[UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-27 Thread Craigsolve
In a message dated 6/27/2007 10:47:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Lewis Wendell tries to  bury John on the cover of today’s UC-Review. 
You must  read it on-line. ... http://www.weeklypress.com/

His now public commentary reaffirms the utter ineptitude of Lewis  Wendell's 
command of the UCD and most cogently answers highly regarded  local attorney 
Karen Allen's question of yesterday:
In a message dated 6/26/2007 4:53:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Why  don't these people ever speak for themselves?
Because, despite their employment by what is de facto the  closely controlled 
entity of some of our city's finest academic  institutions, they just aren't 
very smart, competent, or socially and  economically responsible.
What Lewis Wendell alleges as a series of missteps on John's part are in  
fact the gravest indictment of his own inadequate leadership, after nearly  two 
years at the helm, of the administration of the UCD, and as a mature  
organization UCD's failure to develop, implement, and maintain the ongoing  
training of 
such policies as well as to frequently and effectively audit  the compliance 
with such policies.
The entire problem is not of Lewis Wendell's making, because he is not the  
elected mayor of a small town but more like the installed facility manager of a 
 small community association, driven by highly biased  socio-economically and 
strategicly inadequate operational guidelines. His  outline of UCD's 
community outreach is what one would more realistically  associate with the 
of the Lower Main Line than an  urban University City, unless UCD's powerful 
corporate  backers are trying to de-urbanize the off-campus communities. It is 
further  stunning that the UCD wants to implement a taxing power to promote 
its societal  changes. For instance it is much more powerful to want to bring 
free concerts  with the Philadelphia Orchestra to Malcom X Park to share the 
pleasures of one  of our nation's great cultural jewel with citizen' who may be 
financially hard  pressed to afford to take a family to such a concert at the 
Kimmel Center.
Given the current economy and culture, it is totally ludicrous to stage the  
orchestra in Clark Park for the local bourgeoisie, who can easily afford such 
a  treat, while subliminally sending the message - look what we can do more  
of for you, if you only increase our revenue stream through the power of  
self-directed taxation. If the local universities think their "poor" students  
such an experience then fund it on-campus.
Lewis Wendell's comment, the UCD has only been working on a BID scenario  for 
approximately two years is so off the mark, I can only assume the current  
UCD Board treats him as some U.S. Presidents have treated their chief press  
officers - don't give them all the facts so their responses will be  plausibly 
earnest, though unknowingly incorrect because they don't need to  know the 
truth and the big picture.
As a political activist, who has vigorously and publicly disagreed  with 
Councilwoman Blackwell, I find Lewis Wendell's treatment of  her by innuendo to 
indicative of a lack of understanding of  Philadelphia Realpolitik, a failure 
to appreciate the constructive role of  public relationship building, and 
stunningly insulting to the Councilwoman.  Lewis Wendell, your saving grace is 
the Honorable Jannie L. Blackwell, a Holy  Ghost filled leader, will work with 
you because she loves you as she loves the  District.
So there is no doubt, I have professionally admired John Fenton's profound  
capacity to accomplish many varied task in the demanding off-campus environs,  
since his arrival at UCD. Initially, I thought he was the mythical creation  
of a UCD spin doctor, whose sole concern was the implementation of the  BID's 
taxing power. Then I personally worked with John on a State Senator  Anthony 
Hardy Williams Neighborhood to Neighborhood Festival on an oppressively  hot 
sunny Labor Day Weekend at 50th Street and Baltimore Avenue. Needless to  stay, 
the support rendered by John and his team was sterling. Equally  significant, a 
previous UCD Executive Director thought he had earned the  rave reviews for 
John's very hard work. Which raises two questions,  one, why is UCD's 
leadership so fast to suck-up praise and even faster to  pass-on criticism? 
when is a UCD worked event non-political versus  politically inappropriate? 
it have something to do with the support a  politician enjoys with your Board 
or the Board's concern over the  failure of someone to champion specifically 
beneficial enabling legislation? I  am asking so the community can better 
understand who you support, when you  support them, and why you viciously turn 
people who have been so good to  you.
I am equally distressed with the manner in which I believe you have  defamed 
John, while invoking the spirit of a sep

Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-27 Thread Krfapt
In a message dated 6/27/2007 2:51:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

