Re: xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.18.3-1.fc23.x86_64

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Gordon Messmer
> Is anyone else having trouble with
> xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.18.3-1.fc23.x86_64?
> I updated this morning, and with that update applied, when I lock the
> session and my monitors shut off, the system takes a very long time (which
> varies, but 15 seconds seems like a minimum) to turn them back on and show a
> password prompt.  The logs also indicate that Xorg triggered the OOM killer
> and terminated my session while I was out to lunch.
> When I revert to an earlier Xorg package, the system works normally.

On Radeon, I'm not seeing this. Haven't tried i915.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 23 multiple CPU cooling/temp errors every day

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
It's also worth installing and running powertop -c which can be done
either on battery power or not, and it'll set some better power states
on various things. It may not make the fan run less or CPU less warm,
but it'll still use less power. There are a bunch of powertop guides
floating about.

Chris Murphy
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Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 09:45:23AM -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
> On 04/13/2016 07:40 AM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
> >Thank you for all the comments.
> >
> >What I find interesting, as I indicated in my original post, is that
> >it's the files in
> >
> >/var/cache/yum/x86_64/22
> >
> >that are being updated even though I use dnf to do the update. They show
> >the current date of my last update.
> No, that's expected. The idea is you have lots of stuff in the
> /var/cache//x86_64/<19|20|21> directories left over from the
> PREVIOUS versions of the system is what I was trying to infer. A
>   du -hs /var/cache/*
> would reveal it. My machine at home had tons of stuff from the F18,
> F19, F20, F21 and F22 incarnations of the system (yes, that poor beast
> has been upgraded many, MANY times).
> >I'll go ahead and rm -rf the yum and dnf directories and see what happens.
> That's the quick way to do it. I was trying to emphasize using the tool
> itself to clean things up, but that's just as effective and probably
> easier.

How do you address the remaining F18...F2x packages.  Which should be,
can safely be, and shouldn't be removed?  My system also was upgraded
many times.  There are lots of older distro packages still installed.

One I got rid of was bootchart from F18.  It prevented my complete
upgrade to F22.

Stimulated by this thread I looked at the still installed old packages.
Gee, F-spot from F18.  Who knew it was dead?  That pkg is gone now.

But what about things like 4 packages named "Fedora-UserManagement-*"?
Are they still needed?  Were they ever?  Are they no longer updated
because they have morphed into something else?

And what about "hardinfo".  Wonder if the F18 version still runs.
Yup, looks like a useful inventory tool.  Wonder why its no longer

Not really looking for answers to these specific questions.  Just
wondering how other people deal with decision making, "should they
stay of should they go"?

Jon H. LaBadie
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Re: "Brave" new browser

2016-04-13 Thread Matthew Miller
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 04:22:02PM -0500, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> But I was wondering: is the license appropriate enough to bring to
> Fedora? The license is Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 and is
> attached.

MPL v2.0 is definitely on our list of "Fedora good licenses":

There may be other issues, including patented codecs or other barriers.

Matthew Miller

Fedora Project Leader
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Re: ssh-agent not working after upgrade to fedora 23

2016-04-13 Thread Rick Stevens

On 04/13/2016 01:04 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:

On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 15:51:31 -0400
Richard Heck wrote:

Any suggestions?

Yep. The security geeks decided dsa keys weren't secure,
but none of the errors messages you get give you a hint
that dsa keys no longer work.

You can change a lot of obscure parameters in /etc/sshd.config
(and maybe /etc/ssh.config as well) or you can sigh and
generate new keys using an "acceptable" cipher and
distribute the new public key around to every single
system that has your old dsa key.

You can use "ssh -o HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss remotehost" to
temporarily use dsa keys, or add

Host *
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss

to your /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config file, but switch to rsa
when you can. The "experts" think its better and by default, ssh won't
use dss any more.

Also be aware that by default ssh no longer allows 
diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange.

Again, you can "ssh -o KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 
remotehost" or add

Host *
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha

to your /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config files. Both of these have
gotten me trying to log into some older Cisco routers. I've added things

Host remote-cisco-gear
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

for each of these problematic machines to my ~/.ssh/config file to get
around these issues. G!
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, -
- AIM/Skype: therps2ICQ: 226437340   Yahoo: origrps2 -
-  Time: Nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.  -
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[389-users] Re: 389 directory server console and httpd.worker process

2016-04-13 Thread Mark Reynolds
The console can run from anywhere, but each Directory Server system 
needs an admin server.

