Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:05 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
 Terry sez:

 It's all a matter of perspective:

 OMG... The Score!!!

 The Horror The Horror

Good catch!  I knew I had heard it somewhere.

Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
David Roberson wrote:

 For instance, everyone is convinced that one day soon a major earthquake
 will hit the west coast of the US.  If we applied the same logic to this
 possibility as to the global warming issue, then it is time to force
 everyone to move out of that area or rebuild every house that is not
 capable of withstanding a large earthquake.  I doubt that it would cost
 more to fix the earthquake problem than what you propose for global warming.

You are wrong about that particular example. This is what they are doing in
Japan. Older public buildings such as schools and offices are all being
retrofitted to withstand earthquakes much better than they used to. That is
a legal requirement. I do not think individual houses have to be fixed, but
many homeowners are paying for similar upgrades, such as improved
foundations and X-shaped beams on outside walls.

To me, this seems like a prudent thing to do in a country with so many
earthquakes. It is good way to spend money.

They are also buying out people in some areas in the north where the land
fell after the 2011 earthquake and the ocean is turning the land into
seawater marshes. They are not forcing people but entire towns that were
destroyed by the tsunami are being permanently abandoned. In the U.S. there
are entire on Mississippi that have been razed and rebuilt on higher ground.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-18 Thread


Saint 37 weeks ago:

[Vo]:Mills : Solid State eCat ? 

ny . min 
Tue, 03 Jul 2012 01:44:19 -0700


 *Lucky Saint  · 37 weeks ago
   No. Take 2 copper disks size of a penny. Put a dent in one. Mix ultrafine
magnesium hydride soft iron powder and nickel powder in equalportions. Make
sure ALL ball milling, preparation and procedures arestrictly inert atmosphere
and dry box manipulations. Compress a portionof the mix to a small pill which
fits easily into the disk indentation.Seal the chamber, welding with jeweler's
tools. Place reactor in asmall beaker with water. Place on top of induction
coil heating unit.Cause the water to boil from heat induced by alternating
magneticfield. Once boiling, turn off the induction heater. Keep adding wateras
the boiling will continue by itself for ? years. Mine is stillboiling after
over 5 yeaes.*

Altermate Electromagnetic or RFG pulse controll?

And see how Rossi adapted it to create a hot cat:

 [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

Mon, 17 Dec 2012 17:13:07 -0800

Courtesy of Hampus at -

Swedish TV -  SVTs sciences show Vetenskapens Världs documentary about
Andreas Rossi´s news invention the Ecat.

(Mostly Swedish, but Rossi segments are in English)

What goes around, comes around?



Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
I meant to say that in the U.S. there are towns on the Mississippi being
abandoned and rebuilt on higher ground. This is cheaper than trying to
contain the river with dikes. Flooding is natural and people have to learn
to live with it.

Here is a news story about a town they moved uphill, two miles away:

- Jed

[Vo]:New Anti-Stealth tech

2012-12-18 Thread Zell, Chris

A new imaging technology has been developed that may make stealth obsolete.  
May put a crimp in all that bombing and strafing.

Re: [Vo]:Giant potato just misses Earth

2012-12-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
Good thing else mashed potato

On Monday, December 17, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 Giant potato barely misses Earth...

 The Maya miscalculated its orbit 500 years ago - they thought it would hit
 us on Friday.

[Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:22 PM 12/17/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Original Subject: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about 
Global Warming 
Here's some new data that is worrying 2000 climatologists about 
Global Warming .

[the complete post is quoted at the bottom]

Jojo, below, claims that others are off-topic, so he can be, too. Yet 
he was not responding to some AGW propaganda. This was an original 
post in this subject header.

The subject of AGW is of peripheral interest to the Vortex list, 
because of the perceived need for alternative, clean energy. So 
people sometimes mention it.

However, this is not a place to debate AGW itself, it's peripheral. 
Jojo takes extreme positions, uses highly provocative and offensive 
language, and we can see what happens here. People bite. This thread 
generated 42 posts today, so far, plus 11 from him.

Jojo wrote:

BTW, I want nothing more than people laying off AGW (or Anti-AGW) 
propaganda from this forum.

He's lying. This post (along with many others) demonstrates it. He 
deliberately provoked this discussion. He deliberately requested 
answer from a specific long-time list member, Jed.

Jojo has a no-holds-barred retaliation policy. He wants everyone to 
shut up about global warming, he claims. So what was the last global 
warming discussion?

At 03:24 PM 12/12/2012, Harry Veeder wrote a very brief post 
suggesting Cap carbon emissions, pay dividends to everyone, with a 
link. Yes. Off-topic, but it was harmlessly so. It was just an 
opinion, brief, and only provocative if one takes any comment that 
can be interpreted as pro-AGW as provocative.

Jed Rothwell commented, Good idea! No attack on anyone, no 
disparaging comments. Just two words.

At 05:43 PM 12/12/2012, Harry Veeder wrote another good idea which 
will be ignored. ;-)

That was it, except for Jojo Jaro.

At 07:47 PM 12/12/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote a post starting with As it 
should be.  It is a lousy idea. He ended with There is not 
Anthropic Global Warming.  You disagree... good! Let's agree to 
disagree.  But let's agree to stop the off-topic propaganda in Vortex.

Nobody else responded, until Jojo, five days later, out of the blue, 
vigorousy stirred the pot with this thread. The first post, quoted 
below, was merely anti-AGW propaganda. The original discussion, the 
12th was harmless, Two others made comments that might be read as 
pro-AGW, but just with an idea and an assent. Jojo responded 
assertively, but didn't toss in highly provocative remarks. Here, he 
did. And it got worse.

This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and 
in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll. 
He intensifies his trolling until he gets the response he really 
wants. This is not the first time he's demonstrated that, it's been 
documented before. In spite of what he claims, the record is clear, 
that Jojo is only here to engage in favorite topic flame wars, like 
the usurper-in-Chief (i.e. Obama), AGW, ragheads, or the like.

At 08:57 AM 11/6/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Well, I guess this is the end of the rope for me.  I don't see much 
more leeway for my political hatred and religious posts anymore.

Goodbye my friends.  May you live in Interesting times with your 
newly minted messiah-in-thief.  LOL

Typical troll, actually. He's claimed he was leaving the list many 
times. He's promised to lay off others if they lay off him, but then, 
when they have stopped, he lays into them again. This is merely the 
latest demonstration.

At 03:17 PM 12/17/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote a relatively sensible post in 
this thread, as to the central theme. (He argued that draconian 
measures re AGW shouldn't be taken if AGW wasn't certain.) However, 
he tossed in, as he usually does, provocative phrases and unnecessary 
comments. He's not just weaning his farm from oil, he's weaning it 
from raghead oil. He takes a libertarian position, which is fine. 
That is *not* the problem. He isn't just protesting some excessive 
concern about the environment, he brings up an entire world-view that 
is provocative:  I just despise big, overreaching, 
communistic/socialist and fascist world governments telling you what 
to do to promote their Environmental Worshipping agenda. 

That, of course, invites anyone who seriously cares about the 
environment to jump in, and it implies that they are supporting big 
government, etc.

At 03:36 PM 12/17/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Harry, You said it best yourself.  It may still ...

Harry had made a simple comment *discussing* the issue, not rabid, 
simply raising a possibility, but Jojo, in direct response, referred 
to rabid AGW propagandists in this forum.  And again referred to 
raghead oil -- the particular source of oil is *irrelevant* to the 
GW issue. Raghead refers to a favorite theme of Jojo's, the 
disparagement of Islam, Muslims, etc. Jojo made sure he mentioned his 
allegience to King Jesus Christ. Again, it was irrelevant, but he 
can then claim 

Re: [Vo]:Giant potato just misses Earth

2012-12-18 Thread Vorl Bek
It sounds like one of Hannu Poropudas's Space Potatoes.

Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-18 Thread James Bowery
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, mole4l...@gmail.comwrote:

  *Lucky Saint  · 37 weeks ago
No. Take 2 copper disks size of a penny. Put a dent in one. Mix
 magnesium hydride soft iron powder and nickel powder in equalportions. Make
 sure ALL ball milling, preparation and procedures arestrictly inert
 and dry box manipulations. Compress a portionof the mix to a small pill
 fits easily into the disk indentation.Seal the chamber, welding with
 tools. Place reactor in asmall beaker with water. Place on top of induction
 coil heating unit.Cause the water to boil from heat induced by alternating
 magneticfield. Once boiling, turn off the induction heater. Keep adding
 the boiling will continue by itself for ? years. Mine is stillboiling after
 over 5 yeaes.*

These instructions are reasonably specific.  Has anyone tried replicating
this?  Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint isn't just pulling our

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and
 in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll.

For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It didn't
work on me.

I think that was a interesting thread. I added some comments that may be
news to people here, such as the fact that the Japanese are engaged in a
multi-year nationwide project to improve the earthquake resistance of their
schools and other buildings. They began this before the 2011 earthquake.
This is a much better use of construction money than building roads where
no needs them.

