Re: Maven 2 can't find plugins

2007-02-13 Thread Craig S. Cottingham

On Feb 13, 2007, at 17:54, Rod Mclaughlin wrote:

I have an even more basic issue. Whenever I have a plugin in a  
POM.xml file, and try to use it, eg.

*$ mvn xfire:wsdlgen *
Maven 2 says*
'Scanning for projects... Searching repository for plugin with  
prefix: 'xfire'. org.apache.maven.plugins: checking for updates  
org.codehaus.mojo: checking for updates from central artifact  
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-xfire-plugin: checking for updates  
from central

The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-xfire-plugin' does not  
exist or no valid version could be found'*

Here it says it's looking for maven-xfire-plugin, but...

This is true whatever the plugin. It's not a proxy issue: it can  
download ordinary jars from the repository, just not plugins. For  
example, here is a simple bit of a POM referring to xfire-maven- 


   xfire-maven-plugin you declare xfire-maven-plugin. Was that a typo (transcribe- 
o?), or could this be part of the problem you're seeing?

Craig S. Cottingham

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[m2] Maven project descriptor documentation is wrong

2005-10-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

According to <>, 
the testResources element contains resource elements. According to the 
XSD, they're testResource elements.

Should I file a bug in JIRA? If so, under what?

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: SCM Tagging / Releasing

2005-09-29 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Sep 29, 2005, at 11:52, Ralph Pöllath wrote:

Inconsistencies should not be possible at all using SVN.

Agreed. As I said earlier, though, "never say never". In the 2+ years 
I've been using SVN, I've had very few problems with the repository 
ending up in an undesired state. Most of those were due to bad 
permissions on the repository database files (we use SVN over SSH 
instead of DAV), and every single one of them was recoverable.

I just know from repeated experience in life that as soon as I say "it 
can never happen", it will. :-)

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: SCM Tagging / Releasing

2005-09-29 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Sep 29, 2005, at 11:05, David Jackman wrote:

I was of the presumption that (at least with CVS) when you do a tag it 
tags the version of each file that are present on your machine, 
regardless of what the latest version is on the SCM server.  I don't 
know for sure if the SCM plugin command is doing it this way (since it 
is possible to have it tag the latest version without regard for 
what's present locally), but I can't imagine why it wouldn't.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Böckling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:46 AM
Subject: SCM Tagging / Releasing

I'd like to know whether tagging with SCM is problematic with 
concurrent access. Say, I want to make a release, and while SCM is 
running and does its job, some developer commits a patch to the 
repository. What happens?
Do I get an inconsistent state, or is that impossible (be it with CVS 
or SVN)?
This information is quite important for me, and I thank everyone in 
advance who knows something.

With SVN, at least, commits are atomic, so it's not possible [1] for 
the repository to end up in an inconsistent state. The worst that 
should happen is that the commit fails and you have to try again.

This is one of the reasons I've switched from CVS to SVN.

[1] Never say never. However, if your SVN repository ends up in an 
inconsistent state, you have problems bigger than someone else 
committing while you're tagging a release.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Getting a file from HTTP

2005-09-19 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Sep 19, 2005, at 10:16, Craig McDaniel wrote:

I have to generate source code from an XSD using Castor.
Unfortunately, the XSD file is in a separate Subversion repository and
I'd rather not keep parallel copies in version control (what a mess!).
I would like to be able to get the XSD into the target/ tree somewhere
as a preGoal to my custom "generatesource" goal. Does anyone have some
Jelly examples of downloading a file over HTTP?

It's not a Maven solution, but since you're using Subversion, maybe an 
SVN external will work for you:


It's like a symlink to a directory in a different repository.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Jar tampered while transiting from repository?

2005-08-25 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Aug 23, 2005, at 11:23 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

Check the MD5 sum?

Hugues Pisapia wrote:

Is there a way we can be sure that jar files are not tampered while  
transiting from remote repositories to the local repository?

Of course, how much of an assurance is this? If the jar file has been 
tampered with, couldn't the MD5 sum *also* have been tampered with?

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Why is the version not appended to target/blah.war?

2005-08-23 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Aug 23, 2005, at 11:41, Jamie Bisotti wrote:

Thanks for your response.  Sorry, I didn't ask my question clearly
enough.  I understand what it is doing and that it is doing things per
the documentation.  I guess my real question is why does
'' not default to
${pom.artifactId}-${pom.version}.war?  This seems to go against "the
Maven way".

As I'm typing this, it seems like maybe this came up on the list
recently; however, a quick search didn't find it.  If so, and this has
already been addressed, a pointer to the thread would be greatly

I don't remember this coming up recently, but I'm pretty sure it's come 
up before. I know the answer to this, which means that I got the answer 
from someone smarter than me. :-)

Some servlet containers (like Tomcat 5, maybe?) deploy a webapp to a 
URL that's a function of the warfile name. (For instance, "myapp.war" 
might be deployed to "";.) If the warfile 
name changes, the URL changes -- and that's probably undesired 

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Maven/Spring Testing

2005-08-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Aug 20, 2005, at 08:10, Marcelo Alcantara wrote:

Where are you guys??

On 8/19/05, Marcelo Alcantara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Being as it's been less than 24 hours since your last question, and 
it's a weekend, I would guess that they have lives outside of providing 
free support for open source software.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: [M1] Developer Information

2005-08-15 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Aug 15, 2005, at 14:49, Michael Owen wrote:

I have many projects, and for each project a team of developers work 
on it. I would like to have  one place for each team where I 
update/edit the information about the developers and then I can import 
this information for a project, depending on which team is working on 


Any ideas? It doesn't matter if I have to run a task with does a "copy 
and paste" for me, or is it a case of myself doing the copying and 

XML entities, or XSLT.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Dependency question

2005-08-04 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

All my answers assume you're using Maven 1.0.2.

On Aug 4, 2005, at 10:22, Jamie Bisotti wrote:

- I have two active, rapidly changing, projects, A & B, I'm going to
build and deploy to an in-house remote repository.
- B depends on A.
- Currently, A's  is 1.0
- Currently, B's dependency for A uses a  of 1.0
- A will get built and deployed with the 'jar:deploy" goal, which will
place A-1.0.jar in the in-house remote repository.
- The first time B gets built, A-1.0.jar will get pulled from the
in-house remote repository to the users local repository.
- Each time thereafter, when B gets built, it will use that original
version of A-1.0.jar in the local repository, even though A-1.0.jar
have changed multiple times in the in-house remote repository.

To get around this, I need to:
- Change B's dependency on A to use a  of SNAPSHOT

While I think this will work, there's a better way to do it, at least 
in my opinion. See below.

1. Do I need to use jar:deploy-snapshot when building A?  Or, is Maven
smart enough to just check the timestamp of A-1.0.jar in the local
repository against the one in the in-house remote repository and
download it again if it is newer?  I think the answers are "Yes" and
"No", respectively.

