Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-20 Thread JackOfAll

gahabana wrote: 
> Therefore it is either my specific config or squeezelite multithreaded
> soxr version causes much much higher CPU consumption on intel (as
> opposed to non-multithreaded version) ... i actually expected to see
> 'spike' when soxr kicks in spread on 2 or 4 cores and see 15-20% per
> core for a while but it seems its persistant load.

I think I already said this, make sure you are comparing apples to
apples. If using the ondemand governor, running single threaded will
cause the core that it is running on to run at a higher speed, and top
will show that core using less CPU%, relative to core speed. Spreading
the load across multiple cores, from what I have seen, results in the
cores running at a lower core speed, but top shoing them using more CPU,
because they are running at aa lower core speed. I suspect if you run
the test again, 1.6-dev and 1.6 with multi-thread, but fix the core
speed, by setting the performance governor, you will see what I mean.

If you think I've got it wrong, I can look again, but this is the
behaviour I have been seeing on both ARM CPU with multi-core and

The good thing is, from my point of view, and I'm just grabbing these
numbers, from my WB Dual right now


  cpufreq stats: 996 MHz:7.62%, 792 MHz:0.99%, 396 MHz:91.39%  (47688)

You see that. >90% spent at the lowest core speed, while upsampling 44k1
-> 352k8, 2x threads, for the last 2 days. Sure, the CPU% use looks
higher, but if that had been using the single-threaded version, it would
be the other way round. I suspect >90% at 1G core speed, but showing
much less CPU% use.

I think Triode has taken the patch upstream that enables it by default.
I guess we could go back to not-enabling it by default, like I
originally had with the 'z' option, but I really see no need to do that.
There's plenty of smoke and mirrors here. Like, we know he load avg
numbers generated by the 3.0.35 kernel on the Wandboard are artificially
high. You need to know what you are looking at, rather than just
taking a "headline" figure as being accurate.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread sbp

garrettwp wrote: 
> Anyone else having wireless issues with version 1.15e on booting the
> raspberry pi? I can not get the pi to enable wireless. The only way I
> can get the wireless to work is if I connect the pi via wired network
> connection and issue the wireless setup via the picoreplayer cli. It
> will than start the wireless dongle and connect to the network. It will
> not however do this during boot. This was not an issue with 1.14
> releases. I believe this may be due to the new kernel? Again the
> wireless usb stick is a rtl8192cu, which is a monoprice micro wireless
> dongle.
> - Garrett
Ok, I will take a look within a few days. sorry for the trouble.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi (25MB in RAM). 
Homepage: and

Squeezeboxserver on Voyage Linux 500 MB CF-card (read-only)

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread Apesbrain

garrettwp wrote: 
> Anyone else having wireless issues with version 1.15e on booting the
> raspberry pi? I can not get the pi to enable wireless.
Mine boots as expected using the Edimax EW-7811Un wifi dongle.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-20 Thread Triode

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I think Triode has taken the patch upstream that enables it by default.
> I guess we could go back to not enabling it by default, like I
> originally did with the 'z' option, but I really see no need to do that.
> There's plenty of smoke and mirrors here. Like, we know the load avg
> numbers generated by the 3.0.35 kernel on the Wandboard are artificially
> high. You need to know what you are looking at, rather than just
> taking a "headline" figure as being accurate.

Set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 if you want to force it
to use less threads.  Squeezelite uses 4 threads anyway, enabling OpenMP
in soxr adds a potential 5th one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread schreijr

Everything has been going fine for the past 6 months.  Just this week I
noticed that I've lost 2 picoreplayers from the LMS server.  Now, I can
connect to each of them via the picoreplayer URL (http:\\ipaddress:8077
and one is WIFI, one is wired).  I've tried 1.15e and 1.14d images. 
Both load up just fine.  Once they booth, they are available via the
picoreplayer URL but they do not show up on LMS.  The server is Logitech
Media Server Version: 7.7.3 running on Ubuntu 12.04.  The interesting
thing is 2 other players continue to work just fine (Jive on the PC and
iPeng on an ipod).  I've been reading and searching and cannot find any
information that fixes the issue.  I can ping to the devices from the
server, and I can ping the server from the devices.  But, the devices do
not show up in the LMS server interface.

