Re: [xwiki-users] [Proposal] Improving the User Guide documentation

2010-03-02 Thread Andreas Hahn
Please somedbody of the long term addicts should write a book about XWiki.

All important projects do have books and for many people the availbility 
of printed literature
marks the difference between some open source project and an important 
open source project.

Before picking up a new software and spending much time with learning 
and practicing
many people check amazon for the availability of literature.

+1 for better Online documentation
+10 for a decent book covering all levels from beginner to developer


Caleb James DeLisle schrieb:
> +1
> I believe in making XWiki as friendly as possible to application
> developers so I think we should cater to people who are new to XWiki
> but have experience in development. As an example I found the FAQ
> Tutorial confusing and patronizing but I was at home with the object
> editor.
> Anyway just an idea and big +1 for all kinds of documentation.
> Caleb
> Silvia Rusu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After reading all your emails I think the best solution is having both a
>> guide for first time users and a complete guide to all XWiki features:
>> - The Getting Started page can become the draft included in this email
>> - The User Guide could be a TOC of all existing resources as Vincent
>> suggested. 
>> This way both experienced and unexperienced users are happy: 
>> - First time users can discover XWiki one step at a time with the help of
>> the "Getting Started" page
>> - Experienced users don't have to look for information through the different
>> wikis and can instead go to the User Guide TOC. 
>> Smaller guides will be made as suggested in the previous email for the blog,
>> wysiwyg, etc. These will be linked from both the Getting Started page and
>> the User Guide.
>> WDYT? 
>> -
>> Silvia Rusu
>> Tester & Documentation Writer - XWiki
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Reverse proxy problems

2010-04-15 Thread Andreas Hahn
Gerhard Esterhuizen schrieb:
> Hi,
> I recently deployed XWiki Enterprise behind an Apache HTTP server acting as
> a reverse proxy. This was done in order to map the XWiki web interface into
> our intranet namespace and to perform SSL termination. To get this working,
> I had to resort to a few hacks and workarounds due to the fact that not all
> parts of XWIki Enterprise seem to be friendly towards reverse proxies. A
> workable solution was eventually achieved through config file changes and
> the addition of some Apache URL rewrite rules (e.g. redirect all requests
> for ""; to "";).
> Today, I had to deploy another XWiki instance behind an Apache HTTP server,
> again for reasons of namespace consolidation and SSL termination. However,
> this time I do not have as much freedom as I had on the previous server and
> are finding myself stuck at this point. Examples of specific issues are that
> URLs of skin resources are served using the HTTP (i.e. insecure) protocol
> and some redirects are generated for the local address instead of the
> proxied address (e.g. login page from unauthorised and default post login
> redirect page).
> I'm not looking for particular solutions to these issues as much as trying
> to establish how likely I am to get this right and whether I'm trying to fit
> a square peg into a round hole. Specific questions as follows:
> 1. Did anyone manage to successfully deploy XWiki behind an HTTP reverse
> proxy without resorting to hacks and workarounds ? If so, please share some
> information about the magic configuration. Does the problem, perhaps, lie
> with Apache's reverse proxy module or its interaction with XWiki ?
> 2. Is my expectation to have XWiki working behind an HTTP reverse proxy
> misplaced ? If not, and XWiki does intend to support this, are the issues I
> describe above well known or should I report them somewhere ? Also, what can
> I do to help and contribute to such an effort ?
> 3. Are these issues due to the platform or the layers above it (e.g. skins
> and apps) ? Does the platform provide a "right way" that the layers above it
> can use to generate URLs that would always work correctly through a reverse
> proxy ?
> BTW, thanks for a great product!
> Regards,
>   Gerhard

maybe you are interested in my recent posting on short urls. I'v been 
struggling with the same issues and would like to see some more 
information on the wiki pages. That's what I ended up with:

The last 'VirtualHost' configuration is working for me - no problems so far.

best regards
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Damaged wiki-pages because of getURL returns incorect URL

2010-05-02 Thread Andreas Hahn

your screenshots remind me of a problem I had one month ago configuring 
public xwiki access
for my local installation.

I finally solved it by modifying the  section of the httpd 
deamon which serves
all my incoming internet traffic.

Although my situation may not apply in detail to yours it might be a 
"hint" for further research with
your system administrators.

Heres the link:

best regards


Colesnicov Eugen schrieb:
> I have a strange situation in my wiki. Some of elements at a standart
> wiki-pages are damaged. For example - Main.Spaces, all user profiles,
> Blogs.WebHome and many-many others (but not all). You can see how they are
> damaged on a attached images.
> This situation exists on fresh XWiki installations on all versions (I tried
> XWiki starting from 2.0), different servlets (I tried jetty & glassfish),
> different DB (I tried Oracle & HSQLDB & MySQL).
> I started to analyze situation. Interest, but when I use local server
> address (http://localhost:8080/xwiki) - all is ok, problem shows ONLY if I
> connecting through my internet domain name (
> I started to compare html-generated code and found, that function getURL
> returns different strings! When I addresses through
> http://localhost:8080/xwiki getURL returns /xwiki/bin/view/ColorThemes/ with
> class="wikilink". But when I adresses through my site getURL returns
> with
> class="wikiexternallink".
> If I put option {{html wiki="false"}} - these links are ok, but another
> portions of code (where using wiki-syntax inside of html) started to
> damaged.
> Ok - I can one-by-one for all pages put {{html wiki="false"}} and change
> wiki-syntax inside of html for a truly html ... I already did it
> successfully for a Main.Spaces. But pages with same problems quite enough
> ...
> Maybe exists another variant? How to say absolutely for a getURL function to
> returns internal link? Or maybe problem with my site config? Unfortunately,
> site-configuration is not under my control ... My Xwiki server placed inside
> internal local network domain, and exists "link" between my XWiki-Server and
> address on a external site (which is hosted on another server, another
> network). How this "link" is configured - I don't no. I only said for
> external-site administrators internal path (http://servername:8080/xwiki) -
> and they did link. If it is problem with external-site address config - I
> need to say something for administrators what need to change, because now
> all looks like that problem is with programming code of XWiki ...
> Thanks beforehand!
> Eugen

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Changing the default home in 2.2

2010-05-07 Thread Andreas Hahn

yes, unfortunately the hyperlink on the logo is hardcoded to Main.WebHome.

You'll find this in the file global.vm in the templates / skins folder 
of your xwiki installation.

Extract from that file:

#set($logoname = $xwiki.getSkinPreference("logo", "logo.png"))
#set($logo = $!prefdoc.getAttachment($logoname))
#set($logourl = $xwiki.getSkinFile($logoname))
#set($logourl = $prefdoc.getAttachmentURL($logo.filename, 


You can change this in your installation, there is more than one option.
One way to override skins is documented here:

It would be more consistent imho, if the default implementation of 
global.vm would refer the settings



Gabriel Corrêa de Oliveira schrieb:
> Hi everybody
> I'm having a really hard time to change the default home for my XWiki
> installation.
> I'm using version 2.2 out of the box with HSQLDB.
> I've edited the web.xml to enable the Redirect Servlet and make it redirect
> the user to a specific space WebHome.
>  The address to redirect to when the client hits the root
> of the application.
>  homePage
>  bin/MySpace/WebHome
> This works fine, when I reach the root of the container
> (http://myhost:8080/), but when I click the logo.png (with the
> logo) it still points to view/Main.
> As an attempt to make the logo point to my specific space and WebHome I
> tried to set the following properties in xwiki.cfg:
> xwiki.defaultweb=MySpace
> xwiki.defaultpage=WebHome
> But it had absolutely no effect.
> I just can't believe there isn't a simpler way to change the home. It seems
> to me, that it's something every XWiki user would want to do.
> Any ideas?
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] HTML Macro browser dependent ?

2010-05-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Unless I'm doing something very stupid I'd think the HTML macro shows 
some weird browser dependent behaviour:




Works as expected with firefox 3.x / Safari
Doesn't work in IE 7/8 and Chrome.

The {{html}}-embedded code is missing in the page output for these browsers.

When examining the page with Firebug I also noticed that the *listItem* 
example on
renders unexpectedly.

