[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Wm. Taylor wrote:
. May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy 
and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt but what 
we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your desire to live 
in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. May I say 
something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you condemn your 
brothers and sisters. 
jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned 
anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the victim 
of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people still 
don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking 
The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to expel 
from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your understanding 
of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" believers must 
be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be imperfect and therefore 
reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 
jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to 
mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" 
believing this is God's will for His Church and being 
there are two different things. We are all at different stages of goofiness 
working out "our own salvation with fear and trembling"
I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, 
especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived 
this way?...
jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong 
impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of what 
has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I turn off 
and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have disagreed with 
DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; also to my 
knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they disagreed with 
him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and at the same time 
press on?

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jt: I've never stated that children could 
not be converted John, what

I am saying is that child prophets and child 
prodigies are out of character
for the ministry of God's Spirit in the 
Church.  Children are not responsible 
for their own spiritual life under Judaism 
until they are at least 13yrs old 
and even Jesus who had a full measure of 
God's Spirit did nothing publicly
before the age of 30yrs.  When did 
things change?

No change at all.  
Judaism is religion and tradition, not the word of God.  

jt: I meant Israel and they were God's Old 
Covenant Church; they are the
ones who preserved God's Word for our 
present generation and yes I
was aware of Samuel but he is the exception; 
God was upset and not 
speaking to Eli.  Even so, we have no record that Samuel was a 
prodigy.  Did he become the prophet 
before he was of age that you
know of?
The Word of God tells of 
Samuel long before Judaism developed. 
There were other 
children inspired of God in the scripture, even from the 
womb. Joseph, Samson, 
Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus.
jt: OK Joseph had a dream and his brothers 
tried to kill him over it. Still
he waited a long time and was sorely tested before it came to 
parents of Samson, John the Baptist, and 
Jesus were warned ahead of 
time that these children would serve God but none of them to my 
were sent out as a child prodigy.  Do 
you know of one who was?  Even in
the passages below Samuel as a child did not 
know who was speaking to
him.  Eli had to teach him.  
1:24    ¶ And when she had weaned him, she took 
him up with her, with 
bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and 
him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child 
1SA 3:9 Therefore Eli said unto 
Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, 
if    he call 
thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy 
heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.1SA 3:10    
And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, 
Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.1SA 
3:11    ¶ And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing 
in Israel,    
at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir
IF, using a brush so broad as to be akin to a spray gun, we were to say that
the operative word from Adam through Israel is DISOBEDIENCE and, the
operative word in the Incarnate Israelite, Jesus is OBEDIENCE then (I'd
appreciate others reframing the following question in as many ways as
possible) is the life of the believer today to be characterized as a mixture
of both? May the believer's life, this side of eternity, ever arrive at ONLY
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 11, 2004 20:52
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

> Lance wrote:
> > Please tell us with as much clarity and precision as
> > is possible the THIS you're believing.
> > ... don't quote scripture.
> I'll try to take a few minutes to explain my basic understanding, but I
> sure hope that this does not sound like I am trying to be divisive.
> Please consider what I am about to say as a rough draft of my
> perspective and not something which I walk around thinking about all the
> time.  I have been considering your request from the first time you
> shared it, and a brother at church today shared a message which
> stimulated me to present it to you in the following fashion.
> I have observed Christians approach the problem of sin at two different
> levels.
> First there are those who upon recognizing the problem of sin, see Jesus
> as the answer out of the dreaded dilemma of facing God on judgment day.
> They recognize that their own personal sin has separated them from God,
> but they also have learned and believe that Jesus paid the price for
> their sin so that they will inherit eternal life despite their sin.
> Then when they sin, their conscience condemns them, but they see this
> condemnation as being a lie from the devil because they reason that the
> blood of Jesus has covered their sin.  They might describe this
> situation in the following way:  "the devil tries to point to what I did
> last week and convince me that I'm no good, but I tell him he is a liar
> and that Jesus has paid the price and that one day Jesus will return and
> change me and then at that time I will be a new creature and never walk
> this way again."  In other words, they look at their continued defeat in
> the area of morality as something that will always continue until the
> second coming of Christ.  They consider any sense of condemnation for
> their sin as a lie of Satan in their life.  They do not deal with the
> sin, but have a hope that one day Jesus will return and make them new
> creatures which will not have the same temptations as they have now.
> They look at the solution of having victory over sin as being the
> removal of the temptation of sin.
> It seems to me that this approach perpetuates what historians have
> called the Messiah complex.  It is the idea that when Messiah comes, all
> things will be restored.  It continues to look to a future when
> restoration is done, and it does not see moral restoration as something
> that has already happened with Christ's first coming.
> The second way that some Christians approach sin is to see that Christ
> came not only to forgive sin, but to break the power of sin in our life.
> This approach perceives that the way to holiness has been made right
> now, and that we do not need to wait until Christ returns the second
> time in order to be made free from sin.  While sin continues to be ever
> present in the sense that we will always be tempted while abiding in
> these corruptible bodies, we can live a life of victory over those
> temptations in every situation.
> The way the second approach to sin is dealt with is very different than
> the first approach.  The condemnation and guilt that is associated with
> sin is not looked upon as a lie of the devil, but as a direct
> consequence of the sin.  If I were to sin today, I fully expect to
> experience guilt from sin, even though Jesus has died for me and atoned
> for my sin.  I could say a lot more here about the atonement and its
> effect on past, present and future sins, but I think it best to skip
> that for right now.  My point right now is that I deal with sin in a
> most serious way.  The idea of experiencing guilt and a darkening of the
> conscience and a dimming of the communion and fellowship with the Father
> is a huge motivation for me not to sin again.  I deal with sin by hating
> it and forsaking it, not by some knowledge that when Jesus comes again
> he will transform me and make a way for me to have victory over sin.  I
> see victory over sin as a reality for right now, because of Jesus
> Christ.  I can be a New Creature right now.  I don't have to wait for
> it.  It is a reality right now.  I am greatly encouraged and blessed to
> hear this news.  It is the GOOD NEWS, the BEST NEWS that I have ever
> heard in my whole life.  More importantly, this good news has a reality
> when it is believed, and it is experienced in a most p

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

JT asks  >   Can't we love one 
another in our imperfection, and at the same time press on?
Yes, Judy, I believe we can. I would like that very 
much in fact. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 1:08 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Wm. Taylor wrote:
  . May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to 
  Izzy and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt 
  but what we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your 
  desire to live in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. 
  May I say something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you 
  condemn your brothers and sisters. 
  jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned 
  anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the 
  victim of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people 
  still don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking 
  The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to 
  expel from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your 
  understanding of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" 
  believers must be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be 
  imperfect and therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 
  jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to 
  mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" 
  believing this is God's will for His Church and being 
  there are two different things. We are all at different stages of goofiness 
  working out "our own salvation with fear and trembling"
  I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, 
  especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived 
  this way?...
  jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong 
  impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of 
  what has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I 
  turn off and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have 
  disagreed with DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; 
  also to my knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they 
  disagreed with him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and 
  at the same time press on?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

Judy do you remember saying 
this >  Newbigin must be an unbeliever also because the mind is not 
the home of faith.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 1:08 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Wm. Taylor wrote:
  . May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to 
  Izzy and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt 
  but what we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your 
  desire to live in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. 
  May I say something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you 
  condemn your brothers and sisters. 
  jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned 
  anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the 
  victim of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people 
  still don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking 
  The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to 
  expel from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your 
  understanding of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" 
  believers must be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be 
  imperfect and therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 
  jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to 
  mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" 
  believing this is God's will for His Church and being 
  there are two different things. We are all at different stages of goofiness 
  working out "our own salvation with fear and trembling"
  I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, 
  especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived 
  this way?...
  jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong 
  impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of 
  what has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I 
  turn off and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have 
  disagreed with DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; 
  also to my knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they 
  disagreed with him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and 
  at the same time press on?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Bill this is simply supburb! A couple of "piddly" 
things: Do you observe a distinction between finding the meaning in/through 
God's Word(s)? I've just dropped one name from the list of those who may have 
originated the _expression_ "Brevity is the soul of wit." Lighten up a little, 
Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on trapped in a box of their own 
making save you and I. I am however now wondering about even you. Lance 

  - Original Message - 
  Wm. Taylor 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 01:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  To all TTers,
  My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of 
  God. Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear me 
  out. I would like to ask that you please read this post in its entirety. 
  It will be long but I want you to know what I am doing and why I am doing it. 
  Hear me out and judge me later, if that is your desire. But please do not 
  judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? 
  -- because our accuser does not care about me, he does not care about us, 
  he cares only about himself.
  Lance has asked that David and I extend the 
  context of this Christian Perfection discussion beyond "word & tense to 
  God Himself." I will be happy to do that, but before I do I have some 
  parting words concerning the Greek text -- make that texts. At the heart of 
  this discussion is not an ethical problem on my behalf. At the heart of this 
  discussion is a textual variant. One text, the TR, says eauton; 
  another text, the UBS, says auton. The distinction between these two 
  words may seem so slight as to be insignificant. Nevertheless this variant 
  exits, and it exists for a reason. What is that reason? The question I would 
  like you to consider is this: Is the variant there because of an ethical 
  problem on the side of one or the other of these two texts? Is there a lack of 
  integrity at play here on the part of the copyists? Did one side or the other 
  intentionally distort the meaning of the text? What causes textual variations 
  anyway? Is it always an ethical problem, a problem of integrity? I have been 
  accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has been called into question. I 
  would like to suggest to the contrary that perhaps the "problem" if one 
  exists, is not a problem of our, the scribes and myself, lack of moral 
  perfection, which we would have if we would but submit to the Lord; the 
  problem is one of real human limitations -- no ethical 
  underhandedness, no lack of integrity, just us being human as best as we 
  can in our pursuit of truth under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  When David asked me to consider I John 
  5.18 in the context of our Gnostic discussion, he quoted from the King 
  James Version. The King James is a translation from the Textus 
  Receptus -- the Received Text or TR. At the heart of this verse are the 
  words "but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself" (in King James 
  language) or "alla ho gennatheis ek tou theou tarei 
  eauton" (from the TR Greek itself). Rather 
  than re-introduce the controversy over the various manuscripts and the 
  textual variants between them, and knowing the futility of doing so, I told 
  David upfront that this verse has to be translated in a way that makes Jesus 
  Christ the one who keeps himself. The UBS text is worded in a way which 
  does this. All of the translations derived from the UBS are translated in 
  a way which does this; for example, the NASB reads "but He 
  who was born of God keeps him." It says this because the UBS states 
  "alla ho gennatheis ek tou theou tarei 
  auton." At the heart of this passage is 
  an attempt from one side or the other to make Jesus Christ the one who keeps 
  himself and, by inference, others "from the wicked one." How do textual 
  variants find their way into God's inspired Word? They find their way by way 
  of human limitation. It is wrong for limited human beings to be so quick to 
  judge the scribes as deviant. These guys are trying to make sense of the 
  Scriptures, just like you are and I am. They knew like I do that only Jesus 
  Christ can keep us from the wicked one. In the Old Testament we read that one 
  angel killed 185,000 men. The zeal of the Lord of hosts saw to it. Yahweh sent 
  one angel to do the work of an entire army (see II Kings 19.31-35; cf. Isa 
  37.32-36). Who among us is strong enough to protect him- or herself from the 
  mightiest of all angels, evil and wicked as we know he is? The scribes knew 
  this story. They knew what happened to Peter when only a portion of our Lord's 
  cover was removed from upon him. The scribes did not desire to leave this 
  question open -- if indeed the UBS is the text which introduced the 
  variant! Did you get that? Perhaps the variant was introduced by the 
  scribes who copied the TR. Maybe they made a mistake. Maybe t

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

Thank you, Lance -- I think }:>) Yes, you are 
right. It is probably better to lighten up.  Am I over sensitive? I do not 
know how to answer that. I am me. I am passionate; I'm committed. Sometimes I 
hurt. I'm me. And what do mean that I'm off the brevity list. This thing was a 
short book even before condensing it! Bravo!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 3:32 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Bill this is simply supburb! A couple of "piddly" 
  things: Do you observe a distinction between finding the meaning in/through 
  God's Word(s)? I've just dropped one name from the list of those who may have 
  originated the _expression_ "Brevity is the soul of wit." Lighten up a little, 
  Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on trapped in a box of their 
  own making save you and I. I am however now wondering about even 
  you. Lance 
- Original Message - 

