Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

Hmm, very strange.

Do you have updated your ant script?


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL isn't a continuum message but a ant message.

it's perhaps a bug in ShellCommandHelper, the exit code is return by 
Process class and printed in AbstractBuildExecutor (line 189).
so if you don't have Exit code: in your log, it's because Process 
objec doesn't return it.

Can you try with a non gui app?

the same result ;(


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
if it's all your logs, the ant process isn't finished because you 
should have return code = 0 in log

but if it's not  finished  - what does it mean BUILD SUCCESSFUL 
message in continuum's log?

if I perform this task in shell  then ant process will be finished
so may be incorrect work in ShellCommandHelper ?

ps this log message is appear when I close calculator application


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' 
(Build definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', 
name 'processbuilder'.
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username 
*** --password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating 
project 'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} 
spawn=true  arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/
   /waitfor  echofinish/echo

build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

Re: Continuum 1.0.3 build is not updating status or sending emails

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

What is the type of project?


Gautham Pamu a écrit :

Hi Everyone,

I am using continuum 1.0.3 version. It has completed building the projects
but it says it is still in progress and it is not sending the build report
email. Is this a known problem
with continuum 1.0.3, is there was fix for it.

Jun 15, 2006 2:17:30 AM
Started since : 7 h 9 min 22 sec [image: Building]




[INFO] Total time: 69 minutes 30 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jun 15 03:27:07 CDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 65M/432M

-Gautham Pamu

How to set scm value in pom for Clearcase?

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Waluk

I'm trying to use Continuum 1.0.3 with Clearcase.  In my pom.xml I have
specified the location of my config spec like this:


This looks like the example at and
it is the dynamic config spec on the VOB server.   I've also tried creating
a .  But when Continuum tries to build it looks like it is trying to connect
to the very same machine I am running it on.  Is that an indication that it
doesn't like the value I gave it in the pom.xml?  Should it start with
file:///Xpw-rebuild101 or something like that in URL format (it's windows if
that matters)?

I see in the console that it is trying this:
cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag Michael.Waluk-xpw-mwaluk1-maven-13-vws

I tried giving another location as the view-name like this too:
but it had no effect.

I have also tried placing a clearcase-settings.xml file in my home
directory's .scm directory.  It contains this:


I figured this might force Continuum to work there, but it didn't make a
difference.  I get the error below no matter what I put in the pom it
seems.  I would love to use Continuum with Clearcase (we use UCM VOBs) but
maybe it isn't fully implemented for Clearcase yet?  Any help will be
greatly appreciated.

- Michael

Build Error:

Provider message: The cleartool command failed.

Command output:


albd_contact call failed: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = [WINSOCK]
Connection reset by peer

cleartool: Error: Unable to contact albd_server on host 'xpw-mwaluk1'

cleartool: Error: Cannot bind an admin_server handle on xpw-mwaluk1:
ClearCase object not found.

cleartool: Error: Unable to create view *


Re: Default goals with maven 2

2006-06-15 Thread Barrie Treloar

Any chance a continuum developer could take a look at the notes I
added to and see if what
I have written is on the correct path?

why does cvs update not include prune option?

2006-06-15 Thread Barrie Treloar

I notice in the continuum logs that the following command is run to
update the project prior to running a build:

cvs -z3 -f -d :pserver:anonymous@host:path -q update -d

The -P for pruning should als be included to clean up when stuff is
deleted from cvs.

Is there a reason that this option is not include?

Adding extra modules to parent pom does not create an extra project in continuum

2006-06-15 Thread Barrie Treloar

If I add another module to the parent pom and then rebuild the parent
project in continuum the new module does not get added as another

If I re-add the pom file via Maven 2.0+ Project link (I am using
file:// urls to do this) I get a second parent project but not

If I try to add the module pom I get an error that it can not find the
dependency version information (since that is specified in the parent

If I delete the parent project and then re-add the pom file it
correctly adds the parent and the new modules.

What is the correct way to get another module included in the build?


Re: Adding extra modules to parent pom does not create an extra project in continuum

2006-06-15 Thread Barrie Treloar

While I'm discussing this, I notice because I am using the recommended
project layout:

- pom.xml
- module1/pom.xml
- moduel2/pom.xml

That to rebuild the ROOT project it takes forever since it has to
checkout the entire CVS tree.
Whereas the module builds only checkout the module subdirectories.

This would lead me to prefer the flat approach of:
- parent/pom.xml
- module1/pom.xml
- module2/pom.xml

As it would checkout only the bits that are needed.

Re: maven-surefire-report-plugin requires Maven version 2.0.3?

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Waluk


I'm actually using 2.04. I don't get this error when building from the
command line so it is likely due to the Eclipse plugin .05 version.  I'll
try the .09 Maven Eclipse plugin to see if that helps.


On 6/14/06, Boden, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You're always better off with the most up to date core version of Maven.
Please download and install 2.0.4 from

-Original Message-
From: Michael Waluk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:23 PM
Subject: maven-surefire-report-plugin requires Maven version 2.0.3?


I'm new to Maven.  I'm using 2.04 and tried to use the
maven-surefire-report-plugin to produce a report in the Maven site.  But
I get this error:

'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-report-plugin': Plugin requires
Maven version 2.0.3

It's pretty obviously stated in the plugin's 2.0 pom.xml,  but I figured
it's a popular report and others would want to use it with 2.04 so I
must be issing something.

Thanks for any help,



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maven-surefire-report-plugin - with multiple modules?

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Waluk


I can't get the report to generate from my top-level pom-packaged project.
I guess it doesn't support aggregatetrue/aggregate.

I'd really like a combined surefire html report to be part of the generated
site.  Is there a way to do it?  There are enough limitations in the reports
to make it difficult to use modules.  Does anyone have any tricks they'd
like to share?  This report and a combined Cobertura would be ideal ( )


Re: maven-surefire-report-plugin - with multiple modules?

2006-06-15 Thread henrikwl

As far as I know, there is no convenient way to generate aggregating reports.
The clover plugin does it by way of a dedicated aggregate goal, and I'm
working on implementing the same thing in cobertura.
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Re: maven2 testng - tests not running

2006-06-15 Thread Marco Mistroni

is maven picking up your testng.xml configuration file?
where are your test located (in which dir?)

here's my pom.xml

  nameenterprise java beans/name
 !-- JBoss Microcontainer dependencies (for tests)--
!-- end of jboss microcontainer dependencies --







echo message=Properties Configured

echo message=--- deploy.dir=${}
  echo message=---${}/
  echo message=---
  echo message=--- project.version=${project.version}/

 !-- The following two sections should be unnecessary shortly.
   surefire-2.2 is due for release yesterday. --

RE: M2-Cargo Plugin Question

2006-06-15 Thread Vincent Massol
Hi Matilda,

(this question would be better asked on the cargo user list)

See below 

 -Original Message-
 From: Matilda Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: mercredi 14 juin 2006 22:15
 Subject: M2-Cargo Plugin Question
 Hi all maven 2.0 users,
 I am still fairly new to maven 2.0 and I have to questions for anyone that
 can provide feedback.  I wanted to know if or when will local or remote
 deployer support for weblogic8x be added to the Maven 2 plugin for Cargo
 the near future? 

There's static deployment supported as of now (i.e. deployment when the
container starts) but there's no Deployer proper.

The answer to your question is: when someone is interested to implement it.
I can help anyone interested to do so by providing directions. There's
currently nobody working on it. I personally don't use WL.

 Second, are there any SNAPSHOTs with this support?  

This feature (remote deployments) is not implemented yet.

 the configuration settings for the cargo plugin in the super pom with the
 dependicies and noticed that maven doesn't support the weblogic8.1

I guess you meant Cargo and not Maven.

 Can anyone please help me with this?

What you can do first is create a JIRA issue in the Cargo's jira. At least
this means it won't be forgotten. Then the best to get this done quickly is
provide a patch which implements it.


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Re: maven2 testng - tests not running

2006-06-15 Thread SlinnHawkins, Jon (ELS)

Are you using Junit TestSuites to kick off the tests ?

There is an issue with the current verion (2.2) of the surefire plugin. It
has been fixed but not released

Can anyone give an indication when this will be released, as I am also
waiting on this ?



Chandresh Taunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
?I'm using maven2 in a project and for unit tests I'm using testng.

When I execute 'mvn test' none of the tests run.

