Tomcat 5.0.28

2007-11-08 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
I am going off the topic, but wanted to know if you gurus out there tried to
install multiple instances of Tomcat on single windows XP machine. I
downloaded the zip file and extracted then created two diff folders for 2
intended tomcat instances under my main installation dir. Copied conf, temp,
logs, webapps, work into both these dirs and changed ports on server.xml in
one of the directories. Now ran the following command from bin directory
with no success. 
startup -Dcatalina.base= D:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28\Tomcat-A

I followed what RUNNING.TXT said but not sure where I went wrong...

Anyone had this working before, please share your thoughts..


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OWASP standards

2007-01-19 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Are there any Java frameworks or Java Utility projects which comply to OWASP
standards in terms of data validation etc., Please share if you know of any
such frameworks

Thank you

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RE: OWASP standards

2007-01-19 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Thanks Gary, but I couldnt access any archived webcast for this
presentation? Do you happen to have that link?

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: OWASP standards

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Are there any Java frameworks or Java Utility projects which comply to
 standards in terms of data validation etc., Please share if you know of
 such frameworks 

David Chandler had a presentation on OWASP at the ApacheCon US 2006 [1]. 


 Thank you 


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RE: OWASP standards

2007-01-19 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

never mind, I found it

Thanks anyways

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 1:51 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: OWASP standards

Thanks Gary, but I couldnt access any archived webcast for this
presentation? Do you happen to have that link?

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: OWASP standards

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Are there any Java frameworks or Java Utility projects which comply to
 standards in terms of data validation etc., Please share if you know of
 such frameworks 

David Chandler had a presentation on OWASP at the ApacheCon US 2006 [1]. 


 Thank you 


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Centralized logging software

2006-08-22 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

This my question off the topic, but was just wondering if you guys know of
any open source software that lets me view all my application logs deployed
on various servers to be viewable from one place and that should be online.
Please share if you know of any such software?

Thanks much

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2006-06-09 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Hello all,
I have a question which is unrelated to Struts but wanted to try it out here
considering this as a huge java based group. I am trying to uncompress a .Z
file using java on windows. Have anyone of you tried this out, if so please
share the solution.. I checked Java API with no luck. 


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JSF real world examples

2006-03-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Can someone point me to some real world websites/applications that have
successfully implemented JSF framework? I tried googling but no luck..Any
help is appreciated.

Thank you
Gnan Shabada

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Struts Plug-in on Tomcat

2005-08-12 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Is there any chance that Struts Plug-in class wouldn't work on Tomcat 5.5.9
server? I have a web application where I wrote a Plugin to cache my results
prior to the page display. I want to run this plug-in during server startup.
I configured my struts-config.xml accordingly. Apparently, the same code
works on Websphere App sever but not on Tomcat. I cannot see my trace
statements in the log files? Any help is appreciated.


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Deploying on Tomcat - Urgent

2005-08-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I am trying to deploy my Struts application on Tomcat 5.0.28 on Win2k. I get
the following error on my browser when I try to start up. My application has
tiles in them and I believe I configured everything properly. I was able to
successfully deploy and run the application in Websphere App Server 5.1
through WSAD. But it just doesn't run on Tomcat. I created a WAR file and
dropped it in webapps folder in Tomcat home and tried starting up the
server. I have my server.xml configured too.

Please help.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from context.
at org.apache.jsp.index2_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
root cause 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.
at org.apache.jsp.index2_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

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RE: Deploying on Tomcat - Urgent

2005-08-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
descriptionThe RegistrationDAO Implementation


descriptionThe SignOnDAO Implementation

descriptionThe SignOnDAO datasource name/description

descriptionThe RegistrationDAO datasource


descriptionThe KeyGeneratorDAO Implementation


descriptionThe KeyGeneratorDAO datasource



I also have an xml file in {catalina.home}\common\lib directory which has
the following:

Context path=/acaosareg
  docBase=${catalina.home}/webapps/acaosareg  debug=0
  ResourceLink name=jdbc/RegistrationDB /

and in my server.xml I have the JNDI resource config again under Context

Let me know if you need my server.xml too..

Thanks for your help


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 1:42 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Deploying on Tomcat - Urgent

Post your 

web.xml file... (you can omit mime defs from it)
and the controller and plugin part of your struts config file


-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 6:41 PM
To: ''
Subject: Deploying on Tomcat - Urgent

I am trying to deploy my Struts application on Tomcat 5.0.28 on Win2k. I get
the following error on my browser when I try to start up. My application has
tiles in them and I believe I configured everything properly. I was able to
successfully deploy and run the application in Websphere App Server 5.1
through WSAD. But it just doesn't run on Tomcat. I created a WAR file and
dropped it in webapps folder in Tomcat home and tried starting up the
server. I have my server.xml configured too.

Please help.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from context.
at org.apache.jsp.index2_jsp._jspService(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
root cause 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.

RE: Deploying on Tomcat - Urgent

2005-08-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
I commented out all the below stuff you mentioned in my web.xml and also in
my struts-config.xml I just left the plugin tags and commented rest of them.
I still get the same error and nothing in the logs I find the same stack
trace. I also find one extra error during the server start up  as follows: I
am confused as to how this would work in WAS and not in Tomcat, I thought
Tomcat would be more simpler ..

anyways let me know if you find something..thanks

2005-08-04 15:23:48 StandardContext[/acaosareg]action: null
org.acaosa.registration.RegistrationException: Exception in
RegistrationFacade while getting state information.: =: Cannot create
resource instance
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.commons.digester.SetNextRule.end(
at org.apache.commons.digester.Rule.end(
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown
her.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by: org.acaosa.registration.servicelocator.ServiceLocatorException:
=: Cannot create resource instance

Determine the previous action

2004-12-17 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

How can I determine the previous action I executed in Struts. I would like
to know which Action/Screen I came from and appropriately do something in my
application. Is there anyway I could do that?


