Re: 6.6.1 no bueno

2014-04-15 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/15/2014 09:58 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Seems only a few people seeing this. Might be a corrupted prefs issue. Also, if 
you are running any add-on that does properties, that may be getting around it.


Renamed the Plugins and preferences folders and this issue persists. (Linux)


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Re: 7.0 dp 2 still not much cop on Linux

2014-04-10 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/10/2014 12:18 PM, Richmond wrote:

The problem I pointed out in DP1 is still there with the dictionary:

Not possible to type into the search field of the Dictionary.

UbuntuStudio 14.04


Not that it helps solve the problem you're having, but I don't have this 
issue here on my system running openSUSE, LC 7.0-dp1.


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Re: RELEASE: LiveCode 6.6

2014-03-21 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/21/2014 04:26 AM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

No, its broke. ...  Maybe
there is something else dependency?

Since it's worked for others, it might not be correct to say it's 
broke. There must be some definable reason it's not working on your 
system and a dependency issue sounds like the most probable cause. I 
don't see that the specified dependencies have changed, although there 
is evidence that the dependencies listed as optional are becoming 
required. People with disappearing interface text in 6.5 fixed that by 
installing libpango (32 bit version). If you've had 6.5 running without 
issue, then you might be lacking something else. As a first step, I 
would suggest you check your system for all the optional libs.

Good luck,


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Re: RELEASE: LiveCode 6.6

2014-03-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/20/2014 01:45 PM, Richmond wrote:

I am sorry to say that the middle button: You Only does not
work as it stops with a windows that states this:

The installer will automatically continue when these conflicting
applications are closed:

Running openSUSE with KDE. I just installed by opening 6.5.2 and 
choosing to update when offered the option. As soon as the update 
started downloading (while it was downloading) I quit 6.5.2. This would 
be the conflicting application you're being warned about. The update 
proceeded normally, installing for only my user, correctly installed in 
~/.runrev and appears in the launch menu as expected.


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Re: RELEASE: LiveCode 6.6

2014-03-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/20/2014 03:27 PM, Richmond wrote:

I got that message having downloaded the installer, and attempting to
install from that
rather than via the upgrade system from inside an earlier version.

Well, that's not good! I hadn't realized you were using the straight 
installer and was additionally confused by having read Peter's message 
about having trouble with the updater. That's what I'll tell the judge, 

What happens if you use the update system?

Good luck,


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Re: RELEASE: LiveCode 6.6

2014-03-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/20/2014 03:27 PM, Richmond wrote:

I got that message having downloaded the installer, and attempting to
install from that
rather than via the upgrade system from inside an earlier version.


Richmond, I just tried it using the downloaded installer (both 
community and commercial versions). It worked as expected. I wonder if 
you might have had a left over .setup process running without you 
knowing. I have found that this will still occasionally not close when 
it should. Check your running processes before running the installer.


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Re: 6.6 RC2 Release

2014-03-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/20/2014 10:02 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

It is quite simply correct, and not doing it is wrong.

Thank you very much for your response. No, I'm not out of my mind and 
your statement is your opinion and nothing more and I heartily disagree. 
The reasoning I gave - maintaining readability through several rounds of 
replies - is valid. Have a good evening.


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Re: 6.6 RC2 Release

2014-03-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/19/2014 03:13 AM, Richmond wrote:

I'm sorry, but I am not going to take responsibility for your decision
to read the Use-List using a mobile device.



everything from here on down has been removed to save mobile users
'pain' and to decontextualise the posting

I don't know that there's any need to be so snarky. It's a fairly common 
request in mailing lists that care be taken to avoid quoting unnecessary 
text in replies, and it doesn't just annoy people on small screen devices.

If only we can get people to stop nesting responses within quoted text, 
which can make for dizziness after a couple of rounds of replies. Of 
course, that's one of your favorite techniques... (Yes, I understand the 
logic, but it only really works for the first reply or two which makes 
it seem to me to be an arrogant strategy. I know this has been discussed 
here before, and I also see the problem is getting worse.)


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Re: 6.6 RC2 Release

2014-03-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/19/2014 12:39 PM, Richmond wrote:

to do this I have had to nest
responses so that each response-let connects to each of your points.

For whose benefit? That was not in any sense necessary. It was your 
preference. You could have just as easily constructed a coherent 
response addressing all the points in a single block. It wouldn't have 
taken advanced writing skills to do. I am confident you are capable of this.

What I meant be arrogant strategy is that after more than a couple of 
rounds, a thread in which people are nesting comments often becomes very 
difficult to follow and respond to, which may limit further responses. 
Also, useful information can become buried and hard to extract, which 
naturally makes it potentially less useful. I don't mean to imply that 
you or anyone is motivated by these negative possibilities, I do wonder, 
though, how much thought is given to them. Short-sighted might be 
another appropriate and less inflammatory description.

I have noticed that you are not alone in preferring this approach; I 
only seem to single you out because I was replying to you. Rest assured 
I dislike it just as much when someone else employs it. That's what 
motivated me to say the problem (as I see it) is getting worse.



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Re: OT: Robyn Miller talks about Hypercard on Macworld podcast

2014-02-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/19/2014 07:02 AM, Richmond wrote:

Now, let me see how to do THAT on Linux :)

From the Macworld podcast page,

You can subscribe to the Macworld Podcast by clicking here. Or you can 
point your favorite podcast-savvy RSS reader at:

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Re: 652 release

2014-01-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/29/2014 11:08 AM, François Chaplais wrote:

Thanks. The externals SDK links seem to be broken

All links starting with 'LiveCode 5.5.5' lead back to the download page.

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Re: [OT] Mavericks Auto Save and Red Traffic Light plus Back Dot

2014-01-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/23/2014 05:34 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I believe the spirit of this goes back to Steve Jobs' observation that
most people's desktops are a complete mess of file icons.  Obsessed with
getting rid of clutter, his answer was to remove the file system from
the things users need to worry about.

Bathwater and babies... throw them all out!!!

KDE had a much better solution ;)


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Re: Where to download Community Server?

2014-01-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/17/2014 12:47 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Where at is the link to download the Community Version of
LiveCode Server?

I imagine some of you have special URLs you've collected for that, but
at the moment I'm less interested in specialized knowledge than simple
usability - that is, I'm assuming a link exists somewhere on the site in
a discoverable location, yes?

If not, I'll file a bug report.


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World

On this page:

There is a link labeled View All LiveCode Downloads that takes the 
visitor to the download directory, including the community version of 
the server. (


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Re: Figuring out the correct height / width of scrollbars under Linux

2014-01-09 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/09/2014 03:03 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

Hi all,

is there a way to figure out how wide / heigh a scrollbar needs to be under 
Linux to draw all of the scrollbar, but not leaving you with empty space around 
it? Can this be figured out by script? It appears that under UBUNTU this would 
be 14 Pixels. Is there a difference between Windowmanagers?

Thanks in advance,


Under KDE, scrollbar width is a user settable property. I don't know 
what default is, I have it set to something narrower because, well, I 
like it. I'm not sure that you can reliably determine this. It would 
depend on your ability to determine the DE of the current session which 
is available as a LiveCode global under some distros but not others, and 
then grab the setting from a config file, if the distro/DE make it 
available and you know where it is. I don't know what to say about height.

Why are you finding this desirable? Do you have some consistent display 
issue you're trying to resolve one some particular distro? Are you sure 
you want to be setting this in the face of what might be a (different) 
user preference?


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Re: Play mp3 on linux ?

2013-10-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/12/2013 08:35 AM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:


I work on an multi platform open source stack that need to play wma or mp3 
(voices memos from an dictaphone).
Even with dontuseQT true, nothing happen under linux (ubuntu 12).

What i missed ?


