French language tuition software

2006-05-19 Thread Spin
Can anyone recommend OS X French language tuition software suitable  
for a Year 8 student?

Many thanks,


17 MacBook Pro ... arrived!

2006-05-17 Thread Spin
Took delivery of my new 17 MacBook Pro today - every bit as good as  
expected, the screen is particularly impressive.Applestore kept  
to its delivery schedule.


Yet another bank phish: Commbank

2006-05-12 Thread Spin
No surprise that there is another email phish, this time aimed at  
Commonwealth Bank customers (see below).

Why is it that there is almost always a clanger to give it away?  For  
example, who is going to be fooled by an email coming from (my  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia Management *Stuff*
(not Staff perhaps?)

I suppose we will have to watch out when the phishing folk figure out  
basic spelling and grammar.



Commonwealth Bank of Australia Security Message.

Dear Commonwealth Bank of Australia member,

Due to recent software problems we decided to review our database to  
prevent security problems. Please take a few minutes out of your time  
to review your account information, you will not run into any further  

Update your NetBank Account : link removed

Thank You ,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Management Stuff

Please do not reply to this confirmation email as your response will  
not be received.

Rap for Yojimbo

2006-05-12 Thread Spin
Hi, I thought some of you may be interested in my recent experience  
with Yojimbo.

I'm moving off Keychain for storing my passwords, instead I'm using  
Yojimbo.   At a basic level, this is a great little application for  
passwords.  It is easier to get to than Keychain, and has strong  
encryption. And passwords stay encrypted across the .mac sync (unlike  
syncing Keychain items across .mac).

But beyond passwords, Yojimbo is a really great app for getting  
organised.  For example, you can quickly capture things like online  
receipts, user registration details, fragments of web pages, useful  
PDFs, important emails, todo reminders etc and store them in  
Yojimbo.  Confidential documents can be encrypted.  Once things are  
in Yojimbo:
- easier to find important things later on (its much easier than  
trawling your hdd for some reason, even with Spotlight)
- you can sync multiple Macs over .mac, and therefore have access to  
the same info on home  business machines
- syncing via .mac also means if you Yojimbo a document, its backed  
up offsite (useful if your hdd crashes)

- items are still spotlight searchable
- they are easy to get out again - you can export one file or everything

If you are a student or academic, its very useful for web based  
research.   Sticky Brain and Moro do similar things, but for me the  
security in Yojimbo makes it a stand out (wouldn't put passwords in  
the others).   This is subjective, but for me Yojimbo also has the  
advantage of simplicity, but no lack of depth.   You have to get used  
to the flat storage model (drop things into Yojimbo, and search to  
fish them out again) - takes getting used to, but simple and  
effective in practice.

Its available for free trial from 
index.shtml - it costs $US39 (the free 30 day trial is an easy way to  
try it out).

I saw Yojimbo referred to by Guy Kawasaki (http:// and reviewed on 

I've got no links with them (other than now being a user).

This is a program that really grows on you, hope you enjoy.


Re: Groups, permissions, sharing

2006-05-03 Thread Spin


You need to use Access Control Lists (ACLs) to do what you want.  Not  
difficult, but does require Tiger and the use of Terminal.  ACLs  
override standard file permissions, and give you the ability to  
assign access permissions by user.

John Siracusa explains ACLs vs file permissions very clearly here:

If you don't want to read it all and are using 10.4.x, you can use  
Terminal to:

1. Switch on ACLs
$ sudo fsaclctl -p / -e
2. Assign user Mary all relevant privileges on the /Shared folder
$ sudo chmod -R +a Mary allow  
inherit,directory_inherit  /Shared



On 03/05/2006, at 7:15 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi all

- OSX Tiger 10.4.6 -
I'm having a bit of a problem getting to grips with setting folder
permissions to get the results I want. I have set up a number of user
accounts eg
€   an admin account for setting things up but not used day to day
€   my main user account
€   account for the other half to use computer without messing up  
my stuff!

€   a separate account for a community group I do stuff with
€   a genealogy account for our family history stuff
I don't have a problem with the general principle that each user  
has access
to his own user folder plus the shared folder. But I want to be  
able to set

up some other folders with selective access eg:

1) More folders like the shared folder that everyone can access and
read/write to so that besides the overall shared I can have shared  


2) Folders fully available to some users but not others (as we did  
in the
old days of file sharing where we created groups of users and gave  
access to
the relevant groups.) OSX seems to work on this principle but how  
do I set
up a group comprising, say, 3 users so that I can set folder access  
to allow
any of these three users full access but not the other (say, two)  
so not

just give access to Others.

3) I also seem to remember being able to set folder privileges to  
certain users to be able to read/write files in the folder but not  
be able
to move/rename or delete the actual folder. How does one go about  
this in


Mac Help does not seem to be too helpful here!

