RE: Andy's Father

2020-04-25 Thread mease
Thanks, Paul Mulik, for the reminder of the instances of Andy mentioning his
father . but, I think my original question of what came of Andy's parents
still remains a mystery.  At least, I cannot recall any mention of what
happened to them, the he was raised by Aunt Bee.  Anyone?  


Ed Mease

Leavenworth, KS



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's motorcycle?

2017-06-16 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Something I found on Craigslist in my area of Winston Salem.
Could it be legit ?<<<

Look under the seat and see if there is a plaque with Andy's name burned into 
it with a hot bayonet.  That should confirm it!  

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's wife, Opie's mother

2015-07-08 Thread Harriet Browder
 Andy never brings up the subject of his wife in any episode,  

 Now, the only bucket I have is dirty and it ain't seems 
to me that Andy brings it up in two episodes. 

Once when Aunt Bee almost marries Mr. Goss. Opie is asking Andy about deep 
down love and asks if Andy had it with his (Opie's) mother. When Andy says 
yes, Opie responds with Well, then it's ok.

Another time, is when Opie is in bed and he and Andy are talking.  In response 
to something Opie says, Andy says he lost Opie's mother when Opie was just a 
wee little baby.

Maybe I need to clean that bucket...

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth..That's an old 
wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Birthday

2015-06-08 Thread Allan Newsome
On the day (1 June 1926) that Andy was born in North Carolina on the
East Coast of the United States, there was another equally famous
person born in California on the West Coast.Do you know the famous
person who shares Andy's birth date?

I know the answer so I won't give it away but nature had been very
good to her. That isn't a hint...just a statement. :)

If you're on Facebook, be sure to follow the TAGSRWC page.

The Presiding Goober of TAGSRWC posted this, along with a photo, on
Andy's birthday:

Today we celebrate the be-grinning of Mayberry with the 89th
anniversary of Andy Griffith's birth. He was born June 1, 1926.

Over 675,000 people viewed that message honoring Mr. Griffith.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's change in temperament

2013-08-31 Thread Dixon Hayes
Interesting point Janet.  My take is, yes, there was an infusion of new writers 
and directors during those later years, especially with Aaron Ruben and others 
leaving for Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.  And think with Barney gone, they decided to 
make Andy more of a foil for the rest of the town.  They seemed to think it 
would be funny to just so Andy get mad, like Mr. B from Hazel, or Jack Benny, 
or Mr. Mooney from The Lucy Show.  In many episodes he's already in an ill 
mood and sometimes recites a laundry list of reasons why (which, ironically, 
once included running a laundry).   

But the thing is, they thought this from week to week, perhaps even because 
they ran out of ideas quicker than imagined and found themselves using Andy 
gets ticked off as a crutch.  And when you look back at the finished 
work--something producers didn't do so much like they do now, especially with 
dramatic shows--it just looks like Andy is chronically angry. to the point of 
it being a flat-out mental problem.  If it were shot today, one of the other 
characters might've even gone as far as to suggest Andy get help and a 

But everyone else in town bears some responsibility too.  It seems whenever 
Andy's busy or not feeling well, or even having to sleep in the daytime, the 
whole down seems to machine gun him with numerous problems or one big one.  
Goober seems to be the worst offender, and Warren would've had anyone's stress 
level up, especially in the bingo episode.

But I don't think that's what they meant to do.  It just worked out that way.  
Barney's absence re-scrambled the chemistry of the whole show.  They meant for 
Andy to have a happy life except for these things that kept coming up, but that 
isn't the way it came off or comes off even now

The very best episodes from this era are the ones that go for warmth.  Aunt 
Bee's rose, etc.  But there were some funny episodes as well--the one about the 
spaghetti dinners, for instance, or the one where Aunt Bee becomes the 
Mayberry Chef--where Andy's anger is more low-key and slow-boil, like Bob 
Newhart.  I wished they'd stayed with this.  In the one about Aunt Bee being on 
TV, where Opie gets really excited about having dinner at the diner and Andy 
shooting him a look, like it was a back-handed slap at Andy's cooking--those 
touches would've worked so much better IMHO.




WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's timeline

2012-11-05 Thread Harriet Browder

 My theory is, his wife could have possibly been murdered in a revenge case 
 where someone 
 had a loved one put in prison because of Andy.
That's terriblewhy would you even come up with that idea? Didn't you say in 
your own words that this was a situation comedy? Why invoke murder unless it 
was going to be a joke???

Let's not even go thereplease?

