cut/paste character conversion issues from Word or Notepad to vim

2007-01-28 Thread ben lieb
Alas, most of my clients give me text in Word Format. However even when
I cut-paste from Notepad into gvim certain characters don't convert
over, namely quotes (single, double) and diacritics (áé...). Instead '
for example turns into ¿.

When I pasted in a lot of text, it can be very hard to convert all the
characters back. What can I do to avoid this in the first place (besides
dropping Winbloze, since that's not an option)?

converted in Carolina,

Re: Structure of runtime directory on

2007-01-28 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 28-Jan-07 9:36pm -0600, you wrote:

>   I noticed that for getting the runtime files, Bill McCarthy uses
> whereas Tony uses everything
>   inside except the dos subdirectory.
>   So I surmise that the stuff under runtime/dos/ is essentially the
>   same as everything in runtime/ excluding dos/ -- with the
>   difference having to do with the use of CRLF and CR.  Am I
>   correct?

Yes, the dos/ directory has line endings of CR/LF, the other
has LF.  Also, the dos/ directory as only 14 subdirectories,
but the one above has 16.  The difference is the dos/
directory and the spell/ directory - I don't know why, but
the spell directory is missing for dos/.

Best regards,

Writeup on mkdownload, getunix.aap and getdos.aap

2007-01-28 Thread Suresh Govindachar


  Is there a write-up describing what :mkdownload does and
  describing the sturcture of the following files?

  I suspect that knowing the answer will enable me to write 
  a perl script to update $VIMRUNTIME.



Structure of runtime directory on

2007-01-28 Thread Suresh Govindachar


  I noticed that for getting the runtime files, Bill McCarthy uses whereas Tony uses everything
  inside except the dos subdirectory.

  So I surmise that the stuff under runtime/dos/ is essentially the
  same as everything in runtime/ excluding dos/ -- with the
  difference having to do with the use of CRLF and CR.  Am I


Re: Avoiding a temporary global variable

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Suresh Govindachar wrote:
Recently, Tim Chase wrote in the thread "replace 
with a number sequence":


  > Things get a little trickier if one wants to do the replacement
  > in a single line of multiple instances...
  > 	opInstance(1), opInstance(2), opInstance(3)	
  > One has to write a function that effects a global variable:

  >  let g:start=0
  >  function! Incrementer()
  >  let l:result = g:start
  >  let g:start = g:start + 1
  >  return l:result
  >  endfunction
  > and then do something like
  > 	:%s/regexp/\=Incrementer()/g
  > It would be nice not to have to use global variables for

  > something like that.
  Can't one initialize the unnamed register, @" and use a :g with

  a command along the lines of 'replace with @" and increment @"'

  (I tried some experiments to implement the above idea but could
  not do so.  But my inability to implement it does not meant that
  it can't be done.)


I don't see any advantage (and I see some inconvenients) in using a register 
rather than a variable; but you could do with a script variable (which could 
be used globally but only via the functions defined in the script):

function SetStep(value)
let s:stepvar = a:value

function GetStep(increment)
let s:stepvar += a:increment
return s:stepvar

call SetStep(-1)

...or a local variable to the buffer where you do the substitute (untested):

function GetStep(varname, increment)
exe "let" a:varname "+=" a:increment
exe "return" a:varname

let b:counter = -1
1,$s/OpInstance(\zs\n\+\ze)/\=GetStep("b:counter", 1)/g

Best regards,

additional spaces with C_V

2007-01-28 Thread Meino Christian Cramer

 Suppose I have this text loaded into vim (":set list")


 Now I put my cursor in the first line onto the last charcter, press
 "a  " to insert some space and then start visual mode
 with C-V and move the cursor directly down to the last line, press "I
  " and got a space inserted into the first line. Nothing
 else is changed

 Since the marked bar in visual mode has had no problems to reach the
 last line without stumbling accross the missing spaces, I would
 exspect to get something like this

 09wqeuwueo $
 aaai   $
 asldo0 $
 skaj   $
 . On the other hand, vim would exspect, that her/his user would
 understand, what s/he is doing ;)

 Is there a way to accomplish this? May be be tweaking some options?
 I did a "set virualedit=block" in my .vimrc, but this doesn't help.

 Thank you very much for any "i help " in advance ! :

 Keep editing!