Are you using the player object? LiveCode uses mplayer under Linux if 
it's installed. Do you have mplayer installed? The player won't display 
controls but you can use start and stop in scripts. I believe mplayer 
plays mp3 wma out of the box. It works here under openSUSE.

Good luck


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Re: Play mp3 on linux ?

2013-10-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/12/2013 08:35 AM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:

  linux (ubuntu 12).

What i missed ?


One additional note; you may find that you have to take special 
precautions to terminate your app and the mplayer process. Closing the 
app window may not actually end one or both of the processes. Putting 
something like:

on closeStack
   get shell(killall mplayer)
end closeStack

in the stack script will work in that case.


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Re: New install video for using Valentina Studio and Valentina server

2013-10-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/06/2013 02:36 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Interesting enough, there is no similar
video for Windows and Linux.

It would be very interesting to see instructions for installing 
Valentina products under Linux which are current and work reliably. The 
documentation provided with the software seems always out of date and 
inadequate and has not always been helpful in resolving issues. Getting 
VServer to work has been problematic at times and the most recent 
version of LiveCode ADK did not work for me under Linux. Ruslan is a 
model of patient and generous helpfulness to be sure, but it would be 
nice if the software and its documentation were more reliable.


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Re: revOnline

2013-10-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/01/2013 05:38 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

revOnline appears to be completely dead - searching doesn't work and
clicking a keyword does nothing either. Anyone having the same experience?

All these functions seem to be working normally here in LC 6.1.1 and 6.5dp1.


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Re: MySql vs Valentina

2013-08-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/29/2013 07:12 AM, Michael Mays wrote:

Pet peeve of mine people posting messages with links to their product or 
whatever and not actually clicking them to see it they work.

This is almost always a result of an email client reformatting messages 
to fit within a certain column width, and doing it poorly, and is not 
necessarily within the control of the sender. It's something to look for 
whenever an emailed link is broken.


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Re: Mac/WIndows ASCII characters

2013-08-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/17/2013 03:01 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

Do you happen to know if all the entities mentioned there are supported
within htmltext?  Per my other post, they're not all mentioned in the
dictionary entry for htmltext

LiveCode seems to render all the html entities, in both forms where 
applicable, listed on this page, under Linux and Windows:

You may run into issues of a char not being available using a particular 
font on a particular system, but LiveCode seems to otherwise be 
completely fluent in html entities.


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Re: Mac/WIndows ASCII characters

2013-08-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/17/2013 12:34 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

hopefully there's an html equivalent of that.

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Re: Genymotion Android emulator

2013-07-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/20/2013 12:59 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 07/20/2013 08:23 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, July 20, 2013, 10:02:38 AM, you wrote:

Setting the thing up was, inevitably, slightly difficult as,
inevitably, the setup instructions were slightly wrong (but that is
normal for Linux).

As I am about to install this thing next week, would you care to share
any insights about that process?

Well . . .

The first thing is to get VirtualBox sorted out on your system.

The second thing is that Genymotion looks for the SDK which is hard to

~/android-sdks/sdk  (where '~' is your Home folder),

don't let yourself be distracted by 'android-sdk-linux'

after that it goes all funny about something that is supposed to be in
the /etc/init.d folder, but isn't; so you have to do some fiddling around,
and quite how the thing worked because of my fiddling around I cannot
really say.

After that things seem comparatively straightforward, and I suspect the
best way to
get an Android standalone onto one of the devices is by uploading it to
some website
and then downloading it from inside the emulated device.

Unfortunately right now I've got a lot of extraneous stuff on my
plate, but I hope, come
Sunday night I will be able to upload some reasonably pretty pictures to
the Forum.


Apparently installation woes are a YMMV kind of thing. I just installed 
without any headscratching at all. Just clicked through the dialogs as 
they came up and I was all set and running.


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Re: Genymotion Android emulator

2013-07-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/20/2013 03:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

That can easily depend on linux distros, especially where init.d comes
into play.

Well, yes. That could be a part of why YMMV :) I was just saying that my 
experience was completely without strangeness or difficulty, hoping to 
lend encouragement to anyone who might have been put off by Richmond's 


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Re: Genymotion Android emulator

2013-07-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/20/2013 04:55 PM, Richmond wrote:

Richmond's experience has been greatly exaggerated by Thee!

Thee or thou? Your post makes it sound like a universal Linux problem, 
using the term inevitably. I don't know what to say about the 
instructions being wrong (but that is normal for Linux). I didn't read 
them. I just downloaded the installer and clicked away and magically 
everything worked, despite it being Linux.

One of the things that I find a little disappointing is the propensity 
for people to say on this list that there's a linux problem when they 
should say I have a problem on my system. One of the reasons I tend to 
look into and respond to posts to this list about problems Linux users 
have is to help clarify when the issue is indeed a linux issue and 
when the issue might be local. Clarifying this can only help get at the 
root of a problem and hence a solution.

Further, I'm not interested in wasting time in the silly pursuit of 
convincing people to run Linux as their main OS, but we should be 
careful about not encouraging the exaggerated fear that Linux is just 
too much trouble to think about at all. This is a cross-platform 
developing environment and I think LiveCoders should be encouraged to 
keep it in mind as a viable platform for app deployment, and an 
inevitably hostile beast after all, to install for testing during 


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Re: Genymotion Android emulator

2013-07-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/20/2013 05:48 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

and an inevitably hostile beast after all, to install for testing
during development

should, of course, read: ... and NOT an inevitably hostile beast...


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Re: positioning stacks off screen in Linux

2013-07-13 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/13/2013 02:28 AM, Richmond wrote:

and I have a funny feeling that is what you want to happen.


No, hiding the stack is completely different from moving it to a 
location outside the visible display area. For most purposes they serve 
the same practical effect, but not necessarily all. At any rate, this is 
something that should, if possible, behave the same on all platforms in 
order to avoid confusion or unpleasant surprises.


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Re: positioning stacks off screen in Linux

2013-07-13 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/13/2013 10:53 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

But in the meantime, to keep your project moving forward, it can be
helpful to explore other options to get the same result.

What's happening in your setup that makes hiding the stack impractical?

I am curious about the possibility of scrolling or sliding multiple 
windows as a fixed layout which is wider than the available screen. Of 
course hiding and showing windows is an option, but that's a different 
concept which isn't necessarily ideal. It might prove an interesting 
option on smaller displays.


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positioning stacks off screen in Linux

2013-07-12 Thread Warren Samples
One of the commonly suggested methods of hiding stacks is setting their 
location to something that places them out of the view window. This is 
not working correctly here under openSUSE/KDE/KWin. A stack's location 
is constrained to the available viewport unless it has been previously 
dragged and placed so that some part of it past the screen edge. Once 
that is done, a stack can be positioned anywhere outside the viewport 
until it is completely within it and we return to our original problem. 
In order for any part of a stack to be positioned outside the viewport, 
some part of it must already appear beyond a screen edge.

This does not happen under Windows. Do users of other Linux 
distros/DEs/window managers find this same behavior?


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Re: positioning stacks off screen in Linux

2013-07-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/12/2013 12:00 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

One of the commonly suggested methods of hiding stacks is setting their
location to something that places them out of the view window. This is
not working correctly here under openSUSE/KDE/KWin. A stack's location
is constrained to the available viewport unless it has been previously
dragged and placed so that some part of it past the screen edge. Once
that is done, a stack can be positioned anywhere outside the viewport
until it is completely within it and we return to our original problem.
In order for any part of a stack to be positioned outside the viewport,
some part of it must already appear beyond a screen edge.

This does not happen under Windows. Do users of other Linux
distros/DEs/window managers find this same behavior?


Trying this is Mint 9 in VirtualBox is even worse. Stacks cannot be 
moved completely out of view no matter what I try.

Anyone else?

