HTTP plus

2007-02-25 Thread Peter Kennard

I did see a reference to a "socket servlet" which touches on this.

Tomcat has doe a lot in it that is very useful (to re-itterate)
- Administration of sevlets on a "live" server with web interface
- handling of depolyment and undeplyment
- integration with IDEs and build systems (eclipse, ant, etc)
(I could go on but it is a tested reliable system with a lot of goodies)

We have an internal non-http messaging system gateway which routes 
blocks of low latency messages to applications.  I would like to use 
Tomcat as an "application module manager" for this system.  The 
applications in most cases desire to act as proxys between the 
internal messaging system and the HTTP web world for web clients so 
the all the HTTP goodies like apache connectors are  highly 
desired.  I am working on determining the feasbility of using tomcat 
for this purpose.

Some questions :)

- What is the absolutely minimal HTTP header required to cause tomcat 
to invoke a servelet for processing binary content?  ie: "POST HTTP 
1.0 ... "  ??

- Is there a way to create a servlet to serve some other protocol 
(lowest level, lowest overhead) than an HTTP request?

- Is there a way to have a servlet serve a persistent connection 
(like a telnet terminal session)

- If the "default" servlet process a request and uses a field as 
routing information to another servlet is there any significant 
overhead in forwarding the request to another servlet.

I know I'm stretching it a bit but this would be really useful!!

Peter K.

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HTTP plus

2007-02-26 Thread Peter Kennard

Was this last message of mine just too naive :)
Should I break it into smaller parts?
Still curious :)

Peter K.

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Re: HTTP plus

2007-02-27 Thread Peter Kennard

I guess I'll answer my own question here after some testing and research
That is:

If you override the "service()" method on  servelet all you need is a 
"service name" and a "path" to the servlet followed by two newlines 
as the "minimal" header.


X /Z\n\n

for the most minimal header.

"X" being the service name and "/Z" being the path to the servlet.

On reply if "service()" if you write to the

response.getOutputStream() you are in essence writing directly to the 
connected socket unfiltered.

At 18:32 2/26/2007, you wrote:

Was this last message of mine just too naive :)
Should I break it into smaller parts?
Still curious :)

Peter K.

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Re: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard

Ok - continuing.

Is it possible to use a "GenricServlet" to do basicly this.


if(writeSome(req.getOutputStream()) {
 } else {

That is read in incomming "socket stream" and write something back 
while reading in a way that takes advantage of the connection.  That 
is not being purely "transactionless" and bypassing all the HTTP 
specific protocols after the header needed to address the specific servlet.


At 20:59 2/27/2007, you wrote:

I guess I'll answer my own question here after some testing and research
That is:

If you override the "service()" method on  servelet all you need is 
a "service name" and a "path" to the servlet followed by two 
newlines as the "minimal" header.


X /Z\n\n

for the most minimal header.

"X" being the service name and "/Z" being the path to the servlet.

On reply if "service()" if you write to the

response.getOutputStream() you are in essence writing directly to 
the connected socket unfiltered.

At 18:32 2/26/2007, you wrote:

Was this last message of mine just too naive :)
Should I break it into smaller parts?
Still curious :)

Peter K.

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Re: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard
I understand what you are saying, however that means you also have to 
re-do all the "application management" system.  Deployment, 
connectors, management, adminstration, thread management, load 
balancing, SSL key management and configuration and many many other 
infrastructure pieces that can be leveraged to manage a large complex 
system.  This would be a huge project (ie: the scale of creating tomcat)

So if one wants to create a web adminstratable application that has 
(one or more servlet "ports" that connect with other protocols).  And 
has web ports to handle HTTP requests into the same system.  If you 
*can* do it in tomcat it would be great.  If those protocols are 
somewhat "transaction" based then they would fit very well into the 
servlet model. I am trying to sus out the potential.

Yes you can always write a complete application manager from scratch :)
I am trying to avoid it.

Peter K.

At 06:36 2/28/2007, Georg Sauer-Limbach wrote:

If you don't want to deal with HTTP, you should
not use the Servlet API (which is the Java
abstraction of HTTP) at all. You can do the
indicated code with generic sockets, no need to
mind about Servlets altogether.


Peter Kennard wrote:

Ok - continuing.
Is it possible to use a "GenricServlet" to do basicly this.
if(writeSome(req.getOutputStream()) {
 } else {
That is read in incomming "socket stream" and write something back 
while reading in a way that takes advantage of the 
connection.  That is not being purely "transactionless" and 
bypassing all the HTTP specific protocols after the header needed 
to address the specific servlet.


At 20:59 2/27/2007, you wrote:

I guess I'll answer my own question here after some testing and research
That is:

If you override the "service()" method on  servelet all you need 
is a "service name" and a "path" to the servlet followed by two 
newlines as the "minimal" header.


X /Z\n\n

for the most minimal header.

"X" being the service name and "/Z" being the path to the servlet.

On reply if "service()" if you write to the

response.getOutputStream() you are in essence writing directly to 
the connected socket unfiltered.

At 18:32 2/26/2007, you wrote:

Was this last message of mine just too naive :)
Should I break it into smaller parts?
Still curious :)

Peter K.

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Re: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard

Excuse the naivety but I thought you couldn't open a socket with J2EE.
I was told (I think on this list) that you need to use a JCA to make
the connection.

If this is true I want to know about this.  I am so far under the 
impression if you needed to connect with another protocol in a 
servlet you could in essence (Worst case scenario) "write a server" 
inside a servlet using sockets.  But that would require you write all 
the code to handle aborting startup/shutdown thread management etc 
etc.  If I can have a "tweaked" protocol servlet as part of a 
multi-servlet application this would make a perfect model for the 
"gateway" type of application between HTTP and a non (exactly) HTTP 
protocol we are trying to support.

Can you "write a server" inside a servlet ??

At 06:46 2/28/2007, you wrote:

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:36:03 +0100
Georg Sauer-Limbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you don't want to deal with HTTP, you should
> not use the Servlet API (which is the Java
> abstraction of HTTP) at all. You can do the
> indicated code with generic sockets, no need to
> mind about Servlets altogether.


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Re: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard

Yes - I'm assuming J2ee facilities.

At 06:57 2/28/2007, you wrote:

That's certainly correct, raw socket communication
is not J2EE. Peter didn't mention, however, that
J2EE was a necessary precondition for his case.

On the contrary, this communication with some
binary messages sent over sockets cannot be made
to fit in a J2EE environment easily, save these
options with JCA which I don't know enough about.


Wayne Gemmell wrote:

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:36:03 +0100
Georg Sauer-Limbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you don't want to deal with HTTP, you should
not use the Servlet API (which is the Java
abstraction of HTTP) at all. You can do the
indicated code with generic sockets, no need to
mind about Servlets altogether.

