Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Help with Base report

2014-01-23 Thread Harvey Nimmo
Hello Noel,

I think the 'right' approach must be to 'patch' the height of the box
and, thereupon, the height of the detail section at the loading of each
record. I suspect there must be some way of accessing those attributes
which is  documented somewhere. I suppose the slightly more difficult
bit might be to find the right way to calculate how high the box should
be to accommodate the (in my case) concatenated text string.  


On Thu, 2014-01-23 at 18:34 +1100, Marion  Noel Lodge wrote:
 Hi Harvey,
 Originally I used Alex's method and made the height of the text box twice
 what I needed, to accommodate the overflow.  But this has the effect of the
 report lines being effectively double spaced, except for just a few long
 lines.  It also uses twice as much paper, if the report is printed.
 So I wrote a macro that creates a second record to accommodate the overflow
 text.  It is a bit tricky getting the second record to sort after the
 appropriate first record, but I have succeeded in getting it to work.
 I haven't attempted to modify the report's text box height dynamically -
 that I think would be quite tricky!  If you are interested in looking at my
 code, (written in basic), I could post it on the list.  Just let me know.
 Noel Lodge
 On 23 January 2014 09:01, Harvey Nimmo wrote:
  On Wed, 2014-01-22 at 17:50 +0100, Alex Thurgood wrote:
   On 22/01/2014 16:40, Harvey Nimmo wrote:
   Hi Harvey,
I am fetching records from a query and putting them in various text
boxes in the 'detail' section of a report. Two fields of each record
may, however, contain more text than fit into the corresponding text
and would need to be printed on more than one line. Unfortunately, I do
not know how to the change the text box height dynamically to allow the
full text of the record field to be displayed. Obviously, if that were
somehow possible, also the height of the 'detail' section would have to
be increased for that record (and both would have to be reset for the
next record). The height of a text box (in the properties table) is
'fixed' and I can find no attribute that would make a text box
'expandable' as needed for the above.  Where can I do that?
   Ah, that rings a bell as an oft requested feature improvement. You might
   want to wade through LO's bugzilla to see if someone hasn't already
   registered this - it may well even have come up on this mailing list
   At present, there is no way that I know of to do what you want, other
   than making your text fields sufficiently dimensioned when creating yur
   report to take account of the odd record or two that exceeds the single
  Well, it doesn't sound like a bug, but rather a feature that may or may
  not be supported.
  I had the thought I might try a macro, but I need help for that and
  pointing in the right direction.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Nikolai Cassanova: Hi, I am having problems with OLE objects in microsoft word documents

2014-01-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Another way of following Regina's route is to;
1.  make a copy of the file
2.  rename the file-ending from .docX (or from .odt) to .zip
3.  double click on the zip-file
4.  look in the likely-looking folders until you find the object
5.  drag that out of the document

To fully follow her route you might
6.  delete the object from the zip-file
7.  rename the .zip to .docx (or .odt)
8.  open the file with LibreOffice and carry on with her 2nd-to-last
paragraph (create a link to the object and then delete the remaining

Once you have done that sort of thing once or twice you realise that
you don't really have to rename at all.  Just a right-click allows you
to open with   Some OSes make it easier.  It's toughest in
Windows because Windows tries to hide the file-ending.  On Windows you
might need to tweak your machine a bit to make it easier and i only
know how to do that on Xp.  It's probably possible on Win7 and Win8
but if i get into anything like this i reboot into Ubuntu or something
to avoid faffing around.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 22 January 2014 22:44, Regina Henschel wrote:
 Hi Nikolai, schrieb:


 Yeah 6.3 word document is huge.  Yes it is embedded into the word document
 and I can´t copy it, to paste  it into an external link.  I don´t know
 what to do because this semester, I only had one class and next semester I
 will have about 10 classes.  In my school, all professors will give
 documents with embedded objects.  Any other ideas?

 A .docx document is a container format as .odt too. So you can inspect it
 with Windows file manager or you unpack it. Then you should be able to
 access the embedded object directly and copy it to another place. Then you
 can look at its file format and find a suitable application to play it.