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Re: positioning stacks off screen in Linux

2013-07-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/12/2013 07:32 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, July 12, 2013, 5:18:12 PM, you wrote:

Trying this is Mint 9 in VirtualBox is even worse. Stacks cannot be
moved completely out of view no matter what I try.

Anyone else?

Yep. Verified here on linux mint 14.

Thanks, Mark. I've filed this as a bug.


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Re: 6.1 Installer Ubuntu

2013-07-07 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/07/2013 08:03 PM, Mike Kerner wrote:

That didn't work either.  On the still won't open.

Have you successfully installed other LiveCode versions in this 
particular Ubuntu installation?

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Re: Fonts look awful in standalones built in v5.5+ -vs- v4.0

2013-07-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/25/2013 09:52 AM, Roger Eller wrote:

I tried setting the textfont of this stack to the textfont of stack home.
Still it returned empty when I put the textFont of any field in my stack.

I have users on XP and 7, so I think I will just loop through all the
fields in preOpenStack and set the appropriate textFont.  I'll report back
if it still looks weird.

XP's system font is Tahoma.

Win7's system font is Segoe UI.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:26 PM, J. Landman Gay

On 6/24/13 9:14 PM, Roger Eller wrote:

This isn't for mobile. I'm seeing this difference on the same machine.
just IDE -vs- standalone for Windows.

Roger, what did your users find? I find that one needs to explicitly set 
the text font and the text size in order to get readable text in a 
standalone in Windows 7 and 8. Of course, setting the text size means 
users' system settings, which may reflect their own needs and 
preferences, are overridden. I don't believe this is an acceptable 
default practice.

I have filed a bug, which seems to have not generated any interest from 
the devs, with a stack and a screenshot of that stack in the IDE 
alongside its built standalone, as well as the example Windows 


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Re: Global variable for user name

2013-07-02 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/02/2013 11:46 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:


lcSQL Software


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Re: Global variable for user name

2013-07-02 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/02/2013 01:48 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Richard Gaskin ambassador@... writes:

Once again, in a world increasingly dominated by POSIX systems,
Microsoft continues to marginalize itself with non-standard ways of
doing things. ;)

...and drags their partners down with them...

I don't know that this is reason for any great glee. I for one am sick 
to death of all the usability and performance issues I have with my 
Samsung/Android phone and am looking forward to the Nokia 925.


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Re: User's language

2013-07-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/01/2013 01:43 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

You're welcome to try the language stack on my site.  In your message box:
   go url;


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design


I see this does not include a method for Linux. Tsk, tsk. Perhaps users 
of other distros can verify this works (or doesn't!) under their 
favorite flavor, but I can confirm that under Mint and openSUSE LiveCode 
places this information into a global variable called $LANG which can be 
directly called.

For example, 'get $LANG' or 'put $LANG'.

All sorts of interesting stuff revealed by pressing the V button in 
the Message Box.


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Re: One Year Free

2013-06-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/20/2013 03:34 PM, william humphrey wrote:

It clearly says one year of updates.

It also says this:

Please note this is a subscription license, which will automatically 
renew annually. You may cancel it at any time. If you cancel your access 
to LiveCode will revert to the Open Source Community Edition and you 
will no longer be able to build closed source apps.

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Re: 6.1

2013-06-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/14/2013 04:12 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

  do the forums have RSS feeds?

There is also a subscribe by email feature including digest options.

You can subscribe to individual forums at the bottom of each forum page 
or choose digest options at

You can also subscribe to individual topics at the bottom of each topic 


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Re: Where to write application data

2013-06-05 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/05/2013 09:40 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

For Linux: No idea!

In general in Linux, user specific data will go into an invisible 
directory with the application name, in the user's home directory. So, 
you can do something like

put tData into URL file:~/.myapp/the_data_file

remembering that the tilde ~ is already a shortcut to a directory.


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Re: dealing with these *huge* pdf files generated

2013-06-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/31/2013 06:33 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

I am ending up with *huge* pdf files.

I'm seeing Acrobat 10  pro mac reduce files by over 90%, and preview
reduce them by about 80%.

These insanely large files bog up the printer, and are bigger than the
court allows.

Is there some sane way to produce ssmaller files from within hypercard?

Does this help at all?

In 10.6 (the latest I have available) the file 
/System/Library/Printers/Libraries/quartzfilter doesn't exist but 
there is a file /System/Library/Printers/Libraries/convert which will 
output a pdf although I don't know if it automatically applies 

Good luck!


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Re: How Long is a Sound [Without Using Quicktime]?

2013-05-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/30/2013 02:36 PM, Ray Horsley wrote:

I know this is available with QuickTime using the CurrentTime and TimeScale 
properties but if the user doesn't have QuickTime installed I'd hate to be 
stuck.  Are there any other ways to get the duration of an audio file?

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Re: revFontLoad, Unicode and Windows post-XP ?

2013-05-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/29/2013 07:09 AM, Richmond wrote:

Those chars that are in the standard Unicode places are substituted for
a standard Windows-native font,
but those in the PPU area are left as they are, kerning rules in either
the font or inwith Livecode itslef are over-ridden by Windows; something
that does not happen with Macintosh, Linux or Windows XP.

 From my point of view, at least, this is a show stopper for Windows
V, 7 and 8.

I have been digging around in the LC Documentation and found
'revFontLoad' which looks
as though it might be a possibility, except that it seems to rely on
absolute paths, when one cannot rely
on an end-user putting one's homegrown font exactly where one wants it
to be.

I would be grateful if anybody who has run up against this or similar
problems and has found a way to circumvent them could let me (and the
use-list!) know of how they coped with this.


Richmond, you've been trying get help with this for some time now and I 
don't recall seeing anyone respond with anything really helpful for you. 
I suspect that it's because your project and your problem are rather 
specialized. What happens if you use your font in some other app? Does 
it work as you would expect it to in other apps or do you get the same 
substitutions? Is it a LiveCode issue or maybe a Windows issue? Does 
using revFontLoad resolve the problem on a test machine?

If you install the font using a script, you should be able to control 
where it goes. Why not out install it where Windows expects user 
installed fonts to be? Perhaps you could find a a utility to make a 
proper Windows installer and have it put your font where it needs to go?

Good luck!


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Re: LC 6.0.1 OSS Documentation

2013-05-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/19/2013 07:09 AM, Richmond wrote:

Is totally cacked on Linux (at least):

See thread titled Dictionary Server Error

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Re: Unicode display on Linux.

2013-05-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/19/2013 06:28 AM, Richmond wrote:

On ALL the Linux systems I have tried that yields an - apparently -
empty textField.


The Solution.

The textField isn't empty, just setting the chars to transparent, or the
same as the backgroundColor of the textField.

So, one has to do this:

set the useUnicode to true
set the unicodeText of fld OOTPUT to the unicodeText of fld OOTPUT 
set the textColor of fld OOTPUT to black

and this has to be done EVERY TIME a new char is appended.

You didn't mention filing a bug report, so it bears asking. Did you file 
one? There have been past bugs where the cursor has been apparently 
invisible but in reality was just set to white. Perhaps this bug, now 
that you have identified the problem, will be relatively easy to fix.


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Re: Unicode display on Linux.

2013-05-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/19/2013 09:23 AM, Richmond wrote:

Bug report or no bug report, I have to work with LC 4.5.

A sorted out bug would appear in a later version; one for which I,
currently (and many others, I suspect) do not have the money to buy.

Therefore, from my point of view, at least, these sorts of work arounds
are very important.



Of course it's great to have a workaround and it's admirable that you 
shared this one! I understand what you're saying about versions and for 
people who are using an older version for which a bugfix will likely 
never be made available this is invaluable. However, a bug fix is 
obviously more ideal than a workaround and users of future versions, 
which could include you at some point, are better served when fixes are 
implemented. It does seem you have uncovered a really helpful piece of 
information regarding this bug that could lead to a fix.

