Re: Scoring question

2007-08-14 Thread arni

Rick Zeman schrieb:

Does this score:

0.001   BAYES_50Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%

seem to be rather low for something with a 50% probablity of being spam?

SA 3.2.1 run within Maia with autolearning on.


BAYES_50 means that bayes thinks that its 50% chance to be ham and 50% 
chance to be spam - so bayes should stay neutral because it has no 
opinion on this message.


simple rule idea

2007-07-25 Thread arni
I just had the following rule idea to prevent false positives (i have no 
problem scoring spam high enough, i rather want to find ways to lower 
the score on ham)

I want to reward -2 points for people that know my very distinctive 
lastname and include it in the message or the To field - however i also 
use email addresses that already contain my last name - in this case i 
dont want to reward points because it was an obvious guess, here is how 
i'd do it:

body   __SENDER_KNOWS_REALNAME_BODY /\b__lastname\b/i
header __SENDER_KNOWS_REALNAME_HEAD To =~ /.*__lastname.*.*/i
header __REALNAME_WAS_OBVIOUS To =~ /.*__lastname.*/i


Re: Bored girls spams

2007-07-25 Thread arni

Anders Norrbring schrieb:

arni skrev:

Igor Chudov schrieb:

I am receiving a lot of spams from bored girls, that ask me to email
to some .info email addresses. Just curious what these spams are
promoting, what is the scam behind them?


probably to verify the addresses they tried because then they gain a 
lot of value and can be sold for much more

Even more interesting would be, how can we tag them higher in a safe 
way so it won't cause false hits?


this is the lowest scoring mail of this type i could find:

	*  5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%

*  [score: 1.]
*  0.0 BOTNET_BADDNS Relay doesn't have full circle DNS
*  [botnet_baddns,ip=,rdns=helo=]
*  3.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
*  [botnet0.7,ip=,hostname=helo=,baddns]
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 Date: is 3 to 6 hours before Received: date
*  1.5 IXHASH BODY: This mail has been classified as spam @ iX Magazine,
*  Germany
*  1.5 LOGINHASH2 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ unknown 
*   Germany
*  1.5 LOGINHASH1 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ 

*  AG, Germany

Re: Bored girls spams

2007-07-25 Thread arni

Igor Chudov schrieb:

I am receiving a lot of spams from bored girls, that ask me to email
to some .info email addresses. Just curious what these spams are
promoting, what is the scam behind them?


probably to verify the addresses they tried because then they gain a lot 
of value and can be sold for much more

Re: Bye for good FuzzyOCR

2007-07-22 Thread arni

Loren Wilton schrieb:

I'm not recieving much of it anymore anyways.

FWIW, about 20% of the spam I got today had either a GIF or PNG image 
attached to it.  Most advertizing viagra in clear text with no 
obfuscation, a few advertizing stocks.  FuzzyOCR still does quite well 


I'm not saying that it doesnt work well anymore, i'm just saying that i 
dont need it anymore to bring my spam to above 10 points, what happened 
for me lately was the following:
image spam was above 10 pts already and fuzzyocr didnt run so fuzzyocr 
only ran for ham with images completely wasting resources

so i uninstalled it

Re: Bye for good FuzzyOCR

2007-07-22 Thread arni

Bill Landry schrieb:

I'm running SA 3.2.1 and FuzzyOCR is running just fine here.


ran fine on 3.2.0 for me ...

Bye for good FuzzyOCR

2007-07-21 Thread arni


i just uninstalled FuzzyOCR from my system as it seems like its become 
out of fashion to send those spam images that FuzzyOCR can read and I 
noticed that I dont even need it to get the remaining imagespam above a 
score of 10.

Thanks alot to the author, the plugin was great when imagespam was on a 
high and no good rules existed to bust them through metadata ;-)


Re: Bye for good FuzzyOCR

2007-07-21 Thread arni

Spamassassin List schrieb:
i just uninstalled FuzzyOCR from my system as it seems like its 
become out of fashion to send those spam images that FuzzyOCR can 
read and I noticed that I dont even need it to get the remaining 
imagespam above a score of 10.

Thanks alot to the author, the plugin was great when imagespam was on 
a high and no good rules existed to bust them through metadata ;-)

So what are u using now?

botnet, bayes and other standard rules is enough to bring all my image 
spam to above 10 points, even without cpu intensive FuzzyOCR.

I'm not recieving much of it anymore anyways.


Re: Bye for good FuzzyOCR

2007-07-21 Thread arni

Spamassassin List schrieb:

Spamassassin List schrieb:
i just uninstalled FuzzyOCR from my system as it seems like its 
become out of fashion to send those spam images that FuzzyOCR can 
read and I noticed that I dont even need it to get the remaining 
imagespam above a score of 10.