Host A - Just 389-console
Host B - DS instance and Admin Server
Host C - DS instance A, DS instance B, and Admin Server
etc, etc

You can cross register all the systems and use console to administer all 
the Directory Server instances from one location(using the latest


On 04/13/2016 03:18 PM, xinhuan zheng wrote:

With that explanation, if I install console into a server different than the 
server the directory server instance runs on, while Admin Server (http) is 
installed on the server the directory server runs on, is it possible? In 
another words, can console be separate installation into another server so from 
one console it can control multiple directory server instances?

- xinhuan
389 users mailing list

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"Brave" new browser

2016-04-13 Thread Ranjan Maitra

I recently became aware of a new browser called "Brave" which ditches ads 
( or pays you to watch them and have been using it for a couple 
of days now. It is certainly faster than Firefox which is a great browser but 
freezes quite a bit.

But I was wondering: is the license appropriate enough to bring to Fedora? The 
license is Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 and is attached.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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1.2. "Contributor Version"
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1.3. "Contribution"
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1.4. "Covered Software"
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1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"

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1.6. "Executable Form"
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1.7. "Larger Work"
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.

1.8. "License"
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1.9. "Licensable"
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2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope

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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Gordon Messmer

On 04/13/2016 12:24 PM, Greg Woods wrote:
If you're using NAT, then all the connections to the Samba server will 
appear to come from the same IP, which may confuse things.

I think the root of the problem is that SMB creates a browse master for 
each subnet.  Since the Samba server and the Windows workstation were on 
different subnets, each elected itself the browse master. The F23 
workstation was on both, so it used the Windows system as its browse 
master (though I'm not sure how that selection is normally made when 
more than one is available).  As a result, it would only be able to 
browse to hosts registered with the Windows 10 VM.

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Re: ssh-agent not working after upgrade to fedora 23

2016-04-13 Thread Gordon Messmer

On 04/13/2016 01:04 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:

The security geeks decided dsa keys weren't secure

Do you mean "the security experts who maintain OpenSSH and OpenBSD?"

But, yeah, the release notes are light on details.

I recommend this document to SSH users:
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Re: journalctl/rsyslog pause/delay while logging

2016-04-13 Thread Alex
The problem turned out to be remote logging to a host that was down
for a while. After disabling the remote logging to a host that was no
longer available, logging no longer blocked.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Alex  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a fedora23 mail server that's been working for quite some time.
> I have rsyslog installed and configured to log mail to
> /var/log/maillog. It's never had a problem, but for some reason
> yesterday it started intermittently stop logging for about three
> minutes, then catch up with the three minutes of missed data before it
> begins to log normally again.
> It then appears to log for another few minutes, then repeat this cycle.
> Looking at the logs with "journalctl -f" shows no such lag with
> logging, but I can't use journalctl for this project.
> Any idea what could be causing this?
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2016-04-13 Thread Gordon Messmer
Is anyone else having trouble with 

I updated this morning, and with that update applied, when I lock the 
session and my monitors shut off, the system takes a very long time 
(which varies, but 15 seconds seems like a minimum) to turn them back on 
and show a password prompt.  The logs also indicate that Xorg triggered 
the OOM killer and terminated my session while I was out to lunch.

When I revert to an earlier Xorg package, the system works normally.

# lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd 
Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)

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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Chris Murphy  wrote
> Thwarted. The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, from Microsoft, does not
> use an already downloaded ISO. It downloads a new copy, apparently
> each time you want to create a stick. There are 3rd party USB creation
> tools but I have no real interesting in effectively testing whether
> those tools will properly create a USB stick for UEFI computers.

It's funny and annoying how I made this more difficult than necessary.
I just formatted a USB stick, MBR + FAT32, and then copied the files
from the ISO/UDF (mounted with Gnome Disk Image Mounter) over. And
guess what? The Intel NUC boots it just fine, in UEFI mode, with
Secure Boot. So now I can move onto bug 1320273.