Sent: April 12, 2004 01:41
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 

To all TTers,
My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of 
God. Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear me 
out. I would like to ask that you please read this post in its 
entirety. It will be long but I want you to know what I am doing and why I 
am doing it. Hear me out and judge me later, if that is your desire. But 
please do not judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too much 
to ask? -- because our accuser does not care about me, he does not 
care about us, he cares only about himself.
Lance has asked that David and I extend the 
context of this Christian Perfection discussion beyond "word & tense to 
God Himself." I will be happy to do that, but before I do I have some 
parting words concerning the Greek text -- make that texts. At the heart of 
this discussion is not an ethical problem on my behalf. At the heart of this 
discussion is a textual variant. One text, the TR, says eauton; 
another text, the UBS, says auton. The distinction between these 
two words may seem so slight as to be insignificant. Nevertheless this 
variant exits, and it exists for a reason. What is that reason? The question 
I would like you to consider is this: Is the variant there because of an 
ethical problem on the side of one or the other of these two texts? Is there 
a lack of integrity at play here on the part of the copyists? Did one side 
or the other intentionally distort the meaning of the text? What causes 
textual variations anyway? Is it always an ethical problem, a problem of 
integrity? I have been accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has been 
called into question. I would like to suggest to the contrary that perhaps 
the "problem" if one exists, is not a problem of our, the scribes and 
myself, lack of moral perfection, which we would have if we would but 
submit to the Lord; the problem is one of real human limitations -- no 
ethical underhandedness, no lack of integrity, just us being human as 
best as we can in our pursuit of truth under the Lordship of Jesus 
When David asked me to consider I John 
5.18 in the context of our Gnostic discussion, he quoted from the King 
James Version. The King James is a translation from the Textus 
Receptus -- the Received Text or TR. At the heart of this verse are the 
words "but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself" (in King James 
language) or "alla ho gennatheis ek tou theou tarei 
eauton" (from the TR Greek itself). Rather 
than re-introduce the controversy over the various manuscripts and the 
textual variants between them, and knowing the futility of doing so, I told 
David upfront that this verse has to be translated in a way that makes Jesus 
Christ the one who keeps himself. The UBS text is worded in a way which 
does this. All of the translations derived from the UBS are translated 
in a way which does this; for example, the NASB reads "but 
He who was born of God keeps him." It says this 
because the UBS states "alla ho gennatheis ek tou theou tarei 
auton." At the heart of this passage 
is an attempt from one side or the other to make Jesus Christ the one who 
keeps himself and, by inference, others "from the wicked one." How do 
textual variants find their way into God's inspired Word? They find their 
way by way of human limitation. It is wrong for limited human beings to be 
so quick to judge the scribes as deviant. These guys are trying to make 
sense of the Scriptures, just like you are and I am. They knew like I do 
that only Jesus Christ can keep us from the wicked one. In the Old Testament 
we read that one angel k

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread ShieldsFamily



Funny, I thought the discussion between
you and David was about Greek translations, but now I realize it was really all
about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 


You have no idea how shocking and hurtful
your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for David Miller right now
because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 


I think TT is too much for me to take,





My accuser claims I
have mishandled the Word of God. Before judging me too hastily But please
do not judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask?
-- because our
accuser does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about


I have been accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has
been called into question.  


I am tired of hearing Christians condemning Christians. 


I suggested to David that perhaps the better way to
go in this discussion would be to agree to disagree and show the
world that we can love each other in spite of our own limitations. He thought
better of that -- but Christians can do this, you know.


May I say something to you, David? I would like to say
it to Izzy and Judy as well. I do not like the quickness with which you condemn
your brothers and sisters. 


David, please do not be so rude. 













 - Original Message - 

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:24 PM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection


> Bill wrote:
> > I bring my knowledge of these truths from the 
> > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of 
> > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that. 
> Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself upon the
> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should try to let the
> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not disagree with the
> you bring, but when it blinds you to other issues being brought forth,
> that is troublesome to me.
> Bill wrote:
> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome 
> > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek 
> > words. I ask only that you be honest enough 
> > to consider what you are bringing with you 
> > when you go to the same text and begin 
> > to translate.
> I think I am well aware of what I bring with me, but if not, it seems
> like nobody will step up to the plate and tell me about it.  Seems
> too many think it too rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about
> this and why he is wrong.
> Look, you never addressed my main question.  I never objected to word
> order at all, but you gave a long lecture about how word order does not
> matter.  Fine.  No problem there.  My problem was with how
you perceived
> "pas" to be modifying "oidamen."  I have been
taught and have observed
> in the Greek Bible that adjectives always agree in case, gender, and
> number with the words they modify.  So if this word was being used to
> modify "oidamen" as you say, it should be plural instead of
> In other words, the word would have been rendered "pantes"
instead of
> "pas."  Therefore, I reject your translation on this
basis.  If you say
> fine, and leave it at that, then I guess life goes on.  However, I
> a truly honest discussion would consider this point and attempt to help
> me understand my error, or you would recognize that you have brought too
> much of your theology into play here and are missing the aspect that
> John is bringing out here, and that is how Christ becomes incarnated
> within us, how we partake of his divine nature, and how it finds
> _expression_ through us.  We truly receive power to become sons of God,
> John mentions in his gospel.  
> I also asked you to show some passages which use "pas" as a
modifier in
> the way that you suggest, but your response offered none.  This is a
> very common word, used more than 1200 times.  I have checked many and
> can't find any.  I can only assume from your silence that you have
> seen it either.  I have brought to you other passages that have used
> "pas" in connection "ho" and seems to translate it
well as "whosoever."
> No comment from you about that.  
> In this last post, you seem to want to force "pas" as a modifier
and do
> not realize that adjectives often stand alone.  Mounce terms this
> either "adjectivally" or "substantivally." 
Obviously I take the
> position that "pas" is used substantivally here, but you seem to
see no
> option for that.
> I presented the interlinears, hoping for you to provide your own, and
> perhaps from there lead to a translation that is appreciative of the
> words used in the text.  I was a little confused by your reference to
> "transliteration" when it seemed that you perhaps meant the
> translation.  You seemed to agree with the in

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Izzy:Please don't allow TT to become "too much" for 
you. I'd miss your tender heart in the mix. This won't lead to anyone being 
burned at the stake! A steak might be in order but, the kind over which 
differences might be disscussed and hugs might follow. Blessings, 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 07:26
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Funny, I thought the 
  discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I 
  realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 
  You have no idea how 
  shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for 
  David Miller right now because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 
  I think TT is too 
  much for me to take,
  accuser claims I have mishandled the Word 
  of God. Before judging me too hastily But please do not judge me before 
  knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? -- because 
  our accuser 
  does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about 
  I have been accused of an ethical 
  problem. My integrity has been called into question. 
  I am tired of hearing Christians 
  condemning Christians. 
  I suggested to David 
  that perhaps the better way to go in this discussion would be to agree to 
  disagree and show the world that we can love each other in spite of our 
  own limitations. He thought better of that -- but Christians can do 
  this, you know.
  May I say something to 
  you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy and Judy as well. I do not 
  like the quickness with which you condemn your brothers and sisters. 
  David, please do 
  not be so rude. 
   - Original Message - 
  From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 
  9:24 PM
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  > Bill wrote:> > I 
  bring my knowledge of these truths from the > > Gospels of Christ 
  with me to my translation of > > John's epistle. I do not apologize 
  for that. > > Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology 
  force itself upon the> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we 
  should try to let the> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do 
  not disagree with the theology> you bring, but when it blinds you to 
  other issues being brought forth,> that is troublesome to me.> 
  > Bill wrote:> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome 
  > > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek > > 
  words. I ask only that you be honest enough > > to consider what you 
  are bringing with you > > when you go to the same text and begin 
  > > to translate.> > I think I am well aware of what I 
  bring with me, but if not, it seems> like nobody will step up to the 
  plate and tell me about it.  Seems like> too many think it too 
  rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about> this and why he is 
  wrong.> > Look, you never addressed my main question.  I 
  never objected to word> order at all, but you gave a long lecture about 
  how word order does not> matter.  Fine.  No problem 
  there.  My problem was with how you perceived> "pas" to be 
  modifying "oidamen."  I have been taught and have observed> in the 
  Greek Bible that adjectives always agree in case, gender, and> number 
  with the words they modify.  So if this word was being used to> 
  modify "oidamen" as you say, it should be plural instead of singular.> 
  In other words, the word would have been rendered "pantes" instead of> 
  "pas."  Therefore, I reject your translation on this basis.  If you 
  say> fine, and leave it at that, then I guess life goes on.  
  However, I think> a truly honest discussion would consider this point 
  and attempt to help> me understand my error, or you would recognize 
  that you have brought too> much of your theology into play here and are 
  missing the aspect that> John is bringing out here, and that is how 
  Christ becomes incarnated> within us, how we partake of his divine 
  nature, and how it finds> _expression_ through us.  We truly receive 
  power to become sons of God, as> John mentions in his gospel.  
  > > I also asked you to show some passages which use "pas" as a 
  modifier in> the way that you suggest, but your response offered 
  none.  This is a> very common word, used more than 1200 
  times.  I have checked many and I> can't find any.  I can 
  only assume from your silence that you have never> seen it 
  either.  I have brought to you other passages that have used> 
  "pas" in connection "ho" and seems to translate it well as 
  "whosoever."> No comment from you about that.  > > 
  In this last post, you se

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

Izzy, to the measure that I have hurt you or 
anyone, that was not my intent. To whatever extent that I was irrational or 
missed the mark, please forgive me.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:26 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Funny, I thought the 
  discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I 
  realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 
  You have no idea how 
  shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for 
  David Miller right now because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 
  I think TT is too 
  much for me to take,
  accuser claims I have mishandled the Word 
  of God. Before judging me too hastily But please do not judge me before 
  knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? -- because 
  our accuser 
  does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about 
  I have been accused of an ethical 
  problem. My integrity has been called into question. 
  I am tired of hearing Christians 
  condemning Christians. 
  I suggested to David 
  that perhaps the better way to go in this discussion would be to agree to 
  disagree and show the world that we can love each other in spite of our 
  own limitations. He thought better of that -- but Christians can do 
  this, you know.
  May I say something to 
  you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy and Judy as well. I do not 
  like the quickness with which you condemn your brothers and sisters. 
  David, please do 
  not be so rude. 
   - Original Message - 
  From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 
  9:24 PM
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  > Bill wrote:> > I 
  bring my knowledge of these truths from the > > Gospels of Christ 
  with me to my translation of > > John's epistle. I do not apologize 
  for that. > > Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology 
  force itself upon the> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we 
  should try to let the> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do 
  not disagree with the theology> you bring, but when it blinds you to 
  other issues being brought forth,> that is troublesome to me.> 
  > Bill wrote:> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome 
  > > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek > > 
  words. I ask only that you be honest enough > > to consider what you 
  are bringing with you > > when you go to the same text and begin 
  > > to translate.> > I think I am well aware of what I 
  bring with me, but if not, it seems> like nobody will step up to the 
  plate and tell me about it.  Seems like> too many think it too 
  rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about> this and why he is 
  wrong.> > Look, you never addressed my main question.  I 
  never objected to word> order at all, but you gave a long lecture about 
  how word order does not> matter.  Fine.  No problem 
  there.  My problem was with how you perceived> "pas" to be 
  modifying "oidamen."  I have been taught and have observed> in the 
  Greek Bible that adjectives always agree in case, gender, and> number 
  with the words they modify.  So if this word was being used to> 
  modify "oidamen" as you say, it should be plural instead of singular.> 
  In other words, the word would have been rendered "pantes" instead of> 
  "pas."  Therefore, I reject your translation on this basis.  If you 
  say> fine, and leave it at that, then I guess life goes on.  
  However, I think> a truly honest discussion would consider this point 
  and attempt to help> me understand my error, or you would recognize 
  that you have brought too> much of your theology into play here and are 
  missing the aspect that> John is bringing out here, and that is how 
  Christ becomes incarnated> within us, how we partake of his divine 
  nature, and how it finds> _expression_ through us.  We truly receive 
  power to become sons of God, as> John mentions in his gospel.  
  > > I also asked you to show some passages which use "pas" as a 
  modifier in> the way that you suggest, but your response offered 
  none.  This is a> very common word, used more than 1200 
  times.  I have checked many and I> can't find any.  I can 
  only assume from your silence that you have never> seen it 
  either.  I have brought to you other passages that have used> 
  "pas" in connection "ho" and seems to translate it well as 
  "whosoever."> No comment from you about that.  > > 
  In this last post, you seem to want to force "pas" as a modifier and 
  do> not realize that adjectives often stand alone.  