Thanks alot to the author, the plugin was great when imagespam was 
on a high and no good rules existed to bust them through metadata ;-)

So what are u using now?

botnet, bayes and other standard rules is enough to bring all my 
image spam to above 10 points, even without cpu intensive FuzzyOCR.

I'm not recieving much of it anymore anyways.


Using ImageInfo?

must be on or, 
otherwise i wouldnt have them


Rule suggestion - smtp sanity

2007-07-13 Thread arni
From large providers i sometimes recieve messages through encrypted 
smtp, the header looks smth like this (qmail):

...  with (AES256-SHA encrypted) SMTP; ...

Would it be a good idea to give a minimal negative score on this -0.1 or 
-0.2 if this happens on the last hop? - It proves that the sending smtp 
server is very protocol sane, which spambots are usually not.


PDF Decoder - Show of concept

2007-07-11 Thread arni


what i'm going to show you is purely show or prove of concept - there is 
no way you should use the code in a productional environment, because it 
most likely has exploitable bugs as well as inacuracies that will not be 
able to parse all mail properly.

I put this together within an around an hour to show how its possible to 
cope with pdf spam - the script compeltely decodes the pdf attachment 
into text and images and reattaches them. Like this the text is fully 
available to all means of sa processing, as well as the images to 
FuzzyOCR, if installed.

The code is php, because thats easiest for me to write.

It also has a nice side effect, that you are able to see the text from a 
pdf without having to open it ;-)

If someone could make a sa plugin that can do the same thing in a clean 
and safe manner, this would be great,

Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9


$mail = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", join('',file("test.eml")));

list($header, $body) = explode("\n\n", $mail, 2);
preg_match("/boundary=\"([^\"]*)\"/m", $mail, $border);

$border = $border[1];
$parts = preg_split("/-*$border-*/", $body);


$mailout = $header . "\n\n";

foreach($parts AS $part) {
list($phead, $pbody) = explode("\n\n", $part, 2);
$mailout .= "--$border";
$mailout .= $part;
if(strpos($phead, "pdf") !== false) {
$binary = base64_decode($pbody);
$tmpname = rand("1", "9");
$out = fopen("$tmpname.pdf", "w");
fputs($out, $binary);
exec("pdftotext -htmlmeta -nopgbrk $tmpname.pdf $tmpname.txt 2 /dev/null");
$text = join('', file("$tmpname.txt"));
if(trim(strip_tags($text)) != "") {
$mailout .= "--$border\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset = \"iso-8859-1\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"pdftext.htm\"\n\n";
$mailout .= $text."\n";
exec("pdfimages -j $tmpname.pdf $tmpname 2 /dev/null");
$cnt = 0;
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if($file != "."  $file != ".."  is_file($file)) {
if(substr($file, 0, strlen($tmpname)) == $tmpname) {
@list($name, $ext) = explode(".",$file);
if($ext == "ppm") {
exec("ppmtogif $file  $file.gif 2 /dev/null");
$binary = join('', file("$file.gif"));
$mailout .= "--$border\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: image/gif;\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"pdfimage$cnt.gif\"\n\n";
$mailout .= wordwrap(base64_encode($binary), 76, "\n", 1)."\n";
elseif($ext == "jpg") {
$binary = join('', file($file));
$mailout .= "--$border\n";
$mailout .= "Content-Type: image/jpeg;\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"pdfimage$cnt.jpg\"\n\n";
$mailout .= wordwrap(base64_encode($binary), 76, "\n", 1)."\n";

$mailout .= "--$border--\n";

$out = fopen("out.eml", "w");
fputs($out, $mailout);

Re: how do I block this stock promotion spam?

2007-07-05 Thread arni

i'd block it like this:

* 5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
* [score: 0.9997]
* 0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS
* 2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in
* [Blocked - see]
* 3.0 RCVD_IN_XBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
* [ listed in]
* 3.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
* [botnet0.7,ip=,,nordns]
* 0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says domain
* signs some mails
* 0.0 BOTNET_NORDNS Relay's IP address has no PTR record
* [botnet_nordns,ip=]

Generally means:

ether install botnet and hope for beeing a late reciever (spamcop) or
train your bayes on it (also together with the botnet plugin)


Andrew Xiang schrieb:
 how do I block this stock promotion spam?

Re: Several messages a day are not getting scanned (no X-Spam-Status)

2007-07-05 Thread arni

esposj schrieb:

I have recently upgraded to SA3.2 (via ISPConfig) and have several users
seeing messages come through without any SA processing.  On my personal
account, I see 2-5 messages a day which don't have a X-Spam-Status and are
very obviously spam.

