Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Alain Sepeda
thanks for the data.

anyway the results are much less replicated in volume than PdD electrolysis.
However in Cold fusion, based on the huge LENr evidence with PdD, we should
maybe stop treating LENR as fringe science, doubting of any even reputed
scientist results...

there are many claimed results by different, competing, scientists. it is a
normal science domain, like superconduction, and when 4 scientist, with
different protocols, claims high energy density with NiH, we can be

when we see industrial jumping on the bandwagon, we can expect they
businessly lie, but (except rossi) that they dont lie totally... LENr is
hard science.
we shoul not keep our Stockholm syndrome.

to be honest I'm even more skeptical than a corporate innovator I know...
for him, all is clear, much clearer than many usual technologies with
weaker claims.

Nothing is sure in real life, and LENr existence is one of the most solid

2012/9/15 Axil Axil

 *We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we don't
 know what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.*

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has
 provided us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from
 the long term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

 This information is available for reference in the Defkalion document


 The nuclear reaction reflected in this ash description seems to be a mix
 of complex fusion and fission nuclear reactions. Such a mix of reactions
 might be expected when the coulomb barrier is lowered in varying degrees
 that range from slight to total. This lowering seems to happen in a random
 way in terms of intensity. It also points to the likelihood these various
 nuclear reactions occur respectively many time to both virgin and
 repeatedly transmuted elements and are not restricted to just nickel (Ni58,
 Ni60, Ni62and Ni64 stable isotopes). Isotopic shifts in the transmutation
 products are also documented.

 Similar assays of ash products have been documented in a number of LENR
 experimental references down through the years.

 This recently available document should be accessible for reference in the
 Rothwell LENR library.


 On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 12:26 PM 9/14/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

  Cold fusion: smoke and mirrors, or raising a head of steam?**archive/2012-09/14/cold-fusion

 With friends like this, who needs enemies?

 The article does, at least, pay some attention to developments, but:

 1. NiH reactions are not scientifically established. The article does
 distinguish between Rossi et al and other more scientific groups, but
 then essentially makes them seem similar. Celani is reported, but ...
 Celani has not been confirmed.

 2. unlike Rossi, Celani has plenty of theoretical physics to support
 it. Uh, Celani may propose a different theoretical explanation, but the
 author is presenting an opinion without sourcing it. This field is still
 almost entirely experimental, no theories, yet, have been shown to be
 adequate for predicting results, quantitatively, which is the crux of the

 3. Toyota funded cold fusion research in the 90s to the tune of £12
 million, but was discouraged by negative results. The immediate impression
 created? Even spending $12 million, we might think, researchers for Toyota
 were unable to confirm the effect. Is that true? Toyota funded Pons and
 Fleischmann's work in France, and that work showed plenty of confirmation.
 However, the results were likely disappointing to a commercial funder, who
 would be interested, quite likely, in practical application. The Wired
 article does not distinguish between the science (real, established) and
 commercial practicality, plus the huge flap over Rossi et al (news,
 controversial, not scientifically established.)

 4. Perhaps Brillouin's biggest claim is that their results are
 consistently repeatable -- something of a Holy Grail in a field where
 results notoriously fail to get replicated. And then they drive another
 nail in the coffin of the truth. The big myth about cold fusion is that it
 was impossible to reproduce. That's based on the fact that the original
 reaction, set up using electrolysis of heavy water with a palladium
 cathode, is chaotic, primarily due to the shifting nanostructure of the
 palladium, but also from sensitivity to other conditions. *The same
 cathode* would produce no significant heat at one time, then, under what
 appeared to be the same conditions, nothing changed except the history of
 the cathode is now different, measured in the same way, significant heat
 would be evolved, way above noise. However, ultimately, a 

Re: [Vo]:An interesting video from PESN - LENR related

2012-09-15 Thread Axil Axil
*Celani is conducting experiments openly, but there are still undisclosed

Here on vortex, we have discussed  how room temperature superconductivity
is found in water soaked graphite grains.

There will be a rush of large numbers of experimenters who will now try to
characterize this effect. These workers will attempt to use this or similar
methods to pave the way for a new generation of superconducting devices
with unexpected benefits for society.

This effect is an important component of the gas phase Ni/H cold fusion
reaction as witnessed by the appearance of superconductivity when heat is
produced during some recent LENR experiments.

We must be watchful on this subject because of this little know conjunction
between superconductivity and cold fusion.

These condensed matter physicists will be doing a lot of our leg work for
the field of cold fusion until they accidentally see excess heat coming
from the superconductive cables that they will eventually fabricate.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 10:53 AM 9/13/2012, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 See for updates on the Celani cold fusion
 replication kit project Nicolas is spearheading.

 One of the reasons that this whole affair has dragged out so long is that
 both sides are crazy.

 The physics community is crazy because they should know what the
 scientific method is, and they abandoned it in 1989-1990, and firmly
 adhered, most of them, to that abandonment, becoming impervious to
 evidence, based on poorly-understood and poorly-applied theory.

 The pro-cold-fusion community is crazy because too many people jump to
 conclusions, going way beyond what is actually known and confirmed.

 This is from

  There are a bunch of various recipes now that can produce massive amounts
 of energy without using anything nasty or expensive and without producing
 harmful residue or emissions. There have been many pet names given, but we
 think this discovery represents humankind's greatest invention and since it
 essentially replaces fire, we call it the New Fire.

 Problem is, the massive amounts of energy haven't been confirmed, if by
 massive we mean commercial level, which is the implication. This
 student is enthusiastic, but I would hope that he'd understand the
 difference between hope and knowledge.

 We can hope that Rossi is not as fraudulent as he looks. But it's very
 clear that there is still only the shadowiest of independent confirmations
 of Rossi's claims. For example, a writer, active on this list, has claimed
 that the certification established power levels for the 1 MW E-cat. He
 claimed that this was clear proof. However, those levels would almost
 certainly be simply what the inventor claimed, they were not the result of
 tests. The device was being certified to be able to handle up to 200 KW
 input, and 1 MW output. That was in no way a confirmation of a COP of 5.

 But once people believe something, they tend to continue with that belief,
 and every new piece of evidence is fit into that picture, it confirms it.

 The student has:**index.php/replicate

  With appropriate funding, we will show you the whole story, show you the
 tests being carried out and the results published live, we want to leave no
 shadow of doubt in peoples mind that they are right to get behind this
 revolution and clamour for it to deliver its benefits.

 I.e., give us some money and we will prove cold fusion to the world. I
 would not recommending giving anything to people who don't know how to
 distinguish what is known from what is not known, and what is confirmed and
 solidly established, from what is rumor and report. This student has no
 doubt that there are real, almost-ready technologies, he gives us a list:

 Wire Reactor, Can clearly show that the active component produces way more
 energy than can be explained by conventional means, it is economical to
 reproduce the equipment and has scaleability and wide areas for improvement
 and further study, things that**
 himself welcomes.
 Energy NANOR, Using different technology, this can show large energy gains
 in a small package, is easy to transport and to run long term standardised
* http://www.brillouinenergy.**com/
 Energy Boiler, They could provide a number of small test configurations for
* Corporations' E-Cat, A number of

Re: [Vo]:An interesting video from PESN - LENR related

2012-09-15 Thread Alain Sepeda
Interesting, and it is possible that this phenomenon is different from PdD
effect. or same... Link with superconduction is not surprising, since
collective effect is needed to allow the 3 miracles.

However what PdD results say on NiH is that we should apply usual research
rules an prejudice to analyze those results ... be careful, but trust the
good papers, understand IP problems, recognizing facts normally... making
honest metaanalysis to confirm the method (not the pathoskeptics style).

clearly nuclear reaction in condensed matter is possible, and if you have
the alternative between assuming NiH is LENR or an
Italian-Greek-canadian-US-swiss-UK-japan conspiracy, rationally you should
assume it is a kind of LENR, until some proof arise...
because LENR is basic science like fission, fusion, superconductivity,
semiconduction, radioactivity...

2012/9/15 Axil Axil

 *Celani is conducting experiments openly, but there are still undisclosed

 Here on vortex, we have discussed  how room temperature superconductivity
 is found in water soaked graphite grains.

 There will be a rush of large numbers of experimenters who will now try to
 characterize this effect. These workers will attempt to use this or similar
 methods to pave the way for a new generation of superconducting devices
 with unexpected benefits for society.

 This effect is an important component of the gas phase Ni/H cold fusion
 reaction as witnessed by the appearance of superconductivity when heat is
 produced during some recent LENR experiments.

 We must be watchful on this subject because of this little know
 conjunction between superconductivity and cold fusion.

 These condensed matter physicists will be doing a lot of our leg work for
 the field of cold fusion until they accidentally see excess heat coming
 from the superconductive cables that they will eventually fabricate.