Here's the output:

Running FooTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.016 sec
Running BarTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec
Running BazTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec

All of the test methods have @Test annotation applied.

Any idea why the tests are not running?


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Fwd: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

2006-06-15 Thread Wayne Fay

Just wanted to forward this email from the Glassfish dev list to Maven
users, as it contains useful/interesting information for a lot of
people... Sun seems pretty committed to deploying Maven artifacts for
all Glassfish components, and perhaps other projects as well, which is
great news for us Maven users. ;-)


-- Forwarded message --
From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jun 10, 2006 12:22 PM
Subject: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

We just pushed a few more components to our maven repository (see
and we will continue adding components, and I expect that, as part of
GlassFish v2, we will normalize and automate the creation of these

The intention is to make this repository serve the larger Java
Community.  This is something that, over the years, Sun has been asked
to do, and now, with the Open Source focus, we can deliver on.  I have
already seen people starting to use javamail and activation from there,
and I think it would be useful to spend some energy in making the
repository as useful as possible.

Probably the first thing to do is to start collecting ideas of what
needs to be done.   By my tally we have:

 JavaPersistence API, TopLink Essentials,
 JSTL 1.2, JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, JSF 1.1, JSF 1.2
 FastInfoset, XMLStream
 Java Activation Framework


Tools GF uses

What components are clearly missing?  Bill was talking about doing a
javaee.jar just for the APIs.  I noticed that JAX-RPC seems missing and
that should be easy to add, so I just sent a ping to Doug about it.

What else should we do?  Some thoughts...

* We need a better index than the blogs at TA... :-)
* Regular announcements somewhere (including the Maven USERS mailing list)
* Synchronization with ibiblio?
* Better integration with NB/Eclipse support?

What else?

Who has expertise in this area?  Volunteers to help?

  - eduard/o

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Re: maven2 eclipse plugin: attaching source

2006-06-15 Thread Rémy Sanlaville

Hi Kent,

I'm using the maven2 eclipse plugin. Whenever I try to attach

the source folder in Eclipse to a jar it depends on, the plugin
will try to copy the source into my ~/.m2/repository but
will fail with an error of access denied. Any idea? Have you
been able to do that?

For me, it works well.
Just in case, have you define the proxy settings in Eclipse
and maven2 (setting.xml) ?


Re: maven2 testng - tests not running

2006-06-15 Thread Marco Mistroni

not sure if your question was for me.. i can run tests as of today iwthouth
any problems..


On 6/15/06, SlinnHawkins, Jon (ELS) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Are you using Junit TestSuites to kick off the tests ?

There is an issue with the current verion (2.2) of the surefire plugin. It
has been fixed but not released

Can anyone give an indication when this will be released, as I am also
waiting on this ?



Chandresh Taunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
?I'm using maven2 in a project and for unit tests I'm using testng.

When I execute 'mvn test' none of the tests run.

Here's the output:

Running FooTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.016 sec
Running BarTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec
Running BazTest
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec

All of the test methods have @Test annotation applied.

Any idea why the tests are not running?


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Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Maksimenko Alexander

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' (Build 
definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', name 
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username *** 
--password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating project 
'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} spawn=true   
   arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/


build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

How to handle WAS certificate in HTTPUnit

2006-06-15 Thread Tushar Pawar
I integrated WAS V5.1.0 with oracle access manager using below setting 
User Registry - custom and 
Authentication Mechanism LTPA.
When I access site http://host:9090/admin; it shows certificate having 
issued by - jserver and 
issued to - jserver.
Also it says The Name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match 
the name of the site.

I am facing problem in handling this certificate in httpunit-1.6 and it throws 
error HTTPS Hostname wrong - should be my machine name  
Could you please provide me solution for that

Any work around for generating self signed certificate or how to handle that 
certificate in httpunit.

Thanks  Regards

Tushar Pawar

Re: Maven 2 and java 1.5 Annotations

2006-06-15 Thread gilles_gty

Hi there. 

I am rather new with Maven 2. No Ant neither Maven 1 background.

Did any one got this annotation stuff to work ? Using Maven 2 + Java 1.5 +
Junit 1.4.
I fixed my PATH, the JAVA_HOME, also the source + target parameters. I think
the test gets compiled with Junit 1.4 but get ran with prior version.

I observe even though I specify in my pom.xml a Junit version of 1.4, that
Maven downloads both 1.4 _and_  3.8.1 junit artifact versions. I can not pin
point where this version or dependency or ? is defined.

Things are going rather fine : compiling, running tests ( from maven 2 cook
book examples ). Only glitch is :  annotation seams to be ignored. I built
an expected exception example, I am getting the excption right, but it
makes my test a failure instead of a success.

   public void test_nullpointerexception() { 
   App foo = null; 

I understand the Surefire JIRA issue is this one :
leading me to believe Junit 1.4 is not yet fully usable within Surefire ?
Any one concuring ?

Thanks for time and consideration.

Wayne Fay wrote:
 Brett can probably comment more on this, as I believe he has been
 working on this (Surefire) a bit lately, but I believe the comment
 test plugin doesn't use 4.0 (yet) is probably along the right lines.
 There's probably a Maven JIRA you could find and watch so you'd know
 when JUnit 4.0 is fully integrated and functional.
 On 3/20/06, Thorsten Heit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


  Hello Subhash,
  Thanks a lot it works. You have probably more experience than me with
  JUnit 4 and maven. I would ask you another question. I have written my
  test class as described in the cookbook (for 4.0) by Kent Beck, Erich
  Gamma on the JUnit web site but I have still to prefix all my testing
  method by the test keyword. Its like if the annotations were ignored.
  An idea?

 Perhaps the test plugin doesn't use or know the existence of JUnit 4.0
 and still uses 3.8.x? Just an idea, haven't testet it...

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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Re: maven2 eclipse plugin: attaching source

2006-06-15 Thread Kent Tong

 For me, it works well.
 Just in case, have you define the proxy settings in Eclipse
 and maven2 (setting.xml) ?

I haven't defined any proxy nor setting.xml. Do I need to?

Kent Tong, Msc, MCSE, SCJP, CCSA, Delphi Certified
Manager of IT Dept, CPTTM
Authorized training for Borland, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, RedFlag  RedHat

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Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Adam Hardy
Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised I
need to set up maven-proxy better. 
While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep seeing
mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is in beta, but
I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
would be on this list?
I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when waiting
for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any possibility
to set this though - is it configurable?
I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it just
serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration option
for this? 
Are these configuration options that MRM allows?


2006-06-15 Thread daune . jf

First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the  
appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could  
go elsewhere.

I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals  
providing consulting services around Maven 2.

It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french  
(although english is fine)



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Re: maven2 eclipse plugin: attaching source

2006-06-15 Thread Rémy Sanlaville

 Just in case, have you define the proxy settings in Eclipse
 and maven2 (setting.xml) ?

I haven't defined any proxy nor setting.xml. Do I need to?

Yes you have if your company has a proxy to access to internet.
See Maven 2 book at mergere site for the setting.xml


Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread ben short


Have alook at this site

I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised I
need to set up maven-proxy better.

While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep seeing
mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is in beta, but
I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
would be on this list?

I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when waiting
for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any possibility
to set this though - is it configurable?

I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it just
serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration option
for this?

Are these configuration options that MRM allows?


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Re: taglist - issue with several compile source root

2006-06-15 Thread leahpar


I should have check before posting if this is not already known ... try to
do better next time.
I saw that there's others issues (and a multiple.diff) link together.
Maybe all theses should be handle at the same time using the information in
the mavenproject instead of using the sourcedirectory parameter...

my changes are quick and dirty only to see waht happen, they must not be
included as is so I don't submit in the mtaglist2 but I'm pleased to send it
to you.

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Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

if it's all your logs, the ant process isn't finished because you should have 
return code = 0 in log


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' (Build 
definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', name 
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username *** 
--password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating project 
'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} spawn=true   
   arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/
   /waitfor  echofinish/echo

build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

RE: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Adam Hardy
How does it compare in terms of setting up and configuring, to

I saw in the mailing list recently that you had tried MRM without
success. It seems to have been at the 'about to be released' stage for
about six months. I can survive on this project with maven-proxy for the
meantime I think.

-Original Message-
ben short
Sent: 15 June 2006 12:19
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


Have alook at this site

I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised I
 need to set up maven-proxy better.

