Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Davanum Srinivas


I started another DISCUSS thread to "keep talking", you still need to
let everyone know what you think of this VOTE.


On 3/29/07, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 28, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

> Hi Jeremy,
> Here is a problem that most of us are facing with the Trunk and is
> hindering
> us to effectively contribute to the trunk.  I see there is one
> solution that
> has been proposed to making this simpler with some compromises.  If
> this is
> not agreeable what is the alternative for those of us who are
> waiting for a
> solution to this.  Whats the simple way for any of us - including
> somebody
> getting in afresh - to quickly jump in and start contributing
> without having
> to worry about the build intricacies.  Should we consider Bert's
> suggestion?

At the moment, this is a straight up/down binary vote on a fairly
vague proposal, one that some people have specific technical concerns
over. There are other proposals out there but we seem to have lost
sight of that. IMO, yes, we should consider Bert's proposal, and mine
for assemblies, and anything else anyone can think of that is less

> Theres been may a time when you have helped us out of various
> technical
> difficulties.  Here is yet another time I request for help from you
> for a
> way out of this.

Thanks. My suggestion is, keep talking. The important thing here is
about seeing if we can work together to reach consensus. What the
technical outcome is really doesn't matter.


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Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Davanum Srinivas


I started another DISCUSS thread to "look at these", you still need to
let everyone know what you think of this VOTE.


On 3/29/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 29, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

> On Mar 28, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> Here is a problem that most of us are facing with the Trunk and is
>> hindering
>> us to effectively contribute to the trunk.  I see there is one
>> solution that
>> has been proposed to making this simpler with some compromises.
>> If this is
>> not agreeable what is the alternative for those of us who are
>> waiting for a
>> solution to this.  Whats the simple way for any of us - including
>> somebody
>> getting in afresh - to quickly jump in and start contributing
>> without having
>> to worry about the build intricacies.  Should we consider Bert's
>> suggestion?
> At the moment, this is a straight up/down binary vote on a fairly
> vague proposal, one that some people have specific technical
> concerns over. There are other proposals out there but we seem to
> have lost sight of that. IMO, yes, we should consider Bert's
> proposal, and mine for assemblies, and anything else anyone can
> think of that is less divisive.
I'd prefer we look at these as well.


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Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Jim Marino

On Mar 29, 2007, at 10:28 AM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

On Mar 28, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

Here is a problem that most of us are facing with the Trunk and is  
us to effectively contribute to the trunk.  I see there is one  
solution that
has been proposed to making this simpler with some compromises.   
If this is
not agreeable what is the alternative for those of us who are  
waiting for a
solution to this.  Whats the simple way for any of us - including  
getting in afresh - to quickly jump in and start contributing  
without having
to worry about the build intricacies.  Should we consider Bert's  

At the moment, this is a straight up/down binary vote on a fairly  
vague proposal, one that some people have specific technical  
concerns over. There are other proposals out there but we seem to  
have lost sight of that. IMO, yes, we should consider Bert's  
proposal, and mine for assemblies, and anything else anyone can  
think of that is less divisive.

I'd prefer we look at these as well.


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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Jeremy Boynes

On Mar 28, 2007, at 11:29 PM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

Here is a problem that most of us are facing with the Trunk and is  
us to effectively contribute to the trunk.  I see there is one  
solution that
has been proposed to making this simpler with some compromises.  If  
this is
not agreeable what is the alternative for those of us who are  
waiting for a
solution to this.  Whats the simple way for any of us - including  
getting in afresh - to quickly jump in and start contributing  
without having
to worry about the build intricacies.  Should we consider Bert's  

At the moment, this is a straight up/down binary vote on a fairly  
vague proposal, one that some people have specific technical concerns  
over. There are other proposals out there but we seem to have lost  
sight of that. IMO, yes, we should consider Bert's proposal, and mine  
for assemblies, and anything else anyone can think of that is less  

Theres been may a time when you have helped us out of various  
difficulties.  Here is yet another time I request for help from you  
for a

way out of this.