SA is called through PROCMAIL and I have confirmed that the messages getting
through aren't too big to get blocked by the PROCMAIL script.

My thoughts are to write another procmail rule at the end to check for the
X-Spam-Status header and if missing feed back into the SA rule.  This seems
like an unneeded hack, and I hope someone could point me at some other
troubleshooting ideas.

Joe Esposito
The Seagroatt Companies
Albany, NY
you might be using the to: field to determine who the mail is to and 
scan acording to that - thats not a safe way because it can be forged, 
use headers such as envelope-to or delivered-to as added by your mta to 
find out where a mail is really going


Re: *****SPAM***** Re: DNS list service to detect the registrar barrier

2007-07-03 Thread arni

jdow schrieb:

You are if you're the only one dumb enough to run email from this list
through SpamAssassin then you might be.

I dont exactly know why you have to flame people on this mailinglist but 
i'm gonna explain it to you:

This list offers a great way to learn bayes with spam related ham, which 
is in my opinion on of the best hams around. It is spam related, so it 
might contain tokens that are also found in spam and it a great way to 
show bayes that these tokens are not only present in spam, but can also 
be in ham.


Re: *****SPAM***** Re: DNS list service to detect the registrar barrier

2007-07-02 Thread arni
am i the only one getting a pretty solid false positive on the previous 

	*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says domain

*   signs some mails
*  2.0 SPOOF_COM2OTH URI: URI contains .com in middle
*  2.3 SPOOF_COM2COM URI: URI contains .com in middle and end
* -2.6 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1%
*  [score: 0.]

Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-30 Thread arni

Mikael Syska schrieb:

Kind a new to spam ... and especially how people use bayes.

So how many ham mails do you get per day ? wandering if I could do
something to my system so bayes may score higher 

I have read some where that spam mails in bayes should be alot higher 
than ham mails ... is that true ?

Cause I'm doing spam scans for multiple domains ..

my mail volume isnt high, i do it only for myself and some friends,

some stats on my bayes db:

0.000  0   4556  0  non-token data: nspam
0.000  0   1356  0  non-token data: nham
0.000  0 280877  0  non-token data: ntokens

i get about 20 ham and 150 spams per day (on my personal box) - bayes is 
only learned by spamtraps and autolearn.


Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-29 Thread arni


arni wrote:


Sounds more like if we didn't rely on other people to have seen this
particular abusive host before us and our learning system to have seen
past examples of spam that looks a whole lot like this one from headers
alone to detect this particular spam, we'd fail to catch it until we've
trained our system and the abusive host has been reported to various lists.

That's what makes policy (e.g. MTA checks, BOTNET) and behavior based
detection work as well as it does, it's proactive instead of reactive.


I have no spam that doesnt score at least BAYES_80 - BAYES_80 is 3.5
points here, BOTNET is 3 points here, makes 6.5 total and a bust.

Doesnt have anything to do with beeing a late reciever as i recieve this
spam on a whole lot of addresses and not just one - please dont tell me
you think i'm a late reciever on all.


No all BAYES is saying you've received and trained spam in the past that
has bits and pieces that look like this new spam. If a spammer reduces
the amount of tokens that can match negatively and does nothing else
they'll end up with a meaningless bayes score (right around BAYES_50).
Add a bit of likely to be trained as ham bits from a common mailing
list from the day before, and use that in combination with an
image/attachment/short spam and you've got a nice low bayes score. Works
great against large site-wide bayes databases, not so much against
per-user unless the user happens to be subscribed to whatever ham source
the spammer is using. jokeMaybe we should train all our mailing lists
as spam!/joke

i will use one of the best quotes here that were ever created on the 

You make your mouth full of technical bullshit when only facts talk
By some random guy

;-) arni

Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-29 Thread arni


arni wrote:

i will use one of the best quotes here that were ever created on the

You make your mouth full of technical bullshit when only facts talk
By some random guy

;-) arni

So you're saying you want my stock spam with mailing list filler? It's
real and has been for a year or more and makes site-wide bayes useless
against it.


yes, actually i do, just for the fun of it.
would be nice if you could send 3 to 5 as an attachment including all 
headers to the list or only my address.

ofc you'll want to chose spam with a low score to prove me wrong ;-)


Re: A different approach to scoring spamassassin hits

2007-06-29 Thread arni

Tom Allison schrieb:

Many Thanks for those of you who have read this far for your patience 
and consideration.

