Re: [Ubuntu-QC] LinuQ : Présentation TI LaunchPad consoles de jeux libres - jeudi 17 novembre

2011-11-21 Thread David Tremblay
Le 1 novembre 2011 17:05, Frédéric Côté a écrit :
 Quel est le moyen de s'inscrire à cet événement ?

 2011/11/1 Gabriel Cossette

 Bonjour à tous,

 La prochaine activité du LinuQ sera une présentation du TI LaunchPad, un
 kit de développement pour un microcontrôleur MSP430 de Texas Instruments. En
 résumé, avec cette carte et un petit processeur, il est possible de
 programmer sous GNU/Linux des systèmes avec lesquels on peut interagir :
 lumière, écran LCD, senseurs, etc. Une démonstration d'implantation d'une
 petite application sera faite.

 De plus, un kit de développement sera offert en tirage comme prix de

 Nous aurons également une autre présentation sur les consoles de jeux
 libres par Sébastien Huss. Il nous parlera de l'histoire de ces consoles, du
 fonctionnement des communautés du libre et du portage de jeux libres sur des
 plateformes embarquées.

 Quand : Le jeudi 17 novembre 2011 de 19h00 à 21h30
 Où : Au pavillon Palasis-Prince (Université Laval), local 3313

 Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!

 L'équipe du LinuQ

Comme personne ne t'as répondu je vais prendre 30 secondes pour le faire

Il n'est pas nécessaires de s'inscrire pour participer aux activités
du Linuq. Il suffit de se présenter sur place. Toutefois, pour
participer aux tirages, il faut être membre du Linuq, tu peux devenir
membre du linuq en te rendant à une activités.

David Tremblay

mob: 418-208-3631
jabber: ict4ngo
skype : ict4ngo

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] 11.10 ne voit pas mes deux lecteurs de cédéroms

2011-11-21 Thread David Tremblay
Le 20 novembre 2011 15:01, frhuot a écrit :

 Voici le contenu de ce fichier... il est assez volumineux; je vais donc
 utiliser la fonction /Upload a file/ (en espérant que cela fonctionne car
 c'est la première fois que je vais utiliser cette fonction). dmesg.txt

 François Huot

Si tu as pris le fichier dmesg.txt après avoir inséré des cédérom, ça
devrait être loggé dans le fichier. Or il n'y a rien.

Spontanément je dirais que c'est un problème matériel et que je
vérifierais cette hypothèse en connectant le lecteur CD sur un autre

Ceci dit d'autres personnes pourraient voir ce que je n'ai pas vu

David Tremblay

mob: 418-208-3631
jabber: ict4ngo
skype : ict4ngo

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

[ubuntu-uk] [marketing] Ubuntu in China and Portugal

2011-11-21 Thread alan c
That's the way to do it!

As of this week, Ubuntu is now on sale in over 100 retail outlets in

Canonical and Dell announced the start of an exciting retail program
to sell machines pre-loaded with Ubuntu, initially rolling out to 220
retail stores in China (October 27th  2011)

Go! Ubuntu!
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


Re: [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] Ubuntu in China and Portugal

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Pursell
On 21 November 2011 12:31, alan c wrote:

 That's the way to do it!

 As of this week, Ubuntu is now on sale in over 100 retail outlets in

The old Netbook Remix, I think.  Why not Unity?  Perhaps they want to stay
with 10.04LTS.

 Canonical and Dell announced the start of an exciting retail program
 to sell machines pre-loaded with Ubuntu, initially rolling out to 220
 retail stores in China (October 27th  2011)

 Go! Ubuntu!
 alan cocks
 Ubuntu user



Re: [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] Ubuntu in China and Portugal

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Pursell
On 21 November 2011 14:36, Andy Braben wrote:

 On 21 November 2011 14:25, Tony Pursell

 The old Netbook Remix, I think.  Why not Unity?  Perhaps they want to
 stay with 10.04LTS.

 The Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 was NOT LTS, only had an 18 month life
 which has now expired. I never knew it was not LTS until I read that it has
 reached its end of life.

But is was '10.04' based and so, one assumes, a bit more stable than the
current Unity versions.  Having said that, I have 11.10 on my EEEPC with no
problems, whereas I do have frequent crashes with that version on my

It may be, of course, that the version shown in the YouTube video is not
the version they are actually shipping.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Help gnome 3 broke my laptop!

2011-11-21 Thread Pete

On 11/21/2011 02:41 AM, Liam Proven wrote:

On 20 November 2011 20:05,  wrote:

hi all,

I was playing around trying to install gnome 3 onto my Ubuntu 11.04 system,
this was done via synaptic, since then I have been given the choice of
'gnome classic, KDE (plasma workspace), Arios (my original system based on
Ubuntu), recovery console, unity 2d, user defined session' at login but none
of them are my original desktop session and most give the error 'unable to
load session' with the option to logout.

I have since got the KDE desktop working to write this post.

I have 'completely removed' gnome 3 in synaptic but it only removed 1
package not the 139 it installed when I installed it!

My question(s) are

1/ most important how do I recover my original desktop session?
2/ why did it install the KDE desktop environment without me even trying?
3/ is there a way of listing the packages installed on a certain date/time
to ensure I can manually remove them with the hope of restoring my system to
it's previous state?

thanks in advance (and no I will not be trying to install extra desktops on
an existing system again, I will dual boot in future!!)

You shouldn't have done that on 11.04. GNOME 3 breaks Unity in 11.04 -
this is lavishly documented and when you added the PPA you have been
presented with multiple warnings which you have chosen to ignore or

I suggest you upgrade to 11.10. This is perfectly doable from the
command-line. It will get you Unity back and working /and/ GNOME 3 if
you wish. Both at once, which 11.04 cannot do.


Of course your correct, really should read those things :)

I have since managed to install the xfce desktop environment and am 
currently typing this on my own laptop via the very same t-bird as before.

Running upgrade to 11.10 now will report back if my original system 
returns, if not at least I can work on it! Having been spreading the 
Ubuntu / LINUX / UNIX word saying all is fixable if you have enough 
patience reinstalling would be hurtful!

Thanks to all who responded especially Ivan who got me thinking along 
the correct lines!




Ubuntu Studio daily CD health check

2011-11-21 Thread Colin Watson
This is a daily health check report on the Ubuntu Studio CD images.
If you have any questions, contact Colin Watson

ubuntustudio/daily: Uninstallable packages:

dssi-vst 0.9.2-1ubuntu3 produces uninstallable binaries:
  * dssi-vst (amd64)

ia32-libs 20090808ubuntu31 produces uninstallable binaries:
  * ia32-libs (amd64)

ubuntustudio-meta 0.91 produces uninstallable binaries:
  * ubuntustudio-audio-plugins (amd64)

wine1.3 1.3.28-0ubuntu1 produces uninstallable binaries:
  * wine1.3 (amd64)

Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
Modify settings or unsubscribe at:

Re: Default Music Player in Ubuntu 12.04

2011-11-21 Thread Iain Lane

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 05:14:46PM +1030, Jason Warner wrote:
 Hi Everyone -
 Thank you all for sending feedback[1][2][3] on the default music player for
 12.04. It is clear the right decision for 12.04 is to make Rhythmbox the
 default music player. Thank you, above all else, for keeping the
 conversation cordial and making the decision about what is best for Ubuntu.

Sorry, but it doesn't seem 'clear' to me. Please explain more.

More constructive would have been sound technicals argument that could
have been presented to upstream. Things they would have been able to
work on.

What is 'clear' though is that the default application selection process
should not work like this. I would like to see us learn lessons from
this situation so that our upstreams and users are treated with greater

Most importantly, we need to be having more constant and constructive
dialogs with upstreams throughout the whole cycle and not just at
application selection time (actually in this case there has been very
poor communcation with upstream even since the discussion). Using the
promise of being on or threat of being removed from the install to
cudgel projects into the direction you want is not very satisfactory.

Chopping-and-changing doesn't do people any favours either. There should
be some commitment from Ubuntu; being the default app brings upstreams a
lot of users (which is great), but also increases the support and bug
workload (which is not so great).  If Ubuntu could be relied on more
then upstreams would not be so burdened.

PiTiVi was treated in a similar way a few months ago. It is sad that no
lessons were learned from that situation. Please do not let it happen
again. None of this should have come out of a UDS session. If there are
such serious issues then they should have been raised months ago.

 [1] -
 [2] -

I don't think we should be relying on news media (especially hilariously
biased articles like the second) to be making decisions like this for



Iain Lane  [ ]
Debian Developer   [ ]
Ubuntu Developer   [ ]
PhD student   [ ]

Description: Digital signature
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Default Music Player in Ubuntu 12.04

2011-11-21 Thread Sebastien Bacher

Le 21/11/2011 11:19, Iain Lane a écrit :

Sorry, but it doesn't seem 'clear' to me. Please explain more.

More constructive would have been sound technicals argument that could
have been presented to upstream. Things they would have been able to
work on.

What is 'clear' though is that the default application selection process
should not work like this. I would like to see us learn lessons from
this situation so that our upstreams and users are treated with greater

Hi Iain,

Thanks for staying constructive in those discussions, I think there is 
an agreement than topic has been handled in a pretty suboptimal way and 
lessons have been learnt, next time we will for sure do a call for 
topics before UDS, lock the list before the session and make sure to 
discuss what issues we are having and how we can solve them rather than 
trying to kick out things.

Most importantly, we need to be having more constant and constructive
dialogs with upstreams throughout the whole cycle and not just at
application selection time (actually in this case there has been very
poor communcation with upstream even since the discussion).
Right, that requires somebody from the distribution is feeling in 
charge of the software and is representing the distribution view 
though. I don't want to dismiss anyone from the desktop group but nobody 
looking at GNOME or Unity has been watching on the media players this 
cycle, the work has been mainly done by you and some of the other Debian 
pkg-mono people, I'm not sure how the group is feeling like an active 
part of Ubuntu and representing the opinions and issues there, or how 
much the group is focussing on Debian and considering their derivates as 

I don't mean to offence anyone there, but the question is to know if 
somebody is feeling like in charge of banshee in Ubuntu and representing 
Ubuntu views, or if the people maintaining it are cross Debian,Ubuntu 
groups with a focus on Debian (in which case we might need somebody on 
the Ubuntu side as we do for i.e GNOME)?

  Using the
promise of being on or threat of being removed from the install to
cudgel projects into the direction you want is not very satisfactory.
That's not really what happened, if that was the case we would have come 
with a list of you should be looking at those if you want to stay on 
the CD. While it would make sense to tell upstream what we like or 
dislike about their software, I'm not sure we should try to use our 
position to demand things to be done or fixed for us. I would feel 
uncomfortable telling any upstream you should fix those bugs or your 
software will be out of the CD, while in practice it's true that some 
issues lead us to decide what to ship or not.

Chopping-and-changing doesn't do people any favours either. There should
be some commitment from Ubuntu; being the default app brings upstreams a
lot of users (which is great), but also increases the support and bug
workload (which is not so great).  If Ubuntu could be relied on more
then upstreams would not be so burdened.

PiTiVi was treated in a similar way a few months ago. It is sad that no
lessons were learned from that situation. Please do not let it happen
again. None of this should have come out of a UDS session. If there are
such serious issues then they should have been raised months ago.