Thanks. My suggestion is, keep talking. The important thing here is  
about seeing if we can work together to reach consensus. What the  
technical outcome is really doesn't matter.


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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Simon Laws

On 3/29/07, Ignacio Silva-Lepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If I understand your clarification correctly, this vote is about putting
a single release with a certain number of modules in it, and with each
module having the same version number. In particular, this vote does
not set a cast-in-stone precedent about how future releases will be put
together. Also, it is assumed that consensus will eventually be able to
be reached about what the modules in the release will be (without this
assumption, this vote seems pointless to me).

While it is not clear to me that this is the best approach to follow from
an open source project point of view, with the constraints and assump-
tions above it seems to me to be reasonably safe to vote +1.

So, if the constraints and assumptions above are true, then here's
my +1.


On 3/29/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wasn't clear enough when starting this vote, let me try to fix that:
> I intended this vote to *be* the short term reality, I.e. about getting
> release out from trunk with everyone contributing.
> It may well be right that a single module version doesn't scale, in the
> longer term maybe we need to adopt one the many proposals that has been
> made
> on this subject. We can revisit all this once we've managed to get the
> next
> release out.
> The specifics of what extensions are included in this release is left
> of
> this vote and can be decided in the release plan discussion. All this
> is saying is that all the modules that are to be included in this next
> release will have the same version and that a top level pom.xml will
> to enable building all those modules at once. We don't have so many
> extensions planed for the next release so i think this will scale ok for

> now.
> Does that help at all? Would anyone more vote for this now?
> If there isn't a reasonably large majority one way or the other I'm fine
> with forgetting this vote and going back to the drawing board for a
> different approach. I'd really prefer not to have to do that though as
> need to start finding some ways to make progress, so lets keep this
> till tomorrow to see how the votes look then.
>   ...ant
> On 3/28/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Bert.
> >
> > I think I'm with you on the proposal. The rule of the game should be
> very
> > simple as follows:
> >
> > Let's agree on a set of modules that are supposed to work together for
> the
> > next target (a release or a demo), then define an assembly and
> > enforce the cohesions.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Raymond
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Bert Lamb" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:28 PM
> > Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
> enable
> > building all modules together
> >
> >
> > > Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more
> > > to people voting against this proposal?
> > >
> > > -Bert
> > >
> > > [1]
> > >
> > > On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version
> a
> > >> top
> > >> down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the
> > >> subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.
> > >>
> > >> Meeraj
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> >From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> >Reply-To:
> > >> >To:
> > >> >Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules
> > >> >enable
> > >> >building all modules together
> > >> >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> >>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on
> > >> >>issue.
> > >> >>
> > >> >>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project
> > >> >>enables
> > >> >>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> > >> >>extensions
> > >> >>etc, and for that to work all those modules need

Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Ignacio Silva-Lepe

If I understand your clarification correctly, this vote is about putting out
a single release with a certain number of modules in it, and with each
module having the same version number. In particular, this vote does
not set a cast-in-stone precedent about how future releases will be put
together. Also, it is assumed that consensus will eventually be able to
be reached about what the modules in the release will be (without this
assumption, this vote seems pointless to me).

While it is not clear to me that this is the best approach to follow from
an open source project point of view, with the constraints and assump-
tions above it seems to me to be reasonably safe to vote +1.

So, if the constraints and assumptions above are true, then here's
my +1.


On 3/29/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wasn't clear enough when starting this vote, let me try to fix that:

I intended this vote to *be* the short term reality, I.e. about getting a
release out from trunk with everyone contributing.

It may well be right that a single module version doesn't scale, in the
longer term maybe we need to adopt one the many proposals that has been
on this subject. We can revisit all this once we've managed to get the
release out.

The specifics of what extensions are included in this release is left out
this vote and can be decided in the release plan discussion. All this vote
is saying is that all the modules that are to be included in this next
release will have the same version and that a top level pom.xml will exist
to enable building all those modules at once. We don't have so many
extensions planed for the next release so i think this will scale ok for

Does that help at all? Would anyone more vote for this now?