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Birthday and Mayberry Guru

2012-06-03 Thread Good, Don
 ..Yes the bullets case should point downward.  But it is a minor issue that 
 does not detract from enjoying time with Barney. ..

Yep, since Barney carried only one bullet, it's a VERY minor issue. I'm 
guessing they were empty anyway, so it doesn't matter if they were wrong side 
up or right side down ... or whatever.

Don Roscoe Good
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Autograph

2012-01-24 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
Thanks Paul!  
Yes, unless it's an in person autograph or there is photographic evidence of 
the signing, or the seller is extremely trustworthy and/or belongs to and is in 
good standing with the UACC and other reputable organizations.  Of course, 
there are exceptions to every rule, in which a known non-signer will sign 
(human nature), but it pays to err on the side of caution and step out with the 
right foot so all will go well. :)
Here are some good links to help those with buying autographs:

Both offer tips, advice, and organizational links.  
Hope this helps,
Clyde Barn

Almost all autographed photos of Andy Griffith were actually signed not by 
Andy himself, but by his manager, Richard O. Linke (with Andy's permission). 
When anyone wrote in to ask for an autographed photo, Mr. Linke would do the 
signature. He could make a near-perfect copy, and he probably still can to 
this day. 

That being said, it is certainly true that there are a few genuine items out 
there that Andy actually did sign with his own hand. For one thing, according 
to Mr. Linke, Andy always signed his checks himself. So a cancelled check with 
Andy's signature is the real thing. I have one, and will be glad to send a 
picture of it to anybody who wants to see what the genuine signature looks 

Another thing to remember when buying autographs is that a certificate of 
authenticity is worthless. Anyone who would sell fake autographs would not 
hesitate to print up a fake certificate to go with it.  The only way to be 
absolutely certain that an autograph is authentic is to get it yourself, in 
person, but to my knowledge Andy has never appeared at any sort of autograph 
show, and I'm also told that he quit giving out autographs decades ago.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Boots

2012-01-14 Thread Albert A

Seems to me that Andy's boots were just plain old Wellingtons; there 
might've been a reference to them on one of the episodes or in a book about 
TAGS; can't recall just what.
Aunt Bee of Orlando  -- - That's what I was thinking too, Aunt Bee. 
Wellingtons.  Years and years ago, there was a shoe repair shop down at the 
local shopping center which featured Cats Paws shoe heels and soles.  On the 
shelves were lots of boots, some very Andy like, that were repaired but not yet 
picked up by their owners. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Rod

2011-09-19 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
My sentiments exactly!  If Barn lost his bullet, the town would be up a paddle 
without a creek...

Be sure to eat another pork chop sandwich for me!

Over and Under,
Clyde Barn


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 05:54:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Larry Hamrick
Subject: Andy's Gun
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hey, Mayberry friends. This is my theory on the gun on top of the hutch.Even 
though the citizens of Mayberry are a law abiding bunch, Andy had to be 
prepared if an 'interloper' ventured into town. The gun in his home and hidden 
would be there if needed. After all, he was a lawman and lawmen have to be 
ready to protect citizens and themselves. This is just my measly 3 cents worth.

O'boy! Mayberry Days next week. It's like having a whole 'nother Christmas.

  Larry in Lincolnton

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Book

2010-08-03 Thread daltonarick
According to my message from Amazon today, Andy's autobiography is due out now 
in Feb.
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Book

2010-07-17 Thread Allan Newsome

Hey Folks,

Since folks have been mentioning it here some lately, I thought I should 
clarify that the Andy Griffith autobiography that folks see on some 
sites has been listed very prematurely.

There is no release date for this book on the horizon.

You can be sure that whenever there's anything confirmed to report about 
it, we'll have accurate news here.  And whenever the book is actually 
available, TAGSRWC's own Weaver's Dept. Store 
( will of course be stocking it.  But 
for now, there's no news.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Book

2010-07-16 Thread daltonarick
I had an update yesterday about Andy's book.  Right now they are looking at 
August 15.
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Also head dingle ling

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Bio

2010-06-01 Thread daltonarick
It is due out in july and I preordered it.  I never mentioned it because I just 
didn't think of it at same time as posting.
Sande Riggs
And dingle  ling
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: andy's hand/hooty hot owls/Carl Griffith

