Re: [Vo]:Rossi says third party tests concluded

2013-03-25 Thread Andre Blum

On 03/25/2013 09:35 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:


does not sound very encouraging in terms of CoP of the HCat.  If it
took this long to come to that conclusion, the performance must be

I don't share that conclusion.

First: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all that.

Second: At some point, you will have to agree there can not reasonably 
be such a thing as half believing Rossi. He is either (roughly) speaking 
the truth, or he isn't. If (and I say: if) as it seems we are now close 
to getting independent validation that he really has a LENR+ device (as 
Peter Gluck calls LENR at practical levels), it does not make much sense 
to *not* believe what he said about COP.


Re: [Vo]:...expect the unexpected from Celani...

2013-03-12 Thread Andre Blum

On 03/12/2013 04:54 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:


A Post by Robert Greenyer 2013-02-27:
  As annoying as it is, we can only report on our own findings and
those we can gain sanction to release from others.
What I can say is that you should expect the unexpected from Celani
and I mean that, hopefully at or before ICCF18.

This cryptic comment first appeared on the MFMP site about 2 weeks ago.
Will Celani recant or announce an even better claim?...stay tuned

should expect the spanish inquisition?


NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is 
surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise Our two weapons are 
fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency Our *three* weapons are 
fear, surprise, and..

ruthless efficiency... by isolating the reactor and making it self 
sustain, as Celani informed us he would focus on after NIWeek and ICCF17.

Re: [Vo]:IR detection of CO2

2013-03-07 Thread Andre Blum
I am certainly no expert in this area, but the specs call it NDIR and 
there is a wikipedia page on that topic:


On 03/07/2013 07:34 AM, David Jonsson wrote:


How does a infrared gas meter like this one work?


David Jonsson, Sweden, +46703000370

Re: [Vo]:OT nuclear physicist as dutch prime minister?

2012-11-06 Thread Andre Blum

On 09/13/2012 06:55 AM, Rob Dingemans wrote:


On 13-9-2012 12:23, Teslaalset wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

On 09/12/2012 01:21 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

Please, please refrain from discussing dutch politics when it has 
absolutely nothing to do with the subjects intended to be discussed in 
this mailing list.

Kind regards,



How are you feeling today?


[Vo]:nuclear physicist as dutch prime minister?

2012-09-12 Thread Andre Blum


Just to inform you: it is election day in the Netherlands. Polls show 
that either the PvdA (moderate socialist party) or VVD (liberals) will 
get out as the biggest.

Leader of the PvdA is Diederik Samsom, who was a nuclear physicist and 
was an active member of Greenpeace. See He aims to be the next 
prime minister.

For a NYT backgrounder on todays elections:


Re: [Vo]:nuclear physicist as dutch prime minister?

2012-09-12 Thread Andre Blum
BTW: I was looking for the right words. PvdA would be called a 
social-democratic party (labour). Disregard socialist.

On 09/12/2012 01:21 PM, Andre Blum wrote:


Just to inform you: it is election day in the Netherlands. Polls show 
that either the PvdA (moderate socialist party) or VVD (liberals) will 
get out as the biggest.

Leader of the PvdA is Diederik Samsom, who was a nuclear physicist and 
was an active member of Greenpeace. See He aims to be the next 
prime minister.

For a NYT backgrounder on todays elections:


Re: [Vo]:Hot-Cat fails test, Swedish investors withdraw, Rossi input power measurements dodgy?

2012-09-10 Thread Andre Blum

Copying from my post on e-catworld:

Can anyone on this forum comment on the True RMS meter that was used? 
The link Frank supplied seems to suggest that one of its applications is 
to find unexpected high currents.

So a typical scenario may be this: you have fuses that repeatedly blow 
and your normal ampmeter does not find any justification for that fact. 
This True RMS meter would show you the real --- higher --- current.

Now, we know such ampmeters and multimeters have digital displays that 
only update once every second, or half second at most. Somewhere in that 
meter, there must be an algorithm that determines what value to display 
next. Usually that would be an average value of the last period. But 
knowing that this device is often used to find unexpected high currents, 
could it be that it displays the max value? (or the max average of all 
the intervals of a typical duration that would be enough for a fuse to 

Depending on the duty cycle of the (presumably PWM driven) resistive 
heater, this may give too high values at swithing on. This is why he now 
suggests using a variable AC transformer, to stop using PWM.

Keep in mind that I am just a software engineer, so take it easy on me. 
Just trying to hold on to my hope just a little bit longer.


On 09/10/2012 11:32 AM, Robert Lynn wrote:
I would say most of last years steam-based demos.  Claiming COPs that 
were far higher than what was realistic, but specifically 3:00-4:00 doesn't exactly 
inspire confidence, looks to be tweaking the power to increase steam 
output when Lewan is out of the room and he is not being watched (far 
more steam as Lewan replaces the tube than when he first pulled it out).

I no longer think it was ignorance on Rossi's part that lead to such 
consistently bad calorimetry and ambiguous results, he was trying to 
create uncertainty and wiggle room for himself to be able to 
exaggerate his results.  It is notable that the few independent groups 
of testers that really had proper access to check results (NASA linked 
group, Defkalion now Swedes) have all had tests that were either 
didn't work or under-delivered on promises, would love to hear from 
insiders who were there.  And we know that Rossi has lied on many 
other occasions too (eg shipment of 1MW unit).

Totally massively untrustworthy.

On 10 September 2012 15:58, James Bowery wrote:

To what faked results are you referring exactly?

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Robert Lynn wrote:

What I would run screaming from is someone who faked results
with a straight face (as we saw in one of the demos last year)...

Re: [Vo]:Hot-Cat fails test, Swedish investors withdraw, Rossi input power measurements dodgy?

2012-09-10 Thread Andre Blum
And, unless I understand wrong, (and depending on the algorithm used to 
give your every half-second-or-so display update), there may have been 
an accidental correlation between the PWM duty cycle of the resistive 
heater and the measurement cycle of the true RMS meter. This is more 
likely when the PWM signal is somehow synced with the AC cycle, (which 
would not be such a bad idea).

Especially now we are talking a factor 2-3 in measurements, we could 
well be seeing effects like these.

Rossi confirms to me over mail that they have completed the test without 
PWM and using a variac, and that they stand by their own measurements.


On 09/10/2012 12:24 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

*From:*Andre Blum

Can anyone on this forum comment on the True RMS meter that was used? 
The link Frank supplied seems to suggest that one of its applications 
is to find unexpected high currents.

A true RMS meter of any kind is NOT sufficient in this situation.

A dedicated power analyzer must be used, if we are dealing with a 
duty-cycle correction or spiky input, as appears to be the case. We 
saw this problem clearly back years ago with Naudin's MAHG, which is 
actually a very similar device to e-cat, except in the use of tungsten 
instead of nickel.

Naudin, who is quite experienced with prototypes and actually worked 
for EDF (French grid utility) at the time -- nevertheless measured 
input power with a systemic 20:1 error. (gives one confidence in your 
power bill, if you are French, n'est pas?).

How did it happen? George or Terry may have a better recollection but 
IIRC Naudin was pulsing the input power at low duty. He measured 
voltage and current, but the current was across a shunt and the 
voltage was seen on the PS meter. The duty cycle was 5%, so to make 
the duty cycle correction, Naudin then multiplied voltage x current x 
20, when he should have corrected only the voltage -- as the current 
was actual. Thus, he saw a most remarkable COP of 20, when it was 
actually a COP of one; with a systemic error of twenty.

Actually it is not that simple -- but had Naudin used a dedicated 
power analyzer, there would have been no doubt in the results, which 
would have been far less remarkable. AFAIK -- despite years of 
pleading that error still appears on Naudin's site.

Is Rossi (or his expert colonel) doing something similar? Probably.


Re: [Vo]:Hot-Cat fails test, Swedish investors withdraw, Rossi input power measurements dodgy?

2012-09-10 Thread Andre Blum

This was his reply:

Dear Sir: we resolved the èroblem with a variac, which confirmed, 
substantially, that our measurements were right,but I repeat that meny 
more measurements will be made by the validators. A final report will be 
published only after the end of the validation. At that point we will 
have no more aprototype, but a certified product and the measurements 
will be made directly in operation by the Customers.

Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi

On 09/10/2012 12:33 PM, Andre Blum wrote:
And, unless I understand wrong, (and depending on the algorithm used 
to give your every half-second-or-so display update), there may have 
been an accidental correlation between the PWM duty cycle of the 
resistive heater and the measurement cycle of the true RMS meter. This 
is more likely when the PWM signal is somehow synced with the AC 
cycle, (which would not be such a bad idea).

Especially now we are talking a factor 2-3 in measurements, we could 
well be seeing effects like these.

Rossi confirms to me over mail that they have completed the test 
without PWM and using a variac, and that they stand by their own 


On 09/10/2012 12:24 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

*From:*Andre Blum

Can anyone on this forum comment on the True RMS meter that was used? 
The link Frank supplied seems to suggest that one of its applications 
is to find unexpected high currents.

A true RMS meter of any kind is NOT sufficient in this situation.

A dedicated power analyzer must be used, if we are dealing with a 
duty-cycle correction or spiky input, as appears to be the case. We 
saw this problem clearly back years ago with Naudin's MAHG, which is 
actually a very similar device to e-cat, except in the use of 
tungsten instead of nickel.

Naudin, who is quite experienced with prototypes and actually worked 
for EDF (French grid utility) at the time -- nevertheless measured 
input power with a systemic 20:1 error. (gives one confidence in your 
power bill, if you are French, n'est pas?).

How did it happen? George or Terry may have a better recollection but 
IIRC Naudin was pulsing the input power at low duty. He measured 
voltage and current, but the current was across a shunt and the 
voltage was seen on the PS meter. The duty cycle was 5%, so to make 
the duty cycle correction, Naudin then multiplied voltage x current x 
20, when he should have corrected only the voltage -- as the current 
was actual. Thus, he saw a most remarkable COP of 20, when it was 
actually a COP of one; with a systemic error of twenty.

Actually it is not that simple -- but had Naudin used a dedicated 
power analyzer, there would have been no doubt in the results, which 
would have been far less remarkable. AFAIK -- despite years of 
pleading that error still appears on Naudin's site.

Is Rossi (or his expert colonel) doing something similar? Probably.


Re: [Vo]:Hot-Cat fails test, Swedish investors withdraw, Rossi input power measurements dodgy?

2012-09-10 Thread Andre Blum

   Andrea Rossi
   September 10th, 2012 at 1:15 PM

   Dear Andre Blum:
   I do not make electric measures, I let them made by specialists who
   are in the team of validators and certificators of the Hot Cat: for
   example, today they made a new measurement with new instrumentation
   which, substantially, again, confirmed the data of our preliminar
   report. As I said, and I repeat, these measurements will go ahead
   for at least other 2-3months, then the results will be published in
   a scientific magazine, after the due peer reviewing. It has been not
   very serious that a technician invited from us for a measure, by the
   way under NDA, has published very dibious results, after few hours
   of measurement, while the professors that are making the validation
   need months before saying anything. Please wait the end of the
   validation, and we will also read in the report the characteristic
   of all the instrumentation used. Right now a Prof. of electric
   measures is taking care of this issue, and he already has discovered
   the errors of the guy brought here from Hydrofusion, which we,
   obviously, respect: errors are normal in our job. Only they who do
   not work do not commit errors.It takes toime to be sure that there
   are no errors, and the reactor at high temperature is under test
   only since few months.
   Warm Regards,

   Andre Blum
   September 10th, 2012 at 11:07 AM

   Dear Mr Rossi,

   Did you (sometimes / usually) use True RMS ammeters for your own
   input power measurements?

   Thank you,

On 09/10/2012 02:08 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
Basically the error was probably to use a good  RMS ampmeter (half 
job), instead of either a bad ampmeter (Rossi) or a good powermeter 
(What I was assuming because anything else is not professional).

probably if there is a Triac variator, it is normal to have huge RMS 
of interference, yet the impedance of the e-cat might dephase it 
totally, making effective power of those HF, null.

maybe we have found more loose than Rossi.

Anyway Rossi was loose, because if it was my reactor at leas I would 
use a powermetter, and even maybe a wave synthetizer/reformer...

I was using some in the 80s to protect TV.

2012/9/10 Andre Blum

And, unless I understand wrong, (and depending on the algorithm
used to give your every half-second-or-so display update), there
may have been an accidental correlation between the PWM duty cycle
of the resistive heater and the measurement cycle of the true RMS
meter. This is more likely when the PWM signal is somehow synced
with the AC cycle, (which would not be such a bad idea).

