Re: [users@httpd] Apache server offline

2019-03-19 Thread Lester Caine

On 19/03/2019 07:01, Elizmarié Louw wrote:
I have tried restarting the machine a few times; each time it starts up 
perfectly without any errors. But when I try to access phpMyAdmin 
section, an error pops up that "The Apache HTTP server has encountered a 
problem and needs to close." The error log seems to keep duplicating the 
same feedback as well.

Still holding thumbs that someone out there might be able to help...

The only error message you have in the log posted refers to 'buffer too 
small' and seems to be related to '' but that site is not 
working. I've just been having fun with phpMyAdmin where the backup is 
failing because PHP runs out of memory, so you should perhaps be loking 
at the php logs rather than Apache ...

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Re: [users@httpd] What is preferred PHP interface?

2017-03-30 Thread Lester Caine
On 30/03/17 02:00, John Iliffe wrote:
> Surprised that the PHP docs don't seem to have anything equivalent to that 
> Wiki.

The equivalent page for PHP is perhaps, but with the growing
number of alternatives to Apache it's difficult to keep everything up to
date. This is one reason php-fpm is now preferred since it essentially
separates PHP from the web server. I currently have php5.4, php5.6 and
php7 running into apache and nginx and can update one without affecting
the other.

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[users@httpd] Access forbidden to wordpress tinymce loader

2017-01-12 Thread Lester Caine
I'm trying to recover a wordpress website for a customer and get it
working on one of my servers after his original hosting company decided
to block the site. We have the content and a copy of wordpress
application it was working with, and almost everything is now sorted
with a new domain name, but the tinymce editor is proving difficult.

There is a php script to load the tinymce js files, but it is located in
an area where .htaccess limits access so I'm getting a 403 error and no
editor on the page. I've sort of convinced myself that it's down to some
difference between Apache 2.2 and 2.4 as the wordpress .htaccess file
was very 2.2 like so I've fixed that ...

Contemplating what to write is always helpful ... There was a .htaccess
file in the wp-includes folder which still had a mix of 2.2 and 2.4
format settings with a 2.2 setting for wp-tinymce.php ... but the
tinymce language files were enabled in the root .htaccess :(

Posting anyway for reference as all the google searches were giving
solutions at a total tangent to the actual bug and I'd spent 2 hours
trying to track the problem!

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Re: [users@httpd] "localhost/index.php" don't run.

2016-08-22 Thread Lester Caine
On 22/08/16 11:37, Sergio Gelli wrote:
> I'm using set PHP7 the same way that always used in other versions,
> always keep the original settings of the installation and always
> everything worked ok

The starting point is to check that php is actually loaded in Apache. My
suse package manager is still showing PHP5 so I've manually installed
PHP7 and then had to manually add to Apache
has now appeared and may solve your problem ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] Address already in use in Apache on Mac

2016-03-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/03/16 10:23, Roparzh Hemon wrote:
> Thanks for your help Lester.
> When I try "http://localhost; in my browser I get a "403 Forbidden :
> you dont have permission to access / on this server" message.
> I installed Apache manually in my personal location (although I
> already have the Mac's builtin installation, the reason I'm doing this
> is that all the tutorials I found for a deeper understanding of Apache
> are for non-Mac environments, and if I wish to adapt those tutorials
> to my Mac I need to use something I installed myself so as to know
> where things are. Plus, I don't want my little experiments to
> interfere with built-in defaults on my system).

I know the problem ... but to be honest you will be better working out
exactly where the Mac version is installed and remove your extra copy.
looks like a good start and seems to be saying that the built in version
IS using the /etc/apache location for tee config files ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] Address already in use in Apache on Mac

2016-03-19 Thread Lester Caine
On 19/03/16 07:46, Roparzh Hemon wrote:
> $ sudo bin/apachectl -k restart
> Password:
> httpd not running, trying to start
> (48)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to
> address [::]:80

This tells us two things ...
There is something already using port 80
It's not been started by apachectl

So what happens when you try 'http://localhost' in your browser?

On Windows this would be easy ... ISS is running so you have to kill
that first. On Mac that is not the case, but how did you install Apache?
On linux if you manually install via an install from it can
use a different setup so may not ACTUALLY be using /conf/ ... my
parallel setups of Apache2.2 and Apache 2.4 use the /etc/apache and
/opt/apache24 directories

But we need a 'Mac' expert to confirm that.

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache permissions stabs new Linux user in face with icepick. Suggestions?

2016-03-10 Thread Lester Caine
On 10/03/16 01:40, Francis Roy wrote:
> This is a new install of Linux Mint 17.x with the default Apache/2.4.7
> (Ubuntu) install at /etc/apache2
> My websites, plain html and PHP are kept on a different hard-drive.
> /media/username/Terrabyte/00_Server/htdocs

Francis ...
Since security on Linux is a high priority, many of the default actions
are set up with that in mind.
When Apache is installed it uses it's own user and group and if the demo
site is also created this is owned by that. I think Ubuntu uses
'www-data' and 'www' so the tidy way of changing your setup is to

chown -R www-data:www /media/username/Terrabyte/00_Server/htdocs

Then the chmod can be locked down again.

Of cause this will be a problem if you want to edit the content of the
htdoc tree since you no longer own them. I have to admit to simply
opening up access on the development machines, but on production sites I
copy the new files over then correct their user/group.

Another way around the 'problem' if you are the only user on the machine
is to edit the User/Group settings in the apache config files. This can
be fun to find, and used to be in apache.conf, but that may simply link
to uid.conf ... each distribution seems to have it's own preferences on
setting this up.

Adding to the jigsaw, the user for a database connection on the same
machine may be different again. All of this is not really an 'icepick',
but makes a lot more sense once one switches off from M$ mode.

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Re: [users@httpd] Localhost cannot be accessed when Apache is started

2016-01-15 Thread Lester Caine
On 15/01/16 17:27, Josiah Asbill wrote:
> Okay, so I did that. Reran “httpd” to troubleshoot it. 
> Got back, "Syntax error on line 20 of
> /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mpm.conf:
> Invalid command 'LockFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module
> not included in the server configuration" 
> This is what is on line 20, "LockFile
> '/private/var/log/apache2/accept.lock'"

OK This begs the question Apache2.2 or 2.4?
I'm not a Mac user, so I'm not sure exactly which version the package
manager will supply if that is where you installed from?

Simply removing line 20 should allow httpd to run and let you at least
get the 'It works' message.

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Re: [users@httpd] Localhost cannot be accessed when Apache is started

2016-01-15 Thread Lester Caine
On 15/01/16 16:57, Josiah Asbill wrote:
> "Syntax error on line 8 of /private/etc/apache2/other/+php-osx.conf:
> " LoadModule php5_module/usr/local/php5/

So has PHP5 been installed and is present in /usr/local/php5?

To debug things I would rename the +php-osx.conf FILE
and see if that also addresses the first error. Since this file is in
the /private/etc/apache2/other/ directory, the first question as to if
the /other/ directory exists has been answered has been answered, but I
don't remember getting two errors when the PHP5 installation is failing
to start properly. That is the problem rather than Apache

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Re: [users@httpd] Localhost cannot be accessed when Apache is started

2016-01-15 Thread Lester Caine
On 15/01/16 22:11, Josiah Asbill wrote:
> The version is 2.4.16.
> I tried to comment out line 20, but my text editor says, "This operation 
> couldn’t be completed because an error occurred. The authenticated save for 
> this file failed."

As Richard says that is caused by file security.
I run the file browser as SU when I am working on manually updating the
config files owned by root.

And if you had not top posted I could have just quoted the second bit ;)

LockFile is not used in in Apache 2.4 ... it's from 2.2 ... so something
the package manager is loading is not right if it's mixing versions.
Also PHP5 has a different version of library for Apache 2.4 and 2.2
which may be the same problem.

But we need someone who actually uses Mac to confirm things ...

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-11 Thread Lester Caine
On 12/01/16 06:01, Jim Walls wrote:
> "Upgraded" from 64 bit 2.4.12 (using VC11) to 32 bit 2.4.18 (using
> VC14).  Running after the upgrade.  We'll see what it does...

I have a system that has run for many years on local intranets and was
being served by windows 2k and XP machines which were essentially 32bit
set-ups. Moving to W7 the replacement machines were inevitably
configured 64bit and so the obvious action was to add 64 bit server
code, but the day in day out reliability disappeared. Did try a 32bit
stack on the 64bit windows, but are now running 32bit windows as well.
Of cause we were told that we should be using server versions of windows
for this, but these machines manage perhaps 1% active time and the only
reason not to use 'virtual' servers on some other hardware is to
maintain sub second responses when doing things like printing a ticket
or receipt. ( How many of you have experienced the 30 second delay
waiting for windows to process a network print request after hitting the
finish link on a session. Very annoying for staff and customers when
there is a queue at the reception desk! )

Where we have moved to a Linux based stack things have been even more
responsive, back to the 24/7 stability that W2k and NT4 provided and
even smaller percentages on the active working times :)

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Re: [users@httpd] Fwd: E tag numbers

2015-05-11 Thread Lester Caine
On 11/05/15 18:26, Yehuda Katz wrote:
 I look constantly for new outlets etc. this exercise came about only
 last week whilst
 checking background info using This indicated (after an
 afternoons work)
 that 5 Domains were using the exact same Apache server ref. as well as
 the same Etag
 I can find out the registrars details of each Domain that,s quite easy.
You should also be able to identify if they are running on the same IP
address or via the same name server. There is a lot of information that
can be gained just from the domain name.

 I was hoping to find how E tag numbers are allocated! are they
 purchased, where do they
 come from etc. if so it should be then possible to identify the actual
 user (assuming they
 have used proper names, bank details etc etc..

As has been said, the eTag is generated by the uer of the server either
manually, or via the software used. Not knowing what content you are
looking at it is difficult to offer any advise other than to say that if
these sites are creating the same information, it is always possible
that they have cloned the software from somewhere resulting in
everything looking the same. My own servers are clones of one another so
that in theory if one goes down I can switch to another and produce the
same data ... identically. That may include the eTag so that users don't
download large files simply because the serving hardware has changed.
NOTHING provided by eTag is recorded outside the using system, but that
may well be a system running on hundreds of machines all producing the
same eTag.