Firebug reveals


Neither  nor 'class="star" ' are part of the example source so 
this example is either a fake or the macro shows undocumented behaviour.

IMHO the macro should just write its raw output to the page not 
depending on any other circuumstances.

The macro example page and I guess all of are looking crippled on IE7 as the content area is 

Wiki version is 2.3 M1



users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] HTML Macro browser dependent ?

2010-05-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Vincent,

thanks for your fast response.
Sure html is wrong. I should have noticed that.

thanks again


Vincent Massol schrieb:
> Hi Andreas,
> On May 10, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Unless I'm doing something very stupid I'd think the HTML macro shows 
>> some weird browser dependent behaviour:
>> {{html}}
>>  >SomeText
>> {{/html}}
>> Works as expected with firefox 3.x / Safari
>> Doesn't work in IE 7/8 and Chrome.
>> The {{html}}-embedded code is missing in the page output for these browsers.
>> When examining the page with Firebug I also noticed that the *listItem* 
>> example on
>> renders unexpectedly.
>> Firebug reveals
>>  ...
>> listitem>/li>
>>  ...
>> Neither  nor 'class="star" ' are part of the example source so 
>> this example is either a fake or the macro shows undocumented behaviour.
>> IMHO the macro should just write its raw output to the page not 
>> depending on any other circuumstances.
>> The macro example page and I guess all of
>> are looking crippled on IE7 as the content area is 
>> clipped.
>> Wiki version is 2.3 M1
> * No, the macro is not browser-dependent
> * HTML *is* browser-dependant
> * the html macro generates valid XHTML by default so if you introduce an 
> error in your HTML it'll get fixed somehow. For ex in your input above you're 
> missing a closing >
> * if you don't want valid XHTML you should use clean="false", see 
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] XWiki going out of resources

2011-01-03 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi XWiki users,

fwiw I just want to share my experiences and observations with XWiki 
instance running out of memory.

I was having a hard time to track this down but in the end I could 
successfully isolate the problem.
For quite some time my XWiki instance was getting unresponsive to 
requests sooner or later.

The Wiki was hosted on a VirtualBox VM and in most cases the VM guest 
was just freezing and needed to be restarted leaving no usable traces in 
the logs. In some cases I even found JVM crash reports so I first 
checked different JVMs and VirtualBox versions (PUEL and OSE licences).

I had no success with this approach and so I moved the XWiki directly to 
a host environment (Ubuntu 10.10). I added Server instrumentation 
(VisualVM) but still the wiki got down after a while. Surprisingly the 
system was hanging although in many cases there was even enough memory 
available (I checked different VM settings up to 4GB).
Finally a VisualVM thread dump showed what happened:
When the robots came visiting my service they query a large number of 
pages and among them was one user-url:
.../XWiki/someUser which ran into an infinite looping condition when 
rendering the page.
I don't know how this could happen but as a result the whole memory was 
consumed and partly released afterwards so it seemed that there is still 
enough space available. Once this happened however the Webserver needed 
to be restarted because it wasn't responsive any more.
Since I have deleted this user account everything is running ok for a 
couple of days now - I still have to move the service back into the 
VirtualBox guest VM.

What puzzles me finally that its possible that one single request can 
kill the service by going into an infinte rendering loop.
I would have thought that at some level there is a depth limit to 
prevent such conditions.

Hope these observations help someone though 


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] evaluating xwiki for our needs

2011-01-03 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hello Scott,

similar situation here - small consulting shop running a couple of XWiki 
instances here since ~2 years.
Sort of love-hate relationship.

What worries me most is that's quite cumbersome yet almost impossible to 
create a sleek skin without a routined designer in your team.
I am kind of envious about the sleek wordpress designs of other peoples 
interactive sites where you can pick a design from the many free (and 
commercial templates).

Skin creation is sort of moving target as it changes from version to 
version meaning migration efforts of a customized site cannot be 
predicted. Some people suggested some time ago to add support for design 
creation tools like Artisteer but that's obviously not on the roadmap.

OTOH it fits in our consulting repertoire Java Spring Postgres Tomcat 
and I think we will still go ahead with it.
FWIW one of our playground sites is the 'docs' part is 
powered by XWiki.

have fun


Am 29.12.2010 23:02, schrieb Scott Serr:
> Greetings XWiki Users,
> We are a small company of 3 people.  For internal use and portal, I've
> rolled out Trac...  Then Redmine... then back to Trac.  I have fond
> memories of my Trac install and usage 3-4 years at "the big company" but
> now that the 3 of us are on our own it doesn't seem to be that helpful.
> Interconnecting Wiki, Issues/Tickets, and SCM Change Sets has great
> powers in Trac.  But we don't seem to be taking advantage of that now.
> A year ago, I rolled out Plone for our external web.  I managed to tweak
> an attractive Skin/Theme.  I added necessary content.  Now it sits --
> getting old and tired.
> I'm starting to evaluate XWiki.  So many options on a page is a bit
> overwhelming, but other than that it looks very usable.  My idea is to
> merge our external web and internal portal -- so there isn't such a
> distinct line drawn between our knowledge base and our customer facing
> pages.  I think we can manage (Trac) Issues/Tickets less formally on a
> wiki page.  The SCM integration was nice, but a simple Source Repository
> Viewer might be all we need.
> We are all familiar with Java and normally use Linux.  The WebDav "fs"
> features look nice.
> I'm concerned about vitality.  Maybe half of the "references" for XWiki
> are stale -- site being dead or running something else now.
> I'm concerned about security.
> I'm concerned about resource footprint.  (I imagine it's just App Server
> + a little, but migrating to a VPS would costly.)
> Maybe I need some encouragement as I go along.  :)  And ideas about how
> to make pages look less busy.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki going out of resources

2011-01-03 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 03.01.2011 13:21, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> On 01/03/2011 12:38 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Hi XWiki users,
>> fwiw I just want to share my experiences and observations with XWiki
>> instance running out of memory.
>> I was having a hard time to track this down but in the end I could
>> successfully isolate the problem.
>> For quite some time my XWiki instance was getting unresponsive to
>> requests sooner or later.
>> The Wiki was hosted on a VirtualBox VM and in most cases the VM guest
>> was just freezing and needed to be restarted leaving no usable traces in
>> the logs. In some cases I even found JVM crash reports so I first
>> checked different JVMs and VirtualBox versions (PUEL and OSE licences).
>> I had no success with this approach and so I moved the XWiki directly to
>> a host environment (Ubuntu 10.10). I added Server instrumentation
>> (VisualVM) but still the wiki got down after a while. Surprisingly the
>> system was hanging although in many cases there was even enough memory
>> available (I checked different VM settings up to 4GB).
>> Finally a VisualVM thread dump showed what happened:
>> When the robots came visiting my service they query a large number of
>> pages and among them was one user-url:
>> .../XWiki/someUser which ran into an infinite looping condition when
>> rendering the page.
>> I don't know how this could happen but as a result the whole memory was
>> consumed and partly released afterwards so it seemed that there is still
>> enough space available. Once this happened however the Webserver needed
>> to be restarted because it wasn't responsive any more.
>> Since I have deleted this user account everything is running ok for a
>> couple of days now - I still have to move the service back into the
>> VirtualBox guest VM.
>> What puzzles me finally that its possible that one single request can
>> kill the service by going into an infinte rendering loop.
>> I would have thought that at some level there is a depth limit to
>> prevent such conditions.
> Normally, there are recursion checks in different places, like velocity
> macros can be nested to at most 20 levels (100 in 3.0). What would help
> is exporting the user profile as XAR and uploading it somewhere so that
> we can see what's causing this specific problem.
> Ok, thanks for your support offer. I'll see if I can restore the old user 
> profile. I've created a new one with the same name in the meantime.
>> Hope these observations help someone though 

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] syntax nuances

2011-01-06 Thread Andreas Hahn
Seems I haven't yet understood all the nuances of XWiki syntax:

According to

I can have a sized image with [[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]
I can have an image with a link [[image:img.png>>]]

How can I have a sized image with a link ?
not working:
[[image:img.png||width="25" height="25">>]]
[[image:img.png>>||width="25" height="25"]]

not working either (with and without 'px'):
(% style="height:25px;width:25px" %)

(% style="height:25px;width:25px"

Hmmm... Once again I may not see the obvious ...
How can I do it ?



users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] syntax nuances

2011-01-06 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 06.01.2011 11:11, schrieb Vincent Massol:

Yesss - so now I can remove the ugly {{html}} . That wasn't obvious to me 
either but it means that customization with a class="myImage" should be 
easily possible. Also the scope of the Parameter - statement "(%" isn't 
completely clear to me - it seems to work on the subsequent syntax 
element - but not for [[image:...]] or it renders a paragraph  but if 
you want to render a  you need to use {{html }}text{{/html}} - right ?