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Yes Bill.  I wrote that because faith is an 
attribute of the
heart and this fact is all through scripture; a heart 
of faith is
contrasted to an evil heart of unbelief - but I've 
who is Newbigin?  
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy do you remember saying 
this >  Newbigin must be an unbeliever 
also because the mind is not the home of 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Wm. Taylor wrote:
  . May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to 
  Izzy and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt 
  but what we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your 
  desire to live in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. 
  May I say something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you 
  condemn your brothers and sisters. 
  jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned 
  anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the 
  victim of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people 
  still don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking 
  The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to 
  expel from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your 
  understanding of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" 
  believers must be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be 
  imperfect and therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 
  jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to 
  mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" 
  believing this is God's will for His Church and being 
  there are two different things. We are all at different stages of goofiness 
  working out "our own salvation with fear and trembling"
  I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, 
  especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived 
  this way?...
  jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong 
  impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of 
  what has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I 
  turn off and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have 
  disagreed with DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; 
  also to my knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they 
  disagreed with him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and 
  at the same time press on?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

Allow me to refresh your memory. Newbigin was a 
long time missionary to India. He is not the one who said that faith is rooted 
in the mind. When I quoted him, he was refuting some who actually had made 
that claim. The problem was you did not read far enough into my post to get 
that. Do you remember now?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:44 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  jt: Yes Bill.  I wrote that because faith is an 
  attribute of the
  heart and this fact is all through scripture; a heart 
  of faith is
  contrasted to an evil heart of unbelief - but I've 
  who is Newbigin?  
  From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Judy do you remember saying 
  this >  Newbigin must be an unbeliever 
  also because the mind is not the home of 
From: Judy Taylor 
Wm. Taylor wrote:
. May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to 
Izzy and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt 
but what we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your 
desire to live in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, 
too. May I say something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which 
you condemn your brothers and sisters. 
jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned 
anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the 
victim of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people 
still don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking 
The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to 
expel from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your 
understanding of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if 
"genuine" believers must be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must 
be imperfect and therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 

jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to 
mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" 
believing this is God's will for His Church and 
being there are two different things. We are all at different stages of 
goofiness working out "our own salvation with fear and 
I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that 
impression, especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to 
be perceived this way?...
jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong 
impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of 
what has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I 
turn off and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have 
disagreed with DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; 
also to my knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they 
disagreed with him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and 
at the same time press on?

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Must be a box of humility because there is 
certainly none of 
it here.  Keep on being yourself 
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Lighten up 
a little, Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on 
trapped in a box of their own making save you and I. I am however 
now wondering about even you. Lance 
From: Wm. Taylor To all TTers,
My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God. > 

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Oh!  Sorry about that Bill. My 
Newbigin is exonerated and I stand corrected.  
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Allow me to refresh your memory. Newbigin was a long time 
missionary to India. He is not the one who said that faith is rooted 
in the mind. When I quoted him, he was refuting some who actually 
had made that claim. The problem was you did not read far enough 
into my post to get that. Do you remember now?  Bill
From: Judy Taylor jt: Yes Bill.  I wrote that 
because faith is an attribute of theheart and this fact is all through 
scripture; a heart of faith iscontrasted to an evil heart of unbelief - but 
I've forgotten, who is Newbigin?    judyt
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Judy do you 
remember saying this >  Newbigin must be an unbeliever also because 
the mind is not the home of faith.
From: Judy Taylor Wm. Taylor wrote:
. May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy 
and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt but what 
we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your desire to live 
in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. May I say 
something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you condemn your 
brothers and sisters. 
jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned anyone on TT and this 
includes you but I have very recently been the victim of accusation and a sharp 
tongue here. I figure some people still don't understand the difference between 
discussing ideas and attacking people.
The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to expel 
from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your understanding 
of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" believers must 
be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be imperfect and therefore 
reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic? 
jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to mine. I believe in 
sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" butbelieving this is 
God's will for His Church and being there are two different things. We are all 
at different stages of goofiness working out "our own salvation with fear and 
I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, 
especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived 
this way?...
jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong impression Bill.  
Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of what has gone on between you 
and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I turn off and tune out (not being 
literate in that language); but I have disagreed with DavidM in the past and 
have not found him to be disagreeable; also to my knowledge he has never kicked 
anyone off the list because they disagreed with him.  Can't we love one 
another in our imperfection, and at the same time press on?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Humor does not translate well via email. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 07:59
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  jt: Must be a box of humility because there is 
  certainly none of 
  it here.  Keep on being yourself 
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Lighten 
  up a little, Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on 
  trapped in a box of their own making save you and I. I am however 
  now wondering about even you. Lance 
  From: Wm. Taylor To all TTers,
  My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God. > 

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread ShieldsFamily



What is “too much” for me is
people like Elsman who hate David Miller because he is a truly righteous man. (Trust
me, I know him personally.) Or people like Chris, who hates all Catholics,
Protestants, (not just their doctrines, but them)
and doctors to boot.  And people like Judyt whose elbows must be out of
joint from constantly pointing out the flaws, sins, ulterior evil intents (even
of the most innocent children), and incorrect doctrines of others while
simultaneously patting herself on the back for her own superior “discernment”.
(Have you ever heard her say anything KIND
about ANYONE? And yet how eager
she is to seek out and forward evil reports about anyone who is mentioned
favorably by someone on TT!!!).  But you learn to expect that from certain
people who project their unconscious self-hatred of their own evil onto others,
and then persecute them for it.


What is really
too much for me to take is when you expect something better of someone who
should be above all that, and then are entirely let down.  That’s
just more than I can deal with, even on a good day. I just don’t have the
stomach for any of it anymore. You have to suffer through too much pride and
self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the simple goodness of the sweet-but-imperfect
ones.  And you know who you are. I love you.




Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:35
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian


Izzy:Please don't allow TT to become "too much"
for you. I'd miss your tender heart in the mix. This won't lead to anyone being
burned at the stake! A steak might be in order but, the kind over which
differences might be disscussed and hugs might follow. Blessings, Lance

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: April 12, 2004

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Christian Perfection




Funny, I thought the discussion between
you and David was about Greek translations, but now I realize it was really all
about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 


You have no idea how shocking and hurtful
your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for David Miller right now
because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 


I think TT is too much for me to take,





My accuser claims I
have mishandled the Word of God. Before judging me too hastily But please
do not judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask?
-- because our
accuser does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about


I have been accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has
been called into question.  


I am tired of hearing Christians condemning Christians. 


I suggested to David that perhaps the better way to
go in this discussion would be to agree to disagree and show the
world that we can love each other in spite of our own limitations. He thought
better of that -- but Christians can do this, you know.


May I say something to you, David? I would like to say
it to Izzy and Judy as well. I do not like the quickness with which you condemn
your brothers and sisters. 


David, please do not be so rude. 













 - Original Message - 

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:24 PM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection


> Bill wrote:
> > I bring my knowledge of these truths from the 
> > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of 
> > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that. 
> Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself upon the
> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should try to let the
> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not disagree with the
> you bring, but when it blinds you to other issues being brought forth,
> that is troublesome to me.
> Bill wrote:
> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome 
> > to disagree with my rendering of these Greek 
> > words. I ask only that you be honest enough 
> > to consider what you are bringing with you 
> > when you go to the same text and begin 
> > to translate.
> I think I am well aware of what I bring with me, but if not, it seems
> like nobody will step up to the plate and tell me about it.  Seems
> too many think it too rude to tell David Miller that he is wrong about
> this and why he is wrong.
> Look, you never addressed my main question.  I never objected to word
> order at all, but you gave a long lecture about how word order does not
> matter.  Fine.  No problem there.  My problem was with how
you perceived
> "pas" to be modifying "oidamen."  I have been
taught and have observed
> in the Greek Bible that adjectives alway

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: No humor here Lance, you have built for yourself 
constructs which appear to be  threatened by the 
Word of God.
Will be interesting to see what holds in the last day 
because ALL
judgment is given to the Son and he will 
judge according to the 
words He has spoken.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Humor does 
not translate well via email. Lance
From: Judy Taylor jt: Must be a box of humility 
because there is certainly none of it here.  Keep on being yourself 
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Lighten up 
a little, Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on trapped in a 
box of their own making save you and I. I am however now wondering about 
even you. Lance 
From: Wm. Taylor To all TTers,My accuser claims I have mishandled 
the Word of God. > 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Judy: That was a good one as they say. Who said 
that you had no funnybone? Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 08:39
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  jt: No humor here Lance, you have built for yourself 
  constructs which appear to be  threatened by the 
  Word of God.
  Will be interesting to see what holds in the last day 
  because ALL
  judgment is given to the Son and he will 
  judge according to the 
  words He has spoken.
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Humor 
  does not translate well via email. Lance
  From: Judy Taylor jt: Must be a box of humility 
  because there is certainly none of it here.  Keep on being yourself 
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Lighten 
  up a little, Bill. Remember that all the others on this site on trapped in 
  a box of their own making save you and I. I am however now wondering about 
  even you. Lance 
  From: Wm. Taylor To all TTers,My accuser claims I have mishandled 
  the Word of God. > 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Sixteen years in a Christian bookstore! Need I say 
more? Please do not flee as a moderating voice such as your own is needed. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 08:37
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  What is “too much” 
  for me is people like Elsman who hate David Miller because he is a truly 
  righteous man. (Trust me, I know him personally.) Or people like Chris, who 
  hates all Catholics, Protestants, (not just their doctrines, but them) and doctors to boot.  And 
  people like Judyt whose elbows must be out of joint from constantly pointing 
  out the flaws, sins, ulterior evil intents (even of the most innocent 
  children), and incorrect doctrines of others while simultaneously patting 
  herself on the back for her own superior “discernment”. (Have you ever heard 
  her say anything KIND about 
  ANYONE? And yet how eager she 
  is to seek out and forward evil reports about anyone who is mentioned 
  favorably by someone on TT!!!).  But you learn to expect that from 
  certain people who project their unconscious self-hatred of their own evil 
  onto others, and then persecute them for it.
  What is really too much for me to take is when 
  you expect something better of someone who should be above all that, and then 
  are entirely let down.  That’s just more than I can deal with, even on a 
  good day. I just don’t have the stomach for any of it anymore. You have to 
  suffer through too much pride and self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the simple 
  goodness of the sweet-but-imperfect ones.  And you know who you are. I 
  love you.
  On Behalf Of Lance 
  MuirSent: Monday, April 12, 
  2004 5:35 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Izzy:Please don't allow TT to 
  become "too much" for you. I'd miss your tender heart in the mix. This won't 
  lead to anyone being burned at the stake! A steak might be in order but, the 
  kind over which differences might be disscussed and hugs might follow. 
  Blessings, Lance

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 


Sent: April 
12, 2004 07:26

Subject: RE: 
[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection


Funny, I thought 
the discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I 
realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 

You have no idea 
how shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally crying 
for David Miller right now because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 

I think TT is too 
much for me to take,


accuser claims I have mishandled the 
Word of God. Before judging me too hastily But please do not judge me 
before knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? 
-- because our accuser does not care about me, he 
does not care about us, he cares only about 


I have been accused of an 
ethical problem. My integrity has been called into question. 


I am tired of hearing Christians 
condemning Christians. 
I suggested to David that perhaps 
the better way to go in this discussion would be to agree to disagree 
and show the world that we can love each other in spite of our own 
limitations. He thought better of that -- but Christians can do 
this, you know.


May I say something to 
you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy and Judy as well. I do not 
like the quickness with which you condemn your brothers and sisters. 


David, please 
do not be so rude. 













 - Original Message 

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 
9:24 PM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] 
Christian Perfection

> Bill wrote:> > I 
bring my knowledge of these truths from the > > Gospels of Christ 
with me to my translation of > > John's epistle. I do not 
apologize for that. > > Yes, it does seem to me that you let 
your theology force itself upon the> passage.  We all bring such 
with us, but we should try to let the> passage speak for 
itself.  I certainly do not disagree with the theology> you 
bring, but when it blinds you to other issues being brought forth,> 
that is troublesome to me.> > Bill wrote:> > And so 
you or any Greek scholar are welcome > > to d

[TruthTalk] Ad-hominem attacks was Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

it would be nice if you 
would take a lesson out of your own book IOW practice what you preach. I've been 
giving you some space in not responding to your messages but you have really 
gone over the top here.
Where is your kind 
and tender heart in any of this?  You really need to let God be God because 
He and He alone sees the heart and it is He who will declare who is and who 
is not "righteous" you may like and respect DavidM but this is not your 
call.  Are you aware that taking up an offence for DavidM puts you in a 
worse position than he is in? God gives grace to the one under attack (if this 
is the case) but when you revile others in taking up for him you put yourself 
out there with no cover/protection because vengeance belongs to God and He is 
the one who will repay.  

Yesterday you were 
thanking Lance for taking up for you when he announced that someone (I forget 
who) owed you an apology.   Repentance is also in order for this 
mess.  I can't help it if you misunderstand just about everything I write 
but you
are responsible for 
your reaction and this is a personal attack which if ignored by DavidM 
and Perry will cause them to be remiss.   

