Independent module release strategies

2012-10-15 Thread

I am currently working on finetuning the workflows on a large application that 
was migrated from an Ant based build to one based upon Maven.

The build itself is running smoothly but, what I'm currently working on is 
getting the release workflow optimized.

The project consists of about 50 Maven artifacts. A lot of people are using 
this project all over the world. The client is distributed by some web-start 
similar solution.
The problem is whenever a bugfix-release is done, we don't want to release all 
modules in a new version because then all of these would have to be downloaded 
by the clients.

So we have a project with a lot of modules and a parent pom that configures the 

Using the regular maven-release-plugin involves a lot of manual adjusting of 
version numbers and I would like to eliminate this.

That's why I setup the master pom to have two profiles "develop" (active by 
default) and "release" activated during a release. In both profiles a lot of 
properties are configured to be used for setting the artifact versions.

No comes the part where I was told on the dev-list that I was tempted by the 
dark side of the force ;-)

In my master pom, I defined one major dependencyManagement section fixing the 
version of each artifact to the versions in the properties. Ok ... so this is 
normal and this is not "dark side magic". But in order to have the parent 
version automatically configured the right way I wanted to have the version of 
the parent link configured by these properties too. Ok so maven doesn't allow 
this. But it seems that this is not entirely true:

If I configre the version of the artifact I want to use as parent with the same 
variable as I am using in the parent definition of the child module. Maven 
seems to work fine with that. The only thing that I was not quite satisfied 
with, was that the install plugin installed the raw poms into my local repo. 
The directory it was installed to contained the correct version so the 
resolution must have worked. That's why I thought this was a bug in the deploy 
plugin and that's why I filed an issue (which was immediately closed because I 
was doing bad magic)
I attached an example project containing an example configuration demonstrating 
what I was doing.

What I find particularly strange is that Maven claims not to resolve properties 
in project.version and project.parent.version and in 90% of the cases this is 

Let me illustrate thsi a little. Assuming I have only two projects ... one 
master and one module.

If I define two properties in my master pom: "" and 
""  and set both to the same value of 

In szenario 1: I hard code the version of the master to "1.2-SNAPSHOT" but use 
the property to reference the parent from the moule ... when running a build, 
maven tries to download 
 --> Failure, because the property is not resolved

In szenario 2: I use the same variable for defining the masters version. This 
time the maven build runs fine and the parent version is correctly resolved.

In szenario 3: I use the first property to define the version of the master and 
the second one for referncing the parent from the module ... when running a 
build, maven tries to download 
 --> Failure, because the property is not resolved

So to me it looks as if there was some sort of intention behind everything and 
not a bug in the system as I was told on the dev-list. To me it looks like one 
teeniewienie loophole allowing properies in versions while closing the usage 
range so much that possible harm is reduced to it's absolute minimum. So it 
seems that my usecase seems to be the onlly one allowed. After all ... this is 
a problem users are begging for maven to provide a solution since maven 2.0 
(When looking at the forums).

Ok ... and now to finish the loop back to my topic:

If I am doing bad sourcery ... how would I setup one maven build to allow 
simple releases of individual modules with individual versions?


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AW: Independent module release strategies

2012-10-15 Thread
Well as soon as a major release is out the door, in that branch only bugfixes 
are added that have agreat effect on the application. So I am sure that mostly 
2-3 Modules change. I know that in general updating a client with about 20mb 
doesn't sound that bad in our days, but imagine the load on the servers if 
hundreds of clients all over the worls start updating simultaneously. And there 
are quite some uses with analog modems ... updating them every time would mean 
a downtime of hours for them (I was told). So the company tries to keep the 
number of updated modules to a minimum.


Von: Wayne Fay []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 01:26
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Independent module release strategies

> The project consists of about 50 Maven artifacts. A lot of people are
> using this project all over the world. The client is distributed by some
> web-start similar solution.
> The problem is whenever a bugfix-release is done, we don’t want to release
> all modules in a new version because then all of these would have to be
> downloaded by the clients.

Have you performed any analysis of previous changes to give you an
indication of the relative stability of one module vs the rest? Is it
true that most changes are happening in one or two modules while the
rest is stable -- or are changes found in most any module with no
obvious pattern?

I would expect that suggested approaches for "solving" your problem
may depend a bit on the answers to these questions.


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AW: Independent module release strategies

2012-10-15 Thread
As described in my other response. Simply keeping the versions in sync is not 
an option for us due to the donwtime this would mean for our clients and the 
load this would generate on the central servers.

Well currently the approach to release a new version was to have all modules 
defined in the master pom modules-section as well as a 
dependencyManagement-section that defines the versions of all the modules. 

Now if a new build was to be made that updates only some of the modules, the 
other modules (the ones that should stay the same) were commented out of the 
master poms modules-section and then the releaseplugin was used to release the 
desired artifacts. After the release was finished the versions hat do be 
manually updated.

This process really sucked and caused a lot of problems.

Now my approach was not to use the release plugin at all and to define all of 
the versions used throughout the entire project in the master pom using 
properties. So all I had to do was to increase the versions in the release 
profile to the versions I want and commit that. Now in jenkins I was able to 
define some jobs to run "mvn deploy" for individual projects with turned on 
"release" profile.

To me this seems a lot cleaner than all other approaches, but as I don't want 
to kill too many kittens (As stephen on the dev-list called it). So I'm open 
for other suggestions or explanationy WHY this is bad.

Stephen claimed that if I re-define my properties in child modules, I would 
have really big trouble, but we are developing the entire project and this is a 
thing we could fefinitely rule out because it should be really easy to enforce 
such a constraint ("Versions are defines solely in the master pom"). And as I 
mentioned, to me it looks more like a highly restricted feature than a bug in 
maven that I was able to use a variable in the version.


Von: Ron Wheeler []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 00:21
Betreff: Re: Independent module release strategies

Our project was about 50% larger in terms of modules and we did what you
are suggesting and got rid of the idea of increasing versions on
artifacts that did not change.

I am not sure why this is causing you more problems rather than less.

