[Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-27 Thread Paul
Here's another experiment that is extremely
straightforward and simple.

We know that thermo noise has no theoretical upper
crest limit. Normally we refer to noise in terms of
root mean square. When studying real thermo noise we
see that given enough time the noise will eventually
drift to a higher crest. The experiment is simple.
Connect one resistor in series with an LED. That is
it. To save yourself a lot of time you should pick a
high frequency LED as used in GHz optics. This will
provide a lot of bandwidth, which is what you want
given voltage thermo noise is (4 K T R B)^0.5, where B
= Bandwidth.  Also you want to pick a resistor that
matches the LED for an optimum effect. Also it doesn't
hurt if the resistor is a noisy one such as carbon
composite and as small as possible. Smaller carbon
composite resistors generate more noise. Of course the
*extra* noise is 1/f. This results in a resistor with
real noise. When then voltage noise crest overcomes
the LED's forward voltage then the LED will emit
photon(s).  Also note the LED emits photons far below
the forward voltage. So in that sense, it is possible
the LED will emit an occasional photon even when the
noise voltage is far below the LED's forward voltage.

Now the question is, Where do we aim the photons? 
Note the above experiment is in an isolated system. We
have two experiments. Experiment #1, the resistor
absorbs the photons.  Experiment #2, the LED absorbs
its own photons (we coat the LED with opaque
material).  The main difference between the two
experiments is the resistor in experiment #2 is colder
than the resistor in experiment #1.

Note, the above experiments could require vast amounts
of time, depending on the exact parts used in such
experiments. Given enough time, the noise crest will
reach the LED's forward voltage. For those who are
less patient, it is possible you will see some photons
emitted even below the LED's forward voltage.

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-15 Thread John Winterflood

Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

A diode is not of course a very good switch and has a gently
changing V/I slope (ie impedance) near zero bias.  

Which is precisely why you put the transformer in between. That
shifts the voltage up the curve of the diode away from the zero
bias point.

Bear in mind that we are talking of AC (noise) voltages so one
cannot expect to work with any DC bias.  Also a diode has an
exponential V/I relationship (Shockley equation) and so with
appropriate scaling I believe it can be considered to work
just as well in a high impedance circuit with zero bias as it
does in a low impedance circuit when biased to the 0.65 volt
so-called knee (which value is entirely dependent on the
scale on which you choose to plot the exponential - scale the
axes in microamps and millivolts instead of volts and milliamps
and the knee moves down to zero).

However you would need an incredible transformer ratio,
and the resulting minute current on the diode side may be
lost in the noise of the diode. This depends somewhat
on whether or not these purported signals ...

There is no purported-ness about these signals.  It is a
standard experiment performed by 3rd year physics students
to measure this noise voltage and from it determine absolute
temperatures (to ~4 digits with ~hours of integration), or
knowing a single temperature, to determine Boltzmann's
constant from the noise voltage.

... from the resistor can be ganged
together. Since they would have random phase relative to one
another, they would likely at least on occasion enhance one
another leading to a spike that might be transformed and

My point was that a transformer provides nothing that
simply choosing a different valued resistor would provide.
A high value resistor gives high voltage with low current
but still only 4kT watts per Hz of bandwidth.

Similarly ganging resistors together provides nothing
different from what a single resistor would with the same
value as the ganged set.  (There is a small difference -
and that is how well the resistor is heat sunk or connected
to the heat bath - but for the power flows under discussion
better connection to the heat source/sink is hardly an issue!)

Thus it must also generate Johnson noise by the  same
mechanism (whenever there is a path for electrical  power to
be dissipated as heat, then there is the reverse path in
which the heat bath can generate electrical power - this is 
called the fluctuation dissipation theorem in physics).

Presumably this noise power source/sink will vary slightly
in impedance with the voltage/current fluctuations 

The transformer transforms the impedances, so that there
is a deliberate mismatch between resistor and diode.

I think you missed my meaning - the exponential V/I
relationship (Shockley equation) of the diode means that
it will behave just like a resistor who's resistance (or
impedance) varies (only minutely with thermal level IV)
as the voltage or current in it varies.  This is after
all what provides the rectification effect - current in the
forward direction sees the diode as a much lower valued
resistor than current in the reverse direction.  It is just
possible that this effect could produce some net cohering
of the statistical fluctuations.  But like I said, I doubt
if nature would make it that easy to beat its second law!

- but I am sure nature will have organised 
it such that no configuration you can dream up will

allow  net power to be generated from thermal energy!

A solar cell already does this, it just operates at a
higher ambient temperature. 

A steam engine also works well when you have a significant
temperature difference - such as that between the surface
of the sun and the ambient on earth.  But beating the 2nd
law requires that it work without a temperature difference
- ie turn random thermal energy into ordered electrical
energy which can then be used to say heat an isolated
resistor above ambient while slightly cooling the ambient
heat bath in the process.

Its built in diode, acts like a 0 K heat sink.

More like a 300 K heat sink!

RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-15 Thread Paul
2nd attempt to email:

--- John Winterflood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 R Stiffler wrote:
   I guess his mail is getting messed up, the
 comments you
   make reference to were by Paul Lowrance and not
 My mistake - sorry about that.  Your formatting
 caretted indenting) together with my sloppy editing
 Paul wrote:
  ... Radiation resistance
  generates no thermal noise.
 That may be true but the argument would be entirely
 The exact same process of fluctuation-dissipation
 and once some thermal power has been dissipated by
 antenna, then noise with thermal characteristics
 comes back
 in via your antenna and looks identical to a warm
 generating Johnson noise.

It sounds like you are saying the antenna receives the
same amount of radiation as it radiates. That is not
true. I provided two examples. One with carbon
resistor and another with metal film resistor. The
antenna will receive the same amount of radiation in
both experiments, but the antenna with carbon resistor
will radiate more energy than the metal film resistor
at room temperature.

In a nutshell, we have to antennas at room
temperature, both receive the same amount of radiation
energy, but the antenna connected to carbon resistor
radiates more energy.  The experiment with carbon
resistor will get colder than the experiment with
metal film resistor.

 One might likewise argue that a resistor itself
 generates no
 thermal noise (since in a zero degree K thermal bath
 certainly doesn't) and blame the effect on something
 on in the resistor with another name - eg brownian
 motion of
 the electrons or something, but again that would
 just be

I really don't see it that way. The carbon resistor is
made of atoms containing charged particles. The noise
is relative to the temperature of the charged

 The fact remains that whatever mechanism is
 available to
 _dissipate_ electrical power into the radiation
 of the aether, must also act in reverse to produce
 _fluctuations_ from the energy previously or
 dissipated (hence the dissipation-fluctuation

That's possible, but if Aether generates noise given
the frequency range as compared to carbon resistors
then it is so infinitesimal that no scientist has
measured such noise, that I am aware of.

 Once equilibrium with the surroundings is reached,
 the power
 flowing from a warm resistor to a warm environment
 via an
 antenna will be exactly equal to the power flowing
 back from
 the warm environment to the warm resistor.

That's true; i.e., the carbon resistor will reach
equilibrium at a colder temperature. Regardless, that
is a source of energy.

  ... the antenna connected to a carbon
  resistor does indeed radiate more power than an
  antenna connected to a metal film resistor.
 Only if you provide power in the form of a current
 the carbon resistor to get the flicker mechanism
 (see the wikipedia flicker noise reference I offered

Why are you interject flicker noise with this example?
It's thermal noise.

 But then a powered integrated RF
 connected to an antenna will radiate even more power
 a powered carbon resistor!

I'm uncertain why, but it seems you are interjecting
irrelevant information, which merely draws attention
away from the fact that --

A carbon resistor at room temperature connected to an
antenna will radiate more energy than a similar setup
using metal film resistor.

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-15 Thread Paul
--- John Winterflood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 R Stiffler wrote:
   I guess his mail is getting messed up, the
 comments you
   make reference to were by Paul Lowrance and not
 My mistake - sorry about that.  Your formatting
 caretted indenting) together with my sloppy editing
 Paul wrote:
  ... Radiation resistance
  generates no thermal noise.
 That may be true but the argument would be entirely
 The exact same process of fluctuation-dissipation
 and once some thermal power has been dissipated by
 antenna, then noise with thermal characteristics
 comes back
 in via your antenna and looks identical to a warm
 generating Johnson noise.

It sounds like you are saying the antenna receives the
same amount of radiation as it radiates. That is not
true. I provided two examples. One with carbon
resistor and another with metal film resistor. The
antenna will receive the same amount of radiation in
both experiments, but the antenna with carbon resistor
will radiate more energy than the metal film resistor
at room temperature.

In a nutshell, we have to antennas at room
temperature, both receive the same amount of radiation
energy, but the antenna connected to carbon resistor
radiates more energy.  The experiment with carbon
resistor will get colder than the experiment with
metal film resistor.

 One might likewise argue that a resistor itself
 generates no
 thermal noise (since in a zero degree K thermal bath
 certainly doesn't) and blame the effect on something
 on in the resistor with another name - eg brownian
 motion of
 the electrons or something, but again that would
 just be

I really don't see it that way. The carbon resistor is
made of atoms containing charged particles. The noise
is relative to the temperature of the charged

 The fact remains that whatever mechanism is
 available to
 _dissipate_ electrical power into the radiation
 of the aether, must also act in reverse to produce
 _fluctuations_ from the energy previously or
 dissipated (hence the dissipation-fluctuation

That's possible, but if Aether generates noise given
the frequency range as compared to carbon resistors
then it is so infinitesimal that no scientist has
measured such noise, that I am aware of.

 Once equilibrium with the surroundings is reached,
 the power
 flowing from a warm resistor to a warm environment
 via an
 antenna will be exactly equal to the power flowing
 back from
 the warm environment to the warm resistor.

That's true; i.e., the carbon resistor will reach
equilibrium at a colder temperature. Regardless, that
is a source of energy.

  ... the antenna connected to a carbon
  resistor does indeed radiate more power than an
  antenna connected to a metal film resistor.
 Only if you provide power in the form of a current
 the carbon resistor to get the flicker mechanism
 (see the wikipedia flicker noise reference I offered

Why are you interject flicker noise with this example?
It's thermal noise.

 But then a powered integrated RF
 connected to an antenna will radiate even more power
 a powered carbon resistor!

