Re: E1208 after compiling vim from git

2022-01-23 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 23/01/2022 08:43, Thomas Köhler wrote:
> [...]
> So I type ENTER and ":help E1208" and get this:
> E149: Sorry, no help for E1208
> [...]

I had recently experienced the same, with the error in one of my
plugins, after upgrading to the latest Vim.

> Apart from that, I fail to see what's wrong with line 289 of my
> .vimrc:
> /tmp/vim> cat -n ~/.vimrc | grep 289
>289  :com! -nargs=0 -complete=command  Tmake call Tmake(expand("%"))
> [...]

The -nargs=0 states that no arguments will be taken. -complete
configures a completion for arguments. It doesn't do any harm (and
therefore wasn't flagged as a problem in the past), but is somewhat

According to the code (function ex_command() in src/usercmd.c), this is
supposed to be a warning in legacy Vimscript:

// Some plugins rely on silently ignoring the mistake, only make this
// an error in Vim9 script.
if (in_vim9script())
   (char_u *)_(e_complete_used_without_allowing_arguments),

However, I also experienced this as an error during Vim startup (and
fixed it by removing that superfluous -complete=...)

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Patch 8.2.2439

2021-01-31 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 31/01/2021 18:11, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> James McCoy wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 04:46:51PM +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>>> [...] + Add GUI support (ignore compiler warnings): +   % sudo
>>> apt install libgtk2.0-dev
>> This should really be libgtk-3-dev.  GTK+2 has been unsupported
>> for years and GTK+3 is already going to maintenance mode as work
>> transitions to GTK+4.
> Well, the GTK 2 version works well, while GTK 3 still has a few
> drawbacks, I believe it's slower.

One drawback of GTK3 is that Vim doesn't support a vertical button
layout for dialogs (:set guioptions+=v); I recently discovered and
reported that ( That's why I
switched back to GTK2. Regarding the slowness, I noticed visibly
slower screen redraw in GTK2 (e.g. after GVIM becomes the active
foreground application again), but only on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine,
not on 16.04.

> Also, that one package does not appear to be sufficient.  If I
> remove the libgtk2.0-dev package and install libgtk-3-dev:
> configure:9420: checking for pkg-config configure:9438: found
> /usr/bin/pkg-config configure:9450: result: /usr/bin/pkg-config
> configure:9477: checking --disable-gtktest argument configure:9487:
> result: gtk test enabled configure:9533: checking for GTK -dev
> package configure:9611: result: no

Instead of explicitly installing the compiler and various dev
packages, I have been using
$ apt-get build-dep vim-gtk3
- From the apt-get man page: "build-dep causes apt-get to install/remove
packages in an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source

So if you want a Vim with similar build options as the distribution's
version, this seems to be a really convenient and future-proof
alternative command. (You still need "apt install git", as Ubuntu
doesn't know how you obtain the source code.)

(This is for Ubuntu 20.04, which ships the GTK3 variant by default. On
Ubuntu 16.04, it used to be build-dep vim-gnome, for the GTK2 variant.)

Interestingly, build-dep installs gcc as the compiler - I don't even
have clang installed; always compiled Vim with gcc.

> Hmm, pkg-config does list "gtk+-3.0", not sure what is wrong... It
> seems configure doesn't check for GTK 3 for some reason. Debugging
> shell scripts...

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch 8.2.2426

2021-01-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 30/01/2021 12:47, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Ingo Karkat wrote:
>>>> On 29/01/2021 21:07, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>>>>> Patch 8.2.2426 Problem:Allowing 'completefunc' to
>>>>> switch windows causes trouble. Solution:   use
>>>>> "textwinlock" instead of "textlock". Files:
>>>>> src/insexpand.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim,
>>>>> src/testdir/test_popup.vim
>>>> I hope that use of win_execute() is still possible during
>>>> completion, right? You already had disabled window switching
>>>> once in 8.2.0614, and after I complained in
>>>> you again allowed
>>>> switching as long as it returned to the original window.
>>> I forgot about that.  And frankly, reading it again I don't
>>> quite understand why I allowed window switching.  If someone
>>> has autocommands setup, it an fail miserably.
>> Of course the plugin uses :noautocmd. It's the often-discussed
>> tradeoff: Vim's commands primarily focus on easy interactive use
>> (and that's good!); unfortunately, that makes plugins harder to
>> write in a robust way (but it is possible, with some effort and
>> learning). But here I think all completefunc's are written for
>> plugins, never ad-hoc.
>>> As I mentioned: "It's not trivial, I hope it will allow enough
>>> without allowing too much".  So now we found another case where
>>> it causes trouble.  I'm not sure if we can keep fixing every
>>> problem we find.
>> It would just be nice from my perspective to detect the bad cases
>> and only then throw an error, instead of disallowing in general.
>> But I fully understand if that's not possible due to the
>> complexity.
>>>> Many of my completion plugins use window switching, and I
>>>> never had any issues reported because of it, so it's sad that
>>>> you now decide it has to be disallowed in general, just
>>>> because _some_ code _can_ misbehave. As long as win_execute()
>>>> can be used (and that does offer some minor benefits over
>>>> :wincmd w), I can adapt the plugin code (but will then have
>>>> to either drop old Vim versions that don't have it, or keep
>>>> maintaining the existing implementation in parallel).
>>> I don't like existing plugins to fail, but I also don't want a
>>> misbehaving plugin to cause trouble.  In case a complete
>>> function bails out and doesn't restore the window, what to do?
>>> Restoring the window after the function returns might be best,
>>> but that might fail too (again, because of autocommands).
>>> Perhaps we should disable autocommands while in the complete
>>> function?  It's getting too complicated...
>> I don't think you have to go so far. People will notice when
>> completion breaks and then learn about using :noautocmd,
>> try...finally, etc. Throwing an "E999: Must return to original
>> window" would be fine.
>>> So, what functionality is missing to do what you want without
>>> actually switching windows?
>> If I can still win_execute() within completefunc() to visit
>> other windows temporarily, do search() and cursor() in there,
>> that would be fine. As I hinted at, it would even have some minor
>> benefits, like not having to restore the previous window and
>> windows with a height of 0.
> As far as I can see win_execute() works.  So you are OK then?

Yes, I can replace the :wincmd w iteration with win_execute() then.
I'll try to adapt my plugin in the coming days. I'll report back
should I run into any problems :-) Thanks for considering my use case!

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch 8.2.2426

2021-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 29/01/2021 22:14, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Ingo Karkat wrote:
>> On 29/01/2021 21:07, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>>> Patch 8.2.2426 Problem:Allowing 'completefunc' to switch
>>> windows causes trouble. Solution:   use "textwinlock" instead
>>> of "textlock". Files:  src/insexpand.c,
>>> src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim, src/testdir/test_popup.vim
>> I hope that use of win_execute() is still possible during
>> completion, right? You already had disabled window switching once
>> in 8.2.0614, and after I complained in
>> you again allowed
>> switching as long as it returned to the original window.
> I forgot about that.  And frankly, reading it again I don't quite
> understand why I allowed window switching.  If someone has
> autocommands setup, it an fail miserably.

Of course the plugin uses :noautocmd. It's the often-discussed tradeoff:
Vim's commands primarily focus on easy interactive use (and that's
good!); unfortunately, that makes plugins harder to write in a robust
way (but it is possible, with some effort and learning). But here I
think all completefunc's are written for plugins, never ad-hoc.

> As I mentioned: "It's not trivial, I hope it will allow enough
> without allowing too much".  So now we found another case where it
> causes trouble.  I'm not sure if we can keep fixing every problem
> we find.

It would just be nice from my perspective to detect the bad cases and
only then throw an error, instead of disallowing in general. But I fully
understand if that's not possible due to the complexity.

>> Many of my completion plugins use window switching, and I never
>> had any issues reported because of it, so it's sad that you now
>> decide it has to be disallowed in general, just because _some_
>> code _can_ misbehave. As long as win_execute() can be used (and
>> that does offer some minor benefits over :wincmd w), I can adapt
>> the plugin code (but will then have to either drop old Vim
>> versions that don't have it, or keep maintaining the existing
>> implementation in parallel).
> I don't like existing plugins to fail, but I also don't want a
> misbehaving plugin to cause trouble.  In case a complete function
> bails out and doesn't restore the window, what to do?  Restoring
> the window after the function returns might be best, but that might
> fail too (again, because of autocommands).  Perhaps we should
> disable autocommands while in the complete function?  It's getting
> too complicated...

I don't think you have to go so far. People will notice when completion
breaks and then learn about using :noautocmd, try...finally, etc.
Throwing an "E999: Must return to original window" would be fine.

> So, what functionality is missing to do what you want without
> actually switching windows?

If I can still win_execute() within completefunc() to visit other
windows temporarily, do search() and cursor() in there, that would be
fine. As I hinted at, it would even have some minor benefits, like not
having to restore the previous window and windows with a height of 0.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch 8.2.2426

2021-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 29/01/2021 21:07, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Patch 8.2.2426 Problem:Allowing 'completefunc' to switch
> windows causes trouble. Solution:   use "textwinlock" instead of
> "textlock". Files:  src/insexpand.c,
> src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim, src/testdir/test_popup.vim

I hope that use of win_execute() is still possible during completion,
right? You already had disabled window switching once in 8.2.0614, and
after I complained in you again
allowed switching as long as it returned to the original window.

Many of my completion plugins use window switching, and I never had
any issues reported because of it, so it's sad that you now decide it
has to be disallowed in general, just because _some_ code _can_
misbehave. As long as win_execute() can be used (and that does offer
some minor benefits over :wincmd w), I can adapt the plugin code (but
will then have to either drop old Vim versions that don't have it, or
keep maintaining the existing implementation in parallel).

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: [vim/vim] netrw: Fix gx command (#7188)

2020-10-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 24/10/2020 20:52, Charles Campbell wrote:
> Charles Campbell wrote:
>> James McCoy wrote:
>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2020, 21:39 Charles Campbell
>>>>> wrote:
>>> I confess that I'm not a git master.  It'd be a help if you
>>> could send me a patch instead of a commit which I don't use
>>> If you append ".diff" to a pull request URL, you get a diff you
>>> can download.  For example,
>>> Cheers, James
>> Hello:
>> Unfortunately:
>> sphinx? ksh:
>> not found [No such
>> file or directory] sphinx?
>> ksh:
>> not found [No such
>> file or directory]
>> Regards, Chip Campbell
> Well, that was dumb on my part.  Here's a new and updated problem:
> git pull fatal: Not a
> git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home) Stopping at
> filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
> Again, I want to pull the diff/patch and not have it bother what
> I've got. I need to check it over, run it through my test suite,
> merge it with the latest netrw (at v171b at the moment).

Charles, that URL gives you a plain diff; download it via

$ curl -L

or simply open the URL in the browser and save the page as a text file.

You can also stay within Git, but then would have to set up Vim's
GitHub repository as a remote, pull it (Vim's GitHub page has all the
details behind the "Clone or download" button), and then you can diff
it there, but it would be way more complex, and not so useful, anyway,
as you maintain your plugin separately from what gets included by
Bram. (So sooner or later you'd still need to produce a diff to move
the changes over to your copy.)

Like Vim, Git has a steep initial learning curve (I've been there as
well); take your time!

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Vim9 script: first steps

2020-01-05 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 05-Jan-2020 01:22 +0100, Prabir Shrestha wrote:

> -1 for }. That is the most absurd syntax I have seen in any
> language that only uses it for closing.
> So I went and re-read the poll
> And here is what I can
> think of reading it again in Jan 2020.
> Can we get more info on what does make vim-script faster mean?
> Screen Shot 2020-01-04 at 3.53.13 PM.png
> Screen Shot 2020-01-04 at 4.04.27 PM.png
> Screen Shot 2020-01-04 at 4.05.36 PM.png
> Second comment there says about syntax highlighting. So making
> vimscript faster here won't help much because 
> [tree-sitter]( will be
> lot faster than vimscript, which means syntax highlighting in
> neovim will also be more accurate and faster then vim.
> Instead of picking up non real world examples to demonstrate perf
> gains can we pick some proper goals.
> Here are some of the examples I can think of:
> * Faster fuzzy finder. Currently there is 0 plugins that is fast in
> pure vimscript. I would like to see an example of FuzzyFinder in
> vim9 that is fast as and
> Few requirements here:
> Searching large number of nested directories and files,
> highlighting matches. Some of these I elaborated in this comment
> * vim9 syntax highlighting vs neovim tree-sitter syntax
> highlighting. We should count speed as well as accuracy.
> * Fuzzy search for auto complete popup menu.
> I still think WASM is the way to go and not vimscript 9. This way I
> can code in what ever language suits me and just ship the bytecode.
> For example: will vimscript 9 support generics/async,await/pattern 
> matching/threading or greenthreads/immutability? This list will
> keep going on. Making it fast is just one issue it solves. A
> language gets attractive not just for perf but many other features
> that come around it.
> Here is a new WASM runtime since I last mentioned which claims to
> be 15x faster then other c wasm runtimes.
> As a plugin author I can then code in any languages I want that
> suits the needed. For example a python dev might write in python, a
> JS dev might right in Javascript or Typescript if they need typing.
> And they can still write in go/rust/zig or even c if they need
> performance. And most languages these days already support
> compiling to WASM.

I agree; most performance issues I encounter are in syntax
highlighting with large, often deeply nested structures (like big XML
or JSON files). Poor Vimscript performance hardly is an issue for the
kind of plugins that I write; and it's always been possible to use a
language binding and reimplement the core parts, or call out to an
external program (now even easier with the jobs feature). If WASM is
the future (and you present enticing arguments here), deprecating the
many existing language bindings in favor of WASM as the single
go-forward integration would indeed contribute to a simplified code
base, avoid fragmented plugin requirements, and therefore reduce
compatibility issues in the diverse user base.

Still, if Bram has ideas about eliminating some inefficiencies of
Vimscript, so that Vimscript writers can easily opt-in (ideally, in a
backwards-compatible way and without rewriting entire functions or
plugins), why not? Vim, with its great backwards compatibility and
platform support, has been a pleasure to use and extend for many many
years; I'll happily let Bram indulge in such pet projects (and the
accompanying bike shedding about syntax details :-) if that's what
keeps him happy and committed to the project!

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Re: How about highlighting captured groups in regex?

2019-10-07 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 07-Oct-2019 13:51 +0200, Dominique Pellé wrote:

> Hi
> Vim now highlights matching text when typing a Ex command like
> :%s/foobar/ I like it. But I wish that it would use a different
> color for the regex captured group(s).
> For example, if I do   :%s/foo\(bar\)/ I would like "bar" (the
> captured group) to be highlighted with a different color than foo 
> in matching text, so it's easier to visually see that my regexp
> matches and what \1 is when I do  :%s/foo\(bar\)/\1/.  In this
> example the regexp and captured group are obvious of course, so a
> different color may not seem useful. But it becomes more useful
> when the the regex is more complex.
> There are 10 possibly regexp groups.  Having 10 different colors
> might be overkill (not sure). The same color for any group may good
> enough, or perhaps alternative colors for \1 \2 \3...?
> I wonder whether other vim users would also find it useful.

I like this idea. It can help by visualizing a complex pattern (while
it's being composed), and it could also be (mis?)used to have multiple
patterns highlighted with different colors in parallel, e.g.
/\(foo\)\|\(bar\)/ would show "foo" in color 1 and "bar" in color 2.
There's definitely demand for that, currently implemented by plugins
(such as my own Mark.vim, via matchadd().

Regarding the mechanics, I think the biggest challenge lies in the
association of capture group number to highlight group. As your
questions show, this mostly isn't static, but would depend on each
particular pattern. Of course, one could use an off-band mechanism
like separate :hi link Search1 ... | hi link Search2 ... Ex commands
to reconfigure the colors, but that would be cumbersome.

I would suggest to decouple the capture groups from the highlighting,
and instead extend the non-capturing group syntax (\%(...\)) to
optionally supply a color number: \%1(...\) uses Search1, \%2(...\)
uses Search2, and so on. (This is modeled after \%23l, \%23c, ..., and
would not break backwards compatibility.) This allows an in-band
group-to-color mapping, with the downside that captured groups would
have to be explicitly wrapped in a numbered non-capturing group; the
example from above would become a more verbose
/\%1(\(foo\)\)\|\%2(\(bar\)\)/; the benefit would be that another
capture group can be easily added that also uses color 1, or 2, or no
special color at all.

- -- regards, ingo

- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Re: Proposal for User methods

2019-08-11 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 11-Aug-2019 18:51 +0200, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_dev wrote:
> Am 11.08.2019 um 18:27 schrieb Bram Moolenaar:
>> I'm not sure about methods for a specific type, e.g. only defined
>> for a list or dict.  I suppose in many cases you have very
>> similar functionality in both, and might as well define both.
>> It would be possible to make the type available to the
>> autocommand.  But it feels like this is getting more complicated
>> than needed.  That is also the main reason I asked: Do we
>> want/need to select the function based on the type?
> If you ask me: no. I want to be able to build these things using
> Vim script because then it's backwards compatible.
> I wish there was a *small* Vim script core (already too late).
> I'm with JM Keyes there: we don't need more syntactic (or
> syntoxic!!) sugar.

I agree with Andy and Justin. The vast majority of plugins are small
enough to be written in a procedural style, and any desire to do some
simple object orientation can be satisfied via Dictionary functions
alread. For anything larger or complex, I would use another embedded
language, of which Vim supports many (depending on the build, but both
Python and Perl have very fine and powerful object-orientation and are
commonly available).

The discussion about type annotation and how FuncUndefined would be
affected already shows how hard it is to retrofit these features into
the existing language. (Java did this with generics and closures - but
both still left many unsatisfied with the chosen design, and it took
several committees a long time.) I'd rather have the effort spent on
adding more low-level functions (like the recent chdir() and sign_*()
additions), and to work on the huge todo list; there are still so many
outstanding patches and bugs.

The addition of Lists, Dictionaries and many other things in Vim 7.0
was a good thing - it enabled effective plugin development, and people
desperate for these features were already emulating these poorly on
their own. With the recent addition of closures (which I still
hesitate to use - I still encounter Vim 7.4 on some Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
systems), I think we're now firmly in the area of diminishing returns
when it comes to language features.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Setting buffer contents by byte offset

2019-07-11 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 11-Jul-2019 10:45 +0200, Paul Jolly wrote:

> Thanks, Tony.
> Your response has helped me understand that my substitute solution 
> will not work here either.
> Reason that neither solution will work is that it requires moving
> the cursor, and that's not at all desirable in this case.