 If you remove it, LibreOffice will show some kind of not found at that
 place, but the file will become a lot smaller. Delete the now broken object
 and replace it with a hint for you, which file belongs to this place.

 What operating system do you use?

 Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc - can't open table in asp page

2014-01-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think open 2 bug-reports?  One for the case where Calc is open and
the other for when it isn't.  I have a feeling that there are 2
separate problems there.

One is that LibreOffice needs to be recognised by Win7 as the default
app for opening documents.  There might be additional problems there
depending on the specific coding for the specific button.  If the
button's coding specifies Excel then that is going to be a tad
difficult for our devs to solve unless given permission (and
incentive) to work on the 3rd party button.

The other is the slow-down leading to an open Calc becoming
greyed-out.  That sounds like something our devs might be able to work
on and might possibly fall within our remit and therefore probably not
require additional incentives.

You are clearly talking about some sort of company with all this.  Do
you have your own developer(s)?  If so could they work with devs fom
other organisations (and volunteers) under TDF's umbrella to fix this
1 (or 2) tasks?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 January 2014 10:59, Gianmarco.bertella wrote:
 Hello everybody ,
 I have an intranet page where people push on a button and there for people
 using microsoft excel as default application for spreadsheet automatically
 they have an excel sheet opened with the table extracted from the page
 addressed by the link associated to this button (a link like
 After installing Libreoffice Calc, if calc is closed , nothing happen on the
 screen , but I can see that 2 process are started soffice.exe and
 soffice.bin. Also after more than 10 minutes nothing happen on the screen.
 If Calc is already opened , the calc windows become gray and it stay
 In fact after pushing on the web button we have a first popup asking us to
 open or save.
 With open we have the blok, if we use SAVE and we rename the file as html
 type , than we can open it with Calc (we have first a popup asking us for
 automatic language for import) and we only need to press OK.
 That last solution I guess could be only used as workaround.
 In your opinion could be a bug or I need to do something to avoid Calc
 freeze (options or something else) ?
 test done with S.O. W7 Pro sp1 32bit, W7 enterprise 64 bit.  LO
 (language Italian)
 thanks in advance for your help

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Re: [libreoffice-users] compatibility with Topaz signature pads

2014-01-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I've never even seen a Topaz signature device.

The closest we usually get is to print our a document, sign it, scan
it back in as Pdf!!!  NOT very efficient!  My route would be to scan
in just my own and the crucial other signatures as png images and then
place them in the relevant documents.  However, i suspect that even if
all parties were happy with it then it still might count as fraud.  A
blatant photocopy might be more acceptable!

We have odd laws in the Uk.  For example if you tape-record a phone
conversation then the recording is NOT admissible in court and might
even land you in trouble if you hadn't asked the person's permission
to record them.  What IS admissible is if you take the recording and
write down what you think they said.  So, what is admissible is more
likely to contain errors or fabrications!!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 22 January 2014 12:43, James Sweet wrote:
 We use Topaz signature pads with MS Office Word and Excel.
 We are considering switching to LibreOffice.
 Is there a way to make LO Calc and Writer work with the Topaz plugins found 
 on their website?

 if not, is there some other way to get our signature pads to work with 


 James Sweet
 Computer Support Specialist
 Victorian Villa Rehabilitation and Living Center
   26 Pleasant Street, Canton, ME 04221
   207-597-2510 207-597-2580 fax

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Nikolai Cassanova: Hi, I am having problems with OLE objects in microsoft word documents

2014-01-23 Thread nikolaigauntiet
Hi Regina,

I am using ubuntu 13.04, I don't understand what you mean by using windows
file manager.  Is it possible to unpack a .docx file using the ubuntu
archive program that unpacks tar.gz file formats?  Also libreoffice
doesn't allow me to remove it.  Thats the problem if I could remove it I
would just put it on my desktop and then open it with vlc player.

 Hi Nikolai, schrieb:

 Yeah 6.3 word document is huge.  Yes it is embedded into the word
 and I can´t copy it, to paste  it into an external link.  I don´t know
 what to do because this semester, I only had one class and next semester
 will have about 10 classes.  In my school, all professors will give
 documents with embedded objects.  Any other ideas?