I'm uncertain why, but it seems you are interjecting
irrelevant information, which merely draws attention
away from the fact that --

A carbon resistor at room temperature connected to an
antenna will radiate more energy than a similar setup
using metal film resistor.

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-15 Thread John Winterflood

Paul wrote:

I really don't see it that way. The carbon resistor is
made of atoms containing charged particles. The noise
is relative to the temperature of the charged

Neither do I.  I was trying to illustrate that
assigning the noise source to the radiation
resistance itself or some other thing such as
the E-M radiation that is bouncing around in it,
is similar to trying to separate the resistance
of the conductive paths in a resistor from the
electrons that are bouncing along them.

We don't know what the aether is made of, but we
do know that it supports electromagnetic waves
and fluctuations.  The spectrum of these
fluctuations can be used to assign it a black
body temperature.  The temperature of deepest
darkest space determined by this spectrum comes
out around 2.7K.  If the same measurement was
done in a lab it would indicate an aether
black body temperature of ~300K.  If you attempt
to couple to this aether with an antenna, then
this radiation temperature will comes in through
your antenna and the radiation resistance seen by
the circuit looks identical to a ~300K warm

Why are you interject flicker noise with this example?
It's thermal noise.

I have tried several times to educate you to the
fact that the extra (or excess) noise found in
carbon resistors is _not_ true thermal noise but
is produced by DC current passing through the
resistor.  Why don't you read the wiki for yourself?
Here is what it says:

Flicker noise is found in carbon composition
resistors, where it is referred to as excess noise,
since it increases the overall noise level above
the thermal noise level, which is present in all
resistors. In contrast, wire-wound resistors have
the least amount of flicker noise. Since flicker
noise is related to the level of DC, if the current
is kept low, thermal noise will be the predominant
effect in the resistor, and the type of resistor
used will not affect noise levels.

Please note the last phrase: the type of resistor
used will not affect the noise levels.  Maybe you
wish to disagree with common experimental knowledge?
If so you should provide some reference for your as
yet baseless assertion.

If you are right, then it would be true that you
could beat the 2nd law!  But you wouldn't need an
antenna - simply connecting two resistors with
different thermal noise generation levels
electrically would be sufficient to create a
temperature difference between them in an otherwise
uniform ambient.

RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread R Stiffler

Maybe your time is before the old carbon element phones where we turned a
crank to ring the phone of whom we were calling and often found that the
noise from the 'mouth piece' element was extreme an higher that our voice

Since these used an external current (supplied by the hand cranked
generator), I don't think this example really makes your point
very well.

Well the voltage came from batteries, the crank was to ring the other
persons bell :-)

Yes and No. The device was a variable carbon resistor which did indeed
change resistance from the sound pressure, yet conditions existed where the
transmitter became impacted and of course transmitted sound dropped, yet
under some of these conditions the background noise increased many db, which
was a signal to hit the transmitter on the table to free the particles.
Sound returned and background noise dropped. Yes there are other answers to
this, but I also remember using HV low current supply and amplifier on
composite carbon resistors to sort out the quite ones for high gain amps. In
this case I guess we must assume the glue did not affix to all particles and
they were physically moving at some micro level to generate the noise. If I
remember correctly the engineers at GTE were serious about this be 'Thermal

Granted this again was under the HV potential.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but under the current view of heat, is it not
thought to be a vibration or oscillation of the electrons set in motion by
additional energy? If this is correct, would this not then additionally
manifest itself in a time varying EM field?

Furthermore, I suspect that the noise you refer to was
primarily generated by graphite particles making and breaking
contact with one another under influence from the voice itself.
IOW no voice - no noise. However I think I have used such a
device maybe once in my lifetime, so my memory isn't all that good
on that score.

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 4:58 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
--- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yesterday I sent the following to
 Yet it was populated

--- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yesterday I sent the following to
 Yet it was populated

Excuse me. I meant to say, it did not populate.

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
Hi Robin,

I had a few comments regarding your conversation with
R. Stiffler --

--- Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In reply to  R Stiffler's message of Mon, 13 Nov
 2006 15:13:45
 Robin! I'm at a loss?
 So you are saying that 'Carbon' has 0 {zero}
 background radiation? Like it
 is at 0 K'
 No, what I was trying to say was that I didn't think
 you could
 measure an electrical signal coming from a carbon
 resistor (as
 opposed to a thermal signal). If you can, and there
 is an
 electrical signal, then you should be able to
 rectify it if you
 first pass it through a transformer to adequately
 increase the

You can measure an electrical signal from any
electrical resistance caused by thermal noise. It is
_extremely_ easy.

 Why can not an object which radiates energy (we
 know all thing do) can not
 be fed into an antenna, properly tuned and transmit
 No antenna needed. The thing itself is already
 transmitting (and
 receiving) energy at IR frequencies.
 I just didn't think this manifested as an electrical
 current in
 the resistor (and I still don't).


Thermal noise is old fact for EE's.  Very simple basic
stuff. :-)  The white noise voltage signals are there
and extend from as low a frequency as you have time to
extremely high frequencies.

