installing or reinstalling software on Nokia n82 and ubuntu

2010-09-12 Thread Michael Weaver
Can software such as Talks be installed or reinstalled on the Nokia N82
using Ubuntu and Orca?
I ask because I have been told that I may need to do a hard reset of my
phone because a few minutes after switching on my phone, apps are either
slow to open or don't open at all in the case of Galery as I have been
trying to find out how to take photos so maybe my parents might take
holiday pics of me.
I have been using Daisy2go as I have Talks Premium only I have
transfered Daisy Books onto my SD card via the USB cable this is when I
first noticed my phone appearing to be sluggish.
I deleted one of my three audio books after listening to it and I have
deleted the privacy information I may have stored on my phone while
surfing the web on it but I still get this sluggishness a few minutes
after I switch on my phone, the first couple of minutes or so it works
fine for some reason.
This is why I have been told I may need to do a hard reset and do some
kind of reinstall which is why I ask if this can be done in Ubuntu
similar to what I might do when transfering my Daisy books maybe.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

applications freezing in lucid

2010-08-13 Thread Michael Weaver
I have mentioned this on the Orca list but not sure if this is an Orca
or a Ubuntu problem but I seem to hav3e this problem where after a
certain length of time, applications freeze in Lucid and I don't think
it has anything to do with having to type a password because the
screensaver has come on and I am asked for my password to unlock the
What seems to happen is that either applications refuse to either launch
or if they are launching which I think they possibly might be sometimes
is that Orca doesn't read them like it isn't focusing on the app I am
trying to use.
I am guessing that they may be launching because sometimes if I press
ALT plus F4 I get back to the application which may be running at the
time or it will go to the desktop.
I thought this application freezing problem might have had something to
do with how i installed Lucid or even an old disk which wasn't
installing properly but I have done a fresh install with the same CD and
even tried burning a fresh one and doing another install only I am
having this same strange problem.
Has anyone else noticed this problem?
I also thought it might have had something to do with installing certain
software such as Extra pluggins only it does this thing without such
software being installed.
This is a problem which even sometimes causes me to have to something as
drastic as pressing and holding the power button of my computers as CTRL
ALT delete doesn't appear to work these days.
It is a problem which I wonder if anyone else has noticed.
If it is a serious problem I have found unfortunately I don't have the
technical knowhow to be able to file a bug on it, create a report or
whatever on the thing.
This problem may for example happen when using Transmission when it has
been left for a while and you try to for example open Evolution but this
even happens with single apps when you have left the PC for a while and
sometimes it acts like it loggs out and it wants your username and
password again and sometimes entering these details unfreezes the PCs
and sometimes it doesn't so it seems to me to be a strange problem.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

deja-dup not backing up

2010-04-21 Thread michael weaver
i can't seem to tell if deja-dup is running a backup for me.
i chose to write to a cd or dvd but the furthest i get is a 
message saying "location already mounted" and close and i don't 
know if this is affecting my ability to create my backups and i 
can't even hear my cd and dvd drive spinning so i am assuming 
that something has gone wrong.
whatever i can't even access my progress with ctrl f1.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

wifi working in Lucid

2010-04-11 Thread Michael Weaver
Wifi Does appear to be now working in Lucid.
After downloading the updates for Beta 2 I managed to locate my Wireless
network icon so was able to enter my key for my wireless router.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

backup problem in ubuntu

2010-04-11 Thread michael weaver
i am having a problem backing up files using deja-dup which i 
have installed on my laptop with lucid beta 2.
i get the error message "backup failed" and "this location is 
already mounted."
i tried sending my backup to a re-writable dvd.
what am i doing wrong or if this error message keeps coming up 
how do i resolve it?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

ubuntu lucid

2010-04-11 Thread michael weaver
i have had a bit more of a look at the software centre in lucid 
and it just appears to say "image" so it may still be 
inaccessible when choosing software.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

lucid very promising

2010-04-11 Thread michael weaver
after reading the latest posts about running ubuntu lucid with 
speech, i now have the beta installed on my laptop.
it seems very promising with the login screen seeming to be more 
accessible and although i got a crash in it, it appears the 
ubuntu software centre also seems to work better with speech.
however i have not been able to as yet access the wifi icon for 
networks so i am having to run my laptop off the ethanet cable 
for my bt router.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading ubuntu