If there isn't a reasonably large majority one way or the other I'm fine
with forgetting this vote and going back to the drawing board for a
different approach. I'd really prefer not to have to do that though as we
need to start finding some ways to make progress, so lets keep this going
till tomorrow to see how the votes look then.


On 3/28/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Bert.
> I think I'm with you on the proposal. The rule of the game should be
> simple as follows:
> Let's agree on a set of modules that are supposed to work together for
> next target (a release or a demo), then define an assembly and pom.xmlto
> enforce the cohesions.
> Thanks,
> Raymond
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bert Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
> building all modules together
> > Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more amenable
> > to people voting against this proposal?
> >
> > -Bert
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and
> >> top
> >> down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same
> >> subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.
> >>
> >> Meeraj
> >>
> >>
> >> >From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >Reply-To:
> >> >To:
> >> >Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
> >> >enable
> >> >building all modules together
> >> >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> >> >>issue.
> >> >>
> >> >>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> >> >>enables
> >> >>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> >> >>extensions
> >> >>etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> >> >>version
> >> >>name.
> >> >>
> >> >>Here's my +1.
> >> >>
> >> >>   ...ant
> >> >>
> >> >>[1]
> >> >>msg16024.html
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue

Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread Bert Lamb

This vote makes much more sense to me know and sounds a bit like what
I was trying to propose, so I'm all for it and it gets my non-binding
vote :)

+1 (non-binding)


On 3/29/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wasn't clear enough when starting this vote, let me try to fix that:

I intended this vote to *be* the short term reality, I.e. about getting a
release out from trunk with everyone contributing.

It may well be right that a single module version doesn't scale, in the
longer term maybe we need to adopt one the many proposals that has been made
on this subject. We can revisit all this once we've managed to get the next
release out.

The specifics of what extensions are included in this release is left out of
this vote and can be decided in the release plan discussion. All this vote
is saying is that all the modules that are to be included in this next
release will have the same version and that a top level pom.xml will exist
to enable building all those modules at once. We don't have so many
extensions planed for the next release so i think this will scale ok for

Does that help at all? Would anyone more vote for this now?

If there isn't a reasonably large majority one way or the other I'm fine
with forgetting this vote and going back to the drawing board for a
different approach. I'd really prefer not to have to do that though as we
need to start finding some ways to make progress, so lets keep this going
till tomorrow to see how the votes look then.


On 3/28/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Bert.
> I think I'm with you on the proposal. The rule of the game should be very
> simple as follows:
> Let's agree on a set of modules that are supposed to work together for the
> next target (a release or a demo), then define an assembly and pom.xml to
> enforce the cohesions.
> Thanks,
> Raymond
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bert Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable
> building all modules together
> > Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more amenable
> > to people voting against this proposal?
> >
> > -Bert
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and a
> >> top
> >> down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same
> >> subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.
> >>
> >> Meeraj
> >>
> >>
> >> >From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >Reply-To:
> >> >To:
> >> >Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
> >> >enable
> >> >building all modules together
> >> >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> >> >>issue.
> >> >>
> >> >>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> >> >>enables
> >> >>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> >> >>extensions
> >> >>etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> >> >>version
> >> >>name.
> >> >>
> >> >>Here's my +1.
> >> >>
> >> >>   ...ant
> >> >>
> >> >>[1]
> >> >>msg16024.html
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue
> about  building
> >> >extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on
> >> >different
> >> >release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins
> will
> >> >be
> >> >handled.
> >> >
> >> >Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I
> have  to
> >> >vote against the proposal.
> >> >
> >> >-1
> >> >
> >> >Jim
> >> >
> >> >-
> >> >To unsubscribe, 

Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-29 Thread ant elder

I wasn't clear enough when starting this vote, let me try to fix that:

I intended this vote to *be* the short term reality, I.e. about getting a
release out from trunk with everyone contributing.

It may well be right that a single module version doesn't scale, in the
longer term maybe we need to adopt one the many proposals that has been made
on this subject. We can revisit all this once we've managed to get the next
release out.