I would not generally rule out cursor moves; within a function, Vim
doesn't update the screen, and you can save and restore the original
view via:

let l:save_view = winsaveview()
" Your moves here
call winrestview(l:save_view)

Many plugins use this.

> Effectively what I'm after here is a byte-offset based equivalents
> of bufsetline(), appendbufline() and deletebufline().

Given that Vim is a text editor, and text is organized in lines, I
don't think there's enough demand for such variants, especially since
workarounds should exist (see above).

- -- regards, ingo

> On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 09:32, Tony Mechelynck
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:55 AM Paul Jolly 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've tried various permutations of search terms, but so far
>>> turned up a blank.
>>> Is there a function/similar that will allow me to set buffer
>>> contents between a start and end byte offset?
>>> If there isn't, I have a "backup" in the form of a :substitute
>>> like:
>>> %s/\%3l\%1c\_.*\%4l\%1c/hello\r/g
>>> (because I'm also deriving the line and col whilst deriving the
>>> byte offset) but I suspect the byte-offset based approach will
>>> be considerable more efficient if available.
>> see :help go :help v_c
>> You could "go" to your starting point, set Visual mode, go to
>> your ending point, and then "c"hange or "s"ubstitute.
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Re: CursorLineMoved

2019-05-16 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 13-May-2019 21:20 +0200, Edward Peschko wrote:

> All,
> I'd like to be able to write a macro that could be triggered each time
> the line changed - so that I could write an autocmd to say
> automatically split a logfile in vim that has stack traces to show the
> corresponding code for each line in that stack trace.
> However, the closest thing that was brought to my attention was
> CursorMoved, which IMO is way too broad. After all I don't want a
> potentially expensive macro to be done *every* single time the cursor
> is moved, just when it moves lines.

I've encountered the same use case (also around logfile processing - the
conditional is here [1]); if you do a quick comparison with the stored
last line number at the beginning of the :autocmd and return early if
the line hasn't changed, the performance seems to be okay (for me, so

> So I was thinking CursorLineMoved. Is there such a thing? If not, it
> looks fairly easy to add, but i'm not all that keen on supporting my
> own vim, so would a patch like this be welcomed?

This doesn't exist yet. To consider such an addition:
- - Is there a need? Now, we've already got at least two use cases (from
  you and me).
- - Is it easy to implement with few changes? You say it is.
- - Does it help improving performance? If the core C code essentially
  does the same as a Vimscript would do, all we'd save is a little
  interpretation overhead. But if there's a better place (e.g. the
  'cursorline' drawing code also has to consider the current line
  number), it could be more efficient.
- - Does it improve the Vimscript API? A dedicated CursorLineMoved event
  type provides precise semantics, and would avoid boilerplate code (if
  just a single conditional here).
- - Is this easy to emulate? Only future Vim versions will have the new
  event. Plugin writers still have to provide a fallback implementation
  for older versions. Here, I think this is not a problem, as this is
  just about efficiency gains.

- -- regards, ingo

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Re: netrw

2019-01-22 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 22-Jan-2019 10:00 +0100, Charles E Campbell wrote:

> Hello:
> I had two Windows machines; the big one's motherboard died and the
> other lost windows during an attempt to update (just the) linux
> partition (it had been a dual boot).
> So, I'd appreciate some Windows developers help to improve netrw.
> I've got the latest development copy of netrw on my website 
> ( v165a).

Hello Charles,

First, thank you for keeping up your plugin maintenance over the years
(it's probably been decades by now :-)

Assuming that you've just lost the Windows hardware, but still have
license(s), running Windows in a small VM on Linux can be a good
alternative. VirtualBox is free, and spinning up a small Windows
instance on demand doesn't take too many resources. (Even my 6
year-old laptop can do that.)

I suggest that because solely relying on co-developers for platform
support is hard, at least in my experience.

That notwithstanding, having other people join in is really helpful.
For that, I would recommend to move your plugin development to GitHub
(or alternatives, but as it's the top site and Vim and many plugins
are there, that's a compelling argument). It may initially create more
work (you need to adapt your workflow, people will start submitting
all sorts of issues and problems), but it's far superior a process
than putting a dev snapshot on a website and emailing around patches.

I hope you'll find a setup that suits you well. Keep up the good work!

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Re: C-c triggers InsertLeave event if used in an inoremap

2018-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 01-Nov-2018 21:09 +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Ingo Karkat wrote:
>> On 30-Oct-2018 07:48 +0100, Christian Brabandt wrote:
>>> On Mo, 29 Okt 2018, Bok Woon Chua wrote:
>>>> I have an autocmd that saves the current file on
>>>> InsertLeave. Using C-c in insert mode doesn't trigger this
>>>> save (as desired), but if I use it into an inoremap mapping
>>>> like so
>>>> inoremap  I
>>>> ,it triggers InsertLeave whenever I use C-a to jump to the
>>>> start of the line and hence saves the file.
>>>> Is this intentional behavior? Is C-c supposed to avoid 
>>>> InsertLeave only if used interactively, rather than in a
>>>> script?
>>> I believe this is intentionally and expected.  does not
>>> work as "abort" key if it comes from a mapping (or has been
>>> mapped).
>> Yes, that is the current behavior, but I agree with Bok Woon Chua
>> that this is unexpected and inconsistent with how other mappings
>> behave (i.e. they transparently forward the original behavior
>> without changing it). The problem even occurs when mapping 
>> onto itself (:inoremap  ).
>> I know that relying on  not triggering InsertLeave is bad
>> form, and Vim's Todo list is very long, but especially in light
>> of the recent poll about what plugin writers want, fixing such
>> inconsistencies would be very welcome. In some situations,
>> details like this can make or break a plugin implementation.
> Unfortunately this behavior has been documented and users may rely
> on the current behavior.

Do you mean with "this behavior" that  does not trigger
InsertLeave? I would want to keep it that way, as this indeed is
documented. What I would like to change is that when  is used in
the right-hand side of a mapping, it should also not trigger
InsertLeave, but right now it does. That's the complaint of the OP and
the inconsistency I meant.
Having keys to trigger () and not trigger () InsertLeave is
documented and can be helpful. But it's surprising that this special
property of  gets lost when it is part of a mapping. I haven't seen
that part documented anywhere yet, and I think it's a side effect of the
current implementation, not planned behavior.

> I was planning to add a more generic mode-change autocommand.
> There is a request for Visual mode enter/leave, for example. 
> Perhaps triggering whenever the return value of mode() would change
> is the most generic solution.  But that needs some more
> investigation.

That sounds really good. I also remember questions about hooking into
entering visual mode, and the current workaround (mapping all v / V /
CTRL-V variants) is not very nice. I don't think it would help with OP's
mapping problem, though.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: C-c triggers InsertLeave event if used in an inoremap

2018-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 30-Oct-2018 07:48 +0100, Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Mo, 29 Okt 2018, Bok Woon Chua wrote:
>> I have an autocmd that saves the current file on InsertLeave.
>> Using C-c in insert mode doesn't trigger this save (as desired),
>> but if I use it into an inoremap mapping like so
>> inoremap  I
>> ,it triggers InsertLeave whenever I use C-a to jump to the start
>> of the line and hence saves the file.
>> Is this intentional behavior? Is C-c supposed to avoid
>> InsertLeave only if used interactively, rather than in a script?
> I believe this is intentionally and expected.  does not work
> as "abort" key if it comes from a mapping (or has been mapped).

Yes, that is the current behavior, but I agree with Bok Woon Chua that
this is unexpected and inconsistent with how other mappings behave (i.e.
they transparently forward the original behavior without changing it).
The problem even occurs when mapping  onto itself (:inoremap 

I know that relying on  not triggering InsertLeave is bad form, and
Vim's Todo list is very long, but especially in light of the recent poll
about what plugin writers want, fixing such inconsistencies would be
very welcome. In some situations, details like this can make or break a
plugin implementation.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Problematic doautocmd behavior

2018-04-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 14-Apr-2018 20:39 +0200, Christian Brabandt wrote: 

> On Sa, 14 Apr 2018, Ivan Brennan wrote:
>> When your plugin wants to provide an event the user can hook into, it could 
>> broadcast a User autocommand:
>> function! foo#do_it()
>>   call s:do_thing()
>>   doautocmd User FooDidIt
>> endfunction
>> If the user's vimrc contains,
>> augroup MyGroup
>>   autocmd!
>>   autocmd User FooDidIt call MyHandler()
>> augroup END
>> then MyHandler() will be called any time foo#do_it() runs.
>> If the user *does not* set up any such autocommand, however, any time 
>> foo#do_it() runs, Vim displays "No matching autocommands".
>> You could suppress these messages by prefixing doautocmd with "silent", but 
>> that would also suppress any messages a handler tries to display. So most 
>> plugins wrap doautocmd in a conditional:
>> function! foo#do_it()
>>   call s:do_thing()
>>   if exists('#User#FooThing')
>> doautocmd User FooThing
>>   endif
>> endfunction
>> When providing an event the user can hook into, I'd think it's better to 
>> decouple the plugin from any knowledge/concern about what, if anything, has 
>> been set up to listen for the event. But we're forced to run this check, 
>> given how doautocmd works.
>> More importantly, the exists() check is inaccurate in some cases. For 
>> example, the following are two autocommand definitions are equivalent,
>> autocmd User FooBar,FooBaz call MyHandler()
>> autocmd User Foo{Bar,Baz}  call MyHandler()
>> but exists('#User#FooBar') will return true for the first and false for the 
>> second.
>> I can see the usefulness of displaying No matching autocommands for 
>> debugging purposes, but beyond that it seems like bad behavior.
>> Am I thinking about this the wrong way?
> You are probably right. However most plugins I have seen usually do not 
> bother and use `:sil doautocmd User ...` So perhaps nothing to worry 
> about?

I agree to both of you. The behavior is unfortunate, and most plugins
(including my own) seem to use :silent doautocmd User. Usually, hooks do
not need to print any messages to users, and if they really need to,
they could use :unsilent, right? Too bad this wasn't better thought
through from the beginning, but I also wonder whether changing this now
would make a difference.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Wish:

2018-03-23 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 23-Mar-2018 17:28 +0100, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_dev wrote:
> Am 13.04.2011 um 17:07 schrieb Andy Wokula:
>> Am 09.04.2011 20:27, schrieb Ingo Karkat:
>>> On 09-Apr-2011 14:54, Andy Wokula wrote:
>>>> For example, I have a command :InFunc .  It's quite a trivial
>>>> command, it takes an argument Ex-command and executes it within a
>>>> function.  Purpose is to automatically restore the highlighting state
>>>> and the last search pattern.
>>>>  :h function-search-undo
>>>> Thus, mostly the Ex-command will be :global or :substitute .
>>>> Problem: :global has the default range "1,$" whereas :substitute has
>>>> the default range ".".  For :InFunc, I'm urged to specify a default
>>>> range (e.g. either -range (current line) or -range=% (whole buffer)).
>>>> I don't want that, instead I want the default range of the argument
>>>> command to be in effect.  But at the moment, it's not possible to
>>>> check for an empty range.
>>>> " What I use now:
>>>>  :[range]InFunc {cmd}" execute :[range]{cmd}, for :subst
>>>>  :[range]InFunc! {cmd}   " execute :{cmd}, for :global
>>>> com! -bang -range -nargs=+  InFunc,call
>>>> InFunc(0,)
>>>> func! InFunc(bang, cmd) range
>>>>  if a:bang
>>>>  exec a:cmd
>>>>  else
>>>>  exec a:firstline.",".a:lastline. a:cmd
>>>>  endif
>>>> endfunc
>>>> " I'd like to write the above this way:
>>>> com! -range=NoDefault -nargs=+  InFunccall InFunc()
>>>> func! InFunc(cmd) range
>>>>  exec a:range. a:cmd
>>>> endfunc
>>>> Oops, we would also need a new variable  a:range !
>>>> Maybe, actually,  and a:range are not needed, I just want to
>>>> be able to check for an empty range:
>>>> com! -range -nargs=+  InFunc,call InFunc()
>>>> func! InFunc(cmd) range
>>>>  if range_is_empty()
>>>>  exec a:cmd
>>>>  else
>>>>  exec a:firstline.",".a:lastline. a:cmd
>>>>  endif
>>>> endfunc
>>>> This would just a require a new function range_is_empty().
>>> Unless there are additional use cases where this could be useful, my
>>> first hunch is that it's not worth the effort.
>> It's more about consistency:
>> When you define a mapping, you can check if a count was given or not
>> (check v:count >= 1).
>> When you define a command with -range, you cannot check if a range was
>> given or not.
> TIL it is indeed possible to check if a range was given or not:
> :com! -range Crwg :echo (==-1 ? 'No range was given' : 'The given
> range is ,')
> Works with Vim 7.0 onwards.

How did you dig up that old thread?! (But thanks for following up!) I've found 
out about that, too:

To distinguish between no given range (then defaulting to something like the
last modified range) and a range, use -range=-1 and check :
:command! -range=-1 Test echomsg  == -1 ? "'[,']" :  . ',' . 

This emulates -range=% but allows :0Test (passed via first argument boolean
flag), too:
:command! -range=-1 Test call Test(( == 0), ( == -1 && 
 == 1 ? '1,' . line('$') : ','))

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: vim compile's "make test" fails if 'diodon' manages x-clipboard

2017-12-05 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 05-Dec-2017 08:45 +0100, C v.St. wrote:
> On 12/05/2017 at 06:41 AM Kazunobu Kuriyama wrote:
>>> 2017-12-05 8:58 GMT+09:00 C.v.St . 
>>> >:
> …
>>> Remembering a similar case, I killed 'diodon' ((...), and
>>> without it, tests pass. I reproduced this on both systems and
>>> remotely between them (ssh -X ...)
> …
>>> Stucki
> …
>> is the case, please try running `make test_gui` in the `src`
>> directory several times to make sure that the test gets passed
>> successfully at last.
> It definitely fails, as long as 'diodon' is active. (tried in a few
>> Another is that the clipboard manager interferes with the test.
>> When this is the case, please turn it off while you run the test
>> suite.
> … Did that already, and on all tested systems test passes, but only
> if NO diodon is running.
>> Of course, the best for me is that you send us a patch for fixing
>> it :)
> Sorry, I'm a long time 'user' of vim, unable to work without it,
> but never learned programming real problems on it. So it would need
> weeks.

I can confirm this issue; have noticed it on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
systems and Diodon 1.3.0, too. Diodon does not actively modify the
clipboard; it just provides a clipboard history (and I have configured
it to also capture X selections for the history). Therefore, it
*should* be able to coexist peacefully with Vim's tests; maybe this is
a timing issue? Unfortunately, I don't know how to troubleshoot this;
best I could do is temporarily shut down Diodon during test runs with
this Bash function (that runs inside a wrapper script around "make test"):

# XXX: The diodon clipboard manager disrupts the test_gui.vim >
# We need to stop it during test execution.
diodonPid=$(pgrep diodon)
if [ "$diodonPid" ]; then
kill -9 "$diodonPid"

diodon %u
trap 'finally' EXIT

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: difference between submatch(1) and \1 intended?

2017-11-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 24-Nov-2017 15:13 +0100, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Fr, 24 Nov 2017, Marius Gedminas wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 11:30:03AM +0100, Christian Brabandt
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, while writing the test for checking the URLs I stumbled on
>>> this difference between submatch(1) and \1: #v+ let a = '
>>>   ' let g:pat = '.\{-}\(http[^ ]*\).\{-}$' 
>>> echo substitute(a, g:pat, submatch(1), '') echo substitute(a,
>>> g:pat, '\1', '') #v-
>>> If you execute this piece of script, the first map() returns an
>>> empty list, while the second map() returns the URL stripped by
>>> whitespace (which would be my expected behaviour for both map()
>>> calls).
>>> Is this expected?
>> You're calling submatch(1) and then passing the returned value to
>> substitute(). Try
>> echo substitute(a, g:pat, '\=submatch(1)', '')
>> or
>> echo substitute(a, g:pat, {m->submatch(1)}, '')
>> or
>> echo substitute(a, g:pat, {m->m[1]}, '')
> It is only valid in a expression context of the replace part in the
>  substitute() function? That is not how I read the help. That
> should be stressed some more (or generate an error, if this is
> generally invalid perhaps?)

:help submatch() mentions right at the beginning:
| Only for an expression in a |:substitute| command or
| substitute() function.

When you invoke substitute(a, g:pat, submatch(1), ''), you _first_
evaluate submatch() as an argument to be passed to the substitute()
function, so it's clearly outside of the substitution context. You
have to use a String expression or lambda, as Marius has shown. I'm
not sure whether an error is called for here; the programming error
should be pretty obvious when testing, anyway.

Have you been working in a different programming language recently? I
find these things (variable interpolation and :execute is another such
area) natural as long as I'm working in Vimscript; but then they
suddenly appear odd when coming from a different language.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: hlsearch and empty pattern branch

2017-11-12 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 12-Nov-2017 15:03 +0100, Nazri Ramliy wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 8:34 PM, Tony Mechelynck 
>  wrote:
>> The way I see it, there was a bug before (which you used as an 
>> undocumented feature), now the bug has been fixed, and you're 
>> complaining. The way your pattern is written, it _ought_ to
>> match everywhere, though in the case of its last branch it is a
>> zero-length match. There was a patch recently about search
>> highlighting… let me see… « 8.0.1250  'hlsearch' highlighting not
>> removed after incsearch ». Maybe that was what changed the
>> behaviour?
> Perhaps. But I find it hard to accept the "undocumented feature"
> part. To compare the regular expression behavior of GNU grep:
> $ echo foobar | grep --color=always -E 'foo|' foobar ^^^ only 'foo'
> is highlighted here, which is similar to how vim behaved before
> this, but not recently.
> The current vim behavior now seems to say "empty pattern match 
> anything, so that's why everything gets highlighted" which feels 
> wrong. Empty pattern should not match anything, that's what the
> '.' atom is for, isn't it?.

No, 8.0.1250 was about incsearch artifacts in other windows. I think
the "undocumented feature" is that incsearch now highlights all
matches (8.0.1238: incremental search only shows one match), not just
the next one. Previously, an empty branch would just match a single
character under the cursor (so just one screen cell would be colored /
the cursor would re-appear with IncSearch color); now, _every_
character gets highlighted.

