Re: [vox-tech] Wiping Hard Drive

2024-02-04 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 11:36:44AM -0800, Bob Scofield wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to recycle an old desktop. I'm planning to wipe the hard
> drive with this command:
> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M
> Can I just run this from the command line? Or do I have to use a
> flash drive with Linux on it and run it from the command line of the
> Linux on the flash drive?

I recall using DBAN (I thought it was Dan, but I guess it's Darik),
"Darik's Boot and Nuke", a live disc that you boot and it will
wipe the drive(s) of a device.  I haven't used it in ... a decade?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Floppy drive with Linux Mint LMDE 2 MATE

2017-08-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 03:03:52PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bill Kendrick (
> > Ironically, floppies made longer ago seem to last longer.
> > Floppies (mostly 3.5") seem to have been made more cheaply / lest robust.
> Part of it is:  Greater data density was achieved through use of finer
> magnetic particles.  Those inherently are more likely to demagnetise
> neighbouring particles over time, the price of higher density.  E.g.,
> you will probably find that your 720 kB 3.5" floppies, if you have any,
> have lasted better than the 1.44 MB ones.

Ah yes, fair point.  I guess the way I heard it was: "my older 3.5" floppies
were much readable than my newer 3.5" floppies".  Perhaps their older ones
were lower density?  Or maybe it's both.  Things tend to get produced
increasily cheaply/crappily over time. :)

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Floppy drive with Linux Mint LMDE 2 MATE

2017-08-02 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 01:47:04PM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. But never mind, it works with some diskettes but
> not others. Evidently some floppies do not last 27 years... who knew. :)

Ironically, floppies made longer ago seem to last longer.
Floppies (mostly 3.5") seem to have been made more cheaply / lest robust.

Coupla years ago I went through all my 5.25" Atari disks (from 1986 thru
let's say 1998), and only _one_ failed to read.  (It worked at first,
but failed later, when I actually went to copy stuff.  RIP, little bits.)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Local person in need of Thunderbird email help

2017-06-23 Thread Bill Kendrick

Someone wrote in: "Can you refer me to a person in my area that can
come to my home and assist in mail archiving and other maintenance
functions of my systems."

Note: I'll be in the process of moving out of state this weekend
and early next week.  So please email Tim at if
you can help.  He'll have their contact info.

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Signed email and mailing lists.

2017-04-03 Thread Bill Kendrick

Is this something that can be easily configured in Mailman? :-/

Bcc: vox-officers

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 07:40:00PM -0800, Bill Broadley wrote:
> Does it bother anyone else the signed email goes to Lugod's mail server, gets
> modified, and then is sent to all the subscribers with a broken signature?
> I can think of some choices:
> 1) have lugod's mail server strip the users DKIM signature.
> 2) have lugod's mail server resign it with a signature.
> 3) Have the Lugod server forward mail without adding a signature.
> 4) do nothing.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Davis company in need of Linux help

2016-12-13 Thread Bill Kendrick

A Davis-based company is looking for an expert opinion about the set-up of
their Linux-based website, help accessing the backend of the site, and
thoughts on an integration fo XML data from one of their partners, which
they've been told would be too difficult.

Their site has been operating for 18 years, and their current webmaster is
located in Europe, so they're looking for local assistance, and reached out

If you're interested and can help, please contact me, and I can put
you in touch with them.

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] SOLVED - Re: Linux live disk's install attempt onto external drive botched my internal drive's grub!

2016-07-16 Thread Bill Kendrick

Ok, the solution was easy.  From the "grub rescue>" prompt, I had to
poke around to see what was what, and where.

My laptop's /boot partition was coming up as "(hd0,msdos1)",
and when I did an "ls (hd0,msdos1)", I saw things like:


So all I had to do at that point was tell grub how to boot:

  set root=(hd0,msdos1)
  set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/grub
  insmod normal
  insmod linux
  linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz-3.13.0-51-generic
  initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img-3.13.0-51-generic

A bunch of kernel boot-up noise appeared, and I was prompted to enter
the passphrase to decrypt my root (/) directory, and after a moment,
my KDE login screen appeared!

I brought up a shell, and run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"
(notice, not "/dev/sda1").

Rebooted, and here I am.  Whew!

Thanks very much to my coworkers (and sometimes LUGOD visitors)
Case & Dmitriy.

And also to my wife for putting both kids to bed while I panicked
in here ;)


On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 12:36:46AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> So we got a new SSD drive for Melissa's laptop, and I've placed a Kubuntu
> installer/live demo image onto a USB flash drive.
> Melissa was busy working on her laptop, so I decided to just
> get the install onto the new SSD, and we can physically migrate
> drives between her laptop at our leisure.
> So, I booted _my_ laptop up with the installer USB flash drive, and
> stuck the target drive for the install (the SSD drive) into an
> external SATA enclosure, and connected that to my laptop via its USB cable.
> Then I told the installer to install onto that external drive.
> I answered a few questions, watched the enclosure's blue LED blink at me
> for 10 minutes while the installer did its job, and done!  "Great," I assume!
> I unplug the installer USB flash drive, and try to boot up the
> freshly-installed Linux off of the external drive enclosure.
> It didn't come up.  That's not good, but not a disaster.
> But, it gets worse...
> So I unplug the SATA enclosure's USB cable as well, and reboot my laptop 
> again.
> Now I'm staring at a "grub rescue>" menu!  Nooo! :^(
> Apparently, the installer slammed an update to GRUB(?) on my laptop's
> _internal drive!_  (Full disclosure, I know almost nothing about GRUB since
> I never need to deal with it.)  So now I can't boot my laptop!
> (Aaand, since it was handy, and is newer and faster than my personal drive,
> I was using my work laptop.  "Why should it matter," I assume,
> "I'm installing Linux onto an _external drive_.")
> I Googled around and discovered something called "boot-repair",
> which I installed onto the live/install USB flash drive, but when I ran
> it in it's default / recommended mode, it didn't seem to help me.
> The results of its scan can be seen here:
> It seems like I got bit by this bug...?
> I'm seeing a LOT of questions and answers about this kind of problem
> online, but a lot of it is old, a lot of it has to do with people
> who are trying to boot Linux off an external drive (not my goal;
> my goal was only to install it there; I guess it was foolish for me
> to assume that that's a "thing one can do").
> I'm asking coworkers for assistance, but since many are remote,
> I figured I'd ask here, in case someone local feels like dropping by
> (or meeting me somewhere) to help fix this.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Linux live disk's install attempt onto external drive botched my internal drive's grub!

2016-07-16 Thread Bill Kendrick

So we got a new SSD drive for Melissa's laptop, and I've placed a Kubuntu
installer/live demo image onto a USB flash drive.

Melissa was busy working on her laptop, so I decided to just
get the install onto the new SSD, and we can physically migrate
drives between her laptop at our leisure.

So, I booted _my_ laptop up with the installer USB flash drive, and
stuck the target drive for the install (the SSD drive) into an
external SATA enclosure, and connected that to my laptop via its USB cable.

Then I told the installer to install onto that external drive.

I answered a few questions, watched the enclosure's blue LED blink at me
for 10 minutes while the installer did its job, and done!  "Great," I assume!
I unplug the installer USB flash drive, and try to boot up the
freshly-installed Linux off of the external drive enclosure.
It didn't come up.  That's not good, but not a disaster.

But, it gets worse...

So I unplug the SATA enclosure's USB cable as well, and reboot my laptop again.
Now I'm staring at a "grub rescue>" menu!  Nooo! :^(

Apparently, the installer slammed an update to GRUB(?) on my laptop's
_internal drive!_  (Full disclosure, I know almost nothing about GRUB since
I never need to deal with it.)  So now I can't boot my laptop!
(Aaand, since it was handy, and is newer and faster than my personal drive,
I was using my work laptop.  "Why should it matter," I assume,
"I'm installing Linux onto an _external drive_.")

I Googled around and discovered something called "boot-repair",
which I installed onto the live/install USB flash drive, but when I ran
it in it's default / recommended mode, it didn't seem to help me.

The results of its scan can be seen here:

It seems like I got bit by this bug...?

I'm seeing a LOT of questions and answers about this kind of problem
online, but a lot of it is old, a lot of it has to do with people
who are trying to boot Linux off an external drive (not my goal;
my goal was only to install it there; I guess it was foolish for me
to assume that that's a "thing one can do").

I'm asking coworkers for assistance, but since many are remote,
I figured I'd ask here, in case someone local feels like dropping by
(or meeting me somewhere) to help fix this.


Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-26 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 02:09:14AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bill Kendrick (
> > Well, this wasn't clearing of Mailman's queue, but of my inbox.
> > (Technically, a mailbox that slurps up all of the mailman administrative
> > noise, via a good ol' procmail filter)
> I do sympathise.
> Personally, I've gotten really quick at quick-scanning and deleting
> (usually) the Mailman held-message notices a couple of times a day that
> accumulate in mbox ~/inboxes/lists .  A few seconds and I'm done -- even
> though I listadmin a whole bunch of Mailman lists for a half-dozen-ish
> domains.

My problem was that the subject lines were all the same: a generic
message telling me something got auto-discarded.

Some Mutt trickery to highlight "Subject:" lines within the body of
messages helped [1], and heavy use of pattern matching features of
Mutt to find spammy keywords (e.g., "~b rolex") [2] helped...  but it was
still Work(tm), and I've got enough of that in my life already. ;)

> But I wasn't being critical, just pointing out something sometimes
> missed.


[1] Like so, in my ~/.mutt/muttrc

color body   brightgreen black "^Subject: "
color body   brightgreen black "^Subject: "

[2] These, and friends:
 * l limit
 * D delete-pattern

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-25 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 10:07:33PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:

> I mention all of the above because I keep finding Mailman admins doing
> 'mind numbing and tedious' manual clearing of queues, unaware that
> automatic expiry would do this work for them without any of that hassle.

Well, this wasn't clearing of Mailman's queue, but of my inbox.
(Technically, a mailbox that slurps up all of the mailman administrative
noise, via a good ol' procmail filter)

At this rate, I'm going to put the onus on the poster.  If they actually
want their message to hit the list, the need to do it properly.
Since it's  99.999% spam these days, I'd rather not
have to even look at it.

It's not merely mind-numbing because it's tedious... looking at the crap
people send out as spam, and thinking about the fact that _some_ people
apparently fall for it, is a bit depressing. :(

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Change to vox-tech list moderation

2016-06-25 Thread Bill Kendrick

This, LUGOD's "vox-tech" technical discussion mailing list, has for a very long
time now had the following administrative options set:

 * Action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit
   action is defined.
   (Details for generic_nonmember_action)

 * Should messages from non-members, which are automatically
   discarded, be forwarded to the list moderator?
   (Edit forward_auto_discards)
   + YES

This way, when someone who has a legitimate reason to post a message to
the list has their post discarded, since they attempted to send from
a non-subscribed address (e.g., sent from address A, when they're actually
subscribed to the list under address B), I would notice it, and forward it
along to the list for them manually.

I did not bother having posts held ("HOLD" option, vs "DISCARD"), since it
was a very rare occurrence.  These days, since the mailing list volume is
extremely low (but the spammers still try sending messages to the list
address), almost ALL discarded messages are junk, and it's kind of mind
numbing and tedious (and a waste of my time) to have to go through them,
_just in case_ someone posted from a bad address.

I've decided (with no objection from other officers) to completely ignore
such messages, by setting that second option to "NO".  It'll make for a much
quieter inbox for me.  Further, if someone tries to post to the list, and
it never shows up, I figure it's really up to them to figure out that they
did something wrong (when it didn't show up, if they get their own posts,
and/or when they never receive a response from other subscribers to the list).


Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] dkim on vox-tech

2016-04-30 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 09:48:58AM -0700, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
> I talked to one our members and he said he didn't get a message
> fromt he vox-tech list that he sent. He has a gmail account.
> I have a mail server I manage that is connected to Comcast business
> and I had to implement dkim on outbound messages so that they would
> make it to gmail. I wonder if we need to put dkim on the vox mailing
> list?

Can you confirm that it didn't get to the list?  (Check archives)

Stupid question, but is he subscribed?  Most vox-* lists just discard
junk from non-subscribers -- it doesn't even hold them.  (I only do
that for vox-jobs@ (and maybe one other) since it's more likely
to get drive-by posts, and isn't much of a "discussion" list.)