 A .docx document is a container format as .odt too. So you can inspect
 it with Windows file manager or you unpack it. Then you should be able
 to access the embedded object directly and copy it to another place.
 Then you can look at its file format and find a suitable application to
 play it.

 If you remove it, LibreOffice will show some kind of not found at that
 place, but the file will become a lot smaller. Delete the now broken
 object and replace it with a hint for you, which file belongs to this

 What operating system do you use?

 Kind regards

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Nikolai Gauntlet Cassanova

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-23 Thread Girvin Herr

I have been reading this thread, but since I do not use Ubuntu, I have 
no direct experience to add to this discussion.  However, I may make one 
suggestion: check the age of your video card and computer. I use 
Slackware Linux and I have had KDE4 (QT-based) and xfce (GTK-based) 
desktop stability problems for the last 3 or 4 Slackware releases.  My 
computer and its ATI Radeon AGP video card were over 10 years old.  I 
recently upgraded my computer to 2-year old technology and used an ATI 
4350 PCI Express video card and the stability problems went away.  I 
suspect that the Linux devs no longer have access to the old hardware 
(AGP in this case) and do not test the new code with it.  Therefore, it 
is a crap shot for new Linux versions to fully function with old hardware.

As a footnote: After the upgrade, I took the old computer and went from 
1GB to 3GB of RAM, but that alone did not solve the desktop stability 
problems.  Switching from the old ATI AGP to an even older Nvidia AGP I 
had lying around, and switching from the default nouveau driver, because 
it would not find the old card, to the nv driver, got the old system 
working stably again.  But it is a bailing wire approach and is 
destined to fail in the future.

Girvin Herr

On 01/22/2014 09:02 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

10.04 LTS is lucid. We never went to gnome 3 since it broke too many
workflows. We looked at cinnamon and mate and they made our workstations
unstable. It's weird that an application could disrupt the ui as much as
we're seeing. Our users are used to their workstations staying up for
months and installing libre office has been much more disruptive than a
simple application install should have been.
On Jan 21, 2014 6:53 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
dual-core E350 and E450.

I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
the buttons are.

I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
desktop to function.


This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough
about gnome-panel to answer you.

Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Nikolai Cassanova: Hi, I am having problems with OLE objects in microsoft word documents

2014-01-23 Thread Cley Faye

 Hi Regina,

 I am using ubuntu 13.04, I don't understand what you mean by using windows
 file manager.  Is it possible to unpack a .docx file using the ubuntu
 archive program that unpacks tar.gz file formats?  Also libreoffice
 doesn't allow me to remove it.  Thats the problem if I could remove it I
 would just put it on my desktop and then open it with vlc player.

​Yes, docx files are really zip files. You can rename one from .docx to
.zip and open it with any program that can deal with compressed files (I
believe the default software available on Ubuntu are able to deal with zip

Once open as a zip archive, you'll most likely see the file somewhere.​

Cley Faye

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Error 2908 and 1935 after installing .Net 4.5.1 and attempting to update Libreoffice to 4.0.4

2014-01-23 Thread Tanstaafl

On 2014-01-22 5:14 PM, Pedro wrote:

Tanstaafl wrote

I uninstalled the old version (3.6.3 I think it was), then installed
.Net 4.5.1, and when I tried to install Libreoffice 4.0.4, the
installation failed, first got the error 2908, then the 1935.

Hope there is an easy fix, because this is the Boss's computer.

Why are you trying to install 4.0.4?

If you must update to the 4.0 branch (is there any reason not to update to
4.1.4???) then you should get 4.0.6 (available from the official download
page) which is the final version for that branch.

There is a bug in  4.0.4 dealing with opening documents on network 
shares (LibO thinks they are 'in use' when they are not)...

Downgrading to 4.0.4 fixed this problem for us.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-23 Thread Tony Godshall
I may have forgotten to mention that I have OpenOffice 4.0.x and
LibreOffice 4.1.x on the same computers.

That may me an issue, I'm thinking now.

I've set up a couple of users as a test case- one with OpenOffice
4.0.x only, and one with LibreOffice 4.1.x only.