 On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 10:53 AM 9/13/2012, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 See for updates on the Celani cold fusion
 replication kit project Nicolas is spearheading.

 One of the reasons that this whole affair has dragged out so long is that
 both sides are crazy.

 The physics community is crazy because they should know what the
 scientific method is, and they abandoned it in 1989-1990, and firmly
 adhered, most of them, to that abandonment, becoming impervious to
 evidence, based on poorly-understood and poorly-applied theory.

 The pro-cold-fusion community is crazy because too many people jump to
 conclusions, going way beyond what is actually known and confirmed.

 This is from

  There are a bunch of various recipes now that can produce massive
 amounts of energy without using anything nasty or expensive and without
 producing harmful residue or emissions. There have been many pet names
 given, but we think this discovery represents humankind's greatest
 invention and since it essentially replaces fire, we call it the New Fire.

 Problem is, the massive amounts of energy haven't been confirmed, if by
 massive we mean commercial level, which is the implication. This
 student is enthusiastic, but I would hope that he'd understand the
 difference between hope and knowledge.

 We can hope that Rossi is not as fraudulent as he looks. But it's very
 clear that there is still only the shadowiest of independent confirmations
 of Rossi's claims. For example, a writer, active on this list, has claimed
 that the certification established power levels for the 1 MW E-cat. He
 claimed that this was clear proof. However, those levels would almost
 certainly be simply what the inventor claimed, they were not the result of
 tests. The device was being certified to be able to handle up to 200 KW
 input, and 1 MW output. That was in no way a confirmation of a COP of 5.

 But once people believe something, they tend to continue with that
 belief, and every new piece of evidence is fit into that picture, it
 confirms it.

 The student has:**index.php/replicate

  With appropriate funding, we will show you the whole story, show you the
 tests being carried out and the results published live, we want to leave no
 shadow of doubt in peoples mind that they are right to get behind this
 revolution and clamour for it to deliver its benefits.

 I.e., give us some money and we will prove cold fusion to the world. I
 would not recommending giving anything to people who don't know how to
 distinguish what is known from what is not known, and what is confirmed and
 solidly established, from what is rumor and report. This student has no
 doubt that there are real, almost-ready technologies, he gives us a list:


Re: [Vo]:no evidence yet of safety certificate.

2012-09-15 Thread Sverre Haslund
Hmm.. my edit about SGS certificate has held for 10 minutes.

Sverre Haslund

2012/9/15 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 At 05:33 PM 9/14/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

 At 04:18 PM 9/14/2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 Well, very funny, Jed. However, Mr. Fletcher is essentially clueless as
 to what would be acceptable as a source for Wikipedia. I looked about and
 didn't see where he was threatened with arbitration, which is weird. The
 last thing that the cabal wants is for their antics to go to arbitration,
 but, here, they'd win. Essentially, this would just go to Arbitration
 Enforcement -- which is not arbitration, it is where the community
 enforces arbitration decisions, in theis case Article Probation for cold
 fusion topics.

 5 Ugo Bardi Quote in the Introduction**Talk:Energy_Catalyzer#Ugo_**

 If you continue to waste other editors time with your original research,
 the next step is arbitration enforcement

 Alan, do you know what arbitration enforcement is? Hint: it is not
 arbitration. Essentially, the editor threatened to ask that you be
 sanctioned for wasting other editor's time, which, pretty much, you were.
 That was rude, but the cabal is not polite, it's not their style. A
 functional community would educate you in what is okay and what is not. The
 cabal just wants you gone. *You* are the waste of time, for them, really,
 but they can't say that.

 But I didn't check on the specific editor.

 Do you know what original research means, and why it would be applied to
 what you wrote? Do you understand why primary sources are generally not
 usable, though sometimes it is allowed with consensus?

  Of course, is the E-cat cold fusion?

 Regarding Alanf777's 'bold' edit, I'll start by saying that this article
 isn't about LENR in general - Most of the material was off-topic, and David
 Hambling's opinions on the state of LENR research are of no relevence.**User:AndyTheGrump
 **talk) 18:46, 14 September 2012 (UTC)

 Since the very first line says The Energy Catalyzer (also called E-Cat)
 is a purported cold fusion or Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) heat
 source -- supporting evidence for the progress in LENR is definitely
 18:57, 14 September 2012 (UTC)

 That's one of the problems with the E-Cat article! It assumes that it is
 properly categorized with cold fusion. It's not known if it is fusion at
 all. Cold fusion is really a popular name for LENR, but, in fact, it's been
 shown that the original discovered reaction is -- with very high likelihood
 -- some form of deuterium fusion, known from the heat/helium ratio. I've
 said high likelihood. It's not absolutely proven.

 AndyTheGrump's comment above is reasonable. You are now citing Wikipedia
 as a source Who says that the E-Cat is cold fusion or LENR. It
 might be. And it might not be. If the energy turns out to be real and
 sustainable, it could be ... LENR, but it could also be due to hydrinos, or
 something else. We wouldn't know if it is fusion until the ash is
 identified and shown to be correlated properly with the heat. The same with
 any LENR.

  Yup. It 'purports' to be a LENR device.

 A thing purports to be nothing. People create purport.

   Nobody but Rossi and his boosters claims it is. Except when he doesn't.
 Until independent sources support his claims, what is going in in
 verifiable LENR research is of no real relevance to the article.**User:AndyTheGrump
 **talk) 20:07, 14 September 2012 (UTC)

 Again, Andy is correct. Now, the E-Cat is notable and there are reliable
 sources regarding it (which has little or nothing to do with truth.) I'm
 not necessarily supporting his content positions, but he was, as I recall,
 not the worst editor involved with the E-Cat. I think his name is
 appropriate, he's a bit grumpy.

  In a way, they are right. Someone who would persist at Wikipedia is a bit

 I remember now why I gave up in December last year. But I thought it was
 my turn to put in a shift or two at the coalface (or whatever).

 Here is what I did on Wikipedia. I had a long-term interest in community
 consensus process, and when I started to edit Wikipedia in 2007, 

Re: [Vo]:An interesting video from PESN - LENR related

2012-09-15 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Axil said [snip] This effect is an important component of the gas phase Ni/H 
cold fusion
reaction as witnessed by the appearance of superconductivity when heat is
produced during some recent LENR experiments.[/snip]
Axil,  are you referring to the gas phase CIHT Mills is claiming [power from 
water vapor] ?

[Vo]:Stable, long lasting ~100 W cold fusion reactions have been demonstrated

2012-09-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

I do not see that implication. To me, massive amounts of energy refers to
 energy normalized to the mass of starting materials. For example, 50 MJ
 from a few grams of cathode material plus water.

 You may look at it that way . . .

No other interpretation makes sense. The energy is not massive by an
other standard. In a website like this, they cannot explain this in detail,
but I am sure that is what they meant.

 , but the site has:

  this discovery represents humankind's greatest invention and since it
 essentially replaces fire,

 High energy density, which is what you are talking about, doesn't replace
 fire if that energy density is not reliable.

Of course not, but that is a separate issue. It is a fact that both energy
density and power density are very high in cold fusion. They are about the
same as a fission reactor core. High temperatures should not be a problem

There is a great deal of evidence that the reaction can be made reliable.

 If high energy density can be reliably created and sustained for
 substantial periods, it is then intrinsically scalable, and it could be

It has been sustained for as long as 3 months, at ~100 W, by Fleischmann
and Pons. See Roulette et al. If they can keep it stable for 3 months,
people can learn to keep it stable indefinitely.

 That has definitely been confirmed. It is what we usually talk about in
 this field. The energy far exceeds the limits of chemistry.

 High energy density has been confirmed, but transiently.

Incorrect. Experiments have run at stable power levels for weeks or months.
That is not transient. Transient would be the longest and biggest plasma
fusion reaction in history at the PPPL, which was 10 MW lasting 0.6 seconds.

 To be what this site is claiming, it must be not only high density, but

Obviously. If the reaction were reliable, we would have prototype
automobiles by now. We would not need this website. Reliability is the only
thing missing. The purpose of this website is to raise money, conduct
research, and make the reaction reliable and controllable.

 We do not yet know if LENR can be reliably generated and sustained at
 adequate levels for commercial application.

Incorrect. We do know this, because it has been done, on a scale of 100
W. That is actually big enough for a large fraction of all real-world
applications. Furthermore, there is no reason to think that cannot be
scaled up.

Anything that can be done once in the laboratory, even by accident, can be
mastered, controlled and scaled up. The 100 W runs were not accidental.
They were repeated many times.

 The existence of LENR, scientifically, is only a step toward that further

Many other steps have been taken.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT nuclear physicist as dutch prime minister?