"No" and "No". If the version given for a dependency does not contain 
the word "SNAPSHOT", Maven will not check the remote repository to see 
if it has been updated. The assumption is that version 1.0 is version 
1.0 is version 1.0, regardless of the timestamp. If the contents are 
different, the version string should be different -- with one 
exception. See below.

2. Do I need to change A's  to 1.0-SNAPSHOT?  Or is
jar:deploy-snapshot smart enough to name the snapshot JAR
appropriately?  I think the answers are "No" and "Yes", respectively.

My personal for the first one is "Yes". The second one is "No".

What we do (this is just one possible way of doing things, but I can 
personally vouch that it works fairly well):

While project A is in active development, we set the currentVersion to 
the version it will be when it's released, appended with "-SNAPSHOT". 
So, for instance, a brand-new project would likely have a 
currentVersion of "1.0-SNAPSHOT".

For any projects that depend on it, the version in the dependency is 
the same, e.g. "1.0-SNAPSHOT".

To deploy a new build of project A, use "jar:deploy".

When building project B, Maven sees that the version string for A 
contains "SNAPSHOT", so it downloads a new copy of A. (I think it does 
this regardless of timestamp, but I'm not sure of it.)

When we release project A, we remove "-SNAPSHOT" from currentVersion 
and deploy using "jar:deploy" again. Then, after tagging the release in 
our version control system, we usually bump currentVersion and append 
"-SNAPSHOT" again (e.g. from "1.0" to "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT") to safeguard 
against accidentally overwriting the released version.

Now, the tedious and unfortunate part: We have to go in to all of the 
dependent projects and remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the version strings for 
the dependency declarations for A to start using the released version. 
Similarly, we have to add "-SNAPSHOT" when we want to start using a 
development version again.

Keeping track of the most current versions of all of our projects, and 
the dependencies on them, can quickly get out of hand. I finally wrote 
a Ruby script to scan a POM and report if any of the dependencies are 
out of date, or are snapshots. I run this right before building a final 
release of a project, to ensure that it doesn't depend on any code 
still in development. It has the added benefit of making it easy to 
keep third-party dependencies up to date. For instance, if I see 
there's a new version of Spring available, I update my Ruby script and 
run it against all of our POMs to see which dependencies to update.

Hope this helps.

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: How to add external libraries (first post)

2005-07-27 Thread Craig S . Cottingham

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 27, 2005, at 13:33, Parker, Chris wrote:

included xml SNIPPED all the way to the end


For the sake of documentation, note that "groupID" should be "groupId".

1) groupID is described as "The project group that produced the
dependency, e.g. geronimo."  I tried "spring" which failed, and then
"springframework" which worked.  I surmise that the project group
corresponds to the directory name "springframework" in: .  I might be nice  

the description included a blurb saying something about each group
having it's own directory - or some such.  It was a minor leap to
realize that the project group is typified by the directory ;)

Unfortunately, the groupId is not always obvious. Sometimes there's  
even confusion -- on iBiblio, for instance, there are directories named  
"spring" and "springframework". The only reliable thing to do (that I'm  
aware of) is point your browser to <> and  
go looking for the JAR file in which you're interested.

2) artifactId is described as "The unique id for an artifact produced  

the project group, e.g. germonimo-jms."  I tried springframework first,
and when I saw the command window say "Attempting to download
springframework-1.2.2.jar" I knew what to do.

This should be documented somewhere -- both in the sense of "it  
probably is" and "if it's not, it should be":

Maven builds URLs to remote dependencies using the pattern${groupId}/${type}s/${artifactId}- 

(This is a slight oversimplification, but is valid for a stock  
installation of Maven.) So, given a dependency declaration like


Maven will build the URL

If the "type" element is omitted from the declaration, Maven assumes a  
value of "jar".

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Maven2: dependencies with non-conformant file names.

2005-04-22 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Apr 22, 2005, at 12:19, Mykel Alvis wrote:
If the manner of accessing the repository were abstracted, one might 
be able
to write a repository manager that would retrieve dependencies 
from a service rather than from the filesystem. For instance, someone 
write a manager that, when supplied with a particular dependency, went 
retrieved that dependency from a blob in a database, and was therefore
referenced by an id rather than a filename.
Not that the two things are different, mind you. You still have to 
some indicator for versioning as part of the id. However, based on the
property service that I think we're going to work on internally here 
at my
company, I can see a dependency service that works in a similar 
I don't think there's anything standing in the way of that now. Such a 
repository manager would simply have to speak HTTP.

For instance, you define your local repository as being at the URL The "repository" 
script/executable receives the rest of the URL (for instance, 
"/commons-collections/jars/commons-collections-3.1.jar") as extra path 
info, and can parse it or split it up or whatever and use that 
information to retrieve or generate the dependency as needed.

I would think the biggest concern with generating dependencies on the 
fly would be keeping the HTTP connection from timing out.

Interesting idea, though.
- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Problem deploying to remote repository an artifact that already exists

2005-03-23 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 23, 2005, at 15:21, Roberto Castro wrote:
Hi, all, I've been facing a problem when Maven tries to deploy to 
remote repository an artifact that already exists. I'm using Maven 
1.02 and here are the master project properties:

The followind messages are part of Mavenlog:
	227 Entering Passive Mode (172,20,238,32,213,118).
	STOR ftpcetip-R1_0.pom
	550 ftpcetip-R1_0.pom: Overwrite permission denied
	Failed to deploy to: CTPREPO Reason: Error executing FTP command
	org.apache.maven.deploy.exceptions.TransferFailedException: Error 
executing FTP command
Check the file permissions on the artifact in the remote repository. It 
looks like the user you're using to deploy the artifact doesn't have 
the correct permissions to overwrite the file.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Handling Dependencies

2005-03-15 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 15, 2005, at 09:20, Stéphane Nicoll wrote:
I always considered this a legitimate approach, rather than 
the snapshot goals do convert the SNAPSHOT string into a timestamp 
you rarely want.
Well, if I have my project with current version set to 1.5.0, I would 
expect the jar:install-snapshot to generate a ABC-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, 
not ABC-SNAPSHOT.jar (that's why I call this a workaround).
I agree with Milos that this can be standard operating procedure 
instead of a workaround. The key is that you use jar:install, not 

Once upon a time I added a request to JIRA asking for some way to set 
an "in development" flag in the POM. If the flag were set, plugins 
would run (for instance) "install-snapshot" instead when "install" was 
requested. We use a number of "shorthand" goals in maven.xml (for 
building with CruiseControl, for instance) and I didn't want to worry 
about changing all instances of "install" to "install-snapshot" when we 
started working on a new version of a project.

Then someone told me about how adding "-SNAPSHOT" to the version string 
has the same effect. I haven't used a "*-snapshot" goal since. The 
issue in JIRA has also been closed. I say good riddance. :-)

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: value between projects - Global scope.