Chris Murphy
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Re: ssh-agent not working after upgrade to fedora 23

2016-04-13 Thread Tom Horsley
On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 15:51:31 -0400
Richard Heck wrote:

> Any suggestions?

Yep. The security geeks decided dsa keys weren't secure,
but none of the errors messages you get give you a hint
that dsa keys no longer work.

You can change a lot of obscure parameters in /etc/sshd.config
(and maybe /etc/ssh.config as well) or you can sigh and
generate new keys using an "acceptable" cipher and
distribute the new public key around to every single
system that has your old dsa key.
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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Bob Goodwin

On 04/13/16 15:57, Samuel Sieb wrote:

The iInterface line shows "0" That 
does not look encouraging ...

That's not a good sign.  Shotwell must 
just do PTP on it despite that. Oh 
well, I guess that's it then.


Well I guess I can live with what I know 
about it then. Thanks much for the help. 
I did not mean to ignore anyone, but 
sometimes I get overwhelmed by the 
details ...


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3
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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 04/13/2016 12:32 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

lsusb -v -d 04b0:0320 produces the following lines:

bInterfaceSubClass  1 Still Image Capture
bInterfaceProtocol  1 Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470)
iInterface  0

The iInterface line shows "0" That does not look encouraging ...

That's not a good sign.  Shotwell must just do PTP on it despite that. 
Oh well, I guess that's it then.

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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Chris Murphy  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 13:19:12 -0600
>> Chris Murphy wrote:
>>> But that ultimately doesn't fix the problem, I still can't see the
>>> Samba server from the Windows 10 VM.
>> Almost certainly depends on the kind of networking the VM
>> uses. I always setup all my VMs using a bridge, which makes
>> them all look like they are simply other machines all on
>> the same subnet.
>> The default virt-manager networking is to use NAT routing
>> and put the VMs inside their own subnet. With that setup,
>> you certainly won't see any shares by default from another
>> subnet, though you might be able to access them explicitly
>> using the IP address or something.
> Brilliant! So this was entirely user error.
> After changing to macvtap+bridge, and setting workgroup back to COLOR
> (and rebooting, yeah dig dig), file sharing works!

Thwarted. The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, from Microsoft, does not
use an already downloaded ISO. It downloads a new copy, apparently
each time you want to create a stick. There are 3rd party USB creation
tools but I have no real interesting in effectively testing whether
those tools will properly create a USB stick for UEFI computers.

Chris Murphy
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ssh-agent not working after upgrade to fedora 23

2016-04-13 Thread Richard Heck

I've googled around for this and found some similar complaints, but none
of the solutions mentioned in these threads works for me. So I'm asking

With F22 on the same machine, my normal routine would be:

> ssh-add
Enter passphrase for /home/me/.ssh/id_dsa:
Identity added: /home/me/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/me/.ssh/id_dsa)
> ssh

But now I get in response:

Enter passphrase for /home/me/.ssh/id_dsa:

And yet:

> ssh-add -L
lots of stuff /home/me/.ssh/id_dsa

It seems that the agent is not being consulted or something.

I've check $SSH_AUTH_SOCK, and it seems to point to something reasonable:

> ll /tmp/ssh-8mkcEDB8W6mO/agent.1158
srw---. 1 me me 0 Apr 13 15:36 /tmp/ssh-8mkcEDB8W6mO/agent.1158

Any suggestions?


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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Tom Horsley  wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 13:19:12 -0600
> Chris Murphy wrote:
>> But that ultimately doesn't fix the problem, I still can't see the
>> Samba server from the Windows 10 VM.
> Almost certainly depends on the kind of networking the VM
> uses. I always setup all my VMs using a bridge, which makes
> them all look like they are simply other machines all on
> the same subnet.
> The default virt-manager networking is to use NAT routing
> and put the VMs inside their own subnet. With that setup,
> you certainly won't see any shares by default from another
> subnet, though you might be able to access them explicitly
> using the IP address or something.

Brilliant! So this was entirely user error.

After changing to macvtap+bridge, and setting workgroup back to COLOR
(and rebooting, yeah dig dig), file sharing works!