I know this seems a bit obscure, but I'm hoping someone out there  
can help.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

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Re: Airport Express

2006-04-20 Thread Spin
That is amazing ... over a hundred entries on that thread, most  
reporting a dead airport express!   Just added my own 'went dead  
after xx mths' story - 13 mths for me, but it was replaced by Apple,  
though just out of warranty.

On 19/04/2006, at 11:57 PM, Christian Kotz wrote:

Hi All,
Are there any ex-Airport Express users in the group? I stumbled  
across this discussion:

and had heard if often occurs to the 240v versions of the device.
Anyone out there have a testimonial to share? I liked this product  
but now I'm a little weary.
Do you think there could be a recall like the select Powerbook  
power adapters and Batteries?

Regards Christian

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Shipping times for MacBook Pro

2006-04-18 Thread Spin

Hi all,

For a Macbook Pro 2GHz - does anyone have any current info on  
shipping time for new orders from Apple Store (site says estimated  
ship within 24 hrs)?



Re: Internet speed

2006-04-18 Thread Spin
Has anyone actually seen iiNet ADLS2+ go faster than 4Mb/sec?  It  
peaks at this speed for me, and I've seen it do the same on others,  
but never faster.  The actual speed is usually slower for me than 4Mb/ 
sec, and of late it appears there are more disruptions.


On 18/04/2006, at 7:56 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Hi Susan and WAMUGgers

On 18 Apr 2006, at 6:50pm, Susan Hastings wrote:

If you are on broadband 2+ with iinet you may of course be getting  
faster speeds at a similar price.

That's iiNet's offer but no, not here in Gero. They don't have  
DSLAM here so we can't get Broadband 2+.

I'm paying $59.95 for the iiNet 1500/256+5GB plan, ~$19.95 Telstra  
line rental and $9.95 for Engin voip phone. The Engin deal has  
saved us almost as much as the Sipura voicebox cost us, in 3 months  
of use. I'm predicting about $400 savings on STD calls this year.



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Re: Sound notification in Word 2004

2006-04-13 Thread Spin


Under Preferences, Sound, Sound Effects, there is a checkbox for  
'Play user interface sound effects'.  Word has noises for a few  
events, including Save.  Applies to all documents (and also not just  


On 13/04/2006, at 5:41 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

One of the options in Word in Office 2004 is sound notification so  
that it clangs to confirm a Save for example.  This setting seems  
to be normally off and you can only access the Preferences to  
turn it on when a document is open and then it only applies to that  
document.  How do I make such a setting the default for all documents?

Severin Crisp

   Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
   15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Web pages

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Sharing iTunes and iPhoto with multiple users

2006-04-07 Thread Spin
This is a how-to for Terminal-savvy folk interested in having a  
single iTunes music library and/or a single iPhoto library shared by  
multiple users (e.g. for a family Mac).

When I went looking for a way to set up shared iTunes/iPhoto, a  
solution wasn't easy to find. There is an OS X shareware app that  
does it (and manages libraries).  But I thought I would share my  
solution to the problem in case its useful to others - it requires  
more OS X knowledge up front, but is simpler overall.  No doubt there  
is an easier way still, but for now this is what I have. Hopefully  
Apple will make this an out-of-the-box option one day.  I'm using it  
with 10.4.6 and have used with 10.4.4 and 10.4.5, but it should work  
for any version of Tiger, as ACL's were introduced in 10.4 Tiger.

Part 1:  Overview of the solution
To have multiple users share iTunes or iPhoto, you need to move your  
iTunes or iPhoto Library directory into a shared directory that every  
user can access.  Then you set access control list (ACL) permissions  
so the users can all act on the shared directory (standard Unix  
permissions have umask issues).  Once this is done, you create a link  
for each user who needs to access the shared directory.   Sounds a  
bit tricky, but its not really.

You will end up with one main directory:
/Shared/Music/iTunes  (this is the directory where your music  
collection lives)

And then for each user you have a link:
/Users/Mary/Music/iTunes  -- /Shared/Music/iTunes

After that, iTunes and iPhoto work as normal for all users, you won't  
notice the difference.  Note it means anyone can upload photos/music,  
and anyone can delete.Security note: you will be putting music  
and photos into directories accessible to all users on your Mac, so  
if your photos/music need to be kept secure from other users, don't  
do this.

Part 2: Step by step instructions for sharing iTunes

Disclaimer: you need to use Terminal and a some shell commands to set  
this up.  While its not really hard or dangerous, this information is  
presented 'as is', and you should only follow the instructions if you  
know your way around Terminal and the command line and are happy to  
sort out any problems that may arise.  I can't guarantee it will work  
for you, and am not offering tech support if it doesn't.  Backup  
first if you are worried.  But I've used this approach and it works  
very well for me.