2012-09-15 Thread Teslaalset
UFO's are?

On Thursday, September 13, 2012, Rob Dingemans wrote:


 On 13-9-2012 12:23, Teslaalset wrote:

  On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Andre Blum 
 andre_vor...@blums.nljavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

   On 09/12/2012 01:21 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

 Please, please refrain from discussing dutch politics when it has
 absolutely nothing to do with the subjects intended to be discussed in this
 mailing list.

 Kind regards,


RE: [Vo]:Bussard Ramjet

2012-09-15 Thread Jones Beene

Let me clarify a couple of things. Because plain text does not show
superscripts in vortex postings - when you see 2He, which should have the
2 as a superscript - that refers to the transient helium-2 nucleus, composed
of two protons and no neutrons. It has slight negative binding energy (due
to anti-aligned spins) - which is temporarily overwhelmed by strong force
attraction - thereby making the fused helium isotope real, but instantly
reversible - triggering QCD color change.

The P+P reversible fusion reaction, on earth, probably requires Casimir
cavity confinement or equivalent, as a substitute for a strong gravity field
(in the solar model). This is the most common nuclear reaction in the
universe by far - the reversible fusion of two protons and it has always
been assumed to have no gain. Two protons can never fuse directly to
deuterium - therefore the secondary reaction (beta decay) always must happen
in fused 2He as a first step - to give the occasional deuteron - on which
most of the heat of the sun depends, eventually. This process is the
throttle that keeps the sun from burning up its mass rapidly. But there
could be more to the thermal story, if there is asymmetry.

As a result of the evolution of nanomagnetic theory by Ahern, myself and
others - the focus has moved beyond suggesting that ZPE is the proximate
energy source, but -yes- ZPE may be involved at a deeper level. The zero
point field was always a kind of page-marker awaiting more careful
analysis. If the hypothesis of PP reversible fusion holds, we may find that
the strong force itself depends on ZPE, in another basic context - such as
hydrogen mass regauging (thanks to Mark) .

Whether or not a new kind of Bussard Ramjet (a Bastard Ramjet, so to speak
:-) is possible, based on reversible diproton nuclear fusion asymmetry
without beta decay - is just a guess - but it seems likely. In any event
the fusion reaction is extremely short lived, immediately reverting to two
protons. The reaction happens incessantly on the sun (or in the Casimir
cavity) so much so that it is hard to distinguish from elastic collision -
except for the few attoseconds of stickiness which invokes QCD. Elastic
collisions are no gain.

In the Nickel-hydrogen nanomagnetic theory - neither helium-3, helium-4 nor
deuterium are seen to any substantial extent. This is where it departs from
Storms and other who are suggesting deuterium and helium. We have a more
tolerable leap of faith for explaining the gain in Ni-H, which does not
depend on the extraordinary rarity of beta-decay - and is a strong force
modality, not a weak force modality like WL, (which is not yet proved, but
is falsifiable). This quasi-fusion reaction will be slightly asymmetric due
to QCD color change following the transient fusion event. In both cases (on
the Sun, or in the cavity on earth) the slight energy gain amounts to a tiny
fraction of an eV, in the range of the Dirac h-bar equivalent. Small gain,
yes but there can be lots of them sequentially, when protons are in
confinement with relativistic virtual photons. 

QCD is the quantum theory which best models the strong force - and the color
changes in QCD are generally not symmetric - thus opening the door for
bosonic transfer of a bit of proton average mass, via magnons. Magnons are
important in a confining structure which is ferromagnetic, since the
transfer boson will supply the excess heat via magnetic induction of any
ferromagnetic atom nearby. 

It is no accident that recently, strong apparent thermal gain with no gammas
has been seen with cobalt and hydrogen. 

Nickel and cobalt are active, but iron is apparently not as active as the
other two ferromagnetic candidates. The reason why is worth knowing, and it
may related to what is called hydrogen embrittlement. Strong, or at least
ductile, cavity porosity is required.

From: Roarty, Francis X 

... the prerequisite reaction for eventual solar conversion
into 4He [no, not helium-4, we are talking about transient helium-2] 

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
 We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we don't know
 what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has provided
 us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from the long
 term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

Yes and in my exchange with PDGTG they implied that they were taking
Hydrogen and making Boron.  If they are right, we are seeing the
microscopic equivalent of the star birthing nebula in Orion:

in the cracks of Nickel.  The implication is that, in the cracks of
the metal, almost all that we have discussed is happening and
electrons an protons are combining to directly form these heavier


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Terry Blanton
The first quoted sentence should be attributed to Abd.

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
 We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we don't know
 what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has provided
 us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from the long
 term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

 Yes and in my exchange with PDGTG they implied that they were taking
 Hydrogen and making Boron.  If they are right, we are seeing the
 microscopic equivalent of the star birthing nebula in Orion:

 in the cracks of Nickel.  The implication is that, in the cracks of
 the metal, almost all that we have discussed is happening and
 electrons an protons are combining to directly form these heavier


RE: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Jones Beene

The caveat of this is that it is mundane: all electrical discharges produce
transmutation over time. That is the nature of QM tunneling.

You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have done
this. It is mundane.

Since we can say with certainty that QM transmutation due to tunneling is
ubiquitous in electrical arcs over time - the problem shifts to one of
correlating transmutation to excess energy. That is most difficult. 

AS we know triodes are inherently lossy, so transmutation alone guarantees

Is Defkalion capable of doing this?

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

The first quoted sentence should be attributed to Abd.

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
 We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we don't
 what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has
 us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from the long
 term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

 Yes and in my exchange with PDGTG they implied that they were taking
 Hydrogen and making Boron.  If they are right, we are seeing the
 microscopic equivalent of the star birthing nebula in Orion:

 in the cracks of Nickel.  The implication is that, in the cracks of
 the metal, almost all that we have discussed is happening and
 electrons an protons are combining to directly form these heavier


attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:Bussard Ramjet

2012-09-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene wrote:

 Because plain text does not show
 superscripts in vortex postings - when you see 2He, which should have the
 2 as a superscript

When it is important to indicate a superscript, I suggest a caret:


That is well known. Less often, an underline is used to indicate a


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Terry Blanton
I think the stellar analogy holds the answer, Jones.  But, it is not
the normal star like Sol that we should study.  It is white dwarfs and
neutron stars.

Negative resistance in magnetized plasmas has been known to exist for
decades.  So we know there is an energy source.  Degenerate matter is
forming within these Storms Discontinuities, possibly relativistic as
has been speculated here.  Are we seeing Color Superconductors?

At the limit of Chandrasekhar mass electrons and protons do form
neutrons and neutrinos.  Is the degenerate state simulating this

It was CE's black hole idea that got me thinking like this.

I'll probably get over it.

Or not.


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Axil Axil
Significant power production from a LENR reactor might simply come down to
the number of nuclear reactions that happen per unit of time.

If Defkalion can generate 10^^23 reactions per second, even if each of
these separate reactions only produce a relatively small power
contributions, their total can add to a large number. It’s simple
A prolific reaction rate can make up for a poor fusion power production
This is what Peter means when he says that LENR+ works and LENR doen’t. It
all boils down to the reaction production rate. The LENR production rate is
small whereas the LENR+ power production rate is high.


On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Jones Beene wrote:


 The caveat of this is that it is mundane: all electrical discharges produce
 transmutation over time. That is the nature of QM tunneling.

 You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
 XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
 elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have
 this. It is mundane.

 Since we can say with certainty that QM transmutation due to tunneling is
 ubiquitous in electrical arcs over time - the problem shifts to one of
 correlating transmutation to excess energy. That is most difficult.

 AS we know triodes are inherently lossy, so transmutation alone guarantees

 Is Defkalion capable of doing this?

 -Original Message-
 From: Terry Blanton

 The first quoted sentence should be attributed to Abd.

 On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Terry Blanton
  On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
  We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we don't
  what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.
  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has
  us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from the long
  term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.
  Yes and in my exchange with PDGTG they implied that they were taking
  Hydrogen and making Boron.  If they are right, we are seeing the
  microscopic equivalent of the star birthing nebula in Orion:
  in the cracks of Nickel.  The implication is that, in the cracks of
  the metal, almost all that we have discussed is happening and
  electrons an protons are combining to directly form these heavier

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Daniel Rocha
No, they didn't. To be characterized as an ash proper, that is, as the main
product of the reaction, it has to correlate with the output energy. They
did't do that.

