upon the wrong message. At one point 
during his ministry to the
Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
"lest somehow as the serpent deceived 
Eve by his craftiness, so
their minds might be corrupted from the 
simplicity that is in
Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3)  

Paul goes on to speak of one who 
comes with another Jesus, 
a different spirit, and a 
different gospel - a scenario which we 
are all 
familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ 
years since Calvary the adversary 

has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this 
is not including the quasi-Christian 
cults and the RCC.  
I know from personal experience that it is 
possible for a born again 
believer to be deceived because I've been 
there and today I guard 
against the spirit of error by continuing 
to study to show myself 
approved to God and to the best of my ability 
walking in all the light
He has given me.  
We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice 
speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of 

God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive 
and cast it 
down to the 
obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 10:5).
Grace and Peace,
Blaine:  But Judy, if what presents itself 
as the "clear teaching of God's word" is really so clear, how come your 
stats--400 different Protestant gospels--suggest 
otherwise?    I do not doubt they seem clear to you, and 
they do to me too,  but they apparently also seem clear to those who 
draw different conclusions from you or I--and even you and I do not always 
agree.  There are not only the Protestants who cannot agree, but 
we have a growing number of Messianics who disagree with what is 
fundamentally agreed upon by most Protestants-- that the feasts of the Law 
of Moses no longer need to be kept, the Sabbath should be observed on 
Sunday, not Saturday, etc.   All this from the same "clear 
teaching of God's word."   Read the following, and tell 
we that this does not describe our day:
Isaiah 29:9-10   Stay yourselves, and wonder, cry ye out, and cry:  
they are drunken, but not with wine.  They stagger, but not with strong 
drink.  For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, 
and hath closed your eyes;  the prophets and your rulers, the seers 
hath he covered.
Isaiah 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, 
forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth,  and with their 
lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear 
toward me is taught by the precept of men.

Re: [TruthTalk] street preachers/free speech

2004-02-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Hey Blaine how come you censored out the rest of the story?
Not Faith promoting? 
Here it is:,1249,590040864,00.html
But Anderson said the Constitution likely protects the preachers' ability to wear such garments. It would be similar to protections on flag burning, he said.      "While it induces outrage in a lot of people, the First Amendment seems to protect against restrictions of that sort of thing," the mayor said.      Lonnie Pursifull, head of the Utah chapter of the Street Preachers Fellowship, said any efforts to curb preachers' speech would be met with legal action. Preaching, Pursifull said, is protected as "religious speech" under the Constitution. Pursifull said he only calls LDS women "spiritual whores" for "following after another God and another Jesus."      "(Anderson) can look at tightening any laws he wants. I guarantee it won't stand up in federal court," Pursifull said. "The only reason he's doing it is because of the Mormon Church. It's the Mormon Church that's pushing his buttons and
 telling him what to do. He's being led around by the nose by the Mormon Church." 

E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Deseret Morning News 
      Following a Monday meeting with Salt Lake City Attorney Ed Rutan, Mayor Rocky Anderson said he thinks the city can censor some of the infamous street preaching that goes on near LDS Church headquarters downtown.      In the "next couple of days," Anderson said, the city will produce a document detailing what sort of speech, words and decibel levels are constitutionally protected and what speech the city can prohibit. Following the release of that document, Anderson said he will recommend to the City Council some "fairly minor revisions" of city ordinances governing free speech.      The changes come several months after Anderson — dismayed by what he considers boorish behavior by street preachers — asked Rutan to examine the city's rules governing free speech.      Rutan, along with Deputy City Attorney Boyd Ferguson, briefed Anderson Monday after examining between
 five and 15 city ordinances that govern various aspects of free speech, including the city's ordinance on disturbing the peace.


      "We are taking a look at ordinances that potentially impact free speech," Rutan said.      For years now, Christian street preachers have descended on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints headquarters during semi-annual conferences and other church events to preach against the LDS faith. In recent years, street preaching has become more controversial with reports that the preachers have called LDS women "whores" and "harlots."      After his meeting with Rutan, Anderson, himself a former civil rights attorney and ex-American Civil Liberties Union of Utah board member, said that language is likely illegal — not protected by the Constitution.      Calling someone's mother, wife or new bride a "whore" or "harlot," Anderson said, would
 likely be considered part of the so-called "fighting words doctrine" — a body of case law explaining that certain speech is not protected by the First Amendment. These are words that are so inflammatory they are reasonably likely to incite another person to violence.      "The concern that I had arose when I first heard accounts of so-called street preachers yelling at new brides that they are whores and harlots and telling children that their mothers are whores and harlots," Anderson said. "That kind of speech is very likely not constitutionally protected and would be considered fighting words."      This past October, during the church's general conference, two conference attendees were incited to violence after street preachers donned sacred religious clothing worn by LDS faithful. The two men were cited for assault and theft after ripping the clothing off the preachers.> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/gif
 name=xclear.gif> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/gif name=advertisement3.gif
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[TruthTalk] Immortality & Redemption