If I _happen_ to look and notice an actual legin email from a
non-subscriber, I fwd it to the list on their behalf (and I typically
point out "they sent it from a non-subscribed address" at the top).
USUALLY it's someone trying to post to the list, who is subscribed
under a different email address than the one they actually tried to
post from.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Seeking recommendation: USB or low-profile PCI WiFi adapter

2016-04-24 Thread Bill Kendrick

John loaned me both of these devices, and both worked fine.
Since the tiny USB one makes the most sense for my situation
(little kids using the computer) and seemed to work w/o issue,
I went ahead and grabbed it. (The Edimax:

Thanks John, and to everyone else who helped out,


On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 08:54:44PM -0700, John Reed wrote:
> I've never had noticeable issues with USB WiFi on Ubuntu.  I use a cheapie
> Edimax just fine.  Can't go wrong for the price($9).  Signal strength
> *might* be an issue since it's so small.  The small size is what makes it a
> useful tool to have around the house.
> I also have a Rosewill with dual antennas if you want to test it out.  I
> can lend both of them to you.
> Ubuntu 16 comes out in two days, btw.
> John
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Bill Kendrick <> wrote:
> >
> > We received a second-hand desktop PC (I know, right!?) that
> > we've set up for my older son to use.  We recently moved it
> > far, far away from our home office, and I don't want to even
> > contemplate wiring up Ethernet across the house for it.
> >
> > It's a Small Form Factor (SFF) Dell Optiplex 745, and IIRC has one
> > low-profile PCI Express slot available right now.
> > (Specs for the thing are here, if you're curious:
> >
> >
> > )
> >
> > But, it also has a bunch of unused USB ports, too.
> > Now, I've heard that USB WiFi on Linux is: "do not want",
> > because the drivers are crap, but it also seems like the
> > easiest plug-and-play solution, if it'd work.
> >
> > So I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for
> > Linux-friendly (*Ubuntu) WiFi devices in either of
> > these form-factors... (low-profile PCI, or USB)?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> >
> > --
> > -bill!
> > Sent from my computer
> > ___
> > vox-tech mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> (Sent from my Atari 2600)

> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Seeking recommendation: USB or low-profile PCI WiFi adapter

2016-04-20 Thread Bill Kendrick

We received a second-hand desktop PC (I know, right!?) that
we've set up for my older son to use.  We recently moved it
far, far away from our home office, and I don't want to even
contemplate wiring up Ethernet across the house for it.

It's a Small Form Factor (SFF) Dell Optiplex 745, and IIRC has one
low-profile PCI Express slot available right now.
(Specs for the thing are here, if you're curious:

But, it also has a bunch of unused USB ports, too.
Now, I've heard that USB WiFi on Linux is: "do not want",
because the drivers are crap, but it also seems like the
easiest plug-and-play solution, if it'd work.

So I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for
Linux-friendly (*Ubuntu) WiFi devices in either of
these form-factors... (low-profile PCI, or USB)?

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: help on Linux Mint 17.3 cinnamon?

2016-02-03 Thread Bill Kendrick

Dave here emailed me directly at the root@ address, and I offered
to pass his question along to vox-tech list, to see if someone
here might be willing to lend a hand:

Dave here in Citrus Heights. Hoping for help on using 64gb usb drive
for Linux tasks; and original hard drive C Windows 8 for other
tasks. (I visit Davis every 60 days or so, in case help is available.)

I'm a new user of Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon; it runs fine on HP laptop
on 16gb bootable usb drive with 4 gb persistence file (in bios, boot
order is usb diskette first; secure boot is disabled).

I have failed in the following tasks:

* on a Mint bootable 64 gb usb drive with 4 gb persistence file:
failed in attempts with gparted app. to revise persistence upward to
tap unallocated space of around 58 gb.

* today, using 16gb bootable Mint usb drive, tried "full install" onto
64 gb usb drive (no persistence file). It said installation completed;
I powered off, and tried re-boot, but 64 gb usb will not boot Mint (it
seems to look for usb drive, but boots to Windows 8).

* also, if time allows, would like to work on Mint 16gb bootable usb
drive to revise persistence upward to tap unallocated space.


Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] OpenSSH: client bugs CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778

2016-01-15 Thread Bill Kendrick

If you're using OpenSSH 5.4 thru 7.1 (check "ssh -V"),
you'll want to disable the "UseRoaming" feature (which was
unused on SSH servers, but left around in SSH clients,
and can be exploited):

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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] perl rename

2015-09-17 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:52:33PM -0700, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 01:36:53PM -0700, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
> > No. C is a nasty language.
> > Use Eiffel instead!
> I thought I was going to start a flame war. 

No, but I'm gonna go ahead and unfriend you over on Facebook.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ticket Tracking Suggestions

2015-07-01 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 01:18:45PM -0700, Alex Mandel wrote:
 I'm looking to implement an email based ticket tracking system. The
 classic email, auto-reply with ticket number, etc...
 Looking for some open source solutions, or hosted solutions.

For a hosted solution, I really like HelpScout.  Not free, though.

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Synaptics driver problem on Lenovo Thinkpad e455

2015-06-28 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 01:21:17AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 My wife just picked up a used Thinkpad e455 laptop and it's
 working fairly well with Kubuntu 14.04 (trusty).
 One big problem is: we're unable to get KDE to disable the
 touchpad while she types (or, like, at all).  The KDE
 control center's Touchpad module complains that the
 Synpatics driver is not loaded.

So it turns out the device is an ALPS, which includes both
the Trackpoint and its physical buttons, and the Touchpad.
But it's some newer version, so wasn't being recognized
as anything other than an unknown PS/2 device.

So Synaptics didn't recognize it, and therefore gestures
didn't work (but who cares, neither of us like touchpads),
and more importanlty the pad itself couldn't be disabled.

A random ref from my winding twisty maze of notes:

Doing that DKMS stuff helped, but now it's difficult to
actually click using the physical buttons.  Turns out there's
a story that goes something along the lines of:

  * Trackpoint had physical buttons
  * Lenovo decided to remove physical buttons, force people
to use the top section of the touchpad to click
  * People hated that
  * Lenovo put the physical buttons back
  * But internally they're set up to route through the
touchpad.  LOL!!!

At this point I'm saying F it all and trying Linux Kernel 4.0.x
(this is on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS currently running 3.16.x)

I hate proprietary hardware, and I hate that Dell used it,
since they apparently (on  off) sell devices w/ Linux on them. :(

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Synaptics driver problem on Lenovo Thinkpad e455

2015-06-25 Thread Bill Kendrick

I dont have the laptop in front of me, but over on:

I see:

  The clickpad that is used is from Alps. Specifically, it uses Alps
  protocol 8 which has initial support in kernel 4.1. While basic
  functionality works with kernels less than 4.1, there may be issues
  that occur with use in kernel less than 4.1.

  For more advance features such as Vertical Edge Scrolling, see
  Touchpad Synaptics. An interesting quirk that occurs is that in order
  to be able to use Vertical, or Horizontal, Edge Scrolling you have to
  enable Two Finger Scrolling. Setting only the Edge Scrolling option in
  xorg doesn't enable it.



  Unknown SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad

Trying to remember 2 months ago, I recall being able to either
disable the whole PS/2 mouse system (which disabled the TrackPoint, too),
or enable everything.  No way of using _just_ the TrackPoint.

I'll dig around more, hopefully soon, and post what I find.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 06:54:47AM -0700, Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 01:21:17AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
  My wife just picked up a used Thinkpad e455 laptop and it's
  working fairly well with Kubuntu 14.04 (trusty).
  One big problem is: we're unable to get KDE to disable the
  touchpad while she types (or, like, at all).  The KDE
  control center's Touchpad module complains that the
  Synpatics driver is not loaded.
  I've dug around the web, hitting a lot of 2008  2009 threads
  mostly, to no avail.  Has anyone got any experience with this
  kind of trouble on a _recent_ version of Linux?  I'm done
  stabbing in the dark, using recommended tips that are probably
  useless nowadays.
  The main issue is an inability to type on the thing, w/o the
  mouse flying all over the screen.  (There are all sorts of
  great settings to disable touchpad when typing, or when it
  detects a palm vs. fingers... none of which are available to
  us until we figure out this driver problem.)
  Thanks in advance!
 Does lsmod say any synaptics kernel modules are already loaded?
 Assuming it is referring to the kernel module and not some
 separate X Windows driver, it might help to load one of
 synaptics_usb or synaptics_i2c, maybe before X starts? The usual
 place to put kernel modules to be loaded for no apparent reason
 is /etc/modules. Once it does load, dmesg might have helpful
 information about how the module is detecting the touchpad.
 vox-tech mailing list

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Synaptics driver problem on Lenovo Thinkpad e455

2015-04-27 Thread Bill Kendrick

My wife just picked up a used Thinkpad e455 laptop and it's
working fairly well with Kubuntu 14.04 (trusty).

One big problem is: we're unable to get KDE to disable the
touchpad while she types (or, like, at all).  The KDE
control center's Touchpad module complains that the
Synpatics driver is not loaded.

I've dug around the web, hitting a lot of 2008  2009 threads
mostly, to no avail.  Has anyone got any experience with this
kind of trouble on a _recent_ version of Linux?  I'm done
stabbing in the dark, using recommended tips that are probably
useless nowadays.

The main issue is an inability to type on the thing, w/o the
mouse flying all over the screen.  (There are all sorts of
great settings to disable touchpad when typing, or when it
detects a palm vs. fingers... none of which are available to
us until we figure out this driver problem.)

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Wi-fi issue

2015-04-17 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 08:40:34AM -0700, Chris Jenks wrote:
 [...] what I see 
 on the airwaves is that almost everybody assumes that bandwidth has to be 
 owned. As long as we are so into ownership for its own sake - which I 
 think is the main motivation for password-locking wifi - we may as well go 
 back to proprietary software too, make this a pugod list.

Doing things that will prevent a bad guy from breaking into anything
from my email, to my Facebook profile, to my credit union account or
other financial services, just seems like common sense.
Sorry, but as a co-founder of this club, I took a little bit of offense to
the statement above.

One of the benefits of open source is transparency in how things work,
how to secure things for your own safety  privacy, and how to help
others do the same.

We have a long history of doing just that here at LUGOD.
Some past LUGOD talks on various security/networking subjects
(and notice also that a majority were presented by club members,
rather than representatives of orgs or companies):

  GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) 
  Adam Reiser

  Web Application Hacking: How to Make and Break Security on the Web 
  Wesley Aptekar-Cassels 

  Defensive computing: Information security for individuals 
  Adam Reiser

  Algorithms to do Network Intrusion Detection, and integration into nProbe 
  Brian Lavender

  Brian Lavender

  The Open Source Security Information Management (OSSIM) project
  Brian Lavender

  Improving Security through Virtualization
  Bill Broadley

  Open Vote Foundation; and 'How not to do Electronic Voting'
  Scott Ritchie, Open Vote Foundation  Jim March,

  WiFiLi: Hardware to Software, Security to Intrusion 
  Hans Uhlig

  SSL: Secure Socket Layer
  Tim Stapko and Gene Fodor, Z-World (Davis)

  802.11b Wireless Networking Basics 
  Ryan Castelluci

  Trust and Security 
  Dr. Matt Bishop, UC Davis

  OpenSSH, International Kernel, Stegenographic Filesystems 
  Henry House

  PGP: Pretty Good Privacy
  Drew Parsons

  Zach White

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Wi-fi issue

2015-03-31 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 02:14:05PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
 We just bought a new desk top PC for my wife, running Win-7.
 She normally has lots of USB stuff  attached but I started by only
 connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse (wireless). Booted up fine and I
 it to my wife to set name, password and such. Then she told me it was
 downloading tons of updates from MSN. But how?? I hadn't connected
 the LAN. So it was connected by wi-fi. For a while I was afraid it had
 connected to an open AP that shows up here sometimes. But no,
 it was connected to our AP. But we never entered the pass phrase.
 We checked at the router to verify. Its set up for WPA2 and WPS is
 disabled. Also there a lot more devices connected than I could imagine.
 Some I recognize like our androids (and entered pass phrase on)
 but there are others that I don't know what they are.
 How is it possible to connect without the pass phrase??

I'm far from an expert on this, but perhaps your AP allows
'guest' access?  I vguely recall seeing some option for
that on my AP.

Quick google search for the term wireless AP guess access
comes up with, e.g.

Just a thought...

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-22 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 08:19:32PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
 Quoting Bill Kendrick (
  Brian came over, I did the song  dance to gain access to the
  account at domaindiscover aka, and we fiddled with things.
  How's it looking now?
 Would you consider posting the new zonefile so it can be seen in its
 entirety?  Understandably, the authoritative nameservers don't permit
 random members of the public to pull those down.

Here ya go!

 $ dig -t axfr @NS1.TIERRA.NET
 ; Transfer failed.
 $ dig -t axfr @NS2.TIERRA.NET
 ; Transfer failed.
 One fine point:  RFC 2182's recommendation is minimum three, maximum
 seven authoritative nameservers.  Two is disrecommended as too thin.
 The choice of two only might be dictated by your chosen hosting
 provider, which doesn't make this error any smarter, but does make it
 more difficult to overcome.  (Shortchanging redundancy is sadly common
 among ISPs.)
 Personally, I use mutual nameservice with other technical people -- and
 I do follow my own advice, too:
 $ whois | grep '^Name Server: ' | wc -l

Anyone want to help us with this? :)

Sent from my computer
$TTL 3600

@   IN  SOA (
2015032103  ; Serial
7200; Refresh
1800; Retry
604800  ; Expire
28800 ) ; Minimum

@   3600NS
@   3600NS
www 3600A
lists   3600MX  10
lists   3600A
@   3600A
@   3600MX  10
@   3600TXT v=spf1 a mx -all
@   3600TXT Linux Users Group of Davis
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] some people can't send to list

2015-03-21 Thread Bill Kendrick

Brian came over, I did the song  dance to gain access to the
account at domaindiscover aka, and we fiddled with things.