2012/9/15 Axil Axil

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has
 provided us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from
 the long term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

 This information is available for reference in the Defkalion do

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 The nuclear reaction reflected in this ash description seems to be a mix
 of complex fusion and fission nuclear reactions. Such a mix of reactions
 might be expected when the coulomb barrier is lowered in varying degrees
 that range from slight to total. This lowering seems to happen in a random
 way in terms of intensity. It also points to the likelihood these various
 nuclear reactions occur respectively many time to both virgin and
 repeatedly transmuted elements and are not restricted to just nickel (Ni58,
 Ni60, Ni62and Ni64 stable isotopes). Isotopic shifts in the transmutation
 products are also documented.

Agreed.  Ni/H has been confirmed, in a sense, unless we are to quibble over
the meaning of the word, in which case we must ask what it means for the
Pd/D experiments to be confirmed where the Ni/H experiments are not.  See
sec. 4.5 of Ed Storms's book.  Although there are fewer experiments
reporting on Ni/H, there are enough to be able to adopt some working
assumptions about the existence of the Ni/H reaction.

As a side note, I notice that Storms concludes in this section that there
must be something like capture of p or D or more complex species within
nuclei that make up the different substrates (Pd, Ni, W, Ti, etc.) and in
impurities that form in the substrates.  There are several significant
details that support this conclusion.  They include a lack of radioisotopes
that would be expected to linger around after the reaction shuts off if
there were neutron capture going on, the shift in stable isotopes and the
unexpectedly low correlation of neutrons with anomalous heat.  Although
catalyzed capture of D and p sounds like a crazy idea, on the basis of the
reasonable objection that there is Coulomb repulsion to be dealt with,
I suspect that Defkalion and Andrea Rossi will be vindicated in the end.  I
am not a betting man, but perhaps some of you would like to start up a pool?

The helium seen in Pd/D systems seems compatible with catalyzed D or p
capture, if there is some kind of subsequent alpha decay occurring within a
palladium substrate; it is possible that this is not energetically
favorable in Ni/H systems, though, in which case you would not expect to
see 4He as an ash in Ni/H.  It is common in the experiments to see reports
of fast protons and alpha particles in the palladium experiments.


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Eric Walker
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
 XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
 elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have
 this. It is mundane.

 Since we can say with certainty that QM transmutation due to tunneling is
 ubiquitous in electrical arcs over time - the problem shifts to one of
 correlating transmutation to excess energy. That is most difficult.

 AS we know triodes are inherently lossy, so transmutation alone guarantees

This is an important question -- are the transmutations just a peripheral
effect, or can they be correlated with anomalous heat?  My sense is that
the jury is still out, and that the researchers haven't been paying close
attention to this until more recently.  (I do not see correlation of 4He
with heat in Pd/D systems as a counter-argument, since it is possible that
this is due to alpha decay, or that there is agglomeration of the kind that
Terry hinted at.)

It's actually pretty cool that transmutations are a well-known result of
electric arc discharges, if this is true.  Perhaps this has been LENR all
along, staring back at us, but we wanted to build Tokamaks.


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Axil Axil
reference: “The developing technology of transmutation by Miley et
al” addresses why your expectations regarding transmutation
charactorization are excessive. Cheers:   Axil

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

 No, they didn't. To be characterized as an ash proper, that is, as the
 main product of the reaction, it has to correlate with the output energy.
 They did't do that.

 2012/9/15 Axil Axil

 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has
 provided us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted from
 the long term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

 This information is available for reference in the Defkalion do

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread ChemE Stewart

Thanks, I need all the support can get!

I have been more research on my theory, I think if the reaction is along
the lines of my theory we should be looking for Extremely Low
Frequency(ELF) Radiation or ULF(ultra) in the 0-5 Hz range generated from
the anomalous heat effect.  Which BTW is also used to communicate with
military subs...

see OSHA

On Saturday, September 15, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 I think the stellar analogy holds the answer, Jones.  But, it is not
 the normal star like Sol that we should study.  It is white dwarfs and
 neutron stars.

 Negative resistance in magnetized plasmas has been known to exist for
 decades.  So we know there is an energy source.  Degenerate matter is
 forming within these Storms Discontinuities, possibly relativistic as
 has been speculated here.  Are we seeing Color Superconductors?

 At the limit of Chandrasekhar mass electrons and protons do form
 neutrons and neutrinos.  Is the degenerate state simulating this

 It was CE's black hole idea that got me thinking like this.

 I'll probably get over it.

 Or not.


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Daniel Rocha
No, it doesn't address. There is just a list of elements that supposed
transmuted, none of them with no error bars. Besides, what I want is to
correlate the quantity of ash in time vs. output energy in time. This is
the correlation.

2012/9/15 Axil Axil

  This reference: “The developing technology of transmutation by Miley et
 al” addresses why your expectations regarding transmutation
 charactorization are excessive. Cheers:   Axi

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy on Hi-Temp Superconductivity LENR

2012-09-15 Thread Eric Walker
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Jeff Berkowitz wrote:

In either case, we might have a peculiar state in which bulk material (e.g.
 Celani's wire) is intermittently (patchily) superconductive along the
 path of current flow. This might be observed as a sort of average, i.e. a
 decrease in resistance across the bulk material just as Celani is reporting.

Abd noted a few months ago that there is often a marked decrease in
resitivity in Pd/D experiments when anomalous heat is observed.  The thread
is here:


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:40 AM 9/15/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

We don't know whether NiH results are actually LENR, because we 
don't know what the ash is and therefore we don't know what the reaction is.

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax and Jed Rothwell be advised that Defkalion has 
provided us with a comprehensive list of ash products that resulted 
from the long term operation of their pre-industrial Hyperion product.

This information is available for reference in the Defkalion document titled:


I'm going to repeat, *we* don't know what the ash is. That paper is 
inadequate to establish the ash, except as speculation from a single run.

The nuclear reaction reflected in this ash description seems to be a 
mix of complex fusion and fission nuclear reactions.

What ash description? Ash would be material produced that was not 
there previously. Ash would be confirmed through correlation with 
heat, this can't be done with a single-point analysis. The report 
does show a before a test run and one after a test run, but

1. They appear to be different samples. It is not stated that they 
are the same reaction material, before and after. The analysis 
numbers are 07/18/12 #25   for the before, and   07/18/12 
#23   for the after.

2. There is no report of the energy generated.

3. In Miles' work with PdD, the samples were analyzed blind. There is 
no indication that any similar precautions were taken.

4. They claim that the analyses are of the NAE, which is Storn's 
term, and they distinguish between the NAE and the material, but they 
say nothing about how they manage to analyze the NAE without 
analyzing the material. Do they mean surface?

5. Surface composition of a material may shift as a result of 
hydrogen activity, without any transmutation at all. That is why 
correlation with heat is so important. Helium alone, in PdD 
experiments, would not be strong evidence of transmutation. It was 
correlation that made the identity of helium, as the ash, clear.

We don't know the ash until reports are independently confirmed, 
and the paper states that this is not possible, essentially. Whatever 
tests are done must be done in Defkalion's lab, they say, under NDA. 
This is proprietary and confidential commercial activity, not science.

Note that they have the right to do this. However, they, by the same 
token, have the right to operate outside of scientific protocols and 
the process of the development of scientific knowledge.

There is more information in that paper than we had before, but it's 
all single-source information. They say they operated a cell for 6 
weeks as the longest test protocol run with the same charge. Great. 
What was the heat performance of that cell? They don't say! They 
merely say that there wasn't any drop in performance.

This is not a peer-reviewed paper, and I'd consider it inadequate to 
pass reasonable peer review. It's a company report, and it's heaviest 
on what the company knows least: theory. They know what they actually 
did, and they know what the actual results were, and they are not 
telling. They are speculating about theory, wandering off into 
Widom-Larsen, the solar corona, and other distractions to justify 
LENR, as if LENR needs justification.

We don't need to know if LENR is real, we need to know if Defkalion 
has an approach that works reliably, and, for confirmation and the 
development of theory, we need to know the heat/ash ratios.

(a working product will be its own proof, but we will still need, for 
the long term, to know the ash, and its relationship with energy, so 
that theories about mechanism can be vetted.)

I found the paper at

Re: [Vo]:no evidence yet of safety certificate.

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:03 AM 9/15/2012, Sverre Haslund wrote:
Hmm.. my edit about SGS certificate has held for 

Sverre Haslund


Page history shows revert warring See

It's a bit tedious to figure this out exactly, but it looks like:

TheNextFuture, 5RR. I predict a block any day for 
TheNextFuture. This is an SPA, likely the sock of 
a banned user. New users don't file AfDs in their 
first few edits. Once upon a time, there would 
have been somone all over TheNextFuture, like me.

Insilvis, 5RR. block for revert warring likely. 
Good reverts is generally not a defense.

Shaslund, 2RR. SPA, only five edits total, one 
edit in 2009 to Blacklight Power. Block not 
likely unless Sverre pushes this further. 
Shaslund is clearly not an experienced user, 
doesn't use edit summaries (very important when reverting, to explain).