Do you have an account at ?


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Re: [OT] Playing silly bu**ers with FileZilla.

2013-05-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/17/2013 11:54 AM, Richmond wrote:

Hey-Ho You Happy Linux Mages,

I have been merrily connecting to my FTP/Web-page site (a subset of
Andre Garzia's site, God Bless him) using
a Macintosh FTP client for about 3-4 years (Cyberduck) which set things
up licketty-split [for those of you
who don't know that is a technical term] . . .

. . . all jolly well and good, until I want to do the same from Linux . . .

Now 'FileZilla' gets all hot and sweaty [see earlier remark about
technical terms] and tells me all sorts of funny
things about Firewalls and a mismatch with my external IP address . . .

. . .  why this is, I just don't know as I have been happily using
Cyberduck inside Mac OS 10.6 inside VMware Player 5.0.2
on Linux without all this cafuffle . . .

Anyway, FileZilla won't play . . . unless, as usual, I am missing


I can't know what's causing your problem, but I have never had any 
trouble getting FileZilla to work here under Linux. Did you try running 
the network wizard? You'll find it under the Edit menu. Maybe enabling 
passive will help.

Good luck!


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Re: [OT] Playing silly bu**ers with FileZilla.

2013-05-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/17/2013 12:48 PM, Richmond wrote:

Chucked out FileZilla and went for gFTP:

lovely and simple :)


I used gFTP when I used Mint and it worked well and had all the features 
I needed. I like FileZilla a little better, but it's clearly causing you 
only grief. My needs are very basic and I actually do most everything 
directly from the Dolphin file manager in KDE which lets me work with 
remote directories via sftp as if they were local.


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Re: link to 6.0.1 build 1513

2013-05-09 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/09/2013 04:23 PM, John Dixon wrote:

I should have been a little clearer... I meant the community edition... There 
was a green banner in the top left when I logged into my products and I 
downloaded the community edition 6.0.1 build 1513 from there the other day... 
the green banner has gone and the link (in orange) now only offer to download 

I just wondered where they had put it now... they seem to have a habit of letting 
us play 'hide  seek'...:-(

There are several download links but they don't seem to have been 
updated. Changing them works, so:

Generally (apart form the links not being the very latest version), 
downloading couldn't really be much easier. One goes to and 
clicks anywhere on the huge banner promoting LiveCode Community Edition 
and it takes you to a page with download links.

To see the download links for LC Community in the Store, including links 
to other OS versions, login and go to your products and then logout or 
try this direct link: (these links are currently 

Good luck!


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Re: link to 6.0.1 build 1513

2013-05-09 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/09/2013 05:49 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

The point is: there is no big red Download button on the main page.
There is only a green Learn More button. Apparently, this is
sufficient for people to lose interest. I told him clearly, I might be
wrong and he should contact support while also pointing him to the main
page, but he wasn't interested anymore.

With all due respect, while there isn't a Big Red Button it's easy 
enough and intuitive enough that anyone who's going to be solving 
logical problems (programming) and has ever used the internet, shouldn't 
have that hard a time finding the download link. From what you tell us, 
his issue was with your implied suggestion he might need to contact 
support to download. (He replied that if he has to write to support at 
this stage already, meaning even before being able to download, then 
RunRev is not ready for him). I respectfully offer that Jacquie's 
suggestion is a good one.


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Re: Beginners questions subject headers

2013-05-07 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/07/2013 10:53 AM, Martin Koob wrote:

I wonder how the patent office could sort out who invented or registered the
time warp

It was probably a drummer.

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Re: User notes in dictionary

2013-05-02 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/02/2013 10:04 PM, wrote:

Sort and sort container as examples. And dang it. I wrote those.


Running Linux here. Just tried this in 5.5.4 and initially the user 
notes did not appear under these entries, just as you find. However, 
clicking on the area they should appear revealed them. Does this work 
for you? Obviously this isn't a solution since you can't know if 
they're there waiting to be revealed or not.


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Re: fontSizes bust in 6.0

2013-04-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/18/2013 10:36 AM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

I ran into this this morning. I had set some font sizes on some fields, running 
LC 6.0, but the font sizes did not save. They showed on the screen, but when I 
would build my app and run in the simulator (iOS), the changes were not in 
effect. And when I closed my stack and reopened it, the changes had not been 
saved, even though I had saved my stack.

What's worse, when I opened my stack in LC 5.5.4 and made the changes and 
saved, same result. No font size changes were saved when I reopened my stack. 
I'm just working on a proof of concept, so it's not a huge deal for this stack, 
but this is a pretty nasty bug. This means I'm going to have to recreate all my 
fields using 5.5.4, which seems to work. So not sure if it's a glitch with the 
field object or what.

Anyone else seeing this particular behavior? Should I add my findings to the 
bug report?


This sounds like a completely different problem, at least as you have 
outlined it. It seems like it should be filed as a separate bug.


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Re: put URL destroys my file

2013-04-16 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/16/2013 08:58 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


Working with LC 4.5.4 I have a dmg file uploaded on my webserver. When
downloading it on a mac with a browser via ftp, the dmg keeps in good order.
But when doing

put URL pUrl into URL (binfile:  tFile)

the format of the file seems to be destroyed and my mac thinks of it as
being a text file. The same procedure with a exe file on windows machine
works fine.

What do I oversee? Thanks for any hint


Does it actually not work at all? Assuming it maintains its 'dmg' 
extension, can you right-click on it and open it properly from the 
contextual menu, or change its info? It may be that without the 
webserver and browser passing on the mime-type to the OS that the 
problem is that the OS can't determine what kind of file it is, and 
therefore it it seen as just a text file. In this case, setting the 
fileType to empty (see user notes in the dictionary) might get it to 
mount. I found that images saved from LiveCode weren't recognized as 
such by OS X, when I was using it and wanted to open in a text editor. 
It may be that LiveCode saves things as text files by default in OS X.

Good luck,


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Re: setting up Linux for LiveCode and other dev questions

2013-04-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/12/2013 02:41 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I had already set the permissions to be read write for everyone, moved it out 
of the downloads folder, and set the executable box. None of those helped.

Here's one clue, if I do this:

ldd LiveCodeCommunityInstaller-6_0_0-Linux.x86

I get:

not a dynamic executable

If I then try:

readelf -l LiveCodeCommunityInstaller-6_0_0-Linux.x86 | grep ld-linux

I get:

[Requesting program interpreter: /lib/]

Does that give any more clues? BTW, uname -m gives x86_64, and it was the 64 
bit version I downloaded.

Colin it seems you have installed 64 bit Linux but LiveCode needs 32 
bit. You can install the ia32 bit libs or a pure 32 bit version of your 


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2013-04-10 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/10/2013 08:12 AM, wrote:

Can anybody help us?

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Re: Yet Another Kickstarter stack

2013-02-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/18/2013 01:37 AM, Thierry Douez wrote:

2013/2/18 Warren Samples

Hi Warren,

But as I said previously, I did worked on it only a couple of hours,
and had no time to make a universal tool, or test it broadly.

This stack is free, open and bound to be modified by whoever...

In this case, I believe changing the font and/or font size of the field
should do the job quickly.

Otherwise, except for the truncated text, does everything else works on
Linux ?




Your stack seems to perform its functions perfectly well. It has the 
same display issue for me under Windows 7, too. Here's an example of 
code along the lines of what I suggested, which works for me here in 
both Linux and Windows 7.