I am afraid the new P.M. Abe (second term) may go right back to the LDP's
worst policies of building stuff no one wants.

I think Abe is more in favor of using nuclear power than the present

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread pagnucco
I think Michio Kaku's remarks of last week are also relevant -

Kaku: Fukushima reactors “a ticking time bomb” — “Catastrophe beyond
comprehension” if major pipe break or quake (VIDEO)

Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and
 in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll.

 For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It didn't
 work on me.

 I think that was a interesting thread. I added some comments that may be
 news to people here, such as the fact that the Japanese are engaged in a
 multi-year nationwide project to improve the earthquake resistance of
 schools and other buildings. They began this before the 2011 earthquake.
 This is a much better use of construction money than building roads where
 no needs them.

 I am afraid the new P.M. Abe (second term) may go right back to the LDP's
 worst policies of building stuff no one wants.

 I think Abe is more in favor of using nuclear power than the present

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

My take on all of this… and I’m sure Jojo is listening in…

I believe you have assembled a reasonably accurate chronology of
Jojo’s posting proclivities. However, I suspect too many within the
Collective are missing the primary reasons why Jojo’s posts what he
posts. Too many miss it because they simply-respond to Jojo’s
arguments with counter-arguments of their own. Unfortunately, this is
precisely what Jojo wants us to do.

Let me put it this way: Many of these arguments that Jojo has put
forth… It’s really not about AGW. It’s really not about Obama’s actual
birth location. It’s really not about those sinister Moon worshipers.
I suspect most on this list get that about Jojo. It is instead, I
suspect, about Jojo trying to find a script that will allow him to
work out a huge amount of anger and rage he has internalized as a
result of having been incessantly belittled when he was much younger,
most likely as a child. It’s pretty clear to me that Jojo is a smart
dude. He has a lot of intelligence. It’s probably what got him in
trouble due to no fault of his own. I am most certainly speculating
here but perhaps it was Jojo’s own pugnacious intelligence that
intimidated some of his primary care-givers to no end - to the point
that some of them felt that belittling him was the only way they
surmised that they could once again achieve the upper hand. Whatever
the reasons, IMO Jojo didn’t deserve to have been dumped on.
Unfortunately, setting up script after script within Vortex-l where
Jojo baits the collective into engaging in counter-arguments – that
will never get to the root of the real injustice that was inflicted on
Jojo earlier in his life.

This is precisely why I strongly suggested to Jojo that he try to find
a men’s group. It is within the safe and supportive confines of a
men’s group, a group of individuals who are Jojo’s peers that will
give him the crucial feedback he never received earlier in his life.

I participated in a men’s group for over 10 years. It was one of the
best things I ever did for myself. The sad fact about our highly
frantic western culture is that too many men are simply not in touch
with their own feelings. Too many men in our culture do not really
understand intimacy, particularly the ability to express intimacy
within our own gender. Our gender tends to equate “intimacy” as
something only having to do with sex. Most women got over that
ridiculous fallacy a long time ago. Unfortunately, too many of our
gender have yet to understand that simple revelation.

While it is quite natural for us to disagree amongst each other and
then to argue (sometimes incessantly) about the particulars… it would
not, IMO, be in Jojo’s best interests to constantly feed him counter
arguments at this particular point. All that would accomplish is allow
him set up additional scenarios where he can lash back at his
perceived opponents - as within the Vortex-L group. IMO, Jojo needs to
confront and then address all the crap that happened to him earlier in
his life. It’s a big task and it can’t be done alone. You simply can’t
figure your way out of that crap all by yourself. One of the best ways
to address such issues would be within the safe confines of a men’s
group where one can begin to recognize one’s anger, and then begin to
safely work through that anger, and perhaps most import of all: get
the vital feedback one didn’t get earlier in their life.

BTW, trying to get a tad back on-topic here... We should not kid
ourselves into assuming that a lack of being able to be intimate with
one’s peers will not affect how one performs scientific research, such
as in the CF field. That goes for both for solitary research as well
as within a collective organization. More likely than not, it will
affect the quality of one’s research - adversely so.

My two cents

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-18 Thread Roarty, Francis X
On Tue Dec 18 James said [snip] Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint 
isn't just pulling our leg?[/snip]

He may still be pulling our leg but he is smart enough to embrace a 
specific theory that would support his recipe... Lucky Saint is supporting 
the same theory that I favor of a zero point basis for these anomalies. The 
milling is done with inert gas to prevent melt down and allow even tighter 
geometry formation of the powders. The premise is these geometries self 
destruct even with only ambient gases much less hydrogen and you will note how 
he transfers the sealed powder from glove box to being submerged in water - a 
heat sink that prevents some of the geometry from self destructing. Sort of 
borrowing from Lyne - Moller theory for geometry/powder and the immediate heat 
sinking is an insightful addition to systems already employed by Rossi and 
Mills I would call it a long shot but still possible!

From: James Bowery []
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, wrote:

 *Lucky Saint  * 37 weeks ago
   No. Take 2 copper disks size of a penny. Put a dent in one. Mix ultrafine
magnesium hydride soft iron powder and nickel powder in equalportions. Make
sure ALL ball milling, preparation and procedures arestrictly inert atmosphere
and dry box manipulations. Compress a portionof the mix to a small pill which
fits easily into the disk indentation.Seal the chamber, welding with jeweler's
tools. Place reactor in asmall beaker with water. Place on top of induction
coil heating unit.Cause the water to boil from heat induced by alternating
magneticfield. Once boiling, turn off the induction heater. Keep adding wateras
the boiling will continue by itself for ? years. Mine is stillboiling after
over 5 yeaes.*

These instructions are reasonably specific.  Has anyone tried replicating this? 
 Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint isn't just pulling our leg?

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:33 PM 12/18/2012, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:


My take on all of this… and I’m sure Jojo is listening inn…
I believe you have assembled a reasonably accurate chronology of
Jojo’s posting proclivities. However, I suspect too many within the
Collective are missing the primary reasons why Jojo’s posts what he
posts. Too many miss it because they simply-respond to Jojo’s
arguments with counter-arguments of their own. Unfortunately, this is
precisely what Jojo wants us to do.

Thanks, Steven. People on this list commonly 
assume that points are brought up here for 
discussion. Some people come here with some 
agenda, i.e., to push this or that idea, but 
the long-term participants are that way only with 
highly related issues. We know Jed Rothwell's 
position on cold fusion, pretty well. You 
probably know mine (though mine is not 
necessarily as fixed as it might appear to some).

When someone comes here with something off-topic, 
there is a tolerance of some level of off-topic 
discussion. I took Jojo's claims seriously, even 
when they seemed preposterous to me. I found that 
they had no basis. They were sometimes claims 
that had been made at one time, when evidence to 
some people looked that way, but the evidentiary 
basis had long ago vanished, had been shown to be 
misleading or just plain wrong. He keeps 
asserting these things, and essentially ignores all contrary evidence.

In one sense I wasted a lot of time tracking 
these things down. (Jojo makes assertions that 
are highly provocative, but has stated that he 
deliberately avoids posting links or citing 
accessible evidence, because he wants people to 
check for themselves. So I checked, and there was no there there.

In another sense, I now have a better 
understanding of the birther movement and why 
it may have gathered steam at one time or 
another, but has almost completely died, except 
from those who have buried their heads in the muck.

There is no discussion with Jojo. There is only 
response to provocation, and with escalation if 
one actually responds directly. That's harmful to 
the list. I'm pretty sure that it drives some 
readers away. (That alone would not be a reason 
to act, it would be a question of balance.)

Steven, you went on to speculate about the origin 
of Jojo's character. You might be correct, but 
it's not really relevant. You've taken the 
occasion to give him advice, and I'd echo your 
advice, but ... Jojo shows no sign of having the 
capacity to listen or to respond to that kind of good will.

From his childhood, he dug a very big hole for 
himself, it seems, and he's responsible for it 
because he is the one primarily suffering from 
it. No matter whose fault it was in the first 
place. I can wish him well in his struggles at 
the same time as I wish to see this list 
protected from the flame wars that arise.

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:10 PM 12/18/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and 
in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll.

For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It 
didn't work on me.

Actually, Jed, it did. I also trash his messages (they go into a 
quarantine folder which I don't routinely read).

However, you responded in the thread he started, not to him, 
directly, but to others responding to him. He then has an excuse to 
claim that the rabid AGW propagandists in this forum. are 
dominating the forum and that he therefore has the right of reply. He 
can take almost any comment from you related in some way to AGW -- or 
any other Favorite Topic -- as rabid.

I think that was a interesting thread.

It could be. It was certainly popular, i.e., as I mentioned, I 
counted 53 posts this morning in the thread he started. Ten were from 
you. That's just a fact, I'm not saying it's wrong or improper, just 
that this is what happened.

