Metal and drag

2003-08-18 Thread Ludovic Thébault

With Rev 2.1 we can metalize MacOS X stacks, but to respect the 
guidlines, it is necessary to be able to move the window by its metal 
background and not only by the title bar.

How do this ? 

A 'grab me' in the card or stack script doesn't work. 

With this script it doen't work very well (the move is very flashy) :

on mouseDown
   put true into lMouseDown
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
   if lMouseDown then set the loc of this stack to x,y
end mouseMove

use-revolution mailing list

image paste

2003-08-18 Thread Andrew
Thanks for all those that responded to my questions about images and 
animation.  Your suggestions were very helpful.
Meanwhile, I'm having a basic little problem.
When I paste an image on a card (again, its rect appears as big as the 
whole card, no matter the size of the image), and then I paste a second 
image on the same card, the second image seems to become part of the 
first one.  What can I do to make the two images separate objects?
Thanks! :)

use-revolution mailing list

How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-18 Thread Brian K. Maher
Hi Folks,

I am trying to properly format the text in an 'answer ... as sheet' 
command.  I need to message text to conform to OS X's UI guidelines 
which state that the 'message text' should use the emphasized bold 
system font and the 'informative text' should use the small system 
font.  Below is my command so far but the fonts don't seem to be 

answer warning font face='Lucida Grande' size='13'bmessage 
text/bbrbr/fontfont face='Lucida Grande' size='11'informative 
text/font with Continue as sheet

Can anyone help me get this working properly?

Thanks, Brian

use-revolution mailing list

Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread Michael Young
Hello experts,

I need some advice before I head down a path that may end in a dead end
since I am still an RR neophyte getting to know this tool.

I know the old saying about choosing the right tool for the job, however
while I have engineering degrees and programming experience in LabVIEW, C,
Pascal on IBM mainframe, PEP assembler and etc. I am currently a hobbyist
who does not have the time to learn and use multiple tools so I subscribe to
the theory of learning one hammer really well and turning everything into a
nail. :-) (For example, I previously used LabVIEW to create simple HTML
files by pulling files from various local hard drive directories that for
those of you who know LIVE probably seems silly, but it worked well. I
viewed myself as inventive not crazy. :-) ) So, is RR a reasonable database
tool substitute for an application like Filemaker Pro on Macintosh OS X to
create simple databases (single user with hundreds of new records per month
and sometimes simple file i/o for pdf storage and display retrieval)? If so,
where can I find the best practice examples on how to develop such
databases (I have already worked through the tutorial database)? If not,
what database management system is suggested? (I do not want to start a
flame war, but I simply do not like FMP.)

Thanks in advance for your input,


use-revolution mailing list

How do I export an image (bitmap) to the clipboard?

2003-08-18 Thread Graham Samuel
I notice that when I copy an image using the Edit/Copy menu in the 
IDE, it does 'Copy Objects', but external graphic editors can't see 
the contents of the clip. How can I export the bitmap part of an 
image object, apart from taking a snapshot of the screen and editing 


 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK  France
use-revolution mailing list

RE: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Graham Samuel
Thanks to Ken for his solution - looks good.

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 12:23:51 +0930, Monte Goulding 
  I've got a mainstack that the user is never supposed to see, and
  which should not be at the front. It's just an anchor for all my
What do you mean by anchor? Why do you need to open the stack at all if it's
always invisible to the user?
It's the stack with all the startup logic and it's the root of all 
the common handlers for the rest of the app, plus it contains private 
debugging info (I have a kind of tracer/timer routine that shows the 
progress of certain events in a field I can look at during 
development). Since it's the mainstack, it opens automatically when 
the app starts. I may have designed my app in a stupid way from the 
RunRev point of view, but I got some of these ideas from SuperCard 
and they've stuck...

BTW, I suggested in my previous post that to solve my problem I could 
position the stack off screen. Turns out that the IDE doesn't give 
you this choice for a mainstack - the size data is there in the Stack 
Inspector, but the position data is not shown. Maybe the thing has to 
appear at the screenLoc. This is not documented AFAIK.

 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK  France
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Determining if a player is showing an image or movie.

2003-08-18 Thread miscdas
Monte Goulding writes: 

Hi All 

I'm wondering if there is a way to work out if a player is currently shoing
an image or movie file 


Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)

It isn't exactly clear what you want. Assuming you actually want to know if 
the movie is playing, use the movie() function 

Returns a list of the curently playing videoClip objects, or none if  no 
movies are playing. 


use-revolution mailing list

Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Mathewson
So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following...

RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility


I am a graduate student (Abertay, IT) supporting wife and 2
kids on an SAAS grant.

I have contributed extensively to the RR developer

Authored one of the first full CD-ROMs using RR !.!.1 (not
had any money from that) now used in high-schools
throughout Scotland.

I have no money (NO MONEY)I cannot contribute to RR
if there is no 10-code edition

I cannot even start developing with 2.1 with a view to
buying a license if I get a decent job after my MSc course

Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/

Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Richmond,

welcome back...

So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following...
RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility

Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/
Richmond Mathewson

Hmm, you hit the nail on the head in your matchless way... ;-)

RR has a new price scheme, and it looks like the StarterKit has no 
place in it...

You also missed some heavy threads on this topic.
(Looks like not many people like this...)
Fact is, they won't change it anymore (will they?)...

Sorry that we don't have better news for you... :-(


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-18 Thread Heather Williams
 Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 15:51:28 +0200
 Hi Heather,
 I write this quesiton to the list because it can show interests for
 much Revolution users :
 Will you be present at the Apple Expo in Paris as previous year ??

If you mean me, personally, no I won't be attending this year. Whether
Runtime will be there or not I think has not yet been decided. We'll
certainly let the list know if we're going to attend,




Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Shao Sean
i got my start writing my SMTP library in the start-kit as
well.. if it wasn't for a few nice people on this list who
were kind enough to do the compiles, it would have probably
stayed in that spaghetti-code form..

the 10-line limit is nice to play around in, and as such, i
stick with 1.1 and 2.0.. the new updates in 2.1 don't really
do too much for me (i develop on windows and making
libraries, i don't really care about the new interface

here's to the new revolution ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread FlexibleLearning
 is RR a reasonable database tool substitute for an application like Filemaker Pro on
 Macintosh OS X to create simple databases 

Absolutely yes, Michael. Main disclaimer is multi-user simultaneous access or very large numbers of records, at which point the 'hard-end features' of RR are needed (SQL, Oracle, Valentina etc). And one day I, too, shall venture into these murky waters. Until then I prefer to keep sane (-ish) ;)


Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Wolfgang M. Bereuter
On Sunday, Aug 17, 2003, at 21:06 Europe/Vienna, Bill Vlahos wrote:


Does this mean that you own the fonts? Are they for sale to include in 
other programs?

Assuming they are, can the same font be attached to the 
application/stack and work on both Mac and Windows without the user 
having to install the font?

Bill Vlahos

Thats exactly THE question! Very interesting...
pls Dan, answer to that..;)
Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Learn easy with trainingsmaps©
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MacOS X Stack Name Anomalies

2003-08-18 Thread Rob Cozens
In Revolution, in the Preferences menu, Files  Memory tab, you can 
ask to add .rev extension to file on MacOs.
Thanks,  Thierry...

I'll check it out.
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread Rob Cozens
is RR a reasonable database
tool substitute for an application like Filemaker Pro on Macintosh OS X to
create simple databases
Hi Michael,

If you don't need Q, then SDB will do:

A client/server version is on the way.
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Bill Vlahos

This is one of the rudest posts I've seen in a long time.

Runtime Revolution is a business. Their mission is not to provide you 
with a free development environment forever which it sounds like they 
have done for you so far. Unless they can generate sales they will not 
be able to stay in business and provide any tools to anyone.

There is a $75 special on the Express version which is good until the 
end of this month. If that is still too much money, (and I can 
appreciate that it might be for you now) then you can continue to use 
your free 2.0.1 version forever and be ready to buy 2.1 when you get a 

Bill Vlahos

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:49  AM, Mathewson wrote:

So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following...
RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility


I am a graduate student (Abertay, IT) supporting wife and 2
kids on an SAAS grant.
I have contributed extensively to the RR developer
Authored one of the first full CD-ROMs using RR !.!.1 (not
had any money from that) now used in high-schools
throughout Scotland.
I have no money (NO MONEY)I cannot contribute to RR
if there is no 10-code edition
I cannot even start developing with 2.1 with a view to
buying a license if I get a decent job after my MSc course
Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/

use-revolution mailing list

RE: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Ken Norris
Graham, Ken, Monte, et al,

 Subject: RE: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?
 Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 22:42:48 -0500
 I think what Graham was saying is that he has an invisible mainstack
 that contains a bunch of substacks that he wants to open and display.
 But he doesn't want to show the mainstack itself; only its substacks.
Why not set the first card of the mainstack as a splash image at startup,
then send the mainstack offscreen and open your substacks at specified
locations. This way, the user won't know the splash is part of it, will
never see it after it departs the screen area, will stay open because the
user can't accidentally close it.

My piddling $ .02.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Alex Rice
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:49  AM, Mathewson wrote:

Calm down man.

I understand your current situation leaves no money for software.

Revolution starter used to be Gratis, but is no longer. It was never 
Free, in the sense of Liberty, Free Software, Free Beer. Why do you now 
take this as a personal affront?

Have you thought of applying for a grant to pay for your software 
development? If you are writing multimedia software in an educational 
setting, and not being compensated at least for materials needed, then 
it seems there are a lot of foundations and programs that would grant 
you a stipend for that.