Excuse the naivety but I thought you couldn't open a socket with J2EE.
I was told (I think on this list) that you need to use a JCA to make
the connection.
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RE: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard

At 09:42 2/28/2007, you wrote:

Back to the original issue:  sounds like you really need to develop your
own connector to handle your proprietary protocol, rather than trying to
twist one of Tomcat's HTTP or AJP connectors into doing your bidding.

What we do is to be determined.  What I want to do is sus out the 
*full*extent* of tomcat's capabilities so I know what I have to work 
with.  We will build the (internal) sockets based protocol to 
optimize the abilities of what we have available :)

I am interested in what you mean by "connector"  by that do you mean 
an interface to route connections to a Tomcat managed application 
that will work in concert with it's thread pooling etc?  Is their a 
special more controllable API that such connectors use to dispatch 
requests to servlets?

Since I am working on an internal protocol in an enviroment where we 
also wish to use full HTTP1.1 for other URLs and interfaces into the 
same application(s), all the HTTP features are desired.  The servlet 
development model, and the vast infrastructure it now is a part of, 
Deployers, IDE plugins, connectors, books, documentation, system 
loggers and monitors, developer administration, and people who know 
how to use all of it and other positive attributes are really 
fantastic assets, so we wish to leverage it as much as we can and not 
re-invent wheels.

I will put whatever HTTP headers are required to make tomcat operate 
(seeking minimum compliment) but after the connection is made and 
routed to the proper servlet I want to drop back to a binary non-http 
protocol for the duration of the connection.  And if possible it 
would improve our system architecture If I could respond to the 
client without having to manage a lot of session state  before all 
the input is read (actually, before all of it is written by the 
client to its outgoing socket) and processed.  but at least so far 
with reading and testing it seems the input side of the socket is 
killed before or when one starts writing output.  If this can be 
controlled by HTTP headers, tomcat config, setting something in an 
object etc then this would be a way we could do it and I'm very VERY 
interested in the possibility.  We have full control of the client 
that will be connecting directly to tomcat "worker" instances.


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Servlet Lifecycle

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard
So if a servlet is lets say in a long transaction, sending a huge 
data set, and the manager is wanting to "undeploy" it,

Does it get notified while the long lasting servlet thread is sending 
data so if one wants to abort it, you can truncate writing in a 
controlled way and clean up the mess nicely?

Or will it wait until it is done or a timeout and you get notified 
with uninit() after this?

Of course I want notification, that leaves you enough time to be nice :)


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RE: HTTP plus

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Kennard

OK - persistance has paid off :)

I now have a little client that with a small HTTP header will connect 
with a servlet, and run a persistent "telnet" like session with it 
until either someone times out or decides to quit.  The only 
requirement is that you initiate the connection with HTTP 
headers.  And in 1.1 you have to use a "chunked" reply structure. if 
using 1.0 you don't (there might be a way around that in 1.1 too but 
I havn't found it :)


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Writing My Own Connector

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Kennard
I want to write my own "protocol handler" which I can configure as a 
connector. I want it to do something along the lines of AJP - packet 
hits in, servlet hits out.

A - should I be posting this to a "dev" list?

B - I want a good reference on what class I need to subclass, how to
use it and what are considered this abilities "supported" features.
What is the best book or doc I should look at for this?

Thanks much!
Peter K.

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Re: Writing My Own Connector

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Kennard

I think the existing connectors in tomcat source could be the only
existing documentation :)

Not a good sign for them being "officially" supported.
Has anyone here made one?

What I would like to do is take an AJP connector, 
redo it's insides to parse another format and 
then pass the requests off to servlets.

At 15:53 3/2/2007, David Delbecq wrote:

Peter Kennard a écrit :
> I want to write my own "protocol handler" which I can configure as a
> connector. I want it to do something along the lines of AJP - packet
> hits in, servlet hits out.
> B - I want a good reference on what class I need to subclass, how to
> use it and what are considered this abilities "supported" features.
> What is the best book or doc I should look at for this?

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Re: Writing My Own Connector

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Kennard

would definately be someting to do.
one has to wade through a lot of stuff to get to that point :)
I have to find out where what defines a connector is, how it is 
installed and configured ...

So what people are saying is "get the source and build it" as step #1 ??

At 16:38 3/2/2007, you wrote:

Seems to me that looking at the differences in source between two
connectors (e.g. AJP and HTTP) would be the best documentation of
what you'll have to change :-)

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Re: Writing My Own Connector

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Kennard

Thanks very much!

The big hope is all the socket connection and thread pool management 
"wheel re-inventing" etc is "done" and I can do it mostly "high 
level" except for the interpreting of the input protocol byte 
streams.  Have it do somehing like:

ProtocolConnectorThread.onListenerConnect(inputStream, outputStream)
   try {

   request = mypool.getARequest(inputStream,this);
   response = mypool.getAResponse(outputStream,this);

   ( parse stuff in protocol header inputStream,
 deal with protocol  };
catch(ServletOopsException oe)
Oops, respond to sender "I'm Dead" on output, kill socket

At 23:03 3/2/2007, you wrote:

"Peter Kennard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> would definately be someting to do.
> one has to wade through a lot of stuff to get to that point :)
> I have to find out where what defines a connector is, how it is installed
> and configured ...

Well, the first thing that you need is a ProtocolHandler

Any attributes that are put into the  element will be passed
JavaBean-style to your ProtocolHandler, so you can take care of
configuration that way.  It is the job of the ProtocolHandler to accept
requests, manage threads, and pass the request back off to the Adapter

that Tomcat gives it.  Most of the time, you will also need to implement

for best results.

You mentioned something about modifying the AJP Connector.  The JK AJP
Connector (the one under o.a.jk) has a plugable archatecture that may allow
you to reuse some of the bits (in particular,
ChannelSocket/ChannelNioSocket) if your protocol is close enough (or you can
change it to be :).

> So what people are saying is "get the source and build it" as step #1 ??
> At 16:38 3/2/2007, you wrote:
>>Seems to me that looking at the differences in source between two
>>connectors (e.g. AJP and HTTP) would be the best documentation of
>>what you'll have to change :-)

As of TC 6, there are 3 supported AJP Connectors, and 3 supported HTTP
connectors ;-).

> -
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Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Kennard

Hmm - when reading HTTP1.1 chunked data, is there a way of detecting 
reciept of the terminal "0" chunk in a servlet ?

Googling about, Apparently this does not report an EOD "exception" 
(as I would expect) because some people have been using post last 
chunk data for server internal out-of band information. (?)


