Mayberry-like books

2013-02-01 Thread PLV
Laura Childs has a Tea Shop Mystery series set in Charleston, South

Carolyn Hart has a Death On Demand mystery series set in coastal South

Cathy Pickens has a Southern Fried mystery series set in South Carolina.
Kathryn R. Wall has a Bay Tanner mystery series set on Hilton Head Island,

The Laura Childs series probably comes the closest to resembling a Murder
She Wrote concept. It's a traditional cozy mystery series.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-05-15 Thread PLV
I beg to differ, Emmett. TAGS is shown every weekday Noon (CDT) and every
weeknight on MeTooTV.

Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 17:52:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: TAGS on METV
So far I haven't seen TAGS on MeTV, but I remain  hopeful.

Keep on hoping, Greg, because you won't see TAGS on METV.   TAGS  is owned
by TVLand now for several years, and they don't allow it to be shown
nationally by anyone but TVLand.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Real Life Spouses

2011-09-17 Thread PLV
Jackie Joseph (aka Ramona Romeena Ankrum) was married at the time to Ken
Berry (aka Sam Jones). Their subsequent divorce became quite well-known
because Ms. Joseph became a pro-active champion for dumped first wives.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:42:02 -0400
Subject: Trivia

 The weather turned cool this morning, and I woke up in a trivia kind of
mind.  So here we go.If you remember, one time, Andy's real life wife
appeared on the show as a member of the choir where Barney sang so badly.
But there was another real life husband and wife that appeared on the Andy
show.  The wife only appeared in one episode, but the husband had a
prominent role.   And no, they did not appear in the same episode.
What were the names of these real life spouses?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Daddy Long Legs

2011-09-13 Thread PLV
Barney referred to Andy as Daddy Long Legs in the Opie Loves Helen
episode, when he's about to inform Andy of Opie's crush on Miss Crump.

That name doesn't even correctly describe the scenario. The book and the
movie Daddy Long Legs were about a middle-aged bachelor who falls in love
with his much younger ward.  So I've always wondered whether the TAGS
writers intentionally used the term to show another example of Barney's not
knowing nearly as much as he thought he did. Or if, in fact, the writers
themselves didn't know better.

I think he once called Andy Daddy Long Legs..but I'll have to have help on
that one.  It was when Opie as failing Math.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Lucy

2011-09-13 Thread PLV
In response to the question about Andy Griffith and Lucille Ball -

Andy never appeared on the I Love Lucy series. He did appear on
the Here's Lucy series in Lucy Meets Andy Griffith, which aired October
29, 1973.
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Tattoos in Mayberry

2011-08-15 Thread PLV
I believe one of Ellie Walker's erstwhile suitors, the muscle-bound one,
sported a tattoo in Irresistible Andy.

And I think Goober would have had a large Yo! tattooed on his bicep.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS moments

2011-07-27 Thread PLV
Like 44,000+ other viewers worldwide, this morning I was pinned to my screen
watching the release of 5 rehabilitated bald eagles in Virginia - including
the 3 that came to be known as the Rock Stars, after they were removed from
their nest when their mother was killed by an airplane back in April. As we
waited for the release to start, I was cheered by how many bloggers talked
about that wonderful scene in the TAGS episode Opie the Birdman (I think)
when Andy reassures Opie by saying something like, Yes, the cage is empty
now. But don't the trees sound full. [please don't rude me; that's only
meant as a very rough remembrance of the line!] I just really enjoyed the
realization of how TAGS continues to influence our thinking, even 50 years
later. That's a true classic!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Real Life Siblings

2011-07-20 Thread PLV
Mabel Albertson played Howard Sprague's mother, and her brother Jack
Albertson played Aunt Bee's cousin Bradford J. Taylor.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-07-19 Thread PLV
Someone lamented that ME-TV doesn't show TAGS, but here in the Chicagoland
viewing area it's on that channel every weekday at Noon, then on Me-TV Too
every weekday night at 10:30pm.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Baths in Mayberry, Grumpy Andy, Mayberry Moment

2011-07-11 Thread PLV
I'm going to group three subjects into this one e-mail because I've been
noticing that my e-mails are taking longer  longer to reach the Digest.

1) I happened to catch a rerun of The Bookie Barber episode this weekend
and noted in the opening scene, after Opie has tried to explain that he
hates getting his hair cut because the hairs drop down his neck  itch him,
Andy tells him that he'll be able to fix that by taking a bath when he gets
home. Opie is horrified that, now, he has to get a dreaded hair cut and take
a dreaded bath! Cute scene, well played.

2) My personal opinion about the darker Andy who emerged in the color
episodes is that he was tiring of playing the character and started letting
his ennui show. Griffith wasn't diagnosed with the Guillain-Barre syndrome
until the early '80s, so it's probably doubtful that he was experiencing any
of its symptoms during the run of TAGS.

3) My Mayberry Moment - Saturday morning, I had returned from grocery
shopping and was unloading my car in my building’s garage. An older woman
(about my age, probably!) came walking in and got into a large, late-model
sedan parked several spaces away from my car. I wasn’t paying much attention
until I heard an odd sort of chucka sound come from her direction. I
looked over in time to see her car more or less jump backwards out of its
space; then it jumped forward at an angle; jumped backward again; and
finally jumped toward the exit. Shades of Aunt Bee learning to drive!
(Although I doubt this lady had the excuse of a manual transmission and
having to learn how to work a clutch!)
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Barney's Inspirations

2011-07-07 Thread PLV
I'm not sure if I understood the original message correctly, but here is a
short list of Alcatraz-based movies made before (or during) the TAGS years:

Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), probably Burt Lancaster’s defining role as
Robert The Birdman Stroud

The Alcatraz Express (1960)

Experiment Alcatraz (1950), mad doctor performing medical experiments on

Train to Alcatraz (1948)

Seven Miles from Alcatraz (1942), but Alcatraz was almost incidental to the
main story of Nazi spies in San Francisco

King of Alcatraz (1938)

A few weeks back I told you of my Visit to Alcatraz, and how that was the
likely inspiration to Barney's description of the Mayberry Jail as the

It got me to wondering what were all the influenencers of the Lawman that is

Brney Fife.  Here is my list so far.

1)  Stories about the famous Jail Alatraz  I'm not sure if thre were any
movies about it at that point.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Oscar Winner

2011-07-06 Thread PLV
George Kennedy won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in the movie
Cool Hand Luke.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Lee Van Cleef

2011-07-06 Thread PLV
Lee Van Cleef played one of the two carny workers who stole Aunt Bee's purse
in The Banjo-Playing Deputy episode.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: (Ted) Easy-T \Straight Outta Delhi!\
 To: wbmutbb
 Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:12:25 -0400
 Subject: Twilight Zone
 I saw The Twilight Zone episode with Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleef, and
 James best and I think, Strother Martin. Which episode of TAGS was Van
 Cleef in?
 By the way, I loved the person's list of pet peeves: old people and

 Teddy Stinker Bear
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Religion Mentioned

2011-06-16 Thread PLV
I don't know who the person never shown on screen was, but in the episode
Alcohol  Old Lace, one of the sisters mentioned that their customer Larry
Hansen (?) was a Lutheran despite his buying their elixir to celebrate
Mohammad's birthday.

However there was a person who lived in Mayberry who had their religion
mentioned.  Who was that person and what was the religion? I will give you a
small hint:  The person was never shown on screen, but talked on the
telephone one time.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Horrified Apologies!

2011-05-26 Thread PLV
I just opened the latest Digest and discovered, to my horror, that some sort of 
advertising spam had been sent from my e-mail to the Digest and a family 
member. I had sent a legitimate e-mail to the Digest a few days ago and thought 
it was odd that I didn't receive the usual auto acknowledgment. I now suspect 
that was because some spambot grabbed my e-mail address. Again, please accept 
my heartfelt apologies. I personally loathe advertising spam and know it 
doesn't have any place on a legitimate forum like this one.

I will hope this was an isolated instance. If it continues, I may have to 
consider unsubscribing so as to protect the Digest.

