[RCU] message view scrolls off

2012-07-25 Thread Noel Butler
What would be nice is if the message view heading section ( the bar that
contains from/date/subject blah blah blah) was static, and did NOT
scroll off when scrolling down the message list.

few weeks ago moved from squirrelmail after 7 or more years to
roundcube, did not take long at all to customise it, very nice and
impressed, its very professional looking, makes SM look like something
thrown together by a 12yo on a rainy afternoon, but the above is about
the only pet peave  I've got, overall awesome job.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

[RCU] install request

2012-08-17 Thread Noel Butler
Hi Thomas,

Can I suggest for future releases, the installer has a --ignore-suhosin
(warnings) option?
I (and I guess  plenty of others) have this disabled via httpd so it is
not a global php bypass, yes I know its a matter of editing two files to
get around it, but still, be nice if there's an option, or, maybe a  "
N/y " process question.


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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] master password

2012-10-21 Thread Noel Butler
On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 21:18 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:

> > Here corporate email is company's (depends on country) 
> this is questionable

Actually he is right, it depends on where you are, even in Australia,
corporate email is company property, managers (and entrusted sys admins)
have the right to inspect an employees staff mail account at any time
without a reason, on company equipment.

Hell, even if employees uses personal MSN at work (ok, shouldn't, but we
all know many do) it is companies legal right to inspect/read logs - any
and all data contained on company hardware, be it desktops or laptops is
company property, of course like OP said, this is country dependant.

> if you would be permitted you would have the login-data
> and again: it is technically impossible to have a master password
> in roundcube because it is a webmail and has (thanks god) to use
> the same autentication as any other client

If the OP used dovecot as the backend, there  is a way, never done it,
but have seen it mentioned.


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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] master password

2012-10-21 Thread Noel Butler
That's it, I knew someone would recall its function name :)

On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 23:11 +0200, Cor Bosman wrote:

> Your imap server needs to support impersonation. Dovecot does this, maybe 
> others as well. 
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/MasterUsers


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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] [Q] Upgrade from 0.7.1 to 0.8.2 suhosin and apache2/php.ini

2012-10-24 Thread Noel Butler
On Wed, 2012-10-24 at 16:06 +0200, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
> On 24/10/12 13:22, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
> > On 24/10/12 13:00, A.L.E.C wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > On 10/24/2012 12:55 PM, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
> > > 
> > > > #  bin/installto.sh /w3/roundcubemail
> > > > ERROR: Wrong 'suhosin.session.encrypt' option value. Read REQUIREMENTS
> > > > section in INSTALL file or use Roundcube Installer, please!
> > > > 
> > > > I have this already
> > > > # grep suh /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
> > > > [suhosin]
> > > > suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
> > > 
> > > When you run installto.sh script the file from /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (or
> > > something like that) is used, because you run PHP in CLI mode.
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > Apologies, but should have mentioned that this was already done:
> > Same problem remains 
> > 
> > # grep suh  /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
> > [suhosin]
> > suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
> > 
> Anyone have another idea?  
> There are only two php.ini files on the server.  apache and cli.  Is
> there somewehere else other than php.ini I should drop this into?
> Regards.
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users

This is a flaw  in roundcube install script that has been mentioned
before, I hoped it would have been resolved in .8 but I guess not

I think I just commented out the suhosin check in  installer/check.php
but you may need to comment it out somewhere else too, in the installer
script maybe

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] locking in https - Re: invalid auth cookie

2012-12-28 Thread Noel Butler
On Fri, 2012-12-28 at 15:12 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> >> So your little bit would have to change the cookie content so that the 
> >> browser is informed that this cookie is only
> >> to be sent over a secure connection?  Only way I see to stop this behavior 
> >> is for the cookie to be flagged.
> > 
> >   php_admin_flag session.cookie_secure "1"
> > 

If you use multiple virtual hosts, you dont need to put it inside a
directory, you can put it in between ...   

> >
> > which is still explaind yesterday
> > http://php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.cookie-secure
> Yes, I got that and now 'getting it'.  Just nit-picking, you use "1" the 
> manual says boolean with the default of off, so just two ways of 
> representing boolean, numeric or label.  In my way of thinking (hey, I 
> am dyslexic) labels reduce confusion because there is only off and on 
> (no maybes) while numeric raise a question of "2"...?

This is because you are not talking directly to php, you are talking to
httpd, and asking it to pass onto say mod_php, so it must be in a format
that they talk to each other in.

Like If you've ever tried to manipulate error reporting you'll know you
cant use  
"php_admin_value error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED" -
which will fail, you need to use 
"php_admin_value error_reporting 22519" to get the actual effect of

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] locking in https - Re: invalid auth cookie

2012-12-29 Thread Noel Butler
On Sat, 2012-12-29 at 19:18 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> > > > 
> > > >   php_admin_flag session.cookie_secure "1"
> > > > 
> > 
> > 
> > If you use multiple virtual hosts, you dont need to put it inside a
> > directory, you can put it in between ...
> >   
> The few servers I have, each virtual host has its own .conf file with
>  ...  framework, so I don't see how I would
> benefit this way, just have to include this line in each that uses
> SSL.

I didn't imply anything different, if you have individual conf files per
vhost (and it doesnt mater if its that way or all in one big conf file),
your example places the flag inside a Directory statement, I pointed
out, it doesn't need to be in the Directory statement, in the normal
part of the vhost config statement is fine, in fact, it's preferred.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Ready for the big 1?

2013-01-26 Thread Noel Butler
On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 16:39 +0100, emilio brambilla wrote:

> I mean a stable release with security/important patch and no new features.
> when you introduce a webmail in a production environment where they 
> train users for the webmail usage, it's hard to change things, that's 
> why I'd like a supported for long time stable version.


so long as you dont drastically change the way end users use the
software there is no reason to turn roundcube into another debian/fedora
specific program. Or are you also not going to install any new plugins,
after all, that's all they are - "new features"

Depriving users of new features will only see your customers find a
provider that offers them.

> I know, this feature it's not as simple as add some functionality to 
> rouncube, but it would be a killer feature for this great software :-)

There are large networks with a great proportion computer illiterate
users that have no problem live migrating through versions thus far, so
no reason any organisation of any size can't handle this, be you an ISP,
ASP, multi-national, or a SOHO with 2 users.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Ready for the big 1?

2013-01-26 Thread Noel Butler
On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 02:56 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Am 27.01.2013 02:51, schrieb Noel Butler:
> > On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 16:39 +0100, emilio brambilla wrote:
> > 
> >> I mean a stable release with security/important patch and no new features.
> >> when you introduce a webmail in a production environment where they 
> >> train users for the webmail usage, it's hard to change things, that's 
> >> why I'd like a supported for long time stable version.
> >>
> > 
> > -1
> > 
> > so long as you dont drastically change the way end users use the software 
> > there is no reason to turn roundcube into
> > another debian/fedora specific program. Or are you also not going to 
> > install any new plugins, after all, that's all
> > they are - "new features"
> > 
> > Depriving users of new features will only see your customers find a  
> > provider that offers them
> then kiss them goodbye

no problems your opposition will gladly accept them

> there are enough customers (especially business customers and they are
> the ones  who really pay money) which are thankful for stability instead
> braindead featuritis and permanently changing interfaces for the sake
> of the change

  You seem to speak a lot of shit on many lists, but it seems today your
brain is in your arse, if you took that attitude with me, I'd sack your
arse. You've been brainwashed by likes of debian trolls for too long.

> and this is the biggest weakness of opensource: change for the sake of
> the change because way too much developers prapre implent features instead
> OPTIMIZE code and make it perfect

In nearly twenty years at a couple of large ISP's, we've never had this
amazing problem you seem to have, and we've had some pretty clueless end
users over the years.

I trust you too  do not use any plugins, afterall you wont your version
of stability and not later features :)

> the typical enduser has mostly no fun with this and even can not handle
> changing the label of a button from "save" to "upload images" where there
> is only one another button with "cancel" - that is the way "customers"
> work and understand changes

Never seen that or heard of it before, perhaps you should ask your
employer to use something like squirrelmail which doesnt change.


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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC and php5.4.12

2013-02-25 Thread Noel Butler
On Tue, 2013-02-26 at 10:24 +1000, Nick Edwards wrote:

> We completely disabled suhosin, even temporarily removed open base
> restrictions and our list of disable functions so it has cart blanch
> access to everything, but no go.

Are you sure you disabled suhosin?  Did you comment it out or just use

You'll find simulation is broken on current git, just tried the same
upgrade on my dev box and only commenting out suhosin resolves the
matter, I've fired off an email to Steffan, but, php 5.4.x is in
"initial stages", so you might want to delay that upgrade.

php 5.4 is, IMHO, still immature software, and not suitable for large
production use, frankly, not enough QC work before releases, but php are
not alone in this, some other pretty well known software devs are more
interested in "release often" than "release-quality".

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Roundcube Users mailing list

[RCU] BUG 0.9.0 trash deleting

2013-04-21 Thread Noel Butler

Some members wish to empty trash manually, by delete and not "empty",
this way preventing select messages from being expunged.

case 1: Success-  highlight all messages, deletes, working same as the
empty folder option.

case 2: Failure- highlight all messages, control un-select a few
messages to keep, results in no deletions at all.

I have verified this members report on use of a separate (test) account.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] BUG 0.9.0 trash deleting

2013-04-22 Thread Noel Butler
On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 11:03 +0200, A.L.E.C wrote:

> On 04/22/2013 02:50 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
> > case 2: Failure- highlight all messages, control un-select a few
> > messages to keep, results in no deletions at all.
> I'm unable to reproduce. Do you delete clicking on Delete button/icon or
> pressing Delete key?


>  What do you have in Preferences > Server settings >
> Main options? 

> Did you try with disabled all plugins? 


> Did you try with different browsers? 

firefox 20 and chrome

> Did you try with different skins? What skin? What

We use classic because larry has always had issues here (never shows
other mail folders, chops off bits here and there - but I put it down to
our desktop OS's - ubuntu and  suse) which means it likely might occur
for users as well, so we default to classic.