However the tone of your post leaves me with little sympathy. If your 
situation will be like this for the long term, maybe you should use an 
Open Source programming environment like... Python, Ruby or 
Squeak-Smalltalk? Open Source tools are guaranteed to remain Free, as 
long as there is a maintainer.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MacOS X Stack Name Anomalies

2003-08-18 Thread Alex Rice
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 10:59  AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

Does OS 10.2 support invisible file name extensions? How can I fix 
I see the answer to the first question is Yes
Just curious: what do you mean by invisible file name extensions. Is 
this something the Finder displays/hides?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Non-greedy regex?

2003-08-18 Thread Jim Witte

  I want to scan a long chunk of multiline text and extract all lines 
that contain the string gClassMangle (in the form of '__##classname' 
where ## is the length of the class name).  I'm was trying to use the 
following script -  the basic idea is to find the first match, get it, 
then delete everything up to and including it from the text and repeat.

put __  tClassLength  gClassName into gClassMangle
put (\n([^_]*)  gClassMangle  ([^\n]*)\n) into tPatter
  repeat forever
put empty into startMatch
put empty into endMatch
if matchChunk(gJumpText, tPattern, startMatach, endMatch) then
  get char startMatch to endMatch of gJumpText
answer it
  delete char 1 to endMatch of gJumpText
exit repeat
   end if
end repeat
  But it was matching everything from the beginning of the text to the 
end of the first match.  I realized this was because it was doing a 
greedy match (as regex is), and so didn't just match from the nearest 
return character (beginning of the line), but from the first return 
character (beginning of the text).

  Is there an elegant way (without having to count back characters and 
such from endMatch) to get matchChunk to do what I want and do a 
non-greedy match?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Non-greedy regex?

2003-08-18 Thread Alex Rice
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 09:23  AM, Jim Witte wrote:

  Is there an elegant way (without having to count back characters and 
such from endMatch) to get matchChunk to do what I want and do a 
non-greedy match?
Just a couple of ideas - gotta run.

1) use replaceText instead?
2) Don't put the \n explicitly, use ^ and $ to anchor the match to the 
start or end of the line. It may not be necessary to anchor it at all.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image paste

2003-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/18/03 1:26 AM, Andrew wrote:

When I paste an image on a card (again, its rect appears as big as the 
whole card, no matter the size of the image), and then I paste a second 
image on the same card, the second image seems to become part of the 
first one.  What can I do to make the two images separate objects?
When you paste an image from the clipboard, Rev opens the painting tools 
and creates a new image object. The default size of an image object is 
the size of the card. After that, whenever you click in the image with a 
painting tool, the image is opened for editing. That's why a second 
paste places the new image inside the old one.

To create separate image objects which are automatically sized only as 
large as the image content, use Import as control in the File menu to 
bring in an image from a file on disk.

If your images are not files on disk, you can still paste from the 
clipboard. But after you have created an image object this way, you will 
need to use a script to resize the image object to the formattedWidth 
and formattedHeight of the object. That will make it smaller. Then when 
you do the second paste, be sure not to click inside the first image (so 
you won't accidentally open it for editing.) Click elsewhere on the card 
before pasting, and the second paste should create a new image object -- 
which you will also want to resize, since it too will be as large as the 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Mathewson
Yes, Alex Rice, you are quite right: my message is
extremely rude!  I did not enjoy writing ithowever
there are one or 2 points..

1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
not FREE can work in both directions.

There has certainly been the impression of a 'community' -
now one of the shortcomings of RR is the lack of an
adequate manual that will serve the needs of new
programmers - the use-lists, to a certain extent, serve
that purpose.  However
if users are writing the manual (so to speak) should they
not have some benefit from it?

The concept of a community where people give freely of
their time and effort to contribute to building something
(in this case a knowledge base) seems directly the opposite
of a
commercial enterprise.  I understood that the Runtime
Revolution team were doing something admirable; an attempt
to combine both concepts in what we might like to term a
third way or enlightened commercialism.

However, the removal of the 'free' version of RR does away
with this image and leave us with raw commercialism.  So
henceforward words like RR developer community will sound
a bit hollow.

I have been repeatedly encouraged in my comments to the
use-list and contributions both to the developer contribs
page and on my own small website by both RR staff members
and by other use-list members; and that made me feel part
of a 'community' in which at least some of my stuff was

I have always made it explicit that I could not afford a
license (I do not develop software for anybody at the
moment) this did not stop anybody encouraging me.

The reason why I feel f***ed off is because I will no
longer be able to contribute very successfully to the
use-list or the developer contribs page being unable to
have proper access to future RR builds.

2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
prent of one of the children who had previously recieved

All very sad, Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Wolfgang M. Bereuter
On Monday, Aug 18, 2003, at 11:14 Europe/Vienna, Graham Samuel wrote:

It's the stack with all the startup logic and it's the root of all the 
common handlers for the rest of the app, plus it contains private 
debugging info (I have a kind of tracer/timer routine that shows the 
progress of certain events in a field I can look at during 
development). Since it's the mainstack, it opens automatically when 
the app starts. I may have designed my app in a stupid way from the 
RunRev point of view, but I got some of these ideas from SuperCard and 
they've stuck...

Make a splash screen only to click on to start. And hide the mainstack 
in the data folder with all the other stuff. The splash screen should 
not do more than start and work as you say as an anchor for the real 
stacks in the data folder.  If you dont know how to do I cant help you 
more but I know who can help you with that problem, because he showed 
me once how to do that: Klaus Major!! I would drop him a line offlist...
Dont know if that helps...

Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Learn easy with trainingsmaps©
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539
use-revolution mailing list

RE: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #1783 - 17 msgs

2003-08-18 Thread Michael Young
Thank you for the warning and potential need to Valentina, etc.

Michael Young

  is RR a reasonable database tool substitute for an application like 
 Filemaker Pro on
  Macintosh OS X to create simple databases 
 Absolutely yes, Michael. Main disclaimer is multi-user 
 simultaneous access or 
 very large numbers of records, at which point the 'hard-end 
 features' of RR 
 are needed (SQL, Oracle, Valentina etc). And one day I, too, 
 shall venture into 
 these murky waters. Until then I prefer to keep sane (-ish) ;)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Alex Rice
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:44  AM, Mathewson wrote:

1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
not FREE can work in both directions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but RR starter ed. was never FREE. It was 
_gratis_. There is a difference.

My feeling is: that RR is a business does not detract from the quality 
of this forum.

2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
prent of one of the children who had previously recieved
That's a bizarre analogy. Ask any drug dealer; the first one is always 
free. I wouldn't compare RR to heroin OR orange juice though.

What about my suggestions: 1) apply for a grant to pay for your 
commercial software, or 2) use Open-Source software instead.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Unable to switch to version 2.

2003-08-18 Thread taillade
Le mercredi, 13 aoû 2003, à 21:57 Europe/Paris, 

Hi Michel,

What i expect is that this problem could be relative to the way the
Rev/MC 2.5 engine works under MacOSX to reopen 1.1.1 stacks issues, not
in about your stack it-self.
If needed, i can test your stack under Linux, where there are never
problems in reopening such kind of stacks. If your problem don't 
here, you will then have to fill a request to bugzella. Else i will 
an eye to your code. If you want, send me the stack in a .zip or 
and i will let you know how it goes.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Thank you Pierre for your nice proposition,

In fact I prepared a limited version ( 3 stacks) of my application and 
tested it  before to send it to you.
Surprise, it was working on version 2.0., and ... there was no reason 
to send it to you.
I returned to the original application which has around 50 identical 
stacks and was working  perfectly since 10 years on Hypercard first  
and after on
version 1.1.1. and still now ...
These identical stacks are based on a unique start using stack storing 
all the handlers and each one has the minimum, just a function, within 
on preopenstack, on openstack etc  referring to the start using 
Among the fifty identical stacks, I found that 2 were refusing to open 
(those who were the most used of course)

You must know that the difficulties were not limited to the 
impossibility to open these stacks, in fact each time I  passed through 
these stacks  it was followed (sometimes with a delay) by the crash of 
the Revolution distribution  which refused to reopen after and stayed 
Thank to that I had the chance to became one of the best re-loaders 
(perhaps in the world) of Revolution version 2  with 300 to 400 reloads 
in 3 months.
I asked the technical support for help but they are so slow ... I am 
still waiting an answer since near two weeks.

By chance (after 3 months I am not so sure it is chance ..) I noticed 
that these 2 stacks were accepting to open when using:
- lock messages
- open stack 
The way was found, I rewrote the handlers to avoid to use on 
preopenstack,  openstack and closestack.
And it works  on version 2.00...

I am happy of course on one side, on the other I am hungry for these 
days and days lost.
I am obliged to think that Revolution is far to be as ready as is it 
said and I am afraid with the coming version 2.1.

Yes I bought it . because it was one potential solution to my 
Thank you Pierre and also Jan  who tried to help me ... and good luck 
to those coming from Hypercard or from version 1.1.1.  Who knows ?

Michel Taillade
PS: I have no possibility to be to Apple Expo in september, it is a 
pity ... Next year probably.
I was there last year and met Kevin Miller and Frederic Rinaldi ...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 06:18  AM, Brian K. Maher wrote:

answer warning font face='Lucida Grande' size='13'bmessage 
text/bbrbr/fontfont face='Lucida Grande' 
size='11'informative text/font with Continue as sheet
from the docs:

If the prompt contains p or a start/end tag pair, the answer command 
assumes the text is in the same format as the htmlText property. 
Otherwise, the answer command assumes the text is plain text.