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-05-26 Thread PLV
After I sent my apologies for the spam that co-opted my e-mail address, it 
occurred to me to warn everybody NOT to open the link in that message. Even if 
you think the link itself looks harmless (though I think it looks nasty!), 
there could be all sorts of stuff embedded  just waiting to transfer to your 

Again, so sorry for all this inconvenience. I've never had anything like this 
happen to me before, so I guess I'm being naive in my shock. This sure wouldn't 
have happened in Mayberry!

And, if someone knows how to get the message permanently deleted so it won't 
continue to show up in the Archives, that would be great.

WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2011-05-26 Thread PLV
The prime treatment for erectile dysfunction...

WBMUTBB mailing list

Paul, the tornado, blessings

2011-05-24 Thread PLV
Paul, thank you for posting your very vivid story of your family's experience 
in the Joplin tornado. Watching the news on tv, even listening to the many 
survivor interviews, didn't bring it alive to me as much as your words did. You 
have a real ability to articulate your feelings  impressions, and I thank you 
for sharing that.

And I've been thinking on (as Andy would say) what a blessing we have with 
today's communication options. The fact that Paul could communicate with all of 
us such a short time after his world was so devastated is an awesome thing. If 
we really were back in the good old days of Mayberry, it could be weeks before 
word would finally start trickling out about the extent of the devastation and 
the fate of our friends  loved ones. So, as much as I've always said I'd love 
to live in Mayberry in those days, and as much as I've often resented the 
intrusion of today's electronal marvels, Paul's BlackBerry is one whose value 
I now fully appreciate.

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Hollywood Mansion

2011-05-17 Thread PLV
Does anybody know whether the Hollywood mansion which was identified by the bus 
driver from Ruby Creek as belonging to actor Cesar Romero really was his? If it 
was, I’m curious as to why his was chosen for that scene, since I don’t think 
he had any connection to the show. But I’ve always wondered whether the house 
was really Andy Griffith’s. The bus driver’s comment, “Wouldn’t you like to 
live there?” has always sounded to me like it might have been an inside joke. 
And the maid who comes out to shoo the Taylors off the lawn seemed not at all 
like a professional actress, making me wonder what qualified her for a coveted 
speaking role. Might she really have been Griffith’s maid?

Just some meandering bucket-head thoughts!

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Opposites

2011-05-12 Thread PLV
I wonder if there's a term for those opposites you very rightly pointed out?  
little big and pretty ugly seem perfectly natural to say, but the meanings 
clash, in a way.  

What you're describing is an oxymoron - e.g., pretty ugly, jumbo shrimp, dark 
sun, etc.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Heating in Mayberry

2011-05-09 Thread PLV
  Was anything said on TAGS about heating homes and businesses?   I'm sure 
 they must have had furnaces, for when Andy and Aunt Bee considered buying 
 the new house, the seller's son spilled the beans and told them that the 
 crack in the furnace was getting bigger every day.  

And don't forget about the furnace in the basement of the courthouse where 
Barney sent inept Newton Munroe to clean the flue. Flue? What's a flue?

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Heating System

2011-05-09 Thread PLV
 However, when Barney industriously cleans the room in preparation for 
 Gentleman Dan Caldwell's visit, Andy remarks This place ain't been so clean 
 since the boiler busted and flooded the place, which seems to imply that 
 they once had steam radiators or some such. 

In an earlier episode, I think I remember seeing a radiator sitting in the spot 
where the furnace heater grate came to be located in the Newton Munroe episode. 
But I can't remember which earlier episode.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Silent Comedy

2011-04-27 Thread PLV
One of my all-time favorite silent scenes is also from Barney's Sidecar - 
when we see him riding his rolling stock down the street marking the tires of 
parked cars, and suddenly an anonymous hand reaches out from under one of the 
cars and grabs his marking stick. So funny! Cracks me up every time, no matter 
whether it's the gazillionth time I've seen it.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Are My Ears Mis-Hearing Again?

2011-04-25 Thread PLV
Okay, I posted a week or so ago that I thought I had heard Andy describe the 
back of Opie's dollar bill as being red. I was promptly corrected by several 
folks who informed me that he had actually said gray - which makes as little 
sense as red to me, but I guess that's old news.

Now I'm wondering whether I heard something else correctly or not. In The 
Legend of Barney Fife, when Warren eagerly offers to get Barney a cup of 
coffee, I could have sworn I heard him say that he knew Barney liked two cups 
of cream in his coffee. I don't own any TAGS DVD's so am turning here to find 
out whether he really said two spoons of cream and my aging ears failed me 

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Word usage and spelling

2011-04-15 Thread PLV
Not to put too fine a point on it, but prey can stand alone as a verb. e.g., 
The lion will prey on the gazelle.

- Original Message - 
From: Harriet Browder
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 7:07 AM

 However, in the TAGS quote, preying on my mind, the word preying= is not a 
 noun - it is a verb.
Yes, you are correct and no, you are not hurting anyone's feelings. I stated 
that PREY is a noun, however, it does turn into a verb when you add ING.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Red Money?

2011-04-13 Thread PLV
In the Miracle Salve episode, when Opie runs into the courthouse to excitedly 
show Andy the dollar bill he was refunded, Andy takes the bill, scrutinizes it 
and declares it real saying “Yep, green on the front and red on the back”. Red??


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: What does 3.2 mean?

2011-04-12 Thread PLV
3.2 beer is a low-alcohol beer that, according to Wikipedia, is beer that 
contains 3.2% alcohol by weight. Also according to Wikipedia, The states of 
Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Utah permit general establishments 
such as supermarket chains and convenience stores to sell only low-point beer. 
When I was in college in southwestern Ohio (many, many, many years ago!), only 
3.2 beer was allowed to be sold in the bars. It wasn't a state law, just that 


- Original Message - 
From: Holland Shoaf
To: TAGS Club
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 3:43 PM

Hi, I was watching a case of the punch in the nose -
At 2:03 Barney says  a good bit of 3 point 2 too ( also ). Because of subj=ct 
matter of the conversation, I would assume it has something to do wit= alcohol. 
  Could it mean 3.2 % alcohol ? Certainly Otis doesnt drink the =ater'd down 
What does 3.2 mean ?
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry


WBMUTBB mailing list

Elizabeth Taylor

2011-03-24 Thread PLV
At the beginning of the Foster Lady episode, when Aunt Bee has just been 
selected, Andy says: “This is a good year for the Taylors - Elizabeth and Aunt 


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Smoking

2011-03-22 Thread PLV
I will guess the episode to be Wedding Bells for Aunt Bee with the smokers 
being Andy, Otis and Mr. Goss.


- Original Message - 
Subject: Smoking
Now a days, hardly anyone on network television smokes cigarettes.  Smok=ng 
cigarettes was fairly common on network television in the 60's.  If you=watch 
re-runs of I've Got A Secret you would be surprised that everyone =n that 
show did not die from emphazema before the end of the half hour.  I=mean the 
set was blue with cigarette smoke.  And to boot, there was Garr= Moore handing 
out cartons of Winstons to all contestants.
There was a little smoking on TAGS, but not too much.  That is why I was 
=urprised by what I saw today.
Which brings us to a trivia question.  Can you name the TAGS episode where = 
main characters all smoked cigarettes in the same half hour.  These 3 men=(we 
all know women did not smoke in those days), were not guest stars,=but were 
regulars or at least semi-regulars.
One small hint.  Barney was not one of the smokers because he did not appea= in 
this episode.
Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.  Remembering the good old 
days=when cigarettes sponsored some of our favorite shows.=


WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2011-03-21 Thread PLV
Saw Cheerio Meredith (aka Emma Watson) in a small role that she made very funny 
on Father Knows Best. She played one of son Bud's paper route customers, 
dressed in a Victorian skirt to the ground and speaking in a rather odd 
almost-but-not-quite English accent.