> browser? Did you try to check what request (if any) is sent to the
> server? 
> If request is sent could you provide it's content and imap_debug
> log from this moment?

Ok, from this we have established that it is due to these conditions
page limit 50
deleted messages more than 50, I use LKML for my test, giving me 700
messages plus.
click the all messages icon, selects all 700  (when I checked before it
had 12K messages to delete)

unselect any single message or more on that first page  <---  when this
occurs it changes the behaviour to " only delete on this page" 

I didnt notice this in my previous test given the first pages were all
from the same poster, when imap_debug showed deletions I then took more
notice of the tl message count and as tested again the count infact
reduced, re-tested a few times more and concluded this is what it is
doing, rather than deleting all messages less the unselected ones, once
you unselect a message, it will then only delete the remaining
highlighted messages on that single page.



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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] BUG 0.9.0 trash deleting

2013-04-23 Thread Noel Butler
On Tue, 2013-04-23 at 08:06 +0200, A.L.E.C wrote:

> On 04/23/2013 04:56 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
> > We use classic because larry has always had issues here (never shows
> > other mail folders, chops off bits here and there - but I put it down to
> > our desktop OS's - ubuntu and  suse) which means it likely might occur
> > for users as well, so we default to classic.
> I use Firefox on Ubuntu and don't see any Larry issues.

Hrmm, OK, this might be due to screen res then, they are all laptops

> > Ok, from this we have established that it is due to these conditions
> > page limit 50
> > deleted messages more than 50, I use LKML for my test, giving me 700
> > messages plus.
> > click the all messages icon, selects all 700  (when I checked before it
> > had 12K messages to delete)
> > 
> > unselect any single message or more on that first page  <---  when this
> > occurs it changes the behaviour to " only delete on this page" 
> Ok. Now I can confirm this behaviour. However, now it doesn't sound so
> critical. Fixing this will be hard. You can open a ticket for this
> issue, but don't expect a quick fix.

No problems, added, btw, it seems its not just trash folder related,
verified from also LKLM folder.

Thanks for confirming.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Managesieve Fedora 18 config

2013-07-04 Thread Noel Butler
piss off troll you do NOT moderate this list, so you do not get to tell
anyone what to do, ok,  troll

On Wed, 2013-07-03 at 21:19 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:

> what did you not understand in "please do not top-post"?
> nobody can help you *without informations*
> * is sieve installed on the server?
> * did you verify that it works?
> * did you test it with a different client?
> * what configuration setps did you do on the sevrer and RC side?
> http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#asking
> Am 03.07.2013 21:15, schrieb everton rocha:
> > my mail server is postfix + dovecot
> > but cant find support to configure with roundcube
> > i was think that you can helpme 
> > 
> > Everton
> > 
> > 2013/7/3 Reindl Harald  > >
> > 
> > Am 03.07.2013 21:09, schrieb everton rocha:
> > > i use roundcube. And enable managesieve plugin.
> > > I realy dont know why it not work.
> > > can you help me. I really need a help
> > >
> > > 2013/7/3 Reindl Harald  >   > >>
> > >
> > > Am 03.07.2013 21:00, schrieb everton rocha:
> > > > I use fedora 18 with rcube. I can not filter messages. I put in 
> > the plugins rcube Managesieve, but does not
> > > work. I
> > > > do not know if dovecot has something to do with it. Would like 
> > help from the community. Can anyone help?
> > >
> > > "do not know if dovecot has something to do with it"
> > > indicates you are on the wrong list - honestly dovecot
> > > or whatever server has *all* to do with it because RC
> > > is only a MUA, not more and not less
> > >
> > > * does sieve work besides RC than you are right here
> > > * does sieve not work or is not offered from the server you are 
> > wrong
> > 
> > please do not top-post!
> > contact whoever is repsonsible for the mailserver
> > 
> > as long as you can not answer if sieve works from a different client
> > or even not knowing if sieve is configured on the mailserver you are
> > hardly not the mail-admin or should not be - so *contact him*
> > 
> > as many other people in the past you need to understand what roundcube
> > is - a mail-client which supports a bundle of features *as long*
> > they are supported and configured on the mailserver it talks to
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Installing Roundcube

2013-07-04 Thread Noel Butler

On Thu, 2013-07-04 at 01:24 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Am 04.07.2013 01:19, schrieb Nigel Peck:
> > On 04/07/2013 00:14, Reindl Harald wrote:
> >> Am 04.07.2013 01:11, schrieb Nigel Peck:
> >>> Because there is not a great deal of PHP running on the server, and I 
> >>> need to test what there is with 5.3 before
> >>> upgrading, which I haven't done yet.
> >>
> >> what did you do the last 3.5 years?
> > 
> > Lots of other fun things.
> maybe you should do your job
> >>> If you're unhappy about it being PHP 5.2.17 then you'd have been even 
> >>> more unhappy 6 months ago when I was still
> >>> running PHP 4 as a cgi for one of the sites! So at least the PHP 4 is 
> >>> gone now!!
> >>
> >> don't get me wrong - but you better should avoid to setup servers 
> >> connected to the web at all
> > 
> > Lol. It's even funnier because you mean it
> yes i mean it - PHP4 was 7 years ago and not 6 months
> careless people with outdated software on servers are the
> biggest security problem for 3rd parties
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [RCU] Setting up mail on mobile

2013-10-29 Thread Noel Butler

On 30/10/2013 04:31, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

GOOD user ratings do not reliably confirm quality. BAD ratings from a 
sufficiently large number of reviewers do confirm poor quality quite 
reliably, though.

Negative user feedback is almost never wrong in software, and the 
astute developer treats it like the word of god.

If someone takes time out of their day to rate your application and 
write a paragraph or two, you are darn lucky you got that much 


All too many of those rating are a bit suspicious, I've seen some apps 
that hundred of people have give 5 stars fort, and I cant find a way to 
give a negative 5 score too.

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] html editor

2013-12-01 Thread Noel Butler

On 02/12/2013 13:07, Kaz Kylheku wrote: 

> As a workaround, you can click on the little blue"HTML" button in the tool 
> bar. 
> This takes you to raw HTML markup mode where you can fix the problem by 
> adding a bit of text outside of the quote elements (where the regular editor 
> is not allowing you to type anything). 
> Then go back to the WYSIWYG mode where you can continue the new text. 
> This idiotic little dance is a unifying theme of all HTML editors pretty 
> much, on and off the web. I've had to do this kind of thing in every web 
> forum I've ever been in as well as in desktop HTML editors like Kompozer. 
> On 01.12.2013 14:40, Nick Edwards wrote: 
>> Hi,
>> Often, in replying to HTML messages, it is impossible to insert an
>> inline reply throughout the message, if I try type anything, even
>> through enters, backspaces, deletes, whatever, it ends up being
>> inside the last post, making it appear to have been said by the person
>> I reply to, this was reported by many users and I can't see a way
>> around it.
>> Shouldnt the default html editor see a local keyboard line input as a
>> break and insert of new content?
>> Users are getting sick of being told to covert message to text so they
>> can sanely reply.
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users [1]

That's fine for technically minded, but never assume all, or even the
majority are. Try expecting an 85yo to do all that to work around it. 

my advice to them, is to install a real client, or even a half real
client like thunderbird :) 


_Kind Regards_
_Noel Butler_ 

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-16 Thread Noel Butler
On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 08:35 +1100, Ben Schmidt wrote:

> On 16/01/14 7:59 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> > Am 15.01.2014 21:43, schrieb Ben Schmidt:
> >> Another is that sometimes people have direct copies delivered to
> >> their inbox, but copies via the list filtered into a folder. Such
> >> users want both copies.
> >
> > the opposite is true such users *do not* want both copies

Another rare occasion where I agree with Harald, it annoys me greatly
that people find the need to reply directly as well as a list, I mean we
*are* all on the same list, so we will *all* , yes, including intended
recipient, get the post, do people think that sending it directly will
get read sooner? Not always, this account for instance sorts by list,
anything not associate with a list-id or x-been-there, gets sent to an
x-blah  folder right at the end, so my inbox stays pretty empty, and
your direct messages may not get read for weeks, as I liken it to a
second spam folder :)

in some cases, some lit software can be configured to not send a list
post to you if you are in the To/CC field, this becomes extra steps to
reply to list, I have to drag and drop the darn message into the list
"folder" where I prefer to keep list posts for history until I decide to
shrink it.

Its also a pet hate of mine where lists are not configured to reply-list
only, Thomas has correctly set this one up, pitty a few more didn't
follow his lead.

> I am such a user, and I want both.

Why? most mailing list software configured correctly with MDA's send
just as quick as a direct, the list server I run, (not now but a few
years ago) ran a usenet-mailing list gw, some of those lists had 5K
members, and a post would take all of 25 seconds to be sent to everyone.
so, I fail to see the point of why you want two copies of the same
thing,  you either send a reply to hte list for all to see, or, send a
direct message to the poster if your comments are not fit for general
(list) consumption, not both.


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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-16 Thread Noel Butler
On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 16:40 -0800, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

> On 16.01.2014 16:02, Noel Butler wrote:

> The vast majority of MUA software on the planet has only Reply and
> Reply All. Those users are using Reply All, so as to keep it a group
> discussion.

Where did I say we needed another reply-x_function?  

> "Reply All" has a standard, decades old behavior, and mailing list
> robots are designed around the assumption that it is used.

Where did I say it wasn't?

you seem to be pretty crash hot at putting words into peoples mouths
when they did say no such thing, keep on track with my comments and not
the comments of others when replying to me, else dont waste your time,
or mine, trying to force yor options down others throat when it is not
the content I brought to the discussion.

> The assumption that "we are in the same list" only holds when all the
> recipients of the message are subscribers of the list (because it
> rejects posts 

and if they are not, they become irrelevant (another pet hate, carry out
*general discussions* across multiple lists)

> Reply All does the right thing in all circumstances. Mailing list
> robots know that it's being used and process things intelligently.

Never said it didnt, there you go again...