Note: the $ sign is a symbol for commands to be issued in Terminal  
(ie. to your OS X shell).  Your prompt will usually have text before  
the $
You should be logged in as the Admin user that created the iTunes  
library you want to share.

1. Make sure you have your iTunes songs backed up (this isn't a  
particularly risky process, but backing up is such a good idea anyway!).

2. Start Terminal(from Finder, Applications)
3. Turn on ACL commands
$ sudo fsaclctl -p / -e
(Note: for your first sudo command, you will be prompted for your  
Administrator password).

4. Check ACL commands are on
$ sudo fsaclctl -p /
5. Create a shared directory.  I use /Shared in this example, but you  
could use /Users/Shared or another name.

$ mkdir /Shared
$ mkdir /Shared/Music
6. Set open permissions on the new directories
$ chmod 777 /Shared/Music
7. Move your iTunes library across to /Shared/Music.  Change  
directory, check iTunes is there, and then do the move.  Note the  
files don't actually go anywhere, you are just tell OS X to move  
pointers to the files from one directory to another, so don't worry  
if the command seems very fast.

$ cd ~/Music
(note: the tilde stands for your home directory)
$ ls -l(this is where you check that iTunes is in the directory)
$ mv iTunes /Shared/Music
8. Create a symbolic link for the iTunes directory (think of this as  
being like an Alias)

$ ln -s /Shared/Music/iTunes iTunes
$ ls -l   (this is just so you can see what the link is doing -  
pointing to the other directory)
9. Now set ACL permissions for any other users that need to access  
the iTunes directory.  The example is for a user called Mary, you  
need to do this for each user (ie repeat the command but replace Mary  
with each user name). This is quite a long command, check your  
spelling and make sure you leave spaces where they are needed!
$ sudo chmod -R +a Mary allow  
inherit,directory_inherit /Shared/Music/iTunes
Note: start iTunes to check .. it should work normally.  If iTunes  
can find the music directory, find it manually and point to your  
Music directory
10.  Your now need to switch into Mary's account, and create a  
symbolic link for her.So login as Mary.

11. Start Terminal (make sure you are now logged in as Mary)
12. If Mary already has an iTunes directory, move it somewhere safe  
(you can delete it after checking it for files you need to keep).

cd ~/Music
ls -l   (this is where you check for an iTunes directory 

Schools with Macs and Windows

2006-04-07 Thread spin
Hello everyone,

I am interested in any contacts people may have at schools that are 
successfully running both Macs and Windows.  They need to be able to help 
alleviate concerns from another school about *potential* technical difficulties 
in letting a Mac into a school for the first time.  The laptop is coming in 
under an assitive technology programme. 

If you can assist, please contact me via email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Thanks to Matt for HDD

2006-03-24 Thread Spin
Thanks for all of the prompt offers of assistance in response to my  
request for a HDD replacement.  In particular thanks to Matt Healey  
who installed the new internal drive.  An efficient and professional  
job, I dropped it off in the morning, and it was returned to me that  
afternoon all ship shape.


Thanks to Matt for HDD

2006-03-24 Thread Spin
Thanks for all of the prompt offers of assistance in response to my  
request for a HDD replacement.  In particular thanks to Matt Healey  
who installed the new internal drive.  An efficient and professional  
job, I dropped it off in the morning, and it was returned to me that  
afternoon all ship shape.



2006-03-22 Thread Spin
Has anyone used Parliant PhoneValet?  This review from Mac360 is very  
positive, but its not clear if it works in Australia: 

Is there any other software that is good for providing small office  
voice mail / fax services on an iMac G5?


Re: re best broadband deal for a mac /pc home network

2006-03-20 Thread Spin
I've been a big fan of iiNet ... up until recently.  They have grown  
rapidly, and customer service imho has changed significantly. Outages  
also seem to have increased in frequency.
They offer fast ADSL2 plans (in my case achieving up to 4Mb/sec,  
doesn't get close to the 24Mb/sec theoretical max, but is pretty good  
compared to the alternatives). Broadband at 512kb/sec compared to  
4,000 kb/sec is a different proposition.
Maybe if Telstra launch their ADSL2 and let the wholesale ISPs in on  
the game, we will see some competition, a good thing for all. When  
ADSL2 plans are offered, I will certainly be weighing up the options.


On 20/03/2006, at 2:33 PM, Paul Weaver wrote:

I changed to Westnet for my broadband service.  I am very  
satisfied. I also
let them have my mobile phone billing in exchange for having the  
ADSL setup fee waived.  We have just authorised them to have our  
phone account instead of Telstra.  We estimate we will save about  
$20 a

month with Westnet.