Though technically correct (an empty branch matches anywhere), this
indeed is irritating with the new incsearch behavior. Even when typing
the search pattern quickly, the whole buffer will suddenly "light up".
A special case would be nice: If a pattern matches anywhere (like the
empty branch), do not apply any incsearch highlighting at all.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: I want to contribute and chose right project for graduate thesis

2017-07-21 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
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On 21-Jul-2017 11:16 +0200, Mario Krajačić wrote:
> Hello, I am student of IT from Croatia on finishing year for my
> bachelor's degree.
> For the graduate thesis I would like to contribute some open source
> project. For example it can be  some bug fix. Language in I work is
> C. My knowledge is shown in programs on git profile:
> Project which I choose will be sent to my professor - mentor who
> will approve or not difficulty of project.
> Please advice me about how to help you and choose right project.

Hello Mario,

Thank you for your willingness to support Vim. The source code (mostly
C code) can be found at [1], this includes instructions for compiling
on the various platforms.

There are many enhancement requests and bug fixes to choose from :-)
Have a look at the Todo list [2], and the issue tracker [3].

If you have any questions / need help, or want to get feedback before
embarking on a bigger task, feel free to ask on this mailing list.


- -- regards, ingo
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Re: pack/*/start/*/plugin/*.vim loading twice

2017-06-27 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 27-Jun-2017 13:51 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Ingo Karkat wrote:
>> On 27-Jun-2017 00:01 +0200, mseplowitz wrote:
>>> A recent patch seems to have changed the behavior of how my 
>>> plugins load. In particular, it looks like plugin files in 
>>> pack/*/start/*/plugin/*.vim are loaded twice.
>>> I'm fairly sure this is an effect of patch 8.0.0612 
>>> (
>> [55 lines deleted]
>> You're right, and thank you for the great and detailed analysis!
>>  You've clearly succeeded in making the fixing as easy as
>> possible :-) That pack plugins are sourced twice is indeed a
>> regression and an oversight from my previous patch. I've just
>> submitted a pull request that corrects the problem (and adds a
>> test):
> Thanks.  However, this still changes the order in which plugins are
> loaded.  We do want the plugins from "start" to be loaded after
> 'runtimepath' plugins.  I'll make another solution, but include
> your test.

Oh, right. Only the first entry is still in front now.

I was afraid that functions that were hard-wired to 'runtimepath' now
had to work with a saved / changed value. Your fix touches quite some
functions; very well done! It's always nice to learn from the master
:-) Thank you very much!

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: pack/*/start/*/plugin/*.vim loading twice

2017-06-27 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA256

On 27-Jun-2017 00:01 +0200, mseplowitz wrote:

> A recent patch seems to have changed the behavior of how my plugins
> load. In particular, it looks like plugin files in
> pack/*/start/*/plugin/*.vim are loaded twice.
> I'm fairly sure this is an effect of patch 8.0.0612
> (
[55 lines deleted]

You're right, and thank you for the great and detailed analysis!
You've clearly succeeded in making the fixing as easy as possible :-)
That pack plugins are sourced twice is indeed a regression and an
oversight from my previous patch. I've just submitted a pull request
that corrects the problem (and adds a test):

> If this behavior is works-as-designed and/or I should be looking
> into making my plugin files resilient to being loaded a second
> time, please let me know.

Most plugins have a multiple-inclusion guard in the form

if exists('g:loaded_pluginname')

It's not required, but a good idea. Plugin reloads can happen for
multiple reasons (not just bugs), for example duplicate :packadd
commands, or having the same plugin installed twice under different
pack paths.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Vim periodically trashes the start of a file

2016-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Sep-2016 03:27 +0200, Sholto Douglas wrote:

> I have used VIM for many years and am an aficionado. However I
> find it has a VERY annoying habit of occasionally truncating the
> start of a file when I save it. Usually I can get back the missing
> bits by going to the backup file e.g. file.cpp~ But today I find
> that even the backup file has been trashed.  I have lost a heap of
> work, which will set me back hours on a tight timetable. Here is
> the start of the trashed file:
> g`"& kDisableSkipFolders) == kDisableSkipFolders);
> CloseCurrentKey(); return m_vecPath.size() > 0; }
> As you can see, it doesn't look like the start of a C++ source 
> file. Has anyone else had this?  google didn't return any 
> references to it, but I can't imagine I am the only one to suffer 
> this given it has happened many times over the years. Is there a 
> fix for this blight on an otherwise excellent tool?

It looks like a plugin applied commands in the wrong mode, and so some
text got lost, and g`" (a non-jumplist jump to the position when last
exiting the buffer) inserted instead. Which plugins do you use?

Try searching for g`" (or maybe g`) in your ~/.vim directory (and
maybe your ~/.vimrc as well). That might give you the culprit, or at
least narrow it down to a few plugins. You can then try disabling the
plugin (set g:loaded_ in your .vimrc usually works).
Plugin bugs should be reported to its author, naturally.

I don't think this is an issue with Vim itself.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch 7.4.2299

2016-09-02 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 09/02/2016 09:51 PM, LCD 47 wrote:
> On 1 September 2016, Bram Moolenaar  wrote:
>> Patch 7.4.2299
>> Problem:QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost autocommands are not always
>> triggered.
>> Solution:   Also trigger on ":expr", ":cbuffer", etc. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
>> Files:  src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
> [...]
> Sadly, this breaks the interaction of "syntastic" with all plugins
> that hook to QuickFixCmdPre or QuickFixCmdPost.  An example of such
> plugin is "ferret".  These plugins now have to be fixed to be aware that
> they may be called from things like :lgetexpr.  I'd argue that running
> QuickFixCmd* for :lgetexpr makes little sense, since :lgetexpr is almost
> never called run interactively.  So, was there an actual reason for this
> change, right before the release of Vim 8?

I use the QuickFixCmdPre/Post to automatically open / adapt the size of
/ close the quickfix window, and therefore appreciate that all
quickfix-manipulating commands are covered.

The fix of Syntastic should be pretty easy, as one can use the autocmd
pattern to exclude [cl]getexpr, right?

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Changing the defaults with Vim 8

2016-07-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Manuel Ortega  wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Bram Moolenaar  wrote:
> > " For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters.
> > autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78
> Please don't "setlocal" a  value for text files.  Don't mess
> with this at all, but if you do, don't make it "setlocal".  It is
> extremely annoying to have Vim sometimes hard-wrap lines and sometimes
> not, depending on which kind of file you're in---unless one specifically
> authorized this by purposely turning filetype plugins on or having a
> plugin/package that does this for certain 

Using :autocmd FileType sets a bad precedent: this doesn't scale (one
autocmd per filetype and setting is too much and bloats the .vimrc), and
Vim has a much better mechanism for filetype-specific settings:
ftplugins (with :filetype plugin on). This way, the change is also
undone (through b:undo_ftplugin), if the user manually changes the

With regards to the 'textwidth' setting: I would recommend to leave this
out, as there's no generally accepted notion of a "text" file;
hard-wrapping may be desired or not, so it's best to leave this up to
the user.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Some changes to the github notification mirror script

2016-07-09 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Christian,

speaking of the github notification mirror script, I noticed a possible bug.

When I recently submitted an issue (, the 
mirrored email got cut off just before a line that only contained a period 
(".", with whitespace indent in a Markdown code block), as you can see here:

Looks like a parsing / escaping error; it's taking the alternative "full stop" 
pronounciation too literal :-)

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Value of 'v:register' updates too late

2015-08-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Aug-2015 15:18, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Sampo Osmonen wrote:
 When you yank something into a named register the value of the
 internal variable 'v:register' doesn't change back to the default
 register after the yank. The next mapping using 'v:register'
 after such yank will see 'v:register' contain the register used
 by the initial yank operation, which contradicts the description
 in ':h v:register'. 'v:register' only gets updated when some
 operation like moving the cursor or changing the window is
 performed after the initial yank.
 Example - Vim 7.4 (Windows):
 Write some text in the buffer. Type the commands: _dl:echo
 will show '_' as opposed to '', even though the current command
 (':echo') didn't use any register. Moving the cursor after the
 delete and then checking 'v:register' correctly yields ''
 This is obviously troublesome for plugins that rely on
 'v:register' to paste something, they end up pasting from the
 blackhole register for example.
 It's been like that forever.  I suspect some plugins actually rely
 on v:register to keep its value.  I don't see how a command can
 depend on v:register for a command that doesn't use a register.

This had been reported before:

Many found the current behavior inconsistent and not helpful;
Christian proposed a simple patch, but there has been no follow-up
yet; I can't even find this in the TODO list.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch to add the :cdo and :ldo commands

2015-07-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 30-Jul-2015 08:21, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Am 2015-07-29 22:34, schrieb Yegappan Lakshmanan:
 I haven't see any replies so far. I am not sure whether we are 
 agreeing to add both the commands or only the cfdo/lfdo commands?
 Do you guys think that only the cfdo/lfdo commands will be
 I think, depending on the task, both options could be useful.

I agree; my ArgsAndMore plugin
( also provides
both :CDoEntry and :CDoFile commands.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Proposal: fixing Todo highlighting chaos

2015-07-22 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 22-Jul-2015 19:42, Charles E Campbell wrote:
 Ben Fritz wrote:
 Well, sure it's easy to override one file. But you would need to
 do that for literally every filetype you edit in Vim! That's a
 much taller order!
 I'm not so sure about that.
 * option 1: wait for approval of idea, then wait for many
 maintainers to change their syntax highlighting files to
 accommodate the new approach, then wait for it all to show up.
 Benefits available in indefinite future. * option 2: do it yourself
 as I outlined.  How many filetypes do you use?  I suspect its 10 or
 less, with only a very few often used. Benefits available

How about a combination of the two? Quickly approve the concept of
configurable TODOs (on this list, by Bram), mention this in :help 44.12
(Portable syntax file layout) with an appropriate example snippet, and
syntax plugin authors will pick this up. (Realistically, some sooner,
many later, a lot never).
Depending on which syntaxes you use, you'll like cover widespread
(updated) syntaxes ones with the new, single-place configuration, and
only have to implement special overrides for the (gradually shrinking)
remainder (and can encourage those authors to adopt the new config, best
with a simple patch).

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Supporting multiple shells in system()?

2015-05-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 30-May-2015 05:08, Andy Russell wrote:
 While writing my own plugins, I wish to support users who have fish
 or cmd.exe set as their shell. However, this often leads to a
 tedious pattern of: if fnamemodify(shell, ':t') ==# 'fish'  Fish
 syntax let cmd = ... else if has('win32) || has('win64')  cmd.exe
 syntax let cmd = ... else  POSIX syntax let cmd = ... endif
 let output = system(cmd)
 I propose that the system() and systemlist() functions be extended
 to abstract these concerns away from plugin implementors. Before
 setting out on the implementation, I'd like to gather some feedback
 concerning the changes that I think would accomplish this in a
 backwards-compatible way.
 First, I'd like to allow the first argument to system() and
 systemlist() to be a List in addition to a String. If the argument
 is a List, then the user's shell's equivalent of '' will be
 inserted between each command. That is,
 `system(['command', 'echo success'])` would be semantically
 equivalent to `system('command  echo success')` if the user's
 shell is bash, or `system('command; and echo success')` if the
 user's shell is fish.
 Handling redirection syntax is slightly trickier, because I want to
 support redirecting stdout and stderr independently of each other
 to a file, as well as keeping the stdin functionality. One solution
 is to allow the second argument to the functions to be a Dictionary
 with the following format:
 { 'stdin': (lines to be used for stdin of the first command,
 defaults to nothing), 'stdout': (a file that stdout should be
 redirected to, defaults to being printed) 'stderr': (a file that
 stderr should be redirected to, defaults to being printed) }
 Therefore, system('command', { 'stdin': 'input', 'stdout':
 '/dev/null', 'stderr': '/dev/null' }) would be equivalent to
 system('command  /dev/null').
 I think that these options would be a huge boon to plugin authors
 and be great for people who use non-POSIX compliant shells. Are
 these changes acceptable? I'd love to hear some feedback.

So, you would need additional options for all these abstracted-away
elements (like :set shelljoiner=), and the user would have to
provide correct values for his shell? I see this as a downside; not
every user knows all those details about his shell.

As a plugin author, I would rather do one of the following:
- - temporarily switch the 'shell' option to the POSIX shell / Windows
cmd.exe, and only implement syntax for those two
- - as a variation of the above, extract the logic into a separate shell
script (with #!/bin/sh), and invoke this single script from Vim (for
which the default options should be sufficient)
- - offer a configuration (g:pluginname_shelltemplate = %s  %s 
%s) for the user to tweak (with a proper default for common shells,
so tweaking is only necessary for esoteric ones)

As a first step towards your proposed solution, you could implement a
Vimscript library that offers all of this; no changes to Vim would be
necessary (many such generic libraries already exist; see for a list), and
it would work with existing (old) Vim versions. If this library indeed
proves to be very valuable to many plugin authors, it can later be
considered to include this (natively, or just out of the box as a
plugin like netrw) in Vim.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Using Vim for 13 years now, mostly 'cos I can't figure out how to exit i
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Re: Regression: v_b_A inserts at start or middle of selection instead of end after 7.4.576

2015-05-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 28-May-2015 21:14, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Hi Ingo!
 On Di, 26 Mai 2015, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 On 24-May-2015 13:15, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 On Mo, 18 Mai 2015, Ingo Karkat wrote:

 Hello Vim developers,

 appending to the end of a visual blockwise selection can be done with
 the A command. I just noticed that this doesn't work reliably any more
 - lines are wrapped and the cursor is in a following screen line AND
 - :set linebreak
 This happens with real blocks as well as a corner case single-line
 blockwise selection.
 To reproduce:

 vim -N -u NONE
 :set linebreak
 :normal! 40afoo bar
 :normal! BB^VeAX
 Appending should be after the selected word (barfooX), but it occurs
 at the beginning instead (Xbarfoo).

 I've bisected this down to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.4.576  redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'

 Attached is a test that verifies the correct behavior.

 I can reproduce this on Vim version 7.4.716 on Windows/x64 as well as on
 latest Vim 7.4.729 on Linux/x64.

 I can reproduce it. Thanks for the feedback. Looks like one needs to 
 recalculate the virtual column numbers after resetting the linebreak 
 option. This also happens for the OP_REPLACE part. Here is a patch, 
 including your testcase.

 Thank you Christian! Unfortunately, there's still an off-by-one error
 with :set selection=exclusive; the cursor is positioned one character
 left of the selection's end (resulting in barfoXo in the test).

 I hope that is easy to fix; it might also be worthwhile to test that
 variation, too.
 Updated patch and test attached.

Thank you very much! I can confirm that this indeed fixes the problem,
with both values of 'selection'. The test with a selection that ends in
a multibyte character is a good idea, too!

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Regression: v_b_A inserts at start or middle of selection instead of end after 7.4.576

2015-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 24-May-2015 13:15, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 On Mo, 18 Mai 2015, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Hello Vim developers,

 appending to the end of a visual blockwise selection can be done with
 the A command. I just noticed that this doesn't work reliably any more
 - lines are wrapped and the cursor is in a following screen line AND
 - :set linebreak
 This happens with real blocks as well as a corner case single-line
 blockwise selection.
 To reproduce:

 vim -N -u NONE
 :set linebreak
 :normal! 40afoo bar
 :normal! BB^VeAX
 Appending should be after the selected word (barfooX), but it occurs
 at the beginning instead (Xbarfoo).

 I've bisected this down to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.4.576  redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'

 Attached is a test that verifies the correct behavior.

 I can reproduce this on Vim version 7.4.716 on Windows/x64 as well as on
 latest Vim 7.4.729 on Linux/x64.

 I can reproduce it. Thanks for the feedback. Looks like one needs to 
 recalculate the virtual column numbers after resetting the linebreak 
 option. This also happens for the OP_REPLACE part. Here is a patch, 
 including your testcase.

Thank you Christian! Unfortunately, there's still an off-by-one error
with :set selection=exclusive; the cursor is positioned one character
left of the selection's end (resulting in barfoXo in the test).

I hope that is easy to fix; it might also be worthwhile to test that
variation, too.

- -- regards, ingo

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Regression: v_b_A inserts at start or middle of selection instead of end after 7.4.576

2015-05-18 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

appending to the end of a visual blockwise selection can be done with
the A command. I just noticed that this doesn't work reliably any more
- - lines are wrapped and the cursor is in a following screen line AND
- - :set linebreak
This happens with real blocks as well as a corner case single-line
blockwise selection.
To reproduce:

vim -N -u NONE
:set linebreak
:normal! 40afoo bar
:normal! BB^VeAX
Appending should be after the selected word (barfooX), but it occurs
at the beginning instead (Xbarfoo).

I've bisected this down to the following patch:

,[ bad change ]
| 7.4.576  redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'

Attached is a test that verifies the correct behavior.

I can reproduce this on Vim version 7.4.716 on Windows/x64 as well as on
latest Vim 7.4.729 on Linux/x64.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Using Vim for 13 years now, mostly 'cos I can't figure out how to exit it.
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diff --git a/src/testdir/ b/src/testdir/
--- a/src/testdir/
+++ b/src/testdir/
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ G$khhhhhkkcmno
 :exe :norm! 012l\C-vjjAx\Esc
 :set ve= enc=latin1
 :.,/^$/w  test.out
+: Test for single-line Visual block append at wrapped line with :set linebreak
+Golong line: 40afoobar aTARGET at end
+:set linebreak
+:exe :norm! $3B\C-veAx\Esc
+:set nolinebreak
+:.w  test.out
 : gUe must uppercase a whole word, also when ß changes to SS
 Gothe youtußeuu endYpk0wgUe
 : gUfx must uppercase until x, inclusive.
diff --git a/src/testdir/test39.ok b/src/testdir/test39.ok
--- a/src/testdir/test39.ok
+++ b/src/testdir/test39.ok
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
x x   line2
x x   line3
+long line: foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar TARGETx at end

test-v_b_A in wrapped line.patch.sig
Description: Binary data

Re: abbreviation no longer expand after insert mode remappings

2015-05-06 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 06-May-2015 11:21, Enno wrote:
 Hitting a non-keyword character, cr or esc in insert mode with
 the cursor behind an abbreviation (:help abbreviation) expands the 
 abbreviation. However, a mapping to that character no longer
 expands the abbreviation in the same way.

 Is this a bug or on purpose?

At least, this behavior has been in Vim for a very long time, so it's
highly unlikely that Bram changes it, as people or plugins may rely on

 The remedy by prepending C-] to the non-recursively mapped
 character is cumbersome, because now every non-recursive mapping
 must check if the remapped character is a non-keyword character and
 eventually preprend C-].

Do you have a concrete problem? In my opinion, discussing this on a
purely theoretical level rarely leads to something. If you post your
actual issue, I think we can find a solution.