(watch for linebreaks in script forced by the email client -- I've 
inserted extra returns between script lines to help clarify)

# CODE #

on preopenstack

   set the height of field infos to the formattedheight of field infos

   set the top of field infos to (the bottom of group ID 1058 - 4) 
--taking into account multiple sets of margins

   set the height of this stack to (the bottom of field infos - 6)

end preopenstack



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Re: Yet Another Kickstarter stack

2013-02-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/18/2013 09:37 AM, Thierry Douez wrote:

Hi Warren,

You're talking of the bottom field, but what about the other labels, and
the Finfos field
where you get some datas in when moving the mouse over the graph?

Are they all Ok?

Well, personaly, I prefer changing the font (type or size) instead of
changing the layout
which could mess up the whole picture.

The issue with the field infos is a result of putting multiple lines 
into a fixed height which does not accommodate them on all platforms or 
all users' machines. The suggested method allows for automatic 
adjustment according to the needs of the user's platform and whatever 
individual settings that user may prefer. This includes possibilities 
you could never predict or test for, and things you really should be 
careful about forcing on the user such as font and text size. It is not 
a significant alteration of your layout and on my Linux and Windows 7 
setups is definitely an improvement. Did you try it on your Mac?

More than one way? Sure. Maybe we can learn something from all the 
thought that's been put into displaying content in web browsers.


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Re: Yet Another Kickstarter stack

2013-02-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/17/2013 11:58 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:

Sorry, but haven't any linux LC.

I'm glad you find a workaround.

Have  a nice day,


I also downloaded the stack for Linux and also see the truncated text in 
that field. One possible solution would be to let the field set its own 
height (set the height of the field to the formattedHeight of the field) 
and provide a fixed amount of padding between it and the group above it 
and/or between the bottom of it and the bottom of the stack. This sort 
of flexible size/positioning scheme could be broadly useful to help 
avoid issues caused by unpredictable factors and maybe aid in the 
graceful implementation of such user-friendly ideas as selectable text 
size and fonts where that might be desirable.


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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2013 11:51 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 1/19/13 9:16 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

For all practical purposes, the market is closed and developers really
do, as a practical observation, have to distribute through Apple in
order to reach the platform.

I think there will be third-party distributions for quite a while yet.
Apple can't prohibit outside apps on Macs because too many of them can't
be sandboxed. BBEdit is one of those, for example. So unless the rules
change, some software will always have to be side loaded. I do agree
though that new Mac users won't likely look elsewhere, but as they
become more experienced they might.

I'm still not happy with the situation, I don't like it at all. But I'm
not sure third-party installs will completely disappear either.

My comment was in reference to iOS devices.

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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/20/2013 04:10 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

They are saying, can you make more utilitarian and useful to the
general market? Why is that pissing so many people off in the name
of freedom? I don't get it. It seems some, not you I think, have a
bone to pick with apple, and this seems an easy target.

Whose argument are you dismissing as being probably disingenuous? It 
might be that this is the bone and here it is being picked, no?

As far as they are saying, can you make.. I wonder why it's so hard 
for you to understand why that strikes some people as arrogant and 
unacceptable. Not that I'm saying you have to agree and support this 
position, but that you say you don't get it.

It's ironic that you chose the word utilitarian because that word 
often describes a simple tool that serves its purpose without frills or 
adornment. Precisely what might cause an app to be rejected as in this 
case. As for the general market part of your comment, can't we ask, 
does failing to serve a large group of people mean that something is not 
acutely useful to some smaller group for which it is intended? I really 
don't think either part of your statement is true regarding this 
particular rationale for rejection. It seems to me that Apple is saying 
it just doesn't have enough bells and whistles to fit the image of 
'kewl' that we want to maintain for our devices. Just that simple.

I don't feel Apple has any interest that justifiably trumps the interest 
of consumers to determine for themselves what is useful and valuable or 
the interests of developers who have an idea they believe is useful and 
worth their time to develop and attach their name to. There are a lot of 
people who still adhere to the adage that less is more. Certainly at 
least a few of them use iDevices.



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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/20/2013 06:45 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

All your arguments rest inexorably on the precept that Apple owes
you something. Show me in any contract you and Apple have entered
into where Apple is obligated to accept any app you submit!

I'm sorry, Bob, but this is just BS. It's not about what Apple owes 
anybody, but what is arguably best for *all* parties. Apple exerts 
supervision and total control over the availability and distribution of 
applications for iOS devices. It is undeniable that Apple has the final 
say as a contractual and a practical matter. However, that does not 
automatically mean that all of Apple's policies and decisions are 
correct, sensible and otherwise beyond criticism.

I am somewhat disturbed, Bob, that you are so (apparently) hostile to 
the notion that someone might protest the criteria generally, or some 
specific decision specifically, regarding the acceptance or rejection of 
applications, and the ease with which you dismiss such protest as 
baseless. I don't know if the courts might decide Apple has crossed a 
line which makes its policies actionable, but more importantly, there 
seems to be in affect a policy which is in the end very contrary to much 
of what some of us (once) associat(ed) with Apple.


(I've got a whole skeleton's worth of bones to pick and this is just one 
of them)

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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2013 07:35 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

They are willing to put up your app absolutely freely, if you like, so long as 
you don't charge for it. That's pretty generous. What they actually owe anyone 
in terms of what they allow is precisely jack diddly squat. It's their 
basketball hoop, their garage, and their basketball. Don't like the rules? Go 
to the next door neighbor's garage and play with him.

Actually, Bob, they are not willing; they demand this. It was their 
decision that they be the sole legitimate distributor of iOS apps and 
there is *no* next door neighbor's garage for iDevice users and by 
extension anyone who has an idea to develop for the iOS platform. My 
opinion is that given Apple's demand for exclusive distribution rights, 
that they *ought* to be less restrictive regarding acceptible utility. 
They are hurting users and developers alike.


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Re: [OT] How to apply for jobs

2013-01-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2013 08:04 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

erm... pardon me... HTML, mySQL and C are not, you know of course, assembly 
language... and assembly language is, of course, you know... not plural.

It's very possible that this is a warning that you don't want the job, 
but it may be that your gut reaction is the perfect response which they 
are hoping for. If it's not then for sure you don't want the job!


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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-19 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2013 09:01 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I don't like it either, but to be fair, developers don't *have* to sell
through the Apple stores. That's probably what keeps their system legit.

I'm not a lawyer, but... (My father was, hehe)

For all practical purposes, the market is closed and developers really 
do, as a practical observation, have to distribute through Apple in 
order to reach the platform. I suspect Apple's lawyers are more likely 
to press the they can make it function in a browser (despite the user 
experience issues implied) therefore this is merely a permissible 
inconvenience argument.

I'd say this is my two cents, but being speculation rather than opinion 
it's worth even less than that :D


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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/17/2013 06:50 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

At least people on Android can enjoy easy access to the traffic conditions.


It seems perverse to me that a developer might be forced to add 
gratuitous features to a useful uni-purpose utility in order to appeal 
to the gadget lust of a reviewer who has no personal interest in the 
actual purpose of the tool. The alternative suggestion to develop it as 
a webapp is no less troubling to me. That clearly would make a less 
convenient user experience as one must open the browser and then 
navigate to a URL. This diminishes not just the proposed application, 
but the utility of the device itself.

My two cents.

Good luck, Andre!


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Re: [OT] A tale of App Store rejection

2013-01-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/18/2013 12:46 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

Next morning you discover to your dismay that your HR department has been 
overwhelmed with calls and emails in the hundreds of thousands, because people 
ignored your prerequisites, and everyone from housewives with no degree to 
gardeners and janitors filled out applications or called directly.

This is something like what Apple is up against. It's true that at first Apple 
wanted volume. Now, not so much. One could say the early bird gets the worm. 
Had this app been developed in the first 6 months of the app store going 
online, I bet they would have snatched it up right away.