The pitivi situation is similar, while we could have made a better job 
at keeping upstream people in the discussion and decision I don't think 
that what we need is upstream lobbying for their software during the 
discussions, we rather want people who are not part of those project 
enough to have a if-possible unbiased view on the pro and con of the 
situations. Once we have this summary we could let upstream know the 
trend, i.e we are unhappy with your software because of those reasons: 
... and if it keeps this way we might look at replacing it in the next 
cycles. I will come back in reply to some of the others emails about 
the issues with music players specific case.

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: EOG vs Shotwell Viewer

2011-11-21 Thread Owas Lone
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:58 AM, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
 Le 19/11/2011 23:50, Owas Lone a écrit :


 Will EOG still be the default image viewer in Precise?
 I think shotwell viewer has matured enough to replace EOG. It has all
 the expected features and more + consistency for free:)

 So which will be the default image viewer for Precise?



 Thank you for brining the topic, the issue there is to define image,
 shotwell handles photos formats but not images ones (bmp, gif, etc). Would
 it be better to different formats with different viewers or would that be
 confusing for the users?

I was not aware about the fact that shotwell doesn't handle some
formats. I don't think it's a good idea to have different apps for
different formats.

Owais Lone

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: [Keyboard improvements] Make better use of the Menu key.

2011-11-21 Thread Davor
Good thinking.Really forgotten key.What about:Menu+Right Ctrl - Opens kind of classic gnome menu - all applications in dash with filters {like in this picture  (is this possible?)}Dana Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:48:19 +0100, Jo-Erlend Schinstad napisao/napisala je: Considering last nights thread about keyboard use, I thought I'd start a   topic with ideas for keyboard improvements. This thread is about ideas for improving the utilization of the Menu   key. That's the one on the keyboard between Alt Gr and right ctrl, in   case you had forgotten the entire button. :) It currently has only one   function; to open a context menu within an app. This is very wasteful. I   suggest it be used like this: * Pressing and releasing menu: same as now. Open apps context menu. * Shift+menu: replaces F10 and opens the first menu on the focused app's   menubar. * Menu+F-x: Open the menu for the Nth indicator. * Menu+num: Open the Nth launcher entry's quicklist. * Menu+envelope (email)-button: open the envelope (message) menu. That   makes sense, huh? * Menu+Esc: open the power cog menu. * Menu+print screen: open the Take Screenshot dialog. I'm sure there might be other useful shortcuts, like having a shortcut   to system preferences, which after, all can be considered a menu. What do you think? Jo-Erlend Schinstad-- Davor Buday-- 
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: EOG vs Shotwell Viewer

2011-11-21 Thread Craig Maloney

On 11/21/2011 04:46 PM, Owas Lone wrote:

I was not aware about the fact that shotwell doesn't handle some
formats. I don't think it's a good idea to have different apps for
different formats.

As an opinionated user, please do not remove EOG from the distribution. 
EOG is great for quick and dirty image viewing, while Shotwell is 
perfect for cataloging all of those lovely images.

What might be better is a way to send an image to Shotwell for 
cataloging, but to have Shotwell be the default would be like... well, 
like making Banshee the default for all music files.

(And that wasn't a great decision either.)

Just my $.02 USD.


  Craig Maloney  (
Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
 wear glasses if you need 'em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Thanks desktop team

2011-11-21 Thread Martin Pitt
Hey Iain,

Iain Lane [2011-11-21 10:55 +]:
 In the spirit of the appreciation day, I want to thank you guys for all
 of the work you do getting each release out.  I may seem to be being a
 bit (ahem) annoying at times, but it's only out of love. :-)

Thanks for these kind words! Likewise, thanks so much for all your
work in the C#/Banshee/etc. area. This has been a community project
all along, and it's been an excellent example how well this works.

I wouldn't have called it annoying at all. I'm really grateful that
we have some people in our community with a strong sense of keeping
ourselves and our communication and decision making process within
Ubuntu honest and clear.

O  )

Martin Pitt|
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: The Hindi Translations Team is DEAD

2011-11-21 Thread David Planella
Al 18/11/11 11:12, En/na Vibhav Pant ha escrit:
 Hi ,
 I am translating for Ubuntu since 2 months and I have applied for the
 Hindi Translation Team Recently . Its been over 2 weeks and I have got
 ABSOLUTELY No reply from the team leader or the team . It seems no member 
 here is
 approving my translation. I was told to send a mail here so that I can be 
 included in the team
 Vibhav Pant

Hi Vibhav,

Have you tried to contact Gaurav Mishra, the Ubuntu Hindi translation
team leader directly?

If the team lead is not active and you want to take on that role (or if
you know someone who would like to), you simply have to follow this process.

Gaurav, we haven't heard from you on the Ubuntu translators mailing
list, could you tell us what the status of the Ubuntu Hindi translation
team is?



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
ubuntu-translators mailing list

Launchpad translations: service disruption 10.00 UTC Tuesday 2011-11-22

2011-11-21 Thread Matthew Revell
Launchpad translations will be unavailable for around one hour,
starting 10.00 UTC, on Tuesday 2011-11-21.
During this time Launchpad will not be importing translation files and
the web interface for making and reviewing translations will be
unavailable.  This includes imports for translation uploads, but also
imports from Bazaar branches.
We are suspending the service temporarily to allow us to set up
translations for the next Ubuntu release, Precise Pangolin (to be
12.04 LTS).  Once this is done, imports will resume normally and any
backlog should be processed quickly after that.
Matthew Revell
Launchpad Product Manager

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Launchpad translations: service disruption 10.00 UTC Tuesday 2011-11-22

2011-11-21 Thread Matthew Revell
On 21 November 2011 12:12, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Launchpad translations will be unavailable for around one hour,
 starting 10.00 UTC, on Tuesday 2011-11-21.

Sorry, I meant to write 2011-11-22.

 During this time Launchpad will not be importing translation files and
 the web interface for making and reviewing translations will be
 unavailable.  This includes imports for translation uploads, but also
 imports from Bazaar branches.
 We are suspending the service temporarily to allow us to set up
 translations for the next Ubuntu release, Precise Pangolin (to be
 12.04 LTS).  Once this is done, imports will resume normally and any
 backlog should be processed quickly after that.

Matthew Revell
Launchpad Product Manager

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Fwd: Re: [Launchpad-users] Launchpad translations service disruption 10.00 UTC 2011-11-22

2011-11-21 Thread David Planella
A quick FYI.

 Missatge original 
Assumpte: Re: [Launchpad-users] Launchpad translations service
disruption 10.00 UTC 2011-11-22
Data: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 12:13:51 +
De: Matthew Revell
A: launchpad-users

On 21 November 2011 12:13, Matthew Revell
 Launchpad translations will be unavailable for around one hour,
 starting 10.00 UTC, on Tuesday 2011-11-21.

My apologies: to clarify, I meant 2011-11-22.

 During this time Launchpad will not be importing translation files and
 the web interface for making and reviewing translations will be
 unavailable.  This includes imports for translation uploads, but also
 imports from Bazaar branches.
 We are suspending the service temporarily to allow us to set up
 translations for the next Ubuntu release, Precise Pangolin (to be
 12.04 LTS).  Once this is done, imports will resume normally and any
 backlog should be processed quickly after that.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
ubuntu-translators mailing list

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 242

2011-11-21 Thread Elizabeth Krumbach
The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] como instalar firefox 8 no oneiric integrado ao sistema

2011-11-21 Thread Paulo Fernandes

vi nesse site que há diferença entre o teu e o
repositório indicado por eles. Dá uma verificada, ok?


Em 20 de novembro de 2011 12:51, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:

 Pessoal, o Firefox 8 foi lançado a poucos dias, e estou com dúvida de
 como instalá-lo de maneira integrada ao sistema (isto é, o principal
 integrando os menus ao unity e se possível atualizável via apt).
 Uso o Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) 64 bits.Tentei o ppa
 ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable, e consegui atualizar, mas tive 3
 1 - Parece não ter para oneiric e tive que alterar  a linha do
 sources.list (na verdade no canais de software) a distribuição da
 linha para maverick
 2 - tive que atualizar por linha de comando, o sistema reclamava que
 não foi possível autenticar e não deixava atualizar pelo gerenciador
 de atualizações, acredito que pode se repetir em outras atualizações
 do firefox por este ppa
 3 - Na instalação pediu para remover o firefox-globalmenu. Removendo
 consegui instalar, mas por conta disso, fiquei sem os menus integrados
 na barra do unity que é o que eu não queria abrir mão.

 Obs: sobre os binários em .tar.gz, testei o release oficial da página
 deles, que é 32 bits roda, assim como um build 64 bits que achei no
 ftp da mozilla (que eles não deixam disponível na página inicial).
 Eles funcionam, mas não integram o menu ao unity mesmo se o pacote
 firefox-globalmenu estiver instalado.

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Ivan Brasil Fuzzer
Não existe um canal específico para fazer sugestões, mas o melhor canal 
seria o site
Não importa se é iniciante ou não, todos podem dar suas sugestões para o 

Em 21-11-2011 03:07, Paulo Fernandes escreveu:

Por causa dessa tua mensagem, Felipe, me ocorreu uma idéia (luminosa, eu
acho) que até gostaria de sugerir ao pessoal da Canonical (se é que um
iniciante no mundo Ubuntu pode fazer isso!). Ao pessoal mais experiente eu
pegunto: como enviar minha sugestão à Canonical? Quero fazer minha
contribuição à Comunidade do Software Livre...

A idéia é simples, mas acho que pode ser produtiva: minha barra lateral
conteria os ícones dos programas que eu mais utilizo; do mais ao menos
utilizado. Pronto! O que eu mais uso tá tudo aí, à mão, seja navegador,
jogo, editor, compilador, o escambau! E assim as barras de cada micro
refletiriam a estatística de uso de cada um. Teria a cara de cada usuário.
Vida facilitada, não?!! Quem acham?


Em 20 de novembro de 2011 22:29, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira  escreveu:

acho que ambos, gnome shell e unity, estão muito pouco maduros ainda.
Depois do 11.10 estou me acostumando ao unity, e testei gnome 3 e
gostei até (usaria se tivesse um menu global como unity). Mas acho que
onde ambos pecam é justamente a customização que estavamos acostumado
até gnome 2 ou kde. Por exemplo, não dá pra pegar a barra lateral do
unity, botar ela embaixo e sempre visível. Pelo menos não clicando com
o botão direito nela, se der é mechendo em algum arquivo de
configuração, o que continua sendo sinal que tem que amadurecer. Antes
podíamos fazer tudo, adicionar e remover barras, instalar
mini-aplicativos nas barras, etc. Inclusive, eu uso o tomboy e tive
que mecher em algum arquivo de configuração para o ícone dele aparecer
ali. isso é sinal de que o negócio não tá maduro ainda. quando vc tem
que mecher em arquivos para personalizar. seria bom se pudesse pra
clicar com o botão direito no menu e deixar igual do gnome shell, em
vez de filtrar só os aplicativos mais usados (que desse destaque para
eles só, em vez de só aparecer eles).

acho que com coisas simples no sentido de aumentar a personalização do
unity, além dos bugs claro, iria diminuir muito da resistência ao

Em 18 de novembro de 2011 14:03, Hugo Leandro  escreveu:

Em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:00, Fabiano


O 12.04 vai sair com o Unity e ter 5 anos de suporte, é certo que este
shell veio pra ficar.