Sorry for only giving you such a short reply to your long and great 
post, but i have to say this now:

The proposal is brilliant and i thought about this before myself but 
never got around to put it into words.


Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-28 Thread arni


Sounds more like if we didn't rely on other people to have seen this
particular abusive host before us and our learning system to have seen
past examples of spam that looks a whole lot like this one from headers
alone to detect this particular spam, we'd fail to catch it until we've
trained our system and the abusive host has been reported to various lists.

That's what makes policy (e.g. MTA checks, BOTNET) and behavior based
detection work as well as it does, it's proactive instead of reactive.

I have no spam that doesnt score at least BAYES_80 - BAYES_80 is 3.5 
points here, BOTNET is 3 points here, makes 6.5 total and a bust.

Doesnt have anything to do with beeing a late reciever as i recieve this 
spam on a whole lot of addresses and not just one - please dont tell me 
you think i'm a late reciever on all.


Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-27 Thread arni

Raymond Myren schrieb:


Just today I started receiving spam mails with attached .pdf files 
with a spam image.

Any ideas how to stop this spam type?

as i said several times on this maillist now, i've never had any of 
these mails get through, here is how the current ones score:

X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=16.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_99,BOTNET,
autolearn=no version=3.2.0
	*  5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%

*  [score: 1.]
*  0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS
*  2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in
*  [Blocked - see]
*  0.9 RCVD_IN_PBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
*  [ listed in]
*  3.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
*  [botnet0.7,ip=,nordns]
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 BOTNET_NORDNS Relay's IP address has no PTR record
*  [botnet_nordns,ip=]
*  0.0 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY BODY: Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
*  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
*  1.5 LOGINHASH2 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ unknown 
*   Germany
*  1.5 LOGINHASH1 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ 
*  AG, Germany
*  2.2 DCC_CHECK Listed in DCC (


Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-27 Thread arni

Robert Schetterer schrieb:

arni schrieb:


as i said several times on this maillist now, i've never had any of
these mails get through, here is how the current ones score:

you are in a luck,
you are a late reciever of that spam, so it was detected
by others before ( look at your headers )
but it wasnt detected by i.e a plain pdf_spam rule/solution
( like fuzzy_ocr etc )
this is what i am looking for

I looked for the lowest scoring email of the past 2 days (dont save them 
longer), this is the one:

X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=10.7 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_99,DCC_CHECK,
autolearn=no version=3.2.0
	*  5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%

*  [score: 1.]
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY BODY: Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
*  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
*  1.5 LOGINHASH2 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ unknown 
*   Germany
*  1.5 LOGINHASH1 BODY: mail has been classified as spam @ 
*  AG, Germany
*  2.2 DCC_CHECK Listed in DCC (

Note that already a well trained BAYES can take these mails out on its 
own on my system.

If you find your bayes to score really acurate then its a good idea to 
increase the scores. For me bayes is fed from 2 spamtrap addresses with 
around 50 pieces of the finest spam every day. Doing this, bayes scores 
BAYES_99 on 99.5% of my remaining spam - i hardly ever see it score 
below BAYES_80 and thats just great.

So maybe training bayes better or increasing the score will put and end 
to this for you.


Re: Spam PDF

2007-06-27 Thread arni


Actually it did, take away the spamtrap fed blackholes (PBL and SPAMCOP)
and the spamtrap fed BAYES as well and it scores a whopping 3.1 thanks
to the BOTNET plugin (which is amazing btw). That hit was all from
late-receiver effect.

That sounds a bit like if we stopped trying to detect spam, we'd fail 
to catch it

pdf spam solution idea

2007-06-27 Thread arni


its come up several times now that people ask for a way to directly 
detect pdf spam by the pdf content and not only through headers or other 
means (hashes, bayes).
I've found a solution that should be pretty easy to realise in a 
Fuzzy-OCR like plugin. Here is what it should do:

Use xpdf ( to read the pdf 

export the images to ppm files using `pdfimages`
export the text parts to a simple text using `pdftotext`

This plugin should run as one of the first to make the raw text read 
available (for example by attaching it as an extra mime part or somehow 
internally) as well as make the images available to FuzzyOCR or similar 
by the same means as above.

Unfortunately i wont be able to write such a plugin myself, it should be 
rather easy to do but i cant start to learn pearl just for this ;-)

Maybe i gave some hints ...