Especially now we are talking a factor 2-3 in measurements, we
could well be seeing effects like these.

Rossi confirms to me over mail that they have completed the test
without PWM and using a variac, and that they stand by their own


On 09/10/2012 12:24 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

*From:*Andre Blum

Can anyone on this forum comment on the True RMS meter that was
used? The link Frank supplied seems to suggest that one of its
applications is to find unexpected high currents.

A true RMS meter of any kind is NOT sufficient in this situation.

A dedicated power analyzer must be used, if we are dealing with a
duty-cycle correction or spiky input, as appears to be the case.
We saw this problem clearly back years ago with Naudin’s MAHG,
which is actually a very similar device to e-cat, except in the
use of tungsten instead of nickel.

Naudin, who is quite experienced with prototypes and actually
worked for EDF (French grid utility) at the time – nevertheless
measured input power with a systemic 20:1 error. (gives one
confidence in your power bill, if you are French, n’est pas?).

How did it happen? George or Terry may have a better recollection
but IIRC Naudin was pulsing the input power at low duty. He
measured voltage and current, but the current was across a shunt
and the voltage was seen on the PS meter. The duty cycle was 5%,
so to make the duty cycle correction, Naudin then multiplied
voltage x current x 20, when he should have corrected only the
voltage – as the current was actual. Thus, he saw a most
remarkable COP of 20, when it was actually a COP of one; with a
systemic error of twenty.

Actually it is not that simple – but had Naudin used a dedicated
power analyzer, there would have been no doubt in the results,
which would have been far less remarkable. AFAIK – despite years
of pleading that error still appears on Naudin’s site.

Is Rossi (or his “expert” colonel) doing something similar? Probably.


Re: [Vo]:Link to live stream from E-cat convention

2012-09-08 Thread Andre Blum
One of the bodyguards seems to have read up in his free time, and was 
able to actually present something technical today.

I guess we jumped to conclusions there.

Apart from that: this all seems good news. Indeed, as Uta Stechl leaked, 
there is a validation report by SGS.


On 09/08/2012 11:11 AM, wrote:

they just announced that the stream is at another url:

but I think this is the old one.

Am 08.09.2012 17:07, schrieb James Bowery:

Looks like its back live now.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 10:04 AM, James Bowery wrote:

It went off the air for a coffee break at 4:30 Zurich time
however it has not come back on the air yet at as of a few
minutes into the next presentation.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Patrick Ellul wrote

Rossi just joined and came into the picture, accompanied
by two massive bodyguards.

That's astounding. I wish I had the movie rights to Rossi. He
never ceases to amaze.
I cannot link to this at all, for some reason. After it
finishes, I hope that someone here takes the trouble to tell
the rest of us what happened.
- Jed

The size of our vehicles (was: Re: [Vo]:If You Liked Segway)

2012-08-24 Thread Andre Blum

On 08/24/2012 12:54 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:28 PM, ChemE Stewart wrote:

I guess even though it might me simpler just having three wheels, a tricycle
will not attract babes like at the end of the video...

There's a big difference between riding a three vs a two wheeler.
It's in the dynamics.


now that I see this two-weeler, and its four wheeler stability, it sets 
me to thinking: *why*? Terry's answer may be true. It may be for the 
nice dynamics of a two wheeler (though most have become artificial in 
this specific example). The other case behind this vehicle must be: the 
trend in cars is towards smaller.

So I was wondering, and have been a while, what the future trend will be 
in car sizes. I honestly don't know the answer myself.

As said, nowadays, the trend is towards much smaller cars. A large part 
of this has to do with pollution and economy.

It is almost certain that In the decade(s) to come we will have 
autonomous, self-driving cars, like Google is testing now. There is also 
not unthinkable that variable costs will become ultra low, for example 
when LENR becomes practical for use in cars.

Initially, the self-driving will be human assisted, meaning you will 
actively participate in traffic. Soon, however, we will all want to turn 
our chairs and sit at a desk and do some work, or have some 
entertainment, as the car brings us where we want to be. For this you 
will need some amount of space.

Parking space for these larger cars may not be much of an issue, when 
you can instruct the car to park itself outside of town, if only to save 
some money, and ask it to be back in time to pick you up later.

In traffic itself, it may not take long before we introduce some kind of 
scheduling or reservation algorithm (much like you can have QoS - 
Quality of Service - on a computer network). We can then 'reserve' a 
slot for our car in non congested traffic. This allows for less 
congestion, more optimal use of asphalt and more space on the road for 
bigger cars.

Thinking even further, and taking into account 'free' energy like LENR, 
I envision that if, for example, you live somewhere in Europe and want 
to spend the weekend in southern France, you just make arrangements for 
this around bedtime, get in your much bigger car and make it go it that 
way, then go to sleep. This would call for a more camper / Van like 
configuration, with room for some pre-sleep entertainment and a bed. And 
maybe even one that will provide you the comfort you need for your stay 
there. Costs would only be some tire wear and maybe toll for the roads.

Even when forgetting all this really sci-fi autonomous stuff (that I 
think in fact has a larger reality factor than free energy) , would it 
be true that if by using LENR we get rid of the guilty feeling most of 
us now have with big pickup trucks and SUVs etc, everyone will want to 
have one, again?

What do you guys think... will cars become bigger again?


Re: [Vo]:Re: Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed

2012-08-23 Thread Andre Blum

The difference between Celani's 21 W and Rossi's 16 kW is unimportant, 
in my opinion. They are equally close to commercialization. The 16 kW 
looks more impressive to people who do not understand the technical 
issues. The megawatt reactor looks impressive to such people as well. 
To me, it looks like a gigantic white elephant. It is a distraction, 
and an absurd waste of time and effort. A dangerous piece of junk. No 
one in his right mind would buy it. I might buy one of those boxes 
inside it, but I would no more crank up the whole thing than I would 
try to fly the Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo 'Capronismo' -- a similar 
product of grandiose Italian engineering. Do a Google image search for 
Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo and you will see what I mean.
Where you say: equally close to commercialization, this of course is 
not true. The 1 MW reactor is for sale now and has industrial certification.

(unless -- the usual caveat -- it is all a lie. In that case they are 
not equally close to commercialization, but that is not what you meant).

The comparision with the Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo is unfair. That was an 
early attempt to scale up a working product. The attempt failed. Other 
attempts succeeded. Rossi's attempt to scale up did not fail, too. It is 
a pretty sound, safe and useful idea to scale up energy devices by 
running my of them in parallel. This idea helped him to (1) lend more 
credibility to his invention; (2) come up with a useful product for the 
market which can be tapped soonest, because of lighter certification 


Re: [Vo]:Re: Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed

2012-08-23 Thread Andre Blum

On 08/23/2012 07:05 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 09:39 AM 8/23/2012, Andre Blum wrote:

Rossi's attempt to scale up did not fail, too.

We don't know that. Generally, in his post, Mr. Blum made a number of 
statements, as if they were fact, that are not from independent 
sources. [etc, etc.]

First, please call me Andre.

Second: Presenting these statements as facts was by choice. Sometimes 
you have to take a position. This is completely in line with what Jed 
did, which is exactly what I wanted to point out.

We all know that *everything* related to Rossi is based on what the man 
says himself. They are not fact. Likewise, not all Jed's statements on 
the ugly plane are fact ('hopeless', 'of no value for aviation', '1918 
experts had the knowledge to see that it wouldn't fly'), nor are his 
views on commercial readiness of Rossi's and Celani's devices.

None of these are facts.They are just positions we take on an 
uncertainty scale.

If you believe in Rossi 'somewhat' (as Jed apparently does), so you take 
something of an uncertain halfway position on that scale, you cannot 
easily make very strong arguments. His statement on commercial 
availability was rather worthless, really, because it was just grabbed 
from the air. Mine were grabbed at least from a source, a primary source 
even, albeit a very unreliable one. Rossi.

The same is true for my statement on the plane. It crashing by bad 
design is grabbed from the air by Jed. I see no facts supporting it. In 
reality it flew (once, short),  if rather unstable (which would not have 
been so uncommon in that era), requiring it to carry a lead ballast. It 
is said that this ballast shifted, causing a nose drop and the crash. 
This too is from a very unreliable source on the internet, but at least 
it is from a source.


Re: [Vo]:1983 and still no production model

2012-08-20 Thread Andre Blum

On 08/20/2012 12:22 PM, James Bowery wrote:

In 1983, an impressive demonstration of a new energy technology happened.

Decades later, there is still no production model.

To what technology am I referring?

Microsoft Windows.

Re: [Vo]:Celani device update

2012-08-15 Thread Andre Blum
It would explain why at NI-week he saw more output than at ICCF: 5000 
people make more vibrations than 300.

On 08/15/2012 01:33 PM, Chemical Engineer wrote:


What if you make some loud noise around it or shake it?(he probably 
does not want you to shake it)  Does the energy output increase?...I 
am serious.  The singularities he created in those voids should be 
sensitive to any type of external EMR or stimulation

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

On 2012-08-15 18:24, Daniel Rocha wrote:

In the paper, he said he is limited by the use of the kind
glass of
glass, used for observation, which is fragile beginning at
275C. The
next step, is to use quartz, which can support higher

If peak temperatures are an issue, it could be an idea to decrease
input power when using more than an active wire in this reactor
type. For trade shows and the like, this would still lead to a
useful (although dumb) increase of the COP.

But I guess Francesco Celani will probably want to increase /
improve other control parameters first. Using higher temperatures
to try reaching a self-sustaining operation threshold (as he hopes
in his latest presentation) might be something that quartz glass
could enable.


Re: [Vo]:Celani demonstration

2012-08-14 Thread Andre Blum

Hi Jed,

When you say they cleaned it, what exactly did they do? Do you mean 
vacuum pumping it? Or rinsing it with H2? Or did they somehow give 
treatment to the wire? If this step apparently is so important and 
leaving it out is prohibitive for the results, I'd like to understand 
that better.

One thing I also fail to understand of Celani's setup is when he talks 
about switching from the active (treated) wire to the inactive 
(stock ISOTAN44?) wire as a control experiment. As far as I understand, 
both wires are in the tube simultaneously. What does this switching 
comprise of? Is he applying a DC current to the wire? (And -- just to 
make sure I understand -- this then is different from the power applied 
to the heater?)



On 08/14/2012 01:14 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Celani has set up his demonstration cell. The people from TI reworked 
the instruments and the LabView code that collects data. They did a 
beautiful job. Celani just told me that he inputs 48 W constantly. 
This morning it did not work. They ran it and let it cool to clean it. 
They tried again about an hour ago and it began to produce ~4 W excess 
fairly soon. It climbs gradually up to ~20 W gradually and stays 
stable after that.

Very impressive. Peter Hagelstein considers this an important experiment.

All of the papers from this conference have already been submitted 
(except mine) and will be on line soon. (Mine is not ready because 
they told me a week beforehand to write one.)

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Celani demonstration

2012-08-14 Thread Andre Blum

In my opinion this is a huge achievement for the entire LENR field, 
which should make other researchers/experimenters think twice before 
keeping working on historically problematic Pd-D electrolytic systems. 
Ni-H gas loaded cells are cheaper, easier to set up, easier to 
replicate, and show a better observable effect. And we need more data.


I agree that it is a major major milestone. A fully reproducible and 
even portable setup that delivers multi-Watt excess heat. Normally this 
should have us dancing in the street. Ironically, we are not, because 
there are promises of something so much better even around the corner.

I also personally feel that it is a major implicit endorsement for 
Rossi. It *seems* like Celani has bent his experiments towards the 
direction taken by Rossi since early 2011. And lo and behold, he gets 
(1) the 100% reproducibility Rossi claimed; and (2) power levels that 
start to matter. This is something we have gradually grown to in the 
last 1.5 years, but keep in mind that it was not a trivial thing to 
shout in January 2011. At least it is safe to say these results 
certainly do not prove Rossi wrong.

Thanks for your explanation about the wires.

As you may know I am involved in the efforts to come 
up with an open source hardware and software setup for hydrogen loading 
/ fusion experiments (I write the controller software on the embedded 
linux board that aids in making this setup much more affordable while 
very flexible). This project is now in a shape that Bastiaan has started 
to run experiments. So far, with pure (micron sized) nickel powder, he 
has not seen excess heat. We are at a point now where we have to decide 
on a direction to take for next experiments. Maybe you are right that we 
should try with alloys.


Re: [Vo]:Re: ProdEngAssemble.avi

2012-08-14 Thread Andre Blum

The use of an adjustable spanner more or less settles this discussion.