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Why would living forever make them unredeemable?

Judy wrote:
> Because they would be living eternally in that 
> present fallen state with no other option.

What do you mean, "with no other option."  Jesus could still 
redeem them and they could believe in him.  Why must one 
eventually die physically in order to be able to be redeemed?

Because the first creation (the first Adam) and his seed are
cursed. God does not want to spend eternity with a bunch of
devils.  This is why they were banished from the garden (see
Genesis 3:22-24)

Paul teaches that we who are alive will not prevent those who 
have died. It seems to me that redemption works just fine with 
those who are still alive.  I don't understand why you or Perry 
would say that there must be physical death in order for a plan 
of redemption to be able to be offered to man.

Flesh and blood do not inherit the Kingdom. The first Adam
became a living soul, the second a "life-giving spirit" - We must
agree with God repent of our sin and reckon our old man dead 
before we are fit for the Kingdom of God. 

I can understand how man might not want to be redeemed
if he is not looking at physical death ahead of him, but I do not
understand how physical death is a requirement for redemption 
to be offered.

Depends where one is walking I guess. There is no record that
Enoch or Elijah died physically and noone knows where Moses is
buried.  However, there is no doubt that all three walked closely
with God which would mean - after the Spirit.

For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which 
are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord SHALL NOT 
PREVENT THEM WHICH ARE ASLEEP.  For the Lord himself shall 
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, 
and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 
TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS, to meet the Lord in the 
air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17

Note it is the "dead in Christ" who are dead and those who are
alive "in Christ" - Noone makes it apart from the sacrifice and 
obedience to the Word of God.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Adam's Transgression

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote:
> Who makes the determination then if not God? 
> Who is the one who defines what is good and 
> what is evil?

Good is defined by the utility of the action.  If I love 
my child and feed her and nourish her, that is good because 
the fruit of my actions is beneficial.  

You sound like Charles Finney David. This may be his definition
and yours but it is not necessarily God's.  What if you did all of
the above in an overweening spirit of pride. Would that still be
good in God's eyesight? He says he is far from the proud but
gives grace to the humble.

It doesn't matter whether God declares it good or not.
It would be good whether God declared it good or not, and 
even if there was no God, it would still be good.  

In whose opinion?  Brute beasts take care of their young,
they do it by the instinct that God put in them but this does
not make them good.

Nevertheless, we understand that God is always on the side 
of good, so in complicated matters that involve knowledge 
which we lack, we can trust the Word of God so that we can 
be sure that what he calls evil is truly evil and what he calls 
good is truly good.

He is not only on the side of good, He is the source of all that
is good.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] street preachers/free speech

2004-02-05 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Deseret Morning News 
      Following a 
Monday meeting with Salt Lake City Attorney Ed Rutan, Mayor Rocky Anderson said 
he thinks the city can censor some of the infamous street preaching that goes on 
near LDS Church headquarters downtown.      In the "next 
couple of days," Anderson said, the city will produce a document detailing what 
sort of speech, words and decibel levels are constitutionally protected and what 
speech the city can prohibit. Following the release of that document, Anderson 
said he will recommend to the City Council some "fairly minor revisions" of city 
ordinances governing free speech.      The changes come 
several months after Anderson — dismayed by what he considers boorish behavior 
by street preachers — asked Rutan to examine the city's rules governing free 
speech.      Rutan, along with Deputy City Attorney Boyd 
Ferguson, briefed Anderson Monday after examining between five and 15 city 
ordinances that govern various aspects of free speech, including the city's 
ordinance on disturbing the peace.