 While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep seeing
 mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is in beta,
 I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
 would be on this list?

 I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when
 for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any
 to set this though - is it configurable?

 I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it
 serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration
 for this?

 Are these configuration options that MRM allows?


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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread ben short


I have found proximity really easy to setup. You can just deploy it to
tomcat etc, and it works. Although I have altered the configuration to
have seperate internal snapshot and released artifact repos and to
point to a mirror of central hosted in holland, as its faster for me.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How does it compare in terms of setting up and configuring, to

I saw in the mailing list recently that you had tried MRM without
success. It seems to have been at the 'about to be released' stage for
about six months. I can survive on this project with maven-proxy for the
meantime I think.

-Original Message-
ben short
Sent: 15 June 2006 12:19
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


Have alook at this site

I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised I
 need to set up maven-proxy better.

 While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep seeing
 mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is in beta,
 I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
 would be on this list?

 I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when
 for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any
 to set this though - is it configurable?

 I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it
 serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration
 for this?

 Are these configuration options that MRM allows?


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common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Andre . Tran
Hello all,

I would like to build an ear with some war modules, and, of course, its

For starting, the ear (simple_ear) has:
* an unique war (called simple_war) and
* a jar (that represents the common part in the future, called common_jar.
So the structure is the following:
- pom.xml
- simple_ear
  |- pom.xml
- simple_war
  |- pom.xml
I declared in ear's pom:
* the webModule simple_war and
* the javaModule common_jar
They are also declared as dependencies.
In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.

I tested it on WAS 51. This does not worked.
The common_jar seemed to not be included in the classpath, even if I removed
the definition of defaultJavaBundleDir.

To be sure that it is not the problem of declaration of the ear and the war,
I create a separate project where common parts are in every war-s and the
ear has only webmodule-s. In this case, it works.

Does anyone have any idea ? thanks a lot.


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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Jeff Jensen
Did you add the common jar to the manifest of the war?

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:44 AM
Subject: common jars between modules in EAR

Hello all,

I would like to build an ear with some war modules, and, of course, its

For starting, the ear (simple_ear) has:
* an unique war (called simple_war) and
* a jar (that represents the common part in the future, called common_jar.
So the structure is the following:
- pom.xml
- simple_ear
  |- pom.xml
- simple_war
  |- pom.xml
I declared in ear's pom:
* the webModule simple_war and
* the javaModule common_jar
They are also declared as dependencies.
In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.

I tested it on WAS 51. This does not worked.
The common_jar seemed to not be included in the classpath, even if I removed
the definition of defaultJavaBundleDir.

To be sure that it is not the problem of declaration of the ear and the war,
I create a separate project where common parts are in every war-s and the
ear has only webmodule-s. In this case, it works.

Does anyone have any idea ? thanks a lot.


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RE: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Adam Hardy
The main functionality that I haven't got (or can't get?) at the moment
from maven-proxy:

- to serve up jars from its own cache when the internet connection is

- to time-out quicker than 60 seconds when it is down

If any of maven-proxy, MRM or proximity do this, then I'd be grateful to



-Original Message-
ben short
Sent: 15 June 2006 13:41
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


I have found proximity really easy to setup. You can just deploy it to
tomcat etc, and it works. Although I have altered the configuration to
have seperate internal snapshot and released artifact repos and to
point to a mirror of central hosted in holland, as its faster for me.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How does it compare in terms of setting up and configuring, to

 I saw in the mailing list recently that you had tried MRM without
 success. It seems to have been at the 'about to be released' stage for
 about six months. I can survive on this project with maven-proxy for
 meantime I think.

 -Original Message-
 ben short
 Sent: 15 June 2006 12:19
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


 Have alook at this site

 I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

 Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


 On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised
  need to set up maven-proxy better.
  While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep
  mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is in beta,
  I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
  would be on this list?
  I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when
  for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any
  to set this though - is it configurable?
  I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it
  serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration
  for this?
  Are these configuration options that MRM allows?

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RE: M2-Cargo Plugin Question

2006-06-15 Thread Scott Ryan
Probably best to ask on the Cargo email list however there is a Maven-2
plugin that supports Weblogic 8.1 and 9.0 on the sandbox at Mojo.  I plan on
releasing the final version next week as it has gotten pretty good testing.

Scott Ryan
Chief Technology Officer
Soaring Eagle L.L.C.
(303) 263-3044

-Original Message-
From: Matilda Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:15 PM
Subject: M2-Cargo Plugin Question

Hi all maven 2.0 users,

I am still fairly new to maven 2.0 and I have to questions for anyone that
can provide feedback.  I wanted to know if or when will local or remote
deployer support for weblogic8x be added to the Maven 2 plugin for Cargo in
the near future? Second, are there any SNAPSHOTs with this support?  I built
the configuration settings for the cargo plugin in the super pom with the
dependicies and noticed that maven doesn't support the weblogic8.1 features
yet.  Can anyone please help me with this?

Thank all of you in advanced,


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RE: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Jeff Jensen
I agree with Ben.  After struggling with maven-proxy (something was wrong
with how it created the download URL, so it never downloaded anything), I
setup Proximity in under 2 hours (including source controlling the config
files, customizing, and experimenting with them), then spent a few more
getting our artifacts populated and our builds set to use it.  It's very
nicely done and polished.  Don't let the alpha state fool you.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ben
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:41 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


I have found proximity really easy to setup. You can just deploy it to
tomcat etc, and it works. Although I have altered the configuration to have
seperate internal snapshot and released artifact repos and to point to a
mirror of central hosted in holland, as its faster for me.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How does it compare in terms of setting up and configuring, to 

 I saw in the mailing list recently that you had tried MRM without 
 success. It seems to have been at the 'about to be released' stage for 
 about six months. I can survive on this project with maven-proxy for 
 the meantime I think.

 -Original Message-
 Of ben short
 Sent: 15 June 2006 12:19
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


 Have alook at this site

 I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

 Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


 On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised 
  I need to set up maven-proxy better.
  While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep 
  seeing mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is 
  in beta,
  I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements 
  would be on this list?
  I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when
  for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any
  to set this though - is it configurable?
  I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it
  serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration
  for this?
  Are these configuration options that MRM allows?

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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread ben short


I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
out question.


On 6/15/06, Jeff Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Ben.  After struggling with maven-proxy (something was wrong
with how it created the download URL, so it never downloaded anything), I
setup Proximity in under 2 hours (including source controlling the config
files, customizing, and experimenting with them), then spent a few more
getting our artifacts populated and our builds set to use it.  It's very
nicely done and polished.  Don't let the alpha state fool you.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ben
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:41 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


I have found proximity really easy to setup. You can just deploy it to
tomcat etc, and it works. Although I have altered the configuration to have
seperate internal snapshot and released artifact repos and to point to a
mirror of central hosted in holland, as its faster for me.


On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How does it compare in terms of setting up and configuring, to

 I saw in the mailing list recently that you had tried MRM without
 success. It seems to have been at the 'about to be released' stage for
 about six months. I can survive on this project with maven-proxy for
 the meantime I think.

 -Original Message-
 Of ben short
 Sent: 15 June 2006 12:19
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)


 Have alook at this site

 I use it at work to serve up my internal repos and to mirror central.

 Not sure how it handels central not being available though.


 On 6/15/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Our company's internet connection went down this week and I realised
  I need to set up maven-proxy better.
  While trying to find configuration info for maven-proxy, I keep
  seeing mention of Maven Repository Manager and it looks like it is
  in beta,
  I haven't seen any release announcements for it - such announcements
  would be on this list?
  I want to configure maven-proxy to time-out after 5 seconds when
  for a response from the upstream repository. I can't see any
  to set this though - is it configurable?
  I would also like to run maven-proxy in 'off-line' mode so that it
  serves what it has in its local repo. Is there any configuration
  for this?
  Are these configuration options that MRM allows?