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Re: [users@httpd] 回覆︰ [users@httpd] About installing Apache web server

2015-04-14 Thread Lester Caine
On 14/04/15 16:22, Stephen Liu wrote:
 If installing the website on a server without X then running a text
 browser such as w3m/elinks only text are displayed on the terminal.

You need to have a network connection available TO the location where
you are running Apache. You will only talk to the web server via a port
80 connection, and if you can't see that ...

You need a graphics based browser to access that werver if you want to
see more than text, but the server itself does not need anything other
than Apache running to serve up web pages.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to achieve? If you WANT to use a
graphic browser on the server then you need a desktop, but APACHE does
not need the desktop, only the browser. You can chck the text logs and
status to verify that the server is running, and test graphic pages via
a remote browser.

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Re: [users@httpd] 回覆︰ [users@httpd] 回覆︰ [users@httpd] About installing Apache web server

2015-04-14 Thread Lester Caine
On 14/04/15 17:54, Stephen Liu wrote:
 In the past I installed LAMP on desktop.  Running its web browser I can
 edit the webpage/website without problem.  Now I install LAMP on Ubuntu
 server without X I have no way to edit the webpage locally.  Maybe I
 have to edit it remotely on another machine/guest. 
 I make this change because of security reason.  On googling I found some
 suggestion mentioning that without X/GUI it is more secure.

Less entry points to attack, but in my case, the servers are 100 miles
away so I don't need a desktop actually on the machines. Yes - you use
another machine to do the GUI work.

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Re: [users@httpd] About installing Apache web server

2015-04-14 Thread Lester Caine
On 14/04/15 15:56, Stephen Liu wrote:
 Does Apache web server need X (X window) to run?  Can I install it on
 server without X, not on desktop? If YES then how can I test the web
 server locally without a GUI browser?  w3m/elinks/lynx etc only displays
 the web page as text.  Please advise.

Don't need any graphics interface loaded to run Apache or any of the
related server stack. But you do need to learn about command line tools
to manage things. Just which command line management tools will depend
on your distribution, but I have several remote machine which I only
access via ssh and then use things like phpinfo to test things over the
internet. You only need to know that the server is running and then you
can access it remotely as web pages.

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Re: [users@httpd] PHP works but not PHP pages.

2014-03-17 Thread Lester Caine

Michael Peters wrote:

I had come from a fully functional Apache 2.2 environment to the 2.4 and
everything seemed to go to pot.

I appreciate you guys working on a solution a lot! Thank you very much.


Personally I'm running SUSE Linux in various versions. I've Apache 2.2 and 2.4 
running and various versions of PHP, but I don't install manually, I use the 
SUSE packages and simply load the one's I want. Main fun moving from 2.2 to 2.4 
has been reworking all the vhost files which changed between versions. That and 
living with the changes to PHP over the last few major version changes in that.

If you have made the move in a few hours and have a working setup then you have 
been very lucky ;) I'm still working on legacy code that will not run on the 
current versions :(

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Re: [users@httpd] PHP works but not PHP pages.

2014-03-16 Thread Lester Caine

Michael Peters wrote:

I tried this:

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

Try error_reporting(0); to disable errors ...
What version of PHP was the code originally written for? It may be something 
like e_strict which is crashing the other pages.
Trick is to add code to a working page until things crash. I normally end up 
adding a
print('TEST'); kill(); and move it down the page until I identify what is going 
wrong :)

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Re: [users@httpd] PHP works but not PHP pages.

2014-03-16 Thread Lester Caine

Michael Peters wrote:

Now a new error comes up on the other: “Fatal error: Undefined class constant
'MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY' in /www/html/auditprotocol/includes/db-core.php
on line 13” Which looks like a PDO problem and so far rebuilding PHP with PDO
support has not worked.

You need PDO_MYSQL as well as the base PDO ...

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache web server 2.2 installation problem on Windows 7

2014-01-09 Thread Lester Caine

Satyajit Patnaik wrote:

I actually could not get you. I have a MSI file which I installed and in the
end, the apache monitor displayed that no services installed. But still then
using command prompt, I went to the bin location and used the command httpd.exe
-k install, but I got failed results (please find the attachment).

Am I wrong here somehwere?

Well you have the right question to ask ... is just one of many answers 
that will hopefully explain how to fix it ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] How to fix this issue for httpd service

2014-01-02 Thread Lester Caine

Chandran Manikandan wrote:

Hi Lester,
Yes i am blocking via iptables those ip's . Is there any permanent solution 

You are missing the point ... these guys will be moving around weekly so what 
worked last week will be different next week. It's just an irritation we live 
with rather than something there will ever be a permanent solution for :(

Best we can do is just irritate them back by feeding useless material so they 
get fed up trying.

Chandran Manikandan wrote:

Dear All,
I had running logwatch and below message is showing. Is this for someone
the server. How to fix this issue. Could anyone help me this issue.


What do you think needs fixing?

We all get hackers trying to find out what software we are running and I
regularly see reams of entries trying every combination of MySQL possible
web software URL's ... which makes me chuckle since I never run it on
production machines. In the past I used to spend time blocking persistent
hackers using the same IP address a lot, but nowadays I've resorted to
simply forwarding a few key URL's back to Google. Anything with mysql in the
URL returns a google lookup of the IP address for instance :) But I've even
got that switched off at the moment and am not seeing much 'suspect' 

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Re: [users@httpd] How to fix this issue for httpd service

2013-12-31 Thread Lester Caine

Chandran Manikandan wrote:

Dear All,
I had running logwatch and below message is showing. Is this for someone hacking
the server. How to fix this issue. Could anyone help me this issue.


What do you think needs fixing?

We all get hackers trying to find out what software we are running and I 
regularly see reams of entries trying every combination of MySQL possible web 
software URL's ... which makes me chuckle since I never run it on production 
machines. In the past I used to spend time blocking persistent hackers using the 
same IP address a lot, but nowadays I've resorted to simply forwarding a few key 
URL's back to Google. Anything with mysql in the URL returns a google lookup of 
the IP address for instance :) But I've even got that switched off at the moment 
and am not seeing much 'suspect' traffic.

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Re: [users@httpd] Can not Find Apache 2.4 Installable Version (Binary or .msi)

2013-12-12 Thread Lester Caine

Yogesh patel wrote:

Thanks for Try:;

But Why apache does not provide Binary on official site?

Apache never has provided 'official' versions on windows, and the older 
providers have been replaced by the likes of apachelounge and anindya's. will provide the more up to date versions 
as anindya is still a few versions behind. I think the main problem here is that 
all the newer versions of windows require their own builds hence apachelounge 
now has VC11, VC10 and other builds with 32 and 64 bit versions. The old 
'single' download is no longer practical.

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Re: [users@httpd] Is it alive?

2013-09-17 Thread Lester Caine

Smith, Burton wrote:

How do you tell if a server is running apache?
  * I can see processes running.
  * I can't surf to it - website is online but isn't responding to connection   

Is it working as localhost on the machine.

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Re: [users@httpd] Upgrading owncloud to 2.4

2013-08-05 Thread Lester Caine

Jose R R wrote:

Apache 2.2.x continues to be the default in stable environments. It is
irresponsible of GoDaddy, or any (shared?) hosting provider, to
introduce Apache 2.4 without previous notice as there are significant
variations from 2.2.x.

GoDaddy support *should* help you with relevant modifications to ease
your pain: you are their customer. You may also post in the ownCloud
forums for help indicating that your previous web server was swapped
from under you.

If all else fails, consider acquiring your own virtual private server
(VPS) with a traditional or cloud hosting provider. They are usually a
bit more expensive than shared hosting (low range from $10- $30
dollars per instance per month) but you control the underlying
platform. If you implement this latter option, you can just migrate
your site to an stable Apache 2.2.x -based environment and it will
just work as before.

I am personally converting all of my hosting to 2.4 and an could not care less 
about bad service from Go Daddy and I'm not interested in keeping services on 
2.2! The POINT here is that sites that work perfectly stably on 2.2 no longer 
work on 2.4. The reason is that some team made a decision to break them ... It 
SHOULD be that the same team now HELPS to make applications work on THEIR new 
preferred style of working? I've tried several of the 'fixes' that I've used for 
my other sites and those posted on the owncloud lists as well as fixes posted 
across a number of other projects that are now also broken due to 'go daddys' 
stupid decision. These fixes are not working, and I can't work out why! All of 
the other sites I've moved over are now quite happy with their revised rewrite 
rules, but there is something I am missing with this one :( Hopefully the people 
who developed these changes in the rules can spot what has gone wrong? Those of 
us who are trying to implement the changes need that expert input hence asking here!

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

Jose R R wrote:

You may find additional helpl here:
as suggested by:

THOSE are the various patches that simply don't work!
There have been various fixes for 'go daddy' which has apparently simply
switched from 2.2 to 2.4 without actually telling anyone! I've dropped 2.2
onto a new machine simply to get a working address book again, but what is
needed is some help from people who actually understand what is needed to
migrate the 2.2 re-writes to the newer 2.4 format ... PLEASE!

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

I'm struggling with conflicting patches to get owncloud working with

The existing rewrite setup I know needs reworking but I'm not competent
enough to sort it out.

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta.json
/public.php?service=host-meta-json [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav/ [R]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav/ [R]
RewriteRule ^apps/calendar/caldav.php remote.php/caldav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/contacts/carddav.php remote.php/carddav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/([^/]*)/(.*\.(css|php))$ index.php?app=$1getfile=$2
RewriteRule ^remote/(.*) remote.php [QSA,L]
is the full file.

I think I'm getting a valid match in the log file, but nothing is
appearing in the access log ... Any ideas how to rework this please?