    "We are taking a look at ordinances that potentially impact free 
speech," Rutan said.      For years now, Christian street 
preachers have descended on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
headquarters during semi-annual conferences and other church events to preach 
against the LDS faith. In recent years, street preaching has become more 
controversial with reports that the preachers have called LDS women "whores" and 
"harlots."      After his meeting with Rutan, Anderson, 
himself a former civil rights attorney and ex-American Civil Liberties Union of 
Utah board member, said that language is likely illegal — not protected by the 
Constitution.      Calling someone's mother, wife or new 
bride a "whore" or "harlot," Anderson said, would likely be considered part of 
the so-called "fighting words doctrine" — a body of case law explaining that 
certain speech is not protected by the First Amendment. These are words that are 
so inflammatory they are reasonably likely to incite another person to 
violence.      "The concern that I had arose when I first 
heard accounts of so-called street preachers yelling at new brides that they are 
whores and harlots and telling children that their mothers are whores and 
harlots," Anderson said. "That kind of speech is very likely not 
constitutionally protected and would be considered fighting words."  
    This past October, during the church's general conference, two 
conference attendees were incited to violence after street preachers donned 
sacred religious clothing worn by LDS faithful. The two men were cited for 
assault and theft after ripping the clothing off the 

Re: [TruthTalk] arophobia: fear of reason

2004-02-05 Thread Blaine Borrowman


  Do you 
  suppose these men who paid Judas 30 peices of silver 
  (the price of 
  a slave)  were aware, along with Judas, that this was 

  the Messiah 
  they were doing away with?    There is evidence they were. 
  Where is this evidence?  I just 
  showed from 1 Corinthians above
  that neither Satan nor the people he used in 
  executing his supposed
  plan knew what they were about.
  **Blaine:  I 
  doubt they understood fully what the results of killing the Son of God 
  would mean--but that they knew who he was there is little doubt.  See the 
  parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Matthew 21:33-45, wherein the 
  laborers first killed the servants of the Lord of the vineyard, then killed 
  the son, or, as he was called, the heir.  The wicked laborers said, 
  ""This is the heir, come, let us kill him, and seize on his 
  inheritance."  And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and 
  slew him.  .  .  .  And when the chief priests and 
  Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spoke of 
Hi Blaine:
There is no reason against the Truth and the people knew Jesus 
as one having authority and not like the scribes (Mark 1:22 and 
Matthew 7:29).  It was not for "arophobia" that the Jewish 
leaders had 
him killed, it was for envy (that green eyed monster); this is 
what the 
scripture teaches. Pilate the Roman Governor was the one with 
authority and he was aware of this (see Matthew 27:18 and Mark 
From: "Blaine Borrowman" Blaine: The Jews were free to use reason 
to counter his statements, 
but chose instead to use their authority and influence to have him 
killed. This was an extreme form of arophobia, I would say.  

Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread ttxpress

2/5 DavidM:
>..were [they] created as mortal 
beings who would die?
no; they were 'creatures' of creation, 
or, of the Creator, therefore, they were 
God is immortal (meaning, 
basically, 'not mortal')
this issue has nothin' to do with 
death (of mortals), a factor in Creation ex post 

RE: [TruthTalk] Adam's Transgression

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> Who makes the determination then if not God? 
> Who is the one who defines what is good and 
> what is evil?

Good is defined by the utility of the action.  If I love my child and
feed her and nourish her, that is good because the fruit of my actions
is beneficial.  It doesn't matter whether God declares it good or not.
It would be good whether God declared it good or not, and even if there
was no God, it would still be good.  

Nevertheless, we understand that God is always on the side of good, so
in complicated matters that involve knowledge which we lack, we can
trust the Word of God so that we can be sure that what he calls evil is
truly evil and what he calls good is truly good.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Immortality & Redemption

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
DavidM wrote:
>> Why would living forever make them unredeemable?

Judy wrote:
> Because they would be living eternally in that 
> present fallen state with no other option.

What do you mean, "with no other option."  Jesus could still redeem them
and they could believe in him.  Why must one eventually die physically
in order to be able to be redeemed?