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bean:define tag

2004-10-21 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

In my application, I am trying to set a exportIndex variable to a true
or false value based on if the member is admin level or not. And I want to
use this exportIndex value to display or not display one of my attributes
in table. I am using display:table from DisplayTag. I am using
bean:define to this but its not picking the value. Can some one give me
some input on what is wrong here..

JSP code:

logic:equal name=member property=accessLevel value=1
bean:define id=exportIndex value=true/
logic:notEqual name=member property=accessLevel value=1
bean:define id=exportIndex value=false/

html:form action=/deleteRegistration 
td rowspan=2 colspan=2 valign=top height=200
TABLE border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults
pagesize=5 defaultsort=1 defaultorder=descending

logic:equal name=member property=accessLevel
display:column property=lastName title=Last
Name sortable=true headerClass=sortable
href=/registration/ paramId=memberName
paramProperty=memberName /
logic:notEqual name=member property=accessLevel
display:column property=lastName title=Last
Name sortable=true headerClass=sortable  

paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /


The export attribute in the display:table tag does not pick up the
true/false value set in the bean:define tag. Not sure what is wrong here. 

Please help


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FW: bean:define tag

2004-10-21 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Sorry for the repeat post. Can someone give me some input? 

In my application, I am trying to set a exportIndex variable to a true
or false value based on if the member is admin level or not. And I want to
use this exportIndex value to display or not display one of my attributes
in table. I am using display:table from DisplayTag. I am using
bean:define to this but its not picking the value. Can some one give me
some input on what is wrong here..

JSP code:

logic:equal name=member property=accessLevel value=1
bean:define id=exportIndex value=true/
logic:notEqual name=member property=accessLevel value=1
bean:define id=exportIndex value=false/

html:form action=/deleteRegistration 
td rowspan=2 colspan=2 valign=top height=200
TABLE border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults
pagesize=5 defaultsort=1 defaultorder=descending

logic:equal name=member property=accessLevel
display:column property=lastName title=Last
Name sortable=true headerClass=sortable
href=/registration/ paramId=memberName
paramProperty=memberName /
logic:notEqual name=member property=accessLevel
display:column property=lastName title=Last
Name sortable=true headerClass=sortable  

paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /


The export attribute in the display:table tag does not pick up the
true/false value set in the bean:define tag. Not sure what is wrong here. 

Please help


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RE: How to retrieve session variables using Struts tag in JSP

2004-10-20 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I tried the first one but didn't work. All I am doing is checking for a flag
that I am setting in the session in my Action class like below..

Action Class:
session.setAttribute(loggedUser, admin);

 logic:equal name=registrationForm property=accessLevel value=1
logic:match name=loggedUser value=admin
html:button property=Delete onclick=callDelete();
bean:message key=button.delete /

and then trying to display my Delete button if the accesslevel is 1 and if
this flag is admin. When I do this, I get an error saying 

[10/20/04 9:53:18:165 EDT] 618b279f WebGroup  E SRVE0026E: [Servlet
Error]-[Cannot find bean loggedUser in any scope]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean loggedUser in any scope
at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(

Can I use any other tag to describe both conditions in one tag or is the way
I am doing right?


-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:39 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How to retrieve session variables using Struts tag in JSP

If loggedUser is a string you put in session scope, use this instead:

  logic:match name=loggedUser value=admin

If on the other hand you had a bean that you stored under session
scope under key foo, and this bean class has a getLoggedUser()
method on it, you'd use:

  logic:match name=foo property=loggedUser value=admin

The parameter attribute is for accessing request parameters that
came in from the client, not request or session attributes that your
applicaton stores.


On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 18:59:38 -0400, Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 I am trying to retrieve a flag value ( that I put in session in my Action
 class ) in my JSP. I tried bean:define tags and other struts tags but no
 luck. Can anyone point me which tag does this? I also used logic:match
 logic:present tags but no use.
 I tried this where the parameter is the session attribute and admin is
 literal value.
 logic:match parameter=loggedUser value=admin
 Please help
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Session variables using Struts tag in JSP

2004-10-20 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Can someone tell me how to retrieve session variable values using Struts

I tried logi:match but didn't work. All I am doing is checking for a flag
that I am setting in the session in my Action class like below..

Action Class:
session.setAttribute(loggedUser, admin);

 logic:equal name=registrationForm property=accessLevel value=1
logic:match name=loggedUser value=admin
html:button property=Delete onclick=callDelete();
bean:message key=button.delete /

and then trying to display my Delete button if the accesslevel is 1 and if
this flag is admin. When I do this, I get an error saying 

[10/20/04 9:53:18:165 EDT] 618b279f WebGroup  E SRVE0026E: [Servlet
Error]-[Cannot find bean loggedUser in any scope]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean loggedUser in any scope
at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(

Can I use any other tag to describe both conditions in one tag or is the way
I am doing right?


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How to retrieve session variables using Struts tag in JSP

2004-10-19 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I am trying to retrieve a flag value ( that I put in session in my Action
class ) in my JSP. I tried bean:define tags and other struts tags but no
luck. Can anyone point me which tag does this? I also used logic:match
logic:present tags but no use.

I tried this where the parameter is the session attribute and admin is its
literal value.

logic:match parameter=loggedUser value=admin

Please help


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2004-10-13 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I am using bean:define tag to define a conditional attribute to use it
somewhere else. So when I am using this id that variable is expecting an
int value. I have my tag as below.

bean:define id=sortIndex value=1

I am using it as below

display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults pagesize=5
defaultsort={sortIndex} defaultorder=descending export={exportIndex}


But since defaultsort is expecting an integer, it blows with
NumberFormatException. I can't figure out what else to do? 