This analogy does not diminish the point in any way that Apple may be 
denying users the ability to install and use applications which could be 
very useful to them, based on criteria which can be said to encourage 
and even demand bloat.


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Re: Animated gif editor

2013-01-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/18/2013 12:57 PM, Robert Sneidar wrote:

Only thing is, it shows up in the dock! It would be nice if there were some 
kind of option to prevent a standalone from appearing in the dock.

Does this work?

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Re: launch document synchronous on Linux only?

2013-01-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/18/2013 11:35 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I've somehow never noticed that on Linux the launch document command
behaves synchronously, while it's not synchronous on Mac or IIRC on

This winds up being especially bad for RunRev:  you can't use the IDE
after choosing Help-User Guide.

I've filed a bug report for the IDE issue:

Richard, this is not happening here running LC 5.5.3 under openSUSE 
12.1, KDE. Neither launching the User Guide nor using launch document 
to open some other file in an application interfere with the IDE - it's 
not blocking.


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Re: launch document synchronous on Linux only?

2013-01-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/19/2013 12:47 AM, Warren Samples wrote:

I've somehow never noticed that on Linux the launch document command
behaves synchronously, while it's not synchronous on Mac or IIRC on

This winds up being especially bad for RunRev:  you can't use the IDE
after choosing Help-User Guide.

I've filed a bug report for the IDE issue:

Richard, this is not happening here running LC 5.5.3 under openSUSE
12.1, KDE. Neither launching the User Guide nor using launch document
to open some other file in an application interfere with the IDE - it's
not blocking.

Also does not happen in Mint 9, Gnome or openSUSE 12.2, KDE, both 
running LC 5.5.2.


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Re: AW: Quicktime problems on windows

2012-10-10 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/10/2012 12:15 PM, Richmond wrote:

start considering some sort of internal media player (that's truly
cross-platform) that is
part of Livecode itself.

This was mentioned as part of the road map, along with a cross-platform 
(including Linux) browser and unicode just works a few moons ago.


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Re: AW: Quicktime problems on windows

2012-10-10 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/10/2012 08:23 PM, stephen barncard wrote:

NDA alert

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Warren Samples war...@warrensweb.uswrote:

On 10/10/2012 12:15 PM, Richmond wrote:

start considering some sort of internal media player (that's truly
cross-platform) that is
part of Livecode itself.

This was mentioned as part of the road map, along with a cross-platform
(including Linux) browser and unicode just works a few moons ago.


I know, I'm full of Nyquil and didn't realize which list this was until 
too late. *hangs head in shame*

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Re: Storing location for a preferences file in a standalone stack?

2012-09-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/30/2012 10:35 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

Unless the person on the keyboard has an administrator level access or
password at hand, then you will not be able to write anywhere outside that
persons folder.Your unpriviledged user can't write to /Library or /System,
only the super user can.

Does /Users/Shared still exist? Shouldn't that be usable for shared 
preferences? If this still exists and is useable as in the past, a 
single preferences stack in this location could be used to store 
individual personal preferences for multiple users if users are logging 
into the app, using a conditional, and global prefs if needed.


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Re: 5.5.2 Linux display bug?

2012-09-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/18/2012 11:13 PM, wrote:

When running under iOS the cursor is actually there but is white and thus not 
showing in most fields. Is that the case under Linux too or is this a separate 
iOS bug?


Yes, this does seem to be the case under Linux. It's revealed when you 
set a background color.

Thank you!


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Re: 5.5.2 Linux display bug?

2012-09-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/16/2012 10:21 PM, Warren Samples wrote:


I find that the the blinking insertion cursor is not displayed in
Livecode 5.5.2 in the IDE, and carrying over through a standalone. This
happens running openSUSE 12.1, KDE and Mint 9, Gnome. Toggling desktop
effects in SUSE makes no difference, Mint is running in VirtualBox
without effects. It's a little awkward.

I also have the phantom pointer in SUSE, where after launch the pointer
disappears over the IDE toolbar and tools palette. It displays when over
the message box or a stack, but disappears again over the toolbar and
tools palette. It also does not display over an inspector palette, but
does change to the I bar over the text fields (insertion point is still
invisible), disappearing again when leaving them. Opening the dictionary
resolves the problem for the rest of the session. The dictionary doesn't
have to stay open. Toggling effects doesn't fix it and I tried a couple
of different cursor themes, animated and non-animated, and that didn't
make a difference.

Can someone confirm or deny?


Thank you Richard and Roger. I have filed a bug report, 10393


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5.5.2 Linux display bug?

2012-09-16 Thread Warren Samples


I find that the the blinking insertion cursor is not displayed in 
Livecode 5.5.2 in the IDE, and carrying over through a standalone. This 
happens running openSUSE 12.1, KDE and Mint 9, Gnome. Toggling desktop 
effects in SUSE makes no difference, Mint is running in VirtualBox 
without effects. It's a little awkward.

I also have the phantom pointer in SUSE, where after launch the pointer 
disappears over the IDE toolbar and tools palette. It displays when over 
the message box or a stack, but disappears again over the toolbar and 
tools palette. It also does not display over an inspector palette, but 
does change to the I bar over the text fields (insertion point is still 
invisible), disappearing again when leaving them. Opening the dictionary 
resolves the problem for the rest of the session. The dictionary doesn't 
have to stay open. Toggling effects doesn't fix it and I tried a couple 
of different cursor themes, animated and non-animated, and that didn't 
make a difference.

Can someone confirm or deny?


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Re: Sending an email with a file attachment

2012-09-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/14/2012 08:13 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Peter Haworth wrote:

  I'm beginning to think Matthias' idea of putting the environment
  data on the clipboard and asking the user to paste it into the
  email client of his/her choice may be the easiest and safest way
  to do this.

Maybe I'm coming in late to this thread, but if the body of the email is
less than 1k have you considered just sending it along as a param in the

on mouseUp
   put into tAddress
   put Hello! into tSubject
   put This is the bodycrof the email. into tBody
   put mailto:; tAddress  ? \
 subject= tSubject  \
body= tBody into tEmailURL
   launch url tEmailURL
end mouseUp

I use this to have customers send bug reports, and I can grab the OS
version, my app's version, screenRect, and other useful info along with
the relevant portion of the executionContexts all within the size limit
on the URL passed to most email clients.

So far the only really restrictive client I've come across in years is
GMail, which apparently allows only ~512 chars; everything else our
users have tested on allows at least 1k, which has been plenty to get
the info I need from them.

This script causes unexpected problems here. It launches KMail on my 
system despite my having Thunderbird properly set as the default system 
email client. What happens if no desktop client is being used? (I 
honestly don't know, I have never been one of those people who use 
web-based mail.) Can one be assured that that behavior will be 
consistent? A second problem on my system, running Linux, is that the 
body is not inserted into the message. This seems to be related to the 
number of parameters the system will pass to the email client. It 
accepts only two, apparently. So, recipient's address + (pick one: cc, 
subject OR body). revMail also behaves exactly this way here.


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Re: Sending an email with a file attachment

2012-09-13 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/13/2012 04:21 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

The purpose for this is for a user of my software to send an email to
support and to automatically attach a file to the email that contains
information about the user's environment.  Sarah's stack requires the name
of the SMTP server and since that will be different on each user's machine
and I don't know in advance what it is, her stack won't help me

Any other suggestions?  I can embed the information in the body of the
email instead of in an attachment so not hugely important. Or I could just
rewrite my app to run on iPhone/Android, then I could use the commands
provided by LC for those platforms:-)

lcSQL Software

You can expect unexpected problems using either SMTP or using revMail. 
Port blocking may require the use of nonstandard ports for SMTP and not 
everyone will have a desktop email client set up.

You could use an SMTP relay service and provide the address and 
credentials yourself. Some SMTP relay services allow you to use 
non-standard ports. Some of them are quite inexpensive for low volume 
use, so that could help cover some scenarios if you're really determined 
to use SMTP.