Paul teaches that we who are alive will not prevent those who have died.
It seems to me that redemption works just fine with those who are still
alive.  I don't understand why you or Perry would say that there must be
physical death in order for a plan of redemption to be able to be
offered to man.  I can understand how man might not want to be redeemed
if he is not looking at physical death ahead of him, but I do not
understand how physical death is a requirement for redemption to be

For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are
alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord SHALL NOT PREVENT THEM
WHICH ARE ASLEEP.  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and
the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN
the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread Terry Clifton

Thanks Judy.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:39 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] deceived
  From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Let me throw y'all something to ponder.  
  I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  
  Consider this: 
  Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are 
  warned that he will, 
  if possible, deceive us.  I think that all 
  of us will agree that this 
  is true.  The Bible not only says so; we 
  ourselves have all seen 
  deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real 
  easy to spot.  
  We are not surprised at this.  Satan has 
  been around longer 
  than the human race.  He is the father of 
  lies. He has experience.  
  He is good at what he does.  
  My question is, since this is a common occurance, 
  how do you 
  know that you are not the one being 
  deceived?  Satan doesn't 
  just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and 
  he doesn't say, 
  "Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, 
  the way he operates, 
  the one being deceived never realizes that he or 
  she is deceived. 
  It is always someone else.  If you knew you 
  were deceived, you 
  would not be deceived.  So how do you know 
  that you aren't?
  Very good question Terry; I've been wondering how 
  to approach
  the subject of demon oppressed/led believers and 
  you are making it
  As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of 
  faith) the fruit of faith 
  is obedience to the will of God. We 
  should recognize the voice of the
  Chief Shepherd and obey Him.  
  Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
  upon the wrong message. At one point during 
  his ministry to the
  Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
  "lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve 
  by his craftiness, so
  their minds might be corrupted from the 
  simplicity that is in
  Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3)  
  Paul goes on to speak of one who 
  comes with another Jesus, 
  a different spirit, and a 
  different gospel - a scenario which we are 
  familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ years since Calvary the adversary 
  has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this 
  is not including the quasi-Christian 
  cults and the RCC.  
  I know from personal experience that it is 
  possible for a born again 
  believer to be deceived because I've been 
  there and today I guard 
  against the spirit of error by continuing to 
  study to show myself 
  approved to God and to the best of my ability 
  walking in all the light
  He has given me.  
  We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice 
  speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of 
  God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive and cast it 
  down to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 
  Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Adam's Transgression

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
How does God know about right and wrong?

DAVEH wrote:
> If I were to ask that question of you, would you 
> not say that is the definition/nature of God?  

Not exactly.  Calvinists would tend to answer this way, but I do not
believe that right and wrong is defined by God per se, meaning, I do not
believe something is right just because God says it is right.  I believe
that God is always right because his knowledge is complete enough to
know the difference in every situation.  I believe that the definition
of right and wrong exists outside of any reference to God.

Who makes the determination then if not God? Who is the one
who defines what is good and what is evil?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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[TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perry wrote:
> If I may interject, neither Adam nor Eve were physically 
> immortal to start with. 

I'm VERY surprised to hear this response.  Why do you believe 
that they were created as mortal beings who would die?

I'm not Perry (hope you don't mind Perry), I would say they
were potentially mortal depending upon from which tree it
was that they ate.

Perry wrote:
> The death that God was talking about was spiritual death! 

Does not spiritual life result in physical life, and spiritual 
death result in physical death?

Yes and there were two trees in the garden, one produced life
and the other death.

The literal reading of Genesis 2:17 is as follows:

Green's Literal Translation:
but of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you may 
not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, dying you shall die. 
(Genesis 2:17 LITV)

Young's Literal Translation:
and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it,
for in the day of thine eating of it--dying thou dost die.' (Genesis
2:17 YLT)

The "dying thou dost die" phrase is called among the Rabbi's a doubled
death.  They interpret it to refer to both spiritual and physical death.
This makes a lot of sense to me.

Perry wrote:
> Recall that they were bannished from the garden so 
> they would not partake of the tree of life and, thus, 
> live forever in a fallen and unredeemable state. Kicking
> them out of the garden was an act of mercy, to remove 
> them from the presence of the tree of life, thus allowing 
> them to be remain redeemable.

I don't understand.  Why would living forever make them unredeemable?  

Because they would be living eternally in that present fallen state
with no other option.

It seems to me that the problem of them living forever is not that they
would be unredeemable, but rather that their progeny being born in a
sinful state would have problems created by the longevity of their
ancestors.  This is perhaps partly why the lifespan of man was
continually shortened as the iniquity of men increased.  Modern man's
lifespan is one-tenth of those who lived in Adam's generation.

Because of sin and the curses that accompany it.  One good plague
can wipe out a lot of people before their time.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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[TruthTalk] deceived

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Let me throw y'all something to ponder.  