With our broadband hookup which took place before Christmas, I used  
iConnect modem and phone line filters that Westnet offered.  They  
here by courier almost the next day.  They were cheaper than  
anything I have
seen in shops and worked perfectly from the instant they were  
connected.  I

have since hooked in a couple of Belkin switches from Harvey Norman to
handle traffic from my kid's computers.  All these work flawlessly  

When we started with Westnet we had the $30 Lite plus account with  
a half a
gig of full speed downloads per month before it throttled back.  
This was
inadequate for our family's nine terminals.  I changed it to the  
$40 Premium

service which provides 10 gb.  This has proved to be ample.

Occasionally I have had to switch the modem off briefly to allow it to
reconnect to the Westnet server.  Such interruptions are rare.  
Maybe once or
twice a month.  Apparently they are due to events beyond this house  
- such

as server maintenance in the wee small hours.

Hope this helps.  Paul.

Dr Paul Weaver
Fremantle, Home of the Dockers
Western Australia.

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Re: mind mapping software?

2006-03-20 Thread Spin
Novamind is excellent.  Interface slightly odd in places, but what it  
delivers is excellent.  You can trial it before buying.


On 20/03/2006, at 11:46 AM, gary dorn wrote:

I've started looking for mind mapping software

so far I've found :

freemind  ( free ?)

novamind  ( $100 US

mymind ( donationware)

an architects view 

are there any more out there
anyone got any comments/advice recommendations?
gary dorn
north perth

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Re: export address records

2006-03-20 Thread Spin lists several utilities to transfer from vCard  
directly into Filemaker (just search on vCard)

There is also a utility that converts vCard to a csv file


On 20/03/2006, at 11:53 AM, Chris Burton wrote:

HI Muggers

Can someone please advise how I can export all my contacts from OSX  
address book (10.4.5) into a format so that excel can pick them up,  
probably as a text file. I want to be able to import the contact  
details into a Filemaker 8 database  as I need to streamline my  
business more. I have checked the wamug messages back to 2003, and  
also Address help which says that I can only export the vCards.  
Excel or fmpro doesnt import these.

Many thanks for any help



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Re: Adobe Reader error: -10660

2006-03-19 Thread Spin


This sounds like the answer.  Although the update originally just  
went ahead with the auto updater, after it didn't work properly I  
trashed the old app.



On 17/03/2006, at 6:23 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 17/03/2006, at 4:45 PM, Spin wrote:

After upgrade Adobe Reader to 7.0.7, it now won't open PDF  
documents.  After double clicking any pdf document, I get an error  
The operation could not be completed.  An unexpected error  
occurred (error code -10660).

I've deleted and re-installed acrobat, but the same problem presents.

Any ideas if this is a problem with the 7.0.7 release, or just  
with my setup?

Running OS X  10.4.5 on an iMac G5


Hi Glenn,

Did you download 'the Update 7.0.7 ?

Then Selected  the Adobe Reader 7.0.5 in Applications to update?

I downloaded and installed with no problems.

 Error -10660 is a Launch Services error that generally indicates  
that the preferred application for the document is in the Trash.  
Had you trashed some prior version of Acrobat Reader before  
installing 7.0.7 and previously set all PDFs to open in the trashed  
version of Reader?



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Re: Speakable items - no commands visible

2006-03-19 Thread Spin


I found a thread in the Apple discussions forum that covered this and  
provided a partial fix.

The fix is to rectify 'null' entries in Address Book, where a 'null'  
entry has the Company Name box ticked, but no company name.  Fixing  
these up (by making sure a company name is present) saw the speakable  
item commands come back (on a G4 Powerbook).

I say partial solution however, as on my G5 iMac, there are no  
speakable items visible either.  But the iMac has no files at all in  
the ~/Library/Speech/Speakable Items directory.  No idea why not,  
this was factory installed with Tiger.

You suggestion about the factory master folder was good ... found the  
files at:

Hope copying these over fixes the G5.

Many thanks.


On 17/03/2006, at 5:14 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Glenn,

Did you get to the bottom of this? Are there any items in your
Speakable Items folder (Home  Library  Speech  Speakable Items
(also available via the Speech system preferences). I think those
files get copied to your personal folder from the factory master
folder which is located elsewhere on your hard drive.

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G4 PowerBook needs replacement HDD

2006-03-17 Thread Spin
I have a G4 PowerBook (1.33GHz) with a 60Gb internal Matsushita HDD -  
it is reporting errors, and disk repair suggests replacing it.

If you are able to offer to supply/install a replacement HDD, please  
email me off list.

Location: Shenton Park



Re: G4 PowerBook needs replacement HDD

2006-03-17 Thread Spin
Thanks everyone who responded, I have a few offers to follow up,  
should get it sorted now.



On 17/03/2006, at 10:50 AM, Spin wrote:

I have a G4 PowerBook (1.33GHz) with a 60Gb internal Matsushita HDD  
- it is reporting errors, and disk repair suggests replacing it.

If you are able to offer to supply/install a replacement HDD,  
please email me off list.

