[videoblogging] Good info from

2009-03-26 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
a good site with great people contributing

"How to get around Quicktime's H.264 gamma bug" http://tr.im/pvc_aaqt264

"...readers submit additional tips for flawless H.264 Quicktimes"  

"Brightness Issues with H.264 QuickTime Movies"

"... developing the Kelvin Tile LED light, plus some other handy tips and 
tricks of light and color" http://tr.im/pvc_led

Dave (squashing threads since 2005)

[videoblogging] Contract Talks Between Actors, Advertisers at a Standstill

2009-03-12 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
As the line blurs & the focus is more toward online/mobile, the struggle (or 
whatever you want to call it) is the how & how much. This is specifically about 
advertisements, but there is crossover to long & short form productions, 
features & music videos in this example.

If (an actor) agrees to be exclusive for a campaign, that $1,500 will not be 
looking so good if the time span is 12, 18, 24 or more months.
Everything is relative, and I have said it before, equipment costs have dropped 
but an individual's worth should increase in value over time if they are good 
at what they do. Undercutting rates drives down everyone's potential earnings.

>From adage.com/madisonandvine by Claude Brodesser-Akner http://tr.im/hj6P

"...consider the plight of Camden Singer, 35, who has earned her living for the 
last seven years solely by starring in TV commercials in Los Angeles: She 
booked 15 commercials last year, 12 of them national broadcast spots. This 
year, however, she said things are "slowing down, becoming more sporadic."

Even more worrisome than the difference in the amount of work, Ms. Singer 
noted, is the type: Far less well-paying internet gigs can be found, even among 
advertisers who also shoot national broadcast TV spots. Ms. Singer recently 
booked two commercials for Walmart: One was for use solely online, the other 
for national broadcast.

For her internet-only Walmart spot, Ms. Singer was paid a flat fee of $1,500 
and held under contract for a year, meaning that she was not permitted to do 
any work for a competitor such as Target.

But she also filmed a TV commercial in early December that Walmart broadcast 
nationally, and the difference in pay is astonishing: While Ms. Singer won't be 
allowed to shoot a TV commercial for a rival for 19 months, she has made 
$10,000 starring in a TV spot that has only been running nationally since 
February. She says it will likely earn her some $20,000 by the end of this year.

And even after she's booked a national TV commercial, Ms. Singer said she lacks 
confidence in the accounting of their airings. "You never know if it's going 
run, when and where it's going to run, and if you'll be paid correctly," she 

In the past, oversight by SAG (in her case) would ensure she was paid the 
proper and due amount. Understandably it is currently a little harder to track 
the web's eyeballs/plays. This is just one story. I don't have enough 
information to get on about the details. It (web ads/programing) will need 
clauses written in contracts that allow for flexibility (for all parties to 
renegotiate) as technology changes. I'm reminded of waitstaff and how the IRS 
requires restaurants to report revenue as a way to estimate minimum earnings 
made from tips. There is an analogy there but I may not used it in the best 

[videoblogging] Re: Meet the elite!

2009-03-12 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "joshuajcohen"  wrote:
> 1) Limit on numbers - We wanted to limit the initial numbers of the IAWTV so 
> we could create a nimble organization that in its inaugural years is capable 
> of getting a lot accomplished. That includes designing an organizational 
> structure that will address a lot of the online video community's concerns. 
> In too many instances we've seen fledgling organizations buckle under the 
> weight of their membership before they were ever able to really get off the 
> ground.

iawtv.org looks like a great start. I recognize many of the names and not all 
from this group. I understand & agree somewhat, that limiting Who & total 
numbers first invited in, allows for quicker organizing. Where size of 
membership will matter most is going to happen very soon though. Already "New 
Media" is the main focus of the studios & production companies. A lot is 
happening as New Media relates to Union contracts. Some of it looks, at first 
read, to be reasonable and for the benefit of the Union members. But these 
contracts for the most part benefit the producer/distributor/production 
company/studio system more so than the writers, actors, crew etc.

Buckling is going to happen regardless of size. Right now all might be hunky 
dory. I think though that bigger is better. Strength/Safety in numbers is going 
to give you a lot better an advantage, especially if you get to sit at the 
table to represent content creators (Producers).

> I think we have a great core group that's a well-balanced mix of independent 
> content creators, executives, agents, and other creatives who are invested in 
> the industry and its future. In the coming months they'll shape the way the 
> academy grows and the induction process for new members.

Content Creators should be titled as Producers unless they are 
employed/contracted by a Producer/Studio, given a script & make no creative 
contribution. Otherwise, (if you read my post that preceded this thread) a 
content creator is likely to fall below the line on the budget, in the system, 
and left out of the revenue in the distribution chain. 

> That being said, I would love to see more independent content creators 
> represented as the IAWTV moves forward and if you have any suggestions on the 
> types of, or specific people you'd like to see in the academy, please send 
> them over.
Oh yeah ... I got plenty of ideas. Can o worms your inviting in? Seriously 
though. Some on this list might protest & I have been conspicuously absent, but 
I could bring a lot to iawtv.org]

> 2) International - Agreed, there admittedly isn't a whole lot of 
> representation outside of the US at this moment, but hopefully that will 
> quickly change (in fact, we're building in support for non-English language 
> selections for next year's Streamy Awards).

Having a little fun with this. I have no problem with international in the 
name. I have signed plenty of contracts that state the studio/production 
company owns my work product "throughout the known & unknown Universe." That 
(to me) seems infinitesimally more elitist to claim ownership of. Especially 
since we haven't been back to the moon for some time (he he he).

> 3) And to Jeffrey's point, ultimately the IAWTV is about providing legitimacy 
> to and growing the web television space. I think an organization like this 
> can have a much bigger voice than the sum of its parts and bring a lot more 
> well-deserved recognition to the online video community as a whole, which I 
> believe is good for everyone.

The Web TV space has already been legitimatized. I'll refrain from using a word 
that rhymes to describe what you can prevent as an organization representing 
the interests of members.

> Moving forward, I also hope the IAWTV is able to accomplish a lot of what 
> Jeffrey mentioned: best practices and labor standards and providing 
> guidelines and resources for emerging talent.
Definitely labor. Compensation, Pension, Health & Welfare, Collective 
bargaining is a good thing to set minimums. It is important to know and base 
these on what the established unions, guilds & associations have set & work 
> We all realize the IAWTV is a nascent organization within a burgeoning 
> industry. If you have any suggestions on membership or roles you see that the 
> academy could play, please get in touch. - Josh
Thanks for the input invitation. I'd like to give this more thought first.
> _
> Josh Cohen
> http://www.tilzy.tv
> joshuaATtilzyDOTtv
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey Taylor  
> wrote:
> >
> > Big pet peeve of mine when US orgs call themselves international in word,


[videoblogging] IATSE, AMPTP set negotiation date

2009-03-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
If you create content & you think what you do is has value, you might want to 
spend a little time getting up to speed on what is going on.

You may not see immediately a direct impact, but considering that many of you 
were once social media purists (for the love of making videos) and now are 
looking to earn a living, there is plenty to take away from this information.

Grabbing a few random links, but you'll have to do more digging on your own if 
this is of interest or you are concerned how it might impact you.


The Sixtieth Anniversary of the "War for Warner Brothers"

Iatse & the Hollywood Locals

What is NEW MEDIA and isn't this a good thing?


Does this mean you need to join a Union? No, but it is not a bad idea. Would an 
association be of benefit? It would certainly make it easier to have one voice 
rather than every wo/man for themselves.

A few years ago, I tried to get my local IA to take a look at this group and 
more importantly see New Media not a threat but the next source of entertainmnt 
productions. Could they have organized video bloggers? Unlikely.

What should have/could have happened, but was lost/missed was the chance to 
open dialogue, build mutual respect/participation and to ensure fair wages. If 
you work for a nickle today, don't be surprised when you are asked to work for 
a nickle (or less) tomorrow.

Yeah, gear is getting cheaper, but your time is worth money, money doesn't buy 
what it used to. If you need a lesson on inflation, Google it.

There are Unions for writers http://www.wga.org/ & actors 
http://www.sag.org/home and you may fit into on of these groups more so than 
IA's technical & crafts. Cool. Learn about what these groups are doing for 
their members. Think long term, not just today.

Copyright ... Yeah Yeah Yeah ... . That is a whole other story/issue.

[videoblogging] Re: Recording Live audio from different locations

2008-11-15 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Besides a decent mic there is a need to work with your firewall from
what it sounds (no pun) like.  

A lot of great info can be found on the
http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/ & The Conversations Network's
forums. http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/forum/ mentioned on the
site belowwhich is probably where I first discovered this if not on
this list or another.

The following video has information that's been a "Must watch video"
I've recommended often. Covers system & Skype preference settings.

Hope this helps

"From Doug Kaye's Weblog http://www.blogarithms.com/

Skype for Interviews - A How-To Video

After years of discouraging the use of Skype for interviews here at
The Conversations Network, we're now saying a resounding Yes! Paul
Figgiani and I have prepared this audiovisual presentation that covers
all you need to know in order to get true broadcast-quality Skype
recordings. http://tr.im/dkaye_skype ..."

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jan McLaughlin"
> Hi,
> Brainstorming a bit.
> Seems to me that you might - via a desktop sharing application and
> (or whatever you're using to record audio on your computer) - be able to
> approach both 'live recording' and 'quality' together. Don't know if
> sharing would have the same kind of audio compression / latency as
> Might be interesting to find out.
> Tried Gmail's audio / video chat recently and the audio quality was
> darned good. None of the Skype echo or weird digital hash
hesitations. If
> may be that Verdi and I both have good connections. I have FIOS.
> Maybe iChat or any other video conference app in combination with
> (Google it), playing back the pre-recorded video in the chat window
so you
> can sync the audio performance to the vid.
> What OS do each of you have?
> If the double-ender strategy appeals and you're bound and determined
to use
> better-quality mics, I should think you wouldn't need 'recorders',
but only
> a free recording application like Audacity, and a preamp or other bit of
> hardware to put between the mics and the computer, in order to get
the mic
> signal where it needs to be to be 'heard' by the computer.
> Because of your post, I broke out a Shure FP-11 mic to line amp (new
> Ebay for $135) and hooked it up with a dynamic headset mic and it's
> okay - with a bit more hiss than I'd prefer - but still much better
than the
> on-board MacBook Pro mic and associated computer noise well in the
> foreground of the background.
> Podcasters would be well placed to tell you which USB mics would get
you the
> quality you need. I'm certain there are 'good' USB mics out there
for well
> less than $100 a piece.
> You can certainly pick up a Shure SM57 or two used for less than
$100 each.
> The Shure mic you later mention - the SM7B - for sure isn't in the
> you describe. The SM57's should be plenty good enough for the web,
with the
> added benefit of rejecting most ambient room noise (like echo,
> refrigerators, air conditioners, traffic and the neighbors' argument).
> Another idea is that one or both of you may have a video camera
handy to use
> as a mic, attached and recorded to the computer via fireware or USB.
> IS the some time problem of camera noise associated with recording audio
> with inboard mics on video cameras, but it's usually not THAT much of a
> problem for lo-budge web purposes.
> Toward the lo-budget side, you can always write the story so that
one (or
> both) of the characer's voice(s) are supposed to be 'futzed' - e.g.,
EQ'd so
> they sound as if they're on a telephone.
> Call me if you want, and I'll walk you through some more ideas.
> Better these discussions held in real time. Texting possibilities
> knowing precisely what you have / want is not an efficient use of
our time
> :)
> Jan
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Richard Amirault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dom"
> > (snip)
> > > The video portion will utilize voice-over while our content plays
> > > beneath. We may also use animation or puppets along with our voices.
> > > Anyway, you can see that it would be less than ideal to have the
> > > voices at different qualities. Are there any tools for recording two
> > > audio streams live from two separate locations that don't involve
> > > thousands of dollars of audio equipment? Thanks folks!
> > >
> > As suggested a "double ender" will work just fine. How "low cost"
it is
> > depends on what your definition of "cost" is. You will need quality
> > recorders. A pair of Zoom H-2s will work great. Do not use
anything like a
> > "digital voice recorder" from Olympus or Sony.
> >
> > I'm not sure about the video aspect of this.  Will you both need
to see the
> > video to comment on it? I would think that this may be a problem.
You both
> > need to see the same thing at the same time.
> >
> > 

[videoblogging] Re: Recording Live audio from different locations

2008-11-15 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Besides a decent mic there is a need to work with your firewall from
what it sounds (no pun) like.  

A lot of great info can be found on the
http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/ & The Conversations Network's
forums. http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/forum/ mentioned on the
site belowwhich is probably where I first discovered this if not on
this list or another.

The following video has information that's been a "Must watch video"
I've recommended often. Covers system & Skype preference settings.

Hope this helps

"From Doug Kaye's Weblog http://www.blogarithms.com/

Skype for Interviews - A How-To Video

After years of discouraging the use of Skype for interviews here at
The Conversations Network, we're now saying a resounding Yes! Paul
Figgiani and I have prepared this audiovisual presentation that covers
all you need to know in order to get true broadcast-quality Skype
recordings. http://tr.im/dkaye_skype ..."

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jan McLaughlin"
> Hi,
> Brainstorming a bit.
> Seems to me that you might - via a desktop sharing application and
> (or whatever you're using to record audio on your computer) - be able to
> approach both 'live recording' and 'quality' together. Don't know if
> sharing would have the same kind of audio compression / latency as
> Might be interesting to find out.
> Tried Gmail's audio / video chat recently and the audio quality was
> darned good. None of the Skype echo or weird digital hash
hesitations. If
> may be that Verdi and I both have good connections. I have FIOS.
> Maybe iChat or any other video conference app in combination with
> (Google it), playing back the pre-recorded video in the chat window
so you
> can sync the audio performance to the vid.
> What OS do each of you have?
> If the double-ender strategy appeals and you're bound and determined
to use
> better-quality mics, I should think you wouldn't need 'recorders',
but only
> a free recording application like Audacity, and a preamp or other bit of
> hardware to put between the mics and the computer, in order to get
the mic
> signal where it needs to be to be 'heard' by the computer.
> Because of your post, I broke out a Shure FP-11 mic to line amp (new
> Ebay for $135) and hooked it up with a dynamic headset mic and it's
> okay - with a bit more hiss than I'd prefer - but still much better
than the
> on-board MacBook Pro mic and associated computer noise well in the
> foreground of the background.
> Podcasters would be well placed to tell you which USB mics would get
you the
> quality you need. I'm certain there are 'good' USB mics out there
for well
> less than $100 a piece.
> You can certainly pick up a Shure SM57 or two used for less than
$100 each.
> The Shure mic you later mention - the SM7B - for sure isn't in the
> you describe. The SM57's should be plenty good enough for the web,
with the
> added benefit of rejecting most ambient room noise (like echo,
> refrigerators, air conditioners, traffic and the neighbors' argument).
> Another idea is that one or both of you may have a video camera
handy to use
> as a mic, attached and recorded to the computer via fireware or USB.
> IS the some time problem of camera noise associated with recording audio
> with inboard mics on video cameras, but it's usually not THAT much of a
> problem for lo-budge web purposes.
> Toward the lo-budget side, you can always write the story so that
one (or
> both) of the characer's voice(s) are supposed to be 'futzed' - e.g.,
EQ'd so
> they sound as if they're on a telephone.
> Call me if you want, and I'll walk you through some more ideas.
> Better these discussions held in real time. Texting possibilities
> knowing precisely what you have / want is not an efficient use of
our time
> :)
> Jan
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Richard Amirault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Dom"
> > (snip)
> > > The video portion will utilize voice-over while our content plays
> > > beneath. We may also use animation or puppets along with our voices.
> > > Anyway, you can see that it would be less than ideal to have the
> > > voices at different qualities. Are there any tools for recording two
> > > audio streams live from two separate locations that don't involve
> > > thousands of dollars of audio equipment? Thanks folks!
> > >
> > As suggested a "double ender" will work just fine. How "low cost"
it is
> > depends on what your definition of "cost" is. You will need quality
> > recorders. A pair of Zoom H-2s will work great. Do not use
anything like a
> > "digital voice recorder" from Olympus or Sony.
> >
> > I'm not sure about the video aspect of this.  Will you both need
to see the
> > video to comment on it? I would think that this may be a problem.
You both
> > need to see the same thing at the same time.
> >
> > 

[videoblogging] Re: Easy implement pay-per-download?

2008-05-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Depends (IMO) what the PPV content is. Have you looked at Blip.tv  for
a solution?

Plenty of examples of Free or cheap stuff to get viewers to buy
premium content. The easiest and obvious is the cable TV model for
PPV. Wrestling fans etc ... it works online too. I get lots of emails
 notifying me of free and Pay seminars available only online for
example ... you just need to get outside the video blogging echo chamber.

If your stuff is PG ... Amazon might work for you.

In the late 90's there was a lot of Rap music videos shot with
"extra/bonus" footage not available anywhere else but as a premium.

Too Short is just one artist that comes to mind.

There are work-around ... google video in combo with google apps and
checkout as well a few other similar services might work for you. I
think there might be a way to make U-Stream as a PPV too.

Depends on what you are offering, vs TOS restrictions.

Borderline racy/adult ... an incredible number of services ... just
because an adult hosting service has porn doesn't mean you have to
have porn content. Some of these companies have made a huge investment
in their service, with lots of redundancy for relatively cheap cost.
And when you start poking around you will discover they have ties to
many mainstream, big name companies, but that as they say is a whole
other story. Don't take my word for it, just do a little research
(whois.net & archive.org) and you'll see what I mean. If you are
sharing space on one of these services, check to make sure that those
other sites don't clash with your sense and sensibilities.

A google search for Pay Per View Hosting might work for you.