Re: Botnet Score

2007-06-25 Thread arni

Matt schrieb:

I have added botnet to my Spamassassin install.  It seems to have
helped quite a bit so far.  I am just wandering about the 5 points it
gives for a hit.  Is that too much?  Does it have alot of false
positives or not?


i'm using the default 5 and until now i had one false positive (but 
bayes and awl saved it)

thinking about it i might reduce the score to 3, but not lower because 
its really doing a great job over here


Re: Botnet Score

2007-06-25 Thread arni

Jari Fredriksson schrieb:

Matthias Haegele wrote:

Jari Fredriksson schrieb:

Matt wrote:

I have added botnet to my Spamassassin install.  It seems to have
helped quite a bit so far.  I am just wandering about the 5 points
it gives for a hit.  Is that too much?  Does it have alot of false
positives or not?


I have yet to see a hit, none so far in production (botnet been on
for 5 days now). 

Perhaps you use greylisting or similiar solutions already, or messages
get blocked by Blacklists on MTA-Level?

No, no such measures. But starting spamd -D tells this

Seems that botnet disables itself?

No trusted relays? should be automatically trusted and you should add all your 
MX'es ip's so botnet can work properly


Re: Botnet Score

2007-06-25 Thread arni

Jari Fredriksson schrieb: should be automatically trusted and you should add all your
MX'es ip's so botnet can work properly

Add to where? I have internal_networks and trusted_networks set up in


then that should be ok

Re: Botnet Score

2007-06-25 Thread arni

Mark Martinec schrieb:
The accuracy of botnet can be greatly enhanced it is when tamed down 
by p0f results (passive operating system fingerprinting).
I cant fully agree with that because allmost all xDSL or Cable users use 
some kind of hardware router which usually runs some kind of embedded 
unix or propetary system which will behave like unix.

So from my experience you often see unix from the internet's point of 
view where its actually windows.


Re: Help in writing rules to catch SREA stock spams

2007-06-22 Thread arni

Suhas Ingale schrieb:

Can someone help me writing rules to catch below content spam?


*  5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
*  [score: 1.]
*  0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS
*  5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
*  [botnet0.7,ip=,nordns]
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 BOTNET_NORDNS Relay's IP address has no PTR record
*  [botnet_nordns,ip=]
*  1.9 RCVD_ILLEGAL_IP Received: contains illegal IP address
*  1.9 URIBL_AB_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the AB SURBL blocklist
*  [URIs:]
*  2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in
*  [Blocked - see]
*  3.0 RCVD_IN_XBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
*  [ listed in]
*  0.5 WHOIS_DMNBYPROXY Contains URL registered to Domains by Proxy
*  [URIs:]
*  1.5 UPPERCASE_75_100 message body is 75-100% uppercase

Another SREA spam easily busted with BOTNET and BAYES, i dont really see the 
need for a content rule.


Re: Help in writing rules to catch SREA stock spams

2007-06-22 Thread arni

Marc Perkel schrieb:

That doesn't answer his question though. He didn't ask for your 
opinion about if he needed it. If the rules were working for him he 
wouldn't be asking for help. When someone asks a question telling them 
they don't need it is generally the wrong answer and a waste of time.

I was more trying to show him that installing the botnet plugin alone, 
together with a decent bayes or 1 or 2 more rules already does the job 
and instead of writing a new rule for each stock spam that comes out, 
this will catch almost all of it (all of it in my case)


Re: Help in writing rules to catch SREA stock spams

2007-06-22 Thread arni

Marc Perkel schrieb:

Actually the fastest way to get rid of stoc/botnet spam is with fake 
MX records.

fake 10
real 20
fake 30
fake 40

I dont like the idea of making life harder for ham (forcing a properly 
working mailserver to make at least 2 connections) acompanied with the 
same delays as greylisting.

Why make life harder for ham if you can detect the spam easily?


Re: Help in writing rules to catch SREA stock spams

2007-06-22 Thread arni

Matt schrieb:
together with a decent bayes or 1 or 2 more rules already does the 
job and

Where do I get the botnet plugin(prefer rpm) and how do I make
Spamassassin use it?


docs inside the archive - botnet is really one of the most effective 
plugins i use these days (make sure you set your internal nets properly 
otherwise it sometimes doesnt work properly, especially SOHO detection 
for me)


Re: Help in writing rules to catch SREA stock spams

2007-06-22 Thread arni

Matt schrieb:

I have Spamassassin setup to whitelist all my own IP pools.  Do I need
to do anything else?

make sure that anything that is an MX for is in 
your internal_networks


Re: Spam slipped

2007-06-21 Thread arni

Suhas Ingale schrieb:

Wht score do others get on this?

Can you please please forward spam only as an attachment, thanks.