Well I'm sort of casual user and it takes time finding out.

thanks a lot


> On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> On Jan 6, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>>> Seems I haven't yet understood all the nuances of XWiki syntax:
>>> According to
>>> I can have a sized image with [[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]
>>> I can have an image with a link [[image:img.png>>]]
>>> How can I have a sized image with a link ?
>>> not working:
>>> [[image:img.png||width="25" height="25">>]]
>> not correct
>>> [[image:img.png>>||width="25" height="25"]]
>> not correct either
>> You need:
>> image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]>>]]
> What you need to understand is that you have wiki syntax inside a link label
> In [[linklabelhere>>reference]], linklabelhere is wiki syntax.
> The wiki syntax to specify an image with params is [[image:...||params]].
> Please let us know how to fix the doc to make it more obvious.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> Hope it helps,
>> -Vincent
>>> not working either (with and without 'px'):
>>> (% style="height:25px;width:25px" %)
>>> [[image:img.png>>]]
>>> and
>>> (% style="height:25px;width:25px"
>>> [[image:img.png>>]]
>>> %)
>>> Hmmm... Once again I may not see the obvious ...
>>> How can I do it ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Andreas
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] syntax nuances

2011-01-06 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 06.01.2011 12:59, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> On Jan 6, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Am 06.01.2011 11:11, schrieb Vincent Massol:
>> Yesss - so now I can remove the ugly {{html}}> resulting. That wasn't obvious to me
>> either but it means that customization with a class="myImage" should be
>> easily possible. Also the scope of the Parameter - statement "(%" isn't
>> completely clear to me - it seems to work on the subsequent syntax
>> element - but not for [[image:...]] or it renders a paragraph  but if
>> you want to render a  you need to use {{html }}> class="myclass">text{{/html}} - right ?
> I've tried this on my local wiki:
> [[(% class="myclass" %)[[image:XWikiLogo.png||width="25" 
> height="25"]]>>]]
> And it generates:
>";> class="myclass"> src="http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/download/Sandbox/WebHome/XWikiLogo.png?width=25&height=25";
>  width="25" height="25" alt="XWikiLogo.png"/>
> So as you can see it does generate a.
> Now if you want the params to apply to the img tag you need to pass them as 
> image params:
> image:XWikiLogo.png||width="25" height="25" 
> class="myclass"]]>>]]
> which generates:
>";> src="http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/download/Sandbox/WebHome/XWikiLogo.png?width=25&height=25";
>  width="25" height="25" class="myclass" alt="XWikiLogo.png"/>
> Hope it's clear.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
Bingo - again I wasn't aware i need to put it in brackets [[ ]]


>> Well I'm sort of casual user and it takes time finding out.
>> thanks a lot
>> Andreas
>>> On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>>> Hi Andreas,
>>>> On Jan 6, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>>>>> Seems I haven't yet understood all the nuances of XWiki syntax:
>>>>> According to
>>>>> I can have a sized image with [[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]
>>>>> I can have an image with a link [[image:img.png>>]]
>>>>> How can I have a sized image with a link ?
>>>>> not working:
>>>>> [[image:img.png||width="25" height="25">>]]
>>>> not correct
>>>>> [[image:img.png>>||width="25" height="25"]]
>>>> not correct either
>>>> You need:
>>>> image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]>>]]
>>> What you need to understand is that you have wiki syntax inside a link label
>>> In [[linklabelhere>>reference]], linklabelhere is wiki syntax.
>>> The wiki syntax to specify an image with params is [[image:...||params]].
>>> Please let us know how to fix the doc to make it more obvious.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>>> Hope it helps,
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> not working either (with and without 'px'):
>>>>> (% style="height:25px;width:25px" %)
>>>>> [[image:img.png>>]]
>>>>> and
>>>>> (% style="height:25px;width:25px"
>>>>> [[image:img.png>>]]
>>>>> %)
>>>>> Hmmm... Once again I may not see the obvious ...
>>>>> How can I do it ?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Andreas
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Executing Velocity on Multiple Pages

2011-03-02 Thread Andreas Hahn

If you don't mind providing the change on the server side then I'd suggest
copy the template 'layoutExtraVars.vm' from the template folder of your 
wiki into your skins folder (if you don't have your own its possibly 
Then copy exactly your code into that - That's all.

If you you don't have access to the server or you don't want to change there
you might also try

   #set ($docextras="[]")

but you need to apply this on all of your pages.

There may be differences in rendering depending on the XWiki version though.



Am 02.03.2011 15:40, schrieb Wouter de Vos:
> Hi all,
> Question:
> Is it possible to execute a velocity code on my entire wiki?
> Background:
> I want to disable comments-attachments-etc for users without editing
> rights, but keep it visible for people with editing rights.
> Thanks to Ricardo I found this code at
> #if($hasEdit)
>#set ($showcomments="yes")
>#set ($showattachments = "yes")
>#set ($showhistory="yes")
>#set ($showinformation = "yes")
> #else
>#set ($showcomments="no")
>#set ($showattachments = "no")
>#set ($showhistory="no")
>#set ($showinformation = "no")
> #end
> I put it in a single page and it works perfectly, but I want to use it
> for my entire wiki and obviously do not want to put a velocity script
> in each and every page.
> I hope someone can help me out !
> Thanks in advance,
> Wouter
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-07 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi everyone,

I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in 
favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.

The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader 

1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the 
contributions without subscription.
2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to 
subscribe to a mailing list.
4) Many people consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get 
6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get 
repeatedly discussed
7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail 
collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users 
taking an active role
9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements 
- some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.

Here's my +1


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-08 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Vincent,

Am 08.03.2011 07:45, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> Hi Andreas,
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in
>> favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.
>> The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader
>> audience.
>> 1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the
>> contributions without subscription.
> You don't need any subscription to read mailing lists.
> See
>> 2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
> Same here:
>> 3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to
>> subscribe to a mailing list.
> How? Even with forums you need to subscribe.
>> 4) Many people consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
>> 5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get
>> responses
>> 6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get
>> repeatedly discussed
>> 7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail
>> collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
>> 8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users
>> taking an active role
>> 9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
>> 10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
>> 11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements
>> - some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
>> 12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.
>> Here's my +1
> I have some good news for you: we already have a forum! :)
Actually i wasn't aware that there is already an integration with the 
dev page.
I might not have written my proposal if I were. But shouldn't the forums 
be mentioned / linked in a more prominent place on the homepage ?

However as I wrote - the objective was  "to promote the XWiki community 
discussions to a broader audience" as part of a strategy to make XWiki 
aware to more users that don't already subscribe and that my not already 
be aware of I have no numbers at hand - its just my feelings 
- that indexing of markmail and nabble to google compares badly to other 
forum software.
But so what - except for the ugly reading of large threads and the 
meaningless statistics of a threads view count because of the many 
different access methods -
there is not that much left over I guess.
> See
> And more specifically:
> Now if this forum doesn't fit your needs could you explain what requirements 
> you'd have for a forum and which solution you'd pick?
> I personally liked jive forums but it doesn't exist anymore (it's folded into 
> a full collaboration suite now).

I have a personal favorite - that is
Its fun to read - encourages exploration - there are numerous 
indications for the relevance of a contribution.
I've been pointed to by google a couple of times and for many purposes 
it became my primary forum website.
Many people there that are seeking advice a la 'whats the best tool to ...'