2005-03-10 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 10, 2005, at 06:41, Vijay Venkataraman wrote:
I want to generate a unique number for all the jars which i build in 
my maven project.  There are multiple projects (multi project)with in 
a given project. The value ${pom.currentVersion} is just not enough. I 
need to know the number of each build. For this i have a unique number 
generated for me. I need to pass this value to different projects that 
are part of the same project.

The syntax of the form mentioned above does not help me since it is 
per JVM.

Is there a way i could store it in a kind of global context and 
retrieve it?
Can you leverage Ant's BuildNumber task? 
<> Yes, this 
documentation is for Ant 1.6.2, but I'm pretty sure BuildNumber was in 
Ant 1.5.x.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: How to reference a dependency by filename?

2005-03-09 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 9, 2005, at 09:41, Martin Heitz wrote:
Here is a short example which copies dependencies to a certain path. 
need to modify it for your purpose.

It works, as soon as the dependency is located in the local repository.

That copies *all* dependencies, right? Not just the specific one I'm 
looking for?

Hmm. Actually, I can probably use this, based on the assumption (or is 
it always a fact?) that there will be only one dependent jar whose name 
matches the pattern "${artifactId}-*.jar" (or some version of that). 
Ant's unjar task lets you specify the jar by fileset, which lets you 
use patterns

Let me run with this and see what happens. I'll post back with the 

Best regards from (today grey) Black Forrest,
And mine from overcast and slightly chilly Kansas. :-)
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Craig S. Cottingham
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How to reference a dependency by filename?

2005-03-09 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
I have two projects (A and B) that use Hibernate, so they contain 
*.hbm.xml files for their persisted classes. Up to now, they've been 
mutually exclusive, but I'm trying to add a dependency on a class in A 
to a class in B. (The class in B is to have a collection of the class 
in A.)

Adding a dependency in project.xml is straightforward. However, we also 
generate our database schema using Hibernate's schema export tool, and 
it needs to know the path to the *.hbm.xml *files*. I haven't seen any 
way to tell it to look in the classpath.

So, I figure I can unjar the *.hbm.xml files from the jarfile for A 
into an appropriate place in B's and reference them 
from there. Now, the stumbling block is telling the unjar task where to 
find A's jarfile in the local repository.

maven.repo.local gives me the path to the local repository. I don't 
mind hardcoding the groupId and artifactId, but I don't want to 
hardcode the version.

Is there some way to do something in maven.xml akin to "find the 
dependency with groupId == 'mycompany' and artifactId == 'A', and 
return version"? Alternatively, can someone suggest a better way to 
accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish?

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: string replace

2005-03-09 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 9, 2005, at 01:40, Arto Pastinen wrote:
There is a problem.. it writes file over existing one..
It must be different file. That xml file is only template for final..
Any hints?!?
On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 09:28 +0200, Arto Pastinen wrote:
Yes, that is what i was searching.. Thank you Wim!
On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 08:27 +0100, Deblauwe, Wim wrote:
You can do this easily in ant:
I use Ant's copy task with filtering:




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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: adding a jar to the unit test classpath

2005-03-02 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Mar 2, 2005, at 18:03, Mark D. Hansen wrote:
I'm using XmlBeans to generated some Java/XML binding classes that get 
used in my junit tests.  The way XmlBeans works, these classes end up 
in a jar named "xmltypes.jar".
The trick, at least for me, is to unpack the jar into the target/ 
directory. Some caveats for what follows. My copy of XmlBeans was built 
from a CVS snapshot from 2004-01-22. Also, I realize that some of the 
directories could be defined more portably. This works for me, and I 
haven't had to change it since. Note that the XSchema source files are 
in ${basedir}/src/schemata.








So, how do I get it on the junit testing classpath?
I'd guess you would want to unjar to ${basedir}/target/test-classes.
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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: SCM 1.5 Plugin Beta 3

2005-01-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Jan 19, 2005, at 15:45, Brett Porter wrote:
Soon we'll have a preview site up for unpublished docs. For the
moment, you'd need to checkout 
and run "maven site". Sorry about that.
It's always something, isn't it? The project.xml I get from that URL  
starts with

and I can't find "plugin-parent" anywhere up or down the URL path on

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: SCM 1.5 Plugin Beta 3

2005-01-19 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Jan 19, 2005, at 13:45, Brett Porter wrote:
Oops :)
It was actually published to I'm
republishing it now to ibiblio now.
I got it from; thanks, Silvio Haldi.
Is there any documentation available? Right now, I'm trying to figure 
out how to get it to work with Subversion by reading the docs for the 
previous version on and sifting through plugin.jelly, 
but it's slow going.

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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: SCM 1.5 Plugin Beta 3

2005-01-19 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Jan 18, 2005, at 06:38, Brett Porter wrote:
To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single  

maven plugin:download  -DgroupId=maven  -DartifactId=maven-scm-plugin
(please wait 4 hours for it to be mirrored).
For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here: 
iBiblio doesn't have the plugin yet, and I tried a manual download  
without success, too.

Has this plugin really made it out into the wild yet?
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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Reference the classpath of all the maven dependencies

2004-12-30 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Dec 30, 2004, at 15:00, Randy Xu wrote:
In maven.xml I run a postgoal that runs a Java class (using the jelly 
ANT task extension) and I need to set its classpath to include all the 
dependencies that I specified in project.xml.  Is there a maven 
variable I can reference that would give me the classpath to all the 
jar files I listed in dependencies instead of hardcoding?
As in:



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Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: How should I use SNAPSHOT?

2004-11-17 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Nov 17, 2004, at 11:54, Helck, Christopher wrote:
I thought I understood snapshots, but a recent email has confused me 
over again :-).

The post suggested that if I have two projects A and B then I could set
A's POM to have
And that B should depend on A with
Two things. First, change the dependency in B to


Second, when deploying or installing A, use the "-snapshot" variant of 
the appropriate goal (eg, "maven jar:install-snapshot").

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: newbie error when running maven java:compile

2004-11-03 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Nov 3, 2004, at 15:14, Duncan Krebs wrote:
I've ran into a road block with the following error below. I think it 
has something to do with my project.xml file but the error is not 
pointed to anything specific. Below is the error that I'm getting and 
further below is the project file I'm using. Any help is greatly 
appreciated. - dkrebs

[ ... ]
The asterisk at the end of the sourceDirectory value looks suspicious 
to me.

"${basedir}/src/java" should be sufficient.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: changing to SNAPSHOT version does not work either

2004-10-28 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Oct 28, 2004, at 12:56, Sachin Bansal wrote:
 I did just what you suggested, i.e. changed the version to SNAPSHOT
version, but not it gives the error "fileNotFoundException: not found".




 I wonder where I am wrong.
Close. You should instead try "SNAPSHOT" instead of "1.0-SNAPSHOT" for 
the version:

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: running the project out of maven.xml

2004-10-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Oct 20, 2004, at 13:24, Ben Anderson wrote:
I'd like to take advantage of the classpath which maven uses to run my 
project.  I've tried to solutions:
[ ... ]

This makes a little more sense, but for some reason I'm getting this 

   [java] [ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/Document
Oh so close. Try adding 'fork="true"' to the ant:java tag.
It's possible to make a goal that's pretty flexible. For instance, 
here's what I use:




This requires defining "classname" on the command line, like:
  maven -Dclassname=net.cottingham.Test run
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Compatibility with Ant 1.6?

