Highlighted whitespace

2022-03-11 Thread Ed Sowell
Oops. Just discovered that I had a 1-character whitespace string in the Find



Highlighted white space

2022-03-11 Thread Ed Sowell
I accidently  hit some key combination and now the whitespace is now
highlighted orange. How can I turn it off?


I'm using Java in NetBeans 11 on Windows.



RE: serialVersionUID generator

2021-09-07 Thread Ed Sowell
Inno Setup, which I use to create the installer for my app, generates a GUID. 

I just signed up  for this mail list so  I don't know if this is the proper way 
to respond.

-Original Message-
From: Ewan Slater  
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 11:04 AM
To: NetBeans Mailing List 
Subject: serialVersionUID generator


Does anyone know of a method for creating serialVersionUID in NetBeans?

IIRC there were some plugins for this in the past, but I can’t find them now on 
wither the community plugins page or plugin portal page.



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Why can't Platform Manager find JDK 1.8.0_301?

2021-09-05 Thread Ed Sowell
I just followed the Oracle instructions for Windows 10 installation of JDK
1.8.0_301, updating 131. Installation now properly shows the Windows 10
System Java version is jre1.8.0_301. However I can find only the jre. The
jdk isn't anywhere on my machine. Without the jdk, I can't Add it as a
Platform using the NetBeans Platform Manager.

What am I missing?





RE: Java 8 still on Java.com

2019-09-30 Thread Ed Sowell

I use Launch4J, then innoSetup to create an installer. Tricky part is the 
innoSetup for including the JRE. I can share mine, if that would help.








From: Derik Devecchio  
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 6:06 PM
To: Emilian Bold 
Cc: users@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: Re: Java 8 still on Java.com




Thanks for getting back to me.I am not trying to re-invent “write once run 
anywhere”.I accept that everything is going to need an installer now.

The question is, how do I get from “Clean and Build” to  .EXE file that 
includes a JRE?   



You said "For Windows/macOS you probably can use something cross platform (see

the NetBeans installer), “  


Do you mean the installer for Netbeans?  Or do you mean installers for OSX and 


but you will run into the problem of digitally signing your app


That is a good point.  I had not thought of that.










On Sep 30, 2019, at 12:20 PM, Emilian Bold mailto:emilian.b...@gmail.com> > wrote:


Well, there is a public facing Java distribution such as AdoptOpenJDK
and many Linux distros provide their own (see 

So, at least on Linux, you will have some form of Java in their
repositories. Although even there there's nothing stopping you to ship
your own runtime (as part of something like 

 or manually).

But Java is no longer something users install / update.

Supporting all the Unix-like OSes seems like a non-trivial job in
itself. The NetBeans installer is just a 

 file, not a

For Windows/macOS you probably can use something cross platform (see
the NetBeans installer), but you will run into the problem of
digitally signing your app. For that I don't know of a cross platform

So, for example, although I build CoolBeans on a Linux build server, I
still have to digitally sign the installer on a Mac and on a Windows


On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 9:15 PM Derik Devecchio
mailto:ddevecc...@celestron.com> > wrote:

On Sep 30, 2019, at 9:55 AM, Emilian Bold 


Java is no longer an user-facing product, it's middleware.

Okay, that sounds like an improvement from where I am standing, but…  Can 
Netbeans help me with that now?

The last time I looked into bundling the JRE with my program, I think it was in 
the early release days of Java9 (Netbeans 8.2 was still the IDE of choice). 
You could specify such a build, but it required linking the IDE to 3rd party 
software.   Also, at the time, it required that you have a development station 
for each OS.   You couldn’t make Windows apps on a Mac and visa versa, to say 
nothing of the dozen or so flavors of Linux out there.   To make matters worse, 
at the time, the required third party software was different for each OS.   
There were many competing options for each OS, each with dozens different 
options that need to be (a) learned and (b) configured correctly for each of 

RE: Java Swing vs AWT

2019-05-31 Thread Ed Sowell
Thanks, Jean-Marc. Right after I posted the question I was fiddling around with 
the palette and got Swing back. I believe what did the trick was  changing the 
order, moving Swing above AWT. Everything back to normal. I love 11!




From: Jean-Marc Borer  
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 3:14 AM
To: NetBeans Mailing 
Subject: Re: Java Swing vs AWT


Really strange,


I am working with Swing in NB 11 on a daily basis. Re-install?


On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 9:24 PM Ed Sowell mailto:jag_man...@sbcglobal.net> > wrote:

I’ve been working on my Windows Java app for several years using NetBeans 7 & 
later. All my dialogs use Swing components from the visual designer. Now, after 
switching to 11, I constructed a new dialog and discovered certain things 
weren’t available, e.g., setInputVerifier(). When I dug in a bit it seems to be 
because before I was able to select text boxes etc. from Swing, whereas now 
components like text boxes are available only under AWT. How can I get the 
Swing components back on the Palette?



