Re: xmltree-view and unicode

2004-04-28 Thread Toma Tasovac
Joel, thanks a lot for the script you provided.  I hate to be a pain in 
the neck, but I don't know how to integrate it with the xml-tree view 
stack.  If you could give me some additional hints, I'd be really 

All best,
On Apr 28, 2004, at 8:20 AM, Jol Guillod wrote:

Toma ,

Try the following script from my XML Utility Library. Any comments and
enhancements wellcome!
MedIPS Concept  Implementation
@author Joel Guillod
@copyright Joel Guillod
@version 1.0
@created 2003.08.29
@modified 2004.03.16
@url mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* */

constant kAttributeNotFound = XMLerr, can't find attribute

@usage if xml.IsXMLErr(result()) then processError
@returns true when error occured with last XMLhandler (e.g.
revCreateXMLTreeFromFile, etc).
function xml.IsXMLErr @rpResult
  if  item 1 of rpResult is XMLerr then return true
  else return false
end xml.IsXMLErr
@usage put xml.tagForPath(aNode) into myTag
@sample put xml.tagForPath(/address/name[2]) into myTag -- = name
@returns the most bottom tag of the node path.
function xml.tagForPath selectednode
  set the itemdel to /
  get last item of selectednode
  set the itemdel to [
  return item 1 of it
end xml.tagForPath
/** get xml.textToUTF8(aString)
@purpose Converts a revolution string to a UTF8 string and returns it.
function xml.textToUTF8 aString
  return unidecode(uniencode(aString),UTF8)
end xml.textToUTF8
/** get xml.UTF8ToText(utf8String)
@purpose Converts a UTF8 string to a revolution string and returns it.
function xml.UTF8ToText utf8String
  return unidecode(uniencode(utf8String,UTF8))
end xml.UTF8ToText
/** return xml.returnMsgAfterDeleteXmlTree(pXmlID,pMsg)
@sample if tActionNode is empty or xml.IsXMLErr(tActionNode) then 
xml.returnMsgAfterDeleteXmlTree(tXmlID,next xml node not found: 
function xml.returnMsgAfterDeleteXmlTree pXmlID,pMsg
  revDeleteXMLTree pXmlID
  return pMsg
end xml.returnMsgAfterDeleteXmlTree

/** xml.utf8.setAttribute treeID,node,attributeName,aValue
@purpose Equivalent to: revSetXMLAttribute
@param aValue is a the text of a revolution field.
on xml.utf8.setAttribute treeID,node,attributeName,aValue
  revSetXMLAttribute treeID,node,attributeName,xml.textToUTF8(aValue)
  return result()
end xml.utf8.setAttribute
/** get xml.utf8.Attribute(treeID,node,attributeName)
@purpose Equivalent to:
@returns is the standard text for revolution.
function xml.utf8.attribute treeID,node,attributeName
  return xml.UTF8ToText(revXMLAttribute(treeID,node,attributeName))
end xml.utf8.attribute
/** xml.utf8.AddNode treeID,parentPath,nodeName,nodeContents
@purpose Equivalent to: revAddXMLNode
@param nodeContents is a the text of a revolution field.
@returns Error description or node path.
on xml.utf8.AddNode treeID,parentPath,nodeName,nodeContents
  revAddXMLNode treeID,parentPath,nodeName,xml.textToUTF8(nodeContents)
  return result()
end xml.utf8.AddNode
/** xml.utf8.SetNodeContents treeID,node,nodeContents
@purpose Equivalent to: evXMLPutIntoXMLNode
@param nodeContents is a the text of a revolution field.
@returns Error description or node path.
on xml.utf8.SetNodeContents treeID,node,nodeContents
  get xml.textToUTF8(nodeContents)
  revPutIntoXMLNode treeID,node,it
  return result()
end xml.utf8.SetNodeContents
/** get xml.utf8.NodeContents(treeID,node,attributeName)
@purpose Equivalent to: xml.UTF8ToText(revXMLNodeContents(treeID,node))
function xml.utf8.NodeContents treeID,node
  return xml.UTF8ToText(revXMLNodeContents(treeID,node))
end xml.utf8.NodeContents
/**put xml.utf8.createTree(pRootTag) into tXmlTreeID
@purpose To create an xml tree with only the root tag.
@purpose Then can revAppendXML, revSetXMLAttribute, revSetXMLAttribute,
revXMLPutIntoXMLNode, to complete the tree.
function xml.utf8.createTree pRootTag
  return revCreateXMLTree(?xml version=quote1.0quote
encoding=quoteutf-8quote?  \
  pRootTag  /  pRootTag  ,false,true,false)
end xml.utf8.createTree
@usage put xml.enclosedTextWithTag(aText,aTag) after myStream
@results is aTagaText/aTag
function xml.enclosedTextWithTag aText,aTag
  return merge([[aTag]][[aText]]/[[aTag]])
end xml.enclosedTextWithTag
@usage xml.appendToStream aStream,aText
on xml.appendToStream @aStream,@aText
  put aText after aStream
end xml.appendToStream
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

xmltree-view and unicode

2004-04-27 Thread Toma Tasovac
Hi there.

Has anybody by any chance reworked the xml tree stack that comes with 
Revolution to work with Unicode?  The way this stack is written right 
now, it cannot display utf8 strings.  Now, I've tried to play around 
with it, change the fonts and the  load xml file button to load the 
uniencoded xml file, but I still can't get it to work.  I either get 
Japanese mumbo-jumbo (I still can't get over the fact that Revolution 
loves CJK characters more than anything else in the world) or I get 
xmlerr, bad document id...

Could somebody please help me out with this?  I'd be enormously 

All best,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: callbacks only work first time a player is used - workaround

2004-04-03 Thread Toma Tasovac

this is already in Bugzilla (#112), Tuviah fixed it at some point, but  
then had to un-fix it because it broke something else...


On Apr 1, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Eric Peden wrote:

I just filed a bug report for this, but thought I'd send it to the list
as well in case anyone else had run into the problem.
Callbacks set on a player are only called the first time the movie is
played. I ran into the problem earlier today, and identified a
workaround: setting the callbacks property allows callbacks to be sent
again. However, if the movie is replayed, they stop again, so the fix  
to reset them every chance you get:

 -- in the player's script
 on [playPaused, playStopped, or currentTimeChanged]
   set the callbacks of me to the callbacks of me
You also have to perform this reset whenever you set the currentTime
of a player.
The problem was first described here:

and the Bugzilla entry is: 

The poster linked to above was running OS X, but the problem has shown
up for us on Windows, too. Anyone else run into this? Any suggestions
for a more elegant way to reset the callbacks without intercepting a
bunch of messages?
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Panther upgrade wrecks stack bindings

2004-02-20 Thread Toma Tasovac
did u try selecting a .rev file, invoking the info palette (apple-I), 
selecting Revolution 2.1.2 under open with and making sure you 
pressed the Change All... button as well?

On Feb 20, 2004, at 9:40 PM, Jim Lyons wrote:

I am not a happy camper today. After upgrading to Panther last night, 
and being disappointed by a number of other OT things, now 
double-clicking my stacks won't launch my latest version (2.1.2) of 
Revolution. (Dragging them to the Rev icon or opening from Rev still 
works fine.) After the upgrade, they launched the 2.0 version I still 
had in the applications folder instead. I tried resaving a stack under 
the new version, but double-clicking that stack still launched the old 
version. So I put the old version in the trash and tried it again. 
This time I got an unexpected error dialog and no launch at all. 
Then I tried control-clicking a stack and choosing Revolution 2.1 from 
the Open With... menu; that worked, so I quit and tried 
double-clicking again. Now it wants to start up the OS9 environment 
and launch the fat version of 2.1!

