Forcing ./configure to use all the specified features or fail.

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Shlomi Fish
Hi all!

I have the following ./configure invocation for building vim:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/apps/vim --with-features=huge \
--enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp \
--enable-tclinterp --enable-luainterp

However, when the python run-time (or whatever) is missing from the system, 
then ./configure is still successful, but Vim is built without these features. 
Insteead, I want ./configure to yell and crash and burn that Python is absent. 

I could not find any way to do it in ./configure --help. Is there any way to 
do it? If not, that would be a useful feature.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Original Riddles -

No one knows all of Perl. Not even Larry Wall. Except Chuck Norris, who knows
all of Perl 5, Perl 6, and can answer questions about the design of Perl 7.

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Re: Forcing ./configure to use all the specified features or fail.

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 22/04/11 08:29, Shlomi Fish wrote:

Hi all!

I have the following ./configure invocation for building vim:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/apps/vim --with-features=huge \
 --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp \
 --enable-tclinterp --enable-luainterp

However, when the python run-time (or whatever) is missing from the system,
then ./configure is still successful, but Vim is built without these features.
Insteead, I want ./configure to yell and crash and burn that Python is absent.

I could not find any way to do it in ./configure --help. Is there any way to
do it? If not, that would be a useful feature.


Shlomi Fish

I don't think there is -- apart from running the compile till the end of 
the link, then grep the output of ./vim --version (i.e., the new 
executable, still in src/)for each of /+perl\/ /+python\/ /+ruby\/ 
/+tcl\/ /+lua\/ /^Huge version\/ and only proceed to make install 
if all those patterns match.

Best regards,
Speak softly and carry a +6 two-handed sword.

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win32: mkdir() doesn't work when using utf-8 encoding.

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Yukihiro Nakadaira

When 'encoding' is changed from default codepage, mkdir() doesn't work
for multi-byte name.

  :set encoding=utf-8
  :call mkdir(\u00a1)
  :echo isdirectory(\u00a1)
  (directory with broken name was created)

Please check the following patch.  Changed to use _wmkdir().

diff -r 987cd9455925 src/os_win32.c
--- a/src/os_win32.cMon Apr 11 21:35:11 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/os_win32.cFri Apr 22 22:41:33 2011 +0900
@@ -2639,6 +2639,26 @@

+mch_mkdir(char_u *name)
+#ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+if (enc_codepage = 0  (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
+   WCHAR   *p;
+   int retval;
+   p = enc_to_utf16(name, NULL);
+   if (p == NULL)
+   return -1;
+   retval = _wmkdir(p);
+   vim_free(p);
+   return retval;
+return _mkdir(name);
  * Return TRUE if file fname has more than one link.
diff -r 987cd9455925 src/os_win32.h
--- a/src/os_win32.hMon Apr 11 21:35:11 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/os_win32.hFri Apr 22 22:41:33 2011 +0900
@@ -188,8 +188,4 @@

 #define mch_setenv(name, val, x) setenv(name, val, x)
 #define mch_getenv(x) (char_u *)getenv((char *)(x))
-#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-# define vim_mkdir(x, y) mkdir(x)
-# define vim_mkdir(x, y) _mkdir(x)
+#define vim_mkdir(x, y) mch_mkdir(x)
diff -r 987cd9455925 src/proto/
--- a/src/proto/os_win32.proMon Apr 11 21:35:11 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/proto/os_win32.proFri Apr 22 22:41:33 2011 +0900
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 int mch_setperm __ARGS((char_u *name, long perm));
 void mch_hide __ARGS((char_u *name));
 int mch_isdir __ARGS((char_u *name));
+int mch_mkdir __ARGS((char_u *name));
 int mch_is_linked __ARGS((char_u *fname));
 int mch_writable __ARGS((char_u *name));
 int mch_can_exe __ARGS((char_u *name));

Yukihiro Nakadaira -

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new syntaxfile: gnash.vim

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Thilo Six
Hello Bram,
hello list,

attached is a new syntax file for gnash(1) configuration files.
and a fix for a previous typo of mine.
bye Thilo

721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6  7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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 Vim syntax file
 Language: gnash(1) configuration files
 Maintainer:   Thilo Six
 Last Change:  2011 Apr 22
 Credidts: derived from readline.vim
   Nikolai Weibull