If you forward inline you:
* May have the message marked as spam
* Mis learn other peoples bayes
* May get beaten by AWL's next time you send smth


Re: Spam slipped

2007-06-21 Thread arni

SM schrieb:

At 06:37 21-06-2007, arni wrote:

If you forward inline you:
* May have the message marked as spam
* Mis learn other peoples bayes
* May get beaten by AWL's next time you send smth

That won't happen if you whitelist this mailing list.


did i mention that spam without headers is useless?

Re: Solution to Bayes poisoning, high load levels, image spam, and botnet spam

2007-06-21 Thread arni

Marc Perkel schrieb:
I'm seeing a lot of people saying that bayes isn't working like it 
used to, that load levels are high, and that they are getting a lot of 
image and botnet spam. There are a few simple tricks you can do to get 
rid of 90% of it.

56th reinvention of the square wheel

You might wanna search this lists archive for further comments ...


Re: Spam slipped

2007-06-21 Thread arni

Suhas Ingale schrieb:

Any custom rules to catch this?


without headers i cant tell but i had the same spam, so here is my report:

*  4.4 HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2 Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP 
*   2)
*  0.0 FH_HELO_EQ_D_D_D_D Helo is d-d-d-d
*  2.0 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in
*  [Blocked - see]
*  3.0 RCVD_IN_XBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
*  [ listed in]
*  0.0 BOTNET_BADDNS Relay doesn't have full circle DNS
*  5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 BOTNET_IPINHOSTNAME Hostname contains its own IP address
*  0.0 BOTNET_CLIENT Relay has a client-like hostname
*  0.0 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
*  [score: 0.5000]
*  0.1 RDNS_DYNAMIC Delivered to trusted network by host with
*  dynamic-looking rDNS


Re: stock spam with pdf

2007-06-20 Thread arni

Robert Schetterer schrieb:

Got like 7 of them, all look pretty much like this:

	*  5.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%

*  [score: 0.9998]
*  0.1 RDNS_NONE Delivered to trusted network by a host with no rDNS
*  5.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot
*  [botnet0.7,ip=,nordns]
*  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy says 
*   signs some mails
*  0.0 BOTNET_NORDNS Relay's IP address has no PTR record
*  [botnet_nordns,ip=]
*  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message

Re: iXhash list @ being ddos'ed

2007-06-15 Thread arni


Hi, list,

the DNS server of, Germany, currently the only server hosting
the iXhash blacklist @, is apparently being ddos'ed.
Admins using the iXhash plugin should either temporarily disable using
that server or request being included in a whitelist the provider has set
Mails should be directed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Oh that sucks, i love that service,

please add and

thanks, arni

Re: Innovative Host Blacklisting Idea

2007-06-15 Thread arni


BTW: at one time I was quite happy with some pre-filtering on my private mail 
(which is
fetchmail ultimately feeding to SA) until I found that SA would no longer 
recognize some
spam in the bayes section. So, if capacity permits, it might be a good idea to 
feed (a random
sampling of) pre-filtered spam to sa-learn


Whats the problem with spamassassin and fetchmail?

I'm using it myself and I only get complaints that doesnt have 
a reverse dns.


Re: iXhash list @ being ddos'ed

2007-06-15 Thread arni

Marc Perkel schrieb:

Dude - that sucks! Anything I can do to help?

Guess in the long term it might be a good idea if someone provided a
second level i.e. non-rootzone alternate dns server that provides data
from all 3 companies that use the IXhash system.
Unfortunately i'm not good with nameservers :-/


Re: Innovative Host Blacklisting Idea

2007-06-15 Thread arni

Jerry Durand schrieb:
I have a few spamtrap addresses that feed directly to sa-learn.  Seems 
to work pretty well.

I do almost the same, but i first check email coming into the spamtraps 
and require a score of 2 before learning it to avoid poisening my bayes 
in case a real ham should come in.


Re: DUL Lists? - OT

2007-06-12 Thread arni

Dan Barker schrieb:

I'm receiving a lot of 421 rejects with:

Unexpected connection response from server:
421 mails from refused: local dynamic IP address

Does anybody recognize the text of the message? I'd like to confirm that
there are no popular DUL lists showing as dynamic, but the 421
message says very little. DNSReport says it's clean. I've tried to contact
some postmaster accounts (using, since I can't use my own mailer)
but they appear to be RFC ignorant too. Unfortunately, it's not just one ISP
in Germany and I'd like to understand if there's anything I can do on my

The only thing that comes to mind is that my rDNS is delegated to my own
name server. Maybe there's some sort of DNS software out in the wild that
doesn't support delegation? I'm really at a loss.