I restarted the system hoping that would straighten things out. Well, 
now a few stacks have the normal Rev icon and do open 2.1 -- all of 
them are downloaded stacks. All the stacks I made and saved with 2.1 
(and a few other downloaded stacks) now have the fat icon and they 
want to run MacOSFat version under Classic when double-clicked. 

Can any fellow mac types out there help me straighten this mess out? 

Jim Lyons  8^(

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mysqldump --xml Rev Unicode [was: XML tree-view as a database frontend in Rev?]

2004-02-12 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Feb 11, 2004, at 6:04 PM, Alex Rice wrote:
Anyways that's not exactly what you were asking.
I don't think I asked the right thing either... :)

There's an easy way to get the database content as an xml tree -- using 
mysqldump.  But here I'm encountering a Unicode difficulty again...

I use the shell of /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root --xml 
xmlprep to retrieve the xmldump of my database.  The database and the 
mysqldump are utf8, my stack's main font is set to Lucida Grande, 
Unicode, yet I see no way of displaying the dump properly, let alone 
parsing it etc...

put the shell of /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root --xml xmlprep 
entry into xmldata
put xmldata into fld showXMLTree
-- displays CJK mumbojumbo (naturally, since the stacks text font is 

put the shell of /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root --xml xmlprep 
entry into xmldata
put uniencode(xmldata, utf8) into fld showXMLTree
-- displays all the xml tags correctly, but the database content is 
still mumbojumbo (not CJK though)

How should one deal with this?

All best,

use-revolution mailing list

inactive (?) sheets, buttons not responding

2004-02-10 Thread Toma Tasovac
I haven't noticed this before, so I am not sure what's going on: I have 
a stack which opens as sheet and has two buttons on it.  Clicking on a 
button does not produce any effect unless one first clicks on the card 
itself, or unless one clicks on the button twice... i.e. the sheet does 
not seem to be active.  Any ideas?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

search fields (as in Finder, Safari, iTunes)

2004-02-10 Thread Toma Tasovac
Can we make custom-shaped text fields in Rev?  I would like to have a 
search field that looks like the OS X search field in Finder, google 
field in Safari etc., i.e. a field which is semicircular at both ends.  
Clicking on this kind field should focus on its entire border, i.e. the 
blue line should go around the entire field.

All best,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Bitstream VERA font, the first truely crossplatform solution

2004-02-07 Thread Toma Tasovac
the fonts HAVE been released, you were just looking at the wrong place

On Feb 7, 2004, at 3:08 PM, Ian Wood wrote:

It looks very readable, but note the phrase 'will be released'.
use-revolution mailing list

placeholders in mySQL queries

2004-02-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Hello everybody.

Does anybody have any idea why this works:

global tDatabaseID
global tFormID
on mouseUp
  put unidecode (char 1 to -1 of fld pronunciation, utf8) into 
  put UPDATE entry SET entry.pronunciation =:1 WHERE entry.formID 
='4' into tQuery
  revExecuteSQL tDatabaseID,tQuery,updatedPronunciation
  put the result
end mouseUp

BUT why using two placeholders instead of one does not

global tDatabaseID
global tFormID
on mouseUp
  put unidecode (char 1 to -1 of fld pronunciation, utf8) into 
  put UPDATE entry SET entry.pronunciation =:1 WHERE entry.formID =:2 
into tQuery
  revExecuteSQL tDatabaseID,tQuery,updatedPronunciation, tFormID
  put the result
end mouseUp

In the second case, even though tFormID evaluates to 4, making it 
exactly the same as the first example, the result is always 0, and no 
update is being made.

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bugzilla downloads html files?

2003-12-08 Thread Toma Tasovac
Mozilla unfortunately does NOT work with Safari.  Try Netscape 7 on OS 
X instead.

On Dec 8, 2003, at 7:26 PM, David Egbert wrote:

Whenever I try to search for existing bugs in Bugzilla, Safari is
downloading the files to my desktop instead of viewing them in the 
Is this a known problem? Is there a tweak I need to do on Safari?


Dave Egbert
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-22 Thread Toma Tasovac
That was exactly my point, Alex.  I don't quite understand what Tuviah 
had in mind -- it may well be that at the level of the HTML browser 
engine there is a lot of conversion going on -- but I was speaking from 
the point of the developer who uses Unicode in HTML.  All it takes is 
specifying the charset as say utf-8 and that's it... no charToNum, no 
worries about non ASCII, nothing...

Tuviah, if you have a moment, please explain this to me, I'd really 
like to understand what the problem is.  As I said in my previous mail 
and in the enhancement request which got a won't fix from you -- the 
way Revolution handles Unicode in HTML is a serious impediment for 
those working with foreign languages...

All best,
On Nov 22, 2003, at 6:58 AM, Alex Rice wrote:

Not true in practice. The encoding of HTML can be specified in the HTTP 
Content-type header from the web server, or in a META tag in the HTML 
itself (yet in the HTML itself) Read this article that was posted to 
improve-rev recently:

On Nov 21, 2003, at 5:03 PM, tuviah snyder wrote:
Well that's the way you specify unicode characters in the HTML spec. 
other way would have byteorder issues, associating with it, and would
require binary data be embedded into HTML which is supposed be plain 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-21 Thread Toma Tasovac
Thanks for the explanation, Tuviah.  I know now how to do it, but I 
still think this is horrendously impractical.  As I said, if I'm 
getting Unicode strings from mySQL and want to display them as htmlText 
-- I would have to convert every single character to its charToNum: 
that's not very efficient at all.

I know that I am definitely NOT objective since my programming in 
Revolution has to do exclusively with foreign languages and non English 
scripts at the moment, but I strongly believe that an application which 
claims Unicode support needs to make it equally easy for programmers to 
deal with all languages/scripts... that's the point of Unicode, after 

All best,
On Nov 19, 2003, at 7:49 PM, tuviah snyder wrote:

I think there should be a way of setting the basic html styling of
Unicode text without having
to import it from a text file and move it between the two fields.
You should be able to generate the correct codes using chartonum, and
setting useunicode to true.

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Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
As usual, I have a question about Unicode :)  I have a text field whose 
(BtextFont is set to "Lucida Grande", Unicode.  I am using the message 
(Bbox to get some html text in it -- and I can't get it to work properly. 
(B  The Transcript Dictionary entry for htmlText says that the lang 
(Battribute and ability to encode Unicode characters was added in 2.0 but 
(Bdoes not go into great detail explain how that is to be done.
(Bset the htmlText of field "Field 1" to "bhello/b"-- produces 
(BCJK gibberish
(Bset the htmlText of field "Field 1" to uniencode("bhello/b", 
(B"utf8") -- produces different CJK gibberish
(BTrying the same with a Cyrillic string:
(Bset the htmlText of field "Field 1" to "b$B'U'`'R'Q'b(B $B'U'Q'_(B/b" -- correctly 
(Bdisplays the first word, second word is gibberish
(Bset the htmlText of field "Field 1" to uniencode("b$B'U'`'R'Q'b(B $B'U'Q'_(B/b", 
(B"utf8") -- displays complete gibberish
(BSO: what would be the correct syntax for displaying Unicode in 
(BhtmlText?  and how do I make sure that both English and non-English 
(Bstrings are displayed properly?
(BAll best,
(Buse-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
Thanks, Klaus!
(Bbut I am still not quite clear whether the fact that I cannot set 
(BUnicode htmlText from the message box is a bug or a consequence of my 
(Bnot getting the syntax right.  I think there should be a way of setting 
(Bthe basic html styling of Unicode text without having to import it from 
(Ba text file and move it between the two fields.
(BMore specifically, I am playing now with the display possibilities of 
(BUnicode strings that I'm getting from a mySQL database.  Since I'm 
(Bgetting different strings from two different tables and several 
(Bdifferent columns, but displaying them all in one text field, it would 
(Bmake the most sense if I could script the html tags such as b, i, 
(Bfont color etc...  to get a fabulously styled and deligtfully elegant 
(Bdisplay of my information... :)
(BOn Nov 19, 2003, at 5:07 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
(B HTMLtext works for me here, but only via another field.
(B I saved your example in TextEdit as plain-text (coding UTF16, when set 
(B to UTF8, all the text turns to "chinese" in RR?),
(B and imported it into a field
(B ...
(B set the unicodetext of fld 1 to url("binfile:toma.txt")
(B ...
(B And could then set the htmltext of any field to any chunk of that 
(B field like
(B  set the htmltext of fld 2 to the htmltext of line 1 of fld 1
(B On Nov 19, 2003, at 12:24 PM, Toma Tasovac wrote:
(B As usual, I have a question about Unicode :)  I have a text field 
(B whose textFont is set to "Lucida Grande", Unicode.  I am using the 
(B message box to get some html text in it -- and I can't get it to work 
(B properly.  The Transcript Dictionary entry for htmlText says that the 
(B lang attribute and ability to encode Unicode characters was added in 
(B 2.0 but does not go into great detail explain how that is to be done.
(B set the htmlText of field "Field 1" to "bhello/b"-- produces 
(B CJK gibberish
(B set the htmlText of field "Field 1" to uniencode("bhello/b", 
(B "utf8") -- produces different CJK gibberish
(B Trying the same with a Cyrillic string:
(B set the htmlText of field "Field 1" to "b$B'U'`'R'Q'b(B $B'U'Q'_(B/b" -- 
(B correctly displays the first word, second word is gibberish
(B set the htmlText of field "Field 1" to uniencode("b$B'U'`'R'Q'b(B $B'U'Q'_(B/b", 
(B "utf8") -- displays complete gibberish
(B SO: what would be the correct syntax for displaying Unicode in 
(B htmlText?  and how do I make sure that both English and non-English 
(B strings are displayed properly?
(Buse-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
Speaking of elegant and fabulous...  :)