> The new-fangled Reply List is nonstandard, and makes assumptions about
> how lists are configured. As Ben Schmidt has noted, it is useful in
> specific 

I made no comment on reply-list,  so I wont bother entertaining you with
any response on that.

> > Not always, this account for instance sorts by list, anything not
> > associate with a list-id or x-been-there, gets sent to an x-blah
> > folder right at the end, so my inbox stays pretty empty, and your
> > direct messages may not get read for weeks, as I liken it to a
> > second spam folder :)
> There are two good ways to sort list-related discussions into folders.
> If the list postings have some subject line tag like [RCU], you can
> use that.

Good grief, who uses subject for filtering in 2014, yes, in 1994 I did,
like most, use it, but spammers quickly learned and adopted, so we
adapted and  passed that over decades ago.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-16 Thread Noel Butler
On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 18:24 -0800, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

> NB> [I]t annoys me greatly that people find the need to reply directly
> NB> as well as a list, I mean we *are* all on the same list, so we will 
> *all*
> NB> yes, including intended recipient, get the post, do people think 
> that
> NB> sending it directly will get read sooner?
> It should perhaps have asked: what is it that you suspect these people 
> who
> have this "need" are doing, exactly? I mean, step by step.

Dont quite get you there, but its pretty simple,
we are on a list, having an open discussion, if you reply to me, or I,
you, then it should go by the list, on this list very simple, its
configured correctly by having reply-to set, to the list, problem does
not exist, if you reply, or reply-all, at least when I do in evolution,
it only sends to lists. some clients and free mail providers, it sends
to list, and to the author on reply-all
evolution does allow reply to list if I hit control-l  for those brain
dead lists that do not set reply-to headers, if in that case you hit
reply-all to get it to list, yes, else reply, direct to sender.

AFAIC, list posts are like usenet, if you partake in a public discussion
then your reply should go public, you may give an answer to a real
sticky problem, no point in only one person getting the answer, it
should be on-list so others are aware, and also it can be archived so
others with same problem in future can find answer. If you think your
reply is not fit for list, or, you may want information you are not
willing to make public (like for example your domain name, or a
hostname) then it is acceptable to reply directly with that information,
but any follows afterwards, should be back onlist.

No one would be having this discussion if list owners configured their
lists correctly (as Thomas has done here with users@)

> RH> > the opposite is true such users *do not* want both copies
> NB> Another rare occasion where I agree with Harald,
> But these two copies are simply the consequence of someone
> doing Reply All (which Mr. Harald thinks is a bad idea, at least in
> connection with mailing lists) and the list neglecting
> to filter out the duplication. 

This is more the clients fault (as above), and also agree, user laziness

> So that is where I got the idea that
> you don't agree with Reply All for mailing list discussions,
> in expressing the agreement above! See?

if it does reply to list and poster, then I do disagree with it.

> > > The assumption that "we are in the same list" only holds when all
> > > the recipients of the message are subscribers of the list (because it
> > > rejects posts
> > 
> >  and if they are not, they become irrelevant (another pet hate, carry
> > out *general discussions* across multiple lists)
> I don't quite see what you mean there. It's possible to have an on-topic
> discussion that isn't cross-posted, which involves decently behaving
> non-subscribers, right?

I was talking about cross-posting to multiple lists being bad idea in
general discussions for the very reason you point out.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-17 Thread Noel Butler
On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 18:58 +0100, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Charles Marcus skrev den 2014-01-16 20:27:
> > On 2014-01-15 1:54 PM, Benny Pedersen  wrote:
> >> thunderbird need a plugin to make it work, roundcube it just works 
> >> default
> > 
> > Thunderbird has had a proper 'Reply-To-List' button/feature for a long
> > time now.\
> and RCU maillist now makes it impossible to reply private :(


Y O U are on a   P U B L I C   discussion list, if Y O U have something
private to say (not that much you say makes any bloody sense anyway) it
is  Y O U  that is changing the behaviour, so  Y O U should be the one
to take whatever steps  Y O U need  so Y O U  can contact someone
direct, like oh I dunno, hitting  forward  maybe

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-17 Thread Noel Butler
On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 11:12 -0800, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

> Indeed, Reindl did not reply to the list, as claimed; or at least so I'm 
> led to suspect, based on not having received the post you're replying 
> to, keeping in mind that absence of evidence doesn't proves absence. 

Harald is currently moderated and can not post to this list, so you will
not see his posts via the list server.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC vs reply-to

2014-01-19 Thread Noel Butler
On Sun, 2014-01-19 at 08:35 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:

> > The RCU list is the only recipient, though. That's how "this kind of 
> > list" works.
> There indeed is something broken about the roundcube list, but it is not 
> just because of Reply-To munging.
> Example... the dovecot email list also does Reply-To munging (if you 
> just click 'Reply', the reply goes to the list) - BUT - if you click 
> 'Reply-All', the reply goes to both the list AND the original sender.
> So, the roundcube list is doing something WRONG/different that breaks 
> 'Reply-All' functionality.

Charles wont see this, but, I beg to differ,...

reply all in evolution only sends to dovecot list unless something has
recently changed (since 24/11/13) since I am not on the list now, but I
have not deleted my archive of it and with random 3 out of 17K messages,
all three only go to the list, and not the sender, performing identical
to this list.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC vs reply-to

2014-01-19 Thread Noel Butler
On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 10:00 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:

> On Sun, 2014-01-19 at 08:35 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:
> > 
> > > The RCU list is the only recipient, though. That's how "this kind of 
> > > list" works.
> > 
> > There indeed is something broken about the roundcube list, but it is not 
> > just because of Reply-To munging.
> > 
> > Example... the dovecot email list also does Reply-To munging (if you 
> > just click 'Reply', the reply goes to the list) - BUT - if you click 
> > 'Reply-All', the reply goes to both the list AND the original sender.
> > 
> > So, the roundcube list is doing something WRONG/different that breaks 
> > 'Reply-All' functionality.
> > 
> Charles wont see this, but, I beg to differ,...
> reply all in evolution only sends to dovecot list unless something has
> recently changed (since 24/11/13) since I am not on the list now, but
> I have not deleted my archive of it and with random 3 out of 17K
> messages, all three only go to the list, and not the sender,
> performing identical to this list.

Oh, and just to clarify, the 3 people I checked, Pascal, Steffan, and
Charles, all use mailman reply-to-list setting, which is a manual
activation and not standard for all users of that list, so using dovecot
list is not a good example, since only select users (and I was one)
enabled that feature.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-20 Thread Noel Butler
On Mon, 2014-01-20 at 17:25 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:

> Personally, I don't like that preference because I would much rather get 
> the LIST post than the direct one.

also, some list software can be configured that if it sees a direct
copy, it wont send them the list copy, mailman has this option IIRC, so
the direct copy gets rejected due to DNSBL, spam, or whatever - end
result is the recipient ends up with no message at all.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] RC not replying properly to mailing list post.

2014-01-20 Thread Noel Butler
On Tue, 2014-01-21 at 07:54 +1100, Ben Schmidt wrote:

> Hey! I like lists without Reply-To set. I don't think they're braindead,

We need to agree to disagree Ben :)

> However, your point is valid. If you *really* want to keep all
> discussion public for a list, Reply-To is a way to achieve this. It
> makes private replies very difficult, which might be what you want.

geez even linux can do copy and paste ya know :)

> It does cause a few problems, though. One is that authors can't set the
> Reply-To header the way they want to (and, as was pointed out earlier,
> they standardly have the 'right' to set that header).


> Arguably, direct replies also cause problems. For example, the Reply
> List button, which as I said earlier, is in a lot of ways my "go to"
> button for lists, has problems with those--direct replies don't go via
> the list, so don't have a List-Post header, and Reply List doesn't work.
> I need to use Reply All, which sends both to the list and the individual
> I'm replying to. That's often OK, though, because they replied to me in
> that fashion. Nevertheless, it's not always what I want, so sometimes
> some manual adjustment is in order.

evolutions ctrl-l (reply list) is a force of habit here, regardless of
what the reply setting are, I find it faster to use than clicking on
reply/reply-all anyway

> (2) I think it only applies to some
> lists; others are not like usenet.

Thankfully :)  

> Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, no solution is perfect. I think there


> are uses for Reply List, I use it regularly in Thunderbird, and I don't
> think it's confusing or see any other reason to exclude it. Sure, it's
> not necessary, but it's not harmful, either. Consequently, I would like
> to see it in RoundCube also. Please consider my vote cast. I've laid out

I have no problems with this and would not object if it was to be a
function, although i personally rarely use webmail, I guess if asked,
I would vote FOR this feature too.



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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Update 1.0.1 out now

2014-05-18 Thread Noel Butler
Seem to hit a bug I think...
If you go to insert image, to takes the path, the name, but doesnt add
the image, it just adds a link to it, which if you attach
say /home/foo/blah.png

is no good to anyone else :) 

Expected behaviour of :insert image" is it should insert the image into
the message.

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Update 1.0.1 out now

2014-05-22 Thread Noel Butler

On 19/05/2014 16:02, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 05/19/2014 02:25 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

Seem to hit a bug I think...
If you go to insert image, to takes the path, the name, but doesnt add
the image, it just adds a link to it, which if you attach
say /home/foo/blah.png

is no good to anyone else :)

Expected behaviour of :insert image" is it should insert the image 

the message.

It is not a bug, it is just how it works. There's already a future
request to replace links with image attachments when the message is
being send.

Thanks Alec, hopefully 1.0.2? ;)


Roundcube Users mailing list

[RCU] quota and function.js

2014-07-31 Thread Noel Butler


Anyone know of a config setting to alter quota limit_high / limit_mid

I can change them for now in functions.js but hoping to avoid that for
case of overwrites in updates. 


Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] roundcube and php 5.4.33: fgets(): SSL read operation timed out

2014-09-22 Thread Noel Butler

No problems with roundcube, php 5.4.33 and dovecot here (slackware) 

On 20/09/2014 21:15, Michael Grimm wrote: 

> Hi --
> My setup: roundcube-1.0.2 + nginx-1.6.2 in a FreeBSD-10 jail. RC will connect 
> to a recent dovecot server in another jail at the same host.
> Recently, after upgrading php from 5.4.32 to 5.4.33 roundcube will refuse to 
> connect to dovecot:
> | roundcube: PHP Warning: fgets(): SSL read operation timed out in 
> | /...path2rc.../roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap_generic.php on 
> line 200
> Recompiling every port involved and restarting both involved jails hasn't 
> been successful. Only, reverting back to php 5.4.32 made RC work again.
> Is anyone running into this as well?
> Any idea how to debug this?
> Thanks and regards,
> Michael
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[RCU] how stable is the dev version

2014-12-02 Thread Noel Butler

Like others have said the current editor is a shambles, my level of
complaints has not reached a point I try the dev branch, or move to
probably horde, so is anyone using the dev branch in production?
(something I never do, but in rare cases, like this mess, it is a
possible reality). 

Or is the next stable release not too far off, I need to resolve this
before Christmas. ___
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] how stable is the dev version

2014-12-03 Thread Noel Butler

On 03/12/2014 17:22, A.L.E.C wrote: 

> On 12/03/2014 12:13 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
>> Or is the next stable release not too far off, I need to resolve this before 
>> Christmas.
> It should not eat your data ;)
> I say it's stable, we didn't add any new features since beta release.
> There are no serious issues in bugtracker. 1.1-rc is planned before
> Christmas. Also, Kolab Enterprise 14 stable release planned for this
> month uses current git-master of Roundcube.
> Of course if you have external plugins or skins you should test them
> carefully because there might be some incompatibilities.

Thanks, just it looks like a *lot* of changes have taken place hence my
question, well, perhaps this weekend since they forecast most of it will
be rain and storms, I'll have some time to try it on a box. 

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] After upgrading to 1.1.0 - plugin legacy_browser

2015-02-11 Thread Noel Butler

That's not a practical statement, given that around 35% of worlds pc's
still run XP because they likely dont want to fund the lavish microsoft
christmas parties any more than they already have and since there is a
trick to keep XP updated for a few years to come (tricking it into
thinking its a POS device) (point of sale, we all already know it a
piece of shit lol) there may not be the urgency to go buy a new OS from
them, especially given the tripe that is win8. most people on desktops
and laptops dont want a screen that looks like a fscking tablet or
phone, from what I've heard M$ now realise they screwed up but wont be
till win10 its resolved. 

On 11/02/2015 21:46, Egbert wrote: 

> Isn't it time to start using a supported browser?
> Just my 2 $c
> Egbert Jan, NL
> Ivan Jurišić schreef op 11-2-2015 om 12:38:
>> Hello to all, I upgrade roundcube 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 and lost support for old 
>> internet browsers Internet explorer 8, but I find plugin "legacy_browser" 
>> with support to Internet explorer 8. On first look all work perfect, except 
>> for users witch have in Settings->Mailbox View->Show preview pane set off. 
>> Problem is when trying double click on message , message is not open. On 
>> Firefox all works ok. Ivan ___ 
>> Roundcube Users mailing list users@lists.roundcube.net 
>> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users [1]
> ___
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> users@lists.roundcube.net
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Re: [RCU] After upgrading to 1.1.0 - plugin legacy_browser

2015-02-11 Thread Noel Butler

On 12/02/2015 00:34, deoren wrote: 

> It's important to note that Internet Explorer 8 was the default browser for 
> Windows 7 and won't be considered End of Life (unsupported) until Windows 7 
> is. In short, it's still supported by Microsoft with security patches.
> ___

errr, IE11 is current available browser on win7, if anyone has ie8,
there is one must ask what other updates have they not run (not being a
win user I cant tell you if win7 came with ie11 or ie8 that was upgraded
to ie11, either way, ie11 clearly is availalbe for win7) 

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] After upgrading to 1.1.0 - plugin legacy_browser

2015-02-12 Thread Noel Butler

On 12/02/2015 16:41, Oliver Welter wrote: 

> Am 12.02.2015 um 01:27 schrieb Noel Butler:
> On 12/02/2015 00:34, deoren wrote: It's important to note that Internet 
> Explorer 8 was the default browser for Windows 7 and won't be considered End 
> of Life (unsupported) until Windows 7 is. In short, it's still supported by 
> Microsoft with security patches. 
> ___ errr, IE11 is current 
> available browser on win7, if anyone has ie8, there is one must ask what 
> other updates have they not run (not being a win user I cant tell you if win7 
> came with ie11 or ie8 that was upgraded to ie11, either way, ie11 clearly is 
> availalbe for win7)

The problem is that a lot of larger companies still run IE8 as they
often have legacy applications that dont work on newer stuff (or the IT
dep. is simply not upgrading as they dont have

Its also fact that a lot of employees use the webmail during workhours
from their workplace to check their private mail - if you drop IE8, you
will make them unhappy.


Oh, I was disputing the previous post of win7 and ie8 :) 

I think dropping ie8 support is wrong, because as per my other post
where I say 35% of the worlds pc's still run XP, and despite MS's
efforts, XP isnt going away completely anytime soon. I guess from your
comment, that win7 actually does come with only ie8? and if business IT
staff are not updating that, again the question remains " what else are
they not updating" 

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] After upgrading to 1.1.0 - plugin legacy_browser

2015-02-13 Thread Noel Butler

I noted the changelog WRT ie8, its why *I* have not looked at it let
alone considered upgrading to it, because I know the number of XP users
here is high, I spammed the crap out of them every week for 6 weeks
warning that SSLv3 was being decomissioned Jan 1, I'm sure you can
imagine the number of folks who couldnt pop/send mail on Jan 1, thats
why I'm holding off myself, like I suspect many others will for the time
being, we are not sales agents of mickeysoft, so its not our place to
demand users upgrade their OS, though we do suggest trying opensuse and
experience the freedom of linux ;) 

On 13/02/2015 02:49, Thomas Bruederli wrote: 

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Noel Butler  wrote:
>> I think dropping ie8 support is wrong
> We can run in infinite circles about this topic as we can already see
> how this thread grows. Roundcube just followed the decision of jQuery
> - which I consider a significant player in today's web.
> But anyway, we clearly indicated that Roundcube 1.1.x will no longer
> support IE 8 in the announcements and it's *your* decision if you
> want/can upgrade in regards of *your* userbase or not.
> Finally, it's free software and therefore anybody is free to question
> our decisions and bring back IE8 support in a forked version of what
> we just released as 1.1.0.
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Point of information

2015-02-17 Thread Noel Butler

Roundcube is most typically, but not always, run with Dovecot, unless
you rewrite bits of it, it will delete when you tell it to 

The only real answer to this is, run your own mail server locally. 

If you need to have a backup mail server, get a cheap VPS in Germany and
set up a secondary MX. 

* Although Germany is rife with american spies, the German authorities
know who and where and make sure the yanks know that they know (remember
the low buzzing of certain Embassy building and other U.S. Govt
buildings by police choppers hahaha- loved that), and likely just as
many Mi6 spies there too, Germany still has the strongest data
protection laws in the world, and although the BND etc are not all clean
hands, they are a darn sight cleaner than anywhere else in the world. 

* Still cant work out why Merkel hasn't kicked those bastards out, hell,
there probably more CIA agents in places like Ramstien, than their are
air genuine military folk, and I'd kick them out as well, no Govt should
have military bases in other countries. 

On 18/02/2015 07:56, jfmxl wrote: 

> Here's a question. I like the idea of pop mail. My mail program downloads my 
> mail from my mail server and that's it. The mail is deleted from my mail 
> server.
> With webmail, my mail server has all my mail forever, for easy reading at 
> their leisure.
> Now I realize that there is no longer any trust in this world, that the NSA 
> has long since destroyed all that, betrayed us all, and that the internet is 
> actually no more than a spy platform now rather than the glorious enabler of 
> freedom that we, I anyway, foolishly thought it was ... that darpa played us 
> all for fools. Still ...
> What I do now is set my mail reading program to retrieve my mail from my mail 
> provider, save what I want locally using my mail reading program, then use 
> round cube to answer what I want to answer and move all the mail to the trash 
> before exiting. I have to use round cube to answer my mail because my 
> provider offers only imap and does not allow me to send imap mail except 
> through its round cube. For all I know sdf.org is operated by th NSA. I 
> asked, got no response.
> So how do I know my mail is really being deleted at my mail provider's 
> server. Google never ever deletes mail. The only one who loses access to 
> deleted google mail is the person to whom it is addressed.
> I assume the same is true of round cube mail? That my email provider retains 
> copies of all my mail, and the only who loses access to it is myself when I 
> delete it?
> I also realize that my provider could simply copy all my pop3 mail on receipt 
> ... but at least that is a overt dirty filthy trick. It seems to be a 
> 'feature' of webmail?
> ___
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Point of information

2015-02-17 Thread Noel Butler

Then get that unmanaged VPS, you will control it, although since it's
not located locally there still exists a small risk, I use FileMedia for
my personal offsite, reliable, and friendly service, you can then pop3
from it, keeping bulk of your mail local, and since you'd only need it
for light storage, you could get away with the smallest plan, you wont
need bells and whistles. 