I usually use :imap instead of :inoremap, and then the abbreviation gets
expanded. (I think you're aware of that and referred to it as
non-recursively mapped.) So far, I haven't had any problems with that;
you only have to be careful now that the {rhs} gets remapped, and that
can be controlled via subordinate :inoremap'ed SIDIntermediateMappings
(but not for the first inserted character).

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: BUG: :substitute answers (a)ll / (l)ast affect c / g flags on repetition with g and :

2015-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 03-May-2015 03:52, h_east wrote:
 Hello Ingo! 2015/5/3(Sun) 4:46:50 UTC+9 Ingo Karkat:
 Hello Vim developers,
 if you do a :substitute/foo/bar/c and then choose (a)ll as the
 answer, a repeat of the substitution via g or : does not
 confirm each substitution any more; i.e. the :s_c flag is *not*
 The documentation of g and :s_ explicitly state that they Keep
 the flags from the previous substitute command.
 Likewise, answering (l)ast omits a given :s_g flag on
 The problem is that the static flags do_all and do_ask are
 modified by the answers, and the modified answers are then reused
 on repetition, whereas the original ones should be restored in
 that case. From do_sub() :
 static int   do_all = FALSE; /* do multiple substitutions per line
 */ static intdo_ask = FALSE; /* ask for confirmation */
 [...] if (typed == 'l') { /* last: replace and then stop */ 
 do_all = FALSE; line2 = lnum; break; } if (typed == 'a') { do_ask
 = FALSE; break; }
 Note: This was originally raised on Stack Overflow:
- -c-

 I understand this problem. I think this should be corrected. So, I
 wrote a patch. Please confirm this.

I can confirm that this fixes both reported problems. ?

- -- regards, ingo
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BUG: :substitute answers (a)ll / (l)ast affect c / g flags on repetition with g and :

2015-05-02 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

if you do a :substitute/foo/bar/c and then choose (a)ll as the answer,
a repeat of the substitution via g or : does not confirm each
substitution any more; i.e. the :s_c flag is *not* kept!

The documentation of g and :s_ explicitly state that they Keep the
flags from the previous substitute command.

Likewise, answering (l)ast omits a given :s_g flag on repetition.

The problem is that the static flags do_all and do_ask are modified by
the answers, and the modified answers are then reused on repetition,
whereas the original ones should be restored in that case. From do_sub()

static int  do_all = FALSE; /* do multiple substitutions per line */
static int  do_ask = FALSE; /* ask for confirmation */

if (typed == 'l')
/* last: replace and then stop */
do_all = FALSE;
line2 = lnum;
if (typed == 'a')
do_ask = FALSE;

Note: This was originally raised on Stack Overflow:

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Re: Preparations for moving to github

2015-03-26 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 26-Mar-2015 17:25, Manuel Ortega wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Bram already is a bottleneck in development; please don't make
 work harder by adding yet more complexity in repo maintenance!
 It's quite obvious that almost nobody on this list cares about
 adding complexity for Bram; it they did, they would not be
 insisting that he switch over to git rather than just moving the
 repo to BB and beind done with it.

I've followed this entire thread; Bram explicitly asked for feedback,
and showed his openness about switching to GitHub (and thereby Git);
he's even considering using pull requests (which I'm quite fond of; it
could streamline the current process of posting patches (and
occasionally updates to them)). He could have simply said Mercurial
is set, and GitHub would have been out.

I was referring to continuous overhead (like pruning the repo);
whereas switching version control systems is a one-time effort only.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Preparations for moving to github

2015-03-26 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 26-Mar-2015 14:32, Manuel Ortega wrote:
 It's smaller than Linux, therefore it's not too big?  It's far too
 big for the kind of thing it is.  It's a plain text editor; a user
 shouldn't have 50MB worth of useless things (much from *eleven*
 years ago) hanging around.

With the broadband connections that most of us now fortunately have,
50 MB is nothing. People stream / download entire HD movies all the
time. Java projects using Maven routinely download half of the
Internet to get to a build :-)

 Surely nobody needs 7.0 or 7.1 for bisection anymore.  7.3, OK.
 *Maybe* 7.2.  And anyway, bisection doesn't require that it all be
 in one repo (unless one believes the ability to hg bisect is a
 requirement of bisecting, which it is not).

I find the information when something was last changed very valuable.

 Bram can (and should) put older parts under and, and then anyone who wants to go
 spelunking back in time can still do so.
 It's time to weigh the benefits of keeping ancient code in the main
 repo against the benefits of a small repo.  Keeping the *whole*
 history benefits a very small number of people on very rare
 occasions.  Making a smaller repo benefits everyone on nearly all
 occasions, and at most mildly inconveniences the very few people on
 those very rare occasions.

I'd argue the other way: Most people don't care about the full
download (which needs to be done only once on initial checkout). There
may be some poor fellows with poor connections; if you or some other
volunteer would like to provide lighter repo versions, just do so.
Bram already is a bottleneck in development; please don't make him
work harder by adding yet more complexity in repo maintenance!

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: BUG: Unclosed regexp collection breaks :substitute

2015-03-15 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 15-Mar-2015 10:08, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_dev wrote:
 Am 14.03.2015 um 20:14 schrieb Ingo Karkat:
 On 14-Mar-2015 15:34, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Ingo Karkat wrote:
 On 14-Mar-2015 02:11, James McCoy wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 09:54:18PM +0100, Ingo Karkat
 it's possible to avoid escaping a [ character:
 ,[ :help E769 ] | When the ']' is not there Vim
 will not give an error message but | assume no collection
 is used. Useful to search for '['. `
 But when using that feature in a :substitute command,
 the replacement part is mistakenly added to the pattern:
 :s/[//g E486: Pattern not found: [//g
 No, that's not what's happening.  You can leave off the
 entire replacement and the delimiter before it.  When this
 happens, Vim treats it as deleting the matching strings.
 To quote:
 If the {string} is omitted the substitute is done as if
 it's empty. Thus the matched pattern is deleted.  The
 separator after {pattern} can also be left out then.
 Example:  :%s/TESTING This deletes TESTING from all
 lines, but only one per line.
 Right. My point is that because the / delimiters are not 
 actually left off (they are there, in the correct, unescaped 
 form), the :s command *mistakenly* runs into the case you've 
 quoted. Putting it yet another way, the [ consumes the 
 following characters (including the unescaped separators), 
 assuming they belong to the collection, and when at the end
 the collection isn't closed, the parsing should backtrack
 and reinterpret, but it currently doesn't.
 I understand that this is confusing, but it's working as 
 I don't see this particular behavior documented. I would expect 
 something like this (highlighting the current inconsistencies): 
 An unclosed [ will do a literal search, but when such pattern
 is directly included in a :substitute command (but not when such
 pattern is reused from the last search via :s//...), the
 remainder is interpreted as the pattern; i.e. you cannot add a
 replacement part and :s_flags there.
 The alternative, detecting the unclosed [ in some
 circumstances, will make it less consistent and probably even
 more confusing.  So let's just leave it as it is.
 I've never argued for that. Of course, the unclosed [ would have
 to be detected in _all_ circumstances. That shouldn't be too
 difficult; the regexp engines already do that.
 It's clear that if you type the wrong command things may go
 I don't think :s/[/x/g is wrong. It simply parses as pattern=[, 
 replacement=x, flags=g. Unfortunately, Vim's implementation is
 buggy and parses it as pattern=[/x/g replacement= flags= (because
 the [...] collection parsing suspends the delimiter parsing until
 the closing ], but this isn't a collection, so it shouldn't
 If I had wanted that, I would rather type :s/[\/x\/g (or 
 :s/[\/x\/g//), i.e. properly escape the / delimiters.

 I think the current behavior is ok (snafu ...).

Yeah, realistically, the bug would only be included as a low-prio item
on the todo list, and probably not addressed within this decade :-(
Maybe the neovim project will write a different parser and avoid the
problem. I'm a bit sad about this state of affairs, but on the other
hand, Vim is still incredibly useful (even with this minor bug), so
I'm fine with it.

 If you use [ unescaped, you should know what you are doing.

Agreed. That's why I'm mostly afraid of plugins breaking due the

 Because: even with correct parsing, the pattern may still change,
 eg what if ] occurs in the replacement part: :s/[/x]/g

No, that's not an unclosed [ followed by ] in the replacement part,
but a correct collection of / and x. The delimiter doesn't have to
escaped inside a collection (didn't find that documented, but it's how
the implementation works).

 Now the original pattern [ becomes [/x] and the only fix is 

Right. You can't use unescaped unclosed [ when there's a ] in the
replacement part.

 That's what we have undo for.
 As I said, I'm mostly worried about plugins blindly putting @/
 into the :substitute (maybe with prepending / appending something
 else, and then failing due to the inconsistency caused by the
 bug. That would be hard to detect by the user; undo wouldn't help
 I'm all for consistency, and fixing this bug would IMO increase
 that, so that the special case of unclosed [ and the :s///
 separators interact in a benign way. I was motivated to report
 this because one Vim user was struggling with just this, and went
 to Stack Overflow to ask for help.
 - -- regards, ingo

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


Re: BUG: Unclosed regexp collection breaks :substitute

2015-03-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 14-Mar-2015 15:34, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Ingo Karkat wrote:
 On 14-Mar-2015 02:11, James McCoy wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 09:54:18PM +0100, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 it's possible to avoid escaping a [ character:
 ,[ :help E769 ] | When the ']' is not there Vim will
 not give an error message but | assume no collection is used.
 Useful to search for '['. `
 But when using that feature in a :substitute command, the 
 replacement part is mistakenly added to the pattern:
 :s/[//g E486: Pattern not found: [//g
 No, that's not what's happening.  You can leave off the entire
  replacement and the delimiter before it.  When this happens,
 Vim treats it as deleting the matching strings.  To quote:
 If the {string} is omitted the substitute is done as if it's
 empty. Thus the matched pattern is deleted.  The separator
 after {pattern} can also be left out then.  Example: 
 :%s/TESTING This deletes TESTING from all lines, but only one
 per line.
 Right. My point is that because the / delimiters are not
 actually left off (they are there, in the correct, unescaped
 form), the :s command *mistakenly* runs into the case you've
 quoted. Putting it yet another way, the [ consumes the
 following characters (including the unescaped separators),
 assuming they belong to the collection, and when at the end the
 collection isn't closed, the parsing should backtrack and
 reinterpret, but it currently doesn't.
 I understand that this is confusing, but it's working as

I don't see this particular behavior documented. I would expect
something like this (highlighting the current inconsistencies):
An unclosed [ will do a literal search, but when such pattern is
directly included in a :substitute command (but not when such pattern
is reused from the last search via :s//...), the remainder is
interpreted as the pattern; i.e. you cannot add a replacement part and
:s_flags there.

 The alternative, detecting the unclosed [ in some circumstances,
 will make it less consistent and probably even more confusing.  So
 let's just leave it as it is.

I've never argued for that. Of course, the unclosed [ would have to be
detected in _all_ circumstances. That shouldn't be too difficult; the
regexp engines already do that.

 It's clear that if you type the wrong command things may go wrong.

I don't think :s/[/x/g is wrong. It simply parses as pattern=[,
replacement=x, flags=g. Unfortunately, Vim's implementation is buggy
and parses it as pattern=[/x/g replacement= flags= (because the [...]
collection parsing suspends the delimiter parsing until the closing ],
but this isn't a collection, so it shouldn't apply!)

If I had wanted that, I would rather type :s/[\/x\/g (or
:s/[\/x\/g//), i.e. properly escape the / delimiters.

 That's what we have undo for.

As I said, I'm mostly worried about plugins blindly putting @/ into
the :substitute (maybe with prepending / appending something else, and
then failing due to the inconsistency caused by the bug. That would be
hard to detect by the user; undo wouldn't help much.

I'm all for consistency, and fixing this bug would IMO increase that,
so that the special case of unclosed [ and the :s/// separators
interact in a benign way. I was motivated to report this because one
Vim user was struggling with just this, and went to Stack Overflow to
ask for help.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: BUG: Unclosed regexp collection breaks :substitute

2015-03-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 14-Mar-2015 02:11, James McCoy wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 09:54:18PM +0100, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 it's possible to avoid escaping a [ character:
 ,[ :help E769 ] | When the ']' is not there Vim will not
 give an error message but | assume no collection is used.  Useful
 to search for '['. `
 But when using that feature in a :substitute command, the
 replacement part is mistakenly added to the pattern:
 :s/[//g E486: Pattern not found: [//g
 No, that's not what's happening.  You can leave off the entire 
 replacement and the delimiter before it.  When this happens, Vim
 treats it as deleting the matching strings.  To quote:
 If the {string} is omitted the substitute is done as if it's empty.
 Thus the matched pattern is deleted.  The separator after {pattern}
 can also be left out then.  Example:  :%s/TESTING This deletes
 TESTING from all lines, but only one per line.

Right. My point is that because the / delimiters are not actually
left off (they are there, in the correct, unescaped form), the :s
command *mistakenly* runs into the case you've quoted. Putting it yet
another way, the [ consumes the following characters (including the
unescaped separators), assuming they belong to the collection, and
when at the end the collection isn't closed, the parsing should
backtrack and reinterpret, but it currently doesn't.

- -- regards, ingo
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BUG: Unclosed regexp collection breaks :substitute

2015-03-13 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

it's possible to avoid escaping a [ character:

,[ :help E769 ]
| When the ']' is not there Vim will not give an error message but
| assume no collection is used.  Useful to search for '['.

But when using that feature in a :substitute command, the replacement
part is mistakenly added to the pattern:

E486: Pattern not found: [//g

I guess the command parser doesn't backtrack when the closing ]
isn't found, and instead uses the remainder as the pattern (even
though the / separators aren't escaped and therefore are valid

Though this came up in a (wrongly typed) command [1], it's unlikely
that this problem occurs during interactive use. I'm more worried
about plugins automatically inserting the last search pattern into a
generated command and then failing unexpectedly, e.g.:

execute 'substitute/' . @/ . '//g'

- -- regards, ingo

- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Using Vim for 13 years now, mostly 'cos I can't figure out how to exit it.
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Re: --remote-tab + 'noautocd' = cwd clobbering

2015-03-01 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 01-Mar-2015 15:32, xaizek wrote:
 I don't know a way to check whether window is using local cwd or 
 global one.

The result is a Number, which is 1 when the current
window has set a local path via :lcd, and 0 otherwise.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: iterated remapping

2015-02-20 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 19-Feb-2015 23:55, Alexey wrote:
 Hello, i wonder if the following is a bug or a feature.
 If execute the commands
 :imap 2 3 :inoremap 13 42
 and type 12 in Insert mode, i get 13, but i would naïvely
 expect to get 42.

No, that's correct. When you type 1, Vim recognizes that the 13
mapping may apply, and waits for the next key. As this is 2, that
mapping doesn't apply. (The :imap doesn't get in between, and no
potential right-hand side has been produced yet; it's all still in
limbo.) There are no other candidates, so the 1 is cleared for use,
and only the current 2 is of concern. That one is mapped to 3,
yielding 13.

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: Patch 7.4.592

2015-02-11 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 11-Feb-2015 22:19, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Lilydjwg wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:26:39AM +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Patch 7.4.592 Problem:When doing :e foobar when already
 editing foobar and 'buftype' is nofile the buffer is
 cleared. (Xavier de Gaye) Solution:   Do no clear the buffer. 
 Files:  src/ex_cmds.c
 This patch breaks netrw scp:// handling for me. I've tried
 several versions of vim (git bisect actually, then run src/vim
 without installing) with the same runtime and configuration
 files. Before this patch, vim scp://host/file works, but after
 this patch, vim is editing an empty buffer.
 Charles is aware of the problem but didn't have time yet to look
 into the reason.
 I'm starting to think that it's better to roll back this change. It
 was applied mainly for consistency.  Not breaking plugins is more 

Let's wait until Charles has analyzed the problem. If the resolution
is simple, and netrw is the only known trouble spot, we can just as
well keep it. Consistency is an important good!

- -- regards, ingo
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[PATCH] Documentation typo fixes

2015-02-09 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
 strchars() function is still referenced 
in the todo list:

diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
- --- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -2108,8 +2108,6 @@ 8   Add functions:
Search in 'runtimepath'?
More docs needed about how to use this.
How to get the messages into the .po files?
- -strchars()   Like strlen() and strwidth() but counting 
- - instead of bytes.
 confirm()  add flags argument, with 'v' for vertical
layout and 'c' for console dialog. (Haegg)
Flemming Madsen has a patch for the 'c' flag

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Re: BUG: /foo/,/bar/argdo proceeds after E14: Invalid address

2015-01-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 29-Jan-2015 22:05, Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
 On 17:13 Thu 29 Jan , Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Hello Vim developers,
 the new range handling on :argdo (and :bufdo, :windo) proceeds
 even if a silly (and invalid) range is passed to it:
 $ vim -N -u NONE :args *.txt :/foo/,/bar/argdo echo bufnr('') 
 E14: Invalid address 2 INSTALLmac.txt 67 lines, 1942
 characters 3 INSTALLpc.txt 513 lines, 19434 characters 4 
 INSTALLvms.txt 393 lines, 12432 characters 5 INSTALLx.txt 165
 lines, 5354 characters 6 README.txt 143 lines, 5178 characters 
 In contrast, :1,999argdo echo bufnr('') correctly aborts with 
 E16: Invalid range
 - -- regards, ingo
 The attached patch fixes this and also fixes a typo in a comment.
 Regards, Marcin

Thanks Marcin for that very quick response. However, your patch didn't
fix the given problem; two very similar other places need to set cmd
to NULL, too. Please see the attached, revised patch (still including
the fixed typo).