Given the insistent activity from editors (on 
both sides) clearly not following WP policy and 
guidelines, I predict that the article will be 
protected from editing. Semiprotection might not 
be adequate here. With less than this, and really 
only one revert warrior, Cold fusion was 
full-protected. All it takes is someone who knows how to file an RfPP.

In any case, Shaslund's first attempt to insert 
the material lasted 53 minutes before being 
reverted by Insilvis. The second lasted 24 
minutes. A third might get him blocked, a fourth 
would very, very likely result in a block if it's within 24 hours.

The 3RR rule is a bright line, one must have a 
critical interest to cross it and survive, and an 
admin might block first and ask questions later. 
Something like illegal content or libel. I once 
survived a 3RR violation block because I was 
reverting blatant sock puppets. First entry in my 
block log reversed as soon as the admin took a closer look. I was new.

Insilivis might make that claim here, TheNextFuture is so obvious. 

Re: [Vo]:Re: New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Rob Dingemans


It seems to me that Wikipedia will meets it's own damburster.
The wait is for someone to drop the bouncing balls in the lake of the 

On 14-9-2012 22:16, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is why I say trying to reform Wikipedia is a waste of time.

Regarding that analogy, of a dam starting to break, I may have 
mentioned this here before . . .

_Spoiler Alert_

This clip from the movie Force 10 From Navarone shows how I hope 
things will work out:

B.t.w. Not a Spoiler to me; it's a classic movie, which people already 
should know by now.

Kind regards,


Re: [Vo]:Re: New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Rob Dingemans


It seems to me that Wikipedia will meets it's own dambuster.
The wait is for someone to drop the bouncing balls in the lake of the 

On 14-9-2012 22:16, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is why I say trying to reform Wikipedia is a waste of time.

Regarding that analogy, of a dam starting to break, I may have 
mentioned this here before . . .

_Spoiler Alert_

This clip from the movie Force 10 From Navarone shows how I hope 
things will work out:

B.t.w. Not a Spoiler to me; it's a classic movie, which people already 
should know by now.

Kind regards,


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:14 PM 9/15/2012, Eric Walker wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

The nuclear reaction reflected in this ash 
description seems to be a mix of complex fusion 
and fission nuclear reactions. Such a mix of 
reactions might be expected when the coulomb 
barrier is lowered in varying degrees that range 
from slight to total. This lowering seems to 
happen in a random way in terms of intensity. It 
also points to the likelihood these various 
nuclear reactions occur respectively many time 
to both virgin and repeatedly transmuted 
elements and are not restricted to just nickel 
(Ni58, Ni60, Ni62and Ni64 stable isotopes). 
Isotopic shifts in the transmutation products are also documented.

Agreed. Â Ni/H has been confirmed, in a sense, 
unless we are to quibble over the meaning of the 
word, in which case we must ask what it means 
for the Pd/D experiments to be confirmed where 
the Ni/H experiments are not. Â See sec. 4.5 of 
Ed Storms's book. Â Although there are fewer 
experiments reporting on Ni/H, there are enough 
to be able to adopt some working assumptions 
about the existence of the Ni/H reaction.

You can play with ideas all you want. The 
information in the subject article from Defkalion 
is primitive, it's hard to tell what it means. 
Not just in terms of implication, but in terms of 
what they actually did to collect it. Read the 
article and see how ambiguous it all is. Now, of 
course, maybe I missed something. That happens.

As a side note, I notice that Storms concludes 
in this section that there must be something 
like capture of p or D or more complex species 
within nuclei that make up the different 
substrates (Pd, Ni, W, Ti, etc.) and in 
impurities that form in the substrates. Â There 
are several significant details that support 
this conclusion. Â They include a lack of 
radioisotopes that would be expected to linger 
around after the reaction shuts off if there 
were neutron capture going on, the shift in 
stable isotopes and the unexpectedly low 
correlation of neutrons with anomalous heat.  
Although catalyzed capture of D and p sounds 
like a crazy idea, on the basis of the 
reasonable objection that there is Coulomb 
repulsion to be dealt with, IÂ suspect that 
Defkalion and Andrea Rossi will be vindicated in 
the end. Â I am not a betting man, but perhaps 
some of you would like to start up a pool?

Storms is talking about low levels of 
transmutation, not about major levels. The ash 
does not cover all possible products of rare 
branches or secondary reactions, it refers to the 
main reaction. If fusion is taking place, even 
under conditions that usually produce no other 
transmutation, relatively rare secondary 
reactions are quite likely to occur. SPAWAR has 
reported very low levels of neutrons at about 14 
MeV (and those produce proton tracks, plus rare 
triple tracks). That tells us practically nothing 
about the main reaction, the levels are so low. 
(As I recall, They theorize that the neutrons are 
from D-T fusion, perhaps from rare hot deuterons or the like.)

The helium seen in Pd/D systems seems 
compatible with catalyzed D or p capture, if 
there is some kind of subsequent alpha decay 
occurring within a palladium substrate; it is 
possible that this is not energetically 
favorable in Ni/H systems, though, in which case 
you would not expect to see 4He as an ash in 
Ni/H. Â It is common in the experiments to see 
reports of fast protons and alpha particles in the palladium experiments.

Actually, it isn't common. There are reports of 
CR-39 tracks, but the work is problematic, 
confirmation rare. SPAWAR's non-neutron results 
are difficult to distinguish from chemical 
damage. I personally think they might be produced 
by massive low-energy alphas, under 20 KeV, but 
that's not a strong belief at all. Referring to 
the main reaction, there isn't anything above 20 KeV, the Hagelstein limit.

Storms thinks that NiH is operating by the same 
mechanism, fed by protium and/or deuterium, but 
that's actually an explicit *assumption* of his. 
It might be correct, it might not be.

I would compare what's in the before and after 
Defkalion charts, but basic details are missing:

1. Is this a before and after from the same material?
2. Or is it one material for before and a different material from after.
3. How are the error values determined? Is that 
variance from multiple analyses *of the same sample*?
4. What is the range of values for different 
samples from the same basic material?
5. Lastly, how does the analysis vary based on 
different levels of energy generated from the sample?

As others have pointed out, there are multiple 
possible sources for anomalous elements. If high 
voltage discharges are used, these might produce 
transmutations themselves. Hence controls would 
be appropriate, probably many different kinds of controls.

Only very primitive science is done with 

Re: [Vo]:Stable, long lasting ~100 W cold fusion reactions have been demonstrated

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:12 AM 9/15/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

If high energy density can be reliably created and sustained for 
substantial periods, it is then intrinsically scalable, and it could be that.

It has been sustained for as long as 3 months, at ~100 W, by 
Fleischmann and Pons. See Roulette et al. If they can keep it stable 
for 3 months, people can learn to keep it stable indefinitely.

Not necessarily. Probably. The difference is critical. Jed, you are 
claiming that PF sustained a reaction for 3 months, at 100W. 
However, it would be more accurate to say that they *observed* such a 
reaction. They didn't necessarily create it, keep it stable. 
Perhaps it *stayed* stable. There is, practically speaking, a huge difference.

If they'd been able to do that reliably, I doubt that Toyota would 
have given up funding Technova. And this technology would have been 

No, the FPHE could be *inherently* unreliable.

Or not. Basically, there is a lot of work to be done. Until the work 
is done, we are mostly speculating. There are clues that reasonably 
stable PdD reaction is possible, in the long-term Fleischmann 
accounts, but aren't those anecdotal?

Suppose an experiment is like tossing a coin (or a series of coins). 
Run a lot of experiments, you might see a long series of some 
outcome. That doesn't mean that you can control this.

Incorrect. Experiments have run at stable power levels for weeks or 
months. That is not transient. Transient would be the longest and 
biggest plasma fusion reaction in history at the PPPL, which was 10 
MW lasting 0.6 seconds.

Hot fusion is seriously transient, so far. I meant not sustained, and 
I was not using transient to refer to seconds. Days can be transient 
in the meaning I'm using. How long would a commercial cold fusion 
product need to operate reliably?

It's possible that Rossi has zilch, but more likely he's setting up 
some reaction; and if this is not reliable, it would explain a great 
deal about Rossi's behavior. He'd think he'd manage to make it 
reliable any day now. Maybe if we make it hotter, it will become 
reliable. Etc.

And maybe it will. But we have seen no proof, just tantalizing 
anecdotes, demonstrations that could be utterly bogus or seriously 
misinterpreted, etc.

To be what this site is claiming, it must be not only high density, 
but reliable.

Obviously. If the reaction were reliable, we would have prototype 
automobiles by now. We would not need this website. Reliability is 
the only thing missing. The purpose of this website is to raise 
money, conduct research, and make the reaction reliable and controllable.