His now public commentary reaffirms the utter ineptitude of  Lewis Wendell's 
command of the UCD and most cogently answers highly  regarded local attorney 
Karen Allen's question of  yesterday:

Of course, putting all the blame on John rather than accepting  
responsibility for an organizational culture he supposedly manages, that was at 
wanting in establishing a modus operandi and circumspectin discussing the  
that triggered but didn't really cause the uproar, was despicable --  
chickens**t -- really.
But most telling to me about UCD's general and Wendell's specific  disconnect 
with the reality of the neighborhood were his answers to the  questions about 
the NID and the rebuilding of confidence by the community. He  obviously 
hasn't a clue about the opposition to the first and the  dissatisfaction 
by the second. I guess he believes a certain  party that I'm just too cheap to 
want to pay my "fair share" for all  these terrific things UCD does 
(presumably like the two concerts in Clark Park  that nobody attended, street 
that won't improve the safety as  they're being claimed to do, and fancy 
that can't stay in  business, to cite just a few examples).
Anybody remotely qualified for the job with which Penn in its ivory tower  
isolation has entrusted him would have said that this incident -- from the 
 all the way through the aftermath of Councilwoman's expression of  
dissatisfaction -- has been of great concern to the organization, and will  
result in a 
thorough re-evaluation of the goals and programs of UCD, including  more 
attention paid to the voices in the community who have been critical of  
initiatives. But no. For Lewis, it's just business as usual. Not an  inkling of 
how deep-rooted the problems were that caused the present  situation.
It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity. Doing the same thing  
over and over, while expecting a different result each time.
Wendell buried himself in this interview... which, I understand, was  
conducted by email so he had plenty of time to think through his answers and  
them vetted by everyone from the $74,000 flackette up through Penn's  
high-priced legal counsel.
I'd give him a straight F on the University City Report Card.
Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

RE: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy
>I'd give him a straight F on the University City Report Card.
But you would have done that before the interview anyway, wouldn't you?

I find it fascinating how some people, not necessarily Al -- but you can
all troll through the back posts and see who -- saw this incident and
said "Holy smokes! UCD did something illegal! They're going to cover it
up, stonewall, and whitewash it! And nothing will be done about it!" and
then the results of the investigation come out, and sweet barking
cheese, UCD says "Something illegal happened, we dealt with it" and the
same voices are saying "holy smokes! It's Lewis' fault!"

Craig, it seems to me, goes so far as to suggest that Lewis never told
anybody not to work on a political campaign "UCD's failure to develop,
implement, and maintain the ongoing training of such policies as well as
to frequently and effectively audit the compliance with such policies."
and that's how this came about. 

There certainly seem to be some behind-the-scenes machinations between
John and Lewis and Councilwoman Blackwell that I'm not privy to, maybe
some of the rest of you are, but I suspect that this whole thing was a
fairly complicated mess based on relationships between the various
parties involved and the seriousness of the allegations. Where still, I
wonder, is the testimony of the two students? The only accusers in this
whole thing. I, for one, would like to know if the reiterated their
stories to this investigation. Though I suppose it's a moot point now.
Things seem to have settled in a way that's not the worst possible
outcome. UCD will continue along, we all still have John, who may
himself now be in a better position to utilize his not insignificant
skills to improve a city government that we almost all think is lagging,
and hopefully whatever relationship dynamics exist between the various
players will work themselves out in a way that continues to improve the

I'm not sure that anything UCD could have done would have satisfied some
on this list, apart from setting fire to their own building and moving
to Mannyunk.


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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-27 Thread Brian Siano


What Lewis Wendell alleges as a series of missteps on John's part are 
in fact the gravest indictment of his own inadequate leadership, after 
nearly two years at the helm, of the administration of the UCD, and as 
a mature organization UCD's failure to develop, implement, and 
maintain the ongoing training of such policies as well as to 
frequently and effectively audit the compliance with such policies.

I addressed this point in an ealier note. One of the reasons to conduct 
an investigation was to determine whether UCD's existing policies were 
adequate or too lax. Of course, neither one of these conclusions would 
make UCD look good: either its policies or its enforcement of those 
policies would be called inadequate.