2004-10-14 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Oct 14, 2004, at 09:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't want to overstep my bounds but even with significant 
issues I think that it would be crucial to keep up with the 
progression of
Ant. Eventually, you'd have to abandon Ant or incur an even bigger
compatibility problem.  Not keeping up may encourage people to abandon
I don't see how any of your points are logical conclusions of not using 
the "latest and greatest" version of Ant. Whichever version of Ant is 
currently used in Maven, will continue to work in Maven. Ant going to 
version 1.7, or 2.0, won't suddenly cause Maven to stop working. And if 
Maven is still working, why would I abandon it? Certainly not just 
because there's a newer version of Ant available.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Multiple Versions of an Artifact

2004-10-12 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Oct 12, 2004, at 12:42, Aaron Mulder wrote:
	Is it possible to force maven to download multiple versions of a
dependency artifact?  I tried listing multiple dependencies with the 
group/artifact but different versions, and on dependency with multiple
version elements, and in either case it would only download one 
version of
the dependency.

I realize this is kind of a weird requirement, but we're trying to
set up a script to download all of the dependencies for a number of
projects and plugins at once, and the plugins in particular depend on
several different versions of the same Jelly tags, etc.
If you're not set on Maven doing the heavy lifting, I'd suggest doing 
it with a separate script. For example, I think this would be a 
relative piece of cake for Perl and its XML::LibXML package; I suspect 
just about any other scripting language would prove just as easy.

Contact me off-list if you want me to go into more detail.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: snapshot not being downloaded?

2004-10-08 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Oct 8, 2004, at 18:26, Brett Porter wrote:
What's mer., in the If-Modified-Since line?
I assume it's "Mercredi":
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 14:21:16 +0200, Stéphane Nicoll
Hello list,
It seems we have a problem with snapshots not being downloaded on the 
local box sometimes

Getting URL: http://someserver/someitem
sending ==> If-Modified-Since: mer., 06-oct.-04 14:20:19 GMT
2004-10-06 was a Wednesday.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: running app

2004-09-14 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Sep 14, 2004, at 23:37, Adam Fisk wrote:
It seems like there must be a simple way to actually run my app using
Maven, but I can't seem to track it down.  Is there anything like a
"maven run" command where I can specify a "maven.mainclass" property to
just run a main class in my program, something like that?  Seems like a
silly question, but I've had a heck of a time figuring out how to do 
There's nothing built in that I'm aware of, but I've done something 
similar by adding a goal to maven.xml:



Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Test Dependencies

2004-09-12 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Sep 12, 2004, at 21:00, Andreas Guther wrote:
Is there a way or is there anything planned to separate the test
dependencies from the production dependencies?
It's low-tech, but I use an XML comment:

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Always "Attempting to download .... Snapshot ...."

2004-09-02 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Sep 2, 2004, at 23:30, Eric Chow wrote:
If I specific a dependency library with a SNAPSHOT version, Maven
always "Attempting to download ... " those SNAPSHOT library.
Is it Maven's problem or Maven's normal action ???
That's normal for Maven. It always [1] tries to download dependencies 
whose version is SNAPSHOT, because there might be a newer version 

[1] Okay, if you pass the "-o" command-line to Maven, it won't try to 
download new snapshots. But that's a whole other topic.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: JavaMail on ibiblio

2004-08-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Aug 20, 2004, at 08:56, Peter Bright wrote:
You mean you're looking for something like
only up-to-date?
That's a good start. I'm guessing it's not that well known, since this 
is the first reference to it that has been made.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: JavaMail on ibiblio

2004-08-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Aug 20, 2004, at 06:08, Bruce Snyder wrote:
Stefan Armbruster wrote:
Is there a kind of search function for ibiblio? Entering a classname 
retrieving a list of all jars containing this class would be pretty
If you want to know what's there, just look here:
To be fair, that's a little like telling someone to look on the 
Internet for some piece of information -- except the Internet has 

Yes, all the information you need is laid out at, but if you don't know what the groupId 
is, you have to go poking through subdirectories, at two clicks each 
(first to enter the groupId subdir, second to enter the jars subdir).

Some kind of reverse index (bar-1.0.jar is located at 
foo/jars/bar-1.0.jar) should be easy to generate. In fact, I have a 
conference call later today -- if I get bored, I may hack up a Perl 
script to generate it. :-)

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Unit testing with Hypersonic

2004-08-05 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:55, Eric Hauser wrote:
I switched from using the memory only mode to using Hypersonic in 
server mode instead.  I fired off server mode from the command line, 
changed the datasource URL, and everything seemed to work fine.  I 
didn't have to change anything regarding the loading of the schema 
export using ant:sql.  Of course, now the issue is that if I want this 
to be completely automated I have to find a way to get Maven to start 
up Hypersonic in server mode for me.  Here's what I'm trying:
I left in the ant:java code which does not work.  I seem to remember 
having this problem before, but I don't think Maven allows for the 
spawning on a new process properly.  How are you firing off 
We run Hypersonic in-memory. Since the database schema is stored in 
src/test/conf instead of being generated by Maven at test time, we 
don't have the problem of schema changes being made and then dropped 
before the tests run.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Unit testing with Hypersonic

2004-08-05 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:19, Eric Hauser wrote:
I running some unit tests with Maven during my build process using 
Hypersonic in-memory mode as the datasource.  I generating the schema 
from Hibernate and then loading the schema in a preGoal for test:test 
using the ant:sql tags.  The problem that I am having is every time 
the unit test runs, Hypersonic cannot seem to find the tables that I 
just loaded.  Anyone have an example code that does something similar? 
We don't generate the database schema as part of the test goal; 
instead, the Hypersonic database script is an original source and 
stored in version control. Other than that, I think we're doing 
something similar to what you're trying to do.

The problem we ran into was that Maven has no well-defined current 
directory from which to specify a relative path to the database script. 
Normally, this would mean that you'd have to specify an absolute path, 
which is generally a Bad Idea.

I got around this by modifying the datasource configuration properties 
file in a pregoal for test:test:





The datasource configuration properties file contains (in part):
The glue between the datasource configuration properties and the code 
that uses the datasource I can't show you, unfortunately. But as long 
as you're defining the connection parameters in a configuration file 
(and you should be :-), you should be able to do something similar.

Hope this helps.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: problem using snapshots in JAR override

2004-07-23 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 23, 2004, at 04:51, Maczka Michal wrote:
In m2 we have already one single install goal which is "smart" enough 
check project's type and version .