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Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Maksimenko Alexander

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
if it's all your logs, the ant process isn't finished because you 
should have return code = 0 in log

but if it's not  finished  - what does it mean BUILD SUCCESSFUL message 
in continuum's log?

if I perform this task in shell  then ant process will be finished
so may be incorrect work in ShellCommandHelper ?

ps this log message is appear when I close calculator application


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' 
(Build definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', 
name 'processbuilder'.
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username *** 
--password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating project 
'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} spawn=true   
   arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/
   /waitfor  echofinish/echo

build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

Re: Release schedule

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

Christian Gruber a écrit :

Hey all,

First - Continuum is awesome.  It has some feature-gaps in 1.0.x that
make it not quite what I need, but what it does so far is still worth the
effort of the workarounds, especially since they're fairly temporary.  1.1
features look to me like they will make Continuum exactly the ticket for my
CI needs.  I'm really proud of you guys - especially for making such a
comfortable interface with which to configure it.  In the open-source world,
it's kind of rare that such attention to ease-of-use gets given.

Thank you

Anyway, enough flattery.  I mentioned temporary workarounds, and I am
trying to figure out how temporary.  Obviously you folks can't make
commitments on release schedules, but do you have any estimates as to
potential release horizons?  The thing is I'm planning several roll-outs of
environments, and Continuum 1.0.x is not quite enough, but if the timelines
are short enough, I will possibly do so anyway, in order not to get people
hooked on a less easy-to-maintain-and-configure alternative.  I'm basically
on pins and needles, so as much info as you can provide, the better.

It's planned for September.

Also, if there is any developer build documentation for special build
considerations when checking out of SVN, pointers to such docs would be
great.  There are bugs I think I might be able to fix, but I've had little
initial luck checking out either trunk or 1.0.x and building.  Now I haven't
had much time to put effort into it, but if there are obvious gotchas that
can be avoided with a smidge of readme, it would be awesome.

You can look at
We don't have more documentation for the build and it's perhaps out of date.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.







christian gruber + agile coach and architect

Israfil Consulting Services Corporation

email [EMAIL PROTECTED] + bus +1 (905) 640-1119

cell: +1 (416) 998-6023 + cell: +1 (410) 900-0796


RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Andre . Tran
Well, yes by maven
The ear and the war are set to generate a manifest:


after verification, the classpath of the war is empty...

I think the reason is probably because the jar has being declared as
'provided' in the war.

So the next question is how to declare this jar as dependency of the war and
exclude it from the war in the same time.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Jensen
 Did you add the common jar to the manifest of the war?
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre.Tran
 I would like to build an ear with some war modules, and, of 
 course, its
 For starting, the ear (simple_ear) has:
 * an unique war (called simple_war) and
 * a jar (that represents the common part in the future, 
 called common_jar.
 So the structure is the following:
   - pom.xml
   - simple_ear
 |- pom.xml
   - simple_war
 |- pom.xml
 I declared in ear's pom:
 * the webModule simple_war and
 * the javaModule common_jar
 They are also declared as dependencies.
 In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.
 I tested it on WAS 51. This does not worked.
 The common_jar seemed to not be included in the classpath, 
 even if I removed the definition of defaultJavaBundleDir.
 To be sure that it is not the problem of declaration of the 
 ear and the war, I create a separate project where common parts
 are in every war-s and the ear has only webmodule-s. In this case,
 it works.

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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Andrew-A . Davies
I've managed to get something into the Class-Path without it
appearing in the WEB-INF/lib in M2 by placing the following in the war
packaging pom ...


Along with your addClasspathtrue/addClasspath


-Original Message-
Sent: 15 June 2006 14:31
Subject: RE: common jars between modules in EAR

Well, yes by maven
The ear and the war are set to generate a manifest:


after verification, the classpath of the war is empty...

I think the reason is probably because the jar has being declared as
'provided' in the war.

So the next question is how to declare this jar as dependency of the war
and exclude it from the war in the same time.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Jensen
 Did you add the common jar to the manifest of the war?
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre.Tran
 I would like to build an ear with some war modules, and, of course, 
 its dependencies.
 For starting, the ear (simple_ear) has:
 * an unique war (called simple_war) and
 * a jar (that represents the common part in the future, called 
 So the structure is the following:
   - pom.xml
   - simple_ear
 |- pom.xml
   - simple_war
 |- pom.xml
 I declared in ear's pom:
 * the webModule simple_war and
 * the javaModule common_jar
 They are also declared as dependencies.
 In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.
 I tested it on WAS 51. This does not worked.
 The common_jar seemed to not be included in the classpath, even if I 
 removed the definition of defaultJavaBundleDir.
 To be sure that it is not the problem of declaration of the ear and 
 the war, I create a separate project where common parts are in every 
 war-s and the ear has only webmodule-s. In this case, it works.

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Re: Consulting

2006-06-15 Thread Carlos Sanchez

I think Mergere is now the best option, where many of the Maven
developers work and the ones that published for free the Better Builds
With Maven book.

disclaimer: I'm a Mergere consultant ;)


First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the
appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could
go elsewhere.

I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals
providing consulting services around Maven 2.

It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french
(although english is fine)



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No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
-- The Princess Bride

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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Mike Perham
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:44 AM
 Subject: common jars between modules in EAR
 I declared in ear's pom:
 * the webModule simple_war and
 * the javaModule common_jar
 They are also declared as dependencies.
 In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.

This is your problem.  Remove the scope so that it becomes a compile
dependency.  You will then need to exclude the jar from WEB-INF/lib.
The WAR 2.0 plugin does not support excluding jars from WEB-INF/lib due
to issue MWAR-39.  You will need to use 2.0-beta-2.

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Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

BUILD SUCCESSFUL isn't a continuum message but a ant message.

it's perhaps a bug in ShellCommandHelper, the exit code is return by Process class and printed in 
AbstractBuildExecutor (line 189).

so if you don't have Exit code: in your log, it's because Process objec 
doesn't return it.

Can you try with a non gui app?


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
if it's all your logs, the ant process isn't finished because you 
should have return code = 0 in log

but if it's not  finished  - what does it mean BUILD SUCCESSFUL message 
in continuum's log?

if I perform this task in shell  then ant process will be finished
so may be incorrect work in ShellCommandHelper ?

ps this log message is appear when I close calculator application


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' 
(Build definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', 
name 'processbuilder'.
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username *** 
--password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating project 
'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} spawn=true   
   arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/
   /waitfor  echofinish/echo

build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

Re: Maven 2 and java 1.5 Annotations

2006-06-15 Thread Eric Redmond

You mean JUnit 4? Annotations are brand new with JUnit 4, and if it is not
yet supported, neither will be annotations.


On 6/15/06, gilles_gty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there.

I am rather new with Maven 2. No Ant neither Maven 1 background.

Did any one got this annotation stuff to work ? Using Maven 2 + Java 1.5 +
Junit 1.4.
I fixed my PATH, the JAVA_HOME, also the source + target parameters. I
the test gets compiled with Junit 1.4 but get ran with prior version.

I observe even though I specify in my pom.xml a Junit version of 1.4, that
Maven downloads both 1.4 _and_  3.8.1 junit artifact versions. I can not
point where this version or dependency or ? is defined.

Things are going rather fine : compiling, running tests ( from maven 2
book examples ). Only glitch is :  annotation seams to be ignored. I built
an expected exception example, I am getting the excption right, but it
makes my test a failure instead of a success.

   public void test_nullpointerexception() {
   App foo = null;

I understand the Surefire JIRA issue is this one :
leading me to believe Junit 1.4 is not yet fully usable within Surefire ?
Any one concuring ?

Thanks for time and consideration.

Wayne Fay wrote:

 Brett can probably comment more on this, as I believe he has been
 working on this (Surefire) a bit lately, but I believe the comment
 test plugin doesn't use 4.0 (yet) is probably along the right lines.

 There's probably a Maven JIRA you could find and watch so you'd know
 when JUnit 4.0 is fully integrated and functional.


 On 3/20/06, Thorsten Heit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


  Hello Subhash,
  Thanks a lot it works. You have probably more experience than me with
  JUnit 4 and maven. I would ask you another question. I have written
  test class as described in the cookbook (for 4.0) by Kent Beck, Erich
  Gamma on the JUnit web site but I have still to prefix all my testing
  method by the test keyword. Its like if the annotations were
  An idea?

 Perhaps the test plugin doesn't use or know the existence of JUnit 4.0
 and still uses 3.8.x? Just an idea, haven't testet it...

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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Re: Version of current Mojo

2006-06-15 Thread Trygve Laugstøl

G. B. wrote:


How can I, inside my class that extends AbstractMojo, print my own version.

