[web2py] Re: Installing the book as an app?

2012-12-28 Thread Nico Zanferrari
I'm sorry, the error ticket was my fault - forget it. The book application 
is working fine.



[web2py] Upload field with clear text filename

2012-12-28 Thread Joe Barnhart
I'm not sure why this is difficult, but I see many posts about this when I 
search, yet none exactly work for me.  This seems like it should be easy 
but is surprisingly difficult in web2py.

I want to keep a table of uploaded files with the uploads in a blob field 
and the names in clear text in a filename field.  Like this model:

Field(owner,reference auth_user,default=auth.user_id,readable=False,

Reading the relevant posts and the online book lead me to believe the way 
is with a controller like this one:

def index():
if request.vars.upload:
form.vars.filename = request.vars.upload.filename
if form.process().accepted:
response.flash = 'form accepted'
elif form.errors:
response.flash = 'form has errors'
return dict(form=form)

And yet this controller does not work.  The blob is filled in but the 
filename is ignored and shows in the table as None.  In fact, form.vars 
is an empty collection and placing form.vars.filename in it does not 
produce an error, but it is ignored by the form processing.  In addition to 
the filename, I'd like to add the information about the object type etc. at 
the same point in the process, i.e. after the file has been chosen but 
before it has been loaded into the database.

I've been trying to scan through the code (I'm using 2.3.2 source) to 
answer my own questions about the upload field but it's just taking too 
much time.  The upload field is one of those parts of web2py that you 
either love or... uh... don't.  To me it seems designed for a very specific 
use model.  If my use model deviates too much then using upload is like 
pounding square pegs into round holes.  I'm tired of pounding.  Someone 
show me how to whittle off the corners of my square peg!

(You would think this would be an easy task, yet from the number of posts 
on this exact topic I know I'm in the company of a large number of others.)


[web2py] Re: Table Name from ROWS object

2012-12-28 Thread at
yes please; it would be really helpful for beginners like me

thank you

On Friday, 28 December 2012 12:56:44 UTC+5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Apparently only in one example:


 I can add something about this.

 On Friday, 28 December 2012 01:24:37 UTC-6, at wrote:

 thank you massimo for this interesting and very useful tip ... it would 
 save my good amount of time 
 btw, is this syntax available in web2py documentation?

 On Friday, 28 December 2012 12:05:46 UTC+5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 *db((db[table_name].id == rowid)  (db[table_name][myfld] == 
 )).update([myfld] = myvalue)*
 *should be*
 *db((db[table_name].id == rowid)  (db[table_name][myfld] == 

 On Friday, 28 December 2012 00:40:15 UTC-6, at wrote:

 It's working when I give table_name after getting table object 
 programatically, but when the same syntax is used for column names in 
 update statement it returns syntax error; please consider the following 
 *db((db[table_name].id == rowid)  (db[table_name][myfld] == 
 )).update([myfld] = myvalue)*


 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 19:41:45 UTC+5, Anthony wrote:

 db(db[tname].id http://db.tname.id/ == rowid).select()

 *or just:



 On Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:35:55 AM UTC-5, at wrote:

 Wanted to avoid hard-coding table name in the following statement by 
 using var *tname*, but not successful: any tip pls?
 *db(db.tname.id == rowid).select*


 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 19:10:31 UTC+5, at wrote:

 *tname,z=my_rows.colnames[0].split('.')* gave the desired table name

 thanks very much!

 best regards

 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 18:47:07 UTC+5, Massimo Di Pierro 

 Yes and No. You can get rows.colnames and they contain table names 
 . field name

 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 07:45:52 UTC-6, at wrote:

 How can we get table name from ROWS object?



[web2py] Re: Installing the book as an app?

2012-12-28 Thread Tim Richardson

On Friday, 28 December 2012 18:56:37 UTC+11, Nico Zanferrari wrote:

 Hello, the right URL is https://github.com/mdipierro/web2py-book.git   

Ah, that makes quite a difference :) Thanks.

git itself doesn't need the .git


[web2py] Re: Upload field with clear text filename

2012-12-28 Thread Anthony
Are you saying you want the name in the filename field to be encoded into 
the string stored in the upload field so the file has the name in the 
filename field upon download? If so, then try:

if request.vars.upload and request.vars.filename:
request.vars.upload.filename = request.vars.filename
form = SQLFORM(db.fileobject)

That will re-assign the filename of the uploaded file to the value entered 
by the user, and web2py will then encode that user-entered filename into 
the new filename. Another option is to do nothing upon upload and instead 
replace the original filename with the user-entered filename upon download 
(which you could do via a custom_retrieve function for the upload field).