Chris Murphy
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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Greg Woods  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Chris Murphy 
> wrote:
>> I still can't see the
>> Samba server from the Windows 10 VM. Should this work?
> What kind of networking are you using on the VM? If you're using NAT, then
> all the connections to the Samba server will appear to come from the same
> IP, which may confuse things. If the VM has its own independent IP and MAC

virt-manger defaults to NAT. The other option is macvtap, mode options
are bridge, VEPA, private, passthrough.

I'll try bridge.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Bob Goodwin

On 04/12/16 01:25, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 04/11/2016 08:43 AM, Bob Goodwin 
I just installed simple-mtpfs and gat 
the following:

[root@Box10 bobg]# simple-mtpfs -l
No raw devices found.
[root@Box10 bobg]# simple-mtpfs -l
No raw devices found.

You said it is a Nikon S3100?  I just 
checked the manual and the camera 
should support PTP and MTP.  Check the 
output of:

lsusb -v -d 04b0:0320
It should have lines with "Picture 
Transfer Protocol" and "MTP".
For example, the following lines are 
in the info from my phone:
  bInterfaceSubClass  1 Still 
Image Capture
  bInterfaceProtocol  1 
Picture Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470)

  iInterface  5 MTP

Try installing the gvfs-mtp package.  
It would be easiest to reboot after 
installing that so the system tasks 
get started properly.  Then try 
plugging in the camera to the USB port.


I installed that yesterday:

[root@Box10 bobg]# dnf install gvfs-mtp
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:01 
ago on Wed Apr 13 15:23:42 2016.
Package gvfs-mtp-1.26.3-1.fc23.x86_64 is 
already installed, skipping.

Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

lsusb -v -d 04b0:0320 produces the 
following lines:

bInterfaceSubClass  1 Still Image 
bInterfaceProtocol  1 Picture 
Transfer Protocol (PIMA 15470)

iInterface  0

The iInterface line shows "0" That does 
not look encouraging ...


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Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3
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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Tom Horsley
On Wed, 13 Apr 2016 13:19:12 -0600
Chris Murphy wrote:

> But that ultimately doesn't fix the problem, I still can't see the
> Samba server from the Windows 10 VM.

Almost certainly depends on the kind of networking the VM
uses. I always setup all my VMs using a bridge, which makes
them all look like they are simply other machines all on
the same subnet.

The default virt-manager networking is to use NAT routing
and put the VMs inside their own subnet. With that setup,
you certainly won't see any shares by default from another
subnet, though you might be able to access them explicitly
using the IP address or something.
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Re: Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Chris Murphy 

> I still can't see the
> Samba server from the Windows 10 VM. Should this work?

What kind of networking are you using on the VM? If you're using NAT, then
all the connections to the Samba server will appear to come from the same
IP, which may confuse things. If the VM has its own independent IP and MAC
addresses, then ignore this.

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journalctl/rsyslog pause/delay while logging

2016-04-13 Thread Alex

I have a fedora23 mail server that's been working for quite some time.
I have rsyslog installed and configured to log mail to
/var/log/maillog. It's never had a problem, but for some reason
yesterday it started intermittently stop logging for about three
minutes, then catch up with the three minutes of missed data before it
begins to log normally again.

It then appears to log for another few minutes, then repeat this cycle.

Looking at the logs with "journalctl -f" shows no such lag with
logging, but I can't use journalctl for this project.

Any idea what could be causing this?
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Windows 10 virt-manager access Samba server

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
computer1 = Fedora 23 Server, running samba-4.3.6
computer2 =Fedora 23 Workstation, virt-manager VM Windows 10

computer2 happens to be a Mac, and whether Fedora or OS X I can share
files just fine from the Samba server. UI wise both Fedora and OS X
are about as brain dead simple as it gets, which is what I expect in
the modern era.

Files > Other Locations > Windows Network > COLOR > F23S

Where COLOR is the workgroup set in the samba server's smb.conf and
F23S is the hostname. OS X doesn't seem to care about workgroup at
all, I never even see the word COLOR when I connect. But in any case
both of those OS's work.