Any help is appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 12:14 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: logc:equal with displaytag in Struts

Hello All,

I am using DisplayTag in my Struts App to display a list of results. One of
the columns is shown as a hyperlink to show the details for that row on a
different screen. Now, I want to be able to make this column as a hyperlink
only for certain authorized users like admins. I could have used
logic:equal tag but not sure how to put that with the Display Tag. Below
is my code. Normally I would use the href tag but want to use it only for
admin access otherwise it should be displayed as normal column.

display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults pagesize=5
defaultsort=2 defaultorder=descending export=true

display:column property=lastName title=Last Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable

paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /


Is there anyways I could do that in between display:column tag??

Thanks for your help

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RE: Checkboxes with display tag

2004-10-12 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Thanks very much. Works for me. I actually used multibox for this same code
before using DisplayTag. Dont know why I didnt choose to implement
that..anyways it works now.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Lea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 7:02 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Checkboxes with display tag

I think you need to be using multibox for this to work.  I just did 
something similar recently and this is how I did it:

display:table ... id=row ... 
display:column media=htmlhtml:multibox property=deleteList 
value=${} title=delete this item  //display:column
html:submit value=Update /

I am using JSP2.0+JSTL+EL.  Using id=row in the display:table gives me 
a handle to each object in the list so I can get the id for each row.
Then I use ${} to use as the value for the checkbox.  To do the 
same without JSTL I assume you would need to use:

html:multibox property=deleteList  title=delete this item  
 bean:write name=row property=id //html:multibox

(but I haven't tested that)

This gets submitted to an ActionForm with these properties:

public class MyActionForm extends ActionForm {
private String[] deleteList=new String[0];

public String[] getDeleteList() {
return deleteId;
public void setDeleteList(String[] fileId) {
this.deleteId = fileId;

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
deleteList=new String[0];



This gives me an array of all the id's corresponding to the ticked 
checkboxes, which I might update in a database.
Hope that gives you some clues - but probably more questions :)

Shabada, Gnaneshwer wrote:

Hello All,

I have a Struts app that I am working on and am using DisplayTag to display
my search results. So far everything works fine. Now, I want to add a
checkbox for each row in this Displaytag which I was able to do but unable
to capture the checked values in my Action Class. Please verify the below
code and let me know if you find anything missing.
I am using html:checkbox and trying to pass memberId value when it is
checked. But it takes it as literal String value.

display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults pagesize=5
defaultsort=2 defaultorder=descending export=true
   html:checkbox property=deleteList value=memberId
   display:column property=lastName title=Last Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable
paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /
   display:column property=firstName title=First Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable /
   display:column property=phone /
   display:column property=email
href=/registration/ paramId=email
   display:column property=occupation /
   display:column property=region /
   display:setProperty name=paging.banner.include_first_last
value=true /
   display:setProperty name=paging.banner.placement value=top /

Please help


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logc:equal with displaytag in Struts

2004-10-12 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Hello All,

I am using DisplayTag in my Struts App to display a list of results. One of
the columns is shown as a hyperlink to show the details for that row on a
different screen. Now, I want to be able to make this column as a hyperlink
only for certain authorized users like admins. I could have used
logic:equal tag but not sure how to put that with the Display Tag. Below
is my code. Normally I would use the href tag but want to use it only for
admin access otherwise it should be displayed as normal column.

display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults pagesize=5
defaultsort=2 defaultorder=descending export=true

display:column property=lastName title=Last Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable

paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /


Is there anyways I could do that in between display:column tag??

Thanks for your help

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c:set tag

2004-10-11 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Does Struts have a html or logic tag that is similar to c:set tag that
shows how to set a var with a default value??


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RE: c:set tag

2004-10-11 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I think this one is similar to c:set tag. Right?

bean:define id=foo value=This is a new String/


-Original Message-
From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 3:12 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: c:set tag

Check out the bean tags, rather than the html or logic tags, and see if 
that helps.


Shabada, Gnaneshwer wrote:

Does Struts have a html or logic tag that is similar to c:set tag that
shows how to set a var with a default value??


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Checkboxes with display tag

2004-10-11 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Hello All,

I have a Struts app that I am working on and am using DisplayTag to display
my search results. So far everything works fine. Now, I want to add a
checkbox for each row in this Displaytag which I was able to do but unable
to capture the checked values in my Action Class. Please verify the below
code and let me know if you find anything missing.
I am using html:checkbox and trying to pass memberId value when it is
checked. But it takes it as literal String value.

display:table name=sessionScope.searchResults pagesize=5
defaultsort=2 defaultorder=descending export=true

html:checkbox property=deleteList value=memberId
display:column property=lastName title=Last Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable

paramId=memberName paramProperty=memberName /
display:column property=firstName title=First Name
sortable=true headerClass=sortable /
display:column property=phone /
display:column property=email
href=/registration/ paramId=email paramProperty=email/
display:column property=occupation /
display:column property=region /
display:setProperty name=paging.banner.include_first_last
value=true /
display:setProperty name=paging.banner.placement value=top /


Please help


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RE: Displaytags or ValueListHandler

2004-10-07 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Forgot to metion if DisplayTag or valueList support adding a row to the
table on the same page. I mean I have a table of results displayed using
(lets's say) displayTag and also have another set of text boxes out of the
table where I can enter data and it is added to the database and also to the
table. Does either of them support this functionality?

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:51 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Displaytags or ValueListHandler

But looks like ValueList tag actually uses ValueList Handler pattern
indicating from its name. Does displaytag use the same pattern? I just
wanted to go with the better one so that I don't want o switch to something
else later. I read the configuration part of displaytag and was thiking if
changing the default properties like color, format, position is easy? Also
can we have check boxes, dropdowns, editable fields as columns? 