On 18/02/2015 10:17, jfmxl wrote: 

> Thanks for the advice. I tried to run my own mail server, tried dynamic dns, 
> but my ISP won't allow it, apparently. Couldn't make a connection to an smtp 
> port.
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Point of information

2015-02-19 Thread Noel Butler

as an alternative, kind of between 1 and 2, you do "1", and setup your
own local server, just relay outbound via the VPS, and setup inbound on
VPS with a forward to your local server utilising different port than
25, assuming OP's ISP doesn't block all inbound ports 

On 20/02/2015 08:00, Oliver Welter wrote: 

> This is getting very off-topic, but I will try to explain.
> 1) If you just want to make your own mailserver that is "somewhat secure", 
> any VPS or hosted solution will likely fit as long as you dont run any really 
> confidential or illegal/abusive stuff. Choosing a provider in a state with 
> friendly law (Germany, Swiss, Skandinavia) will give a bit better feeling. No 
> provider will read you mail "for fun" as long as they are not visited by 
> officials.
> 2) If you need to run a *really* confidential service, the "guys" will find 
> ways to sniff your mail as long as you dont provide E2E encryption. Yes you 
> are right, its a tedious task to push your contacts to use crypto, but its 
> definitly the best chance to make it as hard as possible to any adversary.
> regards
> Oliver
> Am 18.02.2015 um 12:49 schrieb jfmxl:
> Ain't that the truth. The difficulty is my correspondents. But it has to be 
> done, doesn't it. And there's no time like the present. I guess a special gpg 
> key-pair for each mail account, and a carefully crafted email containing the 
> relevant public key together with a description of what to do with it, and 
> how to reciprocate is the way to go? Do you have any experience to share in 
> switching both yourself and your correspondents to encrypted email? Thanks 
> for nudging me in the obvious direction. On 2015-02-18 13:51, Oliver Welter 
> wrote: Use Mail encryption, anything else is snakeoil as there are lots of 
> possibilities for others to get into your mail. Oliver Von Samsung-Tablet 
> gesendet  Ursprüngliche Nachricht  Von: jfmxl  
> Datum: 18.02.2015 02:40 (GMT+01:00) An: Roundcube Users mailing list 
>  Betreff: Re: [RCU] Point of information I'll look 
> into it. Although I have little to no money and no means of paying for 
> anything 
than by international money order if I went for this. I had a vps with ... what 
turned out to be viaverio, after several rounds of merger ... for twenty years. 
But I never trusted them ... once it occurred to me to consider whether I did 
or not. Then I could no longer afford them, or pay them in any case, anyway. 
Why should I trust FileMedia? If I could afford them. I'll try to look them up. 
What I have now is a shell account and limited webserver, and mail as 
described, from this outfit, for a one-time fee of one dollar. I bought a buck 
and mailed it to him/them. I asked lots of questions, like are you the NSA? Got 
zero answers. I have to assume it's an NSA honeypot. But so may FileMedia be. 
Well not a honeypot, but a 'cooperative' commercial provider as are Google and 
the rest. At least the NSA won't bother to sell me out to the TNCs ... the 
sell-out traffic is all in the other direction. Maybe there's a way to run mail 
over i2p myself. I had a mail account there ... still 
 based on
trust ... but one day they just just me down. No notice, no nothing. They're a 
pretty arbitrary bunch of geek gatekeepers. And there's still the connection to 
the 'real' darpanet to negotiate. Oh well, there is no such thing as privacy, 
certainly not security, any longer in this web worldwide. I might as well stick 
with what I have. With those bastards from the NSA looking over my shoulder. 
collecting everything I do on the web 'for future reference'. At least with the 
NSA I'm not commercially compromised. Not so with Google. On 2015-02-18 07:59, 
Noel Butler wrote: Then get that unmanaged VPS, you will control it, although 
since it's not located locally there still exists a small risk, I use FileMedia 
for my personal offsite, reliable, and friendly service, you can then pop3 from 
it, keeping bulk of your mail local, and since you'd only need it for light 
storage, you could get away with the smallest plan, you wont need bells and 
whistles. On 18/02/2015 10:17, jfmxl wrote: Tha
 nks for
the advice. I tried to run my own mail server, tried dynamic dns, but my ISP 
won't allow it, apparently. Couldn't make a connection to an smtp port. 
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___ Roundcube 

Re: [RCU] Sysadmin issue

2015-07-11 Thread Noel Butler

I dont use sqlite so cant help, but, as to your slight impatience, bare
in mind you send this at 5am on a Saturday morning my time, which means
late friday night in Europe, and likely close to end of shift of friday
for those in the U.S. IOW, its the weekend, so dont expect instant
responses, and, since very few of us would be using sqlite, you'll have
to learn to be far more patient in waiting than if you used mysql etc
which most of us use. 

On 12/07/2015 03:35, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote: 

> Hi, 
> Did I send the message to the wrong list? If so, please let me know :) 
> Thanks, 
> Matheus 
> On July 10, 2015 4:37:21 PM GMT-03:00, Nenhum_de_Nos  
> wrote: 
>> Hail,
>> I use roundcube for a mail server that I use alone, so I chose sqlite as db. 
>> The last time I got to make it run, but now this is not true anymore :(
>> I used the initial sqlite command:
>> sqlite3 -init SQL/sqlite.initial.sql config/sqlite_db
>> and then I get write errors for the roundcube install/index.php test:
>> DSN (write): OK
>> DB Schema: OK
>> DB Write: NOT OK([14] unable to open database file (SQL Query: INSERT INTO 
>> "session" ("sess_id", "created", "ip", "vars") VALUES 
>> ('6ec44d990f8e706a6a7c1b1e344e6f90', datetime('now'), ' [1]', 
>> 'foo')))
>> DB Time: OK
>> I tried to fiddle with the sqlite db file, to the point I got the 
>> "initialize db" on the install script. I click on it, and I get also an 
>> error.
>> Is sqlite supposed to work ? Am I doing anything wrong ?
>> I looked for sqlite install instructions, but all I get is 
>> http://trac.roundcube.net/browser/github/INSTALL?rev=c4a2264ae7a4f333116a558c104dbc0f98aab774
>>  [2]
>> and I do as said there. I installed sqlite2, no good also. I get
>> DB Schema: NOT OK(Error creating database schema: [26] file is encrypted or 
>> is not a database (SQL Query: CREATE TABLE contacts (
>> contact_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>> user_id integer NOT NULL,
>> changed datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
>> del tinyint NOT NULL default '0',
>> name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
>> email text NOT NULL default '',
>> firstname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
>> surname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
>> vcard text NOT NULL default '',
>> words text NOT NULL default ''
>> )))
>> when I use sqlite version 2 to initialize.
>> I use FreeBSD 10.
>> Is there a guide for it ?
>> thanks,
>> matheus
> -- 
> "We will call you Cygnus,
> the God of balance you shall be."
> ___
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Re: [RCU] Dashes all of a sudden prepended to HTML signature

2015-08-30 Thread Noel Butler

On 31/08/2015 02:42, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 08/30/2015 05:09 PM, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
See subject. All of a sudden (= since today) dashes are prepended to a 

signature...?! Two when composing a new message, three upon replying.

My signatures do contain dashes already, so I'd prefer if they 
wouldn't be

touched in any way (as before).

Should be fixed now.

Alec, since your in the mood for coding, can we get in pop up window for 
composing, a way to set the window height/width?

Lot of complaints  in recent times that the popup blows away remembered 
windows by being  off-screen, resulting in users having to resize just 
to see the "send" button and editor type, and so on, seems to be a 
symptom using certain versions of chrome, so to be able to force the HW 
would be good thing.

Alternatively is there some part of the code that we can change? From my 
readings it seems to use browsers window settings - which it doesnt, or, 
google really f'd up with chrome :)

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] trac.roundcube.net ist nicht erreichbar

2015-10-04 Thread Noel Butler


I know this is many hours after your post, but trac is currently 
accessible for me right now.

On 04/10/2015 20:19, Tronde wrote:


ich kann http://trac.roundcube.net und Unterseiten nicht mehr
erreichen. Sind von diesem Problem noch weitere Benutzer betroffen?

NSLOOKUP löst auf folgende IP-Adresse auf:
Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   trac.roundcube.net

Der Zugriffsversuch schlägt von verschiedenen Geräten aus fehl.


Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Forgot_password RC

2015-10-10 Thread Noel Butler

On 11/10/2015 12:58, Benny Pedersen wrote:
On October 11, 2015 12:27:27 AM Felipe Felipe  

I need users to change their passwords without having to do the 

install the pasword plugin, will allow users to change passwords, but
it does not help users that have lost passwords

there is no  simple way to have a user change their password ?

yes with the password plugin

  i.e  http://www.roundcubeforum.net/index.php?action=reminder

have not used this here yet

You dont need a plugin if you use sql, not quite sure how a plugin would 
help anyway if you cant login in first place, but a simple form using 
php/perl outside RC to collect your email, answers to some two factor 
auth questions, if they all match up, passwords are reset and sent to 
you by sms (pretty dumb sending a click this link to login and change 
password, when you cant login in the first place :) and thats all most 
of those plugin/extras for forums do that I've seen, so yeah, probably 
explains why no decent plugin for it exists.

Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] calendar plugin errors

2015-10-17 Thread Noel Butler

Hi Nick

Haven't seen you on IRC for a while, hope things are well...

Are you upgrading? Or is this new? Do you have an existing calendar 
directory as well? Perhaps related to older version, load up phpmyadmin 
and browse them, if your not sure, maybe paste the table structure so we 
can have a guess at what it might be?


On 18/10/2015 13:14, Nick Edwards wrote:

But they are not added?
events table has 25 columns and half of them dont look like this 

I think the SQL statement is wrong  create table if not exists.  but
events and events_cache tables do exist, so it ignores that statement,
I'm trying to find out what plugin added it. if its nothing of
consequence I'll nuke them and run the script again, but maybe the
script needs to be written better to detect stuff like this?

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Re: [RCU] Roundcube Webmail 1.2-beta out now

2015-11-23 Thread Noel Butler
Awesome features Thomas and Alec,one thing though, may I suggest that 
for enigma key storage, it be an option to store in a DB rather than on 
file system, since a fair few of us I imagine keep everything to do with 
users in MySQL/MariaDB.

just a though for future...


On 24/11/2015 02:15, Thomas Bruederli wrote:

We're proud to announce that the beta release of the next major
version 1.2 of Roundcube webmail is out now for download and testing.
With this milestone
we introduce new features primarily focusing on security and PGP 

* PHP7 compatibility
* PGP encryption
* Drag-n-drop attachments from mail preview to compose window
* Mail messages searching with predefined date interval
* Improved security measures to protect from brute-force attacks

And of course plenty of small improvements and bug fixes.

The PGP encryption support in Roundcube comes with two options:

The integration of this browser plugin [1] for Firefox and Chrome
comes  out of the box in Roundcube 1.2 and is enabled if the
Mailvelope API is detected in a user's browser. See the Mailvelope
documentation [2] how to enable it for your site.