Actually, that's not what they say. That might be what you want, Jed, 
but what they talk about is making it known that LENR is real. We 
already know that, and if there is a real commercial product, as soon 
as that product is available for sale and within a very short time 
after that, it's all over. We don't need the web site to buy a 1 MW 
reactor in order to promote LENR. People will be scrambling to buy 
in, once there are independent tests. If the thing works.

The web site appears to have been started by a student who imagines 
that the only problem is getting the news out. That's a problem, 
ignorance about LENR has certainly hampered research and research 
funding, but tossing an E-Cat fee at Rossi will have no impact at all.

I'd be much more impressed by someone raising money for basic 
research, instead of feeding the proprietary technology monster.

Brillouin, if they follow through with the plans to have SRI test 
their work, now that's interesting. Independent, reputable 
investigational lab. A good deal of what we actually *know* about 
cold fusion is from SRI.

If someone wants to develop test kits so that people anywhere can 
verify cold fusion results, great. I've been looking at the radiation 
detectors from our own SPAWAR neutron confirmation attempt. More 
later, I assume, on that.

It ain't necessarily easy. However, I've pointed out again and again 
that Rossi, or Defkalion, or Brillouin, for that matter, if they have 
something that *usually* works, could sell investigational kits. If 
those kits work, it's all over, again. The news will get out. Jed, 
you know there is some history related to this, I'm sure you know it 
a lot better than I do. How did it go?

We do not yet know if LENR can be reliably generated and sustained 
at adequate levels for commercial application.

Incorrect. We do know this, because it has been done, on a scale of 
100 W. That is actually big enough for a large fraction of all 
real-world applications. Furthermore, there is no reason to think 
that cannot be scaled up.

Anything that can be done once in the laboratory, even by accident, 
can be mastered, controlled and scaled up. The 100 W runs were not 
accidental. They were repeated many times.

The existence of 

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread David Roberson

I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into these 
transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how this happens or 
they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under the table over the years it 
makes one wonder how many other important discoveries are hidden.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Sep 15, 2012 3:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have done
this. It is mundane.

Since we can say with certainty that QM transmutation due to tunneling is
ubiquitous in electrical arcs over time - the problem shifts to one of
correlating transmutation to excess energy. That is most difficult.

AS we know triodes are inherently lossy, so transmutation alone guarantees

This is an important question -- are the transmutations just a peripheral 
effect, or can they be correlated with anomalous heat?  My sense is that the 
jury is still out, and that the researchers haven't been paying close attention 
to this until more recently.  (I do not see correlation of 4He with heat in 
Pd/D systems as a counter-argument, since it is possible that this is due to 
alpha decay, or that there is agglomeration of the kind that Terry hinted at.)

It's actually pretty cool that transmutations are a well-known result of 
electric arc discharges, if this is true.  Perhaps this has been LENR all 
along, staring back at us, but we wanted to build Tokamaks.



RE: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:26 PM 9/15/2012, Jones Beene wrote:


The caveat of this is that it is mundane: all electrical discharges produce
transmutation over time. That is the nature of QM tunneling.

You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have done
this. It is mundane.

There is another example of the Gee Whiz, This Proves It, way of 
thinking. There are claims of radiation from light water 
electrolysis, see the work of Oriani and the attempted confirmation 
by Kowalski et al.

So you stick some radiation detectors in a cell and you see some 
tracks on them.

However, how often do we take plastic accumulating radiation 
detectors and hang them somewhere and develop them and see the range 
of what we get?

To really confirm that an anomaly is taking place that is due to 
elecrolysis, one needs to run matched controls. For starters, we'd 
expect to see a correlation between electrolytic current (for 
constant-current experiments) and the radiation. Yet Oriani 
apparently saw no such correlation. Maybe there was an effect from 
electrolysis and maybe not. Kowalski reported replication failure, 
but he did see some unusual tracks. Maybe this was something and maybe not.

This is why we really want to see correlated effects. All kinds of 
correlations can be tested, some demonstrate something about the 
nature of the effect, itself (such as heat/helium with PdD), some 
provide clues as to mechanism or necessary conditions (perhaps, with 
Pd/D, H/D ratio, current density, loading factor -- D/Pd ratio --, 
cathode prep and history, and, given Storms' theory, how about 
cathode deformation, bending stress?)

Oriani reported the effect as replicable, supposedly, because he saw 
*something unusual* with every cell. However, cell protocol was all 
over the map. Kowalski basically picked one protocol and several 
people ran it. So Kowalski only tested one of Oriani's protocols. 
Entirely possible, then, that all the others worked and Kowalski 
happened to pick one that was punk.

I must say, to me, it's more likely that the whole thing was 
artifact. Oriani's work did *not* show what was claimed, a 
reproducible experiment, because Oriani did not show a series of 
*reproduced* experiments.

Oriani was doing investigational work, which is great, and 
commendable. The only problem was when reproducibility was claimed, 
without a showing of it.

And, by the way, Kowalski is also to be commended, for attempting 
replication. That's too rare in this field, where so many have been 
scrambling to be the first to find the magic protocol.

Re: [Vo]:An interesting video from PESN - new Defkalion pics?

2012-09-15 Thread Alan Fletcher
From: Akira Shirakawa

 Have you read their feasibility study here? It's clearer than what's 
 presented in their website:

If you scroll down to the Defkalion section there are two photos of the test 
rig which I don't recall seeing before. The drum is shown with a copper coil 
wrapped around it, and then it's shown in an insulated box, hooked up.

That's probably from one of the public/NDA tests.

Even Generation  1 needs a 45kW system with a COP of 40  (Defkalion is quoted 
as COP  32).  

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into 
these transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how 
this happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under 
the table over the years it makes one wonder how many other 
important discoveries are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated 
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are 
such. Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with 
a very low rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one 
might find all kinds of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a 
big deal, necessarily. Nothing here to sweep under the table, 
unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what 
would be expected from theory.

Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements 
from vacuum tubes?

Re: [Vo]:Stable, long lasting ~100 W cold fusion reactions have been demonstrated

2012-09-15 Thread James Bowery
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 Suppose an experiment is like tossing a coin (or a series of coins). Run a
 lot of experiments, you might see a long series of some outcome. That
 doesn't mean that you can control this.

Ordinarily, new scientific discoveries are claimed to be consistent and
reproducible; as a result, if the experiments are not complicated, the
discovery can usually be confirmed or disproved in a few months. The claims
of cold fusion, however, are unusual in that even the strongest proponents
of cold fusion assert that the experiments, for unknown reasons, are not
consistent and reproducible at the present time. However, even a single
short but valid cold fusion period would be revolutionary.- Dr. Norman
Ramsey, Nobel laureate and professor of physics at Harvard University was
the only person on the the 1989 Department of Energy cold fusion review
panel to voice a dissenting opinion. Ramsey insisted on the inclusion of
this preamble as an alternative to his resignation from the panel.

What Dr. Ramsey meant by revolutionary is that there would be a new
scientific field opened up.  Science is the art of public reproduciblity
and we're pretty good at it by now.  If the effect is real, the scientific
arts will very likely make it not only reproducible but commensurate with
the body of theory.  At that point it is a matter of engineering to make it
controllable and we're pretty damn good at engineering too.

Re: [Vo]:Stable, long lasting ~100 W cold fusion reactions have been demonstrated

2012-09-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

They didn't necessarily create it, keep it stable. Perhaps it *stayed*
 stable. There is, practically speaking, a huge difference.

You are wrong. The paper shows 3 out of 7 runs worked, but they did it
several other times not shown in the paper. Before they they performed the
boil-off experiment hundreds of times reliably. They ran 32 tests at at
time. Every one of them worked.

 If they'd been able to do that reliably, I doubt that Toyota would have
 given up funding Technova. And this technology would have been transferred.

The decision to end the program was political. It had nothing to do with
the quality of the results. It was about money, greed and power. The scion
of Toyota who started the program died of old age, and others who were
determined to stop it won out.

- Jed

[Vo]:Don't waste your time trying to edit the E-Cat Article

2012-09-15 Thread Kelley Trezise
So, here is my vote on the matter:

Keep no merge This article has been taken over by a very small cadre of people 
opposed to even the mention of the Energy Catalyzer, Cold Fusion, LENR, LANR, 
etc. It is a stain on the reputation of WP that a small number of very abusive 
people can drive off the more moderate people, rewrite an article in a highly 
biased manner and then propose that the article be deleted. This article as it 
has been written by that small clique lies there like an unburried scat 
stinking up hell itself. And so it should remain as a stinky stain on the 
reputation of WP. - Preceding unsigned comment added by Zedshort(talk . 
contribs) 01:23, 16 September 2012

Don't waste your time trying to edit the article as long as the current crew of 
trolls have control. It is best that it be left there for all to see but people 
need to vote honestly on its reliability and such.