WBMUTBB mailing list

TV Land

2011-02-25 Thread PLV
To the person asking when TV Land is currently airing TAGS - here in the 
Chicago area it's on with back-to-back episodes Monday thru Friday from 3PM to 

As a side note to the comment about TV Land being blocked by your computer - 
although it's not blocked on mine, I did start getting warning messages about 
unstable content every time I'd go to that Web site. So I just stay away now.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Seeing Helen

2011-01-18 Thread PLV
Did anyone else catch TAGS's Helen on a TVLand episode of Bonanza Monday 
afternoon? Rather an unusual role for Aneta Corsaut, playing the daughter of an 
itinerant  religiously devout Jewish peddler who sparks a romantic interest in 
Adam Cartwright. But I couldn't tear myself away from The Tudors marathon on 
BBC America long enough to find out how the story ended!



WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS Alumni Sightings

2011-01-10 Thread PLV
Two in one episode of The Flying Nun - Millie Hutchins and Roy Swanson. And 
Quiet Sam Becker in an episode of The Partridge Family.

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: 50 Years Ago

2010-12-27 Thread PLV
I remember the summer of 1960 was the last driving vacation my family of four 
took together - Chicago to Cape Cod to Washington, DC to Chicago. I remember 
watching the first Nixon-Kennedy debate on TV and becoming a passionate Kennedy 
supporter, but feeling guilty because my father was firmly in the Nixon 
Republican camp. Like Ken, I also turned 14 in 1960 and entered high school 
that fall, feeling well-prepared with the portable Royal typewriter (manual, of 
course!) that my parents had given me for my 8th grade graduation. I remember 
my father having to make his first out-of-town business trip, to New York City, 
and how he became the first member of our family to fly commercially. I 
remember my mother, sister and I driving with him to O’Hare Airport to see him 
off and my mother nervously navigating the tollways to get the three of us back 
home safely to our suburb. I remember earning spending money by babysitting 
(which I hated) and working at the
 local newspaper where my mother worked part-time (which I loved). I remember 
my father insisting that I take Typing  Shorthand classes in 9th grade, but 
him having to get special permission from the school board because I was in the 
college prep program and not the vocational training program. I remember taking 
my first French class and falling instantly in love with the language. Ah, 
yes, I remember it well!



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Catch Phrase/One-Liner

2010-12-13 Thread PLV
my all-time favorite:

Gomer: Citizen's arrest!!! Citizen's arrest!!!



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Brand Names

2010-12-10 Thread PLV
I'm wondering about the cigarettes Andy occasionally smoked and whether a brand 
was ever seen. I remember in the Gomer the House Guest episode, Andy is laying 
in bed unable to sleep because of Gomer's noisiness and he taps a cigarette out 
of a pack lying on his bedside table. Did the pack have a concealing tape 
across it, or was it just placed in such a way that no name or logo was visible?



WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sightings

2010-12-08 Thread PLV
I spotted quite a few TAGS alumni in last night’s Dick Van Dyke Show rerun 
episode, “One Angry Man” - Sue Ann Langdon was an exotic dancer (!!) named 
Marla Hendrix; Dabbs Greer was her defense attorney; Doodles Weaver was the 
court bailiff; and Herb Vigran was a juror.



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy Helen Getting Married?

2010-12-07 Thread PLV
Sharon, more  more married women went to work outside the home as the '50s 
ended and the '60s began. But I think in smaller towns there existed a certain 
stigma about women who chose that role. I distinctly remember my paternal 
grandmother, who lived in a small Iowa town, tsk, tsking with a group of her 
fellow housewives about a neighbor who had gone to work in my grandfather's 
office, even though she didn't have to work. That was something I remember 
hearing from lots of housewives as I was growing up in the '50s. It was a sort 
of domestic badge of honor to be so completely supported by your husband that 
if you didn't have to work, why on earth would you want to. Pretty much why I 
decided, at about age 10, that I never wanted to be a housewife! I couldn't 
then, nor can I now, fathom dependency in an adult as anything to be desired.


One of the episodes I watched today was the one about Andy and Helen rumored to 
get married. 
Now at the end, Andy clarifies that it wasn't the right time.  Helen concurs 
and says she's spent so much time learning, and she wants to teach for a while. 
Is that how it was 'back in the day'? Married women didn't work outside the 
home at all? 

70 Minutes From Mayberry


WBMUTBB mailing list

Subject: Alumni Sightings

2010-12-06 Thread PLV
Small correction - Mary Grace Canfield (aka Gossage) did not play the 
Stephenses' neighbor in Bewitched but the visiting sister of neighbor Abner 
Kravitz, Harriet. I think her character filled in for a few episodes after the 
death of the original Gladys Kravitz actress and until a replacement was hired.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 2:42 PM

While watching Bewitched Sunday afternoon, I had a couple of TAGS alumni 
=ightings.  One of them was a little unusual.
First there was Mary Grace Gossage playing Sam and Darrin's nosey next 
door=neighbor who is always peeking into their windows.


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Disconnected motorcycle side car stunt

2010-11-30 Thread PLV
It certainly wasn't earlier than 1933, but my favorite disconnected cycle 
sidecar scene is from one of my all-time favorite old movies, I Was A Male War 
Bride, made in 1949 with Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan.

I've been putting on my bucket head trying to think of any other so-called 
stunts in any TAGS episode and am coming up pretty blank. There is Otis 
climbing down the ladder to try to escape Aunt Bee the Warden, but I'm not sure 
that type of action qualifies as a stunt. So I guess I'll wait to see what 
others come up with.


I was watching the Marx Brothers 1933 movie Duck Soup and was a bit star=led 
when I saw them doing the disconnected motorcycle/sidecar stunt. I kne= I had 
seen Andy and Barney do it but now wondering if anyone on screen ha= done it 
previous to the Marx Brothers.
O' and of course Im wondering now what other stunts in previous movies 
were=redone on TAGS. 
Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: This weekends episodes-questions...

2010-11-29 Thread PLV
- Original Message - 
From: (Ted) Theodoric of York
To: wbmutbb
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 7:56 AM

 Also when Barney and Gomer enter the Rimshaw house Gomer says
 Age before beauty. What does this mean? 

I'm thinking you're asking this with tongue in cheek, as it's a saying that's 
been around for more than 100 years! Meaning that an older person should be 
given precedence over a younger, who's presumed to be more beautiful. 

 How could a competent teacher as Miss Crump make such an error when she 
 transcribed the grades onto Opie's report card?

Not only that, but the question that occurs to me every time I watch that 
episode is why she calls Opie up in front of the entire class before class 
starts to inform him of her dreadful mistake. I mean, good grief, a little 
privacy would have been called for, in my opinion. 



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Barney line redux

2010-10-26 Thread PLV
Yesterday, I opined that Barney used the ...and baby makes three... line in 
the TV or Not TV episode when he was talking himself up to the supposed 
Hollywood producer.

But my brain kicked in late last night, and I remembered that he actually used 
that line when he was talking himself up to the supposed FBI agent in 
Crime-Free Mayberry.



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Barney Line

2010-10-25 Thread PLV
I seem to remember Barney using that catchy, bragging line with the supposed 
Hollywood producer in the TV or Not TV episode.

Just got done watching the 1950 B movie D.O.A. in which a gangland torpedo is 
about ready to take his victim Frank Bigelow out into the country for his last 
ride. He assures his boss that everything will turn out right because There's 
just Bigelow and me...(pointing to his gun)..and baby makes three!!
In what episode did Barney make that same reference?
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: The Rimshaw Place

2010-10-05 Thread PLV
Many, many years ago I took the Universal Studios tour in Hollywood (though I 
think it might actually be in Glendale). Their haunted house sits on a small 
hill that overlooked the street with the Cleaver house. It was 1959 when Beaver 
thought the house was haunted, and it was 1960 when the house became the Norman 
Bates' house in Psycho. I remember the tour guide showing us how the very 
small hill became much larger through the magic of film editing so the house 
looked like it really loomed over the Bates Motel. It's sort of reassuring to 
hear that the house is still there  still being used in today's productions!


Re: the Rimshaw place
Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:56:46 -0700
In a message dated 10/5/2010 11:01:29 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

My  husband thinks the Rimshaw house in the haunted house episode is also the 
 same house used in The Munsters   Anyone know for sure?