We had a master spreadsheet listing all of our modules and their versions.
Every time we issued a new release, we went through the list at looked
at what was going to change and what was going to carry through "as is"
with the version number that it had.

We also looked at third party libraries that we wanted to upgrade at the
same time.

We fixed up each pom to update the versions of anything that was going
to change to a x.x-SNAPSHOT and moved on.
It took about an hour to do the whole job since our system was service
oriented so there were not a lot of dependencies.

Once a module was tested and released we updated the dependencies to the
released module.
We still ended up with a lot of releases at the very end of the upgrade
process but that is partly human nature since deleting a release is a
bad thing even if it is one of yours and could only be done by me so it
got a lot of visibility if someone made a mistake.
It is hard to get everyone confident that their module's specification
will not change due to someone else making a mistake in their design
which only gets detected late in the process. They solved this by
staying at the SNAPSHOT after they had it fully tested and ready for
release, if someone who depended on it was not yet done.
It was not a big problem and I never took any steps to fix it.

We aggregated a lot of library-like dependencies into larger packages
that were "provided". This gave a dependency on our "utilities" package
that actually was an aggregation of several projects so each war project
did not have dozens of dependencies on modules that were shared by most
We did this with third party software as well so a lot of really useful
Apache libraries were aggregated into 1 jar that all projects depended on.

This reduced the number of dependencies in the POM files and made them a
lot easier to maintain.
By using a lot of "Provided" jars, we really sped up the builds and
reduced the size of the war files from megabytes to kilobytes since they
only contained the code that was in the source files rather that a few
Kb of code output and megabytes of libraries.

I am not sure that this is the best way to tackle the problem but it
eliminated the work that we were doing when we changed the version on
everything that made up the application.

It also got us thinking about our own packages in the same way that we
looked at Apache libraries.

There was an incentive to think about interfaces and SOA in a more
considered way.

I hope that this helps.
You are on the right track and your project is still pre

AW: integration-test, testNG, and a CI server

2012-10-18 Thread

I guess what you want to do, is to have the daily build job build and deploy 
the latest jars without running the integration tests, am I correct?

You then want to be able to run the integration tests without deploying first, 
am I correct?

Well in that case I would suggest to tell the surefire plugin that is probably 
executing your integration tests to "skipTests" and have the jars deployed in 
the normal deploy phase of maven (Not using custom deploy code hidden in a 

Then if you want to run the integration tests but don't want to deploy, you 
simply execute the "mvn package" without diabling the tests. So maven would 
execute the entire build (including integration tests) but stop at the package 
phase and not install or deploy anything.


Von: Baptiste Mathus []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012 08:50
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: integration-test, testNG, and a CI server

Currently offline so I can't give you precise links now, but search Google
for "maven lifecycle".

What you encounter is normal and it's basically not possible to change it
easily (I mean having the pre-integration-test not running before
integration-test phase).

Goals are things you can bind to phases. And some goals are actually bound
by default to some phases of the different standard lifecycle.

So I guess what you could do is running explicitly the goals you're
interested in. But then you should be aware that explicitly running goals
in the Maven world is actually not the typical case.

Maven is about build standardization. People who want to build your project
should not have to know the different necessary goals you need.

If what you want is having a way to disable some parts of the build by
default (or the contrary), then look at Maven profiles.

Le 17 oct. 2012 15:40, "mlandman99"  a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have a maven project (Project 1) which is intended for executing
> integration tests. Inside this project is an additional class that helps me
> automate the deployment of various jars to a nexus repo.
> Project 1 is dependent on those jars (SNAPSHOT).
> Project 2 is dependent on those jars (SNAPSHOT).
> Project 1 is also dependent on project 2. (SNAPSHOT).
> STEP 1: My CI server (TeamCity) runs a daily build config called "Deploy
> Jars" @ 4:00 AM on Project 1, with Maven phase: "pre-integration-test".
> pre-integration-test runs a testNG suite that has the class for deploying
> those jars to the repo. Works fine. Only that class runs.
> STEP 2: Next, my CI server has a build trigger for project 2 (to compile
> and
> deploy) to occur anytime "Deploy Jars" is successfully built. This works --
> project 2 is built (and project 2 updated its SNAPSHOT dependencies on
> those
> Jars that were sent to the repo in step 1). Project 2 is compiled and it's
> .jar deployed to the repo as well.
> STEP 3: Back to Project 1. Now that all the .jars have been uploaded to the
> repo (various jars, including the .jar for project 2, as described in step
> 2), A Maven build is run with phase "integration-test".
> Unfortunately when I do STEP 3, Maven ends up also RE-RUNNING
> pre-integration test prior to integration-test, which basically reruns the
> actions that already occurred in STEP 1. (i.e. all those jars are sent to
> the repo again).
> That probably makes sense, in that Maven is probably hardwired to run
> "pre-integration-test" any time I ask it to run "integration-test".
> I'd like to find a way out of this -- any suggestions? Is there another
> maven "phase" I can take advantage of here, to accomplish my objective?
> Basically, I don't want step 3 (integration-test) to re-copy those jars to
> the repo, it's a waste of time, etc.
> Thanks in advance!
> Bonus question -- am I getting 'phase' and 'goal' mixed up? My POM file
> says
> that "pre-integration-test" and "integration-test" are "phases". They both
> have a "goal" of "test". But in my CI server, I have "pre-integration-test"
> and "integration-test" listed as GOALS the maven build configuration on the
> CI server, and that seems to be working (for the most part). In other words
> the build configuration for STEP 1 only lists "pre-integration-test" for a
> goal, and that works, but the POM file only lists "pre-integration-test" as
> a "phase"...
> --
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AW: Independent module release strategies

2012-10-23 Thread
Well after quite a lot of digging in the code of the release plugin, I think 
that I will use a different strategy:
- in the or using the commandline, I am able to set 
individual versions of my modules and the release plugin will use them
 which is basically what I wanted in the first place.
- In order to release only individual projects, using the advanced reactor 
otions of maven seems ideal:

So in order to have exactly what I wanted, all I need to do, is create a file to tell the plugin the versions and then limit the 
maven reactor to only the modules I want to release and use the normal 
"release:prepare" and "release:perform" targets.