Read more about the Mailvelope integration and how this looks like in
Alec's blog [3].

Enigma plugin
This Roundcube plugin adds server-side PGP encryption features to
Roundcube. Enabling this means that users need to fully trust the
webmail server as encryption is done on the server GnuPG and private
keys are also stored there.

In order to activate server-side PGP encryption for all your users,
the 'enigma' plugin, which is shipped with this package, has to be
enabled in the Roundcube config. See the plugin's README for details.

Also read Alec's blogpost about the Enigma plugin and how it works [4].

Both encryption features are pretty new and not yet perfectly
documented. We'd much appreciate your feedback and your contribution
to the end-user documentation [5] or our wiki page [6].

IMPORTANT: with this version, we finally deprecate some old Roundcube
library functions [7]. Plugin developers, please test your plugins
thoroughly and look for deprecation warnings in the logs. These
function will be removed in the final 1.2.0 release and can therefore
render plugins dysfunctional.

See the full changelog on trac.roundcube.net [8] and download the new
packages from https://roundcube.net/download

Please note that this is a beta release and we recommend to test it on
a separate environment. And don't forget to backup your data before
installing it!

Enjoy and please share your experience either through our mailing
lists or as comments in the blog posts mentioned above.

Kind regards,

[1] https://www.mailvelope.com
[2] https://www.mailvelope.com/en/help#watchlist

[5] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Online_Help
[6] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Dev_Encryption
[8] http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Changelog
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Re: [RCU] Roundcube Webmail 1.2-beta out now

2015-11-24 Thread Noel Butler

On 24/11/2015 17:34, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 11/24/2015 08:18 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

Awesome features Thomas and Alec,one thing though, may I suggest that
for enigma key storage, it be an option to store in a DB rather than 
file system, since a fair few of us I imagine keep everything to do 

users in MySQL/MariaDB.

As I know GnuPG does not talk SQL. So, we need keys in the filesystem
anyway. However, I agree that using (redundant) SQL storage may be
needed e.g. for multi-server installations.

yes! this is why I suggest a  "fair few of us use mysql" etc :)

not an easy solution, though since we use NFS, it may be easier than I 
first thought, so long as there is a way to link keys-on-fs to each user 
so that should user X delete their email, it deletes their keys as well 
(which is simple in sql), I will play around with this on our dev server 
this week if I can hopefully before holidays

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Re: [RCU] Roundcube Webmail 1.2-beta out now

2015-11-24 Thread Noel Butler

On 24/11/2015 21:22, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 11/24/2015 12:00 PM, Noel Butler wrote:

not an easy solution, though since we use NFS, it may be easier than I
first thought, so long as there is a way to link keys-on-fs to each 
so that should user X delete their email, it deletes their keys as 

(which is simple in sql)

As we have bin/deluser.sh script, enigma plugin should just do the
cleanup on user_delete_commit hook. There's no other automation for 

deletes in Roundcube.

No, but in CRM software that does all the commanding 
(add/del/suspend/mod user/alias etc etc etc) it is critical, if it sends 
a deluser, it just backs up all relative user rows in the databases for 
Rc and the plugins like addressbook and so on, then deletes the rows, 
then it  goes off and does physical delete of that users vmail directory 
(unless its a users primary a/c which can only be deleted by 
close-customers it also backs up their mail), so, so long as there can 
be some reference to match it up, our other physical cleanup scripts 
(written in perl) cleans up whats left behind - but needs a way to know 
what it should cleanup.

I'll look at it more when I throw it on the dev box, hopefully before 

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Re: [RCU] use_https issue

2016-01-18 Thread Noel Butler
So what is your question? 

Or are you posting from a ghost account as I suspect, since you did not
ask this question, nor have you commented in this thread. 

Either way you have been given the answer already, I suggest you
subscribe to apache httpd users list (  users-subscr...@httpd.apache.org
) and ask their if you can not understand google's responses on how to
configure httpd.  But I warn you, the patience their for helping people
who wont help themselves is like everywhere, rather thin. 

AS to your request to leave this list, you may do so on your own accord
any time you want by following the footer link. 

On 19/01/2016 07:28, emma mulkearns wrote:

> If no one can answer my question then Please take me off this 
> Sent from my iPhone 
> On 19 Jan 2016, at 8:04 AM, Gnul Char  wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2016 6:30 AM, "brendan kearney" wrote:
>>> I am not understanding this.  Apache is doing nothing with https.  The 
>>> https is being handled on the load balancer and everything apache sees is 
>>> http only.
>>> Does that mean the load balancing needs to be changed?
>> In some default configs, Apache will implement that redirect (append 
>> trailing /). If so, your load balancer/proxy should rewrite them; 
>> alternately the Apache config can do it. 
>> Investigate the configuration in HAProxy to only redirect using https for 
>> all rewritten urls under that location. Stack Overflow has many examples. 
>> Good luck.


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Re: [RCU] Update 1.2.1 published

2016-07-26 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2016 06:19, Thomas Bruederli wrote:

The enigma binary option is great (thanks!) but thats only half the 
where's  $config['enigma_pgp-agent_binary'] = '/path/gpg-agent';   
option ?

To prevent the other half of open base restrict fail warnings :)

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Re: [RCU] Update 1.2.1 published

2016-07-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2016 22:27, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 07/27/2016 07:21 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

The enigma binary option is great (thanks!) but thats only half the
where's  $config['enigma_pgp-agent_binary'] = '/path/gpg-agent';   
option ?

Implemented now in git, will be part of 1.2.2.

Thanks Alec

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Re: [RCU] Update 1.2.1 published

2016-08-17 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2016 22:27, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 07/27/2016 07:21 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

The enigma binary option is great (thanks!) but thats only half the
where's  $config['enigma_pgp-agent_binary'] = '/path/gpg-agent';   
option ?

Implemented now in git, will be part of 1.2.2.


Are you working on being able to import a key, by key-id - whereas it 
gets the key directly from keyserver if we enter it, or, click on key-id 
in a message even?


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Re: [RCU] Update 1.2.1 published

2016-08-17 Thread Noel Butler

Thanks :)

On 17/08/2016 19:51, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 08/17/2016 09:56 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

Are you working on being able to import a key, by key-id - whereas it
gets the key directly from keyserver if we enter it, or, click on 

in a message even?

Implemented in git-master and I don't plan to backport this to 1.2.
From Changelog:
- Enigma: Import keys from key-server(s) (#5286)
- Enigma: Search missing public keys on a key-server in mail compose 

Import in mail preview still on the todo list.

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Re: [RCU] Login Error

2016-11-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 19/11/2016 08:02, Peter Fraser wrote:

> Guys 
> I really would like to try roundcube but as I research this I am seeing so 
> many people with the same exact error, many of

so many people? certainly not here 

Kind Regard, 

Noel Butler 

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Login Error

2016-11-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 19/11/2016 08:02, Peter Fraser wrote:

> Guys 
> I really would like to try roundcube but as I research this I am seeing so 
> many people with the same exact error, many of them for different reasons. 
> For some it is suhosin, I don't have that. Others https settings, I have 
> none. I have tried so many different settings in the past two days and it's 
> getting a bit frustrating now. Is there any step by step way I could 
> troubleshoot this? Dovecot is up and running fine. I can log in with all the 
> other clients I have tried except roundcube. Can anyone please even point me 
> in the right direction. 
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Peter Fraser  wrote:
> My bad. I did actually enable $config['smtp_user'] = '%u'; Just to mention 
> that for example thunderbird mail client works fine. Squirrelmail also. I can 
> log in see mail, reply etc. So I know the auth nechanisms are working. 
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Benny Pedersen  wrote:
> Peter Fraser skrev den 2016-11-18 18:54:
> $config['db_dsnw'] =
> 'pgsql://roundcube:password@localhost/roundcubemail';
> $config['mime_types'] = '/usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types';
> $config['smtp_server'] = 'mail.domain.com [1] [1]';
> $config['smtp_port'] = 25; 
> not very good port selected here, real inbound and sasl auth inbound should 
> keep ports seperated, change to port 465 or 587, depending on needs
> $config['smtp_pass'] = '%p'; 
> missing smtp_user aswell with %u
> $config['des_key'] = 'rcmail-!24ByteDESkey*Str';
> I would really appreciate any help and disable sasl auth on port 25, but keep 
> starttls
> telnet localhost 25
> ehlo localhost
> must NOT show AUTH
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
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Ensure you meet minimum requirements, to me it sounds like an antique
version of php based on incidents a few years back 

Kind Regard, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: [RCU] Login Error

2016-11-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 20/11/2016 00:49, Noel Butler wrote:

> On 19/11/2016 08:02, Peter Fraser wrote:
>> Guys 
>> I really would like to try roundcube but as I research this I am seeing so 
>> many people with the same exact error, many of
> so many people? certainly not here s [1]

Hrrm my prior post got ate my list munchkin I think, I'm betting old php
, read the readme's and changelog to make sure you meet requirements

Kind Regard, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: [RCU] Mobile view

2016-12-06 Thread Noel Butler
On 06/12/2016 08:46, Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> On 2016-12-05 20:23:16 +, Curtis Vaughan said: 
> I've installed the Melanie2 plugin/skin for RoundCube. Wondering if  
> anyone else has. After installing it, however, the interface is not  
> like that shown on the website. It's mostly all text. Obviously there  
> is something that needs to be tweeked, but not sure what. Can anyone  
> help? 
> Thanks! 
> ___ 
> Roundcube Users mailing list 
> users@lists.roundcube.net 
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users 
> Since I wrote that I tried the same process on another server with RoundCube. 
> It works flawlessly there. The only difference is that I installed RoundCube 
> on the 1st server from the Ubuntu repository. On the 2nd (working) server I 
> installed by downloading RC and installing from the source. But why should it 
> really matter? 
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users

ask on ubuntu list as to what they butchered 


Kind Regard, 

Noel Butler 

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Logins fail after 1.3.0 upgrade; work on 1.2.5