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Re: [users@httpd] Upgrading owncloud to 2.4

2013-08-04 Thread Lester Caine

Jose R R wrote:

You may find additional helpl here:
as suggested by:

THOSE are the various patches that simply don't work!
There have been various fixes for 'go daddy' which has apparently simply 
switched from 2.2 to 2.4 without actually telling anyone! I've dropped 2.2 onto 
a new machine simply to get a working address book again, but what is needed is 
some help from people who actually understand what is needed to migrate the 2.2 
re-writes to the newer 2.4 format ... PLEASE!

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

I'm struggling with conflicting patches to get owncloud working with apache2.4

The existing rewrite setup I know needs reworking but I'm not competent enough 
to sort it out.

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json 
RewriteRule ^.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav/ [R]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav/ [R]
RewriteRule ^apps/calendar/caldav.php remote.php/caldav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/contacts/carddav.php remote.php/carddav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/([^/]*)/(.*\.(css|php))$ index.php?app=$1getfile=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^remote/(.*) remote.php [QSA,L]
is the full file.

I think I'm getting a valid match in the log file, but nothing is appearing in 
the access log ... Any ideas how to rework this please?

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[users@httpd] Upgrading owncloud to 2.4

2013-08-03 Thread Lester Caine

I'm struggling with conflicting patches to get owncloud working with apache2.4

The existing rewrite setup I know needs reworking but I'm not competent enough 
to sort it out.

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/host-meta.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json 
RewriteRule ^.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav/ [R]
RewriteRule ^.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav/ [R] 
RewriteRule ^apps/calendar/caldav.php remote.php/caldav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/contacts/carddav.php remote.php/carddav/ [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^apps/([^/]*)/(.*\.(css|php))$ index.php?app=$1getfile=$2 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^remote/(.*) remote.php [QSA,L]
is the full file.

I think I'm getting a valid match in the log file, but nothing is appearing in 
the access log ... Any ideas how to rework this please?

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Re: [users@httpd] Hi for 2.4 windows binares

2013-05-19 Thread Lester Caine

Muralidhar Yaragalla wrote:

when i search on google i found this blog

is this fine? I have already downloaded and installed from here. If any problem
i will uninstall and download a fresh copy.

That would have need next on the list ;) Anindya also does 64 bit versions of 
PHP to go with his builds. Apache Lounge have a few extra 'versions' and 
additional modules, but both are reliable sources.

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Re: [users@httpd] Hi for 2.4 windows binares

2013-05-17 Thread Lester Caine

Muralidhar Yaragalla wrote:

Hi where can i get the binaries for windows for 2.4 version?

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache time zone daylight saving time missing an hour of logs?

2013-03-11 Thread Lester Caine

Tom Evans wrote:

Don't run Apache in a locale with DST if you do not want local DST
times in the logs. Use the C locale instead.

The only thing that is consistent is UTC, and by default that should be all that 
is running on a server. A client may well be in the same location, but it's the 
client viewing information that should be the point at which DISPLAY of times is 
modified to a particular time zone view.

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Re: [users@httpd] new installation

2012-12-02 Thread Lester Caine

saeed ahmed wrote:

i have installed last available apache on my windows xp and after i
installed php and mysql.but it seems it does not work.
do i have to change something before these programmes can listen each other?

If you are new to all of this then is probably a 
better starting point. That will configure everything to work together and get 
you going. As you learn how things work then you will begin to understand what 
each element does, and then you might find that your better switching to a real 
database rather than mysql ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Lester Caine wrote:

I'm missing something simple I am sure ...
Am moving from 2.2 to 2.4 and this works on 2.2! works ...

The vhost file has 301 redirects from the original .aspx links, so is redirected to

However there is a generic mod_rewrite for the machine in mod_rewrite.conf which
should allow to work. The log
file is showing it being remapped to /wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham
but I'm getting a 'You don't have permission to access /wiki/Location+and+Travel
on this server.' error.

If I remove the LogLevel alert rewrite:trace3 then I'm getting a
AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /wiki/index.php

I've got
 Options All
 AllowOverride All
 Require all granted
But only the last should be required

So what am I missing to make this work on httpd2.4 ?

So is NOBODY seeing this problem?
I have the site live without re-write, so is it simply a matter of throwing 
httpd 2.4 into the bin and going back to 2.2? Now was the ideal opportunity to 
switch, but if something as basic as this is not working then is 2.4 actually 
any use at all?

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Antonio Vidal Ferrer wrote:

May be as a first step, start enabling Rewrite log. Put RewriteLogLevel at 5, to
see what is being rewrited. Then based on that we can check what it's making it

The rewrite is apparently doing the correct conversion from

The full format works fine, it's what is being used now as the site is live.
With the 'LogLevel alert rewrite:trace5' commented out I get

[Fri Nov 09 17:46:24.546411 2012] [authz_core:error] [pid 18394:tid 
140678935852800] [client] AH01630: client denied by server 
configuration: /wiki/index.php

Which I presume IS the fault I'm trying to clear?

Enabling the Loglevel setting I get

[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310846 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] init rewrite 
engine with requested uri /wiki/Location+and+Travel
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310894 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying pattern 
'^.*$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310969 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying pattern 
'^/wiki/view/(.+)$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.310993 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] applying pattern 
'^/wiki/(.+)$' to uri '/wiki/Location+and+Travel'
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311026 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] rewrite 
'/wiki/Location+and+Travel' - '/wiki/index.php?page=Location+and+Travel'
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311047 2012] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] split 
uri=/wiki/index.php?page=Location+and+Travel - uri=/wiki/index.php, 
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311067 2012] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] local path 
result: /wiki/index.php
[Fri Nov 09 17:46:43.311089 2012] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 18791:tid 
140678944245504] mod_rewrite.c(466): [client] 
- - [][rid#7ff26e6900a0/initial] go-ahead with 
/wiki/index.php [OK]

At which point I asked for some help ... I think I've checked everything against 
the crib sheet and I 
can get the site to give the right errors when I make a mistake but I am now 
lost as to where to go next.

mod_info should be running, but I'm not seeing it currently  still working 
on this.

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Ben Johnson wrote:

I'm not convinced that mod_rewrite has anything to do with this; it can
probably be removed from the equation entirely. I mean, I assume that
you receive the same error (client denied by server configuration:
/wiki/index.php) when you hit the URL
/wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham directly, right? works fine
As does loading the home page.
But I do agree that mod_rewrite does seem to have done the right job!

Regarding mod_info, while I have not tested this with Apache 2.4, it
should be as simple as installing the module and adding something like
this to your server configuration:

IfModule mod_info.c
Location /server-info
Require all granted
SetHandler server-info

You'll probably want to add some kind of authentication requirement to
the Location block, too, so that unauthorized parties cannot view your
configuration directives.
mod_info is now loaded, but currently I'm just flipping to home page  just 
working through the settings.

Just working through Yehuda's link as well.

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Lester Caine wrote:

Found a few little niggles while sorting mod_info. I was still running 
mod_access_compat and switching that off flagged a couple of problems. All have 
now been cleared but no change to the 403 error on rewrite results.

mod_info is now loaded, but currently I'm just flipping to home page  just
working through the settings.

Now working but locked down locally at present ...
What should I be looking for.

Just working through Yehuda's link as well.
I've tried a few things from the mediawiki article but I suspect that is based 
on 2.2 working?

AH - found something!
I've switched the deny off on the '/' level

From server-info -
Current Configuration:
In file: /opt/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
 199: Directory /
 201:   Require all granted ( Was denied )
: /Directory
 223: Files .ht*
 224:   Require all denied
: /Files
 315: Directory /opt/apache2/cgi-bin
 318:   Require all granted
: /Directory
In file: /opt/apache2/conf/vhosts.d/
  60:   Directory /srv/website/
  73: Options FollowSymLinks
  80: AllowOverride All
:   /Directory
  94:   ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
: /VirtualHost

Warning: require_once(../kernel/setup_inc.php): failed to open stream: No such 
file or directory in /wiki/index.php on line 16 Fatal error: require_once(): 
Failed opening required '../kernel/setup_inc.php' 
(include_path='.:/opt/php5/lib/php:/opt/php5/lib/php/PEAR') in /wiki/index.php 
on line 16

Which is telling me that the rewrite has lost the local directory details for 
the vhost ... Or at least I think that is the problem?

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Ben Johnson wrote:

Most likely, the root of the problem is in how that /wiki location is
defined. Did you define that location yourself? Or did you just install
some off-the-shelf Wikimedia package for your OS?

This is making sense Ben - Thanks for the pointers

This is one of many 'bitweaver' based sites some of which have been running on a 
number of Apache 2.2 machines for many years - without a problem. It's having 
moved them to a new 2.4 based machine that is causing the problem!

But this all configured in the vhost.d files, so
RewriteBase: only valid in per-directory config files

I've avoided using .htaccess so far as I thought THAT was frond on? Am I going 
to have to switch everything back to directory based, having spent a lot of time 
stripping it on 2.2 :(

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Ben Johnson wrote:

Still, I'm not sure that this has anything to do with URL-rewriting.
This seems related to path resolution in the PHP application (which
mod_rewrite may influence, to be fair).

This is why any developer that uses relative file paths in this way
should be scorned, publicly. But that's here nor there. is working ... :)

But now I need to work out how to get the 'generic' code I've been using for 
years to work.

My rewrite rules are stored in a config file 'mod_rewrite.conf' which is loaded 
in every vhost.d config file. To get this working I've copied all the code 
directly into one of the vhost.conf files and then added the hard coded paths to 
the re-write rules.

So now the question is Is there something I can use to add the vhost path 
automatically in the generic config file?

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Igor Cicimov wrote:

So this is a different machine??? If you haven't set the wiki file permissions
properly on the new server the access will not work no matter which version of
apache you are using. Again, is there any wiki apache config file for the wiki
To start with compare the permissions of the wiki directory on the old and the
new server and make sure they are identical.