It means that soon you will be able to do:
maven install
and this will do what (depending of the context) what jar:install,
jar:install-snapshot, war:install, ejb:install, ejb:install-snapshot 
goals used to do.
/me cheers
I was afraid the enhancement I had raised in JIRA had been swept under 
the rug. :-)

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: jar:deploy* over scpexe failing inexplicably

2004-07-22 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 22, 2004, at 11:12, John Taylor wrote:
I don't know if you ever got to the bottom of this, but I had been 
having a
similar problem.  In my case, it seems that jar:deploy in Maven 1.0 
failed to overwrite jar files that had been previously deployed using 
I don't know why this should be, and haven't time to try to find out.
However, removing the old snapshot jars and allowing maven to deploy 
to a
clean repository does seem to have fixed the problem.
Sounds like a problem with permissions. Were you using scp or scpexe? 
What happens when you try to transfer the files manually, using scp on 
the command line?

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Remote Repositories

2004-07-20 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 20, 2004, at 21:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Does anyone know how to setup a shared drive as a remote repository for
dependencies?  I tried:
but that gives a MalformedURLException: no protocol error.
Caveat: I've never done this myself.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: deploy* over scpexe failing inexplicably

2004-07-17 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 17, 2004, at 18:10, Jerome Lacoste wrote:
Same JVM, same Maven properties, but scp works on one machine but not
the other.
Could it be a PATH issue?
How? Supposedly, the scp protocol is handled natively in Java.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: deploy* over scpexe failing inexplicably

2004-07-17 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 17, 2004, at 06:35, Carlos Sanchez wrote:
scpexe uses binary scp from the system, while scp uses java 
doesn't need openssh nor openssl.
You shouldn't use scpexe unless you have a good reason to do so.
Okay. Unfortunately -- and I can't remember if I mentioned it at the 
start of this thread -- scp doesn't work when I run jar:deploy-snapshot 
on the same machine where the repository is stored. If I add

to on that machine, *then* it works.
Same JVM, same Maven properties, but scp works on one machine but not 
the other.

Craig S. Cottingham
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jar:deploy* over scpexe failing inexplicably

2004-07-16 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
When I run jar:deploy or jar:deploy-snapshot, Maven does not report an  
error, but the jarfile is not deployed. When I run maven with the -X  
flag, I see error messages:

Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com mkdir -p  

Executing command: scp  /home/craigc/myjar/target/myjar-2.0-dev.jar  
[EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com:/home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar 
ERROR>scp: /home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar-20040716.174447.jar: No such  
file or directory
Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com chgrp maven  

Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com mkdir -p  

Executing command: scp   
[EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com:/home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar 
ERROR>scp: /home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar-20040716.174447.jar.md5: No  
such file or directory
Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com chgrp maven  

Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com mkdir -p  

Executing command: scp   
[EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com:/home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar- 
ERROR>scp: /home/maven/mygroup/jars/myjar-snapshot-version: No such  
file or directory
Executing command: ssh  [EMAIL PROTECTED](my_employer).com chgrp maven  

(Edited to remove what my employer might consider sensitive details, so  
typos may be mine.) Now for the oddities:

* myjar-2.0-dev.jar exists in target/, but myjar-2.0-dev.jar.md5 and  
myjar-jar-snapshot-version do not.
* If I manually type in the first scp command line (for  
myjar-2.0-dev.jar), the file is copied.

Here's the relevant portion of

And the relevant portion of ~/
It gets odder. If I change "scpexe" to "scp", it works as it's supposed  
to. Trying to execute jar:deploy-snapshot using the same files on the  
machine that holds the repository (server1), "scp" *doesn't* work, but  
"scpexe" does.

The JVMs are the same, but the versions of ssh/OpenSSL are different:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myjar$ java -version
java version "1.4.2_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myjar$ ssh -V
OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 Debian 1:3.8.1p1-4, OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myjar$ java -version
java version "1.4.2_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myjar$ ssh -V
OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0.9.6b [engine] 9 Jul  

I suppose that might account for why "scpexe" works on one box but not  
the other, but I still can't understand why entering the failed command  
by hand succeeds. I also can't account for why "scp" fails on one box  
but not the other.

Is there anything I can do to get more diagnostics out of Maven? Since  
I've found a workaround, this isn't a showstopper, but the  
inconsistency of behavior suggests that this might cause problems down  
the road.

Thanks in advance for any advice that's offered.
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Log4j.xml in classpath when running tests

2004-07-15 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 15, 2004, at 16:09, DeGraff, Adam wrote:
What is the best way to get a log4j.xml into the classpath when running
tests?  Can I add an xml file into the dependency list?  Thanks.
In project.xml:





Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: plugin:download failing in 1.0 final

2004-07-13 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 13, 2004, at 16:34, Carlos Sanchez wrote:
It works for me, you'll have to tell us more. Try with -X option.
Well, phooey. I cleared out my .maven directory (again) and reran the 
goal with -X, and it worked.

I just filed two bugs in JIRA; I wonder if *they* will work now....
Craig S. Cottingham
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plugin:download failing in 1.0 final

2004-07-13 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
$ maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven-plugins 
-DartifactId=maven-javancss-plugin -Dversion=1.2
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0

Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-xml-20030211.142705.jar.
warning: last-modified not specified
64K downloaded
warning: last-modified not specified
Attempting to download 
warning: last-modified not specified
64K downloaded
warning: last-modified not specified
Could not find the class: 

Craig S. Cottingham
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scp protocol not working in jar:deploy-snapshot?

2004-07-13 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
I just upgraded to 1.0 final from 1.0-rc2. jar:deploy-snapshot used to  
work; now it doesn't. However, I *can* get it to work.

And from ~/
# user-specific properties for Maven
When I try to execute the jar:deploy-snapshot goal:
$ maven -X jar:deploy-snapshot
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0
Initializing Plugins!
[echo] maven.repo.list is set - using artifact deploy mode
Will deploy to 1 repository(ies): server1
Deploying to repository: server1
host: 'server1.(my_employer).com'
Using private key: /home/ccotting/.ssh/id_dsa
Deploying: project.xml-->(my_employer)/poms/frameworx-SNAPSHOT.pom
Executing command: scp -t /home/maven/
Executing command: unzip -uo /home/maven/ -d  

SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Received ieof for nonexistent channel 0.
Executing command: rm -f /home/maven/
Failed to deploy to: server1 Reason: Cannot execute remote command: rm  
-f /home/maven/

org.apache.maven.deploy.exceptions.TransferFailedException: Cannot  
execute remote command: rm -f /home/maven/

Element... artifact:artifact-deploy-snapshot
Line.. 156
Column 13
Unable to deploy to any repositories
com.werken.werkz.UnattainableGoalException: Unable to obtain goal  
[jar:deploy-snapshot] --  
13:  Unable to deploy to any  

=== SNIP ===
Now, remember that I said that I could get it to work? By changing the  
protocol in to scpexe:

jar:deploy-snapshot works fine. User head space, or genuine issue?
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: dependency should use not

2004-07-07 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jul 7, 2004, at 16:12, Matt Raible wrote:
For those that use the multiproject plugin - how do you typically 
develop?  Do you make tweaks to the "core" module and then "install" 
it before working on your "web" project?
Yes, mostly. I don't use multiproject as much as I used to, because I 
now have several "web" projects, each of which uses a different subset 
of the several "core" projects. However, after making changes to a core 
module, I run "maven jar:install-snapshot" to update my local 
repository, so the changes can be picked up by whichever web modules 
need them.