Windows 10 in a VM, virt-manager running on Fedora 23 Workstation is
revisiting misery. It sees only itself in the Explorer under Network.
I read elsewhere the workgroups need to match among Windows machines,
so I change workgroup from WORKGROUP to COLOR. And f'n wow, really, in
2016 I have to reboot Windows 10 for network changes to take effect?
Stunning. So the VM comes up and it still doesn't see the Samba
server, and meanwhile Fedora Workstation can't either. Shutdown the
VM, Fedora Workstation can see the samba server again. Boot up the VM,
now it's gone.

So I change the workgroup in Windows 10 to DUNG, and reboot. Fedora
Worktstation can now see the Samba server whether the Windows 10 VM is
running or not.

But that ultimately doesn't fix the problem, I still can't see the
Samba server from the Windows 10 VM. Should this work? At this point
I'm just curious if it should work and can be made to work. But as a
work around I'm already likely to just setup httpd on the server and
copy the file over, fully into the VM which is what I was hoping to
avoid. But nothing is worth this kind of hassle.

Chris Murphy
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[389-users] Re: 389 directory server console and httpd.worker process

2016-04-13 Thread xinhuan zheng
With that explanation, if I install console into a server different than the 
server the directory server instance runs on, while Admin Server (http) is 
installed on the server the directory server runs on, is it possible? In 
another words, can console be separate installation into another server so from 
one console it can control multiple directory server instances?

- xinhuan
389 users mailing list

Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 04/13/2016 12:09 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

On 04/13/16 14:56, Samuel Sieb wrote:

Did you try those terminal commands I suggested in an earlier email?
The results from those would be interesting and useful.

As I wrote to POC yesterday:

"Well, after a lot of googling and trial and error groping around for a
command that produces something meaningful [to me] the best I have
achieved so far is:

[root@Box10 bobg]# gvfs-mount -l
Error creating proxy: The connection is closed (g-io-error-quark, 18)

It doesn't look like gvfs is the answer either."

I just couldn't figure out how to use gvfs, if you can suggest something
to try I will do so. I found a few commands but I guess I really didn't
know how to apply them.

Earlier in this email thread, I wrote this:
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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Bob Goodwin

On 04/13/16 14:56, Samuel Sieb wrote:

Thanks to all for the interesting 
responses, I always learn something

from them ...

Did you try those terminal commands I 
suggested in an earlier email? The 
results from those would be 
interesting and useful.


As I wrote to POC yesterday:

"Well, after a lot of googling and trial 
and error groping around for a command 
that produces something meaningful [to 
me] the best I have achieved so far is:

[root@Box10 bobg]# gvfs-mount -l
Error creating proxy: The connection is 
closed (g-io-error-quark, 18)

It doesn't look like gvfs is the answer 

I just couldn't figure out how to use 
gvfs, if you can suggest something to 
try I will do so. I found a few commands 
but I guess I really didn't know how to 
apply them.


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3
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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 04/13/2016 11:50 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

The regular software such as Shotwell works well for getting pictures
off the camera and onto the computer and the SD card files can be
accessed easily enough with a card reader so I don't think this warrants
any more time spent looking for alternatives.

Thanks to all for the interesting responses, I always learn something
from them ...

Did you try those terminal commands I suggested in an earlier email? 
The results from those would be interesting and useful.

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Re: Photo app's -

2016-04-13 Thread Bob Goodwin

On 04/12/16 19:11, Jon LaBadie wrote:

>You said it is a Nikon S3100?  I just checked the manual and the camera
>should support PTP and MTP.  Check the output of:

I too looked at a S3100 manual and found this strange footnote:

   Notes on Connecting the Camera to a Printer
   • When Auto is selected for Charge by computer, it may be impossible to
 print pictures with direct connection of the camera to some printers.
 If the PictBridge startup screen is not displayed in the monitor after
 the camera is connected to a printer and turned on, turn the camera off
 and disconnect the USB cable. Set Charge by computer to Off and
 reconnect the camera to the printer.

Perhaps check if your "Charge by computer" setting is auto and turn to off.

-- Jon H. LaBadie --


That seemed like it might work, but no, 
setting "Charge by computer to Off" did 
not put an icon on the desk top when the 
device was connected.