 Maybe your time is before the old carbon element
 phones where we turned a
 crank to ring the phone of whom we were calling and
 often found that the
 noise from the 'mouth piece' element was extreme an
 higher that our voice
 Since these used an external current (supplied by
 the hand cranked
 generator), I don't think this example really makes
 your point
 very well. Furthermore, I suspect that the noise you
 refer to was
 primarily generated by graphite particles making and
 contact with one another under influence from the
 voice itself.
 IOW no voice - no noise. However I think I have
 used such a
 device maybe once in my lifetime, so my memory isn't
 all that good
 on that score.

I just wanted to comment that all electrical
resistance generates thermal noise. Some resistors
such as Carbon generate more noise than others. Metal
film for example is amongst the best as far as quite
resistor is concerned.

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
OK, this is a little annoying. I sent the following
email before the other emails, which went through but
the following did not. Has anyone experienced this
problem? I am using Yahoo email.  Maybe Yahoo doesn't
want me anymore. :-(  I noticed the yahoo email Search
is also failing last few weeks.  Maybe a good time to
switch over to googles GMail. http://mail.google.com

Here's my email --

Hi Robin,

I had a few comments regarding your conversation with
R. Stiffler --

--- Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In reply to  R Stiffler's message of Mon, 13 Nov
 2006 15:13:45
 Robin! I'm at a loss?
 So you are saying that 'Carbon' has 0 {zero}
 background radiation? Like it
 is at 0 K'
 No, what I was trying to say was that I didn't think
 you could
 measure an electrical signal coming from a carbon
 resistor (as
 opposed to a thermal signal). If you can, and there
 is an
 electrical signal, then you should be able to
 rectify it if you
 first pass it through a transformer to adequately
 increase the

You can measure an electrical signal from any
electrical resistance caused by thermal noise. It is
_extremely_ easy.

 Why can not an object which radiates energy (we
 know all thing do) can not
 be fed into an antenna, properly tuned and transmit
 No antenna needed. The thing itself is already
 transmitting (and
 receiving) energy at IR frequencies.
 I just didn't think this manifested as an electrical
 current in
 the resistor (and I still don't).


Thermal noise is old fact for EE's.  Very simple basic
stuff. :-)  The white noise voltage signals are there
and extend from as low a frequency as you have time to
extremely high frequencies.

 Maybe your time is before the old carbon element
 phones where we turned a
 crank to ring the phone of whom we were calling and
 often found that the
 noise from the 'mouth piece' element was extreme an
 higher that our voice
 Since these used an external current (supplied by
 the hand cranked
 generator), I don't think this example really makes
 your point
 very well. Furthermore, I suspect that the noise you
 refer to was
 primarily generated by graphite particles making and
 contact with one another under influence from the
 voice itself.
 IOW no voice - no noise. However I think I have
 used such a
 device maybe once in my lifetime, so my memory isn't
 all that good
 on that score.

I just wanted to comment that all electrical
resistance generates thermal noise. Some resistors
such as Carbon generate more noise than others. Metal
film for example is amongst the best as far as quite
resistor is concerned.

Paul Lowrance


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread John Winterflood

R Stiffler wrote:

 Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
noise than Metal film resistors 

This is not really true.  We may divide the noise sources in Carbon 
composition resistors into two types:

1) True Thermal noise (also called Johnson or Nyquist noise) which 
is the noise generated by the thermal agitation of the charge carriers 
(the electrons) inside an electrical conductor in equilibrium, which 
happens regardless of any applied voltage. (From 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_noise).  This noise source is 
absolutely fundamental and is completely unvarying regardless of type of 
resistor, and its power sourcing capability is completely unvarying 
regardless of value of resistance, number in parallel/series, size, etc. 
 It is simply 4kT watts per Hz of bandwidth. (The bandwidth presumably 
goes up to some very high limit determined by the mean free path of the 
electrons being scattered in the resistive conductor).

2) Excess noise (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_noise) - which 
is generated by current passing through the resistor and may well be due 
to thermal (or thermally induced microphonic) effects, but is not 
rightly referred to as thermal noise (at least amongst physicists).  It 
is readily overcome with better technology.  The excess noise present in 
a carbon composition resistor is produced by random effects driven by 
the power fed in and will only be a very small fraction of this applied 
power - ie very far from overunity!

With regard to Johnson noise, if you short or open the resistor, then 
the entire 4kT watts generated is simply dissipated back into the 
sourcing resistor as heat and there is no net power flow.  If you load 
it with a matched resistance then you can draw off half of this power, 
but if the resistor you load it with is at the same temperature, then it 
also generates this same power back in the first resistor and again 
there is no net power flow.

Coupling to it via a transformer is no different to using a different 
value of resistor as the source - the voltage to current ratio changes 
but the power available remains constant.  Similarly connecting many 
such resistors in series or parallel simply changes the impedance (or 
voltage to current ratio) without changing the available power.

A diode is not of course a very good switch and has a gently changing 
V/I slope (ie impedance) near zero bias.  Thus it must also generate 
Johnson noise by the same mechanism (whenever there is a path for 
electrical power to be dissipated as heat, then there is the reverse 
path in which the heat bath can generate electrical power - this is 
called the fluctuation dissipation theorem in physics).  Presumably 
this noise power source/sink will vary slightly in impedance with the 
voltage/current fluctuations - but I am sure nature will have organised 
it such that no configuration you can dream up will allow net power to 
be generated from thermal energy!