On 08/14/2012 11:17 AM, Chemical Engineer wrote:
Unless they back out of the PowerGEN conference in December, they 
should have a running system on display along with other OEMS using 
their engine.  I am not ready to give them $50K

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Kelley Trezise wrote:

Until I see an energy balance on the engine or they run this in a
closed loop, generating the power for the spark and such, and
produce a significant amount of work out over a significant amount
of time they have nothing. Don't buy a thing until you have proof
that it works.

- Original Message -
*From:* Chemical Engineer
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:18 AM
*Subject:* [Vo]:Re: ProdEngAssemble.avi

At 2:30 of this video they mention aligning the holes shown
machined on the outside of each cylinder to the top for access
to the coils for wiring, etc.  I believe they mount  a circuit
board for each cylinder atop/near each hole to  access the
coils to supply control power.

They do not show the coils inside and i am not sure how they
seal it all up.  Another video shows the compression coil
directly around the target spot of the plugs.  A containment
coil is supposedly around the rest of the piston.


Sent from my iPad

Re: [Vo]:Brillouin presentation impressive

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum
A new defkalion paper with their view on the theory is available via


On 08/13/2012 12:55 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I wrote:

Defkalion presented the same talk they gave at NIWeek. Not sure if
that is online or if the slides are available.

I think everything from this conference will be online sooner or 
later. Probably easier to see than trying to watch in real time via Skype.

It is about time we joined the 21st century.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:1200 degrees E-cat operating at 1 bar?

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum
As far as I understand, but I could be wrong, the hot cat reactor is not 
open at all.

These are two concentric tubes with their ends somehow closed with some 
kind of appropriate 'putty'.
So: the part that you are seeing as open is the hole in the donut, but 
it is the hollowness of the donut itself that is the reaction chamber.

Unclear to me is how they filled that with the gas and at what pressure. 
Then again, Rossi says he uses some metal hydride, not gas per se.



On 08/13/2012 04:25 AM, Teslaalset wrote:

Recent posted foto that seems to represent a test Rossi test unit 
generating 1200 degrees C heat, made me wonder:
Is the new unit operating at 1 Bar gas pressure? It seems to be an 
open setup to me.
Past explanation by Rossi gave me the impression the E-cat works at 
quite higher gas pressures.

Is it just me than is puzzled about this observation?

Re: [Vo]:the Coil

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

Now you hush! Underwriters Laboratories may be reading this.


On 08/13/2012 07:54 AM, Chemical Engineer wrote:


A singularity(collapsed matter), what I call my gremlin, can pass 
right through other matter, as in a window.  As a singularity comes 
into contact with other matter/energy it cools off and expands and is 
happy momentarily.  If it cannot grab enough matter/energy to continue 
expanding/cooling, it gets angry, collapses, gives off energy as it 
evaporates and then POP and it is gone.  The gremlin is not a picky 
eater, it will rip/consume whatever matter you feed it and belch 
quantum goo.

The largest gremlins(black holes) in the universe are in the coldest 
places.  Do not feed your baby gremlins too much or they will get very 
large quickly and swallow you.  They are like Otto in that pool of 
water.  Care for your baby gremlins very carefully and do not feed 
them too much or they will grow up suddenly.

That Papp engine is scary powerful if you step on the accelerator.

On Monday, August 13, 2012, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

The Corum brothers did considerable research on ball-lightning:

It can indeed ‘go thru’ glass, however, it never really touches
the glass… I have a video from Dr. Corum about their experiments
with ball lightning.  Although, theirs may be somewhat different
since it originates from RF (a tesla coil) whereas ball lightning
from atmospheric electricity is very likely DC or VLF.

From the Corum’s research, they identified 3 things required to
generate BL:  very high voltage potentials, carbon particles, and
ozone (which is a given with electrical discharges going on). 
What the video showed is that as the ball approaches the glass,

and then just before it contacts the glass, it begins shrinking,
while simultaneously appearing and growing on the opposite side of
the glass.  This all happens so fast that it appears to go thru
the glass; the vid has it in slo-mo so it’s easy to see…


*From:*Axil Axil [ javascript:_e({},
'cvml', '');]
*Sent:* Sunday, August 12, 2012 6:38 PM
*To:* javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:the Coil

Reference in support of ball lightning  passing through glass and
attracted to conductors.

Presented in Table 1 are statistical data on the disappearance of
BL in /746 /cases in which the BL origin was on conductors. We
mention in conclusion that, according to cited descriptions of BL
and the statistical data, BL may simultaneously possess two exotic
properties to which the present paper is devoted: to originate on
a conductor (or to be absorbed by a conductor), and to penetrate
through glass without affecting it (see descriptions 6, 9, 16, 34).

Reference for ball lightning as Rydberg matter.

An Explanation of the Papp anomaly as follows:.

When the axial confinement field of the coil is removed, Rydberg
matter is no longer confined axially to the center of the
cylinder. The energetic Rydberg matter then is free to pass
through the cyclinder walls and is then attracted to the
conductive copper wire. The electrostatic charge of theRydberg
matter induces a  electric charge in the copper wire which  in
turn producing heat.

QED:   Axil

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Chemical Engineer wrote:

I'm just sayin...

I saw ball lightning once in Maine while hunting as a kid.  I was
out in a field with a powerline going through it. I first heard a
loud humming noise and could feel the vibration in the air.  I
looked up and saw a large ball of sparks just hanging in the air
sort of pulsing a bit.  It lasted 10-15 seconds and the just sort

I found this article below

I think Rossi is controlling the gremlin in the tube with flux
from the coil

On Sunday, August 12, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

I have the answer to why the gas leaves the cylinder and it is
not teleportation.

Ball lightning is Rydberg matter, and ball lightning has been
known to pass through solid walls.

If highly excited atoms have no coil to confine them to the
center of the cylinder, they will pass through the cylinder
walls in the same way that ball lightning can pass through
solid walls.

Simple, the Papp engine is making ball lightning.

Cheers:  Axil

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Axil Axil 

Re: [Vo]:1200 degrees E-cat operating at 1 bar?

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

PES network confirms the use of a hydrogen tablet:

First, the E-Cat tested was constructed using two steel tubes or 
cylinders of equal length. The tube with a smaller diameter was placed 
inside of the tube with a larger diameter. In the gap between the two 
cylinders (the outer surface of the inner cylinder and the inner surface 
of the outer cylinder) a resistive heating element was placed, along 
with the charge consisting of nickel powder, catalysts, and a tablet 
that would release hydrogen when heated. The ends of the cylinder were 
then covered with a putty that could withstand high temperatures. As can 
be seen in the picture posted by Cures, the central hole was not covered.

The article ( 
is very informative in general and contains other info I had not seen 


On 08/13/2012 10:14 AM, David Roberson wrote:
I think that the hole in the center of the device is open to allow 
cooling fluid to flow through.  This appears to be the hottest region 
of Rossi's reactor.  Notice the bright color seen through the hole.

-Original Message-
From: Andre Blum
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Aug 13, 2012 9:28 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:1200 degrees E-cat operating at 1 bar?

As far as I understand, but I could be wrong, the hot cat reactor is 
not open at all.

These are two concentric tubes with their ends somehow closed with 
some kind of appropriate 'putty'.
So: the part that you are seeing as open is the hole in the donut, but 
it is the hollowness of the donut itself that is the reaction chamber.

Unclear to me is how they filled that with the gas and at what 
pressure. Then again, Rossi says he uses some metal hydride, not gas 
per se.



On 08/13/2012 04:25 AM, Teslaalset wrote:

Recent posted foto that seems to represent a test Rossi test unit 
generating 1200 degrees C heat, made me wonder:
Is the new unit operating at 1 Bar gas pressure? It seems to be an 
open setup to me.
Past explanation by Rossi gave me the impression the E-cat works at 
quite higher gas pressures.

Is it just me than is puzzled about this observation?

Re: [Vo]:1200 degrees E-cat operating at 1 bar?

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum
Does anyone know of a physical explanation why the inside would become 
so much hotter than the outside? Is this because it can not get rid of 
the heat as easily due to less area of steel or the general confinedness 
of the heat? Or is this more fundamentally related to focusing of the 
emitted (gamma) radiation that Rossi has said is responsible for 
creating the heat?

The point I am trying to make is: how likely is it that this new 
concentric tube design we see here played a major role in stabilizing 
the reaction? Is it possible that the nickel inside reactor is in fact 
lower in temperature than the center of the donut? In other words: is he 
able to direct the heat away from the reaction itself?

(all pretty stupid questions perhaps from this software engineer.)

On 08/13/2012 10:14 AM, David Roberson wrote:
I think that the hole in the center of the device is open to allow 
cooling fluid to flow through.  This appears to be the hottest region 
of Rossi's reactor.  Notice the bright color seen through the hole.

-Original Message-
From: Andre Blum
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Aug 13, 2012 9:28 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:1200 degrees E-cat operating at 1 bar?

As far as I understand, but I could be wrong, the hot cat reactor is 
not open at all.

These are two concentric tubes with their ends somehow closed with 
some kind of appropriate 'putty'.
So: the part that you are seeing as open is the hole in the donut, but 
it is the hollowness of the donut itself that is the reaction chamber.

Unclear to me is how they filled that with the gas and at what 
pressure. Then again, Rossi says he uses some metal hydride, not gas 
per se.



On 08/13/2012 04:25 AM, Teslaalset wrote:

Recent posted foto that seems to represent a test Rossi test unit 
generating 1200 degrees C heat, made me wonder:
Is the new unit operating at 1 Bar gas pressure? It seems to be an 
open setup to me.
Past explanation by Rossi gave me the impression the E-cat works at 
quite higher gas pressures.

Is it just me than is puzzled about this observation?

[Vo]:nickel foam in use by defkalion

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum
The nickel foam that defkalion describes in their NI-week slideshow 
seems to be an off-the-shelve product.

Funny enough, it is available from a company called ecocatalysis, ecat 
in short.

The stuff is shown here:

Nice ecat logo!
The photo of the foam is the exactly the same as the one used in the 
defkalion slide deck.


Re: [Vo]:nickel foam in use by defkalion

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

In the presentation they say they use agents as well:
We use several layers of agents, coated around a Si-Al ceramic 
surface surrounding the nickel foam, to help RSH atoms to survive this 
journey. Some of these agents are ZnO, MgO and ZrO2.

Do I undertand correctly that the Celani treatment mainly consists of 
stripping off the plastic insulation off ISOTAN44 and then running a 2A 
to 3A current for about 5 minutes? And that this grows nanostructures on 
the wire surface? That sounds pretty simple to try.

On 08/13/2012 11:31 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
Quite logical they think about using off the shelves products, and 
especially well known techniques used for catalyst that increase 
active surface...

Good engineer practice.
maybe mixing that material with other treatment (like the one Celani 
do on his wires, but adapted to foam), could even make it better... 
maybe is it what they do...

did anybody else thought about using that kind of foam in LENR research ?

2012/8/13 Andre Blum

The nickel foam that defkalion describes in their NI-week
slideshow seems to be an off-the-shelve product.

Funny enough, it is available from a company called ecocatalysis, 
ecat in short.

The stuff is shown here:

Nice ecat logo!
The photo of the foam is the exactly the same as the one used in
the defkalion slide deck.


Re: [Vo]:Hadjicristos slides

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

If you download the .docx document you can zoom the picture.

it says:

DT_Water_reactor: 68.615
Watts Water reactor: 2042.31
React Heat Wh: 166.34(in upper red circle)

Electric mean W: 6.32
Electric Wh Total: 145.675   (in lower red circle)

So that show excess heat, but not by a factor of 8 - 22.

Somewhat above, it says:

DT electric: 1.575
Watts Water Heater 47.5
Water Heat Wh: 3.75

From that last section, I read this test has been running for only a 
few minutes (3.75 Wh from 47.5 W) ??


On 08/13/2012 11:45 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Does anyone with good eyes and a high-rez monitor - see a problem with slide
31, in the two red-circled areas - between energy consumed compared to
energy produced ?

Re: [Vo]:nickel foam in use by defkalion

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

One of Celani's helpers told Krivit that it took 3 days to load the 
hydrogen. I wouldn't consider that fast :-). It was interesting though 
that after that he could just let the gas out, take the setup with him 
to Texas, reload with hydrogen and immediately see the effect and pick 
up the electrical resistance value  exactly where it was left in its 
slight downward slope.