How's it looking now?  (5:07pm pacific today will be approx 1hr after
the settings were chaged, FYI)


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 11:56:21PM -0700, Wes Hardaker wrote:
 Bill Kendrick writes:
  On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 11:24:10AM -0800, Rod Roark wrote:
  On 02/23/2015 11:20 AM, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
   Hey, so word is that some can't send email to the lugod lists because the
   mailserver the MX record is a CNAME rather than an A record?
  Dunno who's administering the domain, but whoever that is
  should be able to fix it.
  That'd be me.  Thx for looking into it folks, I'll try to figure
  it out next time I'm on my home laptop (which has all the creds
  to get into things).
 Hiya.  DNS geek here.  Things are still technically incorrect as
 currently deployed.  You aren't supposed to have a name after a service
 referral (in this case an MX) that is itself a CNAME referral.
 This is fine:
   # dig mx
   ;; ANSWER SECTION:  3600IN  MX  10
 This is not:
   # dig
   ;; ANSWER SECTION:  3600IN  CNAME  3600IN  A
 *some* (most) DNS resolution software lets you get away with that, but
 it's not legal according to the DNS RFCs and shouldn't be done.
 The right thing to do would be to replace the MX record so it looked
 like this:  3600IN  MX  10
 Which would then work.  Though, the best thing to do is actually create
 a new host record:  3600IN  MX  10 3600IN  A
 Wes Hardaker 
 My Pictures:
 My Thoughts:
 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Help needed: SCO UNIX Printer

2014-10-17 Thread Bill Kendrick

I received email from a local computer support company that has a
client here in Davis that has an old SCO UNIX server and Windows
workstations, that's having trouble with the dedicated impact printer
for the UNIX server.

Is anyone out here knowledgable in such things, who could lend a
hand?  (Pretty sure it's a paying gig.)  Let me know, and I can
put you in touch with the owner of the support company.

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: [Lug-nuts] Linux video editing

2014-05-23 Thread Bill Kendrick

Erik on SacLUG's mailing list replied to something that was cross-posted
to LUGOD's vox-tech list, but he isn't subscribed to the list so it got

Sorry for the delay in passing this along! :(


- Forwarded message -

Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 13:24:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Erik Olson
Subject: Re: [Lug-nuts] Linux video editing
To: General SacLUG discussing,
  lugod's technical discussion forum

   Interested to see the replies to this. Obviously, many tricks available by
   doing things command line, and many different GUI software options
   (depending on how fine-grained one wants to get). I still use OpenShot for
   basic editing. Blending sound, dissolves, all of these are smooth, and
   there are perhaps 50 or more output options available, including YouTube
   presets (per your question). OpenShot occasionally crashes on my old 2009
   Trashiba. To overcome this annoyance, I just save the project any time I'm
   going to play it back. Never had a crash during rendering or other actions
   other than playing the project. Others who post here may use more
   high-powered systems which run Cinelerra, etc, so interested to see

   On Friday, April 25, 2014 2:32 PM, Darth Borehd
   What is the best software for editing videos that will be posted to

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] SDL 2 image

2013-08-31 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:08:38PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I further discovered that when you download the source tarball that for
 SDL_image 2.0 that it contains a spec file. So, I installed rpmbuild,
 and I built it. Still, I had no success. Somehow, I installed libpng 
 version 1.2. I somehow that that it was the latest. But, it turns out
 under Fedora, you just install libpng-devel and it is the latest,
 sans version number. Finally, after installing libpng-devel, I got
 SDL_image 2.0 working.

Yeah, when compiling stuff like SDL_image from source, which needs libpng...
or compiling something like Tux Paint from source, which needs SDL_image...
you need to install the -devel packages, too.  The plain package gives you
all of the object files that apps link against.  The -devel package gives
you header files, documentations, and tools (e.g., libSDL comes with


 On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 09:12:45PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
  I discovered that rpmbuild can be used to rebuild the rpm from the src
  rpm. Problem is that the spec file expects the libs in lib rather than
  Oh well. It looks like I will hit the tarball and compile that. 
  Perhaps time to figure out how to put together an rpm from scratch...
  On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 05:29:36PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
   So how do I build the rpm from the source rpm?
   On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 03:34:39PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
I found the SDL2 image library,

Fedora packages, just not 64 bit. It just doesn't seem to show for yum 
search SDL2

Isn't there supposed to be a move to combined architecture?

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 08:58:20AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I have been playing around with SDL2. How is it that I get SDL2 image?
 I am using Fedora 19. SDL 2 is packaged for Fedora 2, but the image 
 doesn't seem to be.
 Brian Lavender
 There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
 make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the 
 way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious 
 Professor C. A. R. Hoare
 The 1980 Turing award lecture
 vox-tech mailing list

Brian Lavender

There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the 
way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious 

Professor C. A. R. Hoare
The 1980 Turing award lecture
vox-tech mailing list
   Brian Lavender
   There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
   make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
   way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
   Professor C. A. R. Hoare
   The 1980 Turing award lecture
   vox-tech mailing list
  Brian Lavender
  There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
  make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
  way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
  Professor C. A. R. Hoare
  The 1980 Turing award lecture
  vox-tech mailing list
 Brian Lavender
 There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
 make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
 way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
 Professor C. A. R. Hoare
 The 1980 Turing award lecture
 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] KDE on Debian

2013-05-15 Thread Bill Kendrick

Is this KDE 4?

If so, try right-clicking the panel.  (If you see Unlock widgets,
click that.  Then right-click the panel again.)

Select Add Widget.  Scroll until you find Task Manager
(or type task into the search field and it'll filter out everything
but the widgets with task in their name).

Click Task Manager and drag it into the panel, or just double-click it.

If you need to reposition it, click the 'cashew' icon (as people call it)
on the panel (probably at the far right).  Hover over the task manager
widget.  Click and drag to move.  (You'll probably see a 4-directional
plus-shaped arrow.)

You'll also see [wrench] Task Manager [x], which allows you to change
the task manager's settings, or remove it.  (You can also do these actions
by simply right-clicking in an empty part of the task manager, though
sometimes that can be difficult... hence my mentioning the cashew trick.)

Good luck!


On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 04:48:54PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
I have a machine with Debian lenny and that is just fine. When I got  new
laptop, I
installed Debian squeeze with KDE. It has always been a bit quirky which
is why the other machine has stayed at lenny. Recently my laptop has
stopped showing open
applications on the task bar. I haven't been able to find a configuration
to reverse this. In the proces of trying to fix this, I have upgraded to
wheezy but no change.
Does anyone know how to get my open applications back on the taskbar?
It would also be goog to stop the annoying iconifying of the whole
I have tried for documentation at but I think the site is broken.
Richard Harke

 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Serious Xorg problem

2012-05-04 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, May 04, 2012 at 03:13:14PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
 I'm at Panera bread using their wi-fi. After I logged in with panera,
 I opened another tab. Then a
 box-image (badly corrupted) from panera appeared over the second tab.
 Even worse this box now appears over all windows based applications,
 emacs and okular, in particular. It is still there
 even after I kill the application and re-start it. It also appears
 over the other browser I wasn't using at the time. This makes me
 believe it is something in Xorg. But as far as I can tell, no libs
 or bins were modified. This on debian squeeze for amd-64. (on an asus
 laptop) This is making the machine nearly unusable.

Are you able to take a screenshot?

Also, take a look at this, and see if it helps.
  (yes, this is the same Akkana who spoke at LUGOD last month :) )

Her tool has to do with tooltips, but I've also seen Chromium (in
previous versions; not recent) where when I do a right-click over an
image, sometimes suddenly a chunk of the browser (what was behind the
right-click menu) remains on my screen.  They would go away when the
browser quit, but would remain until that point.  Closing the tab or
parent window wouldn't suffice; the browser would need to be quit
completely (e.g., close the final window).  Very annoying.

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Bash completion mystery

2012-02-24 Thread Bill Kendrick

I think we're due for an 'advanced bash' talk ;)

Stuff like this, as well as adding your own programs' completion
functions (e.g. trying 'tuxpaint --ftabtab' yields
--fancycursors --fullscreen, and 'mplayer tabtab' to shows
playable media in the current directory)


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 07:55:32AM -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
  On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 19:51:27 -0800, Bryan Richter said:
 BR Functions can be discovered with 'declare -f'.
 The problem with todays environment is that there is real-executables,
 aliases and functions.  Aliases are pretty much lame in bash so everyone
 uses functions (which can take arguments, etc).
 But in the end, there are in fact 3 places to look for a definition.  So
 about a month ago I wrote this:
 wh()   {
 if [ `declare -F $prog` !=  ] ; then
 declare -f $prog
 elif alias $prog  /dev/null 21 ; then
 alias $prog
 which $prog
 Which if you use in replace of `which` checks all three sources and
 reports the definition or location to you.
   # wh ifconfig
   # wh wh
   wh () 
 Wes Hardaker 
 My Pictures:
 My Thoughts:
 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Implementing interrupt handlers

2011-12-20 Thread Bill Kendrick

David posted this from an address that's not subscribed to the list.
Fwd'ing on his behalf.


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 08:03:54 -0800
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:57:23 +
From: David Luengo López
Subject: Implementing interrupt handlers

   Hi everyone, let's see if you can help me.

   I'm trying to implement my own interrupt handler (why? because it's fun
   :). My idea right now is to install on the system a function like
   system_call() (you know, the handler of int $0x80), but on a free

   First I tried by using the kernel function request_irq(), but when I look
   at the corresponding IDT entry there still was the ignore_int() function
   (you know, Linux sets all the interrupt handlers as ignore_int() and then
   it fills the handlers properly with ?init_traps()?). Am I wrong or should
   request_irq() write on IDT?.

   After failing with request_irq() I decided to write the changes on IDT by
   my own, so right now the changes on IDT are made by me (using a bit of
   kernel's help):

* @n: The index on the IDT that should be rewritten.
* @addr: The address of the new interrupt handler.
   void setGate(unsigned int n, unsigned long addr) {
   gate_desc entry, *idt;
   struct desc_ptr idtr;

   // Code extracted from arch/x86/include/asm/desc.h, I prefer to have
   // same notation.
   entry.a = (__KERNEL_CS  16) | (addr  0x);
   entry.b = (addr  0x) |
 ((0x80 | (RING3  5) | GATE_TRAP)  8) |

   idt = (gate_desc *)idtr.address;
   native_write_idt_entry(idt, n, entry);

   Here we have not the includes and defines needed but it is not hard to
   guess them (asm/desc.h, asm/desc_defs.h, define RING3 (3) if I still

   When I do it by my own the IDT is correctly rewritten but when i try to
   call that interrupt from user space context i got an error. Here you have
   the stupid program that generates the interrupt:

   .globl main
  int $n

   Where n is the vector of the interrupt I rewrote, usually interrupt 31.

   When I run this program the task got killed and the kernel wrote this
   message into /var/log/messages:

   ...: [17234.280005] *pde = 1d9dc067 *pte = 
   ...: [17234.280005] Modules linked in: yarr loop snd_ens1371 gameport
   snd_rawmidi snd_seq_device snd_ac97_codec ac97_bus snd_pcm snd_timer snd
   i2c_piix4 soundcore shpchp snd_page_alloc pci_hotplug i2c_core parport_pc
   psmouse parport pcspkr serio_raw evdev container processor ac button ext3
   jbd mbcache sg sd_mod crc_t10dif sr_mod cdrom uhci_hcd ata_generic mptspi
   mptscsih ata_piix ehci_hcd mptbase libata thermal floppy pcnet32 mii
   usbcore nls_base scsi_transport_spi scsi_mod thermal_sys [last unloaded:
   ...: [17234.280005]
   ...: [17234.280005] Pid: 1772, comm: intr_poc Tainted: G  D W 
   (2.6.32-5-686 #1) VMware Virtual Platform
   ...: [17234.280005] EIP: 0060:[e0ea32e9] EFLAGS: 00010246 CPU: 0
   ...: [17234.280005] EIP is at 0xe0ea32e9
   ...: [17234.280005] EAX: bdf4 EBX: b7fd7ff4 ECX: 261e90fa EDX:
   ...: [17234.280005] ESI:  EDI:  EBP: bdc8 ESP:
   ...: [17234.280005]  DS: 007b ES: 007b FS:  GS: 00e0 SS: 0068
   ...: [17234.280005]  08048396 0073 0246 bd4c 007b 
   ...: [17234.280005] ---[ end trace 323827b587f0e55d ]---

   And also this to dmesg:
   [17234.280005] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at e0ea32e9
   [17234.280005] IP: [e0ea32e9] 0xe0ea32e9
   [17234.280005] *pde = 1d9dc067 *pte = 
   [17234.280005] Oops:  [#2] SMP
   [17234.280005] last sysfs file: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo/operstate
   [17234.280005] Modules linked in: yarr loop snd_ens1371 gameport
   snd_rawmidi snd_seq_device snd_ac97_codec ac97_bus snd_pcm snd_timer snd
   i2c_piix4 soundcore shpchp snd_page_alloc pci_hotplug i2c_core parport_pc
   psmouse parport pcspkr serio_raw evdev container processor ac button ext3
   jbd mbcache sg sd_mod crc_t10dif sr_mod cdrom uhci_hcd ata_generic mptspi
   mptscsih ata_piix ehci_hcd mptbase libata thermal floppy pcnet32 mii
   usbcore nls_base scsi_transport_spi scsi_mod thermal_sys [last unloaded:
   [17234.280005] Pid: 1772, comm: intr_poc Tainted: G  D W 
   (2.6.32-5-686 #1) VMware Virtual Platform
   [17234.280005] EIP: 0060:[e0ea32e9] EFLAGS: 00010246 CPU: 0
   [17234.280005] EIP is at 0xe0ea32e9
   [17234.280005] EAX: bdf4 EBX: b7fd7ff4 ECX: 261e90fa EDX: 0001
   [17234.280005] ESI:  EDI:  EBP: bdc8 ESP: dfa55fe4

Re: [vox-tech] [vox] Fwd: Re: linux technical support

2011-10-07 Thread Bill Kendrick

Actually, this is more appropriate for our 'vox-tech' list, which is
for technical QA (whereas 'vox', which you had posted to, is typically
for general discussion :) )  So fwd'ing along to vox-tech.  You should
subscribe to that too / instead.