Dan is an alias for domain name pointer

probably a not so clever blacklist considering your ip dynamic because 
the alias has its own ip in the alias name


Re: DUL Lists? - OT

2007-06-12 Thread arni

Dan Barker schrieb:

Dan Barker follows up:
I think you confirmed that my delegated rDNS is proper and that the 421
message is in error. But I'm not certain. Can you please confirm your
assessment? My ISP provides me a /26 subnet out of the class C,
so the rDNS delegation is done with CNAMEs from the class C subnet to my subnet's DNS servers. They serve the appropriate PTR

Thanks again for the bandwidth;

I'd advise you to just give the ip you send email from a real, non 
aliased reverse dns entry which is the same as your HELO and also points 
back to your IP through an A record.
Guess thats just the easiest way to solve it. Making the foreign 
admins aware of their buggy system is gonna be more complicated.


Re: DUL Lists? - OT

2007-06-12 Thread arni

Dan Barker schrieb:

 right: follow the CNAME to get a PTR
 wrong: return the CNAME as an answer.
Yes thats what I meant, the script on the other side seems to be to 
stupid to realise that the first lookup isnt the final answer, in this 
wrong answer it finds the own ip and considers it a sign of a dynamic ip.


Rejecting spam during SMTP session

2007-06-12 Thread arni


for a while i've been watching my spamassassin perform great on almost
all spam - i've never had any false positives and also a very low count
of false negatives.
So I thought about rejecting sure spam during the SMTP session and came
up with a few bits of shellscript code thats rejecting spam with a score
of 10 and above (I normally mark spam at 5).

But i'm not really sure if i'm doing it correct - it apears to me like
i'm not rejecting mail but i'm bouncing it which is surely not what i want.

Here is my code which is called as a qmail-command in my .qmail file.

message=`/usr/bin/spamassassin 2/dev/null`
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
 # sa returned an error, make sure we dont lose the mail
 exit 111
 printf %s\n $message | grep -qs X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Message was permanently rejected as spam 2
exit 100
printf %s\n $message | maildir ./Maildir/
exit $?

If you want to test the setup, you can send a mail with for example

Your advice will be welcome,

Re: DNS tests getting aborted

2007-06-11 Thread arni


Server .116

The email attached has been identified by one of our team as legitimate but 
unfortunately was incorrectly tagged as SPAM.

The email address has been whitelisted to ensure this will not happen again and 
we are currently looking into the reasons why this happened.

No mail has been lost as the quarantined mail folder is continuously checked by 
members of Team Genesis, but please accept our apologies for any inconvenience 

Your SPAM scanning system; Ullyses is continually being upgraded and refined so 
we anticipate a steadily decreasing number of incidents like this as the system 
learns your personal profile.

If you feel that you are receiving an inappropriate amount of SPAM then can we 
ask you to contact us either by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call your 
Genesis representative who will be happy to assist.

Please do not reply to this email address as it has been automatically 
generated, but email any queries to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you and take care


are you realising, that you're spamming a mailinglist here?

Re: Rulesemporium down?

2007-06-09 Thread arni

Gene Heskett schrieb:

On Saturday 09 June 2007, Dallas Engelken wrote:

Yet Another Ninja wrote:

On 6/9/2007 6:50 PM, Jerry Durand wrote:

At 09:19 AM 6/9/2007, Dallas Engelken wrote: will be coming back online at approximately 1800
GMT.   Special thanks to Prolexic ( for the
DDoS protection.

Great news and good work!  I assume we can re-enable sa-update for
tonight's run.

Thanks for keeping this running.


There's really no need to automate RDJ

SARE rules aren't being updated too frequently and any rule change
will be announced on the list.

Each RDJ empty hit adds to traffic, which, atm , is a precious luxury.

Pls be considerate and help SARE keep the site alive.

Prolexic will be providing proper caching of the rules shortly, so this
shouldnt be much of an issue going forward.   As long as people would
keep their automation at 1-2 times a day,  its cool.

And I've moved my sa-update script from /etc/cron.daily, to /etc/cron.weekly, 
plus added a day field valid number to the crontab that runs rdj that is not 

I hope this helps.  If everyone did this, your load should go down quite a 
bit.  I really appreciate the service and I thank this group very much.  
Between this and some really aggressive procmail rules, I'm getting only 2 to 
4 trash messages a day squeeking through. is made for automation - sa-update is 
also more efficient for empty hits

Re: Botnet Plugin

2007-06-08 Thread arni

Claude Frantz schrieb:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 551 5.7.1 Sorry, but we do not accept email from systems 
whose hostnames cannot be validated. Your hostname with IP address reports as being forged. Please fix your DNS and try again.
Giving up on

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Received: (qmail 13318 invoked from network); 8 Jun 2007 14:34:02 +0200
Received: from (HELO ? ([EMAIL 
  by with SMTP; 8 Jun 2007 14:34:02 +0200
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 14:34:03 +0200
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

Can you tell me what you thin i'm doing wrong?