On 08/13/2012 12:05 PM, Teslaalset wrote:
Celani got a patent published early 2011 on treating nickel 
nanastructures to get fast and high hydrogen absorbtion in Nickel:
Maybe in the meantime he has advanced this method but it seems to me a 
good direction of his thinking.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

In the presentation they say they use agents as well:
We use several layers of agents, coated around a Si-Al ceramic
surface surrounding the nickel foam, to help RSH atoms to survive
this journey. Some of these agents are ZnO, MgO and ZrO2.

Do I undertand correctly that the Celani treatment mainly consists
of stripping off the plastic insulation off ISOTAN44 and then
running a 2A to 3A current for about 5 minutes? And that this
grows nanostructures on the wire surface? That sounds pretty
simple to try.

On 08/13/2012 11:31 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

Quite logical they think about using off the shelves products,
and especially well known techniques used for catalyst that
increase active surface...
Good engineer practice.
maybe mixing that material with other treatment (like the one
Celani do on his wires, but adapted to foam), could even make it
better... maybe is it what they do...

did anybody else thought about using that kind of foam in LENR
research ?

2012/8/13 Andre Blum

The nickel foam that defkalion describes in their NI-week
slideshow seems to be an off-the-shelve product.

Funny enough, it is available from a company called
ecocatalysis,  ecat in short.
The stuff is shown here:

Nice ecat logo!
The photo of the foam is the exactly the same as the one used
in the defkalion slide deck.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion NIWeek slides

2012-08-13 Thread Andre Blum

isotope analysis anno 2012:
Just put your stuff out on the street. If it gets stolen, it contained 

On 08/13/2012 09:55 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
Those slides and also their paper presented on ICCF 17, which is also 
available, are sadly inconclusive. They just add confusion to the mass.

I asked someone to ask defkalion people if they had done isotope 
analysis and to ask what were the light elements.

They said they did no isotope analysis, yet they said there was no 
transmutation of Ni. I don't know how could they conclude  that.

Also, they did not find Triton, He3 or He4 among the light elements. 
They found lithium, beryllium and boron, though.

So, they claim things completely different from any group before them. 
They are sloppy and illogical . I am completely confused. Maybe they 
do not have good intentions, after all?

2012/8/13 Jed Rothwell

Oops! Sorry. That is my local computer address.

The original was linked here:

PDF file here:

- Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:The secret colonel of 1MW powerplant is the leaker of the 1000C photo

2012-08-11 Thread Andre Blum
That sentence I believe was meant for Frank, the admin of, on which this was originally posted. It does not refer 
to vortex-l moderation.


On 08/11/2012 08:20 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Apologies for reposting admin, but if I post two links at once it will be put 
in moderation queue and my last posts just remained there without getting 

FYI, there is no moderation queue.  Vortex-l resides on an
remailer and sometimes is slow.

I know that the owners, Robert and Carl are preparing new hardware for
the mail server.  It could be they are in the switchover mode.


Re: [Vo]:Identity of a DGT third party (?) tester inadvertently made public through a PowerPoint presentation

2012-07-20 Thread Andre Blum
murphy's 5th law: if you take apart and reassemble a device often 
enough, you will end up with two devices.

On 07/20/2012 11:42 AM, Robert Lynn wrote:

The true test is how many parts remain on the bench after reassembly.

On 20 July 2012 14:52, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

From Abd,

 When I was a kid, I took lots of things apart and looked at how
 they were put together. Sometimes I even managed to put them
 back together.

 I still take things apart and look at how they are put together.

 And sometimes I put things together.

Indeed, taking things apart can be fun and educational.

However, the real test is whether one can put it back together again.
And if that can be accomplilshed... which is no easy feat...
(...having failed many times in the attempt!)  the next stept would be
to see if it's possible to reassemble it in a different but equally
interesting way.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Identity of a DGT third party (?) tester inadvertently made public through a PowerPoint presentation

2012-07-19 Thread Andre Blum
So.. what do you guys think: is Vysotskii an employee / contractor 
there, or was he there for one of the third party tests [ or can that 
distinction not be made at all ]?

In any case:

First we had just a website with a forum, then we had a photo of a front 
door of a building with a defkalion logo; then we had specifications. We 
had photo's from the inside of the building with setups.

Today we learn that a relevant (?) professor is doing work there, he has 
travelled all the way from Ukraine, and he is not looking displeased.

Where is my analysis wrong when I think that does matter?

About the sad setup: I wouldn't know. Makes sense to me to do many of 
the tests just on the core reactor plus minimal peripherals. Everything 
added to that will distract. Add necessary isolation and shielding and 
you have an ugly setup. I like that, personally.


On 07/19/2012 05:52 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Yeah, that's Vysotskii, looking old.

What's the big deal? Defkalion accidentally left the names of the 
researchers in the photos they uploaded.

None of these people has told me a thing, by the way. I don't bug 
them, because they have signed NDAs.

That's a pretty sad experimental setup, isn't it?

- Jed

[Vo]:defkalion considering to leave Greece (?)

2012-07-18 Thread Andre Blum

according to, DGTG is considering to leave Greece.

Source is unclear and we are used to better English from Xanthoulis. 
Maybe this is a translation by someone from a Greek letter.


Re: [Vo]:principles of DGTG 's technology

2012-07-17 Thread Andre Blum

I am pretty neutral on this issue, as long as we don't know the details.

One scenario (and not a far fetched one IMHO) may be that they learned 
(where some say: stole) the catalyst or idea from Rossi, only to find 
out that that catalyst or idea was not Rossi's to begin with. For all we 
know, Rossi may have found the idea somewhere in existing literature and 
was lucky enough to strike gold when implementing it, where others 
hadn't (yet).

If that is what happened, and Rossi was asking a large license fee for 
IP that was not (entirely) his at all, DGTG, with all good intentions 
that they may have had for this cooperation, must have scratched their 
heads and weighed their options.

Depending on the contracts they had in place with Rossi at that point, 
in fact, the choice for re-engineering it themselves from that 
documented point versus signing and paying for an unsound licensing deal 
may have been the legally better one.


On 07/17/2012 12:48 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Dave, I appreciate your comments.
My opinion of DGT was heavily influenced by one of the earlier 
Xanthoulis interviews where he admitted to have gained access, by 
subterfuge, the identity of Rossi's catalyst.  The guy practically 
admitted he stole Rossi's Intellectual Property.  Now, after having 
stolen the idea, they are claiming that their process is their own 
innovation.  Yes, they have better reactors, but only because they 
have a lot of engineers working at these control issues. But make no 
mistake about this.   DGT reactor technology was stolen from Rossi.
This was the seed for my negative feelings about DGT, and everything 
they have done to date has only served to reinforce that feeling. And 
until they can prove otherwise, their behavior is worthy of contempt.
To add insult to injury, they now compete with Rossi.  Even Stremmenos 
seems upset at DGT's behavior, and being an insider, he is in a 
position to know the truth.  This gives credence to his assessment of 
DGT; heavily influencing my opinion of that company.  When one of the 
insiders, a member of the board, openly criticizes your companies' 
behavior, there has got to be something to it. Otherwise, you just 
can't explain Stremmenos' behavior any other logical and consistent 
way.  And to me, Stremmenos has infinitely more credibility than 
When a board member essentially says, it's a company of crooks 
(hyperbole and overemphasis is used liberally here.), I tend to 
believe it.
Who knows if DGT even had the original intention to ever work with 
Rossi.  Me Thinks, they just partnered with Rossi until they can 
discover the secret catalyst.  And based on my understanding of the 
timeline (someone correct me.), the divorce occured shortly 
after Rossi submitted his ash for spectral analysis.  This little fact 
seems to strengthen my original thesis.
Respect for DGT will come when they start acting and doing things that 
will earn them respect.  Like behave honestly, for a change.
Why do I despise DGT so much? Because I despise dishonesty and 
dishonest men.  Is Rossi right to call these folks snakes and clowns? 
... you betcha.
Is Rossi acting dishonestly also?  You betcha.  But at least Rossi did 
not steal anyone's ideas or stabbed anyone in the back.  Rossi is just 
acting to protect his interest.  And he has provided proof, albeit not 
the proof that pseudo-skeptics would like.

PS. 70% chance they will withdraw from ICCF17.  And by this, I don't 
necessarily mean physically withdraw from the conference.  This could 
include withdrawal of essential data that would essentially render 
their participation a mockery of the process and the goals people are 
trying to achieve in that conference.  In other words, severely 
incomplete and censored data.  In other words, they are simply using 
ICCF17 to advance their own agenda like they did with Rossi.  Anyone 
willing to bet a steak lunch over this?

- Original Message -
*From:* David Roberson
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 17, 2012 11:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:principles of DGTG 's technology

Jojo, you are entitled to your opinions of the parties involved in
this shaky afair.  I feel that DGT should be given a bit of
respect since they seem to have moved forward a major distance in
their design .  Do you feel that you stole Rossi's design and are
just making improvements upon what he has initiated?  I believe
that most important discoveries of the past have been followed
closely by new patents offering improvements that make the final
device more useful.
Of course we all know that Rossi himself is standing upon the
shoulders of all of those before him as the saying goes.  I
believe that Rossi deserves to make a modest fortune for his
championship of the LENR field in the recent past and it is
important to reward him and others who 

Re: [Vo]:principles of DGTG 's technology

2012-07-16 Thread Andre Blum

Hi Peter,

Thank you for sharing your DGTG info with us.

Early after the breakup between Defkalion and Rossi, Xanthoulis said he 
had re-engineered Rossi's core and made many improvements, overcoming 
the issues Rossi had (at that time) in controlling his reaction.

I know this must be a very sensitive subject (which is why I say 
re-engineered, not reverse engineered, and not copied -- and, honestly, 
I have not taken any position in that argument yet; one day we may find 
out what happened), but I am asking anyway:

Should we see the use of a spark plug in the design as a DGTG 
improvement over Rossi's? Or do you have reason to believe Rossi pulses 
his reactor core in a similar way, and does Defkalion just have better 
understanding of, or control over, the 'spark protocol' (when and how to 

[ we did see a frequency generator in earlier Rossi photo's. At the time 
many were thinking this was for generating RF frequencies, but maybe it 
was generating much lower frequencies to pulse or spark his core. I can 
imagine that Rossi initially had a fixed frequency using a lab frequency 
generator, and that Defkalion, with a handful of more electronics or 
computer savvy engineers, managed to come up with a better controlled, 
dynamic way of sparking. It is also probable that Rossi, using help from 
National Instruments and later Siemens, followed the same path, which 
may be one of the reasons he has better control over the reaction now. ]

To make a long question short: is the spark plug (or other pulsing) the 
(main) catalyst both Rossi and DGTG have been talking about?


On 07/16/2012 04:12 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

Being a great concern to me, the people and/or organizations that have 
discovered LENR+ would hold that technology off the market who knows 
for what reasons. For LENR to develop properly, this important 
technology needs visibility, credibility, competition, and acceptance 
in the marketplace.

DGTG is important because they seem to be willing to take the next big 
step in the history of this technology and let the world see their 
product. The competitors of DGTG will be forced to show their hand if 
they want to participate in the new LENR marketplace.

When that time comes, all the talking will be over and the next steps 
will begin.

Let us hope that a prototype at least will be demonstrated in the near 

Cheers:   Axil

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

My dear friends,

I have just published:

This action of publishing will continue and we will get fine
realistic answers to questions that have
obsessed us for long years.
It will last a bit longer to get rid of fuels that are natural,
but not good at all.

Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:peter hagelstein's new theory

2012-07-05 Thread Andre Blum


I may have missed this, but does anyone have more details about or a 
pointer to Peter Hagelstein's new theory, that was (according to Jed) so 
well received at the symposium in Williamsburg?


Re: [Vo]:Progress Photographs pdf from Defkalion Green Technologies

2012-05-11 Thread Andre Blum

Pages 5 and 7:
Full ashtrays close to the H2 charge circuit.

Re: [Vo]:Yet another flying car

2012-04-04 Thread Andre Blum
I agree that this one is particularly ugly. I liked the one that was in 
the Dutch news this week better:

In some respect it has much in common with a trailer boat. It gives you 
the option to take it to another place to launch from and it gives you 
better storage/parking options.

In many places the price of renting parking (hangar) space for your 
plane is a substantial part of operational expenses when owning a plane. 
A flying car has the advantage that you do not have to leave it at the 
airport per se, and that it fits in more or less normal sized garages at 
cheaper locations and under your own guard.