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Chris Bredesen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Displaytags or ValueListHandler

We use displaytag and it is dynamite.  It is fast and has lots of
features.  I haven't written one single TABLE since discovering it.  It
even allows you to specify a message to display when the list is empty;
saves you from having to put that logic in the page.

ValueList looked a bit more complex to use and there was so much vocal
support in the community for displaytag that we went that route.


 -Original Message-
 From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:31 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Displaytags or ValueListHandler
 Hello all,
 I have a requirement in my project to query and retrieve 
 search results from the database. I was doing some research 
 and found DisplayTags
 ( and ValueListHandler
 ( tags. They both look same 
 to me, infact DisplayTags look more attractive. But am not 
 sure what's the difference between their architecture? Are 
 they both same performance wise? Which one would you guys 
 recommend to work with Struts?
 Thanks for your input
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Page Navigation in Struts

2004-10-06 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Hello All,

I am planning to implement a Page Navigation functionality to navigate
through search results in my project. I read about ValueListHandler pattern
and thought that would be the best approach. But am not sure if Struts has
any inbuilt navigation functionality or if I can adopt any other methods
that I am not aware of and that fits well with Struts. Can you guys suggest
me on this?


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Calling JSP directly.

2004-10-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Was wondering if calling a JSP directly a good approach in struts or should
I always go through Action/Action Mappings. I have a situation where I have
a result list displayed in a table and each row has email icon which when
clicked should display a JSP where one can enter email text and preview the
email. So I thought I could directly call JSP using html:link
page=email.jsp. But I also want to send the To: email address of from
the row where it is clikced. Can I pass it as a request paramter when I call
the JSP directly or do I call an Action instead ?
If I can call thru JSP, how do I retrieve that email value in the next JSP??

Thanks for your help

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RE: Calling JSP directly.

2004-10-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

OK. I created an Action class (DisplayEmail) and called it instead of the
ForwardAction class. In my action class I am setting the values in the
ActionForm (EmailForm) and displaying the JSP. EmailForm has fromEmail,
toEmail, subject and emailBody as the attributes. Works fine until here and
gets the fromEmail and toEmail values and displays on the JSP using
bean:write tags. Now, when I add Subject and Email text and hit send,
it goes to a diff Action Class(SendEmailAction) and when I try to get the
fromEmail and toEmail from the ActionForm (EmailForm), they return null.
I have the EmailForm set to request scope in the config file for this
action. I thought I should see those values in the ActionClass but no luck.
Can anyone point out if I am doing anything wrong. Does the ActionForm
retrieve values if I use bean:write tags in the previous JSP or should
they be alwatys input tags..

Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks for your help

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:41 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Calling JSP directly.

Thanks for your replies guys. I implemented the ForwardAction class as you
suggested and it works. But I ran into another problem Like I said I am
displaying the value from the request scope as below. 


This displays what I want. But can I set this to my ActionForm for this JSP,
so that I can retrieve the same value in my Action Class and use it for
soemthing else.

I tried this but didnt work:

tdbean:write name=emailForm

is there any other way that I can set this value to an ActionForm using bean

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 2:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Calling JSP directly.

You CAN call JSPs directly, but it's not generally thought of as a good 
idea.  If you need to display a JSP and don't really need any 
functionality behind it, you can use a ForwardAction, which is a kind of 
Action specifically designed to just forward to a JSP.  This keeps your 
control layer involved.

In your case, you can do that and I'm pretty sure there's no reason you 
can't add the eMail address as a query string parameter, then access it 
through the request object on your JSP page.  However, I think it's 
probably a better design to have an ActionForm and an Action to submit 
to, forward to your JSP and access it through the form as you normally 
would in Struts.  Certainly will make your life easier later if you need 
to extend what's being done.

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RE: Calling JSP directly.

2004-10-04 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Never mind. Got it. I used html:hidden fields with those bean:write tags
and it works, :)

Thanks anyways guys.

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 5:37 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Calling JSP directly.

OK. I created an Action class (DisplayEmail) and called it instead of the
ForwardAction class. In my action class I am setting the values in the
ActionForm (EmailForm) and displaying the JSP. EmailForm has fromEmail,
toEmail, subject and emailBody as the attributes. Works fine until here and
gets the fromEmail and toEmail values and displays on the JSP using
bean:write tags. Now, when I add Subject and Email text and hit send,
it goes to a diff Action Class(SendEmailAction) and when I try to get the
fromEmail and toEmail from the ActionForm (EmailForm), they return null.
I have the EmailForm set to request scope in the config file for this
action. I thought I should see those values in the ActionClass but no luck.
Can anyone point out if I am doing anything wrong. Does the ActionForm
retrieve values if I use bean:write tags in the previous JSP or should
they be alwatys input tags..

Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks for your help

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:41 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Calling JSP directly.

Thanks for your replies guys. I implemented the ForwardAction class as you
suggested and it works. But I ran into another problem Like I said I am
displaying the value from the request scope as below. 


This displays what I want. But can I set this to my ActionForm for this JSP,
so that I can retrieve the same value in my Action Class and use it for
soemthing else.

I tried this but didnt work:

tdbean:write name=emailForm

is there any other way that I can set this value to an ActionForm using bean

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 2:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Calling JSP directly.

You CAN call JSPs directly, but it's not generally thought of as a good 
idea.  If you need to display a JSP and don't really need any 
functionality behind it, you can use a ForwardAction, which is a kind of 
Action specifically designed to just forward to a JSP.  This keeps your 
control layer involved.

In your case, you can do that and I'm pretty sure there's no reason you 
can't add the eMail address as a query string parameter, then access it 
through the request object on your JSP page.  However, I think it's 
probably a better design to have an ActionForm and an Action to submit 
to, forward to your JSP and access it through the form as you normally 
would in Struts.  Certainly will make your life easier later if you need 
to extend what's being done.