I got this to work:
answer  warning pfont size=18message text/font/pbrbrfont 
face=Arial size=12informative text/font/br/br with Continue 
as sheet

I dropped the single quote marks. I nested the p/p tags. Empty 
space in attributes are not allowed in SGML and consequently HTML. I'm 
not sure about Transcript. I'm thinking that setting the answer 
textFont to Lucida Grande first, somehow might make multiple fonts 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mathewson wrote:

 1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
 consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
 not FREE can work in both directions.

They could indeed consider this but are the obligated to do so?  What if
they choose not to?

 There has certainly been the impression of a 'community' -
 now one of the shortcomings of RR is the lack of an
 adequate manual that will serve the needs of new
 programmers - the use-lists, to a certain extent, serve
 that purpose.  However
 if users are writing the manual (so to speak) should they
 not have some benefit from it?

Your choice of the term inadequate is subjective -- extensive
documentation is included in the package.  Users are not writing the manual,
they are expounding on it, to provide additional help and insights for other
users, a labor which one might call community.

 The concept of a community where people give freely of
 their time and effort to contribute to building something
 (in this case a knowledge base) seems directly the opposite
 of a
 commercial enterprise.  I understood that the Runtime
 Revolution team were doing something admirable; an attempt
 to combine both concepts in what we might like to term a
 third way or enlightened commercialism.

You appear to be saying that commercial enterprise and community cannot
coexist.  You might have a hard time justifying this point of view with the
online forums provided by every major software product in the world.

 However, the removal of the 'free' version of RR does away
 with this image and leave us with raw commercialism.  So
 henceforward words like RR developer community will sound
 a bit hollow.

I think many folks would argue that they would rather have a hollow
community than no community at all.

 I have been repeatedly encouraged in my comments to the
 use-list and contributions both to the developer contribs
 page and on my own small website by both RR staff members
 and by other use-list members; and that made me feel part
 of a 'community' in which at least some of my stuff was

Until now, none of this had changed.

 I have always made it explicit that I could not afford a
 license (I do not develop software for anybody at the
 moment) this did not stop anybody encouraging me.

Are you suggesting you are owed something because you cannot afford a
license?  Is anything preventing you from using what you currently have to
make contributions?

 The reason why I feel f***ed off is because I will no
 longer be able to contribute very successfully to the
 use-list or the developer contribs page being unable to
 have proper access to future RR builds.

Again, you can continue to use what you have to create whatever
contributions you wish. If you feel you are owed proper access to future
RR builds, I would suggest taking this up with the RunRev folks privately,
the folks who enact the policies, instead of hurling your accusations at
listmembers who are not part of your situation.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/18/03 9:44 AM, Mathewson wrote:

1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
not FREE can work in both directions.
You will excuse my bluntness, but I am responding to the tone of your 
first message. While your contributions have been prolific and likely 
useful to some beginners, they are somewhat trivial. That is not to 
belittle your attempts, but merely to point out that perhaps your 
contributions do not entirely pay for a perpetual free version of 

There has certainly been the impression of a 'community' -
now one of the shortcomings of RR is the lack of an
adequate manual that will serve the needs of new
programmers - the use-lists, to a certain extent, serve
that purpose.  However
if users are writing the manual (so to speak) should they
not have some benefit from it?
Revolution contains some of the best documentation in the business. I 
would hardly say that the users here are writing the docs, particularly 
after seeing up close and personal how much work Jeanne has put into 
them. What I do see more often than not on this list are people pointing 
out to others *where* in the docs to find the information they need.

The docs are constantly being reorganized and improved, but the content 
is consistently exemplary. I have seen very few instances where what is 
asked here is not available already to anyone who choses to use the 
search plug-in to find it.

The concept of a community where people give freely of
their time and effort to contribute to building something
(in this case a knowledge base) seems directly the opposite
of a
commercial enterprise.
The crucial point you sail right over, of course, is that Runtime *is* a 
commercial enterprise. This is the crux of the matter for me, as a 
professional developer. I have seen other x-talk tools disappear or 
dwindle to obscurity. I have placed my company's future squarely in the 
hands of Runtime and if they do not succeed then neither do I.

I applaud any steps the company may take to plug the leaks in their 
financial future. You are bitter because someone took away your free 
toy. I say tough. I have paid for my copies of MetaCard in the past, and 
now I pay for my copies of Revolution. Runtime's current discount prices 
are so beyond reasonable that I worry about their viability.

I want this company to succeed. I want x-talk to be around forever. The 
30-day trial is a good way for newcomers to test the software to see if 
it meets their needs. The intent of the original starter kit was the 
same; it was intended as a trial version. The fact that some people 
abused it and never did buy the software was intentionally overlooked 
for a while. You can't very well complain that a company who needs to 
make a profit to survive is now taking notice of these abuses.

However, the removal of the 'free' version of RR does away
with this image and leave us with raw commercialism.  So
henceforward words like RR developer community will sound
a bit hollow.
I assure you that those of us who own legitimate, paid licenses still 
feel very much part of this community. I hate to break it to you, but 
raw commercialism is what is going to keep this tool in the hands of 
users world-wide. Runtime isn't a large enough enterprise yet to be able 
to sustain any amount of monetary leakage. It is naive to expect that a 
commercial company will continue to hand you free software forever. I 
say this with authority as a professional developer who runs a company 
based on raw commercialism. We have expenses, we have bills. If we 
don't pay our expenses, we lose our business. If that should ever happen 
to Runtime, you'd lose your free software anyway -- and what is worse, 
the rest of us who did pay for it would also be left with nothing.

Frankly, I can't understand your attitude. You should be grateful for 
the free ride you've had so far.

The reason why I feel f***ed off is because I will no
longer be able to contribute very successfully to the
use-list or the developer contribs page being unable to
have proper access to future RR builds.
My heart bleeds for you. The rest of us have paid. When you get a job, 
you can buy software too. Meanwhile, use the starter kit you already 
have and stop looking your gift horse in the mouth.

You aren't the only one who feels like using unprintable words here.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Richard Gaskin
Mathewson wrote:

 Yes, Alex Rice, you are quite right: my message is
 extremely rude!  I did not enjoy writing it...

Then why put yourself through that?

If your major were in communications that style would carry you far, but
only if you want a job in American foreign policy negotation.  ;)

 1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
 consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
 not FREE can work in both directions.

Perhaps it might.  Had you considered writing a brief professional request
to RunRev directly before napalming the list?

Or better, since your school is deriving value from Rev and your good work
with it, might they find a way to finance a US$79 license?   They'd be
supporting the local economy at the same time.

 2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
 workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
 children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
 in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
 demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
 prent of one of the children who had previously recieved

The privilege of obtaining higher education at a good university is an
unimaginable dream for the sort of person your anecdote describes.

While the choice of pursuing upward mobility through such a degree does
carry its share of temporary hardships, bringing that story into the
conversation trivializes the abject poverty of the third world.

Nearly half of the world's people live every day of their short lives
without enough to eat.  Some of these people are here in the States, and
perhaps some in your community as well.

I'll wager that even the most resource-strapped university spends more on
catering a reception for a visiting lecturer than the cost of a Rev license.
Perhaps the business school could do a quick ROI calculation for the
purchasing department

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Non-greedy regex?

2003-08-18 Thread Ken Ray
Is there an elegant way (without having to count back 
 characters and 
 such from endMatch) to get matchChunk to do what I want and do a 
 non-greedy match?

Yes. There are two ways. If you just want a certain match to be
ungreedy, you can follow it with a ?, so something like:

  the (.*?) named

would find the first matched word between the and named. So in the

  the man named Jack spoke to the woman named Jill

it would find man, not woman (whereas 'the (.*) named' would be
greedy and find woman).

The second way is if you NEVER want it to be greedy in ANY match. In
this case, put (?U) before your pattern. So you'd have:

  put (?U)(\n([^_]*)  gClassMangle  ([^\n]*)\n) into tPattern

Hope this makes sense,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Non-greedy regex?

2003-08-18 Thread Ken Ray
One other suggestion... the docs for PCRE (the underlying regex engine
in Rev) is at:

Have fun!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Witte
 Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 10:23 AM
 Subject: Non-greedy regex?
I want to scan a long chunk of multiline text and extract 
 all lines 
 that contain the string gClassMangle (in the form of 
 where ## is the length of the class name).  I'm was trying to use the 
 following script -  the basic idea is to find the first 
 match, get it, 
 then delete everything up to and including it from the text 
 and repeat.
 put __  tClassLength  gClassName into gClassMangle
 put (\n([^_]*)  gClassMangle  ([^\n]*)\n) into tPatter
repeat forever
  put empty into startMatch
  put empty into endMatch
  if matchChunk(gJumpText, tPattern, startMatach, endMatch) then
get char startMatch to endMatch of gJumpText
   answer it
delete char 1 to endMatch of gJumpText
   exit repeat
 end if
 end repeat
But it was matching everything from the beginning of the 
 text to the 
 end of the first match.  I realized this was because it was doing a 
 greedy match (as regex is), and so didn't just match from the nearest 
 return character (beginning of the line), but from the first return 
 character (beginning of the text).
Is there an elegant way (without having to count back 
 characters and 
 such from endMatch) to get matchChunk to do what I want and do a 
 non-greedy match?
 use-revolution mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On 8/18/03 9:44 AM, Mathewson wrote:

The reason why I feel f***ed off is because I will no
longer be able to contribute very successfully to the
use-list or the developer contribs page being unable to
have proper access to future RR builds.
I looked at your 179 contributions. This one lets me know that you have 
at least enough to get styled in Revolution T-shirt clad. Or perhaps 
I'm wrong and you couldn't really have been able to purchase one and 
all you wanted to do was soapbox your objection to American currency.