My daughter, the photographer, didn't 
believe me, tried with her Mac portable, 
same result, spent a long time on the 
phone with Nikon, got only a firmware 
update said to fix a problem I never had.

The regular software such as Shotwell 
works well for getting pictures off the 
camera and onto the computer and the SD 
card files can be accessed easily enough 
with a card reader so I don't think this 
warrants any more time spent looking for 

Thanks to all for the interesting 
responses, I always learn something from 
them ...


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3
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[389-users] Re: 389 directory server console and httpd.worker process

2016-04-13 Thread Mark Reynolds

On 04/13/2016 02:11 PM, xinhuan zheng wrote:

I want to understand more about 389 directory server. There is a administrative 
console, 389-console, appearing to be a complete GUI written in Java. There is 
another process, httpd.worker. When I launch the 389-console, I need to type in 
(3) information. The administrative cn, bind passwor, and the URL of that 
httpd.worker is listening on. How does the GUI console interact with the 
httpd.worker? Who is submitting the requests to the directory server instance? 
The 389 GUI console or the httpd.worker? Why it needs two separate processes to 
interact with directory server? Is there a diagram to describe such interaction 
so I can visualize?
There are no diagrams, sorry.  Basically you have the java console which 
is just a client to the DS.  Then there is the admin server which is 
used to perform system tasks, like creating/deleting instances, stopping 
& starting servers, etc.  Once you are authenticated to the console 
(console -> Admin Server(http) -> Directory Server), then it's the 
console that issues all the ldap operations to the Directory Server.

- xinhuan
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[389-users] 389 directory server console and httpd.worker process

2016-04-13 Thread xinhuan zheng
I want to understand more about 389 directory server. There is a administrative 
console, 389-console, appearing to be a complete GUI written in Java. There is 
another process, httpd.worker. When I launch the 389-console, I need to type in 
(3) information. The administrative cn, bind passwor, and the URL of that 
httpd.worker is listening on. How does the GUI console interact with the 
httpd.worker? Who is submitting the requests to the directory server instance? 
The 389 GUI console or the httpd.worker? Why it needs two separate processes to 
interact with directory server? Is there a diagram to describe such interaction 
so I can visualize?

- xinhuan
389 users mailing list

Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread Rick Stevens

On 04/13/2016 07:40 AM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:

Thank you for all the comments.

What I find interesting, as I indicated in my original post, is that
it's the files in


that are being updated even though I use dnf to do the update. They show
the current date of my last update.

No, that's expected. The idea is you have lots of stuff in the 
/var/cache//x86_64/<19|20|21> directories left over from the

PREVIOUS versions of the system is what I was trying to infer. A

du -hs /var/cache/*

would reveal it. My machine at home had tons of stuff from the F18,
F19, F20, F21 and F22 incarnations of the system (yes, that poor beast
has been upgraded many, MANY times).

I'll go ahead and rm -rf the yum and dnf directories and see what happens.

That's the quick way to do it. I was trying to emphasize using the tool
itself to clean things up, but that's just as effective and probably

On 04/12/2016 06:57 PM, stan wrote:

On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 16:27:26 -0700
Rick Stevens  wrote:

I reiterate, "dnf clean(whatever)" only cleans the current releasever.
If you are on F22, then "dnf clean packages" will only clean up those
in the F22 directory tree. The F19, F20 and F21 trees won't be touched
unless you specify the "--releasever=" option.

You're right.  I just assumed they were gone after the upgrade (I
don't upgrade using the tool; usually just do a separate fresh
install).  Bad assumption, it seems.

I like the other suggestion, just delete all the /var/cache/dnf
and /var/cache/yum directories, and let dnf renew whatever it needs
the next time it runs. Make sure the keepcache option is 0, and they
will stay clean. No need for the yum directories, and no need for
earlier dnf directories.
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- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, -
- AIM/Skype: therps2ICQ: 226437340   Yahoo: origrps2 -
- If this is the first day of the rest of my life... -
-I'm in BIG trouble! -
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Re: Fedora 23 multiple CPU cooling/temp errors every day

2016-04-13 Thread Chris Murphy
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 8:55 AM, CS DBA  wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback, I've installed thermald, added it to
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local and so far have not seen a single cpu temp alert.