Bem lembrado Fabiano. Como é que os caras da canonical pensam em talvez
cancelar o unity e ao mesmo tempo aumentam o suporte do LTS, onde esse
suporte irá constar o unity.
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:


Ivan Brasil Fuzzer
Bacharel em Informática
Celular: (54) 8411-0111 - (54) 9917-1798

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread João Santana
Em segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011, Paulo
 Por causa dessa tua mensagem, Felipe, me ocorreu uma idéia (luminosa, eu
 acho) que até gostaria de sugerir ao pessoal da Canonical (se é que um
 iniciante no mundo Ubuntu pode fazer isso!). Ao pessoal mais experiente eu
 pegunto: como enviar minha sugestão à Canonical? Quero fazer minha
 contribuição à Comunidade do Software Livre...


 A idéia é simples, mas acho que pode ser produtiva: minha barra lateral
 conteria os ícones dos programas que eu mais utilizo; do mais ao menos
 utilizado. Pronto! O que eu mais uso tá tudo aí, à mão, seja navegador,
 jogo, editor, compilador, o escambau! E assim as barras de cada micro
 refletiriam a estatística de uso de cada um. Teria a cara de cada usuário.
 Vida facilitada, não?!! Quem acham?

Jà não é o que faz a lente Aplicações do Unity?


 Em 20 de novembro de 2011 22:29, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:

 acho que ambos, gnome shell e unity, estão muito pouco maduros ainda.
 Depois do 11.10 estou me acostumando ao unity, e testei gnome 3 e
 gostei até (usaria se tivesse um menu global como unity). Mas acho que
 onde ambos pecam é justamente a customização que estavamos acostumado
 até gnome 2 ou kde. Por exemplo, não dá pra pegar a barra lateral do
 unity, botar ela embaixo e sempre visível. Pelo menos não clicando com
 o botão direito nela, se der é mechendo em algum arquivo de
 configuração, o que continua sendo sinal que tem que amadurecer. Antes
 podíamos fazer tudo, adicionar e remover barras, instalar
 mini-aplicativos nas barras, etc. Inclusive, eu uso o tomboy e tive
 que mecher em algum arquivo de configuração para o ícone dele aparecer
 ali. isso é sinal de que o negócio não tá maduro ainda. quando vc tem
 que mecher em arquivos para personalizar. seria bom se pudesse pra
 clicar com o botão direito no menu e deixar igual do gnome shell, em
 vez de filtrar só os aplicativos mais usados (que desse destaque para
 eles só, em vez de só aparecer eles).

 acho que com coisas simples no sentido de aumentar a personalização do
 unity, além dos bugs claro, iria diminuir muito da resistência ao

 Em 18 de novembro de 2011 14:03, Hugo Leandro escreveu:
  Em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:00, Fabiano Bovo
  O 12.04 vai sair com o Unity e ter 5 anos de suporte, é certo que este
  shell veio pra ficar.
  Bem lembrado Fabiano. Como é que os caras da canonical pensam em talvez
  cancelar o unity e ao mesmo tempo aumentam o suporte do LTS, onde esse
  suporte irá constar o unity.
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Com meus melhores cumprimentos,

João Santana
Ubuntu LoCo Team Pernambuco Leader  Ubuntu Evangelist
GPG Key 80D716B4
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Paulo Fernandes
Valeu a dica, Ivan!
Já coloquei lá no AskUbuntu a questão abaixo. Vamos ver como e se vai

Why is the dock so static? Could You make it more

   I would like to see the dock acting dynamically. I would like Ubuntu to
put me, in the dock, the icons of programs that I use most frequently, in
descending order of use. My computer, and ALL computer of the users around
the world, would be customized to the specific use of the programs. Each
computer would have its unique and specific dock!

In addition to customized, the system would be operated more easily because
we would have all the links available on the dock, quickly accessed with
just one click. Much faster and convenient!


Paulo Fernandes
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Paulo Fernandes
Que lente, João?
Eu falo da barra da esquerda cheia de ícones.
Gostaria de ver ali os ícones dos programas que mais utilizo, sem
necessidade de premir Super, escrever, clicar, etc. Meus ícones mais usados
já estariam ali na barra. Um só click!


Em 21 de novembro de 2011 09:44, João Santana

 Em segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011, Paulo Fernandes
  Por causa dessa tua mensagem, Felipe, me ocorreu uma idéia (luminosa, eu
  acho) que até gostaria de sugerir ao pessoal da Canonical (se é que um
  iniciante no mundo Ubuntu pode fazer isso!). Ao pessoal mais experiente
  pegunto: como enviar minha sugestão à Canonical? Quero fazer minha
  contribuição à Comunidade do Software Livre...


  A idéia é simples, mas acho que pode ser produtiva: minha barra lateral
  conteria os ícones dos programas que eu mais utilizo; do mais ao menos
  utilizado. Pronto! O que eu mais uso tá tudo aí, à mão, seja navegador,
  jogo, editor, compilador, o escambau! E assim as barras de cada micro
  refletiriam a estatística de uso de cada um. Teria a cara de cada
  Vida facilitada, não?!! Quem acham?
 Jà não é o que faz a lente Aplicações do Unity?

  Em 20 de novembro de 2011 22:29, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:
  acho que ambos, gnome shell e unity, estão muito pouco maduros ainda.
  Depois do 11.10 estou me acostumando ao unity, e testei gnome 3 e
  gostei até (usaria se tivesse um menu global como unity). Mas acho que
  onde ambos pecam é justamente a customização que estavamos acostumado
  até gnome 2 ou kde. Por exemplo, não dá pra pegar a barra lateral do
  unity, botar ela embaixo e sempre visível. Pelo menos não clicando com
  o botão direito nela, se der é mechendo em algum arquivo de
  configuração, o que continua sendo sinal que tem que amadurecer. Antes
  podíamos fazer tudo, adicionar e remover barras, instalar
  mini-aplicativos nas barras, etc. Inclusive, eu uso o tomboy e tive
  que mecher em algum arquivo de configuração para o ícone dele aparecer
  ali. isso é sinal de que o negócio não tá maduro ainda. quando vc tem
  que mecher em arquivos para personalizar. seria bom se pudesse pra
  clicar com o botão direito no menu e deixar igual do gnome shell, em
  vez de filtrar só os aplicativos mais usados (que desse destaque para
  eles só, em vez de só aparecer eles).
  acho que com coisas simples no sentido de aumentar a personalização do
  unity, além dos bugs claro, iria diminuir muito da resistência ao
  Em 18 de novembro de 2011 14:03, Hugo Leandro escreveu:
   Em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:00, Fabiano Bovo
   O 12.04 vai sair com o Unity e ter 5 anos de suporte, é certo que
   shell veio pra ficar.
   Bem lembrado Fabiano. Como é que os caras da canonical pensam em
   cancelar o unity e ao mesmo tempo aumentam o suporte do LTS, onde esse
   suporte irá constar o unity.
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 Com meus melhores cumprimentos,

 João Santana
 Ubuntu LoCo Team Pernambuco Leader  Ubuntu Evangelist
 GPG Key 80D716B4
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] como instalar firefox 8 no oneiric integrado ao sistema

2011-11-21 Thread João Santana
Tudo isto aconteceu porque você optou por usar um repositório PPA
desatualizado, o que invariavelmente leva a erros e instabilidade no

O que eu recomendo, IMHO, é que você desabilite esse PPA, restaure seu
Firefox e considere fixar no lançador o Firefox 8, esperando o lançamento
oficial nos repositórios.

Em domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:
 Pessoal, o Firefox 8 foi lançado a poucos dias, e estou com dúvida de
 como instalá-lo de maneira integrada ao sistema (isto é, o principal
 integrando os menus ao unity e se possível atualizável via apt).
 Uso o Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) 64 bits.Tentei o ppa
 ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable, e consegui atualizar, mas tive 3
 1 - Parece não ter para oneiric e tive que alterar  a linha do
 sources.list (na verdade no canais de software) a distribuição da
 linha para maverick
 2 - tive que atualizar por linha de comando, o sistema reclamava que
 não foi possível autenticar e não deixava atualizar pelo gerenciador
 de atualizações, acredito que pode se repetir em outras atualizações
 do firefox por este ppa
 3 - Na instalação pediu para remover o firefox-globalmenu. Removendo
 consegui instalar, mas por conta disso, fiquei sem os menus integrados
 na barra do unity que é o que eu não queria abrir mão.

 Obs: sobre os binários em .tar.gz, testei o release oficial da página
 deles, que é 32 bits roda, assim como um build 64 bits que achei no
 ftp da mozilla (que eles não deixam disponível na página inicial).
 Eles funcionam, mas não integram o menu ao unity mesmo se o pacote
 firefox-globalmenu estiver instalado.

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Com meus melhores cumprimentos,

João Santana
Ubuntu LoCo Team Pernambuco Leader  Ubuntu Evangelist
GPG Key 80D716B4
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Ubuntu 11.10 instalado no meu net Acer!

2011-11-21 Thread Renato Alvim
Vou verificar!

Em 20 de novembro de 2011 22:03, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:

 bem lembrado. por isso falei até que era bom esclarecer em que
 situação acontece. se for após um longo tempo de inatividade, então
 pode ser alguma configuração de energia, além de desligamento
 automático pode ser suspensão ou hibernação que falha... desative isso
 tudo e veja =) vá em configurações, energia, e nas caixas selecione
 não fazer nada, não suspender, etc

 Em 20 de novembro de 2011 17:07, Leonardo Damasceno escreveu:
  O travamento não é fruto do Desligamento automático da tela após um
  No meu acontecia direto, até que desativei no Item Configurações/Tela e
  O maior problema é que não há economia de energia ativada... mas com um
  Ctrl+Alt+L deixo a tela 'em branco'.
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*Renato Alvim* - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - *OMB* 32.375
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Budista - Nam-Myoho-Rengue-Kyo
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Ronan Lucio
Em 21 de novembro de 2011 09:50, Paulo Fernandes pfern...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Que lente, João?

Digita aí: Super + A

A primeira opção: Usados mais frequentes.
Seria isso?
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[Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Adalberto Malfatti Filho
   Bom Dia Galera !

   Alguem pode me passar o link p o paste bin
   e o link p postar imagem


ADteleinfo - Adallberto M. Filho (11) 6496-3438 / 7220-4345
The Ubuntu Counter Project
user number # 34245

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Humberto Fraga

Em 21 de novembro de 2011 10:42, Adalberto Malfatti Filho escreveu:
       Bom Dia Galera !

       Alguem pode me passar o link p o paste bin
       e o link p postar imagem


 ADteleinfo - Adallberto M. Filho (11) 6496-3438 / 7220-4345
 The Ubuntu Counter Project
 user number # 34245

 -Cd's para Telemensagens; aparelhos
 -Web desginer
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 -Criação Visual
 -Filmagem Digital

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Humberto Fraga

Sur la tuta tero estis unu lingvo kaj unu parlomaniero. - Gn 11,1

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Olá e dúvidas sobre internet

2011-11-21 Thread Diego Gomes
Estou tendo o mesmo problema.
Sempre com a mensagem para verificar este caminho /var/log/jockey.log
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Adalberto Malfatti Filho
 OK !
 Vou procurar na lista  , pois ja vi esse link
 perguntei pra lista porque não sei o nome
 do local p postar a imagem

 Mas valeu , obrigado

Em 21/11/11, Humberto escreveu:

 Em 21 de novembro de 2011 10:42, Adalberto Malfatti Filho escreveu:
   Bom Dia Galera !