2010-03-07 Thread daltonarick
I had always heard that the cast was from a real broken hand that went through 
a wall.  I had also heard that they had laughed so much on the set' that had 
times,Andy would have to hit the wall.  This time it had gone trough the wall.
I am sorry to hear of Sandy kenyon's passing.
And, about owls, I love them.  I once lived in a house in Utah in the desert, 
where I had 16 tall ,over 30 feet, trees.  There was an owl nest in it and 
could hear Mama Owl at night hooting and her babies.  It was comforting.  This 
Mama owl would also hoot at me when I came in at night.  It wasn't the warning 
hoot just a sweet hello hoot.  At my hose in the big city. Of 300, I had no 
owls. Now in the big city they are few and far between.  
And I am glad to know that the one coming out of the.  Store was Andy's Dad.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Dad

2010-03-05 Thread Ray Hadorn
The episode you are referring to is Farmer Takes a Wife. Episode 45,
Season Two. His dad is Carl Griffith and he is seen
exiting the mens clothing store where Jeff Pruitt buys 'the largest
(suit)one they had'.

Here is a frame capture showing this scene.


WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Hand

2010-03-04 Thread PLV
The story I've always heard is that Griffith broke it during a drinking binge 
at home when he punched a wall. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, 
though I have read other references to his struggles with alcohol over the 


 Hey, Mayberry Friends. Whats the real story? In at least two episodes Andy's 
 hand and arm are in a cast. What really happened?
 Slow it down and let me in or I'll go out and buy some gin. Otis Campbell
   Larry in Lincolnton


WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Home

2010-03-01 Thread Good, Don
... where Andy Griffith lived. He told me but also warned that Andy's
a very private man. We drove by his property, saw his fence, gate,etc.
but I would certainly not approach it

Too bad you couldn't pick up his newspaper and have your picture made
with it. Of course, his maid would probably have come out and told you
to keep off the grass. Maybe you could have paid Floyd a quarter for the

Don Good,
Mayberry Tours

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Statue

2010-02-23 Thread Jim Hady
I was just reading the digest about Andy's statue being vandalized when Fox 
News had a story about it.  They said green paint was poured on his head and 
red paint to his badge and chest.  Apparently they are still looking for the 



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's long sleeves

2009-07-07 Thread Andrew McKenzie

 Has anyone ever noticed that Andy always wears long sleeves?

Good question. I've noticed (as I'm sure others have) that in season one and
(I think) a few times in season two Andy has the sleeves of his uniform
rolled up to expose his forearms. But I've hardly ever, or never, noticed
that later in the series. Of course, I can't ever remember Barney's uniform
sleeves rolled up, but that would go against his buttoned-down uniform

Also, when they're out picnicking or whatever, Barney often wears his
short-sleeved button-down shirt untucked, whereas Andy still seems to prefer
a long-sleeved button-down, tucked-in, without the sleeves rolled up or
anything. (Maybe some trained noticers can point out more details and what
I've missed.)

Maybe Barney is just a work hard, play hard type of guy. He likes to look
neat in his uniform around the office, or with the old salt-and-pepper at a
dance, but when he's bachin' it at Mrs. Mendlebright's or at a picnic he
takes it easy with the dress. Andy's style of dress doesn't fluctuate as
much; his favorite garb for a casual date seems to be his shirt (with or
without tie) and sweater vest, and he only wears the blue suit on more
formal occasions.

A question for the lucky ones who have seen Mayberry RFD: what does Andy
wear in his wedding to Helen? What about Barn?

-a deceitful wretch hiding out in Oxford, Ohio (the Nashville of the North)
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Long Sleeves

2009-07-07 Thread dudleygl
? Has anyone ever noticed that Andy always wears long sleeves? I was 
watching Bargain Day last night and the scene where Aunt Bee was on the 
porch sitting with the freezer and Opie comes outside without a shirt on 
(naked savage!) because it is SO HOT, Andy has long sleeves on. Several times 
during this episode they mention how hot it is. I also noticed on other 
where the hot weather is mentioned that he always wears long sleeves. I guess 
maybe they didn't have summer  winter uniforms back then.

I thought this was particularly strange in the episode where Andy and Floyd 
were sitting on the bench talking about how hot it is, and then get into the 
Calvin Coolidge controversey. Floyd says it's 92 degrees, but he's sitting 
there in the sun with his barber's jacket on.

Jethro Bodine, Double-Naught Spy
Beverly Hills, CA?

*** Get daily updates from Mayberry on Twitter! Tell Sarah to get you:

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Broken Hand

2009-06-28 Thread robcurlee
Hi Mari Ellen,

Yes, that's the reason given in the wonderful Frequently Asked Questions of 
TAGSRWC with the answer supplied by our own Paul Mulik.