I'm tired of scratching my head alone.  
Consider this: 
Satan is described as a deceiver.  We are 
warned that he will, 
if possible, deceive us.  I think that all of 
us will agree that this 
is true.  The Bible not only says so; we 
ourselves have all seen 
deceived people.  Sometimes, they are real 
easy to spot.  
We are not surprised at this.  Satan has been 
around longer 
than the human race.  He is the father of 
lies. He has experience.  
He is good at what he does.  
My question is, since this is a common occurance, 
how do you 
know that you are not the one being deceived?  
Satan doesn't 
just work on the stupid and the uneducated, and he 
doesn't say, 
"Now I am going to deceive you".  In fact, the 
way he operates, 
the one being deceived never realizes that he or 
she is deceived. 
It is always someone else.  If you knew you 
were deceived, you 
would not be deceived.  So how do you know 
that you aren't?
Very good question Terry; I've been wondering how 
to approach
the subject of demon oppressed/led believers and 
you are making it
As we see in the life of Abraham (the father of 
faith) the fruit of faith 
is obedience to the will of God. We 
should recognize the voice of the
Chief Shepherd and obey Him.  
Eve was deceived because she listened to the wrong voice and acted
upon the wrong message. At one point during 
his ministry to the
Church at Corinth the apostle Paul tells them he is afraid for them
"lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by 
his craftiness, so
their minds might be corrupted from the simplicity 
that is in
Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3)  
Paul goes on to speak of one who 
comes with another Jesus, 
a different spirit, and a 
different gospel - a scenario which we are 
familiar with on TT. Over the 2,000+ years since Calvary the adversary 
has produced more than 400 different Protestant gospels and this 
is not including the quasi-Christian 
cults and the RCC.  
I know from personal experience that it is 
possible for a born again 
believer to be deceived because I've been 
there and today I guard 
against the spirit of error by continuing to 
study to show myself 
approved to God and to the best of my ability 
walking in all the light
He has given me.  
We must know God and His ways so that when the other voice 
speaks to us or any idea that exalts itself above the clear teaching of 

God's Word presents itself we are quick to take it captive and cast it 

down to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 
Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] arophobia: fear of reason

2004-02-05 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine,  Hi Judy,  Well, the point was 
that they could not reason against 
him--they might have tried rationalizing, or in 
other words, making excuses 
for themselves.  But apparently they were so 
used to being in charge, they 
expected compliance with their dictates and their 
traditions to be automatic.  
Of course, they were envious!!   And 
remember, charity envieth not!  They 
had no love in their hearts for him, so they sought 
to kill him, and finally 
They had no love for anyone, including God, they 
served themselves
with an outward religious veneer and Jesus layed down his 
Noone was successful at killing him, he 
was led by the Spirit of God 
as a lamb to the slaughter.
They had tried before, but failed, and would have 
failed again if it had not 
been for the betrayal of Judas Iscariot--the 
unrepentant thief, the man who 
carried the money bag, who let his greed 
overpower his testimony that 
Jesus was the Messiah, something he knew to be 
Judas' duplicity finally caught up with him 
for Satan had entered
into him prior to that kiss of betrayal; I 
don't know whether Judas had a
revelation of Jesus as Messiah (like Peter - which 
must come from
heaven) I doubt it but he did know (after the 
fact) that he had killed 
innocent blood because he said 
so. Even Satan who indwelled 
had no victory in his death, burial, and resurrection because it is 
"None of the rulers of this age understood God's 
wisdom because if 
they had understood it they would not have 
crucified the Lord of glory"
(1 Corinthians 2:8) 
Do you suppose 
these men who paid Judas 30 peices of silver 
(the price of a 
slave)  were aware, along with Judas, that this was 
the Messiah 
they were doing away with?    There is evidence they were. 

Where is this evidence?  I just 
showed from 1 Corinthians above
that neither Satan nor the people he used in 
executing his supposed
plan knew what they were about.

  Hi Blaine:
  There is no reason against the Truth and the people knew Jesus 
  as one having authority and not like the scribes (Mark 1:22 and 
  Matthew 7:29).  It was not for "arophobia" that the Jewish 
  leaders had 
  him killed, it was for envy (that green eyed monster); this is what 
  scripture teaches. Pilate the Roman Governor was the one with 
  authority and he was aware of this (see Matthew 27:18 and Mark 
  From: "Blaine Borrowman" Blaine: The Jews were free to use reason to 
  counter his statements, 
  but chose instead to use their authority and influence to have him 
  killed. This was an extreme form of arophobia, I would say.  