Avoiding a temporary global variable

2007-01-28 Thread Suresh Govindachar

Recently, Tim Chase wrote in the thread "replace 
with a number sequence":


  > Things get a little trickier if one wants to do the replacement
  > in a single line of multiple instances...
  > opInstance(1), opInstance(2), opInstance(3) 
  > One has to write a function that effects a global variable:
  > let g:start=0
  > function! Incrementer()
  > let l:result = g:start
  > let g:start = g:start + 1
  > return l:result
  > endfunction
  > and then do something like
  > :%s/regexp/\=Incrementer()/g
  > It would be nice not to have to use global variables for
  > something like that.
  Can't one initialize the unnamed register, @" and use a :g with
  a command along the lines of 'replace with @" and increment @"'

  (I tried some experiments to implement the above idea but could
  not do so.  But my inability to implement it does not meant that
  it can't be done.)


Re: replace with a number sequence

2007-01-28 Thread Tim Chase
>>> I have these lines,
>>>   UniqueID2   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>>>   Parent  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>>>   Children= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>>> and I would like to replace the number between the parens () to a 
>>> sequential 
>>> number starting from 0. ie,
>> If you highlight the lines in question and issue the following:
>>  :'<,'>s/opIndex(\zs\d\+\ze)/\=line('.')-line("'<")
>> It should renumber them starting at zero for you.
>> I'd be glad to explain what that's doing if you have trouble
>> un-opaquifying it :)
> I've used the line function in the past. And it's something seems to 
> recur frequently.

It, and its mate "getline()" are commonly used in scripts,
usually taking a line reference (such as "." for the current line
or "'x" for a mark or "$" for the last line of the file)

:help line(
:help getline(

> Since I'm always learning new things in vim, I'd appreciate any 
> instructive comment on your solution. 
> The use of zs and ze is also interesting (-:

I'll try to address them both in the same pass.  The \zs and \ze
mark the beginning and end of the pattern in which I'm
interested.  This allows me to add context (the "opIndex(" and
the closing paren) without worrying about extracting those pieces
and putting them back in in the final expression.  Thus, I'm only
dealing with the numbers, but I know that those numbers are the
ones in the opIndex() that I'm interested in.

:help /\zs
:help /\ze

I now have as my "entire" pattern, the digits that I want to
replace.  I replace them with the results of evaluating an
expression: \=

:help sub-replace-special

The math in question replaces the contents that were found (the
digits) with the following result:


The line('.') is the line number of the current match (or the
beginning of the current match, if it had been multi-line).  The
second line("'<") is the line number of a mark.  In this case,
the "<" mark, which is the beginning of the range (as in, your
"'<,'>" that shows up at the beginning of the line when you try
to execute an Ex command within visual mode).

Thus, the result of this on the first line (N) of the replacement
will be N-N=0.  The second line on which we replace this, it will
have be (N+1)-N = 1 and so on until you get to the end of the
range.  If one wanted to count from 1, you could just use


Or you could count by multiples of 2 (0,2,4,6,8...):


or odd multiples of two (1,3,5,7,9...)


and so on.

Things get a little trickier if one wants to do the replacement
in a single line of multiple instances...

opInstance(1), opInstance(2), opInstance(3) 

One has to write a function that effects a global variable:

let g:start=0
function! Incrementer()
let l:result = g:start
let g:start = g:start + 1
return l:result

and then do something like


It would be nice not to have to use global variables for
something like that.

Just a few further riffs on the original idea...Hope this helps
understand and dissect the original so you can use/abuse it in
the future. :)


Re: replace with a number sequence

2007-01-28 Thread Luke Vanderfluit


Tim Chase wrote:

I have these lines,
  UniqueID2   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
  Parent  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
  Children= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
  login   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(1).text;
  txtCust.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(2).text;
  txtProj.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(3).text;
  txtbDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(4).text;
  txtdDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(5).text;
  txteDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(6).text;
  txtPM.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(7).text;
  txtLang.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(8).text;
  txtVendor.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(9).text;
  txtInvoice.text = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(10).text;
  txtPMFund.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(11).text;
  txtProjFund.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(12).text;
  txtA_No.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(13).text;
  txtNotes.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(14).text;
  txtStatus.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(15).text;

and I would like to replace the number between the parens () to a sequential 
number starting from 0. ie,

If you highlight the lines in question and issue the following:


It should renumber them starting at zero for you.

I'd be glad to explain what that's doing if you have trouble
un-opaquifying it :)


I've used the line function in the past. And it's something seems to
recur frequently.
Since I'm always learning new things in vim, I'd appreciate any
instructive comment on your solution. The use of zs and ze is also
interesting (-:

Kind regards.