As creating the properties and commandline arguments I a little uncomfortable, 
I'm currently wokring on a jenking plugin for my client to select which modules 
to release and to provide versions for them ... hopefully this way releasing a 
new version is just a number of clicks and providing version numbers.

What do you think about this solution? Any Kittens in danger this time? ;-)


Von: Stephen Connolly []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 11:06
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Independent module release strategies

On 16 October 2012 07:45, <> wrote:

> As described in my other response. Simply keeping the versions in sync is
> not an option for us due to the donwtime this would mean for our clients
> and the load this would generate on the central servers.
> Well currently the approach to release a new version was to have all
> modules defined in the master pom modules-section as well as a
> dependencyManagement-section that defines the versions of all the modules.
> Now if a new build was to be made that updates only some of the modules,
> the other modules (the ones that should stay the same) were commented out
> of the master poms modules-section and then the releaseplugin was used to
> release the desired artifacts. After the release was finished the versions
> hat do be manually updated.
> This process really sucked and caused a lot of problems.
> Now my approach was not to use the release plugin at all and to define all
> of the versions used throughout the entire project in the master pom using
> properties. So all I had to do was to increase the versions in the release
> profile to the versions I want and commit that. Now in jenkins I was able
> to define some jobs to run "mvn deploy" for individual projects with turned
> on "release" profile.
well first off, in my experience, the use of profiles to modify the
dependencies is bad karma. many kittens will die if you follow that use of
profiles. no matter how "clean" you think it is, with the current versions
of Maven and their current behaviour, attempts to follow this path will
result in many dead kittens underfoot.

> To me this seems a lot cleaner than all other approaches, but as I don't
> want to kill too many kittens (As stephen on the dev-list called it). So
> I'm open for other suggestions or explanationy WHY this is bad.
> Stephen claimed that if I re-define my properties in child modules, I
> would have really big trouble, but we are developing the entire project and
> this is a thing we could fefinitely rule out because it should be really
> easy to enforce such a constraint ("Versions are defines solely in the
> master pom"). And as I mentioned, to me it looks more like a highly
> restricted feature than a bug in maven that I was able to use a variable in
> the version.
Not quite, I fear it is loosing something in translation for you.

In an ideal world, before deploying the pom into the local cache (i.e.
install:install) or remote repository (i.e. deploy:deploy) Maven would
compute a resolved effective pom. Such a pom would strip out a lot of the
stuff that is in a pom at present, e.g. it would probably only consist of

and maybe
(but it gets tricky deciding exactly how much to prune out)

Such a pom would be capturing the dependency tree of the built artifact
after inheritance from the parent, and any active profiles, etc had been
applied. [Let's ignore the problem of “magic” profiles that alter the
dependencies when building on JDK1.5 vs JDK1.6 vs JDK1.7 vs JDK1.8]

*IF* we did something like that *THEN* it could be valid to try what you
want to do (Note: I say ‘could be’

AW: Maven Dependency Type

2012-10-26 Thread
Hi John,

the problem is that Eclipse doesn't know any difference between the normal 
classpath of an application and a test classpath that includes tests. For 
eclipse everything (application and test classes) are thrown into one basket. 
That's why you are able to build in Eclipse. As Jörg mentioned, in maven there 
is no such thing as a test-jar type dependency. I guess you are refering to the 
test-jar goal of the jar plugin. Unfortunately these test jars are usually not 
deployed in the local or any remote maven reposiories, so they only exist in 
your projects target directory.

One way to achieve what you want, would be to create an ordinary maven artifact 
containing the classes you want to share and to add a reference to that 
wherever you need it.

We usually have some artifacts, that we use only for testing. In order to use 
these classes in several artifacts tests, we usually strip out those shared 
resources into an artifact with a special suffix "test-support". Then all we 
need to do is to add an ordinary test-scoped dependency to that jar.

hope that helps,

Von: John Kramer []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012 22:09
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Maven Dependency Type

Hey guys,

I have a question regarding the maven dependencies section.

In order to put a dependency on a test jar, is it correct to specify 
test-jar or test?

I specified a dependency on project bar from project foo using test 
in a dependency section and the maven eclipse plugin ran successfully and 
eclipse set up my projects so that the module recognizes, but mvn package gives 
the following error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project statistics: Could not resolve 
dependencies for project com.mojiva:foo:jar:1.9.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find 
artifact com.mojiva:bar:test:1.9.0-SNAPSHOT in mojiva

If I change it, to test-jar, the error goes away.

I know I have used test in the past and not had an issue.  Did it 

Also, I can't find the documentation on this. A pointer to the docs would be 

Thanks to all!

John Kramer
mobile: 314.435.2370
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Excluding a Plugin dependency

2012-11-07 Thread

I am currently having a really stupid problem, that I am currently stuck on:
The thing I am currently working on is a maven plugin (Flexmojos).
As Flex is now an Apache project, I am working on supporting Apache FDKs in the 
The problem is that the compiler is a direct dependency of the plugin. This was 
not a problem as long as all compilers had the groupId com.adobe.flex.
But now I have the Apache compilers "org.apache.flex". I would now need to tell 
Flexmojos not to depend on the "com.adobe.flex:compiler" package, but include 
"org.apache.flex:compiler" instead.
I know how to exclude the dependency of a plugin dependency, but I couldn't 
find a way to exclude a direct dependency.

Currently I'm thinking about setting the compiler dependency to "provided" and 
hoping everybody has configured the compiler artifact.

This is the last issue preventing me from finishing the new Flexmojos6 and I 
would really love to have this off my table ... so help is greatly appreciated 


Implementing a Maven plugin with alternate mojo/component implementations?

2012-12-02 Thread

I am currently setting up a new Maven plugin project and am currently faced 
with the following problem:

I have fefined a dafaultLifecycle which defines which mojos should generally be 
invoked in which phase. My problem now is that I would like to have different 
implementations used for performing the tasks. There should allways be a 
default mojo/component that is used if the user doesn't specify which 
implementation he wants to use, but should offer a way to tell the build to use 
a different implementation.