And I also should have mentioned that the source of the programs is
from and, from the tar.gz of deb files,
installed with dpkg -i without complaints.

WRT using another distro, yes, I am looking into that.  Like I said,
Cinnamon and Mate (Mint) gave us troubles WRT stability.  Cinnamon
especially was crashing every couple of days on a user with lots of
windows.  XFCE Desktop is one I've been using myself as primary for a
while- it seems solid, so we might go with that, though it'll look
different and have menus in different places.  In particular, the
Debian wheezy XFCE has been very solid for me on various laptops,
running from USB3 stick, etc.  , so I'm thinking I may try a couple of
people on that once I've got a clean replicable install that has most
of the expected icons in the right places..

No need to be sorry- they are good questions, and people who think
they can get a quick solution without some back and forth are fooling

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 2:24 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 On 1 or 2 machines can you try downloading and using 4.0.6 instead of
 4.1.?.  (Hopefully 4.1.4. or 4.1.3 right? NOT 4.1.2 or earlier?).  On
 another machine or 2 can you try using Apache OpenOffice?  Ideal would
 be if you could try out both for yourself on your own machine or a
 machine you use to test-drive stuff before rolling it out to all
 machines.  I take it you deal with an office with quite a few machines
 (perhaps even separated geographically)?

 Apparently it really helps if you can also have a normal-user act as
 guinea-pig for each case to see how well 4.0.6 or AOO cope with normal
 daily usage for a day or so.  Ideal candidates are
 1.  people who always struggle with any system.  The extra attention
 from you might result in them picking up useful tipstricks about
 unrelated issues.
 2.  people who are technically quite competent.  They may be able to
 help-out neighbouring colleagues with sundry issues later
 People in between the extremes can be useful but just not quite so
 much.  It doesn't really matter who you pick as long as they can give
 you some sort of feedback.

 The odd thing here is that we are not getting reports of anything
 similar happening with other distros using a Gnome 2(ish) DE.  That is
 not to say it's not happening elsewhere too but its just odd to not
 hear about it from elsewhere yet.  There are people on this list using
 similar set-ups and are not shy of grumbling (and finding a cure even
 as they grumble).

 Since you are not using the Unity Interface have you considered
 starting to move to a different distro?  Perhaps in the same family?
 Perhaps Mint?  Most distros are fairly happy to work with 2 or 3
 different DEs but Ubuntu seems focused on Unity at the moment.

 So, a couple of different things to try but no actual answer :(
 Sorry chap!
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 On 23 January 2014 05:02, Tony Godshall wrote:
 10.04 LTS is lucid. We never went to gnome 3 since it broke too many
 workflows. We looked at cinnamon and mate and they made our workstations
 unstable. It's weird that an application could disrupt the ui as much as
 we're seeing. Our users are used to their workstations staying up for
 months and installing libre office has been much more disruptive than a
 simple application install should have been.
 On Jan 21, 2014 6:53 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

 On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

 This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

 OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
 dual-core E350 and E450.

 I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
 more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

 I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

 Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
 cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
 challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
 the buttons are.

 I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
 gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
 desktop to function.


 This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough
 about gnome-panel to answer you.

 Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

 Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-23 Thread Tony Godshall
Thanks for the comments.  Yes, Ubuntu seems especially
aggressive with out with the old mentality in spite of having
released named Long Term Support.

No, the boxes are not old- they are Dell Zino, Zotac, and Asus
boxes purchased within the three, two, and one year, approximately,
respectively.  They are AMD64 low-power APU devices with integrated

My impression is that Debian has a much better record with regards
to preventing regression, so I'm probably going to test with them.
I probably won't be switching to anything that's not dpkg-based
unless there's a compelling reason- it would mess with too many

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Girvin Herr wrote:
 I have been reading this thread, but since I do not use Ubuntu, I have no
 direct experience to add to this discussion.  However, I may make one
 suggestion: check the age of your video card and computer. I use Slackware
 Linux and I have had KDE4 (QT-based) and xfce (GTK-based) desktop stability
 problems for the last 3 or 4 Slackware releases.  My computer and its ATI
 Radeon AGP video card were over 10 years old.  I recently upgraded my
 computer to 2-year old technology and used an ATI 4350 PCI Express video
 card and the stability problems went away.  I suspect that the Linux devs no
 longer have access to the old hardware (AGP in this case) and do not test
 the new code with it.  Therefore, it is a crap shot for new Linux versions
 to fully function with old hardware.