If a cold resistor and a hot resistor are connected through electrically 
conducting wires which are perfectly thermally isolating (if such things 
existed), then thermal energy will flow electrically from the hot 
resistor to the cold resistor until they become the same temperature. 
However this is no more exciting (and much slower) than simply providing 
a thermal conduction path.

What is more interesting is that you can synthesize a cold resistor 
from a low-noise op-amp and room temperature resistors and actually 
chill a remote warm resistor (or more usefully a mechanical system 
coupled through a transducer) electrically.  This is called cold 
damping. Of course the power to refrigerate or pump heat from the warm 
system to the synthesised cold one is coming from the op-amp power 
supply.  With modern op-amps you can synthesise a resistor with a 
temperature of less than 1 Kelvin! (if I remember rightly).

Preface: Radiation resistance generates no thermal

I would guess that the best you could do with any antenna pointing into 
deep space would be to pick up the 2.7 K microwave background - which 
would probably be indistinguishable from 2.7K thermal noise being 
generated in the radiation resistance seen via the antenna.

RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread R Stiffler
I guess his mail is getting messed up, the comments you make reference to
were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.

Thanks anyway...

-Original Message-
From: John Winterflood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:55 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

R Stiffler wrote:
  Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
 noise than Metal film resistors

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
--- John Winterflood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 R Stiffler wrote:
   Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
  noise than Metal film resistors 
 This is not really true.  We may divide the noise
 sources in Carbon 
 composition resistors into two types:
 1) True Thermal noise (also called Johnson or
 Nyquist noise) which 
 is the noise generated by the thermal agitation of
 the charge carriers 
 (the electrons) inside an electrical conductor in
 equilibrium, which 
 happens regardless of any applied voltage. (From 
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_noise).  This
 noise source is 
 absolutely fundamental and is completely unvarying
 regardless of type of 

Actually that's not true. Radiation resistance
generates no thermal noise.

 and its power sourcing capability is
 completely unvarying 
 regardless of value of resistance, number in
 parallel/series, size, etc. 
   It is simply 4kT watts per Hz of bandwidth. (The
 bandwidth presumably 
 goes up to some very high limit determined by the
 mean free path of the 
 electrons being scattered in the resistive
 2) Excess noise (see
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_noise) - which 
 is generated by current passing through the resistor
 and may well be due 
 to thermal (or thermally induced microphonic)
 effects, but is not 
 rightly referred to as thermal noise (at least
 amongst physicists).  It 
 is readily overcome with better technology.  The
 excess noise present in 
 a carbon composition resistor is produced by random
 effects driven by 
 the power fed in and will only be a very small
 fraction of this applied 
 power - ie very far from overunity!

Personally I do not adhere to the term, overunity.
Nonetheless, the antenna connected to a carbon
resistor does indeed radiate more power than an
antenna connected to a metal film resistor.

 With regard to Johnson noise, if you short or open
 the resistor, then 
 the entire 4kT watts generated is simply dissipated
 back into the 
 sourcing resistor

Assuming you disregard black body radiation.

 as heat and there is no net power
 flow.  If you load 
 it with a matched resistance then you can draw off
 half of this power, 
 but if the resistor you load it with is at the same
 temperature, then it 
 also generates this same power back in the first
 resistor and again 
 there is no net power flow.
 Coupling to it via a transformer is no different to
 using a different 
 value of resistor as the source - the voltage to
 current ratio changes 
 but the power available remains constant.  Similarly
 connecting many 
 such resistors in series or parallel simply changes
 the impedance (or 
 voltage to current ratio) without changing the
 available power.

The idea is connecting it to an antenna, not a
transformer. Also more power is indeed radiated by
duplicating such devices. Size is irrelevant with
respect to power output. So each device could be a
nanometer. You could have a trillion of such nano

  Preface: Radiation resistance generates no thermal
 I would guess that the best you could do with any
 antenna pointing into 
 deep space would be to pick up the 2.7 K microwave
 background - which 
 would probably be indistinguishable from 2.7K
 thermal noise being 
 generated in the radiation resistance seen via the

True, the antenna could pick up anything within its
bandwidth. Fact still remains radiation resistance
generates no thermal noise.

Paul Lowrance


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RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
Indeed, it seems everything I touch lately is
performing highly unusual. People report that my MEMM
wiki doesn't fully load. Certain posts at
overunity.com don't post.   Maybe it's the MIB,

Just trying to lighten up, as I'm really getting
frustrating over this whole trip lately.

Paul Lowrance

--- R Stiffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess his mail is getting messed up, the comments
 you make reference to
 were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.
 Thanks anyway...
 -Original Message-
 From: John Winterflood
 Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:55 AM
 To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is
 R Stiffler wrote:
   Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
  noise than Metal film resistors


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RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread R Stiffler
Paul, this is far of subject (?) but it is of interest and will warm the
hearts of the MIB fearful, (which I am).

We began to notice strange things with email and an associate with great
internet talent offered to help. (This was 2 years ago). He was able to
trace our mail going through a US Military Server in Germany?

Now I do not want to start INet rumors or get people all excited with
something that I can not today provide proof of, yet the problem left when
all routing later switched through VA.

Funny :-) but not funny...

Those of you at Carnivore, Raptor and Chameleon have fun, because I stopped
making sense long ago.