1 - Is there a way I can detect receipt of the terminal HTTP chunk before
the final "read()" which would hang and timeout otherwise (Yes I 
could detect an end tag or whatever and push the "problem" upstairs, 
but that's not the point).

2 - Is there a way (short of writing a protocol handler) to disable
chunk parsing in the ServletInputStream and be responsible for 
my own chunk parsing ? (Ideally for me, I could access an almost raw 
socket read, but, I think access to that has been abstracted away)


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Re: Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Kennard

I guess the general form of this question is, with HTTP1.1 chunked 
input, how do I read "a chunk at a time", which requires I know the 
length of the chunk before calling "read()"  so if I attempt to read 
more than the length of the chunk so I can process it immediately 
instead of waiting for subsequent input ???  (in the final chunk case 
there is no subsequent input.)

That is without having to put in a second form of chunking inside the 
HTTP chunking ??


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Re: Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Kennard
if available() is accurately suported I guess that does part of the 
job, but it still doesn't let you know the last chunk you read was 
the last one.  It is wholly dependent on the higher levels reading an 
end tag, which seems like a design mistake instead of getting and 
"end of file" or "end of data" exception.

At 14:21 3/4/2007, you wrote:
The servlet API does not expose these details. At best you have the 
InputStream to read from. (And use available() if you want to try to 
read without blocking (but due to buffering probably won't work anyways))

But since you can't send the response without finishing the reading 
of the input stream - the entire question doesn't seem to make sense.


Peter Kennard wrote:
I guess the general form of this question is, with HTTP1.1 chunked 
input, how do I read "a chunk at a time", which requires I know the 
length of the chunk before calling "read()"  so if I attempt to 
read more than the length of the chunk so I can process it 
immediately instead of waiting for subsequent input ???  (in the 
final chunk case there is no subsequent input.)
That is without having to put in a second form of chunking inside 
the HTTP chunking ??

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Re: Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-04 Thread Peter Kennard

At 23:07 3/4/2007, you wrote:
But since you can't send the response without finishing the reading 
of the input stream - the entire question doesn't seem to make sense.

If the input pipe is slow (ie: cellphone with slow pipe) and you are 
sending a transaction where the first part of it initiates a big 
operation (like a database lookup) the lookup can be happening while 
the rest of the data is still being read in.  ie: it is useful to be 
able to read input in small chunks as it comes in. And the client can 
be tuned to chunk appropriately for the transaction(s).

available() may work for this depending on buffering scheme of 
tomcat's protocol handler.

On writing the reply if you call "flushBuffer()" it will dispatch 
whatever is in the buffer (HTTP chunks as ip packets) to the client 
even if input reading is incomplete.  Doing so if you can, will 
reduce round trip latency and the time your socket is consumed.  A 
gross example would be a transaction to process a large file and 
return it to the client.  If the processing was serial then the 
client could be receiving the return file even before it had finished 
sending the source file.

It seems the servelet API was not upgraded to handle incremental 
chunks in a flexible general manner when it was added in 
HTTP1.1.  This is irrespective of how chunks may be juggled by any 
proxy or other front end. I am simply dealing with how you *can* 
handle them on the receiving end.


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Re: Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-05 Thread Peter Kennard

At 04:53 3/5/2007, you wrote:

Peter Kennard wrote:

At 23:07 3/4/2007, you wrote:
But since you can't send the response without finishing the 
reading of the input stream - the entire question doesn't seem to make sense.
If the input pipe is slow (ie: cellphone with slow pipe) and you 
are sending a transaction where the first part of it initiates a 
big operation (like a database lookup) the lookup can be happening 
while the rest of the data is still being read in.  ie: it is 
useful to be able to read input in small chunks as it comes in. And 
the client can be tuned to chunk appropriately for the transaction(s).

It's not really useful for Tomcat though, given that the server is 
designed to be a Servlet Container rather than a multipurpose 
network application.

Yes - it's a matter of what is *considered* useful in the context.
HTTP is being forced to evolve.

Tomcat mainly handles two cases: 1) read headers & THEN send 
response e.g. GET, 2) read headers & process body, THEN send 
response e.g. POST.

I will let it lie after this rant - I have enough info for now, and I 
thank list participants for thier answers :)

Right - Tomcat was initally wholly designed aroud HTTP1.0 "single IP 
connection hit" as a paradigm and disavowed the feature of having a 
bidirectional connection.  IN essence HTTP made UDP out of TCP, and 
in the process may have inadvertantly scuttled IPV2.  This was a 
major flaw in the initial HTTP conception and as the IETF and W3C 
move forward things like "Content-Disposition: chunked" have been 
added.  which along with the evolution of HTTP proxys and load 
balancers has led to the absurdity of what one migh call "HTTP URL 
Addressed - High Speed Routers" as a major part of the infrastructure.

available() may work for this depending on buffering scheme of tomcat's of

how chunks may be juggled by any proxy or other front end. I am 
simply dealing with how you *can* handle them on the receiving end.

Why would the servlet API need to do that, when chunking is 
something that happens during the response rather than the request?

It *can* happen both ways as defined by W3C, just current browsers 
don't support it.  Tomcat HAS [I might say partial] support for it in 
the HTTP1.1 connector now because it was "required" to build 
practical proxy "routers" and to load balancers.  Some resources I 
consider a valuable part of the "Tomcat infrastructure" I want to 
leverage for this project.

Your analysis is from the point of view of someone who's (if you'll 
forgive the analogy) trying to force a car to work like a canoe.

In some sense yes, but then almost all uses of HTTP are doing this to 
one extent or another because initially HTTP was so shallowly 
conceived. I would say I'm trying to make a mississippi riverboat 
into a hydrofoil and keep the ballroom :)

Given that, I'd suggest that if your app client is sending a large 
amount of data that can be processed in discrete chunks, you might 
as well split it (the request) into a series of separate smaller requests.

Actually in this case is is a small ammount of data over a slow pipe 
but in a lot of small pieces, and in this case a "hit" becomes high 
overhead.  The HTTP hacked on solution to a similar problem, the 
many-hit hyperlinked page, is to use "keep alive" and to duplicate 
really fat HTTP headers for hundreds of "multiplexed" hits comming 
back from complexly linked up pages pages of frames and tables, and 
have this integrated into the socket handling of both browsers and servers.

If you've got control of the client you could set an X-Header that 
indicates it's position in the series, and another that groups them.

Undestood, yes "session" ID to maintain state if that is needed.

At least then you gain some robustness and your server can indicate 
to the client if it's missing one of the series.

Yes I understand these issues *all*too* well, hence why I want to do this ;^>

Having said all that, though, I'd have started from scratch or built 
a web service as I'm not sure what I'd really be gaining by using Tomcat.