 As a footnote: After the upgrade, I took the old computer and went from 1GB
 to 3GB of RAM, but that alone did not solve the desktop stability problems.
 Switching from the old ATI AGP to an even older Nvidia AGP I had lying
 around, and switching from the default nouveau driver, because it would not
 find the old card, to the nv driver, got the old system working stably
 again.  But it is a bailing wire approach and is destined to fail in the

 Girvin Herr

 On 01/22/2014 09:02 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

 10.04 LTS is lucid. We never went to gnome 3 since it broke too many
 workflows. We looked at cinnamon and mate and they made our workstations
 unstable. It's weird that an application could disrupt the ui as much as
 we're seeing. Our users are used to their workstations staying up for
 months and installing libre office has been much more disruptive than a
 simple application install should have been.
 On Jan 21, 2014 6:53 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

 On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

 This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

 OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
 dual-core E350 and E450.

 I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
 more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

 I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

 Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
 cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
 challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
 the buttons are.

 I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
 gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
 desktop to function.


 This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough
 about gnome-panel to answer you.

 Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

 Jay Lozier

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Best Regards.
This is unedited.

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[libreoffice-users] Calc question

2014-01-23 Thread Pikov Andropov
I'm going to use Calc for recording sales during an auction.

When all data has been entered, I will sort on the names of the buyers.
For any given buyer there will be N entries (where N  1).

Next to each buyer will be a price. How do I total the amount of a
buyer's purchase on the fly, so-to-speak?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc question

2014-01-23 Thread Pikov Andropov
Jim Trigg / Blaise de Cormeilles has written on 1/23/2014 9:54 PM:
 On Thu, January 23, 2014 9:28 pm, Pikov Andropov wrote:
 I'm going to use Calc for recording sales during an auction.

 When all data has been entered, I will sort on the names of the buyers.
 For any given buyer there will be N entries (where N  1).

 Next to each buyer will be a price. How do I total the amount of a
 buyer's purchase on the fly, so-to-speak?
 Well, it will give you N answers for each buyer, but if the buyer's name
 is in column A and the price is in column B, then
 SUMIF($A$1:$A$###,A1,$B$1:$B$###) in cell C1, with ### replaced by the
 last row and the formula then copied down to the remaining cells, will do

I was hoping that there was a way to select the several price cells
and then click on something. The people using Calc will probably never
have seen a spreadsheet before.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc question

2014-01-23 Thread Alan B
On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Pikov Andropov wrote:

 Next to each buyer will be a price. How do I total the amount of a
 buyer's purchase on the fly, so-to-speak?

 Have labels at the top of each column such as Buyer and Price.

Once you're ready to get your totals by buyer
1) sort by buyer as you intend
2) select the entire data range including the column labels
3) from the menu select Data | Subtotals...
4) in the Subtotals dialog box make sure the Group by option is Buyer
5) tick the Price check box in the Calculate subtotals for list
6) confirm Sum is the selected function in the Use function list
7) click the OK button

You'll be back to your spreadsheet with subtotals for each Buyer inserted.
Plus to the left of the row numbers you'll see outline features that allow
hiding and showing the various subtotaled rows.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Nikolai Cassanova: Hi, I am having problems with OLE objects in microsoft word documents

2014-01-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Windows file manager = a file-browser

In Ubuntu you can right-click on the .odt or .docX and choose Open
with ... and then choose Archive manager, or the other Archive
Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 January 2014 21:24, Regina Henschel wrote:
 Hi Nikolai, schrieb:

 Hi Regina,

 I am using ubuntu 13.04, I don't understand what you mean by using windows
 file manager.

 I mean the file manager of a Windows operating system.

 I work on Window 7; and when I rename the file to .zip, then I can open it
 inside the file manager which comes with Windows7, the same way as it would
 be a normal folder. That is a feature of Windows 7.