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:38 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

Indeed, it seems everything I touch lately is
performing highly unusual. People report that my MEMM
wiki doesn't fully load. Certain posts at
overunity.com don't post.   Maybe it's the MIB,

Just trying to lighten up, as I'm really getting
frustrating over this whole trip lately.

Paul Lowrance

--- R Stiffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess his mail is getting messed up, the comments
 you make reference to
 were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.

 Thanks anyway...

 -Original Message-
 From: John Winterflood
 Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:55 AM
 To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is

 R Stiffler wrote:
   Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
  noise than Metal film resistors

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RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Paul
Hi Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler,

Some time ago I posted at overunity.com that I
narrowed down a constant successful hack attempt on my
personal computer to the country of Germany.

Understandably the government will *not* prohibit any
advanced technology or physics theory in public hands
for security issues. It seems they are a little afraid
of terrorists and rogue countries such as Iran and
N.Korea. Good thing my research is not about advanced
technology. I completely understand their POV. It's my
goal to spread the research information and ignite
enough interest so the research will survive and

Paul Lowrance

--- R Stiffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul, this is far of subject (?) but it is of
 interest and will warm the
 hearts of the MIB fearful, (which I am).
 We began to notice strange things with email and an
 associate with great
 internet talent offered to help. (This was 2 years
 ago). He was able to
 trace our mail going through a US Military Server in
 Now I do not want to start INet rumors or get people
 all excited with
 something that I can not today provide proof of, yet
 the problem left when
 all routing later switched through VA.
 Funny :-) but not funny...
 Those of you at Carnivore, Raptor and Chameleon have
 fun, because I stopped
 making sense long ago.
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:38 AM
 To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Subject: RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is
 Indeed, it seems everything I touch lately is
 performing highly unusual. People report that my
 wiki doesn't fully load. Certain posts at
 overunity.com don't post.   Maybe it's the MIB,
 Just trying to lighten up, as I'm really getting
 frustrating over this whole trip lately.
 Paul Lowrance
 --- R Stiffler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I guess his mail is getting messed up, the
  you make reference to
  were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.
  Thanks anyway...
  -Original Message-
  From: John Winterflood
  Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:55 AM
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is
  R Stiffler wrote:
Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage
   noise than Metal film resistors


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread John Winterflood

R Stiffler wrote:

 I guess his mail is getting messed up, the comments you
 make reference to were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.

My mistake - sorry about that.  Your formatting (without
caretted indenting) together with my sloppy editing caused

Paul wrote:

... Radiation resistance
generates no thermal noise.

That may be true but the argument would be entirely semantic.
The exact same process of fluctuation-dissipation occurs
and once some thermal power has been dissipated by an
antenna, then noise with thermal characteristics comes back
in via your antenna and looks identical to a warm resistor
generating Johnson noise.

One might likewise argue that a resistor itself generates no
thermal noise (since in a zero degree K thermal bath it
certainly doesn't) and blame the effect on something going
on in the resistor with another name - eg brownian motion of
the electrons or something, but again that would just be

The fact remains that whatever mechanism is available to
_dissipate_ electrical power into the radiation resistance
of the aether, must also act in reverse to produce electrical
_fluctuations_ from the energy previously or similarly
dissipated (hence the dissipation-fluctuation theorem).

Once equilibrium with the surroundings is reached, the power
flowing from a warm resistor to a warm environment via an
antenna will be exactly equal to the power flowing back from
the warm environment to the warm resistor.

In order to have no thermal noise being sourced into a
circuit from an antenna, one would have to locate it so
that its entire visible environment was at absolute zero
(which is very similar to what is required for a resistor
to generate no thermal noise).

... the antenna connected to a carbon
resistor does indeed radiate more power than an
antenna connected to a metal film resistor.

Only if you provide power in the form of a current through
the carbon resistor to get the flicker mechanism oscillating
(see the wikipedia flicker noise reference I offered
previously).  But then a powered integrated RF oscillator
connected to an antenna will radiate even more power than
a powered carbon resistor!

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread John Winterflood

R Stiffler wrote:

 I guess his mail is getting messed up, the comments you
 make reference to were by Paul Lowrance and not myself.

My mistake - sorry about that.  Your formatting (without
caretted indenting) together with my sloppy editing was the

Paul wrote:

... Radiation resistance
generates no thermal noise.

That may be true but the argument would be entirely semantic.
The exact same process of fluctuation-dissipation occurs
and once some thermal power has been dissipated by an
antenna, then noise with thermal characteristics comes back
in via your antenna and looks identical to a warm resistor
generating Johnson noise.

One might likewise argue that a resistor itself generates no
thermal noise (since in a zero degree K thermal bath it
certainly doesn't) and blame the effect on something going
on in the resistor with another name - eg brownian motion of
the electrons or something - but again that would just be

The fact remains that whatever mechanism is available to
_dissipate_ electrical power into the radiation resistance
of the aether, must also act in reverse to produce electrical
_fluctuations_ from the energy previously or similarly
dissipated (hence the _dissipation-fluctuation_ theorem).

Once equilibrium with the surroundings is reached, the power
flowing from a warm resistor to a warm environment via an
antenna will be exactly equal to the power flowing back from
the warm environment to the warm resistor.