The specifics of what extensions are included in this release is left out of
this vote and can be decided in the release plan discussion. All this vote
is saying is that all the modules that are to be included in this next
release will have the same version and that a top level pom.xml will exist
to enable building all those modules at once. We don't have so many
extensions planed for the next release so i think this will scale ok for

Does that help at all? Would anyone more vote for this now?

If there isn't a reasonably large majority one way or the other I'm fine
with forgetting this vote and going back to the drawing board for a
different approach. I'd really prefer not to have to do that though as we
need to start finding some ways to make progress, so lets keep this going
till tomorrow to see how the votes look then.


On 3/28/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Bert.

I think I'm with you on the proposal. The rule of the game should be very
simple as follows:

Let's agree on a set of modules that are supposed to work together for the
next target (a release or a demo), then define an assembly and pom.xml to
enforce the cohesions.


- Original Message -
From: "Bert Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable
building all modules together

> Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more amenable
> to people voting against this proposal?
> -Bert
> [1]
> On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and a
>> top
>> down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same
>> subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.
>> Meeraj
>> >From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Reply-To:
>> >To:
>> >Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
>> >enable
>> >building all modules together
>> >Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
>> >
>> >
>> >On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
>> >
>> >>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
>> >>issue.
>> >>
>> >>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
>> >>enables
>> >>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
>> >>extensions
>> >>etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
>> >>version
>> >>name.
>> >>
>> >>Here's my +1.
>> >>
>> >>   ...ant
>> >>
>> >>[1]
>> >>msg16024.html
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue
about  building
>> >extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on
>> >different
>> >release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins
>> >be
>> >handled.
>> >
>> >Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I
have  to
>> >vote against the proposal.
>> >
>> >-1
>> >
>> >Jim
>> >
>> >-
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>> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> _
>> - Click Here To Find Singles In Your Area Today!
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> -
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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Venkata Krishnan

Hi Jeremy,

Here is a problem that most of us are facing with the Trunk and is hindering
us to effectively contribute to the trunk.  I see there is one solution that
has been proposed to making this simpler with some compromises.  If this is
not agreeable what is the alternative for those of us who are waiting for a
solution to this.  Whats the simple way for any of us - including somebody
getting in afresh - to quickly jump in and start contributing without having
to worry about the build intricacies.  Should we consider Bert's suggestion?

Theres been may a time when you have helped us out of various technical
difficulties.  Here is yet another time I request for help from you for a
way out of this.


- Venkat

On 3/29/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Sorry, I can't speak on behalf of Jim or Jeremy.

As for me, this is only the second time I have voted -1, the other one
being the one on interfaced based models, which has been withdrawn since
then. On this particular vote, I am ok to go with -0, it was a
misunderstaning on my part on how voting worked. I thought, the rule was
there should be more +1s than -1s and at least three +1s.

As Jim mentioned in one of the previous emails, there is a fundamental
difference that has been evolving between two groups of people, in terms of
what technical direction we should take. There have been laudable efforts
from both sides (especially from the likes of Raymond, Sebastien, Simon, Jim
and Jeremy) to reconcile the differences and move on. However, the plain
fact is that those diffeerences have not been resolved yet and I am not sure
whether they would, given they are quite fundamental.

On your point on projects being thrown out of the incubator, I wouldn't
want that to happen to Tuscany. Lot of people have put in a lot of effort on
this. I am willing to keep the discussions going. At the end of the day, if
I personally can't resolve the technical differences, I would maintain my
dignity and step out of the way and let the community carry on. However,
that would be a last resort for me, I would continue to work with the guys
here and try to reconcile the differences.

On your point on the "Be Nice" vote, I have been thinking hard on the
actual motivation of that vote. I don't think anyone has been disrespectful
to anyone on the list so far. We have had our differences, and we have tried
to discuss them as grown up individuals. Hence, I didn't really understand
the purpose of that vote.