However its a developers forum and from a project "owner" perspective 
I'd hesitate to recommend it as a support forum.
Its backed by VC and soon they will need to make money one way or the other.
OTOH the tags 'wiki' and 'collaborative' are somehow underrepresented ...



> Thanks
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-08 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 08.03.2011 15:30, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> On Mar 8, 2011, at 3:04 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> On 03/08/2011 07:45 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>> Hi Andreas,
>>> On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in
>>>> favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.
>>>> The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader
>>>> audience.
>>>> 1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the
>>>> contributions without subscription.
>>> You don't need any subscription to read mailing lists.
>>> See
>>>> 2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
>>> Same here:
>>>> 3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to
>>>> subscribe to a mailing list.
>>> How? Even with forums you need to subscribe.
>>>> 4) Many people consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
>>>> 5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get
>>>> responses
>>>> 6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get
>>>> repeatedly discussed
>>>> 7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail
>>>> collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
>>>> 8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users
>>>> taking an active role
>>>> 9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
>>>> 10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
>>>> 11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements
>>>> - some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
>>>> 12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.
>>>> Here's my +1
>>> I have some good news for you: we already have a forum! :)
>>> See
>>> And more specifically:
>>> Now if this forum doesn't fit your needs could you explain what 
>>> requirements you'd have for a forum and which solution you'd pick?
>>> I personally liked jive forums but it doesn't exist anymore (it's folded 
>>> into a full collaboration suite now).
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>> This was thoroughly discussed four years ago, and the conclusion was
>> against installing a specific forum, and stick with Nabble as a
>> forum-like view of the mailing list activity:
> Right I had forgotten about this discussion :)
> I do remember another one though (earlier than the one you pointed) where I 
> was the one wanting a forum as a way to get more participation.
> What I'd really like to have that we don't currently have is a way to more 
> visibly see who's participating more and thus encourage participation. A lot 
> of forum do this by giving points to people who answer questions, then they 
> get a title and a badge based on these points. Then you can list the top 
> contributors.
> That said, thanks to markmail, I think our mailing lists have become a lot 
> more browsable than before and we even get statistics:
> At some point in the past I looked at jive because it has this point system 
> and it had the feature to be integrated on top of a mailing list. But since 
> it disappeared I haven't found any other good option that would allow us to 
> keep the list too.
> Now we have a real open question as to whether we want to keep our list AND 
> create a getstatisfaction project for XWiki too (getsatisfaction or another 
> similar tool). So far we've resisted doing this because it means scattering 
> our support and thus reducing the support quality level (we cannot monitor 
> several places easily). There are some guys who post and ask questions about 
> xwiki on for example (see but since 
> we don't answer there I believe people either think xwiki is not well 
> supported or they find their way to the official support location.
> One one hand I'd love to use a to

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-09 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi everyone,

as for your morning entertainment I'll tell a little shortstory.

Get yourself a coffee - relax - and a few mins to read and think about it.

Back in 2004  2 Java Developers that were upset about EJBs published a 
book with their thoughts and recommendations about how J2EE software 
developement should be done in their minds. The 2 guys were Rod Johnson 
and Juergen Hoeller, the book was "J2EE Development without EJB", and 
they created the spring framework. Right from the beginning they were 
sharing their thoughts with a community that quickly became larger.
I think every Java Developer knows the rest of the story - spring is the 
leading free open source framework used in enterprise java dev and it is 
today a subdivision of VMWare.

Left aside I have liked it more in its earlier days when it was not so 
crowded -
checking the numbers from their forums there are roughly 80.000 members, 
the forum which is run by vBulletin flags 5.500 as active.

The interesting story about that is that there was an impressive flow of 
knowledge from the masterminds to the people that joined in in a way a 
pyramid of knowledge was building up. The senior members trained the 
newbies and the newbies trained the next generation and so on. Some 
members had their own ideas and started subprojects - I remember about 
security - workflow -webservices and toolSuite. Once these subprojects 
got a certain size they became an own module in the spring ecosystem 
with an own forum (and their initiators became employees of springsource 
and later VMWare).

Why am I telling this ?

This apporach feels much more "community" to me as the XWiki 
"community". The Xwiki community seems to be of 2 parts: On one side a 
small group of people developing the code and giving answers. On the 
other side questioners that soon drop out once their problem is solved. 
I wouldn't regard those being part of a"community" - I'd say they are 
"requesters" - users just having a service request.

It may have to do with the media we are using - mailing lists - which is 
not encouraging to keep a thread active (or easily visible) over a 
longer lifecycle. In the years I've been working on spring based 
projects I have done very rare contributions (requests and answers) to 
the forum - most of the time a solution to my problem could already be 
found in the existing contributions. What irony that Sergiu was the only 
one to remember/find out that this topic had been deeply discussed in 2007 ?

Of course you can't compare a framework like spring to a solution like 
Xwiki and it may be due to the inspiration and charisma of Rod that so 
many people followed his voice and helped to build a community. Although 
he was not as democratic as the XWiki founders - a lot of things weren't 
discussed with the community. In the end it has been to everybodys 
benefit I guess.

Coming back to my topic i cannot imagine how they could have done it 
just with a mailing list.

One final word on the concern that running 2 different systems (a 
mailing list for devs and a forum for users) might be too much of a 
burdon for the poeple maintaining it: As for the example of spring there 
weren't these 2 systems - it was all transparent on the forums. And I'm 
still very much for hoping this pyramid to build up - at least for the 
users stuff - that would be a relief for the devs !

Please think about it and reconsider your votes

still here is my +1 for the forum (which one to be decided in another 
with a seperate developers list or not


users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Off-topic: Xwiki and VMs

2011-03-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Johannes, everyone,

actually this is sort of repsonse to Johannes @jstoldt contribution here
regarding VM's and it is off-topic in either dev and user.

Johannes, why not drill deeper into this VM stuff ?
If you have spare time leftover and want to contribute -
why not be the first one to create an Amazon EC2 xwiki image ?

For newbies there are free Amazon EC2 accounts:

When creating a VM I'd check for an Ubuntu Ready-to-go image - there are 
several hanging around.
Check the Ubuntu website for a recommendation.
Of course Linux background is beneficial - might be mandatory.
However with Ubuntu many installations are pretty straight forward and 
well documented -
installation of database (postgres ?) - webserver (tomcat ?) and an 
XWiki .war should be straightforward.

When you're are done and all is running fine you can make a template of 
it for others to use.

I'd be interested in a report.
I'd love to do it but I'm lacking time now ...

As here is no real forum for this we might continue correspondence in 
another place.


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Off-topic: Xwiki and VMs

2011-03-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 10.03.2011 11:16, schrieb Ludovic Dubost:
> I think it's kind of easy to create one VM. The issue is that we need 
> an easy way to create them everytime there is a new version.
> Best would be a solution to create them using maven. We should check 
> if there is any progress in this area.
I see. But this approach doesn't help users for the migration of their 
existing instances - right ?
And you are moving huge data (AMIs) around 10+GB i guess. So why not go 
with a single image that may be old and have the same update 
instructions / procedure for new and existing instances ?