   Alguem pode me passar o link p o paste bin
   e o link p postar imagem


 ADteleinfo - Adallberto M. Filho (11) 6496-3438 / 7220-4345
 The Ubuntu Counter Project
 user number # 34245

 -Cd's para Telemensagens; aparelhos
 -Web desginer
 -Grafica Rapida
 -Criação Visual
 -Filmagem Digital

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 Humberto Fraga

 Sur la tuta tero estis unu lingvo kaj unu parlomaniero. - Gn 11,1

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ADteleinfo - Adallberto M. Filho (11) 6496-3438 / 7220-4345
The Ubuntu Counter Project
user number # 34245

-Cd's para Telemensagens; aparelhos
-Web desginer
-Grafica Rapida
-Criação Visual
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Olá e dúvidas sobre internet

2011-11-21 Thread suzana
Só consegui resolver esse problema porque da última vez que coloquei o
cabo ele conectou à internet e pôde arrumar o driver...

Em 21 de novembro de 2011 11:49, Diego Gomes escreveu:
 Estou tendo o mesmo problema.
 Sempre com a mensagem para verificar este caminho /var/log/jockey.log
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Humberto Fraga
Em 21 de novembro de 2011 11:38, Adalberto Malfatti Filho escreveu:
     Vou procurar na lista  , pois ja vi esse link
     perguntei pra lista porque não sei o nome
     do local p postar a imagem

Para imagem eu também não lembro, mas tenta algumas combinações de image e bin.

Humberto Fraga

Sur la tuta tero estis unu lingvo kaj unu parlomaniero. - Gn 11,1

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] [Off] Snake OS tá dando The printer is busy.

2011-11-21 Thread Jeferson Rodrigues
Boa tarde Hamacker,

Então você conseguiu resolver seu problema?


Em 18 de novembro de 2011 22:54, hamacker escreveu:

 Respondendo a mim mesmo, apesar de o SnakeOS ter parametros como a que
 define o nome da fila de impressão lp0, o Ubuntu ao usar a URI :
 lpd://  não imprime dando a mensagem de The printer is
 Se ao invés disso, usar a URI :
 funcionará a contento.

 []'s a todos.

 Em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:36, guto escreveu:
  On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 10:10 -0200, hamacker wrote:
  Eu tô procurando o firmware original desse aparelho para ver se com o
  firmware original daria esse problema, tô procurando até agora e ainda
  não achei, se você tem o aparelho e fez o backup do firmware original
  poderia me fornece-lo ?
  Todos os firmwares do Dlink [1]; atenção oficiais e não (as versões não
  oficiais normalmente acrescentam muitas funcões ao equipamento).
  Somente um detalhe, os Dlinks rodam nativamente linux arm, vc pode pedir
  os fontes para eles.
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] note nao reconheçe modem 3g

2011-11-21 Thread Jeferson Rodrigues
Boa tarde Wagner,

Pelo que vi, o notebook dele é meio antiguinho.

Eu tinha um Sony Ericsson MD300, que veio com um cabo USB fazendo um Y.
No lado que tinha 1 conector, ligava no modem, e no outro lado eram 2
conectores: um deles, mais rechunchudo, e o outro mais magrinho, para
conectar no computador.

Acontece que em um dos meus notebooks funcionava perfeitamente, ligando
apenas o conector rechunchudo nele, porém em um outro tinha que conectar o
rechunchudo e o magrinho, daí funcionava.

Acho que isto ocorre por causa da energia que as USB's mandavam, sendo que
o segundo notebook mandava menos que o primeiro, havendo então a
necessidade de ligar os 2.

Não sei se tem a ver, mas acho que era por causa da USB que era 1.1.

Eu também tinha alguns cabos extensores de USB, uns com bitola maior (USB
2.0) outros menor (USB 1.1). Quando ligava o modem com o extensor 1.1, não
funcionava em nenhum dos notebooks.

Vendo os comentários dos usuários do fórum em tópicos perguntando sobre
utilização de modem's 3G no Ubuntu, vi que falavam positivamente dos
Huawei, que não tinha nenhum problema, então eu parti para o quesito
hardware, que ao meu ver está relacionado com a energia que é mandada para
o modem. Tente verificar isso amigão. Talvez você conectando direto na
porta USB resolva.


Em 19 de novembro de 2011 10:06, wagner narvaes wagnarv...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Bom dia amigos da lista

 Acompanho a lista ja a tempos e a maioria dos problemas tenho resolvido
 atraves das duvidas de outros, mas essa é minha mesmo:
 instalei o ubuntu 11.04 no notebook de um amigo, Acer 3100 Insprom, AMD
 celeron, 512 mg RAM e placa Rateon, o problema é que meu modem 3g huawei
 funciona nele e o do amigo um Onda nao funciona, alguem teria uma ideia do
 que se passa   Sou novo no linux, estou gostando muito e aprendendo

 Abraços a todos e Obrigado

ABRAÇOS. . . . ! !

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Paulo Fernandes
Ok, a idéia é por aí, SEM a necessidade de
digitar Super + A. Os ícones dos programas
mais utilizados vão sendo alinhados dentro
do dock, do mais ao menos usado. Esse
alinhamento seria dinâmico, não estático,
isto é, à medida que minhas estatísticas
de utilização vão se alterando, os ícones
também. Então eles estariam aí, no dock,
bem visíveis e acessíveis com apenas um click.
Facilita, ou não?


Em 21 de novembro de 2011 10:40, Ronan Lucio ronanlu...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Em 21 de novembro de 2011 09:50, Paulo Fernandes

  Que lente, João?

 Digita aí: Super + A

 A primeira opção: Usados mais frequentes.
 Seria isso?
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Wilson Bom

Em 21-11-2011 11:38, Adalberto Malfatti Filho escreveu:

  OK !
  Vou procurar na lista  , pois ja vi esse link
  perguntei pra lista porque não sei o nome
  do local p postar a imagem

  Mas valeu , obrigado

Em 21/11/11, Humberto  escreveu:

Em 21 de novembro de 2011 10:42, Adalberto Malfatti Filho  escreveu:

   Bom Dia Galera !

   Alguem pode me passar o link p o paste bin
   e o link p postar imagem


ADteleinfo - Adallberto M. Filho (11) 6496-3438 / 7220-4345
The Ubuntu Counter Project
user number # 34245

-Cd's para Telemensagens; aparelhos
-Web desginer
-Grafica Rapida
-Criação Visual
-Filmagem Digital

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Humberto Fraga

Sur la tuta tero estis unu lingvo kaj unu parlomaniero. - Gn 11,1

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Wilson Bom

 Serprodata Informática Ltda.
 Av. Marcelino Pires, 1405 - Sala 216
 79800-004 - Dourados - MS
 (067) 3421-3343 - 8407-4808 - 8407-8808



 Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 - 2.6.32-25 #44
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Synaptic, reinstalado, não abre e não dá erro

2011-11-21 Thread Jeferson Rodrigues
Boa tarde Luciano,

Reforço a idéia do Felipe: abra através do console, que ele com certeza vai
te passar alguma informação.


Em 20 de novembro de 2011 13:27, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira escreveu:

 Esquisito. Tente abrir o synaptic pelo próprio console para ver se não
 aparece o erro. As vezes alguns programas mandam mensagens de erro
 para o console, aí se abrimos pelo ícone não vemos essas mensagens.

 Para listar os pacotes sem interface gráfica tem o dselect (apt-get
 install dselect), não sei se é agradável o suficiente e se o apt-get
 tem equivalente. Para procurar podes usar apt-cache search

 Em 19 de novembro de 2011 11:04, Luciano de Souza escreveu:
  Reinstalei o Ubuntu. Como esta imagem não possui o Utilitário de
 Unidades e
  não consigo lembrar-me do nome do pacote, fui ao Synaptic. Preferências,
  gerenciador de pacotes. Ei-lo aqui. Contudo, clicando sobre ele, nada
  acontece. Nem abre, nem tenho erro. É simplesmente como se nada tivesse
  sudo apt-get purge synaptic
  sudo apt-get autoremove
  sudo apt-get install synaptic
  Vamos lá novamente. E nada... Nada sucede: nem abre, nem erro.
  E o que pode ter originado o erro? Bom, depois de instalar o Ubuntu fiz:
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get upgrade
  Não creio que isso possa ter causado qualquer problema. É verdade que
  instalei pacotes com o apt-get, mas não havia um só que antes da
  reinstalação já não estivesse no sistema.
  O que poderá estar a acontecer?
  Parece-me que, com o apt-get, também consigo listar os pacotes e as
  descrições, para mim, única utilidade real do Synaptic. Mas preciso
  um pouco mais para aprender a fazê-lo.
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] compiz vs unity

2011-11-21 Thread Ronan Lucio

Acho que toda ideia é válida.
Acredito que uns vão gostar e outros não.
Por isso é importante que o dock (launcher) seja customizável.

Eu, particularmente, prefiro que os ícones sejam fixos.
Assim eu sei onde eles estão, e não preciso ficar procurando.
Fixo no dock os programas que eu mais uso e pronto.

Mas é uma questão de gosto.
Tenho certeza que outros usuários gostariam da sua ideia.

Em 21 de novembro de 2011 15:10, Paulo Fernandes pfern...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Ok, a idéia é por aí, SEM a necessidade de
 digitar Super + A. Os ícones dos programas
 mais utilizados vão sendo alinhados dentro
 do dock, do mais ao menos usado. Esse
 alinhamento seria dinâmico, não estático,
 isto é, à medida que minhas estatísticas
 de utilização vão se alterando, os ícones
 também. Então eles estariam aí, no dock,
 bem visíveis e acessíveis com apenas um click.
 Facilita, ou não?


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] [OT] Problema em canais de streaming de vídeo

2011-11-21 Thread Sidney
Novas tentativas sem resultado:

Formatei o /, removi as configs do /home, reinstalei o 11.10 e ainda assim
não funcionou. Nem no live-pen funciona o streaming de video.

Depois instalei o driver proprietário da ATI, o VLC pra ver se viria algum
codec que desse jeito e o MPlayer também. Sempre reiniciando o navegador
após cada um (e o micro após o driver). E nada.

Também instalei o w32codecs via medibuntu e outro que nem me lembro agora e
também não resolveu. Instalei o mozilla-plugin-vlc mas não resolveu. Depois
removi o totem-mozilla e também não foi.

Lembrando que agora assisto qualquer vídeo normalmente (globo, youtube se
estive deslogado, etc) mas *nenhum* live stream como o do assistatvonline
funciona. Basta ser live pra não funcionar. No 7 janelas assisto os live
streamings normalmente.

Hoje teve atualização do kernel e até fiquei com alguma esperança mas sem
chance também.

Qualquer ajuda será bem-vinda.