On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 04:39:59PM -0700, Nick Buxton wrote:
Hi, Alex Mandel suggested posting to this list. I was wondering if there
was anyone on this list based in or near Davis who offers or can recommend
anyone who provides paid technical computer support for Linux users. 
I am looking for someone who could install a new hard drive on my computer
and do a fresh Ubuntu install and a few other Ubuntu-related tasks. I
realise I could do this through an installfest but I am still too new to
Ubuntu to deal easily with issues that come up and currently do not have
time to do it myself due to work/family commitments. I am also interested
in finding someone who can give longer-term support as well.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
 Original Message 
 Subject: Re: linux technical support  
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 14:54:01 -0700  
From: Alex Mandel 
  To: Nick Buxton   
  CC: Bill Kendrick
  I would suggest posting on the vox-tech or vox email lists provided by
  LUGOD (sign up on our website). Specifically ask people for
  recommendations of paid local support. If you want to do it yourself,
  you can ask your technical questions on vox-tech and maybe find someone
  who would be willing to help more directly.
  On 10/07/2011 12:01 PM, Nick Buxton wrote:
   I was in touch with LUGOD before when I joined an installfest and have
   been running Ubuntu ever since! Anyway, I am writing to see whether you
   might be able to recommend anyone in Davis or close by who does
   technical support for people with Ubuntu.
   I had serious computer problems over the last week, and while I have a
   colleague (based in Netherlands) who helped me recover and reinstall at
   a distance it took a huge amount of time that I don't have due to some
   pressing work commitments. It is also difficult at times working with
   someone at such a distance and in a very different time zone.
   So I am looking for someone who might be available for computer support
   (paid of course) for time to time who could do some of these functions.
   Also in the immediate future, I am looking for someone who can install a
   new hard drive and do a fresh ubuntu install.
   I appreciate any recommendations.
   Thanks, Nick
   On 05/27/2009 01:56 PM, Nick Buxton wrote:
   Alex, Thanks for getting back to me. 10am is great. Nick
   Alex Mandel wrote:
   Nick Buxton wrote:
   Hi, I was just checking you got my registration for installing
   linux/ubuntu on my laptop on Saturday? I filled in a form a few days
   on your website. I wondered when you might indicate the times that you
   will be doing the installations as I am trying to plan something for
   Saturday but don't want to miss the opportunity to get linux on my
   computer? Thanks for doing this. I have wanted to install linux for
   time but was nervous to do it without any support in case anything went
   wrong. Nick
   Your registration was received. I usually wait until thursday before
   sending out the times. But no big deal, we'll put you down for 10am.
   Installfest Coordinator

 vox mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Removing metadata from JPEGs (was re: Removing mega-data from jpgs)

2011-10-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 03:43:44PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
   I have been working with one of my authors getting ready to
   publish another E-book for him.
   This time we will be including 6 images at the start of each
   chapter. He asked if a person could get any mega-data from the
   images if they were to extract the images from the E-book
   format (such as from a EPUB file).

I'm assumin so, since I imagine the JPEGs would just be stored within the
ZIP that is an EPUB as-is.  Though I suppose it depends on your workflow.

In any case, the term you guys are looking for is metadata, not
'mega data :^D

Google [1] says you can use ImageMagick mogrify -strip imagename.jpg [2]
or something I hadn't heard of before: jhead -purejpg /path/to/image.jpg [3],
for example.


Good luck!

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: netcdf installation problems

2011-09-14 Thread Bill Kendrick

Stephen posted from an unsubscribed address.

- Forwarded message from -

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:19:21 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:47:10 -0700
From: Stephen Rasku
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] netcdf installation problems
To: lugod's technical discussion forum

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 22:27, Jason Snyder wrote:

 I get the following information when I try the make install:

 snyderjm@snyderjm-laptop:/media/WRFDisk_$ cd lib
 bash: cd: lib: No such file or directory
 snyderjm@snyderjm-laptop:/media/WRFDisk_$ cd include
 bash: cd: include: No such file or directory
 snyderjm@snyderjm-laptop:/media/WRFDisk_$ cd netcdf-4.1.2
 snyderjm@snyderjm-laptop:/media/WRFDisk_/netcdf-4.1.2$ sudo make test
 [sudo] password for snyderjm:
 make: *** No rule to make target `test'.  Stop.
 snyderjm@snyderjm-laptop:/media/WRFDisk_/netcdf-4.1.2$ make install

I think you need to do sudo make install not just make install.


- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: GRUB problem

2011-08-19 Thread Bill Kendrick

I received this, and was given the OK to pass it along to vox-tech.
Please Cc Martin when you reply, as I don't think he's on the list.



- Forwarded message from Martin Huh -

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 02:41:49 -0700
From: Martin Huh

I am a biologist working on bacterial genomic DNA sequences using a
Linux computer (high capacity labtop), in which both Windows and
Redhat Linux are installed in a dual booting mode.

I wonder whether you or somebody in your group can help me. I will
certainly compensate your efforts.

I have been using this system for several years, but recently
encountered a problem: the system would not boot, because I somehow
mismanaged a step during the booting.

I believe that the problem may lie in the GRUB program - the system
having gone awry - but that the data in both Windows and Linux
compartments are intact.

My hope is that you or someone can fix the GRUB program, so that
either we can reboot or at least we rescue the data. If it is
impossible to reboot, however, then can we at least rescue the data


- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Laptop crash - literally

2011-08-03 Thread Bill Kendrick

My poor old Dell Inspiron 1525 had a nasty fall yesterday.  It's mightily
banged up, but fortunately still functions -- mostly.  USB seems to be DOA.
The DVD drive popped out and is stuck in that position, due to physical
damage to the case.  (The USB on that side is bent, too!)  :^( :^( :^(

Since I cannot use my handy external USB drive to back things up, and
since that device is IDE, while the laptop's drive is SATA (Serial ATA-150,
specifically), I was wondering if anyone had either of the following, that I
could borrow once I get a replacement laptop:

  * A SATA-IDE converter
  * An external (USB) SATA-based hard drive enclosure

Worst case, it looks like either of those could be had for about ~$20,
but since I'd only need it once (or rarely, at most), I figured I'd ask
and see if anyone out here had one I could borrow.

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Laptop crash - literally

2011-08-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 10:24:02AM -0700, wrote:
I've got an external sata case that's not currently in use - but I'm not
sure when I'll be in your area. If you can't find one elsewhere, let me

Two other folks offered me help off-list.  But thanks!

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: Directory name changed out from underneath me.

2011-08-02 Thread Bill Kendrick

I think it's moot, but here's a note from Orson from this thread.
(Posted from a non-sub'd email addr, so got discarded by Mailman.
Please remember to post from the addr with which you're subscribed to the


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 23:17:32 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:12:18 -0600
From: Orson Jones
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Directory name changed out from underneath me.
To: lugod's technical discussion forum

Try: pwd | hexdump -C
Maybe there are special characters in your filename.


Nick Schmalenberger wrote:

On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 11:25:36PM -0500, Ken Bloom wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-08-01 at 19:43 -0700, Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 08:59:58PM -0500, Chanoch (Ken) Bloom wrote:
   I was just navigating around on one of the machines in my lab, when I
   noticed something wierd: bash is getting the name of one of my
   directories wrong when it tries to print it in the prompt.
   [bloom@zuni ~]$ cd /
   [bloom@zuni /]$ ls
   bin/   etc/ lib/ media/proc/ srv/  var/
   boot/  home/lib32/   mnt/  root/ sys/  vmlinuz@
   data/  home-raid/   lib64@   nonexistent/  sbin/ tmp/
   dev/   initrd.img@  lost+found/  opt/  selinux/  usr/
   [bloom@zuni /]$ cd data
   [bloom@zuni dtaa]$ pwd
   [bloom@zuni dtaa]$ echo ~+
   [bloom@zuni dtaa]$ mount
   /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
   tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
   proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
   sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
   udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
   tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
   devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
   fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
   binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc 
   (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) on /home-raid type nfs 
   (rw,nosuid,noatime,addr= on /data type nfs 
   It's correctly spelled in the pwd command, and bash's ~+ expansion, and
   also in the mount command (/data happens to be a mountpoint), so
   basically it's correctly spelled everywhere except for the prompt. Any
   ideas why?
  What do echo $PWD and echo $PS1 say? $PS1 seems like the next
  place to look, and particularly the \w part.
 [bloom@zuni dtaa]$ echo $PS1
 [\u@\h \W]\$
 [bloom@zuni dtaa]$ echo $PWD

What if you try setting PS1 with \w instead of \W? Maybe there is
some weirdness with getting the basename from the full pathname.
vox-tech mailing list

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Alternative to PHP Scripting

2011-07-13 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:40:08AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
 Quoting Gandalf Parker (
  But I am going to save it. If all a person knows is PHP I can see where it 
  might be the shortest route.
 The PHP interpreter can also be used locally (e.g., via phpsh) without
 involving a Web server at all.

Or just 'php' (not 'phpsh', which is an interactive shell for PHP).


  $ php somescript.php

or even just put a shebang in at the top of the PHP file, and set it exec,

  $ cat  junk.php
  echo Hello world\n;
  $ chmod 700 junk.php
  $ ./junk.php
  Hello world

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] CalDAV

2011-07-02 Thread Bill Kendrick

It's super-funky homebrew php.

Each event, listed in a php file, makes a func call that passes along
the args about the event (title, date, url, descr, etc.)

The func that actually gets called varies dep. on the viewer
(e.g., homepage, calendar page, ical)  Very funky  backwards, I know.
I would not design it that way if I were to start again. :)

The ical files are actually produced by the webservedr, via a links -dump
invocation from within a Makefile.

Yes, insane! I know! But it works  I have had almost no reason to change it

We have a web maint. how-to floating around somewhere
(apologies; emailing via cellphone from a toy store :) ) which explains
a litlte of this.

A db is not a bad solution, but for less headache  portability, I'd just
do tab-delim'd text files or something else insanely easy to read (human)
and parse (script). :)


On Sat, Jul 02, 2011 at 01:18:42AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
 Quoting Alex Mandel (
  You are aware of
  Other options on:
 I'm curious:  How is that data generated and maintained?  And how is the
 RSS+XML generated?  Is the code available?
 I have my own calendar (BALE) back-ended by a custom MySQL
 setup that has events, event templates, and groups tables.  
 The data are served to the Web dynamically by a PHP snippet, though
 that's a bit wasteful of machine resources and I've been seriously 
 considering generating static HTML via cronjob, instead.
 Only after that did people start saying 'Hey, can you also produce iCAL?
 Can you also produce an RSS feed?'  Which would have been easier if it
 had been part of the design spec.
 I've hacked some Python that almost//sort-of produces correct iCAL
 output, but it requires some more work.
 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] hacked site

2011-06-21 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 09:45:43AM -0700, David Spencer, Internet Handyman 
 If it's just a weak ftp password, change it to stronger one. If it's a
 MySQL injection (I don't see evidence of a database on your website but
 that doesn't mean there isn't one there) then you'll need to have your
 programs fixed.

I haven't looked at Jim's site, but shopping cart probably implies
some kind of database.  (Whether it's SQL-based or what, and whether those
SQL queries are sanitized, is another question.)

Related, for a laugh:

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] [fwd] YouTube downloading

2011-05-19 Thread Bill Kendrick

Since this topic has come up, and Rick's is a very thorough post on the
topic...  From CABAL mailing list, via SF-LUG mailing list.


- Forwarded message from Rick Moen -

Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 02:42:14 -0700
From: Rick Moen
Subject: [sf-lug] YouTube downloading

(Copying over a conversation from CABAL's mailing list:)

Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 19:49:43 -0700
From: Rick Moen
Subject: Re: [conspire] get back to me first
Organization: If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.

Quoting Bruce Coston (

 I need to get a distro on one of my many small-ish laptop partitions
 that will play back YouTube videos I suck at the library after I
 suspend to disk and go home during our many summer Internet outages.
 My elive install suffers real problems with this, after I take it off
 disk suspend, back home.

Bruce --

I'm going to make a longer post on this subject that aims to be more
comprehensive, but here's the short version:

You're relying on local cache state of the Adobe Flash interpreter being
useful and complete after suspend to disk. Bad strategy. Instead,
install scripts or browser extensions to download the clips to local

Slight elaboration: I'm assuming Flash (Sorenson H.263 encoding in FLV
container) for the sake of discussion, though Google's YouTube service
also offers video in MPEG Licensing Authority's patent-problematic H.264
encoding in either FLV or MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) containers (often
inaccurately called 'HTML5' video), in Google's (ex-On2) VP8 encoding in
WebM containers (which along with Vorbis encoding in a Matroshka
container is part of the HTML5 draft), and in MPEG-4 Visual encoding in
3GP containers (a format primarily intended for mobile 'phones). It's
pretty much the same problem regardless.