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Re: Consulting

2006-06-15 Thread Eric Redmond

I know that OpenLogic also supports Maven, and their relatively cheap. That
said, I don't know if you want to higher consultants who work for XBoxes ;)


On 6/15/06, Carlos Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think Mergere is now the best option, where many of the Maven
developers work and the ones that published for free the Better Builds
With Maven book.

disclaimer: I'm a Mergere consultant ;)


 First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the
 appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could
 go elsewhere.

 I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals
 providing consulting services around Maven 2.

 It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french
 (although english is fine)



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No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
 -- The Princess Bride

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Re: Consulting

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

I'm one too ;-)


Carlos Sanchez a écrit :

I think Mergere is now the best option, where many of the Maven
developers work and the ones that published for free the Better Builds
With Maven book.

disclaimer: I'm a Mergere consultant ;)


First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the
appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could
go elsewhere.

I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals
providing consulting services around Maven 2.

It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french
(although english is fine)



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maven compiler issues

2006-06-15 Thread Sachin Patel
Two days in a row, i've randomly run into this... Has anyone seen  
such an error or know what the problem could be? I'm on a Mac

[INFO] Compilation failure

Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.4.2_09). Please file a  
bug at the Java Developer Connection ( 
bugreport.cgi)  after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include  
your program and the following diagnostic in your report.  Thank you.



at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.javac.JavacCompiler.compile 
at org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractCompilerMojo.execute 
at org.apache.maven.plugin.CompilerMojo.execute 
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.executeMojo 
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute( 

at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced 

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode 

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(


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Goal to grab dependencies

2006-06-15 Thread Simon Bates

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting with Maven and I have a quick question that I was 
wondering if someone might be able to help me with.

I was wondering if a goal existed to download a project's dependencies 
to a local repository without compiling? I know that the 
compiler:compile goal will grab the dependencies prior to compiling but 
I was wondering if I could stop just short of compiling?

Thank you very much for your help and thank you to everyone that has 
helped develop Maven: it's a great piece of work!

All the best,

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Continuum 1.0.3 build is not updating status or sending emails

2006-06-15 Thread Gautham Pamu

Hi Everyone,

I am using continuum 1.0.3 version. It has completed building the projects
but it says it is still in progress and it is not sending the build report
email. Is this a known problem
with continuum 1.0.3, is there was fix for it.

Jun 15, 2006 2:17:30 AM
Started since : 7 h 9 min 22 sec [image: Building]

[INFO] Total time: 69 minutes 30 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jun 15 03:27:07 CDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 65M/432M

-Gautham Pamu

Problem with */ in parameter's default-value

2006-06-15 Thread Zeltner Martin

I'd like to define **/*.jar as default-value for a mojo parameter (see example).

 * Pattern to lookup jar files.
 * @parameter expression=${jarLookupPattern} default-value=**/*.jar
 * @required
protected String m_jarLookupPattern;

The problem is that */ is interpreted as the end of the javadoc. Is there a 
nice way to circumvent this problem?

Best regards,
Martin Zeltner

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Re: Maven 2 and java 1.5 Annotations

2006-06-15 Thread gilles_gty

Eric Redmond wrote:
 You mean JUnit 4? Annotations are brand new with JUnit 4, and if it is not
 yet supported, neither will be annotations.

Correct. I mean JUnit 4.0. My mistake.
OK. I understand I used JUnit 4.0 cookbook not yet ported Maven and/or

Maybe there is a way to tell Surefire to use JUnit 4.0 for running the tests
as opposed to an older version ?


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Re: Goal to grab dependencies

2006-06-15 Thread Alexandre Poitras

I think this is what you are looking for :

On 6/15/06, Simon Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting with Maven and I have a quick question that I was
wondering if someone might be able to help me with.

I was wondering if a goal existed to download a project's dependencies
to a local repository without compiling? I know that the
compiler:compile goal will grab the dependencies prior to compiling but
I was wondering if I could stop just short of compiling?

Thank you very much for your help and thank you to everyone that has
helped develop Maven: it's a great piece of work!

All the best,

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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Andre . Tran
So the modification are:
- adding for the plugin maven-war-plugin:
  (to make sure I am using the correct version)
- adding in the configuration of the war
- removing the dependency flag for common_jar

The classpath of the war is now correct. But the jar library is included
into the war file...

I tried also: dependentWarExcludes*.jar/dependentWarExcludes

What is wrong ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Perham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  I declared in ear's pom:
  * the webModule simple_war and
  * the javaModule common_jar
  They are also declared as dependencies.
  In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.
 This is your problem.  Remove the scope so that it becomes a compile
 dependency.  You will then need to exclude the jar from WEB-INF/lib.
 The WAR 2.0 plugin does not support excluding jars from 
 WEB-INF/lib due to issue MWAR-39.  You will need to use 2.0-beta-2.

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Re: build is not finished if start executable

2006-06-15 Thread Maksimenko Alexander

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL isn't a continuum message but a ant message.

it's perhaps a bug in ShellCommandHelper, the exit code is return by 
Process class and printed in AbstractBuildExecutor (line 189).
so if you don't have Exit code: in your log, it's because Process 
objec doesn't return it.

Can you try with a non gui app?

the same result ;(


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
if it's all your logs, the ant process isn't finished because you 
should have return code = 0 in log

but if it's not  finished  - what does it mean BUILD SUCCESSFUL 
message in continuum's log?

if I perform this task in shell  then ant process will be finished
so may be incorrect work in ShellCommandHelper ?

ps this log message is appear when I close calculator application


Maksimenko Alexander a écrit :

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Can you send your continuum logs?

it's nothing odd in the log :

INFO  Continuum  - Enqueuing 'processbuilder' 
(Build definition id=1).
INFO  ContinuumScm   - Updating project: id: '1', 
name 'processbuilder'.
INFO  ScmManager - Executing: svn --username 
*** --password * --non-interactive update
INFO  ScmManager - Working directory: 

DEBUG ScmManager - At revision 3172.
NFO  Action:update-project-from-working-directory - Updating 
project 'processbuilder' from checkout.
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Executing: 
D:\tools\dev\java\jakarta\ant\bin\ant -f build.xml continium
INFO  ShellCommandHelper - Working directory: 

my build target:

   target name=continium
   exec executable=cmd dir=${engine.dir} 
spawn=true  arg line=/C start calc.exe/


   waitfor maxwait=30 maxwaitunit=second

 http url=http://localhost/
   /waitfor  echofinish/echo

build result:

Buildfile: build.xml

[echo] finish


Total time: 39 seconds

but state is Build In Progess ;(

Re: [M2] release-perform vs. Cygwin with Subversion

2006-06-15 Thread Chas Douglass
Thank you for the quick response.  I wasn't aware there was a separate 
jdk to be installed in cygwin.  Where can I find it?  Google wasn't 
immediately helpful.

Chas Douglass

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
this pb happen when you use a windows jdk instead a jdk installed in 
When we run svn, we define the working directory with 
workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(). This commands returns always with a 
windows jdk a path like d:\personal\JEC so for cygwin, this path isn't 
an absolute path but a relative path, it's why it concatenate it to the 
current working directory.


Chas Douglass a écrit :
In the last release of the maven release plugin, releases broke on my 
systems.  I use Cygwin (under Windows XP) and for some reason the 
release:perform action creates an invalid combination of paths to pass 
to Subversion.

The error I get is:
[INFO] Working directory: d:\personal\JEC[INFO] 
Unable to commit files Provider message:The svn command 
failed.Command output:svn: 
'/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC/d:/personal/JEC' is not a working copy

This is the Cygwin style path (/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC) 
concatenated with the Windows style path (d:/personal/JEC) for the 
same location.

This still works correctly under Linux, so I'm guessing it's Cygwin 
specific.  I don't have a Windows environment without Cygwin, so I 
haven't tested that, but I haven't seen any reports of similar 
problems there.

Chas Douglass

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Cyclic references in M2 projects

2006-06-15 Thread Lucas Opara


I just migrated some of our J2EE projects to maven 2.
Now I have the problem with dependencies, with Maven telling me that I have
cyclic references between my projects.
Is it possible to handle those cyclic references or do I have to do some

Eclipse just gives a warning when they are cyclic references, but it can
still compile the code in the right order.
Is Maven 2 capable of such a thing?



RE: Goal to grab dependencies

2006-06-15 Thread Ian Springer

mvn validate

'validate' is the earliest phase in the build lifecycle; it will pull
down the project dependencies without too much additional overhead. 