Luke Vanderfluit
Analyst / Web Programmer
08 8221 6422

Re: Weird problem with helpgrep

2007-01-28 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 28-Jan-07 4:33pm -0600, DervishD wrote:

> Finally, examining the source code, I found the problem. I
> have my vim documentation installed in /usr/doc, which is
> where all documentation is installed on my system. I've
> set "helpfile" so ":help" finds the docs. BUT ":helpgrep"
> doesn't use "helpfile", but only "runtimepath/doc". This
> is a problem for me, because no matter which value I
> assign to "runtimepath", the documentation is not going to
> be found in any "/doc" subdir!

If that's the case, you could add the path to vimruntime.

For example, if your vim70 docs are in /usr/doc/vim70/doc:

set rtp+=/usr/doc/vim70

An alternate idea, which will only search the distributed
help files, is to add a command:

command! -nargs=1 HG let g:myrtp = &rtp
\ | let &rtp = '/usr/doc/vim70'
\ | exe 'helpg '
\ | let &rtp = g:myrtp
\ | unlet g:myrtp

Of course, to search all docs, including add-on help files,

\ | let &rtp = '/usr/doc/vim70'
\ | set rtp+=/usr/doc/vim70

in another command, perhaps called HGA.

Best regards,

Re: Weird problem with helpgrep

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

DervishD wrote:

Hi all :)

I've discovered that ":helpgrep pattern" doesn't work for me, always
returning "E480" (BTW, ":help E480" shows help about "argdelete", as if
E numbers in source code and docs weren't synchronized).

But that's not the weird part. If I search for a very common word
(let's say "most", for example), "helpgrep" returns the E480 error and
it does *lightning fast!*. That's the weird problem it is not doing the
search at all, and the E480 error is probably masking the real problem,
which I couldn't isolate.

Finally, examining the source code, I found the problem. I have my
vim documentation installed in /usr/doc, which is where all
documentation is installed on my system. I've set "helpfile" so ":help"
finds the docs. BUT ":helpgrep" doesn't use "helpfile", but only
"runtimepath/doc". This is a problem for me, because no matter which
value I assign to "runtimepath", the documentation is not going to be
found in any "/doc" subdir!

Given that "/usr/doc" or "/usr/share/doc" are pretty standard when
it comes to install documentation, shouldn't "ex_helpgrep" use the
directory from "helpfile" too, just like ":help" does?

I'm not familiar enough with the source to be able to add support
for "helpfile" path to "ex_helpgrep" without resorting to a dirty hack,
but I can try... "ex_helpgrep" looks like it is tailored to only process
"runtimepath/doc" in the main loop, so any nonintrusive modification is
almost impossible.

Any suggestion instead of modifying the sources *and* moving the
documentation? I would like to use ":helpgrep" O:)

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Here, ":help E480" shows help about ":argdelete", and the help tags ":argd" 
":argdelete" and "E480" are on a single line.

Maybe you are using wrong syntax? To use your own example, the syntax to 
search for "most" as a separate word is

:helpgrep \

Notice that there are no / or " around the pattern, and that "where to search" 
is implicit. On my system, the above command finds 255 hits, the first of 
which is in matchit.txt (not in $VIMRUNTIME/doc but, IIRC, as 
$VIM/vimfiles/doc/matchit.txt which is a softlink to 
../../vim70/macros/matchit.txt ). Or if you are using correct syntax, maybe 
you have a mapping or abbreviation tripping you? (Try it with "vim -N -u NONE" 
after setting 'helpfile' and whatever other options you really can't do without.)

Here are a few ways to access the documentation if it is in a nonstandard 

1) Use ":vimgrep" instead of ":helpgrep". The syntax is different but you 
ought to get access to the same results, albeit not in a help window but in 
the current window (use ":new" before ":vimgrep" to do it in a new window). To 
use the same example again (and an imaginary directory location):

:vimgrep /\/g ~/mydocs/vim/doc/*.txt

As a variation of this, you could use the following:

command -nargs=1 -bar HelpGrep vimgrep //g ~/mydocs/vim/docs/*.txt
cabbrev HG HelpGrep

You could then use :HelpGrep (or :HG) instead of :helpgrep. If you don't need 
the abbreviation, then of course you can skip the cabbrev definition.

2) Don't set 'helpfile' but create softlinks from the standard location to the 
actual location. (This requires the ability to create softlinks, which is 
easily available in Unix/Linux and Cygwin, but is absent, undocumented or 
esoteric on most native-Windows systems, unless "shortcuts" provide the same 

3) Bite the bullet and move the docs to their standard location. This ought 
not to require a recompilation.