Here is a lesson for us 
on discernment when it comes to negative, accusing, evil-speaking, reviling, 
hateful people:
To the pure, all things are 
pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both 
their mind and their conscience are defiled. (Titus 
 You brood of 
vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of 
that which fills the heart.  The good man brings out of his good 
treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is 
evil. But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall 
give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. (Matt 12: 
May God have mercy on the 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What is “too much” for 
me is people like Elsman who hate David Miller because he is a truly righteous 
man. (Trust me, I know him personally.) Or people like Chris, who hates all 
Catholics, Protestants, (not just their doctrines, but them) and doctors to boot.  And 
people like Judyt whose elbows must be out of joint from constantly pointing out 
the flaws, sins, ulterior evil intents (even of the most innocent children), and 
incorrect doctrines of others while simultaneously patting herself on the back 
for her own superior “discernment”. (Have you ever heard her say anything 
KIND about ANYONE? And yet how eager she is to seek 
out and forward evil reports about anyone who is mentioned favorably by someone 
on TT!!!).  But you learn to expect that from certain people who project 
their unconscious self-hatred of their own evil onto others, and then persecute 
them for it.
What is really too much for me to take is when you 
expect something better of someone who should be above all that, and then are 
entirely let down.  That’s just more than I can deal with, even on a good 
day. I just don’t have the stomach for any of it anymore. You have to suffer 
through too much pride and self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the simple goodness 
of the sweet-but-imperfect ones.  And you know who you are. I love 

On Behalf Of Lance 
MuirSent: Monday, April 12, 
2004 5:35 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 

Izzy:Please don't allow TT to become 
"too much" for you. I'd miss your tender heart in the mix. This won't lead to 
anyone being burned at the stake! A steak might be in order but, the kind over 
which differences might be disscussed and hugs might follow. Blessings, 

  - Original Message - 
  From: ShieldsFamily 
  Sent: April 12, 
  2004 07:26
  Subject: RE: 
  [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection
  Funny, I thought the 
  discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I 
  realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 
  You have no idea how 
  shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for 
  David Miller right now because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 
  I think TT is too 
  much for me to take,
  accuser claims I have mishandled the Word 
  of God. Before judging me too hastily But please do not judge me before 
  knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? -- because 
  our accuser 
  does not care about me, he does not care about us, he cares only about 
  I have been accused of an ethical 
  problem. My integrity has been called into question. 
  I am tired of hearing Christians 
  condemning Chri

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sixteen 
years in a Christian bookstore! Need I say more? Please 
do not flee as a moderating voice such as your own is needed. 
jt: Moderating?
Where are you at Lance Muir or where have you 
been?  If the
"Christian" Bookstore does this to a person then you 
need to get
out of the business for your own spiritual well 
being.  I can't 
believe you could read the venom coming from Izzy and 
pat her
on the back for it.  You are a respecter of 
persons Lance and this is
not good, according to scripture it is evil.  
We already have a 
moderater to take care of 
problems and he is not Izzy.
From: ShieldsFamily Lance,What is “too much” for me is people 
like Elsman who hate David Millerbecause he is a truly righteous man. (Trust 
me, I know him personally.)Or people like Chris, who hates all Catholics, 
Protestants, (not justtheir doctrines, but them) and doctors to boot.  
And people like Judytwhose elbows must be out of joint from constantly 
pointing out the flaws,sins, ulterior evil intents (even of the most 
innocent children), andincorrect doctrines of others while simultaneously 
patting herself on theback for her own superior “discernment”. (Have you 
ever heard her sayanything KIND about ANYONE? And yet how eager she is to 
seek out andforward evil reports about anyone who is mentioned favorably by 
someoneon TT!!!).  But you learn to expect that from certain people who 
projecttheir unconscious self-hatred of their own evil onto others, and 
thenpersecute them for it.What is really too much for me to take is 
when you expect somethingbetter of someone who should be above all that, and 
then are entirely letdown.  That’s just more than I can deal with, even 
on a good day. I justdon’t have the stomach for any of it anymore. You have 
to suffer throughtoo much pride and self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the 
simple goodnessof the sweet-but-imperfect ones.  And you know who you 
are. I love you.Izzy
On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:35 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: [TruthTalk] Christian PerfectionIzzy:Please don't allow TT to become 
"too much" for you. I'd miss yourtender heart in the mix. This won't lead to 
anyone being burned at thestake! A steak might be in order but, the kind 
over which differencesmight be disscussed and hugs might follow. Blessings, 
Lance- Original Message - From: ShieldsFamily To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 12, 2004 07:26Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
PerfectionBill, Funny, I thought the discussion between you and 
David was about Greektranslations, but now I realize it was really all about 
you.  Guess thatshows what I know. You have no idea how 
shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I amliterally crying for 
David Miller right now because I know how hurt hewill be to read this. 
I think TT is too much for me to take,Izzy
My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God. Before judging 
metoo hastily But please do not judge me before knowing my motives -- 
Isthat too much to ask? -- because our accuser does not care about me, 
hedoes not care about us, he cares only about himself.I have been 
accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has been calledinto 
question.  I am tired of hearing Christians condemning Christians. 
I suggested to David that perhaps the better way to go in this 
discussionwould be to agree to disagree and show the world that we can love 
eachother in spite of our own limitations. He thought better of that -- 
butChristians can do this, you know.May I say something to you, 
David? I would like to say it to Izzy andJudy as well. I do not like the 
quickness with which you condemn yourbrothers and sisters. David, 
please do not be so rude. 
Bill- Original Message 
- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: 
Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:24 PMSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
Perfection> Bill wrote:> > I bring my knowledge of these 
truths from the > > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of 
> > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that. > > 
Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself 
uponthe> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should try 
to let the> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not disagree 
with thetheology> you bring, but when it blinds you to other issues 
being brought forth,> that is troublesome to me.> > Bill 
wrote:> > And so you or any Greek scholar are welcome > > to 
disagree with my rendering of these Greek > > words. I ask only that 
you be honest enough > > to consider what you are bringing with you 
> > when you go to the same text and begin > > to 
translate.> > I think I am well aware of what I bring with me, but 
if not, it seems> like nobody will step up to the plate and tell me about 
it.  Seems like> too many think it too rude to tell David Miller 
that he is wrong about> this and w

Re: [TruthTalk] Ad-hominem attacks was Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

Judy: He was wrong when he said that "short people 
got no reason for livin'" However when the consensus is that you are vertically 
challenged and you live in denial, well...Lance PS: How does it go? If the shoe 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 09:04
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Ad-hominem attacks 
  was Christian Perfection
  it would be nice if 
  you would take a lesson out of your own book IOW practice what you preach. 
  I've been giving you some space in not responding to your messages but you 
  have really gone over the top here.
  Where is 
  your kind and tender heart in any of this?  You really need to let 
  God be God because He and He alone sees the heart and it is He who will 
  declare who is and who is not "righteous" you may like and respect DavidM 
  but this is not your call.  Are you aware that taking up an offence for 
  DavidM puts you in a worse position than he is in? God gives grace to the one 
  under attack (if this is the case) but when you revile others in taking up for 
  him you put yourself out there with no cover/protection because vengeance 
  belongs to God and He is the one who will repay.  
  Yesterday you were 
  thanking Lance for taking up for you when he announced that someone (I forget 
  who) owed you an apology.   Repentance is also in order for this 
  mess.  I can't help it if you misunderstand just about everything I write 
  but you
  are responsible for 
  your reaction and this is a personal attack which if ignored by 
  DavidM and Perry will cause them to 
  be remiss.   judyt
  Here is a lesson for 
  us on discernment when it comes to negative, accusing, evil-speaking, 
  reviling, hateful people:
  To the pure, all things are 
  pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both 
  their mind and their conscience are defiled. (Titus 
   You brood of 
  vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out 
  of that which fills the heart.  The good man brings out of his good 
  treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what 
  is evil. But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they 
  shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. (Matt 12: 
  May God have mercy on the 
  What is “too much” 
  for me is people like Elsman who hate David Miller because he is a truly 
  righteous man. (Trust me, I know him personally.) Or people like Chris, who 
  hates all Catholics, Protestants, (not just their doctrines, but them) and doctors to boot.  And 
  people like Judyt whose elbows must be out of joint from constantly pointing 
  out the flaws, sins, ulterior evil intents (even of the most innocent 
  children), and incorrect doctrines of others while simultaneously patting 
  herself on the back for her own superior “discernment”. (Have you ever heard 
  her say anything KIND about 
  ANYONE? And yet how eager she 
  is to seek out and forward evil reports about anyone who is mentioned 
  favorably by someone on TT!!!).  But you learn to expect that from 
  certain people who project their unconscious self-hatred of their own evil 
  onto others, and then persecute them for it.
  What is really too much for me to take is when 
  you expect something better of someone who should be above all that, and then 
  are entirely let down.  That’s just more than I can deal with, even on a 
  good day. I just don’t have the stomach for any of it anymore. You have to 
  suffer through too much pride and self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the simple 
  goodness of the sweet-but-imperfect ones.  And you know who you are. I 
  love you.
  On Behalf Of Lance 
  MuirSent: Monday, April 12, 
  2004 5:35 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Izzy:Please don't allow TT to 
  become "too much" for you. I'd miss your tender heart in the mix. This won't 
  lead to anyone being burned at the stake! A steak might be in order but, the 
  kind over which differences might be disscussed and hugs might follow. 
  Blessings, Lance

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 


Sent: April 
12, 2004 07:26

Subject: RE: 
[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection


Funny, I thought 
the discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I 
realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 

You have no idea 
how shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Terry Clifton

Dave wrote:

Terry Clifton wrote:
Perry Locke wrote: 

Terry, do you believe that one who is saved
can lose that salvation? 

Wow! That seems like such a simple question, but it would take pages to
give you a complete answer. Put simply, I do not believe that you can
lose your
I believe that you can throw it away. 
The Bible teaches that the same one who saved you is able to keep you,
but it does not say that He will force you to stay against your will. 
I offer as an example a pastor, who a few years back, resigned  as
minister of his church.  The reason he gave was that he no longer
believed what he had been preaching.  He was a believer, now he is
not.  Had he died prior to making his decision to no longer believe, he
would have gone to Heaven.  Now his future appears to be the lake of
fire.  I think that this is rare compared to those who at one time
claimed or are claiming to be Christians, only to show their true
colors after being tested over time, but yes, it does happen, and when
it does, I believe that that person is no longer saved.  God will not
force anyone to spend eternity with Him. 
Hope this answers your question at least to some degree. 
DAVEH:  So Terry, do you think a saved Christian who converts
to Mormonism has lost their salvation?

God's ways are beyond my understanding Dave.  Some places in the Bible
make it look as though God will accept about anyone, no matter how
screwed up their theology, as long as they have even a little faith. 
Other places indicate that God is big on obedience, and you better do
it His way or go to Hell.  Since there is no more important item on my
list than spending eternity with my Lord (and avoiding Hell), I
generally tend to go with the be obedient route. Why take chances?

 Paul told those who were calling themselves Christians, yet trying to
gain favor with God by keeping the law , that they had "Fallen from
Grace".  In my opinion, Mormons do the same thing with the same
result.  Adding to the requirement for salvation says that Jesus alone
is not enough.  