2010-03-31 Thread michael weaver
i think i am going to have to wwait until there is a bit more of 
a stable lucid or until final release and just do a fresh install 
of ubuntu.
as i don't have the technical knowledge to be able to install 
speakup i don't know if an upgrade would be easier via a text 
terminal and i have not had any luck creating the file to be able 
to get accessible admin as regards the gui and i don't always 
have a sighted person around to be able to at least see if an 
upgrade is actually working.
i remember once trying to do an upgrade where my local linux 
group used to hold meetings which i don't think has happened for 
a while because the main people have moved areas to leeds and the 
like and it would have taken to long to upgrade anyway but when i 
had someone look at what i was doing, they seemmed to think that 
the upgrade had not started when i went through the alt plus f2 
update-manager dash d because when i had entered on ok, i seemed 
to have to tab to another upgrade button without speech access, 
hit enter on it and possibly had to re-type my password.
it is like the interface for update-manager is slightly different 
with upgrading from that of updating where if you just do a 
standard up-date, you can tab around and get orca feedback to say 
that you have updates and when you hit the install and are maybe 
asked for the password, away it goes and downloads them whereas 
with the upgrade, you see that the upgrade is there if you run 
the update-manager from alt f2 with the dash d command at the 
end, it shows you the upgrade notes, you hit the upgrade button, 
you enter the password and ok it and i think to someone with 
sight you have to locate the upgrade button again which someone 
without sight can't access because i think a dialogue box pops up 
with buttons for check for updates, upgrade, and cancel and you 
have to go to the correct button and enter on the upgrade and 
possibly re-type admin password, ok and then it starts.
i think that is what confuses people without sight like it is a 
double confirmation, when you see the notes about the new release 
you can accept and it is like it brings up another dialogue box 
after you first ok your password like "are you sure you want to 
do this."
i think i only found this out because the chap who was trying to 
help me said the upgrade hadn't started even though i had chosen 
the upgrade button, entered my password and hit ok.
i think if i knew perhaps the number of tabbs when i have to get 
to the upgrade button in the dialogue box where orca doesn't 
appear to read i could possibly do it but without a family who 
are not linux users and with me not having a sighted partner or 
any sighted family member around looking at the pc or laptop 
screens for me i am only guessing there is this second dialogue 
appears before the actual upgrade is actually started.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading ubuntu

2010-03-29 Thread michael weaver
i looked at the instructions for upgrading from hardy or karmic 
to lucid and it states to do an upgrade do alt plus f2, 
update-manager dash d, enter and follow the instructions to do a 
desktop upgrade.
i looked at the instructions i typed and i think the sudo 
do-upgrade-release dash d does a server upgrade which might have 
been the reason why my attepts to upgrade crash.
if i am going to have to do any upgrade via the up-date manager, 
after i have typed my password after chosing the ok button to 
upgrade, do i need to press space or enter again after i have 
been asked for my password and okayed the password as i am 
assuming that it doesn't start straight away after doing okay 
after typing my admin password.
i am guessing that after entering or spacing on okay to accept my 
password i need to find the actual button to start the upgrade.  
is the button that starts the actual upgrade the default button 
in the dialogue box which is unaccessible because of the sudo 
problem or how many times do i need to press tab before i can 
accept and beginn my upgrade?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

alte~rnate karmic and lucid cds

2010-03-29 Thread michael weaver
can the alternate cds for either karmic or lucid be used to 
install ubuntu and give speech feedback?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading ubuntu

2010-03-28 Thread michael weaver
  it seems like i was trying to upgrade from ubuntu hardy to 
however the speech went halfway through my upgrade so i had to
force my laptop to shutdown and restart only i don't think ubuntu
upgraded properly as the menus still look like hardy menus as if
nothing changed yet it seems to be accessing the ubuntu lucid
repositories when i do an apt-get update so something has gone
wrong somewhere.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading from hardy