That package installs a systemd unit. It shouldn't be necessary to add
it to rc.local.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 23 multiple CPU cooling/temp errors every day

2016-04-13 Thread CS DBA

On 04/13/2016 10:25 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 8:55 AM, CS DBA  wrote:

Thanks for the feedback, I've installed thermald, added it to
/etc/rc.d/rc.local and so far have not seen a single cpu temp alert.

That package installs a systemd unit. It shouldn't be necessary to add
it to rc.local.

Understood, thanks
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Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread g

On 04/13/16 10:42, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-04-13 at 10:12 -0500, g wrote:
>> ===>
>> i may be in err, but i believe that dnf also uses "/var/cache/yum/*".
> No, it uses /var/cache/dnf.
my bad. i thought i had read in in this list. please excuse.

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.7


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Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Wed, 2016-04-13 at 10:12 -0500, g wrote:
> ===>
> i may be in err, but i believe that dnf also uses "/var/cache/yum/*".

No, it uses /var/cache/dnf.

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Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread g

On 04/13/16 09:40, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
> Thank you for all the comments.
> What I find interesting, as I indicated in my original post, is that 
> it's the files in
> /var/cache/yum/x86_64/22
i may be in err, but i believe that dnf also uses "/var/cache/yum/*".

> that are being updated even though I use dnf to do the update. They show 
> the current date of my last update.
> I'll go ahead and rm -rf the yum and dnf directories and see what happens.
> Thanks for the help.
> Paolo
while checking paths, have a look under "/var/lib/yum/plugins/local/".

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.7


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Re: Fedora 23 multiple CPU cooling/temp errors every day

2016-04-13 Thread CS DBA

On 04/12/2016 04:04 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Chris Murphy  wrote:

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 2:41 PM, CS DBA  wrote:

Hi all;

Daily I see anywhere from 10 - 50 or more of these alerts via abrt. I'm
running Fedora 23 (KDE Spin) fully up to date on a Lenovo X1 carbon 3rd gen.
In all the alerts I see that the trip temp was exceeded, and then dropped
below the trip temp within 1 second.
Below is a sample of the output.

Should I be concerned? If not can I disable the popup alert? If so,
recommendations? should I consider cleaning & replacing the cpu thermal

Thanks in advance

The kernel log indicates that hardware errors were detected.
System log may have more information.
The last 20 mcelog lines of system log are:
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: Please check your system cooling.
Performance will be impacted
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: STATUS 8812080b MCGSTATUS 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: MCGCAP 1000c07 APICID 1 SOCKETID 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 61
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: Hardware event. This is not a software
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: MCE 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: CPU 1 THERMAL EVENT TSC 134e63eb3c2f
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: TIME 1460493199 Tue Apr 12 14:33:19 2016
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: Processor 1 below trip temperature.
Throttling disabled
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: STATUS 8813080a MCGSTATUS 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: MCGCAP 1000c07 APICID 1 SOCKETID 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 61
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: Hardware event. This is not a software
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: MCE 1
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: CPU 0 THERMAL EVENT TSC 134e63eb83f6
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: TIME 1460493199 Tue Apr 12 14:33:19 2016
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: Processor 0 below trip temperature.
Throttling disabled
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: STATUS 8813080a MCGSTATUS 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: MCGCAP 1000c07 APICID 0 SOCKETID 0
Apr 12 14:33:19 F23-host mcelog: CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 61

I think any MCE event shoudn't be ignored. There's just no way to know
if it's bogus or not. I get these on my machine periodically to no ill
effect and there's an upstream kernel bug with no response for years.
I thought it should be true that the hardware itself won't allow an
overheat, either GPU or CPU, and yet these messages suggest otherwise.

What I've been doing is using thermald which you can get from copr.

However, what I just realized is that it says that 1.5.3 version build
has failed, and yet rpm -q shows 1.5.3 is on my system. And 'thermald
--version' also shows it's 1.5.3 and it's running. But it doesn't seem
to be working or producing the same messages it used to, where it'd
throttle the CPU automatically. Hmmm any wonder why it's seems hotter
than usual. Crap!

Well it appears to be doing something still, if I relaunch it in debug
mode. I guess maybe the new build is just not as verbose as the
previous build, by default. What I still don't get is how the copr
build state is failed, and yet I have that same build installed.