From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 3/29/2007 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable
building all modules together


well go over the archives and count how many times you, jim and jeremy
have -1'ed something. The correct vote for "I am happy to go with the
majority view, if that is what the community wants." is -0 *NOT* -1.
When you do a -1 you are supposed to work hard to come up with a
refined proposal that takes in your viewpoint or help come up with a
proposal that evertone can rally around. I see no effort in consensus
building in any of the threads i reviewed after a -1. This is an open
source project, you can have the best goddamn architecture in the
whole wide world. If there is no community to back the work. It will
get thrown out of the incubator. Sorry, that's the way Apache works.
Incubator is not only for legal purposes but also to help build
communities. This is not the way an open source project should work.
Forget about incubator projects, we have closed Top level project
(example Avalon) too because everyone was at cross purposes and no one
was cooperating with any one else. Yes, a few of the people who
started the fracas did say exactly what you said.."I disagree
fundamnetally from a technical perspective". See this email and check
if it is the same situation you all are in.

Finally did the three of you VOTE in the "Be Nice" thread? That just
tells me a lot of things.



On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dims,
> I don't think there is a stream of -1s. This is an issue on which,
unfortunately, I disagree fundamnetally from a technical perspective, with
the percieved majority view. It will be hypocritical of me to +1, if I don't
agree with it.
> However, I am happy to go with the majority view, if that is what the
community wants.
> Ta
> Meeraj
> From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 3/28/2007 11:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and
enable building all modules together

RE: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath
Sorry, I can't speak on behalf of Jim or Jeremy. 
As for me, this is only the second time I have voted -1, the other one being 
the one on interfaced based models, which has been withdrawn since then. On 
this particular vote, I am ok to go with -0, it was a misunderstaning on my 
part on how voting worked. I thought, the rule was there should be more +1s 
than -1s and at least three +1s.
As Jim mentioned in one of the previous emails, there is a fundamental 
difference that has been evolving between two groups of people, in terms of 
what technical direction we should take. There have been laudable efforts from 
both sides (especially from the likes of Raymond, Sebastien, Simon, Jim and 
Jeremy) to reconcile the differences and move on. However, the plain fact is 
that those diffeerences have not been resolved yet and I am not sure whether 
they would, given they are quite fundamental.
On your point on projects being thrown out of the incubator, I wouldn't want 
that to happen to Tuscany. Lot of people have put in a lot of effort on this. I 
am willing to keep the discussions going. At the end of the day, if I 
personally can't resolve the technical differences, I would maintain my dignity 
and step out of the way and let the community carry on. However, that would be 
a last resort for me, I would continue to work with the guys here and try to 
reconcile the differences.
On your point on the "Be Nice" vote, I have been thinking hard on the actual 
motivation of that vote. I don't think anyone has been disrespectful to anyone 
on the list so far. We have had our differences, and we have tried to discuss 
them as grown up individuals. Hence, I didn't really understand the purpose of 
that vote.

From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 3/29/2007 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together


well go over the archives and count how many times you, jim and jeremy
have -1'ed something. The correct vote for "I am happy to go with the
majority view, if that is what the community wants." is -0 *NOT* -1.
When you do a -1 you are supposed to work hard to come up with a
refined proposal that takes in your viewpoint or help come up with a
proposal that evertone can rally around. I see no effort in consensus
building in any of the threads i reviewed after a -1. This is an open
source project, you can have the best goddamn architecture in the
whole wide world. If there is no community to back the work. It will
get thrown out of the incubator. Sorry, that's the way Apache works.
Incubator is not only for legal purposes but also to help build
communities. This is not the way an open source project should work.
Forget about incubator projects, we have closed Top level project
(example Avalon) too because everyone was at cross purposes and no one
was cooperating with any one else. Yes, a few of the people who
started the fracas did say exactly what you said.."I disagree
fundamnetally from a technical perspective". See this email and check
if it is the same situation you all are in.

Finally did the three of you VOTE in the "Be Nice" thread? That just
tells me a lot of things.