On 04/04/2012 06:45 AM, Craig Haynie wrote:

On Tue, 2012-04-03 at 16:24 -0400, Jed Rothwell wrote:

What is it with flying cars? It seems like the worst idea ever. Why
not just rent a car at the airport? Even small airports usually have
them. Anyway, here is the latest:

- Jed

It's another degree of freedom. For those of us who are private pilots,
we have a tremendous range of territory at our finger tips. We can fly
1,000 miles for a weekend trip, but many airports don't have rental cars
readily available, and the terms of the lease are such that it's
impractical to rent a car for a short period of time. If we can land,
drive around town for a couple of hours, take-off, then land at another
airport, with ground transportation readily available, then the world
will be at our fingertips... finally!


Re: [Vo]:Question about Defkalion products page

2012-04-02 Thread Andre Blum

This page from june 2011 already quotes the 6-30 COP and Xanthi factory.


On 03/30/2012 06:53 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

someone cite me todays products page of defkalion,

and we notice the COP 6 to 30...
Today I notice also the factory place in Xanthi, unemployment reference...

I've often get through this page not reading it, to find the specs...
does anybody remind if the following text is old, or have been 
modified recently ???


The technology is currently in its final stages of becoming an 
industrialized and commercially viable prototype. This forms the basis 
for a broad range of products under the commercial name Hyperion. The 
current range of products _produces surplus energy from 6 to 30 times 
more heat than energy consumed during its operation_. Licensing of all 
Hyperion products is in progress.


With three factories located in Xanthi,_the region shall gain in 
employment_ but also become an international hub where global 
investors and partners will visit the factory for business and product 


Hyperion patents are pending. EU safety certificates are in the 
process of issuance by the relevant authorities. _Product tests will 
be similar to typical commercially available products with 
standardized procedures according to Performance; Stability; 
Functionality; and Safety. _


Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-28 Thread Andre Blum

All the proceeds that we will earn from these trials will be
donated to families we have already selected that need money to
cure the cancer of their children.

That's heartwarming.

This may come from a good heart, but doesn't make me too happy at all. 
Rossi is taking a lot of risk by not talking child cancer in general, 
but specific children in already selected families. I don't know how 
acute their cancer is, but Rossi is promising them something he probably 
cannot give them for years to come. First, he says he will only start 
suing when his production is rolling. Second, the civil case after that 
may take a very long time.
Also, it doesn't seem very business-like to have your final decision to 
sue or not to sue be influenced by the chance of having children cured.


[Vo]:1st practical artificial leaf

2012-03-28 Thread Andre Blum

may be interesting


Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread Andre Blum
When I read it, I initially thought he meant Defkalion. But now that you 
mention it, he usually refers to Krivit when taking puppets. The Clowns 
he mentions between parentheses must be Defkalion.

Like many here, Rossi assumes (or knows) Krivit is actually controlled 
by some group or people / institution / organization, called his 
puppeteers. It must me them, then, that he wants to target eventually.


On 03/27/2012 11:42 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Recently from:

Andrea Rossi
March 27th, 2012 at 8:13 AM

Dear Antonella:
We know perfectly who some puppeteers are: our intelligence system
is working together with the Law Firm we have engaged for this issue.
We are collecting and analyzing every single phrase the Puppets,
Snakes (and Clowns) are publishing in paper press and in Internet.
We prefer not to sue puppets and puppeteers ( and Clowns) so far
because we will be stronger when our working plants will be public: at
that point we will give to the Court all the necessary evidence to win
both on criminal and in civilistic fields this battle. For now we are just
preparing all the necessary publications, comments, evidence,
documents, addresses, etc, etc. I start the battles when I am sure to
win. So far they had the sensation that our Group can be libelled for
free: it is not so. All the proceeds that we will earn from these trials
will be donated to families we have already selected that need money
to cure the cancer of their children.
If you are interested to this issue or have information for us, please
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,


Oh for heaven's sake.

What's the big friggin mystery!

I would assume that one of these alleged snakes  puppeteers Rossi
is indirectly referring to is no one other than... SURPRISE!!!  Mr.
Krivit's NET publication.

Even if Rossi (as we all hope) eventually follows through and produces
a commercial eCat product, and in the process validates his
controversial technology, what kind of monetary damages can he
possibly expect to extract from NET. It's not like NET is swimming in
money. Maybe Rossi hopes he can do something like shut down NET - just
for spite. Perhaps he can, but who knows. Does Ross seriously believe
he can extract money from NET, or from Krivt? NET, which is a
non-profit entity, would turn around and do something like file
bankruptcy. Actually, IMO, all NET would have to do is say mea-culpa
... We was wrong! We is now sorry for all dat we sed in the past about
Rossi! Case closed. Neither do I suspect that Mr. Krivit is swimming
in money. Krivit always struck me as living a frugal life style.

All this Rossi-speak about donating anticipated damage settlements to
needy cancer victims might make great copy, but it's nothing more than
a bunch of hot air.

All Rossi  Co. has to do is produce a viable commercial ecat product.
That's ALL he has to do to garner the vindication he seems to crave.
Once eCats are being sold in some form, shape, or manner out in the
public all objections insinuated by NET and similar organizations
would immediately be neutered. OTOH, actively going after
organizations like NET would hardly worth it. Not now, not ever.


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread Andre Blum

Actually, Krivit is a snake
darn, I get confused.
who are the puppets? and who could be the puppeteers?

On 03/27/2012 11:56 AM, Andre Blum wrote:
When I read it, I initially thought he meant Defkalion. But now that 
you mention it, he usually refers to Krivit when taking puppets. The 
Clowns he mentions between parentheses must be Defkalion.

Like many here, Rossi assumes (or knows) Krivit is actually controlled 
by some group or people / institution / organization, called his 
puppeteers. It must me them, then, that he wants to target eventually.


On 03/27/2012 11:42 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Recently from:

Andrea Rossi
March 27th, 2012 at 8:13 AM

Dear Antonella:
We know perfectly who some puppeteers are: our intelligence system
is working together with the Law Firm we have engaged for this issue.
We are collecting and analyzing every single phrase the Puppets,
Snakes (and Clowns) are publishing in paper press and in Internet.
We prefer not to sue puppets and puppeteers ( and Clowns) so far
because we will be stronger when our working plants will be public: at
that point we will give to the Court all the necessary evidence to win
both on criminal and in civilistic fields this battle. For now we 
are just

preparing all the necessary publications, comments, evidence,
documents, addresses, etc, etc. I start the battles when I am sure to
win. So far they had the sensation that our Group can be libelled for
free: it is not so. All the proceeds that we will earn from these 

will be donated to families we have already selected that need money
to cure the cancer of their children.
If you are interested to this issue or have information for us, please
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,


Oh for heaven's sake.

What's the big friggin mystery!

I would assume that one of these alleged snakes  puppeteers Rossi
is indirectly referring to is no one other than... SURPRISE!!!  Mr.
Krivit's NET publication.

Even if Rossi (as we all hope) eventually follows through and produces
a commercial eCat product, and in the process validates his
controversial technology, what kind of monetary damages can he
possibly expect to extract from NET. It's not like NET is swimming in
money. Maybe Rossi hopes he can do something like shut down NET - just
for spite. Perhaps he can, but who knows. Does Ross seriously believe
he can extract money from NET, or from Krivt? NET, which is a
non-profit entity, would turn around and do something like file
bankruptcy. Actually, IMO, all NET would have to do is say mea-culpa
... We was wrong! We is now sorry for all dat we sed in the past about
Rossi! Case closed. Neither do I suspect that Mr. Krivit is swimming
in money. Krivit always struck me as living a frugal life style.

All this Rossi-speak about donating anticipated damage settlements to
needy cancer victims might make great copy, but it's nothing more than
a bunch of hot air.

All Rossi  Co. has to do is produce a viable commercial ecat product.
That's ALL he has to do to garner the vindication he seems to crave.
Once eCats are being sold in some form, shape, or manner out in the
public all objections insinuated by NET and similar organizations
would immediately be neutered. OTOH, actively going after
organizations like NET would hardly worth it. Not now, not ever.


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Buy one and help me out

2012-03-26 Thread Andre Blum

I cannot. It says: not currently available.


On 03/26/2012 06:44 PM, wrote:

Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:To Spark or Not to Spark

2012-03-12 Thread Andre Blum


On 03/11/2012 09:20 AM, Guenter Wildgruber wrote:

hello guys,

just an idea:
Working together on an open source-LENR-device.
There seems to be quite some knowledge here at vortex, and a couple of 
people seem to  work in their backyard on their own devices.

This is suboptimal.

How about that:
introduce some economy of scale: lets say ten devices, which need not 
be identical, but have a common base, e.g. nano-Nickel, a certain type 
of reaction chamber, hydrogen etc.

the basic construction could be implemented via division of labour.
one builds the basic reaction-chamber, the other procures the 
nano-Nickel, the third provides for some basic electronics, and so on.

It does not make sense to procure nano-Nickel in every individual case.

I'm thinking of about maybe ten devices, which share a common design, 
and can be freeley varied to optimize the effect.

The overall concept seems to be straightforward enough, to make this a 
reasonable approach.
It would have the consequence, that nobody can monopolize the 
technology via patents or secret sausages etc.

Waiting for Godot in the form of Rossi or Defkalion otr Miles or 
McKubre is starting to go onto my nerves.

What do You think?

*Von:* Jojo Jaro
*Gesendet:* 11:14 Sonntag, 11.März 2012
*Betreff:* Re: [Vo]:To Spark or Not to Spark

Awesome, Great minds think alike, eh?   :-)
Let us know how it goes.
How are you driving your spark plug?  I am planning a simple CDI 
Electronic Ignition Box for a CRRC-Pro 26cc engine:

Re: [Vo]:OT: $35 computer sells out on first day of launch

2012-03-01 Thread Andre Blum
reply to list my earlier message as I sent this to Guenter only due to 
his reply-to address

On 02/29/2012 09:04 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

Jones, I respect You, but here You are on the wrong track.

This device is not intended to have any real-world-interfacing.
It is located in a virtual world with only indirect interfacing to 
the r-w via USB.

Look at olimexino and its relatives, how this is done. This is just 
80MHz compared to the fancy 800MHz, but the difference is, that You 
talk to the 'world' (TM) with 80MHz, compared to 'Yourself ' (no TM) 
with 800MHz.

So what is the difference, exactly?

The device *does* have real world interfacing. In fact it has plenty. 
It has 2 i2c ports, SPI, UART, (not sure, but I believe also analog 
in), many GPIO's. It does however only have only 26 pins that you 
have to find a right muxing for to map them to your function. An 
arduino duemilanove has about the same # pins. A beaglebone has more 
like 80 of them.

Arduino-like devices are very nice, too, and cheap. And you are right 
that you could use it just as well for controlling this kind of 
setups. Then, to control the arduino, you would need a computer for 
the necessary 'human interfacing'.

With the idea in mind that people might actually want to have more 
than one peerpressure setup (for example for Defkalion-like 
inert/loaded comparisons), it is wise to have stand-alone controllers 
that can be managed over a web interface and also optionally can 
contact the internet database servers with their results on their own. 
Also, it is a matter of taste, but in my eyes a big pro that you can 
program these ARM devices like you can program your PC: use python, 
java, proper operating system calls, multitasking, memory allocation, 
nice storage support, etc.

Re: [Vo]:OT: $35 computer sells out on first day of launch

2012-02-29 Thread Andre Blum
The broadcom chip on there is of the kind that is in your iphone and 
other smartphones. They are SoC's (system-on-a-chip), meaning all 
peripherals are on the chip. If you look at the board you will see that 
there is almost no other glue, than just what is needed to go to the 
various connectors.

The iphone and android success and the competition between them has made 
these chips really, really cheap. Also, the raspi foundation is a 
charity organization that intends to bring kids back to the commodore 64 
spirit, and it does not care much for much margin.

In fact, where you say that the Ni-H system can be controlled by 
something similar, you are spot on: the open source 
initiative that Bastiaan announced will use the beaglebone, which is a 
very similar device, and uses the same ARM CPU core. It is here on my 
desk, has tons of I/O pins and works great. The raspi is just a bit 
short on I/O pins, but, who knows. I intend to buy some of them anyway :-)


On 02/29/2012 02:43 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Yikes - this is not OT at all. How can they do it for the price? This could
kill a big chunk of the Pic and Arduino market for microcontrollers, with a
few changes.

Don't be surprised if your new Ni-H system is controlled by something

-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

This might be of interest to some here as well!

Tiny $35 Raspberry Pi computer causes big stir on launch day


(CNN) -- The tiny $35 Raspberry Pi computer went on sale today, crashing

its distributors' websites on the way to selling out within hours of launch.

[Vo]:defkalion post

2012-02-28 Thread Andre Blum

Latest defkalion post:

Tests with the presence of high level Government officials have been 
concluded. Opinions and results were very positive.