 Message: 8
 From: Mathewson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: T-shirts and the Americans
 Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 08:27:25 -0500

 Some of us are Scots (RunRev, is, after all, a Scottish
 thing!) and wonder why we have to order T-shirts from 'over
 there' - can we not order them from somewhere over here in
 Pounds Sterling, or, heaven forfend, Euros ?

 Richmond Mathewson
Ideally, yes. However, I have not yet turned up an equivalent service to
CafePress in the UK. If anyone can come up with a suitable site, which 
allow me to upload the images, offers a shop for our customers, and 
care of the order fulfilment, I will be more than happy to open an 
with them.

Likewise, for our Australian users, if you can show me a shop, I'll be 
to upload.

... Heather

use-revolution mailing list

[OT]Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread miscdas
Bill Vlahos writes:

This is one of the rudest posts I've seen in a long time.
Bill Vlahos 

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:49  AM, Mathewson wrote: 

So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following... 

RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility 


Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/ 

Richmond Mathewson

Did it top my best? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT]Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 10:41  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Did it top my best?
Yes, you are no longer the golden boy :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread James Lewes
I would like to put my three cents in.

I have never found the folks at Revolution, or on this list, to be 
rude, selfish or unhelpful. So I am always amazed when people seem to 
get upset at them. We should never forget, that compared to Adobe, 
Macromedia, Microsoft or Apple, Revolution are a cottage industry 
located in a digital croft. Despite this, compared to  Adobe, 
Macromedia, Microsoft or Apple the folks at Revolution are doing their 
best to produce a product that is not only cross platform, but which 
responds to all our needs.

I know this does not specifically respond to any of Mathewson's 
critiques of the company and it's product, but I would like to not in 
closing that the reason aid workers had to go to Ethiopia in the first 
place was because the most productive farmland there is actually 
controlled by European agribusiness concerns, so the Ethiopian forced 
into having to beg for handouts had every right to get pissed off.


On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:12  PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Mathewson wrote:

Yes, Alex Rice, you are quite right: my message is
extremely rude!  I did not enjoy writing it...
Then why put yourself through that?

If your major were in communications that style would carry you far, 
only if you want a job in American foreign policy negotation.  ;)

1.  If RR is a commercial enterprise then it might like to
consider rewarding developer contribs: the idea of FREE or
not FREE can work in both directions.
Perhaps it might.  Had you considered writing a brief professional 
to RunRev directly before napalming the list?

Or better, since your school is deriving value from Rev and your good 
with it, might they find a way to finance a US$79 license?   They'd be
supporting the local economy at the same time.

2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
prent of one of the children who had previously recieved
The privilege of obtaining higher education at a good university is an
unimaginable dream for the sort of person your anecdote describes.
While the choice of pursuing upward mobility through such a degree does
carry its share of temporary hardships, bringing that story into the
conversation trivializes the abject poverty of the third world.
Nearly half of the world's people live every day of their short lives
without enough to eat.  Some of these people are here in the States, 
perhaps some in your community as well.

I'll wager that even the most resource-strapped university spends more 
catering a reception for a visiting lecturer than the cost of a Rev 
Perhaps the business school could do a quick ROI calculation for the
purchasing department

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Use Tuviah Snyder's EXT external to 'load' and 'unload' arbitrary 
fonts to make sure they are available, irrespective of the user's  
installed fonts.
Where is info on this?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: PCRE Regex

2003-08-18 Thread FlexibleLearning



RE: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-18 Thread Ken Ray
  Use Tuviah Snyder's EXT external to 'load' and 'unload' arbitrary
  fonts to make sure they are available, irrespective of the user's  
  installed fonts.
 Where is info on this?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: PCRE Regex

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Skip down 10% to get to the regex part.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: PCRE Regex

2003-08-18 Thread Ken Ray
Ouch indeed, but definitive! :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: PCRE  Regex




use-revolution mailing list

DB Access in standalones

2003-08-18 Thread Devin Asay
I am building a standalone for OS X 10.2.6 (Rev v. 2.0.2, Commercial 
Enterprise license). The app uses database calls to a mysql database on 
my file server. In the development environment it works perfectly. I 
built an OS X distribution, taking care to include the db libraries. 
However, the standalone does not successfully contact the database. 
Instead I get a revdberr, invalid database type. (I chose to include 
error messages during distribution building.

One puzzling thing: The standalone gets built with two folders in the 
same folder as the application package: database_drivers and 
revdb.bundle. I thought this was strange, because I'd understood that 
the db libraries were supposed to be put into the app package. So I 
moved them into the package. Now when I launch the app and try to 
connect to the database, it still fails, but I don't get the error 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-18 Thread Toma Tasovac
as far as i remember, load font was available only for windows, so it 
won't solve the cross-platform font problem that has been discussed 
here.  or am i wrong?

Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 21:32 Uhr schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't know anything about attaching fonts to an application.  I 
 include the fonts in my installer.  And this works fine [for me].

Use Tuviah Snyder's EXT external to 'load' and 'unload' arbitrary 
fonts to make sure they are available, irrespective of the user's  
installed fonts.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:03 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Use Tuviah Snyder's EXT external to 'load' and 'unload' arbitrary
fonts to make sure they are available, irrespective of the user's 
installed fonts.
Where is info on this?
Thanks!  I read this as indicating the ability to load fonts is in the 
Windows version only.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 06:45 AM, Wolfgang M. Bereuter wrote:

Assuming they are, can the same font be attached to the 
application/stack and work on both Mac and Windows without the user 
having to install the font?
Thats exactly THE question! Very interesting...
I have heard of embedded fonts.  Not just acrobat and web, but also 
applications and documents on several operating systems.  I'd like to 
learn more of this.

Just having look-the-same fonts for multiple operating system and 
installing them might work.

Having those stuffed in custom properties and then birthed and 
installed with shell or AppleScript would be cool if a restart is not 
needed or anything like that.

Even cooler would be having three fonts built into the engine and they 
look the same on whatever platform.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 11:03 AM, Dan Friedman wrote:

serif, and
What?  No fixed-pitch, too?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Graham Samuel
Not to extend this at any length, but just to say that I'm with 
Jacque and others in supporting the RunRev guys. Her point is key:
I want this company to succeed. I want x-talk to be around forever.
I had to scratch around to pay for my first licence, and I admit I 
even grumbled a bit when comparing the price with other tools I'd 
used, but the above point is so important that I soon realised that 
it was a fair price since it gave RunRev a chance to stay in business.

Back to work.


 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK  France
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-18 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Devin Asay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am building a standalone for OS X 10.2.6 (Rev v.
 2.0.2, Commercial 
 Enterprise license). The app uses database calls to
 a mysql database on 
 my file server. In the development environment it
 works perfectly. I 
 built an OS X distribution, taking care to include
 the db libraries. 
 However, the standalone does not successfully
 contact the database. 
 Instead I get a revdberr, invalid database type. (I
 chose to include 
 error messages during distribution building.
 One puzzling thing: The standalone gets built with
 two folders in the 
 same folder as the application package:
 database_drivers and 
 revdb.bundle. I thought this was strange, because
 I'd understood that 
 the db libraries were supposed to be put into the
 app package. So I 
 moved them into the package. Now when I launch the
 app and try to 
 connect to the database, it still fails, but I don't
 get the error 
 Can anyone point me in the right direction?
 Devin Asay

Hi Devin,

You might want to check out the Transcript dictionary
entry for the 'revSetDatabaseDriverPath' command.
If that doesn't cut it, insert an 'answer' with all
your connection parameters to make sure they're up to

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

RE: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Graham Samuel
On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 08:08:43 -0400, Ken Norris 
Why not set the first card of the mainstack as a splash image at startup,
then send the mainstack offscreen and open your substacks at specified
locations. This way, the user won't know the splash is part of it, will
never see it after it departs the screen area, will stay open because the
user can't accidentally close it.

and Wolfgang M. Bereuter wrote:

Make a splash screen only to click on to start. And hide the mainstack
in the data folder with all the other stuff...

Yes, that's what I should have done. But with a deadline approaching 
and many hours of scripting and testing behind me, I didn't want to 
reorganise my app at this particular moment. The next one is already 
being constructed on the lines suggested.

I have solved the problem for now using Richard Gaskin's point that
If you use a preOpenStack handler in the card script you should be able to
do anything you like before the mainstack is drawn.
once I got used to the idea that the preOpenStack goes to the card 
first and then the stack.

Anyway crisis over for now and the beta has been sent off. Thanks to all.

 Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK  France
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Michael Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello experts,
 I need some advice before I head down a path that
 may end in a dead end
 since I am still an RR neophyte getting to know this
 I know the old saying about choosing the right tool
 for the job, however
 while I have engineering degrees and programming
 experience in LabVIEW, C,
 Pascal on IBM mainframe, PEP assembler and etc. I am
 currently a hobbyist
 who does not have the time to learn and use multiple
 tools so I subscribe to
 the theory of learning one hammer really well and
 turning everything into a
 nail. :-) (For example, I previously used LabVIEW to
 create simple HTML
 files by pulling files from various local hard drive
 directories that for
 those of you who know LIVE probably seems silly, but
 it worked well. I
 viewed myself as inventive not crazy. :-) ) So, is
 RR a reasonable database
 tool substitute for an application like Filemaker
 Pro on Macintosh OS X to
 create simple databases (single user with hundreds
 of new records per month
 and sometimes simple file i/o for pdf storage and
 display retrieval)? If so,
 where can I find the best practice examples on how
 to develop such
 databases (I have already worked through the
 tutorial database)? If not,
 what database management system is suggested? (I do
 not want to start a
 flame war, but I simply do not like FMP.)
 Thanks in advance for your input,

Hi Michael,

As you're looking for an elaborate yet easy-to-use
general-purpose development tool, Revolution is an
excellent candidate.