- -- regards, ingo
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diff --git a/src/ex_docmd.c b/src/ex_docmd.c
--- a/src/ex_docmd.c
+++ b/src/ex_docmd.c
@@ -4405,6 +4405,7 @@ get_address(ptr, addr_type, skip, to_oth
 		if (addr_type != ADDR_LINES)
+		cmd = NULL;
 		goto error;
 		if (skip)
@@ -4436,6 +4437,7 @@ get_address(ptr, addr_type, skip, to_oth
 		if (addr_type != ADDR_LINES)
+		cmd = NULL;
 		goto error;
 		if (skip)	/* skip /pat/ */
@@ -4484,6 +4486,7 @@ get_address(ptr, addr_type, skip, to_oth
 		if (addr_type != ADDR_LINES)
+		cmd = NULL;
 		goto error;
 		if (*cmd == '')
@@ -4662,7 +4665,7 @@ invalid_range(eap)
 		return (char_u *)_(e_invrange);
-		if (eap-line2  ARGCOUNT + (!ARGCOUNT))// add 1 if ARCOUNT is 0
+		if (eap-line2  ARGCOUNT + (!ARGCOUNT))// add 1 if ARGCOUNT is 0
 		return (char_u *)_(e_invrange);

Description: Binary data

BUG: /foo/,/bar/argdo proceeds after E14: Invalid address

2015-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

the new range handling on :argdo (and :bufdo, :windo) proceeds even if
a silly (and invalid) range is passed to it:

$ vim -N -u NONE
:args *.txt
:/foo/,/bar/argdo echo bufnr('')
E14: Invalid address
INSTALLmac.txt 67 lines, 1942 characters
INSTALLpc.txt 513 lines, 19434 characters
INSTALLvms.txt 393 lines, 12432 characters
INSTALLx.txt 165 lines, 5354 characters
README.txt 143 lines, 5178 characters

In contrast,
:1,999argdo echo bufnr('')
correctly aborts with
E16: Invalid range

- -- regards, ingo

- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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[PATCH] Windows Regression: parsing of quoted command-line changed by patch 7.4.432

2015-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

I use the easytags.vim plugin, which invokes another Vim instance, its
arguments properly escaped via shellescape(). On Windows, this doubles 
into . Starting with
,[ Patch 7.4.432 ]
| MS-Windows: setting 'encoding' does not convert arguments
this causes startup errors in the launched Vim instance, breaking the
plugin, and causing stray vim.exe processes to accumulate. (This is with
a HUGE Vim on Windows/x64, compiled with Windows SDK 7.1 / cl.exe
version 16.00.40219.01 for x64, if it matters.)

,[ how to reproduce ]
| vim.exe -N -u NONE -c let test = 'a quoted string'
| Error detected while processing command line:
| E115: Missing quote: 'a quoted
| E15: Invalid expression: 'a quoted

I know that shell quoting on Windows is a hairy mess, and after reading
some relevant articles ([1] and [2] are very detailed), I feel like I
understand _less_ how it is supposed to work :-(

Fact is, that patch changed the command-line parsing, but I don't know
how it could possibly affect the quoting behavior. What I did find out
is that _tripling_ (instead of doubling) fixes the problem for me. Some
experiments with findstr.exe also showed equal or better results with
tripling [3].

So attached is a workaround that changes shellescape() to triple instead
of double  on Windows. With that, easytags is working again (also when
it invokes an older Vim), and in a week of use, I didn't notice any
Of course, I'd prefer to have Vim's command-line parsing corrected so
that doubled  do work again. If some Windows guru (or Matsumoto-san as
the author of the original patch) achieves this, that'd be great!

- -- regards, ingo

[3]  echo.afooin here | findstr /L afoo
afooin here

 echo.afooin here | findstr /L afoo
afooin here

 echo.afooin here | findstr /L afooin

 echo.afooin here | findstr /L afooin
afooin here

 echo.afooin here|findstr /X /C:afooin here

 echo.afooin here|findstr /X /C:afooin here
FINDSTR: Cannot open here

 echo.afooin here|findstr /X /C:afooin here
afooin here

 echo.afooin here|findstr /X /C:afooin here
afooin here

 echo.afooin here|findstr /X /C:a\foo\in here
afooin here
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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diff --git a/src/misc2.c b/src/misc2.c
--- a/src/misc2.c
+++ b/src/misc2.c
@@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@ vim_strsave_shellescape(string, do_speci
 	if (!p_ssl)
 	if (*p == '')
-		++length;		/*  -  */
+		length = length + 2;		/*  -  */
 # endif
@@ -1435,6 +1435,7 @@ vim_strsave_shellescape(string, do_speci
 		*d++ = '';
 		*d++ = '';
+		*d++ = '';

Description: Binary data

Re: Proposal: range('a', 'c') should be ['a', 'b', 'c']

2015-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 15-Jan-2015 12:24, mattn wrote:
 Well, I don't want plugin. I want builtin function.

Can you demonstrate that this is needed frequently? Which common tasks
would benefit from this? (And why would a short library function not

The only use case I've encountered so far is generating a list of
a..z, which I do this way: split('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '\zs')

I think we have to trade convenience vs. complexity; Vim's codebase is
large enough. And the (already raised) issue of how to handle
multi-char strings isn't nice (char2nr() has this problem, too, but
that's a truly essential function).

- -- regards, ingo
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Inconsistencies of CTRL-C

2015-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

1. In normal mode, an unmapped CTRL-C Interrupt[s] current (search)
   command. And it prints the Type :quitEnter to exit Vim message.
   So when I
:nnoremap C-c Nop
   The message is indeed gone, but commands like :sleep 30 are still
   interrupted?! I would have expected such for :nnoremap C-c C-c,
   but not for mapping to Nop.

2. In insert mode :h i_CTRL-C mentions Does not trigger the InsertLeave
   autocommand event. But with
:autocmd InsertLeave * echomsg localtime()
:inoremap C-c C-c
   I observe the event being fired.

Background of this is that with the fixes in 7.4.569, one actually has
to :map C-c C-c (i.e. to itself) in order to use mappings that
_include_ C-c in the {lhs}. (Otherwise, as :h CTRL-W_CTRL-C rightfully
notes, the mapping would be aborted.) But I would like to keep the
original interrupting of C-c intact (in all modes).

In summary, I see the following two inconsistencies as (minor) bugs:

1. With :nnoremap C-c Nop, normal mode commands like 20gs and slow
   searches should _not_ abort. But any mapping _to_ a {rhs} of C-c
   should abort (which it currently doesn't). I'm not sure how useful
   that would be, and it looks difficult to implement (as the CTRL-C
   handling is lower-level than the mapping layer, right?)

2. With :inoremap C-c C-c, the InsertLeave event should _not_ be
   fired. Could be just a simple condition that's missing there.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Re: Regression: Patch 7.4.569 breaks vmap C-C

2015-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 14-Jan-2015 16:07, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 The problem is with using State directly, should use
 I added a test, but it also passes without the fix.  Same problem
 that it works when using :normal or feedkeys().

Thanks, I can confirm that it's working now!

- -- regards, ingo
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Regression: Patch 7.4.569 breaks vmap C-C

2015-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

First, thanks for fixing this issue with unmapping CTRL-C, Bram and
Christian! Unfortunately, after patch 7.4.569, I cannot map C-C in
visual or select mode any more. (I have mapped this to copy to
clipboard, similar to what's in mswin.vim.)

Steps to reproduce:

$ vim -N -u NONE
:vnoremap C-c :C-uquit!CR
:echo Press V CTRL-C now
 (stays inside Vim)

Interestingly, :normal or feedkeys() still work:

:execute normal V\C-c
 (quits as expected)

This happens with a HUGE Vim build, on both Windows/x64 and Linux/x64.
Other modes work fine, only :vmap, :xmap, and :smap are affected.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Segfault on widescreen GVIM with error in 'rulerformat'

2015-01-05 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

my 'rulerformat' called a function that had been renamed, and didn't
exist any more. Because I was using :silent!, I never noticed, and it
took me a long time to figure out that this was causing crashes on
GVIM when it got maximized (or when the horizontal size got increased
to about the width of my monitor, e.g. via :set columns=999).

Here's a minimal scriptlet (also attached) to reproduce the segfault:

:set ruler rulerformat=%75(%{DoesNotExist()}%)
:set columns=999 If you have a small monitor, decrease font
size, too.

I see this in the latest GVIM 7.4.560 on Windows/x64 as well as in all
official Windows/x86 builds of GVIM down to version 7.0. The problem
also appears on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux/x64, Vim 7.4.560:

$ gvim -N -u NONE -S /host/segfault-widescreen-rulerformat.vim
$ Vim: Caught deadly signal SEGV
E138: Can't write viminfo file $HOME/.viminfo!Vim: Finished.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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Description: application/octetstream

Description: Binary data

[PATCH] Re: Regression: glob('dir/*/') also returns plain files with appended path separator, not just directories on Windows.

2014-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 22-May-2014 13:32, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Hello Vim developers,
 I just noticed a regression when using a custom command's
 complete function that is file-based. When I do :echo
 glob('dir/*/'), I expect the result to only include directories,
 because of the trailing / path separator (same when using \
 btw.), but in recent Windows builds, it also includes *all
 files*. For example, from the Vim repository root dir, I get:
 ,[ bad ] | src\arabic.c\ | src\arabic.h\ | src\ascii.h\ |
 src\auto\ | src\bigvim.bat\ | ... `
 instead of
 ,[ good ] | src\auto\ | ... `
 With this command:
 src\vim.exe -N -u NONE -c if len(glob('src/*/',0,1))  20 |
 cquit | else | quit | endif
 I've bisected this problem to the following patch:
 ,[ bad change ] | 7.3.1182  'backupcopy' default on
 MS-Windows does not work for links `
 I still see this in the latest 7.4.295 (HUGE build, using
 Make_mvc.mak with the Windows SDK 7.1 compiler) on Windows/x64.
 No problems on Linux.
 Can you do some debugging to find out what part of that patch
 causes this?  Perhaps one of the ways to expand a file name removes
 the trailing slash?  Considering the output above, it looks like
 the slash is added back afterwards, also after normal files.

I've finally found the problem and a possible fix. The root cause is
that patch 7.3.1182 replaces the implementation of mch_getperm() in
os_win32.c that uses the native GetFileAttributes() with a call to
mch_stat(). That one (in vim_stat() from os_mswin.c) is documented to
remove a trailing path separator. dos_expandpath() just checks for a
successful stat() call, so it now accepts files just as well as

When reverting mch_getperm() to the previous implementation, the
problem is gone, but I guess the change was done for a reason :-)
While attempting to add filtering for actual directories, I happened
upon a related comment On Solaris stat() accepts file/ as if it was
file. in macros.h, and it appeared to me that applying the
illegal_slash() function (adapted for Windows by also checking for a
backslash) to the mch_stat() macro is the correct solution.

Attached is a patch and a test for the problem.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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diff --git a/src/macros.h b/src/macros.h
--- a/src/macros.h
+++ b/src/macros.h
@@ -188,7 +188,9 @@
 # endif
 # define mch_fstat(n, p)	fstat((n), (p))
 # ifdef MSWIN	/* has it's own mch_stat() function */
-#  define mch_stat(n, p)	vim_stat((n), (p))
+/* The Windows vim_stat() accepts file/ as if it was file.  Return -1 if
+ * the name ends in / and it's not a directory. */
+#  define mch_stat(n, p)	(illegal_slash(n) ? -1 : vim_stat((n), (p)))
 # else
 /* On Solaris stat() accepts file/ as if it was file.  Return -1 if
diff --git a/src/misc2.c b/src/misc2.c
--- a/src/misc2.c
+++ b/src/misc2.c
@@ -3367,7 +3367,7 @@ vim_chdirfile(fname)
-#if defined(STAT_IGNORES_SLASH) || defined(PROTO)
+#if defined(STAT_IGNORES_SLASH) || defined(MSWIN) || defined(PROTO)
  * Check if name ends in a slash and is not a directory.
  * Used for systems where stat() ignores a trailing slash on a file name.
@@ -3379,7 +3379,11 @@ illegal_slash(name)
 if (name[0] == NUL)
 	return FALSE;	/* no file name is not illegal */
+#if defined(MSWIN)
+if (name[strlen(name) - 1] != '/'  name[strlen(name) - 1] != '\\')
 if (name[strlen(name) - 1] != '/')
 	return FALSE;	/* no trailing slash */
 if (mch_isdir((char_u *)name))
 	return FALSE;	/* trailing slash for a directory */
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -1898,6 +1898,7 @@ test1 \
 	test_close_count \
 	test_command_count \
 	test_eval \
+	test_glob_directories \

Re: Find Bugs

2014-12-19 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 19-Dec-2014 08:07, Antonio Giovanni Colombo wrote:
 Hi Guilherme, have a look from inside a Vim session at:
 :help todo
 There is plenty of stuff listed there.

I also welcome your willingness to fix some bugs (and there's plenty
of them), thanks!

You'll find a more up-to-date version of the todo list at

or, once you've pulled the Mercurial repository containing Vim's
source code, in runtime/doc/todo.txt.

In addition, there's also an issues list at Vim's Google Code project:

Don't be afraid to post your patches and questions here, and again
thanks for your help!

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
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[PATCH] On Windows, GVIM's window size increases when changing menus while minimized

2014-12-19 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

this has been bugging me for a long time; I finally found the root
cause. I use --remote {file} to open a file in an existing GVIM
instance. When that instance had been minimized (:suspend), GVIM would
come up with 'lines' increased by two when put to the foreground again.
So, the vertical window size of GVIM would grow with each file opened!

I found out that this is caused by plugins like MruMenu and the built-in
Buffers menu, which hook into BufNew / BufRead and then re-build their
menu. It can be reproduced via the following command sequence:

gvim -N -u NONE -c echomsg 'before:' lines -c suspend
gvim -N -u NONE --server GVIM --remote-send
:an ltNopCR
gvim -N -u NONE --server GVIM --remote-send
:call foreground()Barechomsg 'after:' linesBarmessagesCR

When a top-level menu item is affected, Vim invokes
gui_mswin_get_menu_height(); when GVIM is minimized, the Win32 functions
cannot determine the current menu height, which bases the following
resizing on wrong sizes, and that increases the window height.

Attached patch adds a condition for minimized Vim and returns the
(already saved) previous menu height in that case. With that, the
problem is gone.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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diff --git a/src/gui_w32.c b/src/gui_w32.c
--- a/src/gui_w32.c
+++ b/src/gui_w32.c
@@ -598,6 +598,16 @@ gui_mswin_get_menu_height(
 if (num == 0)
 	menu_height = 0;
+else if (IsMinimized(s_hwnd))
+	/*
+	 * The height of the menu cannot be determined while the window is
+	 * minimized.  Take the previous height if the menu is changed in that
+	 * state, to avoid that Vim's vertical window size accidentally
+	 * increases due to the unaccounted-for menu height.
+	 */
+	menu_height = old_menu_height == -1 ? 0 : old_menu_height;
 	if (is_winnt_3())	/* for NT 3.xx */
@@ -644,9 +654,9 @@ gui_mswin_get_menu_height(
 if (fix_window  menu_height != old_menu_height)
-	old_menu_height = menu_height;
 	gui_set_shellsize(FALSE, FALSE, RESIZE_VERT);
+old_menu_height = menu_height;
 return menu_height;

Description: Binary data

[PATCH] :0argedit doesn't prepend like :0argadd does

2014-12-19 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

:0argedit foo should insert a first argument like :0argadd foo does, but
it actually puts the argument *after* the first one, at position 2.

,[ :help :argedit ]
| [count] is used like with |:argadd|.

Attached patch fixes that, and adds a test for this.

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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diff --git a/src/ex_cmds.h b/src/ex_cmds.h
--- a/src/ex_cmds.h
+++ b/src/ex_cmds.h
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ EX(CMD_argdo,		argdo,	ex_listdo,
 EX(CMD_argedit,		argedit,	ex_argedit,
 EX(CMD_argglobal,	argglobal,	ex_args,
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -1891,6 +1891,7 @@ unittest unittests: $(UNITTEST_TARGETS)
 # Run individual test, assuming that Vim was already compiled.
 test1 \
+	test_argument_0count \
 	test_argument_count \
 	test_autoformat_join \
 	test_breakindent \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak b/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
--- a/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ SCRIPTS = test1.out test3.out test4.out 
 		test94.out test95.out test96.out test97.out test98.out \
 		test99.out test100.out test101.out test102.out test103.out \
 		test104.out test105.out test106.out test107.out \
+		test_argument_0count.out \
 		test_argument_count.out \
 		test_autoformat_join.out \
 		test_breakindent.out \
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ test104.out:
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak b/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
--- a/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ SCRIPTS =	test3.out test4.out test5.out 
 		test94.out test95.out test96.out test98.out test99.out \
 		test100.out test101.out test102.out test103.out test104.out \
 		test105.out test106.out  test107.out\
+		test_argument_0count.out \
 		test_argument_count.out \
 		test_autoformat_join.out \
 		test_breakindent.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak b/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
--- a/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ SCRIPTS =	test3.out test4.out test5.out 
 		test94.out test95.out test96.out test98.out test99.out \
 		test100.out test101.out test102.out test103.out test104.out \
 		test105.out test106.out test107.out \
+		test_argument_0count.out \
 		test_argument_count.out \
 		test_autoformat_join.out \
 		test_breakindent.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak b/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak
--- a/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_os2.mak
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ SCRIPTS = test1.out test3.out test4.out 
 		test94.out test95.out test96.out test98.out test99.out \
 		test100.out test101.out test102.out test103.out test104.out \
 		test105.out test106.out test107.out \
+		test_argument_0count.out \
 		test_argument_count.out \
 		test_autoformat_join.out \
 		test_breakindent.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
--- a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ SCRIPT = test1.out  test2.out  test3.out
 	 test95.out test96.out test98.out test99.out \
 	 test100.out test101.out test103.out test104.out \
 	 test105.out test106.out test107.out \
+	 test_argument_0count.out \
 	 test_argument_count.out \
 	 test_autoformat_join.out \
 	 test_breakindent.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Makefile b/src/testdir/Makefile
--- a/src/testdir/Makefile
+++ b/src/testdir/Makefile
@@ -33,6 +33,7

Re: noautochdir plus --remote-silent

2014-12-16 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 16-Dec-2014 14:30, Axel Bender wrote:
 Using autochdir in .vimrc together with the --remote-silent start
 option works fine: the first edited file's path is set correctly. 
 However, the manuals suggest not to use autochdir:
 This option is provided for backward compatibility with the Vim
 released with Sun ONE Studio 4 Enterprise Edition. Note: When this
 option is on some plugins may not work.

I think you interpret this a little bit too harsh. I use 100+ plugins,
and (now; I had to submit patches to very few) they work just fine
with :set autochdir.

 In order to avoid using autochdir I tried (a.o.) the following in
 set noautochdir autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h

That simplistic implementation may cause errors when the path to a
(newly created) file does not exist yet (when adding BufNew, see
below), or when you use the netrw plugin to edit buffer names like All of that can be handled, but I'd recommend to
rather give 'autochdir' another try.

 which works for all but the first file. Which event[s] do I have to
 use to make this work?

BufEnter should work. I'd add BufNew to handle new files and file
renames, too. Does this depend on --remote-silent? If so, what's the
full command to reproduce?