On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dims,
> I don't think there is a stream of -1s. This is an issue on which, 
> unfortunately, I disagree fundamnetally from a technical perspective, with 
> the percieved majority view. It will be hypocritical of me to +1, if I don't 
> agree with it.
> However, I am happy to go with the majority view, if that is what the 
> community wants.
> Ta
> Meeraj
> From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 3/28/2007 11:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
> building all modules together
> Jim, Meeraj,
> If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
> single release at all.
> thx,
> dims
> On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> >
> > > Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> > > issue.
> > >
> > > The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> > > enables
> > > building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> > > extensions
> > > etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> > &g

Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas


well go over the archives and count how many times you, jim and jeremy
have -1'ed something. The correct vote for "I am happy to go with the
majority view, if that is what the community wants." is -0 *NOT* -1.
When you do a -1 you are supposed to work hard to come up with a
refined proposal that takes in your viewpoint or help come up with a
proposal that evertone can rally around. I see no effort in consensus
building in any of the threads i reviewed after a -1. This is an open
source project, you can have the best goddamn architecture in the
whole wide world. If there is no community to back the work. It will
get thrown out of the incubator. Sorry, that's the way Apache works.
Incubator is not only for legal purposes but also to help build
communities. This is not the way an open source project should work.
Forget about incubator projects, we have closed Top level project
(example Avalon) too because everyone was at cross purposes and no one
was cooperating with any one else. Yes, a few of the people who
started the fracas did say exactly what you said.."I disagree
fundamnetally from a technical perspective". See this email and check
if it is the same situation you all are in.

Finally did the three of you VOTE in the "Be Nice" thread? That just
tells me a lot of things.



On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I don't think there is a stream of -1s. This is an issue on which, 
unfortunately, I disagree fundamnetally from a technical perspective, with the 
percieved majority view. It will be hypocritical of me to +1, if I don't agree 
with it.

However, I am happy to go with the majority view, if that is what the community 


From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 3/28/2007 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together

Jim, Meeraj,

If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
single release at all.


On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> > Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> > issue.
> >
> > The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> > enables
> > building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> > extensions
> > etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> > version
> > name.
> >
> > Here's my +1.
> >
> >   ...ant
> >
> > [1]
> > msg16024.html
> There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about
> building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules
> on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel
> or plugins will be handled.
> Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have
> to vote against the proposal.
> -1
> Jim
> -
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Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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RE: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath
I don't think there is a stream of -1s. This is an issue on which, 
unfortunately, I disagree fundamnetally from a technical perspective, with the 
percieved majority view. It will be hypocritical of me to +1, if I don't agree 
with it. 
However, I am happy to go with the majority view, if that is what the community 

From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 3/28/2007 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together

Jim, Meeraj,

If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
single release at all.


On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
> > Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> > issue.
> >
> > The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> > enables
> > building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> > extensions
> > etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> > version
> > name.
> >
> > Here's my +1.
> >
> >   ...ant
> >
> > [1]
> > msg16024.html
> There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about
> building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules
> on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel
> or plugins will be handled.
> Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have
> to vote against the proposal.
> -1
> Jim
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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VAT No. 226 6112 87

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread ant elder

I don't believe this vote was initiated prematurely.

This has been debated for a long time, we've never really got complete
agreement, but we've also never voted on it. This vote started directly from
a thread that started on 22nd, (though that was spawned from an earlier
thread), when discussion died down on the 26th I suggested calling this vote
and clearly stated what the vote would be and that I'd wait to see if there
was more discussion, I waited 2 days but there was no further discussion.
What else can we do now other than have a vote?

To answer the specific question in this vote thread about "building
extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules on different
release schedules requiring different levels of kernel or plugins will be
handled." - we do nothing. As discussed on the thread that started this vote
for the next release at least there would only be a single version and all
modules would be released together. Thats what this vote is voting for. We
can revisit this again after we've got a release out.

As I understand it this is a simple majority vote, to pass it needs at least
3 +1s and more +1s than -1s. It still has time left to run, please could
people continue voting.


On 3/29/07, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is an indication that the vote was initiated prematurely, before
agreement was reached. I would suggest withdrawing it until
individuals' concerns have been addressed unless we think this issue
is irreconcilable and that a decision should be forced.