2010-03-25 Thread michael weaver
i made a slight mistake the error message i get in hardy when i 
do sudo do-release-upgrade is "release not found" which is odd on 
a system running hardy so i must be missing a step before i issue 
that command from the terminal.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading from hardy

2010-03-25 Thread michael weaver
i sent this email to both lists before but it may have been 
rejected because i might have sent it from the wrong email 
address when i sent it with my braillenote.
if i do a sudo do-release-upgrade, do i need to edit my 
sourcesddlist file by changing hardy to the next version in each 
line which starts deb http because at the moment i get something 
like "no upgrade found.
i think i read something once about enabling software sources but 
if you go into that menu speech stops like it either crashes or 
it is the sudo problem.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

updating ubuntu

2010-03-24 Thread michael weaver
i have gone back to ubuntu hardy.
when i do an upgrade from the command line do i need to do 
anything to be able for the upgrades to be located?
i notice when i have tried upgrading before from the command line 
i seem to get the error message "no upgrades found."
how do i resolve this if this happens?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

installing hardy from live

2010-03-23 Thread michael weaver
how do you install hardy with orca after running the live cd?
i ask because at the moment i have got a hardy cd which i burned 
before experienceing problems with my laptop and i have a copy of 
lucid beta which will not allow me to login after going through 
the setup because it says "welcome to orca" just after asking me 
if i wish to logout after running through the settup.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

testing lucid

2010-03-19 Thread michael weaver
i have been trying to have a look at the next release of ubuntu.
i tried doing an upgrade a few times and for some reason the 
speech either went garbled or it changed language.
i have tried the latest cd only it goes through the orca setup 
and then after asking me if i want to logout and back in again 
for the accessibility changes to take effect it says wellcome to 
orca before i make my decision and then when i type y followed by 
enter i get starting orca preferences followed by a loss of 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problem with emerson daisy player

2010-03-13 Thread michael weaver
i have just downloaded the emerson daisy player but when i ran 
the executable after unzipping the archive file i got some error 
message about java.
how do i download this jre file or whatever is needed to resolve 
this issue?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

accessible backup program

2010-03-02 Thread Michael Weaver
Does anyone know if there is an accessible backup program which is easy
to use?
I tried Sbackup but I had a few problems.
It would only allow you to navigate the program if you were already
logged in as administrator in the Sbackup configuration program and I
couldn't seem to be able to use the restore app because of this admin
The other thing was I found I couldn't get a status on progress of
backups when I tried it.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading one version of ubuntu to another

2010-02-28 Thread michael weaver
  someone at my linux usergroup or lug once said to me that i 
need to do fresh installs when upgrading from one version of
ubuntu to another.
if this is so is the most accessiable way for someone totally
blind to do it who doesn't have a sighted person around whose
family are not linux users is to edit all the entries that beginn
with deb in the etcstapsstsourcestddlist and do an apt-get update
followed by apt-get upgrade?
i notice the update-manager is fairly accessible when doing a
simple update to get the latest fixes and security etc but once
when i tried to use it to do an upgrade someone said my dowload
had not started after i did an alt f2 update-manager comd
command, hit enter on the upgrade button and typed my admin
password.  my guess is that there is a dialogue box which comes
up with some other button that possibly needs to be tabbed to
which needs hitting before the actual upgrade starts and that if
you don't locate this button and enter on it, the operating
system will not upgrade properly if at all.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problem running karmic on desktop pc

2010-02-27 Thread michael weaver
  i seem to be having problems on my desktop pc with karmic.
i wait until my cd stops spinning in bootup only i can still he
the fan for my cd drive, i press enter to select english, f5 and
enter twice and my pc boots into ubuntu, i hear the ubuntu sounds
but no speech.
i press alt f2, type orca and this goes to orca setup.
i am asked to login after making my changes, i hit y followed by
enter, i hear the drums, i press enter, type ubuntu and nothing
happens after that.
to get speech to start without having to go through the setup i
seem to have to try and run orca manually midway through boot.
sometimes this works but again this is hit and miss.
has anyone got any advice?
my laptop boot time seems different from my desktop boot time as
i didn't have the same kind of problem with my toshiba laptop
unless i have a faulty karmic cd which is why it seems to be hit
and miss.
i tried the lucid cd which i burned to a rre writable dvd and
this went through the boot procedure quicker only i again got the
setup orca screens and when i got the message for logging out, it
was followed quickly by "welcome to orca" and didn't even let me
log out.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