Why a problem? Your media player plugin (Adobe Flash, for the sake of
discussion) is streaming-in the inbound A/V bitstream and dumping it
into ~/.mozilla/firefox/[hash]/Cache on an ongoing basis, but that
cached copy isn't guaranteed complete and useful at any given moment.
Also, it's not the least bit surprising to hear that Adobe Flash acts
stunned and stupid if it suddenly wakes up after being suspended to
disk. So, no, you're actually lucky if that ever works, because you can
be sure that the buggy spaghetti code in question isn't designed to do

So, let's say you look at the page HTML on a YouTube page to try to find
the .flv direct link so you can pull a copy down using wget or curl.
Surprise, you can't find it. Why not? Because you are not Google's
customer; you are their product -- and they are far, far more eager to
make Our Lords in Hollywood happy than they are you. So, they cause
YouTube to wrap the .flv link in inscrutable JavaScript, in order to
make it difficult to puzzle out. Moreover, they gratuitously change that
JavaScript obfuscation occasionally, to screw people up who've
de-obscured the latest version and are letting others know how.

(They do that because Our Lords in Hollywood don't want users to have
local copies that cannot be retroactively withdrawn from availability.)

Nonetheless, there are folks who gamely keep up with the changes, and
you can  should benefit from their work:

clive (Perl script)
cclive (newer C++ rewrite of clive)
youtube-dl (Python script)
Flash Video Downloader (Firefox extension)
Easy YouTube Downloader (Firefox extension)
Get 'em all.

There are distro packages for clive, cclive, youtube-dl (judging by
Debian). You may find the distro packages' frequency of update adequate
to keep up with JavaScript mischief at YouTube, Photobucket,
Dailymotion, Metacafe, Facebook, Yahoo,, etc. -- or
not. If not, you might need to have them as locally installed and
updated software.


There's a persistent misconception, spread about by the ill-informed,
that the open source Flash interpreters (Gnash, Swfdec, and GPLFlash)
are inadequate to handle the Flash served by YouTube. No, wrong. It's
really just the obfuscatory JavaScript.[1] Which, if you use a
downloader such as those listed above, and it works, suddenly becomes a
non-problem. So, in addition to the recommendations above, please
consider losing the Adobe Flash proprietary garbage, or at least using
Gnash in preference. (For one thing, the Gnash developers don't spy on
users, about which please see

[1] Adobe consistently withheld Flash's technical specifications from
the open source community, making selected details available only under
restrictive agreements. Starting June 2009, in the face of mounting
competition from alternatives (H.264 in MP4, VP8 in WebM, Vorbis in
Matroshka, and especially Microsoft Silverlight), they finally coughed
up the SWF file format specification without restriction, but omitted
anything about the key Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and Sorenson

Re: [vox-tech] Hibernate Notes

2011-04-04 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 01:24:51AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 Second tutorial on Hibernate. Many-to-Many

OOC, should I grab / link to this one as well
(over at LUGOD's Presentations page), or does the first
tutorial basically cover what you talked about at the meeting?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] hsqldb

2011-03-23 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:42:25AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 Many of you have probably used HSQLDB without realizing it. 
 OpenOffice uses it!

Hey that reminds me, can I get your slides/notes/example code from
Monday's talk?  Thanks!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-03-13 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 09:32:36PM -0600, Chanoch (Ken) Bloom wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 20:52 -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
  ... Uh... WTF?  How does one get S-Video out to work on an Inspiron 
  It looks like xorg.conf has been split up into a .d directory.
  Any clues?  Anyone done this?  THis is seriously pissing me off.
  (Google doesn't help by giving me nothing but 5 year old forum pages
  with no answers, or about other laptops.)
 You use xrandr. (or one of the GUI control panels designed to interact
 with xrandr.)

Per my follow-up from the other day, when I use 'krandr' now, instead
of TV-1 not being accessible at all, now it shows me TV-1 as
connected when the S-video is plugged in.  So that's progress!

However, the TV itself still doesn't show anything, even when I configure
TV-1 (e.g., 800x600).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-03-12 Thread Bill Kendrick

Brief follow-up.  I'm using Intel video drivers from

I used those after upgrading Ubuntu 10.10 from KDE 4.5 (which it
comes with) to KDE 4.6 (and now 4.6.1), which was made available

I had to do so on my Dell 1525, as well as my wife's Thinkpad X41,
because after upgrading to KDE 4.6, the screen wasn't refreshing

Anyway, over the course of the past few months, those drivers
have been updated a handful of times, and I checked my S-Video
out again recently, and there's magically been a little progress.
Now, instead of my TV-1 display being unselectable in,
for example, KRandRTray, it now shows up as a connected device
when I have the S-Video cable plugged in, and the TV turned on.

However, no progress beyond that, so far... my TV remains black. :^/

I haven't had much time to care about or work on this, but I figured
I'd give an update with the progress, rather than just leave the
thread dangling.


On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 04:53:47PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:
 On 02/09/2011 04:28 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 03:33:57PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
  That was before trying to use S-Video.  I also admittedly have not yet
  tried other S-Video cables to ensure that it's not a cable issue.
  (If that turns out to be the case, I'll be annoyed at the loss of an 
  cable... oh, and embarassed ;) )
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Custom Linux Distro

2011-02-22 Thread Bill Kendrick

Fwd'ing to vox-tech, because Jason's not subscribed (at least not with
this address).


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 00:23:27 -0800
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 23:59:22 -0800
From: Jason Hsu
Subject: Custom Linux Distro

   Hi Everyone,

   I have been referred by the CS club that you guys are the go to people for
   all things Linux.
   I am wondering if I can get some help with building a custom Linux distro
   from scratch with
   the kernel, libc, gcc, and busybox. Busybox doesn't have to be a
   requirement. If I can get the
   C library compiled, I'm sure I can compile every other program for it. The
   target is x86.

   I've looked at guides online and even attempted the Linux From Scratch,
   but I'm having a hard
   time with 1) the initramfs as my compiled kernel (version 2.6) would boot
   but unable to load the
   initramfs and 2) the kernel config has way too many options and I don't
   know what I can leave out.
   I don't need a lot of the built in drivers, just the standard ones for
   USB, VGA, etc.. and Broadcom
   and Realtek wireless drivers. If the kernel doesn't have it by default, I
   have the source so I can
   compile it in but I don't know how exactly.

   This may require a one on one session of sorts as I don't think email can
   suffice. I hear there are
   installfests and events that may provide such opportunities or if anyone
   in Davis wouldn't mind
   swinging by campus every once and a while, I have the target hardware and
   office space to work


   - Jason

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache: 2, Me: 0.

2011-02-22 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:51:13AM -0800, Bryan Richter wrote:
 Unfortunately, it looks like Optimum has a similar policy, depending on what
 type of account you have.
 From :
 Section 22.B.i: Users [of Optimum Online Boost and Optimum Online Ultra] may 
 not run any servers except for a webserver (HTTP) and mail (SMTP) on the 
 system.  This includes but is not limited to FTP, IRC, POP, SOCKS, SQUID, 
 DNS or any multi-user forums.

Hah.  So what constitutes a multi-user forum?  Does that mean that,
although you're allowed to run a webserver, it can't be a blog that has
a post a comment feature? :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-02-09 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 05:45:35PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I was equally confused with the Xorg config file as you have been Bill. Were 
 able to figure out the problem?

I've had extremely limited time to look into this.  Someone on #lugod
suggested that 'it should just work,' and to a limited degree, it does.

When I KRandRTray in KDE (or run xrandr --prop), I see TV1 listed
as one of my four outputs (the other 3 being VGA1, LVDS1 (laptop LCD)
and DVI1), but it's shown as 'disconnected', even when I've booted
the laptop with the S-video cable plugged into the TV, and the TV turned
on, and its input set to that particular port.  (On my TV, the
easily-accessible S-video and composite ports, on the side (vs back) of
the TV are AV-3, and that's what I have the TV switched to.)

Further Googling has come up with a bunch of potential leads that I haven't
investigated, but here are a handful from the collection of bookmarks
I've amassed:

PS - I had issues with screen redraw under Ubuntu 10.10 and KDE 4.6,
and added the following apt source to fetch an updated Intel driver:

That was before trying to use S-Video.  I also admittedly have not yet
tried other S-Video cables to ensure that it's not a cable issue.
(If that turns out to be the case, I'll be annoyed at the loss of an S-Video
cable... oh, and embarassed ;) )

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-02-04 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 09:20:18PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:
 Actually a few version back xorg became super auto config, where the
 rule became basically = do not touch by hand. If you want hand massaged
 stuff you put it in a different file and get it pulled in.
 This page shows how to deal with the new layout.

Thanks, I'll take a look when I have more than 30 seconds to spare.
(That reminds me.  I was pleased that my Wacom just worked, sensitivity
and everything, when I installed 10.10 from scratch.  That was a nice bonus :)

 It's almost identical to udev, and modrprobe stuff - where you put files
 with config stuff in the directory and assign a priority with a number
 at the start of the file name.
 As for the S-video part, what brand of card and which driver are you using?

As Brian mentioned, it's an integrated Intel in this Dell Inspiron 1525.
Specifically, lspci shows:

  Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

PS - I upgraded my Ubuntu 10.10 to KDE 4.6 yesterday
(via backport mentioned here: ),
and today I had to do this to get my display to work right:

Things were not updating unless I forced them to fully refresh
(alt+tab, cover/expose, wiggle mouse, etc.).  Very hard to use my
computer. :)

So I'm not even using precisely the same video driver as I was when I posted
yesterday.  Fun :^P

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-02-04 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 03:06:23PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 09:20:18PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:
  Actually a few version back xorg became super auto config, where the
  rule became basically = do not touch by hand. If you want hand massaged
  stuff you put it in a different file and get it pulled in.
  This page shows how to deal with the new layout.
 Thanks, I'll take a look when I have more than 30 seconds to spare.
 (That reminds me.  I was pleased that my Wacom just worked, sensitivity
 and everything, when I installed 10.10 from scratch.  That was a nice bonus :)

FYI, this looks kind of like it's what I need, but it's been about 3 years
since I last had to set up S-Video out on this laptop.

Section Device
Identifier  Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated 
Graphics Controller
Driver  intel
BusID   PCI:0:2:0
Option  monitor-VGA  VGA
Option  monitor-TV   TV
Option  monitor-LVCD LVCD

So my thought is to just dump that into a 10-video.conf file...?

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.10 S-video out on Dell Inspiron 1525 ???

2011-02-03 Thread Bill Kendrick

... Uh... WTF?  How does one get S-Video out to work on an Inspiron nowadays?

It looks like xorg.conf has been split up into a .d directory.
Any clues?  Anyone done this?  THis is seriously pissing me off.
(Google doesn't help by giving me nothing but 5 year old forum pages
with no answers, or about other laptops.)


Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: failed to build a computer

2011-02-01 Thread Bill Kendrick

Not sure if James ever got this posted to the list, but here's a copy
that bounced a week+ ago. (Sorry for the delay... I've been innundated
at work.)

PS - Anyone know if mailman can be set up to append the original message's
subject to subject of the Auto-discard notification.
(e.g., below, I would have seen: Auto-discard notification: Re:
[vox-tech] failed to build a computer, amongst all of the
Auto-discard notification: DEAR LUCKY WINNER)

I'd be willing to resort to some clever use of procmail and Perl or
somesuch. :)  I'm already using procmail to move these kinds of
messages into a separate listadmin messages mailbox.  99% of what
goes there is spam discarded by mailmain, 0.9% are notifications of
users (un)subscribing to lists, and 0.1% are messages like this that
failed to get posted because the author isn't subscribed, or more typically,
their To: line was simply not set to the same address with which they
subscribed to the list.



- Forwarded message from -

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:46:58 -0800
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:46:51 -0800
From: James
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] failed to build a computer
To: lugod's technical discussion forum

Haven't been on here a while, but since I used to be a professional 
computer tech that has built a bazillion systems, I thought I'd try and 
help by putting in my 2 cents worth.

First, you have to realize that the computer parts industry feels that a 
5% defect rate is good. Which means that some cheesy computer companies 
think that 10% is good. They figure that you're all technically minded 
and that if something goes wrong, you'll figure it out and return it.

That being said, I'm not sure what the number is, but I'm sure that its 
something in the 10-25% range where some products, especially USB, 
Firewire, power supplies, IDE, and SATA buses are out of spec. Not 
enough so that they don't work on their own. But enough so that if you 
have two out of spec controllers in one computer, and they're off on 
their timing, voltage, etc it will crash. And sometimes not crash 
consistently. Sometimes its something silly like putting on an IDE drive 
on the same controller thats running SATA. You never know.

Ok, so before you get scared here's how you start.

You start by setting up a bare bones system. The minimal. Motherboard, 
RAM, Processor, Case/PS, CD Drive, and HD.

That way you know whats working before you start adding all the other 
stuff. Let the BIOS help you out before you even start loading on the 
OS. Make sure there are no errors. If there are, it will be easier now 
than when you have everything else loaded.

Load the OS. Then the other devices on one at a time.

Certain symptoms scream that things are wrong with particular devices.