Best regards,

Weird problem with helpgrep

2007-01-28 Thread DervishD
Hi all :)

I've discovered that ":helpgrep pattern" doesn't work for me, always
returning "E480" (BTW, ":help E480" shows help about "argdelete", as if
E numbers in source code and docs weren't synchronized).

But that's not the weird part. If I search for a very common word
(let's say "most", for example), "helpgrep" returns the E480 error and
it does *lightning fast!*. That's the weird problem it is not doing the
search at all, and the E480 error is probably masking the real problem,
which I couldn't isolate.

Finally, examining the source code, I found the problem. I have my
vim documentation installed in /usr/doc, which is where all
documentation is installed on my system. I've set "helpfile" so ":help"
finds the docs. BUT ":helpgrep" doesn't use "helpfile", but only
"runtimepath/doc". This is a problem for me, because no matter which
value I assign to "runtimepath", the documentation is not going to be
found in any "/doc" subdir!

Given that "/usr/doc" or "/usr/share/doc" are pretty standard when
it comes to install documentation, shouldn't "ex_helpgrep" use the
directory from "helpfile" too, just like ":help" does?

I'm not familiar enough with the source to be able to add support
for "helpfile" path to "ex_helpgrep" without resorting to a dirty hack,
but I can try... "ex_helpgrep" looks like it is tailored to only process
"runtimepath/doc" in the main loop, so any nonintrusive modification is
almost impossible.

Any suggestion instead of modifying the sources *and* moving the
documentation? I would like to use ":helpgrep" O:)

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: replace with a number sequence

2007-01-28 Thread Tim Chase
> I have these lines,
>   UniqueID2   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>   Parent  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>   Children= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
>   login   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(1).text;
>   txtCust.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(2).text;
>   txtProj.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(3).text;
>   txtbDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(4).text;
>   txtdDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(5).text;
>   txteDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(6).text;
>   txtPM.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(7).text;
>   txtLang.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(8).text;
>   txtVendor.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(9).text;
>   txtInvoice.text = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(10).text;
>   txtPMFund.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(11).text;
>   txtProjFund.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(12).text;
>   txtA_No.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(13).text;
>   txtNotes.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(14).text;
>   txtStatus.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(15).text;
> and I would like to replace the number between the parens () to a sequential 
> number starting from 0. ie,

If you highlight the lines in question and issue the following:


It should renumber them starting at zero for you.

I'd be glad to explain what that's doing if you have trouble
un-opaquifying it :)


replace with a number sequence

2007-01-28 Thread jose isaias cabrera


I have these lines,

 UniqueID2   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
 Parent  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
 Children= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(0).text;
 login   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(1).text;
 txtCust.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(2).text;
 txtProj.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(3).text;
 txtbDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(4).text;
 txtdDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(5).text;
 txteDate.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(6).text;
 txtPM.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(7).text;
 txtLang.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(8).text;
 txtVendor.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(9).text;
 txtInvoice.text = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(10).text;
 txtPMFund.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(11).text;
 txtProjFund.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(12).text;
 txtA_No.text= lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(13).text;
 txtNotes.text   = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(14).text;
 txtStatus.text  = lview.focusedItem.subItems.opIndex(15).text;

and I would like to replace the number between the parens () to a sequential 
number starting from 0. ie,



Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: replacing with a newline

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

jose isaias cabrera wrote:

"A.J.Mechelynck" wrote,

Bill McCarthy wrote:

On Sat 27-Jan-07 11:15pm -0600, you wrote:

Ok, here is a question:  Why not keep it the same, \n?  Any 
reasoning behind


That could be a way to do it, but that choice wasn't made.
Perhaps someone else could explain why \n means end-of-line
in the pattern, but nul in the substitution, while \r means
^M in the pattern, but end-of-line in the substitution?  And
why not a \x representation for nul in the pattern - instead
of needing to do a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Note:  ^M is created with ctrl-v following by  and
^@ is created by ctrl-v followed by 000.]

IIUC, NULs are replaced by LF everywhere in Vim memory, because a NUL 
terminates a C string while a LF is the only ASCII character 
guaranteed not to exist (in Unix 'fileformat') in the middle of a line 
(as opposed to at its end). So if lines are stored as C strings, 
substituting NUL for LF and vice-versa allows representing everything. 
(Mac 'fileformat' may required some fancy footwork; Dos 'fileformat' 
is handled by treating either CR+LF or LF as a linebreak on input, and 
writing all linebreaks as CR+LF on output.)