The problem is not Jojo's opinion on AGW. It's how every discussion 
becomes a personal attack, either literally against a participant, or 
of a group that someone might belong to -- a religious or ethnic or 
political group. And his positions are impervious to evidence, so 
that any actual discussion that arises goes nowhere but into stronger 
and stronger personal attacks. Yes, some might be considered to be 
aimed at him. But that's what trolls do. They set this up.

Yes, you trash his messages. But some don't, and they respond to 
them, and then you respond to those messages.

There is nothing wrong, per se, with discussing almost any topic 
here, to a degree. However, there has always been attention paid to 
*how* topics are discussed. 

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Vorl Bek
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 12:33:25 -0600
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 My take on all of this… and I’m sure Jojo is listening in…

I just realized that the email client I use, it's called Sylpheed,
not only lets you killfile messages from a particular user, or a
particular subject, but the darn thing lets you killfile a message
that contains a particular word or phrase.

While I enjoy Jojo's posts, up to a point, they, and the responses
they elicit, are getting to be a pain; so, with the wonderful
killfile abilities of this email client, I never have to see
Jojo's posts or the ones of people replying to him.

I won't even see this one since it contains the Name.

My guess is that other good email clients have the same filtering
ability; people here might want to use it.

[Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro
Well, there is one thing these chronic off-topic posters can do, stop the 
off-topic posts and see if I don't stop myself.

The AGW propaganda was never resolved.  That is why I wanted to post this 
thread.  I can not very well leave propaganda unanswered, can I?

I've already stop my off-topic posts about Darwinian Evolution and about 
Christianity and God; so one can't say I have not tried to keep my word.

OK, Here's the deal for everyone.  If the guilty ones will lay off the 
OFF-TOPIC posts, you know who you are, then I will stop my off-topic posts. 
I've said it before, I've been saying it for almost a year now, and I'll say 
it again as clearly as everyone can understand.  Lay off the off-topic posts 
from Vortex and you will never hear another peep from me.  This time, I will 
unsubscribe permanently and not resubscirbe ever.  If I violate my own 
promise, you can ask Bill to ban me permanently.

So, how about it?  Do we have a deal?  Jed? SVJ? and you of course with your 
chronic verbal diarrhea.  We could have a hard reset right now if you 
want.  Wipe the slate clean and rebuild this fine fine fine forum to 
concentrate on finding a solution to the Cold Fusion problem.  Note that I 
am only complaining about the chronic off-topic violators.  An occasional 
off-topic post is OK, but these chronic violators make it a fine art.

As for the rest of your posts,  I did not even bother to read it; as with 
all your other lies about your mood god and muhammed's dozens of wives and 
concubines including a 9 year old girl.  All the verbal diarrhea from you is 
tiresome and worthless and not worth reading.  If you want me to read all 
your responses, learn to control your verbal diarrhea.  Or at least learn 
how to write better so that it does not stink so much


oh you are so right about my childhood.  Bravo

One thing I've learned though, from my childhood is that I hate bullies, 
especially a gang of bullies.  Ever since I was a child, I've always stood 
up to bullies often resulting in bloody noses.  But I am not going to stop 
standing up to a gang of bullies to this forum.  You break the rules of this 
forum with impunity and destroy this forum that I love and you insult me at 
every turn, and you expect me to lay quiet?  Good luck with that.


PS.  As always, this is a calibrated insult to the same level of insults 
thrown my way.

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:45 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

At 02:22 PM 12/17/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Original Subject: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about 
Global Warming 
Here's some new data that is worrying 2000 climatologists about Global 
Warming .

[the complete post is quoted at the bottom]

Jojo, below, claims that others are off-topic, so he can be, too. Yet he 
was not responding to some AGW propaganda. This was an original post in 
this subject header.

The subject of AGW is of peripheral interest to the Vortex list, because 
of the perceived need for alternative, clean energy. So people sometimes 
mention it.

However, this is not a place to debate AGW itself, it's peripheral. Jojo 
takes extreme positions, uses highly provocative and offensive language, 
and we can see what happens here. People bite. This thread generated 42 
posts today, so far, plus 11 from him.

Jojo wrote:

BTW, I want nothing more than people laying off AGW (or Anti-AGW) 
propaganda from this forum.

He's lying. This post (along with many others) demonstrates it. He 
deliberately provoked this discussion. He deliberately requested answer 
from a specific long-time list member, Jed.

Jojo has a no-holds-barred retaliation policy. He wants everyone to shut 
up about global warming, he claims. So what was the last global warming 

At 03:24 PM 12/12/2012, Harry Veeder wrote a very brief post suggesting 
Cap carbon emissions, pay dividends to everyone, with a link. Yes. 
Off-topic, but it was harmlessly so. It was just an opinion, brief, and 
only provocative if one takes any comment that can be interpreted as 
pro-AGW as provocative.

Jed Rothwell commented, Good idea! No attack on anyone, no disparaging 
comments. Just two words.

At 05:43 PM 12/12/2012, Harry Veeder wrote another good idea which will 
be ignored. ;-)

That was it, except for Jojo Jaro.

At 07:47 PM 12/12/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote a post starting with As it should 
be.  It is a lousy idea. He ended with There is not Anthropic Global 
Warming.  You disagree... good! Let's agree to disagree.  But let's agree 
to stop the off-topic propaganda in Vortex.

Nobody else responded, until Jojo, five days later, out of the blue, 
vigorousy stirred the pot with this thread. The first post, quoted below, 
was merely anti-AGW propaganda. The original discussion, the 12th was 
harmless, Two others made comments that might be read as 

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
The point the others are making it is that you are the sole bullying of
this forum and you are getting away without being punished. Also, you
constantly play the victim, which makes it even more annoying.

2012/12/18 Jojo Jaro

 .  You break the rules of this forum with impunity and destroy this forum
 that I love and you insult me at every turn, and you expect me to lay
 quiet?  Good luck with that.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It didn't
 work on me.

 Actually, Jed, it did. I also trash his messages (they go into a
 quarantine folder which I don't routinely read).

Well, okay, but he did not push any buttons (upset me). I did not notice
the thread was started by him.

Don't worry about him. Life is too short to worry about such people.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
I like seeing posts about giant potatoes and stealth aircraft technology
being defeated by university profs. What harm is there in off-topic stuff?

Just ignore trolls.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Mark Gibbs
Is it worth pointing out that if you all did what Jed does -- filter Jojo
out -- you wouldn't have to be annoyed over what he says. The end result
would have the same result as banning him without the need for appeals to
the list mom to do the dirty work.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Daniel Rocha danieldi...@gmail.comwrote:

 The point the others are making it is that you are the sole bullying of
 this forum and you are getting away without being punished. Also, you
 constantly play the victim, which makes it even more annoying.

 2012/12/18 Jojo Jaro

 .  You break the rules of this forum with impunity and destroy this forum
 that I love and you insult me at every turn, and you expect me to lay
 quiet?  Good luck with that.

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:Interview of Bob Greenyer and Mathieu Valat (MFMP)

2012-12-18 Thread pagnucco
Dec-17 Interview of Bob Greenyer and Mathieu Valat of The Martin
Fleischmann Memorial Project


Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro
Well, danny boy, why don't you stop insulting me and see what happens.  I have 
not insulted you since the last time you've insulted me, have I?  See if you 
can prove me wrong on this.  It's very simple, stop the insults and the insults 
will stop.

OK, if you consider my call to stop off-topic posts as bullying; then yes, I am 
bullying.  But the rules are in place to prevent exactly this kind of mess.  
People violate the rules with impunity and I call for a stop to it; and I'm the 
bully?  Which twilight zone are you living in?

If Bill decides to change the rules to allow off-topic posts to the wazooo... 
then I will respect it.  But in the meantime, people should respect his rules 
and not make up the rules as we go.  Stop the off-topic posts.

My friend, believe it or not, but that is ALL I WANT for this forum.  No 
political, religious and personal agenda.  And contrary to some  so called 
expert's assessment, I'm not here to vent my anger or my repressed childhood. 
LOL .(literally LOL)


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:02 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued 
trolling by Jojo Jaro)

  The point the others are making it is that you are the sole bullying of this 
forum and you are getting away without being punished. Also, you constantly 
play the victim, which makes it even more annoying. 

  2012/12/18 Jojo Jaro

.  You break the rules of this forum with impunity and destroy this forum 
that I love and you insult me at every turn, and you expect me to lay quiet?  
Good luck with that.

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
You are playing the victim again. I am not insulting you. I am merely
asking for your banishment.

2012/12/18 Jojo Jaro

 Well, danny boy, why don't you stop insulting me and see what happens.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:Largest Calving Event Ever Caught on Tape

2012-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Imagine Manhattan breaking off into the ocean:

soon to be a feature film:

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
This thread should be labeled [OT] as it is off topic.

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro
Well, did I insult you?