Then again ... who knows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm thinking of setting up part of my site with DVD-style extras...
> outtakes, behind the scene footage, etc.
> Are there any easy systems out there for implementing either
> pay-per-download clips or some kind of gated members area? Keeping in
> mind that, beyond cutting and pasting HTML, I have NO coding skills
> whatsoever...
> (I miss BitPass.)
> Thanks,
> Chris Burdick
> http://www.myspace.com/necropol
> http://penelopespantyhose.com

[videoblogging] May be of interest to some here

2008-02-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Call For Entries Issued for Filmmakers, Television Producers and
Videographers by International Awards Competition, The Accolade
Deadline: February 15 Information:  www.TheAccolade.net  

Now in its sixth year, top-tier, international awards competition, The
Accolade, announces its Call For Entries for filmmakers, television
producers and videographers. 

The Accolade is a non-traditional, virtual venue. Awards go to those
filmmakers, television producers and videographers who produce fresh,
standout entertainment, animation and compelling documentaries. The
Accolade is a showcase for cinematic gems and unique voices.
It receives entries from all over the world including Australia,
Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hong Hong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New
Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and the
United States.

There are three levels of awards, all based on quality and creativity:
Best of Show, Award of Excellence and Honorable Mention. No more than
15 percent of entries are granted Awards of Excellence. Best of Show
honors are granted only if worthy productions are discovered. Notable
artistic and technical productions are recognized at the Honorable
Mention award level. Annually, a special award is given to a
production that makes a significant contribution to social change or a
humanitarian effort.

Since The Accolade is not a traditional festival, viewership is
attracted online through The Accolade's website, via targeted press
releases directed to industry media and achieved with notifications to
The Accolade's email database of more than 26,000 people including
producers, distributors and buyers. The Accolade is an award
recognized for its rigorous evaluation process by buyers and
distributors; they are confident that winning productions are of high

The Accolade team works passionately to help worthy productions gain
the publicity and distribution they deserve. Clips of the Best of Show
productions are streamed on The Accolade Web site.

Every filmmaker, television producer and videographer wants
credibility associated with their work and buzz about their
productions, and that is what The Accolade is all about. The goal of
The Accolade is to help the winners of this coveted award achieve the
recognition and distribution they deserve.

Go to www.TheAccolade.net  for rules and entry form.


Thomas Baker, Ph.D.,

Competition Chairperson

The Accolade Competition

7946 Ivanhoe Avenue, Suite 201

La Jolla, California 92037


phone: 858-454-9868 

[videoblogging] Remember when someone here said something about paranoia ...

2008-01-24 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Okay ... this is a few weeks old. Maybe seen by many. Worth a repos ...

Monday, December 31, 2007 by: Mike Adams

On the heels of the RIAA's recent decision to criminalize consumers
who rip songs from albums they've purchased to their computers (or
iPods), the association has now gone one step further and declared
that "remembering songs" using your brain is criminal copyright
infringement. "The brain is a recording device," explained RIAA
president Cary Sherman. "The act of listening is an unauthorized act
of copying music to that recording device, and the act of recalling or
remembering a song is unauthorized playback."

The RIAA also said it would begin sending letters to tens of millions
of consumers thought to be illegally remembering songs, threatening
them with lawsuits if they don't settle with the RIAA by paying
monetary damages. "We will aggressively pursue all copyright
infringement in order to protect our industry," said Sherman.

In order to avoid engaging in unauthorized copyright infringement,
consumers will now be required to immediately forget everything
they've just heard ... MORE :-) 

"Permission is granted to make copies of this story, redistribute
it, post it and e-mail it (please provide proper credit and URL) as
long as you do not actually remember it because copying to your brain
is now strictly prohibited. Any attempts to circumvent the
memory-based copyright restrictions on this article will result in
your brain imploding, causing such an extreme loss of cognitive
function that your only hope for any future career will be running for
public office."

[videoblogging] Re: Need Rockies stock footage

2008-01-09 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hi Mark. I'd start with the US Parks Department and the State of
Colorado first.



Also the Colorado Film Commission http://www.coloradofilm.org/ 
to either acquire footage from them or the Colorado Tourism and
Visitor Department (or equivalent, may be economic development

If the project you are working on places the state in a good light,
you will likely be given the footage at a reduced rate or free. 

Be prepared to submit a script. You can counter that request with a
concern for confidentiality but openness and honesty will get you farther.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "arizpgapro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of how I can buy chlorado Rockies videos that I am
> producing? I want to buy a CD or something that has footage of
> mountains that I COULD pass off as Rockieap video footage
> that I could use for Canadian and Coes, scenes of hiking, biking,
> skiing, outdoor scenes etc. EM me directly if you like at

[videoblogging] pretty neat

2008-01-06 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

This program is freeware. However, if you find it usefull you are more
than welcome to make a donation to the author.

emTube is an application for Symbian S60 3rd edition phones that
allows you to: 
Search and browse videos on YouTube. 
Download selected videos onto your phone. 
Stream FlashVideo files directly from YouTube. 
Play local FlashVideo files. 

Other features:
 - Audio and position control during playback.
 - Normal and full screen (portrait and landscape mode) video playback.
 - Ability to use built in accelerometer to rotate video between
portrait/landscape mode.

[videoblogging] Re: more of the same ... double take time

2008-01-06 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
This turns out to be a Debunked story but sounds like the plan (RIAA)
is to use the legal system to tie up multiple ends of the problem so
that there would be a kind of circle of laws. The trouble with quick
reads is mistakes happen in either the interpretation/understanding or
the reporting is flawed. In this case the reporting was flawed I did
not verify beyond a reading a repeat of the same story elsewhere. 

RIAA not suing over CD ripping, still kinda being jerks about it
"the big change from previous downloading cases is the RIAA's
newfound aggressiveness in calling MP3s ripped from legally owned CDs
"unauthorized copies" -- something it's been doing quietly for a
while, but now it looks like the gloves are off. While there's a
pretty good argument for the legality of ripping under the market
factor of fair use, it's never actually been ruled as such by a judge
-- so paradoxically, the RIAA might be shooting itself in the foot
here, because a judge wouldn't ever rule on it unless they argue that
it's illegal. Looks like someone may end up being too clever for their
own good, eh?" http://peaurl.com/8nfL

Pawn Shops the "Music on CD, junkyards of Today". Get ya some Cheap!

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "bordercollieaustralianshepherd"
> adopt or adapt ... round and round like a dog chasing it's tail. then
> again, while we are bent over watching the pooch, the pony, ponies up
> behind... 
> The main point of the story linked below:
> "...Jeffrey Howell, a Scottsdale, Ariz., man who kept a collection of
> about 2,000 music recordings on his personal computer, the industry
> maintains that it is illegal for someone who has legally purchased a
> CD to transfer that music into his computer."
> http://peaurl.com/X65n
> By Marc Fisher
> Washington Post Staff Writer 
> "...As technologies evolve, old media companies tend not to be the
> source of the innovation that allows them to survive. Even so, new
> technologies don't usually kill off old media: That's the good news
> for the recording industry, as for the TV, movie, newspaper and
> magazine businesses. But for those old media to survive, they must
> adapt, finding new business models and new, compelling content to offer.
> The RIAA's legal crusade against its customers is a classic example of
> an old media company clinging to a business model that has collapsed.
> Four years of a failed strategy has only "created a whole market of
> people who specifically look to buy independent goods so as not to
> deal with the big record companies," Beckerman says. "Every problem
> they're trying to solve is worse now than when they started."
> Funny, but not funny, maybe ironic ... who knows.

[videoblogging] Re: Projected ad spend for online video

2008-01-03 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
A wealth of information:

Don't hate the players, but pay close attention to the relationships!

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im no expert on these things, but I tend to see a lot of different
numbers when I look at 
> this stuff, plenty of optimism, assumption and contradiction. 

[videoblogging] Re: SAG Actors in online video

2008-01-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "michaelseanbecker"
> Hi all! I'm new here, and to vlogging (at least from the production
end).  I've been doing an 
> audio podcast for 2 years, and want to move into more video.
> I'm in planning for a scripted show, and the actors I want to use
are SAG.  Does anyone have 
> any experience on using SAG actors as far as contracts go?  I tried
to contact SAG, but no one 
> seems to have any idea what to do on this.  
> Thanks, and Happy New Year!
> Michael Sean Becker
> Reel Horror Podcast
> http://www.reelhorror.com

[videoblogging] Re: This is gonna cause problems

2008-01-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Jake - Steve

Great link. Still big grey area as best I can tell. Most of the
procumer cameras will have no problems. Making your own battery packs
(if anyone here does) may require a new approach. A lot of Pro gear
may not be a problem but I know first hand that confusion and over
zealousness can and does happen. Nothing worse than arriving and
learning your baggage is held in another state. THere are a lot of
batteries that are 100Wh.

Anyway, this is still new news and it will likely be a non issue in 4
months, but if you are traveling and do not want to be delayed,
keeping this information in mind (You will only get stopped after you
r checked bags are long gone) so that you are not turning over your
batteries if you thought you could carry on more than allowed.

Video Production (News, industrial, commercial and corporate) may not
be so easy a deal. Going through an X-Ray may flag the bag for
inspection. If I were producing a shoot that was traveling ... I would
for the next couple of months at least explore alternatives.

Thanks for the link.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Its not quite that simple. This article explains quite well and
links to the FA rules:
> http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/62899
> So you can take lots of batteries as carry-on's, provided they are
each below a certain 
> capacity, and are packaged properly.
> This will be an inconvenience to some people. But as it is possible
for lithium batteries to 
> explode, I would not want the job of deciding what a reasonble
balance between safety 
> and convenience is.
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jake Ludington"  wrote:
> >
> > > Lithium Batteries Banned From Checked Bags
> > >
 > > 086>
> > > 
> > > I was unable to find any exceptions, will keep looking. But holy
> > 
> > First sentence of second paragraph:
> > 
> > "Instead, passengers will be required to take loose batteries with
them in
> > carry-on baggage, packed in plastic bags."
> > 
> > Which basically makes this a non event. :)
> > 
> > Jake Ludington
> > 
> > http://www.jakeludington.com
> >

[videoblogging] This is gonna cause problems

2008-01-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
At times I have done a little traveling ... the baggage rules and
limits for carry on meant that we'd keep the cameras and exposed film
or tape with us and everything else was checked. Having twenty or more
batteries and chargers was not unusual.

Lithium Batteries Banned From Checked Bags

I was unable to find any exceptions, will keep looking. But holy
schnikies ... the only alternative I can think of is to fed ex in
advance with a leap frog approach. Need 20 batteries while traveling.
Better have 40 and always ship 20 in advance of arrival. I can not
remember one time a battery of mine caught fire and I have owned a lot
of batteries.

Wild stuff, reminds me of the NY film permit law ... not enough

This may not be of interest to anyone else here, but good info to keep
in mind when you travel by air.

Happy New Year

[videoblogging] Re: Best craigslist alternatives when it comes to casting?

2007-12-31 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hello Chris

Free is tougher to come up with. Low cost may be able to direct you to
alternatives. Off the top of my head (free), I would use local
Colleges (drama departments) and small theatre companies as a start. 

for example is in Cali. Every state has a film office and a site
there is usually a list or link to crew (Casting). Casting directors
might help you depending on what the project is you have in mind (PSA,
charity, non profit) or you might get lucky and hitch up with someone
that wants to make the opposite connection (video on the web). 

There are a lot of user groups on Yahoo. Several in each state
(bulletin boards, and Meetup.com). Will try to add more later, but
feel free to remind me with an email.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craigslist has been very hit-and-miss lately for me... are there any
> other decent free alternatives for posting casting notices? Places
> that are popular, but not yet so popular that ads get buried as
> quickly as they do on CL?
> Just curious...
> Chris

[videoblogging] Re: what about the artists?

2007-12-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Wow! That gave me goose bumps and chills (as in chilling). Where the
hell was I looking. Never crossed my radar (no pun intended) and that
is really unusual considering it was even covered by I am assuming 60
minutes and Fox.

Next, I am off to learn more about this project. Wow again.

That trailer could have been 30 mins long and it would have gone by
just as quickly, there were so many images distracting from the many
questions and feelings I had watching/listening.

Entertainment or a disturbing look at the warehousing of people.
Reminds me of so many things, concentration camps being just one.

The experiments in the 40's, 50's and 60's. University studies.
Timothy Leary, Communes. Whoa ... in Japan (I have read) hotels are
like the pods, a place to sleep (basically like a compartment on a train).

Damn that was/is just too damn big brother/meets plantation owner or
some other horror.

And yes, GOOD stuff.

Is there a Study or Paper published or to accompany this release? If I
learn more or find more links I will gladly post them.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we talk about crass commercialism taking weaving itself through
> mediawhat about if artists were in control?
> http://www.vimeo.com/457221/
> Josh Harris' experiments from 1999-2000 are funny to see now.
> lots of big thinking.
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> Professional: http://ryanishungry.com
> Personal: http://momentshowing.net
> Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
> RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

[videoblogging] more of the same ... double take time

2007-12-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
adopt or adapt ... round and round like a dog chasing it's tail. then
again, while we are bent over watching the pooch, the pony, ponies up

The main point of the story linked below:
"...Jeffrey Howell, a Scottsdale, Ariz., man who kept a collection of
about 2,000 music recordings on his personal computer, the industry
maintains that it is illegal for someone who has legally purchased a
CD to transfer that music into his computer."

By Marc Fisher
Washington Post Staff Writer 
"...As technologies evolve, old media companies tend not to be the
source of the innovation that allows them to survive. Even so, new
technologies don't usually kill off old media: That's the good news
for the recording industry, as for the TV, movie, newspaper and
magazine businesses. But for those old media to survive, they must
adapt, finding new business models and new, compelling content to offer.

The RIAA's legal crusade against its customers is a classic example of
an old media company clinging to a business model that has collapsed.
Four years of a failed strategy has only "created a whole market of
people who specifically look to buy independent goods so as not to
deal with the big record companies," Beckerman says. "Every problem
they're trying to solve is worse now than when they started."

Funny, but not funny, maybe ironic ... who knows.

[videoblogging] Re: Movies v TV (was...My Amends...)

2007-12-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Yes, this is better said than I could have ... stick together. Be
supportive. Be honest. Be yourself. and Blah Blah Blah...

Stickman! Posse! Goomba!

To both you and Steve W, good stuff.


Yeah ... I got your back ANY DAY.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the reasons that I talk about this here is because I think  
> there is power in this group. There is power and understanding. I  
> believe there are people here who will watch your back and have the  
> capability to do it.
> blah, blah blah... I could go on all day...
> Cheers,

[videoblogging] Re: Interactive Video

2007-12-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
wow these guys are doing a lot with interactive

This demo is for National Geographic "Biblica"

Looks cool ... many more to view. All in German that I watched.

[videoblogging] Re: Interactive Video

2007-12-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
That sounds really cool. Looking forward to seeing what you have.

I have in the past worked on some interactive projects done for
training (medical, mechanical, corporate, military). These were once
distributed on 12 laser discs. Now on DVD and online (though I have
not worked on any of these) the stuff is more like a video game than
the old click here.

Immersive is where I think the next big frontier is ... yuck yuck yuck
...seriously though, there is a lot of info online and I have seen a
lot of interactive Flash sites (Neon Bible
 was mentioned here
recently) that are just scratching the potential.

This may seem to be a comment on the behavior of those here ...
Merry Christmas

Oh and Andrew ... you may not have seen my email to you (spam filter
maybe) ... The studios will not disappear.



--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Verdi"
> I'm working on an interactive narrative video project that I'm putting
> together in Flash. The idea is that as each video plays (there are 6)
> links become available at specific points. The viewer is free to watch
> all the videos back to back and then follow links, click on links as
> they appear (automatically pausing the video) and to go back and
> re-watch videos. It's not groundbreaking in terms of functionality
> and, like I suspected, it's pretty hard to do which is probably why we
> don't see many people doing it.
> Others on this list like Adrian Miles have used LiveStagePro (which I
> don't think is around anymore?) to do similar things in QuickTime.
> I've also seen Josh Paul do some crazy stuff in QuickTime too. So I
> wanted to start a thread listing examples of interactive projects out
> there and the tools used to create them along with their relative
> merits.
> I'll have stuff to show and more to offer after I get this project
> done (due Monday evening). Right now I can say this: I learned a
> little Flash action scripting back in 2001 - 2003 (before video in
> Flash) and haven't used it since. Much of that is coming in handy now
> but overall I'm finding it a lot harder to pick up than HTML and CSS.
> The good news is that it looks like you can do some pretty cool stuff
> - cooler than what I'm doing on this project.
> Thanks,
> Verdi
> -- 
> http://michaelverdi.com
> http://freevlog.org
> http://nscape.tv

[videoblogging] Re: My Amends To Robert Scoble

2007-12-26 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I am jumping in late. I actually started to write twice. Based on how
my posts in the past were received, I decided to let this fizzle out
like the tantrums have every other time.

I still have a lot on my mind, but what I see as the only reason to
stick my neck out now is many here still do not get it.

Work together

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Gena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think we as humans start to classify folks as "personalities" and
> not as real people.

[videoblogging] Re: FLV Video hotspots to monetize online vidz

2007-12-24 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Yeah, there are a couple others ... There was also a member of this
group that had a demo link posted of a idea s/he had to do multiple
product placements. Do a few searches or someone here may have a link

I think I posted at least one recently on this list but I could be
wrong. Whatever it is, it is in Beta.