I would hope that the Lord sees you as confused but sincere, and allows
you to spend eternity with Him, but I sure would not bet on it, as your
whole system of belief contradicts much of God's word.  
No hard feelings, just the truth as I am able to see it.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Lance Muir

JT: I'll hand in my resignation today. Whew! Thanks 
for pointing this out to me. What was I thinking? Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 09:09
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sixteen 
  years in a Christian bookstore! Need I say more? Please 
  do not flee as a moderating voice such as your own is needed. 
  jt: Moderating?
  Where are you at Lance Muir or where have you 
  been?  If the
  "Christian" Bookstore does this to a person then you 
  need to get
  out of the business for your own spiritual well 
  being.  I can't 
  believe you could read the venom coming from Izzy and 
  pat her
  on the back for it.  You are a respecter of 
  persons Lance and this is
  not good, according to scripture it is 
  evil.  We already have a 
  moderater to take care of 
  problems and he is not Izzy.
  From: ShieldsFamily Lance,What is “too much” for me is people 
  like Elsman who hate David Millerbecause he is a truly righteous man. 
  (Trust me, I know him personally.)Or people like Chris, who hates all 
  Catholics, Protestants, (not justtheir doctrines, but them) and doctors to 
  boot.  And people like Judytwhose elbows must be out of joint from 
  constantly pointing out the flaws,sins, ulterior evil intents (even of the 
  most innocent children), andincorrect doctrines of others while 
  simultaneously patting herself on theback for her own superior 
  “discernment”. (Have you ever heard her sayanything KIND about ANYONE? And 
  yet how eager she is to seek out andforward evil reports about anyone who 
  is mentioned favorably by someoneon TT!!!).  But you learn to expect 
  that from certain people who projecttheir unconscious self-hatred of their 
  own evil onto others, and thenpersecute them for it.What is really 
  too much for me to take is when you expect somethingbetter of someone who 
  should be above all that, and then are entirely letdown.  That’s just 
  more than I can deal with, even on a good day. I justdon’t have the 
  stomach for any of it anymore. You have to suffer throughtoo much pride 
  and self-aggrandizement here to enjoy the simple goodnessof the 
  sweet-but-imperfect ones.  And you know who you are. I love 
  On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:35 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Re: [TruthTalk] Christian PerfectionIzzy:Please don't allow TT to 
  become "too much" for you. I'd miss yourtender heart in the mix. This 
  won't lead to anyone being burned at thestake! A steak might be in order 
  but, the kind over which differencesmight be disscussed and hugs might 
  follow. Blessings, Lance- Original Message - From: 
  ShieldsFamily To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: April 12, 2004 07:26Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  PerfectionBill, Funny, I thought the discussion between you 
  and David was about Greektranslations, but now I realize it was really all 
  about you.  Guess thatshows what I know. You have no idea how 
  shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I amliterally crying 
  for David Miller right now because I know how hurt hewill be to read this. 
  I think TT is too much for me to take,Izzy
  My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God. Before judging 
  metoo hastily But please do not judge me before knowing my motives -- 
  Isthat too much to ask? -- because our accuser does not care about me, 
  hedoes not care about us, he cares only about himself.I have been 
  accused of an ethical problem. My integrity has been calledinto 
  question.  I am tired of hearing Christians condemning 
  Christians. I suggested to David that perhaps the better way to go in 
  this discussionwould be to agree to disagree and show the world that we 
  can love eachother in spite of our own limitations. He thought better of 
  that -- butChristians can do this, you know.May I say something to 
  you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy andJudy as well. I do not like 
  the quickness with which you condemn yourbrothers and sisters. 
  David, please do not be so rude. 
  Bill- Original Message 
  - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: 
  Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:24 PMSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  Perfection> Bill wrote:> > I bring my knowledge of these 
  truths from the > > Gospels of Christ with me to my translation of 
  > > John's epistle. I do not apologize for that. > > 
  Yes, it does seem to me that you let your theology force itself 
  uponthe> passage.  We all bring such with us, but we should 
  try to let the> passage speak for itself.  I certainly do not 
  disagree with thetheology> you bring, but when it blinds you to 
  other issues being brought forth,> that is troublesome to me.> 
  > Bill wrote:> > And so you or any Greek scholar a

Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-12 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  jt: in circles where they teach that
healing is part of the atonement 
  approximately 5% who come fwd in healing
lines receive healing.  
  Why?  Healing is the children's bread is
it not?
terry: I have trouble equating healing with bread.  
  jt: Why? These are Jesus' Words to a Greek
woman (Matt 15:26)
  "It's not good to take the children's
bread and feed it to dogs" She
  was not at that point a child of the
covenant and she was seeking
  healing for her daughter.  Today whoever
is in Christ is in covenant
  with God and "He is the same yesterday,
today, and forever"
  terry: As to the statistics you supplied, is a  ninety-five
percent rate 
  of failure is considered normal by those who claim to be
  jt: Working of miracles and gifts of
healing are two of the "spiritual
  gifts Jesus left to the Church when he
ascended; they operate as the
  Spirit wills and are not subject to the
whims of men. 
  terry: Were the failures the fault of the healer or the healee? 
  jt: I know of one pastor who is seeing
people healed under his
  ministry and he teaches sanctification. 
He is of the opinion that sin
  in the body of Christ is why people are
not being healed. This is what
  he learned when he sought God about it
being in dismay over what he
  was seeing.
  terry: Were five percent really healed, or were they deluded?  
  jt: I believe there are some genuine
healings; having his people going
  around dressed in the curse certainly is
not glorifying God and outwardly
  there is no difference between the world
and the Church right now which
  should not be.
  terry: Were all of the supposed healings something internal that
  not be seen, or did someone have an ear reattached or a
  such as caused by leprosy healed where the healing was
immeadiate and 
  obvious to everyone?
  jt: Miracles have been known to happen but
sadly they are the exception
  rather than the rule because of our
unbelief and sin.
terry: If Benny Hinn and others like him can do these things, I know of
  some leper colonies where they would be most welcome.
  jt: Doesn't work like that Terry because
God does not perform on 
  demand.  Jesus only did what he first saw
the Father doing and He is
  the pattern.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jesus did a little better than five

[TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jesus did a little better than five 
Right. But remember, Jesus only did what he first saw 
the Father
doing. If in ministry today ppl only did what they 
first saw Jesus doing
there would be similar results as in Jesus' 
earthly ministry. He said
we are supposed to do the same works as he and greater 
didn't He?
Right now there are too many out there doing their own 
thing in His
Name.  judyt
 Judy Taylor wrote:

  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  jt: in circles where they teach that healing is part 
  of the atonement 
  approximately 5% who come fwd in healing lines 
  receive healing.  
  Why?  Healing is the children's bread is it 
  terry: I have trouble equating healing with bread.  
  jt: Why? These are Jesus' Words to a Greek woman 
  (Matt 15:26)
  "It's not good to take the children's bread and feed 
  it to dogs" She
  was not at that point a child of the covenant and she 
  was seeking
  healing for her daughter.  Today whoever is in 
  Christ is in covenant
  with God and "He is the same yesterday, today, and 
  terry: As to the statistics you supplied, is a  ninety-five percent 
  of failure is considered normal by those who claim to be 
  jt: Working of miracles and gifts of healing are 
  two of the "spiritual
  gifts Jesus left to the Church when he ascended; they 
  operate as the
  Spirit wills and are not subject to the whims of 
  terry: Were the failures the fault of the healer or the healee?  
  jt: I know of one pastor who is seeing people healed 
  under his
  ministry and he teaches sanctification.  He is 
  of the opinion that sin
  in the body of Christ is why people are not being 
  healed. This is what
  he learned when he sought God about it being in 
  dismay over what he
  was seeing.
  terry: Were five percent really healed, or were they deluded?  

  jt: I believe there are some genuine healings; having 
  his people going
  around dressed in the curse certainly is not 
  glorifying God and outwardly
  there is no difference between the world and the 
  Church right now which
  should not be.
  terry: Were all of the supposed healings something internal that could 
  not be seen, or did someone have an ear reattached or a disfigurment 
  such as caused by leprosy healed where the healing was immeadiate and 
  obvious to everyone?
  jt: Miracles have been known to happen but sadly they 
  are the exception
  rather than the rule because of our unbelief and 
  terry: If Benny Hinn and others like him can do these things, I know 
  some leper colonies where they would be most welcome.
  jt: Doesn't work like that Terry because God does not 
  perform on 
  demand.  Jesus only did what he first saw the 
  Father doing and He is
  the pattern.

RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread David Miller
Bill wrote:
> My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God. 
> Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear 
> me out. I would like to ask that you please read this post 
> in its entirety. It will be long but I want you to know 
> what I am doing and why I am doing it. Hear me out and 
> judge me later, if that is your desire. But please do 
> not judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too 
> much to ask? -- because our accuser does not care about 
> me, he does not care about us, he cares only about himself.

Bill, my heart is hurting so much right now.  I am interested in
discussing this further for the sake of learning, but I'm not sure I
have the stomach for it.  I know it is not your fault that I came across
as an accuser.  People often perceive me this way, especially on e-mail,
and so I know that the problem is ever present with me and not with you.
I am a poor communicator.  I am not your accuser, and being perceived as
your accuser is the last thing I would want to perpetuate.

As I have said before, you are a theology professor in our midst.  All
my formal education has been in the biological sciences.  I have never
been to seminary, nor have I even taken any kind of religion class
whatsoever.  When it comes to the matters that we are discussing, I am
completely self taught.  You, on the other hand, are much more learned
than me in these areas.  I crave to know the things that you know.  You
are the teacher and I am the student in these matters, but I am not a
student who knows nothing at all.  I have attempted to increase my
knowledge and understanding, so I come to class here with some
preconceived notions.  I basically have worked through computer software
programs to learn Greek and have several Greek texts here and grammars
and textbooks that I work through to try and better my understanding.
You, on the other hand, have sat under these same teachers who have
written the materials that I have used.  You have had the personal face
to face instruction, and you have been able to raise questions to your
instructors.  When you speak things contrary to my preconceived notions,
I have a passion to understand and get to the truth.  I always assume
that you are right and I am wrong, but before I can conform to your way
of understanding, I have to find out what it is about my way of thinking
that is wrong.  My questions are framed so that I can get to the bottom
of what is wrong with my thinking.  I need to voice objections that
arise in my mind so I can hear you answer them and thereby increase my
understanding.  At no time have I ever had a desire to accuse you of
anything, but simply to be honest and open about what goes on in my
mind, even if the thoughts I have are not pleasant.  I see this as
inviting you to respond to objections with the goal of putting to rest
whatever it might be that would cause me to continue to think
differently than you.

Well, your last post certainly does raise more questions in my mind, but
your perception that I am accusing you is very disturbing to me and
overrides my desire to learn.  I think I will just set all this aside
for now.  Maybe I can come back to it later and raise some of the
technical points that are in my mind.  I think you grossly misunderstand
my perspective.  On the other hand, if talking about this is going to
separate us and cause you to perceive me as your accuser, then I will
simply hold my tongue.  Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and if I
have become your accuser, then something is terribly wrong with me.
Even if the truth is that I am not your accuser but simply perceived to
be your accuser, something is still terribly wrong, probably with the
way that I communicate.  Maybe I have a faulty attitude.  Unless we can
agree to discuss our differences of perspective without considering the
other person to be outside of Christ, then we might as well not discuss
at all.  It is times like this when I feel very tempted to abandon
e-mail altogether as a way to increase knowledge and understanding, but
then I look back on how much e-mail discussions like this have motivated
me to study further.  Such is very good fruit that I appreciate.
Especially in this discussion, you have motivated me tremendously to
study further and for that I would like to thank you.  I have consulted
numerous Greek texts on 1 John 5:18 that I have never before felt
necessary to do, and I have dug in on my studies in a way that before
seemed unnecessary to me.  Yet if this is a one way street with me
benefiting and you not benefiting, then I must lay it all aside.  Far be
it from me to better myself to the detriment of you.  

I'm very sorry for coming across as an accuser.  Please forgive me.  I
will be praying today about how I can change, so that I might be a
blessing to you.  If you or any other elders among us have any words for
me, whether public or private, I welcome your instruction to me.  I am
truly sorry.  I am believing in the Lord to c

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor
David, I haven't made it all the way through your post, but I have to say
this. I did not intend to imply anything other than that satan is "our
accuser." I see how you could see otherwise. Izzy and everyone else too. I
am sorry. He is the one who does not care about us. That is what concerns me
so when we Christians lower ourselves to accusing other Christians before we
know their motives, their heart condition. Please forgive MY FAILURE TO
COMMUNICATE this better. I felt like you were questioning my integrity
throughout the last several posts, suggesting that I had failed to consider
this and that. The truth is I thought I was being upfront with you,
explaining what I was doing and why. Each time I would answer one round of
questions, you would ask more, again questioning my motives. I am so sorry I
misunderstood you. I do not want to hurt you or anyone. I am beginning to
wonder if maybe e-correspondence is possible between Christians. It seems to
bring out the worst in all of us. Please forgive me. Give me a call if you
like, or let me know. I will call you. Bill
- Original Message -
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 9:17 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