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread David Roberson

To me 250 electron volts of energy in the form of electron projectiles is 
incredibly small.  The neutron generators that can be had all operate with 
something like 100 keV which is fairly close to 1000 times larger,  and they 
use deuterons as the projectiles.   Why would we think that electrons impacting 
atoms would generate mutations when there is not enough energy to produce 
energetic X-rays?  If we assume that the elevated temperature of the plate 
material is responsible, then perhaps so, but the battle to prove that LENR 
exists in the first place has been difficult.  It just seems likely that anyone 
who has witnessed the transmutation of elements within a low power tube would 
accept LENR without much question.

I would like to see proof that the tube transmutation effect is real and an 
explanation for its occurrence.  Again, how could low energy electrons cause 
this to happen?  If one calculates the expected transmutation rate at the 
energies we are speaking of I bet it would be too small to measure.  Then 
again, I guess that we see significance evidence that standard physics is not 
working in the case of LENR devices.  Another clue was overlooked and I bet 
there are many more.


-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
To: vortex-l; vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Sep 15, 2012 8:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into 
these transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how 
this happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under 
the table over the years it makes one wonder how many other 
important discoveries are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated 
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are 
such. Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with 
a very low rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one 
might find all kinds of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a 
big deal, necessarily. Nothing here to sweep under the table, 
unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what 
would be expected from theory.

Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements 
from vacuum tubes?


Re: [Vo]:Stable, long lasting ~100 W cold fusion reactions have been demonstrated

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:25 PM 9/15/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

They didn't necessarily create it, keep it stable. Perhaps it 
*stayed* stable. There is, practically speaking, a huge difference.

You are wrong. The paper shows 3 out of 7 runs worked, but they did 
it several other times not shown in the paper. Before they they 
performed the boil-off experiment hundreds of times reliably. They 
ran 32 tests at at time. Every one of them worked.

If they'd been able to do that reliably, I doubt that Toyota would 
have given up funding Technova. And this technology would have been 

The decision to end the program was political. It had nothing to do 
with the quality of the results. It was about money, greed and 
power. The scion of Toyota who started the program died of old age, 
and others who were determined to stop it won out.


However, while CF experiments are difficult, has that work by Pons 
and Fleischmann ever been replicated? If it was so reproducible, why not?

I've seen an experimental series where a design seemed to work 
reliably. Then the researcher was later unable to reproduce it. 
Something had changed.

What cuts through this kind of problem, as far as deepening 
investigation is concerned, is correlation. Heat/helium is not so 
much affected by this uncontrolled variability. If *all* experiments 
are no-heat, sure. Correlation doesn't help. But as long as some 
generate significant heat, heat/helium demonstrates the reality.

To refer to something in another post, sure, we can be pretty good at 
engineering, but not necessarily when we don't understand how 
something is working. That's what has been missing: an understanding 
of the effect. Until we understand it, engineering is hit-and-miss.

The pseudoskeptics deride cold fusion because of the common 
unreliability; however, that argument is demolished by correlation, 
specifically the correlation of heat with helium. 

Re: [Vo]:Don't waste your time trying to edit the E-Cat Article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:27 PM 9/15/2012, Kelley Trezise wrote:

So, here is my vote on the matter:

Keep no merge This article has been taken over 
by a very small cadre of people opposed to even 
the mention of the Energy Catalyzer, Cold 
Fusion, LENR, LANR, etc. It is a stain on the 
reputation of WP that a small number of very 
abusive people can drive off the more moderate 
people, rewrite an article in a highly biased 
manner and then propose that the article be 
deleted. This article as it has been written by 
that small clique lies there like an unburried 
scat stinking up hell itself. And so it should 
remain as a stinky stain on the reputation of 
WP. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 
Zedshort(talk • contribs) 01:23, 16 September 2012

Don't waste your time trying to edit the article 
as long as the current crew of trolls have 
control. It is best that it be left there for 
all to see but people need to vote honestly on its reliability and such.

The article was proposed for deletion by a Single 
Purpose Account (SPA) who is very likely the sock 
puppet of a banned editor. There is revert 
warring on the article, seen today. I'm amazed 
that TheNextFuture has not only not been blocked, 
s/he has not even been warned about revert 
warring. Insilvis has also violated the 3RR rule. 
TheNextFuture probably knows exactly what s/he is 
doing, and doesn't care. Insilvis has no block 
history and may not realize that you can be 
blocked for 3RR violation for making good reverts, in themselves.

However, there is a 3RR exception for reverting a 
banned editor. The guideline suggests not relying 
on this But nobody has attempted, as far as I 
can see, to address the revert warring and blatant sockery.  

Re: [Vo]:Don't waste your time trying to edit the E-Cat Article

2012-09-15 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:27 PM 9/15/2012, Kelley Trezise wrote:

So, here is my vote on the matter:

Keep no merge This article has been taken over 
by a very small cadre of people opposed to even 
the mention of the Energy Catalyzer, Cold 
Fusion, LENR, LANR, etc. It is a stain on the 
reputation of WP that a small number of very 
abusive people can drive off the more moderate 
people, rewrite an article in a highly biased 
manner and then propose that the article be 
deleted. This article as it has been written by 
that small clique lies there like an unburried 
scat stinking up hell itself. And so it should 
remain as a stinky stain on the reputation of 
WP. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 
Zedshort(talk • contribs) 01:23, 16 September 2012

Don't waste your time trying to edit the article 
as long as the current crew of trolls have 
control. It is best that it be left there for 
all to see but people need to vote honestly on its reliability and such.

The article was proposed for deletion by a Single 
Purpose Account (SPA) who is very likely the sock 
puppet of a banned editor. There is revert 
warring on the article, seen today. I'm amazed 
that TheNextFuture has not only not been blocked, 
s/he has not even been warned about revert 
warring. Insilvis has also violated the 3RR rule. 
TheNextFuture probably knows exactly what s/he is 
doing, and doesn't care. Insilvis has no block 
history and may not realize that you can be 
blocked for 3RR violation for making good reverts, in themselves.

However, there is a 3RR exception for reverting a 
banned editor. The guideline suggests not relying 
on this But nobody has attempted, as far as I 
can see, to address the revert warring and blatant sockery.  

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Jeff Berkowitz
I'm old, so I'm old school. I'm not a physicist, just an experienced
observer with a basic science education.

After a few months of intensive reading, I'm squarely in the transmutation
don't get no respect camp.

I particularly like this one:

No particle acceleration. No electrolysis. In fact, no use of electricity
in the experimental setup. No disputable calorimetry - in fact no claims of
excess heat. The description of the experimental setup clearly implies
reasonable skill in materials handling and laboratory technique.

Result: a wide range of heavy-element transmutations. Wtf!?

And not just these guys. Also here:

and here:

and here:

These results seem objective, widely replicated, and afaik inexplicable via
existing condensed-matter physics. Yet they get very little attention. I'm
new in this group, so help me out. The way I learned it, there ain't no
philosopher's stone, leaving aside well-understood high-energy fusion and
fission reaction processes.

What am I missing?


On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 8:30 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 To me 250 electron volts of energy in the form of electron projectiles is
 incredibly small.  The neutron generators that can be had all operate with
 something like 100 keV which is fairly close to 1000 times larger,  and
 they use deuterons as the projectiles.   Why would we think that electrons
 impacting atoms would generate mutations when there is not enough energy to
 produce energetic X-rays?  If we assume that the elevated temperature of
 the plate material is responsible, then perhaps so, but the battle to prove
 that LENR exists in the first place has been difficult.  It just seems
 likely that anyone who has witnessed the transmutation of elements within a
 low power tube would accept LENR without much question.

 I would like to see proof that the tube transmutation effect is real and
 an explanation for its occurrence.  Again, how could low energy electrons
 cause this to happen?  If one calculates the expected transmutation rate at
 the energies we are speaking of I bet it would be too small to measure.
 Then again, I guess that we see significance evidence that standard physics
 is not working in the case of LENR devices.  Another clue was overlooked
 and I bet there are many more.

  -Original Message-
 From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 To: vortex-l; vortex-l
 Sent: Sat, Sep 15, 2012 8:38 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

  At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
 I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into
 these transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how
 this happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under
 the table over the years it makes one wonder how many other
 important discoveries are hidden.

 I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated
 transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are
 such. Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with
 a very low rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one
 might find all kinds of things.

 Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a
 big deal, necessarily. Nothing here to sweep under the table,
 unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what
 would be expected from theory.

 Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements
 from vacuum tubes?