All best,

On Nov 19, 2003, at 6:27 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

I am afraid you will have to write something like this to get NO 
gibberish (love this word :-)

set the htmltext of fld 1 to pfont face=Arial 
lang=ru#1076;#1086;#1073;#1072;#1088;/font font 
face=Arial lang=ru#1076;#1072;#1085;/font/p
use-revolution mailing list

Re: PreNewbie database question

2003-11-04 Thread Toma Tasovac
Sarah, I tried downloading MySQLtests.rev from your site but the link 
seems to be broken, no such file exists.  Am I doing something wrong?

All best,
On Nov 3, 2003, at 5:51 AM, Sarah wrote:

At my web site, I have two Rev stacks for testing MySQL: 
MySQLtests.rev is the more complete and has an help section that gives 
a bit of information about installing but I only use OS X and I don't 
know how much of this translates to other platforms. The information 
about setting up permissions should work anywhere.

use-revolution mailing list

database query

2003-10-21 Thread Toma Tasovac

i've started learning how to use rev with mySQL today -- it's very 
exciting.  the database query builder is easy enough and i had no 
problems displaying the contents of the entire record set in the field 
-- but i'm having difficulties going beyond the query builder.

could some kind soul tell me how to implement a simple query in a rev 
text field on mouseUp

SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word = blahblah

where blahblah is the clickText ?

muchas gracias.


use-revolution mailing list

problem with callbacks

2003-10-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
i'm sorry i will have to repost my question -- i think i got spoiled by 
this list where things usually get resolved immediately. in this 
particular case, i have a deadline tomorrow, which is why i am so 
impatient to get this cleared out.

i have a text field in which the highlighting of the sentences is 
synchronized with the callbacks being sent by the QuickTime audio file. 
 The problem is that when the player is stopped and restarted or moved 
to another point -- all the previous callbacks are sent again and the 
engine quickly goes through all the highlights before continuing with 
the sentence at which it left off.

How can this be avoided?  Callbacks are messages sent by the player at 
certain points in the timeline -- why should restarting a player in the 
middle of the movie trigger the callbacks which come before that point?

If this turns out to be a bug, if you have an idea on a possible 
scripting workaround for the time being, I'll be eternally grateful to 

Many thanks in advance,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: QuickTime, text fields, closed captioning

2003-10-02 Thread Toma Tasovac
Many thanks to Richard, Ken and Trevor for their illuminating comments 
and suggestions.  I'm looking forward to exploring the options I have 
All best,

use-revolution mailing list

callbacks behavior after movie restart

2003-10-02 Thread Toma Tasovac
I am using a quicktime clip with callbacks.  On each callback, a 
message is sent and a line of text is displayed in a field, all very 

on message1
put blah in fld blah
end message1
on message2
put something in fld blah
end message2
When the user stops the movie, the current text remains in the text 
field as it should, but when the user starts the movie again, the 
engine will fast forward through all the text lines from the 
beginning of the clip until the current text, displaying all of them 
for a split second.  Is this a bug and is there a workaround? How do I 
avoid all the previous callback messages being sent when the movie 
starts playing from a certain point?

All best,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] libLinedFields

2003-10-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Monte, a very basic question:

what does it mean when you say start using the library?  I must say I 
haven't used your libraries yet so I am confused.

I used the ScriptLibraryInstaller.rev to create a userscript folder in 
componentes/save.  I then placed uLinedFields.rev in that folder, 
restarted Revolution.  I checked in Development -- Plugins 
--revScriptLibrary to make sure that the library loads on startup.  Yet 
when I try the following script:

set the uLinedField of fld Field 1 to true

- nothing happens.

What am I missing?

All best,


Am Mittwoch, 01.10.03 um 07:20 Uhr schrieb Monte Goulding:

Hi All

I just spent 1/2 an hour working out how to get decent looking 
color lined fields in Rev. Then I spent another half an hour making a
library out of it and uploading it to my rev site ;-)

Take a look:


Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)
Executive Director
Sweat Technologies
mobile (International): +61 421 138 274
   (Australia): 0421 138 274
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] libLinedFields

2003-10-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Monte, a very basic question:

what does it mean when you say start using the library?  I must say I 
haven't used your libraries yet so I am confused.

I used the ScriptLibraryInstaller.rev to create a userscript folder in 
componentes/save.  I then placed uLinedFields.rev in that folder, 
restarted Revolution.  I checked in Development -- Plugins 
--revScriptLibrary to make sure that the library loads on startup.  Yet 
when I try the following script:

set the uLinedField of fld Field 1 to true

- nothing happens.

What am I missing?

All best,


P.S. sorry if this gets posted twice -- it didn't seem to have gone 
through the first time.

Am Mittwoch, 01.10.03 um 07:20 Uhr schrieb Monte Goulding:

Hi All

I just spent 1/2 an hour working out how to get decent looking 
color lined fields in Rev. Then I spent another half an hour making a
library out of it and uploading it to my rev site ;-)

Take a look:


Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)
Executive Director
Sweat Technologies
mobile (International): +61 421 138 274
   (Australia): 0421 138 274
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

QuickTime, text fields, closed captioning

2003-10-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Is it possible to have a transparent text field on top of a quicktime 
movie, the way we can put a text field layer over an image?  if not -- 
is there any way in revolution to fake closed captioning?  (i know i 
can do this in, say, LiveStage Pro, but I want to implement closed 
captioning in such a way that the user can stop the movie at any frame, 
and click on any words in the subtitle -- which Revolution should then 
take care of, translate etc...

Is this absolutely hopeless?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

QuickTime, text fields, closed captioning

2003-10-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Is it possible to have a transparent text field on top of a quicktime 
movie, the way we can put a text field layer over an image?  if not -- 
is there any way in revolution to fake closed captioning?  (i know i 
can do this in, say, LiveStage Pro, but I want to implement closed 
captioning in such a way that the user can stop the movie at any frame, 
and click on any words in the subtitle -- which Revolution should then 
take care of, translate etc...

Is this absolutely hopeless?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Web host recommendations?