I never insult back unless I am insulted.  I don't understand why you can't 
comprehend that.  It's simply Newton's third law of civilized behavior.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued 
trolling by Jojo Jaro)

  You are playing the victim again. I am not insulting you. I am merely asking 
for your banishment. 

  2012/12/18 Jojo Jaro

Well, danny boy, why don't you stop insulting me and see what happens. 

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Anti-Stealth tech

2012-12-18 Thread Michele Comitini
Reminds me of this:


2012/12/18 Zell, Chris


 A new imaging technology has been developed that may make stealth
 obsolete.  May put a crimp in all that bombing and strafing.

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton wrote:

This thread should be labeled [OT] as it is off topic.

A recursive function! A programmer's nightmare.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson
John, you mention a tipping point of some sort as being possible.  I tend to 
agree that it seems likely that some event triggered by the Earth's heating 
will cause another unexpected one to occur.  We have seen evidence that the 
climate has undergone many rises and falls over eons.  My thoughts are that 
this is the natural consequences of having a complex system with many periodic 
as well as asynchronous drivers.  I am not convinced that the turn around can 
be boiled down to one tipper, but there most likely is a group of related 
effects involved.

The one situation that has always been observed is that the climate is 
changing.  If this is true, then we will be subjected to either a warming 
climate or cooling climate that would happen whether or not we are around.  The 
recent static spell that has been alluded to for the last decade or so 
demonstrates that we do not understand the system very well since it is outside 
of the range of our models.  We must not have too much faith in these 
constructs.  They are only as good as our current understanding of the Earth 
and its climate system, which is improving daily.  I have seen convincing 
evidence that cloud formation as a result of cosmic rays is one very key factor 
which is not even taken into account by the models.  And, if you dig into it, 
you will see that the current models make wild assumptions with respect to 
positive feedback effects of the calculated carbon dioxide warming and water 
vapor.  It is acknowledged that water vapor is the major heat trapper with 
carbon dioxide far behind.  Only if you assume that carbon dioxide achieves 
star performance by forcing water vapor to do 8 or so times its relatively 
minor drive do you get the large warming expected by the models.  (COP of 8 

You might ask yourself how is a tipping point possible when none of the models 
suggest such a thing.  If one or more truly exist, then the models must be 
trash.  How could they miss such a major event if they represent the climate to 
any reasonable degree?  So, when I hear climatologist's allude to tipping 
points that may exist, I equate that statement to saying that our models are 
most likely seriously in error.

The only sensible course of action is to sit back and enjoy the warm weather 
until it is determined that we are indeed the cause of dangerous global 
warming.  And thank God every day that it is not getting colder instead since 
that is the other much worse option.  Keep working on LENR and other sources of 
energy which will eventually replace most of the fossil fuel usage.

You mentioned that it would not be wise to wait until the fire gets bigger 
before you attack it.  Sometimes that is exactly the best plan of action.  It 
is wise to make the call to the fire department before you go out to the barn 
with your bucket of water to fight a moderate sized fire.  Chances are you will 
get burned by the flames that are already too large for your bucket.  Once the 
well trained fighters arrive, the fire is quickly put out.  These fire fighters 
are standing in for the future technologies that will come along much better 
equipped than we are today to attack global warming if that is actually 

Please do not consider me to be sinking my head in the sand hoping that the 
predator will pass.  A well reasoned and proven approach is far superior to a 
mad emotional rush toward a problem.  Panic hardly ever results in success and 
there is little reason to do so with the enormous time frame at our disposal.  
Perform the science first and then lets figure out the best solution.

When I hear the expression The Science Is Settled, it makes my blood boil.  
It has been stated many times before in our history and it is as wrong now as 
then.  Why waste time following LENR when the science has been settled 
(according to most physicists) that it is not possible?


-Original Message-
From: John Berry
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 1:54 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming 

My understanding is that if a tipping point exists and it well might, then the 
process of either melting the ice caps or paradoxically triggering an ice age 
might be unable to be stopped at least by any reasonable means.
In fact inertia alone is enough to make a situation very hard to stop.

This sound like very irresponsible logic.
Compared to ignoring a fire because it isn't very big yet, or isn't quite at 
your place yet.

 but we do need to worry about our grandchildren.  

Ok, good save.



Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson
Guys, I find the occasional off topic post enjoyable and educational.  It would 
be a shame to avoid them entirely and so far I do not think the level of these 
types of postings is excessive.  I tend to become focused on a subject and need 
a few relaxing moments to clear my mind.

Terry can always find a way to blow our minds.  Where does a guy receive such 


-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 4:40 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued 
trolling by Jojo Jaro)

Terry Blanton wrote:

This thread should be labeled [OT] as it is off topic.

A recursive function! A programmer's nightmare. 

- Jed


Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Dave sez:

 Terry can always find a way to blow our minds.
 Where does a guy receive such training?


(I'm still in training myself.)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread John Berry
Is not screwing with nature more than we have to, not polluting
indiscriminately, not interfering with a natural system more than we must
inherently the safer option?

If I were proposing some massive operation, some space shield or some
active solution you could have a point.

But you are suggesting it is safer to continue polluting and disrupting the
environment because we don't know enough and we will know better in the

This does seem more like a contrived excuse to not rock the apple cart than
a genuine intelligent action.


On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 10:53 AM, David Roberson wrote:

 John, you mention a tipping point of some sort as being possible.  I tend
 to agree that it seems likely that some event triggered by the Earth's
 heating will cause another unexpected one to occur.  We have seen evidence
 that the climate has undergone many rises and falls over eons.  My thoughts
 are that this is the natural consequences of having a complex system with
 many periodic as well as asynchronous drivers.  I am not convinced that the
 turn around can be boiled down to one tipper, but there most likely is a
 group of related effects involved.

  The one situation that has always been observed is that the climate is
 changing.  If this is true, then we will be subjected to either a warming
 climate or cooling climate that would happen whether or not we are around.
  The recent static spell that has been alluded to for the last decade or so
 demonstrates that we do not understand the system very well since it is
 outside of the range of our models.  We must not have too much faith in
 these constructs.  They are only as good as our current understanding of
 the Earth and its climate system, which is improving daily.  I have seen
 convincing evidence that cloud formation as a result of cosmic rays is one
 very key factor which is not even taken into account by the models.  And,
 if you dig into it, you will see that the current models make wild
 assumptions with respect to positive feedback effects of the calculated
 carbon dioxide warming and water vapor.  It is acknowledged that water
 vapor is the major heat trapper with carbon dioxide far behind.  Only if
 you assume that carbon dioxide achieves star performance by forcing water
 vapor to do 8 or so times its relatively minor drive do you get the large
 warming expected by the models.  (COP of 8 maybe?)

  You might ask yourself how is a tipping point possible when none of the
 models suggest such a thing.  If one or more truly exist, then the models
 must be trash.  How could they miss such a major event if they represent
 the climate to any reasonable degree?  So, when I hear climatologist's
 allude to tipping points that may exist, I equate that statement to saying
 that our models are most likely seriously in error.

  The only sensible course of action is to sit back and enjoy the warm
 weather until it is determined that we are indeed the cause of dangerous
 global warming.  And thank God every day that it is not getting colder
 instead since that is the other much worse option.  Keep working on LENR
 and other sources of energy which will eventually replace most of the
 fossil fuel usage.

  You mentioned that it would not be wise to wait until the fire gets
 bigger before you attack it.  Sometimes that is exactly the best plan of
 action.  It is wise to make the call to the fire department before you go
 out to the barn with your bucket of water to fight a moderate sized fire.
  Chances are you will get burned by the flames that are already too large
 for your bucket.  Once the well trained fighters arrive, the fire is
 quickly put out.  These fire fighters are standing in for the future
 technologies that will come along much better equipped than we are today to
 attack global warming if that is actually required.

  Please do not consider me to be sinking my head in the sand hoping that
 the predator will pass.  A well reasoned and proven approach is far
 superior to a mad emotional rush toward a problem.  Panic hardly ever
 results in success and there is little reason to do so with the enormous
 time frame at our disposal.  Perform the science first and then lets figure
 out the best solution.

  When I hear the expression The Science Is Settled, it makes my blood
 boil.  It has been stated many times before in our history and it is as
 wrong now as then.  Why waste time following LENR when the science has been
 settled (according to most physicists) that it is not possible?


 -Original Message-
 From: John Berry
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 1:54 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global

 My understanding is that if a tipping point exists and it well might, then
 the process of either melting the ice caps or paradoxically triggering an
 ice age might be unable to be stopped at least by any 

[Vo]:OT: was: A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts

2012-12-18 Thread Rob Dingemans


On 18-12-2012 22:39, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Terry Blanton wrote:

This thread should be labeled [OT] as it is off topic.

A recursive function! A programmer's nightmare.

Not really, more a fun challenge for a good software engineer.

