Re: Template customisation depending on certain parameters

2008-11-05 Thread Edouard sur
Hello Carl.

I do not have much experience on the subject, but I'm facing the same
problem. At the moment, if use t:if statements depending on the
server agent, which works, because I only need to support a few smart
phone models, but which be difficult to maintain as soon as new
devices come in line. I think that you're idea is great, but I'm far
from a Tapestry expert, thus I cannot help you on the development,
just on the requirements.


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Re: How to call a method of a tapestry page when the page is called using anchor tag

2008-10-17 Thread Edouard sur
Hi Sonu.

I'm far from being a Tapestry expert, but what you are asking is feasible by:

1. injecting the Register page into the Login page (user @Inject
private Register register in the,
2. adding an action link t:actionlink
t:id=registerRegister/t:actionlink in the Login.tml,
3. add the Object onActionFromRegister() { register.initialize();
return register; }

However, this will all the same trigger eventually the
Register.onActivate() method. Or, in step 3, just return null if you
do not want the Register page to be displayed.

Otherwise, you should really take a look at the Tapestry JumpStart
Application (,
which covers many Tapestry use cases.

Hope this helps. Cheers,

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Re: Loops in Form - where are my serialized

2008-10-09 Thread Edouard sur

I'm not sure to quite understand your problem, but in case your
concern is to retrieve the values of the checkboxes, please take a
look at a previous thread at
 (I had a similar problem): it's about radiogroups, but the way of
handling checkboxes is similar. Hope this helps.


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How to access an ASO in a non-servlet thread

2008-10-07 Thread Edouard sur
Hi everyone.

I'm currently facing the following problem: my T5 (0.15) web
application receive notifications in a dedicated non servlet thread
inside some of my Tapestry components, which have an
ApplicationStateObject attribute. I would like to update the state of
the ASO, but the problem is that the thread that triggers some
callback in my Tapestry component cannot thus access the AOS (since I
guess resort to ThreadLocal attributes inside the IoC). I can bind the
dedicated notification thread to the servlet thread that created it.

Is there a way in Tapestry to work this around, please?

Thank you. Cheers, Édouard

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Re: Access the ApplicationGlobals inside the AppModule::bind() method

2008-10-07 Thread Edouard sur
Thank you for this very quick and clear answer!

Does it mean that I will be able to inject the
PropertiesFileSymbolProvider object inside the
AppModule::bind(ServiceBinder binder,
@InjectService(PropertiesFileSymbolProvider) SymbolProvider
propertiesFileSymbolProvider) method this way? Or should I declare a
@Inject @Symbol(value=MyParam) private String myParam; (should be
static) inside my AppModule (after having declared the properties
symbol provider via the public PropertiesFileSymbolProvider
buildPropertiesFileSymbolProvider(Logger logger) and public static
void contributeSymbolSource(OrderedConfigurationSymbolProvider
configuration, ... methods)?

Because I need to access the property before the service is created,
since it's implementation should depend on some property.

Thank you.

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Access the ApplicationGlobals inside the AppModule::bind() method

2008-10-07 Thread Edouard sur
Hello again.

I would like the service implementation binding (inside the
AppModule::bind(ServiceBinder binder)) to depend on the web.xml
configuration file. This is the reason why I would like to access the
ApplicationGlobal instance inside the method (in order to call as
globals.getServletContext().getInitParameter(MyParam)), so as to
provide the right implementation depending on some context-param

Is it feasible? Is there a work-around, or another way to achieve that, please?

Thank you so much for your help.

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Re: How to access an ASO in a non-servlet thread

2008-10-07 Thread Edouard sur
Thank you Uli.

I had already taken a look at the two pointers you have provided,
without really understanding them: I'm a bit lost on how to start
with. I've understood that I must create a service and declare it
inside the AppModule class. I've seen that I should declare an
interface for such a service, and of course an implementation. I've
seen that the PerthreadManager instance seems to be injected into
the service implementation.


 - I do not understand the exact purpose of this PerthreadManager
class (since we only use its cleanup() method)
 - I do not know how to declare the service in the IoC (is that like
any regular service in the bind() method ?)

I must also indicate that each client servlet will create its own
notification thread, and I am afraid that a central service will not

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Creating inner components on the fly in a form custom component

2008-09-27 Thread Edouard sur
Thank you so much Kris for your answer.

The Tapestry 5 BeanEditor source code gives some kind of vertigo, but
I will look at it, in order to better understand what you mean.

In the meantime, I had another idea: using some .tml inside my
component with a t:loop and t:if statements inside that nest some
t:select/t:radioGroup...: I think that it might solve my problem
(do you agree?). As soon as I have something which works, I will let
you know.


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Creating inner components on the fly in a form custom component

2008-09-25 Thread Edouard sur

I've been digging the web with no success, but I'm a Tapestry 5 newbie
(running the v5.0.15), thus maybe I missed something.

I'm currently attempting to develop a custom Tapestry component that
aims at inserting HTML select/checkbox/textfield tags into an
existing HTML form. Let's say that I have a .tml which contains a
t:form, in which I have my t:myCustomComponent element.

This myCustomComponent component is supposed to render multiple HTML
select/checkbox/textfield elements, depending on its main Tapestry
parameter. But, instead of writing plain HTML via the traditional
beginRender/afterRender() methods, I'd prefer to re-user the
built-in Select/CheckBox/TextField Tapestry classes, and add
instances of those classes as inner components of my myCustomComponent

The idea is, on the enclosing form submission, to be able to retrieve
the values of those various HTML form sub elements. I do not know
whether this is feasible. Is it possible to add components on-the-fly
to an existing component during its rendering process (or at another
relevant moment)? I do not even know where to start with. Could
someone, please give me a hint on how to achieve that?

Thank you for your help and time. Cheers,

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