Re: Botnet Plugin

2007-06-08 Thread arni

Where do i find this botnet plugin?


Re: Botnet Plugin

2007-06-08 Thread arni

Daniel J McDonald schrieb:

On Fri, 2007-06-08 at 14:53 +0200, arni wrote:

Can you tell me what you thin i'm doing wrong?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ host domain name pointer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Compare with a good one:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ host domain name pointer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ host has address
stupid me, should have checked for a real problem beforehand - looks 
like a temporary problem at my sucky provider ...

usually both forward and backward resolve properly.


Re: These are getting through SA...

2007-06-08 Thread arni

Luis HernĂ¡n Otegui schrieb:

Hi, could somebody run this mail trough SA and give me the scores?
They aren't scoring very much here...

Hi, your mailing probably broke half of the email so these scores are 
only an estimate - if you want me to try again attach the mail as a raw 
text (or .eml as many clients call it)

   *  0.0 MISSING_MID Missing Message-Id: header
   *  0.0 MISSING_DATE Missing Date: header
   *  2.5 MISSING_HB_SEP Missing blank line between message header 
and body
   *  0.0 DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME Domain Keys Identified Mail: policy 
says domain

   *   signs some mails
   *  1.3 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header
   *  0.0 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
   *  [score: 0.5000]
   *  1.5 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100 Razor2 gives engine 8 
confidence level

   *  above 50%
   *  [cf: 100]
   *  0.5 RAZOR2_CHECK Listed in Razor2 (
   *  0.5 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 Razor2 gives confidence level 
above 50%

   *  [cf: 100]
   *  2.0 URIBL_BLACK Contains an URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
   *  [URIs:]
   *  1.8 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header


Re: A bit off topic for spamassassin but whats up with

2007-06-07 Thread arni

Kevin W. Gagel schrieb:

I'm not able to get to, what's up there? Any one

Do you read also or just write?

Re: bayes rules

2007-06-04 Thread arni

Sujit Acharyya-Choudhury schrieb:

We are using spamassassin at the gateway level with exim.  Is it a good
idea to use bayes as we don't know which is ham or spam - and the users
are unlikely to give us the feed back from different system.  In that
case bayes learning ability will be compromised.
I dont feed much information back into bayes ether, but still the 
autolearning does a good job.
For example it could happen that a mail with the same spam content first 
hits lots of DNSBL's and is thus marked and learned as spam. next time 
you get the same spam it could be from different spamservers and not hit 
many rules. Thats when its a great help if bayes already knows the spam 
and can fire acordingly.

So even if you dont manually feed back data into bayes, it can still 
help to classify something as spam.


Re: Bayes Misidentification

2007-06-04 Thread arni

Jari Fredriksson schrieb:

I had similar problem a week or two ago.
Are you both using autolearn only, or do you manually learn with 
sa-learn (or similar) ?

You probably poisened you bayes db by learning ham as spam.

If you're using autolearning: Adjust your scores and generally make sure 
you dont have false positves as these are very bad.
If you're manually learning: You cant trust your user's to classify spam 
for your global database. Users are users and 99% of all mistakes happen 
in front of the keyboard.

Solution for now: If you can still find out what ham you learned wrong, 
unlearn it - if you cant, you'll have to revert to a bayes backup. If 
you dont have one you'll have to start new.


Re: Bayes Misidentification

2007-06-04 Thread arni

Ben Lentz schrieb:
My bayes configuration is based on a little IMAP-derived user feed 
back data, but by vast majority is trained by the auto-learning system.
You cant trust your users, they will put newsletters they ordered but 
dont know how to stop and other non-spam into the spamfolder.


Re: SpamAssassin 3.2 compatiblity

2007-06-02 Thread arni

Nix schrieb:

On 1 Jun 2007, Henrik Krohns spake thusly:

On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 09:40:43PM +0100, Nix wrote:

The FuzzyOCR score is a cumulation of the variosu subtests it hits.
There are a handful of configuration options that can set scores,
multipliers, and limits for various things.

Yeah, but there isn't an upper bound :/

Why don't you just set:

focr_base_score 5
focr_add_score 0

[...] I'll try to whip something up
that feeds the words back into Bayes.
I think the main problem with that will be, that FuzzyOCR always runs as 
one of the last rules and even thats conditionall in the default config.

But generally it sounds like a good idea to make the text that the ocr 
plugin recognised back to bayes.