Also check past episodes of the Gravity on Phil Campbell's
http://www.Socialninja.tv. He is using Viddler but there may be a past
Gravity that covered linkable flash recently or one that is in the works.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Renat Zarbailov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Guys, I am not talking about overlays. I am talking about hotspots
> assigned visually and not intrusively indicating that user can click
> on it to learn more. Look closely at the examples I found...
> http://www.flashloaded.com/flashcomponents/hotflashvideo/
> http://www.asterpix.com/help/learnmore/creating/ 
> For instance the hotFlashvideo allows simultaneous multiple elements
> within a scene of a video to be hovered over/hyper-linked. Is this
> kick ass or what? :)
> I just wonder if there's more robust approach to this..
> Anyone else?
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Chumley"  wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, I use the blip overlay ads option on my main site player. It
> > appears in the first minute or so and you can close it if you so
> > choose. You can check it out here http://www.cultofuhf.com if you want
> > to see an example.
> > 
> > It has seemed to work for the most part.
> > 
> > Rev.
> > 
> > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" 
> > >
> > > >  Has anyone ever dealt with embedding URL hot-spots in FLV
video? I
> > > >  think this is the best approach to monetize an online show via
> > product
> > > >  placement that allows the end-user to click on the product
> > > >  and have a new tab pop up without stopping the show.
> > > >  I did some searchin' and found the following;
> > > >  http://www.flashloaded.com/flashcomponents/hotflashvideo/
> > > >  http://www.asterpix.com/help/learnmore/creating/
> > > >  Any suggestions/comments are highly appreciated.
> > > 
> > > I think blip, videoegg already allow for these ads that you can
> > > while it's playing.
> > > Anyone have an example?
> > > 
> > > I think the difficult thing for a lot of creators is not the
> > > technology, but making deals with sponsors they would feel
> > > pimping.
> > > 
> > > Jay
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > http://jaydedman.com
> > > 917 371 6790
> > > Video: http://ryanishungry.com
> > > Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
> > > Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
> > > RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9
> > >
> >

[videoblogging] Re: the inevitable conversation about what we're doing

2007-12-24 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!

Thank you.

[videoblogging] Re: videoblogging to Antarctica

2007-12-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

I am impressed. A bold and brave adventure. Getting there is half the
trip. Concerned about your return. Is that guaranteed with a paid in
full ticket OUT? I can be misunderstood ... I am not kidding ... Like
the project, envy the adventure, but seriously ... can imagine the
difficulty you may encounter trying to hitch a ride back. That my
friend in cyber space is not only a portion I will want to watch but
one I WISH YOU ALL SUCCESS with NO PROBLEMS - in fact I hope it is so
boring (the video of your return) it puts me to sleep.

Good luck and godspeed.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "noel hidalgo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> have you ever wanted to visit antarctica? well, i'm just a few steps
> away and am filling a daily video journal on my hitchhiking to
> antarctica attempt. i've filed day 1, and am working on day 2 while
> i'm kicking out the jams and recording day 3's content... i hope all
> y'all like it and give me feedback...
> http://luckofseven.com/vlog/episode_28
> cheers!
> noel
> --
> join me on a trip around the world!
> http://ontheluckofseven.com
> noel hidalgo
> [ skype ] nonecknoel
> [ twitter ] http://twitter.com/noneck
> [ email/jabber/aim ] noel[a]noneck.org
> http://www.dopplr.com/traveller/noneck
> http://www.couchsurfing.com/people/nonecknoel

[videoblogging] Job: News Channel 5 -Internet Reporter/Producer NASHVILLE, TN

2007-12-17 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Job Code:   2008
Division:   News Channel 5
Location:   NASHVILLE, TN US 
Travel Involved:0-10%
Job Type:   Full Time
Job Level:  Entry
Education:  Bachelors Degree 
Category:   Broadcasting, Information Systems, News

Position Summary:

NewsChannel 5 Network is seeking an Online Reporter/Producer for
NashvilleEdge, a dynamic website targeting an audience in their 20's.
 Candidate must be competitive, a self-starter, a team player and
understand how their activities affect the company's overall
profitability. The job includes producing written stories, video, and
still photography for online use, and marketing of online stories to
increase traffic.  In addition to significant administrative
responsibilities, the successful candidate will attend area events to
generate site content, and must serve as a professional representative
of the NewsChannel 5 Network in the community.  Areas of content focus
will include the local entertainment scene, the music industry,
charity events, local businesses and organizations, and other topics
which may be of interest to the target audience.  

Essential Functions:
Produce written stories, video, and still photography for online use 
Attend and cover community events 
Assist Editor with keeping site content fresh and relevant 
Site administration duties 
Cultivate sources for site content 
Encourage and monitor user generated content 
Create unique marketing strategies to drive traffic 
Self promote work online 

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Preferred:
Working knowledge of HTML, Photoshop, and nonlinear editing software 
Proven experience producing polished, professional stories on video 
Skills in "MTV-style" video editing, particularly fast-paced, dynamic
story production 
Track-record in a team-based environment 

 Note:  This job analysis describes the nature of this position, but
is not an exhaustive list of duties.  Additional duties may be
assigned as needed.

WTVF is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required:
Strong technical expertise, with understanding of interactive
technology, social networking sites, and Web 2.0 technology. 
Ability to generate original story ideas 
Ability to execute and follow up on assigned story ideas 
Experience meeting tight deadlines and performing under stress 
Strong in creative thinking and problem-solving 
Ability to lift 40 pounds 
Have a valid driver's license 
Local travel required using personal vehicle 
Bachelors degree and minimum 1 year experience as a working journalist 


[videoblogging] Re: "Point Of View" mounted cameras.

2007-12-12 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
> Some of the challenges I face are water
> droplets on the lens,
Cheap, Quick and dirty solutions... RainX on an inexpensive but
quality filter. UV would be my first suggestion ... cheap. Some
problems with this ... backlight especially at night can reveal the
silicon ... it is a Test it First for the application. Next is forced
air across the lens plane ... think of those places where you walk
into an open doorway and pass through a curtain of air ... used this
to shoot straight up into a rain storm. Will really work best on a
stationary camera position, but some creative thinking might overcome
that limitation. The speed/velocity of this air has to exceed the
force of the rain or water spray ... I used a Squirrel Fan and a
funnel to channel the air into a narrower outlet. My friend is giving
me a small Orik (spelling) portable vacuum, I think it is battery
operated ... reversing the motor on something like this with a tube
and flange is one idea that comes to mind to attempt a backpack device.

> sun direct into the lens,
Didn't your mom tell you not to look at the sun? This is the hardest
to overcome ... A ND filter maybe in combo with a pola. A lens shade
or hood is really the ticket, but it can add drag and stabilization
difficulty, bit like sticking a cup out the window of a moving car ...
could add a couple of vent holes MAYBE. Now you could try to make it
work for you ... Star filter for example ... gives a pattern ...
Gradient (Think CSI Miami) But these are not cheap cheap, so your next
problem will mean costs of broken filters.

> damage from wipeouts
Crash Cams - on movies there is a crash camera housing ... weight is
an issue ... could look into modifying a couple of teh small pelican
cases ... I love this companies stuff 

> lots of footage to edit as the cams are turned on and left running till
> the battery runs flat or the tape or SD card fill up. 
WiFi - to edit deck/DVR combo.

http://ls.cinematography.net/read/?forum=cml-hd-prosumer (member site,
donation accepted - well worth it)

I will look at your site later. But the quick peek, I am impressed.

[videoblogging] Re: Hulu's Owned by NewsCorp?

2007-12-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

> Well, where's the rest of the Corporate Media Cartel investing to  
> control internet media? Anybody? Disney? Viacom?
 GE and Viacom are listed in a drop
down menu.

Pretty wild ... 

> Cheers,
> Ron Watson
> http://k9disc.blip.tv
> http://k9disc.com
> http://pawsitivevybe.com/vlog
> http://pawsitivevybe.com

[videoblogging] Re: Hulu's Owned by NewsCorp?

2007-12-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Two Networks, One Cup?

Video is From MSNBC, 11/30


Fox/NBC = Hulu

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did I hear that right on TV?
> Hulu's owned by Rupert Murdoch?
> I just heard that NBC ported their stuff from iTunes to Hulu & NBC  
> Direct, and tehy mentioned that Hulu's owned by News Corp.
> I tend not to have any dealings with Murdoch properties, and they  
> require an user/PW to look, so I thought I'd pass.
> Do any of you who follow these developments have any thoughts on this?
> Ron Watson
> http://k9disc.blip.tv
> http://k9disc.com
> http://pawsitivevybe.com/vlog
> http://pawsitivevybe.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Adding Transcripts To Video

2007-12-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

This is one of those "it should be much easier" moments. I found this
to be real interesting as a way to add captions, titling, transcript,
because it looks good, has two way of analyzing the video and they had
it online SO FAST!

John thought it might be 

It seems like I was down this path once before. Before I knew even
less than I know now ... I think the way QT Pro works is it makes a
image file (might be a PICT cannot remember) but what ever it was (QT
5 or 6) it worked for accessibility only. In other words, it was a lot
of work for a good reason (helps the deaf) but it can't be read by
search engines.

I thought someone had a solution here .. may have been a work around
... I searched the archive for quicktime pro + transcript + search +
engine" but I am using the wrong search term

Take a look at these ... I'll keep digging to learn more about the
NYT's example.

This guy is the caption king when you do a search using caption or
closed caption  

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Hayden Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey All,
> Quick question - how do you add a transcript to a video using
quicktime pro?  I don't want it 
> to actually show up in the video itself - just in the metadata as I
hear this helps with keyword 
> proliferation.
> Cheers,
> Hayden
> http://www.abigailsteendiary.com
> http://www.goodnightburbank.com

[videoblogging] Interesting: Transcript scrolls with video

2007-11-29 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

How was this done? Has anyone done this or seen this "Scroll with
Video" anywhere else? I guess that there is some kind of code in
entered into Flash to trigger it. I am most impressed by how quickly
this was done.

Does anyone know if there is a tutorial or other tip/trick site (Adobe
or third party) that explains the process? Is there a name for this?
The Times is calling it "interactive". I see some interactivity is
possible using the "Jump To Sections of Transcript". But is
"Interactive" the correct term?

[videoblogging] Charity and a service

2007-11-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
First: This site is a creation of and run by a friend (Michael
Airington aka Ester Goldberg
) of mine. I DO not get any money or
gain anything by passing this on. I think that it is a good site,
great idea, and relevant to the last couple of threads I replied to.

The site is  
>From the "About" page:
"...ReelGreetings is a greeting company providing a one-stop solution
for the important people in your life. At ReelGreetings.com, you can
personalize your greetings, set up a calendar reminding you of special
occasions, customize your account and even keep track of those closest
to you. Whether that be your best friends, a lover, your family, a
mentor, or someone you like to joke around with."

They are running a few promotions one of which is tied to a charity
Bobbi Billard
Adrianne Curry is also participating on

Michael Airington is a comedian, writer/producer, his style and
audience are for adults as are these video greetings. His shows air on
NowLive.com and Adrianne Curry is a regular contributor/collaborator
on his shows as well as Host of her own NowLive.com program

I don't know very much about Bobbi except that she too has a show

Inexpensive gift and helps a cause. 

Regardless of your opinion about the content/subject matter there is a
lot that can be learned and utilized.

Hats off to anyone and everyone that makes a difference!

[videoblogging] Re: If the Winnies were not enough... Vlogalicious

2007-11-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
--- "gabe_perardua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some ideas for discussions we have thought of are:
> - How to create a public fund for vlogging projects from the EU.

> - An inverted panel of service providers, so that instead of them
> telling you their new features, you all tell them what you want and
This could be an event all to itself.

> - How to break into new areas of the world with your content, like
> Asia, Africa, South America, etc.
Inverted panel for this too. I drives me nuts how difficult it is to
do something (legally) with many countries. I wanted to send shipping
containers full of auto parts that can be used for purposes other than
for cars ... alternator with a fan blade to build low cost 12VDC wind
power... Salvage the auto bulbs and sockets for lighting. Hit the
brick wall!!! ... then I learn about someone that has a scam running
shipping container after container out of this country... no problem
for this guy... he is working a loop hole according to my source. So
this would be of interest to me, assume it would be a big attraction
for many.

> - Improving your own skills in editing, filming and sound by getting
> master class workshops from D.P.s and editors, etc.
> and more...
Like this too. Willing to share my knowledge with others. That is how
I learned ... Each One Teach One ...

> There is a website www.vlogalicious.com for more info (although it's
> just started) and a wiki link on the site for ideas and information.
Nice looking site ... 

> Let me know what you all think, good or bad... I know a number of
> people HATE awards events, but for me I feel it's more of a
> celebration that is a great excuse to get together and one that
> hopefully can inspire new and old more.
Yeah, awards too often feel/look like backslapping. I don't hate them
so much when it is something like a Pulitzer or Nobel ... 

Your list of categories  I like,
 and think that the criteria should be expanded on. For instance...

"Get Polictical @ Vlogalicious'08″
Vlogs that expose important matters happening in the world today.

Maybe I missed a more detailed description, but IMO the bar should be
raised pretty high to differentiate a Vlogalicious from the rest. 

"Get Political @ Vlogalicious'08″
Individuals or groups producing daily Vlogs that expose or ___
governments and businesses that ___, enhancing the lives and
empowering people to ___ __ impacting the decision makers
 to correct or __ important matters happening in the world today. 

I am not a writer and I am certainly not you. It is your site. I just
think that a much more detailed requirement for each category would
ensure that the cream rises to the top. 
> Cheers,
> GabeMac
> www.vlogalicious.com

[videoblogging] Re: New way to review for school subjects?

2007-11-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
cool ... 

--- "masterymaze" wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to this group, and thank you for the invitation!  I am 
> interested in learning from the group.  I am a teacher and creator of 
> video podcast review lessons which I call "masterycasts". Students 
> listen to these short 5-7 minute review lessons in various school 
> subjects. They download them from my website at www.masterymaze.com 
> and play them repeatedly to obtain "mastery".  A couple of questions.

> Second-- Any suggestions on how to grow the audience?  I believe in 
> free open sharing of these and all educational materials.  That is my 
> goal here.

Yeah, ... Give One Get One (GoGo) 
 You are already willing to create these "masterycasts" not only for
your students but others. Could these same shorts be translated to
different languages and be educational/interesting? Great way to
connect students to other cultures. You could get students
interested/motivated to create "masterycasts" specifically for use
on/with the "One Laptop Per Child" for other countries. So many ideas
... Geography, politics, economics, diplomacy, import export, micro
loans, ... man I cannot type fast enough ... twitter was something I
was thinking would make a great language translator ... then came
across this site the other day  French,
Italian, Russian language students (all grades) could participate ...
something like this, would IMO be so worthy of mention, you may not be
able to handle too much publicity/focus 

> These podcasts have transformed my classroom!

I bet!  I can imagine sister classrooms around the world, exchanging
these "masterycasts" almost like kids trade poke'man cards or (dang, a
circle) aggie (or agate ) 

How to make a ! Math Tips and Tricks! Students in teh mid west
(farm and livestock/4-H) Planting or Animal husbandry. 

call em knowledge nuggets ... like gold ... precious ... I'll leave it
there for now, and will add more later ... getting to ahead of myself.
> Thanks.
> Sue

[videoblogging] Re: Affiliate programs - was: I Love Talking Books Is Our Newest Website

2007-11-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> One of the reasons I like Ironweed is that they share back to the  
> creators (although, sometimes this is a distributor and so how rev  
> share happens in that case depends on the agreement with  
> distributor).  I also like that they organize and associate each  
> release with an actionable causes and sponsors such as Breast Cancer  
> Action or Mother Jones.

I like this too. Noticing that several manufactures/corporations are
starting to promote products with a portion of profit/retail price
benefiting a cause. Some can be kinda funny match ups or use awkward
copy in the pitch. The only thing I find wrong with this model is that
the corporation is gaining a tax deduction. Perfect world ... the
charitable intent is not motivated just to gain customers,
increase/promote public relations.

Often on this list I see people working on projects that (IMO) would
make perfect partners.

http://marblejars.com for instance. I think it is a unique and clever
idea. Partnering with folks on this list that sell a product or
service could help promote Robert's Marble Jar effort by putting
Marbles in a "Charity Only" jar in the customers name (the Charity Jar
or the Marbles are Branded with the Biz Name - like a banner exchange
- and the customer can then place those Marbles in the jar of a
Charity they choose. This is off teh top of my head and meant only as
a way to spark a discussion.

> IW has an affiliate program.  They pay something like $8 for each  
> subscription referred and $2/month for up to a year for each month the  
> referral stays a subscriber.  I have no idea how this compares to  
> other programs (the one at ILTB mentioned 15%, which is pretty close  
> to IW's rate). I know some folks on this list are Dreamhost  
> affiliates.  How is that working out for you?

I like affiliate programs ... I think customer loyalty rewards will be
a bigger model in the near future. Some companies do this already, but
there is so much more that can be done along these lines that will
attract and retain. 
> For big traffic sites this seems like it could be worth while, but  
> when I talk with friends about the idea, few seem to think it is worth  
> the trouble just for a few bucks.  One thought I had for IW, was to  
> make it so affiliates could designate that collected fees be donated  
> to causes they want to support.  This could save some payment fees and  
> lots of small contributions could add up to something significant.

I look at a site like Marble Jars and it seems like it would make a
good start as a solution to that "few seem to think it is worth the
> I was wondering about offering trailers on the IW site that people  
> could embed or remix for use on their own site and that optionally  
> channels affiliate earnings to designated non-profit.

Sparked my imagination ... mash up a bunch of "drinking while driving"
clips for a M.A.D.D. charitable donation. Wide shots of landscapes,
nature, scenery and vistas for "Keep America Beautiful" or domestic
animals for a pet adoption charity. 
> Does that kind of affiliate model seem interesting to anyone here?

Yeah it does ... look forward to reading other's opinion

> Thanks for any feedback.
> Markus

[videoblogging] Re: shoulder support for handheld camera - would you buy this prototype

2007-11-27 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Did not expect you to reply so quick, I couldn't let it go, so I
dropped into add two more to give you an idea of what is out there.