setting up wireless internet

2010-02-26 Thread michael weaver
yesterday i managed to install ubuntu karmic on my toshiba laptop 
after a sighted person at work sorted out the bios setting for my 
cd drive to be able to run the live cd.
i went into the network settings menu under preferences and found 
the wireless settings which seems accessible now as i was able to 
see the fields where the information should go but there were one 
or two settings i am not sure about like mac address and when i 
tried to save my settings they disappeared.
how do i set up a wireless connection?
i heard something in the lug i used to attend about some commands 
that locate wireless networks but i can't remember the actual 
was it something like iwconfig or something?
perhaps someone could give me some advice as at the moment if i 
want to use my laptop i have to unplug the cable for my router 
from behind my desktop pc and plug it into the laptop when i want 
to use my laptop on-line.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

login to ubuntu live

2010-02-26 Thread michael weaver
if i run the live cd for karmic and i have to do alt f2 orca and 
it goes through the setting how do i login when asked?
i ask because a lot of the time when i run the live cd, speech 
doesn't come up talking after enter, f5, 3, enter twice and if i 
just type ubuntu as password nothing seems to happen when logging 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

running the karmic live cd with orca

2010-01-29 Thread michael weaver
how do i run the live cd of karmic with orca?
for some reason i managed to do it when i got my new desktop pc 
but a couple of days ago i tried to run the live cd and i 
couldn't get the speech to run until i typed alt f2 and orca 
which keeps taking me through the orca setup, loggs me out and i 
can't log back in again when i hear the drums.
what i tried doing was waiting for the cd to stop spinning, 
pressed enter, pressed f5, pressed 3 and enter twice.
i have tried this several times and done it at different times 
but i still can't bring up orca correctly so it must have been 
more by good luck than good management when i was successful at 
doing it.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

intrepid live cd doesn't work

2008-08-24 Thread Michael Weaver
I had a look at the Intrepid Live CD a few days ago and it didn't work.
I am aware it is only in testing until October but when you do the enter
after the CD stops spinning, down arrow, press F5, 3 and enter twice it
seems like it tries to boot then it ejects the CD and even not pressing
any keys for accessibility, you still have the CD drive pop out after it
spins for a bit.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: method for accessing the installer doesn't work in intreped

2008-08-24 Thread Michael Weaver
I downloaded the test version of Intrepid yesterday and it didn't boot
at all when doing the enter, down arrow, F5 3 and enter twice. It tried
to boot then the CD drive popped out like it was ejecting the CD.
On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 11:04 +1000, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 02:24:18AM EST, Mike Reiser wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > The method of accessing the installer doesn't seem to work in intreped.  
> > When I down arrow, press f5, 3, enter enter, it brings up a log on 
> > screen and I hit enter and orca doesn't come up in the installer.  Is 
> > there another way of accessing it now?  Thanks,
> First of all, use intrepid at your own risk, if it breaks, you get to keep 
> both pieces.
> Secondly, I am not aware of any issues with the installer, but I am not 
> surprised something is broken. From after thursday, I will be able to focus 
> more closely on accessibility bugs related to the live CD and installer, so 
> I''l be able to do what I can to track this one down, and get it fixed.
> Thanks for the heads up.
> Luke
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> hq8UK56dsBlNJBaW50EH7gE=

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

hardy alpha 2 and orca

2007-12-22 Thread Michael Weaver
I have just had a look at the Alpha 2 CD for Hardy.
It didn't appear to work as well on my laptop as it did on my desktop
as my desktop has more RAM and I had to start Orca manually and logout
and back in again but it looks okay.
I didn't really notice verry much difference as regards applications
but did notice there was a Bittorrent application under the Internet
menu where you have Firefox etc.
I had to just run from the Live CD as the installer doesn't yet appear
to work with speech so if I want to run it as a test version on my
laptop I am going to have to wait for the chap at my local Linux group
to help me install it.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problems with punctuation in orca