If you only need Windows and MacOS support, Valentina
is a wonderful companion as you only need single-user
The best part is that if you don't use any
database-specific SQL-extensions, you can take your
code and hook it up to MySQL, PostgreSQL or any
ODBC-enabled database, and all you have to do is
change the connection parameters.

The built-in query manager and its database-linked
fields, checkboxes and option-menus make it easy to
hook your stacks up to an SQL database, with a minimum
of scripting effort required.
Some people even use Revolution in conjunction with
FileMaker Pro : you'll get all the flexibility of a
complete scripting language, along with the power of
one of the easiest databases to setup and maintain.

As for tutorials, have a look at the Revolution
Developer Central - User contributions :
Direct link to Tuviah Snyder's Database Examples :

And Sarah Reichelt has some fine examples on how to
hook up Revolution to MySQL ; check out her site :

Last but not least, a great alternative to all the SQL
databases, is Serendipity Database - Binary ; written
entirely in Transcript ; works seamlessly across the
11 Revolution-supported platforms ; can be completely
embedded in your applications.
Then again, the author Rob Cozens already gave you a
link, so you may have downloaded it and played around
a bit ; I mainly wanted to endorse it :-)

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/18/03 3:04 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

One puzzling thing: The standalone gets built with two folders in the 
same folder as the application package: database_drivers and 
revdb.bundle. I thought this was strange, because I'd understood that 
the db libraries were supposed to be put into the app package. So I 
moved them into the package. Now when I launch the app and try to 
connect to the database, it still fails, but I don't get the error message.
Is the externals property set to the right path? The externals property 
is relative to the application bundle, not the engine inside the 
Contents folder. That's probably why Rev puts it where you first found 
it. I believe Rev also tries to set the externals property during a 
build. If you moved the files, the path that Rev sets would no longer be 
accurate (and it produces a silent error in that case.)

This sounds a lot like the problems I've had loading externals, which 
has almost always been a problem with paths during startup. Also, if it 
applies, it seems to help to keep all the database calls in the 
mainstack rather than in substacks. There seems to be some problem with 
substacks that make calls to externals.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:44 AM, Mathewson wrote:

2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
prent of one of the children who had previously recieved
Whereas, I do sell services and do hope to sell products in the future, 
I will take this threat seriously and will take steps to make sure I 
never use your free advice.

Moreover, I would like to say to all that my comments on this list are 
absolutely free  have no strings attached and should any person 
actually pay attention to them (it could happen) and use them to make 
big bucks, I am very pleased.  That person owes me nothing, zip, nata, 
zero, nada, zilch.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

image resize 2

2003-08-18 Thread Andrew
An amendment to my last posting.
Mark Talluto had asked if my image was 72 dpi, because if so, the image 
would be sized
larger that it may have been intended when imported in to Rev.
Sorry, I don't know what the dpi of my image is.  I'm simply drawing it 
in the paint program of an application called Claris Works and 
copy-pasting it into Revolution.  But again, the size of the image is 
not being effected, but rather the rect of the image.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
In the old Hypercard, you could put FONT resources in the resource 
fork of the stack and they would be recognized by HC. It was a 
wonderful solution. We were told it wasn't 'kosher' to do that, but 
it worked great!!!

As the basic concept of fonts is not really platform specific, it 
seems like there should be some way to do this in Rev. Perhaps even a 
'special set' of fonts that could be included or sold separately.

 THE question! Very interesting...
I have heard of embedded fonts.  Not just acrobat and web, but also 
applications and documents on several operating systems.  I'd like 
to learn more of this.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread Todd Geist
On 8/18/03 3:07 PM, Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some people even use Revolution in conjunction with
 FileMaker Pro : you'll get all the flexibility of a
 complete scripting language, along with the power of
 one of the easiest databases to setup and maintain.

I'd be curious to know how people are accessing FileMaker Pro from Rev.




Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

web hosting ­ web design ­ application design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Printing fonts were selected by the user in my apps. I'm talking 
about display, labels, etc. I didn't use HC printing anyway, I used 

Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:

 In the old Hypercard, you could put FONT resources in the resource
 fork of the stack and they would be recognized by HC. It was a
 wonderful solution. We were told it wasn't 'kosher' to do that, but
 it worked great!!!
...until you printed, then (with System 7 and later) it crashed the machine.

 Richard Gaskin
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:44  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

Even cooler would be having three fonts built into the engine and they 
look the same on whatever platform.

Dar Scott
That would make a great feature upgrade.


use-revolution mailing list

image resize 2

2003-08-18 Thread Andrew
An amendment to my last posting.
Mark Talluto had asked if my image was 72 dpi, because if so, the image 
would be sized
larger that it may have been intended when imported in to Rev.
Sorry, I don't know what the dpi of my image is.  I'm simply drawing it 
in the paint program of an application called Claris Works and 
copy-pasting it into Revolution.  But again, the size of the image is 
not being effected, but rather the rect of the image.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Best way to set up an idle timer - The prize goes to...

2003-08-18 Thread Robert Brenstein
==start script sample (line wrapping alert!)
-- first of all, put into an otherwise unused script:
on mouseMove
  send resetLogout to stack chinpr
  pass mouseMove
end mouseMove
on rawKeyDown
  send resetLogout to stack chinpr
  pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown
-- then I put into my stack script:
on openStack
  -- my other openStack junk here
  insert the script of image PRbg1.jpg of stack chinpr into 
front -- this handles mouseMove and rawKeyDown
  resetLogout -- start the logout countdown
end openStack

on logoutQuery
  if the userPIN of this stack is not empty then
answer An appropriate prompt here. with Logout or Enter PIN...
if it is Enter PIN... then -- (user chose to continue)
ask Enter your PIN to continue the test.
if it is the userPIN of this stack then
  exit repeat
  answer information Incorrect PIN. Try Again or Logout? 
with Logout or Try Again
  if it is Logout then
go card menu of stack chinpr
exit repeat
  end if
end if
  end repeat
  exit logoutquery
else if it is Logout then -- (user chose to log out)
  go card menu of stack chinpr
  exit logoutQuery
end if
  end if
end logoutQuery

on resetLogout
  --  cancel item 1 of last line of the pendingMessages
  put the pendingMessages into pndgMsgs
  repeat for each line thisMsg in pndgMsgs
if item 3 of thisMsg contains logoutQuery then cancel item 1 of thisMsg
  end repeat
  send logoutQuery to stack chinpr in 5 * 60 seconds -- or 
whatever time period you want
end resetLogout

end script sample==

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
I am coming late to this thread. While the above solution works, 
there is an alternative approach that eliminates the need to deal 
with sending and fiddling with pending messages, assuming that you 
are after catching user doing nothing in the program because of 
leaving or talking on the phone or going to get coffee. The key 
element is to store a timestamp (easiest to use is the seconds 
function) of last activity in parallel to userPIN. The resetLogout 
function would then check whether the difference between current 
seconds and the last stored seconds is more than timeout threshold. 
If yes, it would call logoutQuery alse reset the timestamp to current 

Of course, a big functional difference is that with sending, you can 
display a logout dialog when the timeout threshold actually expires. 
Without sending, you would need to modify the dialog to say something 
like: due to xx minutes of inactivity you were logged out; enter your 
PIN to log in or click exit to leave the program. The user does not 
need to know that you are actually bluffing and will log him out only 

The plus of this solution is that it is not affected by computer sleeping.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread James Lewes
Can I have that in writing,  on the back of an extremely large check. 
Please make sure to have enough in your bank account to enable me to 
hire a body guard to protect me from the hitman you decided to hire and 
whack me.


On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:32  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:44 AM, Mathewson wrote:

2.  Rudeness...I remember hearing about some aid
workers in Ethiopia who gave out free orange juice to
children: the parents would come and help the aid workers
in a variety of ways.  Suddenly the aid workers started
demanding money for the juice - one of them was killed by a
prent of one of the children who had previously recieved
Whereas, I do sell services and do hope to sell products in the 
future, I will take this threat seriously and will take steps to make 
sure I never use your free advice.

Moreover, I would like to say to all that my comments on this list are 
absolutely free  have no strings attached and should any person 
actually pay attention to them (it could happen) and use them to make 
big bucks, I am very pleased.  That person owes me nothing, zip, nata, 
zero, nada, zilch.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 04:50 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

Wow. That's very cool. I would have struggled for many weeks longer 
than it took to add those optimizations to my rev_blowfish example. 
I'm real glad that I owe you nothing now. I didn't want to give you a 
free MTML publishing app anyway...
just kidding :-)
I would be very pleased to receive your gift of a free MTML publishing 
app.  And your free kidding is appreciated, too.  That is free, isn't 

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 03:55  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

I would be very pleased to receive your gift of a free MTML publishing 
app.  And your free kidding is appreciated, too.  That is free, isn't 

Dar Scott
No, now that I think this transaction over. That will be 2 cents please 
and would you please send that by private secure currier ASAP.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: image resize 2

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Talluto
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 11:33 PM, Andrew wrote:

An amendment to my last posting.
Mark Talluto had asked if my image was 72 dpi, because if so, the 
image would be sized
larger that it may have been intended when imported in to Rev.
Sorry, I don't know what the dpi of my image is.  I'm simply drawing 
it in the paint program of an application called Claris Works and 
copy-pasting it into Revolution.  But again, the size of the image is 
not being effected, but rather the rect of the image.