Sparkly screen.. probably the power supply, display card, or driver.
Keep loosing a hard drive.. incompatible hard drive, or conflict with 
the bus its on.

Lots of times, it can also be driver errors.

Stuff like that.

Somebody else here mentioned that they swap parts out and that is really 
your best bet in finding a problem once you suspect which component is 
causing it.

HOWEVER... nowdays there's so many things integrated into the 
motherboard its getting harder to tell when thats on the fritz. And it 
can be only one part that went bad. Like the clock, or something stupid 
like the keyboard controller.

Good luck on the hunt! I myself just had a problem with one of my SATA 
drive that kept disappearing. After a lot of switching around, I figured 
it to be an incompatibility with the controller, another drive that was 
attached, or something. (It wasn't the bus, that checked out with 
another drive) The solution was to buy an standalone SATA controller. 
That fixed my problem. (Or I suppose I could have purchased a newer 
motherboard, but then that would just make me want to get a new 
processor, new ram.. etc. You know how that goes)

Well, good luck!


 On 1/21/2011 5:13 PM, Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 04:18:17PM -0800, Richard Harke wrote:
Most of the systems I have built used beep codes for he most serious
failures. This required a small speaker
(usually comes with case) and connection from mobo. Manual should tell you
what beep codes mean.


On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Hai  wrote:

Hello all:

I am in the process of building a new desktop, and ran into some serious
problems. I've been struggling with them for the past two days w/o too 

Please kindly bear with me. These are my desktop's specs:

Case: Silverstone FT02B
CPU: i7-950
Video Card: Radeon HD 5870
Memory:GSkill 4G * 2 DDR3 1600
SSD: Kingston 128G

I also use 

Re: [vox-tech] Free cross platform database applications

2011-01-31 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 08:41:09AM -0800, jimbo wrote:
 Hi Mr. Riley:
 Could you please talk more about your project possibly next Sunday over a
 beer or 2?

FYI, Tim's also speaking at LUGOD later this year:

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS upgrade woes

2011-01-16 Thread Bill Kendrick

Long story shoty. I have a Kubuntu 9.04 install. Finally told it to upgrade,
and it brought itself up to 9.10, and then I initiated an upgrade to 10.04.
It started reporting errors, with the only options being Report Bug (which
did nothing) and Close (dismiss error).

It got through all of the pkgs in the Upgrade step (next step being
Cleanup) and complained that some stuff wasn't installed, and it would
issue a dpkg-reconfigure -a or somesuch to fix itself.  Dimissed that
window, then the main window hung (blank).

It's late, and it looked in a bad state, so I zapped it and rebooted.
Now I'm landing im a shell upon reboot with a complaint about
mountall not taking some argument or another.

So... anybody got a 10.10 disc I can borrow?  I'd like to boot into LiveCD
mode, re-copy my home directory over to my NAS, and then wipe  reinstall.
I'd love to get back up and running before Tuesday.  Anyone got one I can
grab in the morning? ;)

This is the worst upgrade disaster I've witnessed.  Stupid Ubuntu. :(

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS upgrade woes

2011-01-16 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:55:40PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:
 I can burn one for you in the morning. This is one reason why I do
 separate partitions for / and /home.

Cool, thanks.  And yeah, lesson learned.  :)

 Have you tried an apt-get dist-upgrade with a force option from the
 command line to see if it just needs to rerun or finish some stuff. My
 upgrade along the same line went fine for my laptop a few months back.

Well at this point I'm dropped into a root shell, disk is read-only,
and things are borked (e.g., Vim doesn't run). So I figured a live CD would
be the least frustrating situation to work off of.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] vox-tech Digest, Vol 79, Issue 10

2010-12-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 09:02:01AM -0800, Nicole Carlson wrote:
 Trust me--it is DEAD SEXY.  If I could give y'all a talk on it, I
 would.  (Actually, I'm in Davis on 1/12, if you guys want me.)

Ooh, our January meeting (our 12th anniversary, too!) is on the 17th.
Of course, if you're in Davis and want to have a little informal
gathering somewhere to talk about this, then by all means...!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Security in space!!

2010-12-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 12:13:15PM -0800, Nicole Carlson wrote:
 Actually, I might be around then, too.  You guys have a speaker
 planned?  Well.  Before I get ahead of myself, let me see if I can get
 the idea cleared by the Corporate People In Charge Of Clearing Talks.

We do have a talk scheduled, yes.  If you think you can confirm
something, I can see if he's willing to reschedule, or perhaps we
can just give you a little time to do a 'mini-talk.'

The plan is to have cake, pizza and snacks, as per usual for our
anniversary meetings. :)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Idea for 'tee' -- shut up already!

2010-12-03 Thread Bill Kendrick

So I'm grepping  cut'ing a huge log file (6.4 million lines)
and made the mistake of deciding to pipe it through tee to
watch for a while.  I forgot to do this from within a screen
session, so I'm kind of stuck staring at it in a terminal.  *sigh* :)

I don't want to watch any more, and wish I could do something like,
I dunno maybe like this...?

  $ cat hugefile.log | grep whatever | cut -f 1,2,3 | tee output.txt
  {huge dump of data}
  [1]+  Stoppedcat hugefile.log | grep whatever | cut -f 1,2,3 | tee 
  $ kill -SIGUSR1 %1

And then resume:

  $ fg
  {wonderful silence}

or background:

  $ bg
  [1]+cat hugefile.log | grep whatever | cut -f 1,2,3 | tee output.txt 

In other words, a way to tell tee to shut up and stop dumping to stdout
any more (but keep copying from stdin to the file specified).

I wonder, is there any other Linux'y trick I can use in the meantime?
(Maybe fiddling in /proc ? ;) )

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Idea for 'tee' -- shut up already!

2010-12-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 02:13:15PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 I wonder, is there any other Linux'y trick I can use in the meantime?
 (Maybe fiddling in /proc ? ;) )

Bill Broadley figured it out for me.  Yay, thanks Bill!

From another terminal:

  $ ps aux | grep tee
  username   12345 0.1  0.0   5416   740 pts/0S+   13:56   0:02 tee 
  $ gdb -p 12345
  (gdb) p dup2(open(/dev/null, 0), 1)
  (gdb) p dup2(open(/dev/null, 0), 2)
  (gdb) detach
  (gdb) quit

The terminal with the 'tee' is now silent, but the
output file continues to grow.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Idea for 'tee' -- shut up already!

2010-12-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 02:35:22PM -0800, Kyle Ambroff wrote:
 This is an evil, evil hack, but you could just attach to the tee
 process with gdb and replace the stdout file descriptor with

Heh, you and Bill share the prize, for the same, insane idea.
Thanks! :)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] 'wondershaper' did the trick! Was Re: scp bandwidth limit

2010-12-02 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 08:40:35PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
  (You should be able to just install apt-get install wondershaper, read
  the readme, tell it your upload and download speed, and get good
 I second wondershaper. It has worked great for me!

Wow, thanks you two.  That was easy, and it seems to help immensely.
(For my Pro Residential DSL, setting it to 3072 KBps down, 384 KBps up
seemed to do the trick.)

Uploading a 2600KB file via scp.  Before:

  scp reported upload speed avg of 55.3KB/s, total time of 00:47

  --- ping statistics ---
  11 packets transmitted, 10 received, 9% packet loss, time 16513ms
  rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 224.032/994.964/1176.093/285.989 ms, pipe 2


  scp: 45.6KB/s   00:57

  --- ping statistics ---
  10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9016ms
  rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 20.033/57.038/115.168/29.315 ms


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] scp bandwidth limit

2010-12-01 Thread Bill Kendrick

My DSL is assymetric.  Uploads slow down everything else (most
notably, my SSH sessions).

This is particularly noticable now that I have a WiFi router that does
more than just 802.11b.  (In other words, it's a lot easier for my
laptop to saturate my DSL bandwitdh now ;) )

I find that things work nice if I limit the upload speed using
scp -l 240 (30KB/s, since it seems to max out at about 50-60KB/s).
However, I'd like to do this only when uploading, not downloading.
So setting up an alias (e.g., alias scp scp -l in my ~/.bashrc)
isn't the best solution.

Is there a config somewhere that I can use to limit 'local - remote'
transfers (uploads), while not limiting 'remote - local' transfers
(downloads)?  I don't see _anything_ related to bandwidth limiting
in man ssh_config (which kinda makes sense, since the -l option
is specific to scp).

Is there some scp config file that I'm not discovering? :)

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] php-cgi hanging on semop()

2010-11-24 Thread Bill Kendrick

So I'm noticing some stability issues with a website.

* lighttpd 1.4.x
* php 5.3.x
* mysql 5.1.x

The symptoms to the outside world include lagging connections and,
eventually, Error 500s from the webserver.

Internally, I run mytop (basically, a 'top'-like interface that
parses the results of a show full processlist query).  mytop shows
me what connections are active.

Typically, most of our connections are relatively active (only idle a
couple of seconds, at most; If the website's not very busy, the idle
time in some of them can climb in idleness).

However, in the situation I'm seeing, all of the connections from the
webserver are idle, and their idle times continue to increase.
Basically, the current connections between the website and the
database aren't doing anything (not running queries for the website),
and are just sitting there exhausting MySQL's connection pool.

Since this has only started happening recently, and usually after-hours,
my quick-fix has been to do this:

  sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd stop   # stop webserver
  sudo killall php-cgi # kill all php-cgi processes
  sudo killall -2 php-cgi  # no, REALLY kill them
  sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd start  # restart webserver

And things have typically been fine for at least another day.

Today, it has happend a _FEW_ times during business hours, so I
get to drop everything and investigate.  In my job, I am a
literal Jack of All Trades, Master of None.  (On a good day,
I spend my time doing web app development, so I suppose that's
my main job ;) )

Google hasn't helped me much, sadly, so I've decided to post here :)

Briefly, here's what I get if I try to attach an strace to
one of the running php-cgi processes.  Note: I see the
same thing:

  - before stopping lighttpd
  - after stopping lighttpd, but before 'killall php-cgi'
  - after 'killall php-cgi', but (obviously), before 'killall -2...'

So here's the clue, gang.  Like, ZOINKS!

  Process 17180 attached - interrupt to quit
  semop(229383, {{0, -1, SEM_UNDO}}, 1^C unfinished ...
  Process 17180 detached 

In my investigation, I've learned that ipcs might be my
friend.  Sadly(?), the server's been chugging along fine
since the last restart.  In the meantime, in case it helps,
here are some logs from /var/log/lighttpd/error.log

[crash! restart]

  2010-11-24 15:36:07: (log.c.166) server started
  2010-11-24 15:38:00: (mod_fastcgi.c.2582) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the 
fastcgi process died): pid: 17185 socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-2
  2010-11-24 15:38:00: (mod_fastcgi.c.3382) response already sent out, but 
backend returned error on socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-2 for /index.php?, 
terminating connection
  2010-11-24 15:45:19: (mod_fastcgi.c.2582) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the 
fastcgi process died): pid: 17170 socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-0
  2010-11-24 15:45:19: (mod_fastcgi.c.3367) response not received, request 
sent: 991 on socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-0 for /index.php?, closing connection
  2010-11-24 15:49:11: (mod_fastcgi.c.2582) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the 
fastcgi process died): pid: 17178 socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-1
  2010-11-24 15:49:11: (mod_fastcgi.c.3367) response not received, request 
sent: 851 on socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-1 for /index.php?, closing connection
  2010-11-24 15:52:32: (mod_fastcgi.c.2582) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the 
fastcgi process died): pid: 17178 socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-1
  2010-11-24 15:52:32: (mod_fastcgi.c.3367) response not received, request 
sent: 923 on socket: unix:/tmp/php.socket-1 for /index.php?, closing connection
  2010-11-24 15:53:33: (server.c.1503) server stopped by UID = 0 PID = 21022

[crash! restart]

  2010-11-24 15:53:48: (log.c.166) server started
  2010-11-24 15:59:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll 
disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 0 load: 537
  2010-11-24 15:59:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll 
disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 1 load: 537
  2010-11-24 15:59:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll 
disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 2 load: 537
  2010-11-24 15:59:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll 
disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 3 load: 537
  2010-11-24 15:59:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.3608) all handlers for /index.php? on 
.php are down.
  2010-11-24 15:59:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2774) fcgi-server re-enabled:  0 
  2010-11-24 15:59:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2774) fcgi-server re-enabled:  0 
  2010-11-24 15:59:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2774) fcgi-server re-enabled:  0 
  2010-11-24 15:59:18: (mod_fastcgi.c.2774) fcgi-server re-enabled:  0 

[backend is overloaded, all handlers... are down, fcgi-server re-enabled

Re: [vox-tech] creating a bootable USB key

2010-11-16 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 02:38:40PM -0800, Tony Cratz wrote:
   IF you should decide to download the file, make sure that the
   user has a pirate skull and cross-bones. Otherwise don't trust
   the torrent. For example sake only, these would be a good ones
   to download:

FYI, I'm going to zap those torrent URLs from our list archives. :^/

mailing list admin hat on
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MHT mime type

2010-11-10 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 01:05:19PM -0500, ALLO (Alfredo Lopez De Leon) wrote:
 and also

This isn't really specific to any kind of data.
It just means a stream of octets (8-bit bytes).

Wikipedia sez:

  The Internet media type for an arbitrary byte stream is
  application/octet-stream. Other media types are defined for byte
  streams in well-known formats.