2003-09-22 Thread Toma Tasovac
I can wholeheartedly recommend

It's NOT the cheapest hosting available, but the service is 
unbelievable, and most of your questions/requests are answered within 
an hour... Plus it's an OSX based hosting provider.  Check it out.  I 
switched to xrackhosting after FeaturePrice (which was a cheap and safe 
solution) went bankrupt, cancelled their customer support, shut down my 
sites, never gave me my money back etc...  Now they're apparently back 
in business, so whatever you choose do NOT chose

All best,
Am Montag, 22.09.03 um 06:21 Uhr schrieb Mark Swindell:

I'm starting to web-host shop... I was wondering if anyone had 
recommendations of hosting services with which they have first-hand 
experience.  I'm going to put up few educational titles I've created 
in Revolution and been encouraged to put out as shareware.

Of course I'd like cheap prices and great service, but what else is 
new, and what should I be aware of?  I develop using Mac and 

So far iPowerWeb looks pretty good.

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode matchChunk (was multiple-word phrases, links)

2003-09-12 Thread Toma Tasovac
I've looked a little more into this.  The problem is not necessarily 
with the matchChunk function, but with uniencode.  Namely, if the text 
is typed directly into the field, the matchChunk function will work.  
If, however, I use the uniencode function to put the same text file 
into the field, the matchChunk will fail.  Anyway, it's in bugzilla now.

Am Donnerstag, 11.09.03 um 19:54 Uhr schrieb Tuviah Snyder:

Chris, your script works great with English, but I can't get it to 
with Unicode text.
Maybe try UTF8ing the text first before sending to the matchChunk 

Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
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use-revolution mailing list

Unicode matchChunk (was multiple-word phrases, links)

2003-09-11 Thread Toma Tasovac
Thanks to Kjeti, Chris and Ken.

Chris, your script works great with English, but I can't get it to work 
with Unicode text.  I tried to unidecode both the text field and 
thePhrases and thus deal with two one-byte chars per one Unicode 
two-byte character, preform the matchChunk function with one-byte 
chars, and then use the startChars and endChars in the unicode field, 
but the results are weirdly off.

I don't know if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong.  Has 
anybody successfully used matchChunk with Unicode text?  Any hints 
would be greatly appreciated.

All best,
Am Donnerstag, 11.09.03 um 16:17 Uhr schrieb Chris Sheffield:


Here's a bit of code I use to do just that.

repeat for each line tPhrase in thePhrases]
if matchChunk(fld MyText, (  tPhrase  ), tStartChar, 
  set the textStyle of char tStartChar to tEndChar of fld MyText 
end if
end repeat
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
A propos fonts -- if you need nice looking fonts to bundle with your 
software, check out Bitstream Vera -- it's an open source font, 
released by the GNOME Foundation.  So far, it contains only Basic 
Latin, but no doubt that will be enough for many developers on this 
list.  You can modify and redistribute the font as you please, as long 
as you change the name.

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
Mark, I didn't quite get what you had in mind.  I have tried (similar 
to Brian's original post):

answer warning pfont face = Lucida Grande size = 13bMessage 
text/b/fpfont face = Lucida Grande size = 11Informative 
text/f/p with Continue as sheet

because, according to Aqua HUI, the message text has to be bold Lucida 
Grande 13 and informative text has to be regular Lucida Grande 11.  The 
styling of the informative text, however, ends up being regular Lucida 
Grande 13.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

All best,
Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Mark Brownell:

I got this to work:
answer  warning pfont size=18message text/font/pbrbrfont 
face=Arial size=12informative text/font/br/br with Continue 
as sheet

I'm thinking that setting the answer textFont to Lucida Grande first, 
somehow might make multiple fonts available.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-18 Thread Toma Tasovac
as far as i remember, load font was available only for windows, so it 
won't solve the cross-platform font problem that has been discussed 
here.  or am i wrong?

Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 21:32 Uhr schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't know anything about attaching fonts to an application.  I 
 include the fonts in my installer.  And this works fine [for me].

Use Tuviah Snyder's EXT external to 'load' and 'unload' arbitrary 
fonts to make sure they are available, irrespective of the user's  
installed fonts.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-08 Thread Toma Tasovac
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with Rev.  Before you give up 
completely, why don't you report your problem to the bug database?  
That's really the only way of getting the development team alerted.  
And just because something doesn't work now, doesn't mean that it won't 
get fixed in the next release.

Am Freitag, 08.08.03 um 09:24 Uhr schrieb Franois Cuneo:

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I 
have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to 


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who 
French does: use our char in File's names!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Filtering Strange characters in text

2003-07-29 Thread Toma Tasovac
Did you by any chance set the useUnicode to true?  Because if you did, 
then the numToChar(230) will be æ (i.e. ligature ae), which might 
explain why Ê does not get replaced... But then again, it's probably 
not this easy... :)

On Utorak, Jul 29, 2003, at 22:06 Europe/Belgrade, Stephen Quinn 
Barncard wrote:

I should note in the old HC code that I had been using an XCMD called 
Replace2, which I patched using a handler that called Rev's internal 
Replace command instead of the old XCMD - a cheesy way to get my old 
code to work instead of changing all the instances (but I got up and 
running a lot quicker).

So my example should look like:

put Replace(theBlock,numToChar(230), ) into theBlock
put Replace(theBlock,Ê, ) into theBlock
something else is at work here as I copied the  Ê from my browser, 
pasted it into the Replace code. Then when I copied it back from the 
Rev script editor into the mailer for my example - it looked ok when I 
sent it, then it came back as  ñ. Perhaps I should filter for that 

here's my usage:

put Replace(ñ, ,theBlock) into theBlock

this doesn't work either...
put Replace(numToChar(230), ,theBlock) into theBlock
I guess I'll try Regex next. But this should work!
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Spell check for Rev?

2003-07-27 Thread Toma Tasovac
by the way, changing to spellcheck.rev and opening it in 
rev 2.0.1 crashes revolution -- anybody else experiencing this?

On Nedelja, Jul 27, 2003, at 09:36 Europe/Belgrade, sims wrote:

This might be of interest to you:

click on XTalk Tools and you will see a dictionary builder
made with MC for PC  Mac

  Software - Internet Development - Consulting
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RTF and Unicode

2003-07-23 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Sreda, Jul 23, 2003, at 06:22 Europe/Belgrade, Joel Rees wrote:
That's what I was hoping for, but alas this does NOT happen.  Saving a  
UTF-8 encoded field with Cyrillic text as an rtf file produces garbage  

You might try specifying the encoding when opening with text edit. I
make no promises, but I find that I do often have to specify the
encoding when working with non-latin text.

And definitely try specifying the encoding when opening the file with

Dear Joel,

I should have mentioned this in my first posting -- specifying the encoding doesn't make a difference in this case: both automatic, utf8 and utf16 produces the same kind of garbage.  


Re: RTF and Unicode

2003-07-23 Thread Toma Tasovac
of course.  bugzilla is my new best friend... :)

On Sreda, Jul 23, 2003, at 05:08 Europe/Belgrade, Tuviah Snyder wrote:

That's what I was hoping for, but alas this does NOT happen.  Saving
You know what to do it to bugzilla and send a sample 

Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Beginner in Revolution

2003-07-23 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Sreda, Jul 23, 2003, at 17:37 Europe/Belgrade, Deivy Petrescu wrote:

Hi all,
I am beginning to work in Revolution Express (2.02).
Is 2.02 really available?  The downloads page does not seem to have 
been updated yet.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RTF and Unicode

2003-07-22 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Utorak, Jul 22, 2003, at 20:53 Europe/Belgrade, Tuviah Snyder wrote:

RTF does support unicode text, but the unicode text is encoded a  
and tagged with the appropriate language so other RTF readers can read  
You should not need to encode the RTF file using UTF-8. Should be  
enough to
simply put the rtftext of field suchandsuch into url blah.rtf

That's what I was hoping for, but alas this does NOT happen.  Saving a  
UTF-8 encoded field with Cyrillic text as an rtf file produces garbage  
that looks like this if you open it in TextEdit:

a je, e aeo e o  aa   
e oeo a...

or like this if you open it in BBEdit:


Looks very interesting, but it's not exactly Cyrillic... :)

use-revolution mailing list

rtf and unicode

2003-07-20 Thread Toma Tasovac
From the Transcript Dictionary:

Getting the RTFText property reports a string consisting of the text 
of the field (or chunk of a field), with any font, size, style, and 
color properties embedded in the text in the form of RTF control words. 
Unicode text is supported.