Location: Shenton Park



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Adobe Reader error: -10660

2006-03-17 Thread Spin
After upgrade Adobe Reader to 7.0.7, it now won't open PDF  
documents.  After double clicking any pdf document, I get an error  
The operation could not be completed.  An unexpected error occurred  
(error code -10660).

I've deleted and re-installed acrobat, but the same problem presents.

Any ideas if this is a problem with the 7.0.7 release, or just with  
my setup?

Running OS X  10.4.5 on an iMac G5


Speakable items - no commands visible

2006-03-16 Thread Spin
I switched on Speakable Items yesterday, but after using it for 10  
minutes or so it stopped working.The microphone is picking up  
voice, but there is no recognition/response to anything.

The cause of the problem seems to be that the speech commands aren't  
recognised.  *All* of the commands from the Speech Commands window  
have disappeared - they were there before.  (e.g. even basic commands  
such as 'What day is it' are not there).

Have tried using with listening key mode, and listening all the time  

Any idea what configuration I may have accidentally changed to switch  
all commands off?

Using OS X 10.4.5 on a G4 1.33GHz Powerbook.


Re: Apple plans a special event to introduce new products on Tuesday,February 28

2006-02-28 Thread Spin
I *hope* they announce OS X Tiger for the Intel platform - for real  
this time.

By real, I mean so people can buy their new PC (from Dell etc) with  
Windows  Tiger (dual boot) ... or eventually Tiger only.  Or  
existing PC owners can buy Tiger and install it (as a dual boot  
option) on their Intel PC.Of course those who appreciate good  
design will still be able to buy a real Mac with Tiger as well - no  
reason to stop doing Macs just because Tiger is massively profitable  
on its own :)

Now that is what I would call an announcement!


On 28/02/2006, at 2:45 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Apple plans a special invitation-only event to introduce new  
products next
week. The event happens on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 10:00 AM  


The invitation gives away precious little about what Apple has up  
its sleeve

for the event. 

So, what do we think might be coming?

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

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Re: Adding photo as full page watermark?

2006-02-27 Thread Spin


Depending on what you need to do, you might look at Yellow Mug  
Software.  They have:
EasyBatchUpdate - lets you resize images, convert format, add  
watermarks, rename - lots of bulk tasks you do for images on web  
pages etc
EasyCrop - lets you crop photos and reduce resolution to fit size  

These come nowhere near Photoshop style functionality for image  
editing.  They are just simple utilities designed for simple tasks.   
But they do these very well.  Demos are available for download from, or your can read reviews by searching at  
(which is where I came across them).


On 27/02/2006, at 7:41 PM, Bernard and Sue Oliver wrote:

Hi Jon

Thanks very much for your kind offer of help.  We don't have  
Photoshop but as result of the various suggestions we may well look  
at purchasing this.

In the meantime, pleased to tell all the urgency has passed  
courtesy of our daughter who has MS everything and has been able  
completed the task.  It was her poem and pic anyway - we were in  
fact trying to help her because she's visiting and it raised the  
issue for our own stuff!

Re pixel editing software - apart from Photoshop what others are  
there please - or is Photoshop the standard?  Perhaps we have  
others and don't know?  We only have what came standard with the  
LCD - Photo Impression.

Would appreciate advice from yourself or anyone else reading this!

Thanks to everyone who responded to my query - much appreciated -  
and information stored!!!


On 26/02/2006, at 12:21 AM, Jon Davison wrote:

Hi Sue

If you have Photoshop or other pixel editing software, I can show  
you how to do this very easily, otherwise if you need it done  
quickly, email me the pic and text and I will do it for you.


Getting to grips with digital photography
Photoshop tuition and location workshops
Jon Davison has been a photographer
and designer for 25 years.
He has produced over 50 books.
+ 61 8 93806508
0403 235938

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Re: ClamXav Scan Report

2006-02-26 Thread Spin


Not sure about that particular virus, however a tool I use is Little  
Snitch.  It reports on outbound connection requests, the idea being  
if an application wants to send some data to an external site, you  
are told about it and get to approve/deny the request.
If a trojan did install, collect details and try to send off site,  
you might have a chance of detecting it with a tool like this and  
denying the outbound send.
Its a pity the default firewall config in OS X doesn't let you set up  
outbound permissions (I think it can be used this way if you know the  
ins and outs of firewall configuration).


On 26/02/2006, at 4:48 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi WAMUGers,

I did a scan today using ClamXav 1.0.1  and ... yikes  2  
Infected Files.

I've never had this happen before.
From what I can find out about the HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 it's a
Sounds very serious.
Has someone tried to get my Bank Account Details?

I have Trashed the Two Files !