 For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
 For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version  600
syntax clear
elseif exists (b:current_syntax)

let s:cpo_save = cpo
set cpovim

syn case match

syn keyword GnashTodo   contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE

syn region  GnashCommentdisplay oneline start='^\s*#' end='$'
\ contains=GnashTodo,@Spell

syn match   GnashNumber display '\\d\+\'

syn case ignore
syn keyword GnashOn ON YES TRUE
syn keyword GnashOffOFF NO FALSE
syn case match

syn match GnashSet  '^\s*set\'
syn match GnashSet  '^\s*append\'

syn match GnashKeyword  '\CertDir\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\ASCodingErrorsVerbosity\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\CertFile\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\EnableExtensions\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\HWAccel\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\LCShmKey\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\LocalConnection\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\MalformedSWFVerbosity\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\Renderer\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\RootCert\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\SOLReadOnly\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\SOLSafeDir\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\SOLreadonly\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\SOLsafedir\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\StartStopped\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\StreamsTimeout\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\URLOpenerFormat\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\XVideo\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\actionDump\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\blacklist\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\debugger\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\debuglog\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\delay\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\enableExtensions\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\flashSystemManufacturer\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\flashSystemOS\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\flashVersionString\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\ignoreFSCommand\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\ignoreShowMenu\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\insecureSSL\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\localSandboxPath\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\localdomain\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\localhost\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\microphoneDevice\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\parserDump\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\pluginsound\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\quality\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\solLocalDomain\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\sound\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\splashScreen\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\startStopped\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\streamsTimeout\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\urlOpenerFormat\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\verbosity\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\webcamDevice\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\whitelist\'
syn match GnashKeyword  '\writelog\'

hi def GnashOn  ctermfg=Green guifg=Green
hi def GnashOff ctermfg=Red   guifg=Red
hi def link GnashCommentComment
hi def link GnashTodo   Todo
hi def link GnashString String
hi def link GnashNumber Normal
hi def link GnashSetString
hi def link GnashKeywordKeyword

let b:current_syntax = gnash

let cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
--- filetype.vim.orig	2011-04-18 21:20:44.0 +0200
+++ filetype.vim	2011-04-22 18:14:57.0 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  Vim support file to detect file types
  Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar
- Last Change:	2011 Apr 18
+ Last Change:	2011 Apr 22
  Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
 if exists(did_load_filetypes)
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
  Deny hosts
 au BufNewFile,BufRead denyhosts.conf		setf denyhosts
- dnsmasq(8) configuration
+ dnsmasq(8) configuration files
 au BufNewFile,BufRead dnsmasq.conf		setf dnsmasq
 au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/dnsmasq.d/*		call s:StarSetf('dnsmasq')
@@ -755,6 +755,9 @@
 au BufNewFile,BufRead */.gnupg/gpg.conf		setf gpg
 au BufNewFile,BufRead /usr/**/gnupg/options.skel setf gpg
+ gnash(1) configuration files
+au BufNewFile,BufRead gnashrc,.gnashrc,gnashpluginrc,.gnashpluginrc setf gnash
  Gnuplot scripts
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gpi			setf gnuplot

C comment indentation bug in to-do list

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Graeme McCutcheon

The to-do list includes the following bug:
 When entering a C /* comment, after typing Enter for 70 times the 

 disappears. (Vincent Beffara, 2008 Jul 3)

However, from the help for C indenting, the documentation for cinoptions 
syntax includes:

*NVim searches for unclosed comments at most N lines away.  This
  limits the time needed to search for the start of a comment.
  (default 70 lines).
and something like set cinoptions=*100 does indeed change the behavior.

Looks like a feature, not a bug!

In fairness to the reporter, the documentation about the default was 
incorrect until changeset b9e314fe473f.


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Re: php.vim fixed, need help getting it applied

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
 Nobody but Bram has commit access.

Interesting. So what's the protocol here? Can I try to get the patch
to him? Or does this patch have to sit in the ether for years until
someone is willing to be the maintainer of php.vim?

I'm hoping there's some kind of fallback mechanism for when a syntax
file doesn't have a maintainer.

  It's been almost 5 months since I submitted the patch.

 The question is, would you take maintainership of the syntax file?

I don't follow the mailing list, which I assume is a prerequisite.

I'm happy to test patches for the php syntax hilighter if someone lets
me know about them though. Does that help?

Take care,- Jason

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2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
Dear [web] admins,

There is no A record for the domain name That is,
this link shouldn't work:

Some browsers have a hack, where upon getting a failed DNS
response, will try adding www. to the beginning, but some won't.
And some of us use a DNS resolver (like opendns) that brings us to
a search page for things with no A record.

It is extremely rare for a site not to work without (the admitedly
redundant) www. prefix.

Now I'll admit, that people who type domain names tend to be more
technical, and that people will mostly be able to find your site
anyway, but it is irritating, needlessly wastes people's time, and
makes you look bad. More than once, I've typed in the
address bar, gotten an error page, then went to google to find your

Please make work, either my redirecting to or as an alternate address.

Thank you,- Jason

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Re: php.vim fixed, need help getting it applied

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 23/04/11 00:27, JasonWoof wrote:

Nobody but Bram has commit access.

Interesting. So what's the protocol here? Can I try to get the patch
to him? Or does this patch have to sit in the ether for years until
someone is willing to be the maintainer of php.vim?