Simple is better  ... I like what you started... get a patent to
protect you if you put a lot of time, money and effort into it..


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mark Shea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the link. some of these shoulder mounts are quite expensive.
>  I designed the 'shoulderlander' mainly because I wanted a set up
similar to my old XL1, a shoulder support AND the ability to connect
to a tripod. My design really only helps you steady your shots, use it
as a third arm...and rest your right arm 
> bordercollieaustralianshepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote:   Great start, and unique. There
are a lot of folks looking for a
>  solution. I have a few bookmarked but I don't have a lot of time this
>  morning ... here is a good place to start looking (one shoulder mount
>  in particular) and you may find other cool things too (I am not an
>  employee nor do I make any money from them...
>  <http://www.filmtools.com/im20haglshsu.html>
>  Some of the stuff is a bit extreme, designed to accommodate a wide
>  variety of cameras and configurations (long lens, matte box,
>  additional batteries, audio, external LCD monitor, pistol grip, dual
>  pistol grips, cables, transmitter  you get the idea a monster rig).
>  I'll check back and add if I see anything missed by others offering
>  suggestions 
>  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "caminofilm"  wrote:
>  >
>  > The Shoulderlander:
>  > Solid, dependable, strong. For those who don't want to muck around
>  > with wobblyshot. Made from lightweight aluminium and anatomically
>  > correct cushion foam, the Shoulderlander gives you the support you
>  > need when the going gets tough - an extra long wedding service, a
>  > winded speech. And as illustrated, can still be connected to your
>  > favourite tripod, once the dust has settled
>  >
>  > 
>  > The Travelander (in development)
>  > The Travelander is a lightweight version of the Shoulderlander, for
>  > those who crave the open road. Just chuck it in your backpack,
and hit
>  > the road, jack!
>  > You CAN have it all, a free and easy lifestyle AND steady shots!
>  > 
>  > I developed these for my own use...do you think people would buy such
>  > a simple effective shoulder support if I started mass producing
>  >
> -
> Get easy, one-click access to your favorites.  Make Yahoo! your
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: shoulder support for handheld camera - would you buy this prototype

2007-11-27 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Great start, and unique. There are a lot of folks looking for a
solution. I have a few bookmarked but I don't have a lot of time this
morning ... here is a good place to start looking (one shoulder mount
in particular) and you may find other cool things too (I am not an
employee nor do I make any money from them...

Some of the stuff is a bit extreme, designed to accommodate a wide
variety of cameras and configurations (long lens, matte box,
additional batteries, audio, external LCD monitor, pistol grip, dual
pistol grips, cables, transmitter  you get the idea a monster rig).

I'll check back and add if I see anything missed by others offering

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "caminofilm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Shoulderlander:
> Solid, dependable, strong. For those who don't want to muck around
> with wobblyshot. Made from lightweight aluminium and anatomically
> correct cushion foam, the Shoulderlander gives you the support you
> need when the going gets tough - an extra long wedding service, a long
> winded speech. And as illustrated, can still be connected to your
> favourite tripod, once the dust has settled
> The Travelander (in development)
> The Travelander is a lightweight version of the Shoulderlander, for
> those who crave the open road. Just chuck it in your backpack, and hit
> the road, jack!
> You CAN have it all, a free and easy lifestyle AND steady shots!
> I developed these for my own use...do you think people would buy such
> a simple effective shoulder support if I started mass producing them??

[videoblogging] Peek in on all the action

2007-11-26 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
TV on the net like you may never see again. WGA strike live 

Nerd revenge

[videoblogging] Re: Disgusting article about "viral video marketing"

2007-11-23 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Imagine that. Posting comments to your own videos or using lists to
generate false/fake debate and/or to direct traffic to a video.

Hate the game, so impressed with the player. What bugs me ... he gamed
it in a direction that is counter to what I THINK is THE WAY people
should conduct their lives/business. Oh and that he pulled it off,
gets paid ... yeah ... that bugs me too. Right place, Wrong time. 

If you look into other things he and his partner are involved in you
may not think so harshly of him. Redeeming qualities ... I think this
guy would make a great addition to the Videoblogging community.  Then
again, maybe he, or someone on the payroll, is already a member.

In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Frank Sinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

except that this guy
> is a TA at Stanford! Is this what our "Nation's Best" are being taught
> nowadays?

[videoblogging] Re: ARTICLE - Web Video: Move Over, Amateurs

2007-11-22 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

> Joanna Shields of Bebo is quoted in that article as saying "As more 
> and more interesting content from major media brands becomes 
> available ..."  

... from the few Mega Media Conglomerates 

> REALLY? I've got 1,000 channels and find it extremely difficult to 
> find anything interesting to watch.  There're gobs and gobs of 
> stultifying treacle and palaver, but very little that qualifies 
> as 'interesting.' And there sure doesn't seem, ever, to be 'more and 
> more' of it.  Rather, it seems there's ever less and less spread 
> thinner and thinner and reheated, rehashed and re-served.

I almost stopped reading here, then I felt a bit foolish, your
thoughts are about a sticky subject, any attempt by me to persuade you
to continue or elaborate or expand or provide examples or expound or
evangelize or preach or persuade would be ass kissing
> In the same article we're told Tom Green is a "professional."  
> REALLY?  His comedy bores me.  "Ask a Ninja" is funnier as 
> is "Unleashed" and many other "amateur" internet programs.  So, maybe 
> Tom Green is the amateur and the creators of those shows are 
> the "professionals."  

Tom Green, Tome Greens, Tom Greene,
hello hello hello ... Tom Grenius!! The man is a
comedic/technological/freaking GENIUS. I hope the networks have a
whole lineup of shows just like Tom Green
> Yeah, that's it.  You and me, we are the "professionals."  Whether 
> you consider yourself a "content creator" or "producer" 
> or "videographer" or "vlogger" or any other name that describes what 
> you do making videos for online consumption, you are a "professional" 
> if you want to be.  And here's how:

I do, I really do ... closing eyes. 
> "Professional" as we use it today is a co-opted, bastardized term, 
> roughly meaning "expert" or "someone who gets paid for something."  
> Thus, you are a "professional clown" if you get paid for being a 
> clown, much like the "anchors" on your nightly network news program.  
> And, if everyone you know calls you an "ass," then you're 
> a "professional ass" because you're really expert at it.

Do compliments count as credibility toward the designation Professional?

> Originally, to be a professional, one needed to be a member of 
> the "learned arts," namely divinity, law, and medicine.  And for a 
> long time after that, a professional was anyone who passed a rigorous 
> qualifying exam of mental skill.  Thus, if you were a doctor, lawyer, 
> CPA, engineer, or actuary, you were a professional, but you couldn't 
> be a "professional garbage man."  It was a status designation.

Wow, you just marginalized a small but growing segment of the
scientific community. Garbage is no longer a 7 letter word, or
something that sparks snickering or nausea ... I think you should
rethink who you want to single out here ... just saying

> But that's all changed now.  You're a "professional" at what you get 
> paid for.  Thus, Tiger Woods is a "professional golfer" because he 
> gets paid to golf and a NYC sanitation worker is a "professional 
> sanitation engineer."  And if you have ever made $.01 from blip.tv or 
> any other revenue sharing video site or you're just really good at it 
> (and aren't we all?) then you're a "professional " whatever 
> you want to call it.

Perhaps you or a loved one needs certification issued by a self
certified, certificate issuer, if so, seek no more. I never mentioned
it here before but ... if you send me proof of earnings (yes it's true
even One Red Cent) from any site that payed you and $49.95 (plus
Shipping handling and all applicable taxes), I will send you a
beautiful (suitable for framing) anything you want to be certified as
a professional. You won't find an offer online from me, like that
anywhere ... I guarantee that  

> However you fill in that blank, I hope you don't fill in "content 
> creator."  That term is impersonal and abstract.  We're artists, 
> storytellers, diarists, filmmakers, journalists, videographers, 
> photographers, what have you.  "Content creator" suggests some awful 
> bladder hooked up to hoses, ingesting material and 
> extruding "content."

Hey ... Bladder. Kidney. Whatever ...  I made this joke first ...
remember? Two girls One cup ... metaphor for "Consumerism" 
"Recycled Content" come on ... don't let this David "Casting guy"
distract you with his clever observation and well written post.

Where did they find those "Two Girls"? 

Oh and this week at WalledMart buy One Cup, Get the Second Cup Free,
That's like getting 50% off two cups!!

Enjoyed the read

> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Sull  wrote:
> >
> > i agree with the opposing perspectives in this thread
> > what also came to mind is that as soon as life's catastrophic events
> > occur, suddenly it will be realized again the power of the so-called
> > user-gen content.
> > user-gen does not HAVE to mean teens expressing and "working" their
> > personalities to each other on youtube.

[videoblogging] Re: Counting views in Facebook?

2007-11-21 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Facebook is not built for you? Facebook is not your friend? Facebook
is a database for sale? Facebook is LAME? Facebook is a _?

How might you tap into that info? Pony up the fee ...

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jason McCabe Calacanis"
> Why on earth doesn't facebook let you count the views on your
> videos?!!? (i.e. we put our videos here:
> http://www.facebook.com/video/?oid=18176448560 and have no idea if
> these are seen by 10 folks or 10,000). Lame! Folks are complaining
> about it here: http://www.facebook.com/video/?oid=18176448560 
> Hello Facebook?! 
> j

[videoblogging] Re: Writer's changing the game through the web

2007-11-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Now this is funny

> "Studios were also fretting about their image Some were
concerned that the union, using
> blogs and YouTube to publish its message, was succeeding in painting
> them as greedy."

Painting or "A pig is a Pig"

Language and words ... gotta love/hate spin

"I like Big Balls" (nod to the creator) and mine occasionally intimidate. 

yeah, the net is really just a bunch of wires and conspiracy nuts

Keep on Splicing, Dicing and telling the truth.
 cryptic image 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Writers and Studios are going back into negotiation.
> The article says that they are feeling the burn from all the bad
> exposure from the web.
> http://tinyurl.com/252bkt

> jay

[videoblogging] Re: Easy Idea for NaVloPoMo

2007-11-16 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
It is pretty gross, save your eyes and mind ... One thing I am
convinced of, this video "2 girls 1 cup" is a metaphor for the crap
that is consumed by the masses...

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David, I'm right there with you man.  I'm incredibly curious though...
> maybe this will be Saturday's video for me.
> Susan 
> http://vlog.kitykity.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "David Meade" 
> wrote:
> >
> > the reaction videos are hilarious ... but I'm not sure I want to put
> > myself through whatever they've been through.  :-)
> > 
> > On Nov 15, 2007 11:59 PM, Patrick Delongchamp  wrote:
> > > ...i meant to say "phenomenon"
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > http://www.DavidMeade.com
> >

[videoblogging] Re: Need outdoors/tourism stock footage cd

2007-11-16 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
US Parks and Recreation http://www.nps.gov/findapark/index.htm

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "arizpgapro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to buy some stock footage video for a Colorado
> tourism site I am working on. I need footage of ski, outdoor
> activites like rafting, etc. Does anyone know of a cd or something 
> I could buy...or even a site I can subsribe to?
> Thanks Robert

[videoblogging] Re: Easy Idea for NaVloPoMo

2007-11-16 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
The reactions are so funny ... I could only imagine because of teh
music that it might be something like a wedding or other normal scene
and ... maybe someone puked, then another ... retching is contagious  

Gotta give them some credit for originality ... in this game of
getting eyeballs and ad dollars ... I am not sure if this is a sad
commentary on consumerism ... 

or maybe I am way wrong and this is a new kind of Survivor pilot
reality TV mix ... BM meets ER ... BM'ER coming in 2008 on Fox

Maybe it is a "cautionary tail" ... the future "MTV Jack ASS" ...
Xtreme Recycling ...

I have been told my posts can be too long ... I'll get to the nitty
gritty ... 

"If you are interested in bringing some traffic to your website,
consider advertising with 2girls1cup.com"

The real stories ...
What did the "Want Ad" read ... Wanted two actresses with
experience/no experience ...?

Where was the "Want Ad" placed? 

What was for dinner the night before? 

who will be first to advertise (besides "fling")?

Exactly how much crack did it take?

Who cleaned up afterwards?

Is the Number One fan, a fan of number two too, or the only fan?

Was an exhaust fan used in the making of Two Girls One Cup?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "pdelongchamp"
> So...um...has anyone heard of the youtube phenominon of vlogging your
> reaction to watching '2 Girls 1 Cup' for the first time?
> Three things I want to mention.  
> 1. Definitely watch the reaction videos below, they're very funny. 
> 3. *If* you do watch it, you *HAVE* to vlog yourself watching it for
> the first time.  See below for details on where to find it.
> These are a couple of my favourite reaction videos, they may contain
> vulgarity but are otherwise safe for work.
> "2 Girls 1 Cup Reaction #1"
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtRzf_ZcM0U
> "2 girls 1 cup reaction"
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI3Km0y1jWs
> So *if* you do decide to watch it, you can't be mad at me.  It's your
> own fault.  Do not watch this for the first time without vlogging your
> reaction.  To watch the very unsafe for work video go to
> http://www.2girls1cup.com (I repeat, NSFW)
> and if you vlog yourself, even it's it's for NaVloPoMo, post your
> video in this thread.  Oh and go search youtube for more reaction
> videos.  There are hundreds.  Each is priceless.

[videoblogging] Re: WGA Strike

2007-11-15 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
and another take


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jan McLaughlin"
> Here's an unbroken link: 
> On 11/13/07, nmcdevo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This video was posted on the LA Producer list about the strike - it's
> > all here in tell-tale
> > talkin' by taped titans.. ..
> >
> >  = = ===
> > So, why are screenwriters so angry and picketing in Hollywood? Watch
> > this video and you'll see.
> >
> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=8a37uqd5vTw
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> The Faux Press - better than real
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/diaryofafauxjournalist - RSS
> http://fauxpress.blogspot.com
> http://wburg.tv
> aim=janofsound
> air=862.571.5334
> skype=janmclaughlin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Bored

2007-11-14 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Info about Yahoo! Groups in Beta

Worth a look ... offer a suggestion or two

As you may have already noticed, we just rolled out a release today that 
contains the much 
anticipated "Library" feature. This feature is the photos, files, and links 
solution that we've 
been working on.

Key improvements over the files, photos, and links features on Classic Groups 

- MODERATION: You're now able to moderate all types of content posted to the 
not just photos as in Classic Groups.

However, in this release moderation is a bit like pregnancy. It's either all 
the way on (for all 
three types of content and for everyone in the group) or all the way off. We're 
not yet able 
to offer the ability to moderate (or unmoderate) specific members the way we do 

The setting to turn moderation on, as well as default settings for the Library, 
can be 
found, not surprisingly, in Management.

- FOLDER PERMISSIONS: You now have the option to make any folder public (so 
anyone can see what's inside, including non-members), member only, or moderator 
(But note, you can't put a folder with less restrictive permissions inside one 
that is more 

And you can separately decide who can contribute to a folder: members or 

- NESTED FOLDERS: You can now nest folders within folders for photos as well as 
links and 
files ( happy Frank? :) ).

- MIXED MEDIA FOLDERS: No more segregation of photos in one place, files in 
and links in a third. Now you have the option to mix different types of media 
about a 
subject in a single folder.

- SORT: You can now sort items in a folder by file type, title, name, file 
size, and date 

- INTEGRATED MESSAGE ATTACHMENTS: Attachments posted in messages (using the web 
interface) are now stored in a "Media from Messages" folder bringing all these 
together in a single place and enabling copying from one folder to another.

- IMPROVED UPLOADER & SLIDE SLOW: It's now faster and easier to upload files 
photos, and it's easier and more fun to view the photos once they're online.

- DRAG & DROP: You now have the option to move files from one folder to another 
(or to 
copy from the "Media from Messages" folder) through a desktop like drag and 

But along with these improvements, there are also some features that are not 
implemented. They include:
- The ability to automatically notify members when you add an item to the 
- The ability to create "private" folders that only one person can contribute 
- The option to give members the ability to create folders.
- The option to copy files from one folder to another.

A big thank you to the all Groups team members who have been have been hard at 
on this one! It's a biggie.

But that's not all that is happening today: the release also includes a number 
of other 
important bug fixes and changes including:
- Restoring the ability to send attachments via email in the same way you can 
on Classic 
Groups (although these attachments will not (yet) be stored on the site, in the 
way they are 
on the Beta if you post via the web).
- Fixing the bug that has been causing multi-word message searches not to work 
searching by email address still doesn't work, even for moderators).
- Enabling members to update the display of their age, gender, and location (as 
well as 
profile image and name) directly from the Preferences page.
- Fixing the Customization bug that causes the page to hang when you try to 
edit new 
modules without first publishing them.
- Restoring the masking of email addresses in the message archive in the same 
way it is 
done today on Classic Groups.
- Further tightening the Messages section to get more content onto the page.
- The return of the ability to view messages headers ("view source" on Classic).
- Making the link for promoting a member to moderator or owner status more 
- Some renaming for clarity including "conversations" back to "messages" and 
Actions" to "Approve-Ban-Promote-Fix".

[videoblogging] Re: Advice on how to get to 100-250k views a day (quickly)?

2007-11-12 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Wow ... I just caught up with the whole thread ... damn you! Damn You
Jason ... LOL

Well I stand by my ideas, but must give you a big nod for self
promoting in such a sly way ... 

Of all of the crap I threw your way ... and having learned this AIN"T
your first BBQ ... I would work the "Thank You" angle.