Igor - you are missing some earlier information ... the site works perfectly 
when 'directly' accessing the content, so permissions are not a problem! I have 
now identified what IS different - don't understand why - but currently it looks 
like have to manually rewrite every vhost file as 2.4 is simply not including 
the 'DocumentRoot' value in the same way it is included on 2.2 :(

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Ben Johnson wrote:

My rewrite rules are stored in a config file 'mod_rewrite.conf' which is
loaded in every vhost.d config file. To get this working I've copied all
the code directly into one of the vhost.conf files and then added the
hard coded paths to the re-write rules.

So now the question is Is there something I can use to add the vhost
path automatically in the generic config file?

Well, how did you fix it?! :P

As for your new question, we're not mind-readers... we'd need to see the
mod_rewrite rules to provide a meaningful answer.

lines like
RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$  /wiki/index.php?page=$1  [L]

have been ammended to

RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$ 
/srv/website/$1  [L]

'A web-path to a resource' is not using the DocumentRoot setting

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Igor Cicimov wrote:

lines like
RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$  /wiki/index.php?page=$1  [L]

have been ammended to

RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$
/srv/website/$1$1  [L]

'A web-path to a resource' is not using the DocumentRoot setting

That's a good point. Sorry it's a long thread and I thought I read in one of
your posts that the rewritre rules are properly mapping so I have excluded
mod_rewrite from the picture.

The 'DocumentRoot' element is not displayed in the rewrite log on the 2.2 
version which is working fine. So I ASSUMED the fact that the 2.4 version was 
working the same ...

So where do I report this problem. As far as I can see this IS a bug?

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Re: [users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-13 Thread Lester Caine

Ben Johnson wrote:

On 11/13/2012 4:54 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

Ben Johnson wrote:

My rewrite rules are stored in a config file 'mod_rewrite.conf' which is

loaded in every vhost.d config file. To get this working I've copied


the code directly into one of the vhost.conf files and then added the
hard coded paths to the re-write rules.

So now the question is Is there something I can use to add the vhost
path automatically in the generic config file?

Well, how did you fix it?! :P

As for your new question, we're not mind-readers... we'd need to see the
mod_rewrite rules to provide a meaningful answer.

lines like
RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$  /wiki/index.php?page=$1  [L]

have been ammended to

RewriteRule  ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$
/srv/website/$1  [L]

'A web-path to a resource' is not using the DocumentRoot setting

Right; as you suggested earlier, this seems to be a product of moving
your mod_rewrite rules from .htaccess files to vhost configuration files.

Except that was done for and is working on 2.2 ...

From what I can tell, the only portion of that path that needs to

dynamic is the host name.

I don't know if this will work in that context, but given that your
filesystem structure uses the host name, perhaps you could use
%{HTTP_HOST} in place of, e.g.:

Some domains share the one directory so that one will be difficult in all cases!

RewriteRule ^/?wiki/view/(.+)$
/srv/website/%{$HTTP_HOST}/wiki/index.php?page=$1 [L]

I will give it a try ... although the alternative which Yehuda is pointing 
towards is to include the generic rewrite script within the directory section 
of the vhost section. However there are a group of .conf files loaded for the 
generic setup, and some of them should not be loaded then. This all seems rather 
messy when the current set-up works perfectly on 2.2 :(

Currently I just edit the one rewrite config file and update all sites ...

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[users@httpd] 403 Forbidden ...

2012-11-09 Thread Lester Caine

I'm missing something simple I am sure ...
Am moving from 2.2 to 2.4 and this works on 2.2! works ...

The vhost file has 301 redirects from the original .aspx links, so is redirected to

However there is a generic mod_rewrite for the machine in mod_rewrite.conf which 
should allow to work. The log 
file is showing it being remapped to /wiki/index.php?page=Life+in+Evesham
but I'm getting a 'You don't have permission to access /wiki/Location+and+Travel 
on this server.' error.

If I remove the LogLevel alert rewrite:trace3 then I'm getting a
AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /wiki/index.php

I've got
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
But only the last should be required

So what am I missing to make this work on httpd2.4 ?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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RE: [users@httpd] Apache 2.4 for windows????

2012-10-04 Thread Lester Caine
 Are those binaries stable and ready for production server use
Hope so - many of us have been using the 64 bit versions for years! 

 Abhishek Gupta
 -Original Message-
 From: Lester Caine [] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Apache 2.4 for windows
 abhishek wrote:
  Does anyone have an idea on when will Apache 2.4 binaries be available
 windows? is the closest you will get to
 downloads. ApacheLounge has always provided the latest binaries and
 useful supporting modules.
 Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: [users@httpd] Apache 2.4 for windows????

2012-10-03 Thread Lester Caine

abhishek wrote:

Does anyone have an idea on when will Apache 2.4 binaries be available for 
windows? is the closest you will get to 'official' 
downloads. ApacheLounge has always provided the latest binaries and useful 
supporting modules.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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[users@httpd] rewrite niggle

2012-07-24 Thread Lester Caine
I have a system working perfectly with a set of rewrite functions. Using 2.4.1 
with PHP5.4.0 ...

I've upgraded a second machine to 2.4.2 with PHP5.4.3 ... ... there is a problem with the php 
initialization, but the main problem is that the rewrite is not working gives an error rather than being 
wrapped to

I can't see anything different in this area of the setup, but if I enable the 
RewriteLog command I get an Invalid command 'RewriteLog' error, yet the other 
rewrite entries don't give any problem. Actually - the working system gives the 
same error!

What is the easiest way of debugging what is going wrong?

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Re: [users@httpd] help loading a webpage in apache

2012-07-22 Thread Lester Caine

zilore mumba wrote:

Help will be appreciated,
and excuse me for a very basic question. I used Apache some 5 years ago on a 
I was developing. Now I have installed Apache again on Windows. I have also
installed php and mysql. I have a webpage I am developing and I want to test it
in Apache. When I open a browser and enter the url
http://www.localhost:8080 http://www.localhost:8080/ I get the message blow:
It Works!

So ... It Works

My question is, how do I open my page?, the main page is like meteo.html.
You don't say how you installed these, and some installers do things a little 
different, but you are looking for the folder 'htdocs' somewhere which will have 
the 'It Works!' page currently.

httpd.conf is the file you would need to edit to point to different location, 
but for now I'd just find htdocs and copy stuff to there.

I have also have CYGWIN and i created the dierectory /var/www though I was not
able to install the linux version of apache (httpd-2.2). APR and APR-Util give
an error on make, and http also gives error.
? Sounds like you are trying to install the linux version of apache on windows? 
There is no point. If you are having problems on Linux, most distributions have 
their own packages for apache, php and mysql ...

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[users@httpd] Lost a server ... was working fine

2012-06-14 Thread Lester Caine
While I have moved many of the server setups to Apache2.4.x with PHP5.4.x, I'd 
left one with 2.2 and PHP5.3 as I did not have the time to check out all of the 
mapping display system. This machine has just stopped working and I don't think 
I updated anything before it happened.

SUSE12.1, Apache and PHP from repo ( upgraded machines are all manually 
installed ) ...

OK knew if I started writing then the solution would pop up :)

The 'BT' ASDL router had apparently reset itself and lost all of the firewall 
settings. Now I THOUGH I had rulled that out of the equation when testing by 
accessing the machine in question via it's internal IP address but obviously not 
:( is back up again with everything working so all I need to work 
out now is how is getting mapped to internally ... would 
have saved a lot of agro if it had accessed the machine direct as I was 
expecting it to do. So would 'Redirect' action that or am I looking for some DNS 
path problem ... localhost is getting 'redirected' as well ... so I think I 
suspect Apache here?

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Re: [users@httpd] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache HTTP Server 2.4.1 Released

2012-04-08 Thread Lester Caine

Moshe Ben-Shoham wrote:


I am also waiting for the Windows binaries for httpd-2.4.1. I saw that Expat 
2.1.0 was released, zlib 1.2.7 was not yet released and OpenSSL 1.0.1 was 

I was wondering if there is an ETA for the Windows binaries? Specifically 
(assuming we are OK with Expat 2.1.0), is there any idea if zlib 1.2.7 is 
coming soon?

Starter for ten

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Re: [users@httpd] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache HTTP Server 2.4.1 Released

2012-04-08 Thread Lester Caine

Good Guy wrote:

Lester Caine wrote:

  Moshe Ben-Shoham wrote:


  I am also waiting for the Windows binaries for httpd-2.4.1. I saw that
  Expat 2.1.0 was released, zlib 1.2.7 was not yet released and OpenSSL
  1.0.1 was released.

  I was wondering if there is an ETA for the Windows binaries?
  Specifically (assuming we are OK with Expat 2.1.0), is there any idea
  if zlib 1.2.7 is coming soon?

  Starter for ten

The link is not official download site so one should be wary of
downloading anything from such sites.  It is better to compile the
source code yourself so that you know nothing else is embedded/bundled
in the binaries.

Anindya has been providing 64 bit builds of PHP for some time and added the 
Apache builds that were compatible. Given the amount of work needed to set up a 
build system and keep it up to date, we are grateful that HE donates the time to 
do it! Since these are not provided by 'official' channels nowadays at all :(

My own build system is broken again so I've not been able to run my own builds 
and I certainly don't have hours to waste trying to fix the problems myself.

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Re: [users@httpd] 'redirect' to a single domain name

2012-03-16 Thread Lester Caine

Tom Evans wrote:

Tapped all that out, and THEN remembered that this is a FAQ:

TA ...

PS: the same Lester Caine who posts on the register boards?

Probably :) Don't get much time to read the news these days ...

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Re: [users@httpd] 'redirect' to a single domain name

2012-03-16 Thread Lester Caine

Lester Caine wrote:

Tom Evans wrote:

Tapped all that out, and THEN remembered that this is a FAQ:

TA ...

Problem solved :)
Helps if you edit the record rather than the one

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Re: [users@httpd] 2.4.1 crazy logging

2012-03-11 Thread Lester Caine
- Original message -
 [Sun Mar 11 08:19:40.020588 2012] [core:notice] [pid 25207:tid
 3069507888] AH00052: child pid 25295 exit signal Segmentation fault

 Is that to be worried about?
At last someone reporting segfaults ...
I'm getting these from PHP, so do you know what is creating yours?