Does anyone have suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread sbp

schreijr wrote: 
> Everything has been going fine for the past 6 months.  Just this week I
> noticed that I've lost 2 picoreplayers from the LMS server.  Now, I can
> connect to each of them via the picoreplayer URL (http:\\ipaddress:8077
> and one is WIFI, one is wired).  I've tried 1.15e and 1.14d images. 
> Both load up just fine.  Once they booth, they are available via the
> picoreplayer URL but they do not show up on LMS.  The server is Logitech
> Media Server Version: 7.7.3 running on Ubuntu 12.04.  The interesting
> thing is 2 other players continue to work just fine (Jive on the PC and
> iPeng on an ipod).  I've been reading and searching and cannot find any
> information that fixes the issue.  I can ping to the devices from the
> server, and I can ping the server from the devices.  But, the devices do
> not show up in the LMS server interface.
> Does anyone have suggestions?
I Think you will need to give them different names and a different IP


piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi (25MB in RAM). 
Homepage: and

Squeezeboxserver on Voyage Linux 500 MB CF-card (read-only)

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread Rensie

garrettwp wrote: 
> Anyone else having wireless issues with version 1.15e on booting the
> raspberry pi? I can not get the pi to enable wireless. The only way I
> can get the wireless to work is if I connect the pi via wired network
> connection and issue the wireless setup via the picoreplayer cli. It
> will than start the wireless dongle and connect to the network. It will
> not however do this during boot. This was not an issue with 1.14
> releases. I believe this may be due to the new kernel? Again the
> wireless usb stick is a rtl8192cu, which is a monoprice micro wireless
> dongle.
> - Garrett

Does your config file have the line WIFI="on"? I was missing this
setting and had the exact same problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread Adrianmck


I'm using 1.15.e and I'd just like to say thanks for all the work.

I have one issue that has got me stumped thou/

I'm using a wifi dongle and while it will connect to LMS and will play
music over wifi for some reason ssh server and the web interface don't
work over wifi. Also it doesn't respond to pings over wifi. 

Anyone had any similar problems?

Any idea where I might start to debug this? 

It won't detect any of the usb keyboards I try, so connecting it to a
monitor has been of little help and everything works fine with the wired
connection so ssh over that hasn't been much use.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2014-05-20 Thread ag66


Has anyone been able to use the Image Browser or Picture Gallery LMS
plugins with Jivelite?

I can go to Extras -> Image Browser -> Folders select the folder and
will see the thumbnails for the images, but if I press Enter the image
isn't opened (nothing happens). Same thing with Picture Gallery.

I tried with both HD Skins (grid and list view). Running
CommunitySqueeze F19 R8, on a wandboard acting both as server and



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-20 Thread JackOfAll

Triode wrote: 
> Squeezelite uses 4 threads anyway, enabling OpenMP in soxr adds a
> potential 5th one.

On the dual. (One per CPU, so on the Quad, a 5th, 6th and 7th.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread schreijr

sbp wrote: 
> I Think you will need to give them different names and a different IP
> address 
> steen
> EDIT: have you checked on the raspberries that squeezelite is actually
> running.
> Use putty to log in and use top to check that squeezelite is running.

I tried different names and IP addresses.  After making the changes, I
can still get to the PI via the picoreplayer URL but no luck on seeing
it in the LMS server.  I can run TOP but I'm not sure what to look for
to confirm squeezelite is running.  Would this message be an indicator
it is running?  "/sbin/udhcpc -b -i eth0 -x hostname TheBarRoom -p

I tried to run "sudo service squeezelite status" to no avail.

Your help, any help is appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread Greg Erskine

hi schreijr,

When you run "top" you should see something like the following near the
top of the list.

/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/squeezelite-armv6hf -n YourpiCorePlayerName


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread PWB

I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, but I just got my
Raspberry Pi today and loaded your PiCorePlayer and that process
couldn't have been any easier! I have it and my SB Radio connected to my
LMS which is running on a laptop and the Pi and the SB Radio are
synchronized. My question is how can I connect the Pi to I see the option on my iPhone and iPad to "Switch to, but it doesn't work for the Pi. My laptop is old and
tired, and I really don't want to have it running all the time just to
be able to listen to Pandora over the SB Radio and the Pi. Until today
my SB Radio had always been connected to so I wouldn't
need my laptop and I could easily control everything with my iPhone or
iPad, but since I can't get the Pi to connect to, so I
switched the SB Radio to connect to the LMS along with the Pi so I can
sync them. 

So to make a long story short, can I sync the SB Radio and the Pi
together and control them with my iPhone without needing a computer
running LMS? If so, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-05-20 Thread schreijr

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi schreijr,
> When you run "top" you should see something like the following near the
> top of the list.
> /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/squeezelite-armv6hf -n YourpiCorePlayerName
> regards

Hey there Greg and Steen,  

With your help and a bit more trouble shooting I may have found the
issue.  When looking at the top command I would see what you described
and it would go away right after I switched to the I2S-audio Digi
(HifiBerry I2S Digi) option.  Well as it turns out...I don't have that
option.  I have the I2S-audio DAC (HifiBerry or Sabre9023) option.  The
confusing part was selecting either made the same visible change to the
OUTPUT SETTINGS hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry and because of this I didn't
think too much about it.  

Well it's the little things that matter.  And with your help the mystery
is solved.

The only thing that remains is...why did it work for so many months and
then it didn't...

I may be back.  But, thanks again.

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