Kind regards,


Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-18 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Well, let's respond straightly. If our friend has this boiling device (five 
years!), then he can easily show it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 18, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Roarty, Francis X 

 On Tue Dec 18 James said [snip] Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint 
 isn't just pulling our leg?[/snip]
 He may still be pulling our leg but he is smart enough to embrace 
 a specific theory that would support his recipe… “Lucky Saint” is supporting 
 the same theory that I favor of a zero point basis for these anomalies. The 
 milling is done with inert gas to prevent melt down and allow even tighter 
 geometry formation of the powders. The premise is these geometries self 
 destruct even with only ambient gases much less hydrogen and you will note 
 how he transfers the sealed powder from glove box to being submerged in water 
 – a heat sink that prevents some of the geometry from self destructing. Sort 
 of borrowing from Lyne – Moller theory for geometry/powder and the immediate 
 heat sinking is an insightful addition to systems already employed by Rossi 
 and Mills…. I would call it a long shot but still possible!
 From: James Bowery [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:35 PM
 Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat
 On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, 
  *Lucky Saint  · 37 weeks ago
No. Take 2 copper disks size of a penny. Put a dent in one. Mix ultrafine
 magnesium hydride soft iron powder and nickel powder in equalportions. Make
 sure ALL ball milling, preparation and procedures arestrictly inert atmosphere
 and dry box manipulations. Compress a portionof the mix to a small pill which
 fits easily into the disk indentation.Seal the chamber, welding with jeweler's
 tools. Place reactor in asmall beaker with water. Place on top of induction
 coil heating unit.Cause the water to boil from heat induced by alternating
 magneticfield. Once boiling, turn off the induction heater. Keep adding 
 the boiling will continue by itself for ? years. Mine is stillboiling after
 over 5 yeaes.*
 These instructions are reasonably specific.  Has anyone tried replicating 
 this?  Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint isn't just pulling our 

[Vo]:[OT] It's a sad situation...

2012-12-18 Thread Andy Findlay

Greetings Vorts!

Although it goes against my general principles, I have set up a filter 
to remove from my inbox any email containing a particular four-letter 
word in either the subject, from, or body fields.

I am not a particularly prudish type, but when over fifty percent of 
one's emails from the Vortex contain the offending word something must 
be done.

It is deeply regretted that I will miss some well thought out and 
worthwhile communications that, perhaps innocently, include the 
four-letter word as a result of replying to posts that included it.

This is a shame and I sincerely hope that I will be able to remove the 
filter soon.


Andy Findlay.

[Vo]:Request about off-topic threads.

2012-12-18 Thread Jeff Berkowitz
Just please don't put anything about alternative energy in an off-topic
thread. That was those of us interested in alternative energy can just
ignore the off-topic threads.


Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Abd:


 ... Jojo shows no sign of
 having the capacity to listen or to respond to that kind of good will.


“Repeat application on a regular basis till irritation goes away. Some
irritations take longer to heal. If irritation persists seek the
advice of a doctor as a different topical solution may be in order.”

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:A Proposal to stop all Off-Topic posts (was: Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro)

2012-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:01 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 Terry can always find a way to blow our minds.  Where does a guy receive
 such training?

Or all the LSD I did in college.

Or Cats.

(All the above.)

Re: [Vo]:Request about off-topic threads.

2012-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Jeff Berkowitz wrote:
 Just please don't put anything about alternative energy in an off-topic
 thread. That was those of us interested in alternative energy can just
 ignore the off-topic threads.

Oops!  Sorry; but, you didn't label it off-topic.

Re: [Vo]:Request about off-topic threads.

2012-12-18 Thread Harry Veeder
the sequence of on-off messages is a hidden message in binary code

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Jeff Berkowitz wrote:
 Just please don't put anything about alternative energy in an off-topic
 thread. That was those of us interested in alternative energy can just
 ignore the off-topic threads.

 Oops!  Sorry; but, you didn't label it off-topic.

Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson

I also make every attempt to protect the Earth and its environment and am an 
outdoors man.  I own mountain lands and make every effort to keep them in a 
natural wilderness state.  The thought of cutting down the hardwood trees does 
not cross my mind.

The Earth is precious to me and I want very much to see it healthy just as you. 
 I also have a concern for our fellow people that must be included within our 

From experience I can state that the engineering projects that I have been 
associated with were generally most successful when adequate energy was spent 
ahead of time locating and solving difficult problems that were not 
anticipated.   You can be quite sure that the unknowns will bite you in the 
rear if not found early.  There is no substitute for knowledge or true science 
in the case of global warming.  And in this particular case time is one of the 
important parameters in our favor.  This is generally not the case when 
profits are concerned.

Do you honestly think that the next 20 years will be wasted if good science is 
applied to the global warming problem?  When I say good I mean open, honest, 
evaluation of the facts and not what has been substituted for it recently.  How 
can we get at the truth when a young scientist becomes blacklisted if he does 
not toe the line?  Why should we believe much of the data that has been 
presented by unnamed climatologists when they secretly refuse and prevent the 
publishing of information that does not match their agenda?  Take a look at the 
ridiculous behavior exhibited by the folks in charge of the Cloud experiment at 
CERN.  The scientists were instructed not to make any inferences of how their 
clearly important discovery would impact the global warming discussions?  Do 
you think they would have been given those same orders had the results 
supported the case for man made warming?  It is enough to make one sick.

No, the science is not settled at all and we all need to understand that fact.  
Sure, a lot of the scientists suggest it is due to carbon dioxide, but many 
scientists suggest that LENR is bunk as well.  The whole issue needs more study 
and that is what it most likely will receive if science wins the debate.  I am 
fairly well convinced that there is more politics involved in the controversy 
than actual science fact.  As they say, follow the money.  Who stands to 
benefit the most from the current carbon emission plans?

I tend to throw examples over the wall, so here comes one that is easy to 
follow.  How about if in 1950 I told you I wanted you to build me a hand held 
radio that was the size of a shoe box and which offered a camera that could 
remotely send pictures back to our location.  Furthermore, this radio had to 
scramble our communications so that no one could understand them.  Of course 
the batteries had to be included and it must run for at least 6 hours before 
the batteries were discharged.  I am willing to let the frequency stability 
slide instead of asking for 1 ppm which is not difficult today.

You would throw up your hands in horror and inform me that I needed to seek 
professional help because that was totally insane.  Furthermore, you would 
inform me that it would most likely never be possible.  Your mind is trapped 
within the state of current technology since at that time vacuum tubes were the 
only game in town that anyone understood.  Sure, transistors had been 
discovered a few years prior, but they were extremely crude by today's 
standards and incapable of operation beyond a few hundred kilohertz.

Now a little more than 60 years has elapsed and a current engineer would ask 
why I need such a large box?   The task would be relatively simple with today's 
technology and that is the moral to the story.   It probably would be 
impossible to use our current knowledge to make a serious dent in global 
warming.  The cost would leave billions of people without things that we take 
for granted in our lives since that money would become unavailable to finance 
humanitarian projects.

That is the cost of action that is too fast and unplanned.  Let the science 
work as it should without the involvement of politics.  Determine if there 
really is a problem and then when the time is right make a move toward solving 
the issues without panic.

Do not worry, as long as we make it past the 21 st, all will be fine.  Optimism 
trumps pessimism every time.  Careful planning beats panic in just about every 


-Original Message-
From: John Berry
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 5:05 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming 

Is not screwing with nature more than we have to, not polluting 
indiscriminately, not interfering with a natural system more than we must 
inherently the safer option?

If I were proposing some massive operation, some space shield or some active 
solution you 

[Vo]:Everything was fine until ....

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro
You know, everything was going along fine and nobody was exchanging insults 
until the moon god worshipper and the libtard from Wisconsin started a whole 
new round of insults.  I dare you to find an insult that I directed at anybody 
in the New Data ...  thread I started.

If you look at that thread, a few of us were exchanging and discussing in a 
more or less civilized fashion without insults, until a couple of maladjusted 
individuals with an inferiority complex about worshipping a 2nd rate moon god 
preached by a sex-perverted, 9 year-old girl molesting prophet started butting 
in and changing the topic; and started off his posts with a new round of 
insults.  You will also notice that prior to this thread, I already gave him 
the last word in our previous round of insults.  I gave him the last word as I 
always said I would.

OK, whatever you want to believe.  I am not the problem here.  I don't start 
insults.  Never do.  But the moon god worshipper loves to thrive in conflict 
with his legnthy verbal diarrhea that he thinks is so smart because it's wordy. 
 Just like he thinks he's an expert in Physics because he sat under Feynman but 
never graduated from any degree because he did not have the smarts or the 
discipline to do so.  LOL  Say what you want, at least I finished my 
engineering degree and I don't claim and never have claimed to be an expert in 
anything.  LOL   BTW, he also thinks he's a expert in Arabic.  OK whatever.

OK, moon god worshipper... you may have the last word.  I am not going to 
respond to you anymore.


Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro
Well thought out response Dave.  This is what I was trying to express to some 
apparently without success.

Yes, the science has to be settled and settled openly; not crammed down 
people's throats.


  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 7:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global 

  Do you honestly think that the next 20 years will be wasted if good science 
is applied to the global warming problem?  When I say good I mean open, honest, 
evaluation of the facts and not what has been substituted for it recently.  How 
can we get at the truth when a young scientist becomes blacklisted if he does 
not toe the line?  Why should we believe much of the data that has been 
presented by unnamed climatologists when they secretly refuse and prevent the 
publishing of information that does not match their agenda?  Take a look at the 
ridiculous behavior exhibited by the folks in charge of the Cloud experiment at 
CERN.  The scientists were instructed not to make any inferences of how their 
clearly important discovery would impact the global warming discussions?  Do 
you think they would have been given those same orders had the results 
supported the case for man made warming?  It is enough to make one sick.

  No, the science is not settled at all and we all need to understand that 
fact.  Sure, a lot of the scientists suggest it is due to carbon dioxide, but 
many scientists suggest that LENR is bunk as well.  The whole issue needs more 
study and that is what it most likely will receive if science wins the debate.  
I am fairly well convinced that there is more politics involved in the 
controversy than actual science fact.  As they say, follow the money.  Who 
stands to benefit the most from the current carbon emission plans?


Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread John Berry
Dave, I have not yet read the rest of your post.
But smiled as soon as you mentioned your concern for nature.

Of course Jaro too is concerned enough with clean green energy that he
produces his power cleanly at surely great initial outlay..

And if you are prosecuting a 1 legged intersexual midget, your best bet
would be to use a 1 legged intersexual midget prosecutor.
Ok, maybe I took that too far.

But obviously if you are defending pollution no one is going to be doing
that as a Texan oil field owner.

So while I am not accusing you of making anything up.
And I am not accusing you of being paid to share such views.

There are people who do and are.

And they would say very much what you say, and act very much like you act.

It's not so much that I am convinced that you are paid by 'them', but maybe
you should be?

Of course you are supposing that I follow the money involved in carbon
And ignore the money trail of oil, which is I think the biggest money maker
in the world.


On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:27 PM, David Roberson wrote:


  I also make every attempt to protect the Earth and its environment and
 am an outdoors man.  I own mountain lands and make every effort to keep
 them in a natural wilderness state.  The thought of cutting down the
 hardwood trees does not cross my mind.

  The Earth is precious to me and I want very much to see it healthy just
 as you.  I also have a concern for our fellow people that must be included
 within our plans.

  From experience I can state that the engineering projects that I have
 been associated with were generally most successful when adequate energy
 was spent ahead of time locating and solving difficult problems that were
 not anticipated.   You can be quite sure that the unknowns will bite you in
 the rear if not found early.  There is no substitute for knowledge or true
 science in the case of global warming.  And in this particular case time is
 one of the important parameters in our favor.  This is generally not the
 case when profits are concerned.

  Do you honestly think that the next 20 years will be wasted if good
 science is applied to the global warming problem?  When I say good I mean
 open, honest, evaluation of the facts and not what has been substituted for
 it recently.  How can we get at the truth when a young scientist becomes
 blacklisted if he does not toe the line?  Why should we believe much of the
 data that has been presented by unnamed climatologists when they secretly
 refuse and prevent the publishing of information that does not match their
 agenda?  Take a look at the ridiculous behavior exhibited by the folks in
 charge of the Cloud experiment at CERN.  The scientists were instructed not
 to make any inferences of how their clearly important discovery would
 impact the global warming discussions?  Do you think they would have been
 given those same orders had the results supported the case for man made
 warming?  It is enough to make one sick.

  No, the science is not settled at all and we all need to understand that
 fact.  Sure, a lot of the scientists suggest it is due to carbon dioxide,
 but many scientists suggest that LENR is bunk as well.  The whole issue
 needs more study and that is what it most likely will receive if science
 wins the debate.  I am fairly well convinced that there is more politics
 involved in the controversy than actual science fact.  As they say, follow
 the money.  Who stands to benefit the most from the current carbon emission

  I tend to throw examples over the wall, so here comes one that is easy
 to follow.  How about if in 1950 I told you I wanted you to build me a hand
 held radio that was the size of a shoe box and which offered a camera that
 could remotely send pictures back to our location.  Furthermore, this radio
 had to scramble our communications so that no one could understand them.
  Of course the batteries had to be included and it must run for at least 6
 hours before the batteries were discharged.  I am willing to let the
 frequency stability slide instead of asking for 1 ppm which is not
 difficult today.

  You would throw up your hands in horror and inform me that I needed to
 seek professional help because that was totally insane.  Furthermore, you
 would inform me that it would most likely never be possible.  Your mind is
 trapped within the state of current technology since at that time vacuum
 tubes were the only game in town that anyone understood.  Sure, transistors
 had been discovered a few years prior, but they were extremely crude by
 today's standards and incapable of operation beyond a few hundred kilohertz.

  Now a little more than 60 years has elapsed and a current engineer would
 ask why I need such a large box?   The task would be relatively simple with
 today's technology and that is the moral to the story.   It probably would
 be impossible to use our current knowledge to make a serious dent in global

Re: [Vo]:[OT] It's a sad situation...

2012-12-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Andy Findlay wrote:

 Although it goes against my general principles, I have set up a filter to
 remove from my inbox any email containing a particular four-letter word in
 either the subject, from, or body fields.

 I am not a particularly prudish type, but when over fifty percent of one's
 emails from the Vortex contain the offending word something must be done.

Okay. So . . . What is the word?!? What is your magic filter?

- Jed

[Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

2012-12-18 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint


Which is 12/21/2012.




Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson
John,  maybe I should apply to the oil barons for money.  I assure you that I 
am on no one's payroll at the moment.  Perhaps you should consider that some 
people just believe differently than you on this subject.  I have a strong 
suspicion of climate scientists now particularly after I realize that they tend 
to suppress the facts on many occasions if it does not match their beliefs.  
Maybe I was expecting too much of them; after all they are human like the rest 
of us.

The behavior of many of the physicists regarding LENR is deplorable and I see 
parallels in the global warming arena.  The issue of man caused warming is much 
too important for us to allow this type of activity.  It actually amazes me 
that those guys appear to be used like pawns by the politicians.  I am afraid 
the media is also guilty in the way they seem to always suggest that global 
warming is responsible for every ill.  I guess I should forgive them for these 
actions since they generally do not have a clue about much of anything.

I have only spoken of what I perceive as truth on this list.  All the 
statements have been my beliefs.

I have not followed the money trail of the oil companies and do not have any 
idea of the amount of influence they may have over the discussions.  If they 
are in fact working to skew the science then pox on their houses.  We need 
honest science and there can be no substitute for that when we face such 
important decisions.  When I reviewed the information supplied by one of the 
previous VP's of the US I was appalled by the lack of honesty.  I don't know 
about your culture, but where I live it is outright lying to not mention all of 
the facts if you know of them and they go against your presentations to others. 
 Many times I saw this sort of behavior in his movie about global warming.  
Then I found out that it is reported that he is deeply involved with the carbon 
credit markets.  I wonder why he wants immediate action?  This is not an 
example I would want my kids to follow.

You seem to be a typical decent guy that is environmentally conscious.  But do 
consider the impact of your suggestions for change upon the masses that are 
less fortunate than us.  Why rush to waste resources while people go hungry?  I 
merely think that we need to be darn sure of the consequences of our actions 
before that happens.  Again, make sure that the problem is real before panic 
rules your life.  Time is available to do the science right as required and to 
find solutions.

Enough said about this issue.


-Original Message-
From: John Berry
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 7:08 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming 

Dave, I have not yet read the rest of your post.
But smiled as soon as you mentioned your concern for nature.

Of course Jaro too is concerned enough with clean green energy that he produces 
his power cleanly at surely great initial outlay..

And if you are prosecuting a 1 legged intersexual midget, your best bet would 
be to use a 1 legged intersexual midget prosecutor.
Ok, maybe I took that too far.

But obviously if you are defending pollution no one is going to be doing that 
as a Texan oil field owner.

So while I am not accusing you of making anything up.
And I am not accusing you of being paid to share such views.

There are people who do and are.

And they would say very much what you say, and act very much like you act.

It's not so much that I am convinced that you are paid by 'them', but maybe you 
should be?

Of course you are supposing that I follow the money involved in carbon credits.
And ignore the money trail of oil, which is I think the biggest money maker in 
the world.



Re: [Vo]:Continued trolling by Jojo Jaro

2012-12-18 Thread John Berry
Good idea, I have filtered him so I am no longer able to be provoked by his

Never setup a filter in gmail before, but not hard.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:55 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 From Abd:


  ... Jojo shows no sign of
  having the capacity to listen or to respond to that kind of good will.