Thanks for the feedback, I've installed thermald, added it to 
/etc/rc.d/rc.local and so far have not seen a single cpu temp alert.

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Re: dnf and yum caches

2016-04-13 Thread Paolo Galtieri

Thank you for all the comments.

What I find interesting, as I indicated in my original post, is that 
it's the files in


that are being updated even though I use dnf to do the update. They show 
the current date of my last update.

I'll go ahead and rm -rf the yum and dnf directories and see what happens.

Thanks for the help.


On 04/12/2016 06:57 PM, stan wrote:

On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 16:27:26 -0700
Rick Stevens  wrote:

I reiterate, "dnf clean(whatever)" only cleans the current releasever.
If you are on F22, then "dnf clean packages" will only clean up those
in the F22 directory tree. The F19, F20 and F21 trees won't be touched
unless you specify the "--releasever=" option.

You're right.  I just assumed they were gone after the upgrade (I
don't upgrade using the tool; usually just do a separate fresh
install).  Bad assumption, it seems.

I like the other suggestion, just delete all the /var/cache/dnf
and /var/cache/yum directories, and let dnf renew whatever it needs
the next time it runs. Make sure the keepcache option is 0, and they
will stay clean. No need for the yum directories, and no need for
earlier dnf directories.
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RE: How to install gnome-shell-extension-taskbar?

2016-04-13 Thread David Aldrich
Hi Jon

> It seems to have changed name to "Gnome Theme Tweak". I installed it and
> now I have "Gnome Shell Integration" plugin installed. I did have to activate 
> it
> to get it working, but didn't need restart Firefox.

I installed "Gnome Theme Tweak" and was then able to install the Taskbar 

Thanks very much for your help.

Best regards

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Re: How to install gnome-shell-extension-taskbar?

2016-04-13 Thread Jon Ingason
Den 2016-04-13 kl. 11:36, skrev David Aldrich:
> Hi
>> OK, need to install the plugin "Gnome Shell Integration" in your browser. I 
>> am
>> using Firefox but there should be plugin for Chrome also.
>> Yes, I checked that the plugin exist so install it and you should be able to 
>> install
>> "Gnome Shell Integration".
> I'm sorry, but I am still struggling with this.  I have installed the plugin 
> "Gnome Shell Integration" in Firefox. But when I browse to:
> (in Firefox) I then see:
> "We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system, so some parts of 
> the interface may be disabled. See our troubleshooting entry for more 
> information."
> The troubleshooting info suggests checking the network proxy configuration 
> and that unzip is installed. I've checked both of these are ok. Any more 
> suggestions please?
> David

Just not sure if this is relevant. Two questions:

1. Did you restart Firefox after you installed "Gnome Shell
   Integration" plugin?

2. Did you activate the plugin?

I started one of my VM Fedora 22 on my server and did some test to see
if I get same problem as you. I started Gnome-Tweak-tool and clicked on
the link fore more extensions and got same problem as you "We cannot
detect a running copy of GNOME on this system... ". When I looked at
what plugin was there and "Gnome Shell Integration" plugin was missing
so I search for that Firefox plugin. It seems to have changed name to
"Gnome Theme Tweak". I installed it and now I have "Gnome Shell
Integration" plugin installed. I did have to activate it to get it
working, but didn't need restart Firefox.

The Firefox was version 45.

Jon Ingason

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RE: How to install gnome-shell-extension-taskbar?

2016-04-13 Thread David Aldrich
> OK, need to install the plugin "Gnome Shell Integration" in your browser. I am
> using Firefox but there should be plugin for Chrome also.
> Yes, I checked that the plugin exist so install it and you should be able to 
> install
> "Gnome Shell Integration".

I'm sorry, but I am still struggling with this.  I have installed the plugin 
"Gnome Shell Integration" in Firefox. But when I browse to:

(in Firefox) I then see:

"We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system, so some parts of the 
interface may be disabled. See our troubleshooting entry for more information."

The troubleshooting info suggests checking the network proxy configuration and 
that unzip is installed. I've checked both of these are ok. Any more 
suggestions please?

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