When accepting file uploads from browsers, I've coded up my
form-accepting code to see this as one of the 'useless catch-alls'
that a browser might report.  In other words, when someone goes
to upload an MS Word DOC file, I _might_ get one of a vast
variety of MIME types that seem to mean MS Word DOC.[*]  But if I get
application/octet-stream, I end up using a fileinfo library to
try and determine what, exactly, the data actually was.

[*] So far, I've seen:
  application/msword, application/x-msword-doc, application/x-msword,
  {OCTAL 12}- application/msword, x-type/x-doc, application/,
  application/vnd.msword, application/,

  Also, the 'catch-alls' I've discovered I need to use, so far include:
  application/octet-stream, application/download, application/x-ole-storage,

  And finally, iTunes seems to screw up some people's browsers, causing it
  to report the MIME type of anything they try to upload as being some
  iTunes LP file.  Nergh!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MHT mime type

2010-11-10 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 05:06:26PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 [*] So far, I've seen:

PS - Sorry for hijacking the thread just so I could vent. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: strange error loading google earth

2010-11-09 Thread Bill Kendrick

Dylan posted from a non-subscribed address.

- Forwarded message from -

Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:21:20 -0800
Subject: Auto-discard notification

Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 11:57:15 -0800
From: Dylan Beaudette
Subject: strange error loading google earth
To: lugod's technical discussion forum


I recently updated to Debian squeeze/sid and noticed a very strange error 
after installing the new version of Google Earth. I manually removed the 
previous install just in case.

Here is the error message from strace:

relocation error: /usr/lib/ symbol _nv54gl, version LIBGLCORE 
not defined in file with link time reference

Any ideas on what could be causing this? I am using the NVIDIA driver compiled 
and installed using module-assistant.


Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] procmail question

2010-10-21 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:14:40PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
 On 10/21/2010 11:21 AM, Ken Bloom wrote:
  That's why I suggested GNU mailutils. It has a sieve command that
  looks like it's a standalone filter (procmail replacement).
   I'm doing some research now into Sieve. While the rules seem
   a bit cleaner and easier to understand I would like to see
   the syntax cleaned up a bit (but that is me).

I smell a talk topic. :)  Any takers?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] procmail question

2010-10-21 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:37:08PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
   Not yet for me until after I have been able to fully understand
   and get a working version for myself.

I figured.  (Of course, if anyone else out here knows much about Sieve
and wants to talk about it, speak up!)

   As for Procmail, that I can show some examples for. I need to do
   search my laptop and make sure I have the more complex version.

Cool, thanks.  Of course, we're booked up through June of next year
(though May is currently available), so you've still got time to become
a Sieve expert. ;)

Unless, of course, you (or whomever) just wants to do a short
mini-presenation.  (We sometimes do those, between intro  club business,
and the main speaker.)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Chat program in 100 lines of code!

2010-10-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 09:12:52AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I read a PERL column  that Randal Schwartz wrote a few years back
 (maybe 10 years back) about using a gpg signed email and the body with an
 image or some content that could be used to update a website. You would
 send the message and a procmail recipe would intercept the message and
 pipe it through a PERL script.

Heh, I once wrote a multi-user chat (kind of like IRC, with private
messages and who's online?' list in less than 300 lines of Action!
(kinda Pascal-ish, C-ish language for the Atari 8-bit, obviously
targetting the 6502 CPU).

(That didn't count comments or blank lines, but plenty of keywords
that are basically the Action! version of { and } blocks... and those
are required, even for one-liners.  Also, there's no else if,
you have to do it as an if then [else] fi block inside an 'else'.)

Good times.  Relatively useless.  It uses a product called Multiplexer (MUX)
that connected Ataris via cartridge ports, required each 'slave' system
to have an altered OS ROM chip installed, and required one 'master' system.
It was big for multi-line BBS use, though!

Woah, way off-topic now, sorry! ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Chat program in 100 lines of code!

2010-10-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:04:30AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I will have to check out the sugar protocol too. I believe it is what 
 Abiword uses to give real time collaboration.

Yes.  Tux Paint needs some Sugarization.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Acer AL2216W (blank screen)

2010-09-17 Thread Bill Kendrick

FYI, we look to be having an Installfest next Saturday (9/25). ;)

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 09:39:25AM -0700, Thomas Johnston wrote:
 The reason i would doubt that it is the graphics card in my laptop is
 that I cannot get an image to project to the external monitor even
 when I connect it to a different computer.
 However, it no longer detects the monitor connected to the VGA port. 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] home server

2010-09-10 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 09:06:57PM -0700, netuser wrote:
 If you need any more info, let me know.

Well, at this point, you should let the IF coordinators know what you're
interested in doing.  Either fill out the RSVP form
( ) and/or send a note to
with your situation.  (Just in case they're not paying attention here
on vox-tech list.)

Good luck!

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] home server

2010-09-09 Thread Bill Kendrick

For what it's worth, we've tentatively scheduled an Installfest workshop
for Saturday, September 25th.  Once it's confirmed, we'll announce it
on vox-announce mailing list, on the homepage of (news), and
on the IF page itself.

For more, and to RSVP, go to:

Good luck!


On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 10:30:18AM -0700, wrote:
Correct, bad media. Evidently I have OS on disk but that's all. Downloaded
10.04 again, disk seems good. Everything went fine until I tried to
install software, should have not tried to install all of it at once.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] home server

2010-09-09 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 12:16:47PM -0700, netuser wrote:
 i would love to go to an installfest. problem is, transport of computer is 
 not an option. is it possible to bring an external hard drive and have it 
 installed on that?

I can't promise, but someone might be willing to help you transport
it to the Installfest venue.  (Many people have brought full desktop PC
setups to our Installfests over the last decade-and-some.)

Alternatively, and I can't promise this either, but the folks who
coordinate and volunteer at the Installfest might also be willing to
try and help you install it onto hard drive.  The problem here,
though, is that the hardware they configure against (network card, etc.)
may not be the same as what you have at home.  (And, of course, someone
will need to bring a spare PC to install the HDD into during the
Installfest!  At that rate, and considering the potential issues,
it really does make the most sense to bring your own hardware to the

PS - September 25th is sounding like it'll be confirmed... stay tuned

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] [fwd] Setting up Network DSL on SuSe 11.3

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Kendrick

Fwd from vox.  You might want to Cc Bruce in case he's not subscribed
to vox-tech.


- Forwarded message from Bruce Duncan -

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 21:34:23 -0700
From: Bruce Duncan
Subject: [vox] Setting up Network  DSL on SuSe 11.3
LUGOD's general discussion mailing list

  Hi.  Is there anyone here who could walk me through getting an 
internet connection on SuSe 11.3?  I upgraded from 11.2, on which I had 
things working fine, and am having problems re-establishing DSL with my 
WPA2 connection.

Thanks in advance,

--Bruce Duncan
vox mailing list

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Contacts app on Android

2010-08-30 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 02:37:14PM -0700, Troy Arnold wrote:
 Wow. That seems like an atrocious amount of storage for contacts. If your
 contact app has the capability to import/export to .vcf, try that.

That helped, thanks.  It turns out that I've got, like, 4 different
export/import possibilities.  If I remember off the top of my head:
Phone, T-Mobile, SIM and Google.  The latter was the big one, and I've simply
avoided re-importing it.

If I ever have some free time, I might investigate the contents of the
exported VCF for the Google account, and see if I can convince it to take
less space.  I kind of miss having friends' photos on their contacts, but
not at such a painful price. :)  (Android apps seem to get quite flakey when
the system is low on storage space!)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Contacts app on Android

2010-08-21 Thread Bill Kendrick
So I've got a T-Mobile 3G MyTouch Slide (an HTC phone w/ Google  HTC Sense 
stuff preinstalled).

It's almost perpetually telling me it's almost out of space (internal storage). 
If I tap that warning in the notifications, it launches Manage applications, 
which allows me to sort by storage use.

By far the largest is Contacts, at over 60MB. I think this is because my 
overzealous acceptance of its offers to link up contacts between apps. (E.g., I 
can tie a phone contact to their Facebook contact info  photo)

Unfortunately, I don't really know what I can do to reduce how much space this 
behemoth uses, without deleting contacts...

Has anyone out here had a similar situation, and if so, any clues on how to 
reduce Contacts' storage use?


Sent from a mobile device___
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] USB confusion

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:43:42PM -0700, Alex Mandel wrote:
 On 08/19/2010 03:00 PM, David Spencer, Internet Handyman wrote:
  So how do I figure this out guys? If I do directory of /dev I see four
  usbdev stubs (or whatever they're called) so I know that something USB
  was installed. Where should I start?
 Start with:

Also... sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
and keep an eye on the output when you plug the device in. Good luck!

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Suggestions for cleaning up repetitive HTML tags?

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Kendrick

I've come across some documents that are formatted in
such a way that, when converted to HTML, they come out
something like this:

  font face=ArialAnd/font font face=Arialthen/font
  font face=Arialthey/font font face=Ariallooked/font

or even worse:

  font face=ArialA/fontfont face=Arialn/fontfont

I've come up with a way, using PHP's DOMDocument system, to
scrape a file clear of these, but it's very slow, and it's
basically something that can be done on a stream of text
(rather than having to worry about the document's structure).

I'm thinking of writing something in PHP or C to clean stuff
like this up, but am wondering if anyone else has any experience
and suggestions?

(And yes, I've used htmltidy, but while that can merge _nested_
styles, e.g., a font face=Arialfont size=+1 get
combined into its own CSS stype, e.g., span class=c123,
it doesn't seem to be able to merge _consecutive_ styles,
as shown in the examples above. :^/ )

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Convincing Mutt to search inside attachments?

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Kendrick

I've found that this can be extremely handy in a large mailbox:

  [L]imit  ~t recipient ~s subject ~b sometext

However, the messages I'm trying to search or limit contain
some text inside ATTACHMENTS (tab-delimited or XML text files),
and neither ~b (match in body) or ~B (match in whole email) seem
to look in those.

Any suggestions?  (I'm looking into grepmail, but my ISP's shell
doesn't currently have it installed (I just asked them to :) ), and
the mailboxes are uber-large.  I'd rather not pull down tons of
stuff to my laptop, just to find an email or two.)

PS - how do people live without Mutt!?

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Suggestions for cleaning up repetitive HTML tags?

2010-08-18 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 01:29:14PM -0500, Chanoch (Ken) Bloom wrote:
 Consider writing a SAX filter that just drops the offending font and

Well, we want the style info to remain... there's just no reason in
the world for the document to specify it over and over again on
a per-word or per-character(!) basis. :)

 Also consider using XPath, like my following example in Ruby (using the
 Nokogiri XML library)

Ooooh.  Thanks, I'll poke at this.  (I know there's some some Xpath stuff
in PHP that I know nothing about, since I've only spoken to it about
XML via its DOMDocument stuff, so far.)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Using Android phone to connect Linux laptop to Internet?

2010-07-16 Thread Bill Kendrick

Quick question.  My wife wants to get some new Android phones
to replace our current ones, and it sounds like we can at the
same time drop the Sprint cell modem that I've got right now
for telecommuting purposes.

HOWEVER, the guy at the store who was telling her about
Android 2.2's hotspot feature mentioned software for
Windows  Mac, which has caused hesitation.

Does anyone out here know, off-hand, if we have this...

  * T-Mobile
  * Android phone (e.g., a 2.2 one with this hotspot feature)
  * Linux laptop it possible to get the laptop onto the Internet?
Is there a bandwidth limit or overage charges?

The Sprint modem we're paying ~$60/mo for has _no limit_, which is why
we haven't just tried doing some USB-cable nonsense that I'm fairly
sure I can do, even with my ancient Android 1.6(?) phone.

If I find time to research it and come up with an answer, I'll
post it.  In the meantime, I'm hoping someone out here just
knows already. ;)

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: complex XML to CSV via XSLT

2010-07-14 Thread Bill Kendrick
Dylan posted from a non-sub'd addr.


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 14:15:52 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 14:10:54 -0700
From: Dylan Beaudette
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] complex XML to CSV via XSLT
To: Harold Lee
Cc: lugod's technical discussion forum


That seemed to do the trick. However, I have a new problem.

The following works when I have a simple XML document with only 1 'pedon' 
per 'pedon_collection'

xsl:template match=pedon_collection/pedon/vegetation
xsl:result-document href=vegetation.csv format=csv
xsl:apply-templates select=* /

xsl:template match=vegetation_record
xsl:apply-templates /
xsl:if test=following-sibling::*
xsl:value-of select=$break /

xsl:template match=vegetation_record/*
!-- remove normalize-space() if you want keep white-space at 
it is -- 
xsl:value-of select=concat($quote, normalize-space(.), 
$quote) /
xsl:if test=following-sibling::*
xsl:value-of select=$delim /

How can I apply these rules to _each_ 'pedon' in a 'pedon_collection', such 
the results are appended to the same file?


On Wednesday 14 July 2010, Harold Lee wrote:
 If you want one XSLT program to output multiple files, then use the
 result-document instruction/element:

 It allows you to specify all of the formatting options available via
 xsl:output, so you can output text - i.e. CSV - this way.