Sidney Lins

Em 18 de novembro de 2011 17:20, Sidney escreveu:

 Nas pesquisas que fiz não encontrei nada sobre esse bug que você
 mencionou. Mas fiz novos testes e descobri que tudo indica ser pau no
 youtube mesmo, já que o mesmo vídeo eu consigo assistir se não tiver feito
 login no google, mas não consigo mais depois de logado. Aliás, logado nem
 as fotos dos próximos vídeos aparecem, ficam em branco.

 Já pensei nisso sim e até onde eu entendo de redes (não muito) olhei no
 roteador e não encontrei nada que pudesse estar bloqueando streaming,
 apesar de eu não saber ao certo que configuração olhar. E depois, ao
 conseguir assistir no janelas e no Xubuntu, deduzi que não pode ser rede.

 Resumindo: agora consigo assistir youtube desde que eu faça logoff. Porém,
 assistir tv online como fazia às vezes, sem chance.

 Alguém poderia indicar algum link onde assiste canais abertos pra que eu
 possa ter certeza de que os canais estão funcionando e de que o problema é
 aqui mesmo? Pois pode ser que os sites estejam com problemas nos
 streamings. É difícil que seja isso mas como uns copiam dos outros acaba
 não sendo impossível.

 Alguém teria mais alguma ideia também?




 Em 18 de novembro de 2011 07:31, Ivan Brasil Fuzzer

 Não parece não, este é um bug ligado diretamente ao próprio Google. Pensei
 que ele já tivesse sido corrigido, fazia muito tempo que não ouvia mais
 falar dele.

 Em 18-11-2011 00:06, Sidney escreveu:

  Mais uma pra acabar com ideia de que tecnologia é uma ciência exata (e

 Acabei de descobrir que, pelo menos no youtube, consigo assistir a
 dos vídeos *desde que eu esteja deslogado do google*, pois tenho uma
 do google sendo usada no youtube.

 Se eu faço login, não acesso mais nada.
 Se faço logoff, uma boa parte dos videos funciona e a outra não.

 Baixei o chrome e a história do login se repete.
 Já no sem chance. Não funciona mesmo.

 Sinceramente, isso tá parecendo conversa de pescador.
 Nunca vi tanto absurdo sem sentido num problema só!

 E pra terminar, minha esposa usa outra máquina aqui da rede (com o
 10.04, o
 meu é o 11.10) mas lá não adianta logar/deslogar que nada funciona mesmo.

 Alguém já viu uma urucubaca dessas?


 Em 17 de novembro de 2011 22:54,  escreveu:

  Reiniciei no 7 Janelas e funcionou normalmente. Portanto não tem nada a
 ver com o modem, rede e etc.
 É pau do ubuntu mesmo. Só pra desaforo, até no 7 Janelas rodando numa VB

 Agora vou tentar remover tudo que tem relacionado a flash e reinstalar
 por vez. A menos que alguém tenha alguma ideia brilhante (por

 ps: impressionante como isso aconteceu literalmente do nada, sem a
 explicação, tanto que achei que tinha a ver com a troca do modem.


 Em 17 de novembro de 2011 19:03,  escreveu:

 Nem o restricted extras resolveu!

 Também já tentei instalar o adobe flash player direto da central e
 não resolveu.

 No youtube ele fica carregando, carregando e por fim aparece: Ocorreu
 erro, tente novamente mais tarde. dentro da janela do vídeo.

 Outra coisa estranha é que clicando no vídeo com o direito e escolhendo
 Sobre o Adobe Flash Player abre o site da Adobe com animações em
 flash funcionando normalmente e confirmando que o flash está

 Muito estranho tudo isso.


 Em 17 de novembro de 2011 18:06, Frederico*

  $ sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras

 vê se isso resolve

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Problema ao tentar instalar um dual boot e o Ubuntu não boota

2011-11-21 Thread Tiago Rocha
Isso mesmo!

Se não me enganou foi exatamente este comando que eu peguei em um outro
tópico aqui da lista. E mesmo com ele não funcionou.

Tiago Rocha
 /ºvº\   Sou livre no
/()\  GNU/Linux
 ^^-^^   e feliz no Ubuntu!

Em 19 de novembro de 2011 18:59, Marcus Mac-Ginity mgin...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Você só tem 1 hd (sda) e refez o grub com sudo update-grub e gravou com

 sudo grub-install /dev/sda de dentro da distro, e não funcionou?

 Em Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:45:14 -0300, Tiago Rocha

  Sim, também já tentei isso e não funcionou. Por fim estou pensando em
 arrumar um segundo HD pra ver se consigo instalar cada sistema em um HD
 separado como já fiz pra um amigo que tinha 2 HDs.
 Mas não gostaria de ter que fazer isso pq o cara tem 1 HD de 2 TeraBytes.

 Se tiverem alguma idéia do que eu possa fazer eu sou todo ouvidos... :D

 Tiago Rocha
  /ºvº\   Sou livre no
 /()\  GNU/Linux
  ^^-^^   e feliz no Ubuntu!

 Em 18 de novembro de 2011 22:50, Marcus Mac-Ginity

 ... já tentou entrar no ubuntu instalado no hd e refazer o grub (e
 gravá-lo) pela linha de comando ?

 On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 20:52:07 -0300, Alexandro Rodrigues wrote:

  Meu caro eu deixo smpre para particionar o Hd depois de instalar o win7


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Problema ao tentar instalar um dual boot e o Ubuntu não boota

2011-11-21 Thread Tiago Rocha
Bem, eu nunca tive problemas como este antes. E estou acostumado a fazer
esse tipo de instalação para os meus amigos desde a versão 9.04 e é a
primeira vez q isso acontece. E já é a segunda máquina que dá isso.

Tentei gravar a ISO do Hamacker pra ver se dava algo diferente, mas também
apresentou o mesmo sintoma.
Tentei a ISO comum e a dele, tanto usando pendrive quanto gravação em CD e
DVD (Hamacker), mas em todas essas alternativas ele não reconhece o windows
já instalado e pedi para instalar usando todo o HD.

Tiago Rocha
 /ºvº\   Sou livre no
/()\  GNU/Linux
 ^^-^^   e feliz no Ubuntu!

Em 19 de novembro de 2011 16:25, Carlos Abreu crasoluti...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Boa tarde,

 Tive problemas com o Ubuntu também. Tive que instalar ele sozinho no HD.
 Tinha colocado o Win 7 e logo após fiz a instalação do Ubuntu. Durante a
 instalação ele apresentou um erro - Diz que o cd não é original ou é
 problema do leitor para realizar limpeza. Bom o cd não é pois tentei
 vários cds e até pelo pendrive. Esse problema aconteceu algumas vezes
 comigo, mas instalando o Ubuntu sozinho ele instalou direito. Será que está
 havendo algum conflito  gerado pelo Win?


 Em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:30, Tiago Rocha

  Oi galera, boa tarde!
  Estou com um problema sinistro no micro de um amigo meu. Ele precisou
  formatar o micro e me pediu para colocar o Win 7 e o Ubuntu em dual boot.
  Acontece que após formatar o micro e colocar primeiro o win7 o computador
  bootava normalmente. Ao bootar no liveCD do Ubuntu ele não reconhece o
  windows que já está lá e só me dá a opção de apagar todo o HD e
 instalar o
  Ubuntu. Mesmo eu já tendo particionado o HD (de 2 Terabytes) ao meio o
  Ubuntu só reconhe o HD como se ele não estivesse particionado e como se
  estivesse sem o windows.
  Para testar eu mandei instalar e o Ubuntu ficou sozinho no HD. Mas
  que mesmo assim ele não bootou ao terminar a instalação. Só consigo usar
  Ubuntu que instalei se eu bootar com o liveCD e nele escolher a última
  opção Iniciar pelo primeiro disco rígido. Aí sim ele boota no Ubuntu
  instalei no HD. Ou seja, alguma coisa não está permitindo o boot
  Vocês poderiam me ajudar a resolver esse problema do boot e também o
  problema para colocar o windows e o Ubuntu dividindo o HD e funcionando
  dual boot?
  Essa é a primeira vez que tenho um problema assim para fazer um dual
  Tiago Rocha
   /ºvº\   Sou livre no
  /()\  GNU/Linux
   ^^-^^   e feliz no Ubuntu!
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 Carlos Abreu - Suporte em informática.
 (21) 9836-9243 / 8176-6807 -
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Synaptic, reinstalado, não abre e não dá erro

2011-11-21 Thread Luciano de Souza
Por algum motivo, o Synaptic está inoperante, mas a dica do apt-cache 
funcionou perfeitamente! Acho que me acostumarei a ele. é mais rápido.

Em 21/11/2011 15:12, Jeferson Rodrigues escreveu:

Boa tarde Luciano,

Reforço a idéia do Felipe: abra através do console, que ele com certeza vai
te passar alguma informação.


Em 20 de novembro de 2011 13:27, Felipe Alexandre Ferreira  escreveu:

Esquisito. Tente abrir o synaptic pelo próprio console para ver se não
aparece o erro. As vezes alguns programas mandam mensagens de erro
para o console, aí se abrimos pelo ícone não vemos essas mensagens.

Para listar os pacotes sem interface gráfica tem o dselect (apt-get
install dselect), não sei se é agradável o suficiente e se o apt-get
tem equivalente. Para procurar podes usar apt-cache search

Em 19 de novembro de 2011 11:04, Luciano de Souza  escreveu:


Reinstalei o Ubuntu. Como esta imagem não possui o Utilitário de

Unidades e

não consigo lembrar-me do nome do pacote, fui ao Synaptic. Preferências,
gerenciador de pacotes. Ei-lo aqui. Contudo, clicando sobre ele, nada
acontece. Nem abre, nem tenho erro. É simplesmente como se nada tivesse

sudo apt-get purge synaptic
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install synaptic

Vamos lá novamente. E nada... Nada sucede: nem abre, nem erro.

E o que pode ter originado o erro? Bom, depois de instalar o Ubuntu fiz:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Não creio que isso possa ter causado qualquer problema. É verdade que
instalei pacotes com o apt-get, mas não havia um só que antes da
reinstalação já não estivesse no sistema.

O que poderá estar a acontecer?

Parece-me que, com o apt-get, também consigo listar os pacotes e as
descrições, para mim, única utilidade real do Synaptic. Mas preciso


um pouco mais para aprender a fazê-lo.


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Luciano de Souza

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] note nao reconheçe modem 3g

2011-11-21 Thread Anderson

Boas Wagner...

Para os modens Onda, tem uma manha: tem que criar uma regra no udev e no 

Segue o link:

Não sei se no 11.10 isso funciona, pois não testei ainda, mas no 10.10 e 
11.04 funciona bem.


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] (sem assunto)

2011-11-21 Thread Power220v
Ola Amigos! Ontem eu fiz a instalação limpa (muito trabalhosa por ser um
downgrade) do ubuntu 10.04LTS 32bits e nao 64 como tinha dito anterior

Em todas as verçoes 64bits eu tive problemas de instabilidade.

Estou na 10.04 feliz pelo bom desempenho e facil manejo, mais meio feinho
perto do 11.10 xD

Depois da instalaçao percebi qui o MSN realmente esta com dificuldades
(instabilidade mesmo no Windows cai direto). Mais pelomenos aqui com a
verção 10.04 os outros menssageiros(Facebook e gtalk) funcionam no empathy.