Actully a whole lot and the the people involved should be proud it is 
so useful robust and documented.  Even if I have to write a "custom 
protocol" handler for the front end for some ports.

Tomcat already has built a very good, administrable server side 
application structure, packaging scheme, remote deployment system, 
developer adminstration and acess scheme, application manager web ui, 
and a "standards based remote platform independent UI system" ie: 
HTTP1.1 support + jsp + libraries for use of the web desktops.  And 
if I remain AJP complient internally I can take advantage of load 
balancers and a lot of other "off the shelf stuff".  This includes 

Re: Detecting terminal HTTP chunk

2007-03-05 Thread Peter Kennard

typo, if anyone read it, I meant IPV6 :)

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Console Logging

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard

I have been looking about :)

I have a simple tomcat instance with one webapp in it.  I want to 
turn on "high level - type" logging to the console for internal 
debugging messages so I know what is happening.  I gather I have to 
put a file in common/classes  I put one I found in a 
howto and nothing happend (no file or change in console output)

I ideally I could turn it on/off (ie internal engine logging) in my 
application to braket things that are a problem.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Console Logging

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard

I did what it says here
but no results.

I havn't found other decent "instructions" yet.

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Re: Console Logging

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard
Thanks will check out after lunch.  I definately want to use the 
log4j for our apps.

I am assuming the Tomcat internals have very good debug log info like 
why sockets are closed or timed out etc (If I can get them activated 
:)  I dread finding out it might be a windows sockets bug :|


At 13:18 3/7/2007, you wrote:

> I did what it says here
> but no results.
> I havn't found other decent "instructions" yet.
> PK

try this one:

with http://minaret... you need to install another jar...


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RE: Console Logging

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard
That is interesting, Certainly for adminstration of many apps it 
would be great to have a good GUI for assigning log files to apps and 
log levels.

but I can't even get any debug output yet, much less tweak 
it.  Everyone warns about the volume of data when it's tured to "11", but:

Where I am:

With an "out of the box" Tomcat 5.5 install on my workstation (windows XP)
I set level=ALL  on every entry in conf/

(no change to files or console print)

I tried setting them to DEBUG and it barfed saying DEBUG was in invalid value.

I set debug="10" on all the entities in the server.xml file

(likewise no change)
if I cd (catalina-home}/logs
grep DEBUG *
I get nothing.  And files arn't that big.  They are logging INFO 
however so they are being written to.

I put the newer version log4j1.3 jars in common/lib as described in a HOWTO.

This did change something, I got less console output and less info in 
the files.

I know it's looking there for catalina-base because if I change the 
server.xml file changes take effect when restarted.

I tried putting in both the and the log4j.xml files 
from the howto page, no change over putting in the jars.

I'm a bit mystified.  too many different sets of instructions and 
interactions I guess.

My problem is I am getting some apparently spontaneous socket 
closings reported by the client and want to find out detail.  All on 
local host, I'm simulating a slow "server push" application with:

   for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
   res.getWriter().println("waiting " + i);

Using flushBuffer() makes "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" chunks in the reply.

My client reports the socket is closed way before the "done" is 
recived in about 80% of cases.  Otherwise tomcat is sending HTTP 
chunks exactly as expected and to HTTP1.1 spec when it works.  I 
figure on the clinet I should get all the chunks up to the terminal 
chunk \r\n0\r\n before the socket is closed.

I need to figure this out, it's kind of a fundamental basic thing, 
I'm a bit stuck.


At 12:37 3/7/2007, you wrote:

I wrote an application which allows you to modify the running log4j
configuration on the fly.  It's a Struts app, and relies on the fact that
tomcat and all the apps are running out of common/lib/log4j*.jar and
common/classes/  However, you could add the servlet, jars,
and mappings to a single app if you wish.  I have found it useful for
turning up or down logging levels on a running production system.  It will
revert to your configuration as well, so you can easily go
back to the configured settings when you're done.

I can send you (or anyone else who is interested) the sources and/or war.
PM me off-list.


> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Kennard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:59 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Console Logging
> I did what it says here
> but no results.
> I havn't found other decent "instructions" yet.
> PK

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Re: Console Logging

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard

BTW found the bug it wasn't in tomcat ;^> but in the client :)
In any case the logger info was very helpful!

At 13:18 3/7/2007, you wrote:

> I did what it says here
> but no results.
> I havn't found other decent "instructions" yet.
> PK

try this one:

with http://minaret... you need to install another jar...


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Re: Location to override global

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard
I would actually LOVE to have errors directed to a servlet like 
interface to reply to the client.  In my case we are going to be 
routing requests from a lot of mobile devices using a compressed form 
for traffic.


At 14:05 3/7/2007, you wrote:

This seems basic, but apparently not.  A similar question has been
asked recently, and there are a few posts on the web, but the answers
aren't enough to solve my problem.

I am trying to override the global default error page by using
directives such as


or even


If I include this in the bottom of my webapps web.xml file, it will
catch 404 errors for requests under my web-app:

but when I modify the global deployment descripter conf/web.xml, I
cannot catch top-level errors like this one:

More specifically, as a previous poster pointed out:

it will catch the errors and display a blank page, but it won't
display my customized page.

A related problem is that even when I display customized errors under
my webapp, the error-page text displays, but loaded graphics sometimes
do not (it seems to depend on the URL).

At least part of my problem is that I am not sure where to locate the
error page if I create one.  That is, what the root directory is for
the statements:


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Re: Is APR worth it (for me?)

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Kennard
Doesn't AJP "multiplex" traffic, that is queued 
up requests are "serialized" through one 
connection that remains connected and it switches 
between servlets on the receiving end? and recycles the execution thread?

At 19:19 3/7/2007, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> The scalability improvement is twofold for AJP:
> - when running many Apache frontend servers (each with a sizeable
> number of workers), Tomcat would need a huge amount of AJP worker
> threads with the connector

Makes sense. So, instead of a Java thread waiting in every single ajp
connection, you're using one native listener thread waiting on a
select(), right? It's sad that you can't do this in Java :(

> - threads will only be used for actually executing requests, thus
> making concurrency in business logic a bit more predictable (if you
> have 2000 threads, it's ok most of the time, as long as no lock gets
> contested by too many threads, in which case it's far better if you
> had only 200 threads)

Definitely. Unless I'm mistaken, Java threads on Linux are pthreads,
which are relatively heavy. Reducing them is certainly going to reduce
memory, thread counts (wrt system limits), and thread dump lengths.

> It also saves memory (no surprise). Socket polling will only be used
> for keepalive: during the processing of a request, the connector uses
> regular blocking IO.