[users@httpd] 2.4.1 vhost setup

2012-03-09 Thread Lester Caine

OK what am I doing wrong

AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release 

But if it has no effect why when I remove it does the machine block my access to 
the virtual host directories? What have I got wrong?

I've also got one application which is running fine on Apache2.2/PHP5.3.10 but 
is giving me seg faults on Apache2.4.1/PHP5.4 ... yet all other sites are 
running fine.

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Re: [users@httpd] 2.4.1 vhost setup

2012-03-09 Thread Lester Caine

Eric Covener wrote:

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Lester  wrote:

  OK what am I doing wrong

  AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next
  release /opt/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:345

  But if it has no effect why when I remove it does the machine block my
  access to the virtual host directories? What have I got wrong?

What's your configuration, what URL do you request, and what response
and error log entries do you see?

How does this change when you have NameVirtualHost? is running fine with 'NameVirtualHost *'
Delete that line and I get 

Strange it's working fine now - When I first fired it up to clear the warning it 
was giving me access errors to the domains. has the setup - just got to 
work out why the piwik user interface is giving me seg faults in Apache. These 
sites have been cloned from an Apache2.2/PHP5.3 setup that is working fine

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Re: [users@httpd] 2.4.1 vhost setup

2012-03-09 Thread Lester Caine

Daniel wrote:

OK what am I doing wrong

AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next
release /opt/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:__345

But if it has no effect why when I remove it does the machine block my
access to the virtual host directories? What have I got wrong?

I've also got one application which is running fine on Apache2.2/PHP5.3.10
but is giving me seg faults on Apache2.4.1/PHP5.4 ... yet all other sites
are running fine.

Are you by chance using mod_deflate with that config? It caused seg faults for
me as well, but changing the .htaccess code for compression to the code in
Apache's documentation fixed it for me.

No mod_deflate ... it's a 'basic' build of the 2.4.1 with php the only 'extra' 
but see other post ... it's working now - go figure.

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Re: [users@httpd] apache 2.4.1 and php 5.4(same with any) problem

2012-03-02 Thread Lester Caine

divines wrote:

But php simply does not work when i try to open php files, and logs has
nothing to show.

Is that 'apache starts without an error'?
If so what happens when you try and open a PHP page?
Do you have the simple ?php 'phpinfo(); page to try

Have you added the 'add handler' lines to httpd.conf is probably what I'm 
fishing at

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[users@httpd] Preferred way of limiting direct access

2012-02-27 Thread Lester Caine

Spring cleaning time ...

I have a number of older dynamically built sites that are still using .htaccess 
to limit access to areas that only PHP needs to read. This is the simply way of 
doing things, but I am looking to current practice, and the performance hit may 
well be something I need to be concerned about?
What is the tidiest way to limit access via the Directory entry ( or do I need 
multiple entries? ) so that people can download content in the storage area, but 
only access the functions (PHP pages) in the various packages?

Each package has it's own directory under root, and some packages are only using 
'internally', but despite having some directories specifically blocked in the 
robots.txt file, they are still being trawled by search engines and I think I 
need to restore the .htaccess set-up in each?

Basically should I just 'deny all' on route and then open holes to the bits that 
need to be visible? The storage directory is easy, and .php in the accessible 
packages, but it's the .js, .css, icons and style elements that seem confusing. 
In practice, the basic structure of the project may be wrong for the way Apache 
now expects to work, but keeping everything related to a bundle like 'wiki' in 
one directory allows a modular approach which IS working well otherwise.

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Re: [users@httpd] name-server

2011-12-03 Thread Lester Caine

Dr. Sunil M. Dogra wrote:

I have also registered my domain name (
with my registrar. But I still could not open the page.

Registering the domain is not the same as 'hosting' it. You need to have the an 
ISP or registrar who actually provide a means of pointing YOUR ip address to the 
domain name. I register domains via my ISP, and they handle the DNS side of 
things and then I can set that link to my local ip address. In addition you need 
a fixed IP address locally for this.

An alternative is registering with one of the 'dynamic dns' providers who will 
compensate for a change of ip address if you don't have a static one.

e need a little more info on how you access the internet ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] name-server

2011-12-03 Thread Lester Caine

Dr. Sunil M. Dogra wrote:

hi Lester Caine,
my ISP is ernet india and is also
registered with

I think you need to be talking to them to find out how you set up the ip address 
of your machine. CDRSTDU.EDU.IN can't be your name server ... that entry needs 
to be a computer that will connect CDRSTDU.EDU.IN with your own ip address. I 
use 1and1 as an ISP, and the name servers are a 1and1 address is pointing to, my fixed ip address here, and the name 
servers are

both provide that link.

I don't think that is currently set 
up to point properly to a name server. It may be that you need to set up this 
information with an IP address, which is how I believe the academic system 

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Re: [users@httpd] Re: Server default vhost

2011-11-04 Thread Lester Caine

Helmut Schneider wrote:

But - bothwww.domain.tld  and match the same vhost (at
least what I observed). I want both to match different vhosts.

Since what you are using is a private IP address, that may be getting in the way 
of your 'testing'?

I have several sites all 'routed' my local home machine, most 
are just extended domains, but the same rules apply. Each separate domain name 
has it's own

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName =

for example routes to a different setup internally

But the magic bit is

NameVirtualHost *:80

in httpd.conf

I then have a line
Include /etc/apache2/vhost.d/*.conf

and each virtual host has it's own xxx.conf file in the vhost.d directory

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Re: [users@httpd] PHP 5.3.6 for Apache VC 9 binaries

2011-08-01 Thread Lester Caine

DW wrote:

Does anybody know whether apache 2.2.19 and (later versions) will
support VC9 binaries for PHP 5.3.6 et al?

I am currently using 5.3.5 (VC6) but 5.3.6 is only available in VC9
binaries windows/Apache 32 bit versions.

I wonder if I'll have to compile myself for my system!.

Life is really getting difficult with new technology coming out almost

Last year I would have directed you to ApacheLounge, but 
is currently maintaining modern builds of Apache and 64 bit builds of PHP ...

All that is missing in 64 bit is some of the extra libraries, imagemagick for 
instance -

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Re: [users@httpd] installing an Apache module after Apache is up and running

2011-06-21 Thread Lester Caine

John Fitzgibbon wrote:

Apache is now up and running but I wish to add a module. Specifically I
want to add the module mod_rewrite. I looked in the modules folder and
there is only one file there. There are no files ending with ‘.so’. I
guess I need to obtain the module and install it.

How do I do this?

Any help would be much appreciated.

What are you running on ?
My SUSE setup includes it with the base apache2 install, but other modules are 
loaded individually. And they are loaded in the Apache directory 
/usr/lib64/apache2/ for example.

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Re: [users@httpd] installing an Apache module after Apache is up and running

2011-06-21 Thread Lester Caine

John Fitzgibbon wrote:

I installed it with a program called Greenstone. In other words, when I 
installed Greenstone, it also installed Apache.
You still do not say what you installed it on ... Linux or Windows? It would 
seem that Greenstone only supplies Apache with the windows version.
But a quick glance tells me you need to be asking on the Greenstone support list 
since it obviously packages it's own version of apache with that.

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Re: [users@httpd] installing an Apache module after Apache is up and running

2011-06-21 Thread Lester Caine

John Fitzgibbon wrote:

Sorry. My omission. I installed it on Linux. I have also installed a copy of 
Greenstone on Windows. In the case of Windows, there are a number of modules in 
the modules folder including mod_rewrite. In the case of Linux, there are no 
modules in the modules folder.

You will have to ask on a Greenstone list ... While it looks interesting, I 
would now want to run an installer I can't see the contents of. I have a managed 
installation of Apache and that would depend on the linux distribution, so 
bypassing the relevant package manager is going to be a problem.

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Re: [users@httpd] PHP Parsing Problem

2011-06-16 Thread Lester Caine

Xavier Lopez wrote:

I'm still not getting Apache to parse PHP. I've learned a lot though,
here's what I know:

Try asking on the PHP list ...

On SUSE, simply adding php via the packager manager also enables it in a stock 
apache installation. SO I suspect you had a working setup and have changed 

My own vhosts.d entries all contain

 Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/*.conf
in the actual VirtualHost *:80 element

and I have a php5.conf entry in the conf.d directory that has the handler bits 
on separate lines 

IfModule mod_php5.c
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php4
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php5
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .php4s
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .php5s
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
DirectoryIndex index.php4
DirectoryIndex index.php5
DirectoryIndex index.php

So I wonder if you have conflicting stuff now between the two locations

It is getting quite annoying just how differently each linux distribution 
handles this area. The current discussion on the PHP lists is what should we 
bundle with PHP, but most distributions simply decide that themselves. And have 
created their own way of enabling stuff in Apache and PHP :(

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Re: [users@httpd] How to run a backup server?

2011-06-14 Thread Lester Caine

John Hudak wrote:

Hmmm well in *that* case, seems like your choices are:
1. pay for VPS
2. relax your constraint about 5 TB of data
3. build a server center from the ground up with reliable power (among
other things).

Pays yer money, takes yer choice. You may *like* to use a real DB, but
are you willing to pay for it?  Seems like an unresolvable conflict to me.

My point was more - it's not expensive or difficult to do what was originally 
asked for yourself! The database costs ME nothing, automatically handles 
replication between sites, and can be expanded to any size. Some firebird 
powered sites are runing databases in the hundreds of Gigabytes - and simply 
replicate critical business data across machines. Middle layer simply accesses 
an available machine.

I keep being told I can 'save money' by only paying for what I need using one of 
these virtual systems, but in my case I'd also have to loose capability to get 
things DOWN to the level I currently pay. There is no conflict ... the problem 
is more one of what you need the backup for? That will determin which is the 
best route.

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Re: [users@httpd] How to run a backup server?