The entire problem is not of Lewis Wendell's making, because he is not 
the elected mayor of a small town but more like the installed facility 
manager of a small community association, driven by highly biased 
socio-economically and strategicly inadequate operational guidelines. 
His outline of UCD's community outreach is what one would more 
realistically associate with the marketing of the Lower Main Line than 
an */urban/* University City, unless UCD's powerful corporate backers 
are trying to de-urbanize the off-campus communities. It is further 
stunning that the UCD wants to implement a taxing power to promote its 
societal changes. For instance it is much more powerful to want to 
bring free concerts with the Philadelphia Orchestra to Malcom X Park 
to share the pleasures of one of our nation's great cultural jewel 
with citizen' who may be financially hard pressed to afford to take a 
family to such a concert at the Kimmel Center.
Given the current economy and culture, it is totally ludicrous to 
stage the orchestra in Clark Park for the local bourgeoisie, who can 
easily afford such a treat, while subliminally sending the message 
- look what we can do more of for you, if you only increase our 
revenue stream through the power of self-directed taxation. If the 
local universities think their "poor" students need such an experience 
then fund it on-campus.

Not to defend Lewis Wendell, but this invocation of the allegedly 
bourgeous appeal of the Orchestra is just silly-- almost Moyeresque. It 
rests entirely on the idea that a concert in Clark Park would play 
solely to the middle-class bourgeousie, while the lower-class citizens 
near Malcolm X park would go wanting. And while it'd be great if the 
Orchestra could play at Malcolm X... well, tell me, Craig: how are 
people by Malcolm X park kept out of Clark Park? People out there are 
free to come over and watch the Orchestra every bit as much as you and I 
are. (There is actually a good reason to have the concerts in Clark 
Park: the shape and size of the Bowl.)

 Lewis Wendell's comment, the UCD has only been working on a BID 
scenario for approximately two years is so off the mark, I can only 
assume the current UCD Board treats him as some U.S. Presidents have 
treated their chief press officers - don't give them all the facts so 
their responses will be plausibly earnest, though unknowingly 
incorrect because they don't need to know the whole truth and the big 

Actually the BID scenario has been in the works for two years. At least.

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

 > Sharreiff Ali wrote:

*Lewis Wendell tries to bury John on the cover of today’s UC-Review*. 

You must read it on-line. ... *http://www.weeklypress.com/*

Craigsolv wrote:

His now public commentary reaffirms the utter ineptitude of Lewis 
Wendell's command of the UCD...

this week's uc review interviews lewis wendell in an attempt 
to 'reach out to readers' with 'candor' and 'a forthright 
manner'.  unfortunately, it backfires.

now readers get to see ucd as corrupt, inept and secretive, 
and they get to hear wendell as scripted, defensive and scared.

I wonder how many readers will get to the end of the piece 
and think, 'oh goody, a concert in the park in july! thanks 
ucd, you're so wonderful!'

amazingly, wendell burns a lot of bridges in this interview, 
most especially with blackwell. the shame is that he needn't 

once again, ucd has confused publicity with advertising, and 
has mishandled both.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Brian Siano wrote:

 Lewis Wendell's comment, the UCD has only been working on a BID 
scenario for approximately two years is so off the mark, I can only 
assume the current UCD Board treats him as some U.S. Presidents have 
treated their chief press officers - don't give them all the facts so 
their responses will be plausibly earnest, though unknowingly 
incorrect because they don't need to know the whole truth and the big 

Actually the BID scenario has been in the works for two years. At least.

two years at least?  one might even say, since the start:

from penn's almanc, june 1997

How will these service be paid for?

UCD's service program is estimated to cost over $4.3
million annually. The institutions have already
voluntarily committed to fund over 70 percent of this for
a five-year period. Over time, it is hoped that the
business sector of University City and the residential
sector will see value in the services and help sustain
and improve them as well. The institutions believe the
best way to gain support for this, however, is to prove
the value of the services by beginning in Au gust on the
basis of institutional support.

Will assessments be levied in University City to finance

Some SSD's, like Center City's, are made up of private
property owners who support a property-based assessment
to raise the necessary funds. In University City, because
of the extent of property held by institutions, a
voluntary route of funding was taken. Any long-term
funding plan will involve institutions, businesses and
residents working together in an open and public manner
to develop and approve it.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 6/28/07 1:19:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> this week's uc review interviews lewis wendell in an attempt
> to 'reach out to readers' with 'candor' and 'a forthright
> manner'.  unfortunately, it backfires.
Sharreiff Ali wrote:
>     *Lewis Wendell tries to bury John on the cover of today’s UC-Review*.