I've always wondered is what happened to Andy's hand where it was seriously 
bandaged for at least 2 shows? On one show he explained it away as having a 
tussle with a couple of prisoners?
This sort of thing is right up my alley! The bandaged hand appeared in two 
consecutive episodes, #55 Aunt Bee the Warden and #56 The County Nurse. Andy 
Taylor explained it as the result of a difficulty in apprehending the 4 Gordon 
boys, but what had really happened was that in a fit of rage, Andy Griffith had 
punched his fist through a wall in his home. It was pretty easy for the writers 
to work it into the script, since Andy was a lawman who conceivably might have 
had to put up his dukes every now and then. --answer by Paul Mulik

 Here's the link:

Barnwell, SC

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 13:47:24 -0400
From: Mari Ellen Ryan
Subject: Andy's Broken Hand
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Mark and All,

My understanding regarding Andy's broken hand is that he had a heated
disagreement with his wife, then Barbara, lost his temper and punched a
wall..even by his own admission, Andy could be somewhat of a hothead
back in those days..I do believe this is correct but I may be
misinformed...they wrote the broken hand into the script.

Mari Ellen
Resident Northern Person

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Birthday

2009-06-03 Thread dudleygl
 I heard Andy got an electric razor and a basketball for his birthday.

I heard Aunt Bee got him a dozen canning jars.

Hank Kimball, Hooterville

 New:? Mayberry is alive  well in 2009!? Get daily updates from
America's hometown at
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's back

2009-02-23 Thread Albert

I've read a lot here about Andy's back being injured when he was young and how 
it appears to have 

healed and mended completely.

That just goes to show you what Miracle Salve can do for a person! Don't 
believe me? Just ask Andy's back!

Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Wedding

2009-01-13 Thread dudleygl
? In the episode that Andy and Helen get married, where was 
Barney when the Bachelor party was going on?? He didn't show up til the 

Him and Goober were probably outside looking in through the window.

Mr. Haney

Whatever you need, I just happen to have one on my truck.

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Guitar on TAGS

2008-11-24 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
Thanks Jeff, for the info!


WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's middle name

2008-09-23 Thread Sue Doughty
Does anyone know if either Andy or Opie have a middle name or even a
middle initial in the show?  I know that Andys real middle name is
Samuel, but I don't remember ever hearing one for him or Opie either
one on the show.  Can someone please help me out?

Andy's middle name on the show was Jackson.  His entire name was Andrew
Jackson Taylor.  It was in the Cutlass year book in the show where they
had the high school reunion.

I don't remember ever hearing Opie's middle name.a

The tears on my pillow bespeak the pain in my heart.

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's phone call

2008-05-08 Thread King of Mayberry
Glad to be back on the digest. A big thanks to Floyd to making sure my wires 
were big enough.

Someone who lives in NC posted a few days ago about Andy Griffith calling his 
house in support of a candidate for NC governor. I'm curious. Was Andy's call 
live or was it pre-recorded? Did you talk with him or did he just leave a 
message? That's extremely rare to get a call from THE MAN, so I want to hear 
all the juicy details.

Mr. Schwamp

Call the man!

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Hair

2008-03-25 Thread dudleygl
On episode # 32, (Bringing Up Opie), Andy is sitting on Opie's bed talking to 
him.? From a distant view, showing Opie  Andy, Andy's hair is parted on the 
left side. When the camera zooms in and only shows Andy, his hair is parted 
the right side

Maybe Floyd started praticing on Andy instead of on cats.

Hank County Your Kimball Agent
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's Music

2008-02-06 Thread dudleygl
And some others for consideration include ... Flow Gently Sweet Afton
by that one-hit-wonder, Juanita Pike

Aww...that one make's me cry! :-(

Come to think of it, Juanita's singing makes EVERYBODY cry!

George Tex Foley
Eastmont, NC

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Love Interests

2007-03-23 Thread Thirdnewell
Here's one some friends and I have had fun with. Name as many of the women  
that you can that Andy dated or went out with. 
This list does not include Skippy, the fun girl, as they never really went  
out, or any of the girls that Barney was trying to fix Andy up with when he and 
 Peggy had an arguement; Have any of you girls ever thought about starting a 
 softball team.; and of course who could forget Lydia Crosswait; I hate to  
chit-chat. I wouldn't have gone out with her either.
I have come up with over a dozen, and I will send my findings in a couple  of 
N.B. Arnold (another Ernest T.)
Mooresville, NC

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's........