The server side script solution is far less problematic. You could also 
look into a script that stores the info in a database and you collect it 

Good Luck,


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Re: [OT] EULA and legality

2012-09-12 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/12/2012 08:24 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

There are other questions we can answer for ourselves, like:

Do we want to enter into a relationship with a vendor who has already
clearly expressed in writing that they don't want us?

Forcing someone into a relationship just makes for an unhealthy

There are other fish in the sea.

Choose one.  Be happy.

  Richard Gaskin

Indeed! Instead of can I get away with this maybe ask why bother. 
I'm sure my negative interpretation of many of Apple's policies and 
decisions over the years is a sign of some grave personality disorder, 
but what I viewed as demonstrations of coercion and manipulation helped 
make it easy to move away from OS X as it became necessary to move from 
PPC to Intel. It was my decision to have no part of it.

When the questions don't seem to have good answers it's often because 
you're not asking good questions ;)


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Re: LC Forum reading (was Re: OT: Adobe kills mobile Flash)

2012-09-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/11/2012 12:45 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I already do use the RSS feed. But if you want to participate, it's
pretty useless. You have to open a web browser, find the post, log in,
and reply.

Really? Your news reader doesn't display the forum and allow you to 
post, or it won't properly open an external browser directly to the 
post? Neither your reader nor your browser will let you use the option 
to stay logged in between visits?

Convenience is a subjective matter, but useless is an overly harsh and 
unwarranted qualification. I don't have any trouble reading and posting 
to the forum from my news reader, and haven't in any news reader I've 
ever used. (There have been many, in OS X and now in Linux.)


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Re: LC Forum reading (was Re: OT: Adobe kills mobile Flash)

2012-09-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/11/2012 04:35 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Yes, it will open a browser if I ask it to. That's an extra step which I
need to wait for. Then I have to wait for the forum servers. Then I have
to log in and deal with that horrible little text box with all the silly
html buttons and gadgets. I choose not to auto-register on my mobile
device, which is where I read the RSS. On my desktop machine I simply go
to the forums in a browser and deal with server lag in the usual way --
waiting for a page to load, going back to the list, waiting for the list
to load, going to another new post, waiting for that to load, etc. It
takes me a few minutes to read the lists, it takes me half an hour or
more to read the daily posts on the forums. Perhaps your internet
connection is faster or you have influence with the server.

My point is simply that there is an easy option available that isn't
enabled. It would save me a lot of time. I could participate with the
same ease as I do in this mailing list.

Background tabs.


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Re: LC Forum reading (was Re: OT: Adobe kills mobile Flash)

2012-09-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/11/2012 05:43 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Using an RSS reader on a desktop machine isn't any easier than just
going to the forums in a browser, it's just another layer.

You complained about waiting while using your browser and background 
tabs would certainly help you there in many cases. RSS offers some 
conveniences over simply browsing the forum, but it's a fairly minor 
thing, so I leave you to your preference there without further comment.

I don't have anything to say about the current limitations of tablet 
computing, either :D


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Re: [OT] EULA and legality

2012-09-09 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/09/2012 12:45 PM, Richmond wrote:

I'm sure there are many factors involved, but I think one of the
primary reasons Apple doesn't want the OS used on other hardware is to
avoid the mess that Microsoft got themselves into by licensing to any
PC distributor. By retaining control of both software and hardware, it
just works -- at least, most of the time.

Funny how Linux distros don't seem to get in the mess regardless.

Richmond, you must be aware that there are all kinds of hardware 
compatibility issues one has to consider when contemplating putting 
Linux on any computer. It is also true that some of these issues have 
resulted in hostility directed at hardware vendors who aren't seen as 
friendly enough to the open-source community.


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Re: [OT] EULA and legality

2012-09-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/08/2012 09:34 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

It's unclear to me why the fact that I buy a license to use software versus
owning the actual software itself has any effect on what I choose to do
with it.

Why is it unclear? Because you don't understand it or because you don't 
like it? You are licensed to use the software but only so long as you 
are using it according to the terms under which Apple (in this example) 
agrees to make it available to you. Your license ends when you use the 
software outside those terms. Deciding that the terms don't suit you 
isn't license to ignore them. Your legal option is to find some other 
software with terms you like better or that fit your particular scenario 


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Re: Newbie SQLite and LC learing problems

2012-08-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/24/2012 11:43 AM, Blair Lewis wrote:

I'm new to LC and am I am looking for help with using DB's with LC. I am coming 
from Filemaker and I am unable to find a decent tutorial on how to use SQLite 
that is either complete or useful.

Does anyone have a sample stack and DB that I can pull apart to learn. I'm 
particularly having difficulty with creating relationships for creating and 
retrieving data combining multiple tables. Something about lastrow ID keeps 
coming up but I'm a little lost


Hi Blair,

This might be a good place to start. Read the whole thread. You'll find 
an example stack that was developed over the course of the thread.

Good luck,


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Re: Newbie SQLite and LC learing problems

2012-08-24 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/24/2012 11:53 AM, Warren Samples wrote:

On 08/24/2012 11:43 AM, Blair Lewis wrote:

I'm new to LC and am I am looking for help with using DB's with LC. I
am coming from Filemaker and I am unable to find a decent tutorial on
how to use SQLite that is either complete or useful.

Does anyone have a sample stack and DB that I can pull apart to learn.
I'm particularly having difficulty with creating relationships for
creating and retrieving data combining multiple tables. Something
about lastrow ID keeps coming up but I'm a little lost


Hi Blair,

This might be a good place to start. Read the whole thread. You'll find
an example stack that was developed over the course of the thread.

Good luck,


Well, it makes more sense if I include the link O.o

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Re: Another OS X Lion Weirdness

2012-08-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/23/2012 11:53 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

I just opened a document in the iWork/Numbers spreadsheet program that I
hadn't opened for perhaps a couple of weeks.  It opened just fine but when
I tried to make a change to it I got the message:

The file Costs is locked because you haven't made any changes to it

There were options to Unlock, Work on a duplicate copy or Cancel the change.

So now Apple apparently thinks it's appropriate to silently lock files
behind my back on the basis of me not accessing them for some arbitrary,
unknown period of time.

Does anyone know of a way to switch off thisfeature?

lcSQL Software

I am reading that Apple dropped this from 10.8 and some people miss it. 
It's almost two years since I left OS X for Linux and I miss it not at 
all :D


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Re: New Pricing

2012-08-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/22/2012 02:29 PM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

Yes, I had misunderstood.  It seems that the situation is that Linux is in
fact on a par with Mac+Windows.  You buy either Android or IOS, and then you
pick one included desktop, which can either be Linux or Mac+Windows, and the
price seems to be the same:  $500.

On the Customize LiveCode Package page that selecting a Perpetual 
mobile option takes you to, you can deselect the mobile option and 
purchase just a desktop deployment package for $299, Mac/Win or Linux. 
This is obviously most unintuitive, but it is still an option.


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Re: New Pricing

2012-08-21 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/21/2012 05:02 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 1:00:29 PM, you wrote:

As far as the store front is concerned, we are showing the most popular
products there. You can select a license and customize it, for example to
get a desktop only product for a single platform. That is a design

It's not at all clear to me how to do that. Clicking on any of the
Buy links doesn't allow any configuration.

Try the Android or iOS Perpetual option.


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Re: changes to the runrev store

2012-08-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/18/2012 01:12 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Does that state that for $999 per license does not include any updates???

That's how I read it. It doesn't run out and my guess is this price is to 
handle the people that buy lc and still expect support 20 versions later.

does that state that for 1,499 I get a license with both no expiration and 
full updates?