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RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-30 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Oops, I sent it as an attachment. I guess the mailing list doesn't take it.
Anyways, below is the rendered html code from my JSP. When I click the
DELETE button, the JS error comes on line 38 i.e, as marked below..Let me
know if you find anything

Thanks for your help

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN

base href=http://localhost:9080/registration/editregister.jsp;
meta name=owner
meta name=description content=short description of page
meta name=keywords content=put keywords here
meta name=review content=MMDD
meta name=security content=public or protected
meta name=GENERATOR
content=IBM WebSphere Page Designer V4.0 for Windows
meta http-equiv=Content-Style-Type content=text/css
link href=/registration/theme/Master.css rel=stylesheet
link href=/registration/theme/netscape.css rel=stylesheet
link href=/registration/theme/ie.css rel=stylesheet

style type=text/css/style
titleMember Registration/title

SCRIPT language=Javascript
function callDelete()
alert(Let's delete);
alert(Let's delete again);


body bgcolor=#ff

table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%
col span=1 width=39
td width=148 height=38img
src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=38 width=148 border=0/td
td bgcolor=#99 width=39 height=38img
src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=1 width=39 border=0/td
td bgcolor=#99 height=38 colspan=2
table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
bgcolor=#99 width=100%
td align=center
class=site-titleMember Registration/td
!--TD align=rightimg
src=/registration/images/ibm_logo_sm_fff.gif height=15 width=44
td rowspan=4 bgcolor=#99img
src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=1 width=10 border=0img
src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=1 width=1 border=0/td
td height=33 rowspan=2/td
td rowspan=4 width=39img
src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=1 width=39 border=0/td
td colspan=2nbsp;/td
td colspan=2 height=1

td rowspan=2 valign=top height=650
bgcolor=#ffimg src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=1
width=1 border=0/td
td rowspan=2 colspan=2 valign=top
table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0
td rowspan=7
width=10img src=/registration/images/odot.gif height=10 width=10
tdfont color=#ff
td class=subheadPlease
update the following form:/td
src=/registration/images/asterisk.gif height=15 width=15 border=0 =
a required field/td
td valign=topform
name=registrationForm method=post

RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-30 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Dohh!! that was silly of me :)

Thanks Frank. Nice eye. I got rid of that JS problem now but it still
wouldn't recognize my action on submit. I get the following error on my

[9/30/04 11:27:48:550 EDT] 3324009f OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet
Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group
/ has not been defined

I tried changing it to / but no effect. I have it
configured in my struts-config as

action path=/deleteRegistration
name=deleteForm scope=request
forward name=success

Not sure why it doesn't find it. Appreciate your help.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

Found the problem!

Note that you have a submit button with the NAME submit... This is
confusing the call to the submit() method in your JS function.  Change the
name of the button to submit1 or something and it'll work.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

 SCRIPT language=Javascript
 function callDelete()
   alert(Let's delete);
   alert(Let's delete again);

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RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-30 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Never mind.. I think I am really being impatient..:)

I found it, its the path to the action in the JS function. Had to set it to
full works now

Thanks anyways 

-Original Message-
From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:34 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

Dohh!! that was silly of me :)

Thanks Frank. Nice eye. I got rid of that JS problem now but it still
wouldn't recognize my action on submit. I get the following error on my

[9/30/04 11:27:48:550 EDT] 3324009f OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet
Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group
/ has not been defined

I tried changing it to / but no effect. I have it
configured in my struts-config as

action path=/deleteRegistration
name=deleteForm scope=request
forward name=success

Not sure why it doesn't find it. Appreciate your help.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

Found the problem!

Note that you have a submit button with the NAME submit... This is
confusing the call to the submit() method in your JS function.  Change the
name of the button to submit1 or something and it'll work.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

 SCRIPT language=Javascript
 function callDelete()
   alert(Let's delete);
   alert(Let's delete again);

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RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-30 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Well. If I say


it doesn't recognize as registration is the context root of my app and the
url was resolved as


That is why it was giving me webGroup not found error. But when I set it to


it resolves to http://localhost:9080/registration/

and works..I thought the same as you did too, but I guess you need to give
the relative path from context root.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

You shouldn't need to put the full path in, just setting the action to should be sufficient (assuming it's a root path,
meaning not something like /my/app/deleteRegistration.  Not sure why it
wouldn't work, looking at my own code that's what I have (i.e., NOT the full

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, September 30, 2004 11:42 am, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:
 Never mind.. I think I am really being impatient..:)
 I found it, its the path to the action in the JS function. Had to set it
 full works now
 Thanks anyways
 -Original Message-
 From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:34 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP
 Dohh!! that was silly of me :)
 Thanks Frank. Nice eye. I got rid of that JS problem now but it still
 wouldn't recognize my action on submit. I get the following error on my
 [9/30/04 11:27:48:550 EDT] 3324009f OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet
 Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web
 / has not been defined
 I tried changing it to / but no effect. I have it
 configured in my struts-config as
   action path=/deleteRegistration
 name=deleteForm scope=request
   forward name=success
 Not sure why it doesn't find it. Appreciate your help.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:21 AM
 Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP
 Found the problem!
 Note that you have a submit button with the NAME submit... This is
 confusing the call to the submit() method in your JS function.  Change the
 name of the button to submit1 or something and it'll work.
 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies
 SCRIPT language=Javascript
 function callDelete()
  alert(Let's delete);
  alert(Let's delete again);


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RE: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-29 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Thanks for your input. Thought I'd forward this back to the mailing list so
that others can view..

Coming back to my problem. I would call the same action from two screens
because, they both are delete functionality. It's just I need to determine
in my deleteAction class if its a multiple delete or a single delete based
on where I am coming from. Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Detecting the previous JSP

I seem to be having trouble posting to the mailing list, so I thought I'd
send this directly to you...