To make life a little easier, every project has a maven.xml that 
defines (at a bare minimum) a goal which looks something like:

When a project switches from active development to labeled release, the 
second goal changes to "jar:install", but the "top-level" Maven goal 
remains "install". I've started adding something similar for 
CruiseControl, but that's a topic for another thread.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: howto: request committer status

2004-06-29 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
On Jun 29, 2004, at 17:10, Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Tue, 2004-06-29 at 16:43, Brill Pappin wrote:
How do I go about requesting commit status for this project?
It is bad etiquette to request committer status in OSS projects and
generally looked dimly upon. The normal course of action is you
contribute for a period of time and one of the existing committers will
nominate you for commit status.
Sounds like a catch-22. IIRC, Brill has been told that even if he 
produces a patch to do what he wants, it won't be applied.

Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Al Robertson is out of the office.

2004-06-07 Thread Craig S . Cottingham
Hash: SHA1
On Jun 7, 2004, at 09:27, Brill Pappin wrote:
Ok, this is annoying... can an account be disabled for a specific time 

- Brill
Al Robertson wrote:
I will be out of the office starting  05/06/2004 and will not return 

I will respond to your message when I return.
Let's just all go by his office (since he's obviously out for another 
week) and rearrange his stuff.

- --
Craig S. Cottingham
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Re: Problem with JIRA filing upload request

2004-04-30 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 04:12, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
> - Original Message - 
> > On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 23:19, Craig S. Cottingham wrote:
> > > I'm trying to file an upload request
> I fixed it in cvs with
> Is it ok now?

That URL worked from the email message. (I'm assuming that it won't show
up on the Maven website until that is next generated. Plus, I don't have
another request at the moment to test it.)

Thank you!

Craig S. Cottingham

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Problem with JIRA filing upload request

2004-04-27 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
I'm trying to file an upload request for Spring 1.0.1 ( 
) following the directions at , but I 
can't get past step 2 of 2. I'm supplying a summary, a priority, and a description, 
but when I click "Create" I'm returned to the same page, with no error information 

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: preGoal not invoked

2004-04-13 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 11:25, Sonnathi, Venkat wrote:
> I have the following maven.xml:
> maven.xml
>  xmlns:m="jelly:maven"
> xmlns:ant="jelly:ant"
> xmlns:j="jelly:core">
> In the preGoal of war:init
>  file="${gold.base.webapp.dir}"/>
> End of maven.xml
> The preGoal is not being invoked (I don't see the ant:echo output). Can
> someone please help.

The  element should be at the same level as the  element,
not nested inside it.

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: How to implement a nightly build system in maven

2004-04-05 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 10:15, Lester Ward wrote:
> My only real problem with this is that I want the daily build to happen
> whether it needs to or not

Out of curiosity, why? What's the point of tying up CPU cycles when you
know the build products are going to be the same?

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: Maven 1.0 RC2 released

2004-03-23 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 20:24, Brett Porter wrote:
> You may need to clear out ~/.maven/plugins.

Thanks, Brett. That did it.

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Craig S. Cottingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2004 1:20 PM
> > To: Maven Users List
> > Subject: RE: Maven 1.0 RC2 released
> > 
> > What happened to the java plugin?

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: Maven 1.0 RC2 released

2004-03-23 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
What happened to the java plugin?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/maven/example$ maven java:compile
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2
com.werken.werkz.NoSuchGoalException: No goal [java:compile]
[ ... ]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/maven/example$ maven -g
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2

Available [Plugins] / Goals
[ ... ]

[jar] : Create the deliverable jar file.
  deploy . Deploy a jar to the remote repository
  deploy-snapshot  Deploy a snapshot jar to the remote
  install  Install the jar in the local repository
  install-snapshot ... Install a snapshot jar in the local
  jar  Create the deliverable jar file.
  snapshot ... Create a snapshot jar, ie '

[javacc] : null
  javacc-generate  Generate source from javacc grammar
  jjtree-generate  null

[ ... ]

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Form feed character in license file kills xml transformation

2004-03-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 04:26, BjÃrn Ola Smievoll wrote:
> Seems not to be the license-plugin as the XML in license.xml is
> correct, representing the form feed character as .  The only thing
> on line 59 of license.xml is .  Don't know where the &#c that's
> in the error comes from.

12 decimal is 0C hexadecimal. I'm guessing that something tried
translating the entity for the form feed character to hex notation
(either in the XML translation or the error reporting) and got it wrong.
"&#c" is not a valid XML entity, but "" is, I believe.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Purging old snapshots in repository

2004-03-17 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 16:05, Kyle Adams wrote:
> So I've been plumbing around in the depths of Maven source code and the artifact 
> plugin; I've also been digging around on .  What I 
> don't see is a bunch of timestamped JARS, which leads me to believe something is 
> cleaned old timestamped JARS out of the build artifact repository.  Is that correct? 
>  If so, what's doing the cleaning?  A cron job running on the server?  A maven class 
> that does the cleaning when pushing a new version out?

I assume that snapshots are never deployed to ibiblio, so they never
need to be cleaned up.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: / /OREF:CPTDC853 commons-digester issue in my JUnit test

2004-03-16 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 08:31, Craig S. Cottingham wrote:
> The only thing I can think of is that maybe your copy of
> commons-digester-1.5.jar is corrupted. That's a shot in the dark, and
> I'm not very confident that it's really the problem.

You think I'd learn not to respond to mailing list postings until I've
read everything in my inbox. :-)

I like Arto Pastinen's suggestion, that you need to add
commons-collections as a dependency.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: / /OREF:CPTDC853 commons-digester issue in my JUnit test

2004-03-16 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 05:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Could it be that Maven is loading a wrong version of digester jar
> classes?
> I have specified in project.xml file that my project depends on
> commons-digester-1.5. (it is located in my repository/
> commons-digester/jars/ dir.)

I don't *think* so; I've got a Maven project that depends on Digester,
and I'm using version 1.5 successfully.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe your copy of
commons-digester-1.5.jar is corrupted. That's a shot in the dark, and
I'm not very confident that it's really the problem.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: / /OREF:CPT0DDDD Include resource required by test

2004-03-15 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 08:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a Test class that requires to load a XML file.
> I do it like this:
> Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader
> ().getResource(Constants.XML_CONFIG_FILENAME_DEFAULT)
> Issue is that my Maven project does not include my xml/dtd files, so
> the test fails to load the xml resource.
> My XML file is located in root source directory.
> $project/src/my.xml
> $project/src/com/.../.../.../
> I have played around with my project.xml  stuff with no luck.





Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Basic Maven Question - Dependencies

2004-02-13 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 13:58, James Higginbotham wrote:
> I've done some preliminary searching and reading of articles, docs, etc.
> regarding Maven and multiple-subprojects, but haven't been able to
> determine an answer to the following question: 
> Assuming a project structure of:
> Project
> |
> |--A
> |
> |--B
> |
> |--C
> Where A depends upon B and C depends on A, the typical compile steps to
> build the entire project would be B->A->C. I've seen articles regarding
> the use of a reactor to provide a one-step method of making this compile
> happen for all subprojects.

Yes. The multiproject plugin does this beautifully.

> However, our project has a large number of
> modules and we'd like to build a subset of them for quicker testing
> purposes by running Maven from, for example, subproject A (should build
> and deploy only B and A, not C). This would prevent me from having to
> compile all modules to simply test a set of 3 modules and deploy an EAR
> with those components. Is this possible using typical Maven constructs?


> What would be required to accomplish this using Maven?

See below.

> My first thought
> is that each subproject A,B, and C would have its own project-level
> Maven files as well as the master one that lives at the top level. Is
> this the right approach?

No, but close. You're correct that each subproject has its own
project.xml. Each declares the dependencies for that subproject.

If I remember correctly, one or more of the plugins don't like having
subprojects stored in subdirectories of the current directory. When I
set up our codebase to use multiproject, I set up the "master" project
at the same level in the directory tree instead of at the top:

  (top level dir)
+-- master
+-- A
+-- B
+-- C

The project.xml for A lists B as a dependency. The project.xml for C
lists A as a dependency. The project.xml in master is about as simple as
it can get without Maven complaining; most importantly, no dependencies
are declared in it.

Then you'll need to add to in master:


If you cd to master and run "maven -Dgoal=... multiproject:goal"
(replacing "..." with an appropriate goal), Maven should apply the goal
to the subprojects in the appropriate order.

Now, to be able to build a subset, create a directory at the same level
as master:

  (top level dir)
+-- master
+-- subset
+-- A
+-- B
+-- C

Copy project.xml and from master to subset. Edit
project.xml as necessary. Edit maven.multiproject.includes in to list only the modules you want to include in this
subset. Build as above.

Hope this helps.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Upload request; can't add to JIRA

2004-01-23 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
Apologies for posting this here. I tried adding this to JIRA, but I
can't get past "Step 2 of 2" of creating the issue, and it's not giving
any kind of error message.

Jakarta DateTime taglib

  Jakarta DateTime Taglib
Apache Software Foundation

  Apache Software License, Version 1.1

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Auto-generate Ant Script from Maven Script?

2003-12-22 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 20:56, Chad Woolley wrote:
> My question is:  Has anyone tried to make a simple plugin which would 
> generate a basic Ant build script based off of a maven.xml file?


maven ant:generate-build

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: How to get XSLT working within MAVEN

2003-12-03 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 03:00, "GÃschl,Siegfried" wrote:
> I also had various problems but got it working ... checkout the JavaNCSS and 
> SDOCBOOK plugin ion 

Aha! I just started using the JavaNCSS plugin, too.

Okay, I see how the plugin is doing it. I was trying to use the Xslt Ant
task, but couldn't get around various classpath problems. (For those of
you playing along at home, JavaNCSS uses .) If I ever redo
that part of my project, I'll probably switch to something like this.

> I think someone should write a XSLT plugin using DynaTags, i.e. allowing you to pass 
> the parameter dynamically

Hmm. Is there room in the fire for *one* more iron? :-)

Thanks for your comments
Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: Multiple Seperate Database Projects

2003-12-02 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 16:44, Vikas Phonsa wrote:
> But tell me one thing, if I just change the following properties, wouldn't
> it pick schema from the folder we want and place generated stuff in there, I
> tried but somehow is not working right :

Hmm. That, I don't know; it's a question better suited to a Torque
mailing list. I will add this, though: since Torque expects its
configuration in properties, and properties can be set only once per
invocation of Maven, you can't run Torque twice per invocation with
different properties each time. As a result, I have goals like this in






Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Multiple Seperate Database Projects

2003-12-02 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 15:58, Vikas Phonsa wrote:
> I want to make separate folders for different databases like Database1,
> Database2 etc and put the schema and for each database in
> its separate folder. And then specify the location of the Database/folder I
> want to work on in the folder, so that the properties and
> the schema is loaded from Database folders like from Database1 folder and
> also the generated sql and java classes are placed in different folder for
> each database.
> Could that be done ?

I do something similar to what you're asking for, but in a different

First, I keep all of the properties for controlling Torque in a single
XML file. Then, for each DBMS I support, I have a goal in maven.xml
which transforms the XML file using XSLT into, moves
that to the appropriate directory, attains the torque:sql goal, then
moves the resulting files to the appropriate subdirectory under target.

It's an ugly, ugly hack, compounded by the fact that I never could get
XSLT to work inside Maven, so I have to call out to a separate Ant build
file. If had to do it over again, I could probably find a cleaner way to
do it, but what I have works for me for now.

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: [VOTE] The Maven Logo

2003-11-26 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
Somebody email Mike Godwin, and tell him we have a counterexample to his
Law ( ).

Can we please drop this thread now, and get back to talking about Maven?

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: server?

2003-11-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 23:31, khote wrote:
> So what's happened to  It doesn't seem to be alive
> anymore, at least out here in southern California.

The Internet seems to be having a bad day. My connection went out
earlier today, and after spending the afternoon working on it, only part
of it was visible here in Kansas City. I suspect something big and ugly
happened to somebody's router tables somewhere in the middle.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Controlling snapshot or not in POM or properties?

2003-09-19 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 01:51, Rafal Krzewski wrote:
> Craig S. Cottingham wrote:
> > Is there something I can add to project.xml or that
> > will control whether or not a snapshot is generated? Does it help that
> > I've adopted the convention of ending the value of the currentVersion
> > tag in project.xml with "-dev" for those jars in flux, while those which
> > are frozen will not end with "-dev"?
> There's nothing in Maven to deal with this for you, but I think this is
> a good idea. Would you please file a Jira issue for it?

I will. I think I found a workaround in the meantime.

Add maven.xml to the basedir of every jar. (Most, if not all, of them
have a maven.xml already.) Add a goal to each one like this:

Call the multiproject:goal goal, and tell it to call "install" in all
subprojects. As a jar is frozen, change its maven.xml to attain
"jar:install" instead.

This is off the top of my head, so it may be wrong in some details. I'll
have to try this later.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Controlling snapshot or not in POM or properties?

2003-09-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
I have several jars I'm developing simultaneously. There are
dependencies between them (B depends on A, C depends on A and B, D
depends on B, etc.), but there are no circular dependencies.

Currently, I when I make changes to one jar, I rebuild it and any that
depend on it by hand, keeping track of the dependency order in my head.
Naturally, this is getting tedious, and depends too much on information
between my ears. Judging from messages posted here, it looks like the
multiproject plugin may be a solution.