Why not use the same character in "replace by" as in "search for" is 
harder to explain, though. Maybe part of it is for historical 
"compatibility" reasons, but it doesn't explain why that choice was 
made by whoever made it. It may have something to do with the fact 
that hitting  at the keyboard generates a CR but is stored (in 
memory) as a line break then (on file, if in Unix 'fileformat') as a LF.

One of the things I love about vim is that it makes sense.  And I don't 
have to learn or memorize much when things make sense, I just follow the 
logic. But this question, "how do I replace with a newline", I have 
asked about 5 times now.  Why?  Because I remember most things with vim 
since working with vim makes sense.  But this \n vs. \r makes no sense 
to me and I keep forgetting.

Perhaps, on the next big release, this command would be possible,


and have commas be replaced by newline.

Just a thought...

Thanks for all the replies.


It won't, because adding a "\n" or a ^J in the middle of a line gets 
translated into a NUL -- always. It has for as long as Vim has existed and 
maybe longer, and you know Bram's standing on upward compatibility (IMHO, 
rightly so). It's just one of those "Vim quirks" -- one of the few exceptions 
to the systematic rules -- that to count linebreaks by replacing them with 
themselves you have to use


It is documented, BTW: under
:help /\n
:help s
including the few lines below the latter
...and maybe also elsewhere.

Best regards,

Re: Updating $VIMRUNTIME on Windows

2007-01-28 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Sun 28-Jan-07 1:20pm -0600, you wrote:

>  Bill McCarthy recently wrote to vim-dev and others:
>> Runtime files are kept fairly well updated at the Vim FTP
>> site.  You can update those files from there.  Scripts have
>> been provided for 'nix and Windows to update local files.
> Only script I found on to help with updating runtime
> files involves use of AAP.  If there are other scripts, please
> provide an exact link to them.   

They are in posts to this mailing list.

>> For Windows, using 4nt, this one-liner will do the update:
>>   copy /[!*~]/u/s vrt:
>> where vrt: is a directory alias for my $VIMRUNTIME.

> I am surprised that NT supports /[!*~] as an option to a command!
> Anyone know of a version of this command for XP?

I'm using XP.  As I mentioned, that copy command is for 4nt
- a commercial shell replacement for cmd.  The switches I'm
using are:

/[!*~]   Skips all filenames ending with "~"
/u   Only download new or newer files
/s   Include subdirectories

I don't believe cmd supports ftp or http as source or target
of its copy command.  I'm not familiar with its switches.

> I can use perl's lwp-rget to down-load the runtime files to a
> separate directory.  I can then over-write the entire $VIMRUNTIME
> with the downloaded stuff, but do not know how to merely update

If you work from the command line, 4nt is an excellent tool
- you'll never have to put up with the limitations of cmd
again.  You can read about it at:

BTW, it doesn't run on NT - only on 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.

Best regards,

Re: Updating $VIMRUNTIME on Windows

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Suresh Govindachar wrote:
Bill McCarthy recently wrote to vim-dev and others:  

  > Runtime files are kept fairly well updated at the Vim FTP

  > site.  You can update those files from there.  Scripts have
  > been provided for 'nix and Windows to update local files.
  Only script I found on to help with updating runtime

  files involves use of AAP.  If there are other scripts, please
  provide an exact link to them.   

  > For Windows, using 4nt, this one-liner will do the update:
  >   copy /[!*~]/u/s vrt:
  > where vrt: is a directory alias for my $VIMRUNTIME.

  I am surprised that NT supports /[!*~] as an option to a command!

  Anyone know of a version of this command for XP?

  I can use perl's lwp-rget to down-load the runtime files to a
  separate directory.  I can then over-write the entire $VIMRUNTIME
  with the downloaded stuff, but do not know how to merely update

I don't know a purely native-Windows way of doing it (though I suspect Bill 
might). If you have a functioning rsync program (maybe a Cygwin version) you 
could try the "Unix" method to keep the runtime directory up-to-date. The 
following maintains the runtime/ subdirectory tree which has the same parent 
as the src/ directory used to compile Vim; you can then update $VIMRUNTIME 
from it locally (not wasting bandwidth). Don't use this as written (changing 
the last argument) to update $VIMRUNTIME directly because this would remove 
all executables in it or under it, since it removes everything in the local 
tree that is not found in the remote one (a great feature, so obsolete files 
won't give you any trouble). I suppose that even if you don't compile Vim 
yourself, you could use this to keep a phony "runtime" directory up-to-date 
(and that if you create an empty "runtime" directory under the current 
directory, the first run of this command will populate it):

 rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" ./runtime/

The above also assumes that you use "unix-format" versions of the runtime 
files (i.e. with LF only rather than CR+LF as end-of-line marker); this is 
marginally more economical (one byte per line), and it is OK for Vim as long 
as your 'fileformats' option includes "unix" (which is the default). Notepad 
(but not Vim and not WordPad) chokes on the LF-only ends-of-lines but I 
suppose you can live with that.