I'm not sure you can tell what JSP you came from without passing some
hidden variable, but what you CAN do, wich might be just as good, is
determine what mapping was executed...

In your Action's execute() method, use:

String path = mapping.getPath();

This will be something like /deleteUser if your Action Mapping was
/ for instance.  Assuming you aren't calling the same
mapping from both places, this might give you what you need.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, September 29, 2004 11:02 am, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:


 Is there any way in Struts I could determine dynamically what
 JSP/screen/action am coming from when I am in a certain screen. I have a
 scenario where I can delete users from a result list page or a member
 details page. I want to use one action to do both. But to code my action
 easier I want to determine what page I am invoking the delete action. Is
 there anything inbuilt in Struts to determine that?


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FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-29 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Thanks again. I ran around into another problem trying to implement this
delete functionality. My member details (single delete) screen actually has
3 buttons for Update, Delete, Cancel. On this JSP my default action is
/update in the form tag. But when I display my Delete button I am saying
onclick call a Javascript function and trying to submit the form to a
different action (i.e., /delete). Apparently, its not picking up the action
and throwing a Webgroup not found error. 

My JS function is

function callDelete()
//alert(delete called);

and my jsp part is

html:form action=/editRegistration
so on..
html:submit property=submit
bean:message key=button.update /
html:submit onclick=javascipt:callDelete();
bean:message key=button.delete /

I've seen solutions saying adopt LookupDispatch Action and all, but I think
it can be acheived using JS too. Just wondering if Struts allow this or not.


-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:59 PM
To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Subject: RE: R: Detecting the previous JSP

Yes, I think two different mappings is not only a good idea, but is
required.  If we assume there's no way (aside from manually passing some
flag in with the request) of determining which JSP it came from (and I'm
almost completely certain that's the case), then the only way I believe to
differentiate where the request came from is by looking at the mapping
that was called.  If you call the same mapping from both screens,
obviously you can't make that determination.  There's of course no problem
with two different screens referencing the same mapping, but for your
purposes I think they do have to be different.

If you really do want to use the same mapping for whatever reason, you
could simply add a query string to your form submissions (or link targets,
whichever your using).  That way it's slightly more obvious what your
doing.  For instance, you could have in your JSP's:


and on the other:


Then you can point your mapping to the same Action for both, and just grab
the srcJSP parameter from the request, do your comparison and delegate
appropriately.  I'd personally have the two different mappings because
then if you need to change something later it's just a config file entry
rather than touching code (even if it is just a JSP).  On the other hand,
doing it in the JSP like that means you can make the change without
restarting your app, which you'd have to do for the config file change to
take effect... sarcasmDon't you just love when a simple question has
such a straight-forward answer?!?/sarcasm

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, September 29, 2004 12:46 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 Ok. I totally agree with you. I like your idea better than DispatchAction
 bcuz first I am delegating my delete functionality to a facade based on
 delete type and that runs only a couple lines of code. Making it Dispatch
 Action is a whole new ball game I think..
 So, but now in my config I have only one Action Mapping say /delete
 pointing to my DeleteAction class. I was under assumption that I could
 the same mapping from both the single delete screen and multiple delete
 screen. Do you think it's a good idea to have another mapping pointing to
 the the same DeleteAction class for multiple deletes and then use your
 to determine the mapping although the action they both point to is the

 Thanks much.

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:24 PM
 Subject: Re: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 Thanks for forwarding to the list.  There is a problem with the webmail
 interface I am forced to use from work, and my posts to the list get stuck
 in moderation, so I appreciate it!

 The DispatchAction might work, true enough, but to me it feels a little
 heavier than it needs to be...

 I am making the accumption that you have a single Action (I think you said
 that actually), but you have two different Action Mappings that point to
 it, one for the single delete and one for the multiple delete... It seems
 to me, assuming that is correct, that what I suggested might be easier.  I
 personally prefer to see code in front of me when it's only a couple of
 lines, rather than having to look through a class hierarchy to find
 functionality in a parent class.

 With that in mind, just doing a quick IF based on the value of the path
 variable you get from my line of code, to me, feels more straight-forward.

 I guess what

FW: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-29 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

oh no, it's Client side. My browser gives Javascript error saying Object
does't support this property or method on the submit line.
I am starting to wonder, bcuz I've used this kind of calls in other
non-struts apps so many times..or am making any obvious mistake on my JSP?

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:05 PM
To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

When you say it blows up, do you mean your getting a CLIENT-SIDE error? 
I had assumed it was a server-side error.  Obviously an important
distinction :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:58 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 That alert line was commneted. Now, I moved it to the first line. It still
 blows up on


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 2:53 PM
 To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Subject: Re: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 One other thing: your diagostic alert message I think has to come BEFORE
 the submit() call... I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure that line
 will never be reached when you submit.  This might help in figuring out
 what's going on it nothing else.

 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies

 On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:30 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 Thanks again. I ran around into another problem trying to implement this
 delete functionality. My member details (single delete) screen actually
 3 buttons for Update, Delete, Cancel. On this JSP my default action is
 /update in the form tag. But when I display my Delete button I am saying
 onclick call a Javascript function and trying to submit the form to a
 different action (i.e., /delete). Apparently, its not picking up the
 and throwing a Webgroup not found error.