-Original Message-
From: Simon Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: Goal to grab dependencies

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting with Maven and I have a quick question that I was
wondering if someone might be able to help me with.

I was wondering if a goal existed to download a project's dependencies
to a local repository without compiling? I know that the
compiler:compile goal will grab the dependencies prior to compiling but
I was wondering if I could stop just short of compiling?

Thank you very much for your help and thank you to everyone that has
helped develop Maven: it's a great piece of work!

All the best,

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Sources of changelog plugin v2.0

2006-06-15 Thread joluv


I'm looking for the version 2.0 of the maven2 changelog plugin, but it isn't
released yet.
I've heard that the sources are available somewhere on the web, but I can't
find them. Can anybody help me please?

Thanks a lot.
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RE: Cyclic references in M2 projects

2006-06-15 Thread Andrew-A . Davies
I would strongly suggest refactoring as this is bad 

-Original Message-
From: Lucas Opara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2006 15:58
Subject: Cyclic references in M2 projects


I just migrated some of our J2EE projects to maven 2.
Now I have the problem with dependencies, with Maven telling me that I
have cyclic references between my projects.
Is it possible to handle those cyclic references or do I have to do some

Eclipse just gives a warning when they are cyclic references, but it can
still compile the code in the right order.
Is Maven 2 capable of such a thing?



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[m2] mvn deploy using file:// protocol

2006-06-15 Thread a crawford

I'm having problems deploying using the file:// protocol as described in the
Better Builds With Maven book.

The POM I'm using for a simple test project is as follows:

project xmlns=;
nameMaven Quick Start Archetype/name
nameInternal Repository/name
nameInternal Repository/name
nameInternal Repository/name

I've checked the URLs are correct and I have permission to create files.

But when I do a mvn deploy, the jar just gets uploaded to my local
repository.  The commandline info tells me that the file has been uploaded
to the remote server, but it just doesn't appear there.

I see this coming out on the commandline:

Uploading: file://my.server/repository/my/company/my-projec
2K uploaded

But no file on the remote repos - just my local one.  Any ideas?  Should
this work at all?

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Re: Sources of changelog plugin v2.0

2006-06-15 Thread Fabrice BELLINGARD


you can find them here:

Or with ViewVC:


On 6/15/06, joluv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm looking for the version 2.0 of the maven2 changelog plugin, but it
released yet.
I've heard that the sources are available somewhere on the web, but I
find them. Can anybody help me please?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: [m2] mvn deploy using file:// protocol

2006-06-15 Thread a crawford


Thankyou very much.  That works fine for me now.  

Strange that it was failing silently though.


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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Mike Perham

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:51 AM
 Subject: RE: common jars between modules in EAR
 So the modification are:
 - adding for the plugin maven-war-plugin:
   (to make sure I am using the correct version)
 - adding in the configuration of the war
 - removing the dependency flag for common_jar
 The classpath of the war is now correct. But the jar library 
 is included
 into the war file...
 I tried also: dependentWarExcludes*.jar/dependentWarExcludes
 What is wrong ?
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Perham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -Original Message-
   I declared in ear's pom:
   * the webModule simple_war and
   * the javaModule common_jar
   They are also declared as dependencies.
   In war's pom, the jar has being declared as provided dependency.
  This is your problem.  Remove the scope so that it becomes a compile
  dependency.  You will then need to exclude the jar from WEB-INF/lib.
  The WAR 2.0 plugin does not support excluding jars from 
  WEB-INF/lib due to issue MWAR-39.  You will need to use 2.0-beta-2.
 This message is intended for the addressee or its 
 representative only. 
 Any form of unauthorized use, publication, reproduction, copying or 
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RE: common jars between modules in EAR

2006-06-15 Thread Andre . Tran
I would like to thank very much every involved person.
It is worked !)

So, the solution for building an ear with some war-s and some common jar-s
is the following:
- pom.xml
- ear
  |- pom.xml
- war_1
  |- pom.xml
- war_n
  |- pom.xml

in ear's pom:
* the list of webModule war_* as webModule
* the list of common jar_s as javaModule (also declared as dependencies)
In war's pom, the jar are declared as dependency and excluded with the
To make sure to use the correct version of plugin maven-war-plugin:

In ear and war, set for generating the classpath:

I hope this helps :)


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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Tamás Cservenák

Hi all,

Thank you Ben for emailing me, in latest days i have little overflow at job

First, the answers to the Q's:

- to serve up jars from its own cache when the internet connection is
Proximity WILL serve artifacts if it can/have it, even if remote peer is
down or unreachable (at the cost of http timeout, see below), it will not
hardfail in maven-proxy terms. It will actually serve what it have (if it
If the requested artifact in not reachable from remote AND does not exists
in local cache, proximity will give 404 as a result, thus maven build will
So, Proximity WILL protect you from 500 (quite often lately on ibilio) or
any other HTTP error from ibiblio et al.
Moreover, the Px uses the defaultRetryHandler of Commons HttpClient, so it
wil retry 3 times (i think - not sure - will see) before failing And
this is what makes you go over frequent ibiblio HTTP 500 errors.
I set up recently Continuum, and first 5 builds of one project was failing.
The log said that Continuum's embedded maven cannot get the needed plugins
for it (remember, it was a clean start) because every 3rd request to ibilio
returned 500! (and maven dies on 500 with transport error or so)
So, i placed a proximity in front of continuum and it worked like a charm!

- to time-out quicker than 60 seconds when it is down
The http connection timeout is configurable, look at remotePeer
properties.The default value is 1 in msec. But remember, that actual
timeout might be worse, because of retry handling. Will see to externalize
the retry count too.

Newest build:

with a much improvements over alpha2. Here, i separated the maven deps and
made general enhancement (searching by groupId, artifactId and much more).

Will make a RC1 soon. My biggest problem is stats page. It is maybe 10%
complete... but does not affect the functionality of Px itself. Is it
needed? I just thought it will look cool with lists for top 10's ... :)
Should I leave it out of Proximity? :)

Have fun!

On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
out question.


Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Tamás Cservenák

Hi again,

sorry, i left a few things out in my previous letter:

- I am the Proximity developer :)

- Proximity home page

- Proximity Download area

- Proximity Wiki (just news currently and Trac issues)

Please use Trac to issue problems and/or enhancements and opinions about

and Have Fun

On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
out question.


m2 javadoc report plugin?

2006-06-15 Thread Davis Ford

Hi, with maven 1.x I used to be able to create javadoc reports (i.e.
tag violation warnings, etc.)

Now that we have moved to maven 2.0.4, I can't seem to figure out how
to do that.

The maven javadoc plugin for m2 does not
describe this capability.

Anyone know how it can be done?


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Re: [m2] How to exclude a class from WEB-INF/classes using war plugin

2006-06-15 Thread Mark Reynolds

Ok, that works. Thanks.

javed mandary wrote:

Max is right use the exludes configuration with the compiler plugin please
see ,
this will filter out undesired classes ;) .


On 6/15/06, Max Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since it is a class file (as opposed to src/main/webapp content), I
suspect that you need to exclude it from the compile, rather than trying
to exclude it from the webapp.


Mark Reynolds wrote:
 Just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this. Not sure if it is a
 bug or if I am just not doing it right.


 -- Mark Reynolds

 Mark Reynolds wrote:
 I have a single class I want to exclude from the my WAR file. It is
 named Install.class and is in the root package (no package).

 I have tried this:


 and this:


 but neither work.

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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread ben short


I have never used the stats page and cant think when it would really
be usefull to me. I would suggest leaving it out of of the first
release and then add it in as you have time. That way you can work on
the core functionality and make that bullet proof. Thats just me
feeling :)


On 6/15/06, Tamás Cservenák [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again,

sorry, i left a few things out in my previous letter:

- I am the Proximity developer :)

- Proximity home page

 - Proximity Download area

- Proximity Wiki (just news currently and Trac issues)

Please use Trac to issue problems and/or enhancements and opinions about

and Have Fun

On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
 out question.