How exactly is Unicode supported with RTF in Revolution?  I would like 
to save a UTF-8 encoded RTF file -- but simply putting the rtfText of 
field suchandsuch to url blahblah  produces garbage if the field 
suchandsuch contains Unicode text.

Any hints would be appreciated.

All best,


use-revolution mailing list

Bugzilla search

2003-07-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
I cannot perform any search function in the Runrev bugzilla database on 
Mac OS 10.2.6 with either Safari or IE -- I always get a javascript 
error of some kind.  It seems to be a known issue with Bugzilla -- but 
what are we to do until it gest fixed?  How are we supposed to search 
the database to see if a bug has already been reported?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

callback messages not getting sent

2003-07-04 Thread Toma Tasovac
Dear List,

I am using callbacks in a quicktime audio file to set the textColor of 
items in a field.  It seems to be working very well, BUT only the first 
time I play the movie.  If, after playing it for a while, I drag the 
player controller to the beginning of the movie, the callback messages 
do not get sent anymore (i.e. after currentTimeChanged and playStarted, 
I see absolutely no activity in the Message Viewer).

Is this a bug?  Any suggestion for a workaround?

I'm using Rev 2.0.1 and  OS X 10.2.6

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Esperanto Revolution

2003-06-28 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 07:04  AM, Igor Couto wrote:

Dear Toma,

Thank you for the great suggestion!

You are quite welcome!  I've also looked into the problem you 
mentioned, of not being able to pass a Unicode string  to a particular 
line in a field -- and am very much perplexed.  I have no problems 
doing something like:

set the unicodeText of fld suchandsuch  to the value of the clickLine

and preserving the Esperanto characters.  ClickText, clickLine, 
clickCharChunk, charToNum all return proper values, there is no doubt 
that the Revolution engine recognizes  as numToChar(285), variables 
CAN deal with those characters (I could, easily capitalize Esperanto 
characters by saying something like:

put the clickText into tClickedWord
replace numToChar(349) with numToChar(348) in tClickedWord
put tClickedWord into fld wordDisplay
BUT as soon as I tried to put anything into a particular line of a 
field, things would fall apart...

I hope we'll hear from Tuviah about this.  Also, please keep us posted 
of your progress.

All best,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Esperanto Revolution

2003-06-27 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 09:23  AM, Manuel Companys wrote:

Le mercredi, 25 juin 2003,  21:26 Europe/Paris, Toma Tasovac a crit :

I was thinking of writing a little Unicode tutorial anyway...
That's a pretty good idea! It would help us
Thanks, Manuel, although I must say I am less and less confident about 
my knowledge every day... :)

On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 02:04  AM, Igor Couto wrote:

3) How can I put an Esperanto label on a button? Setting the textFont 
of the button to ,Unicode, and then trying to enter a label in the 
Inspector, doesn't work. Trying to set it via script doesn't work 
either. What can I do?
This is the only one I can answer right away.  The inspector is a 
disaster for Unicode input, so pretty much you have to forget it.  What 
you need to do is save you button labels in a utf8 encoded text file, 
one label per line.  Then do the following:

on openStack
put uniencode (url file:esperantoButton.txt, utf8) into tTemp
set the itemDel to cr
set the label of button Button 1 to item 1 of tTemp
set the label of button Button 2 to item 2 of tTemp
-- etc...
end openStack
 I've just tested it with ea amanao and it worked fine.  Once 
you import these labels from the text file and save your stack, just 
get rid of the above script.  Next time you open the stack, all the 
labels will be there -- displaying correctly.

Now, I will play a little more with your other questions and see if I 
get anywhere.  Don't get your hopes up, though, I am not an expert, 
just a total Unicode desperado... :)

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Esperanto Revolution

2003-06-25 Thread Toma Tasovac
Igor, I sympathize!  Revolution LOVES turning all languages into 
Japanese :)

I've been struggling with Unicode for a while, but I am now at a point 
where I got things working more or less the way I want them.   There 
are still major unresolved issues, such as automatic word-wrapping of 
two-byte characters, clickText not returning proper values (at least 
not for Cyrillic UTF8), but I am less desperate now, because I have a 
feeling the whole thing will eventually work.  Now, my only experience 
is with Cyrillic and UTF8 -- but I see no reason why Esperanto wouldn't 
work with UTF8.

I was thinking of writing a little Unicode tutorial anyway... why don't 
you send me a stack which exemplifies some of your problems?  Let's get 
things rocking... :)

All best,
On Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 10:03  AM, Igor Couto wrote:

Hi all!

I wanted to know from the other Esperantists in the list, what your 
tips and tricks are for dealing with Esperanto text in Revolution. I'm 
finding it really hard to deal with unicode text in any language that 
is not a 'keyboard' language in MacOS X (ie, languages that you have 
to use a unicode keyboard, such as the 'US Extended' keyboard layout, 
for input). Revolution doesn't seem to want to respect my choice of 
fonts, and keeps trying to turn my text into Geneva, or tag the font 
as . Japanese - which causes major hassle...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode Text

2003-06-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
Dear Dan:

I use this:

on openStack
set the textFont of this stack to Verdana,utf8
put uniencode (url file:text.txt,utf8) into fld text
end openStack
Of course, you should choose the font you like and the particular 
encoding you need.  This really should work, but let me know if it 

All best,

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 06:39  PM, Dan Friedman wrote:

Has anyone figured out how to read and write unicode text?

I opened the unicodeFldRoutines.rev stack and tried to save field
jpTargetFld to a text file and read it back in... But I can't seem 
to get
it to work.

Has anyone been able to do this?  Or have ya got any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

persistent Unicode problems

2003-05-30 Thread Toma Tasovac
Even though Cyrillic Unicode support has gotten better (one can now 
import a text file into a field without it being mapped to Japanese -- 
thanks Tuviah!),  there are still glaring problems, even in the final 
release.  The clickText function, for instance, returns the word AND 
the punctuation mark after it (it does not return the full-stop, but it 
does return comma, colon, exclamation point, question mark and 
semi-colon.  This is plain wrong, for clickText should return a word, 
i.e. any chunk delimited by spaces, tabs, returns or punctuation.  I'm 
disappointed to see that this has not been fixed in the final release.  
Also, the text doesn't wrap properly, words get broken down in half at 
the end of line...

Before I write again to the Rev guys about this, I would like to get 
some advice from the list though.  It concerns Unicode encoded text in 
customPropertySets.  -- perhaps those dealing with other languages can 
help me figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a Revolution 

I am doing a simple thing: reading a utf8 encoded file into a variable, 
turning the variable into an array by splitting it with cr and tab, 
then setting the custom property set of the stack to the array.  All 
quite straight forward.


1) when I look up the custom properties -- in my case, cTranslations -- 
in the inspector, I get garbled text consisting mostly of empty squares 
and numbers.

2) when I try to use the custom properties with the following code:

put the clickText into tClickedWord
-- the text which is being clicked on in a field was imported from a 
utf8 encoded file
put the cTranslations[tClickedWord] of this tack into fld 

nothing happens,

3) when I try to use the message box with the following code:

put the cTranslations[] of this stack

(I don't know if this will come out right on everybody's email clients, 
but the bracketed word is in Cyrillic) -- after I hit return, the 
Cyrillic word gets turned into squares and numbers, and I get the 

Script compile error:
Error description: Commands: missing ','
So: what's happening with unicode in custom properties?  Why is this 
not working?  Has anybody made it work with other languages?  I'd be 
grateful for any tips...