Thanks for letting me play


[videoblogging] Re: Full Screen Flash 8 HD Video

2007-11-09 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Nice find - I am having connection issues, big/several buffering
breaks but looked good when playing in full screen mode (between

There is a controller and it has a menu. Click it and you'll get two
other trailers (Bee Movie & Bucket List) and a link to email the creator. 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Looks great to me. :)
> Full-Screen Flash 8 HD Video => http://tinyurl.com/2g9ndq
> --
> Bill Cammack
> http://CammackMediaGroup.com

[videoblogging] Forwarding a post from another group

2007-11-09 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I have a new Samson C01U USB Studio Condenser Microphone for sale.  It

--software drivers (Mac & PC)
--recording software (Cakewalk Sonar LE)
--table-top swivel mic stand
--10-ft USB cable-instruction manuals, and
--beautiful "chrome-like" carrying case

Great for podcasting, voiceover, music recording, vocals, any acoustic

Basically brand new.  It was purchased in April 2007, assmembled once, but
never used.
Original price - $170.

To make an offer, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


P.S. -- "The C01U features a large, 19mm ultra thin diaphragm capsule with
an onboard high quality Analog-to-Digital converter and USB output.
Compatible with any computer based Digital Audio Workstation."

[videoblogging] Re: Who hosts adult sites?

2007-11-09 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

check this company  let us know how it goes. Should be
good to go, many well known companies are hosted or connected to it,
so it must be legitimate.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "greentvgirl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a dilemma. We have a very large nudist group who wants a
> website rightfully proclaiming nudists are very green-minded. Yet, I
> cannot find anyone who will host their site because it is "Adult"
> oriented. Anyone have any ideas who will host an adult site as there
> are 154,000 active members who wish to share their ways to decrease
> the human footprint and  many have some great ideas besides reducing
> clothing wear, dry cleaning and the obvious.
> Thanks and wishing all a great one!
> Lori

[videoblogging] Vlog this! - One Laptop per Child

2007-11-09 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

"... a reminder from One Laptop per Child about our limited-time "Give
One Get One" program. Starting Monday, November 12 at 6:00am EST, you
will be able to donate one XO laptop to a child in the developing
world and also receive a laptop for the child in your life, by
visiting  or calling toll-free

"Give One Get One" is the only time we are making the revolutionary XO
laptop available to the public. For a donation of just $399 ($200 of
which is tax-deductable), you will be giving the gift of education.
Additionally, T-Mobile is offering donors one year of complimentary
access to T-Mobile HotSpot locations throughout the United States,
which can be used from any Wi-Fi-capable device, including the XO laptop.

"...the program begins on November 12. Until then, thank you for your
interest in OLPC. We hope you'll join us in our mission to bring
education and connection to children in even the most remote regions
of the globe."

[videoblogging] Re: WGA Strike: Why Writers Must Win (Forbes Article)

2007-11-08 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Who Owns The Media

They own everything ... almost ... 

There is a great George Carlin skit  

Proclamation (as opposed to disclaimer): I am a Union member ... ...
and so ... canceling my service. 


[videoblogging] Re: WGA Strike: Why Writers Must Win (Forbes Article)

2007-11-08 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
An idea ...

If you sympathize with the WGA (workers rights - fair wages, in
general. Unions in particular) call your cable/satellite TV provider.
Tell them that you do not want to pay a premium for reruns, old
movies, JUNK, and cancel the service. Be clear! You are canceling 
until the strike ends and new programing (not the stuff pulled from
shelves in desperation) is back on. Period Exclamation Point (Your
vocal punctuation, dear reader if you so choose to be dramatic).

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "nmcdevo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from Forbes.com
> Labor
> Why The Writers Must Win
> Lacey Rose, 11.07.07, 6:00 AM ET
> Hollywood scribes had to strike, and now they have to prevail.
> When 12,000 Hollywood writers traded pencils for picket signs this 
> week, they took a huge 
> risk. Even riskier: not striking. Losing to the studios now could 
> doom their union as 
> television gives way to the Internet.

[videoblogging] OT - One worth looking into - the other just cool

2007-11-08 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I have not used this, my router is an older d-Link but the source of
this tip is Tech Republic.

Turn a $60.00 router into a uber router.

Installation and download here:

Projection anywhere (there is water).

"...anything you can see on a computer screen can now float in the air"

[videoblogging] another pay per view site

2007-11-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

>From their FAQ page:
"You're a talented and creative person. You have knowledge and
experience that others will gladly pay to see. Videos released on the
Internet have had thousands of views and some have had over 50 million
views. Forget about giving away your valuable video content for free
and forget about complicated ad share programs that don't pay you
nearly enough! Sell your video at the price you choose, whether it's
$0.25 or $99.99, its your choice. You make 100% of your price.
YouPerView will give viewers a free snippet-preview of your video. If
they like it, they'll buy it."

[videoblogging] Re: The IT room

2007-11-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Yeah, but what is the capuchin monkey's name? IT simians to me that
Simone (the chick in the sweater), Bruno, (the vertically challenged),
and the Three Heros/Wise Men/Geeks are unfairly getting all the
> This looks like fun:
> http://www.theitroom.com/

[videoblogging] It is official (kinda/sorta): vlog - video blog - vlogging

2007-11-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Synergy: Bono Vlogs For NBC Nightly News From SNL Set

"..."Hello, my name is Bono, and I'm a rock star" — so begins today's
rather unusual video blog from NBC Nightly News"

[videoblogging] Re: DVD duplicators and printers

2007-11-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
This may be of interest to others

Going for a retail ready DVD or CD as an example (no shipping and tax
included in price):
100 units
Full Color DVD
DVD Style
DVD Case Slip
Cellophane Wrap
1-day Rush =  $5.51 each

Order a 1000 and you are around 3.40 each (add shipping and tax and
you get close to 4.00)

Still cheap for a one day turn around ... go with a 5 day turn around
and you are under 3.00 each for a DVD that is sale/promo ready. Loose
the shrink wrap and Cardboard slip case and the cost is under 2.30
each with tax and shipping.

Locally several people have set up duplication service ... nice idea
to support the locals ... may cost more, but you build a relationship
that might save you in the future.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "andrew L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have suggestions for all-in-one dvd duplicator machines or 
> positive/negative reviews?  thanks, andrew
> -- 
> andrew lynn  |  media worker  |  518-573-7947
> -
> troy new york | http://www.breathingplanet.net

[videoblogging] Re: Smart videobloggers- look here!!

2007-11-02 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Congrats on getting Holiday Inn interested/backing your idea/web site.
Would like to know more of how you pitched it, what kind of back and
forth you may have had to do before nailing down a "Go For It" 
and would really like to know other details that would be labeled
"None of your Business" ... curiosity ... but will never ask specifics.

America's Smartest Web Show is a big leap ...name wise ... I think
that you may end up with a mirror site  "America's Dumbest
Entries" but I base that only on what gets passed around as "viral
hits" ...  ie...eye diarrhea ...

I do think that if Holiday INn promotes this even half hardily you may
have a hit on your hands...

Good luck 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Annaliza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Make your video a part of America's smartest web show. We're on a
> quest to find out about all the unsung smart ideas across this
> country. This means anything from great inventions and business ideas
> to the smartest place to shop, eat and just get the best local tour. 
> Visit hiexpress.com/thesmartshow to learn more

[videoblogging] Re: First Outdoor Video Just Posted

2007-10-31 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Blip's Flash link  works great, the link

that is a redirect from the image is a very very very slow load/download.

You are getting there.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Cook"
> Hi everyone:
> On 10/31/07, David Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Pat,
> >
> >  Yeah... unfortunately, one cant even right click and download the
> >
> >  If I were you, rather than think about it, I'd just get a Blip
account and be done with it. As
> >  your site stands right now, no one can watch your stuff.
> Okay everyoneLet's try this again (This time with the video on
> BlipTV).  Once again, here's the URL
> I've even got a text link to the episode page on BlipTV, which
> defaults to the Flash version in case the Quicktime version becomes a
> problem.
> I'll change over the rest of the episodes and the RSS Feed (Thank
> goodness for FeedBurner as I dunno where I'd be without 'em) later on
> today after I've taken my morning shower (Yeah I'm a late riser, what
> can I say? :D).
> In any case - HOPEFULLY I've put this issue to rest now. :D
> Lemme know what "ya'll" think now, ya hear...  :D  *LOL!*
> Cheers :D
> -- 
> Pat Cook
> Denver, Colorado
> AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
> http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page -
> http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/20453
> PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
> http://patshealthmedicalwondersvideocast.blogspot.com/
> YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
> THE PAT COOK SHOW  - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow
> THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page -
> http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page -
> http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/19924

[videoblogging] Re: Brief early view of Apple Leopard for videobloggers

2007-10-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Once bitten Twice shy  I am sitting on a upgrade to Leopard, ain't
gonna install for at least a month. Already reading about people
having some problems and in response Apple issued a patch. Don't read
this as complaining ... but OS updates and OS upgrades have taken
their toll here. 

 news articles.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I hear that.
> The only things I'm interested in about Leopard are the new iChat
> features and the ability to remotely control desktops.
> --
> Bill Cammack
> http://reelsolid.tv
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Watkins"  wrote:
> >
> > Its a nice OS but at this stage doesnt have much of particualr note
> to vloggers, unless you 
> > use iChat in which case some of its new features might be useful.
> Photobooth also records 
> > video now, and front row is part of the OS now, although I havent
> checked to see if any of 
> > its podcasting features are improved.
> > 
> > If you use Adobe Premiere or After Effects you probably need to
> avoid Leopard for a while 
> > as I think Adobe need to issue new updates for them to make them
> compatible.
> > 
> > On a fast mac with a clean install Leopard is very nice, and things
> like Motion 3 seem 
> > faster to me. Quickview and coverflow for video files may also be
> handy for some if you 
> > like that sort of thing.
> > 
> > But be warned that some features like iChat special effects are
> disabled by Apple on older 
> > Macs, including all PowerPCs I believe, which isnt going down too
> > 
> > Also it may eat more RAM.
> > 
> > So probably not too many reasons to rush to upgrade, and it remains
> to be seen whether 
> > Core Animation will lead to a new breed of sexy apps, as there dont
> seem to be any apps 
> > that use this stuff yet.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Steve Elbows
> > 
> > PS. If you have Leopard and an Intel Mac, you might want to check
> out some 
> > iChat/photobooth effects that I butchered together in Quart Composer
> at the weekend, to 
> > try to make up some peoples disappointment that Apple removed some
> of the effects that 
> > were demod ages ago. Others have now joined in and started to offer
> effects too. Here is 
> > the thread, got way more attention than anything else Ive ever said
> or done lol:
> > 
> > http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=376295
> >

[videoblogging] Re: Human readable contracts

2007-10-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Another to add as a bookmark

 "...docstoc is a user generated community
where you can find and share professional documents. Find free legal
documents and free business documents. Upload your documents for all
the world to share."

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The past year, we've been discussing human-readable contracts and
release forms.
> Jon Phillips from Creative Commons has started a side project that
> does exactly this:
> http://www.ownterms.org/
> "OwnTerms is designed as a repository for "boilerplate" legal
> documents: those that every web site, startup, or entrepreneur needs
> but doesn't want to draft in a lawyer for. Too often, these documents
> are simply copied and pasted from another site, with references
> changed where needed — and while the copyright status of legal
> documents is unclear, the cost and trouble of defending a suit for
> copyright infringement wouldn't be worth the effort."
> He's got a wiki that outlines what documents they want to make
> http://ownterms.pbwiki.com/
> And a mailing list if you want to participate:
> http://lists.ownterms.org/listinfo.cgi/discussion-ownterms.org
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> Video: http://ryanishungry.com
> Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/2aodyc
> RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

[videoblogging] Re: First Outdoor Video Just Posted

2007-10-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hi Pat

You might want to provide both URL options (a RSS and a stream).
Nothing against you, I avoid downloading what I cannot (first) see.

 I searched Pod O for your show and this
result returns page with a player for each episode.

I watched two episodes #8 and #7.

Episode confusion or time travel?

You are right about the video quality, very impressive for a 100
bucks. Outweighs the minor audio problems (and inside there were none
except for the echo). One tip ... take a bathroom break before you
start rolling (pun intended).

I am guilty of not knowing much more about you. I had, prior to today,
watched a couple of your shows and met you in a few of the
Flashmeetings ... I assumed (on occasion) that you drank which is not
the kind of respect (damn I wish I could still pound and carry on a
conversation) you deserve.

None of my BUSINESS but I think you would make a great host/instructor
to help others with disabilities master video and blogging. Maybe that
is what you do already and I need to take the time to watch more of
your work.

I have to ask ... people are people ... when you were rolling around
talking to what appeared to be "to yourself" did you get more "looks"
than normally?

Keep your chin up ... Be safe out on the road ... nothing but
admiration from me.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Cook"
> Hi everyone:
> On 10/30/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, I went to the Blogger page and clicked the thumbnail.  Got a
> >  Podomatic login page.  I just tried again.  Still the same.
> >  Rupert
> Did you all RIGHT click to DOWNLOAD it or did you left click to try to
> play it within the browser?
> Remember, it's an MP4 video and MP4s aren't as easily recognized in
> the browser plugin.
> Also, one other thing that is noteworthy, the URL posted is the
> _DOWNLOAD_ URL.  That means THE ONLY thing you can do IS download it.
> There's a SEPERATE URL that's used for streaming videos.  I don't know
> why this is though.
> Is there anyone from Pod-O-Matic on here who can better clarify this
> than I just did?
> The reason I *don't* post both URLs is to avoid ANY chance of
> confusing the RSS Feed, but I suppose I could so on the Blogger page
> if need be (And if people prefer it).
> >  Sorry to see you're having troubles :(
> Hope that clears things up as well. :D
> >  > Cheers :D
> >
> >  --
> >  Pat Cook
> >  Denver, Colorado
> >  AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
> > http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page -
> > http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/20453
> >  PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
> > http://patshealthmedicalwondersvideocast.blogspot.com/
> >  YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
> >  THE PAT COOK SHOW - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow
> >  THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page -
> > http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page -
> > http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/19924
> >
> >  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Pat Cook
> Denver, Colorado
> AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
> http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page -
> http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/20453
> PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
> http://patshealthmedicalwondersvideocast.blogspot.com/
> YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
> THE PAT COOK SHOW  - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow
> THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page -
> http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page -
> http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/19924

[videoblogging] Google-powered phones

2007-10-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

The Google-powered phones are expected to wrap together several Google
applications -- among them, its search engine, Google Maps, YouTube
and Gmail email -- that have already made their way onto some mobile
devices. The most radical element of the plan, though, is Google's
push to make the phones' software "open" right down to the operating
system, the layer that controls applications and interacts with the
hardware. That means independent software developers would get access
to the tools they need to build additional phone features.

[videoblogging] Ga Ga over Google

2007-10-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

"the way Google plans to compete is by using the Web as the
platform instead of trying to lock developers into Google's own
platform. One way it will do that from the start is by creating
two-way APIs so that any app created for Google can be taken to other

[videoblogging] Re: Can anybody tell me....

2007-10-26 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Oh baby baby! The tiny copyright Pirate Boogie!

Okay it is agreed, no one is paying attention to local cable access,
one reason that copyrights are not enforced in that medium.

Where it is enforced, it is a bit like the old West, Bounty Hunters,
surfing for violations ... gotta produce in order to get paid ...

"Twenty eight people, mostly friends and family, had viewed the
YouTube video by June, when mom Stephanie Lenz said she received an
e-mail from YouTube informing her that her video had been removed from
the site at the request of Universal Music Publishing Group, the
recording industry's largest label, and warning her that future
copyright infringements on her part could force the Web site to cancel
her account."

Be joyous and celebrate the confusing double standard ...

MTV asking for trouble ... RECORD CONCERTS? Come on, that is blatent.
 "Send us your photos, videos and reviews --
right from the show."

 "Verizon Wireless, the leading wireless
company with the most reliable wireless voice and data network,
announced today that its customers are the first in the nation that
can record video with their wireless phones and upload the videos
directly to YouTube using an easy to remember number -- YTUBE (98823)"

Is it against the law to encourage people to break the law? I think it
is. Is it against the law to profit from the people that have broken
laws? I think it is. A person that stands on the ground encouraging
someone to commit suicide (break the law), is that person breaking the
law. I think so.

Yup, I think a smart lawyer will prove me right ... but until then

... allow them to set precedent, feed their ravenous greed with video
uploads ... "quickly and easily upload their (your) short mobile
videos to YouTube over Verizon Wireless' high-speed wireless broadband
network by simply sending their message to YTUBE (98823). Videos will
post live in just minutes; standard messaging rates apply." (oh yeah,
here too, you have to pay to play)

encourage others to do the same ...
 This is a link to AOL's video portal FAQ. 
"AT&T is offering more mobile data services such as messaging, music
and video to boost sales growth as prices of phone calls drop."

Rebel Yell

How this current mess came about, is the history/evolution of the
industry. Most copyright/IP theft was businesses stealing from
business (the studios/labels). As technology changed the majors failed
to Adapt, Improvise, Overcome. They wanted MORE MORE MORE 

> Absolutely.  I'm *ALL* for people getting their royalties.  If you
> make a film, you either have to not use music at all, make the music
> yourself, pay someone to score the film for you, have music 'donated'
> to your project or pay whomever created the music you want to use.  

> The question, however, becomes how BROAD is the CAST? :)  What makes a
> video on YouTube that has 6 views a "broadcast"?  Yes... Technically
> it's a BROADcast, because people all over the world COULD view it if
> they wanted to... except they don't.  Why should a 6-view video on
> YouTube be held to a higher standard than a home video that's shown in
> a local recreation center or church basement or at someone's house
> over the holidays?  Because there was the POTENTIAL for hundreds or
> thousands or millions of views?