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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Jeff Jensen
Agreed.  The stats page as-is looks potentially interesting, but not a critical

Quoting ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I have never used the stats page and cant think when it would really
 be usefull to me. I would suggest leaving it out of of the first
 release and then add it in as you have time. That way you can work on
 the core functionality and make that bullet proof. Thats just me
 feeling :)


 On 6/15/06, Tamás Cservenák [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi again,
  sorry, i left a few things out in my previous letter:
  - I am the Proximity developer :)
  - Proximity home page
   - Proximity Download area
  - Proximity Wiki (just news currently and Trac issues)
  Please use Trac to issue problems and/or enhancements and opinions about
  and Have Fun
  On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
   out question.

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Re: Maven repository manager (and maven-proxy)

2006-06-15 Thread Tamás Cservenák

Hi Ben,

You're probably right.
These alphaX and nightly simply scares people :)

This week is a little bit crowded for me on non-java projects (sigh), but i
will prepare some extra candies (some of them already on Trac, like repo
relocation -- thus -- non-aggregation, to be able to prefix Px reposes and
use one Px instance as m1 AND m2 repo simultaneously, etc.)
... and release for next week something like RC1.

Till then,

Have fun! :)

On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have never used the stats page and cant think when it would really
be usefull to me. I would suggest leaving it out of of the first
release and then add it in as you have time. That way you can work on
the core functionality and make that bullet proof. Thats just me
feeling :)


On 6/15/06, Tamás Cservenák [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi again,

 sorry, i left a few things out in my previous letter:

 - I am the Proximity developer :)

 - Proximity home page

  - Proximity Download area

 - Proximity Wiki (just news currently and Trac issues)

 Please use Trac to issue problems and/or enhancements and opinions about

 and Have Fun

 On 6/15/06, ben short [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have email the Proximity developer to see if he can answer your time
  out question.

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Re: Parent POM across projects

2006-06-15 Thread cristal

Hi Mark, 

I have read through all conversations within this thread and it still looks
like we still have to go to each individual project to modify the version
number when parent pom updates its version.

I have posted the exact same question in a separate thread

You can feel my pain as well. I believe.

So your original question (and mine as well) did not get resolved,
basically. By the way, maven 1 supports the currentVersion element and
this is the only reason why I asked the question when we stuck on this in

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tar artifacts install/site question

2006-06-15 Thread EJ Ciramella
So if the target of a particular project is a tarball (made up of
various dependent ear/war/jar/scripts/etc), does site publish this
particular archive?
For users using cruise control, do you publish via maven or cruise

Re: [M2] release-perform vs. Cygwin with Subversion

2006-06-15 Thread Chas Douglass

Running with -X says:


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
My mistake. jdk doens't exist for cygwin, you can only use the windows 

I just test it with my cygwin and all working directory are use 
correctly ie. with a real windows absolute path without a cygwin part 

What is your version of release plugin?


Chas Douglass a écrit :
Thank you for the quick response.  I wasn't aware there was a separate 
jdk to be installed in cygwin.  Where can I find it?  Google wasn't 
immediately helpful.

Chas Douglass

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
this pb happen when you use a windows jdk instead a jdk installed in 
When we run svn, we define the working directory with 
workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(). This commands returns always with 
a windows jdk a path like d:\personal\JEC so for cygwin, this path 
isn't an absolute path but a relative path, it's why it concatenate 
it to the current working directory.


Chas Douglass a écrit :
In the last release of the maven release plugin, releases broke on 
my systems.  I use Cygwin (under Windows XP) and for some reason the 
release:perform action creates an invalid combination of paths to 
pass to Subversion.

The error I get is:
[INFO] Working directory: d:\personal\JEC[INFO] 
Unable to commit files Provider message:The svn command 
failed.Command output:svn: 
'/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC/d:/personal/JEC' is not a working copy

This is the Cygwin style path (/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC) 
concatenated with the Windows style path (d:/personal/JEC) for the 
same location.

This still works correctly under Linux, so I'm guessing it's Cygwin 
specific.  I don't have a Windows environment without Cygwin, so I 
haven't tested that, but I haven't seen any reports of similar 
problems there.

Chas Douglass

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Re: [M2] release-perform vs. Cygwin with Subversion

2006-06-15 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

It's the latest version.

Can you send the full logs?


Chas Douglass a écrit :

Running with -X says:


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
My mistake. jdk doens't exist for cygwin, you can only use the windows 

I just test it with my cygwin and all working directory are use 
correctly ie. with a real windows absolute path without a cygwin part 

What is your version of release plugin?


Chas Douglass a écrit :
Thank you for the quick response.  I wasn't aware there was a 
separate jdk to be installed in cygwin.  Where can I find it?  Google 
wasn't immediately helpful.

Chas Douglass

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
this pb happen when you use a windows jdk instead a jdk installed in 
When we run svn, we define the working directory with 
workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(). This commands returns always 
with a windows jdk a path like d:\personal\JEC so for cygwin, this 
path isn't an absolute path but a relative path, it's why it 
concatenate it to the current working directory.


Chas Douglass a écrit :
In the last release of the maven release plugin, releases broke on 
my systems.  I use Cygwin (under Windows XP) and for some reason 
the release:perform action creates an invalid combination of paths 
to pass to Subversion.

The error I get is:
[INFO] Working directory: d:\personal\JEC[INFO] 
Unable to commit files Provider message:The svn command 
failed.Command output:svn: 
'/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC/d:/personal/JEC' is not a working copy

This is the Cygwin style path (/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC) 
concatenated with the Windows style path (d:/personal/JEC) for the 
same location.

This still works correctly under Linux, so I'm guessing it's Cygwin 
specific.  I don't have a Windows environment without Cygwin, so I 
haven't tested that, but I haven't seen any reports of similar 
problems there.

Chas Douglass

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How to relay log4j logging in library to log mechanism in AbstractMojo

2006-06-15 Thread Jimisola Laursen


Our team has a library that using log4j logging. We have now written a Maven
Plugin for it, so that we can use it in our Maven build environment.

However, we have one slight problem: our library uses log4j and we would
like to relay log4j output to the logging mechanism in Maven Plugin
(AbstractMojo). If been looking around for information on this issue, but
can't seem to find anything.

How is it done?

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How to make mvn test run X times with different configurations

2006-06-15 Thread Jimisola Laursen


We have set up product so that we can configure our unit tests to run with
our three supported databases. Now I am trying to figure out how mvn test
can run the tests for one database at a time but in the same mvn test run
(we want to make sure that we run the tests on the exact same build). We
configure what database to be tested using system properties.

I was thinking of using Profiles in somewhat way, but I haven't been able to
figure out how to redo the test phase with a new configuration/profile.

Would really appreciate some input on this matter.

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Re: [M2] release-perform vs. Cygwin with Subversion

2006-06-15 Thread dan tran

I ran into the same problem, ended up to disable cygwin.

On 6/15/06, Emmanuel Venisse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's the latest version.

Can you send the full logs?


Chas Douglass a écrit :
 Running with -X says:


 Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 My mistake. jdk doens't exist for cygwin, you can only use the windows

 I just test it with my cygwin and all working directory are use
 correctly ie. with a real windows absolute path without a cygwin part

 What is your version of release plugin?


 Chas Douglass a écrit :
 Thank you for the quick response.  I wasn't aware there was a
 separate jdk to be installed in cygwin.  Where can I find it?  Google
 wasn't immediately helpful.

 Chas Douglass

 Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 this pb happen when you use a windows jdk instead a jdk installed in
 When we run svn, we define the working directory with
 workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(). This commands returns always
 with a windows jdk a path like d:\personal\JEC so for cygwin, this
 path isn't an absolute path but a relative path, it's why it
 concatenate it to the current working directory.


 Chas Douglass a écrit :
 In the last release of the maven release plugin, releases broke on
 my systems.  I use Cygwin (under Windows XP) and for some reason
 the release:perform action creates an invalid combination of paths
 to pass to Subversion.

 The error I get is:
 [INFO] Working directory: d:\personal\JEC[INFO]


 Unable to commit files Provider message:The svn command
 failed.Command output:svn:
 '/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC/d:/personal/JEC' is not a working copy

 This is the Cygwin style path (/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC)
 concatenated with the Windows style path (d:/personal/JEC) for the
 same location.

 This still works correctly under Linux, so I'm guessing it's Cygwin
 specific.  I don't have a Windows environment without Cygwin, so I
 haven't tested that, but I haven't seen any reports of similar
 problems there.

 Chas Douglass

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Re: Consulting

2006-06-15 Thread Vincent Siveton

Hi JF,

As Emmanuel and Carlos wrote, Mergere is the best option with European
based consultants and developers.