No it wasn't.  The Old Rimshaw House was part of the 40 Acres studios and was 
torn down with the rest of the studio, as was downtown Mayberry. The Munsters 
House was on the Universal lot, and reportedly still exists. A friend of mine 
took a picture of it in the 1980s, and it's reportedly even been spotted on 
Desperate Housewives. I once heard it was another supposedly 
haunted house on Leave It to Beaver (which might be what your husband is 
thinking about).


WBMUTBB mailing list

Newspaper Article

2010-10-04 Thread PLV
A great article about TAGS and its 50th from the Chicago Sun-Times -,andy-griffith-show-anniversary-100310.article



WBMUTBB mailing list

Misspelled Words Ge-o-gra-phy

2010-09-29 Thread PLV
I've always been bothered by the misspelled Ashville on the train station 
schedule in the Don't Miss a Good Bet episode.

And, Michael, I'll bite - How far apart are Raleigh and Asheville? I remember 
many years ago flying into Raleigh for a seminar in Chapel Hill then taking 
some time off for a drive that took me to Asheville. But I have no memory of 
the distances involved.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes on TVLand Marathon

2010-09-28 Thread PLV
Actually, I agree with you, Lisa. Several of the color episodes are also among 
my TAGS favorites - including The Battle of Mayberry and The Return of 
Barney Fife. What I meant was that TVLand decided to show only the really bad 
color episodes - including the blonde lawyer in a swimsuit one and the Helen as 
an author one - both of which I still maintain are bottom-of-the-barrel!


Lisa Jackson
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:49:35 -0700

The absolute bottom-of-the-barrel color episodes, which no living TAGS fan 
would even think of voting for.

***I hope I'm not dead b/c I did vote for one color episode - Dinner at Eight 
- I will say that I enjoy the earlier episodes better but I really love Dinner 
at Eight.  It is one of my favorites.


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: TV Land Viewers' Choice Marathon

2010-09-27 Thread PLV
Well, Dixon, the first  biggest surprise was that TVLand didn't even include 
all 166 TAGS episodes in its online voting. All it included were the episodes 
they had already scheduled to run for their 50 Days of Andy. So, for instance, 
the all-time highest voted episode by fans for 50 years - Three Wishes for 
Opie - wasn't even on their ballot. And did you catch what they ran on 
Saturday afternoon? The absolute bottom-of-the-barrel color episodes, which no 
living TAGS fan would even think of voting for.

Once I realized that TVLand had also added an additional 3-minute commercial 
break, meaning that each half-hour episode contained only 15 minutes of 
programming butchered by their egregious editing, I only popped in a few times 
when I saw that a particularly favorite episode was coming on. I believe Mr. 
McBeeVee was either their #3 or #4.


Mon, 27 Sep 2010 09:53:06 -0700

Anyone catch any of the TV Land Viewers' Choice marathon?  They showed the Top 
50 episodes as voted online by fans, and showed them in order of most votes.  
#1 was a bit of a surprise for me: Hot Rod Otis.  Evidently a lot of Otis 
fans out there.  #2 was The Pickle Story, which I honestly thought would get 
Didn't catch #3 (had to run an errand), forgot #4, but #5 was Barney's First 
Car.  Anyone else see any surprises along the way?


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: misspellings

2010-09-27 Thread PLV
Although my job title is Copy Editor, I am indeed an old-fashioned proofreader, 
in the financial services industry. I spend my days proofing investment 
prospectuses and correcting some incredibly huge spelling  grammatical 
mistakes made by highly-educated attorneys and accountants (particularly the 
bean counters!). The gross errors you mention finding in books nowadays also 
make me crazy. And what about the ticker scrolls at the bottom of all the TV 
news channels? I can't begin to tell you how constantly I see spelling errors 
there, esp. when I make the mistake of trying to watch Fox News. Their news 
scrolls are almost as unprofessional to read as Shepherd whatshisname is to 
listen to!

I guess you can tell I feel pretty passionate on the subject. But, as Adrian 
Monk would say, It's a blessing and it's a curse. I'm just unable to turn off 
my editor's mode, so I sometimes make myself crazy because I can't stop finding 
the mistakes even when I'm off-duty, as it were!


- Original Message - 
 You never know when you will run into a misspelling or mistaken word usage. 
 In a recent insurance publication, a columnist wrote safety deposit box 
 vs. the correct safe deposit box. I don't believe anyone employs 
 proofreaders anymore. You often find gross errors in novels these days. It's 
 a shame. Oh well.
 Aunt Bee of Orlando 


WBMUTBB mailing list

All the good spots are taken.

2010-09-22 Thread PLV
When Floyd  Goober try to discourage Howard from going fishing with them in 
Big Fish in a Small Town, they tell him that all the good spots (for fishing) 
are already taken. I don't know anything about fishing season rules or 
protocols, so I've always been curious - does that mean each fisherman (no 
woman, I would think, in Mayberry!) has some sort of advance reservation for 
his spot along the lake? Or that it's simply understood that each season the 
same fishermen occupy the same spots and nobody new is allocated space?

Since the question comes to my mind every time I watch that rerun, I figured 
I'd finally ask it here where I'm sure someone can enlighten me!



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re: Trivia

2010-09-03 Thread PLV
Winstead Sheffield Doodles Weaver played Regis, the tax protestor in “A Black 
Day for Mayberry” and George Bricker in “Aunt Bee’s Brief Encounter”. He was 
actress Sigourney Weaver’s uncle.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 5:07 PM
Subject: Trivia

 Let's try another trivia question.  We all know that there were a few 
real=musicians that appeared on TAGS.  The Dillards and The Country Boys for 
two. I know many of you may remember a band called Spike Jones and His City 
Sli=kers.  They were popular on radio and TV in the 40's and 50's.  They 
mostly played silly songs. A member of Spike Jones' band appeared twice on Andy 
in two different shows in two different roles.  Can you remember the name of 
this musician from Spike Jones' band who appeared on Andy?
I will give you a huge hint.  His (Yes it is a man), first name was Winstead.


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4 Alumni Sighting!

2010-08-18 Thread PLV
Watching a rerun last night of The Dick Van Dyke Show episode “The Alan Brady 
Show Goes to Prison”, I spotted 4 TAGS alumni! - Newton Munroe, Captain Barker, 
Ralph Neal and Fred Plummer/Clyde Plaunt/Doc Mallory (i.e., Allan Melvin).



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Double Alumni Sighting

2010-08-16 Thread PLV
Yesterday, I surfed into a rerun episode of Dragnet 1970 and found John 
Masters (Olan Soule) as a Los Angeles County Court judge and Miz Larch (Maudie 
Prickett) as a testifying witness, wearing a really dreadful hat that the 
Mayberry matrons would probably have drooled over!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Names mentioned before they were seen

2010-08-16 Thread PLV
Wasn't Fred Walker's name mentioned (I think by Aunt Bee) in Ellie Comes to 
Town before he was seen in Irresistible Andy?



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Desert Island

2010-08-13 Thread PLV
After thinking this question over for awhile, I came to the somewhat surprising 
(for me) conclusion that I would want Gomer to be my desert island companion. 
“Boob” though he may have occasionally been, his was a straight-forward 
personality with no emotional undercurrents. What you saw with Gomer is exactly 
what you got - a sweetly-disposed naif who met each day with the expectation of 
enjoyment. I think he’d be great at helping me to keep a positive attitude 
during our maroonment (if there is such a word!).

P.S. Ken in AZ - Be careful, those Sazeracs carry a mean wallop! Some 30 years 
ago, when I was still in my partying prime, I often traveled to New Orleans on 
business. The first time I tried a Sazerac, two sips practically had me under 
the table. And I was known to have a great capacity for alcohol (which I was 
stupidly proud of at the time, but came to regret as I finally started to 
mature!). Anyway, I cautiously tried a Sazerac once more with the same effect 
and was served one at a reception where I finally made the smart decision not 
to even attempt a sip. Maybe Yankee constitutions just weren’t made to enjoy 
such a Southern cocktail!?