Would it be good to have some sort of "proxy-mojo" that is allways called and 
then relays to an implementation component based upon the configuration, or 
would it be better do define completely independent Mojos?  The Internet seems 
to be full of tutorials on creating Maven plugins, but I haven't found a single 
one dealing with this particular problem.

Help greatly appreciated,

AW: Implementing a Maven plugin with alternate mojo/component implementations?

2012-12-02 Thread
Hi Robert,

I managed to actually get something working in the meanwhile.

Here's what I did:
- I created an API artifact containing the interface of my modules.
- I created several Implementations of the Interfaces each one annotated with 
@Component with the Role set to the Interface class and each one with an 
individual hint-name.
- I create one Mojo with a map property with Map and a 
String property to select the desired implementation (defaulting to a default 
- Now in the execute method of my Mojo I simply read the desired implementation 
name, fetch that instance from the map and use the Module interface to relay 
the call to that particular instance.

Semms to be doing the jobe nicely ... is this a valid approch or would a "best 
practice" do it differently?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Scholte [] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012 15:57
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Implementing a Maven plugin with alternate mojo/component 

Here are some plugins which you should have a look at:
maven-compiler-plugin ( compilerId )
maven-release-plugin ( mavenExecutorId )

Now you need to do some Plexus-stuff, since that's the DI-framework for Maven.
Every task-implementation needs to have the same interface (plexus role) and a 
specific id (role-hint) In your manager you can let Plexus fill a map based on 
the plexus role.
So now you can add a parameter to your plugin with a default taskId, and users 
can overrule it.
I think this meets your requirements.

Good luck,


Op Sun, 02 Dec 2012 12:33:43 +0100 schreef

> Hi,
> I am currently setting up a new Maven plugin project and am currently 
> faced with the following problem:
> I have fefined a dafaultLifecycle which defines which mojos should 
> generally be invoked in which phase. My problem now is that I would 
> like to have different implementations used for performing the tasks. 
> There should allways be a default mojo/component that is used if the 
> user doesn't specify which implementation he wants to use, but should 
> offer a way to tell the build to use a different implementation.
> Would it be good to have some sort of "proxy-mojo" that is allways 
> called and then relays to an implementation component based upon the 
> configuration, or would it be better do define completely independent 
> Mojos?  The Internet seems to be full of tutorials on creating Maven 
> plugins, but I haven't found a single one dealing with this particular 
> problem.
> Help greatly appreciated,
> Chris

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AW: Release plugin & ${project.version} dependencies

2012-12-13 Thread
Actually the release plugin allows you to specify a release and a development 
version for any module in your build:

Even if this means you have to configure a comandline that is insanely long.

I recently built a Jenkins plugin for Volkswagen and they allowed me to publish 
that. It's main goal is to allow to configure that commandline by selecting 
checkboxes and suggesting version.

It allows to do a "Major" release (All modules are set to the same version) or 
a minor release, in which you check a checkbox for the modules you want to 
release. The tool automatically queries a repo for existing versions and 
suggests a new version number for that minor release. I did do quite some work 
on that plugin in the last 2 Weeks and am planning on updating my documentation 
and publishing the code at github as soon as I have the time to cleanup the 
code and strip out the VW-specifics.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Scholte [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012 21:38
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Release plugin & ${project.version} dependencies


the maven-release-plugins only accepts ${project.version} for reactor-projects, 
i.e. projects being part of a multi-module project.
The fact that your projects are separated also means that they both have their 
own release-cycle. As you describe, they often(!) will be the same, but if your 
MSI config is changed, does that require a new project-main?  
So I understand why it was implemented like this.

You could change the value for allowTimestampedSnapshots[1] to true, but then 
you've lost the check for all snapshots.

What you could probably do is combine this with the enforcer rule called 
RequireReleaseDependencies[2] (have never done this myself though).



Op Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:51:06 +0100 schreef Dan Godfrey

> Hi,
> I'm having trouble using the release-plugin on a project as it is 
> complaining that it has snapshot dependencies, even though those 
> dependencies are actually set to ${project.version}. So when the 
> dependency check phase runs they are indeed SNAPSHOT dependencies, if 
> it were to continue then they would be updated to non-SNAPSHOT 
> dependencies in a later phase.
> I was wondering if anybody knows of anyway to get around this?
> To explain why: I have 2 separate projects project-main & 
> project-windows.
> project-main is a jar (well multiple jars)which are deployed to our 
> local repo. project-windows then takes that deployed jar and packages 
> it up as an MSI. Both of these projects are kept in lockstep with 
> regards version numbers and have separate CI jobs. I've split the 2 
> projects up in different SCM repos like this as we have have other CI 
> jobs depending on project-main for testing, and potentially in the 
> future a project-linux, etc.
> Thanks,
> Dan.

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AW: Maven release:prepare

2013-01-05 Thread
Hi Sundeep,

I doubt you can skip the last 2 steps, but you could configure the plugin to 
"change" the development version to exactly the same version as the release 
version. Haven't tried this though:

mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion={release-version} 

The result should be the same as if the last two steps were skipped.
As I mentioned ... haven't actually tried this :-)


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Sundeep Reddy [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 5. Januar 2013 13:30
Betreff: Maven release:prepare

Hi All,

The maven release:prepare does the following things:

release: prepare - Performs a number of operations

   - Checks to make sure that there are no uncommitted changes.
   - Ensures that there are no SNAPSHOT dependencies in the POM file,
   - Changes the version of the application and removes SNAPSHOT from the
   version.  ie 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT becomes 1.0.3
   - Run project tests against modified POMs
   - Commit the modified POM
   - Tag the code in Subversion

   - Increment the version number and append SNAPSHOT.  ie 1.0.3 becomes
   - Commit modified POM

Is there way where we could skip the last 2 steps i,e increment of the version 
number and appending the SNAPSHOT . In a way just want to convert the snapshot 
to a release,no further development version.