All best,

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: persistent Unicode problems

2003-05-30 Thread Toma Tasovac
Alas, I did!

put uniencode (url file:translations.txt,utf8) into tTranslations

is how i'm actually getting the stuff from the text file in the first 
place, but as I said in my first email, this will not work when when 
split and set to be the custom property.  After using the above 
uniencode function, I can put tTranslations in a field -- and it will 
display properly.   But when split and made into a custom property, I 
get no results...


On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 02:50  PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Toma Tasovac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So: what's happening with unicode in custom
properties?  Why is this
not working?  Has anybody made it work with other
languages?  I'd be
grateful for any tips...
All best,
Hi Toma,

Have you tried using the 'uniEncode' and 'uniDecode'
functions ? I think one of your problems might be the
names of the customKeys containing weird characters,
so splitting things might be what's causing the
problems here.
Hope these thoughts get you closer to a solution.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: persistent Unicode problems

2003-05-30 Thread Toma Tasovac
Dear Jan,

many thanks for your email and your help.  Here's what happens:

put uniencode (url file:translations.txt,utf8) into tTranslations
split tTranslations with cr and tab
answer the keys of tTranslations
-- this gives me the same empty boxes and numbers instead of Cyrillic 
words.  What does this mean?  

And yes, I am storing the array this way:

set the customProperties[cTranslations] of this stack to tTranslations

I've spent a lot of time looking at my code, and I really can't find 
anything wrong with it.

All best,
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 04:08  PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
Hi Toma,

Have you checked the status of the array after the
split? What do you get for :
  answer the keys of tTranslations
And how do you store it ? I gues you are using :
  set the customProperties[uTranslations] to \
Jan Schenkel.

Original post:

I am doing a simple thing: reading a utf8 encoded file into a 
variable, turning the variable into an array by splitting it with cr 
and tab, then setting the custom property set of the stack to the 
array.  All quite straight forward.


1) when I look up the custom properties -- in my case, cTranslations 
-- in the inspector, I get garbled text consisting mostly of empty 
squares and numbers.

2) when I try to use the custom properties with the following code:

put the clickText into tClickedWord
-- the text which is being clicked on in a field was imported from a 
utf8 encoded file
put the cTranslations[tClickedWord] of this tack into fld 

nothing happens,

3) when I try to use the message box with the following code:

put the cTranslations[] of this stack

(I don't know if this will come out right on everybody's email 
clients, but the bracketed word is in Cyrillic) -- after I hit return, 
the Cyrillic word gets turned into squares and numbers, and I get the 

Script compile error:
Error description: Commands: missing ','
use-revolution mailing list

Re: unicode in 2.0

2003-04-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Sunday, April 6, 2003, at 01:27  AM, Ron wrote:

so try this: set the unicodetext of fld 1 to 
Thanks, Ron.

set the unicodeText of fld test to uniEncode(URL 
binfile:Cyrillic.txt,Unicode)  -- produces no result whatsoever, 
i.e. empty field, no error message.

set the unicodeText of fld test to URL binfile:Cyrillic.txt -- 
produces Japanese (or what looks to me like Japanese) but definitely 
not Cyrillic.

In other words, I still can't get Cyrillic UTF-8 files to display 
properly.  Sorry to be such a pain in the neck...


Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: unicode in 2.0

2003-04-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
Alas, I did -- to Verdana,Unicode; and Verdana,Cyrillic -- but to no 

Hi Toma,

Admittedly I don't know much abou unicode. But have
you set the textFont of the field first to something
like Arial,cyrillic
I'mnot sure if it helps, so best of luck,
Jan Schenkel.

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

unicode in 2.0

2003-04-05 Thread Toma Tasovac
I am still struggling with unicode support in 2.0.  I hope somebody can 
help me out -- and Klaus, please don't tell me you already have an 
example stack for this... :)

there are two kinds of problems:

1) I have an UTF-8 encoded file which contains Cyrillic text. Importing 
it into a custom property and then using it in my stacks didn't work, 
so I checked the file by trying put URL file:myfile.txt in the 
message box.  What comes up is definitely not Cyrillic, but garbled 
signs and symbols. Now, my custom property is obviously not going to 
work as I want it to if the file is not read properly as UTF-8, yet 
from the documentation, I don't see how I can make that happen with the 
the put URL command.

2) I've tried a different procedure, just for the sake of testing.

set the unicodeText of fld test to url binfile:myfile.txt

What that does to my poor Cyrillic text is -- hold your breath -- 
display it as Japanese.  Impressive, but not quite what I'm looking for.

I can type Cyrillic in fields and copy unicodeText from one field to 
another, but the above two problems are eluding me completely.  I'm 
really agonizing over this, so I'd appreciate any help.

All best,

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Launch command

2003-03-16 Thread Toma Tasovac
on my system:

launch /HD/Applications/TextEdit will result in error -43

launch /HD/Application/ will launch it correctly

but put exists will result in false with both TextEdit and

strange, eh?  in any case, if your goal is to launch TextEdit, just add 
.app  (I missed your first posting, so I'm not sure if that's what you 
were looking for...)


On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 07:14  PM, Roger Guay wrote:

  put exists(/Hard Disk/Applications/GetIt/TextEdit)
use-revolution mailing list

preBeta4 prob

2003-03-14 Thread Toma Tasovac
I am having problems with the latest preBeta.  It refuses to put the 
content of a txt file into a variable.  I'm doing the simplest possible 

put url file:filename into tVariable

but that just doesn't happen.  I've tried the message box with:

put url file:filename

and i couldn't see the content of the file, no error message, nothing.  
The same files work ok with 1.1.1.

Has anybody by any chance experienced the same problem?  Any suggestion 
on how I could twist Revolution's arm into reading my files?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: preBeta4 prob

2003-03-14 Thread Toma Tasovac
No, Scott, there is no variable in the file path -- it's the actual 
file  i'm referring to.

Also, I forgot to mention I was using 10.2.4

On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 07:33  PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
If you're using a variable filename as your file path, the syntax 

  put url (file:  filename) into tVariable
use-revolution mailing list

sentences as items

2003-03-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
How can I make Revolution count each sentence in a field as an item -- 
so that I can then easily manipulate whole sentences as item 1, item 2 
etc.  In other words is there a magical way to make several characters 
(. ? !) count as the same itemDelimiter?

All best,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: sentences as items

2003-03-06 Thread Toma Tasovac
Thanks a lot, Chris.  I think that's exactly what I need.

But, pardon my ignorance: how do you insert these special characters?  
Also, if you're using Unicode and you set the useUnicode to true, is 
there a corresponding Unicode character that does the same trick and 
that I could then use in both Mac and Windows versions?

Many thanks, again.


On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 06:09  PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

I don't know if this will work with itemDelimiter, but
I used this trick in version 2.0 with the new
lineDelimiter property.  It worked well.
What I did was put a special character at the end of
each sentence (NumToChar(160) on Windows and
NumToChar(202) on Mac).  This character looks just
like a space when displayed on screen, but it isn't
really a space.  Then I set the lineDelimiter property
to that character.  It worked perfectly.  You might be
able to do the same thing with itemDelimiter.
Hope that helps.

Chris Sheffield

--- Toma Tasovac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I make Revolution count each sentence in a
field as an item --
so that I can then easily manipulate whole sentences
as item 1, item 2
etc.  In other words is there a magical way to make
several characters
(. ? !) count as the same itemDelimiter?
All best,
use-revolution mailing list

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Re: highlighted text and quicktime sound files

2003-02-26 Thread Toma Tasovac
Many thanks, Scott and Klaus.