Amigo, fico triste em nao ter instalado o AMSN do jeito que vc falo, mais
vejo que mesmo com o menssager funcionando nao teria vantagem pra mim
continuar em um sistema lento e totalmente instavel como estava o meu.

Satisfaçoes amigo! Muito obrigado pelas dicas e pelos macetes!

Tudo de bom pra vcs Abrass!
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] link p pastbim

2011-11-21 Thread Zandre Bran
2011/11/21 Adalberto Malfatti Filho
[...]     perguntei pra lista porque não sei o nome
     do local p postar a imagem

     Mas valeu , obrigado

-- []s
-- Zandre.


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[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu op Dipro Antwerpen - 27/11/11

2011-11-21 Thread bram kortleven

Goeienavond iedereen,

Op zondag 27 november 2011 staat er een Dipro Computerbeurs in Antwerp Expo 
Willen we daar met Ubuntu aan deelnemen, dan moeten we nu beginnen plannen en 
vrijwilligers vastleggen die de stand kunnen bevolken.

Voor we akkoord gaan om op Dipro Antwerpen te staan, zijn we nog op zoek naar 
medewerkers die op de beurs die dag enkele uren mee kunnen helpen opbouwen, 
stand bemannen, uitleg geven, vragen oplossen en na de dag beurs ook mee 
opruimen. Ook wie materiaal kan meebrengen wil ik vragen wat hij kan doen om de 
stand aantrekkelijk te maken. Eens we zeker zijn dat de stand degelijk zal 
bemand zijn, vragen we een plaats aan.

Graag even je gegevens aanvullen op de wiki 
( zodat we 
zo snel mogelijk zicht hebben op wie er wel of niet kan.
Kan je niet de hele dag, vergeet dan niet te vermelden wanneer je wel komt en 
tot hoe laat je kan blijven...
Vermeld ook even welk materiaal je kan meebrengen.
Mocht er (last-minute) iets gebeuren en kan je niet aanwezig zijn, graag een 
seintje op m'n gsm: 0486627396

Alvast hartelijk bedankt! 
En hopelijk tot zondag 11 september!


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[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu CD's voor introductieles

2011-11-21 Thread Pieter De Baets
Hallo iedereen,

Ik maak deel uit van Zeus WPI, de studentenwerkgroep informatica aan de
UGent. Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte organiseren wij samen met de Werkgroep
Vrije Software een Ubuntu-introductieles.

Vorig jaar konden we op Ubuntu-be rekenen voor een bijzonder goeie spreker,
dit jaar proberen we het zelf. Wel zijn we nog dringend op zoek naar een
lading (30 à 40) officiële Ubuntu 11.10 CD's die we kunnen gebruiken
tijdens de les en achteraf meegeven. Kan er iemand uit Gent of de buurt
ervan ons hiermee helpen?

Onze les gaat door op 22 november om 19u in PC-klas A van het
Plateau-gebouw van de UGent. De les wordt voor (en door) studenten
georganiseerd, maar ook anderen zijn welkom. Meer info verschijnt weldra op

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Pieter De Baets
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[Ubuntu-be] Dipro beurs te Genk op 4 december 2011

2011-11-21 Thread Claudio Mammarella

Hallo iedereen, 

We zijn weer op zoek naar vrijwilligers voor op de volgende dipro-beurs te 
Laat iets weten als je je geroepen om een handje te helpen. 
Meer info over deze gecombineerde beurs (fotografie en Micro Mega Markt) 

Vul de uren dat je wenst te komen in op Doodle 

We hadden gedacht om na de beurs iets kleins te gaan eten, bv: een grieks 
frietje (de beste in genk zeggen ze). 
het is dan een goed moment om eens gezellig te praten en als de tijd het 
toelaat te brainstormen-discussieren 
over hoe we beter te werk kunnen gaan om promot ie te maken. 
bv: infosessie op middelbare scholen, presentaties geven in bibs, kleine kmo's 
Verzamel wat ideeên en we spreken erover tijdens onze friet. 

Alvast bedankt en misschiens tot dan, 

Claudio Mammarella 
ubuntu-be promotor 
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Re: экранные глюки

2011-11-21 Thread Ed Meilakh
Поставил LXDE, скорости заметно прибавилось!

2011/11/21 Ed Meilakh
 а вообще - стоит задуматься, может , с железом что не то?
 ну железо под Вистой нормально работает, с тормозами - но не с такими,
 как под Убунтой 11.10. Под Убунтой 10.04 работает шустро, но с
 неустранимыми экранными артефактами.

 скорей всего грузится на драйвере vesa.
 в данном случае украшательные свистоперделки убунтовские либо тормозят, либо
 у меня вопрос - а можно как-нибудь эти украшательства отключить?


 ;-) Ed Meilakh  (-;
ubuntu-ru mailing list

[Bug 874339] Re: package slapd 2.4.23-6ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2011-11-21 Thread WM
I've tried some test cases, and confirmed that this problem now 11.10
only occurred in x64 server edition.

** Also affects: openldap
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openldap in Ubuntu.

  package slapd 2.4.23-6ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess
  installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

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[Bug 893077] [NEW] package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0 bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2011-11-21 Thread El Dirty Sonidero
Public bug reported:

i don't now

ProblemType: Package
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.10
Package: eucalyptus-java-common 2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.35-31.62-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.35-31-generic i686
Architecture: i386
Date: Mon Nov 21 12:54:25 2011
ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit 
status 1
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release i386 (20100429)
SourcePackage: eucalyptus
Title: package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to 
install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error 
exit status 1

** Affects: eucalyptus (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package i386 maverick

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to eucalyptus in Ubuntu.

  package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0 bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to
  install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script
  returned error exit status 1

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[Bug 893077] Re: package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0 bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2011-11-21 Thread El Dirty Sonidero
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to eucalyptus in Ubuntu.

  package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0 bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to
  install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script
  returned error exit status 1

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[Bug 217159] Re: slapd + gnutls fails

2011-11-21 Thread Adrian Bridgett
FYI I just hit another issue where ldap wouldn't start with errors like this:
TLS init def ctx failed: -207
slapd stopped.
connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.'

This turned out to be due to a PKCS#8 key, using openssl rsa -in
old.key -text (and then cutting and pasting the PRIVATE RSA KEY part
to create a PKCS#1 key) fixed the issue.

Hopefully this will save someone else a few hours of head
scratching/banging/punching the wall.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openldap in Ubuntu.

  slapd + gnutls fails

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[Bug 892332] Re: ntp apparmor profile insufficient ipv6 rights

2011-11-21 Thread Jamie Strandboge
Thank you for using Ubuntu and reporting a bug. Does adding the following to 
/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd fix the problem for you:
  network inet6 dgram,

(you'll need to run 'sudo apparmor_parser -r
/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd' after adjusting the profile)

** Changed in: ntp (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)

** Also affects: ntp (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Also affects: ntp (Ubuntu Precise)
   Importance: Medium
 Assignee: Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
   Status: New

** Changed in: ntp (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Status: New = Invalid

** Also affects: ntp (Ubuntu Lucid)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: ntp (Ubuntu Lucid)
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: ntp (Ubuntu Precise)
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ntp in Ubuntu.

  ntp apparmor profile insufficient ipv6 rights

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Re: [Bug 892554] Re: SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

2011-11-21 Thread Kees Cook
What's the best way to add a known_hosts entry from these fingerprints?
Maybe the -e option should be used instead of -l ?

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

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[Bug 162253] Re: openssh: want hpn-ssh for 20x speed improvement!

2011-11-21 Thread a7x
Unfortunately, the HPN patch breaks the DynamicForward feature in at
least OpenSSH 5.0 (see  I'm not sure
how it fares with newer versions of OpenSSH.

From the bottom of the HPN web site

Recent problems with buffer_append_space in HPN-SSH.  If you are
experiencing disconnects due to a failure in buffer_append_space please
let us know.  We're currently tracking some problems with this and we're
trying to gather more information to help resolve it.  You may want to
try using -oHPNBufferSize=16384 to restrict the growth of the buffer.
Let us know if that helps.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  openssh: want hpn-ssh for 20x speed improvement!

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[Bug 876387] Re: fuser forking uncontrollably in cron job

2011-11-21 Thread Mikael Nordfeldth
Ubuntu 11.10 with php-cgi (php5) and libapache2-mod-fcgid causes this,
however I only seem to have the problem on heavy loads - or at least
with rapid page loading. Is it after certain amount of page loads that
the cleanup process will have too much to clean up?

I only noticed there was a problem when some user was mirroring a php-

Workaround with removing the `fuser` part in /etc/cron.d/php5 seems to
be working so far.

Would perhaps running the cleanup cron-job more often make the impact

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to php5 in Ubuntu.

  fuser forking uncontrollably in cron job

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[Bug 874981] Re: Please merge/sync mcollective from debian wheezy

2011-11-21 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package mcollective - 1.2.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1

mcollective (1.2.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #874981)
- debian/control: Package mcollective-middleware allows the user
  to install mcollective + his AMPQ server of choice, we now
  choose activemq by default but support for rabbitmq-stomp is
  also integrated
- debian/control: Fixed rabbitmq dependencies to rabbitmq-stomp
- debian/mcollective.postinst: Added fix for mcollective server.cfg to
  avoid daemonize if running on system with upstart
 -- Marc Cluet   Wed, 9 Nov 2011 18:12:27 +

** Changed in: mcollective (Ubuntu)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mcollective in Ubuntu.

  Please merge/sync mcollective from debian wheezy

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[Bug 573853] Re: Cannot control squid Unknown instance

2011-11-21 Thread Clint Byrum
Hi Skilly, it doesn't make sense that this would cause the bug to

It didn't touch the default args of squid at all. Make sure you don't
have a modified /etc/init/squid.conf, the exec line should look like

exec /usr/sbin/squid -N $SQUID_ARGS

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to squid in Ubuntu.

  Cannot control squid Unknown instance

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[Bug 887410] Re: plymouth ask-for-passphrase

2011-11-21 Thread Clint Byrum
Hi Jay, can you please explain what you expect to happen, and what
actually happens?

The code is quite clear, if plymouth is running and available, we ask a
question via plymouth's normal methods using the exact same prompt text
that apache's internal passphrase module uses. If plymouth is not
running anymore, we use the normal method that Apache uses which is to
ask the question via the user's controlling terminal. If there is no way
to ask the question, we exit with an error.

** Changed in: apache2 (Ubuntu Precise)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

  plymouth ask-for-passphrase

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Re: [Bug 892554] Re: SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

2011-11-21 Thread Scott Moser
 What's the best way to add a known_hosts entry from these fingerprints?
 Maybe the -e option should be used instead of -l ?

I don't think there is enough information to create an ssh known_hosts
entry from the fingerprint.  I've written a blog post at
demonstrating how to check the host before connecting.

I think the original intent of this feature (before my time) was to serve
humans verifying the remote host, thus the fingerprint makes sense.

However, it seems that it would make sense to support outputting something
more machine consumable, which the 'ssh -e' would be better for.

I'm open to adding a cloud-config option for this.  Care to open a bug?

Unfortunately, I don't think we can reasonably ditch the old default
behavior as many tools have been written to scrape console output looking
for this formated string.

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Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

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[Bug 893365] [NEW] Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Oleksii Ovcharenko
Public bug reported:

Current version is two years old.