- -- regards, ingo
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Re: Regression: CTRL-C mapping ignored after 7.4.468

2014-12-13 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 13-Dec-2014 14:37, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Hi Ingo! On Fr, 12 Dez 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Hello Vim developers,
 patch 7.4.468 (BTW it doesn't appear in the list on addressed
 Issue 26: CTRL-C does not interrupt after it was mapped and
 then unmapped
 However, it apparently fails to consider the mapping _modes_ of 
 CTRL-C, so when I have such insert mode mapping, then do :cmap
 C-c ... | cunmap C-c, the insert mode mapping (though it
 still is listed by :imap) becomes ineffective! (Same for other
 mode combinations.) I have various mappings that include the
 C-c key (have I mentioned I'm running out of keys?), and all of
 these get broken because one of my plugins temporarily sets up a
 :cmap C-c.
 I've used the following scriptlet to bisect the problem:
 nnoremap C-c :quit!CR nnoremap C-x :cquit!CR cnoremap
 C-c dummy cunmap C-c echomsg Press C-cC-x now
 Interestingly, it requires actual typed keys, even :call 
 feedkeys(\C-c, 't') doesn't work.
 I can reproduce this both on Windows/x64 and Linux/x64, up to
 the current Vim 7.4.542.
 Christian (as the author of the original patch), I hope you'll be
 able to get a fix for that!
 The fix is easy. Simply increment the mapped_ctrl_c flag when
 mapping CTRL-C and decrement it when unmapping. Then Ctrl-C will
 work as interrupt only, when ctrl-c is never mapped.

Thank you Christian! Doesn't this have to consider the current mode?
So when I have an :imap C-c, that mapping is used in insert mode,
but when I press C-c in normal mode (or any other), it interrupts.
Also, I wonder whether this increment / decrement is robust when using
:map buffer C-c; the applicability is then dependent on the
current buffer, and one usually don't :unmap buffer, but just
discards the buffer.

Nonetheless, I think your patch is an improvement and allows to use my
mentioned plugins without any issue. I'll try it out on Monday and
report back any issue.

 diff --git a/src/getchar.c b/src/getchar.c --- a/src/getchar.c +++
 b/src/getchar.c @@ -3707,9 +3707,9 @@ do_map(maptype, arg, mode,
 abbrev) { if (!did_it) retval = 2; /* no match
 */ -   else if (*keys == Ctrl_C) +   else if (*keys ==
 Ctrl_C  mapped_ctrl_c) /* If CTRL-C has been unmapped, reuse it
 for Interrupting. */ -   mapped_ctrl_c = FALSE; +
 mapped_ctrl_c--; goto theend; }
 @@ -3744,7 +3744,7 @@ do_map(maptype, arg, mode, abbrev)
 /* If CTRL-C has been mapped, don't always use it for Interrupting.
 */ if (*keys == Ctrl_C) -   mapped_ctrl_c = TRUE; +
 mp-m_keys = vim_strsave(keys); mp-m_str = vim_strsave(rhs);
 For some reason, I can't come up with a test. Seems like ctrl-c is
  somehow special and whatever I do, it doesn't work as expected, so
 I leave this part out.

Yeah, that's probably why my scriptlet needed explicit user input,
too. I also couldn't reproduce the issue with :call feedkeys(\C-c,
't') somehow.

- -- regards, ingo
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Regression: CTRL-C mapping ignored after 7.4.468

2014-12-12 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

Hello Vim developers,

patch 7.4.468 (BTW it doesn't appear in the list on addressed

 Issue 26: CTRL-C does not interrupt after it was mapped and then 

However, it apparently fails to consider the mapping _modes_ of
CTRL-C, so when I have such insert mode mapping, then do :cmap C-c
... | cunmap C-c, the insert mode mapping (though it still is listed
by :imap) becomes ineffective! (Same for other mode combinations.) I
have various mappings that include the C-c key (have I mentioned I'm
running out of keys?), and all of these get broken because one of my
plugins temporarily sets up a :cmap C-c.

I've used the following scriptlet to bisect the problem:

nnoremap C-c :quit!CR
nnoremap C-x :cquit!CR
cnoremap C-c dummy
cunmap C-c
echomsg Press C-cC-x now

Interestingly, it requires actual typed keys, even :call
feedkeys(\C-c, 't') doesn't work.

I can reproduce this both on Windows/x64 and Linux/x64, up to the
current Vim 7.4.542.

Christian (as the author of the original patch), I hope you'll be able
to get a fix for that!

- -- regards, ingo
- -- 
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Description: application/octetstream

Re: Unsilently sourcing a file, but ignore E122, E174, E227 etc

2014-11-20 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 20-Nov-2014 15:03, Daniel Hahler wrote:
 Is it possible to source a file (without using `:silent!`), but
 ignore any of the following errors: - E122: Function Foo already
 exists, add ! to replace it - E174: Command already exists: add !
 to replace it - E227: mapping already exists for ...
 Using silent! also suppresses any output.
 I've tried to remove the silent! by using a try/catch block, but
 that aborts the sourcing - (the
 `:source!` (with a bang) has a different meaning already, and it
 would be nice to use an already existing mechanism.

I think the answer is already contained in your title: That's what the
:unsilent command was created for.

:silent! unsilent source {file}

This suppresses the mentioned errors (tested with E122), but keeps any
:echo output visible.

- -- regards, ingo
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Re: Put ~ markers into their own highlight group

2014-10-31 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 31-Oct-2014 13:03 +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Marco Hinz wrote:
 this might be yet another controversial patch, but it's asked for
 on IRC all the time.
 The problem is that the ~ markers (end of buffer) and parts of 
 'listchars' both use the same highlight group: NonText.
 Now people wish to use different colors for this, thus this
 patch introduces a new highlight group, EndOfBuffer, which uses
 the same colors as NonText by default.
 The first patch contains the actual changes and the second one
 merely adds 'hi link EndOfBuffer NonText' to the default
 I like the idea.  The only bit that I don't like is having to
 change all color schemes to add the highlight link.  Can't this be
 done by default? Instead of specifying colors that are initially
 equal to NonText, link EndOfBuffer to NonText when initializing the

Doesn't the 'highlight' option provide the necessary indirection?
Currently, the @:NonText occasion stands for both. The patch adds
~:EndOfBuffer. If we default that to ~:NonText instead, supporting
colorschemes could do this:

  :set highlight-=~:NonText
  :set highlight+=~:EndOfBuffer

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: allow to vimgrep current buffer

2014-10-31 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 31-Oct-2014 12:42 +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Zyx wrote:
 On October 29, 2014 10:54:38 PM EAT, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Christian wrote:
 On Di, 28 Okt 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Well, then perhaps a separate :bvimgrep[add] set of
 commands would
 better than overloading the existing commands:
 :bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] [bufname] :N,Mbvimgrep[!]
 /{pattern}/[g][j] :bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] N1 N2 ...
 Sounds useful. Bram, would you consider including this
 feature, if I write a patch for that?
 I think it can be done with a bit of Vim script, but it might
 be generally useful, thus nice to work without installing a
 It could also be a solution for something that doesn't work
 yet: Search within a Visual block.  Since this is going to be a
 new command, we can make :',' respect the Visual mode,
 including block.  So you could select a block and type
 :bvimgrep /pattern/, then move to matches with :cn.
 I think we can actually call it :bgrep.  It's very unlikely
 'grepprg' is useful to search in buffers and it's shorter to
 No. It is useful if you use something like ag (aka the silver 
 searcher), because VimL regexes lack full Unicode support. Also
 naming command like bgrep in place of bvimgrep is
 How would an external command access text in a buffer?  Would have
 to write them into a file.
 If regex is incomplete we could perhaps fix that.

I would also prefer :bvimgrep for consistency and to signify the
regexp dialect being used; it could be abbreviated as :bv. This keeps
the option of later implementing :bgrep that indeed writes the buffer
to a temp file (if necessary), and runs 'grepprg' over it. (Though the
biggest downside of :vimgrep for me isn't in the regexp dialect, but
its slowness due to loading all files into Vim, something that isn't
an issue when going over Vim's (already loaded) buffers.)

- -- regards, ingo
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Re: allow to vimgrep current buffer

2014-10-28 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hash: SHA1

On 28-Oct-2014 15:55 +0100, Павлов Николай  Александрович wrote:

On 28-Oct-2014 15:55, Павлов Николай Александрович wrote: On October
28, 2014 3:22:58 PM EAT, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Am 2014-10-28 12:04, schrieb James McCoy:
 On Oct 28, 2014 2:40 AM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Am 2014-10-27 23:08, schrieb Bee:
 Just curious...
 How is that different from simply using `/` ?
 Is this a `just in case` scenario?
 I find it convenient to have all search results in the 
 It'd be even more convenient to allow searching more than just 
 the current buffer (says someone that wrote a buffer grep 
 Sure, but I am not sure how to specify it: Something like this 
 (vimgrep buffers 1-4)?
 :vimgrep /foobar/ 1,2,3,4 which would not work, if there is a 
 file 1,2,3,4
 We don't have commands, that accept several buffer numbers, 
 Wrong. :bw and similar commands accept more then one buffer.
 But perhaps an argdo/bufdo :vimgrep would suffice?
 No. This will result in either having a hack for catching the 
 situation vimgrep called from :*do or having a quickfix list
 with the results for the last buffer only.  There is :vimgrepadd,
 but this is not going to empty quickfix list before proceeding.
 And :bufdo is a) non-selective and b) switches current buffer.

Well, then perhaps a separate :bvimgrep[add] set of commands would be
better than overloading the existing commands:

:bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] [bufname]
:N,Mbvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j]
:bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] N1 N2 ...

- -- regards, ingo
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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Re: Dear Bram

2014-10-06 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 06-Oct-2014 12:41 +0200, Paul \leonerd\ Evans wrote:

 On Sat, 4 Oct 2014 12:37:45 -0700
 /#!/JoePea wrote:
 Hmmm, yep. I just tested. gvim and MacVim both don't differentiate
 tab and ctrl_i!


 On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Ingo Karkat

 On 04-Oct-2014 15:43 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Not sure what your problem is.  This works just fine:

 imap C-I Up

 It does require gvim, since a terminal doesn't make a difference
 between Tab and CTRL-I.
 This, Bram, is exactly the thing I have been arguing at you for years
 now. You keep deflecting this down to make it sound like the terminal's
 fault, when we both know it isn't.
 You and I both know full well that terminals don't distinguish them; I
 accept that. That's why I designed a better system, in cooperation with
 Thomas Dickey (the current xterm author). I have a terminal now that
 distinguishes any and all possible combinations of keypresses, and
 programs that understand it. Most of the programs I run regularly now
 do understand this - I can type Ctrl-I and Ctrl-Shift-A and so on
 absolutely fine. Vim is one of the few programs remaining that doesn't.
 (see attached screenshot-1).
 Vim - I am talking specifically about vim here - conflates the possible
 keypresses of Ctrl-I vs Tab, of Ctrl-M(or is it Ctrl-J I forget) and
 Enter, of Ctrl-H and Backspace. It further conflates Ctrl-S and
 Ctrl-Shift-S, etc etc... And lets not get started on Unicode vs.
 Blaming terminals for this is just deflecting from the fact that vim's
 internals aren't sufficiently generic to represent the possible
 keypresses, regardless of how they arrive. That 1980s-style terminals
 couldn't do it is one thing but that is no excuse that a 2014-style
 GTK/Win32-driven GUI program cannot.
 You cannot reply to the original poster of this email and claim that it
 works, until you can perform the following test IN GVIM to demonstrate
 it so.
   :imap Tab You typed tab
   :imap C-i You typed Ctrl-I
   :imap C-S-I You typed Ctrl-Shift-I
 Then press all three keypresses and show it inserting different text.
 Do this in gvim, so as to avoid any reason to blame the terminal. For
 me, right now in GTK2-driven gvim, I get the Ctrl-Shift-I version all
 three times. (see attached screenshot-2)
 Only when that works can you reply to the OP and say this works.

To provide evidence that this issue indeed troubles many people
(especially newcomers to Vim), here's an updated tally of related
questions that regularly come up on Stack Overflow and related sites:
(about 32 results)
(6 results)

I'm happy to see that Paul is still pursuing this issue; Bram, why don't
you get him and other developers finally started on designing and
implementing a solution by briefly signaling a willingness to consider
this for a future Vim 8.0?!

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Dear Bram

2014-10-04 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 04-Oct-2014 15:43 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Not sure what your problem is.  This works just fine:
 imap C-I Up
 It does require gvim, since a terminal doesn't make a difference between
 Tab and CTRL-I.

No, even GVIM does not differentiate between C-I and Tab; that's
what's causing so many people grief, and is the motivation for
redesigning Vim's input handling.

,[ demo ]
| :imap C-I C-I
| :imap Tab Tab
| :imap C-I
| i  Tab Tab

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Windows incorrect rendering of international characters

2014-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 31-Jul-2014 15:43 +0200, Ben Fritz wrote:

 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:30:36 AM UTC-5, Paul  Moore wrote:
 On Thursday, 31 July 2014 14:08:16 UTC+1, Ben Fritz  wrote:
 I don't see this problem.
 I entered unicode characters 5000, 5001, and 5002 which you say are Chinese
 characters, by pressing C-Vu5000 in insert mode, and the same for the 
 two. When I set my font to BatangChe, they look like they could be Chinese
 characters to me, so I assume they are, but I do not know Chinese.

 Do they show if you use a non-Chinese font like Lucida Console or Courier 
 New? They don't for me, but they do in Notepad using those fonts. I don't 
 have BatangChe or any other Chinese-specific fonts.

 I originally hit this issue in a source code file that had a short Chinese 
 string embedded. My apologies for not being sufficiently clear that the 
 issue was when you *didn't* use a special font.

 I'm confused. You want Vim to show Chinese characters, in a font that doesn't 
 have any glyphs for Chinese characters?

The difference between Vim and Notepad (and many other programs) is that
Vim (on Windows!) does not fall back to glyphs from another font (that
has these), but other programs do. (This may or may not be related to
the proposed removal of the flag; I don't know.)

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Inconsistent regex behaviour in 7.4.383

2014-07-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 30-Jul-2014 12:53 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Tim Brosnan wrote:
 I initially send a version of this message through the google groups 
 interface, but it seems to have disappeared. Apologies if there is 

 When going through some regex examples from 
 VimRegexTutor( I found that one of 
 the examples did not match the provided text when run in 7.4.383. Here 
 is the regex and the sample text:

   *30* : Find Text between HTML tags 



   levelCan I play, daddy?/level

 Neither of the provided regexs would watch the sample text (it should 
 match the text between html tags). However, when I tried 7.1.42 (only 
 other version at hand) I found that the text between tags was matched 
 correctly. Both versions were fun as -u NONE and set nocompatible to 
 try to rule out option or plugin clashes.

 Is this is a bug or has regex behaviour changed between 7.1.42 and 7.4.383?
 I don't think the pattern is supposed to work.  The backreference is
 before the capturing group.

Well, it does work in the old engine.

 It's a suprise it works at all.  Probably because in the old regex
 engine the \@= part is used only after finding a match for the
 It's a very inefficient pattern too, better use:

You cannot always use \zs in place of \@= (for example, with :syntax
match, or when already using a \zs elsewhere in the pattern).

Just changing the example in the help isn't going to solve the problem
of backwards compatibility. I think the new engine either has to support
it, or detect that special situation and then dynamically switch to the
old engine (like \%#=1 does).

-- regards, ingo

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BUG: NFA-regexp discrepancy with \@= and \1 backreference

2014-07-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

there's yet another discrepancy between the regular expression engines:

for n in [1,2] | echo match(',abc in abc,abc', '\%#=' . n .
'\1\@=,\([a-z]\+\)') | endfor

I actually found this while checking out an example from the help
(trying to understand why a regexp I use in a plugin didn't work):

,[ :help /\@= ]
| The part of the pattern after \@= and \@! are checked for a
| match first, thus things like \1 don't work to reference \(\) inside
| the preceding atom.  It does work the other way around:
| Example   matches ~
| \1\@=,\([a-z]\+\),abc in abc,abc

The NFA engine somehow doesn't properly handle the backreference
assertion and finds a match where it shouldn't.

To reproduce, use above scriptlet or the identical attached script:

vim -N -u NONE -S bad-re5.vim

This is with a huge build of Vim 7.4.383, running in an Ubuntu 13.10 x64

-- regards, ingo

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Re: 'isfname' and 'isprint' don't allow to include ^@ = 0

2014-06-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 12-Jun-2014 13:07 +0200, Ingo Karkat wrote:

 On 12-Jun-2014 12:51 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Christian wrote:

 On Di, 10 Jun 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:

 Hello Vim developers,

 a question on Super User
 asks to show all non-printable (control) characters with a single
 display cell. One (hacky, and arguably not perfect) way to do this is by
 including all ASCII characters in 'isprint':

 :set isprint=0-255

 However, this yields E474: Invalid argument. It only works by
 excluding ^@ = 0 (via :set isprint=1-255). Also, other variants such as
 :set isprint^=0 and :set isprint=0,1-255 and :set
 isprint=C-vC-@,1-255 do not work (verified up to current version

 The same applies to the similar 'isfname' setting, even though its
 documentation (and 'isprint' refers to that, too) explicitly mentions
 the number 0:

 ,[ :help 'isfname' excerpt ]
 | The format of this option is a list of parts, separated with commas.
 | Each part can be a single character number or a range.  A range is two
 | character numbers with '-' in between.  A character number can be a
 | decimal number between 0 and 255 or the ASCII character itself (does
 | not work for digits).

 I see this as a bug in the :set command, or, if technical reasons
 prevent the use of ^@ in those option values, a bug in the
 documentation. (Preferably, to address the issue in the mentioned
 question, the first. :-)

 I don't know if it is a bug or it was done intentionally and I even 
 don't know what :set isprint=0-255 is supposed to be doing. But here is 
 a patch:

 diff --git a/src/charset.c b/src/charset.c
 --- a/src/charset.c
 +++ b/src/charset.c
 @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ buf_init_chartab(buf, global)
 c2 = *p++;
 -   if (c = 0 || c = 256 || (c2  c  c2 != -1) || c2 = 256
 +   if (c  0 || c = 256 || (c2  c  c2 != -1) || c2 = 256
  || !(*p == NUL || *p == 
 return FAIL;

 Well, this allows having a zero in the option value, but I very much
 doubt it actually works.  In C the zero is used to terminate a string,
 thus sending a zero to the terminal just won't work.
 Well, at least I can do this in a terminal:
 $ printf foo\0bar\n
 Seems like Bash handles this somehow, and the NUL is skipped / prints as
 If you want to *display* control characters you need to do something
 else anyway, since sending a BS or other control character won't result
 in displaying anything.
 The OP's use case is representing every character by a single display
 cell. Obviously, BS will mess up things. But probably, a (binary) file
 won't contain many of those (in the area of interest), but possibly a
 lot of NULs. Skipping those in the output might be okay for his use.