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How to tell release:perform only to deploy specific modules

2013-02-09 Thread

this is a relatively special case and I am sort of running out of options.

I am trying to setup a build that it allows minor releases of individual 
projects (I don't want to get into a discussion about if this is a good thing 
... please).

Now I am using release:prepare to prepare the release by providing version 
numbers for all modules in the project. This is working great.

Unfortunately I would like to invoke release:perform and use mavens "-projects" 
property to limit the reactor to a specific subset of artifacts. Otherwise the 
build would try to deploy artifacts that have been previously released and 
would instantly fail. Unfortunately the "-projects" is only picked up by the 
main maven process, the setting is not passed to the spawned "deploy" maven 
build in the checkout-directory.

How could I configure the build to act as I want? I have noticed the 
"additionalArguments" property in the, and was thinking 
about putting my "-projects" in there, but I guess this would be applied to 
several executions and not only the "deploy" build in the separate checkout.


AW: How to tell release:perform only to deploy specific modules

2013-02-12 Thread
First of all ... thank you for replying. Hopefully I will be able to post some 
stuff that doesn't scare the crap out of normal Maven users one day ;-)

Well I doubt that I will be able to convince them. This build is a very special 
case and they do have valid reasons for this.
I do know that I will probably never have to setup a build like this again, but 
in this case the solution is the best solution for that particular case. They 
are aware of the problems that come with this and are sort of begging me to 
finish automating the build-system for them.

I already had the Idea of creating a custom deploy mojo, inspired by the maven 
release:perform mojo, but would really like to automate this without a custom 

I did do some research but couldn't find a way to actually do a checkout of a 
tag to some place and then trigger a Maven build there. I know the checkout is 
not the problem here, but more the triggering of a separate Maven build ... how 
could I configure such a thing from the Maven commandline?

And thanks again for your help ... it's greatly appreciated.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Robert Scholte [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013 17:36
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: How to tell release:perform only to deploy specific modules

Hi Chris,

Since you're well aware that you're fighting the release procedure as expected 
by the maven-release-plugin, I'd suggest not to use release:perform As 
described on the "perform a release"-page[1] this goal does just 2
- Checkout from an SCM URL with optional tag
- Run the predefined Maven goals to release the project (by default, deploy 
site-deploy) These are steps you can do with or without Maven.


ps. Maybe you can convince your team if you can show them how easy a 
release:perform is when the structure better fits the release cycle.
btw. additionalArguments is filled with arguments[2]


Op Sat, 09 Feb 2013 19:13:23 +0100 schreef

> Hi,
> this is a relatively special case and I am sort of running out of 
> options.
> I am trying to setup a build that it allows minor releases of 
> individual projects (I don't want to get into a discussion about if 
> this is a good thing ... please).
> Now I am using release:prepare to prepare the release by providing 
> version numbers for all modules in the project. This is working great.
> Unfortunately I would like to invoke release:perform and use mavens 
> "-projects" property to limit the reactor to a specific subset of 
> artifacts. Otherwise the build would try to deploy artifacts that have 
> been previously released and would instantly fail. Unfortunately the 
> "-projects" is only picked up by the main maven process, the setting 
> is not passed to the spawned "deploy" maven build in the checkout-directory.
> How could I configure the build to act as I want? I have noticed the 
> "additionalArguments" property in the, and was 
> thinking about putting my "-projects" in there, but I guess this would 
> be applied to several executions and not only the "deploy" build in 
> the separate checkout.
> Chris

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Strange plugin dependency problem

2013-02-13 Thread

I am currently confronted with a strange problem. I am trying to get a Maven 
project using AspectJ Compile Time Weaving in IntelliJ. The source code level 
is set to 1.7 and uses some 1.7 language features. The aspectjtools-1.6.11 
which is used by the aspectj-maven-plugin per default can't deal with this, 
therefore we changed the aspectjtools version to 1.7.1. The build is building 
nicely using maven. The pom fragments look like this:










When importing the project to IntelliJ the compiler is automatically set to ajc 
but the compiler from 1.6.1 is detected and used automatically and I have to 
manually change this to 1.7.1 (and repeat this now and then after updating the 
Maven settings).

When issueing the following command on the commandline:

mvn -P aspectj-weaving dependency:resolve-plugins

I can see:

[INFO] Plugin Resolved: aspectj-maven-plugin-1.4.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: plexus-utils-2.0.5.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-artifact-2.2.0.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-model-2.2.0.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-project-2.2.0.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-reporting-api-2.2.0.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-plugin-api-2.2.0.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: doxia-site-renderer-1.1.2.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: maven-reporting-impl-2.1.jar
[INFO] Plugin Dependency Resolved: aspectjtools-1.6.11.jar
There is no mention of a 1.7.1 version ... why and how can I configure Maven to 
display the 1.7.1 version (I think this is the reason why IntelliJ is 
automatically detecting 1.7.1


AW: Way to limit the projects in the reactor of a maven build started with the invoker plugin

2013-02-13 Thread
Thanks for your responses.

Even if your profile solution should work, I guess the maintenance effort would 
be enormous (The project I should implement my release tool for has about 80 
independent Artifacts, so I would end up with 80+ profiles).

Well I guess I'll simply start by taking the current release Plugin as a basis 
and simply whip up a patched one, as I have to admit I'm completely fed-up with 
all the problems I am having with the ones available. 
I know that "You don't do sub-releases in Maven" but in my case I am working my 
ass off to satisfy my customer and I simply want this finished. So if the 
default stuff doesn't do it, I'll make it do it ... perhaps I should call it 
the "pandoras-box-release-plugin" or something like that ;-) 

So I'm finally giving up using standard stuff ... from now I'll go the custom 
path. Hopefully that will lead me out of this release jungle soon ;-)


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Lyons, Roy [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013 23:16
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Way to limit the projects in the reactor of a maven build started 
with the invoker plugin

I have a method which will summarily be poked at...  but it works for the one 
team that uses it here...