2011-06-13 Thread Lester Caine

Igor Galić wrote:

Then I have the machines set up to rsync regularly and also rsync to
another machine at my ISP. I don't use MySQL myself, Firebird handles
replication between machines, and incremental backups for me.

I'm wondering if it isn't really cheaper (and saner, and healthier)
to just get a VPS somewhere...

In my case, cost of storage makes the hosted options silly money. I'm running 
5Tb here but only have 500Mb on the remote service. That and I like to use a 
REAL database which is not generally available ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] How to run a backup server?

2011-06-10 Thread Lester Caine

Patrick Proniewski wrote:

I would like to know if there is a way to have another server somewhere
  else with the same dynamic content as a backup in case the main server
  is not available then the backup server would serve the pages.

Whatever solution you choose, it's not Apache related.
It's a very complex task, and the solution greatly depends on the price you are 
willing to pay.
If your problem is power-related, you need a second server far enough so that 
it won't be hit by the same power outage. The cheapest way is to allow for some 
downtime, and manually change DNS so that your domain names points toward one 
server or the other. The shorter your DNS TTL is, the shorter your downtime can 
be, but the more requests your DNS will have to handle. As for data 
replication, few shell script should help (mysql dump and rsync files every 
hour for example).
This is mostly handcrafted solution, but it's the cheapest.

It's not as bad as that makes it sound ;)

One my internet connection here I have a stand alone router which handles the 
line and acts as firewall. WHICH machine appears as port 80 on the internet is 
just a matter of switching over an entry in the router. ISP's have a bigger 
version of that handling many machines ...

Then I have the machines set up to rsync regularly and also rsync to another 
machine at my ISP. I don't use MySQL myself, Firebird handles replication 
between machines, and incremental backups for me.

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache is listening but not responding

2011-05-25 Thread Lester Caine

John Fitzgibbon wrote:

I have installed Apache on Linux.

This is the directive for the home directory.
Directory C:/Program Files/Greenstone/apache-httpd/windows/htdocs

Linux - with a windows path?
If it IS a windows machine, then IIS may be already using port 80 hence being 
able to switch to another port.

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.3.6 (VC9)

2011-03-18 Thread Lester Caine

Yehuda Katz wrote:

In PHP's release announcement today (for version 5.3.6), they announced
that they are no longer releasing dll s that are compatible with the
current builds of httpd for Windows.
Are there any official builds that are compatible with PHP's VC9 builds
(or any plans to make them available)?

Does anyone have a better suggestion? - not 'official' but certainly the best 
alternative for those of us who have HAD to bow to PHP's unilateral dictates  ;)

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.3.6 (VC9)

2011-03-18 Thread Lester Caine

William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

If anyone wants to have a civil discourse, not in the role of the current
uninformed BFoD win32 officious port, there are several of us who will
steer you in the right direction :)

It is a debate that has been going on for some time on the PHP developers list 
after they striped many previously supported extensions from the windows PHP5.3 
build tree :( The reasoning was totally wrong, and for some time now we have 
been simply building the missing extension privately, but it is an utter pain 
when they could so easily have been automatically built in the main 
distributions. Especially since the linux builds never lost them ;)

What I need is now back in the windows PHP distribution and works nicely with 
the apachelounge builds. I've not tried running the 'official builds', and while 
I would expect them to work but there have been reports of problems. That may 
just be finger trouble, but when reporting problems on the PHP list at least one 
can say 'yes apache is a VC9 build!' to shut them up.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Setting Up Virtual Host Help Needed on WinXP

2010-06-04 Thread Lester Caine

Chris Montgomery wrote:

Well, not quite there yet. As I said in my other msg, I was able to
successfully hit http://myapps/index.html and get my dummy page to come
up after adding myapps to my hosts file and adding a Directory entry
in httpd.conf (I was getting a Access Forbidden before that):

Directory D:/webapps/myapps/
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Now, when I attempt to reach down into subdirectories, I am encountering
a 404 Not Found error. For example, I have a test folder under
D:/webapps/myapps/ but when I point my browser to
http://myapps/test/index.html; it throws the 404 error.

There must be some directive in the httpd.conf file to allow sub-folders
to be visible, right?

Your base httpd.conf file probably has a Directory / entry to disable the 
entire file system, but ... AH try taking the final slash off in

DocumentRoot D:/webapps/myapps/
DocumentRoot D:/webapps/myapps

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Re: [us...@httpd] virtual host failure on SUSE

2010-05-25 Thread Lester Caine

Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Lester  wrote:

I've had this problem before and fixed it but can't remember what the fix
was :(

I've got a couple of virtual sites on an SUSE server which I've just updated
and now what was perfectly functional is not working. was
showing it's own site, but is just displaying the base pages.
Everything looks fine, but if I swap the order of the two VirtualHost
entries, then the fbwiki one becomes active. That file has not changed, so I
assume something in the SUSE Apache 'crap' is rewriting something else - but
I can't see what.

Any ideas where to look next? As I say it was working fine this morning :(

Dump the configuration here

Given the number of files SUSE spread it over, that is a little difficult!
But I've cracked it ... NameVirtualHost directive was missing

I knew it was something simple, but why should an update remove it?
Still I have tidied up all the rest of the config while trying to find it :)

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Re: [us...@httpd] virtual host failure on SUSE

2010-05-25 Thread Lester Caine

Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Lester  wrote:

Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Lester

I've had this problem before and fixed it but can't remember what the fix
was :(

I've got a couple of virtual sites on an SUSE server which I've just
and now what was perfectly functional is not working.
showing it's own site, but is just displaying the base pages.
Everything looks fine, but if I swap the order of the two VirtualHost
entries, then the fbwiki one becomes active. That file has not changed,
so I
assume something in the SUSE Apache 'crap' is rewriting something else -
I can't see what.

Any ideas where to look next? As I say it was working fine this morning

Dump the configuration here

Given the number of files SUSE spread it over, that is a little difficult!
But I've cracked it ... NameVirtualHost directive was missing

I knew it was something simple, but why should an update remove it?
Still I have tidied up all the rest of the config while trying to find it :)

Problem solved or not ??

As I said  NameVirtualHost directive was missing
The problem was that Apache was only seeing the first virtualhost without that 

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Re: [us...@httpd] virtual host failure on SUSE

2010-05-25 Thread Lester Caine

Eric Covener wrote:

Given the number of files SUSE spread it over, that is a little difficult!
But I've cracked it ... NameVirtualHost directive was missing

Perhaps you added it to one of the files the package manager things
should be overlayed during an upgrade, instead of one of the files to
be preserved/customized.

What is confusing is the way that the start process pulls all the vhost files 
into one and deletes them, but does not have a 'NameVirtualHost' to go with that 
:( I've run a clean install and it IS missing.
I WILL replace SUSE when I do get a chance since this really does screw up 
managing each vhost. I'm just stuck with it on the hosting machines.

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[us...@httpd] virtual host failure on SUSE

2010-05-24 Thread Lester Caine

I've had this problem before and fixed it but can't remember what the fix was :(

I've got a couple of virtual sites on an SUSE server which I've just updated and 
now what was perfectly functional is not working. was showing 
it's own site, but is just displaying the base pages. Everything 
looks fine, but if I swap the order of the two VirtualHost entries, then the 
fbwiki one becomes active. That file has not changed, so I assume something in 
the SUSE Apache 'crap' is rewriting something else - but I can't see what.

Any ideas where to look next? As I say it was working fine this morning :(

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Re: [us...@httpd] Internet Explorer 6

2010-05-11 Thread Lester Caine

Malka Cymbalista wrote:

Does anyone have any statistics as to how many people still use Internet
Explorer 6? We are trying to decide whether we can stop supporting it.

The remaining problem is that W2k is still widely used, and so IE6 is the only 
browsers available to those users. Perhaps it is time to convince those councils 
that can't afford to replace hardware that Firefox IS a more popular browser and 
more secure :)

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Re: [us...@httpd] Someone hacked my apache2 server

2010-04-04 Thread Lester Caine

Oleg Goryunov wrote:

Any help is appreciated.

Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?
What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could be 
doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.

I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the internet, any chance 
you can check via that route?

If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are still 
actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it is 
intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of sites 
giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of the machine 
direct then they are actually fine!

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Re: [us...@httpd] Someone hacked my apache2 server

2010-04-04 Thread Lester Caine

Oleg Goryunov wrote:

A good explanation I received from a datacenter where I have the server:

we classify this sort of issue as Stealing the gateway. basically
what someone does is they send out false arp packets(flooding the entire
network segment) causing all servers and switching to think their server
is the
gateway instead of our router. they can then insert their own frame
inside of
all web traffic. this sort of issue is usually resolved within a few minutes
when we terminate the server. most likely this is what happened and explains
why the issue started and then suddenly went away without any evidence
on your
server of being hacked.
Unfortunately, they said they did not have a database of registered
events of this kind. :(

The problem is detecting the problem TO log it. Often it's outside the actual 
data centre. Firebird had it's website being redirected, but only on a couple of 
DNS servers, everybody else saw the correct IP address. Your description of 'all 
sites' simply confirms that your users are getting the wrong DNS lookup, rather 
than YOUR site having been compromised.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Apache 1.3 OS X 10.4 help

2010-02-25 Thread Lester Caine

See Rich's post
It explains the problem nicely. I was off teack a little as my own setup needed 
ip addresses for different reasons when I set it up.

It is the 'forwarding' that needs to be 'fixed' rather than your end :(

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Apache 1.3 OS X 10.4 help

2010-02-25 Thread Lester Caine

LuKreme wrote:

On 24-Feb-10 21:43, Jonathan Zuckerman wrote:

I'm saying your webpage is weird, can you explain why your links are
using the IP instead of the hostname?

Can someone explain why these posts are 1) in HTML 2) contain multiple
copies of the list footers 3) have no quote levels?

1 - No HTML on any of the messages here ...
2 - They were not being trimmed properly ...
3 -  correctly being added to the text for indenting ...

I replied to the first post, but I'm about ready to kill the thread
based on these follow-ups.

I could have sworn I set TB3 to show in text-only. Sigh.