Java Swing vs AWT

2019-05-21 Thread Ed Sowell
I've been working on my Windows Java app for several years using NetBeans 7
& later. All my dialogs use Swing components from the visual designer. Now,
after switching to 11, I constructed a new dialog and discovered certain
things weren't available, e.g., setInputVerifier(). When I dug in a bit it
seems to be because before I was able to select text boxes etc. from Swing,
whereas now components like text boxes are available only under AWT. How can
I get the Swing components back on the Palette?



RE: Netbeans 8.0 update fails.

2019-04-17 Thread Ed Sowell
I was having some issues with 8.2 and was advised to switch to 11.0. Yesterday 
I did, and everything works fine with my rather large & complex Java Windows 
app project. Only problem is there’s no installer for 11.0. You have to 
download the binary zip file and unzip it to C:\Program Files. You can manually 
pin netbeans64.exe or netbeans.exe to Start, and rename the folder to NetBeans 
11.0. When you first run 11.0 it will ask you if you want to transfer the 
settings used in your earlier version (which it detects automatically) to 11.0 
Say Yes.


And, yes, it can coexist with you present version. I now have 8.1, 8.2, and 
11.0 on my machine.


Ed Sowell 


From: Yuval Schwartz  
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 6:42 AM
To: us...@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Netbeans 8.0 update fails.




I'm using Netbeans 8.0 for windows 10.


I get a message that there are "50 updates found".


When I click "click here to make your IDE up to date" another window opens up 
with all the plugins that will be updated.


I click "next", but then I get an error. Specifically, the window says:


There were some problems when storing the selected plugins


(The system cannot find the file specified)


Are there any tips for how I might fix this issue?


Is it recommended to just download the newest version of Netbeans (Netbeans 
11.0) and uninstall the old one (Netbeans 8.0)? Is there any way to upgrade to 
Netbeans 11.0 without uninstalling the old one?


Thank you.


RE: NB 8.2 Freezing

2019-04-16 Thread Ed Sowell
I installed NB 11.0 and worked on my project for a few hours today. So far, no 
freezing. That was encouraging, since when I last worked on the project with 
8.2 it would freeze every time I opened it.

Lar, I'm working from home connected to Spectrum/TWC. No proxy server as far as 
I know. However, my Windows setting  is the default auto-detection, which I 
assume means it would connect through any proxy server on the Spectrum side. 
Never heard of such a thing though.

-Original Message-
From: Lars Bruun-Hansen  
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2019 6:31 AM
To: Geertjan Wielenga 
Cc: Ed Sowell ; us...@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: NB 8.2 Freezing

Hi Ed,

In case of a freeze the most revealing information we can obtain is a Thread 

How to get a Thread Dump:

(assuming you are on Windows)

- Open a command window (cmd.exe) and start NetBeans IDE from the command 
window. (by executing "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\netbeans64.exe"  .. or 
as appropriate for your version of NetBeans and your install directory). Now 
work as normal with the IDE, until the freeze happens.
- Press Ctrl-Break in the console window.
- There will now be a thread dump in the console window. Copy all of that text 
into a text file.
- Post here.

Unfortunately, while I know of several methods to obtain a Thread Dump from a 
running Java application this is the only one I know of which will actually 
work when a true freeze occurs. The method requires that you have a command 
window from where you can send the Ctrl-Break instruction. Hence, you need to 
start from a command prompt, not the Start Menu of Desktop shortcut.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 2:52 PM Geertjan Wielenga  wrote:
> Just go to netbeans.apache.org, install the latest version, Apache NetBeans 
> 11.0, see if the problem can be reproduced, if so, create an issue, provide 
> step by step instructions for how to reproduce this exactly.
> Thanks,
> Gj
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 2:50 PM Ed Sowell  wrote:
>> I’ve been using NB for several years, in a Windows (now 10) environment. At 
>> some point, perhaps back at version 8.0, it started exhibiting a freezing 
>> problem. In the NB Community I learned that this is an often-reported issue 
>> with many suggested causes, ranging from inability to locate import 
>> libraries to use of dual monitors. None of these resonated with my 
>> experience. Then a few days ago I discovered another possible cause. I 
>> noticed it froze while Debugging at a breakpoint in my Java project. The log 
>> file showed this:
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> SEVERE [global]
>> java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on 
>> the screen to determine its location
>> at 
>> java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock(Component.java:2062
>> )
>> at 
>> java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen(Component.java:2036)
>> at 
>> javax.swing.text.JTextComponent$InputMethodRequestsHandler.getTextLoc
>> ation(JTextComponent.java:4643)
>> at 
>> sun.awt.im.InputMethodContext.getTextLocation(InputMethodContext.java
>> :278)
>> I assume the location it couldn’t determine was a breakpoint which had 
>> become an empty line due to edits. As usual, I had to use Windows Task 
>> Manager to End the NB task and then reopen NB. I then removed (or disabled?) 
>> all project breakpoints. For a while, I thought I’d finally resolved the 
>> problem, but alas, it still does it once in a while. The log from the most 
>> recent freeze ended like this:
>> INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: Found 
>> target for 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\src\JC
>> NAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java: 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\build\
>> classes\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.class
>> INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: 
>> isBuilt: true from 
>> GFBQ.StatusImpl[C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAs
>> signments\src\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java@b9e57aac:39b
>> 89f24 -> 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\build\
>> classes\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.class]
>> INFO 
>> [org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.updateprovider.AutoupdateCatalogParser]: 
>> Unpaired license 0008 without any module.
>> INFO [org.netbeans.modules.git.status]: GitInterceptor