Craigsolv wrote:
> His now public commentary reaffirms the utter ineptitude of Lewis
> Wendell's command of the UCD...

Guys, it's unfortunate, but your responses seem to suggest that there is no 
pleasing the complainers on the UC listserv.   It appears that, when there is 
no information, complainers hit the ceiling.   When UCD hasn't yet taken any 
action, complainers hit the ceiling and demand information.   When UCD takes 
begins to take action, complainers hit the ceiling and demand more information. 
While UCD investigates, complainers hit the ceiling and demand more 
information.   When the investigation is completed and UCD gives out more 
complainers critique the information and hit the ceiling yet again.   

It decreases the likelihood of appearing credible and having your voices 
heard when there is never ever one single positive thing you can offer.   Even 
most eager-to-listen person will begin to doubt, when faced with complaints 
that damn the UCD if they do, and damn it if they don'twhatever the event, 
cause, job, or mission.

There have been a number of "what would YOU do?" questions asked on the 
listserv during this investigation.   I didn't see anyone offer up a great plan 
that everyone else endorsed - that ANYONE else endorsed.   Please correct me if 
missed something that Lewis could have done during this incident to have a 
better outcome.   Positive suggestions for change could be pressed, but this 
constant negativity eventually loses my attention, and, I'd guess, other folks' 
attention, too.

Just sayin'

Melani Lamond

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban & Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

There have been a number of "what would YOU do?" questions asked on the 
listserv during this investigation.  I didn't see anyone offer up a 
great plan that everyone else endorsed - that ANYONE else endorsed.  
Please correct me if I missed something that Lewis could have done 
during this incident to have a better outcome.  Positive suggestions for 
change could be pressed, but this constant negativity eventually loses 
my attention, and, I'd guess, other folks' attention, too.

Just sayin'

melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he 
could have mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton 
works with blackwell now. [wendell must have known that, no? 
and if he didn't, that's pretty worrisome, no?]

anyway, that's just one small positive suggestion, so that 
everyone -- our neighbors, fenton, blackwell, ucd -- has a 
better chance to work together, to make things better.

more positive suggestions are being assembled, I'd warrant, 
at the committee/community meetings that have been announced 
in uc review.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread MLamond

In a message dated 6/28/07 2:21:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he
> could have mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton
> works with blackwell now. [wendell must have known that, no?
> and if he didn't, that's pretty worrisome, no?]
> Hadn't that already been announced in the paper and on this list?   Did the 
Review ask Lewis where John Fenton works now, and did Lewis say he didn't know, 
or did he refuse to answer?   Sorry, I may have read the piece too quickly. 
How would a statement about John's current employment have improved Lewis' 
response?   Do you think the Review should have made the statement, if 
clarification was needed?

Thanks for the suggestion,


Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban & Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's free 
at http://www.aol.com.

RE: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread Turner,Kathleen
If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with another 
employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former employer would 
have the right to make public any information about my new employment.
I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, if not 
illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so.

Sent: Thu 6/28/2007 2:17 PM
To: University City List
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

> There have been a number of "what would YOU do?" questions asked on the
> listserv during this investigation.  I didn't see anyone offer up a
> great plan that everyone else endorsed - that ANYONE else endorsed. 
> Please correct me if I missed something that Lewis could have done
> during this incident to have a better outcome.  Positive suggestions for
> change could be pressed, but this constant negativity eventually loses
> my attention, and, I'd guess, other folks' attention, too.
> Just sayin'

melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he
could have mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton
works with blackwell now. [wendell must have known that, no?
and if he didn't, that's pretty worrisome, no?]

anyway, that's just one small positive suggestion, so that
everyone -- our neighbors, fenton, blackwell, ucd -- has a
better chance to work together, to make things better.

more positive suggestions are being assembled, I'd warrant,
at the committee/community meetings that have been announced
in uc review.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
   "It is very clear on this listserve who
these people are. Ray has admitted being
connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread Brian Siano



There have been a number of "what would YOU do?" questions asked on 
the listserv during this investigation.  I didn't see anyone offer up 
a great plan that everyone else endorsed - that ANYONE else 
endorsed.  Please correct me if I missed something that Lewis could 
have done during this incident to have a better outcome.  Positive 
suggestions for change could be pressed, but this constant negativity 
eventually loses my attention, and, I'd guess, other folks' 
attention, too.