> > Related to all this, i know we all would like to use our favourite 
> > bands on our videos but if they have copyright, or signed it away, 
> > and we don't have a licence ot use it, we can't. 
> ... Because "we" are BROADcasting?  Regardless of how un-watched our
> videos are or how un-listened-to our podcasts are?  The fact that
> there's the *potential* for millions of computer-owners to view our
> content makes us broadcasters as opposed to home-movie-makers or
> hobbyists?
> I guess this is my main question... How these lines become drawn, and
> by whom.  What makes a video about a cat a "broadcast"?  What makes
> someone sitting in front of a webcam in a double-wide talking about
> heading out to get some smokes from the general store a "show"?  Why
> should someone doing a "character" video on YouTube that uses a
> section of "Peace Sells" be held to the same standards as someone
> doing a documentary, television show or feature film?
> Not to derail my own thread :D ... but this was an issue with VCRs. 
> VCRs allowed people to record shows and watch them whenever they
> wanted, or collect them or take them to a friend's house that doesn't
> have that channel.  They also allowed people to fast-forward through
> commercials that advertisers paid to have seen by the masses. 
> Eventually, they created VCRs that automatically cut out commercials
> entirely.  Why should someone *not* 

[videoblogging] Re: another argument for Net Neutrality laws

2007-10-24 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Slipping a fast one in. This meeting was just announced earlier

FCC Localism Hearing
Oct. 31, 2007, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Room TW-C305 following open commission meeting
FCC, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20554

FCC Localism Hearing to be Held in Washington, DC, on October 31st  
Washington, DC – The Federal Communications Commission today announced
it will 
hold its sixth localism hearing on Wednesday, October 31, 2007. The
hearing will be held in the 
Commission Meeting Room, Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street, S.W.,
Washington, D.C.   
Audio/Video coverage of the meeting will be broadcast live with open
captioning over 
the Internet from the FCC's Audio/Video Events web page at

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will there be a time when corporate-owned internet providers start
> what goes through their networks? Some believe it's happening now,
and they
> seem to have legal right to do it. Comcast, one of the biggest US
> providers, is showing signs of limiting P2P networks.
> *http://tinyurl.com/yv7ddg
> *The problem here is that anti-regulation advocates can't promise
that there
> is competition in bandwidth providers. So it makes it impossible for
us to
> vote with our dollars.
> "In a perfect free market, customers would be free to pack up in leave
> Comcast for greener and more open broadband pastures, but the
> landscape in the US doesn't always provide that kind of choice. More
than a
> few Comcast customers are faced with the choice of Comcast or dial-up,
> leaving them with the Hobson's choice of hoping their data packets
can evade
> Comcast's traffic shaping police or not having broadband service at
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> Video: http://ryanishungry.com
> Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/2aodyc
> RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Patrick Power 196, 007

2007-10-21 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Brook, nice find. Andreas, lucky for you, he reached out and you
replied. Sorry to read that it never went further.

There were a lot of folks doing their own thing. On AOL (and the other
services ... compuserve?) there were a few ways to post to a personal
page, videos that were stored elsewhere. To bad Archive cannot access
(or was unable to archive) those personal sites. I think a lot of
trailblazing stuff was lost. Makes you wonder what will happen in the
future to the data of today. Especially on free sites.

Like you said, archive.org will take you back to 99 through 07. 

Otto is very cool. This is another cloud piece

Most of his site is still on his server. The naming scheme is not
friendly, but with a little poking around it becomes clear.


Not sure how, or if it would be easy without (a bit of work), but this
would make a nice collection for a tribute page (on YouTube or Blip,
Maybe on Marbles), with any revenue going to the family. I'd be
willing to chip in with a couple of uploads. Just a idea

[videoblogging] Re: Vlogger, journalist, blogger... what should i call myself?

2007-10-19 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Title: Producer/Editor/Journalist

Media Outlet: Online/New Media
Health, Robotics(?), Measurement Automation & Instrumentation, LAVA,
NI, Reporter 

One or all I think fit what you do. If you are attending a conference
that matches these (I got it looking at your current focus/interest vids)

You could try asking Revver to add their credibility, but looking at
your work, I'd say it stands on it's own merit.

Anyone that watches this should see imediatly that you are serious
about your work.

Good luck.

> and  is so they can put it on the badge. I have no idea. I
> never thought of this before. Any suggestions?
> My Video
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Ideal video-ad platform for an online show

2007-10-17 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I can imagine ... but 

Total speculation follows

Google today more so than with any other product they bought or
created looks to/could be headed in this direction with the recent
purchase of Jaiku  Combining what they already
have in their bag o tricks with Jaiku, Google will not only know a lot
about you, now they will know where you are (in addition to a lot more
from how you use the Social Network).

Google Maps
Google Search

All of this looks really promising (at the same time scary). 

"Don't Be Evil" ... Gotta have faith ...

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Renat Zarbailov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was wondering if anyone knows a solution, aside from Brightcove 
> and Blip, that will enable the video content provider to host his 
> own videos that can have auto-modular pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-
> roll clickable video ads.
> In other words here is a scenario that would really hit home for a 
> show content provider;
> 1.The end-user visits the site, presses play in the Flash player. 
> The system is intelligent enough to figure out where the end-user is 
> located in the world by his IP address, points all video ads that 
> are local to that end-user. If the end-user logs-in in Brazil, all 
> the video ads are served from Brazilian local video ad providers. 
> Also if the show's original language is English, right away the end-
> user is presented with large message that pauses the show asking in 
> Portuguese "Watch in Portuguese?" Yes/No. Of course when the content 
> provider is publishing the content he will have to provide multiple 
> language audio streams, just like DVD movies approach.
> 2. Somewhere along the show the end-user is presented with a mid-
> roll video ad that the creators of the show approve of. So say if 
> the creators of the show actually tested a product or service only 
> then they allow the video ads to run, in other words complete 
> control over ad serving. As well as ad expiration.
> It's like a flash streaming server software/ad-serving engine that 
> works as a package providing the show creators complete control over 
> hosting/publishing, plus it install like wordpress on a web host 
> server. Allowing to choose the video resolution and bandwith beyond 
> 320 X 240, and 500kbps. Therefore all the ad revenues go to the show 
> creators.
> Any comments/suggestions are truly appreacited
> Thanks
> Renat

[videoblogging] New stuff from a Flash showcase

2007-10-16 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
This was posted to another group. Upcoming stuff in Flash.

The guy (Peter Elst) has a lot to say on his blog, may be worth a
bookmark to some.

[videoblogging] Re: Steve Garfield: How It All Began at

2007-10-16 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Flux Rostrum

Nice Dig the Mohawk and the Short bus. Line of fire & in the
gauntlet footage, gutsy. Have you met (not run into) the Hug Mobile?

Guessing you are more of an any way the wind/news blows/goes there you
are, then by strict itinerary. Oh man ... real freedom ...

I like the name, the concept, the execution. I'd have to say, you are
"The First" First - "The One" One of a kind and today's, yesterday,
"Boston News-Letter" of video blogging.

Got a bunch of questions and much to share, look forward to seeing
your progress.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "~ FluxRostrum"
> Howdy all,
> Actually there was alot of "video blogs" prior to 2004.
> However, the most common term for them was "that'll take too long"
NOT NEARLY as catchy as a "video blog".
> The most common term for those attempting this feat back then was
"whataya nuts"... not nearly as effective a term as "Vlogger" to use
when trying to get an interview.
> Also, I think the distinction of whether you use blogging software
to produce what is essentially a blog is a little nit picky.
> http://www.fluxview.com/v/Fluxview-News-Video-2001.htm
> In 2004, I was already vlogging from a van down by the Revere.
> http://www.fluxview.com/v/MyCurrentGig_FluxRostrum.mov
> check out my current production facility...
> http://mobilebroadcastnews.com/blog/5
> Solidarity,
> ~FluxRostrum
> http://MobileBroadcastNews.com
> ~
> shhh...
> VLOG~FLUX~ http://FluxRostrum.BlogSpot.com
> Nawlins~ http://NOTVcollective.org
> GBC~ http://GlassBeadCollective.org
> Old School~ http://Fluxview.com
> ~~~
> NOTICE:  Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of
the current President.
> ~~~
> 3a. Re: Steve Garfield: How It All Began at
>  Posted by: "David Howell" [EMAIL PROTECTED] taoofdavid65
>  Date: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:23 pm ((PDT))
> The beauty of being honest and forthcoming.
> I was just thinking that you might want to take the first step in
> providing truthful information since they were your words to begin with.
> Hey...it's your conscience. Not mine.
> David
> http://www.davidhowellstudios.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Garfield"  wrote:
> >
> > There's always blog comments where you could link to this post if
> you think things need
> > to be clarified.
> >
> > The beauty of blogging. :-)
> >
> > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "David Howell" 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > That's cool.
> > > > I generally get confused by what people actually say in an
> > > that a large amount of people view and what they meant to say. Those
> > > issues are rarely revisited in an interview done after the fact for
> > > clarification.
> > > > Do you think that the Viral Veoh will post a follow-up
interview to
> > > clarify what you meant to say?
> > > > No worries either way.
> > > > > David
> > > http://www.davidhowellstudios.com
> > > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Garfield"
> > > >
> > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "David Howell" 
> > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Hey Steve, interesting interview. I was unaware that you
> started in
> > > > > public access.
> > > > > > > > > Yeah, I did that for a long time...
> > > > > > > In the interview, why did you say there werent any
> in 2004?
> > > > > > > > Did you mean as of January 1st, 2004 that there werent any
> videoblogs?
> > > > > Did you mean sites that only had video as their content in 2004?
> > > > > > What I meant was that on January 1, 2004 I decided to
figure out how
> > > to put video on a > > blog and did it.  I was unaware of anyone 
> > else having ever tried to
> > > do it.  I'd never seen > > video on a blog. Adrian Miles was 
> > experimenting in 2003 and you'll
> > > see his entry on > > Wikipedia.
> > > > > > > If you look at the Vlogumentary Wiki, there seemed to be
> people
> > > > > making vlogs in 2004. http://vlogumentary.pbwiki.com/2004. You
> also
> > > > > said those of us that already had videoblogs in 2004 only
> tried it and
> > > > > didnt continue on. Were you just referring to members of the
> > > > > Videoblogging list as the only ones that continued on?
> > > > > > I was just talking about January 1, 2004 and earlier. Lots
of people
> > > started videoblogs > > after that date and continue posting
video to blogs.
> > > > > > > You also said in the interview that Final Cut and the
> Pro came
> > > > > out in 2004? Before you started your site? By the way, I
> believe the
> > > > > Canon GL2 came out in 2002.
> > > > > > What I'm referring to was the fact that I personally was
able to get
> > > FCP, a Mac laptop and > > GL/2 prior to 1/1/04, and have the 
> > technology

[videoblogging] Dim Dee DimDim

2007-10-15 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Disclaimer: I did not imagine this first.

I only trimmed the article ... I am not pretending I wrote it.

I get newsletters from various industries (this is from eweek). The
article is about a new service called DimDim a Free web Conferencing
app built on Flash, It is in Beta and has limitations (especially
compared to Operator11, ustream, etc). No two way interaction unless
you count using the telephone, but there is a link to an open source
page on Sourceforge 

It is Windows and Linux friendly (no Mac ...bastards).

Anyway, thought it would interest youz guyz.

"...at Dimdim.com , host and access basic Web
conferences for free. Based on Flash, no extra plug-ins are required.
The entire engine is open source and can be downloaded and run for
free by any business..."

Dimdim.com is a beta and has its fair share of limitations.

"... It is possible to add custom logos to meetings and use
specialized buttons for joining meetings. While attendees use standard
Flash, presenters need to install a special plug-in..."

The bugs:
Inviting people: add their e-mails to a list, but adding people after
 creating a meeting, the people already on the list get another
e-mail(s) inviting them to the meeting.
Changing a meetings time: According to the author "Dimdim wouldn't let
(him) start the meeting, saying it was still scheduled for the later time.

ability to use audio and video.
presentation, one person speaks and everyone else listens,

"...if the intention is to have a back and forth audio meeting, then
Dimdim wouldn't work as well, with much of the attendee discussions
garbled or out-and-out unintelligible. For these types of meetings, a
standard phone conference line used in conjunction with Dimdim would
probably work better"

Must be a way to tweak the source code to allow something like the
FlashMeeting. yeah?

"...In its current beta state, Dimdim also lacks ... the important
ability to record a Web conference meeting"

*** I could be mistaken, but I seem to remember that on my old Mac, a
stream meeting would cache (as long as I set the cache in Firefox to a
size large enough and teh meeting was not real long. I did see someone
mention here a stream recorder ***

"... while a free hosted version will remain, a for-purchase
enterprise version will also become available that includes all of the
support and advanced features needed for enterprise-class

"...The open-source version is currently in alpha but has some
interesting aspects to it, including an integration tool kit and
prebuilt integrations into other products such as SugarCRM..."

For Information on the open-source version of Dimdim.

There may be other/better things that are Open Source, just thought
I'd share what came my way. 

[videoblogging] Re: live video streaming

2007-10-14 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

What it sounds like you are trying to do can be seen here:

I sent an email to you off list. Yahoo mail is still having problems,
check your spam folder.

There are a lot of free alternatives, but with most, as soon as you
start earning income/charging on top of a free service you are in
violation of the TOS.

I have a article somewhere discussing a governments partnering with
either WiMAx or another wireless Co. I'll look for it tonight. In a
nut shell, the service is providing internet access to rural citizens.

Would the service you are trying to put together fall under non profit?

If you can share more info, I will tell you what I know (for what it
is worth). Contact me off list.

[videoblogging] Re: Acoustic echo control

2007-10-08 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
There is a fix, but it is not as much fun as shooting it right the
first time. Okay fun is not the right word, and kidding you about
doing it right is wrong.

Loop it! loop it!, the solution is to loop it!

Basically you are rerecording (ADR  all the
dialogue and adding sound effects (Foley

It is a second chance but not easy. Some people (actors) don't like it
at all.

For the future shoots, grab a good recording of each location's
ambient noise.
Tip/trick explained - Room Tone 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "J. Rhett Aultman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey guys!  You guessed it.  We're back with another production-related 
> question.  We've been learning to use this new condenser boom-mounted 
> mic in our videos and we love the freedom it's offering us, but we're 
> also noticing that it picks up a fairly heavy amount of acoustic echo 
> when our voices bounce off of the walls and floor.  I'm sure people on 
> here have faced this issue before, so would some of you veterans
pass on 
> your wisdom on either removing the acoustic echo or preventing it? 
> been trying a mixture of notch filters and a bass boost on the editing 
> console, but the results haven't satisfied me.  Most of the Google 
> searches I do on this only deal with telephony, so I haven't found good 
> resources yet.
> --
> Rhett.
> http://www.weatherlight.com/greentime
> http://www.weatherlight.com/freetime

[videoblogging] Re: What is online video worth - contract info

2007-10-08 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Good morning Mark

Is it too soon to say Congratulations?

How did your meeting with the TV station turn out? The videos I have
watched of yours are very good, did you get a deal that you are happy
with? If so when will your work start appearing on their site and will
they also broadcast your episodes? 


I could ask a million questions but don't want to be nosey.
I know you cannot talk specifics about a contract but would like to
learn more about your experience if you don't mind sharing.

One question I do have:
> From my research, you can expect $1000-$400 per video for an online
deal related to just one region (country ie not listing your videos on
competitors sites.)

What range did you mean to write?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mark Shea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From my research, you can expect $1000-$400 per video for an online
deal related to just one region (country ie not listing your videos on
competitors sites.)
> Mark Shea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I
think the only company, in my neck of the woods that would have been
in a similar position, would be lonely planet (who recently sold to
BBC worldwide) who I know have struck up similar deals with particular
>  You could have a point about the three months thing. It allows me
to pull out if a competitor makes a better offer.
>  Did anyone see the Kevin Sites 'round the world's trouble spots'
vlog yahoo funded? 
>  Roxanne Darling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 2 cents:
>  - have a lawyer review it before you sign
>  - a year is a very long time in my book; i would start at 3 months at
>  a time (it protects both parties) especially considering the
>  exclusivity of this deal
>  - brand building is nice but it's not food
>  - straight talk can really tease out ulterior motives - you probably
>  get to start because they are used to having traditional media
>  attorneys draft these things.
>  have fun!
>  rox
>  On 10/4/07, Jen Simmons  wrote:
>  > Are they asking you to get E&O (Error and Omission) insurance? What
>  > other costs might you have to deliver your content to them? Be sure
>  > to factor that in — E&O costs a lot of $$$. Or better, insist they
>  > cover the E&O / liabilities (for things like someone suing 'cause
>  > your video about dating features a guy who was cheating on his wife
>  > and his wife left him so now he blames your video...TV lawyers spend
>  > years dreaming up such crazy "liabilities")
>  >
>  > jen
>  >
>  > Jen Simmons
>  > http://milkweedmediadesign.com
>  >
>  >
>  > Yahoo! Groups Links
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  -- 
>  Roxanne Darling
>  "o ke kai" means "of the sea" in hawaiian
>  808-384-5554
>  http://www.twitter.com/roxannedarling
>  http://www.beachwalks.tv
>  http://www.barefeetshop.com
>  http://www.barefeetstudios.com
>  Yahoo! Groups Links
>  -
>  Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not
web links. 
>  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> -
> Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket:
mail, news, photos & more. 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: EVDO at Podcamp Boston?

2007-10-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
 don't know but this might be of help. If not
the best resource today a link to bookmark for the future.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "jonny goldstein"
> Hey folks,
> I'm hoping to do a live video webcast demo at Podcamp Boston. I'm not
> sure I'll be able to get good enough connectivity off what I'm sure
> will be severely overtaxed wifi.
> I'm thinking EVDO might be a good work around. Anyone had any
> experience using EVDO a The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center?
> I don't want to promise a live video demo if I'm not confident I can
> have the connectivity to make it happen, so any ideas welcome.