NB 8.2 Freezing

2019-04-12 Thread Ed Sowell
I've been using NB for several years, in a Windows (now 10) environment. At
some point, perhaps back at version 8.0, it started exhibiting a freezing
problem. In the NB Community I learned that this is an often-reported issue
with many suggested causes, ranging from inability to locate import
libraries to use of dual monitors. None of these resonated with my
experience. Then a few days ago I discovered another possible cause. I
noticed it froze while Debugging at a breakpoint in my Java project. The log
file showed this:


INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

SEVERE [global]

java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the
screen to determine its location






I assume the location it couldn't determine was a breakpoint which had
become an empty line due to edits. As usual, I had to use Windows Task
Manager to End the NB task and then reopen NB. I then removed (or disabled?)
all project breakpoints. For a while, I thought I'd finally resolved the
problem, but alas, it still does it once in a while. The log from the most
recent freeze ended like this:


INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: Found target

INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: isBuilt:
true from
ts\src\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java@b9e57aac:39b89f24 ->

Unpaired license 0008 without any module.

INFO [org.netbeans.modules.git.status]: GitInterceptor.refreshTask: Scanning
in progress, trying again in 10,000ms

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.


There were no Exceptions in the log file. I don't know the significance of
these INFO messages, but clearly something's wrong.


So, with this background, let me ask a question. Since this freezing issue
seems to have survived several NB version changes, is there any hope it has
been resolved in NB 10 or the newest version, 11?


Thanks for any suggestions.


Ed Sowell




RE: UinserverZ for Netbeans for PHP development

2018-02-19 Thread Ed Sowell
Thanks, Bo. I gave up on UniServerZ and gave XAMPP another try. Finally got
it working, but can't quite tell what I was doing wrong. Just kept retrying
the instructions from the top and suddenly, it was working.


Current issue is getting Zend working.  Don't know what these things are so




From: Bo Andersen [mailto:boan@outlook.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 2:21 AM
To: Ed Sowell <jag_man...@sbcglobal.net>; users@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: Sv: UinserverZ for Netbeans for PHP development


I know it is not your question, but I am using WPN-XM (nginx), and it is
working fine



 <https://wpn-xm.org/> WPИ-XM Community Forum - Index page

Announcements Please check this forum for all official WPN-XM announcements
about releases, updates and more.





Fra: Ed Sowell <jag_man...@sbcglobal.net <mailto:jag_man...@sbcglobal.net> >
Sendt: 15. februar 2018 19:00
Til: users@netbeans.apache.org <mailto:users@netbeans.apache.org> 
Emne: UinserverZ for Netbeans for PHP development 


Newbie here: this it the first time I've used a mail list in a decade or
more, so hope I'm doing it right.


I'm trying to set up Netbeans for online app development using
PHP/JavaScript. Tried using XAMPP for local server but things didn't go
well. Now trying UniserverZ, but no luck so far. Uniserver has a tool called
UniController.exe with which one can choose from 3 different php.ini files,
php_test.ini, php_development.ini, or php_production.ini. The tool also
allows viewing  of settings and stuff, with which I can see that the default
place to look for php.ini is C:\Windows. Therefore I think a copy of the
selected ini is renamed php.ini and put in C:\windows.  HOWEVER, in Netbeans
one must browse to the wanted php.ini, but its' not there.


So, my first question is has anyone here ever used UniserverZ with NetBeans?



UinserverZ for Netbeans for PHP development

2018-02-15 Thread Ed Sowell
Newbie here. this it the first time I've used a mail list in a decade or
more, so hope I'm doing it right.


I'm trying to set up Netbeans for online app development using
PHP/JavaScript. Tried using XAMPP for local server but things didn't go
well. Now trying UniserverZ, but no luck so far. Uniserver has a tool called
UniController.exe with which one can choose from 3 different php.ini files,
php_test.ini, php_development.ini, or php_production.ini. The tool also
allows viewing  of settings and stuff, with which I can see that the default
place to look for php.ini is C:\Windows. Therefore I think a copy of the
selected ini is renamed php.ini and put in C:\windows.  HOWEVER, in Netbeans
one must browse to the wanted php.ini, but its' not there.


So, my first question is has anyone here ever used UniserverZ with NetBeans?