Cool. So, it /does/ sound like something worth looking into. APR
installation looks like a snap, too, so it shouldn't be painful at all.

Thanks for the explanation, Rémy.

- -chris
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Re: Is APR worth it (for me?)

2007-03-08 Thread Peter Kennard
Hmm I woudl have thought otherwise, since after 
reading the protocol it seems specificly designed 
to support keeping connection alive.

That a sender would keep a "pool" of available 
connections and when a hit comes in "get" one 
which is already connected, and push the request 
out, and the destination looks up the servlet and 
dispatches to it (until the request is complete), 
and when complete, releases the still open 
connection so the sender and can recycles it back 
into its pool without "disconnecting" ie: socket 
remains open.  and there is some huristic for 
culling excess connections after heavy traffic 
may hve opened more than configured.

Anyway that is what I would do ;^>

If by "multiplexing" you thought interleaving 
routed packets for simultaneous "hits" on one pipe I didn't mean that.


At 02:41 3/8/2007, you wrote:

Peter Kennard wrote:
Doesn't AJP "multiplex" traffic, that is queued 
up requests are "serialized" through one 
connection that remains connected and it 
switches between servlets on the receiving end? 
and recycles the execution thread?

No multiplexing on connections.



At 19:19 3/7/2007, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> The scalability improvement is twofold for AJP:
> - when running many Apache frontend servers (each with a sizeable
> number of workers), Tomcat would need a huge amount of AJP worker
> threads with the connector

Makes sense. So, instead of a Java thread waiting in every single ajp
connection, you're using one native listener thread waiting on a
select(), right? It's sad that you can't do this in Java :(

> - threads will only be used for actually executing requests, thus
> making concurrency in business logic a bit more predictable (if you
> have 2000 threads, it's ok most of the time, as long as no lock gets
> contested by too many threads, in which case it's far better if you
> had only 200 threads)

Definitely. Unless I'm mistaken, Java threads on Linux are pthreads,
which are relatively heavy. Reducing them is certainly going to reduce
memory, thread counts (wrt system limits), and thread dump lengths.

> It also saves memory (no surprise). Socket polling will only be used
> for keepalive: during the processing of a request, the connector uses
> regular blocking IO.

Cool. So, it /does/ sound like something worth looking into. APR
installation looks like a snap, too, so it shouldn't be painful at all.

Thanks for the explanation, Rémy.

- -chris

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RE: Multiple Instances on one Machine

2007-03-09 Thread Peter Kennard

I have a related issue. (should the be a separate thread?)

I had two instances of Tomcat5.5 on a windows XP Pro Workstation.
And I had a "batch" file I got off the web to launch the second 
instance using a shared CATALINA_HOME but each with a different CATALINA_BASE

When I upgraded to Tomcat6  it broke the startup.  I tried to modify 
it by changing paths and the like but it failed.

Anyone have an updated method for doing this?

At 09:55 3/8/2007, you wrote:

> From: Rahul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Multiple Instances on one Machine
> I have two webapps "a" and "b" with their respective web.xml
> files in $CATALINA_HOME\webapps\WEB-INF.

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Keep Alive handling

2007-03-10 Thread Peter Kennard

for HTTP1.1 (in tomcat 6)

Does tomcat handle keep alive (ie: keeping a connection open for 
subsequent requests)

If so under what circumstances is the connection closed (or kept open)?

Sending chunked content, with a terminal "\r\n0\r\n" will cause the 
connection to be disconnected.

As does only a termainal "\r\n0"

In both cases following this I am then attempting to write the next 
HTTP header set for the next request from the client.


POST /url/ HTTP1.1


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BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-10 Thread Peter Kennard

I have some real mysterious behavior, it seems the first chunk just doesn't
make it into the output.  Doesn't matter how long or short it is.
Seems like a BUG unles I'm doing something wrong.

/* in my real tiny test servlet */

public void service( ServletRequest req,
 ServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException
{ os = res.getOutputStream();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
 String txt = "Some Text " + i + "\n";

/ the results in a purely socket based client (ie exactly what is sent
  back - all appropriate except the "Some Text 0" is plain missing !!! */

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 02:22:52 GMT

Some Text 1

Some Text 2

Some Text 3

Some Text 4


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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-10 Thread Peter Kennard

At 19:50 3/10/2007, you wrote:

The "0" is the hex digint "Zero" the "terminal EOD" chunk is defined 
in HTTP1.1 as a chunk with a length of 0.  This is what terminates 
the data for the current request.

I tried "explicitly" putting in the keep alive header, though it is 
deprecated in HTTP1.1 and is the default value if no header is 
supplied.  As expected this has no (different) effect.

Hash: SHA1


Peter Kennard wrote:
> for HTTP1.1 (in tomcat 6)
> Does tomcat handle keep alive (ie: keeping a connection open for
> subsequent requests)
> If so under what circumstances is the connection closed (or kept open)?
> Sending chunked content, with a terminal "\r\n0\r\n" will cause the
> connection to be disconnected.
> As does only a termainal "\r\n0"

What is the "0" for?

Are you sending the "connection: keep-alive" header?

- -chris

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard
That is not an error, the last item in the (for(;;here)) is executed 
after the loop code is executed - the "side effect" only has effect 
within the for statement. (;;(side effect only visible inside 
statment in here))

ie:  for(;;++i)  ad for(;;i++)  are equivalent

ie:  for(;;val = ++i)  ad for(;;val = i++)  are *NOT* equivalent

At 05:36 3/11/2007, you wrote:


You have a little error, you are using ++i instead of i++ on:

   for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

The first iteration is a 1 because the increament is done before 
instead of after the looping.

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

Have you checked the result with a hex editor or anything like that? Is
it possible that txt.getBytes() in the first loop iteration is giving
you some text with a CR in it? It so, your terminal could be overwriting

I am reading a socket directly in a test client.  No data of any kind 
comes in representing the first chunk flushed.  Even if it was 
"invisible" it would still need to be preceeded by the "hex 
digits\r\n" for the chunk's length. (I originally spotted this 
because I was parsing a binary upload and it was missing the first 
chunk - the text version is an emailable reproducable illustration.

I can understand that this could be a specified behavior

Like: "to force output into chunked mode, flush a one byte (or more) 
record as the first write, it will be discarded, and subsequent 
chunks will be written in chuked mode"

But I have found no references to this behavior (or bug report for 
it) anywhere.


At 10:42 3/11/2007, you wrote:

Have you checked the result with a hex editor or anything like that? Is
it possible that txt.getBytes() in the first loop iteration is giving
you some text with a CR in it? It so, your terminal could be overwriting
the text with the next line of output, even though it's really there.
Just a shot in the dark.

Try piping wget through od and see what falls out.