[videoblogging] Re: Xacti Disassembly Assistance?

2007-10-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hmm, tiny particles? Small, like dust? Or larger, looks like flakes?
Tough to clean. I do not know how the optics work on the Xacti but...

Really small stuff usually is not a problem unless you are shooting
macro or the depth of field is close. Even then it is not always
obvious as long as the lens is not getting hit (direct light is a lens
flare, ambient light backlights the speck). Flagging lights to camera
reduces this, so does a matt box to a degree. I know the Xacti doesn't
come with a lens hood/extender (forget what it is called at the
moment) but you could make one from any number of things (imagination
the limit).

But to answer your question, try a vacuum. This will work maybe.
When you put the hose on the front of the lens start slow, don't want
to pop the lens, just create enough suction that if there is a slight
air leak, it will draw the particle (hopefully) out totally or at
least to the far sides of frame.

Even lenses from rental houses can have tiny particulates
inside/between the glass (lenses/optics). The stuff inside the lens
doesn't always effect the image like dust, a speck or worse a srcatch
on the outside would. And even then, you do not see the speck, it just
ends up kinda making the image not as crisp. You can hold the end of a
paper clip close to your own eye and focus on a object 20' or more
away. Same thing happens with the lens.

Taking a lens apart is usually done on a bench and there is a lot to
even the simplest of lenses in the way they are positioned/calibrated
interdependent. That is not too say it cannot be done, just that Auto
Focus might not work right or at all. Manual focus less problematic
but focal length and focus could get whack or no longer have the
correct range.

Flakes are a different story. Any number of things could be happening,
moisture, defect, damage. depending on where/large it is. Flake(s) may
not present a problem, but will likely get worse in time. See if
others with the Xacti have the same camera and this issue. 

To solve it ... try the vacuum, might be lucky to wedge it to the side
of frame. 

If it is the recorded image (and you see it in the viewfinder) has a
speck on it, and that is what you meant, then likely your chip has the
dust or dirt directly on it or a couple of pixels have gone bad.
Taking the camera apart might work, but wow, that is a bold move,
unless the camera is N/G (no good) because of this speck.

To test this..
If the speck stays in one place as you zoom/focus then it is behind
the optics and in front of the chip.

To sum it up... If it is small dust, it is something you can work
around. Call it character, a built in watermark, your calling card. It
should be almost imperceptible to most people viewing your work.

Hope the vacuum solves it for you. It would suck if you had to replace
your camera. 

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Moon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My Xacti C40 has particles between the lenses. 
> Anyone seen any instructions to take apart an Xacti?
> I haven't posted here lately, but I'm still around.
> Pool is down, leaves are falling and hockey season started.
> :)
> Mike
> http://vlog.mikemoon.net

[videoblogging] Re: Above and beyond...35's incredible production team

2007-10-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I was trying to be brief and complementary.

So I will go into full praise mode. Read on ...

I cannot tell you how many people I have worked for over the years.

I have a real good (and fond) memory(s) of those I have worked WITH. I
caught as many episodes as I could of 35, missing only the last 3 or 4
live. The show, the risk, the execution, the actors, the team, the
triumph over technical difficulties, pushing the limits, the
disturbing plot, the physical and logistical feat (three stories and
exterior), the fun, all seemed to enjoy working with one another, the
investment (time & money), the Q&A's - interactive, the open & willing
honesty sharing details about the show and how/what equipment they
were using, allowing everyone to have a voice, are some of the reasons.

Made a few jokes (in the chat) when things were not going absolutely
smooth, and it was (along with the gentle ribbing of other's) taken in
the way it was meant ... comic relief/Kompassionate Kidding. In other
words, received like friends.

Sent a small donation and received a very nice Thank You in reply. Not
a form letter or one sentence "heartfelt" (NOT!) quickie reply that
leaves you wondering why they bothered. No, got a email that was
professional (in a home-style NY way), and an unexpected surprise.  

Taking the time to sit down, write a post, praising the crew by name
and expanding on it, not just listing names, but including specifics
about their job, links to their sites, promoting them. Heck the riff
raff (PA) she found on Craig's List (kidding Rich McGrath, PA's seldom
get anything but coffee and abuse), is included. This doesn't happen
often enough.

Not every job ends in hugs and kisses. Some jobs end with a BIG thanks
(wrap party)and that IS the end of it. Might get a little swag, I have
a closet full of clothes and jackets and two file boxes full of
trinkets. I might have a hundred thank you letters. Maybe half
personally addressing me (as opposed to "Dear Crew Member") and 1/4 to
a 1/3 that were commending me for my service(s) or a specific
contribution (silly to serious).

My posts tend to have plenty of sarcasm sprinkled in but I did not
intend to imply anything other then ... to take the time to publicly
thank the crew of 35 was above and beyond the norm. A Class Act. And I
really mean that, no joking around.

That said, hope you enjoy my attempt at a humorous ...
Disclaimer: No nightmares, resemblance to people I know living or
dead, uncomfortable feelings I may have had watching 35, influenced my
praise. No members of the production crew are relatives. I do not know
any of the actors. Nor, to the best of my knowledge have I ever been
to the location where 35, the first ever web drama to stream live on
the internet using three panasonic dvx-100's, mixed in real time via a
TriCaster Studio and where all 10 episodes were shot over a 12 night
period, and streamed live from September 17th -30th of this year at 9
pm est. Neither has Jan McLaughlin <http://fauxpress.blogspot.com/>,
Andrew Lipson, Marcus Lehmann 
Brian Gonzalez <http://www.taxiplasm.net/> or Rich McGrath,
compensated me in any way, shape or form to include their names in
this disclaimer in an attempt to add NetCred and higher rankings in
search engines to boost their careers. 

Looking forward to v35.1

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Adam Quirk, Wreck & Salvage"
> This statement is confusing on a couple levels:
> On 10/7/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd <
> >
> > And your posting this ... the definition of "A Cass Act"
> >
> >
> I will 2nd the original points about Jan and Brian.  Good peoples.
> Congratulations on the production, sounds like a lot of work and a
lot of
> fun.
> -- 
> Adam Quirk
> Wreck & Salvage
> 551.208.4644
> Brooklyn, NY
> http://wreckandsalvage.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Above and beyond...35's incredible production team

2007-10-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
And your posting this ... the definition of "A Cass Act"

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "synchronistv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All!
> I am  a very new member to this fantastic group... my name is
Kathryn Jones...   I know 
> some of you already... but for those of you I don't know , I just
finished production on 
> "35",  the first ever web drama to stream live on the internet...
using three panasonic dvx 
> 100's, mixed in real time via a TriCaster studio we shot 10 episodes
over a 12 night 
> period, and streamed live from September 17th -30th of this year at
9 pm est.
> It was the most challenging thing I have ever done, emotionally,
creatively, physically 
> intellectually... and it was incredibly rewarding.
> One of the best parts of my experience was the opportunity to work
with some truly 
> remarkable people, people I highly highly recommend and think this
group should know 
> about.
> First of all, you all know Jan McLaughlin.. WOW... Jan was our
production sound mixer and 
> is a consummate professional.  Our shoot was especially challenging
for any sound mixer 
> as we were treading entirely unknown territory and found out the
hard way that the 
> technology we were using was especially unfriendly to high quality
sound production.  Jan 
> worked tirelessly to discover and fix the sound inconsistencies that
live streaming created 
> (often a new technical issue each night) , and then to provide me
with great tracks for our 
> archives.  I can not recommend this wonderful woman enough... she
would be an asset 
> paved in gold on any video shoot and is a pure joy to have on a set.
> fauxpress.blogspot.com/
> Secondly, Andrew Lipson... Andrew was our technical director
extraordinaire and tri-caster 
> pro.  To say we would not have had a shoot without Andrew is the
understatement of the 
> century. His unending knowledge, his years of experience, his
boundless positive energy, 
> his calm and his problem solving abilities each came into play night
after night after night.  
> I am so grateful to have had Andrew on our shoot and can not
recommend him enough.
> Thirdly, Marcus Lehmann, our dp...not only is he a great dp, Marcus
is a joy to have on a 
> set.  Obviously our budget was miniscule which meant Marcus often
took on the roles of 
> grip, gaffer and dp alike.  and then on load out, who was hand
scrubbing the stairs?  
> Marcus!  What a pure pleasure  to work with.  I am totally indebted
to him.  http://
> www.marcuslehmann.com/
> Fourthly, another group member, Brian Gonzalez as you all know
Brian is a Director/
> cinematographer, but he came on our set because we needed an AD...
hardly a rewarding 
> position for a director/cinematographer, even so,  Brian ran that
set like clockwork.  His 
> input was invaluable and presence on our set irreplaceable. 
> Fifthly (is that a word?) Rich McGrath, a PA whom I found on Craig's
list, Rich became 
> Andrew's right hand man in the tech booth.  A coder and video expert
by trade Rich soon 
> became a critical member of our staff. He is incredibly
knowledgeable, hard working, 
> dedicated, and once again a joy to have on our staff.
> Should any of you be looking for any staff and think Jan, Andrew,
Marcus, Brian or Rich 
> might be just the person you are looking for I hope you won't
hesitate to contact me... and 
> I will be happy to extoll in further detail... and put you in touch!
>  And lastly...thanks so much to all of you for your incredible
support through this process 
> (I heard via Jan and Brian that you guys were  wonderful).. I am so
honored to be a part of 
> this group!
> all my best!
> Kathryn Velvel Jones
> http://www.synchronis.tv

[videoblogging] Re: I'm Baack - With A Problem

2007-10-07 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Man I wish I lived near other members of this group. This post (and
this one too "Problem with flash compression")remind me of this past
summer. Has summer really passed that fast?

After reading Gena's detailed post, I don't have anything to add to
it. I am bookmarking it though. Looks like a solid solution to keep
handy as reference.

It did get me thinking ...

I wasn't able to access the manufacturer's manual section of their
site. I did find specs on a Ritz Camera page.

I am assuming you were using the USB port but...

Interfaces/Ports: 1 x USB , 1 x Audio/Video Output

The (audio/video) outputs? Could you import using a devise like the 
Hollywood DV Bridge?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Gena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a tricky little rascal. I seriously think it is a missing
> codec issue. The thing is .asf is a old standard M$ codec. (Yeah, I
> know, it is actually a wrapper) I've run a number of tests:
> Played it with my Windows Media Player 11 - No problem.
> Windows Movie Maker 2 No problem, played the video and it was fine.
> Ulead Video 9 and imported the file - played with no problems. 
> Imported into SwishVideo without problem.
> Imported into Serif Movie Plus 5 without problem.
> So I got to messing around with a few conversion programs. I installed
>  one called MediaConvert. It is freeware but I don't like software
> that tries or needs to connect to the Internet to function. Anyway
> before I yanked it off my system I did have it do a properties check:
> Downloads\IMAG0003.ASF
> Format   : Windows Media
> File size: 9.19 MiB
> PlayTime : 1mn 28s
> Bit rate : 867 Kbps
> Video #0
> Codec: FFmpeg MPEG-4
> Codec/Info   : Microsoft MPEG-4 (hacked MS MPEG-4)
> Bit rate : 816 Kbps
> Width: 640 pixels
> Height   : 480 pixels
> Aspect ratio : 4/3
> Resolution   : 24 bits
> Audio #0
> Codec: ADPCM
> Codec/Family : ADPCM
> Codec/Info   : Intel ADPCM
> Bit rate : 32 Kbps
> Channel(s)   : 1 channel
> Sampling rate: 8000 Hz
> So the codec that you seem to need is the FFmpeg MPEG-4
> Now I checked my video codecs from the XP Device Manager and I don't
> have that codec. I do have the legacy video codecs from Microsoft and
> the DivX codec
> I downloaded a trial copy of Xilisoft Video Converter. That seems to
> work on the .asf files. I just have short samples of .asf (lost a
> bunch in a crash or two) so it did work but the samples was too short
> to evaluate properly. I tried it on an .avi and it worked fine. So if
> you download to test make sure you record longer than 6 minutes cuz it
> cuts off after 5. Anything shorter and it does a percentage that can't
> be viewed.
> Options:
> 1. Can you take the camcorder back where you got it? It is a pain in
> the tushie to have to go through this just to work with the video file.
> 2. Another option is to download another codec pack - From Codec Guide
> http://www.codecguide.com/ the K-Lite Codec Pack Full should back fill
> the missing codec one way or another. 
> Or you could download DivX Player/Codec and see if that does the
> trick, it is free and might be compatible with the hacked format.
> 3. Test out http://www.xilisoft.com/video-converter.html and see if
> that does the trick for you. If it does and you can't bogard the
> camcorder it might be a good idea to purchase it and save yourself
> some additional angst. 
> 4. I really didn't like the interface to MediaCorder but you might
> feel different. I didn't transcode with it cuz I couldn't figure out
> how to do that in under 10 minutes. http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/
> 5. From the Vitual Dub forum came this tip:
> Windows Media Encoder 9 will produce videos with MS's ISO MPEG-4 v1
> codec (fourcc MP4S). This option is only available if you choose
> constant bitrate (CBR) encoding for the video.
> Here's a brief walkthrough (if you have time to read it). I'll assume
> you have your original video file ready. Start Windows Media Encoder.
> You'll get the wizard. Pick convert a file. Select your file, then for
> "How do you want to distribute your contents" pick 'File Archive'.
> Click next a couple more times. UNCHECK "begin converting when i click
> finish". Then click finish. Now click on properties. Sources pick what
> you want to include/exclude (video and/or audio). Now for the
> compression tab click on edit then click on new (under import/export).
> Type a name. Video should be CBR by default. Just pick ISO MPEG-4. Set
> your framerate at the bottom (depending on what your player supports).
> Then click on add and add a bitrate. You can use K and M to shorten
> (for example 400 K, or 10 M). Then set your audio format, video size,
> frame rate, buffer size, video smoothness, and keyframe

[videoblogging] Re: webcam recommendations for use with Flash Media Server hosting?

2007-10-06 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hi Chuck

> I want to stream a biz partner live using Flash Media Server but the
geographical distance is 
> too great for me to be there with my prosumer camera, so I'd like to
purchase a good 
> webcam for him to use.

Broadband or DSL internet connection?

> Does anyone have any experience/expertise in using Flash Media
Server hosting (like UVault 
> and Influxis) and a web cam?

Might be able to help you but need to know more if you can share. 

Is this WebCam a stream, going live, and you are sharing the time,
sorta like a anchor/newsroom (you are the technical director and on
air personality) and field reporter (you friend) exchanging clever
repartee? Then the show or clip is available to view 24/7 after the
live event?

What will you use to punch the show? Is it a physical switcher (vision
mixer) or software?

> If so, can you make any suggestions.  Importantly, I doubt my biz
partner's PC is that robust 
> and while I really like the "Creative Live! Cam Optia AF" webcam, I
fear his old PC might not 
> be best suited for it - let alone any FMS compatabity issues there
might be with it.

What is the guy using for a computer and do you know any of the specs?
I lack server side knowledge. So take my recommendation with that in
mind. What I think might work from what you have explained so far:

> Chuck

[videoblogging] Re: help needed

2007-10-05 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hi Heath

BatDude, if that link to the leader failed you, it did me too. Not
sure what the deal is, nothing I have, allowed me to work with it.
That is the second file I ran into that stops the conversion from
YouTube. Argghhh. Curses, distracted again by buggy stuff


That one works really well, good quality, and size.

This is the other version

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks everyone!
> Heath
> http://batmangeek.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Dennis Poulette 
>  wrote:
> >
> > "http://www.archive.org/details/BLACKandWHITE_countdown_leader"http:
> //www.ar
> > chive.org/details/BLACKandWHITE_countdown_leader
> > 
> > "http://www.archive.org/details/Countdow1960"http://www.archive.org/
> details/
> > Countdow1960
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >_  
> > 
> > From: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com 
> > On Behalf Of Heath
> > Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:11 AM
> > To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [videoblogging] help needed
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Do you remember those old film leader that would have the 3,2,1 
> > countdown? does anyone have that as an avi or .mov file? Or does 
> > anyone know where I can get one?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Heath
> > HYPERLINK "http://batmangeek.com"http://batmangeek.-com
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.1/1051 - Release Date: 
> 10/5/2007
> > 12:27 PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> > Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.1/1051 - Release Date: 
> 10/5/2007
> > 12:27 PM
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[videoblogging] Re: help needed

2007-10-05 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Try that

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Richardson -
WhatTheCast?" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have it somewhere ... But you should be able to find it at
> in the Prelinger Archives.
> On Fri, 5 Oct 2007 9:14 am, Heath wrote:
> > Do you remember those old film leader that would have the 3,2,1
> > countdown?  does anyone have that as an avi or .mov file?  Or does
> > anyone know where I can get one?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Heath
> > http://batmangeek.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> Brian Richardson
>   - http://siliconchef.com
>   - http://dragoncontv.com
>   - http://whatthecast.com
>   - http://www.3chip.com

[videoblogging] Re: help needed

2007-10-05 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Internet Archive.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you remember those old film leader that would have the 3,2,1 
> countdown?  does anyone have that as an avi or .mov file?  Or does 
> anyone know where I can get one?
> Thanks
> Heath
> http://batmangeek.com

[videoblogging] Re: What is online video worth - contract info

2007-10-04 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Just as I finished writing my reply, I checked todays posts. You got a
lot of great input. So here is the bare bones of what I was originally
going to write.

> I have a hypothetical question 
> local tv station contact you and want exclusive rights to
> your videos, in your country, for one year, to list on there online
> site. This means you can't list your videos on local sites that they
> see as competition (other tv station sites, newspaper sites)
> Lets say they ask you to name your price. 
> If you have produced these videos with your own funds, and know that
> to do them commercially would cost anything from $1500-$3000 per video

local or country? 10,000 people or 1.5 million potential viewers?