RE: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Perry wrote:
> If I may interject, neither Adam nor Eve were physically 
> immortal to start with. 

I'm VERY surprised to hear this response.  Why do you believe that they
were created as mortal beings who would die?

Perry wrote:
> The death that God was talking about was spiritual death! 

Does not spiritual life result in physical life, and spiritual death
result in physical death?

The literal reading of Genesis 2:17 is as follows:

Green's Literal Translation:
but of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you may not eat, for
in the day that you eat of it, dying you shall die. (Genesis 2:17 LITV)

Young's Literal Translation:
and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it,
for in the day of thine eating of it--dying thou dost die.' (Genesis
2:17 YLT)

The "dying thou dost die" phrase is called among the Rabbi's a doubled
death.  They interpret it to refer to both spiritual and physical death.
This makes a lot of sense to me.

Perry wrote:
> Recall that they were bannished from the garden so 
> they would not partake of the tree of life and, thus, 
> live forever in a fallen and unredeemable state. Kicking
> them out of the garden was an act of mercy, to remove 
> them from the presence of the tree of life, thus allowing 
> them to be remain redeemable.

I don't understand.  Why would living forever make them unredeemable?  

It seems to me that the problem of them living forever is not that they
would be unredeemable, but rather that their progeny being born in a
sinful state would have problems created by the longevity of their
ancestors.  This is perhaps partly why the lifespan of man was
continually shortened as the iniquity of men increased.  Modern man's
lifespan is one-tenth of those who lived in Adam's generation.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] arophobia: fear of reason

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
Dean wrote:
> If this is true-Where does this place Jesus when he 
> called them hypocrites-foxes-blind leading the blind?

Jesus's style of argumentation was not one whereby he resorted to ad
hominem attacks.  Most of the recorded teachings of Jesus are void of
any kind of name calling.  In those few cases where he did employ it,
they were not the result of his lack of arguments.  Rather, he mixed in
much explanation and forceful arguments for why he was applying the
label.  For example, read Matthew 23 where Jesus does a lot of name
calling.  He does not just get frustrated with his opponents and yell,
"HYPOCRITE!  BLIND MAN!"  Rather, he cites many examples of how they
practice their hypocrisy.  

On TruthTalk, while we do not allow ad hominem attacks, we do afford
enough latitude such that you can use labels.  For example, you can say,
"I believe you are deceived David because you say ..."  If your label is
couched with information that can be responded to, that will be ok.
Nevertheless, I would warn that it is a slippery slope to use labels in
this way.  People too often get lazy and rely on the labels rather than
the arguments when they go down this path.  Use labels sparingly and
deliberately.  If you find that the label you use causes the person you
are addressing to withdraw from discussion, or it causes them to change
the subject to defending themselves rather than defending their idea of
truth, then you need to back off of the labels and apply yourself to
discussing the concepts involved.  The goal of this list is to discuss
truth with people who have different systems of knowledge, not for
people to fight and malign one another.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Adam's Transgression

2004-02-05 Thread David Miller
David Miller wrote:
>> How does God know about right and wrong?

DAVEH wrote:
> If I were to ask that question of you, would you 
> not say that is the definition/nature of God?  

Not exactly.  Calvinists would tend to answer this way, but I do not
believe that right and wrong is defined by God per se, meaning, I do not
believe something is right just because God says it is right.  I believe
that God is always right because his knowledge is complete enough to
know the difference in every situation.  I believe that the definition
of right and wrong exists outside of any reference to God.

DaveH wrote:
> If God does not know the difference between right 
> and wrong, he wouldn't be in a position to create 
> our existence. 

Ok.  I think I agree with this.

DaveH wrote:
> I believe A&E would have seen transgression in 
> the pre-mortal existence when Lucifer fought against 
> the Lord.  Their knowledge of such was clouded when 
> they were placed in the garden of eden. 

This sounds like a problem with the doctrine of pre-mortal existence.
It seems to me that Adam and Eve truly were innocent and lacked this
knowledge, having been created in that state.  Once they transgressed,
sin entered the world and their progeny would not be born in this state
of innocence.

DAVEH wrote:
> I don't believe they knew/understood the difference 
> until AFTER they partook of the fruit.  I would be 
> surprised if Reformed theology teaches they knew the 
> difference BEFORE.  