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re: party line

2010-08-02 Thread PLV
In 1957, my family moved from one Chicago suburb to another just a short 
distance away but with a much smaller population - about 6,000 compared to the 
15,000+ where we had lived. Much to the amazement of all of us, it turned out 
this town not only had party lines for all of its residential customers, it 
also had its very own Sarah! Yep, just like in Mayberry, our phones had no 
dials; we just picked up the phone and gave the number we wanted to the town 
operator. I also remember we were on a 3-party line and my mother commenting 
that we were lucky because shortly after we got our assigned phone number the 
newer numbers all started getting 4-party lines. Our phone was #3 in the 
sequence, so we had to listen for 3 rings to know a call was for us. And, 
inevitably, one of us would pick up the phone to make a call and accidentally 
get an earful of someone else's conversation. I think we finally got a private 
line 2 or 3 years later, which was also when
 automated dialing was finally introduced.

This is the same suburb that today has a population of approx. 150,000 and my 
memories of those good ole days sometimes seem antiquated indeed!


- Original Message - 
From: Larry Hamrick
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 10:38 AM

 Hey, Mayberry friends. While watching The Rehabilitation of Otis this 
 morning, Otis told Barney they couldn't keep his problem between themselves 
 because Barney had a three party phone line. Does anyone else remember these? 
 It was common in the 60's and we had a four party line. Each phone number had 
 a dedicated no. of rings and I think ours was four short rings. A private 
 line was available but it cost much more. Boy, we've come a long way, with 
 all our modern electronal marvels today!
  Larry in Lincolnton


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Laundry service

2010-07-26 Thread PLV
I think that's a great question! I do remember that, during that same time 
period of the early '60s, my best friend's stay-at-home mother had her 
husband's shirts picked up  laundered by our local dry cleaner because he was 
a very meticulous and officious accountant who worked for one of the largest 
insurance companies in downtown Chicago and demanded that his shirts be 
professionally pressed  starched to the nth degree. [Actually, as I'm 
remembering him now I realize he could have passed for Barney - short, 
skinny/wiry, and a little too impressed with his own importance at times!] But 
Andy sure never wore pressed  starched shirts, so maybe his official uniform 
pants needed more pressing than Aunt Bee wanted to deal with?


Sun, 25 Jul 2010 11:20:16 -0700

After watching Aunt Bee The Warden  again last nite I got to thinking.  What 
would Aunt Bee need a laundry service for?   Was that common back then?  Nobody 
ever does my laundry for me.
Just wondering.   Now, get to it.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins


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Something Else About Quiet Sam

2010-07-26 Thread PLV
I've been enjoying the speculations about how Barney got himself out to Sam's 
farm. I had never thought about it, and appreciate those who have!

But here's something that has gnawed at my logical brain every time I have 
watched this episode. After Andy has tried to phone Barney from the farmhouse 
and has had Sam hang the phone up and drag him into his wife's bedroom - once 
he determined it was a false alarm and he  Sam returned to the living room, 
why didn't Andy go right back to the phone  ask Sarah to get Barney again? 
Instead, he sat down and relaxed over a cup of coffee until Barney burst in. 
Never made any sense to me, but like someone else said, I've always understood 
that suspension of logic was often needed in order to fully enjoy the TAGS 



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re: Floyd's First Show

2010-07-16 Thread PLV
According to the IMDB, Howard McNear's first appearance as Floyd Lawson was in 
Season 1, Episode 20, Andy Saves Barney's Morale.



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re: Radios in Mayberry

2010-07-12 Thread PLV
In The Bazaar, I believe Aunt Bee and the other jailed women had a radio 
playing while they were washing out their unmentionables and waiting for 
justice to free them.

Was there a radio playing in Christmas Story when Ellie started singing Away 
In A Manger?



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 11, Issue 193

2010-07-06 Thread PLV
Thanks so much for the name! My mind is now clear and waiting for something 
else to perplex it! 

But I do believe the sewer inspector was mentioned toward the beginning of the 
The Case of the Punch in the Nose episode, when Barney was going through the 
old files that brought him to the Lawson v Foley episode.


    4. Re: Barney's daddy (King of Mayberry)
- Original Message - 
From: King of Mayberry
 That would be Frieburger in Citizen's Arrest episode.
 This is preying on my mind - What was the name of the sewer inspector who 
 gave Barney?s father a ticket for some driving violation?
 Mr. Schwamp


WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-07-06 Thread PLV
Didn't one of the men apologetically kiss his wife on the cheek toward the end 
of Ellie for Council when Andy is admitting his own chauvenism is wrong? I'm 
thinking maybe either Otis or Rose's husband?



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Mr. Fife the Sewer Inspector

2010-07-02 Thread PLV
This is preying on my mind - What was the name of the sewer inspector who gave 
Barney’s father a ticket for some driving violation? 

One of my favorite lines is when Andy says something like “If your daddy had 
looked at his badge, he would’ve seen a manhole cover”. LOL



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Making Money as a Kid

2010-06-29 Thread PLV
As a girl growing up in the '50s and early '60s in a small Chicago suburb, I 
did quite a bit of babysitting after about the age of 12. At about that same 
age, my mother got me an unofficial job at the newspaper where she had 
started working part-time. It was published on Thursdays, so after school on 
Tuesdays  Wednesdays I came in to type featured stories into a machine that 
produced a sort of ticker tape. When the tape was run back, it produced a 
fully-formatted camera-ready copy. I can't remember what the machine was 
called, but it seemed very high tech at the time!

Several of you folks have mentioned growing up in the country, so I'm surprised 
I haven't heard of anyone earning money in the late summer by de-tassling 
corn (which is what it was called around here). I was never an outdoor kind of 
girl, but when my 3-years-younger sister turned 15 she jumped at the chance to 
get into the surrounding cornfields. That was a very coveted summer job, as it 
paid very well for a relatively short portion of the summer and it was a really 
sociable experience. The kids all met up very early in the mornings at the high 
school, where buses were waiting to take them out to the farms that had 
contracted for their labor. They'd work for most of the day, I think 'til 
mid-afternoon, then the buses would return them to the school. I remember my 
sister would still have time before dinner to go to the local swimming pool for 
a few hours, so she considered that summer job to be the best imaginable!



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Re: Spin Offs

2010-06-28 Thread PLV
    9. Spin Offs (Jerome Graber)
I think the answer to what was the first spinoff depends on your definition of 
spinoff. See Mr. Mulik's explanation below.

A. I've been reading the discussion lately about whether or not TAGS was the 
first TV spinoff. In mid-1996, when I wrote an article about TAGS for Classic 
TV magazine (no longer in print), I mentioned the 'fact' that TAGS was the 
first spinoff (1960), but someone wrote in to correct me, pointing out some 
earlier shows -- Wanted: Dead or Alive (1958, spun off from {Trackdown);} Law 
of the Plainsman (1959, spun off from The Rifleman) and Pete and Gladys (1960, 
spun off from December Bride.) In my book (that's a figure of speech) a series 
is not a spinoff unless it's pilot episode aired as an episode of an 
established series. To the best of my knowledge, the three above example do NOT 
fit this definition, which means that TAGS truly was the first real TV 
spin-off. --Paul Mulik 



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No Time for Sergeants

2010-06-23 Thread PLV
I was doing my usual channel-surfing last evening and was delighted to find No 
Time for Sergeants just beginning on TCM. That movie still just tickles my 
funny bones, and I love seeing how Andy's Will Stockdale morphed into Andy 
Taylor (at least, in the first season of TAGS when Sheriff Andy was still 
played as quite a bumpkin!). But I also loved Don Knotts' performance when he 
was trying to get Will to follow the rules for the manual dexterity test. 
Again, definite signs to come of the often officious Barney Fife - though the 
nasal voice wasn't quite right yet. A classic movie that could be said to have 
become classic TAGS!



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Salted Melon

2010-06-21 Thread PLV
I'm Midwestern born  bred, but I grew up taking it for granted that everyone 
put salt on their cantaloupe just like my parents did (also Midwesterners). I 
can't remember knowing anyone who salted their watermelon, but I wish I had. 
That would probably lessen the sweetness which has always been too heavy for my 
taste buds. It's amazing the helpful tips for daily living that can come your 
way here among the Mayberry faithful!



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Disrespecting our Barney?