** Affects: ec2-api-tools (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Oleksii Ovcharenko
** Attachment added: Built package

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Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Oleksii Ovcharenko
** Patch added: This is a patch for building recent ec2-api-tools_1.5.0.0 

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Oleksii Ovcharenko
Taken from, renamed and
repacked from zip to tar.gz.

** Attachment added: Original EC2 package

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Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Oleksii Ovcharenko
** Attachment added: Checksum file

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Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Dave Walker
** Changed in: ec2-api-tools (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = Wishlist

** Changed in: ec2-api-tools (Ubuntu)
Milestone: None = precise-alpha-1

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893365] Re: Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

2011-11-21 Thread Ubuntu Foundation's Bug Bot
The attachment This is a patch for building recent ec2-api-
tools_1.5.0.0 package of this bug report has been identified as being a
patch in the form of a debdiff.  The ubuntu-sponsors team has been
subscribed to the bug report so that they can review and hopefully
sponsor the debdiff.  In the event that this is in fact not a patch you
can resolve this situation by removing the tag 'patch' from the bug
report and editing the attachment so that it is not flagged as a patch.
Additionally, if you are member of the ubuntu-sponsors please also
unsubscribe the team from this bug report.

[This is an automated message performed by a Launchpad user owned by
Brian Murray.  Please contact him regarding any issues with the action
taken in this bug report.]

** Tags added: patch

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ec2-api-tools in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01

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[Bug 893400] [NEW] cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Eric Hammond
Public bug reported:

In bug #892554, Kees Cook (kees) makes a great suggestion that cloud-
init could output the public ssh host keys to the console output.  This
could then be read by automated software outside of the instance and
added to a known_hosts file using the IP address and/or hostname that
the remote system wishes to use to connect to the instance.

As Scott Moser (smoser) points out, the existing ssh host key
fingerprints should be left in the output in the current de facto
standard format so as to not break any existing software or human
processes that check this.

The new output should be added using a different set of public ssh host
key delimiters (see proposed format below).

There is no need to require a cloud-init configuration option; this
information should always be output.  Extra information in the console
output should not interfere with any existing programs as long as it is
separate from the existing formatted information.

The simplest way to present the information might be to just print out
the first two fields of all public host keys.  For example:

cut -f1-2 -d' ' /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

The client system would query the console output, select one of these
ssh host keys, and add it to known_hosts, prepended by the IP address
and/or hostnames that it wishes to use to connect to the instance.

Here's an example of what this might look like in the console output:


And here's an example of what the client system might add to
known_hosts:, ecdsa-

or with hashing:

|1|q0CnRd/EVpfAXEVMAi7fqx0lFaI=|8BrFOu2+GGRMKDS+1WiVG8xpwt0= ecdsa-

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.10
Package: cloud-init 0.6.1-0ubuntu22
ProcVersionSignature: User Name 3.0.0-12.20-virtual 3.0.4
Uname: Linux 3.0.0-12-virtual i686
ApportVersion: 1.23-0ubuntu3
Architecture: i386
Date: Tue Nov 22 00:12:40 2011
Ec2AMI: ami-a7f539ce
Ec2AMIManifest: (unknown)
Ec2AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a
Ec2InstanceType: m1.small
Ec2Kernel: aki-805ea7e9
Ec2Ramdisk: unavailable
PackageArchitecture: all
SourcePackage: cloud-init
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Affects: cloud-init (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-bug ec2-images i386 oneiric

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for

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[Bug 893400] Re: cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Eric Hammond
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for

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[Bug 892554] Re: SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

2011-11-21 Thread Eric Hammond
Love the known_hosts suitable output format idea!  It doesn't even need
to be an option.  Split that off into bug #893400.

The current ticket can remain for adding the ECDSA ssh key fingerprint.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  SSH keys summary does not report ECDSA key

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Re: [Bug 893400] [NEW] cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Scott Moser
 The simplest way to present the information might be to just print out
 the first two fields of all public host keys.  For example:

 cut -f1-2 -d' ' /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

I've not read anything other than the ssh-keygen manpage, but it says:
 -m key_format
Specify a key format for the -i (import) or -e (export)
conversion options.  The supported key formats are: “RFC4716”
(RFC4716/SSH2 public or private key), “PKCS8” (PEM PKCS8 public key)
or “PEM” (PEM public key).  The default conversion format is

I can't see a good reason not to use something that is widely documented
as opposed to inventing our own (even if the invention is very simple).


** Also affects: cloud-init
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for

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[Bug 893400] Re: cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Scott Moser
** Changed in: cloud-init (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = Low

** Changed in: cloud-init (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Triaged

** Changed in: cloud-init
   Status: New = Triaged

** Changed in: cloud-init
   Importance: Undecided = Low

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for

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[Bug 893421] [NEW] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000801f0f1d

2011-11-21 Thread mluntzel
Public bug reported:

This seems to be a dup of but I would
like to add an apport-collect report, which is missing from the
aforementioned bug.

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: apache2.2-bin 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.7
Uname: Linux x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Tue Nov 22 01:59:26 2011
ExecutablePath: /usr/lib/apache2/mpm-prefork/apache2
 PATH=(custom, no user)
SourcePackage: apache2

** Affects: apache2 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

  BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 801f0f1d

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[Bug 893421] Re: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000801f0f1d

2011-11-21 Thread mluntzel
** Attachment added: dmesg output

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

  BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 801f0f1d

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[Bug 893421] Re: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000801f0f1d

2011-11-21 Thread mluntzel
** Package changed: apache2 (Ubuntu) = linux (Ubuntu)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

  BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 801f0f1d

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[Blueprint servercloud-p-cloudimages-cloudinit] Improvements to Cloud-init or Cloud Images

2011-11-21 Thread Scott Moser
Blueprint changed by Scott Moser:

Whiteboard changed:
    time slider:
  Work Items:
  Implement public glance server: TODO
  Canonical IS ticket for public glance server: TODO
  Populate glance server on build finish: TODO
  Provide clean /query2 data pointing to .img files: TODO
  hand off glance server to canonical IS: TODO
- make ec2-publishing-scripts publish regions concurrently: TODO
- [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts describe-images much less (speed): 
+ [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts publish instance-store concurrently: DONE
+ [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts publish ebs concurrently: DONE
+ [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts describe-images much less (speed): DONE
  [smoser] add serial number to daily HEADER.html output: DONE
  sync/merge with upstream cdimage scripts and nectarine: TODO
  cloud-init fix /etc/hosts editing (bug 871966, bug 890501): TODO
  cloud-init upstream add unit test: TODO
  cloud-init support userdata, metadata from configdrive (bug 857378): TODO
  cloud-init support network config via configdrive: TODO
  cloud-init support cloud-local mirrors via dns naming convention: TODO
  cloud-init support cloud-local proxy via dns naming convention: TODO
  better documentation rebundling via user-data and kvm: TODO
  follow up with aligouri on definitive qcow format link for OVF: TODO

Improvements to Cloud-init or Cloud Images

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[Blueprint servercloud-p-cloudimages-cloudinit] Improvements to Cloud-init or Cloud Images

2011-11-21 Thread Scott Moser
Blueprint changed by Scott Moser:

Whiteboard changed:
    time slider:
  Work Items:
  Implement public glance server: TODO
  Canonical IS ticket for public glance server: TODO
  Populate glance server on build finish: TODO
  Provide clean /query2 data pointing to .img files: TODO
  hand off glance server to canonical IS: TODO
  [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts publish instance-store concurrently: DONE
- [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts publish ebs concurrently: DONE
+ [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts publish ebs concurrently: IN_PROGRESS
  [smoser] make ec2-publishing-scripts describe-images much less (speed): DONE
  [smoser] add serial number to daily HEADER.html output: DONE
  sync/merge with upstream cdimage scripts and nectarine: TODO
  cloud-init fix /etc/hosts editing (bug 871966, bug 890501): TODO
  cloud-init upstream add unit test: TODO
  cloud-init support userdata, metadata from configdrive (bug 857378): TODO
  cloud-init support network config via configdrive: TODO
  cloud-init support cloud-local mirrors via dns naming convention: TODO
  cloud-init support cloud-local proxy via dns naming convention: TODO
  better documentation rebundling via user-data and kvm: TODO
  follow up with aligouri on definitive qcow format link for OVF: TODO

Improvements to Cloud-init or Cloud Images

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 893400] Re: cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Eric Hammond
I've ammended the original example to use cat instead of cut as it
looks like the specific number of fields in the key may vary for some
older formats (rsa1) and it removes the objection that I invented
anything.  I had been hoping to exclude the comment field, but agree
it's not worth the effort/risk.

The man page for sshd(8) documents the format for
/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts in the SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS
FILE FORMAT section.  It includes the paragraphs:

Bits, exponent, and modulus are taken directly from the RSA host key;
they can be obtained, for example, from /etc/ssh/  The
optional comment field continues to the end of the line, and is not used.


[generate lines in known_hosts] by a script, ssh-keyscan(1) or by taking
/etc/ssh/ and adding the host names at the front.

I suppose you could copy the information out of these files using ssh-
keygen, but it converts the key to a different format.

I lean towards copying the public key file directly because:

 - It's easier to find and manipulate single lines in the console
output, instead of the multi-line output of ssh-keygen.

 - The public key file contains exactly the format that we will drop
into known_hosts, instead of having to convert the output of ssh-keygen
back into something usable. (I'm not even sure what tool you use to do
that, though on experimentation it looks like it's a process of cutting
out headers, reassembling lines and adding the appropriate keytype

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for

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[Bug 893400] Re: cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)

2011-11-21 Thread Eric Hammond
** Description changed:

  In bug #892554, Kees Cook (kees) makes a great suggestion that cloud-
  init could output the public ssh host keys to the console output.  This
  could then be read by automated software outside of the instance and
  added to a known_hosts file using the IP address and/or hostname that
  the remote system wishes to use to connect to the instance.
  As Scott Moser (smoser) points out, the existing ssh host key
  fingerprints should be left in the output in the current de facto
  standard format so as to not break any existing software or human
  processes that check this.
  The new output should be added using a different set of public ssh host
  key delimiters (see proposed format below).
  There is no need to require a cloud-init configuration option; this
  information should always be output.  Extra information in the console
  output should not interfere with any existing programs as long as it is
  separate from the existing formatted information.
- The simplest way to present the information might be to just print out
- the first two fields of all public host keys.  For example:
+ The simplest way to present the information might be to just output the
+ contents of all public host keys.  For example:
- cut -f1-2 -d' ' /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
+ cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
  The client system would query the console output, select one of these
  ssh host keys, and add it to known_hosts, prepended by the IP address
  and/or hostnames that it wishes to use to connect to the instance.
  Here's an example of what this might look like in the console output:
- ssh-dss 
- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 
- ssh-rsa 
+ ssh-dss 
+ ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 
+ ssh-rsa 
  And here's an example of what the client system might add to
  known_hosts:, ecdsa-
+ root@ip-10-32-30-193
  or with hashing:
  |1|q0CnRd/EVpfAXEVMAi7fqx0lFaI=|8BrFOu2+GGRMKDS+1WiVG8xpwt0= ecdsa-
+ root@ip-10-32-30-193
  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.10
  Package: cloud-init 0.6.1-0ubuntu22
  ProcVersionSignature: User Name 3.0.0-12.20-virtual 3.0.4
  Uname: Linux 3.0.0-12-virtual i686
  ApportVersion: 1.23-0ubuntu3
  Architecture: i386
  Date: Tue Nov 22 00:12:40 2011
  Ec2AMI: ami-a7f539ce