RE: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread John Newman
Moving from the vac tube end of the spectrum to larger sizes, there is scope
for closer examination of heavy duty industrial processes.  Welding RD
literature could be a rich hunting ground for baffled asides citing annoying
post-welding impurities.  

On the other hand, an ab initio fresh start on welding might commence with
experimentation using hyper-pure raw materials of species having a single
stable isotope, such as aluminium
( for example), with
painstaking spectrographic analysis of good provenance before and after
welding.  It would be interesting to see what could arise as 'impurities'
after welding with the huge range of different welding processes and,
indeed, with variations on welding input parameters, both within and outside
those conducive to production of a technologically sound weld.  

Even further along this spectrum we get into seriously heavy duty stuff such
as electric-arc steel making, an introduction to which (probably long-term
stable!) is at: 

My first viewing of the movie Alien, many years ago, brought the seemingly
organic twitching and writhing of the power supply cables on such furnaces
to mind, particularly during the process of melting down a fresh batch of
cold steel scrap.  But transmutation in the electric steel foundry never
crossed my mind as a summer student first seeing this in 1957. Fortunately,
I suppose, or I would have had a short and unhappy career.

As for what actually goes on in weld pools and such like, the jury may not
even be selected yet. I believe several other 20th Century theoretical works
that don't seem to have been cited in CF/LENR literature have an essential
part in providing a scale-invariant matter-wave basis for understanding the
outcomes of condensed state interparticle encounters.  If this is of
interest I will provide such, and I'm happy to participate in any
theorising, particularly if half-baked contributions are acceptable.

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax [] 
Sent: 16 September 2012 02:39
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into these 
transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how this 
happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under the table 
over the years it makes one wonder how many other important discoveries 
are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are such.
Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with a very low
rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one might find all kinds
of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a big deal,
necessarily. Nothing here to sweep under the table, 
unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what would
be expected from theory.

Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements from
vacuum tubes?

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 12:47 AM, John Newman wrote:

 On the other hand, an ab initio fresh start on welding might commence with
 experimentation using hyper-pure raw materials of species having a single
 stable isotope, such as aluminium
 ( for example), with
 painstaking spectrographic analysis of good provenance before and after
 welding.  It would be interesting to see what could arise as 'impurities'
 after welding with the huge range of different welding processes and,
 indeed, with variations on welding input parameters, both within and outside
 those conducive to production of a technologically sound weld.

Interesting you should mention this:

Not a lot of information available; but, what did they learn?


Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread David Roberson
Jeff, you have pointed out some interesting papers that allowed me to 
reconsider the transmutation concept.  Thus far I have placed most of these 
experiments in the same category as ghosts and other difficult spirits to 
capture.  Like the other phenomena, it is impossible to accept unless I witness 
it several times myself.  I and I assume many others have read the articles and 
placed them in the bin labeled Something must have gone wrong with that test!

This type of physics might be relatively common but not accepted due to the 
lack of understanding.  If it is real, then we have a great deal of new things 
to learn about the natural world.  I honestly have no idea about the validity 
of these papers and my tendency is to assume that there are operator errors.  
As soon as that assumption is applied, we are back to normal physics where 
transmutations are not happening under these low energy conditions.  We find 
ourselves in a position similar to that of the main line physicists who refuse 
to waste time reading about LENR since it can not be true. 

I guess I am not sure how to give transmutation at low energy the respect it 
might deserve.  Your bringing it up again for discussion might help resolve the 


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Berkowitz
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:05 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

I'm old, so I'm old school. I'm not a physicist, just an experienced observer 
with a basic science education.

After a few months of intensive reading, I'm squarely in the transmutation 
don't get no respect camp.

I particularly like this one:

No particle acceleration. No electrolysis. In fact, no use of electricity in 
the experimental setup. No disputable calorimetry - in fact no claims of excess 
heat. The description of the experimental setup clearly implies reasonable 
skill in materials handling and laboratory technique.

Result: a wide range of heavy-element transmutations. Wtf!?

And not just these guys. Also here:

and here:

and here:

These results seem objective, widely replicated, and afaik inexplicable via 
existing condensed-matter physics. Yet they get very little attention. I'm new 
in this group, so help me out. The way I learned it, there ain't no 
philosopher's stone, leaving aside well-understood high-energy fusion and 
fission reaction processes.

What am I missing?


On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 8:30 PM, David Roberson wrote:

To me 250 electron volts of energy in the form of electron projectiles is 
incredibly small.  The neutron generators that can be had all operate with 
something like 100 keV which is fairly close to 1000 times larger,  and they 
use deuterons as the projectiles.   Why would we think that electrons impacting 
atoms would generate mutations when there is not enough energy to produce 
energetic X-rays?  If we assume that the elevated temperature of the plate 
material is responsible, then perhaps so, but the battle to prove that LENR 
exists in the first place has been difficult.  It just seems likely that anyone 
who has witnessed the transmutation of elements within a low power tube would 
accept LENR without much question.
I would like to see proof that the tube transmutation effect is real and an 
explanation for its occurrence.  Again, how could low energy electrons cause 
this to happen?  If one calculates the expected transmutation rate at the 
energies we are speaking of I bet it would be too small to measure.  Then 
again, I guess that we see significance evidence that standard physics is not 
working in the case of LENR devices.  Another clue was overlooked and I bet 
there are many more.

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
To: vortex-l; vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Sep 15, 2012 8:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into 
these transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how 
this happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under 
the table over the years it makes one wonder how many other 
important discoveries are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated 
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are 
such. Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with 
a very low rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one 
might find all kinds of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a 
big deal, necessarily. Nothing here to sweep 

Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

2012-09-15 Thread David Roberson
Pursuing transmutations due to the types of processes you list seems like an 
excellent idea.  The high temperature effects could demonstrate that things 
which occur within liquids and solids are quite different than those within 
plasmas and gasses.  We seem to observe these issues frequently in our research 
into LENR devices and of course are considered out of touch by most of the main 
physicists.  Many of their operational theories were developed under much 
higher temperature conditions and at far less material density.  It is 
difficult to imagine the equivalent pressure that a plasma would be subjected 
to if the gas nuclei were as close together as we obtain within the NAE of a 

I guess it is up to us to figure out a theory that we can use to engineer our 
future products so that they are safe and reliable.


-Original Message-
From: John Newman
To: vortex-l
Cc: 'charlie barraclough'
Sent: Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:47 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

Moving from the vac tube end of the spectrum to larger sizes, there is scope
for closer examination of heavy duty industrial processes.  Welding RD
literature could be a rich hunting ground for baffled asides citing annoying
post-welding impurities.  

On the other hand, an ab initio fresh start on welding might commence with
experimentation using hyper-pure raw materials of species having a single
stable isotope, such as aluminium
( for example), with
painstaking spectrographic analysis of good provenance before and after
welding.  It would be interesting to see what could arise as 'impurities'
after welding with the huge range of different welding processes and,
indeed, with variations on welding input parameters, both within and outside
those conducive to production of a technologically sound weld.  

Even further along this spectrum we get into seriously heavy duty stuff such
as electric-arc steel making, an introduction to which (probably long-term
stable!) is at: 

My first viewing of the movie Alien, many years ago, brought the seemingly
organic twitching and writhing of the power supply cables on such furnaces
to mind, particularly during the process of melting down a fresh batch of
cold steel scrap.  But transmutation in the electric steel foundry never
crossed my mind as a summer student first seeing this in 1957. Fortunately,
I suppose, or I would have had a short and unhappy career.

As for what actually goes on in weld pools and such like, the jury may not
even be selected yet. I believe several other 20th Century theoretical works
that don't seem to have been cited in CF/LENR literature have an essential
part in providing a scale-invariant matter-wave basis for understanding the
outcomes of condensed state interparticle encounters.  If this is of
interest I will provide such, and I'm happy to participate in any
theorising, particularly if half-baked contributions are acceptable.

-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax [] 
Sent: 16 September 2012 02:39
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Wired UK article

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2012, David Roberson wrote:
I would be surprised if no one has done extensive research into these 
transmutations.  By now, they must have some idea as to how this 
happens or they lack curiosity.  If this has been swept under the table 
over the years it makes one wonder how many other important discoveries 
are hidden.

I couldn't find any reference in a quick search to accumulated
transmutations in a triode. However, it's not surprising if there are such.
Nuclear fusion takes place at fairly low energies, merely with a very low
rate. If there are years to accumulate the product, one might find all kinds
of things.

Yes, it could be interesting, but how this happens wouldn't be a big deal,
necessarily. Nothing here to sweep under the table, 
unless the rate of transmutation is substantially different from what would
be expected from theory.

Anyone got a reference to an actual report of transmuted elements from
vacuum tubes?