> Bill wrote:
> > My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God.
> > Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear
> > me out. I would like to ask that you please read this post
> > in its entirety. It will be long but I want you to know
> > what I am doing and why I am doing it. Hear me out and
> > judge me later, if that is your desire. But please do
> > not judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too
> > much to ask? -- because our accuser does not care about
> > me, he does not care about us, he cares only about himself.
> Bill, my heart is hurting so much right now.  I am interested in
> discussing this further for the sake of learning, but I'm not sure I
> have the stomach for it.  I know it is not your fault that I came across
> as an accuser.  People often perceive me this way, especially on e-mail,
> and so I know that the problem is ever present with me and not with you.
> I am a poor communicator.  I am not your accuser, and being perceived as
> your accuser is the last thing I would want to perpetuate.
> As I have said before, you are a theology professor in our midst.  All
> my formal education has been in the biological sciences.  I have never
> been to seminary, nor have I even taken any kind of religion class
> whatsoever.  When it comes to the matters that we are discussing, I am
> completely self taught.  You, on the other hand, are much more learned
> than me in these areas.  I crave to know the things that you know.  You
> are the teacher and I am the student in these matters, but I am not a
> student who knows nothing at all.  I have attempted to increase my
> knowledge and understanding, so I come to class here with some
> preconceived notions.  I basically have worked through computer software
> programs to learn Greek and have several Greek texts here and grammars
> and textbooks that I work through to try and better my understanding.
> You, on the other hand, have sat under these same teachers who have
> written the materials that I have used.  You have had the personal face
> to face instruction, and you have been able to raise questions to your
> instructors.  When you speak things contrary to my preconceived notions,
> I have a passion to understand and get to the truth.  I always assume
> that you are right and I am wrong, but before I can conform to your way
> of understanding, I have to find out what it is about my way of thinking
> that is wrong.  My questions are framed so that I can get to the bottom
> of what is wrong with my thinking.  I need to voice objections that
> arise in my mind so I can hear you answer them and thereby increase my
> understanding.  At no time have I ever had a desire to accuse you of
> anything, but simply to be honest and open about what goes on in my
> mind, even if the thoughts I have are not pleasant.  I see this as
> inviting you to respond to objections with the goal of putting to rest
> whatever it might be that would cause me to continue to think
> differently than you.
> Well, your last post certainly does raise more questions in my mind, but
> your perception that I am accusing you is very disturbing to me and
> overrides my desire to learn.  I think I will just set all this aside
> for now.  Maybe I can come back to it later and raise some of the
> technical points that are in my mind.  I think you grossly misunderstand
> my perspective.  On the other hand, if talking about this is going to
> separate us and cause you to perceive me as your accuser, then I will
> simply hold my tongue.  Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and if I
> have become your accuser, then something is terribly wrong with me.
> Even if the truth is that I am not your accuser but simply perceived

[TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Bill 
wrote:> My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God.  Before 
judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear > me out. I would 
like to ask that you please read this post in its entirety. It will be long 
but I want you to know > what I am doing and why I am doing it. Hear me 
out and judge me later, if that is your desire. But please do > not 
judge me before knowing my motives -- Is that too much to ask? 
-- because our accuser does not care about 
> me, he does not care about us, he cares only about 
Bill, my heart is hurting so much right now.  I am interested in 
discussing this further for the sake of learning, but I'm not sure I have the 
stomach for it.  I know it is not your fault that I came across as an 
accuser.  People often perceive me this way, especially on e-mail, and so I 
know that the problem is ever present with me and not with you. I am a poor 
communicator.  I am not your accuser, and being 
perceived as your accuser is the last thing I would want to 
jt: Are you sure Bill perceives you as his accuser 
DavidM?  I read it differently but then I've been wrong 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Wm. Taylor

Judy, you are s right. I see quite clearly now 
the concern. I was talking about what happens to Christians when we fail to 
trust first. Pretty soon the accuser is having his way with us, and more than 
that, we are doing his bidding. We forget to identify the enemy. It's kind 
of like the Grinch that stole Christmas. We turn the whos into 
whats, thereby impersonalising persons. We start thinking about "what" 
they have done and forget "who" they are in Christ. The next thing you know is 
we're stealing the joy down in who-ville. The whole time our enemy is smiling. I 
am sorry I didn't communicate this better. Thank you for getting it. Right on. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 9:29 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Bill 
  wrote:> My accuser claims I have mishandled the Word of God.  
  Before judging me too hastily I ask that you first hear > me 
  out. I would like to ask that you please read this post in its 
  entirety. It will be long but I want you to know > what I am doing and 
  why I am doing it. Hear me out and judge me later, if that is your 
  desire. But please do > not judge me before knowing my motives 
  -- Is that too much to ask? -- because 
  our accuser does not care about > me, he does not care about us, 
  he cares only about himself.
  Bill, my heart is hurting so much right now.  I am interested in 
  discussing this further for the sake of learning, but I'm not sure I have the 
  stomach for it.  I know it is not your fault that I came across as an 
  accuser.  People often perceive me this way, especially on e-mail, and so 
  I know that the problem is ever present with me and not with you. I am a poor 
  communicator.  I am not your accuser, and being 
  perceived as your accuser is the last thing I would want to 
  jt: Are you sure Bill perceives you as his accuser 
  DavidM?  I read it differently but then I've been wrong 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Marlin Halverson

All right.  A "child prodigy" must mean something to 
you that it does not mean in the field of education.  These  have 
obviously become "buzzwords" to describe something that you are seeing in 
the circles that I do not frequent.  
As for me, I have had the blessing of both teaching and 
learning from my children.  They know and love God.  They have 
personal relationships with the Father and His Son.  In some ways they can 
be smarter than I because they have gifts that I do not have.  For 
instance, I taught them music.  I cannot play piano, except slowly to plunk 
out parts and harmonies.  My children, on the other hand are gifted and 
they can move an audience in worship to God with their playing of the 
Your blanket stipulation would prevent Godly 
children from serving other brethren until they are age 30.  

I go along with Paul's admonition to Timothy:
2TI 3:15    And that from a child thou hast 
known the holy scriptures, 
which    are 
able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is 
in    Christ 
1TI 4:12    Let no man despise thy youth; 
but be thou an example of 
believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, 
in    faith, 
in purity.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 2:51 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian 
  From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  jt: I've never stated that children could 
  not be converted John, what
  I am saying is that child prophets and 
  child prodigies are out of character
  for the ministry of God's Spirit in the 
  Church.  Children are not responsible 
  for their own spiritual life under Judaism 
  until they are at least 13yrs old 
  and even Jesus who had a full measure of 
  God's Spirit did nothing publicly
  before the age of 30yrs.  When did 
  things change?
  No change at 
  all.  Judaism is religion and tradition, not the word of 
  jt: I meant Israel and they were God's Old 
  Covenant Church; they are the
  ones who preserved God's Word for our 
  present generation and yes I
  was aware of Samuel but he is the 
  exception; God was upset and not 
  speaking to Eli.  Even so, we have no record that Samuel was a 
  prodigy.  Did he become the prophet 
  before he was of age that you
  know of?
  The Word of God tells 
  of Samuel long before Judaism developed. 
  There were other 
  children inspired of God in the scripture, even from the 
  womb. Joseph, Samson, 
  Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus.
  jt: OK Joseph had a dream and his brothers 
  tried to kill him over it. Still
  he waited a long time and was sorely tested before it came to 
  parents of Samson, John the Baptist, and 
  Jesus were warned ahead of 
  time that these children would serve God but none of them to my 
  were sent out as a child prodigy.  Do 
  you know of one who was?  Even in
  the passages below Samuel as a child did 
  not know who was speaking to
  him.  Eli had to teach him.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Terry Clifton
Lance Muir wrote:

IF, using a brush so broad as to be akin to a spray gun, we were to say that
the operative word from Adam through Israel is DISOBEDIENCE and, the
operative word in the Incarnate Israelite, Jesus is OBEDIENCE then (I'd
appreciate others reframing the following question in as many ways as
possible) is the life of the believer today to be characterized as a mixture
of both? May the believer's life, this side of eternity, ever arrive at ONLY

Ideally, yes.  Realistically, we can only come close, and that only with 
maturity.  You learn to walk.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org
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Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Terry Clifton
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

It does answer the question, Terry, but let me take this a step 
further. Do you think it is possible that this pastor never really 
believed in the first place? Perhaps he just reached the point where 
he became honest about his unbelief. I have a hard time imagining that 
those who truly believe would ever turn away, or to put it another 
way, that God could not retiain those whom the Holy Spirit has drawn 
to Him.


A lot of things are possibile, but I have no reason to doubt the 
pastors  word. 
As to whether one who is truly saved could ever turn away, again I 
cannot tell for certain, but human love is a strange thing.  Sometimes 
those most visably attached to one another, the most caring, the most 
affectionate, are the first ones who end up divorced.  For some reason, 
love dies due to no fault of the partner.  Our relationship to our Lord 
is something like that.  He loved us first, and we return that love.  
His love is perfect.  Ours is not.  The parable of the sower paints a 
picture of a body of believers.  Some had hard hearts and did not 
believe.  Some believed a short time.  Others believed a little longer, 
and still others believed to the end of the road.  The ones who finished 
the race got the prize, but I would not say that some of the others 
never believed.
This is a stretch I know, but just for a moment, put yourself in 
Jesus' place.  Would you want to be married to a bride that you had to 
constantly steer in the right direction?  One that did not consider your 
wishes?  Would you force that bride to cook and clean and return your 
love, or would you choose a bride that did these things with joy, living 
to please you?
How do you see it?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All right.  A "child prodigy" must mean something to 
you that it 
does not mean in the field of education.  These  
have obviously 
become "buzzwords" to describe something that you are 
in the circles that I do 
not frequent.  
jt: Have no idea what kinds of circles 
those would be Marlin. I'm
just talking about what we've been 
discussing here on TT.  
As for me, I have had the blessing of both teaching and 
from my children.  They know and love God.  They 
have personal 
relationships with the Father and His Son.  In some 
ways they can 
be smarter than I because they have gifts that I do not 
have.  For 
instance, I taught them music.  I cannot play piano, 
except slowly 
to plunk out parts and harmonies.  My children, on 
the other hand 
are gifted and they can move an audience in worship to God 
their playing of the instrument.
jt: That is wonderful Marlin, I'm glad you 
enjoy your children so much.
Still I hope you can agree with me that 
children must be taught and 

that this is the responsibility of parents 
and those in the body of Christ
who are mature. They too must learn 
to "try the spirits to see if they 
of God"  Just because a child 
comes up with something does not 
it holy and pure because he/she is a 
child. Innocent children can be 

deceived just like anyone else and Jesus as 
a child was subject to his
Your blanket stipulation would prevent Godly 
children from serving 
other brethren until they are age 30.  I go along with Paul's admonition 
to Timothy:  2TI 
3:15    And that from a child thou hast known the holy 

scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto 
salvation through 
faith which is in Christ Jesus.1TI 4:12    Let no man despise thy 
youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in 
word, in conversation, 
in charity, in spirit, in faith, in 
jt: Children are free to serve in many ways, 
just not in positions of
authority and I don't see any indication 
that the Holy Spirit uses them
in the distribution of spiritual 
gifts.  Timothy's mother and grandmother
raised him to know God's Word but we need to 
remember that when
Paul wrote these epistles he was pastoring a 
church at Ephesus so
he was no longer a child.  he was a 
young man who was wiser than
most because of his grounding in God's 
Word.   judyt

  From: Judy Taylor 
  From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  jt: I've never stated that children could 
  not be converted John, what
  I am saying is that child prophets and 
  child prodigies are out of character
  for the ministry of God's Spirit in the 
  Church.  Children are not responsible 
  for their own spiritual life under Judaism 
  until they are at least 13yrs old 
  and even Jesus who had a full measure of 
  God's Spirit did nothing publicly
  before the age of 30yrs.  When did 
  things change?
  No change at 
  all.  Judaism is religion and tradition, not the word of 
  jt: I meant Israel and they were God's Old 
  Covenant Church; they are the
  ones who preserved God's Word for our 
  present generation and yes I
  was aware of Samuel but he is the 
  exception; God was upset and not 
  speaking to Eli.  Even so, we have no record that Samuel was a 
  prodigy.  Did he become the prophet 
  before he was of age that you
  know of?
  The Word of God tells 
  of Samuel long before Judaism developed. 
  There were other 
  children inspired of God in the scripture, even from the 
  womb. Joseph, Samson, 
  Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus.
  jt: OK Joseph had a dream and his brothers 
  tried to kill him over it. Still
  he waited a long time and was sorely tested before it came to 
  parents of Samson, John the Baptist, and 
  Jesus were warned ahead of 
  time that these children would serve God but none of them to my 
  were sent out as a child prodigy.  Do 
  you know of one who was?  Even in
  the passages below Samuel as a child did 
  not know who was speaking to
  him.  Eli had to teach him.  