2007-08-03 Thread Michael Weaver
I seem to be having a problem with punctuation in Orca when writing
text documents be it email, the standard editor in fact anything where
I am imputing text.
What I mean is when I press Apostrophe or Quotes I get a beeping noise
like an error message and any letter I type after that is missing or
is run together for example if I type Michael's web site, all I get is
Michaels Web Site.
This is verry annoying if I am writing raw HTMl because it is making
it impossible to create my hyperlinks, a field for my email etc.
How do I resolve this problem?
I use Ubuntu Feisty and a UK keyboard where apostrophe is supposed to
be to the right of the keyboard, at is shift Apostrophe and shift 2 is
Double Quotes.
I can't understand why I am having this problem which I have had since
Ubuntu has been installed as the At sign works fine.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Web page creation and publishing with speech

2007-07-25 Thread Michael Weaver
I am thinking of constructing a web page.
I started it at one point under Windows but I lost a few files and
with me thinking of eventually migrating to Linux I abandoned it for a
What tools would anyone suggest for me to create and uploade my page
which are accessible with speech in Linux?
Hope someone can advise me.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problem with speech in lynx

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Weaver
As I don't have the latest firefox or latest Orca, I tried to use Lynx
in Ubuntu Feisty.
However the help screen seems to obscure the pages I am trying to read
and using the up and down arrows doesn't appear to scroll through the
text properly.
Could anyone suggest a text or graphical web browser that I can access
web pages better when I run Feisty which is on my Laptop and when I
connect to the Internet?
I tried to run Speakup but the problem is I can only seem to get
Espeak to Say "Hello" when I run spd-say hello.
issuing sudo modprobe speakup_sftsyn seems to be silent.
I did manage to run #Speakup once so I am wondering if I am having
this problem because I just switched out of my Text console without
shutting down Speakup so am wondering if the system is treating
Speakup as if it is a running copy which is why I am not getting
speech when doing the command to run Speakup?
I tried to uninstall both speechd-up and speech-dispatcher and
reinstalling the packages again to see if this would clear my problem
but I am still getting the hello when I do spd-say hello with still
the unwillingness to run Speakup.
I was hoping that if I got Speakup working I might be able to access a
text browser better than I would with Orca until I can get Firefox
working better.
I tried using w3m from a terminal using Orca but although I seemed to
be able to navigat text on a page I couldn't tab through the Links on
the page or even fill out forms and looking at the w3m hotkeys it
seems they are assigned for a language other than UK keyboard keys or
I haven't been able to find out how to get access with the keys that
have been assigned.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

speakup refusing to speak in Feisty

2007-05-08 Thread Michael Weaver
I managed to get Speakup working in Feisty when I was at my Linux
group but I can't seem to get it to work now and I am wondering if it
is because I haven't exited Speakup properly when I changed from a
text console to ex.
The first and only time I got it working I issued spd-say hello from
the text console and it said "hello", I typed sudo modprobe
speakup_sftsyn and it worked but when I do the latter command now I
get no speech at all and I am not sure if it is even trying to load so
I don't know if I have corrupted something and whether Speakup shut
down properly and cleared itself from memory which is why I might be
having this problem running it in Feisty now.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

ubuntu and speakup

2007-05-05 Thread Michael Weaver
I would like to get Feisty working with Speakup.
How do I go about doing this and how do I change to a text console?
I notice that CTRL ALT F1 etc doesn't seem to work on my laptop.
Is there a difference between the terminal option under the
accessories menu in Gnome and doing the CTRL ALT F1 or whatever?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

feisty and the braillenote

2007-05-05 Thread Michael Weaver
Does anyone know if the Braillenote can act as a Braille display in Feisty.
If so which cable do I use, USB or serial?
The USB cable only seems to work when using the Braillenote in serial
when running a Windows screenreader.
How do you set up Ubuntu for Braille?
Do I have to install Brltty with apt before I can run Braille?
Hope someone can answer my questions.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