I've just tested Christian's patch (on Ubuntu 13.10); adding 0 to
'isprint' messes up the displayed window contents in terminal Vim, less
so in GVIM (there, the NUL is shown as ?, but I still saw occasional
glitches when navigating in the window).

At least, no crashes or other critical problems. So, adding the patch
would make the option more consistent by allowing the 0 value, even
though it's questionable that the current behavior is of any actual use
(but maybe this prompts someone to develop better support for that).

-- regards, ingo

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Re: 'isfname' and 'isprint' don't allow to include ^@ = 0

2014-06-12 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 12-Jun-2014 12:51 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Christian wrote:
 On Di, 10 Jun 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:

 Hello Vim developers,

 a question on Super User
 asks to show all non-printable (control) characters with a single
 display cell. One (hacky, and arguably not perfect) way to do this is by
 including all ASCII characters in 'isprint':

 :set isprint=0-255

 However, this yields E474: Invalid argument. It only works by
 excluding ^@ = 0 (via :set isprint=1-255). Also, other variants such as
 :set isprint^=0 and :set isprint=0,1-255 and :set
 isprint=C-vC-@,1-255 do not work (verified up to current version

 The same applies to the similar 'isfname' setting, even though its
 documentation (and 'isprint' refers to that, too) explicitly mentions
 the number 0:

 ,[ :help 'isfname' excerpt ]
 | The format of this option is a list of parts, separated with commas.
 | Each part can be a single character number or a range.  A range is two
 | character numbers with '-' in between.  A character number can be a
 | decimal number between 0 and 255 or the ASCII character itself (does
 | not work for digits).

 I see this as a bug in the :set command, or, if technical reasons
 prevent the use of ^@ in those option values, a bug in the
 documentation. (Preferably, to address the issue in the mentioned
 question, the first. :-)

 I don't know if it is a bug or it was done intentionally and I even 
 don't know what :set isprint=0-255 is supposed to be doing. But here is 
 a patch:

 diff --git a/src/charset.c b/src/charset.c
 --- a/src/charset.c
 +++ b/src/charset.c
 @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ buf_init_chartab(buf, global)
 c2 = *p++;
 -   if (c = 0 || c = 256 || (c2  c  c2 != -1) || c2 = 256
 +   if (c  0 || c = 256 || (c2  c  c2 != -1) || c2 = 256
  || !(*p == NUL || *p == 
 return FAIL;
 Well, this allows having a zero in the option value, but I very much
 doubt it actually works.  In C the zero is used to terminate a string,
 thus sending a zero to the terminal just won't work.

Well, at least I can do this in a terminal:

$ printf foo\0bar\n

Seems like Bash handles this somehow, and the NUL is skipped / prints as

 If you want to *display* control characters you need to do something
 else anyway, since sending a BS or other control character won't result
 in displaying anything.

The OP's use case is representing every character by a single display
cell. Obviously, BS will mess up things. But probably, a (binary) file
won't contain many of those (in the area of interest), but possibly a
lot of NULs. Skipping those in the output might be okay for his use.

-- regards, ingo

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'isfname' and 'isprint' don't allow to include ^@ = 0

2014-06-10 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

a question on Super User
asks to show all non-printable (control) characters with a single
display cell. One (hacky, and arguably not perfect) way to do this is by
including all ASCII characters in 'isprint':

:set isprint=0-255

However, this yields E474: Invalid argument. It only works by
excluding ^@ = 0 (via :set isprint=1-255). Also, other variants such as
:set isprint^=0 and :set isprint=0,1-255 and :set
isprint=C-vC-@,1-255 do not work (verified up to current version

The same applies to the similar 'isfname' setting, even though its
documentation (and 'isprint' refers to that, too) explicitly mentions
the number 0:

,[ :help 'isfname' excerpt ]
| The format of this option is a list of parts, separated with commas.
| Each part can be a single character number or a range.  A range is two
| character numbers with '-' in between.  A character number can be a
| decimal number between 0 and 255 or the ASCII character itself (does
| not work for digits).

I see this as a bug in the :set command, or, if technical reasons
prevent the use of ^@ in those option values, a bug in the
documentation. (Preferably, to address the issue in the mentioned
question, the first. :-)

-- regards, ingo

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Re: virtcol() subject to showbreak (added: and linebreak)

2014-06-05 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 04-Jun-2014 16:54 +0200, Павлов Николай  Александрович wrote:

On 04-Jun-2014 16:54, Павлов Николай Александрович wrote:
 On June 4, 2014 6:44:34 PM GMT+03:00, Павлов Николай 
 Александрович wrote:
 On June 4, 2014 3:48:42 PM GMT+03:00, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 On 04-Jun-2014 13:34 +0200, Axel Bender wrote:
 I'd already be happy if virtcol() would take into account
 the length
 of the showbreak string. I'm otherwise prepared to work with 
 UTF-8 characters...
 Character widths are not directly related to this, but that 
 little incorrectness in your otherwise precise and welcome bug 
 report shouldn't have provoked such a rant. Sorry.
 I consider this a flaw (well maybe a bug?) that should be 
 I can reproduce this issue with 7.4.264. Even worse, :set 
 linebreak also affects the virtcol() value and makes it wrong 
 (when such wrap
 So, one only gets correct values out of virtcol() with :set 
 which indeed should be fixed!
 I am not sure it is a bug. Most likely it is absolutely correct 
 behavior: pretend you need to know on which virtual line of the 
 current line cursor is located and on which virtual column on 
 this virtual line. Please describe how you will solve this with 
 current behavior of virtcol() and with proposed one.
 Discussing whether this behavior is a bug or not is pointless 
 without showing the use-case. I know that the above task may
 only be solved with bugged virtcol(), otherwise you will have
 to do option parsing for yourself which is a waste of time.
 I have a use-case: if you need to move to some character you 
 usually use bar motion and bar motion ignores additional
 characters from showbreak.
 Thus I would suggest to patch bar motion to also take breaks into 
 account like virtcol() does.

I use virtcol() in several of my plugins (e.g. AlignFromCursor,, mostly to align
the current line to a column. With the current (broken) behavior of
virtcol(), this alignment would be off when wrapping and linebreak /
showbreak is enabled! When I use the plugin to align the text right of
the cursor to column 80, I want the plugin to manipulate *the text*
(not including any editor embellishments like showbreak!) before the
cursor so that it occupies 79 display cells, regardless of the way
that text line is currently wrapped and displayed. Of course, my
plugin could replace virtcol() with strdisplaywidth(), but the latter
is a recent addition only, and in the next paragraph I'm going to
argue that the two should correspond, not have slightly different
semantics (that before this bug report nobody was aware of).

 I though think that virtcol() behavior is not a bug, but 
 documentation is incorrect (it says the last screen position 
 occupied by the character at that position, when the screen
 would be of **unlimited width** which obviously contradicts with
 the current behavior: no wraps are possible on the screen with 
 unlimited width hence these options may not apply).

To me, what the documentation describes is the sensible and desired
behavior, and the implementation should be changed, not the other way
around. Vim's wrapping behavior and 'showbreak' is limited to this
editor and the user's settings, but when I do formatting, I usually
want to align to idealistic screen columns. Same applies to the bar
motion; I think the current behavior is correct.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: virtcol() subject to showbreak (added: and linebreak)

2014-06-04 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 04-Jun-2014 13:34 +0200, Axel Bender wrote:

 I'd already be happy if virtcol() would take into account the length of the 
 showbreak string. I'm otherwise prepared to work with UTF-8 characters...

Character widths are not directly related to this, but that little
incorrectness in your otherwise precise and welcome bug report shouldn't
have provoked such a rant. Sorry.

 I consider this a flaw (well maybe a bug?) that should be fixed.

I can reproduce this issue with 7.4.264. Even worse, :set linebreak also
affects the virtcol() value and makes it wrong (when such wrap occurs).
So, one only gets correct values out of virtcol() with :set sbr= nolbr;
which indeed should be fixed!

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Patch 7.4.310

2014-05-28 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 28-May-2014 14:35 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Patch 7.4.310
 Problem:getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant.
 Solution:   Add a fifth number when getting/setting the cursor.
 Files:src/eval.c, src/testdir/, 

Nice addition, though I currently can't think of a situation where I
would actively set {curswant} to a particular column. Rather, I want my
plugins to set {curswant} when positioning the cursor (what I learned is
done by calling plain cursor(), but not plain getpos('.')). I think that
crucial distinction should be added to the help:

diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -2620,6 +2620,10 @@ cursor({list})
When 'virtualedit' is used {off} specifies the offset in
screen columns from the start of the character.  E.g., a
position within a Tab or after the last character.
+   When {curswant} is omitted, the preferred column is set to
+   {col}, so cursor() behaves like a normal motion (unlike
+   setpos('.', [...]), where {curswant} needs to be present to do
+   this).
Returns 0 when the position could be set, -1 otherwise.

This assumes that the patch doesn't change the previous behavior of
:call cursor(2,3) and that :call cursor([2,3,0]) behaves the same; I
haven't tested that.

-- regards, ingo

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BUG: j motion doesn't use position set by setpos('.'), but that of the last insert

2014-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

I have a custom surround function that basically does this:

let save_cursor = getpos('.')
execute normal! eaXY\Esc
call setpos('.', save_cursor)

And this correctly restores the cursor to the original position. But
when I move down a line (with j, same with k btw.) immediately after
triggering this, the cursor jumps to the column of the last insert (the
Y in the example above). This does not happen when:
- a (no-op) move within the same line is performed (e.g. l followed by
h) before the j
- cursor() is used instead of setpos('.')

I can reproduce this down to Vim version 7.0. Interestingly, in Vim
7.0.000, the cursor() function is also affected, but that starts working
in Vim 7.1.000. I see this in the latest Vim 7.4.307 (HUGE build) on
Linux/x64, as well as Vim 7.4.264 on Windows/x64.

You can reproduce this with the attached scriptlet:

$ vim -N -u NONE -S bug-cursor-j.vim

Or by executing this in the middle of some text:

let save_cursor = getpos('.')|execute normal! eaXY\Esc|call
setpos('.', save_cursor)|normal! j

The problematic call incorrectly positions the cursor (represented by |)
on the last insert column, instead of the column of the B where the
function was triggered:

QuickBrownFoxJumpsOverMe |he he
Quick|BrownFoxJumpsOverMe he he

-- regards, ingo
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --

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BUG: NFA-regexp discrepancy with \%v followed by .*

2014-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

there's another discrepancy between the regular expression engines:

for n in [1,2] | echo matchlist(foo, '\%#=' . n .
'^\(.*\%3v\)\(o\)')[1:2] | endfor
for n in [1,2] | echo matchlist(foo, '\%#=' . n .
'^\(.*\%3v\)\(.*\)')[1:2] | endfor

This affects matching with \%v (also with \%c) when it is followed by
a .* expression.

To reproduce, use above scriptlet or the identical attached script:

vim -N -u NONE -S bad-re4.vim
['f', 'o']
['f', 'o']
['f', 'oo']
['', 'foo']   - Wrong result with re=2 and following .* pattern

This is with a huge build of Vim 7.4.267, running in an Ubuntu 13.04 x64
VM, and with a self-compiled Windows/x64 build.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: _dd doesn't reset v:register

2014-04-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 30-Apr-2014 13:14 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Christian Brabandt wrote:
 Hi Andrew!

 On Di, 29 Apr 2014, Andrew wrote:

 Hi, Christian,

 Can you please come up with a mapping that shows the wrong behaviour?

 I made this example:

 It's supposed to paste some text and comment it in the process. It's kind 
 of silly, but a realistic enough example. If you `_dd` anything and then 
 immediately perform a `gp`, nothing happens, since the `v:register` 
 variable is set to `_`. If you've managed ot fix the issue, it should 
 paste normally, from the default register.

 Thanks. I think this one fixes it:

 diff --git a/src/normal.c b/src/normal.c
 --- a/src/normal.c
 +++ b/src/normal.c
 @@ -1263,6 +1263,10 @@ getcount:

  msg_nowait = FALSE;
 +#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
 +/* reset v:register */

  /* Reset finish_op, in case it was set */

 (I hope, it doesn't have any side effect).

 Well, if one first does add  and then _dd, it's a bit unexpected that
 v:register is then '' and not '_' or 'a'.

 I am not sure I follow. Why would one expect v:register to hold the 
 register name from the previous
 normal mode command?
 Because that's where the deleted text is.  I know that the docs say that
 the v:register variable holds the register name for the *current* normal
 mode command, but it appears users writing a mapping also use it after
 the normal mode command is done, to find the text that was yanked or
 deleted.  It would then be logical to use the black hole register if any
 other delete must happen, without messing with registers.  But then
 v:register must also not be changed by the operation that uses the black
 hole register.

I find this undocumented behavior quirky and unexpected. If I do xyy,
then :echo v:register should return , not x. Isn't : a normal-mode
command that enters command-line mode? Also, after x:echo v:register, I
get x, but then the next :echo v:register gives , not x as in the yank

 I don't have a good example of where this is needed though.  And perhaps
 it's not too difficult to get the value of v:register before using the
 black hole register, in which case the change to v:register is irrelevant.

I haven't seen this in use, neither. A mapping should go to command-line
mode as soon as possible, and there save / use the v:register value. If
someone really needs this, a v:prevregister could still be contemplated.

Christian, thanks for the patch!

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Regression: Change mark '[ at end, not start of first line after gq.

2014-04-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 28-Apr-2014 23:05 +0200, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 On Do, 24 Apr 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Hello Vim developers,

 my plugins' automated test suite found another regression. When
 reformatting lines with gq{motion}, the start of change mark '[ does not
 point to the start of the first line [0, lnum, 1, 0] any more, but
 instead to after the end of the original first line [0, lnum,
 len(getline(lnum)) + 1, 0].
 As gq processes entire lines, the start of the change should indeed be
 at column 1, as it used to.

 This scriptlet shows the discrepancy:

 :call setline(1, [\t\tO sodales, ludite, vos qui, attamen consulite 
 per voster honur. Tua pulchra facies me fay planszer milies])
 :1normal! gqj
 :echo getpos('[)  Should yield [0, 1, 1, 0], but gives [0, 1, 29, 0].

 Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.4.178  the J command does not update '[ and '] marks

 I still see this in the latest 7.4.264 (HUGE build) on Linux/x64.

 -- regards, ingo
 Please check the following patch. I'll added a new test for this.

Good job (as always)! I can confirm that this (patch 7.4.267) fixes the
problem for me and didn't create any new issues in my plugins' test suite.

-- thanks, ingo

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Re: Patch 7.4.264

2014-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 23-Apr-2014 23:11 +0200, Matteo Cavalleri wrote:

 Patch 7.4.264 (after 7.4.260)

 Problem:Can't define a function starting with g:.  Can't assign a

 funcref to a buffer-local variable.

 Solution:   Skip g: at the start of a function name.  Don't check for 

 when assigning to a variable.
 I'm still having problems:
 line   17:
 E121: Undefined variable: g:vundle_last_status
 E15: Invalid expression: 'updated' == g:vundle_last_status  empty(msg)
 Error detected while processing function 
 E117: Unknown function: g:shellesc_cd
 E15: Invalid expression: g:shellesc_cd(cmd)
 Error detected while processing function 
 line   13:
 E121: Undefined variable: g:vundle_last_status
 E15: Invalid expression: 'error' == g:vundle_last_status
 line   17:
 E121: Undefined variable: g:vundle_last_status
 E15: Invalid expression: 'updated' == g:vundle_last_status  empty(msg)
 Error detected while processing function 
 E117: Unknown function: g:shellesc_cd
 E15: Invalid expression: g:shellesc_cd(cmd)
 Error detected while processing function 
 line   13:
 E121: Undefined variable: g:vundle_last_status
 E15: Invalid expression: 'error' == g:vundle_last_status
 the following looks more like it's the script author fault, but I'm not sure 
 if all the errors are due to the illegal function name or not, so I'm pasting 
 them all:
 Error detected while processing 
 line  151:
 E128: Function name must start with a capital or s:: 
 line  155:
 E684: list index out of range: -1
 E15: Invalid expression: lines[-1][: col2 - 1]
 line  156:
 E684: list index out of range: 0
 E15: Invalid expression: lines[0][col1 - 1:]
 line  157:
 E133: :return not inside a function
 line  158:
 E193: :endfunction not inside a function
 line  160:
 E128: Function name must start with a capital or s:: vdebug:edit(filename)
 line  162:
 E121: Undefined variable: a:filename
 E116: Invalid arguments for function fnameescape(a:filename)
 E15: Invalid expression: fnameescape(a:filename)
 Press ENTER or type command to continue

Me, too. The following used to work:

fun! Foo()
let g:Foo = function('Foo')

After 7.4.264, I get:
 E705: Variable name conflicts with existing function: g:Foo

In general, I do welcome the introduced restrictions, though, I've found
a place where I attempted to define a buffer-local function (fun!
b:Foo()); this is now correctly flagged with E128.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Patch 7.4.261

2014-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 23-Apr-2014 18:49 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Patch 7.4.261
 Problem:When updating the window involves a regexp pattern, an interactive
   substitute to replace a \n with a line break fails. (Ingo
 Solution:   Set reg_line_lbr in vim_regsub() and vim_regsub_multi().
 Files:src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok

Thanks (also to Christian for the quick initial fix)! I can confirm that
this fixes the issue for me.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Patch 7.4.264

2014-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 24-Apr-2014 12:43 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Ingo Karkat wrote:
 Me, too. The following used to work:

 fun! Foo()
 let g:Foo = function('Foo')

 After 7.4.264, I get:
  E705: Variable name conflicts with existing function: g:Foo
 That is correct.  Previously Foo() and g:Foo were different names, which
 is wrong.  Both refer to the same function.

Ah, okay. I can accept that.

What I find inconsistent and strange is that though I can define
g:Foo(), I cannot call it with that global-scoped name:

fun g:Foo()
return 42
echo Foo()
echo g:Foo()
E117: Unknown function: g:Foo
E15: Invalid expression: g:Foo()

Not that I personally would use the g:Foo() syntax, but I'm very used to
calling (script-local) s:Foo(), and this behavior is inconsistent.

 In general, I do welcome the introduced restrictions, though, I've found
 a place where I attempted to define a buffer-local function (fun!
 b:Foo()); this is now correctly flagged with E128.
 Right.  So the problem is that users have been using wrong function
 names, and they did work.  Now they are flagged as errors, which may
 break some scripts.
 The question is: Is it acceptable to expect users to fix those scripts,
 or do we need to be lenient.  A possible way is to add an option to
 allow the wrong names.  That's not a nice solution though, it hides the
 actual problem.