Yo, BLAINE -- Re: [TruthTalk] Science and Scriptural dietary requirements

2004-04-12 Thread Chris Barr
Title: Romans , Chapter 14

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 

Greetings Blaine in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua [that's the name Jesus was called by His mom, dad, 
brothers, sisters, disciples and others who loved Him] 
Rife only noted the swine connection as a curiosity to him.  He did 
not test for it but just happened to notice it kept turning up.  The other 
foods that are forbidden in Scripture very well may have the same or a similar 
To quote the son of Nun, "As for me and my house we will serve YHVH", so no, I/we do not consume those animals 
that you listed.
When an auto manufacturer places in the manual to use gasoline for fuel I 
do not put in diesel fuel.  Most people are not that smart about when it 
comes to their own bodies.  I stick to the Life Manual of Scripture.
As to eating zoo animals ... do you visit a dairy farm and divvy up one of 
the herd for 

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 


Chris Barr
a servant of 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 04/12/2004 12:14 AM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Science and 
  Scriptural dietary requirements
  Blaine:  Is swine the only thing that 
  produces this susecptibility to cancer?  There are many foods 
  popular today besides pigmeat that are forbidden by the OT.  Shrimp, 
  for one.  Do you eat shrimp?  Does it do the same as pork once it 
  gets in the blood?  And what about vulture? Or catfish?  Or 
  DOG?  Or Horsemeat?  (:>)  Bytheway, Giraffe is not 
  forbidden--it parts the hoof and chews the cud.  Next time I visit the 
  zoo,  hmmm, which shall I have, a neck steak, or .  .  
- Original Message - 
Chris Barr 

Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 5:18 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Science and 
Scriptural dietary requirements

\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the Matchless Name 
of YahShua [that's the name Jesus 
was called by His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, disciples and 
others who loved Him] !!

Raymond Rife created a microscope (The Universal Microscope) in the 1920s 
which was more powerful than ANY microscope available today. You can read 
about it in many places including the annals of The Smithsonian Institution 
("The New Microscopes" 1944/1945).Extensive research by Rife with 
his microscope led to development of a cure for cancer that was PROVEN to be 
100% effective in 1930s trials overseen by the AMA, The University of 
Southern California, and Dr. Milbanks Johnson, M.D. (President, Los Angeles 
County Medical Society at the time) at what would later come to be known as 
the renowned Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, CA.Part of his research 
with the microscope revealed to him a specific state that the blood MUST be 
in for cancer to develop. In his notes he made notation of a curiosity to 
him. He had discovered that pork caused the specific state for cancer to 
develop and grow very rapidly. Whenever a test subject consumed pork, their 
blood entered into that specific state of the blood that he had discovered 
was necessary for cancer to develop. The blood would maintain this state for 
up to nine hours after ingestion of pork.Rife was not a religious 
man. He had no saving faith. He didn't understand that pork was unclean and 
not to be consumed according to the commandment of Scripture. He did learn 
from his own studies NOT to consume pork due to scientific 
reasons!Here is another related note I received more than five years 
ago:- Original Message - From: "Dell N Griffin"Sent: 
2/19/99 4:55 PMSubject: pork and cancer 
Thought I would forward this to you, re: what we discussed earlier 
aboutthe BLOOD being the abode of the soul and why eating swine is 
prohibitedby the Torah. Hope it doesn't spoil anyone's appetite. 
Shabbat Shalom,Dell 
FROM: "The Cancer Cure That Worked!" by Barry Lynes> Quoting 
the first page of Chapter 18: 
Gruner was a Canadian cancer researcher who worked with Rife (inventor 
ofthe Rife Machine). As he wrote to Dr. Milbank Johnson in the 
late1930'', his contemporaries simply wouldn't look at what was before 
theireyes. In the 1940's Gruner argued in essays and books (An 
Interpretationof Cancer and the Study of Blood in Cancer) that 
pleomorphism was aphenomenon in other diseases. Why, he asked, were 
experts so reluctantto examine a similar biological process when it came 
to cancer? 
Gruner: "Viruses in the strict sense are mostly discredited where 
canceris in question. However, the newer pleomorphists stand in 
markedcontrast. The virus form, to them, is one phase in the life 
history ofmany, if not all bacteria. The bacteria forms do not produc

[TruthTalk] ?? "gifts (plural) of healings (plural)" ??

2004-04-12 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 

Greetings in the Matchless Name of 
YahShua !!
Received this study some time back on the spiritual gifts.  The 
following portion intrigued me ...
Now to consider "gifts of healing".
Note that in 1 Corinthians 12, three verses (9, 28, 30) refer to gifts of 
healing, or gifts of healings.  Note that they are gifts (plural); and they 
are given to an individual one.
Verse 8 starts, "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom 
...".  Verse 9 says, "... to another the gifts of healing ...".  We 
see by the context of the whole chapter that Yahweh by His Spirit gives the 
gifts to individuals severally as He will.  An individual person can have 
one or all of the gifts.
The point I make now is that individual ones have gifts, more than one gift 
of healing.  Checking in Strong's Concordance for the meaning of the word 
"healing", we find that it means "a cure".  Therefore individuals, some of 
them in the assembly, are endowed with gifts of a cure, or have the cure, or 
cures, when necessary.  A cure brings about a healing.
Let's read an example of this in 2 Kings 20:1-7.
King Hezekiah was sick and near death.  He was told by Yahweh through 
Isaiah that he was going to die.  Hezekiah prayed to Yahweh, weeping 
bitterly.  Isaiah was leaving; but Yahweh told him to go back and tell 
Hezekiah He had heard his prayer and seen his tears, and He would heal him, and 
add fifteen years to his days.  Isaiah said, "Prepare a poultice of 
figs".  They did so and applied it to the boil, and he recovered.  The 
healing really came about because of Hezekiah's prayer; but the cure was the 
figs, and Isaiah had it.
Asa, another king (2 Chronicles 16:12-13) was diseased severely.  He 
sought the physicians rather than Yahweh.  He died.  What would have 
been the cure in his case?  We do not know because he did not seek 
Yahweh.  Which would you rather do?
So knowing that these verses in 1 Corinthians 12 mean "gifts of a cure", we 
can respect those that Yahweh has set in the assembly who have these gifts, and 
enjoy the benefits as Yahweh provides them when needed (1 Corinthians 
12:28).  These saints very much want to share what they have.  Maybe 
we'll then go less or not at all to the doctors of Egypt, gladly listening to 
the saint's messages of healing and how we ought to be eating, etc. as well, 
knowing that it is Yahweh that gives them these gifts to not only benefit 
themselves but the whole assembly.
Ones having these gifts likely know of numerous cures for numerous 
ailments.  That is why The Word says giftS in the plural.  If it meant 
one gift of miraculous healing, it would read gift, singular.  There were, 
and are, of course, miraculous healings as previously mentioned, but Scripture 
does not say they are the result of someone having the gift (singular) of 
healing.  Healings brought about by means of a cure are really a miracle 
With the disciples, a power from Yahshua and FAITH was involved, and maybe 
sometimes a cure too (see Luke 9:6, Rotherham).  Today it is FAITH, and a 
CURE may be involved.  Yahweh still heals almost instantly sometimes, but 
probably more often a cure is shown after prayer.  Prayer of faith and 
cures can go hand in hand, and Yahweh does the healing.
In my own personal family life there have been instances of Yahweh healing 
after prayer, and a cure or cures involved.
Once our son was very, very sick abed.  I called for elders -- not 
physicians.  One elder brought along a book telling some things to 
do.  I gave the boy cures -- steam, hot fomentations, garlic, lemon 
juice.  He was well in 3 days, and a cough he had had for months also 
disappeared.  Before calling for the elders, I didn't know what to 
Another time my back "went out" while driving to work.  Yah got me 
home, and my wife drove me to a chiropractor.  I was better for a while but 
the back got bad again.  I decided to do as Yahshua said about praying 
believing.  I prayed that I wouldn't have to go to the chiropractor any 
more for my back, and repeated "He will heal me.  He will heal me."  
By a miracle He did.  I had no pain for about 2 weeks.  But then it 
began to come back.  Why?  I didn't know.  Talking to an 
Adventist friend about my cousin's wife's bad back, he said, "She needs carrot 
juice".  I had the sense to realize the message was for me and began to 
drink it.  Probably knowing nothing about gifts of cures at the time, I 
thought likely my pain had come back so I would get myself and family on a 
better diet.  I didn't realize the raw carrot juice was the Scriptural gift 
of a cure the Adventist had for me.  He didn't know it was for me 
either.  I also decided on my own (right or wrong) to eat almost all raw 
food for about 3 years.  To this day, many years later, I have never had to 
go back to the chiropractor for my back.  I've drunk many gallons of carrot 
juice.  I also had been told I had a heart leakage.  I'm not told 

[TruthTalk] Packaging ...

2004-04-12 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 

Greetings David et al in the 
Matchless Name of YahShua !
"Judge not according to the packaging, but judge righteous judgment." -- 
John 7:24 ... words of The Saviour in the BRSV (Barr Revised Standard 
> Do you recognize any possibility for improvement here, or am I 
now> considered a reprobate fool for even speaking to you in this 
Yes, I recognize possiblity for improvement.
No, one is not considered a reprobate fool for the manner in which they 
speak to me.  I am but a 
servant of YHVH, 
reprobation is determined in accordance with He and not with I.
Your arguments regarding how I conduct myself are flawed (Scripture out of 
context and outright errors).
For instance, Balaam did not become known as a false prophet because of a 
bad attitude.  His downfall was the love of money (root of all evil ... 
like in modern medicine) and compromise -- including teaching how to compromise 
others.  He did the latter due to the former.
"Rightly dividing The Word" and all ...
I follow the example of my Master.  He was more tender with the 
blatant heathens (most but not all the time) than with the religious folk.  
I am the same.  One slanderer here likes to note how "angry" I am.  
Scripture says, "BE angry and sin not".  Anger is not a problem, but rather 
what you do with it may be a problem.  My Master is angry with the wicked 
EVERY DAY.  However, I'm one of the most jovial people you would ever meet 
(if you would meet with me).
My writing is determined as I'm directed by The Almighty.  I do not 
EVER write without praying aforetime, then writing prayerfully, and praying 
before I hit the send button.
I don't find you (or about anyone else on TT) to be honest in their 
motives.  You don't have to live nearby in this information age.  I do 
as much (or more) of my business by e-mail, telephone and letter as I do by 
personal visit.  Of course, much more can be gained much more quickly in 
person than by other options.
You, probably more than any else here (with the possible exception of 
Izzy's sweetie) could quickly grasp and utilize with yourself and others the 
things with which The Almighty has gifted me.  It would be well worth your 
time to come up for a day, weekend, or more.
As to "being open and honest with you" ... the role of prophets has 
traditionally (in Scripture) and historically not been well received by most ... 
Matthew 7:13-14 again in action.
Now, for the rabble rousers here, being a prophet is not a big deal -- 
other than having a possibility for greater judgment (Yacov 3:1).  A 
prophet is simply one role of the body, and the eye is not greater than the 
hand.  People get so easily bent over one who is (or says he is) a 
prophet.  That is a sign of their carnality.

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 


Chris Barr
a servant of 
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 04/11/2004 8:12 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] More recent than 
50 years ago?
> Chris wrote:> > Also, I don't know ANY 
incurable diseases.  As one > > of my early mentors and teachers, 
Dr. John Christopher, > > noted, "There are no incurable diseases but 
there are > > incurable people."  Again, you don't make sense 
speaking > > of someone recovering from Crohn's and then calling it 
> > incurable.> > > > I've NEVER known a case of 
carpal tunnel syndrome, acid > > reflux, or allergies that was not 
healed when following > > proper nutritional instruction.  More 
than 20 years ago > > I had a woman with an "incurable" case of 
genital herpes > > brought to me and that was cleared up, too (still 
have a > > very nice thank you note from that one).  I've 
accomplished > > MUCH that medicine says can't be done.  Most of 
those > > accomplishments have been by way of info about 50 years 
> > old and older.  Raised up 8 children without doctor 
bills.  > > Hosea 4:6 is still true, today.> > 
Chris, I think you probably have some helpful information for all of us,> 
but the packaging of it is somewhat troublesome.  It is like everyone 
is> the devil who does not agree with you in everything you say.  
> > Personally, I live similar to you in that I don't run off to 
medical> doctors.  I think the medical community tends to get too 
much of a free> pass in our society and alternatives are not given their 
due> appreciation.  I fully realize that if someone goes to a doctor 
and> dies, people think nothing of it and it is assumed that all that 
could> be done for them was done.  However, if somebody does not go 
to the> doctor but prays continually for healing and dies, people get up 
in arms> about how they should have went to the doctor.  Truly our 
society> respects doctors more than prayer when it comes to the healing 
of the> body.> > I personally like the nutrition approach 
that you take.  I wish you> lived nearby so that I could talk with 