Scan started: Sun Feb 26 13:46:28 2006

01/00/3729113369-3986401291.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND
13/00/2171875289-3523061511.cache: HTML.Phishing.Bank-246 FOUND

-- summary --
Known viruses: 45420
Engine version: 0.86.2
Scanned directories: 5170
Scanned files: 25365
Infected files: 2
Data scanned: 19216.02 MB
Time: 9070.693 sec (151 m 10 s)

Thanks for any information as to How  Why did has happened on my  
G4 PowerBook OSX10.4.5.

Car'n The Pies

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Best way to backup

2006-02-17 Thread Spin
Hi everyone, I would like to know what people think would be the best  
way to go for a backup solution
I have two separate Macs (home G4 Powerbook and office iMac G5), both  
running 10.4.5.  I have about 80Gb on each.

I am looking at two options:
- getting a single 250Gb LaCie hd (about $350), Retrospect sw (is it  
really $2,000ish to automate backups?) and moving the backup hdd with me
- getting two 250Gb drives ($700) and using SuperClone! or similar  
and keeping the backup hdd at the other site.

I already have .mac account, but I don't think the Backup module will  
achieve what I want. I've also found data transfers to/from my iDisk  
are very slow, so I'm generally a bit cautious about it.

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on the best way to go?



Faxing with G5 iMac and ADSL

2006-02-12 Thread Spin
Hi everyone, I am running a G5 iMac with OS X 10.4.4, and would like  
to use the faxing capabilities of Tiger.

I have a Belkin 4 port router with wireless providing ADSL internet  
connection.  Currently I have it connected as follows:

Phone Line - splitter
- Phone
- ADSL router - Lan1 to Ethernet port on iMac

I've set up to Receive faxes Printing  Fax preferences.
But there doesn't appear to be a modem in the G5, and there is no  
connector for a phone line (just an Ethernet port)

Can I use faxing on the G5?  If so, how?   Thanks for any assistance.


Re: changing ISP

2006-01-18 Thread Spin
It really is the case.  iiNet broadband2+ says it is 'up to  
24,000kbps'.  In practice I've only ever seen it go up to 4,000kbps  
(with up to 1,000 upload) on my connection, it depends on distance to  
the exchange and other factors. For $40/mth, its a competitive price  
and much faster than the 512/128 or 1,500/256 you can get from  
Telstra.  You won't want to go back.  Keep in mind to get broadband 2 
+ at iiNet you will need to get your phone line and local/national  
calls switched over to iiNet, and pay them $33/mth (instead of paying  
pretty much the same to Telstra for line rental) plus calls.  No real  
issue there.

Telstra are planning to roll out the faster broadband this year, and  
I understand that this will mean they offer it via wholesalers as  
well.  So later this year you should see competitive broadband2+  
plans out there (including from Bigpond).  Maybe there will be a lot  
of special offers around when this happens.

Customer service at iiNet has been a problem for me lately, which is  
surprising -  until now they've always been very good on the customer  
service front.  Possibly its just they have a lot of demand for the  
new services, but you might experience it differently.  I've also  
raised privacy issues with them, and can't say I'm really satisfied  
with their approach in some areas.

But if you do the comparisons, you will see they come up well.


On 18/01/2006, at 3:01 PM, thefrogs wrote:

We are considering changing from Bigpond because now it looks like  
iinet has Broadband 2 with VOIP phone cheaper than the ordinary  
Broadband we have with Telstra. Is that really the case? What are  
the best deals and how can we look at comparisons?

tom samson

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Apple phish

2006-01-17 Thread Spin
The Apple ID phish - covered recently in WAMUG - is mentioned in this  
Register piece:

Email fraudsters are targeting Apple fans in a change of tactic from  
standard phishing attacks. snip... but the latest scam emails, sent  
out last weekend, target Apple IDs. Armed with an Apple ID and  
password, fraudsters have access to user's iTunes Music Store account  
and their AppleStore account, information that might allow them to  
buy computers, software, peripherals under a false identity.


Re: How to copy recently modified files

2006-01-08 Thread Spin

Thanks Rob, Peder,

Cmd F sounded really promising ... until I tried it.

There were 2 Word documents in the Documents folder that I knew were  
created in the last 24 hrs, and they didn't seem to show up at all.   
Then I found them ... along with several thousand entries in the  
'Other' category, along with cache files etc.  There are a number  
of .txt files neatly categorised as 'Documents', but not the 'real'  
documents I wanted it to find.  The search field (magnifying glass)  
can't filter out the chaff, and no way to focus it on Documents as  
the base of the search.  So Cmd F is not precise enough for what I am  

I think it is back to the find command, this way I can control the  
search area.

Thanks for your assistance.


On 07/01/2006, at 10:52 PM, Rob Davies wrote:

On 07/01/2006, at 9:35 PM, Spin wrote:

I would like a way to find all files created/modified in the last  
24 or 48 hrs.  The reason being I need to find all files worked on  
in the last 1 day / 2 day period so I can copy them (via memory  
stick) to another computer.