> Ludovic
> Le 10/03/11 10:55, Andreas Hahn a écrit :
>> Hi Johannes, everyone,
>> actually this is sort of repsonse to Johannes @jstoldt contribution here
>> regarding VM's and it is off-topic in either dev and user.
>> Johannes, why not drill deeper into this VM stuff ?
>> If you have spare time leftover and want to contribute -
>> why not be the first one to create an Amazon EC2 xwiki image ?
>> For newbies there are free Amazon EC2 accounts:
>> When creating a VM I'd check for an Ubuntu Ready-to-go image - there are
>> several hanging around.
>> Check the Ubuntu website for a recommendation.
>> Of course Linux background is beneficial - might be mandatory.
>> However with Ubuntu many installations are pretty straight forward and
>> well documented -
>> installation of database (postgres ?) - webserver (tomcat ?) and an
>> XWiki .war should be straightforward.
>> When you're are done and all is running fine you can make a template of
>> it for others to use.
>> I'd be interested in a report.
>> I'd love to do it but I'm lacking time now ...
>> As here is no real forum for this we might continue correspondence in
>> another place.
>> WDYT ?
>> Andreas
>> ___
>> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Off-topic: Xwiki and VMs

2011-03-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 10.03.2011 12:41, schrieb jstoldt:
> Hi everyone,
> First of all, I agree with Ludovic and Vincent, a new VM should be created
> every time a new version is out. It obviously is a lot of data that needs to
> be stored but the problem with not having an up to date VM is that people
> who just want to check out XWiki in a ready to go and possibly production
> ready environment most likely do not want to bother with setting up the VM
> and immediately having to upgrade the XWiki instance before they can try the
> latest version.
> Anyway, either I did not make myself clear or you missed the notion that I
> am not really a huge fan of VMs. On the one hand it can be hard to integrate
> pre-built VMs with a companies IT systems, on the other hand, AFAIK, there
> is no really free VM software that can be used in corporations.
FWIW: is truly FOSS easy to deploy and maintain 
on Linux and Windows
- very mature and we're running small farm on it. Highly recommendable. 
Many hosters use XEN (just Linux) however.
> What I had in mind was a package that will provide everything necessary to
> easily create a ready-for-production-use environment including an easy to
> use configuration wizard. I further thought about upgrade packages and
> restructuring the XE documents to ease upgrading.
> Also, I am neither very familiar with VMs nor Linux, so I am probably really
> not the best person for doing this kind of a job.
> Regards,
> Johannes
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at
> ___
> users mailing list

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Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-13 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 10.03.2011 17:39, schrieb Paul Libbrecht:
> Please contradict me!
actually - how could I do this ?
I'm not an expert in forum software so I'd to go for the naive approach 
- comparing features e.t.c.

I was hoping for some insight that it is beneficial for the whole 
project to encourage users first to browse and then to participate - 
even if it means  for you and the others around here to give up beloved 

Anyway - I'm not going to push you guys back to the future of Web 2.0.

Given the lame participation when compared to the survey 4 years ago it 
seems to me that quite some people have already left the boat and it may 
not matter anymore.


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-14 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 14.03.2011 09:16, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:00 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Am 10.03.2011 17:39, schrieb Paul Libbrecht:
>>> Please contradict me!
>> Paul,
>> actually - how could I do this ?
>> I'm not an expert in forum software so I'd to go for the naive approach
>> - comparing features e.t.c.
>> I was hoping for some insight that it is beneficial for the whole
>> project to encourage users first to browse and then to participate -
>> even if it means  for you and the others around here to give up beloved
>> habits.
>> Anyway - I'm not going to push you guys back to the future of Web 2.0.
>> Given the lame participation when compared to the survey 4 years ago it
>> seems to me that quite some people have already left the boat and it may
>> not matter anymore.
> I'm not sure how to read your last 2 paragraphs.
> Just note that fro my POV there's no "you" and "me" here. There's only a 
> global community and you're part of it. That said at some point some people 
> are going to need to work to make it happen, this is where the distinction 
> will happen. How far are you willing to help? Maybe a first step would be 
> that you help find either a forum software that fits the bill or a hosted 
> service that would work for us.
> > From the people who answered so far my feeling is that:
> * people seem to agree in general that at least for users a forum would be 
> nicer
> * since xwiki committers provide a substantial amount of answers to the user 
> list as of today it would be nice that they can continue to have the 
> information coming to me

For my own FOSS project I'm hoping to start soon - I'll be going with Providing support means checking the site for 
tagged questions a couple of times a day. It's just one mouse click. For 
me it makes no real difference in getting mails or checking a forum as 
long as you have a one-click list of open topics.

Gathering all the information about all possible options and criteria 
can get very time consuming so I think we should try to rule out 
something first.

Forums that are operated by other providers (getsatisfaction, 
stackoverflow, ...) might
* be discontinued without warning (see jive)
* change their policy later (no more free forums)
* not expose user mail addresses and forum content (or might change that 
policy) so you're locked in.
* not be as flexible as own forums if you want to change something (add 
category, ...)

OTOH operating an own forum
* requires admin efforts (must be maintained and updated, backups, ...)
* may not be as publicly visible as that of other providers (because of 
their advertisements ...)
* may not be as innovative as special forum operators ('awarding for 
active participants', ...)

In addition there are concerns valid for both:
* Is it important to somehow import the existing mail archive ?

So IMO this is the first decision - is it ok to rely on somebody else ?
and then decide which one.

I'd be ok to spend time on it once its clear which way to go.
However - as for me - nothing will happen fast as beside of my daily 
work I already have a side project so this is kind of 

Now for getsatisfaction - I don't know anything about it except that 
what can be found on their site.
They don't seem to offer free accounts for open source. I've also seen 
no indication you can get mail alerts for new contributions.

So how do we approach this ?


> My personal POV is indeed that I'd like a forum for both the participation 
> part (ie awarding status/points to active participants to surface them) and 
> the categorization part but indeed I don't see myself going to the forum so 
> it has to come to me. I think this is easy to achieve since on forums like 
> getsatisfaction you can subscribe to the whole forum and thus receive all 
> posts. What would be even better is if I could post or reply by replying to 
> the mail.
> Now back to getsatisfaction I think before we could use it we'd need to check:
> * are there any limitations for free open source forums? What's their 
> position on open source?
> * how can we get all the posts in a neutral and standard format should we 
> want to move to another tool later on?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-21 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 21.03.2011 15:11, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> One thing that I find really great and I would be totally in favor of doing 
> something similar for
> "
> Amass enough reputation points and Area 51 grant you additional privileges:
> 25Propose example questions
> 50Create proposals
> 50Vote for questions as great examples
> 50Flag proposals or example questions
> 50Leave comments on example questions
> 150   Vote for questions as not a good example
> 250   Vote to close or reopen your proposals
> 1000  Edit other people's proposals and example questions
> 2000  Vote to close or reopen any proposal
> 1 Delete questions and closed proposals; access to moderation tools
> "
I like that too but I think the most compelling factor (about 
stackoverflow) is that its pretty simple to identify the most important 
information without too much reading and searching. Provided there are 
enough answers at all the reputation score helps identifying the best 
answers.  And with the  positive browsing experience as a user people 
might be encouraged to help others too. I guess there are quite a few 
active advisors that escape their routine jobs this way and share their 
knowledge on some particular topic.


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Drop mailing lists in favor of a forum software

2011-03-22 Thread Andreas Hahn
> Well, is one global site for all questions, it's not a tool 
> you can install or host.
> It's part of stackexchange which is list of Q&A sites.
> FYI, I've contacted the guys just to check what is the process to get such a 
> site and here's their answer:
> "
> All of our sites are created through a process we call Area 51. It is the 
> staging area to propose Stack Exchange sites to the community and, if it 
> gains enough support, we create the site. Stack Exchange sites can only be 
> created via the democratic, community-driven process at Area 51. You can read 
> more about that process here:
> "
> Thanks
> -Vincent
Vincent et all,

did you notice at Area 51 there is a wiki Q&A site proposal in 
commitment phase ?
I thought it won't hurt to commit over there although there a quite some 
votes missing for that site getting created ...
Might be a bit too general though ...

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki going out of resources

2011-03-23 Thread Andreas Hahn
This problem seems to strike back on me.
Whenever I open the users page .../XWiki/aha
it sends the garbage collector to infinity - restarting Tomcat is the only
However its an older wiki: XWiki Enterprise 2.3-milestone-1.27899

This is the .xar:

Thanks for your support


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Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki going out of resources

2011-03-23 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 23.03.2011 10:31, schrieb Vincent Massol:
> Hi Andreas,
> On Mar 23, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> This problem seems to strike back on me.
>> Whenever I open the users page .../XWiki/aha
>> it sends the garbage collector to infinity - restarting Tomcat is the only
>> help.
>> However its an older wiki: XWiki Enterprise 2.3-milestone-1.27899
>> This is the .xar:
>> Thanks for your support
> I don't know what the problem is but do you have the same issue with XE 2.7.1 
> or XE 3.0M3? (would be good to know if there's something to fix)
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> PS: Note that the strategy for xwiki developers is to support only the last 2 
> versions (ie 2.7.x and 3.0 as of now).
> See (I've just added the 
> info box)
> That said, you may be lucky and find someone to help you with your specific 
> problem on a 2.3M1 release.
I understand that. However in that instance I did some changes to the 
*.cfg and thus I hoped to avoid trouble by postponing the migration ...