Best regards,

Updating $VIMRUNTIME on Windows

2007-01-28 Thread Suresh Govindachar
Bill McCarthy recently wrote to vim-dev and others:  

  > Runtime files are kept fairly well updated at the Vim FTP
  > site.  You can update those files from there.  Scripts have
  > been provided for 'nix and Windows to update local files.
  Only script I found on to help with updating runtime
  files involves use of AAP.  If there are other scripts, please
  provide an exact link to them.   

  > For Windows, using 4nt, this one-liner will do the update:
  >   copy /[!*~]/u/s vrt:
  > where vrt: is a directory alias for my $VIMRUNTIME.

  I am surprised that NT supports /[!*~] as an option to a command!

  Anyone know of a version of this command for XP?

  I can use perl's lwp-rget to down-load the runtime files to a
  separate directory.  I can then over-write the entire $VIMRUNTIME
  with the downloaded stuff, but do not know how to merely update

background process in gvim

2007-01-28 Thread Manu Hack

In my gvim under linux, I can't run a background process but I can do
so in vim.  I remember I can do it in gvim under windows.  What would
be the possible cause of that?  Thanks.

Re: How to filter only portion of a line, and not the whole line?

2007-01-28 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-01-28, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have decided to write some perl filters for vim, but was disappointed
> that it seems I can only filter WHOLE LINES (and not selected parts of
> lines). Is this true?
> I found that...
> :'<,'>!
> given the whole line, even when only two words in the middle of
> the line are selected. Is there any way to send only parts of lines and
> not the whole line(s).

There is a plugin that lets you do this, vis.vim.  You can find it 


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: How to filter only portion of a line, and not the whole line?

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

ben lieb wrote:

Greetings Vim Users! This is my first post, so Hello all from North

I have decided to write some perl filters for vim, but was disappointed
that it seems I can only filter WHOLE LINES (and not selected parts of
lines). Is this true?

I found that...
:'<,'>! given the whole line, even when only two words in the middle of
the line are selected. Is there any way to send only parts of lines and
not the whole line(s).

Thanks in advance for any and all help, and since this is my first post,
I want to say a big THANK YOU to all those in the vim dev community for
maintaining such a powerful tool!

Filters are line-oriented.

If you want to give only part of a line (or a blockwise visual selection, 
which is part of several lines) to a filter, one possible workaround is to 
extract whatever you want to filter to a temporary buffer and filter that.

Best regards,

Re: replacing with a newline

2007-01-28 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Bill McCarthy wrote:

On Sat 27-Jan-07 11:15pm -0600, you wrote:

Ok, here is a question:  Why not keep it the same, \n?  Any reasoning behind

That could be a way to do it, but that choice wasn't made.
Perhaps someone else could explain why \n means end-of-line
in the pattern, but nul in the substitution, while \r means
^M in the pattern, but end-of-line in the substitution?  And
why not a \x representation for nul in the pattern - instead
of needing to do a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Note:  ^M is created with ctrl-v following by  and
^@ is created by ctrl-v followed by 000.]

IIUC, NULs are replaced by LF everywhere in Vim memory, because a NUL 
terminates a C string while a LF is the only ASCII character guaranteed not to 
exist (in Unix 'fileformat') in the middle of a line (as opposed to at its 
end). So if lines are stored as C strings, substituting NUL for LF and 
vice-versa allows representing everything. (Mac 'fileformat' may required some 
fancy footwork; Dos 'fileformat' is handled by treating either CR+LF or LF as 
a linebreak on input, and writing all linebreaks as CR+LF on output.)

Why not use the same character in "replace by" as in "search for" is harder to 
explain, though. Maybe part of it is for historical "compatibility" reasons, 
but it doesn't explain why that choice was made by whoever made it. It may 
have something to do with the fact that hitting  at the keyboard 
generates a CR but is stored (in memory) as a line break then (on file, if in 
Unix 'fileformat') as a LF.

Best regards,