In Belgium, I know Peopleware ( which presents
Maven training.



PS: Not Mergere or Peopleware associate!


First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the
appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could
go elsewhere.

I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals
providing consulting services around Maven 2.

It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french
(although english is fine)



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Re: [M2] release-perform vs. Cygwin with Subversion

2006-06-15 Thread Chas Douglass
The snippet I originally posted was the relevant -X output.  I have 
attached the entire output in case something else might be useful.

Chas Douglass

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

It's the latest version.

Can you send the full logs?


Chas Douglass a écrit :

Running with -X says:


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
My mistake. jdk doens't exist for cygwin, you can only use the 
windows version.

I just test it with my cygwin and all working directory are use 
correctly ie. with a real windows absolute path without a cygwin part 

What is your version of release plugin?


Chas Douglass a écrit :
Thank you for the quick response.  I wasn't aware there was a 
separate jdk to be installed in cygwin.  Where can I find it?  
Google wasn't immediately helpful.

Chas Douglass

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
this pb happen when you use a windows jdk instead a jdk installed 
in cygwin.
When we run svn, we define the working directory with 
workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(). This commands returns always 
with a windows jdk a path like d:\personal\JEC so for cygwin, this 
path isn't an absolute path but a relative path, it's why it 
concatenate it to the current working directory.


Chas Douglass a écrit :
In the last release of the maven release plugin, releases broke on 
my systems.  I use Cygwin (under Windows XP) and for some reason 
the release:perform action creates an invalid combination of paths 
to pass to Subversion.

The error I get is:
[INFO] Working directory: d:\personal\JEC[INFO] 
Unable to commit files Provider message:The svn command 
failed.Command output:svn: 
'/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC/d:/personal/JEC' is not a working copy

This is the Cygwin style path (/cygdrive/d/personal/JEC) 
concatenated with the Windows style path (d:/personal/JEC) for the 
same location.

This still works correctly under Linux, so I'm guessing it's 
Cygwin specific.  I don't have a Windows environment without 
Cygwin, so I haven't tested that, but I haven't seen any reports 
of similar problems there.

Chas Douglass

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+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
Maven version: 2.0.4
[DEBUG] Building Maven user-level plugin registry from: 'C:\Documents and 
[DEBUG] Building Maven global-level plugin registry from: 
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'release'.
[DEBUG] maven-release-plugin: resolved to version 2.0-beta-4 from repository 
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins::1 for 
project: null:maven-release-plugin:maven-plugin:2.0-beta-4 from the repository.
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.maven:maven-parent::1 for project: 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:1 from the repository.
[DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache:apache::1 for project: 
org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:1 from the repository.

[INFO] Building Java Empire Client
[INFO]task-segment: [release:prepare] (aggregator-style)

[DEBUG] com.empireclassic:JEC:jar:2.0.0-alpha-10-SNAPSHOT (selected for null)
[DEBUG]   com.empireclassic:RemoteEmpire:jar:1.0-alpha-6:compile (selected for 
[DEBUG]   net.sf.jfcunit:jfcunit:jar:2.08:compile (selected for compile)
[DEBUG] jakarta-regexp:jakarta-regexp:jar:1.4:compile (selected for compile)
[DEBUG] junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:compile (selected for compile)
[DEBUG]   piccolo:piccolo:jar:1.2:compile (selected for compile)

[m2.0.4] version ranges in parent declaration fail to resolve

2006-06-15 Thread Barrie Treloar

I was hoping to be able to do something like the following to specify
my parent pom, so that it would automatically obtain the latest
version.  The parent pom doesn't change often but we should be using
the latest version automatically if it does.


But when I run mvn -N install I get the following error

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository maven-proxy
[WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

GroupId: groupId
ArtifactId: dummy-pom-bootstrap
Version: [1.0,)

Which seems to indicate that the parent element does not support version ranges.

Is this a bug or intended behaviour?

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Re: m2 javadoc report plugin?

2006-06-15 Thread Edwin Punzalan

The examples in the link in the page you gave can help you...



Davis Ford wrote:

Hi, with maven 1.x I used to be able to create javadoc reports (i.e.
tag violation warnings, etc.)

Now that we have moved to maven 2.0.4, I can't seem to figure out how
to do that.

The maven javadoc plugin for m2 does not
describe this capability.

Anyone know how it can be done?


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Question on maven-plugin-testing-harness

2006-06-15 Thread Jochen Wiedmann


I am attempting to write a plugin test by using the
maven-plugin-testing-harness. I have created the following test-POM and am
trying to invoke it through

  File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), src/test/it1/pom.xml );
  ValidatorMojo vm = (ValidatorMojo) lookupMojo( xml:validate, testPom );

But I receive an exception

Component descriptor cannot be found in the component repository:

with org.apache.maven.plugins being my group Id, maven-xml-plugin being my
artifactId, and 0.0.1 being my version number. According to plugin.xml my
goalPrefix is xml and my goal is validate, so xml:validate should be
fine. Any ideas, what might be wrong?



?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  nameMaven XML Plugin IT 1/name
  descriptionIntegration Test 1 for the Maven XML Plugin/description

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Re: How to make mvn test run X times with different configurations

2006-06-15 Thread Edwin Punzalan

The surefire-plugin runs the tests for maven.  And I think plugins can 
be run more than once using executions.

Hope that helps.


Jimisola Laursen wrote:


We have set up product so that we can configure our unit tests to run with
our three supported databases. Now I am trying to figure out how mvn test
can run the tests for one database at a time but in the same mvn test run
(we want to make sure that we run the tests on the exact same build). We
configure what database to be tested using system properties.

I was thinking of using Profiles in somewhat way, but I haven't been able to
figure out how to redo the test phase with a new configuration/profile.

Would really appreciate some input on this matter.

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Re: How to set scm value in pom for Clearcase?

2006-06-15 Thread Edwin Punzalan

please see inline comments below...

Michael Waluk wrote:

I'm trying to use Continuum 1.0.3 with Clearcase.  In my pom.xml I have
specified the location of my config spec like this:


This looks like the example at and
it is the dynamic config spec on the VOB server.   I've also tried 
a .  But when Continuum tries to build it looks like it is trying to 
to the very same machine I am running it on.  Is that an indication 
that it

doesn't like the value I gave it in the pom.xml?  Should it start with
file:///Xpw-rebuild101 or something like that in URL format (it's 
windows if

that matters)?

I see in the console that it is trying this:
cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag Michael.Waluk-xpw-mwaluk1-maven-13-vws

I'm not really familiar with clearcase but the above console command 
should give you a hint on what went wrong, is that the same command you 
issue on your terminal?  You can change scm values until you get the 
correct command.

I tried giving another location as the view-name like this too:
but it had no effect.

I have also tried placing a clearcase-settings.xml file in my home
directory's .scm directory.  It contains this:


I figured this might force Continuum to work there, but it didn't make a
difference.  I get the error below no matter what I put in the pom it
seems.  I would love to use Continuum with Clearcase (we use UCM VOBs) 

maybe it isn't fully implemented for Clearcase yet?  Any help will be
greatly appreciated.

- Michael


Build Error:


Provider message: The cleartool command failed.

Command output:


albd_contact call failed: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = [WINSOCK]
Connection reset by peer

cleartool: Error: Unable to contact albd_server on host 'xpw-mwaluk1'

cleartool: Error: Cannot bind an admin_server handle on xpw-mwaluk1:
ClearCase object not found.

cleartool: Error: Unable to create view *



Re: Consulting

2006-06-15 Thread javed mandary

Hi daune,
   Else you can always query the Maven 2 mailing list for your project
build requirements people here are always ready to give a helpful hand until
you find a proper belgium consultant.

The mailing list is free and a very powerful source of M2 information.


On 6/16/06, Vincent Siveton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi JF,

As Emmanuel and Carlos wrote, Mergere is the best option with European
based consultants and developers.

In Belgium, I know Peopleware ( which presents
Maven training.



PS: Not Mergere or Peopleware associate!


 First of all, I would like to apologize if this list is not the
 appropriate medium for such question, but I have no idea where I could
 go elsewhere.

 I would like to know if anyone could recommend companies/individuals
 providing consulting services around Maven 2.

 It would be a limited mission, for Belgium, ideally in french
 (although english is fine)



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