>> Andreas
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] CSS customization and themes

2011-03-23 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi again,

in my ongoing efforts in customizing the appearance of the pages of my 
wiki I've followed the steps of the skin extension tutorial:

I've created a StyleSheetExtension and selected 'Use this extension' 
'Always on the wiki' and it works as expected.

However I've started to replace fix color settings by references to the 
themes settings
e.g. $theme.borderColor ... $theme.titleColor
and also I've checked 'Parse content' 'Yes' and disabled caching this 
doesn't work.
Velocity statements seem not to be processed or I am referring to 
invalid property names.
(I have been trying the ones from /templates/colorThemeInit.vm)

What am I doing wrong here ?

In the example the page is laoded on demand with

so I would assume there should be a document named 
"MyFirstStylesheetExtension" in XWiki space (or maybe some other space).
Thats not the case for my own instance of 
XWiki.MyFirstStylesheetExtension that I've added.
Shouldn't I be able to find the instance as a document somewhere in the 
spaces ?

Thanks for your support

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] CSS customization and themes

2011-03-23 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 23.03.2011 15:46, schrieb Elena-Oana Tabaranu:
> Hello,
> You can try including the colorThemeInit template at the beginning of
> your style sheet extension:
> #template('colorThemeInit.vm')
> Hope this helps,
> Oana

that did the trick !

> On 03/23/2011 01:13 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> in my ongoing efforts in customizing the appearance of the pages of my
>> wiki I've followed the steps of the skin extension tutorial:
>> I've created a StyleSheetExtension and selected 'Use this extension'
>> 'Always on the wiki' and it works as expected.
>> However I've started to replace fix color settings by references to the
>> themes settings
>> e.g. $theme.borderColor ... $theme.titleColor
>> and also I've checked 'Parse content' 'Yes' and disabled caching this
>> doesn't work.
>> Velocity statements seem not to be processed or I am referring to
>> invalid property names.
>> (I have been trying the ones from /templates/colorThemeInit.vm)
>> What am I doing wrong here ?
>> In the example the page is laoded on demand with
>> $xwiki.jsx.use("XWiki.MyFirstStylesheetExtension")
>> so I would assume there should be a document named
>> "MyFirstStylesheetExtension" in XWiki space (or maybe some other space).
>> Thats not the case for my own instance of
>> XWiki.MyFirstStylesheetExtension that I've added.
>> Shouldn't I be able to find the instance as a document somewhere in the
>> spaces ?
>> Thanks for your support
>> Andreas
>> ___
>> users mailing list
> ___
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[xwiki-users] What is the best strategy to document multiple versions (of a software) with XWiki ?

2011-04-03 Thread Andreas Hahn

I'm wondering how I should document multiple versions of a software with 

1) Each versions documentation should be accessible under a version name 
that is part of the url

2) Current version should point (redirect ?) to the most recent version

(Note that I have left off any parts of the url requried by XWiki (bin ...)

Its important that all pages of a version can be referenced as a permalink.

I'm thinking to do it this way but I'm wondering if there are any side 
effects I haven't thought of:
- Versions are space names
- Create a new version by copying the space from the last version
- Copying the space is done by exporting the xar, renaming the space to 
the new version, then importing the .xar to recreate the last version. 
Any changes in the new version shall not modify documents of the last 
version (incl. attachments)

- Change 'DocumentNotFound' template of 'currentVersion' (in a way that 
needs investigation) that it redirects all page requests for the space 
'currentVersion' to a configured version
--- or ---
- handle requests to 'currentVersion' in an upfront (Apache httpd) Proxy 
Server redirecting to a configured version

Is this a reasonable approach to document multiple versions or do i miss 
something ?

Any ideas welcome !


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Changing the link behind the logo

2011-04-06 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Wouter,

maybe there are other ways but that's how I've done it:

Search in global.vm for the line:

and replace 'Main.WebHome' with 'YourSpace.WebHome'

Other option might be to leave global.vm as it is
and redirect from Main.WebHome to your location.
You'd need to insert this code on top of 'Main.WebHome':

#if (!$hasEdit)



Am 06.04.2011 18:09, schrieb Wouter de Vos:
> Hi all,
> I uploaded my own logo.png in the header of my wiki, works great.
> Now I would like to change the link behind the logo, I want that it
> always points to the Webhome of the space the user is in, and I dont
> know how to do this. I allready changed some things in the global.vm
> of the skin, I can feel that I am almost there... But I need the code
> snippet for pointing towards the Webhome in the Space the user is in.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> -Wouter
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Show-Hide Text Content

2011-04-08 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Wouter,

mmm I think you need to use the {{html}} macro instead of {{script}}
And - if you plan to switch multiple boxes individually you should 
replace occurrences of  "DIV ID" with "idOfBox1" e.t.c.

or you might do it with inline styles and groups so you can avoid 
cluttering your page with html:

(% id="woutersId" class="hidden" %)(((
Another box that gets hidden when clicked below

(% onclick="toggleClass($('woutersId'), 'hidden')" %)(((
[[Show/Hide the other box>>#]]

have fun


Am 08.04.2011 17:04, schrieb Wouter de Vos:
> Exactly!
> Just what I need, but I dont get it to work, I (still) run V. 2.4.3,
> here is what I did:
> {{script language="java"}}
> This Box will be hidden if you click on the box below !
> Show/Hide the box!
> {{/script}}
> Then I get the message failed to execute the script macro.
> I am probabely missing the obvious, but dont know what...If I leave the
> {{script language="java"}}
> {{/script}}
> tags away, it only generates Text.
> How do I get it to work?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Wouter
> On 4/8/11, Guillaume Lerouge  wrote:
>> Like ?
>> Guillaume
>> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 15:50, Wouter de Vos  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am looking for a way (probably a Macro) that allows me to show and
>>> hide text content within an existing page by clicking on a specified
>>> word.
>>> Similiar to error codes where you click on the error code and you get
>>> more information.
>>> I need this so I can put alot of information in one page, and my users
>>> can choose which information they want to have expanded.
>>> A bit like show-hide table of contents in the 1.X versions.
>>> I hope someone can help me out,
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Wouter
>>> ___
>>> users mailing list
>> ___
>> users mailing list
> ___
> users mailing list

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Re: [xwiki-users] Apache settings

2011-04-19 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 19.04.2011 00:08, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> On 04/18/2011 03:52 PM, wrote:
>> Hey,
>> thanks it works now. At least I do not get any errors at the moment.
>> Could you explain to me what the difference is? (HTTP vs. ajp) When proxying?
> ajp is a direct connection between httpd and tomcat, which basically
> lets Tomcat take care of a request on behalf of httpd. The request
> details are kept in place, including the hostname, the port, whether the
> connection is secure (SSL/https) or not...
> HTTP proxying means that httpd clones the initial client request as a
> new http request to the Tomcat server. Thus, unless specifically
> configured to try and pass some details from the initial request, Tomcat
> will just see this as an ordinary request done to "localhost" on port 8080.
> ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse and ProxyPreserveHost try to keep the same
> hostname ( instead of localhost), but don't keep the
> fact that HTTPS was used.

Thanks for the backgrounder !

> The problem with the blog is that unlike most parts of the wiki,
> absolute URLs are used when creating a new category. This means that a
> full URL, trying to match the requested URL, is computed. Now, since
> Tomcat/XWiki doesn't really know the original URL, the generated URL
> will be most likely wrong, pointing to the wrong host and port.