Ich hab das Gefühl, dass Klaus einen User Contribution Stack für jede 
Frage hat, die ich ihm je vorlegen könnte!!! :)

All best,


On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 01:24  AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

First, note the specific times that correspond to the speaking of each 
in the sound file and store these times (in a property of the field, 
player, your stack, or wherever).  When each word is clicked, set the
currentTime of your player to the corresponding time and start the 

You may be able to use the startTime and endTime properties to limit 
playback time of the player, depending on how your player is set up.

See the following in the docs:
- timeScale
- currentTime
- playSelection
- startTime
- endTime

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

highlighted text and quicktime sound files

2003-02-25 Thread Toma Tasovac
i have a question about the extent to which revolution can communicate 
with quicktime on both mac and windows.

i have a text field and a prerecorded quicktime sound file of the text 
in the text field.  i would like to have the text highlighted sentence 
by sentence as the sound file is being played.  the pedestrian way 
would be to divide the sound file in many smaller files, one for each 
sentence,  but i wonder if there is another way, in which revolution 
could tell the quicktime player which portion of the sound file to play 
as individual sentences get highlighted.

what would be the most efficient way to both divide (or mark) the 
quicktime sound files and make revolution interact with those portions?

all best,

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: unicode in pre-beta

2003-02-04 Thread Toma Tasovac
I agree, there are serious Unicode problems in pre-beta -- I have 
already written to Tuviah about it, and will share the info with the 
list if he gets back to me.

Also, I've discovered that pre-beta wouldn't open a stack in OS X  if 
it's contained within a folder that has Cyrillic characters in its 
name.  Once I moved the stacks to the desktop, I could open them 
without any problems.  Interestingly enough, 1.1.1 didn't care if the 
folder names were non-English.


On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 08:43  PM, Igor de Oliveira Couto 

Tuviah wrote:

 I'm personally
look forward to feedback on Unicode,

I was anxiously awaiting Unicode, but after playing with it for just 
a few minutes, it doesn't seem to be working very well yet (Mac OS 
10.1.5, Jpnese kotoeri input).

I must also admit I've found the international character handling 
still quite unacceptable at this pre-beta stage. I have been working 
on an Esperanto stack, a language which uses characters such as 
c+circumflex (ĉ), g+circumflex (ĝ), and u+breve (ŭ) among others. All 
these have to be typed with the 'US Extended' keyboard layout in MacOS 
X (10.2).


Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list


2003-02-03 Thread Toma Tasovac
Has anybody actually managed to open a stack created in 1.1.1  with 2.0 
pre-beta?  Every time I try to do that I get the message:  There was a 
problem opening that stack: no such card.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [Announce] Rev Navigator is now available.

2003-01-31 Thread Toma Tasovac
When I try to download, I get:

The requested URL /navigator/navigator.sit was not found on this server

On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 12:29  PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

Rev Navigator is now available at

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread Toma Tasovac
I know that it is not politically correct to whine about the delay of
2.0 on this list, since complaints are usually bombarded with the wise
and ethically superior they're working so hard, give them a break and
we want a good product, we're ready to wait... kind of answers -- but
the Revolution Website claims that their development process is better
advanced now, allowing us to make a more accurate estimate than
previously and that they will be shipping a public beta of 2.0 in mid

Come on, guys, we all love Revolution -- that's why we're here, yet I
would still like to get a response from the Revolution team: what went
wrong this time, and how much longer do we need to wait, again?

All best,


Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Re: public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread Toma Tasovac
On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 01:58  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So Toma, if you want a response from the revolution team, why are you 
addressing the mail list? Revolution has other more pertinent means of 
connecting to them than this list.

why am i addressing the mail list?  because the revolution team used 
the list on several occasions to provide information regarding Rev 2; 
and because i think the answer would be of interest to many people on 
the list.

Use your head...

hmmm... does my appalling lack of intelligence offend you?  if it does, 
i'm very sorry.  we can't all be brilliant, you know.

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

changing textStyle on the fly

2002-12-22 Thread Toma Tasovac
I have a field which has some words linked together.  Under certain 
conditions, I want the mouse click to disregard the link and handle the 
individual words which make up the link.  So I wrote a script to check 
if the clicked text is a link, change its textstyle to plain, pick up 
the word at clickLoc, do something with the word, and then make the 
originally cliked chunk into a link again.

on mouseDown theButton
  case theButton is 1
put the textStyle of the selectedChunk into tStyle
put the selectedChunk into tChunk
if tStyle is link then
  set the textStyle of the selectedChunk to plain
  click at the clickLoc
  put the clickText after fld Display
  select tChunk
  set the textStyle of the selectedChunk to link
  hide groups
else put the clickText after fld Display
 end switch
end mouseDown

What am I doing wrong?  With the above script, I still get the linked 
words displayed together, not individually, as I would want them.

I'd be most grateful for any help.

Happy holidays to everybody!


Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Re: changing textStyle on the fly

2002-12-22 Thread Toma Tasovac
Thanks a million, Howard!

I am always amazed with the speed at which answers get posted on this 


On Sunday, December 22, 2002, at 08:00  PM, Howard Bornstein wrote:

on mouseup
  put the clickchunk into tClicked
  if tClicked is not empty then
put the textStyle of tClicked into tStyle
if tStyle is link then
  set the textStyle of tClicked to plain
  put the mousetext after fld Display
  set the textStyle of tClicked to link
  hide groups
  put the clickText after fld Display
end if
  end if
end mouseup

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Displaying styled text

2002-12-04 Thread Toma Tasovac
Title: Displaying styled text

Dear List,

I have a field which displays some text. Is it possible to set the textStyle of numbers to bold; and the textStyle of bracketed strings to italics, so that the plain text actually gets displayed as: 

1. (italic text) plain text blah-blah. 2. (italic text) plain text blah-blah.

All best,

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


Re: hilite, double-click etc.

2002-10-01 Thread Toma Tasovac
Dear Jeanne,

Thanks for the suggestion.

Using this code, however, I get an execution error with

Error description:  do: error in statement

if storedHilitedChunk is not empty \

Value: storedHilitedChunk

I'm not sure what this means.


On 29.09.2002 18:06, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a quickie version of the highlighting code in the documentation:
 local storedHilitedChunk
 on mouseMove
 -- first unhighlight the old phrase if necessary:
 if storedHilitedChunk is not empty \
 and storedHilitedChunk is not the mouseChunk then
   do set the backgroundColor of  \
   storedHilitedChunk  to empty
   put empty into storedHilitedChunk
 end if
 -- highlight if the text under the mouse is linked:
 if the mouseChunk is not empty \
 and link is in the textStyle of the mouseChunk then
   set the backgroundColor of the mouseChunk to yellow
   -- saved for later unhighlighting
   put the mouseChunk into storedHilitedChunk
 end if
 pass mouseMove
 end mouseMove
 on mouseLeave
 -- unhighlight any currently highlighted text:
 if storedHilitedChunk is not empty then
   do set the backgroundColor of  \
  storedHilitedChunk  to empty
   put empty into storedHilitedChunk
 end if
 pass mouseLeave
 end mouseLeave
 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
 use-revolution mailing list

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Re: File, variable, array, split

2002-09-26 Thread Toma Tasovac

Dear Jan,

many thanks for your detailed post.

I will either split up the data into 2 separate custom property sets
(tTranslations and tForms) or keep the data in one set and collate the main
and the sub key myself.  (Neither of which is a problem, because I'm making
the vocabulary database in FMPro and I can export it as a tabdelimited file
in whichever way I want).

But one final thing remains unclear to me.  I don't seem to be getting the
customPropertySet thing -- which is why I couldn't figure out the code at
the end of your post.  I looked at Geoff's wiki files, but was again hit
over the head by the stupid stick.You see, my original question was how
to keep the data file (words, forms, translation) invisible to the user,
i.e. how to store them in the application.