That's also how I read it which is a really good deal. Snap that up folks 
before runrev realize they set the price too low. It should be 2k+ at least. A 
long time ago when I did some work for them I took a perpetual desktop license 
(I didn't think to state I wanted all future platforms included) for $2500. Who 
knows what that would be in today's money.

Why do you need to sell pay as you go to your clients?



You're not reading it correctly. There's a fuller explanation if you 
select one of those options. Perpetual is relative to the pay as you 
go model. Pay as you go means your license to use any version of 
LiveCode which is covered under that agreement ends if you stop paying 
the monthly fee. Perpetual means that your license remains intact 
after its term expires and you can continue to use all versions of 
LiveCode which you were entitled to up to the date of expiration (and 
probably any subsequent minor point updates?) as do the standard 
traditional licenses.

LiveCode Complete:
For serious developers everywhere, the Master bundle. Get LiveCode 
Development Tools, every deployment option including Desktop, Web, 
Mobile and Server, a year of update releases and access to the LiveCode 
Developer Program. Save yourself almost $900 by getting these essential 
tools in one package, plus get the peace of mind of knowing you will 
automatically receive every new update we release. This is a 
subscription product, it will automatically renew annually for $749, you 
may cancel your subscription at any time.


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Re: changes to the runrev store

2012-08-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/18/2012 01:39 AM, Warren Samples wrote:

On 08/18/2012 01:12 AM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Does that state that for $999 per license does not include any

That's how I read it. It doesn't run out and my guess is this price is
to handle the people that buy lc and still expect support 20 versions

does that state that for 1,499 I get a license with both no
expiration and full updates?

That's also how I read it which is a really good deal. Snap that up
folks before runrev realize they set the price too low. It should be
2k+ at least. A long time ago when I did some work for them I took a
perpetual desktop license (I didn't think to state I wanted all future
platforms included) for $2500. Who knows what that would be in today's

Why do you need to sell pay as you go to your clients?



You're not reading it correctly. There's a fuller explanation if you
select one of those options. Perpetual is relative to the pay as you
go model. Pay as you go means your license to use any version of
LiveCode which is covered under that agreement ends if you stop paying
the monthly fee. Perpetual means that your license remains intact
after its term expires and you can continue to use all versions of
LiveCode which you were entitled to up to the date of expiration (and
probably any subsequent minor point updates?) as do the standard
traditional licenses.

LiveCode Complete:
For serious developers everywhere, the Master bundle. Get LiveCode
Development Tools, every deployment option including Desktop, Web,
Mobile and Server, a year of update releases and access to the LiveCode
Developer Program. Save yourself almost $900 by getting these essential
tools in one package, plus get the peace of mind of knowing you will
automatically receive every new update we release. This is a
subscription product, it will automatically renew annually for $749, you
may cancel your subscription at any time.


Although maybe I'm not reading Monte's response quite right... :D

It does seem that it's $999 for no updates beyond minor point upgrades 
with the Gold package. How many months is that approximately, compared 
to the full year you're guaranteed to get with the Complete package?

I like that Linux is automatically available under all desktop licenses 
and hopefully a few more people will be encouraged to consider testing 
their work for compatibility under Linux. (Ok. I'm not holding my 
breath, but the most recent license structure surely discouraged it!)


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Re: ANN: GLX2 3.0.10

2012-08-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/03/2012 07:55 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, August 3, 2012, 8:38:03 AM, you wrote:

No no problem, it's just that it's fairly typical to only be able
to undo back to the last save. I can see myself in a fit of undo's
after making some horrible coding error that made everything go
wrong, hitting undo lots of times. I guess I will have to avoid
that. :-)

OK. I'll put that on my to-do list. I was thinking that keeping the
undo list back as far as possible was a benefit, but I can't come up
with much of a use case where I'd want to keep it past the last save.

Would this be affected by the GLX autosave preference? Save Every x 
compiles If so, might this not limit the value of undo? How convenient 
would it be to allow the user to set the number of undos, which would be 
independent of any saves?


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Re: [OT] Between the lines of the previous post.

2012-07-15 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/15/2012 10:59 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I would routinely quote the relevant part of the message and then add my 
comment afterwards, but my colleagues using mobile devices would complain 
because they would have to fully open the email to see what I had added. So, 
now I say my comment ahead of the quoted text. If there are further comments to 
make I will quote the relevant part of the previous message, after my new 

In general, just quote enough of the previous message to make it clear what you 
are adding. In this case I didn't need to quote anything.

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It wasn't all that long ago that this topic was explored here, was it? I 
disagree that interspersing response, point by point, within the body of 
the original message is more readable, even though I understand the 
argument and agree that it has merit. It can become downright 
crazy-making after a few levels of reply. I am of the camp that suggests 
it's most sensible to reply after the original message (seems logical, 
doesn't it?) although I see what Colin is talking about and have to 
admit I had never thought of that, but I don't bother with email on my 
phone at all.


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Re: [OT] Between the lines of the previous post.

2012-07-15 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/15/2012 12:49 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

And in all cases, bar none, all the nested signature lines should be

I try to do that and note with some chagrin that I failed in my previous 
reply to this thread :D


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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:11 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I got around the difficulty of sharing files by putting the test files onto a server that I could 
log onto with Linux. What should the name be for a Linux LiveCode standalone? It came out named as 
untitled 1 with no extension, an dLinux thought that was a document. I tried renaming 
it to be test.exe, but that seemed to be the wrong thing to do too.

What should a LiveCode Linux standalone be named?

It doesn't have or need an extension. Make sure its permissions include 
is executable. Does Maya suffer the dictionary crash for you? I 
installed 64 bit Maya here a couple weeks ago and it has that problem. 
Mint 9 and 10 do not (for me) openSUSE 11.4 and 12.1 also do not. Be 
aware of this before you do any demo-ing!



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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:22 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

How in Linux would I do that?

One way, right-click the file and select the permissions pane in the 
dialog and check the box.

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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:22 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

How in Linux would I do that?

Oh, I skipped something... select Properties and then permissions...

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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:30 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

It says the owner is root.

If you change it to your user, does it ask for authentication or tell 
you it won't allow that?

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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:30 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

All the options in Permissions are grayed out. It says the owner is root.

Open a terminal and type:

sudo chown your user path to file

Replace your user with your user's name. Type the root password at the 
prompt. Should do it.

Good luck,


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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:42 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I got further by copying the files from the server to the desktop, then I could check the box that says allow 
this file to run as a program. But double clicking it leads to a failed to execute file test - 
Failed to execute child process /home/mint/Desktop/LinuxTest/test (No such file or directory).

I'm building the application from v5.5.1 on my Mac.

Did you install 32-bit or 64-bit Mint? type

'ldd path to file'

in a terminal. What does that say?

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Re: which Linux?

2012-07-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/03/2012 03:58 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I installed 64 bit. Are LiveCode apps only 32 bit? ldd tells me that it's not a 
dynamic executable.

Yes, that's your current problem. You'll have to install the ia32 libs. 
Do an update first. Installing these libs was a pain for me in Maya, 
with strange problems, but I hadn't done any updates before I tried.

Of course you could just install a 32-bit Linux. You can download 
ready-to-go virtual machine images of many distros if you want to save 
the aggravation of installation. Search the internet and you'll find a 
couple of sources that offer a long list.

Good luck,


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Re: Linux: answer file always shows hidden files?

2012-06-21 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/21/2012 11:39 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

It seems that LiveCode's answer file command on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)
always shows hidden files, regardless of whether I have that setting
turned on in the file manager.

Is there some secret param I can use to turn that off?

If not, I'll file a bug report.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
  Follow me on Twitter:

to expand a tiny bit... I have my file manager, Dolphin in KDE, set to 
show hidden files but they do not appear in the file selector dialog 
displayed by answer file.


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