[TruthTalk] Idolatry and Christianity

2004-04-12 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/ 

Greetings in the Matchless Name of 
YahShua !
prophet Hosea in chapter 4 and verse 6 directly addresses the sad state of 
Christianity today.
The churches have been compromised through deception by the wicked one and 
his lies. Church people gather at the altars of Aesculapius. The healing snake 
god of the Greeks adorns the "emblem" of modern medical 
The Hippocratic oath is often spoken of as a great thing. Medical doctors 
swear this oath upon graduation. Do you know how that oath 
" I swear by Apollo the 
healer, by Aesculapius, by Health and all the powers of healing, and 
call to witness all the gods and goddesses that I may keep this Oath and 
Promise to the best of my ability and judgment ... "
The Almighty ONE has given us the means for health but most have rejected it, 
and rather embraced that which is CONDEMNED in Scripture.
We who are holiness peoples have high standards in so many ways but have been 
deceived by the serpent again through our eating (both what is put into our 
mouths and in how much we eat). I have been trying to get this word out for many 
years now. The few who have heeded this word of truth that The Almighty ONE 
has given me for His children have seen mighty blessings and even tremendous 
miracles. Sadly, they have been few while the many ignore the truth to their own 
Children (and adults) have been taught about "good" drugs versus "bad" drugs. 
That is like speaking of "good" witches and "bad" witches.
Do you know why the "JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS" campaign can NEVER be 
The Saviour said to let your yea be yea and your nay be nay, and that 
anything else is SIN.
Children are told, "JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS". Then when they have a headache and 
come to mommy or daddy they are told, "HERE, TAKE THIS ASPIRIN".
The way that The Almighty ONE wired our grey matter is in black and white. 
Yes is yes, and no is no. If you "mix 'n' match" as it were then your grey 
matter cancels out the black and white messages and then it's "anything 
Children are told that drugs are BOTH bad AND good. THAT short circuits the 
"Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the 
tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are 
dogs, and SORCERERS, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and 
SORCERERS = pharmakos (Strong's #5333 ... the same as 5332) from pharmakeus 
(Strong's #5332) from pharmakon (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion; a druggist 
["pharmacist"] or poisoner, i.e. [by extension] a magician:--sorcerer) …
… AS IN PHARMACY/PHARMACEUTICALS.Interesting "company" that SORCERERS are placed in Scripturally. See also 
Rev. 21:8, 18:23 and 9:21.
For instance, elevated cholesterol is not 
due to a deficiency of a particular man-made drug ($10 BILLION annual 
sales).  It is due to a deficiency of an element created by The Almighty 
ONE. The cause is the intentional consumption of good food made by The Creator 
that is perverted by the creation (man). Eating refined (white) sugar and 
refined (white) flour is the source of the problem. The missing element can only 
be replaced in a very specific form. Other forms will do little, nothing, or in 
some cases even do damage.
The foundation of modern medicine is rooted in the works 
of Louis Pasteur who named Roman 
Catholicism as his faith though he did not practice it. Catholicism was very 
influential in 19th century France. Pasteur never missed an 
opportunity to promote himself and his ideas amongst the influential from 
Emperor Napoleon III to leading Paris academicians and church officials. Pasteur 
was obsessed with fame and fortune.
Meanwhile in the far corners of France labored Antoine 
Béchamp from that century to 
the next. He was born before and lived long 
after Pasteur. He was a man of great faith who credited The Almighty often in 
his scientific writings (amongst the most voluminous in recorded 
Antoine Béchamp received degrees and was a university professor in medicine, 
pharmacy, biology, chemistry and physics. Béchamp was the greatest scientist in 
recorded history though even his name is unknown to almost all.
All the discoveries that Pasteur claimed (that were true) 
were stolen by him from Antoine Béchamp. However, Pasteur was not bright enough to 
understand them so his presentation of these truths was basically upside down 
and inside out. He published fictional studies that were never done. It is upon 
his twisted interpretation that our medical sciences are based. There is enough 
truth there to effect much change. Yet the error from this thieving liar has 
resulted in more human suffering and death than Hitler, Stalin and Mao 
Béchamp was also the first casualty of the 
new "science falsely so called" (I Timothy 6:20) of evolution. He was the leading (and practically only vocal) opponent of evolution

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Marlin Halverson

All this worry because I recounted the answered prayers of 
an innocent child.  
I continually ask God to pour out His spirit upon my 
children and to bless them.  Why would I or my child receive a snake when 
we ask for a fish? 

  Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, 
  will he give him a stone?  Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a 
  serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your 
  children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things 
  to them that ask him? MAT 7:9-11    

  jt: "Children are free to serve in many 
  ways, just not in positions of
  authority and I don't see any indication 
  that the Holy Spirit uses them
  in the distribution of spiritual 
  gifts. ..."

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Dave

Terry Clifton wrote:

Dave wrote:

So Terry, do you think a saved Christian who converts
to Mormonism has lost their salvation?

God's ways are beyond my understanding Dave.  Some places in the Bible
make it look as though God will accept about anyone, no matter how
screwed up their theology, as long as they have even a little faith. 
Other places indicate that God is big on obedience, and you better do
it His way or go to Hell.  Since there is no more important item on my
list than spending eternity with my Lord (and avoiding Hell), I
generally tend to go with the be obedient route. Why take chances?
 Paul told those who were calling themselves Christians, yet trying to
gain favor with God by keeping the law , that they had "Fallen from
Grace".  In my opinion, Mormons do the same thing with the same
result.  Adding to the requirement for salvation says that Jesus alone
is not enough.  

DAVEH:  You are suggesting LDS theology adds to the requirements, yet
you seem to have requirements for salvation too, do you not Terry?  It
seems to be a matter of where the line is drawn in your theological
world.  In the LDS realm, grace is the action Jesus did (I don't think
I worded it very well) that makes it possible for us to be saved.  Had
he not atoned for our sins, nor been resurrected so we too can enjoy
that gift.then nothing we could do on our own could bring salvation
to ourselves.  Therefore.it is by the grace of Jesus we are saved. 
That does not mean we do not have to meet certain requirements as many
Christians believe.  Jesus gave the requirementsand as I see it,
many Christians want to minimize the importance and necessity of some
of those requirements.
I would
hope that the Lord sees you as confused but sincere, and allows
you to spend eternity with Him, but I sure would not bet on it, as your
whole system of belief contradicts much of God's word.  

DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.
No hard
feelings, just the truth as I am able to see it.

DAVEH:  I understand.  And that is why I ask the questions I do.I
am curious as to why you believe the way you do, Terry.

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:21:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Also God is the healer and 
any healing by other means is divination. 

God can't use a doctor?

JS said:  Those who use divination and evil spirits to are not and cannot be children 
of God.   God does not offer serpents to those who ask for bread. 
jt: What are you saying John?  Anyone can be deceived.

Just quoting a little scripture.   You can look it up in your Strong's.  That is Christ's word on the issue.   Sure, we can be deceived but the point is this: God deceives no one.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:38:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

john: This is absolutely over the top, even for judyt.   
You must believe in childhood conversion inspite of the fact that not 
one such example is given in NT scripture.  
jt: I've never stated that children could not be converted John, what
I am saying is that child prophets and child prodigies are out of character
for the ministry of God's Spirit in the Church.  Children are not responsible 
for their own spiritual life under Judaism until they are at least 13yrs old 
and even Jesus who had a full measure of God's Spirit did nothing publicly
before the age of 30yrs.  When did things change?

Apparently you have misread my post.  I don't believe anything has changed in that regard.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Pseudo Science

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:51:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 have trouble equating healing with bread.  As to the statistics you supplied, is a  ninety-five percent rate of failure is considered normal by those who claim to be healers?  Were the failures the fault of the healer or the healee?  Were five percent really healed, or were they deluded?  Were all of the supposed healings something internal that could not be seen, or did someone have an ear reattached or a disfigurment such as caused by leprosy healed where the healing was immeadiate and obvious to everyone?
If Benny Hinn and others like him can do these things, I know of some leper colonies where they would be most welcome.

I believe in present day healing.   I attend a pentecostal assembly.   And I have seen, sad to say, much tom-foolery in regard to healing.   It does not discourage my belief in healing because that was Paul's problem as well  --  so he and others caution against false prophets and the proper use and place of tongues  (fo example). 

I also must admit that I do not believe in faith healers. I experience the filling of God during any worship/song service.   With Benny, his ego clearly gets in the way of true ministry.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/11/2004 11:16:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH:  If anybody deserves to be excluded from TT for contrarian views, it is me with my LDS biased beliefs.  FTR..DavidM has gone to extraordinary lengths to defend my presence in TT.

Maybe BillT is talking about the ultimate conclusion that logic demands as a result of the "eprfection" theology as opposed to Miller's sense of benevolence.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Dave

In a message dated
4/11/2004 11:16:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  DAVEH:  If anybody
deserves to be excluded from TT for contrarian views, it is me
with my LDS biased beliefs.  FTR..DavidM has gone to extraordinary
lengths to defend my presence in TT.

Maybe BillT is talking about the ultimate conclusion that logic demands
as a result of the "eprfection" theology as opposed to Miller's sense
of benevolence.  
DAVEH:  Though I may have misunderstood Bill's post, let it be known
that DavidM has treated me very kindly and drawn sharp criticism from
others for doing so.

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/12/2004 4:26:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Funny, I thought the discussion between you and David was about Greek translations, but now I realize it was really all about you.  Guess that shows what I know. 
You have no idea how shocking and hurtful your words, below, are.  I am literally crying for David Miller right now because I know how hurt he will be to read this. 
I think TT is too much for me to take,

I am thinking that if we can't be honest with each other, there is no point in this or any other discussion group.  Bill's intend is well placed.  Even though DavidM believes in sanctification, he is not perfect and his imperfection comes to light in much of his discussion.  The shocking part of all this is knowing that each of us over step the bounds from time to time.  David is not worse or better than most on this list.  Nothing wrong with kind hearted criticism.   I enjoyed the honesty on Bill's part.   Some time ago,  I decided to not argue with criticism coming from anyone when that criticism in about how I act or react to others.   I counsel others often with this advise:   "What harm is there in accepting the criticism of your [spouse]  ---   even if it is wrong     what is the harm?"  You are a sweet heart,  Izzy..but Bill and David are big boys   ---   and it will work out just fine, from what I think I see in each of their lives..    (just trying to encourage).


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/12/2004 6:23:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH:  So Terry, do you think a saved Christian who converts to Mormonism has lost their salvation?

God's ways are beyond my understanding Dave.  Some 
places in the Bible make it look as though God will accept about anyone, no 
matter how screwed up their theology, as long as they have even a little 
faith.  Other places indicate that God is big on obedience, and you better 
do it His way or go to Hell.  Since there is no more important item on my 
list than spending eternity with my Lord (and avoiding Hell), I generally tend 
to go with the be obedient route. Why take chances?
 Paul told those who were calling themselves Christians, yet trying to gain favor with God by keeping the law , that they had "Fallen from Grace".  In my opinion, Mormons do the same thing with the same result.  Adding to the requirement for salvation says that Jesus alone is not enough.  

I would hope that the Lord sees you as confused but sincere, and allows you to spend eternity with Him, but I sure would not bet on it, as your whole system of belief contradicts much of God's word.  
No hard feelings, just the truth as I am able to see it.

I think Terry's answer is heartfelt and right on.   but let me ask this, directed to DaveH:  Does the Mormon church view as saved those who leave that church  _   I mean, my wife was given a letter of excommunication when she left.  And I am not just trying to turn question back onto you.   Your question could have something do with our (yours and mine, for example) sense of fellowship in Christ?  

John Smithson

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/12/2004 9:21:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Judy, you are s right. I see quite clearly now the concern. I was talking about what happens to Christians when we fail to trust first. Pretty soon the accuser is having his way with us, and more than that, we are doing his bidding. We forget to identify the enemy. It's kind of like the Grinch that stole Christmas. We turn the whos into whats, thereby impersonalising persons. We start thinking about "what" they have done and forget "who" they are in Christ. The next thing you know is we're stealing the joy down in who-ville. The whole time our enemy is smiling. I am sorry I didn't communicate this better. Thank you for getting it. Right on. Bravo.

actually, Bill,  I even misunderstood this accuser thing.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Packaging ...

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/12/2004 4:41:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I follow the example of my Master.  He was more tender with the blatant heathens (most but not all the time) than with the religious folk.  I am the same. 

No He wasn't. Chris.  He went after those LEADERS who OPPOSED everything He stood for.   He treated Judas with a degree of tenderness.  Upon His return from the grave, He never mentioned His displeasure at the fact that none of the disciples except John remained with Him to the end.  Absolutely no one on this list comes even close to the description of those whom Him opposed.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Children

2004-04-12 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 4/12/2004 5:11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All this worry because I recounted the answered prayers of an innocent child.  

I thought your testimony was great and not one negative anything came to mind.  My children are likewise a blessing.  

If any of you are interested, allow me to announce that my son,  Russ, is taking his band on tour.   His music is Christian, all origianal, and the appeal is more to the youth.   If you would use his ministry, let me know  --   we can send a CD if you like.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

2004-04-12 Thread ttxpress

On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 20:37:50 -0700 Dave 

  [re:]..a saved Christian who 
  converts to Mormonism...
  there is no way anybody could persuade 
  such a person to do this
  you have no clue about the role 
  of the Holy Spirit in conversion to Christ--try studying chapter one of 
  Calvin's Institutes
  G ~ 