2017-06-30 Thread Noel Butler
On 01/07/2017 03:00, Paul Schreiber wrote:

> I have Roundcube checked out from git. When I from upgrade from 1.2.5 to 
> 1.3.0 (git checkout 1.3.0), logins fail with the "Invalid request! No data 
> was saved." error. Reverting to 1.2.5 (git checkout 1.2.5) allows logins to 
> occur successfully. 
> I tried the following, with no effect: 
> - Running bin/install-jsdeps.sh, bin/installto.sh, bin/indexcontacts.sh and 
> bin/cleandb.sh 
> - Enabling both $config['force_https'] and $config['use_https'] 
> - Enabling only $config['force_https'] 
> - Truncating the session and cache_* tables 
> Logs: nothing is added to logs/imap when these failures occur; logs/sql shows 
> an INSERT to the session table 
> config: 
> - Ubuntu 16.04.2 
> - dovecot 2.2.22 
> - apache 2.4.18 
> - postfix 3.1.0 
> $config['default_port'] = 993; 
> $config['default_host'] = 'ssl://myhostname.com [1]';

What version of php? 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: [RCU] managesieve

2017-07-13 Thread Noel Butler
On 14/07/2017 04:07, David Gessel wrote:

> Configuring the manage sieve plugin as:
> $config['managesieve_port'] = 4190;
> $config['managesieve_host'] = 'ssl://mail.domain.tld';

remove ssl:// 

and set: 

$rcmail_config['managesieve_usetls'] = true; 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: [RCU] Roundcube Webmail Update 1.3.1 released

2017-09-10 Thread Noel Butler
On 05/09/2017 06:12, Egbert wrote:

> Thanks for your ongoing effort to make this product even better.
> I wonder if I can update directly from 1.2.4 to 1.3.1 or are there road
> blocks ahead?

Add vcard_attach to that function Q() failure list now so if you us
that, be wary as well. 

hrmmm, one more and i'll revert ;) 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Roundcube Webmail Update 1.3.1 released

2017-09-10 Thread Noel Butler
On 05/09/2017 06:12, Egbert wrote:

> Thanks for your ongoing effort to make this product even better.
> I wonder if I can update directly from 1.2.4 to 1.3.1 or are there road
> blocks ahead?
> Thanks,
> Egbert Jan, NL

I just went 1.2.5 to 1.3.1, only issues were fatal php errors due to 
dblog, recipient to contact, and calendar plugins 

Call to undefined function get_table_name() /.../dblog/ 

Call to undefined function Q() /.../recipient_to_contact/ 

Call to undefined function rcube_autocomplete_init() /.../calendar/ 

removed the plugins and all went OK, I will look for updated versions of
those when I get a chance. 

Otherwise, yeah, no other problems. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: [RCU] Logs in DB

2017-09-17 Thread Noel Butler
dblog ? 

Though it will not work with 1.3.x,  Cor suggested a way to fix it,
though I have not yet had time to look at it, he suggested  changing the
class name, eg  get_table_name  to rcube_utils::get_table_name  

On 17/09/2017 22:11, Jorge Bastos wrote:

> Howdy, 
> I've updated my RC instalation, and all fine thanks to Thomas&Alec I've 
> managed to make it centralized across several servers with just one RC 
> installation. 
> I had in the previous installations a plugin (that I don't remember the 
> name), that saved me the: 
> · Logins (I think) 
> · The send emails (I'm sure of this one) 
> In the present moment, what is making this job? 
> For some reason I'm not seeing it. 
> Thanks in advanced, 
> Jorge Bastos 
> ___
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
> http://lists.roundcube.net/mailman/listinfo/users

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Logs in DB

2017-09-18 Thread Noel Butler

On 18/09/2017 18:20, Jorge Bastos wrote:

> That!!! 
> Dblog! 
> Oh i see, 
> Are you the maint of dblog plugin? If yes will it be compatible in the future 
> with 1.3x?

No :)   Just a fan of using it, there might be a newer version in time
to come I guess 

> However, where can it be downloaded right now? I don't remember L

  @version 1.3 - 18.01.2012
* @author Roland 'rosali' Liebl
* @website http://myroundcube.googlecode.com
* @licence GNU GPL
* Usage: http://mail4us.net/myroundcube/ 

not updated since 2012, though it has worked fine until now, I'm about
to grab lunch than have a look at it. 

Forget googlecode address its obviously defunct with google ceasing that
service, and mail4us just times out for me, I think some in this
community  want people to use some plugin manager to get the plugins,
that wont work here, I'm told when it was tried on our dev box, it twice
hosed our customisations on some plugins, so refuse to use it, rather
prefer installing the plugin manually. 

> FROM: users-boun...@lists.roundcube.net 
> [mailto:users-boun...@lists.roundcube.net] ON BEHALF OF Noel Butler
> SENT: 18 de setembro de 2017 07:02
> TO: users@lists.roundcube.net
> SUBJECT: Re: [RCU] Logs in DB 
> dblog ? 
> Though it will not work with 1.3.x,  Cor suggested a way to fix it, though I 
> have not yet had time to look at it, he suggested  changing the class name, 
> eg  get_table_name  to rcube_utils::get_table_name  
> On 17/09/2017 22:11, Jorge Bastos wrote:
>> Howdy, 
>> I've updated my RC instalation, and all fine thanks to Thomas&Alec I've 
>> managed to make it centralized across several servers with just one RC 
>> installation. 
>> I had in the previous installations a plugin (that I don't remember the 
>> name), that saved me the: 
>> · Logins (I think) 
>> · The send emails (I'm sure of this one) 
>> In the present moment, what is making this job? 
>> For some reason I'm not seeing it. 
>> Thanks in advanced, 
>> Jorge Bastos

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

This Email, including any attachments, may contain legally 
information, therefore remains confidential and subject to copyright
protected under international law. You may not disseminate, discuss, or
reveal, any part, to anyone, without the authors express written
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[1] http://www.adobe.com/
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument___
Roundcube Users mailing list

[RCU] strange problem with elastic skin on desktop

2020-12-30 Thread Noel Butler

Hope we are all enjoying the holidays.

Thought I'd have a quick look at elastic skin, but experience on two 
different pc's an unusual view in the last " message view" pane, it 
seems to carry across to print and even help pages, it can not be 
resized, so you get this tiny little window as I indicate with red 
caret, and this massive free real estate area underneath it.

Am I overlooking the obvious?  As I'm still in "vacation mode" it's 
quite possible I am...

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler
I note your the same clown whining about crap on other lists, what 
wrong, missus leave you? or did you just wake up one morning to be so 
sour, either way nobody here cares.

If per se you are not talking to yourself, the other person is replying 
off-list and thats where YOU need to reply to them.

So kindly take your one sided convo you seem to be having with yourself 

but before you go some breaking news for you since your obviously new to 
hte world of lists, 99% of mailing lists will fail with dkim and dmarc. 
please feel free  NOT to reply to me.

On 16/08/2021 07:08, roundc...@ptld.com wrote:

and you think that databases are falling from heaven?

No they aren't falling from heaven, and some databases aren't even 
free. What is your point? Servers don't fall from heaven either. So 
someone who is a professional email provider, who can manage to acquire 
servers to run mail servers on, can't for some reason get access to a 
database? This is unimaginable for you?

that's ISP data and in the real world even bad maintained givne that
years ago our new /24 network after talking months about servers and
email was on https://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/ until i asked my ISP if
they are drunken and it was removed

None of that makes sense to me. Is English not your first language? 
That might explain why im not always understanding what you are trying 
to say.

but hey, let every ISP maintain DNSBL and every fucking MTA making
tons of DNS requests instead closed that damned port 25 everywhere
outbound from sources which would land in the database

Again, i don't follow what you are trying to say here. Why do ISP's 
need to maintain RBL? There are companies that specialize in that. And 
every MTA is already making "tons" of DNS request as they are already 
looking up PTR on the client IP, they are getting SPF records, 
verifying domainkeys, checking RBL's etc. The entire internet already 
makes tons of DNS queries for many things, not just email, and your 
point? This is why DNS servers have cached replies so they aren't 
actually sending a new query every time to the authoritative DNS 

but that all has nothing to do with the bullshit about required FCrDNS 
in any RFC which is simply not true

Yes it is true, which i explained in LENGTH in my last email.
Roundcube Users mailing list

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/08/2021 03:03, Benny Pedersen wrote:

On 2021-08-15 18:48, roundc...@ptld.com wrote:

So before you come across all aggressive telling someone "you don't
have the slightest idea what you are talking about when you even don't
know what a PTR or a cloud is" make sure at the very least YOU know
what the heck you are talking about.

imho kolabsys still have dnssec fails


so rndc nta ... is needed to send maillist mails from servers that 
validate dnssec

DNSSEC does not fail for the domain, yes its signed using RSA alg5, 
because thats what was the go all the way back when, the majority of 
dnssec signed zones still use it, does not mean it will fail, even if it 
really should be updated some day.

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler

Worry about your own ptld if I was before trying to have ago at others


On 16/08/2021 07:08, roundc...@ptld.com wrote:

Noel Butler

This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/08/2021 09:03, roundc...@ptld.com wrote:

Worry about your own ptld if I was before trying to have ago at others


Those issues like DNS resolving and EDNS at the end of your scan, were 
not because there are errors, but because the scanner got IP banned 
part way through generating the report, causing my DNS to stop 
replying. My server IP bans unnecessary scanning because generally 
those are hackers and people up to go good. But for argument sake i 
un-banned the IP's and re-ran the report for you to nit pick at:


And your point? Because im using the same server for both DNS that 
proves what? That everything i said is wrong? If what i said is wrong 
how bout debate that on its own merits instead of resorting to this 
kind of childishness. Hey look, i can run your domain too, omg you also 
have warnings. So by your logic we are both equally what? Wrong?

you're the troll sprouting compliances ya muppet.

My warning is ONLY for sharing DNS servers on the same /24, nothing 
about actually being misconfigured unlike your server:

No response from nameserver(s) on PTR query 
No response from nameserver(s) on PTR query 

Nameserver ns1.ausics.net/ allow zone transfer using AXFR.