Ideally I would like to do this from the Finder.

But I also realise it might be achieved using a shell script and  
the find command (possibly even zipping them up at the same time?).

If someone has done this (or knows how to do it easily), it would  
be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Not sure if this a default install, but on my PB running 10.4.3 I  
use +f from Desktop and then just select Any Date from the finder  
window, pick whatever period I need then move on to other sections  
for search, Servers, Computer, Home, Volume ?, Others..


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Re: How to copy recently modified files

2006-01-08 Thread Spin
Oops, just found out how to add Documents as a Folder using the  
'Others' section, works fine.


On 07/01/2006, at 10:52 PM, Rob Davies wrote:

On 07/01/2006, at 9:35 PM, Spin wrote:

I would like a way to find all files created/modified in the last  
24 or 48 hrs.  The reason being I need to find all files worked on  
in the last 1 day / 2 day period so I can copy them (via memory  
stick) to another computer.

Ideally I would like to do this from the Finder.

But I also realise it might be achieved using a shell script and  
the find command (possibly even zipping them up at the same time?).

If someone has done this (or knows how to do it easily), it would  
be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Not sure if this a default install, but on my PB running 10.4.3 I  
use +f from Desktop and then just select Any Date from the finder  
window, pick whatever period I need then move on to other sections  
for search, Servers, Computer, Home, Volume ?, Others..


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Virtual PC and Mac - security

2006-01-07 Thread Spin
Because I need to run one particular Windows app on my G5 iMac (MS  
Visio), I am now running Virtual PC (v 7.02 with XP Professional 2002  
SP 2).  Not ideal, but necessary for my business.

My question relates to security.  I'm pretty confident about Mac  
security, but with Windows running within it, I'm interested in what  
security precautions to take.
For example, should the Windows firewall be on?  Do I need to install  
the regular Windows OS updates.
Note I don't run any Windows email, so consider anti-virus to be  
unnecessary.  I have only had to use Explorer once, to access a  
trusted site that doesn't support Safari/Firefox - so I also consider  
anti-spyware to be unnecessary also.

Note I'm connected to the Internet via ADSL with a NAT router.  So  
I'll raise the other niggling question - without Virtual PC running,  
should the Mac firewall be on or not?  I've heard conflicting  
positions on whether the NAT router is adequate protection or not.

Any advice appreciated.



Re: Virtual PC and Mac - security

2006-01-07 Thread Spin
Thanks all for your responses, I've changed XP based on the  
recommendations (or the ones I could follow anyway) and it seems to  
run faster.

Security wise, I'm a lot more comfortable now.  VPC says Shared  
Networking uses NAT, which would suggest the Windows PC is  
effectively hidden (as much as the Mac) from external intrusions.
Points about AVG and firewalls noted.   I'll keep XP auto updates on.

I did look carefully at OmniGraffle.  It supports Visio 2002 files  
(not Visio 2003).  It also doesn't have equivalent functionality  
(that I could see anyway) for preparing business process diagrams  
(Visio has very good cross functional flowchart components).  I'll  
keep tracking OmniGraffle though, looks interesting.

By the way, I ran the GRC 'Shields Up' (, and it shows all  
ports closed except ftp, telnet and http (this is both from the Mac  
and from the VPC).  Any idea why this is, and if (and how) they can  
be turned off?

Thanks again.


On 07/01/2006, at 4:44 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:


I admin a bunch of WinXP systems at work, and this answer is made  
from that experience:

Paul wrote:

My question relates to security.  I'm pretty confident about Mac   
security, but with Windows running within it, I'm interested in  
what  security precautions to take.

For example, should the Windows firewall be on?

Unless you need to disable it for some specific reason, yes. More  
layers of protection rarely hurt.

 Do I need to install the regular Windows OS updates.

You absolutely must keep it up to date. E-mail is not the only  
exploit vector. For example, the recent WMF security hole could  
probably attack you through a Visio file with an embedded WMF image.

Note I don't run any Windows email, so consider anti-virus to be   

That's not entirely true, but you'll probably be fine. I'd  
recommend installing and using AVG from anyway. If  
you're confident you can avoid getting the system infected, I  
wouldn't bother letting it remain resident, instead just run scans  
occasionally. Mostly though it's safer to let it run resident  
(continuous scanning essentially).

I have only had to use Explorer once, to access a  trusted site  
that doesn't support Safari/Firefox - so I also consider  anti- 
spyware to be unnecessary also.

You're probably OK there. I wouldn't want to use any persistent/ 
resident spyware scanner (many of which cause more problems than  
they solve), but do consider using something like AdAware from to do scans every few months.