 My JS function is

 function callDelete()
  //alert(delete called);

 and my jsp part is

 html:form action=/editRegistration
 so on..
  html:submit property=submit
  bean:message key=button.update /
  html:submit onclick=javascipt:callDelete();
  bean:message key=button.delete /

 I've seen solutions saying adopt LookupDispatch Action and all, but I
 it can be acheived using JS too. Just wondering if Struts allow this or


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:59 PM
 To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Subject: RE: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 Yes, I think two different mappings is not only a good idea, but is
 required.  If we assume there's no way (aside from manually passing some
 flag in with the request) of determining which JSP it came from (and I'm
 almost completely certain that's the case), then the only way I believe
 differentiate where the request came from is by looking at the mapping
 that was called.  If you call the same mapping from both screens,
 obviously you can't make that determination.  There's of course no
 with two different screens referencing the same mapping, but for your
 purposes I think they do have to be different.

 If you really do want to use the same mapping for whatever reason, you
 could simply add a query string to your form submissions (or link
 whichever your using).  That way it's slightly more obvious what your
 doing.  For instance, you could have in your JSP's:


 and on the other:


 Then you can point your mapping to the same Action for both, and just
 the srcJSP parameter from the request, do your comparison and delegate
 appropriately.  I'd personally have the two different mappings because
 then if you need to change something later it's just a config file entry
 rather than touching code (even if it is just a JSP).  On the other
 doing it in the JSP like that means you can make the change without
 restarting your app, which you'd have to do for the config file change
 take effect... sarcasmDon't you just love when a simple question has
 such a straight-forward answer?!?/sarcasm

 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies

 On Wed, September 29, 2004 12:46 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 Ok. I totally agree with you. I like your idea better than
 bcuz first I am delegating my delete functionality to a facade based on
 delete type and that runs only a couple lines of code. Making it
 Action is a whole new ball game I think

RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-29 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

tried that too..and worse is html:form doesn't take a name attribute..

function callDelete()
alert(call delete);
alert(call delete again);
document.forms[0].submit();  JS error

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:17 PM
To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

Oh, ok, that makes a big difference :)

The only thing I can see that looks a bit off to me is how your
referencing the form... You might try giving the form a name and
referencing it directly.

OH, WAIT!!  The submit line I'm pretty sure is wrong.  Should be:


Give that a try, I'm pretty sure...

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, September 29, 2004 3:08 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 oh no, it's Client side. My browser gives Javascript error saying Object
 does't support this property or method on the submit line.
 I am starting to wonder, bcuz I've used this kind of calls in other
 non-struts apps so many times..or am making any obvious mistake on my JSP?

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:05 PM
 To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Subject: RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 When you say it blows up, do you mean your getting a CLIENT-SIDE error?
 I had assumed it was a server-side error.  Obviously an important
 distinction :)

 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies

 On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:58 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 That alert line was commneted. Now, I moved it to the first line. It
 blows up on


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 2:53 PM
 To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Subject: Re: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 One other thing: your diagostic alert message I think has to come BEFORE
 the submit() call... I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure that line
 will never be reached when you submit.  This might help in figuring out
 what's going on it nothing else.

 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies

 On Wed, September 29, 2004 2:30 pm, Shabada, Gnaneshwer said:

 Thanks again. I ran around into another problem trying to implement
 delete functionality. My member details (single delete) screen actually
 3 buttons for Update, Delete, Cancel. On this JSP my default action is
 /update in the form tag. But when I display my Delete button I am
 onclick call a Javascript function and trying to submit the form to a
 different action (i.e., /delete). Apparently, its not picking up the
 and throwing a Webgroup not found error.

 My JS function is

 function callDelete()
 //alert(delete called);

 and my jsp part is

 html:form action=/editRegistration
 so on..
 html:submit property=submit
 bean:message key=button.update /
 html:submit onclick=javascipt:callDelete();
 bean:message key=button.delete /

 I've seen solutions saying adopt LookupDispatch Action and all, but I
 it can be acheived using JS too. Just wondering if Struts allow this or


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:59 PM
 To: Shabada, Gnaneshwer
 Subject: RE: R: Detecting the previous JSP

 Yes, I think two different mappings is not only a good idea, but is
 required.  If we assume there's no way (aside from manually passing
 flag in with the request) of determining which JSP it came from (and
 almost completely certain that's the case), then the only way I believe
 differentiate where the request came from is by looking at the mapping
 that was called.  If you call the same mapping from both screens,
 obviously you can't make that determination.  There's of course no
 with two different screens referencing the same mapping, but for your
 purposes I think they do have to be different.

 If you really do want to use the same mapping for whatever reason, you
 could simply add a query string to your form submissions (or link
 whichever your using).  That way it's slightly more obvious what your
 doing.  For instance, you could have in your JSP's:


 and on the other:


 Then you can point your mapping to the same Action for both, and just
 the srcJSP parameter from

RE: FW: R: Detecting the previous JSP

2004-09-29 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I am posting again so that someone can shed some light on this..

I am trying to submit an action from a button thru a Javascript function. 

My Javascript code is :

function callDelete()
document.forms[0].submit();  JS error

My JSP code is something like this:

html:form action=/editRegistration
 so on..
html:submit property=submit
bean:message key=button.update /
html:submit onclick=javascipt:callDelete();
bean:message key=button.delete /

When I click the UPDATE button, the default /editRegistration action is
called. But when I click the Delete button I want to submit the
/deleteRegistration thru JS function. I don't know why but I am getting
this browser Javascript error saying Object doesn't support this property
or method on the submit line (shown above). Am I doing anything wrong? Does
struts html form support javascript action submission. Is there any other
way to do this?

Please help

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CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

2004-09-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

I am running into problem when trying to implement checkboxes using Struts
html:checkbox tag in logic:iterate tag. The scenario is as follows:

I have a result page that is populated from the database. I used the
logic:iterator to iterate through the list of results retrieved from
database matching a search criteria. However, when  display the results in a
table in JSP, I want the ability to do a multiple delete by using checkboxes
to check those records that needed to be deleted. I setup a DeleteForm with
deleteList attribute of type String[]. 

public class DeleteForm extends ActionForm {

private String[] deleteList = {};

public String[] getDeleteList() {
return deleteList;

 * @param strings
public void setDeleteList(String[] strings) {
deleteList = strings;
.. so on..