Couldn't that / shouldn't that be changed so that its possible to 
reliably operate
XWiki with all of its features behind a httpd ?
I think a lot of people are doing that (including me). Never tried 
blogging though 
Are other parts of XWiki also affected by this 'wrong' computation of 
the url ?

kind regards


>> @Everybody: Thank you for your help.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> Quoting "Kevin P. Foote":
>>> Stephanie -
>>> I use mod_jk for other reasons.. but mod_proxy_ajp is similar.. there is no
>>> reason why this should not work ..
>>> Make some changes though..
>>> In your httpd conf where you have your virtual host defined
>>> change ServerName to the full address
>>> ServerName
>>> Dont proxy to tomcat via http... use tomcat in ajp mode ..
>>> disable port :8080 and server xwiki over :8009 only to local host via
>>> your/conf/server.xml file. (usually all you need to do
>>> is comment the 8080 stuff and uncomment the 8009.
>>> your proxy string will look something like this then..
>>> ProxyPass /xwikiv2 ajp://localhost:8009/
>>> --
>>> thanks
>>> kevin.foote
>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011, wrote:
>>> ->   Hello again,
>>> ->
>>> ->   we are running a tomcat-server "behind" an apache-server. In order to
>>> ->   redirect the request we use the following configuration:
>>> ->
>>> ->   
>>> ->ServerName
>>> ->ServerAlias
>>> ->Redirect permanent /
>>> ->   
>>> ->
>>> ->   
>>> ->ServerName
>>> ->
>>> ->SSLEngine   On
>>> ->SSLProxyEngine  On
>>> ->
>>> ->SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/my-domain.crt
>>> ->SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/my-domain.key
>>> ->
>>> ->
>>> ->Order   allow,deny
>>> ->Allow   from all
>>> ->
>>> ->
>>> ->
>>> ->Redirect /  /xwikiv2/
>>> ->
>>> ->ProxyPass /xwikiv2  http://localhost:8080/xwikiv2
>>> ->ProxyPassReverse /xwikiv2 http://localhost:8080/xwikiv2
>>> ->ProxyPreserveHost   On
>>> ->   
>>> ->
>>> ->   So all communication should be encrypted and the user should
>>> ->   immediately be redirected to the wiki.
>>> ->
>>> ->   With these settings we encounter a strange behaviour. For example the
>>> ->   Blog refuses to create a new category (see: [xwiki-users] Server not
>>> ->   responding when creating a new Blog-Category). If I point my browser
>>> ->   directly to I can create categories.
>>> ->
>>> ->   Is the config file correct? Is there a better way?
>>> ->
>>> ->   Cheers,
>>> ->   Stephanie

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Apache settings

2011-04-19 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 19.04.2011 15:41, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> On 04/19/2011 09:09 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
>> Am 19.04.2011 00:08, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
>>> On 04/18/2011 03:52 PM, wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> thanks it works now. At least I do not get any errors at the moment.
>>>> Could you explain to me what the difference is? (HTTP vs. ajp) When 
>>>> proxying?
>>> ajp is a direct connection between httpd and tomcat, which basically
>>> lets Tomcat take care of a request on behalf of httpd. The request
>>> details are kept in place, including the hostname, the port, whether the
>>> connection is secure (SSL/https) or not...
>>> HTTP proxying means that httpd clones the initial client request as a
>>> new http request to the Tomcat server. Thus, unless specifically
>>> configured to try and pass some details from the initial request, Tomcat
>>> will just see this as an ordinary request done to "localhost" on port 8080.
>>> ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse and ProxyPreserveHost try to keep the same
>>> hostname ( instead of localhost), but don't keep the
>>> fact that HTTPS was used.
>> Thanks for the backgrounder !
>>> The problem with the blog is that unlike most parts of the wiki,
>>> absolute URLs are used when creating a new category. This means that a
>>> full URL, trying to match the requested URL, is computed. Now, since
>>> Tomcat/XWiki doesn't really know the original URL, the generated URL
>>> will be most likely wrong, pointing to the wrong host and port.
>> Couldn't that / shouldn't that be changed so that its possible to
>> reliably operate
>> XWiki with all of its features behind a httpd ?
> It does work, if the configuration is correct.

I see. I just checked with my installation that Blog works ok. If I 
understand correctly
that has to do with the fact that I'm just using simple HTTP proxying 
(and not HTTPS,
in this case ajp should be used).

>> I think a lot of people are doing that (including me). Never tried
>> blogging though 
>> Are other parts of XWiki also affected by this 'wrong' computation of
>> the url ?

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Apache settings

2011-04-19 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 19.04.2011 17:07, schrieb Kevin P. Foote:
> Andreas
> If your intercepting with anything (httpd,nginx,lighttpd), thus proxying, you 
> should use ajp.
> Its simply faster..

thanks Kevin, I'll check that out soon ...

> --
> thanks
> On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Andreas Hahn wrote:
> ->  Am 19.04.2011 15:41, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> ->  >  On 04/19/2011 09:09 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
> ->  >>  Am 19.04.2011 00:08, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> ->  >>>  On 04/18/2011 03:52 PM, wrote:
> ->  >>>>  Hey,
> ->  >>>>
> ->  >>>>  thanks it works now. At least I do not get any errors at the moment.
> ->  >>>>  Could you explain to me what the difference is? (HTTP vs. ajp) When 
> proxying?
> ->  >>>  ajp is a direct connection between httpd and tomcat, which basically
> ->  >>>  lets Tomcat take care of a request on behalf of httpd. The request
> ->  >>>  details are kept in place, including the hostname, the port, whether 
> the
> ->  >>>  connection is secure (SSL/https) or not...
> ->  >>>
> ->  >>>  HTTP proxying means that httpd clones the initial client request as a
> ->  >>>  new http request to the Tomcat server. Thus, unless specifically
> ->  >>>  configured to try and pass some details from the initial request, 
> Tomcat
> ->  >>>  will just see this as an ordinary request done to "localhost" on 
> port 8080.
> ->  >>>
> ->  >>>  ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse and ProxyPreserveHost try to keep the 
> same
> ->  >>>  hostname ( instead of localhost), but don't keep the
> ->  >>>  fact that HTTPS was used.
> ->  >>  Thanks for the backgrounder !
> ->  >>
> ->  >>>  The problem with the blog is that unlike most parts of the wiki,
> ->  >>>  absolute URLs are used when creating a new category. This means that 
> a
> ->  >>>  full URL, trying to match the requested URL, is computed. Now, since
> ->  >>>  Tomcat/XWiki doesn't really know the original URL, the generated URL
> ->  >>>  will be most likely wrong, pointing to the wrong host and port.
> ->  >>  Couldn't that / shouldn't that be changed so that its possible to
> ->  >>  reliably operate
> ->  >>  XWiki with all of its features behind a httpd ?
> ->  >  It does work, if the configuration is correct.
> ->
> ->  I see. I just checked with my installation that Blog works ok. If I
> ->  understand correctly
> ->  that has to do with the fact that I'm just using simple HTTP proxying
> ->  (and not HTTPS,
> ->  in this case ajp should be used).
> ->
> ->
> ->  >>  I think a lot of people are doing that (including me). Never tried
> ->  >>  blogging though 
> ->  >>  Are other parts of XWiki also affected by this 'wrong' computation of
> ->  >>  the url ?
> ->  >>
> ->  >
> ->
> ->  ___
> ->  users mailing list
> ->
> ->
> ->
> ___
> users mailing list

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Re: [xwiki-users] User Interface

2011-05-10 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Gerrit,

i can give you a partial anwer to your questions as I have also been 
struggling to adapt look & feel of one of my sites.

I tried as much as possible not to change the code in the VM templates 
as this requires access to the server and makes it harder to document 
all the places and survive a version upgrade.