They put the [modules] section in profiles...  and set a profile to determine 
which set of modules are included.

In general the advice you will get is to never have a profile make a difference 
in the binaries being built...  but it is kind of handy if its an internal 
project that is well documented.


Roy Lyons
Senior Configuration Engineer

On 2/13/13 2:40 PM, ""

>I'm currently trying to use the invoker plugin to start a maven build 
>and to pass the list of projects that should be in the reactor of that build.
>Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to do so ... so is there a way and 
>if not, how could I start a second maven build from a maven build?

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[ANN] Flexmojos 6.0.0 Relesed

2013-02-25 Thread
Flexmojos, the maven plugin for building applications using Adobe Flex / Apache 
Flex, has just been released in version 6.0.0.

The main difference to older Flexmojos releases, is that this version is able 
to use Flex SDKs generated by the Apache Mavenizer tool. This way you can use 
Flexmojos to build applications with any Flex version starting with Adobe Flex 
2.0 up to Apache Flex 4.9.

The plugin has been deployed to:

If migrating from earlier versions, please have a look at the migration how-to 
The Flexmojos wiki should also provide enough information for new users to get 
up to speed pretty fast:

Is there any generic Maven code generator?

2013-02-27 Thread
I just posted this to Stackoverflow, but after posting I realized, that I 
should have come here first :-(

I am currently working on a project, that makes intense usage of code 
generation for various purposes. One generator generates SQL scripts from jpa 
entities. Another generates DTOs from pojos, another generates the JPA2.0 meta 
model, jet another generates some xml and schema files based on Java classes 
... each generator works completely different needs to be configured 

My question now is ... is there any generic maven code generator plugin out 
there with the following attributes:

Creates a pojo model of a Java class (Names, Properties, Annotation, Methods 
Uses templates for defining the output that uses the pojo model to generate any 
Allows me to specify multiple templates for one class
Allows me to generate code and resources
Allows me to generate a base class to target/generated-sources and a dummy 
implementation to src/main/java which simply extends the base class (If the 
dummy class in src/main/java exists, nothing happens, if it doesn't it 
generates such a dummy class. This code is checked in to the SCM and allows 
extending the generated classes manually)

I am using the Flexmojos GraniteDS plugin for generating my ActionScript model 
code, but it's pretty specialized for that particular purpose.

I think such a generic generator would make things a lot easier ... is there 
something like that available out there, or do I have to start implementing it 


AW: Is there any generic Maven code generator?

2013-02-28 Thread
Ahem ... this wasn't quite the path I was indenting to go with my question.

What I am looking for is a generator-plugin that uses a template engine (such 
as Velocity) to generate code, and uses as input an pojo-object model 
representing the details of a Java class that it should generate code for. 

Now I would like to have (or create, if I have to) a plugin, that allows me to 
specify which classes I am addressing using some include/exclude config.

I could configure different include/exclude groups, each one in one execution 
and for each I could provide a set of:
- resourceTemplates
- testResourceTemplates
- sourceStubTemplates
- sourceTemplates
- testSourceStubTemplates
- testSourceTemplates
- ...
So for each matched class, I could generage:
- resources into the target/generated-resources directory using the 
resourceTemplates (could be more than one)
- testResources into the target/generates-test-resources directory using the 
testResourceTemplates, ...
- source code into target/generated-sources ...
- test source code into target/generated-test-sources ...

One speciality I liked with GraniteDS was the ability to have auto-generated 
stub-classes generated in src/main/java ... if a class allready existed, no 
code would be generated, but if a class didn't exist, it would be generated. 
This was great for creating classes that extend other generated classes and to 
allow customization. Something simple as this: 

public class MyClass extends MyClassBase {

And MyClassBase is generated to target/generated-sources.

With such a plugin I could be able to generate my JPA MetaModel classes, my 
DTOs, SQL scripts, ... and wouldn't have to configure thousands of different 
generators. People could develop best-practice templates for general purpose 

Hope this clarified, what I was looking for.

If nothing similar exists, I would like to start developing something like 
this, because I think it would make my life a lot easier.


Von: Stadelmann Josef []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013 09:52
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: AW: Is there any generic Maven code generator?

A code generator needs input. Hence some "generic formal language" is used to 
specify the input to the genric code generator? UML? Visualization of a generic 
language could mean - speak UML, UML is a reality today. UML modells can says 
much more then 1000 words? Hence I opt for better integration of modelling 
tools with maven. Also roundtrip engineering is a must. Enterprise Architect 
(EA) is able to generate code from UML and other diagrams for many target 
compiler and it helps you to have code, modell and documentation in sync. And 
EA can be feed with code and generates your diagramms. A task which only ends 
when the modells become to complex. Maven is much about geting and nailing 
dependent components together. If maven finds the dependecies, a tool like EA 
could use input to draw i.e. the component diagram, maybe a maven plugin can 
pave the way for EA. Other whise, in my mind, there are far too many tools 
around and I get to often the feeling that each time a problem developes, folk 
starts to seek a tool to avoid some brain work. So if one knows in which 
aspects maven poms could be used toward EA to get ceratin artiacs visualized 
for better understanding, that would be almost a very good step into proper 
direction. Josef

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013 12:31
Betreff: Is there any generic Maven code generator?

I just posted this to Stackoverflow, but after posting I realized, that I 
should have come here first :-(

I am currently working on a project, that makes intense usage of code 
generation for various purposes. One generator generates SQL scripts from jpa 
entities. Another generates DTOs from pojos, another generates the JPA2.0 meta 
model, jet another generates some xml and schema files based on Java classes 
... each generator works completely different needs to be configured 

My question now is ... is there any generic maven code generator plugin out 
there with the following attributes:

Creates a pojo model of a Java class (Names, Properties, Annotation, Methods 
Uses templates for defining the output that uses the pojo model to generate any 
Allows me to specify multiple templates for one class
Allows me to generate code and resources
Allows me to generate a base class to target/generated-sources and a dummy 
implementation to src/main/java which simply extends the base class (If the 
dummy class in src/main/java exists, nothing happens, if it doesn't it 
generates such a dummy class. This code is checked in to the SCM and allows 
extending the generated classes manually)

I am using the Flexmojos Gran

AW: Is there any generic Maven code generator?