My code is currently this:

on openstack
  put url file:translations into tTranslations
  split tTranslations with cr and tab
  set the customProperties[cTranslations] of this stack to tTranslations
  put url file:forms into tForms
  split tForms with cr and tab
  set the customProperties[cForms] of this stack to tForms
end openstack

on mouseUp
  select the clickText
  put the clickText into tClickedWord
  put the cForms[tClickedWord] of this stack into fld Translation Display
  putafter fld Translation Display
  put the cTranslations[tClickedWord] of this stack after fld Translation
  set the textStyle of word 1 of fld Translation Display to bold
  set the textStyle of word 2 of fld Translation Display to italic
end mouseUp

But for this, I still need external data files in the standalone app.  What
should I change in the above code to have the data stored in the

Thanks a lot for all your help!

On 25.09.2002 01:23, Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One final piece of information before I end this
 lengthy post: you can have only one custom property
 set active at one time, but you can still access the
 data in other custom property sets at any given time.
 put the someCustomProp of this stack
 is internally handled by
 put the customPropertySet into tActiveSet
 put the tActiveSet[someCustomProp] of this stack
 All the information in custom properties is neatly
 stored away in arrays with the name of the set, and
 the name of the property as the key.
 You can always access the data of another custom
 property set with
 put the uAnInactiveSet[someCustomPropInThatSet] of \
 this stack
 And this works, regardless of what is the active set
 at that point.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: File, variable, array, split

2002-09-26 Thread Toma Tasovac



On 26.09.2002 12:35, Klaus Major [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just open that stack once, delete or comment out these 6 lines
 of your openstack-handler and then save that stack.
 Et voila, c'est ca :-)
 And that's it :-)
 May have been too obvious ;-)
 Thanks a lot for all your help!
 Klaus Major
 use-revolution mailing list

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

hilite, double-click etc.

2002-09-26 Thread Toma Tasovac
Title: hilite, double-click etc. 

Just as you (and I) though we were done... :) I need one more twist added to my code, and then I can actually sit down and finish translating some 30,000 words from the novel that Im preparing for my students. 

The code, as stated before, is simple:

on mouseUp
select the clickText 
put the clickText into tClickedWord 
put the cForms[tClickedWord] of this stack into fld Translation Display
put   after fld Translation Display
put the cTranslations[tClickedWord] of this stack after fld Translation Display
set the textStyle of word 1 of fld Translation Display to bold
set the textStyle of word 2 of fld Translation Display to italic
end mouseUp

I would like to be able to add certain grammatical and stylistic explanations which would not be linked to particular words, but rather to some difficult phrases, metaphoric expressions etc. So, I wonder if one could turn some chunks of text into links which would get highlighted with mouseOver (as in Revolution Documentation) - pointing thus that there is a note attached to that phrase (not all sentences will have them, of course)  and THEN have the link activated with a control-click or double-click (since single click should be reserved for individual words), displaying the note in the field Translation Display.

Awaiting a kind response in fear and trepidation...
Yours truly,
Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


half-readable text in revolution documentation?

2002-09-25 Thread Toma Tasovac
Title: half-readable text in revolution documentation?

Not exactly a programming question.

Im using Revolution on Mac OS 10.1.5 and Ive noticed a very strange glitch. In all of the help documents, the examples of code can be seen only half-way, i.e. the lower half of each line of code is erased. 

I dont know if we can send images through the list serv, but Im attaching a small (8K tiff) image as a proof that I havent gone crazy.

Any suggestions?


Description: Binary data

Re: half-readable text in revolution documentation?

2002-09-25 Thread Toma Tasovac

This weird thing happens in the Revolution Documentation that comes with the
software -- not in the code that I write.

On 25.09.2002 17:43, Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Toma Tasovac wrote:
 I¹m using Revolution on Mac OS 10.1.5 and I¹ve noticed a very strange glitch.
 In all of the help documents, the examples of code can be seen only half-way,
 i.e. the lower half of each line of code is ³erased.²
 I don¹t know if we can send images through the list serv, but I¹m attaching a
 small (8K tiff) image as a proof that I haven¹t gone crazy.
 Any suggestions?
 Turn off the fixedLineHeight property of the field and see if that doesn't
 take care of it.

use-revolution mailing list

File, variable, array, split

2002-09-23 Thread Toma Tasovac
Title: File, variable, array, split 


I have a text file with a tab delimited list of words and translations, i.e.

word1 translation1
word2 translation2

I use the following code to put this file into a variable and then turn it into an array:

on openStack
global tTranslations
put url file:translations into tTranslations
split tTranslations with cr and tab
end openStack

Then, I have a field with some text in it. I want the user to click on a word in the text and have the translation displayed in another field, called Translation Display So...

on mouseUp
global tTranslation
select the clickChunk
put the clickText into tClickedWord
put tTranslations[tClickedWord] into fld Translation Display
end mouseUp

And that should be it. But its not. When I click on the word, it gets selected, but no translation appears in the Translation Display. I get no error messages. 

Any ideas on how I should troubleshoot this?


Re: File, variable, array, split

2002-09-23 Thread Toma Tasovac

How painful to admit, but yes, that was it

Many thanks,

From the Illiterate One

On 23.09.2002 04:01, David Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your global variable is tTranslations in the first handler and
 tTranslation in the second. Add an s to the second one and try
 On Monday, Sep 23, 2002, at 16:28 Australia/Sydney, Toma Tasovac wrote:
 I have a text file with a tab delimited list of words and
 translations, i.e.
 word1   translation1
 word2   translation2
 I use the following code to put this file into a variable and then
 turn it into an array:
 on openStack
   global tTranslations
   put url file:translations into tTranslations
   split tTranslations with cr and tab
 end openStack
 Then, I have a field with some text in it.  I want the user to click
 on a word in the text and have the translation displayed in another
 field, called ³Translation Display²  So...
 on mouseUp
   global tTranslation
   select the clickChunk
   put the clickText into tClickedWord
   put tTranslations[tClickedWord] into fld Translation Display
 end mouseUp
 And that should be it.  But it¹s not.  When I click on the word, it
 gets selected, but no translation appears in the ³Translation
 Display².  I get no error messages.
 Any ideas on how I should troubleshoot this?

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Re: File, variable, array, split

2002-09-23 Thread Toma Tasovac

I have one more question though:

When I build a standalone application with my current setup, I still need
the translation text file external to the application.  Is there a way to
make it reside inside the application, invisible to the user?


On 23.09.2002 04:01, David Vaughan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your global variable is tTranslations in the first handler and
 tTranslation in the second. Add an s to the second one and try
 On Monday, Sep 23, 2002, at 16:28 Australia/Sydney, Toma Tasovac wrote:
 I have a text file with a tab delimited list of words and
 translations, i.e.
 word1   translation1
 word2   translation2
 I use the following code to put this file into a variable and then
 turn it into an array:
 on openStack
   global tTranslations
   put url file:translations into tTranslations
   split tTranslations with cr and tab
 end openStack
 Then, I have a field with some text in it.  I want the user to click
 on a word in the text and have the translation displayed in another
 field, called ³Translation Display²  So...
 on mouseUp
   global tTranslation
   select the clickChunk
   put the clickText into tClickedWord
   put tTranslations[tClickedWord] into fld Translation Display
 end mouseUp
 And that should be it.  But it¹s not.  When I click on the word, it
 gets selected, but no translation appears in the ³Translation
 Display².  I get no error messages.
 Any ideas on how I should troubleshoot this?

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list

Re: File, variable, array, split

2002-09-23 Thread Toma Tasovac

Definitely, will try that.  Many thanks for the suggestion.

On 23.09.2002 11:22, yves COPPE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have one more question though:
 When I build a standalone application with my current setup, I still need
 the translation text file external to the application.  Is there a way to
 make it reside inside the application, invisible to the user?
 Think at my solution : use a custom property.

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544


use-revolution mailing list