When the image is imported into Rev, does it look pixelated?  If not, 
then the dpi must be greater than 72.  If it does appear jaggy, then 
Rev is stretching it out form some reason.  I am not sure why, but it 
is easy to fix with formattedWidth and formattedHeight.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image resize 2

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Clarisworks/Appleworks allows one to set the dpi of the painting.

Select FormatResolution  Depth

the default is 72 dpi

An amendment to my last posting.
Mark Talluto had asked if my image was 72 dpi, because if so, the 
image would be sized
larger that it may have been intended when imported in to Rev.
Sorry, I don't know what the dpi of my image is.  I'm simply drawing 
it in the paint program of an application called Claris Works and 
copy-pasting it into Revolution.  But again, the size of the image 
is not being effected, but rather the rect of the image.
use-revolution mailing list

Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

 Whereas, I do sell services and do hope to sell products in the future,
 I will take this threat seriously and will take steps to make sure I
 never use your free advice.

 Moreover, I would like to say to all that my comments on this list are
 absolutely free  have no strings attached and should any person
 actually pay attention to them (it could happen) and use them to make
 big bucks, I am very pleased.  That person owes me nothing, zip, nata,
 zero, nada, zilch.

WOW! I wonder what will happen while I'm sleeping tonight ;-)

To Richmond: As a paid up Enterprise user I'm *very* glad that RunRev have
canned the Free Edition. Long term Free Edition users are a drain on
RunRev's resources. Who pays of those resources via our license payments? ME
et al!

To All: I think Dar's statement above and the thread that caused his
response is one that needs more thought and a response from RunRev. We do
contribute to each other's developments and there are different copyright
laws in different countries. For example, in Australia the law is such that
whatever I produce I have copyright over whether stated or not. That means
that in theory I have copyright over everything I post to this list. I'd
like to see a legal document on the RunRev site that automatically disclaims
anyone's right to copyright over posts to this list and perhaps to user
contributions. The document should also disclaim any liability on behalf of
the author. The last thing we need is someone getting sued because they
tried to help!

I hereby disclaim any copyright over and any liability for anything posted
to this listserve.



use-revolution mailing list

Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Now, by currier, do you mean one who will tan your hide or one who will
seek your favor?
And I, for one, am glad to see this sad thread fizzle out in benign 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 04:30  PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

To All: I think Dar's statement above and the thread that caused his
response is one that needs more thought and a response from RunRev. We 
contribute to each other's developments and there are different 
laws in different countries. For example, in Australia the law is such 
whatever I produce I have copyright over whether stated or not. That 
that in theory I have copyright over everything I post to this list. 
like to see a legal document on the RunRev site that automatically 
anyone's right to copyright over posts to this list and perhaps to user
contributions. The document should also disclaim any liability on 
behalf of
the author. The last thing we need is someone getting sued because they
tried to help!

I hereby disclaim any copyright over and any liability for anything 
to this listserve.



This copyright thread was discussed at length on another list regarding 
postings to that list and copyright issues. Their concerns where about 
finding out that there was an archive of all the previous postings. It 
came up that some wanted to change what they had posted several years 
earlier. St John's Maelstrom was going to drop years before 1999 
because the archive database was getting clogged up. I was going to 
make an MTML version of the dropped years so that it would not be lost. 
The final resolution was that if the messages are not changed they can 
be reproduced (republished) outside of the list without concern for 
copyright infringement. So to those that wanted there messages changed 
the answer was no. The archive is public domain as long as it remains 
in its equivalent form, without changing what was said. I forget the 
law that was sited in regard to this but I could search for copyright 
threads from a year ago in that list's archive.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:30 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

I hereby disclaim any copyright over and any liability for anything 
to this listserve.
Yeah, me, too!  I didn't think about the liability part.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 04:32  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

No, now that I think this transaction over. That will be 2 cents 
please and would you please send that by private secure currier ASAP.
Now, by currier, do you mean one who will tan your hide or one who 
will seek your favor?  -- Dar
let's see: brown shirt or brown nose...

And this:

And I, for one, am glad to see this sad thread fizzle out in benign 
Wait a second, I wanted to say asshole, shit, turd, fart, butthead, 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Shao Sean
you just did ;-)

 Wait a second, I wanted to say asshole, shit, turd, fart,
 butthead,  dickhead...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread erik hansen

--- Shao Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you just did ;-)
  Wait a second, I wanted to say...



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use-revolution mailing list

RE: Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding


 This copyright thread was discussed at length on another list regarding
 postings to that list and copyright issues. Their concerns where about
 finding out that there was an archive of all the previous postings. It
 came up that some wanted to change what they had posted several years
 earlier. St John's Maelstrom was going to drop years before 1999
 because the archive database was getting clogged up. I was going to
 make an MTML version of the dropped years so that it would not be lost.
 The final resolution was that if the messages are not changed they can
 be reproduced (republished) outside of the list without concern for
 copyright infringement. So to those that wanted there messages changed
 the answer was no. The archive is public domain as long as it remains
 in its equivalent form, without changing what was said. I forget the
 law that was sited in regard to this but I could search for copyright
 threads from a year ago in that list's archive.



My guess (and this is something that we probably shouldn't guess about) is
that the copyright laws of the originating country apply to each individual
post. The copyright over the archive may be another matter as anyone can
archive the list. I can't see that any copyright can be held over a
collection like that. Otherwise art galleries etc would be laughing.

I think this is something that should be considered carefully. How many of
us have handlers that came from this list or Ken Ray's Tips in our apps? I
do. The last thing we need is SCO taking over one of our companies hey!



use-revolution mailing list

Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Dan Friedman
Is there a way to have a web page either:

(1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

(2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.  Then save
the user editable fields back to the text file?

If either of these options is possible, how would you go about doing it?
Or, is there another way to accomplish this task?

Background: my application creates a questioner.  That questioner (or text
file) is posted to a web site.  A user then answers the questions by typing
in the form fields.  (Note that this could be a work in progress.  Meaning
that the user could put in some text, then come back the next day and
continue editing the fields.)  When the user is done, the application would
then query the web page (or text file) and compile a report.

Any thoughts?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 06:17 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

Meanwhile, I'm lucky to have a single course to teach and so far we'll 
using the old 1.x 10-line limited demo until I can beg the department 
the paltry $500 to get a lab license...
Maybe the department can buy a $75 version and after seeing what you 
can do with that will insist you buy more.

Sorry... universities -- especially state-funded ones -- are black 
for kleptocrats.
I understand your feelings.

The processes that cause higher education costs to increase faster than 
inflation are the same ones that twist one's arm and encourage one to 
go to a state-funded school.

Are you a grad student at Fullerton?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Is there a way to have a web page either:

(1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

(2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.  Then 
the user editable fields back to the text file?...

This sound like something that could be done using php scripts, 
assuming you would be able to run php on your server.  I have used php 
to collect data on web pages and have it mailed to a remote address; I 
see no reason why it couldn't send the text to a local file. If the 
file is named for the individual filling out the fields, another php 
script could pull the file and repopulate the fields in the state they 
were left at the individual's previous session.

Maybe Revolution is capable of the same?


use-revolution mailing list

Designing a Doc-Centric Web App

2003-08-18 Thread Dan Shafer
I have built a Web application in Zope and Python over the past year or 
so. The application has become so complex that maintaining it is 
becoming a bit nightmarish for me. I'm spending far too much time 
wrestling with the app framework (Zope) and syntax (Python accessing 
Zope Object Database) than I am solving problems for the client. I have 
also realized that using an OO database was overkill, and that decision 
is part of the reason for my current feeling of being trapped inside 
tiny, twisty passages.

This application needs to allow its primary user, who is a professional 
facilitator conducting a process interview with a client, to:

1. Log in securely (to the app and/or the Web location)
2. Create a new document on the server (transparently to the user, who 
is decidedly NOT technical)
3. Update the document on the server as he or she asks questions and 
receives responses (i.e., the document needs to replace or update 
itself on the net as the user requests that it do so)
4. Locate and retrieve documents from the server, limited only to those 
created by the particular user, and either view, print or revise those 

One other user, the supervisor, needs to be able to access all 
documents regardless of which interviewer created them, and review, 
print, or revise them.

The only tricky part is that there are two stages in this interview 
process where the precise number of times the question has to be asked 
and answered is not known in advance.

I want to create a desktop app in Rev that will handle all the UI, data 
validation, and communication with the server. I have already designed 
the window and its screen contents as well as the interaction.

The issues I have relate to the interaction between the desktop app and 
the server from a Revolution perspective.

1. Security is a significant concern. The interview data contains 
highly personal information about the interviewee. I suspect I'll want 
to use SSL for the Web connection but it's not clear to me what if 
anything I need Rev to be able to do to handle SSL and whether there 
are any gotchas lurking there.

2. I particularly do not want to send login ID and password for the 
facilitator in the clear. What encryption issues will I encounter in 
Revolution? Are there encryption algorithms that already work in Rev or 
will I need either to hook into an Open Source solution or roll my own?

3. Does anyone see any major issues, problems, concerns, or flat-out 
roadblocks I should think about as I re-design this app?

4. One of my big issues is that if I design this as a document-centric 
app -- which it seems to want to be -- I won't be structuring the text 
much, except perhaps for display purposes. As opposed, e.g., to 
producing a mySQL app (which I could do but which seems like almost as 
much overkill as my current Zope solution), where the data would be 
stored presumably more efficiently. But since I *never* need to 
retrieve only part of the document, it seems most useful from a design 
perspective simply to treat it as a document.

OK, I'm shutting up now and listening for input.