2010-06-21 Thread PLV
from “Chicago Sun-Times” columnist Paige Wiser -
The life of a cop is tough enough without having to suffer disrespectful 
depictions on TV. For every Andy Sipowicz, there’s a Barney Fife or Clancy 
Wiggum, and pink doughnuts aren’t far behind. It’s not right. We ask our police 
officers to put themselves in danger on the street; the least we could do is 
not submit them to character assassination on the small screen. Unfortunately, 
ABC’s new “Rookie Blue” is not going to do much for their image.

Now I just don't think it's right to characterize Barney as being a character 
assassin of police officers. We all know he had his quirks  idiosyncracies, 
but that's what made the man we all loved! [said with tongue firmly in cheek]


P.S. I had to Google Clancy Wiggum to even understand that reference, as I'm 
another total non-fan of The Simpsons!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Hatch Act Violation?

2010-06-18 Thread PLV
I was watching a rerun this morning of “Sam for City Council” and remembered 
the posting here a month or so ago about how Barney was in violation of the 
Hatch Act when he wore his uniform while campaigning to become sheriff. Wasn't 
Andy also in violation because he wore his uniform while campaigning on behalf 
of Sam Jones? I’ve just been reading up on the Act (officially known as An Act 
to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities - a name right out of the paranoid 
time when it was written [1939]!), and my understanding is that uniforms are 
strictly outlawed whether you're campaigning for yourself or for someone else. 
So I guess that's the answer as to why Andy didn't catch Barney violating the 
law; Andy evidently didn't know the law himself!



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The American Flag in Mayberry

2010-06-16 Thread PLV
Was the American flag ever seen displayed in any manner in Mayberry? I've been 
thinking on it, but even the bucket on my head hasn't brought any instance to 
mind. And that strikes me as curious, given the place and time depicted. We 
know Opie's school had a flag pole, where he handcuffed [what's his name], but 
that's as close as my memory can come to any flag. Or did any of the citizens 
waiting to welcome the gold truck have a flag? I can only remember them holding 
up various signs.



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re: Crump

2010-06-07 Thread PLV
She tells the girl to have her mother put something on her stye, an infection 
of the eyelid, like a pimple. That's the same little girl who Opie had such a 
crush on in another episode, but Helen calls her by a different first name here 
(one which I'm not remembering as I'm typing this).


Mon, 07 Jun 2010 09:06:18 -0700

In the episode where everyone thinks Andy and Helen are getting
married, Helen is walking a student home, and as the child is walking away 
Helen say Make sure your mother puts something on your . I couldn't make 
out what she says at the end.
(Theodoric of York


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Prisoner of Love

2010-06-03 Thread PLV
This is the only episode of TAGS that I really disliked from the time of its 
first broadcast, when I was in my teens. For one thing, I just wasn't 
comfortable with the implicit sexualizing of Andy. I wanted him to stay safely 
PG-rated (though that rating system didn't exist at the time, of course!).

But the other reason this episode bothered me so much was that we were hearing 
a lot of horrible true stories coming out of the South back then involving 
racial  sexual abuses of prisoners in small-town jails. That was a time when 
someone could be made to disappear permanently by a cop allowed to misuse his 
authority and when sexual favors could be demanded behind a small town's code 
of silence. Think In The Heat of the Night.

To this day, I won't/can't watch that episode. I still think it's totally 
distasteful and very inappropriate to the TAGS series.


P.S. I apologize for all the = signs that showed up in Thelma Lou's original 
post. I have no idea what caused it.

- Original Message - 
From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:30 PM

Well, there's been some discussion lately about the Prisoner of Love =pisode, 
so I decided to re-watch that one and think about Holland's =uestion.  I have 
found it interesting to note the differences in how =en and women have 
responded so far.  It seems to me that Harvey =ullock, the writer, was 
intentionally vague as to Andy's motive for =eturning to the court house.  
However, I'll offer my own opinion.

Obviously, both Andy and Barney are initially smitten with the lady =risoner.  
But I think the turning point comes when Andy leaves the =ourt house and goes 
home.  He realizes that he needs to separate =imself from the temptation.  
While he's at home, he's turning all this =ver in his mind (Aunt Bee says he's 
restless).  Yes, as a man, Andy =ppreciates the woman's beauty and the scent of 
her perfume.  But he's =lso thinking about the fact that she is a criminal and 
he is the =heriff.  He may be mulling over how she tried to manipulate him and 
how =e nearly fell into her trap.  And he's probably thinking that if he =early 
did, Barney was sure to!  Andy is no fool.  He's always a keen =udge of 
character, so I don't think he would allow himself to get into = dangerous 
situation with the woman twice.  Rather, I think Andy =ealized that leaving 
Barney alone with that woman was not a good idea.  =es, Andy may have wanted to 
see her again, but I don't think
 that was =is primary motive for returning to the court house.

I have always found this to be a curious episode, and I wonder if Mr. =ullock 
purposely wanted to show a weaker side of Andy and expose some =ulnerability 
that we don't normally see by using a very attractive and =ubtly manipulative 
woman.  I can understand that, intellectually.  =till, I find Andy out of 
character in this episode.  We expect Barney =o be easy prey to a wily woman, 
but not Andy.

And then there are the ethical and legal issues.  Was it appropriate for = male 
officer to be alone with a female prisoner?  It wasn't in Andy =nd the Woman 
Speeder from season two.  Remember, Andy said a female =risoner had to have a 
matron at the jail, so he brought in Aunt Bee.  =ut that is overlooked in this 
episode (glaringly so).  Also, what =harges would Andy have been subject to if 
he had not been interrupted =y Barney and had actually kissed the prisoner?  
Seems to me that would =ave been pretty serious.

I think Andy lives by the maxim, Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me =wice, 
shame on me.  He wouldn't have returned to the court house to =eliberately 
fall into the prisoner's very alluring trap.

Thelma Lou


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Something Barney Said

2010-05-27 Thread PLV
My memories of those Cold War days are that the bomb became a ubiquitous 
explanation for everything, including unusual weather, and Barney's line was a 
tongue-in-cheek nod to that. It had only been about 15 years since the atom 
bombs had been dropped on Japan, and the threat of a nuclear war with the 
Soviet Union was increasing every day. So I think the bomb became a symbol in 
a lot of Americans' minds for the destruction of the world as we knew it.

Anyway, those are the thoughts I came up with after sitting with my bucket on 
my head!


Something Barney Said
Steve Cooke
Thu, 27 May 2010 09:13:12 -0700

I was watching the episode where Opie starts a paper with one of his friends. 
They find all the gossip they can and printed two pages.  When Andy, Aunt Bee 
and Barney were in the kitchen when Opie gave them the first page, they were 
talking about the weather being hotter than normal.  While Barney is at the 
table he makes a comment about It must be the bomb.  Knowing the time frame, 
I wonder what others thought this might be aimed at.  I have my thoughts but 
wanted to see what others might have on the subject.  I have never really 
caught that line until last night.


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Who is Eleanora Poultice?

2010-05-24 Thread PLV
Yes, that's the wonderful Reta Shaw playing both Eleanora and Big Maude Tyler, 
Clarisse Tyler, Maude Clarisse Tyler, Annabelle Tyler, and Ralph Henderson!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 7:52 PM
 Is Eleanora Poultice, Barn's singing teacher, also Maude, the breakout
 prisoner in the cabin in the woods?
 Boca Raton



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: One-Shots

2010-05-10 Thread PLV
I’m not sure whether these single-shots have already been mentioned:
Karen Moore, Thelma Lou’s cousin from Arkansas
Mary Grace, Thelma Lou’s unattractive cousin
Barney’s Cousin Virgil
Bert Miller, the unaggressive door-to-door salesman
Mr. McCabe, the owner of the mansion that Barney wanted to co-opt for the 
international summit meeting
Newton Munroe, the inept street vendor
Roger Hanover, Aunt Bee's former flame

Technically, Mayor Pike’s daughter did return in a 2nd episode. But she was 
Juanita Pike when she sang “Flow Gently, Sweet Afton” and Josephine Pike when 
she competed in The Beauty Contest.

And wasn’t the car repair customer of Gomer’s whose car had the squeaky shocks 
the same band member in “What’s Your Hurry?” whose hearing was so bad he 
misunderstood everything Andy tried to say to him?