In my SearchAction class, i get the results from database and put them in a
list and the list in the request object and display the results page.

SearchAction class:

memberList = registration.searchRegistration(inputType, inputText);
request.setAttribute(searchResults, memberList);

In my DeleteAction class which is executed when I submit the Delete action
after checking the records that I want to delete I retrieve the list:

DeleteAction class:
DeleteForm deleteForm = (DeleteForm)form;

String[] deletes = deleteForm.getDeleteList(); 

In my JSP, I used the indexed attribute as follows hoping to identify the
row where the checkbox is checked, but could not retrieve those values in my
Action class. The problem is I get NullPointerException on the line 

String[] deletes = deleteForm.getDeleteList(); 

in my DeleteAction class sayign DeleteForm is null. I don't understand as I
have them in my config file as request scope. I am not sure if this is
right. How can retrieve the values from check boxes.

Please help. 

Below is my JSP code:

logic:iterate id=register name=searchResults
td width=5%html:checkbox name=deleteForm
property=deleteList value=true indexed=true/html:checkbox/td
td width=20%bean:write name=register property=firstName
td width=20%bean:write name=register property=lastName
td width=20% align=centerbean:write name=register
property=phone //td
td width=25%bean:write name=register property=email //td
td width=10% align=centerbean:write name=register
property=region //td

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


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RE: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

2004-09-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer
Thanks for your reply. I tried the multi-box but ran into another set of
problems. I seem to be able to retrieve the values but not the ones that I

I replaced the checkbox with multi box and in my action class when I
retrieved values, I was getting as $register.memberId Strings rather than
the memberIds for those checked. Am I doing anything wrong?

logic:iterate id=register name=searchResults
td width=5%
!--html:checkbox name=deleteForm property=deleteList value=true
html:multibox property=deleteList

/td   td width=20%bean:write name=register
td width=20%bean:write name=register property=lastName//td
td width=20% align=centerbean:write name=register
property=phone //td
td width=25%bean:write name=register property=email //td
td width=10% align=centerbean:write name=register
property=region //td


-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 5:00 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am running into problem when trying to implement checkboxes using Struts
 html:checkbox tag in logic:iterate tag. The scenario is as follows:

If you have multiple checkboxes, the multibox tag, not checkbox.  Then it
should populate your String[] property.

I'm using Struts-EL and JSTL, so I'm not sure if you really need the
'indexed' attribute or not.  I don't use it.

Wendy Smoak

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RE: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

2004-09-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

OK! I got to a point where I was able to retrieve the right values for my
checked boxes.

I did this and it worked.

logic:iterate id=register name=searchResults
td width=5%
!--html:checkbox name=deleteForm property=deleteList value=true
html:multibox property=deleteList
bean:write name=register property=memberId/

But the problem is when I display back the same page after deletion to
display a confirmation message, I ran into the following exception

[9/27/04 18:20:09:709 EDT] 5469b9c7 WebGroup  E SRVE0026E: [Servlet
Error]-[Cannot find bean searchResults in any scope]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean searchResults in any scope
at org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.lookup(

and I know why this is happening because searchResult in the iterate Tag is
lost in the request scope. To come around this problem, I added a List
attribute in my DeleteActionForm class and populated that with the
searchResults list in my SearchAction class.

DeleteForm deleteForm = new DeleteForm();
memberList = RegistrationDAO.searchRegistration(inputType, inputText);
request.setAttribute(searchResults, memberList);

request.setAttribute(deleteForm, deleteForm);

And changed the logic:iterate tag
logic:iterate id=register property=memberList

This time it didnot recognize memberList and gave me a NullPointerException.

Any suggestions?


-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 6:03 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I replaced the checkbox with multi box and in my action class when I
 retrieved values, I was getting as $register.memberId Strings rather
 the memberIds for those checked. Am I doing anything wrong?

Are you using a JSP 2.0 container, and do you have it configured so that
expressions are automatically evaluated?

If not, you'll need to use the EL Struts tags.

I have an example from my own project posted here:

Wendy Smoak

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RE: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

2004-09-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

Baahh! why didn't that strike me :)

I'll put searchResults in session and it should work..

Thanks for your help, Wendy.

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 6:33 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 And changed the logic:iterate tag
 logic:iterate id=register property=memberList

 This time it didnot recognize memberList and gave me a

You seem to be expecting logic:iterate to know that memberList is a
property of some form.  I don't know if it does that or not... try
property=deleteForm.memberList instead.

But actually I'd just put the search results in session scope and either
modify them as you do the deletes, or refresh it after the deletes.  Then
it'll be there without your having to do anything.

Wendy Smoak

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RE: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

2004-09-27 Thread Shabada, Gnaneshwer

You are right. But like I did in my previous snippet, if I setup my
deleteAction mapping to deleteForm in my config file I would think the
searchResults.jsp should by default take deleteForm as its ActionForm and
recognize memberList in the iterate tag. I don't know why that didn't work.
Is there any type of setting in config file that I put deleteForm as default
Form for searchresults.jsp. I know I have it mapped for the deleteAction.

logic:iterate id=register property=memberList


-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 6:46 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: CheckBoxes in logic:ietrate tag

From: Shabada, Gnaneshwer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Baahh! why didn't that strike me :)
 I'll put searchResults in session and it should work..
 Thanks for your help, Wendy.

You're welcome... sometimes there's a good reason not to put something in
session scope.  To the consternation of my network and server admins, I tend
to assume that memory and disk space are infinite resources until I'm proven
wrong. ;)  Premature optimization is the cause of more problems than it

Wendy Smoak

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