Just sayin'

melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he could have 
mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton works with blackwell 

Oh, yeah. Saying that makes all the world of a difference.

Maybe he could have said something positive about flowers and trees, too.

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Turner,Kathleen wrote:
If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with 
another employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former 
employer would have the right to make public any information about my 
new employment.
I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, if 
not illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so.

in the news it's quite common to read about people working 
in non-profit organizations who resign their positions and 
go on to do 'x y or z'.

yes, it is.

it's even quite common, in the news, for the resigner's 
employer/boss to say a few words about the person resigning.


and when you DON'T read about these details, in the news, 
when there's a resignation, that, too, is news.


[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

[ps melani: no, fenton's new job was not announced in uc
review. the headlines in its last issue, june
20, were WHERE IS JOHN FENTON? remember? and
shareiff announced to this list on the
evening of the 20th that as of the 20th fenton
was working with blackwell. so john's good news
couldn't have been in uc review until this week.
and in this week's issue, wendell never makes
mention of it.]

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he could have 
mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton works with blackwell 

Brian Siano wrote:

Oh, yeah. Saying that makes all the world of a difference.

Maybe he could have said something positive about flowers and trees, too.

you know it! with CANDOR and a FORTHRIGHT MANNER, he could! 
reaching out to our readers!

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Fwd: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread pmuyehara

 Which if true doesn't address Kathleen's point as to the source of the 
information - the former employer, the employee or the new employer.



-Original Message-
To: University City List 
Sent: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 6:36 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

Turner,Kathleen wrote: 

> If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with 
> another employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former 
> employer would have the right to make public any information about my 
> new employment. 

> I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, if 
> not illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so. 


in the news it's quite common to read about people working 
in non-profit organizations who resign their positions and 
go on to do 'x y or z'. 

yes, it is. 

it's even quite common, in the news, for the resigner's 
employer/boss to say a few words about the person resigning. 


and when you DON'T read about these details, in the news, 
when there's a resignation, that, too, is news. 





[aka laserbeam®] 

[aka ray] 


  "It is very clear on this listserve who 

   these people are. Ray has admitted being 

   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West 

[ps melani: no, fenton's new job was not announced in uc 

    review. the headlines in its last issue, june 

    20, were WHERE IS JOHN FENTON? remember? and 

    shareiff announced to this list on the 

    evening of the 20th that as of the 20th fenton 

    was working with blackwell. so john's good news 

    couldn't have been in uc review until this week. 

    and in this week's issue, wendell never makes 

    mention of it.] 











































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RE: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread Turner,Kathleen
Thanks, Paul.
Actually, let me clarify.  When one of my colleagues left for another position 
recently, we posted information on our website about her departure and her new 
position.  HOWEVER, she left us on "amicable" terms, and and not only agreed to 
but approved the text of what was posted.
If there is one thing that is very clear in this situation, it is that Mr. 
Fenton's departure from UCD was not amicable.

Sent: Thu 6/28/2007 6:53 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Fwd: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

Which if true doesn't address Kathleen's point as to the source of the 
information - the former employer, the employee or the new employer.

-Original Message-
To: University City List 
Sent: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 6:36 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

Turner,Kathleen wrote: 
> If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with > another 
> employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former > employer would 
> have the right to make public any information about my > new employment. 
> > I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, if > not 
> > illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so. 
in the news it's quite common to read about people working in non-profit 
organizations who resign their positions and go on to do 'x y or z'. 
yes, it is. 
it's even quite common, in the news, for the resigner's employer/boss to say a 
few words about the person resigning. 
and when you DON'T read about these details, in the news, when there's a 
resignation, that, too, is news. 
[aka laserbeam®] 
[aka ray] 
  "It is very clear on this listserve who 
  these people are. Ray has admitted being 
  connected to this forger." -- Tony West 
[ps melani: no, fenton's new job was not announced in uc 
  review. the headlines in its last issue, june 
  20, were WHERE IS JOHN FENTON? remember? and 
  shareiff announced to this list on the 
  evening of the 20th that as of the 20th fenton 
  was working with blackwell. so john's good news 
  couldn't have been in uc review until this week. 
  and in this week's issue, wendell never makes 
  mention of it.] 
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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread B Andersen

I believe you are correct on all points.