On Mar 28, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

> Jim, Meeraj,
> If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
> single release at all.
> thx,
> dims
> On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
>> > Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
>> > issue.
>> >
>> > The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
>> > enables
>> > building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
>> > extensions
>> > etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
>> > version
>> > name.
>> >
>> > Here's my +1.
>> >
>> >   ...ant
>> >
>> > [1]
>> > msg16024.html
>> There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about
>> building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules
>> on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel
>> or plugins will be handled.
>> Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have
>> to vote against the proposal.
>> -1
>> Jim
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services
> Developers
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Jeremy Boynes
This is an indication that the vote was initiated prematurely, before  
agreement was reached. I would suggest withdrawing it until  
individuals' concerns have been addressed unless we think this issue  
is irreconcilable and that a decision should be forced.


On Mar 28, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

Jim, Meeraj,

If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
single release at all.


On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:

> Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> issue.
> The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> enables
> building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> extensions
> etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> version
> name.
> Here's my +1.
>   ...ant
> [1]
> msg16024.html

There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about
building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules
on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel
or plugins will be handled.

Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have
to vote against the proposal.



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Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services  

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Jim, Meeraj,

If the stream of -1's contnue, am afraid there isn't going to be a
single release at all.


On 3/28/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:

> Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> issue.
> The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> enables
> building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> extensions
> etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same
> version
> name.
> Here's my +1.
>   ...ant
> [1]
> msg16024.html

There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about
building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules
on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel
or plugins will be handled.

Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have
to vote against the proposal.



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Davanum Srinivas :: :: Oxygen for Web Services Developers

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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Raymond Feng

Hi, Bert.

I think I'm with you on the proposal. The rule of the game should be very 
simple as follows:

Let's agree on a set of modules that are supposed to work together for the 
next target (a release or a demo), then define an assembly and pom.xml to 
enforce the cohesions.


- Original Message - 
From: "Bert Lamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together

Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more amenable
to people voting against this proposal?



On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and a 

down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same
subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.


>From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and 

>building all modules together
>Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
>On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
>>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
>>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
>>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
>>etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same 

>>Here's my +1.
>>   ...ant

>There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about  building
>extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on 
>release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins will 

>Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have  to
>vote against the proposal.
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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Raymond Feng


I think there're confusions on a few related topics which have been tangled 
against each other. Let me try to clarify before we agree or disagree. 
Please be patient when you read through this lengthy e-mail :-).

Issue 1: Maintain dependencies
We use maven to track dependencies and there are a few types:
   a) Depend on a module from Tuscany
   * Released (such as sca-api-r1.0)
   * Latest revision (for example, core depends on spi)
   * A particular revision (in very rare cases such as a demo for a 

   b) Depend on an external artifact (for example, axis2 or wookstox)
   * Released
   * SNAPSHOT (We should try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary)
So the principle is: The less SNAPSHOT dependency, the better.

Issue 2: Build related source modules together to prevent changes in one 
module from breaking others

The scope of "related" varies on what we want to achieve. But we have two 
techniques to build related stuff together on the table:

[Option A]: Use profiles in the root pom.xml to enable top-down builds for 
different purposes.

Pros: Simple to use
Cons: I think maven has a limitation (or feature) that prevents the mixed 
versions of artifacts. For example, if the "spi" is at version 1.0.0, and 
"binding.axis2" depends on "spi-1.0.0", then the top-down build will mess 
up. The other thing is that the pom.xml will become messy if we have many 

[Option B]: Create pom.xml corresponding to an assembly which is defined to 
be a collection modules that work together for an objective, such as a demo 
or the next release.

(I remember that Luciano actually prototyped one @

Pros: Flexible to reference source modules from different locations (even 
different revisions). And the set of modules aligns with a defined 
Cons: The pom.xml is maintained on the side and people tend to ignore it 
before commits.

Based on the nature of the Tuscany module for a dependency, we have the 
following cases to consider we need to build a module from source:

* Released version:
   No need to build the source module because the given version will be 
pulled from maven repo and it's not subject to changes.

   To build from the latest source code, we should add a  
element to the pom.xml.