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:17  PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

My guess (and this is something that we probably shouldn't guess 
about) is
that the copyright laws of the originating country apply to each 
post. The copyright over the archive may be another matter as anyone 
archive the list. I can't see that any copyright can be held over a
collection like that. Otherwise art galleries etc would be laughing.

I think this is something that should be considered carefully. How 
many of
us have handlers that came from this list or Ken Ray's Tips in our 
apps? I
do. The last thing we need is SCO taking over one of our companies hey!


The SCO depute is over permission to disclose patented source code 
through a lawsuit over breach of contract. All this back and forth 
stuff is in regards to patents that have been awarded. They exist 
because of basic concepts for patents here in the USA. If the source 
code or even the idea that the source code attempts to conceive was 
published like on a list like this then the source code could not be 
patented. This is because of the Previous Art clause.

So stuff published on this list is already public domain. Now there is 
the issue of copyright. I believe that you can protect the copyright of 
an application that you create and defend that in a lawsuit. You could 
do that without regard for algorithms that were previously published 
and without fear of previous Art issues like in patents. The trick is 
to share only what you would not mind giving away.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

Hi Dan

 Is there a way to have a web page either:

 (1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

No, HTML is dumb.

 (2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.
 Then save
 the user editable fields back to the text file?

This is possible with JavaScript but it's probably a hard way to go about
it. And you would still need a CGI back end for the saving.

 If either of these options is possible, how would you go about doing it?
 Or, is there another way to accomplish this task?

Use Rev CGI. Check out Tip of the week 6 on the RunRev website for basic
stuff. Create a template HTML page using the merge function syntax (see the
docs). Include username and password hidden fields in the page. Create
another page where the user enters username and password with a submit
button pointing to your cgi script. The first time the user enters in a
username the cgi creates a stack named username.rev and a customProperty
uPassword the value of the password. Every other time the cgi should check
the password matches the username then uses the merge function to return the
currently saved data in the html page.

Hope that all makes sense ;-)

It will all be heaps easier when Rodney and I release libCGI.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Dynamic is the correct term to describe what you want.

There are many ways to do this and it's all do-able , just write or 
rip the code. The best way is to use a database file, either text 
file, or better yet, SQL.

For persistence between sessions, you'd need to factor in some kind 
of cookie code or set up a password system to access the database.

Check out online script collections for free PHP or PERL scripts that 
will do this, google for 'script archives'.

You will need a full-service web server account, which today are 
cheap and fast.

Dreamhost is a really good webhost among hundreds of providers that 
can give you a UNIX domained account with PERL, PHP, PYTHON and 
MYSQL. $10/month will give you the above and 300 mb of space, 
$20/month will give you more space and shell access.

I currently run 10 sites there.


Is there a way to have a web page either:

(1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

(2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.  Then save
the user editable fields back to the text file?
If either of these options is possible, how would you go about doing it?
Or, is there another way to accomplish this task?
Background: my application creates a questioner.  That questioner (or text
file) is posted to a web site.  A user then answers the questions by typing
in the form fields.  (Note that this could be a work in progress.  Meaning
that the user could put in some text, then come back the next day and
continue editing the fields.)  When the user is done, the application would
then query the web page (or text file) and compile a report.
Any thoughts?

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-18 Thread Dar Scott
I very much appreciate advice from folks on the list.  Here is a 
partial attempt to return the favor.

I am making available to all a stack I call A Primer on Message 
Mechanics.  It is an introduction to the use of send, cancel and 

It is a little long, but it does start at basics and builds up from 
those.  It provides a peek into my style, but I think it is general 
enough that you can develop your own style.  Thumb through it a few 
coffee breaks and download breaks and you should get a feel for how to 
use send.  It does not walk you through building any examples, but it 
does have lots of examples, each building on concepts from previous 
pages and previous examples.

It is essentially an 88 page booklet with live examples and demos.

I created this on OS X and checked it out on Windows XP and Mac OS 9.  
It is designed to be used in the Revolution environment, but I see no 
reason why a standalone cannot be built from it--I just haven't tried 
it yet.  I have heard that it crashes on Windows ME, but it seems to 
work on two other versions of Windows--watch out.  I have no idea how 
useful this will be to MC folks.

Many of the examples are flashing indicators and some of those use red. 
 If this might be a health problem for you, send me a note before 
getting the stack.

If you are new to send and get bogged down, I would appreciate it if 
you would try to articulate where I lost you--if you have time and feel 
so inclined.  Sometimes I get to thinking something is obvious and 
forget all I had to go through to learn it.

If you are an expert in send, please let me know where I have lied.

All, I welcome comment on my style and especially where I have failed 
to treat the user with respect.  I think there are still many spelling 
errors and I welcome comments on those.  I welcome comment on any goof.

I apologize for saying publicly, It is coming! and then taking so 
long to get it out.  I risked it being a little belabored to try to 
cover all those little preliminary concepts as well as a few advanced 

You can find A Primer on Message Mechanics here:


Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Designing a Doc-Centric Web App

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

 OK, I'm shutting up now and listening for input.

Hi Dan

It's almost as though if you had file server that you could mount on the
desktop with a subfolder for each interviewer and a root folder for the
supervisor then you could just write this as a desktop app.

Just an idea.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML-RPC Support?

2003-08-18 Thread Andre Garzia
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:48  AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I thought I had read or heard somewhere that
Revolution supports
XML-RPC. But searching docs turns up no clues.
Anyone got a pointer?

Hi Dan,

Revolution supports SOAP, which one might say
supersedes XML-RPC.
Have a look at \Sample stacks\SOAP_Toolbox.rev
Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.


I do not think soap supersedes XML-RPC Soap is to complicated to 
use, xml-rpc is simple and does the job well, i never knew a project 
that really needed soap, xml-rpc always live up to the job for me.

the sites:
Are both from Userland, they've got the specs, the implementations and 
a list of public avaiable services. xml-rpc has more services avaiable 
and is easier to implement. As for Dan question, he can implement 
xml-rpc by himself (it's not that hard!!!) or if he's using MacOS he 
can call applescripts to the xml-rpc call for him and pass back the 


As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)

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use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Dynamic Web Page

2003-08-18 Thread Barry Levine

HTML is not dynamic so you'd need to use something like Javascript. I'm 
not sure, however, if Javascript can do anything outside of its 
sandbox, so to speak (like the hard drive's filesystem).


On Monday, Aug 18, 2003, at 18:05 America/Denver, Dan Shafer wrote:

Subject: Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)
From: Dan Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there a way to have a web page either:

(1) save it's self, so it's user editable fields can be read later?; or

(2) have the web page read a text file and populate it's fields.  Then 
the user editable fields back to the text file?

If either of these options is possible, how would you go about doing 
Or, is there another way to accomplish this task?

Background: my application creates a questioner.  That questioner (or 
file) is posted to a web site.  A user then answers the questions by 
in the form fields.  (Note that this could be a work in progress.  
that the user could put in some text, then come back the next day and
continue editing the fields.)  When the user is done, the application 
then query the web page (or text file) and compile a report.

Any thoughts?

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Richmond and copyright

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

The SCO comment was just a stupid remark, sorry to confuse the issue.

 So stuff published on this list is already public domain. Now there is
 the issue of copyright. I believe that you can protect the copyright of
 an application that you create and defend that in a lawsuit. You could
 do that without regard for algorithms that were previously published
 and without fear of previous Art issues like in patents. The trick is
 to share only what you would not mind giving away.

Copyright in the US is quite different from that in Australia. Over there
you need to register the software to claim copyright. Here's it's implied at
the time of creation. Unless I explicitly sign over the copyright to my work
it remains mine. It's important to note that there are agreements between
the US and Australia to recognise each others copyright laws as I'm sure
there are between most countries. So as you can see the issue gets a bit
fuzzy when you have a list like this made up of people from different



use-revolution mailing list

Dynamic Web Page (Not really a RR question)

2003-08-18 Thread Kurt Kaufman
You might want to take a look at this link from a thread earlier this 
month (Very easy to build a web database):

Now I'm just guessing here: Perhaps each user could populate their own 
stack using email-address/password.

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Designing a Doc-Centric Web App

2003-08-18 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Dan,

You know, I've been building such apps for sometime now. In fact, Jerry
Daniels here in Austin, just finished one with our help. See below for some

 I have built a Web application in Zope and Python over the past year or
 so. The application has become so complex that maintaining it is
 becoming a bit nightmarish for me. I'm spending far too much time
 wrestling with the app framework (Zope) and syntax (Python accessing
 Zope Object Database) than I am solving problems for the client. I have
 also realized that using an OO database was overkill, and that decision
 is part of the reason for my current feeling of being trapped inside
 tiny, twisty passages.

 This application needs to allow its primary user, who is a professional
 facilitator conducting a process interview with a client, to:

 1. Log in securely (to the app and/or the Web location)

No of the nice things about RR is you can create a 'stateless'
web application. In fact, I've been pushing this approach to some of our
clients because you *DON'T* have to download the interface, and interface
logic each time you launch it (unlike browser based web apps where all the
DHTML, button images, etc.. gets downloaded each time you visit a page).

You might want to check out Philip Chumbley's article:
(Nearly) Unbreakable KeyFile Encryption can be found at:

While this isn't SSL, it can be used to communicate between two clients...or
if you're good at scripting PHP, you could implement it on the PHP server.

 2. Create a new document on the server (transparently to the user, who
 is decidedly NOT technical)

What type of document? Will the user be uploading a file? If so, get with me
offline as we've been working on a http file uploader which works with PHP
and Apache.

 3. Update the document on the server as he or she asks questions and
 receives responses (i.e., the document needs to replace or update
 itself on the net as the user requests that it do so)

If it's a txt file, that's not a problem. If it's RTF or PDF, it might be a
bit more difficult, but not impossible.