On 6/28/07, Turner,Kathleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with another
employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former employer would
have the right to make public any information about my new employment.

I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, if not
illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so.


*Sent:* Thu 6/28/2007 2:17 PM
*To:* University City List
*Subject:* Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

> There have been a number of "what would YOU do?" questions asked on the
> listserv during this investigation.  I didn't see anyone offer up a
> great plan that everyone else endorsed - that ANYONE else endorsed.
> Please correct me if I missed something that Lewis could have done
> during this incident to have a better outcome.  Positive suggestions for
> change could be pressed, but this constant negativity eventually loses
> my attention, and, I'd guess, other folks' attention, too.
> Just sayin'

melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he
could have mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton
works with blackwell now. [wendell must have known that, no?
and if he didn't, that's pretty worrisome, no?]

anyway, that's just one small positive suggestion, so that
everyone -- our neighbors, fenton, blackwell, ucd -- has a
better chance to work together, to make things better.

more positive suggestions are being assembled, I'd warrant,
at the committee/community meetings that have been announced
in uc review.

[aka laserbeam(r)]
[aka ray]
   "It is very clear on this listserve who
these people are. Ray has admitted being
connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread Anthony West
I've never seen or heard an employer comment on an ex-employee's new 
job, /especially/ when there were clashes or dissatisfactions. What 
business of Wendell's is Fenton's new job? The example Ray posted so 
admiringly, where an employee leaves "to pursue other options," is a 
meaningless space-filler. It is the job of the new employer to discuss 
the ex-employee's new job. That Councilwoman Blackwell has done.

Every workplace I've ever worked in gets calls from people trying to 
reach former employees. The standard answer is, "X no longer works here. 
I am Y. Can I help you?" Very seldom do we refer to the ex-employee's 
new job.

Ray, have you ever held a supervisory position -- at Penn, or anywhere? 
Do you have any personal experience with the duties that fall on people 
who hire and fire people?

-- Tony West

Turner,Kathleen wrote:

Thanks, Paul.
Actually, let me clarify.  When one of my colleagues left for another 
position recently, we posted information on our website about her 
departure and her new position.  HOWEVER, she left us on "amicable" 
terms, and and not only agreed to but approved the text of what was 
If there is one thing that is very clear in this situation, it is that 
Mr. Fenton's departure from UCD was not amicable.

*Sent:* Thu 6/28/2007 6:53 PM
*To:* UnivCity@list.purple.com
*Subject:* Fwd: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

Which if true doesn't address Kathleen's point as to the source of the 
information - the former employer, the employee or the new employer.

-Original Message-
To: University City List 
Sent: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 6:36 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

Turner,Kathleen wrote: 
> If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with > 
another employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former > 
employer would have the right to make public any information about my 
> new employment. 
> > I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, 
if > not illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so. 
in the news it's quite common to read about people working in 
non-profit organizations who resign their positions and go on to do 'x 
y or z'. 
yes, it is. 
it's even quite common, in the news, for the resigner's employer/boss 
to say a few words about the person resigning. 
and when you DON'T read about these details, in the news, when there's 
a resignation, that, too, is news. 
[aka laserbeam®] 
[aka ray] 
  "It is very clear on this listserve who 
  these people are. Ray has admitted being 
  connected to this forger." -- Tony West 
[ps melani: no, fenton's new job was not announced in uc 
  review. the headlines in its last issue, june 
  20, were WHERE IS JOHN FENTON? remember? and 
  shareiff announced to this list on the 
  evening of the 20th that as of the 20th fenton 
  was working with blackwell. so john's good news 
  couldn't have been in uc review until this week. 
  and in this week's issue, wendell never makes 
  mention of it.] 
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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-30 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN



melani, when wendell was interviewed by uc review, maybe he
could have mentioned, for the readers' benefit, that fenton
works with blackwell now.