I've got text set here and am not seeing a problem on Seamonkey ...

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Re: [us...@httpd] Apache 1.3 OS X 10.4 help

2010-02-25 Thread Lester Caine

Rupert Reid wrote:

On 25 Feb 2010, at 14:13, Lester Caine wrote:

See Rich's post
It explains the problem nicely. I was off teack a little as my own
setup needed ip addresses for different reasons when I set it up.
It is the 'forwarding' that needs to be 'fixed' rather than your end :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL

Thank you Rich and Lester,

This is what I thought from the begining. Before contacting this list I
contacted my dns host and asked how I could resolve this -
they told me that the problem was with my host (me) and I should contect
them.. ... the URL on the address bar may change after the domain is
forwarded to the destination host and it is outside our control.

My DNS host is unhelpful. Is there a dns host that I could transfer to
that would would allow me to abandon forwarding and fix this problem?

I have a fixed IP address here AND I use 1and1 as well but it's not the cheapest 
approach ;) 1 and 1 are my off site backup which is why I don't mind paying.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Apache 1.3 OS X 10.4 help

2010-02-24 Thread Lester Caine

Jonathan Zuckerman wrote:

From: Rupert Reid
What I want to achieve is that when
a browser clicks on http://,
I want apache to send  http://
to the browser (not the  former) or if
is  clicked show

How can I get apache to do
dynamically this dynamically for each
virtual domain?

It is really important for me that
the URL as described is sent  to
  the browser - without it browsers
cannot bookmark pages.

If there is any more information
that you need to help with this
please let me know and i will post it.

Cutt the crap  then people might realize who is asking and who is answering

Im not doing anything weird at all.  I am going to each page, and
bringing down the book mark menu and selecting Bookmark This Page
and then select Done on the window.

I'm saying your webpage is weird, can you explain why your links are
using the IP instead of the hostname?

Jonathan ... Daniel is just trying to help Robert out.
It is Robert that has the 'weird webpages', and I suspect is is because he is 
unable to view his pages locally because a third party is providing the dns mapping.

Robert ... first thing to do is replace the ip addresses with the proper host 
address - then at 
least we have the page looking right. This may give you a problem LOOKING at the 
site from your machine, in which case adding
to the 'host' file should get around that problem, but the /isinglive/ bit will 
then be a problem locally, but that is the bit apache virtual hosts should be 
taking care of.
Before I had proper dns serving of my own website I used to have to look at it 
from the outside. I could not see it properly inside my IP address ;)

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Re: [us...@httpd] Second request - help with Apache Server Set-up issue for new user

2009-10-29 Thread Lester Caine

Daniel Gladstone wrote:

I just downloaded the software and when in and config by httpd.conf file

LoadModule php5_module c:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll
AddType application /x-httpd-php .php

when I tried to restart, I get an error message:

Syntax error on line 489 of
C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf:
Only first PHPINIDir directive honored per configuration tree - 
subsequent ones


I can only find one what am I doing wrong

Was my previous reply no help?
You will only get that warning if there IS a second line, and it will 
not prevent Apache/PHP starting

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Re: [us...@httpd] New User trying to install Apache server on Windows XP

2009-10-28 Thread Lester Caine

Daniel Gladstone wrote:

I just downloaded the software and when in and config by httpd.conf file

LoadModule php5_module c:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll
AddType application /x-httpd-php .php

when I tried to restart, I get an error message:

Syntax error on line 489 of
C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf:
Only first PHPINIDir directive honored per configuration tree - 
subsequent ones


I can only find one what am I doing wrong

Check to see if httpd.conf is 'including' a php configuration file. I 
suspect that you have had the php bits added via a second file.
In any case is should not stop apache/php running, so checking you setup 
with a 'phpinfo();' will probably work.

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Re: [us...@httpd] Apache for Windows won't start

2009-09-02 Thread Lester Caine
John Oliver wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 06:12:47PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 John Oliver wrote:
 So I installed 2.2.13 on W2K3 R2 Enterprise Edition SP2  When I try to
 start it, I get a message about error code 1, and there is nothing in
 the error.log  This is the first time I've tried to do this under
 Windows.  With Linux/UNIX, there would be *something* in the error_log.
 But here, I'm stuck.  How to proceed?
 Windows Application Event Log (until there is a chance to open the log file)
 It's complaining about not being able to bind to port 80.  Netstat
 doesn't show anything else listening on that port.  I poked around in
 the properties of the service, thinking maybe it's running as a
 non-privileged user, but no, it's running as SYSTEM.
 Next step? :-)

Disable IIS?
I seem to recall it 'hogs' port 80 even if it's not showing as running?

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[us...@httpd] Compiling Apache on windows VC9

2009-06-05 Thread Lester Caine
PHP have decided that PHP5.3 will be the last version available for 
windows on VC6, and that PHP6 will be VC9 only, so is any work being 
done on a VC9 version of Apache? This seems to be in line with making 
IIS the default on Windows as there are no Apache modules in the VC9 
builds :(

Where is the best place to 'go' to discuss this upcoming problem and try 
and add Apache to the PHP builds I'm currently doing privately?

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Re: [us...@httpd] Compiling Apache on windows VC9

2009-06-05 Thread Lester Caine

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Lester Caine wrote:

PHP have decided that PHP5.3 will be the last version available for
windows on VC6, and that PHP6 will be VC9 only, so is any work being
done on a VC9 version of Apache? This seems to be in line with making
IIS the default on Windows as there are no Apache modules in the VC9
builds :(

Where is the best place to 'go' to discuss this upcoming problem and try
and add Apache to the PHP builds I'm currently doing privately?

As a PHP developer, I suppose you are aware of the corresponding developer
forum of httpd?  If not, an email to should
get you there in one piece.

FWIW, asking for 'forward looking' development questions on the users@ list
is something like asking your stock broker how GE expects to perform in the
coming quarter ;)

I am basically just a USER of both Apache and PHP (and Firebird) and 
have been for some years. SO I had no problem setting a configuration I 
can use on both Linux and Windows, but recent 'improvements' in the PHP 
camp have resulted in it being impossible to USE PHP on Apache in 
Windows ... users are having to get their hands dirty and actually build 
their own PHP in order to use the next version of PHP with Apache on 
Windows. My own development expertise is with Borland compilers, so the 
maze that is M$ VC* is not something that I really want to waste 
valuable time on. The potential problem of the PHP roadmap only came 
clear this week while I wasted most of it simply trying to get to a 
point where I could use Apache/Firebird to test PHP5.3 on windows. 
Something which other users have stepped up and plugged for now.

So I don't really want to have to go through yet another learning curve 
with Apache, since as yet I've not even managed to do that with PHP, so 
as a user I'm asking what the game plan is as it may be that other users 
are not aware and are in a better position to become developers than I am :(

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Re: [us...@httpd] configuring mysql with php

2009-06-03 Thread Lester Caine

aman parashar wrote:
he php with the apache server works fine. But with the mysql , it doesnt 
show nothing even when i tried if it has the mysql library is present, 
nothing comes out.Empty browser, plz i need help.I appreciate for your 
precious time. Even it couldnt give me error or anything,i couldnt 
figure if the php has really connected to the mysql server.

All the files are downloaded in the same directory c:\download\...

and i renamed the php.ini_recommend to php.ini

You will get more help on a PHP list

MySQl is not enabled by default, so you will need to uncomment the 
correct extension for the version of MySQL you are actually using, and 
then restart Apache to load it.

( I prefer a real database so I'm not sure which ones you need ;) )

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Re: [us...@httpd] Httpd on Ubuntu 9.04

2009-05-24 Thread Lester Caine

Res wrote:

Maybe a vote should be taken to issue notice to them, to cease renaming 
key apache components, its bad enough the butchering they do, but 
renaming is crossing the line IMHO, as we've just seen why in this 
thread, for every one you hear, you know there's many thousands more you 

On Sat, 23 May 2009, Sander Temme wrote:

On May 22, 2009, at 5:39 AM, John Hudak wrote:

WHY does the Debian distro 'relocate'
things such as apache?

Don't ask us, ask them.

This is a general anarchy problem with everybody reinterpreting the 
'rules' for standardisation of the directory structure to their own 
ends. Since the FHS standard simply does not ACTUALLY define anything 

Add PHP and a database to the mix and a dozen variations seem to become 
hundreds, so perhaps it IS time some of the base projects started 
nailing things down in conjunction with FHS and removes the totally 
useless current 'standard' where EVERY variation is claimed to be 
compliant and FHS is used as the justification for MAKING their personal 
changes :(

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Re: [us...@httpd] Fwd: Home Web Server

2009-05-13 Thread Lester Caine

Justin Zhang wrote:
Thank you for the quick reply. How do I know which external IP address 
is right. I got 2 different address from myIPaddress with  without 
phone router. and Is my configuration 
right? ServerName

Both addresses fail to provide web sites from this side ... simply times out, but 
probably has something attached as it says connection refused. So either 
your router does not know how to pass the messages through. ( Mine has a 
firewall that needs a port opening to allow the local web site out ) or 
since I doubt that you have a static IP address, your ISP is blocking 
things. Bare in mind that these numbers may well change when you 
reconnect ...

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Re: [us...@httpd] Fwd: Home Web Server

2009-05-13 Thread Lester Caine

Justin Zhang wrote:

Do you mean ipconfig? I got for my server computer

That is a private IP address and is never used outside a site. You nned 
to 'map' that to the internet side of your router - if it can handle 
such a thing.

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Re: [us...@httpd] apache2 versus httpd

2009-05-05 Thread Lester Caine

André Warnier wrote:

Julius Thijssen wrote:

How annoying, having to switch naming from CentOS/RHEL to Debian.
It causes me to work for hours changing httpd to apache2 (and back)
while migrating a linux server system.
Can't they just get along and make some uniformity between them?
What could EVER be useful about using two different names for one and
the same daemon?