The general wisdom is that they did not know the difference until
afterward.  This is an assumption I have held that I have never
questioned before.  Right now I'm just trying to explore all
possibilities and see how your views of how a being comes to know good
and evil fits in with everything else.

You believe that Adam & Eve could not know right and wrong without
transgressing, and therefore you reason that they did not sin when they
partook of the fruit because they did not know right from wrong.  I
immediately wonder about God and how he knows the difference between
right and wrong.  It seems like according to your viewpoint, he too
would have to "transgress" in order to know good and evil.  However, now
I see that you put God in a different category altogether.  God has
always known right and wrong by definition, but Adam & Eve had to
"transgress" before they could know such.  Have I got that right?  I'm
not sure I agree with your perspective here, but I want to make sure I
am hearing you correctly.

David Miller wrote:
> I'm still having trouble following your idea 
> that transgression and sin is not the same.

DAVEH wrote:
> Let's start with Adam's transgression.  Is it ever 
> referred to as Adam's sin in the Bible?   If not, 
> why not?  Doesn't that seem a little peculiar?   

I believe that the Bible DOES refer to Adam's transgression as sin.

Rom 5:14  Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over
those who had not SINNED in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is
a type of Him who was to come. 
Rom 5:15  But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the
transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God
and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the
Rom 5:16  The gift is not like that which came through THE ONE WHO
SINNED; for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression
resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift arose
from many transgressions resulting in justification. (NASB)

DaveH wrote:
> Let me ask you, you believe Eve could 
> have had children IF Adam had not partaken of the FF 
> (Forbidden Fruit) after Eve had done so?  


DaveH wrote:
> I do not believe it would have been possible.  
> (Furthermore..LDS theology teaches they could 
> not have had children prior to the fall anyway.) 

Why not?  Care to share some references for my personal study?

DaveH wrote:
> Second, have you ever wondered why it is Adam's 
> transgression, and not Eve's transgression?   

Sure.  That is easily understood when we understand authority.

DaveH wrote:
> Was not Eve the first to partake of the forbidden fruit?  
> If so, why would the transgression not be attributed to Eve 
> instead of Adam?  

Because Adam was in authority over Eve.  President Bush is said to have
invaded Iraq and captured Saddam Hussein, but I don't think Bush himself
ever did that.  Others did it under his authority.

DaveH wrote:
> As I suggested above, Adam may not have had much choice...

I believe he did have a choice, but I do agree that his reasons for
doing so were different than Eve's.  Eve was deceived but Adam was not.
Adam partook because of the woman, but Eve partook because of the

DaveH wrote:
> ... from a logical standpoint I don't think one can 
> conclusively say that all such transgressions are sinful.  
> As I intimated previously, a young child may transgress 
> a law, but IMO that hardly means he sinned.  I 

Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTalk Digest]

2004-02-05 Thread Dave

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
>Blain wrote::
>...Does that answer your question, Laura?  Now let me ask
you a
>couple...IF Adam had not transgressed, he would have been immortal.
>I assume you agree with that?  Then, do you believe immortal
men and
>women can have children?  Now let me take it a step further..suppose
>Eve had partaken of the FF and had fallen, but Adam had not transgressed
>and remained immortal.   Do you think Adam (being in a higher
state of
>immortality) could have had children with Eve (in a lower state of
If I may interject, neither Adam nor Eve were physically immortal to
DAVEH:  ???   Really?  Is that commonly believed by
most Protestants, Perry?
The death that God was talking about was spiritual
DAVEH:  When God said to Adam thou shalt surely die if he partook
of the FF, you believe he was not speaking about physical death? 
I just want to make sure I am understanding you on this, Perry.  So..if
A&E had partaken of the fruit of the tree of life instead of the fruit
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil..then would they have lived
on into mortality?  May I assume you believe the tree of life's benefit
is directed to physical life as contrasted to spiritual life?
Recall that
they were bannished from the garden so they would not partake of the
tree of
life and, thus, live forever in a fallen and unredeemable state. Kicking
them out of the garden was an act of mercy, to remove them from the
of the tree of life, thus allowing them to be remain redeemable.
Gen 3:22b-24 ...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of
tree of life, and eat, and live for ever; 23 Therefore the LORD God
sent him
forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden
of Eden
Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the
way of
the tree of life.

Dave Hansen
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