In order to have no thermal noise being sourced into a
circuit from an antenna, one would have to locate it so
that its entire visible environment was at absolute zero
(which is very similar to what is required for a resistor
to generate no thermal noise).

... the antenna connected to a carbon
resistor does indeed radiate more power than an
antenna connected to a metal film resistor.

Only if you provide power in the form of a current through
the carbon resistor to get the flicker mechanism oscillating
(see the wikipedia flicker noise reference I offered
previously).  But then a powered integrated RF oscillator
connected to an antenna will radiate even more power than
a powered carbon resistor!

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-14 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  John Winterflood's message of Wed, 15 Nov 2006
01:54:51 +0800:
With regard to Johnson noise, if you short or open the resistor, then 
the entire 4kT watts generated is simply dissipated back into the 
sourcing resistor as heat and there is no net power flow.  If you load 
it with a matched resistance then you can draw off half of this power, 
but if the resistor you load it with is at the same temperature, then it 
also generates this same power back in the first resistor and again 
there is no net power flow.

Coupling to it via a transformer is no different to using a different 
value of resistor as the source - the voltage to current ratio changes 
but the power available remains constant.  Similarly connecting many 
such resistors in series or parallel simply changes the impedance (or 
voltage to current ratio) without changing the available power.

It isn't the transformer that is meant to have an effect. It's the

A diode is not of course a very good switch and has a gently changing 
V/I slope (ie impedance) near zero bias.  

Which is precisely why you put the transformer in between. That
shifts the voltage up the curve of the diode away from the zero
bias point. However you would need an incredible transformer
ratio, and the resulting minute current on the diode side may be
lost in the noise of the diode. This depends somewhat on whether
or not these purported signals from the resistor can be ganged
together. Since they would have random phase relative to one
another, they would likely at least on occasion enhance one
another leading to a spike that might be transformed and

Thus it must also generate 
Johnson noise by the same mechanism (whenever there is a path for 
electrical power to be dissipated as heat, then there is the reverse 
path in which the heat bath can generate electrical power - this is 
called the fluctuation dissipation theorem in physics).  Presumably 
this noise power source/sink will vary slightly in impedance with the 
voltage/current fluctuations 

The transformer transforms the impedances, so that there is a
deliberate mismatch between resistor and diode.

- but I am sure nature will have organised 
it such that no configuration you can dream up will allow net power to 
be generated from thermal energy!

A solar cell already does this, it just operates at a higher
ambient temperature. Its built in diode, acts like a 0 K heat


Robin van Spaandonk


Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

[Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread Paul
Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage noise
than Metal film resistors. That by itself proves
nothing, but when applied to an antenna with radiation
resistance we disprove the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Consider two experiments where the only difference is
one uses a noisier resistor as a voltage source.

Preface: Radiation resistance generates no thermal

Experiment A:
Resistor in series with an antenna.
Thermal noise source resistance: R
Antenna radiation resistance: Rr
RMS thermal noise: Va
RMS current: Va / (R + Rr)
Radiated power: I^2 Rr = (Va / (R + Rr))^2 * Rr

Experiment B, with noisier resistor:
Resistor in series with an antenna.
Thermal noise source resistance: R
Antenna radiation resistance: Rr
RMS thermal noise: Va * 1.1
RMS current: Va * 1.1 / (R + Rr)
Radiated power: I^2 Rr = (Va * 1.1 / (R + Rr))^2 * Rr

Experiment B radiates more power.  Experiment B will
be cooler than experiment A.

Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment A.
Therefore experiment B will be colder than experiment

Paul Lowrance


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RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread R Stiffler
Deborah D. L. Chung has been on this issue for some time, the following
links may be of interest in ref. to the carbon resistor and excess energy.

The Chung's Negative Resistance experiment
Dr. Deborah D. L. Chung, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
at University at Buffalo (UB)


Created by Deborah Chung, Niagara Mohawk Professor of Materials Research in
the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Thermal Paste To Help Minimize Overheating In Electronic Devices




-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 11:27 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

Carbon resistors generate more thermal voltage noise
than Metal film resistors. That by itself proves
nothing, but when applied to an antenna with radiation
resistance we disprove the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Consider two experiments where the only difference is
one uses a noisier resistor as a voltage source.

Preface: Radiation resistance generates no thermal

Experiment A:
Resistor in series with an antenna.
Thermal noise source resistance: R
Antenna radiation resistance: Rr
RMS thermal noise: Va
RMS current: Va / (R + Rr)
Radiated power: I^2 Rr = (Va / (R + Rr))^2 * Rr

Experiment B, with noisier resistor:
Resistor in series with an antenna.
Thermal noise source resistance: R
Antenna radiation resistance: Rr
RMS thermal noise: Va * 1.1
RMS current: Va * 1.1 / (R + Rr)
Radiated power: I^2 Rr = (Va * 1.1 / (R + Rr))^2 * Rr

Experiment B radiates more power.  Experiment B will
be cooler than experiment A.

Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment A.
Therefore experiment B will be colder than experiment

Paul Lowrance

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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Paul's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:27:11 -0800
Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment A.
Therefore experiment B will be colder than experiment
Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought that thermal noise
occurred as a consequence of a current passing through a resistor.
A current driven by an external voltage. I didn't think that
resistors actually generated anything by themselves. Hence, I
wouldn't expect either experiment to radiate anything at all
(through the antenna).
(The only radiation I would expect would be normal thermal
radiation, from the body of the resistor, as a consequence of
their being at a specific temperature.)