Note, web2py relies on the filename extension to set the HTTP headers 
appropriately upon download, so you may want to add some logic to obtain 
the original filename extension in case the user fails to enter it.


On Friday, December 28, 2012 4:15:52 AM UTC-5, Joe  Barnhart wrote:

 I'm not sure why this is difficult, but I see many posts about this when I 
 search, yet none exactly work for me.  This seems like it should be easy 
 but is surprisingly difficult in web2py.

 I want to keep a table of uploaded files with the uploads in a blob 
 field and the names in clear text in a filename field.  Like this model:

 Field(owner,reference auth_user,default=auth.user_id,readable=

 Reading the relevant posts and the online book lead me to believe the way 
 is with a controller like this one:

 def index():
 if request.vars.upload:
 form.vars.filename = request.vars.upload.filename
 if form.process().accepted:
 response.flash = 'form accepted'
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = 'form has errors'
 return dict(form=form)

 And yet this controller does not work.  The blob is filled in but the 
 filename is ignored and shows in the table as None.  In fact, form.vars 
 is an empty collection and placing form.vars.filename in it does not 
 produce an error, but it is ignored by the form processing.  In addition to 
 the filename, I'd like to add the information about the object type etc. at 
 the same point in the process, i.e. after the file has been chosen but 
 before it has been loaded into the database.

 I've been trying to scan through the code (I'm using 2.3.2 source) to 
 answer my own questions about the upload field but it's just taking too 
 much time.  The upload field is one of those parts of web2py that you 
 either love or... uh... don't.  To me it seems designed for a very specific 
 use model.  If my use model deviates too much then using upload is like 
 pounding square pegs into round holes.  I'm tired of pounding.  Someone 
 show me how to whittle off the corners of my square peg!

 (You would think this would be an easy task, yet from the number of posts 
 on this exact topic I know I'm in the company of a large number of others.)


Re: [web2py] Re: delete uploads with SQLFORM.factory

2012-12-28 Thread paolo.vall...@gmail.com
Hi, I had a look at sqlform.py, the error comes from the fact that if a
default value is set for the field upload, web2py tries to read it and
store it as the new value for the upload field. As a result it is not
possible to me to edit forms and remove uploads by setting the default
value, this trick doesn't work.
Moreover, I tried to fix the initial error about the missing file, by
setting db.test_img['picture'].default  equal to real path of the file.
This worked well but than, if I understood correctly how web2py works, it
tried to store again the default value as the new value, starting a kind of
loop! That was wrong, and actually this has never worked, it stopped due to
the 'error filename' to long.

The good thing is that by changing this two line (line 1394 of sqlhtml.py)
f = self.table[fieldname].default or ''
fields[fieldname] = f
fields[fieldname] = self.table[fieldname].default
It seems that this solved the issue, but of course, I need something better.

2012/12/27 Paolo paolo.vall...@gmail.com

 Hi Massimo, thank for the answer, I updated the code but the problem is
 still there, I made several tests, no one figured out what is wrong. So
 that I tried to simplify the code as follows:

 Field(picture, upload,

 Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now, writable=False)

 def sqlform_add():
 form = SQLFORM.factory(db.test_img, _class='well',

upload=URL('default', 'download'),

uploadseparate=True, table_name='test')
 if form.process(dbio=False).accepted:
 id = db.test_img.insert(**dict(form.vars))
 return response.render('generic.html', dict(form=form))

 def sqlform_edit():
 img = db(db.test_img.id0).select().first()
 db.test_img['picture'].default = img['picture']
 form = SQLFORM.factory(db.test_img, _class='well',

upload=URL('default', 'download'),

uploadseparate=True, table_name='test')
 if form.process(dbio=False).accepted:
 print 'form accepted'
 return response.render('generic.html', dict(form=form))

 what I got:
 - adding an img with sqlform_add and then removing it with appadmin  --
 - adding an img with appadmin and then removing it with sqlform_edit --
 - using both sqlform_add and sqlform_edit -- failed
 Now I am thinking about the way I set the default value, maybe for a field
 as an upload I have to set something more?