Melani Lamond wrote:
How would a statement about John's current employment have improved Lewis' 
response?   Do you think the Review should have made the statement, if 
clarification was needed?

it's simply this: ucd needs to maintain a supportive working 
relationship with blackwell as we all move forward. [you 
snipped that part out of my response above.]

two weeks ago uc review reported a serious rift between ucd 
and blackwell, between ucd and the community. in his 
interview in the uc review this week, wendell does not seem 
to have appreciated that. and now you're asking for positive 
suggestions for change, what wendell could have done to have 
a better outcome. I've suggested that wendell could have 
acknowledged -- candidly and constructively -- that fenton 
is now working for blackwell, and that it would go a long 
way towards mending bridges between ucd, blackwell and the 
community as we move forward.

it's understandable that this doesn't make sense to you if 
you believe that ucd is on bad terms with blackwell and 
fenton, but it's not clear what you do expect of wendell's 
leadership of ucd, or what you think positive suggestions 
for change look like.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-30 Thread Brian Siano


two weeks ago uc review reported a serious rift between ucd and 
blackwell, between ucd and the community. in his interview in the uc 
review this week, wendell does not seem to have appreciated that. and 
now you're asking for positive suggestions for change, what wendell 
could have done to have a better outcome. I've suggested that wendell 
could have acknowledged -- candidly and constructively -- that fenton 
is now working for blackwell, and that it would go a long way towards 
mending bridges between ucd, blackwell and the community as we move 

It wouldn't do _squat_ to mend any bridges.

You might as well ask Wendell to bake a trayful of lemon cookies and 
mail'em to Blackwell's office.

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Re: Fwd: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-28 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN
Turner,Kathleen wrote: 
 > If I were to leave my current position and accept a position with > 
another employer in the area, I really do not believe that my former > 
employer would have the right to make public any information about my > 
new employment. 
 > > I could, my new employer could, but I think it would be unethical, 
if > not illegal (Paul?) for my former employer to do so. 

in the news it's quite common to read about people working in non-profit 
organizations who resign their positions and go on to do 'x y or z'. 
yes, it is. 
it's even quite common, in the news, for the resigner's employer/boss to 
say a few words about the person resigning. 
and when you DON'T read about these details, in the news, when there's a 
resignation, that, too, is news. 

  Which if true doesn't address Kathleen's point as to the source of the 
information - the former employer, the employee or the new employer.

the source of the news is the employer.

for example:


- - -

but all this is nitpicking. the real issue is that wendell 
and the uc review are leaving john fenton and the reader 
hanging with 'WHERE IS JOHN FENTON' -- when he's RIGHT HERE!

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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Re: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out - Rapprochement w/Jannie

2007-06-30 Thread Craigsolve
In a message dated 6/30/2007 9:58:31 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
(while responding to Melani)

I've  suggested that wendell could have 
acknowledged -- candidly and  constructively -- that fenton 
is now working for blackwell, 
In case Wendell doesn't know how to praise people and stroke a ruffled  
politician who is one of the two most powerful elected female politicians  in 
Philadelphia government, it works something like this:
As he should have responded to the UC Review - 
How he looks forward to John enjoying much success in  association with his 
entry into municipal government.
How lucky we are to have our friend and former  colleague John, who possesses 
an extraordinary knowledge of our community,  working with Councilwoman 
How astute Councilwoman Blackwell is to solidify an even  broader base of 
support in the community, by bringing John  in-house.
Not only has she landed a great friend on her staff, but  I believe it bodes 
well for the UCD community to receive an even more varied  community 
beneficial package of services.
Or, is that putting nice thoughts into someone's head along with nice words  
into their mouth?

and that  it would go a long 
way towards mending bridges between ucd, blackwell and  the 
community as we move forward.

it's understandable that this  doesn't make sense to you ...

The UCD leadership and its on list stalking horse, through a lack of  
attention to very important detail, should admit they most clumsily played a  
political card. Publicly, they for long can not remain indifferent to  the 
utter mess 
they have created.
Attentiveness is the path to true  life;
Indifference is the path to death.
The attentive do not die;
The  indifferent are as if they are dead already.

For at least one of them their professional survival looks grim, without  
humble solicitous rapprochement.
On a positive note the National Board of Realtors (NAR) is running an  ad 
campaign on Bloomberg Radio extolling what great a time it is to buy a  new 
with so much stock to chose from on the market. Guess that's not  so good for 
forced sellers?

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