Robin van Spaandonk


Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread R Stiffler
Why have we tried to decrease the ‘time’ measurement window? Look at the
first oscilloscopes, they were deemed a great advance in measurement
technology, yet they were slow, the window was broad. Technology improved
and we began to see things in waveforms that we were amazed with. The faster
the scope got the more we saw and the more we understood, to a limit.
Storage scopes were the butter on the bread, yet x-hertz views did and do
not exist today.

So in short, how do we view an event in real time? We don’t. The only way
you can view an event is if you are viewing in the same time frame as the
event. Okay what does this mean? It means you are the event!

Your can never be the observer and see what is taking place in the event,
unless you are the event.

In short we can never see that short time frame where dimensional
interaction is actually playing a part in the observed reaction.

Left field? Okay, but so are some of the other Hypotheses such as ‘String

RE: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread R Stiffler
Robin! I'm at a loss?

So you are saying that 'Carbon' has 0 {zero} background radiation? Like it
is at 0 K'

Why can not an object which radiates energy (we know all thing do) can not
be fed into an antenna, properly tuned and transmit energy?

Maybe your time is before the old carbon element phones where we turned a
crank to ring the phone of whom we were calling and often found that the
noise from the 'mouth piece' element was extreme an higher that our voice

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 12:48 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

In reply to  Paul's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:27:11 -0800
Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment A.
Therefore experiment B will be colder than experiment
Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought that thermal noise
occurred as a consequence of a current passing through a resistor.
A current driven by an external voltage. I didn't think that
resistors actually generated anything by themselves. Hence, I
wouldn't expect either experiment to radiate anything at all
(through the antenna).
(The only radiation I would expect would be normal thermal
radiation, from the body of the resistor, as a consequence of
their being at a specific temperature.)


Robin van Spaandonk


Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread Paul
--- Robin van Spaandonk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In reply to  Paul's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006
 11:27:11 -0800
 Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
 source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
 more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
 more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment
 Therefore experiment B will be colder than
experiment A.
 Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought that
 thermal noise occurred as a consequence of a current
 passing through a resistor. A current driven by an
 voltage. I didn't think that resistors actually
 anything by themselves. Hence, I wouldn't expect
 experiment to radiate anything at all (through the
 (The only radiation I would expect would be normal
 thermal radiation, from the body of the resistor, as
 consequence of their being at a specific
 Robin van Spaandonk

Hi Robin,

Thermal noise is caused by vibrating thermal charges
in matter. It's not related to any applied current.
The rms voltage of thermal noise is :

Vn = (4 K T R dF) ^ 0.5

K is Boltzmann constant, 1.3806503E-023
T is temperature in Kelvin
R is resistance
dF is bandwidth

The total noise power in a matched load circuit is

Pt = 4 K T dF

Power across the matched load is

Pt = 2 K T dF

Of course that's not much power, but size is not a
factor.  So the object could be a nanometer.  When you
consider trillions of such objects with say 1 THz
bandwidth then you are in well in the kilowatt region.

2 * 1.38E-023 * 295 K * 1.00e+12 = 8.142E-009 W

1 trillion such objects = 8.14 KW

With just 1 GHz bandwidth, 8.14 W

Paul Lowrance


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Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

2006-11-13 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  R Stiffler's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:13:45
Robin! I'm at a loss?

So you are saying that 'Carbon' has 0 {zero} background radiation? Like it
is at 0 K'

No, what I was trying to say was that I didn't think you could
measure an electrical signal coming from a carbon resistor (as
opposed to a thermal signal). If you can, and there is an
electrical signal, then you should be able to rectify it if you
first pass it through a transformer to adequately increase the

Why can not an object which radiates energy (we know all thing do) can not
be fed into an antenna, properly tuned and transmit energy?

No antenna needed. The thing itself is already transmitting (and
receiving) energy at IR frequencies.
I just didn't think this manifested as an electrical current in
the resistor (and I still don't).

Maybe your time is before the old carbon element phones where we turned a
crank to ring the phone of whom we were calling and often found that the
noise from the 'mouth piece' element was extreme an higher that our voice

Since these used an external current (supplied by the hand cranked
generator), I don't think this example really makes your point
very well. Furthermore, I suspect that the noise you refer to was
primarily generated by graphite particles making and breaking
contact with one another under influence from the voice itself.
IOW no voice - no noise. However I think I have used such a
device maybe once in my lifetime, so my memory isn't all that good
on that score.

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 12:48 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]: 2nd law of thermodynamics is incorrect

In reply to  Paul's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:27:11 -0800
Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment A.
Therefore experiment B will be colder than experiment
Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought that thermal noise
occurred as a consequence of a current passing through a resistor.
A current driven by an external voltage. I didn't think that
resistors actually generated anything by themselves. Hence, I
wouldn't expect either experiment to radiate anything at all
(through the antenna).
(The only radiation I would expect would be normal thermal
radiation, from the body of the resistor, as a consequence of
their being at a specific temperature.)


Robin van Spaandonk


Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Robin van Spaandonk


Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.