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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

What if you use a non-chunked request? You asked already and the
response was that TC basically doesn't handle chunked requests.

TC handles chunked requests in all ways except that it doesn't have a 
methodology in the servlet API (EOFException etc) for notifying you 
if you try to read beyond EOD.  Chunking is a requirement of HTTP1.1.

TC appears at least from what I can tell. to always close the socket 
on completion of a request - unless I am missing some critical 
configuration item or doing something that disables it.

Anyone know where exactly what it does with keep-alive under what 
circumstances is documented? (Yes I know if I tackle the big job of 
understanding the source as if I wrote it I can figure it out) but I 
mean a "specification" that is a bit easier to get aquainted with :)


At 10:30 3/11/2007, you wrote:

Well, "Connection: close" is supposed to cause the server to close the
connection after the request has been fulfilled, but it looks like your
experience is that TC closes the connection no matter what.

What if you use a non-chunked request? You asked already and the
response was that TC basically doesn't handle chunked requests.

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

If you file a bug for this, or for the "issue" you describe in your
other thread, I will immediately resolve them as invalid, obviously.

Curious you mean by this? What is obvious?

Tomcat 5.5 and 6 do make "chunked" replys to 
HTTP1.1 requests that do not explicitly set 
content-length if one flushes the buffer.  I want 
to know what the proper manner is to use this 
feature and make sure it works from a servlet by 
testing it.  I'm trying to be nice and comform to 
standards, proxy protocols, connectors etc.

Are you saying there is no proper manner ??
Is this a partially implemented "alpha" feature 
intended to be completed in a future version?


At 12:39 3/11/2007, you wrote:


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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

No problem :)

I found if you flush before any data is written, it will immediatly 
commit the headers, and write a "terminal" chunk of length 0.  Which 
is a reasonable behavior.

In the case of a fat upload or page where one doesn't know the exact 
length before starting and wants to avoid allocating a huge buffer, 
one would want to use the chunked response.


At 15:13 3/11/2007, you wrote:


Yes ofcourse, you are right, I was to hasty.
Does it work if you add an os.flush() before the loop?

/Per Jonsson

Peter Kennard skrev:
That is not an error, the last item in the (for(;;here)) is 
executed after the loop code is executed - the "side effect" only 
has effect within the for statement. (;;(side effect only visible 
inside statment in here))

ie:  for(;;++i)  ad for(;;i++)  are equivalent
ie:  for(;;val = ++i)  ad for(;;val = i++)  are *NOT* equivalent

At 05:36 3/11/2007, you wrote:


You have a little error, you are using ++i instead of i++ on:

   for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

The first iteration is a 1 because the increament is done before 
instead of after the looping.

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

Curious you mean by this? What is obvious?

It's quite simple. You've made a number of claims in your two threads,
every time supposedly verified by yourself, and for every one of them,
I can tell you that the opposite is actually true. So there's really
nothing to talk about ...

I have to oppolgise here.  I thought I had tested the case of flush() 
after writing no data and returning - pardon.  It only returns a 0 
length chunk if I flush once after writing some data.  If I flush 
once with no data it writes nothing and the client times out 
expecting a chunk length (which I would consider another bug) I would 
think it should ignore all zero length flushes, and wait to write the 
terminal chunk when service() returns.

A complete simple test (which I actually ran just now) and it's 
results are below - this is easily reproducable Hopefully this will 
make the cut :)

Unless dropping the first data filled chunk is defined as proper and 
documented, and supported, behavior, I would consider this a bug.

The servlet:

public void service( ServletRequest req,
 ServletResponse res)
throws IOException
 req.getInputStream(); os = res.getOutputStream();

 os.write("Line Of Text 0\n".getBytes());
 os.write("Line Of Text 1\n".getBytes());
catch (Exception e)
 System.out.println("servlet: exception! " + e);

The above when hit by client returns:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:44:02 GMT

Line Of Text 1


The same servlet with:

 os.write("Line Of Text 0\n".getBytes());
 // os.write("Line Of Text 1\n".getBytes());
 // os.flush();

When hit by client returns:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:44:54 GMT


The same servlet again with:

 // os.write("Line Of Text 0\n".getBytes());
 // os.flush();
 // os.write("Line Of Text 1\n".getBytes());
 // os.flush();

When hit by client returns:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:29:12 GMT

client: exception Read timed out

Peter K

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

to the actual behavior of Tomcat. The 3 examples you have given here
do work as expected.

On what version?

- I have a plain vanilla install of Tomcat 6.0 on a windows XP Pro machine
   using the sun jdk (build 1.5.0_11-b03)  I am connecting through an
   HTTP1.1 connector with the default initiall configuration
   via "localhost". No other servlets are deployed on this instance.

- Are the results I get from those 3 examples
"expected" ?

- If not, why do you think this might be happening?

The client is sending this minimal request:

POST /Test/ HTTP/1.1\n
Host: localhost\n
Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n
...  (I can read all the data uploaded just fine from the
  servlet, except the read hangs and times out if I don't stop
  before the "terminal" 0 chunk length chunk is encountered )

I'm really not trying to be a pain in the butt, just figure it out.

Peter K.

At 21:16 3/11/2007, you wrote:

On 3/12/07, Peter Kennard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Unless dropping the first data filled chunk is defined as proper and
documented, and supported, behavior, I would consider this a bug.

As I said in my previous post, so far, none of your claims correspond
to the actual behavior of Tomcat. The 3 examples you have given here
do work as expected.


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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard

The exact tomcat version I have installed is 6.0.10

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard
Aaack - I really REALLY have to oppolgize.  One of the people I 
manange gave me the dumper client, and I went through it and the 
problem is there :|

I'm really really sorry if I caused any flamage and wasted anyone's time.
I respect you people for hammering on me about it.  I'll try to audit 
things a bt more before posting in the future.

I stuck my neck out and am now under some pressure to prove the 
tomcat Apache infrastructure is an appropriate choice for a big 
project.  I am still conviced it is appropriate.

Peter K.

At 22:29 3/11/2007, you wrote:

> - Are the results I get from those 3 examples
> "expected" ?

I actually tried to reproduce your experience.

wget, FireFox etc. - all these HTTP-clients don't have any problems with

What HTTP-client are you using? Is it self-written maybe?

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Re: BUG? - Mysterious "chunked" behavior

2007-03-11 Thread Peter Kennard
Not that anyone cares, but the "apparent" lost chunk problem was 
caused by the header scanner in the dumper client.  He created an 
InputStreamReader() and it apparently reads exactly two lines ahead 
into it's buffer.  Since my test case was "one line" per chunk it 
would reliably drop (have in its buffer) the first chunk's length, 
and the following one text line.