2013-03-01 Thread
Well I guess, I will eventually whip up such a plugin myself, cause I really 
need to cleanup quite a code-generation mess. 
Eventually based upon the GraniteDS libs, as does the Flexmojos plugin.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Baptiste MATHUS
Gesendet: Freitag, 1. März 2013 08:02
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Is there any generic Maven code generator?

The following is not going to really help you, but I just wanted to point out 
that a plugin was recently initiated at mojo (still in the sandbox) dedicated 
to templating (called templating-maven-plugin).
It's currently only supporting Maven sources filtering, but the plan is to 
support different templating engines like velocity or mustache for example.

 Le 28 févr. 2013 12:17, "Anders Hammar"  a écrit :

> I haven't seen any generator plugin that does what you're looking for.
> Wearing a Maven hat, I don't think that having these stub classes 
> generated to src/main/java belongs to the build lifecycle. It's a 
> separate process that should be executed outside of a Maven build. SO 
> you would then have a separate goal for that is not bound to a phase by 
> default.
> /Anders
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:57 AM, < 
>> wrote:
> > Ahem ... this wasn't quite the path I was indenting to go with my
> question.
> >
> > What I am looking for is a generator-plugin that uses a template 
> > engine (such as Velocity) to generate code, and uses as input an 
> > pojo-object
> model
> > representing the details of a Java class that it should generate 
> > code
> for.
> >
> > Now I would like to have (or create, if I have to) a plugin, that 
> > allows me to specify which classes I am addressing using some 
> > include/exclude config.
> >
> > I could configure different include/exclude groups, each one in one 
> > execution and for each I could provide a set of:
> > - resourceTemplates
> > - testResourceTemplates
> > - sourceStubTemplates
> > - sourceTemplates
> > - testSourceStubTemplates
> > - testSourceTemplates
> > - ...
> > So for each matched class, I could generage:
> > - resources into the target/generated-resources directory using the 
> > resourceTemplates (could be more than one)
> > - testResources into the target/generates-test-resources directory 
> > using the testResourceTemplates, ...
> > - source code into target/generated-sources ...
> > - test source code into target/generated-test-sources ...
> >
> > One speciality I liked with GraniteDS was the ability to have 
> > auto-generated stub-classes generated in src/main/java ... if a 
> > class allready existed, no code would be generated, but if a class 
> > didn't
> exist,
> > it would be generated. This was great for creating classes that 
> > extend other generated classes and to allow customization. Something 
> > simple as
> > this:
> >
> > public class MyClass extends MyClassBase { }
> >
> > And MyClassBase is generated to target/generated-sources.
> >
> > With such a plugin I could be able to generate my JPA MetaModel 
> > classes, my DTOs, SQL scripts, ... and wouldn't have to configure 
> > thousands of different generators. People could develop 
> > best-practice templates for general purpose tasks.
> >
> > Hope this clarified, what I was looking for.
> >
> > If nothing similar exists, I would like to start developing 
> > something
> like
> > this, because I think it would make my life a lot easier.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > 
> > Von: Stadelmann Josef []
> > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013 09:52
> > An: Maven Users List
> > Betreff: AW: Is there any generic Maven code generator?
> >
> > A code generator needs input. Hence some "generic formal language" 
> > is
> used
> > to specify the input to the genric code generator? UML? 
> > Visualization of
> a
> > generic language could mean - speak UML, UML is a reality today. UML 
> > modells can says much more then 1000 words? Hence I opt for better 
> > integration of modelling tools with maven. Also roundtrip 
> > engineering is
> a
> > must. Enterprise Architect (EA) is able to generate code from UML 
> > and
> other
> > diagrams for many target compiler and it helps you to have code, 
> > modell
> and
> > documentation in sync. And EA can b

AW: Maven and JPA/EclipseLink Configuration...

2013-07-11 Thread
You could have a look at my Wiki article about multiple persistence.xml files:

Here you could separate your JPA entities from the platform dependent Options. 
In your case you could create your persistence.xml files without any db and 
application-server specific Settings and then simply add an additional 
persistence.xml to your deployment ... the merging persistence unit Manager 
would then merge those properties in automatically without having to update all 
of the individual persistence.xml files.

Don't quite know why my confluence is so slow at the Moment ... will have a 
look at this tonight.


Von: John Patrick []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013 18:50
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Maven and JPA/EclipseLink Configuration...

I'm working on a project that uses JPA EclipseLink, everything started of
fine with Jetty for developers development and WebLogic and Oracle proper
ear deployments.

EclipseLink has two values that need to be set in persistence.xml depending
upon your Application Server and Database;

This mean we have two profiles, Jetty and Release.

Now we support WebSphere and DB2, so have gone to 5 profiles and the need
to rebuild the ear 4 times which each profile.


I feel I'm doing something wrong...

Does someone have any suggestions on what to look at so i could potentially
build it once and get all the 4 ears build in one command? I've thought
about types or classifiers but unsure if that is just another hack...

Thoughts? As we soon might also need to support MySQL and Glassfish so
their is another 5 profiles and 5 more builds for a release.

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AW: Maven and JPA/EclipseLink Configuration...

2013-07-11 Thread
Well it should be possible as the PersistenceUnitManager is more a JPA Thing 
and not restricted to Spring. In my example it is just configured using Spring. 
Think it should be possible to do this an a JavaEE application (Perhaps I 
should find this out somehow and extend my tutorial). If someone here knows how 
to do so, I would be glad for some Input on this ;-)


Von: Stephen Connolly []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013 11:14
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Maven and JPA/EclipseLink Configuration...