[Bug 525684] Re: clamscan crashed with SIGSEGV in mpool_free()

2011-11-21 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Expired for clamav (Ubuntu) because there has been no activity for 60

** Changed in: clamav (Ubuntu)
   Status: Incomplete = Expired

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to clamav in Ubuntu.

  clamscan crashed with SIGSEGV in mpool_free()

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[Bug 893450] [NEW] KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

2011-11-21 Thread Horacio
Public bug reported:

Some times, one of the KVM guest failed to start. I've 3 guest, two
started OK and one failed (the two times the same has failed). After
rebooting the host two times, the KVM guest started OK, but this is a
server and found too risky this behavior. The host server is running
Ubuntu 11.04 Server 64bits and libvirt 0.8.8-1ubuntu6.5

The two times that failed, I've found this on syslog:

error : virSecurityDACSetOwnership:125 : unable to set user and group to 
'105:115' on '/dev/vg_default/lv_robot-pv0': No such file or directory
kernel: [  200.354543] type=1400 audit(1321932141.068:11): apparmor=DENIED 
operation=open parent=2539 profile=/usr/lib/libvirt/virt-aa-helper 
name=/dev/dm-7 pid=2638 comm=virt-aa-helper requested_mask=r 
denied_mask=r fsuid=0 ouid=105
kernel: [  200.692255] type=1400 audit(1321932141.408:12): apparmor=STATUS 
operation=profile_load name=libvirt-7262201f-566b-d0b1-16ec-0b404ccd5336 
pid=2639 comm=apparmor_parser
libvirtd: 00:22:21.424: 2539: error : 
virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel:143 : cannot resolve symlink 
/dev/vg_default/lv_robot-pv0: No such file or directory
libvirtd: 00:22:21.707: 2539: error : qemuAutostartDomain:275 : Failed to 
autostart VM 'robot': unable to set user and group to '105:115' on 
'/dev/vg_default/lv_robot-pv0': No such file or directory

The LVM device is on a software raid. Maybe this is taking too long to
come up?

FYI, running aa-status (after the reboots) gives me:
apparmor module is loaded.
9 profiles are loaded.
9 profiles are in enforce mode.
0 profiles are in complain mode.
4 processes have profiles defined.
4 processes are in enforce mode :
   /usr/sbin/libvirtd (2459) 
   libvirt-7262201f-566b-d0b1-16ec-0b404ccd5336 (2521) 
   libvirt-c032ea0a-8c62-7730-fb4d-e1bf60c15a31 (2551) 
   libvirt-f06ad419-f312-f002-444f-3e51f40d2291 (2582) 
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.

** Affects: libvirt (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with
  virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

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[Bug 893450] Re: KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

2011-11-21 Thread Horacio
** Attachment added: Error found on syslog

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with
  virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

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[Bug 893450] Re: KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

2011-11-21 Thread Serge Hallyn
** Changed in: libvirt (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = High

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with
  virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

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[Bug 893450] Re: KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

2011-11-21 Thread Serge Hallyn
Thanks for submitting this bug.  I'm marking it high priority as it fits
'severe impact on a small number of users'.

The problem appears to be that the logical volume is slow in coming up,
such that libvirt starts before the udev creates its device node.
Working around this in your particular case should be pretty easy, but a
general fix will be harder.

To work around it in your case, please try adding the following to your
/etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf file, at the end of the 'pre-start script'

   while [ ! -e /dev/vg_default/lv_robot-pv0 ]; do
  sleep 1s

So, for instance, the pre-start script section would probably become:

pre-start script
[ -r /etc/default/libvirt-bin ]  . /etc/default/libvirt-bin
[ ! x$start_libvirtd = xyes ]  { stop; exit 0; }
mkdir -p /var/run/libvirt
# Clean up a pidfile that might be left around
rm -f /var/run/
date  /var/log/libvirt-upstart
echo $$  /var/log/libvirt-upstart
cat /proc/self/cmdline  /var/log/libvirt-upstart
cat /proc/self/cgroup  /var/log/libvirt-upstart
while [ ! -e /dev/vg_default/lv_robot-pv0 ]; do
sleep 1s
end script

Please let us know if that does not work around your problem for now.

** Changed in: libvirt (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with
  virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error

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[Bug 877891] Re: Racoon fails to load the crypto modules

2011-11-21 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package ipsec-tools - 1:0.8.0-3ubuntu1.1

ipsec-tools (1:0.8.0-3ubuntu1.1) oneiric-proposed; urgency=low

  * debian/ Backport a fix to correctly determine module
extension for 3.x kernels. (LP: #877891)
 -- Adam Gandelman   Tue, 25 Oct 2011 11:12:16 -0700

** Changed in: ipsec-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ipsec-tools in Ubuntu.

  Racoon fails to load the crypto modules

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[Bug 690925] Re: Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

2011-11-21 Thread Clint Byrum
5.5.17-1ubuntu4 is in the NEW queue for precise.. so.. close..

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Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-5.1 in Ubuntu.

  Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

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[Bug 690925] Re: Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

2011-11-21 Thread Clint Byrum
err, 5.5.17-4ubuntu1 ;)

** Changed in: mysql-5.1 (Ubuntu)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-5.1 in Ubuntu.

  Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

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[Bug 690925] Re: Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

2011-11-21 Thread mrl586
Can you package mysql 5.5.18?

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Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-5.1 in Ubuntu.

  Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu

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Re: Installer pilote carte vidéo Intel ubuntu 10.4 (LTS)

2011-11-21 Thread Olivier Pavilla
Le 20/11/2011 23:42, a écrit :
 Merci beaucoup,
 aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel
 (pas de messages d'erreur, installation=ok)
 et n'a rien donné, même au reboot ...
Qu'est ce qui vous fait dire que ca ne marche pas?

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[Bug 892958] Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Unity 2D glitches and sometimes freezes when using work space switcher

2011-11-21 Thread Phil. V
Thanks for your bug report. I'll package this against metacity so we can get an 
apport hook, but I'm not exactly sure what handles work space switching in a 2d 
session. So we can get some detailed system information attached to this 
report, though, could you please run the following command in a terminal from 
your unity-2d session:
apport-collect 892958

Also, could you describe the freeze that you sometimes experience? Is it
a hard freeze? Will the system respond to keyboard input
(ctrl+alt+delete, etc)?

** Changed in: ubuntu
   Status: New = Incomplete

** Tags added: oneiric

** Package changed: ubuntu = metacity (Ubuntu)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Ubuntu 11.10 Unity 2D glitches and sometimes freezes when using work
  space switcher

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 892987] [NEW] 'Illumination Software Creator' not showing in installed apps

2011-11-21 Thread
Public bug reported:

I have installed the 'Illumination Software Creator' when i installed
Ubuntu 11.10 (Fresh Installed), but after installation i can not find it
anywhere. i tried un-installing and re-installing but that did not work.
I am kind of out of ideas. Any Advice??

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.10
Package: software-center 5.0.2
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.0.0-12.20-generic 3.0.4
Uname: Linux 3.0.0-12-generic x86_64
NonfreeKernelModules: fglrx
ApportVersion: 1.23-0ubuntu4
Architecture: amd64
Date: Mon Nov 21 12:52:15 2011
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot - Release amd64 (20111012)
PackageArchitecture: all
SourcePackage: software-center
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Affects: software-center (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug apport-lpi oneiric running-unity

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  'Illumination Software Creator' not showing in installed apps

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[Bug 892987] Re: 'Illumination Software Creator' not showing in installed apps

2011-11-21 Thread
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  'Illumination Software Creator' not showing in installed apps

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 892976] Re: Could not update Ubuntu

2011-11-21 Thread Jean-Baptiste Lallement
Thanks for your report. Please fix line 54 in source list file 
I'm closing this report because it is not a bug with Ubuntu.

** Changed in: update-manager (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Invalid

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Could not update Ubuntu

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 839665] Re: Lenovo x121e - Fn keys and wireless not working after suspend

2011-11-21 Thread Frank Kafka
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 812866 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 812866
   Wlan hardware blocked after suspend lenovo X121e

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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Lenovo x121e - Fn keys and wireless not working after suspend

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 892988] [NEW] Translations do not match the released tarball translations

2011-11-21 Thread Albert Astals Cid
Public bug reported:

Ubuntu claims to be shipping rekonq 0.8.0:
  $ dpkg -l | grep rekonq
  ii  rekonq0.8.0-0ubuntu0.1
 KDE web browser based on Webkit

But the translations shipped do not match the real stuff inside the rekonq 
0.8.0 tarball. 
  $ wget
 -O rekonq-0.8.0.tar.bz2
  $ tar xfh rekonq-0.8.0.tar.bz2
  $ grep Custom -B 1 -A 1 rekonq-0.8.0/i18n/rekonq_ca.po 
  #: rc.cpp:195
  msgid Custom Style Sheet
  msgstr Full d'estil personalitzat
You can see the catalan translation has correctly translated Custom Style 
But then if you do
  $ msgunfmt /usr/share/locale-langpack/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ | grep Custom
There is no output, meaning that somehow the translation for that text did not 
end up in the that Ubuntu ships.

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.10
Package: rekonq 0.8.0-0ubuntu0.1
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.0.0-12.20-generic 3.0.4
Uname: Linux 3.0.0-12-generic x86_64
ApportVersion: 1.23-0ubuntu4
Architecture: amd64
Date: Mon Nov 21 08:57:03 2011
InstallationMedia: Kubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot - Release amd64 (20111012)
SourcePackage: rekonq
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Affects: rekonq (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug oneiric

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Translations do not match the released tarball translations

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[Bug 892988] Re: Translations do not match the released tarball translations

2011-11-21 Thread Albert Astals Cid
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Translations do not match the released tarball translations

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[Bug 892989] [NEW] should be set to false by default in gnome-shell

2011-11-21 Thread Julien Olivier
Public bug reported:

In Oneiric, is set to
true by default, which causes removable medias to open a new nautilus
window when inserted. This might be the desired behaviour in Unity, but
it's wrong in gnome-shell because gnome-shell already displays a
notification asking whether the user wants to open a nautilus window.
This is redondant with the automatic opening of the window.

I already sumbitted it upstream but it was rightfully closed NOTGNOME:

** Affects: gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

Title: should be set to false
  by default in gnome-shell

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[Bug 892990] Re: gedit crashed with SIGSEGV while switching to print preview

2011-11-21 Thread John M
** Visibility changed to: Public

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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  gedit crashed with SIGSEGV while switching to print preview

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[Bug 887727] Re: linux: 2.6.32-36.79 -proposed tracker

2011-11-21 Thread Brendan Donegan
The Hardware Certification team have begun testing this -proposed

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/certification-testing
   Status: Confirmed = In Progress

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/certification-testing
 Assignee: Canonical Hardware Certification (canonical-hw-cert) = Brendan 
Donegan (brendan-donegan)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  linux: 2.6.32-36.79 -proposed tracker

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