HistoryBuff, just sitting with my thinking bucket on


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Betty Lynn being robbed

2010-04-30 Thread PLV
I think the staff writer at the Mt. Airy News needs to learn how to check 
his/her facts!

The Andy Griffith Show was an American sitcom first televised by CBS in 1968.

And the Chicago Sun-Times article about the robbery has Betty Lynn identified 
as Betty Lou Lynn. Makes me wonder if she adopted that middle name.



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re: Cave Rescue

2010-04-30 Thread PLV
The thing that always baffled me about Helen's aborted phone call was why Sarah 
wouldn't have immediately known where the call was coming from. Even if Sarah 
was on a long-overdue break from her switchboard duties, a call coming from 
Helen's house should have caused it to be mentioned to Gomer instead of just 
telling him that they had hung up.



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re: TAGS and smoking

2010-04-23 Thread PLV
Although he was only in one episode (Don't Miss A Good Bet), I seem to 
remember the con man George Jones seriously smoking a cigarette as he waited 
for the train to get him out of Mayberry.



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: alumni sighting

2010-04-20 Thread PLV
Another British twist to an alumnus sighting - Lester Scobey as a British 
bellhop at the hotel where the Ricardo’s and the Mertzes stay in London in the 
“I Love Lucy” episode.

As a side note, Family Affair is on every Sunday afternoon on a local Chicago 
cable channel. The Comcast program bar describes it as ...a very sweet (and 
very '60s) family show... - definitely true, which is why I find it so 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:07 PM
Subject: alumni sighting

 Been viewing DVDs of Family Affair and the first season has our Emmett 
 appearing as a British horse and carriage operator; even with the foreign 
 accent, I recognized his voice before seeing him! What fun!!
 Aunt Bee of Mayberry 


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Larry Mondello

2010-04-06 Thread PLV
Tah dah!!

A possible explanation of the eerie resemblance of the boy in TAGS to the Larry 
Mondello character -

The real-life brother of Rusty Stevens, who played Larry, was Rory Stevens who 
played Chuckie on Leave It To Beaver. Rory was 2 years younger than Rusty, born 
in 1954, and the IMDB credits him with playing Jimmy, Opie's friend in TAGS.



WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Larry Mondello

2010-04-05 Thread PLV
Although Opie's friend looks a lot like Larry Mondello (same build, hair, ball 
cap, clothes) it couldn't have been Rusty Stevens as Opie's friend. Larry 
Mondello was approximately the same age as Jerry Mathers (born in 1948). Ron 
Howard was born in 1953. Opie's friend was not 14 years old in that episode; he 
was about 9, the same age as Ron Howard.


I was watching One-Punch Opie Sunday and a question re-arose that's been 
preyin' on my mind for years. I've always thought that one of the boys looks a 
whole lot like Larry Mondello of Leave it to Beaver (actor Rusty Stevens). 
I've never been able to train these eagle eyes on the character enough to get 
a real good look. Rusty isn't listed in the cast list; but, that 
doesn't necessarily give a definitive answer. (As great a job as they do, 
they're not inerrant.) Some of y'all take a look and let me know what you 
Don Good
(who sometimes can barely SEE anything as big as a pumpkin


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Real Voice or Lip Synching?

2010-04-01 Thread PLV
I don't understand. Does that mean Elinor Donahue lip-synched her own singing 
when the scene was filmed?


- Original Message - 
 I'm not sure about Joanna Moore's singing (sounds like her though)but Elinor 
 Donahue has told the story about her singing experience on the show. When she 
 learned there would be singing in the episode she was very nervous. She'd 
 never sung on camera before. She and Andy went into the studio where she told 
 Andy that she was a little nervous. To put her at ease Andy suggested that 
 they both sit on the floor and reherse. After they had practiced for a while 
 she told Andy she thought that she was ready. Andy told her that they had 
 been recording the whole time and they had what they needed. WHat a great 
 testiment to how Andy took the pains to make her comfortable. Attaboy Andy!!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: aunt bee

2010-04-01 Thread PLV
Hint. . .read his P.S.

I was interested in the comment of Paul's about Aunt Bee being his 
grandmother. I never knew Frances Bavier was married let alone had children. 
In fact, there is very little I know about Miss Bavier. I always thought the 
character was a lot like my own grandmother.  Getting to play on the sets had 
to have been 
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads


WBMUTBB mailing list

Real Voice or Lip Synching?

2010-03-29 Thread PLV
I may have asked this question before but, if I did, I can't recall receiving 
any answers. 

Does anyone know whether Eleanor Donahue and Joanna Moore did their own singing 
of Away In A Manger and Down in the Valley, respectively? I can't recall 
either of the actresses singing in any other roles, but those two songs were 
done beautifully. So I've always been curious whether it was really them 
singing or some artful lip synching.



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Excessive TVLand Commercials

2010-03-25 Thread PLV
To answer your question, Keith, the good (?) news is that TVLand hasn't further 
butchered their TAGS reruns as they have Bewitched. The bad news, of course, is 
that they continue to slice  dice every TAGS episode with no respect for 
continuity (or the viewer) so they can fit in as many obnoxious promo's as 
possible for their obnoxious reality shows. I had an interesting conversation 
back around the holidays with a programming exec for the biggest cable provider 
around here. He told me that not only do TVLand and Tru-TV have the fastest 
declining viewership numbers nationwide, but that they are also the two 
channels most requested by subscribers to be deleted from the program line-up 
in order to fit in other more favored channels. And it seems like almost 
yesterday when I so enjoyed all the great classic shows on TVLand. Times sure 
have changed!


- Original Message - 
Subject: Size of Shows

There's been a lot of talk about the size of shows (as in number of cast 
=ppearing), but I want to raise another comment on the size of shows--or =ore 
precisely, the length. I will have to admit that I hardly ever watc= TAGS on 
TVLand because (A) They play too many commercials, (2) They play =oo many 
trashy commercials/show promos, and (C) They edit the show.

T=e other weekend they were running a Bewitched marathon, and I noticed 
that=the start times of the shows were around 36 minutes apart. I thought ma=be 
they were running uncut episodes with their usual excessive allotmen= of 
commericals. However, just for kicks, I timed one episode and found=out they 
weren't running their usual excessive allotment of commercials--t=ey were 
running MORE THAN USUAL. The episode I timed clocked in at 19:4= (including 
opening and closing credits running over the epilogue), in a 3=-minute window. 
They should have made it a 40 minute window so they cou=d run a full 50% 
commercials/promos. Are they butchering TAGS that seve=ely these days? I don't 
know if I could sit through all the junk to f=nd out--it would be worse than a 
night with Uncle Ollie riding his bicycle=and putting his arm in my mouth!

Keith in Nebraska


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Andy - Kiss Tell

2010-03-25 Thread PLV
At the end of “Three’s A Crowd”, we see Andy  Mary share a pretty passionate 
embrace  kiss. Made me start thinking that I can’t remember another instance 
during the series when Andy gave or received more than a peck of a kiss from 
any other woman. How many times can we think of that Andy kissed a woman? And 
were any others as realistic as the one with Mary?



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re: Hes not the only one that got away ( Baileys Bad Boy )

2010-03-23 Thread PLV
I've always thought Andy's comment referred to the Bailey boy evidently not 
getting, or rejecting, the unspoken message Andy was trying to convey of simple 
pleasures and taking pride in the results you actually work for and not those 
which are just handed to you.


- Original Message - 
From: Holland Shoaf

The speedy 19 year old kid Bill Bixby has to go fishing with Andy and Opie 
=fter getting caught causing an accident and leaving the scene.

He gets mad when he thinks Andy is buttering him up after catching a big fi=h 
and Andy says  your a better man than me . He throws the fish he caugh= with 
Andys pole back in the water. and walks to the other end of the pier=away from 
Andy and Opie fuming. Opie says he let him (the fish ) get away= Andy says  
Im afraid the fish aint the only one that got away 

What does Andys comment mean ?


Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry


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re: Middle Names

2010-03-17 Thread PLV
Barney's first girlfriend was Hilda Mae; the town's dry cleaner was H. Fred 
Goss; and let's not forget Big Maude Tyler - does Maude count as her middle 
name?! :)



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re: TAGS connections on That Girl

2010-03-16 Thread PLV
Thank you, Dixon, for pointing this out! I can't begin to tell you how many 
times I've watched that particular scene in That Girl and wondered why it 
looked so familiar. 


- Original Message - 
 Right now I'm working my way through a couple of classic sitcoms: The Real 
 McCoys and That Girl.  Both have TAGS connections but I'm especially  
 struck by the many on That Girl.
 That Girl filmed in both LA and NY.  And in the classic Anatomy of  a 
 Blunder episode (the one about the disastrous picnic on the way to see Ann's 
 parents), the perfect spot where Ann lovingly begs to set up the  none other than Franklin Canyon (or as we better know it, Myers 
 It's very recognizable. 


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2010-03-09 Thread PLV
This is my official mea culpa for getting my FAQs wrong! Allan has kindly 
reminded me that the first andy gump reference in The Mayberry Band episode 
was actually directed by Andy to one of the real town band members. I had not 
remembered that when I posted about the andy gump direction being given to 
the Freddy Fleet band member later in that episode. As I admitted to Allan, I 
do believe my brain was probably hit by a senior moment!



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Detroit Cymbals

2010-03-08 Thread PLV
 I heard Barney mention that he had fixed Andy up before with someone's
 cousin from Detroit in the episode where he and Thelma Lou fixed Andy up
 with Karen the skeet shooter.
 Know what I mean?
That episode was playing this morning while I had breakfast. You're right about 
the Detroit reference, but Barney didn't give it that Dee-troit pronunciation 
heard in other episodes.

Didn't the Andre Castellanos cymbals (marchers) Barney purchased in the 
Mayberry Band episode come from De-troit?


No, Barney bought his deluxe Andre Kostelanetz cymbals from Cymbal City in 



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The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club's Mayberry FAQs

2010-03-08 Thread PLV
I don’t think either the question or the answer below are entirely correct, but 
I have no idea how or whether these FAQs can get modified. So I thought I’d put 
it out here on the Digest.

Andy actually wanted the clarinet player to “andy gump” his chin as a way of 
hiding his chin goatee, since the musician was one of the Freddy Fleet band 
members dropped into the Mayberry Band, and Andy didn’t want Mayor Stoner to 
notice the stranger.


7. Andy asked one of the clarinet players to try to andy gumpin' your chin, 
as a better method of getting a sound out of the clarinet. Does anyone know 
where that saying came from and what does it mean.
Andy Gump was a comic strip character who had no chin. Barney laughed aloud 
when reading Andy Gump in the Sunday funnies in episode 47, Bailey's Bad 
Boy. What band director Andy Taylor meant in The Mayberry Band was that Carl 
(the clarinetist in question) should lower his chin to the point where it 
nearly touched his upper chest. Years ago, when every kid knew who Andy Gump 
was and what he looked like, it was common for band directors to instruct young 
bassoonists to make an Andy Gump face to achieve the proper bassoon embouchure 
(position of mouth muscles.) However, such an embouchure is not really suitable 
for the clarinet, just the bassoon. (For them that don't know, I am a band 
director; I don't watch TAGS 24 hours a day!)--Paul Mulik


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re: Andy's Hand

2010-03-04 Thread PLV
The story I've always heard is that Griffith broke it during a drinking binge 
at home when he punched a wall. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, 
though I have read other references to his struggles with alcohol over the 


 Hey, Mayberry Friends. Whats the real story? In at least two episodes Andy's 
 hand and arm are in a cast. What really happened?
 Slow it down and let me in or I'll go out and buy some gin. Otis Campbell
   Larry in Lincolnton


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re: Aunt Bee's Big Moment

2010-03-03 Thread PLV
Another of Aunt Bee's accomplishments was being the co-writer, with Clara 
Edwards, of the song My Hometown which Keevey Hazleton sang on TV. That sure 
would have been a Big Moment for me! Evidently, Aunt Bee set herself much 
higher standards for bragging right accomplishments!



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More Songs in Mayberry

2010-02-17 Thread PLV
Those Endearing Young Charms - Barney  Rafe Hollister
That Lonesome Road - Rafe
The Marine Hymn - sung by Gomer  played as background when he reports for 

And some of the hymns sung by the church choir and congregation:
Bringing in the Sheaves
Love Lifted Me
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms



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re: aunt Bea's brother in law

2010-02-16 Thread PLV
Who was the Aunt Bea's brother in law he also played in a movie Flubber with 
Fred Mac Murray, did he not, the cop who spilled the coffee in the car 
accident? And did not the mayor, Pike that actor played in It's a Wonderful 
World, didn't he as the man on the porch when they were first dating or 
courting, Jimmy Stewart and the actress name slips my mind.
Autumn Aunt Bea

Uncle Ollie was played by James Westerfield. 
According to the IMDB, Dick Elliott (aka Mayor Pike) did appear in the 
uncredited role of the man on the porch in “It’s A Wonderful Life” (Donna Reed 
was Jimmy Stewart’s co-star).


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re: Songs on Mayberry

2010-02-16 Thread PLV
Name songs that have been mentioned, sung, written, heard on the radio, danced 
My Hometown-Keezy Hazelton
Good Ol' 14A
My Hometown- the wild version Keezy Hazelton
The song that Jim Lindsey played for Bobby Fleet when Bobby Fleet and his band 
with a beat is in jail.
Venice- Aunt Bee and Clara Edwards
Santa Lucia? Gomer, Andy and Barney and John Masters choir

Here are a few more that come to mind:
“Crawdad” - sung by Andy  Opie
“Down in the Valley” - sung by Nurse Peggy
“Stars  Stripes Forever” - played (disgustingly, according to Mayor Stoner) by 
the Mayberry Band
“There Is A Time” - sung by Charlene Darling Wash

I'm drawing a blank about Aunt Bee and Clara Edwards singing a song called 
Venice. What episode was that in?



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Re: Snow

2010-02-11 Thread PLV
You know Mayberry is in NC,and we know it snows in NC. But, does anyone recall 
any snow or discussion of snow on the show? We know it rained and flooded and 
we know it was hot and cold but what about snow?

I don’t have any real personal familiarity with North Carolina, other than 
having visited the Triangle, Chapel Hill and Asheville areas several times. But 
isn’t it correct that there are areas of the state where snow would be, if not 
completely unknown, just a light dusting at most? So I guess it never occurred 
to me to think it unusual that Mayberry wouldn’t have had any snowfalls.



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Re: Quake

2010-02-10 Thread PLV
gloria bruce
I woke up this morning around 4 because we had an earthquake.  I live in 
Illinois near Chicago and we're in the New Madrid System.  I thought at first 
it might have been the loaded goat blowing up but I don't think we have any 
accessible dynamite that I know of here in the Burbs.

I'm also in the Chicago burbs and had just gotten up when it hit. But I 
immediately thought my aging refrigerator was doing an imitation of Aunt Bee's 
quaking  shaking bargain freezer! Goats  freezers - I guess we're not 
attuned to earthquakes!



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Re: Floyd Walking

2010-02-08 Thread PLV
Mon, 08 Feb 2010 09:07:49 -0800

Floyd walks a few steps in the episode I think it is called  Barneys' 
Physical where they are having the 5 yr party for Barney at the courthouse.  
It is just 2-3 steps.


Fayetteville, AR

This is interesting, as that was the scene where I first thought I was noticing 
that Floyd didn't do any real walking. As I recall, first you see him standing 
propped up by the courthouse back wall, behind where Thelma Lou is laying out 
her cake. Then she takes the cake and walks into the back room and calls Floyd 
to come hide with them but you don't see him actually moving other than 
shifting his upper body slightly. When Barney walks in, you see everyone pop 
out of the back room but you don't see Floyd until the camera has shifted to 
Barney then back to the surprise group. But that's coming strictly from my 
memory, and most likely from the butchered TVLand version, so I'm definitely 
going to look more closely the next time it plays on Me-TV which does a great 
job of keeping the episodes virtually intact.



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