That looks like a Spring only solution I wonder is there a pure JavaEE

On 11 July 2013 09:56,

> You could have a look at my Wiki article about multiple persistence.xml
> files:
> Here you could separate your JPA entities from the platform dependent
> Options. In your case you could create your persistence.xml files without
> any db and application-server specific Settings and then simply add an
> additional persistence.xml to your deployment ... the merging persistence
> unit Manager would then merge those properties in automatically without
> having to update all of the individual persistence.xml files.
> Don't quite know why my confluence is so slow at the Moment ... will have
> a look at this tonight.
> Chris
> Von: John Patrick []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013 18:50
> An: Maven Users List
> Betreff: Maven and JPA/EclipseLink Configuration...
> I'm working on a project that uses JPA EclipseLink, everything started of
> fine with Jetty for developers development and WebLogic and Oracle proper
> ear deployments.
> EclipseLink has two values that need to be set in persistence.xml depending
> upon your Application Server and Database;
> This mean we have two profiles, Jetty and Release.
> Now we support WebSphere and DB2, so have gone to 5 profiles and the need
> to rebuild the ear 4 times which each profile.
> Profiles
> Jetty
> WLSOracle
> WASOracle
> I feel I'm doing something wrong...
> Does someone have any suggestions on what to look at so i could potentially
> build it once and get all the 4 ears build in one command? I've thought
> about types or classifiers but unsure if that is just another hack...
> Thoughts? As we soon might also need to support MySQL and Glassfish so
> their is another 5 profiles and 5 more builds for a release.
> John
> -
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AW: mvn release:prepare does not update parent version

2013-07-23 Thread

is there actually a reason why only the artifacts in the build are updated?

I would agree that without providing versions for artifacts manually, this 
could cause problems, but when using the feature described here:
It is possible to provide separate versions for every module. 

In my release I provided release and development versions for all modules (also 
ones not in the reactor), but the release:prepare simply skipped those not in 
the build.
I had to create a patched version for this, but it was a pretty unsatisfying 
solution. If the plugin would for example update all those versions in the 
reactor plus all those I manually provided a version for, might solve Markus' 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: jieryn [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Juli 2013 20:36
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: mvn release:prepare does not update parent version


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Markus Karg  wrote:
> When I do mvn release:prepare, Maven asks whether I want to update all 
> SNAPSHOT version referenced in the POM.

I don't think the language says that at all. I ran a quick build and I'm not 
seeing where it says it will update every single SNAPSHOT version referenced in 
the POM. Can you please paste it?

> I say "yes" and confirm all suggested replacement versions unchanged.
> When Maven is done, I check the POM.xml.
> It is correctly rewritten for all references, but not for the parent 
> version.

And it should not. It will rewrite the versions for the artifacts in its build 
plan, and the parent is not part of the build plan in this way. It would be 
horrifying, frankly, if running a release in a project would go update the 
parent project also.

> The parent version still references the *old* SNAPSHOT, while 
> obviously it should now name the *next* SNAPSHOT.

I don't think it should obviously do that. Perhaps you actually intended to run 
the release from the parent, if that is true, then you should do it from there. 
Not from within some submodule.

> Can somebody tell me what I have to do so that mvn release:prepare 
> will also make the parent version point tot he *next* SNAPSHOT, as it 
> does it correctly with the dependencies and the project's own version?

Run the release from the proper location. Or if the parent really does not have 
a submodule of the project you're errantly trying to run the release from right 
now, then you should release it (parent) first and then make the updates in the 
unlinked child projects to the latest release number. The m-versions-p is quite 
adept at automating this process.


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Name of a new Apache plugin for maven?

2013-08-05 Thread

I am part of the Apache Flex Team and am currently working on Setting up a new 
Maven plugin for building Apache Flex applications. This will be an official 
Apache maven plugin, so would I be allowed to Name it "maven-flex-plugin" or 
should "flex-maven-plugin" be used instead? I would prefer "maven-flex-plugin" 
by far, but don't want to have to rename everything in the case this is not 


AW: Name of a new Apache plugin for maven?

2013-08-06 Thread
Ok ... 

well I did read that naming info, I was just confused how to actually read it 

"Apache Maven" "plugin" or "Apache" "Maven plugin" ... you see there are two 
semantics on how you could understand this. In my case it would actually be a 
"Maven plugin" from an Apache Project, but it's not a plugin from the "Apache 
Maven" Project ;-) 

But I the Definition regarding the Location of the sources is far less 

I'll stick to "flex-maven-plugin" then.


Von: Barrie Treloar []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. August 2013 09:02
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: Re: Name of a new Apache plugin for maven?

Further googling shows

Since your plugin isn't hosted inside the Apache Maven source
repository "flex-maven-plugin" looks like the correct choice.

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AW: How to test with multiple versions

2013-11-12 Thread
Well in the Flexmojos Project we have a testsuite that tests a plugin against 
several Versions of SDK (Compiler + Libs). The trick is that in the tests, we 
generate poms with different Versions and spawn different child maven builds 
for each of These using the maven-invoker-plugin. You can have a look at the 
Setup here:

Hope this is somehow what you are looking for.


Von: Marshall Schor []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. November 2013 16:15
An: Maven Users List
Betreff: How to test with multiple versions


We would like to run tests that test for compatibility between newer releases
and older versions, for a "client-server" kind of application.  The main idea
here is that the tests would be run with the client running one version of
things, and the server running another.

Is there a suggested approach for doing this using Maven?  The main issue I see
is that the test case would depend on multiple versions of the same artifacts -
some version being "assigned" to the client, and some to the server.  But I
don't think Maven allows that?

It would be good to hear from others who have previously faced down this kind of
issue :-)

-Marshall Schor

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Implementing ModelValidators for Plugins

2011-11-01 Thread

I am currently working on a way to report common configuration problems of the 
flexmojos plugin.
Which extensionpoints does Maven offer to implement something like this? I 
found the ModelValidator interface together with its DefaultModelValidator 
class, but could not find any way to provide custom validation code. It even 
seems that the normal builder only suports a single instance of a 

Help greatly appreciated.

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fon:  0 61 51 / 27315 - 61
fax:  0 61 51 / 27315 - 64
mobil:  0171 / 7 444 2 33

UStId-Nr. DE195700962