I'm hoping there's some kind of fallback mechanism for when a syntax
file doesn't have a maintainer.

It's been almost 5 months since I submitted the patch.

The question is, would you take maintainership of the syntax file?

I don't follow the mailing list, which I assume is a prerequisite.

I'm happy to test patches for the php syntax hilighter if someone lets
me know about them though. Does that help?

Take care,- Jason

If the maintainer of syntax/php.vim has gone AWOL, you should send your 
changes to Bram. He may review them himself and/or ask someone else to 
review them and/or propose that you become the new maintainer, which 
would also imply that you subscribe to the vim_dev list and possibly to 
the vim_use list, and answer questions asked there about PHP syntax 
highlighting. As the Scouts say: Be prepared.

If you are proposing changes but are not ready to maintain them, then 
they may (depending on how Bram feels about it) have to wait until 
either the previous maintainer returns, or someone else is willing to 
step up as new maintainer.

See also :help license

Best regards,
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Marc Weber
There have been lot's of discussion about this on the mailinglist.
That this topic is being written about again and again is a reason to
change it. IMHO.

Marc Weber

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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Jason wrote:

There is no A record for the domain name That is,
this link shouldn't work:

That's correct, actually. Not only doesn't it work, but it shouldn't
work. It is a shame people have abused DNS and expect it to work.

Marc wrote:

There have been lot's of discussion about this on the mailinglist.
That this topic is being written about again and again is a reason to
change it. IMHO.

To some extent, I agree. It'd be nice to 'fix' this, just to silence the
noise on the mailing list.

But how?

We can't CNAME it; it would be against spec, and would break things. We
can't add an A record, because sourceforge might change it under us
and/or we don't know what magic they might be doing with load balancing,
etc. that we would irresponsibly bypass if we did that.

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a server
listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably 301 in our
case) redirect (to in our case) whenever it gets
one. No smart URL rewriting or anything. We might already have it (it
commonly is included with domain names in my experience) and just need
to set it up. If not, in my experience, it's very cheap, something like
a year's worth of hosting for the price of a glass of fruit juice.
Because it's actually a webserver, not done in DNS, it bypasses the
DNS-related difficulties, and because it's such a simple task and it
should be low-traffic anyway, loading isn't an issue.


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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Benjamin R. Haskell

On Sat, 23 Apr 2011, Ben Schmidt wrote:

Marc wrote:
There have been lot's of discussion about this on the mailinglist.  That 
this topic is being written about again and again is a reason to change it. 

To some extent, I agree. It'd be nice to 'fix' this, just to silence the 
noise on the mailing list.


Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that 
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a server 
listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably 301 in our 
case) redirect (to in our case) whenever it gets 

I've taken the liberty of doing just this for on my own webhost. (I 
have ten domain names included in my plan, and I'm only using eight).  If an 
'A' record for were created with the value 
( =, this would work instantly.  I did what I 
outlined in my post[1] from the last time this came up, but even more simply:

www5$ cat
Redirect permanent /

Ben H


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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a
server listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably
301 in our case) redirect (to in our case)
whenever it gets one.

I've taken the liberty of doing just this for on my own
webhost. (I have ten domain names included in my plan, and I'm only
using eight). If an 'A' record for were created with the value ( =, this would work
instantly. I did what I outlined in my post[1] from the last time this
came up, but even more simply:

www5$ cat
Redirect permanent /

Verified; this is working.


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Re: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Ben Schmidt

On 23/04/11 2:33 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a
server listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably
301 in our case) redirect (to in our case)
whenever it gets one.

I've taken the liberty of doing just this for on my own
webhost. (I have ten domain names included in my plan, and I'm only
using eight). If an 'A' record for were created with the value ( =, this would work
instantly. I did what I outlined in my post[1] from the last time this
came up, but even more simply:

www5$ cat
Redirect permanent /

Verified; this is working.

Just to clarify, I don't mean that it's working for end users; I just
mean it looks to me like the server is responding correctly, so if our
DNS admin agrees to make the change outlined above, things should go


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RE: is down

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie John Beckett
Ben Schmidt wrote:
 Just to clarify, I don't mean that it's working for end
 users; I just mean it looks to me like the server is
 responding correctly, so if our DNS admin agrees to make the
 change outlined above, things should go smoothly.

Here is a rehash from the August 2010 thread:

I pointed out that it is a simple DNS issue, and gave some
examples of Sourceforge sites that have chosen to add an
A record for the domain ( for us) in their DNS.

Also, anyone can browse ok if they put the
following in their hosts file:

Searching the above thread for This is by design shows the
response from the DNS manager. Unless we double their
pay, I don't think we should expect a change of mind.

My purpose for posting is to say that no web redirect service is
needed, and I still think that it is not advisable to disturb a
very reliable DNS service.


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