 “Repeat application on a regular basis till irritation goes away. Some
 irritations take longer to heal. If irritation persists seek the
 advice of a doctor as a different topical solution may be in order.”

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson
I am not sure there is anywhere to hide from that one Mark. I had to replace my heat pump this summer so at least it is capable of maximum performance. How many BTU's do you think it will take to make it through Friday?

Saturday is my wedding anniversary, perhaps I can skip shopping for a gift? What do you think?


-Original Message-
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 7:43 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

Which is 12/21/2012…



Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global Warming ....

2012-12-18 Thread John Berry
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:47 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 John,  maybe I should apply to the oil barons for money.  I assure you
 that I am on no one's payroll at the moment.  Perhaps you should consider
 that some people just believe differently than you on this subject.  I have
 a strong suspicion of climate scientists now particularly after I realize
 that they tend to suppress the facts on many occasions if it does not match
 their beliefs.  Maybe I was expecting too much of them; after all they are
 human like the rest of us.

It is very hard to find unbiased and intellectually honest people.
It is very hard to be unbiased and intellectually honest.
The payoff is worth it though.

  The behavior of many of the physicists regarding LENR is deplorable and
 I see parallels in the global warming arena.

Just look and you will see it everywhere.
If for no other reason than society has worked by people working together
in cliques.
By agreeing on things, agreement (consensus reality) over actual truth.

  The issue of man caused warming is much too important for us to allow
 this type of activity.  It actually amazes me that those guys appear to be
 used like pawns by the politicians.

How do politicians gain anything from being anti-global warming?
Especially with the corruption in Washington DC with the
lobbying, surely oil has an effective lobby.
I do not see evidence that this is backed by political forces, except of
course for Al Gore.
And he came out with that when he had little to lose politically.

  I am afraid the media is also guilty in the way they seem to always
 suggest that global warming is responsible for every ill.  I guess I should
 forgive them for these actions since they generally do not have a clue
 about much of anything.

  I have only spoken of what I perceive as truth on this list.  All the
 statements have been my beliefs.

  I have not followed the money trail of the oil companies and do not have
 any idea of the amount of influence they may have over the discussions.

They fund many fake organizations to weight in.

  If they are in fact working to skew the science then pox on their houses.
  We need honest science and there can be no substitute for that when we
 face such important decisions.  When I reviewed the information supplied by
 one of the previous VP's of the US I was appalled by the lack of honesty.
  I don't know about your culture

New Zealand is apparently one of the least corrupt countries in the world.
I find that a concerning indication for the rest of the world.

 , but where I live it is outright lying to not mention all of the facts if
 you know of them and they go against your presentations to others.  Many
 times I saw this sort of behavior in his movie about global warming.  Then
 I found out that it is reported that he is deeply involved with the carbon
 credit markets.  I wonder why he wants immediate action?  This is not an
 example I would want my kids to follow.

  You seem to be a typical decent guy that is environmentally conscious.
  But do consider the impact of your suggestions for change upon the masses
 that are less fortunate than us.  Why rush to waste resources while people
 go hungry?

I believe that toppling of oil will ring many such issues.
As many of these issues exist because of oil in one way or another.

 I merely think that we need to be darn sure of the consequences of our
 actions before that happens.  Again, make sure that the problem is real
 before panic rules your life.  Time is available to do the science right as
 required and to find solutions.

You believe.

  Enough said about this issue.


 -Original Message-
 From: John Berry
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 7:08 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Data Worrying 2000 climatologists about Global

  Dave, I have not yet read the rest of your post.
 But smiled as soon as you mentioned your concern for nature.

  Of course Jaro too is concerned enough with clean green energy that he
 produces his power cleanly at surely great initial outlay..

  And if you are prosecuting a 1 legged intersexual midget, your best bet
 would be to use a 1 legged intersexual midget prosecutor.
 Ok, maybe I took that too far.

  But obviously if you are defending pollution no one is going to be doing
 that as a Texan oil field owner.

  So while I am not accusing you of making anything up.
 And I am not accusing you of being paid to share such views.

  There are people who do and are.

  And they would say very much what you say, and act very much like you

  It's not so much that I am convinced that you are paid by 'them', but
 maybe you should be?

 Of course you are supposing that I follow the money involved in carbon
 And ignore the money trail of oil, which is I think the biggest money
 maker in the world.


RE: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

2012-12-18 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint

If you skip shopping for the wife’s anniversary gift, I think Friday’s weather 
will have been a walk in the park come Saturday eve…

BTU = Blow-Torch Uniform


Happy Anniversary, and Merry Christmas!



From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...


I am not sure there is anywhere to hide from that one Mark.  I had to replace 
my heat pump this summer so at least it is capable of maximum performance.  How 
many BTU's do you think it will take to make it through Friday? 


Saturday is my wedding anniversary, perhaps I can skip shopping for a gift?  
What do you think?



-Original Message-
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 7:43 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...


Which is 12/21/2012…




RE: [Vo]:Largest Calving Event Ever Caught on Tape

2012-12-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Terry:

 soon to be a feature film:

My God! It's full of ice!

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

2012-12-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
Looks like you have a higher concentration of orbital dark/vacuum energy
overhead right now in your area, condensing and cooling the atmosphere.
 Enjoy.  Should be more of it over the next year with an active sun lobbing
entropic snow balls our way.  Atlanta has been cool too, I could see lots
of overhead condensing contrails I used to call clouds yesterday...

The weak anthropic principal and vacuum energy density varies on Earth at
any given time and is at its highest at the center of a hurricane or
tornado where life cannot flourish and dark/vacuum energy is orbiting and
condensing matter.  It can also condense CO2...

See, we already knew it, we just had to open our eyes.

Happy Holidays


On Tuesday, December 18, 2012, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:


 If you skip shopping for the wife’s anniversary gift, I think Friday’s
 weather will have been a walk in the park come Saturday eve…

 BTU = Blow-Torch Uniform


 Happy Anniversary, and Merry Christmas!


 ** **

 *From:* David Roberson []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:53 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...

 ** **

 I am not sure there is anywhere to hide from that one Mark.  I had to
 replace my heat pump this summer so at least it is capable of maximum
 performance.  How many BTU's do you think it will take to make it through

 ** **

 Saturday is my wedding anniversary, perhaps I can skip shopping for a
 gift?  What do you think?

 ** **



 -Original Message-
 From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 7:43 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:Weather takes a turn for the worst on Friday...




 Which is 12/21/2012…



Re: [Vo]:Swedish TV (SVT) show on Rossi Ecat

2012-12-18 Thread Eric Walker
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:34 AM, James Bowery wrote:

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:33 AM, mole4l...@gmail.comwrote:

  *Lucky Saint  · 37 weeks ago
No. Take 2 copper disks size of a penny. Put a dent in one. Mix
 magnesium hydride soft iron powder and nickel powder in equalportions.
 sure ALL ball milling, preparation and procedures arestrictly inert
 and dry box manipulations. Compress a portionof the mix to a small pill
 fits easily into the disk indentation.Seal the chamber, welding with
 tools. Place reactor in asmall beaker with water. Place on top of
 coil heating unit.Cause the water to boil from heat induced by alternating
 magneticfield. Once boiling, turn off the induction heater. Keep adding
 the boiling will continue by itself for ? years. Mine is stillboiling
 over 5 yeaes.*

 These instructions are reasonably specific.  Has anyone tried replicating
 this?  Is there any reason to believe Lucky Saint isn't just pulling our

If I wanted to make a free-energy urban legend, I would make it sound a
little like this.


Re: [Vo]:Largest Calving Event Ever Caught on Tape

2012-12-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
This film is offensive! NOOO

2012/12/18 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

 From Terry:

  soon to be a feature film:

 My God! It's full of ice!

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:Hell yes I actually believe there are problems we can't solve...

2012-12-18 Thread David L Babcock
Sometimes things go wrong and they are just problems, answers are found, 
things improve.
And sometimes it's a dilemma, an answer, ANY answer, is not possible, 
and decline/catastrophe/bad stuff is inevitable.

The seemingly inevitable upward sweep of history is a transient blip, a 
tiny moment in the sweep of time, brought about by the discovery of the 
wonder of nearly free energy.  Now the oil is no longer cheap and the 
whole structure built on it will subside or even collapse, later or sooner.

Cold Fusion -I think it's real- will slow this down, probably reverse 
the decline for awhile, but the mindset  that we learned on the way up 
(that all we find is ours to exploit, without limit) will drive us back 
all the way down. Because a /lot/ of things are running out, not just 
oil.  This is a dilemma.  The only possible answers involve changing 
human nature.  Don't hold your breath.

Most of the radical new discoveries of the Industrial Revolution were 
the results of cheap energy, made possible by cheap energy, and they 
indeed came along every few years, easy pickings. This does not argue 
for the existence of an inevitable stream of discoveries (guaranteed by 
some benevolent God?) that will continue the great upward march forever.