I'm sorry for wasting anyone's time.

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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard
Does Tomcat support Keep Alive, as a stand alone server, for multiple 
Client POST requests to different servlet paths where both request 
and response are "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"?

Is there a definition somewhere of when tomcat will drop a connection 
when keep-alive is specified?


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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard

Anyway - I answered my own question.
I wrote a test, Keep Alive works fine with chunked content.

If anyone wants the test code let me know.  (should I post it?)  It 
is small - about 150 lines worth, all java.


Does Tomcat support Keep Alive, as a stand alone server, for 
multiple Client POST requests to different servlet paths where both 
request and response are "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"?

Is there a definition somewhere of when tomcat will drop a 
connection when keep-alive is specified?


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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard

I answered my own question here:

The client must send the *complete* sequence

"\r\n0\r\n\r\n" or tomcat *will* hang attempting to read the last 
"\r\n" after the last "zero length chunk"  No one including myself caught this.


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Re: Keep Alive handling

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard

At 15:33 3/12/2007, you wrote:

> Anyway - I answered my own question.
> I wrote a test, Keep Alive works fine with chunked content.

So... what was the problem? For days you've been railing against Tomcat
for not supporting this properly. Is there something that you overlooked?

- -chris

Partly too much caffeine, too little sleep, and too much pressure :) 
I went out on a limb with only partial knowledge to specify Tomcat as 
a great solution to not having to write from scratch a server side 
application management and request routing system (that is what 
Tomcat is) - and I have had to get test modules of all the glue 
pieces working so the other people involved can start working.  I am 
now highly content with that decision.

I hope I didn't rail against tomcat too much on this thread, the 
reason I'm here is I respect it.  I only wanted someone to say yes or 
no to whether it supported KeepAlive with chunked posts or not and 
wondered if I was doing something stupid causing it to 
disconnect.  And yes, I was overly distracted and irritated by 
"noise" like "why would you want to do that" etc, Knowing this was 
all added to HTTP1.1 for a lot of good reasons, to support exactly 
what we are doing.

If I were a diplomat we'd probably all be in a nuclear fallout zone :)

As for why it didn't work, I was dealing with some related things:

For "not detecting terminal chunk" from a client.

The client must send the *complete* sequence for the termial chunk:

"\r\n0\r\n\r\n" or tomcat *will* hang and time out attempting to read 
the last "\r\n" after the last "zero length chunk" of data, and not 
report "end of file".  No one including myself caught this.

Keep alive was related, in it would abort and close the socket if the 
last "\r\n" after the zero length chunk wasn't present when the next 
header was written.

Thanks for asking,
Everything works now.

Peter K.

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Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard

On a stand alone tomcat with more than one connector (port)
Is it possible to map a servlet to only one or a subset of connectors?

Thanks PK

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Re: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-12 Thread Peter Kennard

I guess a corrollary question to this would be.
Can I determine the connector port connected to for a request from 
service() I don't see it in the servlet API but am willing to access 
somthing tomcat specific.


At 21:57 3/12/2007, you wrote:

On a stand alone tomcat with more than one connector (port)
Is it possible to map a servlet to only one or a subset of connectors?

Thanks PK

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RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Kennard

Thanks - I assume "any way you want" would include the port?
I'll have to dive more into Filters.

At 01:15 3/13/2007, you wrote:

> From: Peter Kennard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?
> On a stand alone tomcat with more than one connector (port)
> Is it possible to map a servlet to only one or a subset of connectors?

No, but you can use a filter or valve to restrict access any way you

 - Chuck

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RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Kennard

Damn! I missed that :)  Thanks.

I assume this is taking it from where the hit arrives in at the 
server and not the HTTP headers passed in (which could be anything)

At 01:32 3/13/2007, you wrote:

> From: Peter Kennard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?
> Can I determine the connector port connected to for a request from
> service() I don't see it in the servlet API but am willing to access
> somthing tomcat specific.

ServletRequest.getServerPort() is inherited by HTTPServletRequest.

 - Chuck

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RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Kennard

I Verified this returns the port indicated by the client in the header.

Not the port the request was recieved by at the tomcat instance.
Appropriate for a client to send and passed through by proxys, 
remappers, front ends etc. but not to determine where it ends up.


At 07:23 3/13/2007, you wrote:

Damn! I missed that :)  Thanks.

I assume this is taking it from where the hit arrives in at the 
server and not the HTTP headers passed in (which could be anything)

At 01:32 3/13/2007, you wrote:

> From: Peter Kennard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?
> Can I determine the connector port connected to for a request from
> service() I don't see it in the servlet API but am willing to access
> somthing tomcat specific.

ServletRequest.getServerPort() is inherited by HTTPServletRequest.

 - Chuck

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RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Kennard

This could be the ticket!

At 11:53 3/13/2007, you wrote:

You could configure proxyPort in your  to some value that you
could use as a flag for your particular environment.  This will override
the header value returned by getServerPort().  Don't know if there would
be any undesirable side effects.

 - Chuck

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RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Kennard

Try ServletRequest.getLocalPort() rather than getServerPort().

Yes exactly, thanks - that is an addition to the api after the book I read :)
eclipse auto-complete and the sun website is your friend :)


Part of all these questions is I am looking to implement a servlet 
subclass which will "auto register" itself with an upstream front end 
(maybe AJP does this?) so ideally I would want to be able to query 
what URI "host,port,path" would access the proper connector and 
servlet when it's "init()" is called so I can pass it to upstream to 
the front-end router.  Of course at this time no request has been 
recieved.  I guess I could do it by parsing the server.xml or putting 
in rendundant per servlet initParameters but that makes me queasy, I 
like the thing itself to propagate it's own state changes :)


At 11:58 3/13/2007, you wrote:

> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Can one map a servlet to a specific connctor?

Try ServletRequest.getLocalPort() rather than getServerPort().

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Re: Is better one or more Tomcat instances per machine

2007-03-14 Thread Peter Kennard

Heh - ask Murphy about that :)
just spawn a thread set priority high and loop forever.

At 10:23 3/14/2007, you wrote:

On 14/03/2007, at 3:17 PM, Peter Crowther wrote:

From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is no real advantage in multi-instancing.

A minor advantage is that if you allocate one webapp per container, if
one webapp fails it only takes down its own container.  Well-coded
webapps "should" never cause this - and, of course, we all manage
completely bug-free webapps all the time, don't we? :-)

Actually, according to the JSP spec, one Webapp is not allowed to effect
the other, so if you use Tomcat, one Webapp can not take out the




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Stalled Servlet Handling?

2007-03-14 Thread Peter Kennard

Curious with the talk about reliability.