Basically I've created a page containing a velocity macro that contains 
all the restrictions.
This page needs to be included in all pages where the restrictions shall 
The restrictions are just css selectors to suppress visibility:

#if (!$hasEdit)
{{html clean="false"}}

   #hierarchy {display:none;}
   #document-title {display:none;}
   #mainmenu .leftmenu {display: none;}
   #contentmenu {display: none;}

#set ($docextras= "[]")

No hierarchy, document-title, e.t.c. if you have no editing rights , 
e.g. you are not logged in.
However you need to include the page on all pages where the restricitons 
shall apply:

{{include document="Main.Restrictions"/}}

You might have a look at the results at



Am 10.05.2011 13:27, schrieb Gerritjan Koekkoek:
> Hi,
> I'm looking into 'how to modify parts of the userinterface' of XWiki for a 
> specific site/application
> We would like to achieve this with minimal impact/effort and stick to the 
> colibri-skin as close as possible
> the following interface elements are of interest to us;
> The MENU-Bar's; both on the top of the screen as well as the one on top of a 
> document,
> The Box that contains Comments, Attachments, History and Information
> The top of the document that shows Document navigation hierarchy, the 
> document name or title the last modified and the summary of Comments, 
> Attachments
> With regard to menubar;
> We would like to be able to add, show or hide elements depending on the Role 
> and rights of the user AND the nature of the document
> Role; If user is a guest, author, moderator (typical roles you find in a 
> Content Management System
> Rights; Has Edit Rights
> Document nature; if document is only velocity (like livetables, scripted page 
> etc..) ->  maybe this should be managed by rights?
> The Box that...
> Document nature; if a document is scripted we would like to hide the box, so 
> only real content pages should show that box
> The top of a document
> Document nature; If document nature is script; title, last modified by and 
> summary of box makes no sense
> My question is what would be the best place(s) to do these things? What is a 
> good source of information to learn about these elements and best practises 
> to learn to modify them
> (which API functions do work on these elements)
> The VM template "menuview" seems to contain the structure of the menubars; is 
> this the place to influence the behaviour
> It also contains #xwikitopmenuentrystart, #submenuitem etc.. where are these 
> things defined (and/or documented)?
> thx
> Gerritjan
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] xwiki.defaultweb?

2011-06-01 Thread Andreas Hahn
Hi Stephanie,

that's what I did to replace default Main.WebHome with another space of 
my choice:

in xwiki.cfg set

then go to your skin directory. If its colibri the path should be 
something like
(of course a better solution is to copy colibri to another skin dir and 
use the copy -
the process is documented somewhere in the xwiki docs)

In the *.vm's there are unfortunately several hardcoded references to 
'Main.WebHome' that need to be replaced.
I found them with a
grep Main.WebHome *
from a linux command line

In my XEM 2.633065 installation there where 3 occurrences in 2 files:
global.vm and menuview.vm
and replaced all occurrences 'Main.WebHome' with 'MySpace.WebHome'

et voila - your wiki will come up with MySpace and you still have access 
to the Main space - but only if you point an explicit url to it.
you can see it public at

I think that's all there is to it.



Am 01.06.2011 13:54, schrieb
> Hello everyone,
> I wanted to ask if there are any news concerning the ?Changing the
> default Space?issue? I also tried to change xwiki.defaultweb in
> xwiki.cfg to the new space but without any luck. Xwiki.usedefaultweb
> seems to work, though, which is not helping, since the default space
> isn?t.
> I couldn?t find an final answer in the archive, please correct me if I
> overlooked something and there is already a solution to change the
> default space.
> Many thanks,
> Stephanie
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Crazy-bad security

2011-06-30 Thread Andreas Hahn

actually XWiki offers quite some fine grained rights administration.

Go to the XWiki administration page and then to 'rights' administration.
There you should see a couple of 'Prevent unregistered users from ...' 

Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page or 
space rightsno
Prevent unregistered users from editing pages, regardless of the page or 
space rightsyes
Require unregistered users to solve a captcha when posting a comment on 
a page  yes

(this is from XE 2.6. but I guess that hasn't changed since then ...)

Actually I'd recommend not to overuse the 'rights' stuff and keep it as 
simple as possible.
When you have pages that include other documents hunting for missing 
rights can get tricky ...


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Crazy-bad security

2011-06-30 Thread Andreas Hahn
Am 30.06.2011 10:33, schrieb Paul Harris:
> I'm a bit confused by this... I don't see how you could call this particular
> option "fine grained"
> I still want unregistered users to be able to see the front page, and maybe
> a page or two more - describing who we are and how to join up.
> If I tick those options, surely they would not be able to see any Welcome
> page that I wanted them to see?

Well, I can't speak for releases newer than 2.6 - but for that it was 
really simple.
Maybe you haven't found the 'uregistered users' settings on the users 
rights form ?

have a look at - it's xwiki powered does pretty much 
what you describe.
I don't remember any particular problems with the rights setup 


>> (this is from XE 2.6. but I guess that hasn't changed since then ...)
>> Actually I'd recommend not to overuse the 'rights' stuff and keep it as
>> simple as possible.
>> When you have pages that include other documents hunting for missing
>> rights can get tricky ...
> I thought my requirements were simple enough... stop people from seeing
> stuff I don't want them to see.
> But unfortunately its harder than I thought.
> cheers
> Paul
> ___
> users mailing list

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Crazy-bad security

2011-06-30 Thread Andreas Hahn

> Hi Andreas,
> Your site is perfect for illustrating my concerns about the "open by
> default" configuration of xwiki.
> I was able to register an account (I used my real email, but it could've
> been a fake one), and was able to make a comment on your page here:
> Did you really intend to leave that page open for comments?  I would guess
> not, since you turned off comments on your WebHome page.
> I find it very scary how easy it is to leave doors and windows open.
> I can shut the doors I find open, but I have no way of confirming that I
> have closed all the doors, especially the back doors that I do not know
> about (eg whatever is in the XWiki space)
> cheers
> Paul

Hi Paul,

well you can make a philosophy out of what information should be allowed 
and restricted ...
As for as an open source project I'm pretty fine with the 
current setup.
I get regular notifications about what's beeing changed and should there 
be some offending stuff there's always the option to delete it.

I'm running other XWiki sites with more restricted rights.
My approach for getting more confidence about security settings was 
studying the server logs and understanding what the robots find out.
Of course you can also do the same before going public with some 
site-copy tool ...



> ___
> users mailing list

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Re: [xwiki-users] Integration of my webapplication with xwiki.

2011-12-02 Thread Andreas Hahn

Hi mohit,

I think I have done something similar a while ago.
Look at

The explanatory stuff is hosted on an xwiki that is identified by the
part of the url.
The real application based on (spring, hibernate, e.t.c.) 
(when you press 'Gettings started')

It works more or less seamless yet the level of integration of both apps 
is a little shaky.

There are no user accounts handed over from one to the other app.
That should be possible but I hesitated to invest the necessary effort 
to figure it out.

If that's what you are looking for I'll try to provide details.

good luck


Am 02.12.2011 11:31, schrieb mohit gupta:

i have my banking webapplication on tomcat. i want to host my application
help on xwiki which will sit on another server(probably
xwiki will be having its on app server). Basically what i have to do is i
want to provide a link on my banking application on click of which
i want to take it to wiki help(help shoud not ask any credentialsat
  though it should ask for credential if i hit my xwiki URL directly.i am
not getting how to start it?i have gone thru xwiki devguide but could
not get much out of it. It would be great if somebody can give me heads up
how can i can i start it at high level, it would be a great help.
As xwiki site states many tools to download like
manager,enterprise,platform. which tool one i shoud start with and what
should be the starting point
in that?
i want to give the users to modify the wiki page on the basis of roles in
my banking application. So my application and xwiki has to interact a lot.
looking for how we can proceed for this. My application is using struts 2.

Another question i have is once i dowload xwiki enterprsise, should i host
in seperate tomcat or downloaded xwiki application will have its own

Its really urgent for me. Looking for quick reply

Thanks in advance
Mohit GUpta
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users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Looking to speak at a JUG in Germany and in the UK

2012-10-16 Thread Andreas Hahn

Hi Vincent,

would like to see you in Hamburg at
You'd need to contact one of the group leaders Björn or Daniel 

best regards


Am 15.10.2012 16:33, schrieb Vincent Massol:

Hi XWiki users,

I'm speaking regularly about XWiki at JUGs in France (for example I spoke at 2 
JUGs last week: Alpes JUG and Marseille JUG - ) and I'd like 
to expand my talks abroad to evangelize even more XWiki around the world. Since 
I live in France, Germany and UK are easy access by trains or plane.

So if you know of a JUG that would be interested in a session about XWiki let 
me know!

Thanks a lot

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