Since all of the jars are still in flux, I'm generating snapshots with
the jar:install-snapshot goal. For the short term, it looks like I could
continue doing that by calling the multiproject:install-snapshot goal.
However, I need to start freezing these jars soon, and as each one
freezes I'd like to stop generating a snapshot for it. The problem is
that, for each frozen jar, I need to call the :install goal instead of
the :install-snapshot goal.

Is there something I can add to project.xml or that
will control whether or not a snapshot is generated? Does it help that
I've adopted the convention of ending the value of the currentVersion
tag in project.xml with "-dev" for those jars in flux, while those which
are frozen will not end with "-dev"?

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: How to downgrade a plugin?

2003-09-09 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 17:23, Brett Porter wrote:
> 1.2-SNAPSHOT won't be downloaded and installed when you run Maven unless you
> are using CVS HEAD and have specified that version as a dependency.

Hmm. I don't remember getting from CVS, though if it's possible to
download a binary nightly build, I may have done that. I'm almost
positive that I haven't specified a dependency for the JBoss plugin
anywhere, because this is the first time I've tried doing anything with
JBoss in Maven.


> So the best way to do it is remove the plugin from $MAVEN_HOME/plugins and
> rm -rf $MAVEN_HOME_LOCAL/plugins (that's usually ~/.maven/plugins).

...I'll give this a try. Unless, of course, I have the equivalent of
some CVS HEAD version, in which case...

> You might also try getting the latest jboss plugin code from CVS and running
> maven plugin:install on it.

...I'll give this a try.

Thanks for your response.

Craig S. Cottingham

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How to downgrade a plugin?

2003-09-09 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
I'm trying to use the JBoss plugin in Beta 10; it appears to be a
snapshot version of 1.2. It also appears to be broken. jboss:start
doesn't work; a peek inside plugin.jelly shows that this goal is
implemented only for Windows (I'm running Linux).

The release announcement for the 1.1 version of the plugin (at
) indicates that "JBoss failed to start on unix. This has been fixed."
So, I'd like to downgrade my JBoss plugin to version 1.1. What's the
safest way to go about doing this, (a) making sure all references to
1.2-SNAPSHOT are changed and (b) ensuring that 1.2-SNAPSHOT doesn't get
downloaded and reinstalled the next time I run Maven?

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: Maven Antlr Troubles

2003-08-21 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 23:03, Alex Karasulu wrote:
> I'm having problems getting the antlr plugin to do anything at all other
> than create the target/antlr directory.  Here's what I have for the antlr
> properties:
> # antlr configuration
> maven.antlr.grammers= filter.g

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: windows syntax error

2003-08-21 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 15:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am getting the error seen below.  Has anyone else had this error.
> temp Deployed_${dep.artifact}"/>

The Ant manual warns against using :

"It is highly recommended to avoid the line version when possible. Ant
will try to split the command line in a way similar to what a (Unix)
shell would do, but may create something that is very different from
what you expect under some circumstances."

I don't know that this is the cause of your problem, but if any of the
elements in that pathname have spaces in them,  will very likely
do something other than what you want it to.

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: XMLTask and Maven

2003-08-21 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 13:13, Nelson, Scott (MAN - Corporate) wrote:
> Has anyone used XMLTask for editing your xml files within a maven
> environment?  
> I am trying to parse through my xml file and append some information to my
> jndi names.

I have tried to use XMLTask directly within Maven, unsuccessfully. For
some reason I can't get the classpath right so that XMLTask can find

I converted a working Ant environment to Maven, so I had a build.xml in
which XMLTask worked. I pared build.xml down to just a target with the
 task, and I call it from maven.xml.

Craig S. Cottingham

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j2ee:validate-war goal

2003-08-19 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
I understand from digging through the archives for this list that the
j2ee plugin has been split into the war and ear plugins. Is the j2ee
plugin no longer being maintained? If so, what happened to

I'm trying to run j2ee:validate-war, and I can't get it to work:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mywebapp$ maven j2ee:validate-war
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-beta-10

/mywebapp.war started: war validation started
/mywebapp.war error: File does not exist
/mywebapp.war ended: war validation ended
[warvalidator] [ERROR] Error in class

File.. file:/home/craigc/.maven/plugins/maven-j2ee-plugin-1.2/
Element... ant:warvalidator
Line.. 36
Column 74
Errors occurred during validation. Messages should have been provided
Total time:  23 seconds

I dug into plugin.jelly for the j2ee plugin, and it looks like it builds
the name of the war to validate from the property:


But I set that property to ${basedir}/target in, and
j2ee:validate-war still complains that it can't find /mywebapp.war -- it
never seems to look for ${basedir}/target/mywebapp.war.

Am I missing something?

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: XSLT transformation as maven-goal

2003-08-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 18:04, Brett Porter wrote:
> > In project.xml, I have:
> > 
> > 
> >   xalan
> >   2.5.1
> > 
> Did you try root?

Yes. Appears to make no difference.

> This is where the last thread got to:

You mention in that message upgrading Ant to 1.5.3 in Maven. How exactly
did you do that? I added a dependency on ant-1.5.3-1.jar in project.xml,
with no change in the results.

> I swear it works for me! :)

Well, as soon as we can do distributed builds in Maven, I'll be in touch
about using your computer to do our builds. :-)

I've got a workaround in the meantime, so I'm not dead in the water, but
it's ugly:

This is how I'm not completely mental. I can do what needs to be done in
Ant; it's just in Maven that I can't get it to work.

Craig S. Cottingham

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RE: XSLT transformation as maven-goal

2003-08-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 17:23, Brett Porter wrote:
> I use this hack on 1.3.1_06 on Solaris (see the website FAQ for a full
> entry). Works fine.

Ah. I just found the FAQ in the Wiki, as opposed to the FAQ in the main
Maven site. Unfortunately, it turns out to do me no good.

In project.xml, I have:


In maven.xml, I have:




When I run "maven generate-sql", I get:

File.. file:/path/to/current/directory/
Element... ant:xslt
Line.. 96
Column 34
Provider org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl not found
Total time:  32 seconds

> If you have everything in the FAQ, then there may be more problems - someone
> was discussing this last week. Check if they got a solution, and if so
> definitely let us know the answer!

I scoured the archive for the mailing list, with similar lack of

Craig S. Cottingham

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Re: XSLT transformation as maven-goal

2003-08-18 Thread Craig S. Cottingham
On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 12:10:45, Brian Ewins wrote:
> This is a known problem, see the workaround in this bug report:
> The latka fix referred to in dion's response looks like this:
> This would go immediately before the ant:xslt task in your code.

The bug report at indicates that it's for JDK 1.4.2.
I'm running version 1.3.1_08, and this fix doesn't work for me, either
by passing the definition on the command line or by adding it to
maven.xml. What's the equivalent fix for 1.3.1?

Craig S. Cottingham

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