Announcements will be made upon mutual agreements, at a time yet to be 

Tests continue with international Authorities in the coming weeks.



Re: [Vo]:defkalion post

2012-02-28 Thread Andre Blum
Personally, I don't have a big problem with them taking some more time. 
Their silence over the past days just confirms that they have been busy 
hosting. And I can imagine that it takes a while to put the results in 
writing in a way that pleases both DGT and the government officials. 
That is: if they decide to publish. Nowhere did they say or promise they 
will. The only thing DGT said is that after the tests these institutions 
are free to publish wherever they want.

What worries me more is the fact that where they used to say 7 
well-known research centers and organizations from Greece and abroad, 
they are now talking about Authorities and high level officials. 
Somehow they make it sound like they have just suits visiting./

/On 02/28/2012 08:44 AM, Andre Blum wrote:

Latest defkalion post:

Tests with the presence of high level Government officials have been 
concluded. Opinions and results were very positive.

Announcements will be made upon mutual agreements, at a time yet to be 

Tests continue with international Authorities in the coming weeks.



Re: [Vo]:Speculation: Where is Rossi allegedly manufacturing his eCats?

2012-02-27 Thread Andre Blum

I would say Florida, as Rossi has repeatedly said so.
If I am not mistaking he also said once that he was negotioting for a 
second in massachusets, but now he says there is only one.


On 02/27/2012 11:01 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Frank Acland, from E-Cat World, interviewed Rossi by phone back on Feb
25. We learned Rossi plans on manufacturing his e-Cats within an
undisclosed location within the United States.


The Investor’s Trust

Rossi explained that the investors in the trust did not wish
to have their identities made public. He did acknowledge that
as CEO of Leonardo Corporation while he is still in a position
to make decisions, he is accountable now to a new entity, and
that every day he has to prove his merit as a CEO.

Leonardo now has the funds to meet current needs. The design
and testing of the E-Cat are complete and now the focus is on
building the production line for the factory. They are
currently building only one factory in the United States–
location is unnamed. I asked if there were plans to build
factories in other countries, but he said that they are
planning for US manufacturing plants only.

I would speculate that the factory may be located in within state of
Massachusetts. This is based on the fact that Rossi visited
Massachusetts back in November of last year in an effort to look for a
place to manufacture his eCats.

Seems like a logical conclusion for me to draw! ;-)

Feel free to add your own speculation, and why.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:read UFO myths Conspiracies and Realities by John B Alexander

2012-02-27 Thread Andre Blum


Now that you have discovered e-book reading, I highly recommend you, and 
others who don't have one, to get an e-ink based e-book reader, like the 
amazon kindle. I was an early adopter years ago, when I paid EUR600 for 
one of the first of these devices, which broke half a year later in a 
way that was not covered by warranty. It took me a while to try a new 
one after that.

Nowadays the kindle 4 is about the price of a better old fashioned paper 
book. No need to buy anything more advanced than the cheapest ($79 in 
the US, $109 for the international version which does not have the 
advertisements as screen saver).

You will love the e-ink display, which reads like paper, in sunlight as 
well as in house. It lasts for weeks on a single charge. They are super 
light and can hold about 1500 books or more. They have a WiFi connection 
and books you order at Amazon will automatically be downloaded on them. 
If you have several, like I have in my house, your read position in the 
book will be synchronized, allowing you to continue where you had left.

However: they are less suited for books you want to flip around in, or 
heavily illustrated books. Use them for books you want to read from 
cover to cover.


On 02/27/2012 04:30 PM, wrote:
The book was recommend by someone from this group, thanks.  I was able 
to download Kindle from Amazon for free on
my lap top.  The book was then cheep, easy to download, was well 
written,  and worth reading.


Some things were seen by credible witnesses.  The results were 
not reproducible.

Many things were saw by nuts.
Earthly technology emerged from man through a well documented path. 
 No alien infusion was needed.
No government conspiracy.   The govt is busy governing and is not 
interested in following UFO reports.
No hidden energy or propulsion technologies.  If we had it we would be 
using it.

Point I disagree on was that the Phoenix lights were a real 
unexplained argument.  I saw on TV the lights blinking out on a
video of that night.  It was later superimposed on a daylight image 
from the same spot.  The composite clearly showed

flares moving behind the mountains as a cause of the lights blinking out.

This was my first e-book reading and it went well on my lap top. 
 Someday I may write one to follow up on my book

Elementary Antrgravity 1989.  My first book is really out of date.

Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:NanoSpire Inc.

2012-02-23 Thread Andre Blum


you missed this:*

*On 02/23/2012 12:45 AM, Bastiaan Bergman wrote:

What experiment? Am I missing something?

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 8:08 AM, francis wrote:

If this experiment occurred in 2009 and resulted in radiation
sickness and transmuted elements at only 840 watts in I have to
ask why it is only becoming news now and why the news isn’t all
over the front page.. what I am missing that makes this less than
earth shattering news?

Re: [Vo]:New site for Cold Fusion Now

2012-02-23 Thread Andre Blum


This is not a new one. It has been around for a while, but on another 
In fact it is one of the better blogs, in the sense that it is not a 
copy machine of the news of the day, of which I agree many exist. 
Instead, Ruby often surprises with very high quality articles containing 
new viewpoints.


On 02/23/2012 03:24 AM, Andrea Selva wrote:

we really needed a new one !
And another one for ecat? Come on guys!

2012/2/23 Ruby

Cold Fusion Now has moved back home.

Check out the new digs at our old address:

We have a web expert Wolfgang Knoerr from Berlin, Germany who has
volunteered to join our effort, and we are real happy to have him.

It will be almost two years that we have been writing letters,
holding outreach events, learning about the subtleties of this
intersection of science and drama, and there was alot to Import
from the old site.

The new platform has alot of broken links, and none of the video
embeds came through during the process.  It will be a while till
its all fixed, and it needs some tweaking, like making the links
stand out more (you can hardly see them) but I think it's going to
be way better in the end...

What do you think? Any suggestions or comments would be much


Re: [Vo]:SK and Widom Larsen Theory -- What do we know?

2012-02-22 Thread Andre Blum

This is what Rossi said today about Krivit:

The snake is not a skeptic, is a puppet paid by puppeteers who would 
compete with us but are not able to. He is strongly connected with their 
company. He gets money to make libelling against us also from other 2 
well identified entities. We will give detailed and throughly 
information in due time. Everything in due time, we will get some fun.

On 02/22/2012 03:29 PM, noone noone wrote:

What is his exact relationship to Widom Larsen theory?

How is he connected to the originators of the theory?

I've read some online posts here and elsewhere in which it is 
speculated that his financial backers may have a vested interest in WL 
theory. I do not know if this is true or not, but his continual 
support of WL theory makes it difficult to deny the possibility.

Does anyone here have any solid information?

Between everyone here I think we should be able to determine the truth.


Re: [Vo]:SK and Widom Larsen Theory -- What do we know?

2012-02-22 Thread Andre Blum

It seems noone wants to verify like you recommend.
That is, not noone, someone. noone.

On 02/22/2012 04:38 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 From Blum

This is what Rossi said today about Krivit:

The snake is not a skeptic, is a puppet paid by puppeteers who would compete
with us but are not able to. He is strongly connected with their company. He
gets money to make libelling against us also from other 2 well identified
entities. We will give detailed and throughly information in due time.
Everything in due time, we will get some fun.

Don't believe everything that Rossi says.

As president Reagan became famous for saying:

Trust, but verify.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread Andre Blum

On 02/20/2012 11:51 AM, wrote:
One hundred years ago in 1912 a new type of 5 KW wireless 
was introduced.  It had a spinning wheel with arcing contacts that 
broke the sparking RF circuit up into audio pulses.  It modulated the 
AM band radio frequency signal.

The system transmitted a beep beep beep instead of a 
crackle crackle crackle.  It was easy to hear and the sound of the 
signal was much different from other natural sources of RF static. 
 Those signals are out there just now at 100 light years in 2012.

Will we soon be getting a reply?

Frank Znidarsic

No, we will not.

But if we will, here's hoping that reply will not be in all caps, as we 
will have a hard time convincing people that these aliens really exist.


[Vo]:how common is heat pump / absorption cooling?

2012-02-18 Thread Andre Blum

Rossi says an optional cooling / air conditioning module can later be 
attached to the e-Cat. Supposedly this is some kind of heat pump / 
absorption cooler. I can understand how that would work, theoretically. 
In real life, however, I have not seen much more of this technology than 
a camping fridge on gas.

Last summer, I moved from Europe to an island in the Caribbean; one of 
the warmer places on Earth. We have a large oil refinery here, and as a 
result liquid petroleum gas is cheap. On the other hand, due to the 
issue of scale (140.000 inhabitants), electricity is insanely expensive, 
say about $1/KWh. Air conditioning is a major component of my high 
electricity bill.

You would say these are ideal circumstances for cooling based on a heat 
source, also when not considering LENR. If not from the sun, through 
(non-PV) collectors, then from LPG. Still, I don't see those anywhere.

So: how practical or common is the idea of cooling a house from a heat 
source like an e-Cat?


[Vo]:do postings get lost?

2012-02-18 Thread Andre Blum

sorry to interrupt for this question:

what do I do wrong, that most of the time my postings do not show up in 
my own e-mail box, and apparently also not on ?

For example, on, my message with title Dick Smith $1M 
sentiments shows up only as a reply from Daniel (who apparently did see 
the original message).

This seems to happen to other people as well. Simple genius: This says 
it all also starts with a reply, both on mail-archive and in my 
mailbox. I did never receive the original posting.

Re: [Vo]:Krivit: con letter from Rossi is another example.

Do postings get lost??


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-16 Thread Andre Blum

Nowhere does Rossi say the invoice is fabricated. He just says it is 
'unvalid', which apart from not entirely correct or usual English, is a 
bit vague, and maybe intentionally so. (he might be conveniently hiding 
behind his language barrier, here, knowing he gives the impression that 
it is fabricated, but keeping options open in case more evidence pops up).

My feeling is that the invoice is real. The rest of the message very 
much acknowledges that he has indeed been selling commercial licenses 
bound to territories, so I wouldn't know why the Byron New Energy 
Charity Trust couldn't be one of them. [ Nor do I understand exactly why 
that would incriminate Rossi much ]

Rossi puts his faith in the strangest people (remember Rossi allowing 
Stirling Allen to build his official website? You may think what you 
want of Stirling, a lot of that was discussed earlier this week, but one 
thing is clear: he can NOT build a decent website).

The 'unvalid' theoretically might more indirectly refer to the 
'invalidness' of the act of bringing the invoice out to the public, 
which must probably conflict with the NDA he had with Byron, and that is 
what his attorneys are looking at.

Final remark: the invoice # (101) is interesting. Either he has sent 100 
previous invoices, or it is hist first. I know when I was 20 and had my 
first company, I started my first invoice with # 101 for not wanting to 
show that I was such a rookie.


On 02/16/2012 12:10 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:


Andrea Rossi
February 16th, 2012 at 7:21 AM


Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy:
Since some clown ( probably a “millionaire” clown, who has teamed up with
a puppet snake) has put on the net an unvalid invoice from Leonardo
Corporation, while our attorneys are working on the issue, I deem opportune
to clarify the policy of Leonardo Corporation regarding the commercial
We give exclusive commercial licenses for limited territories. When the
interested persons ask to us a commercial license to sell the E-Cats we make
an offer. The price of the license depends on many factors, regarding the
Territory. If the interested persons agree upon the text that we propose, we
send a text of an agreement, which is obviously covered by NDA. The
uncorrect persons do not respect the NDA and our attorneys take care of
them. After the interested persons sign the agreement, we send an invoice,
and the agreement is deemed valid only after the payment of the license fee
is done within the term agreed. If the payment is not done, the agreement
expires and that invoice for which the payment has not been made is
compensated in the accounting by a credit memo.
When a Customer asks to buy a product of Leonardo Corp, he is addressed to
the proper licensee.
All the persons interested to our commercial licenses can send the request
and a description of their organization to:
I must add that practically all the world’s Territories have been already
licensed. Soon we will organize a convention of all our Licensees, for the
presentation of the E-Cat, in the final shape that will be marketed, and in
that occasion we will give the full list of all our Licensees. The most
important Territories in which we have not yet found the right licensee are:
1- Russia
2- Japan
We take this occasion to solicit the People interested to these
territories to contact us. Attention: we give the licences only to
Organizations which are settled inside the Territories for which they want
to buy the license.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
CEO of Leonardo Corp.