The next step would be to ask them to all put the DocumentRoot under 
/var/www, instead of /srv/www sometimes.  Then the next step would be to 
ask to agree on a structure for the config files under /etc/apache2 .. 
ooops /etc/httpd, so that one doesn't use sites-available while the 
other uses vhosts.d.
Then we could also ask the Apache foundation to tell the Apache 
packagers for Windows to stop this nonsense of using install directory 
names with spaces, like C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/.. 
etc..  Whatever was wrong with C:/apache ?

Hopeless, I'm afraid.

Perhaps not ... if we create a standard then we request that the 
distributions follow it. It's not just apache - php has exactly the same 
problem and increase the number of combinations one has to deal with :(

Of cause simply moving them back to where YOU want them is not actually 
a problem, since on the whole one only has to edit the config files?

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Re: [us...@httpd] download php apache

2009-02-26 Thread Lester Caine

Sam Wootton wrote:


Many thanks for the help.

I tried that, and i still got the same problem.

However, it could be being cached i guess.

Is what you suggested a sure fire way to fix my problem? If so, i'll 
wait until i am home to test it properly.

VirtualHost *

Should work

If you move to a live site, then the IP address will be for the domain 
without a www extension anyway.

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Re: [us...@httpd] download php apache

2009-02-26 Thread Lester Caine

Sam Wootton wrote:

2009/2/26 Lester Caine

Sam Wootton wrote:


Many thanks for the help.

I tried that, and i still got the same problem.

However, it could be being cached i guess.

Is what you suggested a sure fire way to fix my problem? If so,
i'll wait until i am home to test it properly.

VirtualHost *

Should work

If you move to a live site, then the IP address will be for the
domain without a www extension anyway.

Lester Caine - G8HFL

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Many thanks for the help.

Krist, I rand httpd -s and got:

Processing config directory: /private/etc/httpd/users/*.conf
 Processing config file: /private/etc/httpd/users/+entropy-php.conf
 Processing config file: /private/etc/httpd/users/snapple.conf
VirtualHost configuration: a NameVirtualHost
   default server (/etc/httpd/httpd.conf:1104)
   port 80 namevhost (/etc/httpd/httpd.conf:1104)

Lester, i'm not sure what you mean by:

If you move to a live site, then the IP address will be for the domain 
without a www extension anyway.

It is on a live site. Sorry - a  little confused here.

DNS servers will provide IP address for the base domain name ... so in 
my case has an alocated IP address, and I allow as an alias, although still reaches 
the same apache server ;)

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Flag missing from message subject again?

2008-12-11 Thread Lester Caine

Someone seems to have switched off the [EMAIL PROTECTED] again?

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Re: [us...@httpd] PDO install kills webserver

2008-09-28 Thread Lester Caine

slartybartfast wrote:

I'm trying to set up a server (on Ubuntu Hardy Heron) with SSH, Apache2, PHP
5.2.x, Ruby, ProFtpd, and PostgreSQL 8.3, and want to use PDO.  I set up
everything but the PDO, and all works beautifully - very pleased with myself
as I've never touched Linux before.  Then I try to set up PDO, and I plummet
to earth with a thud.

I run:
pecl install pdo
pecl install pdo_pgsql

I add to php.ini:

then restart apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

and I get the message
httpd (no pid file) not running

and from that point on I could not browse to my webserver, got...
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

Never had that error before until I installed PDO, and was able to get a
connection.  So I rebuilt the server from bottom up, documenting every step,
and again all was working until I installed PDO and changed the php.ini file
-- then Apache (or something) breaks.

Try asking on the PHP lists - I have no doubt that is the 
problem, so simply disabling that line in php.ini should then allow apache to 
start. It is failing probably because something is not set right on the link 
between pdo_pgsql and pastgres but we would need a little more detail to 
establish the setup of these.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Spliting ServerRoot

2008-09-15 Thread Lester Caine

I've just had a problem on a site that I need to get fixed properly.

I should probably have taken a bit more care when I set thing up, but at that 
time I missed one thing, and that was that the log files default to ServerRoot.

I don't want to move the configuration files from /etc/ but I need to move all 
the logging over to /usr2/ so that it does not fill the base 8Gb partition - 
and crash the server :(

Is there a 'global' setting which will move the base log directory or do I 
have to handle each logging directive manually? This is on a Mandiva 2008.0 
setup which uses /etc/httpd/ but on the SUSE setup I seem already to have the 
logging split, and can't see why it's different.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Spliting ServerRoot

2008-09-15 Thread Lester Caine

André Warnier wrote:

Lester Caine wrote:

I've just had a problem on a site that I need to get fixed properly.

I should probably have taken a bit more care when I set thing up, but 
at that time I missed one thing, and that was that the log files 
default to ServerRoot.

I don't want to move the configuration files from /etc/ but I need to 
move all the logging over to /usr2/ so that it does not fill the base 
8Gb partition - and crash the server :(

Is there a 'global' setting which will move the base log directory or 
do I have to handle each logging directive manually? This is on a 
Mandiva 2008.0 setup which uses /etc/httpd/ but on the SUSE setup I 
seem already to have the logging split, and can't see why it's different.

In the httpd.conf (or apache.conf) and/or similar VirtualHost conf 
files, there are 2 lines :
ErrorLog and CustomLog, which indicate the logfiles for errors, and for 
accesses respectively.
If the paths to these files start with a /, then the path is absolute. 
If it starts without a /, then it is relative to the server root.
 From what you say above, I guess they start with logs/, which 
make them relative.
So just change that to /usr2/httpd/logs/.. or whatever you need, and 
restart apache.

TA - that was the kick I needed. But I can't restart until they finish work 

Now I just need to work out why on the 1st of the Month when the logs are 
changed over Apache hangs and has to be restarted? I can't see anything in the 
logs, but it's almost as if it's stopped, logs renamed, but then not started 
by which ever script is controlling it?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Spliting ServerRoot

2008-09-15 Thread Lester Caine

André Warnier wrote:

Lester Caine wrote:

André Warnier wrote:

Lester Caine wrote:

I've just had a problem on a site that I need to get fixed properly.

I should probably have taken a bit more care when I set thing up, 
but at that time I missed one thing, and that was that the log files 
default to ServerRoot.

I don't want to move the configuration files from /etc/ but I need 
to move all the logging over to /usr2/ so that it does not fill the 
base 8Gb partition - and crash the server :(

Is there a 'global' setting which will move the base log directory 
or do I have to handle each logging directive manually? This is on a 
Mandiva 2008.0 setup which uses /etc/httpd/ but on the SUSE setup I 
seem already to have the logging split, and can't see why it's 

In the httpd.conf (or apache.conf) and/or similar VirtualHost conf 
files, there are 2 lines :
ErrorLog and CustomLog, which indicate the logfiles for errors, and 
for accesses respectively.
If the paths to these files start with a /, then the path is 
absolute. If it starts without a /, then it is relative to the 
server root.
 From what you say above, I guess they start with logs/, which 
make them relative.
So just change that to /usr2/httpd/logs/.. or whatever you need, 
and restart apache.

TA - that was the kick I needed. But I can't restart until they finish 
work tonight.

Now I just need to work out why on the 1st of the Month when the logs 
are changed over Apache hangs and has to be restarted? I can't see 
anything in the logs, but it's almost as if it's stopped, logs 
renamed, but then not started by which ever script is controlling it?

Look for instances of logrotate, /etc/logrotate, /etc/logrotate.d and 
so on.  You can also look in /etc/cron.monthly, which is probably where 
it all starts.
But then, if you have a problem wit that, ask on a Linux list, not here, 
because this has nothing to do with Apache.

And, by the way, if you change the location of the logfiles, then your 
current configuration of logrotate will not be valid anymore, and you 
will *have* to change it.

Have fun.

Now THAT fills the gap. I had only installed 'apache' - the installed did the 
rest, so I've been looking in 'httpd' at the stuff there for log rotation. It 
LOOKS as if there is a problem with what it has written to 
/etc/logrotate.d/httpd which may well be part of the problem.

Sometimes I wish that we had a COMPLETE log of what an install or update 
affected and where everything has been added. When it works it's fine, but 
when something fails ..

Thanks again for a kick in the right direction.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why do I need /var/www as DocumentRoot www-data as www owner?

2008-09-02 Thread Lester Caine

Greg Platt - Platt Consultants wrote:

I'm not arguing for or against what Debian did. One thing I can say is their
approach provides an individual VirtualHost file for each domain. It thus
tends to isolate any damage that might be done in editing httpd.conf to a
single domain. It also makes it easy to disable one domain using their
a2dissite utility without any risk of affecting other domains.

Other than that, I honestly don't care. I was actually quite comfortable
with the httpd.conf approach too. I wasted several hours when I first got
involved with Debian trying to figure out exactly how their setup differed. 

Indeed, it was just after I'd gone through the struggle of figuring all that
out and had gotten my 3 test sites working under the Debian paradigm that
another Debian user remarked about my unusual directory structure and
expressed the opinion that the entire web structure should be owned by
www-data and all sites should be under /var/www. It was at that point that I
began to worry I had somehow misinterpreted Apache and Debian's intent here.

That's what eventually lead to my first post here today.

I think that there is a little too much 'THIS is the right way!' on some of 
the DISTRIBUTIONS of Apache ( and PHP ), but now that I've got used to the 
/etc/apache2/ layout ( on SUSE in my case ) I do think it's easier than 
Mandrivas /etc/httpd/ . Having to bounce between Windows and Linux, trying to 
emulate some of the Linux ideas in Windows is fun, but worth the effort. 
Splitting the .conf up does make sense.

As for the LOCATION of the target files, I think this is more a case of how 
each distribution partitions the disk by default. Having /var on the 8Gb root 
partition means that logging and large sites very quickly fill up the 
partition, so one almost HAS to move to the 'other' partition which on 
Mandriva is /home 
Alternatively I dropped a 500Gb disk into one of the servers and partitioned 
that as /var - I think that will take a time to fill 
At the end of the day the 'target' users of a distribution determine it's 
preferred default and many of them are targeting 'desktop' over 'server' so 
NOT providing the most practical layouts for running Apache.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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