Oops. How does that saying go about stones and glass houses.

yes, he who thinks he knows everything, zonecheck is run on my network 
so of course my DNS servers will axfr for a test you dense donkey arse 

oh and yes  I have a tertiary dns server that has issues, sadly I cant 
control that, its on a third party network, and its been unavailable for 
4 hours, but I can control ns1 and ns2 which work perfectly :) as will 
ns3 a the way over in the NL when their engineers resolve the 
SAN issue

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/08/2021 09:04, roundc...@ptld.com wrote:

jesus the data needs to be feeded by the ISP anyways

No actually they don't. One example is maxmind.com. Or do you think 
they are contacting every ISP in the world and asking for their IP's? 
Haha, no, they are getting the information form the source. Educate 

Why do ISP's need to maintain RBL? There are companies that specialize 
in that.


https://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/ listing/delisting is tyically done by the 

What are you talking about? No, listing and de-listing is done by the 
spamhaus company, it is their ban list. If you can read the link you 
cited, they are saying they will only work with an ISP's for getting an 
IP on their ban list to be de-listed. They don't want to hear from every 
residential user crying about why their IP was banned.

you really should backout why you got the chance muppet, Harry's right 
the pbl is list where ISP's submit their DUL range to, you really dont 
know much do you kid.

Whats teh point of replying to the list to private emails ohhh you want 
to beat your puny little chest... you wont get anything changed by 
trolling this list, if you want that, you know the address to email, 
after all you are all knowing hahahaha in your own eyes anyway.___
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler


please don't feed the troll

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Misconfigured Mailing List DNS

2021-08-15 Thread Noel Butler
ptld troll fix your mail client, I think your replying to me, dont know, 
your client is too dumb to include foo wrote indicators

d read the words. I said there are IP databases available to let you 
know if a connecting client is a residential IP allowing the server 
administrator to block home connects from port 25 instead of relying on 
the ISP to block it themselves. You are so eager to earn a brownie 
point to feel important you don't fully read or comprehend do you?

your looking in the mirror muppet, its YOU that seems to want brownie 
points, I would have preferred not to have my monday morning interrupted 
by a troll but lucky me its approaching lunchtime.

you wont get anything changed by trolling this list
I did not troll "this list". Again, for the record, i sent ONE short 
email to bring a non valid HELO FCrDNS to the list owners attention. 
Nothing more. It is you guys that got triggered, piled on, and started 
trolling me. I didn't address you first.

Bullshit, someone replied to you privately and you dragged the list back 
in to it with that and EVERY SINGLE REPLY  thus far by including the 
list, you are trolling. btw congrats ptld.com *IS* now in a DNSBL.

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Plugin to allow/block login based on IP country

2021-08-21 Thread Noel Butler


It's not your place or mine to judge others operating methods, it's 
their network.


AFAIK, no, there is no plugin that works today, however there used to be 
a dnsbl module for apache, I've not used it in 10 years, since iptables 
is more resource happy, I think apache's mod_security used to have the 
capability once don't know if it still does.

Be nice of there was was a working fast dnsbl plugin for apache though, 
use a countries based bl zone, would certainly remove about 15K entries 
CN from my iptables, however the servers are not affected by that at 

how kernel and netfilter guys/gals got it so right - when cisco flops 
out after mere hundreds of rules, however mikrotiks dont have that 
problem and thats the way we've been going in recent years

On 22/08/2021 12:26, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

On 2021-08-21 02:36, Jorge Bastos wrote:


Is there any plugin to allow/deny login of the users, based on the 
source IP

country information?

What if someone needs to access their mail while they travel
to a certain country?

If there are people who you think should not log in, simply
don't give those people accounts.

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Plugin to allow/block login based on IP country

2021-08-22 Thread Noel Butler

On 22/08/2021 17:21, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

It's mine, thank you very much.

On 2021-08-21 19:57, Noel Butler wrote:


It's not your place or mine to judge others operating methods, it's 
their network.

Really? then you admit ghosting on this list? Because OP is Jorge, so 
its his  network not yours, he can run it how he sees fit

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Plugin to allow/block login based on IP country

2021-08-22 Thread Noel Butler

On 23/08/2021 04:14, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

It's not your place or mine to judge others operating methods, it's 
their network.

Really? then you admit ghosting on this list? Because OP is Jorge, so 
its his  network not yours, he can run it how he sees fit

Well, we have not confirmed whose network it is, but it can be assumed 
Jorge has charge of some aspects of it.

He doesnt have to confirm any damn thing.

He does not "see fit", unfortunately. The requirement that user should 
be able to get to an application login screen, but then be denied login 
based on country, is not sound.

If you're not going to let users log in based on their IP address, then 
you might as well not allow their TCP./IP connection at all, which is 
handled at the firewall level, not in the webmail application.

Are you serious? or are you just trolling the list? you really cant be 
that stupid can you.

blocking by IP's by DNSBL or by firewalls has been going on for decades, 
wake up and smell the coffee, some networks outright block IPs of 
certain countries who are known to be a safe haven for scriddies.

Anyway why is it when someone asks about a plugin to do something, 
idiots like you generate noise to the lists crapping on about how bad 
that is dont do it blah blah F'n blah.

perhaps you are part of the problem he's trying to solve.___
Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Define calenday 1st week day to monday

2022-02-11 Thread Noel Butler
Actually, just looked, mine is set to Monday, so it must get it from 
your calendar, just set that.

Settings -> Calendar -> Main options , set first weekday: Mon

On 12/02/2022 06:30, Jorge Bastos wrote:


For managesieve plugin, the week start day is set to sunday, where it 
should monday for me.

Is it possible to configure it?

Thanks in advanced,

Roundcube Users mailing list

Noel Butler

This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] Define calenday 1st week day to monday

2022-02-11 Thread Noel Butler
It's probably set this way since the entire world uses the julien 
calendar method, which has Sunday as the first day of the week, but 
since RC itself can be told to use Monday, I think this is a good idea 
for those who need it.

On 12/02/2022 06:30, Jorge Bastos wrote:


For managesieve plugin, the week start day is set to sunday, where it 
should monday for me.

Is it possible to configure it?

Thanks in advanced,

Roundcube Users mailing list

Noel Butler

This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to 
copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate 
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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] 404 trying to run Installer

2022-05-30 Thread Noel Butler

forget roundcude for the moment

James Wang gave you the most applicable advice in this thread thus far, 
yet you ignored him.

Perhaps you need to find an nginx mailing list or forum and go ask 

RC works flawlessly with apache out of the box.

On 31/05/2022 02:01, Ken Wright wrote:

On Mon, 2022-05-30 at 13:55 +0200, Alfred Bühler wrote:

Maybe this:
Normally, the doc-root points to /public_html, but the installer
resides one level up. To access the installer, make the doc-root
temporarily pointing to the base folder.

Here's the root setting from /etc/nginx/conf.d/mail.example.com.conf:

root /var/www/roundcube/;

When I put mail.example.com/installer in the address bar of my browser,
shouldn't it look for an file named index.something in the directory
/var/www/roundcube/installer?  I know there's a file there called

Roundcube Users mailing list

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

Re: [RCU] upgrade roundcube 1.3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS to roundcube 1.5.0 on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

2023-06-21 Thread Noel Butler

On 22/06/2023 06:32, David Pottage wrote:

their "correct" locations

roundcube is not a typical binary program, the "correct" (debatable) way 
does not apply, or are you going to seriously tell us that you run all 
your cgi files from /usr/local/bin ... nah... I didnt think so, but then 
again, you're a debian user so nothing would surprise me

if they have not then you will have to fix it the Debian way.

or, you remove debians roundcube and use the source... all problems 

Noel Butler

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Roundcube Users mailing list

[RCU] Re: Security updates 1.5.7 and 1.6.7 released

2024-06-11 Thread Noel Butler via Users

On 12/06/2024 00:42, Sean McBride wrote:


As there was no new 1.4.x release here, a couple of questions:

* is 1.4.x vulnerable?
* is 1.4.x EOL? No more updates ever?

I know an ISP still running 1.4.x, and if this announcement (or future 
ones) had answered those questions, I would have an easier time 
convincing them to upgrade. :)

Seems the list server has issues, no announce list messages for 12 
months, archives completely missing, so it may have been announced, EOL 
1.4 but nobody got it :)


Noel Butler___
Users mailing list -- users@lists.roundcube.net
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@lists.roundcube.net

[RCU] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Security updates 1.5.7 and 1.6.7 released

2024-06-12 Thread Noel Butler via Users

On 12/06/2024 18:00, Pablo Zimdahl via Users wrote:


On 11. Jun 2024, at 23:00, Noel Butler via Users 

Seems the list server has issues, no announce list messages for 12 
months, archives completely missing

FYI: The lists server had issues, which are resolved. The list's 
archives are now available at 

Ahh ok so archives changed location, but try lists.roundcube.net I get 
their default debian page, and as I also pointed out, no announce list 
messages received, actually since January  _2023_

I've had no issues with mail, but if RC did have failure of DNS or RBL 
entry and we rejected them hitting the max bounce limit, it surely would 
be this list, not announce ;)

Noel Butler___
Users mailing list -- users@lists.roundcube.net
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@lists.roundcube.net

[RCU] Re: confirming my request to participate in this list

2024-08-24 Thread Noel Butler via Users

On 25/08/2024 01:00, Louise Olson wrote:

Do you (Round Cube) actually make changes to the list we're talking on 
here?  This is NOT the list I need help with. dThere is another list 
that has incredible problems I'd like to see if there's a cure for.


"Are changes made here"
"but I dont have problem here only elsewhere" - WTF

You have not told us

1 - if its your list or a list you subbed to
2 - what list?
3 - what problem are you experiencing
4 - does same problem exist in another mailer (thunderbird?)

No one on this list is going to help you unless you be very detailed 
about your roundcube problem, if you answered yes to no. 4, then you are 
in the wrong place and nobody can help you.

Noel Butler___
Users mailing list -- users@lists.roundcube.net
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@lists.roundcube.net