2007-02-16 Thread Sue Doughty
I know this is a family site, but did you ever wonder how many times
we got to see Andy in, well, his underwear?  Now, you can't count the
cap and nightgown from A Feud is a Feud. 

How about the time that Malcolm was taking care of them (Gentleman's
Gentleman) when Aunt Bee was away. Andy and Malcolm were up in Andy's
room and Andy said, No sir, I'll put on my own pants!!

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC  

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If you have received this message in error, please delete this message and any 
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immediately of the inadvertent transmission. Thank you for your cooperation.

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's Cranky posts

2007-02-16 Thread Albert Acevedo
I went on by to Wally's (to buy a fan belt) and sat down on the bench out 
front for a spell. I then fished some change outta' my pocket to buy me a 
Huckleberry Smash. After popping the crown, I took a swig and then sat back 
down, and got to thinking...
It's not that Andy is too cranky, it's that the town is too happy!  Nothing 
like an icy-cold Huckleberry Smash to get a man to thinking deep thoughts.

(A. Acevedo  -- MPk)

From predictions to trailers, check out the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's changed disposition

2007-02-09 Thread sharon dickson
I've been reading all the comments about how Andy's personality is different in 
the color shows of TAGS, and thinking about the situration.  If anyone watches 
the reruns of Matlock, as much as I do, they will notice that if things don't 
go the way Matlock wants them to, he can show a personality not anything like 
the Andy Griffith that we know of in black and white AGS. It makes me wonder 
if, as Andy aged, maybe his whole personality changed some as displayed in the 
color shows and in Matlock.  Just a thought.
  Maybe I'll have to ask Johnny Paul Jason about this!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's (fantasy) proposal

2007-02-08 Thread dixonhayes
***For Andy's proposal I pictured somehow everyone crashes the quiet dinner he 
planned and there's a noisy party going on.  Andy would try to take Helen aside 
to propose, but she can't hear him so he shouts Helen, please marry me? just 
about the time the music goes off and everyone quiets down.  Then when she said 
yes, they lean into kiss and everyone would jump between them with hugs, back 
pats and handshakes.***
I thought about that too.  The only thing I would add is, Andy apologizes to 
Helen at some point and says this isn't what he had in mind, he wanted a quiet 
evening, just the two of them.  Helen says she understands, but says Then 
again, look around, and everyone is having the time of their lives.  Aunt Bee 
is serving pie, Howard is amazing Floyd (or Emmett) with some story, someone's 
playing a musical instrument, perhaps Goober is cracking people up with an 
imitation...Then Helen says I almost think I wouldn't have it any other way. 
 The message would be clear: she's not just marrying Andy, she's marrying the 
town, because Andy belongs to them as well.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's Anger

2007-02-06 Thread MeInMayberry
I think Scott has a good point here, and I've been trying to  figure out 
why the Andy angry scenes *seem* to be more prominent in the color  years.  I 
have a theory about that.  I think it may be partly because  Andy was actually 
more subdued and less engaged than in the black-and-white  years.

In the color episodes, Andy would often only be sitting out on the bench  
with some of the fellas and would seem very tired and just plain unhappy--even  
when he WASN'T getting angry at anyone.  I think maybe his problems in  his 
private life were affecting his performance.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's badge

2006-12-11 Thread rcm999
What you see on the cover-art is a result of a composite shot.  The images are 
in fact reversed, as noted by Andy's hair and his badge.  You'll note too, 
Opie's hair and the direction of the buttoning of Goober's shirt.  The 
background is a drawing only, not a photo.  But what you see in that one final 
image is a result of overlays.

Either that or the Count or Henry Bennett has done went and hexed it!

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Andy's grunts

2006-05-29 Thread DudleyGL
One of the things I really enjoy about Andy Griffith's performances  in 
TAGS--during both the black and white and the color years--is the way  he 
grunts, sighs, and various other forms of non-word  verbalization to 
express himself.  He seems to have used these more  than other TV actors, and 
think it's part of what makes his performances seem  so genuine.  In real 
life, people use more than complete sentences  or even just standard words 
communicate, so those little things  Andy adds to his character make him seem 
more like a real  person.
Thelma Lou

That's the actor of the man!
George Tex Foley
Eastmont, NC

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Andy's old flame

2006-01-12 Thread Ron McLendon
The actress in this particular episode (Class Reunion (#82))was played by Peggy 
McCay.  Here's a link so you can take a look-see:

10-10-10y-40 . . . uh.bye!

**Barn (Ron McLendon)
WBMUTBB mailing list