I assume this is in reference to the following PDF file of an alleged
INVOICE posted on Krivit's NET site:

Rossi's seems to be claiming this alleged document is nothing more
than a complete fabrication. I see three possible scenarios that come
to mind in regards to what this could possibly mean for Krivit.

SCENARIO ONE: Depending on how one interprets what Rossi is actually
saying here it still seems conceivable to me that Leonardo Corp
actually did send this document to Bryon New Energy Charitable Trust.
However, it's not clear to me whether the document was an actual bill
or just an initial proposal to pay a certain amount of money in
exchange for a product. It's possible the invoice Krivit received
was incomplete, meaning that there may have been additional pages
containing wording that spelled out specific terms and conditions. In
my own experience requests (invoices) for services or products between
interested parties are sent out all the time with dollar figures
attached on the last page. It's all part of the on-going negotiation
process. It's called bargaining! Negotiations of this nature are
typically done IN PRIVATE. In my 

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread Andre Blum
Amidst all these discussions about credibility of LENR and the different 
groups working on it, we send out our clown Stirling Allen to investigate.

From his report (

When I went out to grab a bite for dinner (Defkalion had prior 
appointments or they would have taken me to dinner; in fact they had to 
cancel two other appointments as it was, in order to meet with me), I 
walked by a group of younger people milling about outside an 
establishment (some kind of party). I pulled up a chair, stood on it, 
and started saying, May I have your attention, please. I would like to 
tell you about some hope that you have for Athens.

But then two security guards came up to me and escorted me away because 
I was interrupting a party. When I told them briefly what I was going to 
say, they looked at me like I was some kind of idiot and walked away.

I nearly decided to take the (in retrospect, shallow) attitude, Let 
Greece burn, then, but I realized that I shouldn't let that single 
experience jade me. They had no clue about the significance of what I 
wanted to say. That's okay...others will.


On 02/13/2012 07:52 PM, ecat builder wrote:

Wow. I find it pretty interesting that Sterling is saying he is
convinced of this technology. I'm also hopeful that he can indeed
bring a unit home with him... and get off the NDA.

Stirling Allen is in Greece now and has seen Defkalion's final test
setup... in operation and producing heat.!/PESNetwork

Here are some links to John Bedini's pages.

- Brad

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread Andre Blum

My bet is he will just refuse.

This whole thing is played on Rossi's terms. He will not allow it to be 
played on those of others. Unless he really needs the money. Or when it 
(coincidentally?) fits perfectly with his own terms.

So, normally, I would expect his reaction to be: I've said before that 
I will do no more independent tests. Just like other citizens you will 
have to wait to collect your e-Cat from the production line in a year or 
so, then we will see who was right.


On 02/14/2012 04:12 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
I have confessed more times that I cannot understand and/or predict 
Rossi's reactions (his own, not those from the core of the E-cat)
In this case my bet is that now he will ask more money, 2 or 3 million 
US$ for a 'perfect test.

Let's see!

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:00 PM, wrote:

Better still, if Smith is convinced the e-cat is not real, why not
the $1M to a worthy cause if it's not verified by end of 2012?
- or offer bets through an on-line site like

Otherwise, it's hard to be sure he's not a flamboyant publicity

 An X-Prize would be an excellent idea.  I hope that Mr. Smith
gives this
 concept serious consideration.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Lynn
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 2:20 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

 The media are going to love this, and they will be very damning
if Rossi
 doesn't accept.

 If he is prepared to put such money on the line it would be nice
if Smith
 opened this up to all-comers, like an X-Prize, eg for a consistently
 replicable cold fusion reaction with a gain of 5-10 and power
output 1kW.

 On 14 February 2012 18:50, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

 At 08:14 AM 2/14/2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:

 Smith Offers $1 Million Prize for Successful E-Cat Demo

 My offer is very simple, which I will restate:  I ask you to
repeat the
 March 29, 2011 demonstration purported to show that your E-CAT
unit had an
 output power of many times the input power through LENR (low energy
 nuclear reactions).

 As the sole judges as to whether this can be repeated correctly,
I suggest
 we use the two Swedish scientists, Kullander and Essen, as they
 the March 2011 demonstration and wrote a report.  I would be
happy to
 cover any reasonable cost of having them flying to Italy to
attend the
 repeat of the demonstration.  They can then check the wires
(because, as
 you know, there have been claims that the wiring may have been
 misconnected) and also the power output of the unit in relation
to both
 the heated water and the steam.

 I understand the 29 March 2011 demonstration took place over a
period of
 more than six hours and showed a power multiplication of
approximately ten
 times.  To make the demonstration test even fairer, I would be
happy if
 the demonstration to qualify for the assignment of the
USD1,000,000 were
 reduced to a five-hour period and with a power multiplication
ratio of at
 least eight times. This will make it very much easier for you to
 for the USD1,000,000,  As far as I am concerned, eight times’ power
 multiplication through LENRs will solve the world’s power
problems for
 the future.

 I don't know why he wants to go back to March 29, and not, for
 the Oct 5 (was it?) Heat Exchanger version, and to use steam
rather than
 Also, Rossi only guarantees COP=6, not 8.

 KE would be fine to supervise ... but I think I'd go with
 from Jed (ISTR) to hire an HVAC company to certify the tests with
 callibrated equipment, etc etc.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread Andre Blum

Rossi's answer

Andrea Rossi
February 14th, 2012 at 6:23 PM

Dear Archibald Fields:
This is a Clownerie. If this guy wants to test a 1 MW plant and has 1 
million to spend he can buy a 1 MW plant, with a regular contract, that 
gives him all the necessary guarantees and to us the logic financial 
guarantees. Our plants Are tested by Our Customers and the Consultants 
they choose. I have not time at all for this clownery. Besides: when Our 
E-CATS will be in the market, this “millionaire” will have the chance to 
buy for few hundred dollars an E-Cat and test it as he wants, so why 
waste money? I do not need his money.

Warm Regards,


Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread Andre Blum

I was thinking:

As a good example, the headline reads: Andrea Rossi: 
Almost 100,000 Domestic eCat Orders.

How many of you have (subconsciously?) read this as domestic orders for 
an eCat instead of orders for a domestic eCat? And how many of you 
have assumed for other reasons that this preorder list was limited to 
individuals? In fact I think it is not limited to that in any way.

If I were Rossi I'd carry a notebook and jot down everyone with a big 
mouth : individuals, small business owners, large business 
representitives, for the numbers they are even half-jokingly mentioning.

And why not? In the end all these orders, including my own (which I 
put in on the first day the list was opened, when it was priced 
substantially higher than it is now), are subject to that one 
conditional: the device should work. If *he* knows it works, he knows 
the condition is met, and there is no real reason not to accept these 
words as a preorder, even if the one who said it was not convinced 
himself at the time.


On 02/10/2012 08:38 AM, zer tte wrote:

replying to someone asking how many e-cats where pre ordered already, 
rossi made the following comment :

about 100,000

As the pre order announce occurred about 81 days ago this gives us 
about 1234 pre orders everyday, well i guess rossi's mailbox must be 
pretty crowded these days and i think the assistant sorting out all 
those orders every day really deserves our gratitude for doing such an 
insane job. So how many of these ordered 10+ units ? everyone ? this 
still makes at least 123 orders to sort everyday, 100 ? we go down to 
12 orders per day, seems more manageable, but anyway something seems a 
bit off with these numbers.

[Vo]:eCat now $600-800

2012-02-07 Thread Andre Blum

On this question:


Dear Mr. Rossi,

So if I understand the recent developments all correctly, the E-Cat has 
now the following credentials:

1. can be integrated into a existing home heating system
2. has an optional cooling/air-conditioning system
3. could also be expanded with a electricity generating system when this 
comes available
4. has now the possibility to generate hot water on demand directly or 
can heat a (+200 liter) boiler
5. the E-Cat is not very big and can be placed anywhere in your house, 
as long as there is running water, electricity and the possibility to 

6. needs reactor replacement every 6 months or 180 days
7. can be used for desalination
8. is safe, does not omit CO2 and/or radiation and has no other waste
9. costs only around U.S. $500.--- for a 10kw E-Cat and around $10.--- 
for a refill of the charge which van be recycled

10. Wow!

Well I hope this sums it up pretty much, I already pre ordered one 
through hope this is still valid or otherwise I pre-order one 
now as well (perhaps 2), anyway I am going for the full option E-Cat 
(Heating, Hot water, Cooling and Electricity when it is ready)!

Good luck with your industrialization, I perfectly understand how 
difficult it is.

Kind regards,


Rossi gave the following answer:


Dear Harold:
Pre-order accepted.
The price will be between 600 and 800 US$.
The E-Cat will be able to be applied to any existing heater.
Warm Regards,



Re: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit

2012-02-05 Thread Andre Blum

On 02/05/2012 10:31 AM, Ron Kita wrote:

Greetings Vortex-L

I saw this posted on Dr Mitchell Schwartz s website on Krivit:

I am merely a messager.  I am sure that there will be interesting 

Ron Kita, Chiralex

Schwartz has a point but still manages to make a fool of himself by the 
format of his reaction. It makes him look very unprofessional. (Not to 
speak about his very unfortunate percentage calculation mistake -- 
34200% should be 3400% -- which makes him look like he cannot be trusted 
with numbers).

Reactions like these do so much better if kept short and factual.


Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-29 Thread Andre Blum
I apologize. I did not mean to tell you what to discuss and what not. 
(And in fact, I wasn't. I was voting, and I got some thumbs up for that.)

I think I am one of many followers of this list that joined (right) 
after October 28, because, apart from a few blogs that seem to repeat 
each other's messages, it is about the only place where you see the news 
fast. Messages here are sometimes primary info, sometimes early info, 
and many times they are accompanied with great commentary. So it is a 
great place to be. Take that as a compliment.

I don't have any evidence for it ( maybe Bill has), but I think the 
number of passive subscribers of this list has grown immensely since 
October. Many more will just read the web version at I 
guess many of these, like myself, will not be physicists, and will only 
partly understand the most technical posts. And they will not all be 
able to contribute much. This may be a different situation from a year 
back, when you 'old farts' were on your own. Again, you can take that 
larger number of readers as a compliment, but you (or we) may also 
see it as a responsibility.

A discussion about Mary Yugo's identity was not what _I_ was waiting 
for. It just won't bring _me_ much. In fact I don't care about _all_ 
your identities, and I take what _everyone_ says with a grain of salt, 
and _all_ of you may have hidden agendas and may be selling calorimetry 
or other equipment. I'm on here to learn about the e-Cat and LENR, and 
whether it will really change the world, which I hope, and tend to believe.

Amidst all this sometimes the question pops up whether a web based forum 
would be a better format. These proposals probably come from new 
subscribers. I'm undecided on that, myself. It is much harder to see the 
time line of posts in a forum, and it is harder to see what you have 
read and what you have not. On the other hand, it would be easier to 
skip side discussions that interest you less or are more off-topic (like 
on people's identities). The fact that the proposal keeps popping up may 
be an indication that vortex-l as a mailing list has reached a critical 
mass where it just doesn't work too well any more.


On 01/29/2012 01:05 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

Agreed, 110%...

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton []
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Andre  wrote:

I vote for stopping the discussion about MY's real identity right here.

I vote all you johnny-come-latelys quit telling us old farts who have
supported this forum for over 15 years to quit telling us what you do and do
not want us to discuss.



Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-28 Thread Andre Blum

I vote for stopping the discussion about MY's real identity right here.
This is not what I read this mailing list for, and I'd hate to see 
another thousand e-mails about revealing identities.

(And she's not welcome to defend herself, remember? which is different 
from last time).


On 01/28/2012 04:30 PM, Mauro Lacy wrote:

On 01/28/2012 04:55 PM, Vorl Bek wrote:

I have been reading Mary's stuff since the early Steorn days and
if she is not a woman I will eat my hat.

I always suspected Mary was a man. I was almost sure, in fact. I 
expected he to be around 50, not 70, though. I suspect he must be in 
good shape, being a sportsman at golf, or something like that.
I also suspected Mary was two people instead of one, but that's 
probably due my native tongue; in Spanish, Mary Yugo sounds like 
Mary y Hugo, which translates to Mary and Hugo.

Regarding your new diet, you can watch the nice little short called 
Werner Herzog eats his shoe as an inspiration, where Herzog cooks 
and eats his shoe in public. Another recommendation, coming right from 
Werner: for the same reason that you don't usually eat the chicken's 
bones when eating chicken, you can avoid eating the hard or inorganic 
parts of your hat when eating it, without essentially betraying your 
own words.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-25 Thread Andre Blum
I did not pay close attention to that defkalion post earlier. Reading it 
now cheers me up: to me these are thorough and sane (?) answers that go 
that extra mile in explaining practical details while at the same time 
matching up with the earlier released specs, proving that they are not 
patchwork scammer's answers to keep us quiet, but something they really 
bumped into earlier.