They host the videos, you just hand them your prior work completed, no
re-edits, tweaks, nothing ...

A prominent logo/link credits you? Exclusive right to do anything and
everything with your videos?

Bare minimum - One big package deal = 10% (or less) of what you
determine cost plus a profit (15% +/- additional) equals. You get some
say in how, where, who, what, is done with your work.

> Do you charge all of what it would cost to make them commercially? Or
> do you take into consideration the advertising revenue they may make
> from your content over a year, and charge more...or less?

Local - $300-$400 each video/year
Country - $300-$XXX.XX each video/year 

Over X number of views you share in revenue Lot more to this. Do
the math, revenue potential from another site like Blip or YouTube. It
is a numbers game, need to know how many people see your stuff now.
What is the ad structure ... blah blah blah

> Or does one take into account that, due to this tv station being the
> biggest in your country, the publicity in itself, will be beneficial
> to your brand

Is the video online AND a part of their broadcasts? Broadcast will get
you some new views if they are directing to you. If it all stays on
their site, it really does nothing for you.

> Where is online video at? Can we get the money that we charge to do
> commercial work?

TV stations work with a staff. You are handicapped by people that give
their videos away just to be seen. You are in the middle. Average TV
station will bundle the production with the ad time buy. So a ballpark
estimate of cost to produce a 30 second spot is $200.00 - $600.00.
Whether they are in the field or on stage, they might shoot for 30
mins or 8 hours and still cut a 30 sec spot.

To match what a TV station's cost might be:
Local - $1000.00 - $1800.00+ each video/year 4 or 5 min video 
Country - $1000.00 - $.00+ each video/year
In both cases I am talking about video (product) you have already
shot. If you start producing for them, it costs what it costs.

Basically with shows completed, you are doing the same thing Getty
images or a video library does. Selling/pricing determined by end use.

In general, all things relative, Video that is produced for the web by
a video production company is priced the same as video for broadcast.

> I really need to know...and soon...hypothetically :)

Get an agent/rep or contact a local ad agency. You need to have
someone on your side negotiating this. IMO what you want to establish
is a way to license this to other affiliates of the network or to any
other interested party. Oh, and add the cost of representation to the
price you establish.

Do you see what I mean?

Sell your show to 9 other affiliates and you get whole (cost plus
profit). Sell to 80 and you are in business.

[videoblogging] Re: New here

2007-10-03 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
You are a gem. What an Unselfish reason to get involved in video blogging.

You might want to take this idea to the guys that did goog411 or
Viddler or Mogulus or Blip and get some help (dollars & support).

 Speech recognition already in their

 There is a video interview (I wish I had teh link
handy) where the CEO explains that Blip is not just a service but a
active participant in the development of new ideas.

 This is a crazy idea, but I can imagine hiring a
bunch of folks that can do ASL Interpreting and building a network  of
freelancers that do channel's on Mogulus. Heck I can imagine doing it
on Blip etc... Mogulus comes to mind because (like some others) you
can mix other souces in for a real time translation. 

 has a comments feature. Not exactly a way to
share or do ASL the way I think you are thinking. So a Deaf Blogger
posts and uses ASL, types a transcript (exact or rough) and then
others (deaf and hearing) could comment.

Just throwing out my NOT ASKED FOR for 2 cents ... no wonder so few
answer my requests/questions ... :-)

If I had the money I'd love to give it to you. I am not the most
prolific in the group, but would be more then willing to help you make
this happen.

Good luck to you in this and whatever else you put your mind (&
spirit) to.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "alisonbryanuk"
> Hiya
> I've just joined this group, following a link from Marc Canter's 
> blog.  Thanks Marc.  I am so pleased that this group is in existence.
> I live in the UK, and I'm no techie, just an end user who is really 
> interested in how the net can be utilised better.  Specifically on 
> video blogging, this is just the thing that I've been looking for in 
> relation to Deaf people. 
> Blogging is a great tool, but it relies on written English / other 
> written languages, which can make it inaccessible for Deaf people.  
> For some time, I've wanted to see video blogging ... whereby the 
> entries are simply videos, which inevitably are signed by the Deaf 
> person.  This would be a huge advancement in terms of Deaf people 
> collectively having a voice plus empowerment.  Traditionally they've 
> been at the mercy of organisations, which = paternalistic.  I like 
> the idea how blogs can be individual yet collective / interelated, 
> and an great opportunity to record grass root opinion.
> I am aware this would take up an enormous amount of bandwidth, plus 
> server space .. so I question how realistic this dream is.  
> Deaf people are starting to use web chat rooms such as camfrog.com 
> but this is obviously a chat room, and blogs are a different animal. 
> Ideally, I would like to see blogging software such as MT, Blogger 
> etc, create video blogs and its not just uploaded files to a 
> standard blog.  If that makes any sense?
> So that's why I'm here.
> Alison

[videoblogging] twitter spaz

2007-10-03 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

This was included in a newsletter from Adobe, thought some of you
might want a look.

"Best Community Application, HTML

Developed by Ed Finkler

Spaz is a desktop client for Twitter: the "global community of friends
and strangers answering one simple question: What are you doing?" 

Ed Finkler developed Spaz.AIR (aka Spaz) using HTML and JavaScript
along with the Spry and jQuery JavaScript frameworks. "I have 12
years' experience designing for the web, so the idea of using HTML and
JavaScript to develop a desktop application was very appealing to me,"
said Ed.

With Spaz, you get all the functionality of Twitter.com in a desktop
client. Feature highlights include multiple themes, user-defined CSS
overrides, and event sounds using the Tokyo Train Station soundset.
You can also view updates from the community, as well as direct
messages, replies, and the public timeline. Plus, Spaz will
auto-refresh the timeline you are viewing and offers directory
listings of users you're following, and vice versa.

Spaz is available as freeware. Anyone with a Twitter account and Adobe
AIR installed can download and start using it right away."

[videoblogging] new - Hubpages/question - what is used

2007-10-02 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hubpages is another site that has a revenue potential.

What is this site using for the design/layout? 

[videoblogging] Online video players could become new vehicle for malicious code

2007-10-02 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
The summit is streamed here:

Online video players could become new vehicle for malicious code
October 02, 2007 08:13 EDT

ATLANTA (AP) -- While computer users are getting smarter about
spotting suspicious e-mails, hackers are looking for sneakier ways to
spread malicious codes.

.A report by Georgia Tech says that online video players could be
come the next target for hackers.

Experts say hackers have moved from sending spam to embedding unwanted
codes in images or disguising them as documents. And they think the
next logical step is to target media players, like the ones used to
watch YouTube videos.

They're also worried about the security of blogs, wikis and social
networking sites.

[videoblogging] Re: Miro

2007-10-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Wait until after the first of the new year

> And yet I'm still planning on buying an iphone. :)
> -Mike
> mefeedia.com
> mmeiser.com/blog

[videoblogging] Re: Advice about Lavalier mike

2007-10-01 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Hey Kfir

In case you are ordering that lav online or by phone, it is not
wireless. It has a cord/cable. Good mic for under $50.00 (US).

There is good info if you search the messages.

Under $100.00 the choices are few. $100 - $500 and you have a better

The other day I was looking for an answer and ran across this company
Gemini Sound (geminidj.com), they do DJ gear. 

Some of the options
Gemini - 
Nady - 
Shure - 
Azden - 
Sennheiser -

AKG - 
Telex - 

Big tip - You want more than one channel. Deciding between UHF/VHF
will depend on where you will use it most often.
UHF is good if you are in several different cities. You or others
around you will have more wireless mics on at the same time or there
is a lot of radio signals around (stations, dispatching etc)
VHF is cheaper but the down side is every one likes cheap, so you may
have others on your same freq. TV signals and other stuff is on VHF
too so cities and towns (metro areas) are not the best place for VHF.
If you are out in the country or suburbs there might be less interference.

Used is a good option.

If you locate a good source (ebay is always worth a shot) look for a
deal on a wireless system with a Lavalier and a handheld mic. You will
be glad you have it.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Kfir Pravda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Following Kent's advice on the importance of audio, I am looking for an
> affordable leveler microphone. I bought some audio equipment in the
> and got a bit burned with buying things that were not exactly what I
> For a set of a news room, outdoor interview and such, I thought of
> the following microphone: AUDIO TECHNICA ATR-35S Lavalier Microphone
> It is relatively cheap, wireless is not a must, and I read good reviews
> about it. 
> Did anyone here buy this microphone? Do you have any other
> for a lavalier microphone?
> Thanks!
> Kfir Pravda
> Blog: www.pravdam.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: [OT] Technologies of Persuasion online course with Douglas Rushkoff @ Maybe

2007-09-30 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Great tip, cool subject(s)/instructor (Philip Dick & Rushkoff) for a
class, and timely topic "sophisticated influence techniques."

In case you (or anyone else) have not seen these , a couple of vids at
PBS w/:

[videoblogging] Feedback and opinion on this converged advertising solution

2007-09-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
This company just caught my eye . It is a
part of this company  

I was looking for a way to make a bunch of older sites PDA friendly.
 with little
to no fuss. 

Then I saw this
this would be the better way to deliver work by branding it with your
vlog or a company name?

It looks like google but instead your logo or name is ON IT.

Thought it was worth sharing.  Anyone here have input or experience
with them or a similar service?

[videoblogging] sorta like the hollywood bridge

2007-09-28 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Whata week.

This will be available middle of next month.

Designed  . The Pinnacle Video Capture for Mac OS
X 10.4 is a USB device (2.0 or 1.1 port) with onboard MPEG-4
compression and hardware video encoding will run you $99.99. 

Captures video for iTunes, iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV from any analog
source ... camcorder, set-top box (record TV shows), game console
(record gameplay) or VCR. Inputs include S-Video, Composite video and
stereo audio analog.

Got questions ... 

I think when I was using the Mac PPC (OS 10.0 - 10.3.x) when I watched
a video (or a streaming video, once completed,) the video was actually
on my computer in a temporary folder. On that old computer I created a
folder "TemporaryItems alias" on my desktop for quick access. The
folder is storing Youtube but not say Blip.TV, I cannot remember if
there was/were different locations and I had aliases within that folder. 

Part of getting the answer is knowing the right question to ask.
Instead I'll ask it three ways because I am not sure which makes more
Were streams stored here temporally too?
Where are streams of audio/video stored if at all?
When watching a stream is the video and audio still stored temporarily
on Mac Intel machines? 

I may have asked this in a different way once before, someone recently
was inquiring about it too. I know that screen capture is an option.
Don't really want a screen capture of a stream. 

I swear I am not thinking of stealing ... promoting would be the only
reason to muck with anyone's work. I would ask first ... you know,
trust me ... do unto others ...

Thanks for the help.

[videoblogging] And the race to the (rock) bottom (price) begins ... now

2007-09-26 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Pretty cool so long as in the long run, it does not translate into a
smaller percentage getting to the artist.

Sure was a lot of negotiating in the run up. 20,000 independent labels
were signed. How do they do that? Invite them all to a hall? Mind
boggling logistics. Even a team of 200 lawyers would each have a
hundred contracts to juggle. Anyone know Martha Stewart? She is my
kinda of woman. Smart, attractive and comes with a staff.

Damn I need a staff.

Amazon.com Launches Public Beta of Amazon MP3, a Digital Music Store
Offering Customers Earth's Biggest Selection of a la Carte DRM-Free
MP3 Music Downloads

Amazon MP3 Offers Over 2 Million Songs From More Than 180,000 Artists
and Over 20,000 Labels, Including EMI Music and Universal Music Group

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 25, 2007--Amazon.com, Inc.
(NASDAQ:AMZN) today launched a public beta of "Amazon MP3," a new
digital music download store with Earth's biggest selection of a la
carte DRM-free MP3 music downloads. Amazon MP3 has over 2 million
songs from more than 180,000 artists represented by over 20,000 major
and independent labels. Amazon MP3 complements Amazon.com's existing
selection of over 1 million CDs to now offer customers more selection
of physical and digital music than any other retailer.

"Amazon MP3 is an all-MP3, DRM-free catalog of a la carte music from
major labels and independent labels, playable on any device, in
high-quality audio, at low prices," said Bill Carr, Amazon.com Vice
President for Digital Music. "This new digital music service has
already been through an extensive private beta, and today we're
excited to offer it to our customers as a fully functional public
beta. We look forward to receiving feedback from our customers and
using their input to refine the service."

Every song and album on Amazon MP3 is available exclusively in the MP3
format without digital rights management (DRM) software. This means
that Amazon MP3 customers are free to enjoy their music downloads
using any hardware device, including PCs, Macs(TM), iPods(TM),
Zunes(TM), Zens(TM), iPhones(TM), RAZRs(TM), and BlackBerrys(TM);
organize their music using any music management application such as
iTunes(TM) or Windows Media Player(TM); and burn songs to CDs.

Most songs are priced from 89 cents to 99 cents, with more than 1
million of the 2 million songs priced at 89 cents. The top 100
best-selling songs are 89 cents, unless marked otherwise. Most albums
are priced from $5.99 to $9.99. The top 100 best-selling albums are
$8.99 or less, unless marked otherwise.

Every song on Amazon MP3 is encoded at 256 kilobits per second, which
gives customers high audio quality at a manageable file size.

Buying and downloading MP3s from Amazon MP3 is easy. Customers can
purchase downloads using Amazon 1-Click(TM) shopping, and with the
Amazon MP3 Downloader, seamlessly add their MP3s to their iTunes or
Windows Media Player libraries.

Amazon MP3 has over 2 million songs from more than 180,000 artists
spanning every genre of music, including 50 Cent, Alison Krauss, Amy
Winehouse, Ani DiFranco, Arcade Fire, Beastie Boys, Coldplay,
Creedence Clearwater Revival, Ella Fitzgerald, Feist, John Coltrane,
KT Tunstall, Keith Urban, Koko Taylor, Lily Allen, Madeleine Peyroux,
Maroon 5, Marvin Gaye, Miles Davis, Morrissey, Nelly, Nickel Creek,
Nirvana, Norah Jones, Paul McCartney, Philip Glass, Pink Floyd,
Pixies, Radiohead, Ray Charles, Rod Stewart, Spoon, Stevie Wonder, The
Chemical Brothers, The Decemberists, and The Rolling Stones.

"Well done Amazon for making so much music available to so many
people," said KT Tunstall. "It's good to know, in the words of The
King, you're taking care of business!"

Leading independent labels offering their catalog of music for the
first time as DRM-free MP3s include Alligator Records, HighTone
Records, Madacy Entertainment, Sanctuary Records, Rounder Records,
Righteous Babe Records, Sugar Hill Records, and Trojan Records.

[videoblogging] Re: MIT $100 dollar...errrr $200 dollar laptop

2007-09-24 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
Wow how the price creeped up, huh. Yes it will do video. Uses flash
memory, has a crank (no, they yanked the crank, the wankers) , and now...

  Give 1 Get 1 * is even cooler as Christmas approaches.

There is (or was) a video input. I does come with a built in cam. 

Here are the specs:

I really like the idea of graphical interfaces (like Apple, and
 and a few other examples) """SUGAR, a "zoom"
interface that graphically captures their world of fellow learners and
teachers as collaborators, emphasizing the connections within the
community, among people, and their activities."

Screen shots:

That looks so intuitive, universal, clean smart.

This company also has a folding keyboard design 

I like as much as the floppy keyboard you can roll up.


Here comes Scrooge ...

It would have been nice to provide an option for the donor to select
(one to three - first choice second choice third choice) a preferred
destination(s) for the donated Laptop. Only reason, there are too many
kids in this country without a computer. I know, I am selfish like that.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "jonny goldstein"
> Even at twice the price, it sounds pretty cool:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/business/worldbusiness/24laptop.html
> Can it deal w/video? Not sure.

[videoblogging] I have not seen this mentioned here before.

2007-09-23 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
I did a quick look and search to see if this had been discussed.
Nothing as best I could tell.

On a Mac and my patience wearing thin with the little things, I was
searching for an alternative means of doing something to avoid the
wall/loop of software dependent on update/purchase update/software
dependent on update/purchase update. If I have to upload, update,
upset my system one more time, I am going back to writing on the wall
with crayons and limit myself to using only one through five (all
other numbers are irrelevant -no fractions or units of ten) to
de-complex-ify cyphering.

But I drift ...

So here   I find what looks like a
pretty cool tool. Except it is for Windows. MAn as sorry as I feel for
you guys, you sure do have more toys (tools) to load.

It runs $30.00 about the same as QT Pro. I have no way of telling from
personal experience, but the FAQ covers a lot of the features
demanding creators demand. I make no money or friends recommending you
look at this.

It allows audio editing. Looks like it handles most codecs.
Vidmex can read (decode) data from the following input media files:

ASF ,  AVI ,  MKV ,  MOV ,  MP4 ,  MPG ( MPE , MPEG ) ,  OGM ,  RM (
RV, RMVB ) ,  VCD ,  VOB ,  WMV
AAC ,  AC3 ,  AIFF ( AIF ) ,  APE ,  AU ( SND ) ,  CDA ,  FLAC ,  MIDI
( MID ) ,  MKA ,  MPA ( MP2 ) ,  MP3 ,  OGG ,  RA ,  WAV ,  WMA
BMP ,  GIF ,  JPG ,  TGA
M3U ,  PLS

Vidmex can write (encode) data to the following output media files:

AVI ( XviD ,  DivX ,  DV ,  HuffYUV ,  MJPEG ,  Cinepak  etc. )
MP3 ,  WAV ( IMA ADPCM ,  Windows Media Audio V2 ,  Microsoft ADPCM ,
 GSM ,  DSP Group TrueSpeech ,  PCM  etc. )
M3U ,  PLS

Is anyone running different version of IMovie HD along side QT Pro?


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