accessing gnucash with orca

2007-03-15 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I have just been looking at Gnucash with orca.
Most of the fields seem navigable with the tab and shift tab keys and 
using some of the Orca keys I can do mouse clicks with it.
However I have a couple of problems.
One is navigating the accounts list when trying to set up sub accounts 
in the accounts list.
The other problem I have is trying to schedule transactions.
Does anyone have any suggestions for these things?
I haven't quite managed to find out how to set up an accessible account 
structure although Orca does read some account names and I can't seem to 
find the fields in the Schedule for making transfers where you can type 
in your ammounts you want to transfer from one account to another and 
the other schedule details like occurences.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

errors connecting to wired broadband

2007-03-07 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I have been trying to use my wired Broadband MODEM which I use on my 
desktop PC in Windows on my laptop until I can get my Desktop PC running 
Edgy on the Hard drive I bought.
However I keep getting error messages when I plug in the MODEM into the 
port on my Compaq laptop.
I get an error message when trying to download messages in Evolution 
because it tells me it is unable to download, I can't seem to ping any 
address and w3m says "can't load" and whatever the page I am trying to open.
I was told that Network Manager is a difficult application to set up and 
that I wouldn't need it but I can't understand why if that is the case 
my connection to my BT account is not being recognised which means I 
will have to wait until possibly April before I can access the Internet 
via my wireless network card which does work in Ubuntu.
Before I had problems trying to change my software synth my laptop did 
appear to access the Network using my BT Voyager MODEM which meaned I 
was able to update packages so there must be something which someone set 
when it did work which did allow me to make a switch from Wireless to 
wired unless this person used Network Manager I had tried to install 
which was why both connection types were recognised.
I looked in Network Settings and the other place it might be in Gnome 
but if it was something that had been set to get it to work I don't 
understand enough about Ubuntu to be able to find it.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

using apt

2007-02-28 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
As someone who is totally Blind and as I presume it is difficult or 
impossible to get speech to read notifications as regards updating 
Ubuntu, how often should I run the apt commands to update and upgrade my 
laptop which is running Edgy until Feisty is released?
Do you always do a sudo apt-get update followed by an apt-get dist 
upgrade even if you may be still on the same version of Ubuntu?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

no braille in Feisty

2007-02-25 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I just burned a copy of Feisty yesterday and had a brief look at it as 
for some reason my PC is very sluggish when i try to run Ubuntu as a 
Live CD which seems to be the same problem I had with Edgy, it just 
seems to let you just examine the menus as the applications either don't 
load or if they do they take longer time than I allow them to start so I 
don't know if this is a memory problem or a problem because I am running 
I noticed that the speech is different so I assume Espeak is going to be 
the software synth for future releases.
I tried to link my Braillenote to my desktop via serial port and 
although I specified Braille when going through the questions asked by 
Orca, none of the information spoken by Orca was shown.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

installing a suitable software synthesiser

2006-12-02 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I am hoping to upgrade Ubuntu on my laptop next week from Dapper to Edgy.
I can use the default software synthesiser but I am not all that keen on 
it especially as one of the Linux groups I attend is in a fairly noisy pub.
Could anyone suggest a suitable software synthesiser and how to install it?
I have the Dectalk which I am hoping to get working but if I can't get 
it working with Orca I need to find out an alternative.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

edgy sluggish on desktop and no speech in live on my laptop

2006-11-24 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
When I run the Edgy desktop CD as Live on my desktop PC with speech it 
is very sluggish, it seems to take a long time to do things even like 
open up the run dialogue box while speech is running.
I presume this explains why Orca refuses to run on my laptop which is 
why ALT F2 and Orca doesn't responde.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

edgy not installing

2006-11-08 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I went to my Linux group on Monday to try and upgrade my version of 
Ubuntu to Edgy.
However the speech didn't seem to come up when I pressed F5 followed by 
3 when the boot menu came up and it seems like even trying to install 
without speech didn't work either.
I burned the Live CD myself at home.
For some reason it took an extremely long time to load Ubuntu as a live 
version on my laptop, I got the music and the icons took ages to come up 
but even when a Fully Sighted person double clicked on the install icon 
on the desktop, the system just crashed.
I know there was talk of a problem with the desktop icon for the 
installer in the info on having a spoken installation of Ubuntu from 
running it live but does this problem affect the Sighted user as well 
which was why I kept getting a system crsh?
As far as I know I don't have any problems with my CDs as I think it 
does run as Live but I burned a fresh copy on Tuesday to see if I have 
the same problem and as far as I can tell although I can't read the 
screen without speech, the problem is still there.
I even tried checking my desk when I put it in my desktop machine but it 
keeps trying to come up with that stuff on screen so I can't check to 
see if all the files are there so the only thing I can see is something 
like disk tree or something like that because it tries to run as live 
when I am in Windows.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problems with installing edgy