   Is it possible to unpack a .docx file using the ubuntu

 archive program that unpacks tar.gz file formats?  Also libreoffice
 doesn't allow me to remove it.  Thats the problem if I could remove it I
 would just put it on my desktop and then open it with vlc player.

 Yes, it is a normal PK .zip format. When I use 7zip on Windows 7, then I
 even do not need to rename it. But 7zip opens .odt files directly.

 Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-23 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Debian has a reputation for being old and long-in-the-tooth by the
time it releases anything doesn't it?  I'm not sure if it's a fair
rep.  There are tons of Ubuntu spin-offs or 'clones'.

Does Xfce have it's menus and toolbar at the bottom of the screen by
default?  If so it might not be such a bad leap because many office
workers probably have a Windows machine at home or some passing
familiarity with it.

To install LibreOffice, OpenOffice etc alongside each other does
require a bit of trickery.
Did the crashes usually happen when both were open at the same time as
each other?  The Quickstarter counts as having one open.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 January 2014 22:44, Tony Godshall wrote:
 Thanks for the comments.  Yes, Ubuntu seems especially
 aggressive with out with the old mentality in spite of having
 released named Long Term Support.

 No, the boxes are not old- they are Dell Zino, Zotac, and Asus
 boxes purchased within the three, two, and one year, approximately,
 respectively.  They are AMD64 low-power APU devices with integrated

 My impression is that Debian has a much better record with regards
 to preventing regression, so I'm probably going to test with them.
 I probably won't be switching to anything that's not dpkg-based
 unless there's a compelling reason- it would mess with too many

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Girvin Herr 
 I have been reading this thread, but since I do not use Ubuntu, I have no
 direct experience to add to this discussion.  However, I may make one
 suggestion: check the age of your video card and computer. I use Slackware
 Linux and I have had KDE4 (QT-based) and xfce (GTK-based) desktop stability
 problems for the last 3 or 4 Slackware releases.  My computer and its ATI
 Radeon AGP video card were over 10 years old.  I recently upgraded my
 computer to 2-year old technology and used an ATI 4350 PCI Express video
 card and the stability problems went away.  I suspect that the Linux devs no
 longer have access to the old hardware (AGP in this case) and do not test
 the new code with it.  Therefore, it is a crap shot for new Linux versions
 to fully function with old hardware.

 As a footnote: After the upgrade, I took the old computer and went from 1GB
 to 3GB of RAM, but that alone did not solve the desktop stability problems.
 Switching from the old ATI AGP to an even older Nvidia AGP I had lying
 around, and switching from the default nouveau driver, because it would not
 find the old card, to the nv driver, got the old system working stably
 again.  But it is a bailing wire approach and is destined to fail in the

 Girvin Herr

 On 01/22/2014 09:02 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

 10.04 LTS is lucid. We never went to gnome 3 since it broke too many
 workflows. We looked at cinnamon and mate and they made our workstations
 unstable. It's weird that an application could disrupt the ui as much as
 we're seeing. Our users are used to their workstations staying up for
 months and installing libre office has been much more disruptive than a
 simple application install should have been.
 On Jan 21, 2014 6:53 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

 On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

 This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

 OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
 dual-core E350 and E450.

 I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
 more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

 I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

 Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
 cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
 challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
 the buttons are.

 I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
 gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
 desktop to function.


 This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough
 about gnome-panel to answer you.

 Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

 Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc question

2014-01-23 Thread Jim Trigg / Blaise de Cormeilles
On Thu, January 23, 2014 9:28 pm, Pikov Andropov wrote:
 I'm going to use Calc for recording sales during an auction.

 When all data has been entered, I will sort on the names of the buyers.
 For any given buyer there will be N entries (where N  1).

 Next to each buyer will be a price. How do I total the amount of a
 buyer's purchase on the fly, so-to-speak?

Well, it will give you N answers for each buyer, but if the buyer's name
is in column A and the price is in column B, then
SUMIF($A$1:$A$###,A1,$B$1:$B$###) in cell C1, with ### replaced by the
last row and the formula then copied down to the remaining cells, will do

Jim Trigg

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