As these are real bugs, I'm against an option allowing those, too.

Rather, the help about the error message should provide good
instructions (drop the invalid scope prefix) so that even casual users
are able to fix their beloved decades-old plugin that has long been
abandoned by its original author.

-- regards, ingo

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Regression: Change mark '[ at end, not start of first line after gq.

2014-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

my plugins' automated test suite found another regression. When
reformatting lines with gq{motion}, the start of change mark '[ does not
point to the start of the first line [0, lnum, 1, 0] any more, but
instead to after the end of the original first line [0, lnum,
len(getline(lnum)) + 1, 0].
As gq processes entire lines, the start of the change should indeed be
at column 1, as it used to.

This scriptlet shows the discrepancy:

:call setline(1, [\t\tO sodales, ludite, vos qui, attamen consulite per 
voster honur. Tua pulchra facies me fay planszer milies])
:1normal! gqj
:echo getpos('[)  Should yield [0, 1, 1, 0], but gives [0, 1, 29, 0].

Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

,[ bad change ]
| 7.4.178  the J command does not update '[ and '] marks

I still see this in the latest 7.4.264 (HUGE build) on Linux/x64.

-- regards, ingo
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --

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Re: Regression: Change mark '[ at end, not start of first line after gq.

2014-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 24-Apr-2014 14:27 +0200, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 Am 2014-04-24 13:39, schrieb Ingo Karkat:
 Hello Vim developers,

 my plugins' automated test suite found another regression. When
 reformatting lines with gq{motion}, the start of change mark '[ does not
 point to the start of the first line [0, lnum, 1, 0] any more, but
 instead to after the end of the original first line [0, lnum,
 len(getline(lnum)) + 1, 0].
 As gq processes entire lines, the start of the change should indeed be
 at column 1, as it used to.

 This scriptlet shows the discrepancy:

 :call setline(1, [\t\tO sodales, ludite, vos qui, attamen
 consulite per voster honur. Tua pulchra facies me fay planszer
 :1normal! gqj
 :echo getpos('[)  Should yield [0, 1, 1, 0], but gives [0, 1,
 29, 0].

 Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.4.178  the J command does not update '[ and '] marks

 I still see this in the latest 7.4.264 (HUGE build) on Linux/x64.
 Yes, previously, the join command wouldn't update the '[ and '] marks.
 Now it does.
 That is causing your regression.

Yeah, I had assumed that the gq implementation internally uses the join
command, so this is a classic case of unexpected side effects.

 I look into it.

Thank you very much!

 BTW: What kind of regression tests are you doing? Could that be used
 to extend the unit-test functionality in the testdir/ directory of Vim's

I have automated tests for about half of my plugins, using my own
runVimTests ( test
framework. For illustration, here's the particular test that exposed
this regression:

,[ example runVimTests test ]
|  Test formatting lines to the width.
| edit text.txt
| call vimtest#StartTap()
| call vimtap#Plan(2)
| 13normal V5j\gq
| 3normal V5j\gq
| call vimtap#Is(getpos('[), [0, 3, 1, 0], 'start of change')
| call vimtap#Is(getpos(']), [0, 14, 3, 0], 'end of change')
| call vimtest#SaveOut()
| call vimtest#Quit()

As all of my tests require and mainly test my plugins, I don't think
that Vim's test suite can directly benefit from them. However, as a side
effect, my test suite had exposed several bugs in the NFA-based regexp
engine before.

I've put down a note to set up a cron job that every few days pulls down
the latest changes from Mercurial, compiles Vim, and runs my tests. That
should enable me to quickly point out any regressions caught by my suite
in the future!

For each test failure, I still have to analyze, extract the code from my
test and plugin, and distill a minimal test scriptlet, which I then use
to bisect and post here. I hope that those can indeed be easily turned
into a Vim test. If there's anything I can do to make this translation
easier, please let me know. In general, a short tutorial how the Vim
tests work, idioms, and best practices (posted here on or would
be great.

-- regards, ingo

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Regression: ^@ instead of line break when using sub-replace-expr and \n together with :s_c flag

2014-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

I've noticed a regression:


This correctly replaces the current line with two lines containing foo
and bar, respectively. Now add the confirm flag, and accept the


This replaces the current line with a single line containing foo^@bar
(where ^@ is Nul). This is inconsistent and unexpected. Replacing with
\r instead works (with and without the flag), and can be used as a

Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

,[ bad change ]
| 7.3.225  \n in a substitute() inside :s not handled correctly

The problem therefore can be seen in this and all following Vim
versions, verified up to the latest 7.4.258. (I've used a HUGE build on
both Windows/x64 and Linux/x64.)

-- regards, ingo
  -- Ingo Karkat --  /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- /^-- --
  --   --

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Re: Regression: ^@ instead of line break when using sub-replace-expr and \n together with :s_c flag

2014-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 23-Apr-2014 16:28 +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Ingo Karkat wrote:
 I've noticed a regression:


 This correctly replaces the current line with two lines containing foo
 and bar, respectively. Now add the confirm flag, and accept the


 This replaces the current line with a single line containing foo^@bar
 (where ^@ is Nul). This is inconsistent and unexpected. Replacing with
 \r instead works (with and without the flag), and can be used as a

 Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.3.225  \n in a substitute() inside :s not handled correctly

 The problem therefore can be seen in this and all following Vim
 versions, verified up to the latest 7.4.258. (I've used a HUGE build on
 both Windows/x64 and Linux/x64.)
 I cannot reproduce this problem.

Ah, sorry, I missed one crucial detail of my environment (and forgot to
use -N -u NONE). In my 'statusline', I have a custom function that
performs a =~ comparison. Define the following:

function! TitleString()
let check = 'foo' =~ 'bar'
set titlestring=%{TitleString()}

Then, the


command will produce the ^@. So the =~ (probably triggered while the
confirm flag is in action) somehow affects the behavior of :substitute.

Attached is an updated scriptlet.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Regression: ^@ instead of line break when using sub-replace-expr and \n together with :s_c flag

2014-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 23-Apr-2014 17:37 +0200, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 Am 2014-04-23 16:28, schrieb Bram Moolenaar:
 Ingo Karkat wrote:

 I've noticed a regression:


 This correctly replaces the current line with two lines containing foo
 and bar, respectively. Now add the confirm flag, and accept the


 This replaces the current line with a single line containing foo^@bar
 (where ^@ is Nul). This is inconsistent and unexpected. Replacing with
 \r instead works (with and without the flag), and can be used as a

 Using the attached scriptlet, I've bisected this to the following patch:

 ,[ bad change ]
 | 7.3.225  \n in a substitute() inside :s not handled correctly

 The problem therefore can be seen in this and all following Vim
 versions, verified up to the latest 7.4.258. (I've used a HUGE build on
 both Windows/x64 and Linux/x64.)

 I cannot reproduce this problem.
 I see the problem with vim-airline. I think, it is caused by the
 evaluation of the statusline resetting reg_line_lbr when displaying the
 confirmation message. Attached patch fixes this, but I think one should
 also reset all the other internal static variables.

Thanks Christian, that patch indeed fixes the problem for me. Good hunch
about the statusline, that is indeed a necessary condition (as I have
added in my updated message).

You seem to be really knowledgable about Vim's internals. The question I
have in mind right now is whether you still feel comfortable about those
internal static variables, or whether you think this poses long-term
risks to Vim's stability. At least some people think so, and have
suggested / started a complete rewrite (in a language like C++ that has
better means to avoid such). Is there anything (apart from more test
coverage) that we can do with the current code base?!

-- regards, ingo

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Re: _dd doesn't reset v:register

2014-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 19-Apr-2014 17:41 +0200, Andrew wrote:

 I suspect something about your setup is doing this.  When I follow your 
 instructions, I get precisely the expected behavior.
 Ah, actually, that was silly of me. You wouldn't be able to reproduce it like 
 this, since the normal `p` works just fine :/.
 Instead, try:
 _dd:echo v:registercr
 As in, just take a look at the value of `v:register` after the `_dd` 
 operation. For me, it's `_`, but after the operation is done, I would expect 
 it to change to the default, usually ``.
 Also, I realize I forgot to link to my `vim --version` output:

The same applies to yank commands, too. This matters for mappings and
plugins that evaluate v:register. After a command such as _dd, the
register used by the mapping / plugin is wrong. One first has to do
another command (e.g. hl: back-and-forth motions) to reset v:register
to the correct default.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Tab Indent Problem

2014-03-15 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 15-Mar-2014 10:06 +0100, Andre Sihera wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have found an annoyance with the tab indenting (SHIFT + '', SHIFT +
 '') and
 was wondering if this was by design or should be fixed.
 My .vimrc contains the following:
 set ts=4
 set shiftwidth=4
 So, when I visually select a block of text and press SHIFT + '' it will
 a tab on the left on each line and the block moves four characters to
 the right.
 However, this feature does not honour leading whitespace within each
 line. I use a
 mixture of tabs and whitespace to ensure that my code looks uniform on
 all platforms
 no matter what the tab size. However, the tab indent breaks this. For
 if I have the following text at ts=4 (a full stop . character
 indicates a space):
 TABSome text %i, %i, %i, %i\n,
 and I visually highlight the above block and press SHIFT + '', I would
 it to look as follows:
 TABTABSome text %i, %i, %i, %i\n,
 However, it actually looks like this:
 TABTABTABTABSome text %i, %i, %i, %i\n,
 i.e., ViM is being too clever and compressing all my whitespace into
 tabs when I
 didn't ask it to.
 Is this by design? Has it been fixed since my ancient version of ViM
 Did I miss something in the docs? Or is this just a feature?

I think you're looking for

:set preserveindent copyindent

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Is there any way to get the vim executable path from within vim?

2014-03-14 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 14-Mar-2014 08:20 +0100, Jürgen Krämer wrote:

 Viktor Kojouharov wrote:
 To easily use the remote-expr feature. You need to start a new
 instance of vim and point it to the current running vim server. And I
 need the full executable path in order to start the remote-expr. Vim
 is usually in the path on linux systems, but that's not the case on
 windows and macvim

 at least on Windows Vim puts its own directory at the end of the %PATH%
 environment variable. You can check this with :echo $PATH. So there is
 no need to use a full path to the Vim executable.

If this is for a plugin, I'd also keep this Simple and Stupid: Just
allow (users, individual systems) to specify a full path via a
configuration variable, and default to vim found via the PATH, which
should already work on most systems.

Even with a suggested new v:progpath variable, you'd need to handle
older Vim versions, anyway.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Incorrect expansion of %?

2014-03-11 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 11-Mar-2014 15:14 +0100, Ben Fritz wrote:

 On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 1:15:40 AM UTC-6, Gary Johnson wrote:

 Using a GUI file manager, I opened this file with gvim.  I made some

 changes to it, then tried comparing the changed buffer with the

 copy on disk with this command which I have used for years:

 :w !diff % -

 The result surprised me.

 diff: Dropbox/vimfiles/filetype \(toucan's conflicted copy 
 2014-03-01\).vim: No such file or directory

 shell returned 2

 However, if instead I typed

 :w !diff ^R% -

 where ^R means Ctrl-R, the command became

 :w !diff Dropbox/vimfiles/filetype (toucan's conflicted copy 
 2014-03-01).vim -

 and worked fine.

 Isn't this situation what shellescape() is designed for?
 That's not saying shellescape() will work, but I think it's supposed
 to work, unlike using a bare % which should always work for internal
 Vim commands but will only work by accident in external commands.

No, shellescape() would be used in a mapping / command, like this:
shellescape(expand('%'), 1). With the 1 flag (for use with :!), a
literal % is properly escaped to \% so that Vim's special handling does
not apply.

% is handy for interactive use, like :!perl %

-- regards, ingo

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Re: v:beval_winnr is enumerates windows from 0 upwards

2014-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 16-Jan-2014 23:46 +0100, Lech Lorens wrote:

 winnr() returns the index of the window 1-based while v:beval_winnr
 (:help 'bexpr') is 0-based.  I believe the latter should be fixed.  The
 attached patch adds increments the value of v:beval_winnr by 1.

The choosen base is unfortunate, but for backwards compatibility, I'd
rather keep it 0-based. The help (which your patch fails to adapt)
clearly mentions this:

,[ :h v:beval_winnr ]
| The first window has number zero (unlike most other places where a
| window gets a number).

-- regards, ingo

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Re: How to find out when a VimL function was added?

2014-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 15-Jan-2014 09:59 +0100, boss wrote:

 A user of one of my plugins recently reported this error: `E117:
 Unknown function: gettabvar`.  He also told me the version of Vim he's
 How can I find out when gettabvar() – or any function in general – was
 added to VimL?
 Being able to find this out would help me decide whether or not to use
 a particular VimL function, and/or whether to wrap it in a
 version-check guard.

Note that instead of checking for the version in the guard (which
usually involves also checking the patch level), it's easier and better
to check for the existence, in your case via if exists('*gettabvar') ...
See :h exists().

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Allow gvim to start with no file name after --remote-silent

2013-12-30 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 30-Dec-2013 13:36 +0100, Axel Bender wrote:

 A simple solution might be the one attached below. Don't know however,
 if there are any side effects. Works for me.

Unlike :edit, the :drop command adds the file to the argument list. I'd
say that's an unexpected side effect.

 [42 lines deleted]

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Complete Overwrite Vim

2013-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 22-Dec-2013 21:15 +0100, Ishfaque Jahan Rafee wrote:

 [1 sentence deleted] But yet requirement of compile time support for
 different language, while installing plugins during use, does suck. If
 not drop support, it should be made mandatory for all package manager
 to have everything as +.

Better leave that decision to the package managers; I think most do try
to offer as much as possible. For example, the Vim that comes with my
Ubuntu installation supports all of Perl, Python, and Ruby.

 [2 paragraphs deleted]
 Nobody said about number 4 argument. Latex is the only major language that's 
 pushing me to emacs. I think its about time scopes are created for plugins 
 like preview-latex in Vim. Its impossible in terminal vim, but shouldn't be 
 impossible on GVim.

Vim strives to be as consistent (between terminal and GUI) as possible.
See here:

,[ :help design-not ]
| - Vim is not a fancy GUI editor that tries to look nice at the cost of
|   being less consistent over all platforms.  But functional GUI
|   features are welcomed.

 Argument number 5 was about opening up documentation where I am
 editing. If you ever use YouCompleteMe or Jedi-vim, you will see that
 they provide pydoc documentation to the buffer I am editing. The popup
 contains the completion data, but the documentation is displayed at a
 split at Top. But it would be much better if the documentation was
 provided at the point where I am editing, so that I don't need to move
 my eyes from one place to another.

Don't compare Vim too much to IDEs! Because of its strict cell layout
(also in the GUI, see counter-argument 4 above), there's much less space
for showing the completion information than a proportional,
smaller-sized font would allow. I find the use of the preview window for
additional information a very clever invention.

-- regards, ingo

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Re: bug in search-and-replace in visual mode?

2013-12-07 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 07-Dec-2013 18:02 +0100, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:

 I have two columns of text and I just want to replace in one of the two
 columns. For example:
 and I just want to replace the second foo-bar with moose or something. I
 can visually select either column and then try a search and replace.
 Hitting : will prepopulate with ',' and so the line will look
 something like: ','s/foo-bar/moose/.
 No matter what column I select, only the first column gets changed.
 The only google help I get is from wikia and it talks about %V which
 doesn't work for me.
 Is this normal behavior?

Yes, it is, because :substitute always applies to entire lines of the
passed range, regardless of what was selected. You indeed have to use
\%V inside the pattern to further restrict the match:


(or use the vis.vim plugin's :B command).

-- regards, ingo

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BUG: NFA-regexp discrepancy with non-greedy match

2013-11-29 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

there's another discrepancy between the regular expression engines:

for n in [0, 1] | echo string(matchstr(' x', '\%#=' . n . '^\s\{-}\zs\(x\| 
x$\)')) | endfor
for n in [0, 1] | echo string(matchstr(' x', '\%#=' . n . '^\s\{-}\ze\(x\| 
x$\)')) | endfor
for n in [0, 1] | echo string(substitute(' x', '\%#=' . n . '^\(\s\{-}\)\(x\| 
x$\)', '\1|\2', '')) | endfor

It apparently depends on the non-greedy \s\{-} match together with the
branches where only one is anchored. It does _not_ matter whether the
split is introduced with \zs, \ze, or capturing groups.

To reproduce, use above scriptlet or the identical attached script:

vim -N -u NONE -S bad-re3.vim
' x'
' '
' |x'
'| x'

This is with a huge build of Vim 7.4.110, running in an Ubuntu 13.04 x64

-- regards, ingo

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Re: Regression: cursor not at end of paste after resetting 'virtualedit' (after 7.4.034)

2013-11-21 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
On 21-Nov-2013 07:54 +0100, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 On Wed, November 20, 2013 20:58, Christian Brabandt wrote:
 On Mi, 20 Nov 2013, Ingo Karkat wrote:
 the automated test suite of one of my plugins caught a regression,
 caused by

 ,[ patch 7.4.034 ]
 | using p in Visual block mode only changes the first line

 The steps to reproduce are a bit strange, but not unusual when used in a
 plugin. It's based on pasting over a characterwise visual selection that
 ends at the end of the current line via p while :set virtualedit=all,
 then clearing virtualedit. I've used the attached script with hg
 bisect; it'll exit with 1 when the bug is present.
 I think, this patch is a little better:
  diff --git a/src/ops.c b/src/ops.c
  --- a/src/ops.c
  +++ b/src/ops.c
  @@ -3818,7 +3818,11 @@
  ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
  /* Place cursor on last putted char. */
  if (lnum == curwin-w_cursor.lnum)
  +   {
  +   /* make sure curwin-w_virtcol is updated */
  +   curwin-w_valid = 0;
  curwin-w_cursor.col += (colnr_T)(totlen - 1);
  +   }
   #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
  if (VIsual_active)

Thanks, Christian! I can confirm that above patch fixes the problem.

-- regards, ingo

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Regression: cursor not at end of paste after resetting 'virtualedit' (after 7.4.034)

2013-11-20 Fir de Conversatie Ingo Karkat
Hello Vim developers,

the automated test suite of one of my plugins caught a regression, caused by

,[ patch 7.4.034 ]
| using p in Visual block mode only changes the first line

The steps to reproduce are a bit strange, but not unusual when used in a
plugin. It's based on pasting over a characterwise visual selection that
ends at the end of the current line via p while :set virtualedit=all,
then clearing virtualedit. I've used the attached script with hg
bisect; it'll exit with 1 when the bug is present.

-- regards, ingo

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