Note I'm connected to the Internet via ADSL with a NAT router.   
So  I'll raise the other niggling question - without Virtual PC  
running,  should the Mac firewall be on or not?  I've heard  
conflicting  positions on whether the NAT router is adequate  
protection or not.

A NAT router makes it difficult to initiate a connection to your  
systems from the outside world. The extremely basic firewalls in  
Mac OS X and Windows XP are intended to do much the same thing.  
Things that can make it through NAT (e-mail borne nasties, IRC /  
instant messenger attacks, browser exploits, etc) will most often  
also make it through the XP and Mac OS X firewalls.

That said, unless you specifically need to disable the firewall for  
some reason, leave it enabled.

I personally wouldn't let windows near the net without AVG anti- 
virus and ZoneAlarm firewall.

I agree with regards to AVG, though if you're a careful and  
informed user you can usually get away without running it in  
resident mode. I think ZoneAlarm is unncessary for most users with  
XP SP2, and it can cause more problems than it solves.

I've had to fix more Windows boxes that broke due to ZoneAlarm  
(conflicts, bad upgrades, broken uninstalls, etc) than due to viruses.

I cant emphasise the iffy security of IE enough.

This is especially true right now, where any website can take total  
control of your computer through an image. That means that (eg)  
some web forums will permit another poster to put up an image  
that'll control your computer.

Given what you have said, Windows OS updates should only be  
necessary *if* the normal operation of the OS and programs  
specifically require it. You can, given enough patience, install  
just required updates.

Noo! Just turn on automatic updates. It's low fuss (though  
sometimes really annoying about bugging you to reboot), works well,  
and won't break things.

Also it may improve your mileage if you turn off:
Active desktop
Screen saver
Auto shut-down/sleep
Messenger service
Auto updates

I'd recommend leaving automatic updates enabled.

Off-line files
System recovery

By disabling system restore, you turn off the ability to repair  
your system after a bad program/driver install. This can cost you a  
lot of time and frustration, since while it's turned off it doesn't  
collect any of the information needed to do recovery.

It does have a 

How to copy recently modified files

2006-01-07 Thread Spin
I would like a way to find all files created/modified in the last 24  
or 48 hrs.  The reason being I need to find all files worked on in  
the last 1 day / 2 day period so I can copy them (via memory stick)  
to another computer.

Ideally I would like to do this from the Finder.

But I also realise it might be achieved using a shell script and the  
find command (possibly even zipping them up at the same time?).

If someone has done this (or knows how to do it easily), it would be  

Many thanks.


Re: Typing Tutors

2005-12-28 Thread Spin

10 Thumbs works well on OS X


On 28/12/2005, at 8:31 PM, Aurora wrote:


Can anyone recommend a good touch typing program for OSX?


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Running a cinema display in another room

2005-12-28 Thread Spin
Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to run a 24 or 30 cinema  
display (as a second monitor) in another room?  If so, what cabling  
is required, and does anyone have ideas on the best way to go about  
it (home theatre installation?  self-install?).  I understand you  
need a Power Mac G5 or a Powerbook 15 to run the 30 cinema screen,  
but can a Mac Mini or an iMac G5 drive a 24 as a second screen?



Running an iMac G5 with OS X 10.4

No Airport SSID visible for a Windows laptop

2005-12-06 Thread spin
I am having a bit of trouble sharing an Airport network with a Windows laptop.  
The Airport network (called 'Wire', running on a base station 'Apple Network 
699bfg' is running fine, and I can connect to it with my PowerBook without any 
problem (connecting to network 'Wire').
When I try to find the network from the Windows machine, the network shows up 
but without a name.  The network isn't a Closed network. I can't figure out why 
the name (SSID) isn't shown.  Unable to check WAMUG archives, as I'm getting 
'Sorry, the server failed to retrieve the requested data'.

Here is what I am doing:
From the IBM Access Connections application, using the Find Wireless Network 
function, I get a dialog box 'Finding Wireless Network'.  This provides a list 
of available wireless networks.  Headings for the table are: Network Name 
(SSID), Wireless Mode, MAC Address, Encryption.  The entry for the network I am 
trying to use has a blank Network Name field with a radio button to select it, 
but shows Wireless Mode 802.11b, a MAC address and Encryption (Enabled).  I can 
select the radio button and return to the configuration screen, but this leaves 
the network name blank.  Trying to connect gives an 'IBM Access Connections - 
Progress' dialog with a message 'Attempting connection with profile:', but the 
progress bar stays blank and no connection is made.

I have tried the Airport network with WPA Personal security and no security.  
The Wire network is not a closed network.  Versions are: Apple Base Station 
v5.6, and Airport V4.2 V420.31

I have successfully connected the Windows laptop to another Airport Express 
network, using WPA security.  In that case, the name of the Airport network 
showed up properly.

The Windows computer is running Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP 4.  It is running an 
Intel Pro/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter

Any suggestions appreciated.