Socket timouts will abort waiting on reads and writes that take too long.

But if lets say a servlet takes an overly long time to process 
something without reading or writing,  is there a high priority 
"watchdog" thread in tomcat which will monitor how log a servlet has 
been "running" without having made a read or write, and force it to 
abort if it exceeds it's quota?

If so is the time allowed configurable?


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Re: Rationale for makeing Invoker harder to user

2007-03-14 Thread Peter Kennard
I am a newbee here but as a work around, I would think you could have 
a "master" servlet and it could scan and load all the servlets in the 
directory into a map, and then dispatch requests to them from "/*" 
(having them properly initialized in another question)

I would be interested in the official answer :)

At 18:19 3/14/2007, you wrote:
I recently installed Tomacat 6.0 and see that I now need to make my 
web application privalaged in order to use InvokerServlet to allow 
users to execute arbitrary servlets.  This seems to continue a trend 
that may eventually result in Invoker being widthdrawn.

My question is why is allowing execution of arbitrary servlets so 
discouraged.  In my opinion JSPs are essentially servlets with a 
differnt deployment convention and there is no prohibition on 
running jsps without "registering them."

I like to build web applications with hundreds of servlets and I 
prefer not to explicitly define each one in web.xml.  Is there any 
sanctioned method of doing this in a tomcat world?

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Re: Rationale for makeing Invoker harder to user

2007-03-14 Thread Peter Kennard

At 20:38 3/14/2007, you wrote:


All very good points escpecially since it will load classes outside 
the webapps sandbox. Definately evil.

What I would probably do in the large # of servlets situation for a 
single webapp during development is generate the web.xml file as part 
of the build process and have the build scan the proper source 
directory and create it dynamicly before deployment.

Alas hard to do in ant without scripts but would make development easier.

Paul Mendelson wrote:
I recently installed Tomacat 6.0 and see that I now need to make my 
web application privalaged in order to use InvokerServlet to allow 
users to execute arbitrary servlets.  This seems to continue a 
trend that may eventually result in Invoker being widthdrawn.
My question is why is allowing execution of arbitrary servlets so 
discouraged.  In my opinion JSPs are essentially servlets with a 
differnt deployment convention and there is no prohibition on 
running jsps without "registering them."
I like to build web applications with hundreds of servlets and I 
prefer not to explicitly define each one in web.xml.  Is there any 
sanctioned method of doing this in a tomcat world?

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Explicit header definition

2007-03-16 Thread Peter Kennard
If I want to remove or alter headers that are the "default" for a 
specific servlet, webapp or instance of tomcat, how might I?  Either 
programmtically or in a config file.

   - remove or replace the "Date:" header.
   - remove or replace the "Server:" header.

The reasoning is for servicing a special client's requests.  I would 
still want other "browser" serving servlets in the same tomcat 
instance to use the normal headers.


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Re: Explicit header definition

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Kennard

Does no commnent on this mean:

"This is not possible"?
"Of course, it is obvious you can, as stated *here*"?


At 15:24 3/16/2007, you wrote:
If I want to remove or alter headers that are the "default" for a 
specific servlet, webapp or instance of tomcat, how might I?  Either 
programmtically or in a config file.

   - remove or replace the "Date:" header.
   - remove or replace the "Server:" header.

The reasoning is for servicing a special client's requests.  I would 
still want other "browser" serving servlets in the same tomcat 
instance to use the normal headers.


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Re: Explicit header definition

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Kennard

It might mean don't hi-jack threads.

??? I thought I created a new one for this question. (different Subject:)

At 10:57 3/18/2007, you wrote:

Peter Kennard wrote:
> Does no commnent on this mean:
> "This is not possible"?
> or:
> "Of course, it is obvious you can, as stated *here*"?
> PK

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Re: Explicit header definition

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Kennard

Thanks - is there a good doc around on "howto write a tomcat filter" :) ?
It sure would be nice to have default headers defined in web.xml :)
At 16:55 3/18/2007, you wrote:

for each servlet / jsp where you want to change the default headers,
write a filter, which changes the headers, include it into the
web-app's web.xml and you're done.


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Re: Explicit header definition

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Kennard

I found this:

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Re: Explicit header definition

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Kennard
It looks like a Filter receives the same ServletResponse object as 
what is passed back from the servlet.  Are their methods on that that 
allow you to access the Date: and Server: headers (or the whole big 
header string)?


At 16:55 3/18/2007, you wrote:

for each servlet / jsp where you want to change the default headers,
write a filter, which changes the headers, include it into the
web-app's web.xml and you're done.


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Re: Custom error page on Tomcat 6

2007-03-20 Thread Peter Kennard

A refinement on this question I am interested in, that isn't so googleable :)

Can one make a class that spits out the error page that recieves the 
"code number" as input, (and/or maybe an Exception handle if the 
servelet threw an exception which caused the error) and an 
OutputStream to write back to the requester on?

That would be really really nice, and totally genrally customizable :)

At 12:40 3/20/2007, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 20/03/2007, at 5:28 PM, Hoa Doan wrote:

How do I set up a custom error page in Tomcat 6?


Stupid question...

Have you tried entering "Custom error page on Tomcat" into Google?



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RE: Custom error page on Tomcat 6

2007-03-20 Thread Peter Kennard

At 16:58 3/20/2007, you wrote:

> From: Peter Kennard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Custom error page on Tomcat 6
> Can one make a class that spits out the error page that recieves the
> "code number" as input, (and/or maybe an Exception handle if the
> servelet threw an exception which caused the error) and an
> OutputStream to write back to the requester on?

Much of it, and in a hurry :)

Sometimes "spec" docs often leave specific implementation details 
"ambiguous" or TBD and often hard to decypher simple answers to things from :)

Thanks for the link!

"I think yes it is covered in section 9.9" ?
"I don't think so it is covered in section 9.9" ?

Have you read the servlet spec?  This is covered in section 9.9:

 - Chuck

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Re: Comet in tomcat

2007-03-22 Thread Peter Kennard
Curious - with Comet I assume you can now have 
multiple servlet requests share a single thread 
if they are written cooperatively? I have just 
written a "client side" that does this with 
NIO.  I am working on a system were a lot 
of  small requests and body chunks are being processed.


At 10:11 3/22/2007, you wrote:

On 3/22/07, Vincent Demay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on server side pushing integration in Wicket, and I saw
Tomcat6 implements comet :

Have you got a complete example of an application using cometProcessor?

No real application to show off.

How can I use NIO connector?

Yes (it's written on the page).

Is there an implemantation of the Bayeux protocol?

No. I don't know which of these protocols will emerge at this point as
"the" standard (any opinion on this ?). I think a base servlet could
be included if one was contributed.


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