Re many things running out,  I agree that we are starting to learn how 
to work around looming shortages in various critical materials, but many 
of these are going to prove hopelessly expensive to implement.  I offer 
phosphorus as an example: where do you find a replacement for that, 
feeding 7 billion people, when the mines run out?

Ol' Bab, who is a pessimist.

On 12/18/2012 12:59 AM, David Roberson wrote:
 ...Does anyone in this list actually believe that humanity is not 
capable of inventing the way out of it's problems?  If you are 
correct, then this will be the first time in human history that it has 
come true.  I chuckle at the concept that there are no new 
technologies that are awaiting that serendipitous discovery that comes 
along every few years out of the blue.  You and I do not know what it 
is at the moment, but it will come around like clockwork. ...


Re: [Vo]:Hell yes I actually believe there are problems we can't solve...

2012-12-18 Thread David Roberson
Wow Bab, you see that glass half empty!   I guess I have always looked at 
things from the other side of the hallway.  If you believe that cold fusion is 
for real then why would you not think that it will become the ultimate free 
energy source from now to essentially forever?  Nickel is available in great 
quantities and so is water for hydrogen.  And to make matters even better, the 
amount of each consumed appears to be tiny.

Also, what would make you so confident that there is no enormous store of new 
devices, etc. that will be discovered as time progresses?  I think that you 
would agree that a great deal of progress has been made during the last 50 
years.  Do you think the folks of 50 years ago would have anticipated what we 
have developed up to this time?  It is no easy task to visualize entirely new 
concepts that did not exist before.

You mention phosphorus as an example of something that is running out.  I admit 
I know very little about the material or where it is mined or otherwise 
obtained.  Does sea water contain the used material?  It does not actually 
disappear as far as I know, so it must be capable of reclamation by some 
technique.  You can bet that we will find a way to recover the amount needed 
and then figure a way to keep it coming as required far into the future.  This 
will occur because it must occur.

People have conquered every environment that we have faced perhaps beginning 
with the lucky guy that discovered that sharp rocks can cut animal flesh and 
hide.  Clothes allow us to live in environments that would be lethal had they 
not been invented.  We learned to plant food to ensure a good supply most of 
the time instead of being at the mercy of the forests.  Cars were invented so 
that we could escape the local region and travel great distances for work or 
pleasure at good speeds.  As you can see, there is an endless list of 
developments.  I do not think that the end is in sight and anyone who suggests 
otherwise should review the historical record.

Bab, what do you anticipate will be the next electronic device that everyone 
can not live without?  I hate to say it, but I have no idea at the moment, but 
you can bet there will be one soon.  Recently, new gadgets have consisted of 
combinations of existing ones such as cameras placed into cellular radios or 
GPS within.  I think it might be time for another entirely new toy and maybe it 
would be a good idea to start thinking along that line.  Consider the new array 
of tricks that can be had when LENR is associated with the existing devices of 
today.  I can imagine a lot of inventing.

Things do go astray on occasions as you point out.  Wars happen which is 
totally insane in my opinion.  Volcano's erupt, the earth quakes, and maybe 
some day an asteroid will be a big problem.  Who knows if one day we will 
divert that nasty rock away from the Earth, but I suspect this will come to 
pass.  It is possible that a nearby super nova will erupt and we will be 
history, but why worry at this time?

I feel that the biggest worry facing us in the near term is the exploding 
population on the planet.   This problem must be solved some way.  Nature has 
its way of dealing with over population, but lets hope that we get to choose a 
more humane process.

When I depart from this world one of my biggest disappointments will be not 
getting to see all of the marvels that will arrive with the future.   Someone 
needs to push LENR development along faster so that at least I get to see that 
one come to fruition.   Too many years have already slipped by with nothing but 
electricity with which to heat my home!  Time to light a fire under someone!


-Original Message-
From: David L Babcock
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 10:21 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Hell yes I actually believe there are problems we can't solve...

Sometimes things go wrong and they are  just problems, answers are found, 
things improve.
  And sometimes it's a dilemma, an answer, ANY answer, is not  
possible, and decline/catastrophe/bad stuff is inevitable.
  The seemingly inevitable upward sweep of history is a transient  
blip, a tiny moment in the sweep of time, brought about by the  discovery 
of the wonder of nearly free energy.  Now the oil is no  longer cheap and 
the whole structure built on it will subside or  even collapse, later or 
  Cold Fusion -I think it's real- will slow this down, probably  
reverse the decline for awhile, but the mindset  that we learned  on the 
way up (that all we find is ours to exploit, without limit)  will drive us 
back all the way down. Because a lot of  things are running out, not just 
oil.  This is a dilemma.  The  only possible answers involve changing human 
nature.  Don't hold  your breath.
  Most of the radical new discoveries of the 

Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell - about Jaro Jaro trolling

2012-12-18 Thread Jojo Jaro

He he he.

yeah I'm all you label me.  I'm all that and more.  And yes, I have a 
repressed childhood.  You can believe whatever it is that tickles your 

Yes, I'm a turd; but whose more pathetic?  The turd or the man playing with 
the turd knowing it's a turd?  The turd has no choice, but the man playing 
with a turd has got to be some maladjusted retard.  LOL...

But at least. at least I am smart enough to graduate with a engineering 
degree; but sensible enough not to boast that I am some kind of expert.. 
And I am wise enough not to worship a 2nd rate moon god preached by a 
sex-perverted 9 year-old child molesting prophet.

Somebody doing this must be some maladjusted individual.  The sexual pervert 
prophet would have tipped any sensible man to stay away from that moon god; 
but our expert worships him.  LOL

OH my, I've really done it this time.  I'm done for..  You will now really 
call for my banning.  Since I just insulted your great moon god and his 
holey loving prophet.  I'm done for; you will now go to your imam and 
issue a fatwah against me and have me killed.  LOL

BTW, for those of you just reading this.  I have done nothing more than tell 
the truth.  Allah is the moon god of muhammed's tribe; and muhammed is a 
sex-perverted prophet with dozens of wives and concubines including a 9 
year-old little girl barely out of diapers.  And muslim imams do indeed 
issue a fatwah for the assasination of anyone who they consider have 
insulted their prophet.   I speak the truth if you care to research it 
yourself.  Even muslims acknowledge these truths and this is a source of 
great embarassment for many a moon god worshipper; and you will see our 
expert trying to spin this away.


PS, Don't even pretend that you don't read what I write.  Everyone know that 
you read it. LOL.   But, as for me, I honestly only read the first part of 
your posts.  It's tiresome to read your verbal diarrhea.  So, if you really 
really really want to insult me; make sure you do so in the first few 
sentences.  That would really be effective in getting me and hurting me with 
your insults.  LOL

So, Go ahead, continue the insults.   I will give as much and much more than 
I can get.  Christmas period is a slow time for me so I'll play along with 
your games.  But come January, you can play with yourself.

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2012 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell - about Jaro Jaro 

Hah! I see that when I added the tag to the subject, I mispelled Jojo 

At 04:14 AM 12/8/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

So, this libtard from Wisconsin claims that I do not have emotional 
maturity and that I am 10 or that I did not get feedback and all that crap. 
O well, if I am a turd, what do you call somebody who keeps playing with a 
turd knowing full well its a turd.

Someone who is not willing to give up on the idea
that a turd is a human being.

Foolish, perhaps. Jojo is giving us plenty of
evidence that he wants us to think he's a turd.

Libtard claims that I am emotionally volatile, so why does he keep on 
provoking me other than to elicit a strong reaction from me.

Jojo would not understand the reason, but there are many possibilities.

1. It's so much fun.
2. We like watching Jojo make an idiot out of himself.
3. We have a hope (foolish?) that the pimple will finally pop.
4. We have nothing better to do at the time we write the post.
5. We have something better to do and we are avoiding doing it.
6. Just because.
7. We care.
8. ???

  This behavior from libtard seems to be what is classically defined as 

It could be, were it not clearly provoked.
Responding to trolling is not trolling. However,
not all insult is trolling. The essence of
trolling is an attempt to provoke outraged
response. The sequence here began with something
other than that, but Jojo responded to it as an
insult. It could be argued that it was mildly
insulting, but it clearly was not, from context,
trolling. It was just a comment on what had just
happened, and it did not insult, beyond calling
Jojo a bible fanatic. Is that an insult? It can
be so. Am I a cold fusion fanatic?

Someone who said so would not necessarily be
insulting me. They might just be describing how my behavior looks to them.

It is a clear pattern with this individual that he would say something to 
provoke me for the fun of it.

And then we might need to look at what fun
means. Why would it be fun to poke at a bear in
a cage? What I can say is that boys do this. It's
juvenile human behavor. Some of us never grow up.
Occasionally we poke the wrong bear, and we don't
survive. Jojo seems to want us to think that he
is that bear, because he threatens eye for an
eye, or two eyes for an eye. That's why I don't
agree with characterizations of Jojo as a
Christian. His behavior is