2006-11-06 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I went to my Linux Group this evening and tried to install Edgy only I 
ran into a few problems.
The first problem I had was speech.
Someone fully Sighted told me when the prompt appeared so I could choose 
the accessibility option I wanted, It seemed to come up with the menus 
when I pressed F5, I pressed 3 and enter twice but when Ubuntu came up, 
no speech at all.
After this failed I tried installing it normally, Ubuntu played the tune 
when it starts from Live but the laptop seemed slow and took many 
minutes to bring up the desktop.
The people helping me to try and install it tried to use the icon on the 
desktop to install it and it just seemed to lock up, maybe act like it 
was doing something then just crash.
I am wondering if I have a faulty download when I downloaded it when it 
first came out as a released version and whether my problems may be 
resolved by a fresh download of the Edgy CD.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

edgy beta not speaking

2006-09-29 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I have managed to get the Edgy Beta working.
However I get no speech after hearing the music, ALT F2 and Orca doesn't 
seem to work and it seems like my CDROM drive on my laptop is still 
churning away after Ubuntu comes up.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

braille displays/notetakers and ubuntu

2006-09-24 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I am possibly thinking of buying a Braille display or notetaker for 
using with Linux.
Two I am considering are the Braillenote which is one I have seen most 
or the Elba.
The Braillenote has the advantage of supporting GPS and the Elba runs 
the Linux operating system.
When I was at an exhibition in Huddersfield I wasn't really able to ask 
Tony Gill the Huddersfield rep for Humanware if the Braillenote would 
work as a Braille display under Linux.
Could anyone give me any suggestions as to displays/notetakers that will 
work with Ubuntu?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu on my desktop

2006-08-30 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I am thinking about having Ubuntu installed on my desktop.
What I would like to know is what applications does Orca work with as I 
will only have access to the Gui based applications unless there are 
text based ones I can use as well?
What I mean is would I have access to Linux DVD players etc?
I ask this as someone who found Emacspeak a bit difficult and as Speakup 
is not yet part of Ubuntu yet.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problem with edgy CD

2006-08-29 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I have got the Live CD from the URL suggested by Henric.
However for some reason when I boot, the disk churns around for a bit 
and I don't get the Ubuntu sound when running Live.
I look at the disk or tried to in Windows and all I see is disk tree or 
something like that.
I can't seem to be able to find any other files.
Could this be why I am having trouble booting into edgy?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading ubuntu and getting speech

2006-08-28 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
Can I upgrade Ubuntu Dappa to Ubuntu Edgy from the Edgy CD I have burned 
and if so can I do it and still get speech during the process?
If so how can I do it?
I ask as my Linux system isn't connected to the Internet at home.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

upgrading to edgy

2006-08-25 Thread MICHAEL WEAVER
I am thinking of upgrading to Edgy from Dapper as I only have Ubuntu 
Dappa on my laptop and not on my desktop.
However I have a few questions.
As I am using my laptop and not my desktop, my laptop has a wireless 
card but as I only use it where I attend my Linux groups, it doesn't 
have a connection for home as I don't have a wireless router so wouldn't 
be able to set it up with my connection to BT.
My Desktop is on the Internet but doesn't have Linux on it and I presume 
that even Edgy doesn't talk through the installation or bleep so you can 
access the accessability options.
How do I go about upgrading my laptop using a CD of Edgy?
I presume I have to edit a file so how do I go about doing this?
Also if I go through the process of upgrading from Dapa Drake to Edgy 
would I get spoken feedback using Orca that is running with Dapa or 
would I need Sighted help?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list