 4. Locate and retrieve documents from the server, limited only to those
 created by the particular user, and either view, print or revise those

Simple permissions stuff. You may have to write a group permissions editor.

 One other user, the supervisor, needs to be able to access all
 documents regardless of which interviewer created them, and review,
 print, or revise them.

Admin mode?

 The only tricky part is that there are two stages in this interview
 process where the precise number of times the question has to be asked
 and answered is not known in advance.

 I want to create a desktop app in Rev that will handle all the UI, data
 validation, and communication with the server. I have already designed
 the window and its screen contents as well as the interaction.

 The issues I have relate to the interaction between the desktop app and
 the server from a Revolution perspective.

 1. Security is a significant concern. The interview data contains
 highly personal information about the interviewee. I suspect I'll want
 to use SSL for the Web connection but it's not clear to me what if
 anything I need Rev to be able to do to handle SSL and whether there
 are any gotchas lurking there.

SSL is not available yet, but is expected to be coming soon. I'm not a big
fan of SSL as I believe it slows things down too much. IMHO, Use it

 2. I particularly do not want to send login ID and password for the
 facilitator in the clear. What encryption issues will I encounter in
 Revolution? Are there encryption algorithms that already work in Rev or
 will I need either to hook into an Open Source solution or roll my own?

See article above.

 3. Does anyone see any major issues, problems, concerns, or flat-out
 roadblocks I should think about as I re-design this app?

 4. One of my big issues is that if I design this as a document-centric
 app -- which it seems to want to be -- I won't be structuring the text
 much, except perhaps for display purposes. As opposed, e.g., to
 producing a mySQL app (which I could do but which seems like almost as
 much overkill as my current Zope solution), where the data would be
 stored presumably more efficiently. But since I *never* need to
 retrieve only part of the document, it seems most useful from a design
 perspective simply to treat it as a document.

Yep, I agree. Use the filesystemobject if you can. If you don't have to do
any database intensive stuff, it could work well for you. Though, I think
it's slower than updating a DB.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-18 Thread Andre Garzia
Hi Dar,

Thank you, thank you very much for your primer it's very fun and i 
learned much! I'll also download the primer primer so that i can 
make primers myself... we could really help the community with 
approaches like this

Thanks you again for the very good job
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 10:30  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

I very much appreciate advice from folks on the list.  Here is a 
partial attempt to return the favor.

I am making available to all a stack I call A Primer on Message 
Mechanics.  It is an introduction to the use of send, cancel and 

It is a little long, but it does start at basics and builds up from 
those.  It provides a peek into my style, but I think it is general 
enough that you can develop your own style.  Thumb through it a few 
coffee breaks and download breaks and you should get a feel for how to 
use send.  It does not walk you through building any examples, but it 
does have lots of examples, each building on concepts from previous 
pages and previous examples.

It is essentially an 88 page booklet with live examples and demos.

I created this on OS X and checked it out on Windows XP and Mac OS 9.  
It is designed to be used in the Revolution environment, but I see no 
reason why a standalone cannot be built from it--I just haven't tried 
it yet.  I have heard that it crashes on Windows ME, but it seems to 
work on two other versions of Windows--watch out.  I have no idea how 
useful this will be to MC folks.

Many of the examples are flashing indicators and some of those use 
red.  If this might be a health problem for you, send me a note before 
getting the stack.

If you are new to send and get bogged down, I would appreciate it if 
you would try to articulate where I lost you--if you have time and 
feel so inclined.  Sometimes I get to thinking something is obvious 
and forget all I had to go through to learn it.

If you are an expert in send, please let me know where I have lied.

All, I welcome comment on my style and especially where I have failed 
to treat the user with respect.  I think there are still many spelling 
errors and I welcome comments on those.  I welcome comment on any  goof.

I apologize for saying publicly, It is coming! and then taking so 
long to get it out.  I risked it being a little belabored to try to 
cover all those little preliminary concepts as well as a few advanced 

You can find A Primer on Message Mechanics here:


Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

A Question on duplicating a card....

2003-08-18 Thread Andre Garzia
Hi Folks,

i was wondering, a project of mine got some cards, they have the same 
controls and layout differing only in some minimal things... so i was 
trying to create one, then duplicate it and make the necessary changes 
but i just don't know how to duplicate a card... the menu command 
duplicade CMD+D is disabled...

Andre Garzia  2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

2003-08-18 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/18/03 5:16 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:

In the old Hypercard, you could put FONT resources in the resource
fork of the stack and they would be recognized by HC. It was a
wonderful solution. We were told it wasn't 'kosher' to do that, but
it worked great!!!

...until you printed, then (with System 7 and later) it crashed the machine.

Only if you quit the app before the print job was done. But the crash 
was spectacular.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

RE: A Question on duplicating a card....

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

 Hi Folks,
 i was wondering, a project of mine got some cards, they have the same 
 controls and layout differing only in some minimal things... so i was 
 trying to create one, then duplicate it and make the necessary changes 
 but i just don't know how to duplicate a card... the menu command 
 duplicade CMD+D is disabled...

Hi Andre

Group the common controls and set the backgroundBehavior of the group to true. Then 
use the new card command. 



use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Ron
Hi Richard
I'm just catching up on this thread so my previous post may not be relevant.
How do _you_ keep all the 'preopenstack' messages from ultimately running
through this top stack. I know you could trap each stack's preopenstack
message or check the name of the stack in the mainstack to see if you want
to continue but I'm curious. I have run into some problems with this


 From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 09:18:51 -0700
 Subject: Re: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?
 Graham Samuel wrote:
 It's the stack with all the startup logic and it's the root of all the
 common handlers for the rest of the app, plus it contains private
 debugging info (I have a kind of tracer/timer routine that shows the
 progress of certain events in a field I can look at during
 development). Since it's the mainstack, it opens automatically when
 the app starts. I may have designed my app in a stupid way from the
 RunRev point of view, but I got some of these ideas from SuperCard and
 they've stuck...
 I often do a similar thing, with the mainstack containing offscreen
 libraries and on screen it's a dialog warning about memory issues.  I have a
 boot script in the card on the stack triggered by preOpenStack, which among
 other initializations also hides the mainstack.  This way if something goes
 unpredictably wrong at least the user has some meaningful communication.
 If you use a preOpenStack handler in the card script you should be able to
 do anything you like before the mainstack is drawn.
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I make my mainstack stay invisible?

2003-08-18 Thread Richard Gaskin
Ron wrote:

 If you use a preOpenStack handler in the card script you should be able to
 do anything you like before the mainstack is drawn.

 I'm just catching up on this thread so my previous post may not be relevant.
 How do _you_ keep all the 'preopenstack' messages from ultimately running
 through this top stack. I know you could trap each stack's preopenstack
 message or check the name of the stack in the mainstack to see if you want
 to continue but I'm curious. I have run into some problems with this

I have a boot script in the card on the stack triggered by preOpenStack

While the mainstack's stack script is accessible to all substacks, the card
script is not.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

RE: newbie: how to scale and preserve aspect ratio

2003-08-18 Thread Monte Goulding

Hi Rob

Can someone point me in the right direction regarding scaling images - - -
my goal is to pull in a JPEG image from an URL and display it in a smaller
size on the screen, no matter what the original size - - - yet preserve it's
aspect ratio.

Check out the formattedWidth and formattedHeight properties. The basic
scenario is that you divide your constant width (120) by the formattedWidth
of the image. That gives you a scale factor so you can set the height of the

set the height of image 1 to round(the formattedHeight image 1*(120/the
formattedWidth of image 1))



use-revolution mailing list

Re: A Question on duplicating a card....

2003-08-18 Thread Andre Garzia
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:28  AM, Sarah wrote:

i was wondering, a project of mine got some cards, they have the same 
controls and layout differing only in some minimal things... so i was 
trying to create one, then duplicate it and make the necessary 
changes but i just don't know how to duplicate a card... the menu 
command duplicade CMD+D is disabled...

While grouping the objects and setting the group's background behavior 
to true is probably the best option, if you really need to duplicate a 
card and all it's objects, use the message box and type clone this 

Thanks Sarah and Judy,

the group+background behavior does not work for me, for I already have 
it set up for other needs... but clone this card is something i didn't 
thought of! thanks, it works fine!


Andre Garzia  2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira
use-revolution mailing list

Re: newbie: how to scale and preserve aspect ratio

2003-08-18 Thread Edwin Gore
I also just recently put together a stack that demonstrates this in response
to another question on the list. Looks like it's not on the user
contributions page yet, but if you want a copy, I would be happy to send you

- Original Message - 
 Can someone point me in the right direction regarding scaling images - - -
 my goal is to pull in a JPEG image from an URL and display it in a smaller
 size on the screen, no matter what the original size - - - yet preserve
 aspect ratio.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-18 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Todd Geist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/18/03 3:07 PM, Jan Schenkel
  Some people even use Revolution in conjunction
  FileMaker Pro : you'll get all the flexibility of
  complete scripting language, along with the power
  one of the easiest databases to setup and
 I'd be curious to know how people are accessing
 FileMaker Pro from Rev.
 Todd Geist

Hi Todd,

Even though ODBC is the 'obvious' answer, some go so
far as to use the WebCompanion and Revolution's
internet library to trigger FMPro-scripts, emulate
clicking on buttons etc.
Here's a link to an interesting post on the subject by
Peter Reid I found in the use-revolution archives :

As always, you can dig around the archives of the
use-revolution list, either via Google :
Or via the recently added search at Mindlube Software

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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