(BTW, If Option B is adopted and if an assembly references a particular 
revision of the module, we can use the "svn:externals" property to link to 
the revision from SVN.)

Both option A and B are just technical ways to avoid breaks across modules. 
And I believe it's much more important that we set the mentality in the 
community that we collaborate as we work on different pieces. Running a 
build to cover modules targeted for the same release before commits really 
demonstrates that we're dedicated to work together.

Issue 3: Attach source code for debugging
For ease of developing and debugging, sometimes we prefer to load (or 
attach) related source modules in an IDE (I'll use Eclipse as an example).

a) For external artifacts, if source codes are published in maven repo, then 
"mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources" will create the source attachments 
automatically. Otherwise we have to associate the binary with source code 
(if available for download) manually.

b) For Tuscany artifacts, source modules in the build tree will be 
referenced as projects in IDE. If a binary artifact is referenced, please 
follow the practice in a).


- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:

Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this 

The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that 
building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes, 

etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same  version

Here's my +1.


[1] msg16024.html

There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about  building 
extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on different 
release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins will be 

Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have  to 
vote against the proposal.



Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Bert Lamb

Would something like what I outlined in this email[1] be more amenable
to people voting against this proposal?



On 3/28/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and a top
down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same
subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.


>From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable
>building all modules together
>Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700
>On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:
>>Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
>>The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
>>building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
>>etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same  version
>>Here's my +1.
>>   ...ant
>>[1] msg16024.html
>There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about  building
>extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on different
>release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins will be
>Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have  to
>vote against the proposal.
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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath
I have expressed my views on all modules sharing the same version and a top 
down build in quite a bit of detail in my previous emails on the same 
subject. Unfortunately, I will have to vote -1 on this.


From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable 
building all modules together

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:53 -0700

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:

Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this  

The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that  
building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,  

etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same  version

Here's my +1.


[1] msg16024.html

There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about  building 
extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  on different 
release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  or plugins will be 

Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have  to 
vote against the proposal.



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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Jim Marino

On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:51 AM, ant elder wrote:

Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this  

The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that  
building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,  
etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same  


Here's my +1.



There has been no proposal for how to resolve the issue about  
building extensions using multiple versions of kernel and how modules  
on different release schedules requiring different levels of kernel  
or plugins will be handled.

Until we can come up with a solution for these issues, I feel I have  
to vote against the proposal.



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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

+1 from me.

It is a simple approach which will make it easier for people to build 
our runtime and see the various pieces fit together, and I think it's 
going to help our community work together on a common level of our codebase.

Luciano Resende wrote:
I think I have already gave enough of my reasons to why this is 
needed, so

here is my +1 .

On 3/28/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+1.  Atleast in the spirit of getting this going for now to enable 

get on with the r Trunk rightaway as one piece than having to first deal
with its composition.  Thanks.

- Venkat

On 3/28/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> enables
> building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same 

> name.
> Here's my +1.
> [1]



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Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Luciano Resende

I think I have already gave enough of my reasons to why this is needed, so
here is my +1 .

On 3/28/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+1.  Atleast in the spirit of getting this going for now to enable people
get on with the r Trunk rightaway as one piece than having to first deal
with its composition.  Thanks.

- Venkat

On 3/28/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this
> The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
> enables
> building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes,
> etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same version
> name.
> Here's my +1.
> [1]

Luciano Resende

Re: [VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-28 Thread Venkata Krishnan

+1.  Atleast in the spirit of getting this going for now to enable people to
get on with the r Trunk rightaway as one piece than having to first deal
with its composition.  Thanks.

- Venkat

On 3/28/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this issue.

The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that
building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes, extensions
etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same version

Here's my +1.



[VOTE] Use single version for all Java/SCA modules and enable building all modules together

2007-03-27 Thread ant elder

Here's the vote on this I said [1] I'd start to get closure on this issue.

The proposal is to have top-level pom for the Java SCA project that enables
building all the modules together - kernel, services, runtimes, extensions
etc, and for that to work all those modules need to use the same version

Here's my +1.