Was it Mark Twain who said something about who never lies does not need 
a good memory?

(Do I make sense?)


On 01/25/2012 10:31 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Jones  wrote:

Can you provide a citation for that first quote from DGT ?

Re: dumping 350 degree hydrogen
Defkalion GT
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:33 pm

Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:56 am
Posts: 418  
Depressurizing Hydrogen for safety/emergency reasons was a problem
that we had to deal with during design of our products, following also
the official recommendations and regulations on hydrogen handling
(please see specs Environmental and Safety, p19). According to them,
degas to the environment is not permitted. Following our design, it is
not needed.

As you can notice in the released spec sheet, there is plenty of space
in the filled with Argon tamper resistant compartment A of Hyperions.
This is the area where degas procedure sends the Hydrogen in case of
emergency through the exhaust valves. Casing specs, which we have not
released in details, can hold the maximum internal pressure from
such degassing. As it is proved during our internal safety/stress
tests, the limited amount of very hot hydrogen in such Argon
atmosphere creates no safety problems to the product nor its

We consider such emergency hydrogen evacuation as a result of the
malfunction of several other safety systems related with the hydrogen
circuit. As such, in the case of degas (Hydrogen in the Argon
atmosphere), Hyperion will shut down, will turn to stand by mode and
automatically will send an alarm message to Hyperion Support Center
triggering a replacement and repair procedure for the product.

Thank you for this good question


Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

2012-01-22 Thread Andre Blum


On 01/22/2012 07:45 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
This is were you clearly crossed the line. Get some air and do 
something else besides insulting people and repeating yourself!


You are not very bright are you Jed.

*From:* Jed Rothwell
*To:* John Milstone
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on 
Rossi blog

John Milstone wrote:

If the water was at 5 to 10 bars, it could easily be heated to
150 - 180 C. in the preheating process. At that point, being
wrapped up in that massive insulation blanket, it would stay over
100 C for hours.

There was a TC in the reactor. It measured over 100 deg C, but not 
150 to 180 deg C.

Also, in that scenario, the surface temperature of the reactor would 
be very hot when the internal temperature reached 180 deg C,then it 
would gradually cool down. That is not in evidence. The surface 
temperature was measured several times. It did not vary much.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-21 Thread Andre Blum

Good catch!

On 01/21/2012 11:06 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
At 2:03 min, you will see the camera going up to down, you will see 
the sun at almost the same position in the window as in the same as in 
the rest of the video, including the shot at 0:12

2012/1/21 Daniel Rocha

Dear group:

Take a look at the background 0:12, behind the e-cat, you will see
the container at the same place.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ


2012-01-20 Thread Andre Blum
Late last year there was a somewhat exciting announcement somewhere, I 
guess in a comments section of a blog, of another startup (nordic, I 
believe), at

If I look at that website now, it says:


Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions - Also known as Low Energy Nuclear 

New site is in development and will be published by the end of january.

This site is intended to become a discussion forum for people interested 
in and engaged in LANR projects.


Am I mistaking, or did this initially say something quite more ambitious 
than becoming a discussion forum?


Re: [Vo]

2012-01-20 Thread Andre Blum


Ah, right.. thanks. That was much more in line with what I remembered.

They just reacted on

We are in a very early stage don't get too optimistic. Please don't 
bother the domain owner, we will publish proper contact info on the site 
when we make progress with our experiments.

Not much to be expected soon, then.


On 01/20/2012 09:57 AM, Energy Liberator wrote:
There is also, which may or may not be related but I assume 
it is related as they too say they will be live at the end of January. 
They're talking about producing and selling reactor cores.

Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions

New site is in development and will be published by the end of january.

We are currently in the initial phase of development.

We intend to start production on multiple types of reactor cores by 
the end of 2012.

The reactors will be cheap and may be available to everybody depending 
on permit requirements.

It is optimistic, but the technology is fairly straightforward based 
on our understanding.

On 20/01/12 13:17, Andre Blum wrote:
Late last year there was a somewhat exciting announcement somewhere, 
I guess in a comments section of a blog, of another startup (nordic, 
I believe), at

If I look at that website now, it says:


Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions - Also known as Low Energy Nuclear 

New site is in development and will be published by the end of january.

This site is intended to become a discussion forum for people 
interested in and engaged in LANR projects.


Am I mistaking, or did this initially say something quite more 
ambitious than becoming a discussion forum?


Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Blum
Keep in mind that Rossi was probably not aware of a very thorough 
discussion (including photoshop analysis, etc,) about this footage of 
the BBB, concentrating around the question whether it had ever moved a 
single millimeter. He just received a very simple question:

/1. Italo R. January 18th, 2012 at 2:02 PM Dear Ing. Rossi, I have 
watched this interview with you in Bologna realized on the 12th of 
January 2012 In it appears a 
1 MW container. May I ask you if that container is the same used in the 
last test with ing. Fioravanti and already sold to your customer? Thank 
you. Kind regards, Italo R.

/This just asks: is the container in the video the same container as the 
October 28 one?/

2. Andrea Rossi January 18th, 2012 at 6:44 PM Dear Italo R. Yes, it is 
the same: we are still working on it with National Instruments and with 
the Customer. It will take another month before it will be ready. Warm 
Regards, A.R.

This says two things: (1) yes it is the same. (2) we are working on it 
with the customer and it will be ready in a month.

Without knowledge of the fact that our heated discussion was about 
whether it has ever moved, Rossi must have just tried to guess what was 
the reason of Italo R.'s question. He could have interpreted it like 
this: damn, mr Rossi, all we get to see is the same old blue container. 
When do you show us a red one and a green one to prove you are working 
on more.

His answer can then be seen as the opposite of lying: actually a rather 
open and honest answer: we're still working on the blue and improving it.

So it could be that:
(1) the container *was* shipped
(2) the container wasn't returned.
(2) rossi didn't lie at all
(3) the footage in the 12 jan youtube video was older footage, because 
the guys had a marketing/credibility obligation to show a BBB, 
while in fact during shooting on jan 12 the hall was rather empty
(4) rossi just answered Italo's question honestly, but didn't get the 
point of the question, being whether it ever moved. And he didn't answer 
whether that same container was still there at that same spot today, 
because it wasn't part of the question.


On 01/19/2012 09:32 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


Is the container gone?


Can't be much simpler than that.


On 19/01/2012 11:31 PM, wrote:

English is not my native language, but I think (only) when interpreted
very liberally, gone can be interpreted as sold. (like in: going...
going... gone).

Andre Blum

On 01/19/2012 08:56 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


On 30 Oct 2011, Andrea Rossi said the 1 MW plant had been shipped to
the customer and he was building the next 1 MW plant in a new 

Andrea Rossi
October 30th, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Dear Luke Mortensen:
1- yes
2- yes
3- yes. gaskets
4- different
5- Miami (Fl), Boston (Ma), Manchester (N.H.)
Warm Regards,
Luke Mortensen
October 30th, 2011 at 12:54 PM

Dear Andrea,

1. Is the 1MW container gone?
2. Have you started building another 1MW in another container?
3. Any improvements you want in version 2?
4. Will the buyer of the next 1MW container be the same customer or a
different customer?
5. What city will you be working (hiring) in the US?

Best wishes,
Luke Mortensen


On 19/01/2012 10:38 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:


Can you give us a link where he said that? I can't find any except for
some websites (not directly related to Rossi) which say so.


Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Blum

FYI, I just queued to following question for moderation on JONP:

Dear Mr Rossi,

Following some discussion on vortex-l about the jan 12 interview on 
youtube, where it seems to show the 1 MW container in exactly the same 
spot as on the 28th of October:

(1) Is that recent footage? Is the container still there today?
(2) How does that relate to your earlier statement that the container 
was shipped?

..we were just wondering.

Good luck!

On 01/19/2012 10:17 AM, Energy Liberator wrote:


If he is working on fixing leaking gaskets then he doesn't need the 
whole plant working so perhaps they are using the unit on the table 
for stress testing. Likewise NI may not require the whole plant 
working to do their work.

There is also the possibility that this unit is only a test bed and 
that the work NI and the other engineers are doing to improve the 
plant is done at the factory.

The more I think about it, it is unlikely that Rossi is building the 
plants at the location that the interview was filmed and Oct 28 test 
was held. It just doesn't have the space and facilities from what I 
can see. If he needs to be building 13 plants he'd want enough space 
where he can have a number of plants being built in parallel. I also 
think that he is keeping the location of the manufacturing secret so 
he definitely not using this location for production. It's obvious 
that there is not much going on in that workshop.

On 19/01/12 13:35, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


Work on it?


Nothing is there to test it under load. How can you test for leaks 
with no water circulation system in place and no heat load to 
generate steam and increase the pressure?

I'm just an engineer, so I may be wrong but I don't think so.


Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Blum
I also filled in the enquiry form on with the question whether 
they used old footage in the video, or if the container was still there 
when they filmed.
I clearly referred to the discussion on vortex and the issue about the 
container's position.

On 01/19/2012 10:25 AM, Energy Liberator wrote:
I still don't think that was spelled out clear enough to ensure an non 
ambiguous answer.

You didn't specifically ask if that was the container that he is 
working on for the customer with NI. It's possible that the footage is 
recent, the container was the one from the test and is still there 
today but is not the container that was shipped / delivered to the 

Let's see how he replies. It would be nice to clear this up.

On 19/01/12 14:19, Andre Blum wrote:

FYI, I just queued to following question for moderation on JONP:

Dear Mr Rossi,

Following some discussion on vortex-l about the jan 12 interview on 
youtube, where it seems to show the 1 MW container in exactly the 
same spot as on the 28th of October:

(1) Is that recent footage? Is the container still there today?
(2) How does that relate to your earlier statement that the container 
was shipped?

..we were just wondering.

Good luck!

Re: [Vo]:Goodbye Greg

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Blum

I am pretty new to this list.

Today, this one guy comes along and says Aussie Guy, who two weeks ago 
was almost certainly Dick Smith (who I didn't know) now is certainly 
Greg Watson (who I didn't know). Apparently some of you had bad 
experiences with that guy in the past.

So now this is accepted as a fact?

I must say that AG made a more than useful contribution to the 
discussons here. I liked him a lot! What if he isn't Greg Watson like he 
isn't Dick Smith?


On 01/19/2012 01:26 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
But he didn't seem to offer any scam. He didn't promote or try to sell 
anything. In fact, he just seemed like a regular member who wanted to 
test an ecat.

2012/1/19 Jones Beene


Greg is a con-man deluxe who has preyed on alternative energy
supporters for
many years. He is the Aussie version of Dennis Lee. (if you know
that name).

If Aussie Guy really is Greg Watson, then I am blown away at the
of this a__hole to come back on this forum, in particular.

He should have been charged with criminal fraud over the SMOT fiasco.

Not that it didn't work, which it didn't, but that he kept
deposits and
never shipped products. And now it looks like SunCube could be an even
bigger scam.

Hey - Vo - let's welcome Greg back tomorrow with a listing of his
many lies
... maybe his Board will give him the butt-kicking he deserves,
if not
turn him over for prosecution. Chill out Greg, you may be on ice for a

From: Daniel Rocha

Who is this Greg Watson? I found a bunch of guys with this name on
This must be the Comedy Channel !
I haven't had as many laughs in months.
Say g'night to Greg, vorticians - we will likely not hear from
this turkey
Watson and Rossi - Birds of a feather, as they say ... they
deserve each
From: Eff Wivakeef
Greg Watson aka Aussie Guy
It is time for you to stop pulling your pudding!
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat

It is almost 4am here. Time for me to chill out and get some sleep.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Blum

much better.


On 01/19/2012 05:25 PM, John Milstone wrote:

Testing... 1, 2, 3.  Is this any better?

(Sorry for the trouble!)

*From:* OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
*To:* vortex-l
*Sent:* Thursday, January 19, 2012 4:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean


  ... I'm sending them to  Is that not 

Hi John,

The same thing is happening to me, as with Jed. When I hit the reply
button, to reply to one of your vortex-l posts, I don't get the
vortex-l address. I get your personal email address. There must be a
setting somewhere that needs fixing at your end. Check your reply to

Anybody else got any suggestions?

Steven Vincent Johnson


2011-12-05 Thread Andre Blum