 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
  I have an XML file generated via PHP, and containing the contents of
  several linked tables from a relational database. I would like to
  generalize some sample XSLT documents to convert the entire file into a
  sequence of CSV files. The XML file will essentially be exploded back
  into a set of CSV files, one for each of the original tables. The idea
  would be to create a couple XSLT files for converting the XML format into
  several possible output formats.
  Attached is the XML file, as well as two XSLT files. I suppose that I
  could loop over the tables of interest, and apply separate XSLT files to
  the original XML-- saving to different output files each time. It would
  be more convenient to have all of that logic embedded in the XSLT file--
  if possible.
  Any ideas?
  Dylan Beaudette
  Soil Resource Laboratory
  University of California at Davis
  vox-tech mailing list

Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: complex XML to CSV via XSLT

2010-07-14 Thread Bill Kendrick

And again


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 17:38:18 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 16:43:24 -0700
From: Dylan Beaudette
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] complex XML to CSV via XSLT
Cc: Wes Hardaker

Wow. Pretty neat. Looks like that almost works. It does not work when there 
are several 'pedons' in the collection. 


On Wednesday 14 July 2010, Wes Hardaker wrote:
  On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 11:40:35 -0700, Dylan Beaudette said:

 DB I would like to generalize some sample XSLT documents to convert the
 DB entire file into a sequence of CSV files.

 Remember, that whatever you do in another language you can do in perl
 with less code and more obfuscation:

   use XML::Simple;
   use IO::File;
   use strict;

   my $doc = XMLin($ARGV[0], SuppressEmpty = '', KeyAttr = 'foobarbogus');
   my %iohandles;

   $doc = $doc-{'pedon'};

   foreach my $key (keys(%$doc)) {
   if (!exists($iohandles{$key})) {
   die I'm being hacked if ($key !~ /^[_a-zA-Z0-9]/);
   $iohandles{$key} = new IO::File;
   print STDERR writing out $key.csv\n;
   if (ref($doc-{$key}) ne 'HASH') {
   foreach my $subkey (keys(%{$doc-{$key}})) {
   if (ref($doc-{$key}{$subkey}) ne 'ARRAY') {
   if (ref($doc-{$key}{$subkey}) ne 'HASH') {
   print STDERR {$key}{$subkey} unexpected type\n;
   $doc-{$key}{$subkey} = [$doc-{$key}{$subkey}];
   foreach my $record (@{$doc-{$key}{$subkey}}) {

 # perl pedons.xml
 writing out hz_mottles.csv
 writing out hz_frags.csv
 writing out horizon.csv
 writing out hz_roots.csv
 writing out memo.csv
 writing out description.csv
 {description}{surface_frags_bd} unexpected type
 writing out hz_pores.csv
 writing out hz_pvsf.csv
 writing out notes.csv
 writing out hz_rmf.csv
 writing out diagnostic.csv
 writing out vegetation.csv
 writing out pedon_spatial.csv
 {pedon_spatial}{y} unexpected type

Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

- End forwarded message -

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Permission Denied Error

2010-07-09 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 10:19:00PM -0700, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
 Unless you have the full source code and are familiar enough with it
 to insure that it doesn't have hidden dependencies on those constants,
 and are recompiling the full source code, you should still be wary of
 changing read-only headers.


Furthermore, a more proper way of altering constants for your own
app's purpose would be to redefine them in your source, rather than
alter the library's header file.


  #include some_library_header.h

  #if defined(SOMECONST)

  /* Override some_library_header.h's SOMECONST with my own number */
  #define SOMECONST 1234

Obviously, this changed constant will only be visible to the file(s)
that see the above C preprocessor commands.

But do keep in mind, as explained earlier, even if you change some
#define's _in the system-wide header file_ (e.g., if I go in and
screw around with /usr/include/stdio.h), those changes will only

  * programs compiled with that header
  * and compiled AFTER I edited it

The stdio library itself, and any applications which were compiled
against the stdio.h header prior to my edits, will REMAIN UNCHANGED.

I'm throwing these caveats in here because I think we still don't
know exactly what you're trying to accomplish. :)  Based on the vague
requirement of need to change numbers in a header file, what you're
trying to do could range from trivial to impossible to downright
dangerous. :)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Regular expression help

2010-06-30 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 03:01:13PM -0700, David Spencer, Internet Handyman 
 Guys, I'm sorry about asking this on the list; but I seem to have a mental
 block when it comes to regular expressions. Here's what I'm trying to do:

That's what this list is here for! ;)

 I have a lot of directories with a vast number of files, some of which I wishy
 to delete based on the month they were created. I've built a file from some
 full directory listings that has all the files I wish to delete. (Just go with
 me on this and don't suggest alternative methods of performing the task - I'm
 simplfying the job so it can be explained more easily.)

Another alternative might be to use find to find all files created
or modified within a certain timespan, and then delete them.
(Or simply list them, which you can capture into a file for review,
and delete the files at your leisure)

You could also use 'find' as a means of getting easier-to-parse output
(additional or fewer fields, and formatted differently) than what you
get from ls -l.


  find -mmin +43200   # more modified more than 30 days (30*24*60 minutes) ago

  find -not -newermt '2010-04-01 00:00:00'  # files modified ('m') longer ago
# (not newer) than the date ('t')
# April 1st

Of course, I've pretty much never had reason to use these, so I might be
off the mark with them, but I figured find is a lot more flexible and
safer than ls -l followed by regexp magic. ;)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?

2010-06-15 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 05:53:11PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
  Does anyone here have any suggestions on a tool that can handle
  this for me?  (Again, this will be running on a server as part
 Do you have a jpeg that is in grey? 

Me as in personally?  Not off-hand, but easily created
in The GIMP.

Me as in, do we have them in our catalog, and my automated
system is having trouble converting them to RGB colorspace?
Then yes. :)

However, I've added a -type TrueColor (to go along with the
-colorspace RGB), and I think it'll help.  I didn't have a chance
to experiment (but threw it into production anyway, and may just
sit back and see if it helps ;) ... I've got a million other things
to worry about.)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Kendrick

So I've got a system that receives images from users
We then ship those out to a 3rd party.  This 3rd party
requires that they be JPEGs (easy to convert to) of a
certain size (easy to check) and in RGB colorspace
(vs CMYK or Grey).

I had a great bit of difficulty, and simply threw my hands up,
when trying to encourage a greyscale image (that is, a picture
that's only grey pixels) to become an RGB colorspace JPEG.

Every automated tool I tried (libjpeg-progs, ImageMagick,
possibly others; it's been a while) seemed to ignore my colorspace
hint, and said to themselves ah, but it's only grey pixels;
let's just save it as Grey colorspace!)

Does anyone here have any suggestions on a tool that can handle
this for me?  (Again, this will be running on a server as part
of an automated process, so desktop apps are out; don't bother
suggesting The GIMP :) )

I'd be willing to whip something up in C that used libjpeg
and ran on our server to handle the 'force-to-RGB-colorspace'
task.  (The other idea I had was to introduce an off-grey pixel
into the source image, to convince the tools we're using now
that the image really does deserve RGB colorspace :) )

Thanks in advance,

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] boot failure with KDE

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 09:38:45PM -0700, Thomas Johnston wrote:
 I am running Kubuntu 10.04 and I am no longer able to boot up as
 normal.  I make it to the login screen without any indication of a
 problem.  After typing in my user name and password, it continues to

Just to be pedantic (it helps to use the right terminology when
asking for help, is all), at this point you aren't booting any more.
Once the login screen is up, your computer is completed booted-up.
At this point, you're logging in to your KDE X-Window session.

(So it's not really a can't boot, but a can't login problem)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Kendrick

Orson posted from a non-subscribed address, so passing along
to the list on his behalf:

- Forwarded message from -

Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:12:11 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 17:07:00 -0600
From: Orson Jones
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?

What are you using to determine the type of image? From what I have been
reading, imagemagick tells you about the contents of the image, not the
actual format it is saved in.

$ convert grey.jpg -type TrueColor converted.jpg

$ identify -verbose converted.jpg |grep Type:
  Type: Grayscale

$ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null grey.jpg 21 |grep components
Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=1
Start Of Scan: 1 components

$ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null converted.jpg 21 |grep components
Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=3
Start Of Scan: 3 components

(This shows that there are 3 components and not 1 like the grey image.)


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Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Fwd: Re: Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 04:27:04PM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 What are you using to determine the type of image? From what I have been
 reading, imagemagick tells you about the contents of the image, not the
 actual format it is saved in.
 $ convert grey.jpg -type TrueColor converted.jpg
 $ identify -verbose converted.jpg |grep Type:
   Type: Grayscale

I have no idea what the 3rd party uses, but we get reports back.
I forget (since it's been about 2 months) exactly what I was doing
to try and determine whether the resulting JPEG was 'right'.

 $ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null grey.jpg 21 |grep components
 Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=1
 Start Of Scan: 1 components
 $ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null converted.jpg 21 |grep components
 Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=3
 Start Of Scan: 3 components
 (This shows that there are 3 components and not 1 like the grey image.)

So the trick might be the -type TrueColor option...  I'll if that helps.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Fwd: Re: sudoers file on ubuntu corrupted, how can I recover it?

2010-06-14 Thread Bill Kendrick

Matthew posted from a non-sub'd address.  This got discarded over
the weekend; apologies for fwd'ing it along so long after
(and/or if it's a duplicate; I'm a bit email-backlogged!)


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 13:56:54 -0700
Subject: Auto-discard notification

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 13:28:50 -0700
From: Matthew Van Gundy
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] sudoers file on ubuntu corrupted, how can I recover it?
To: lugod's technical discussion forum

If you have a root login enabled, login as root and change the mode.   
If not, reboot, add init=/bin/sh kernel boot parameter to the kernel  
line in grub.  mount -o remount,rw /; Change the mode, sync; sync;  
sync; mount -o remount,ro /; reboot (you'll probably need to hard  
reboot because the command won't work)

In the future, visudo is your friend.


Sent from my iPod

On Jun 12, 2010, at 12:51, Hai Yi wrote:

Hello all:

I accidentally changed the mode of the file /etc/sudoers and added a  
line to the file.

Now every time I want to sudo sth, I got a segmental fault  
error, and an error message like ... the mode is 0640, it should be  

I couldn't remember exactly the words, but it's something similar to  

Anyone knows how to recover this error?

I am using ubuntu 9.10

Thanks a lot!

vox-tech mailing list


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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] ffmpeg migration to Windows

2010-06-03 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 06:32:21AM -0700, Wes Hardaker wrote:
 In short: I've been really impressed with Qt.  I've used WxWidgets in
 the past, and it's programming model is one I understand and have
 written applications for.  I've done a bit of work with GTK+
 applications and though I can do it, I'm not really a fan of how you
 need to get things done under GTK+.  By far the fastest
 time-to-running-code of the three that I've played with is Qt and it's
 by far the most portable, IMHO, as well.


Anyone want a book on wxWidgets? ;)  Barely touched!
(Or wait, did I give that one away already?)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] debug process with command line args

2010-05-21 Thread Bill Kendrick

I do, e.g.,

$ gdb ./tuxpaint
(gdb) run --windowed --nosound


(via touchscreen phone, chasing toddler at a park ;) )

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 06:56:58PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 How do I add arguments to a program I am debugging with gdb?
 The following doesn't seem to work.
 gdb ./foo -i somearg
 Brian Lavender
 the Ethereal version 0.99 source code contains more than 8,000 instances
 of incrementing or decrementing by a hard-coded numeric constant, the
 vast majority of which are adjusting a pointer or a length while stepping
 through a buffer. Any instance of an incorrect constant can of course
 result in an incorrect parsing of a protocol, but is not detectable at
 compile-time since using the wrong numeric constant still type-checks.
 Pang et al. on binpac
 vox-tech mailing list

Sent from my computer
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] (no subject)

2010-05-17 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 03:36:54PM -0700, Tom Ghormley wrote:
 Why would you send me an ad for Viagra?

Per a message I posted to 'vox', I'm guessing Marc's
email account or computer were compromised. :(

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Looking for a Sunbird (Google Calendar) replacement

2010-05-10 Thread Bill Kendrick

Somehow, Tony replied to vox-tech-bounces rather than vox-tech. :^?


- Forwarded message from -

Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 23:10:52 -0700
Subject: Uncaught bounce notification

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format was not recognized, or no member addresses could be extracted
from it.  This mailing list has been configured to send all
unrecognized bounce messages to the list administrator(s).

For more information see:

Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 23:00:47 -0700
From: Tony Cratz
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Looking for a Sunbird (Google Calendar) replacement

Alex Mandel wrote:
 It was never supported by canonical and could have been dropped simply
 because no one maintained the package. It remains available just not in
 the default repositories from Ubuntu. Binaries are on the mozilla website.
 You might also find a build on Launchpad or try the Lightning extension
 for Thunderbird (which is very linked to sunbird development).

Yes I know I can download it from Mozilla but I really
would like to have it as a package so I don't have to worry
about updating it myself.

Right now I'm taking a look at Osmo. It may do some of what I
need but it is not really what I want.


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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Loop variants should be integers!

2010-04-21 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 05:48:49PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
 I recently met a guy at SacJUG who lived next door to Bertrand Meyer! He
 said he might be able to convince him to come and speak here in the
 Sacramento Area. Would that be cool or what?!!!

FYI, Wikipedia tells me:

  Since October 2001, he has been Professor of Software Engineering at
  ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he
  pursues research on building trusted components (reusable software
  elements) with a guaranteed level of quality.

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