 On Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:28:54 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 perhaps not the cause of the problem but


 should be


 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 00:30:00 UTC-6, Paolo wrote:

 Hi Massimo,
 I've just tried to post and then edit with both SQLFORM.factory having
 uploadseparate but nothing has changed. The problem is still there,
 actually I am making explicitly inserts and  edits.
 The whole SQLFORM.factory to edit a field is this:
 for field in ['title','description', 'user_contact',
 'picture' ]:
 db.club[field].default = club[field]
 for field in ['name']:
 db.cities[field].default = city[field]
 form = SQLFORM.factory(db.club, db.cities, _class='well',
formstyle='bootstrap', showid= False,


 On Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:47:19 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro

 Did you upload the file first and then add uploadseparate/uploadfolder?

 On Wednesday, 26 December 2012 12:49:01 UTC-6, Paolo wrote:

 Hi all,
 it seems to me that SQLFORM.factory doesn't honor the uploadseparate
 option because I'am not able to delete the uploaded file with

 form = SQLFORM.factory(db.club, db.cities, _class='well',
formstyle='bootstrap', showid= False,
upload=URL('default', 'download'), uploadfolder
uploadseparate=True, autodelete=True,table_name
 ='club'  )

 The error:
 Enter code here...2012-12-26 19:38:07,728 - web2py - ERROR - Traceback
 (most recent call last):
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/**web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line
 212, in restricted
 exec ccode in environment
   File /home/paolo/Dropbox/git/**web2py/applications/bikend/**
 controllers/club.py, line 123, in module

Re: [web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread Alan Etkin
Too bad graphviz does not accept css (and  the  source  is weird 
also). I wonder if there is any alternative library with similar 
functionality. Maybe something to produce an svg visual model with a simple 
API. Am I asking too much?


[web2py] nesting in views

2012-12-28 Thread _developer_
 I have a following problem with the syntax, 
who can help me here please.
here is my code: 

*{{=A(XML(T('New Ticket')), _href='#', [if '/ttracker/index' in 
request.env.path_info: _style='text-decoration: bold;' pass])}} *

syntax error: [if... 
what is the correct syntax?


Re: [web2py] Can the parametric router 301 redirect from www?

2012-12-28 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On 27 Dec 2012, at 10:31 PM, HittingSmoke hittingsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Pretty straight forward question. Can I use the parametric routes.py language 
 to 301 redirect from www.domain.com to domain.com for proper search engine 

You'd be better off configuring your server to do that. If you want to use 
web2py routes, I think you need the pattern-matching router.


[web2py] setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh and Python 2.7

2012-12-28 Thread Martin Weissenboeck
I want to make a new Python installtion on a Debian computer.
I have installed Python 2.7.3, because there are some new language
constructs I want to use.
Afterwards I have made a new installation of web2py using the script
setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh. Works fine, but it uses Python 2.6

What changes should I make?
Regards, Martin


Re: [web2py] Where to host web2py

2012-12-28 Thread Andrew

Make sure that you're accessing it via https, I've noticed that if I click 
on the admin button from the main page accessed via http, it uses whatever 
transport protocol that was specified to get there. 

If you're already doing this I'd take a look at the web2py logs in 
$OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_LOG_DIR. A while back I had submitted a bug for how their 
proxy didn't set wsgi params when it passed the request to the gear. That's 
been the only time I've run into an issue like that. 

Also make sure your options_std.py is linked to options.py 

If you come across any more info, I'd be happy to take a look.


On Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:38:21 AM UTC-6, Gustavo Souza wrote:

 Hi Adrew, I followed these steps and was able to deploy the web2py, and it 
 works! ... I did with version 2.3.2
 My only problem is that the web2py admin panel is disabled.
 I created the file parameters_443.py and put the password hash, but 
 still the message appears admin disabled because unable to access password

 I have to change something?

 Em domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012 20h39min52s UTC-3, Andrew escreveu:

 A little different in order. 

 Do all the openshift stuff first, then download web2py and copy it into 
 the wsgi folder. 

 I would suggest using the application file I provide on the github repo 
 and modify:

 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'], 'libs', 
 to This:
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'], 'wsgi', 
 'web2by', 'gluon')) #honestly I don't know if sys.path.append handles stuff 
 recursively so maybe this isn't necessary and you just comment out the 
 gluon line. 

 There are other nuances like addressing db host / port / user / pass 
 variables that should all be setup in wsgi/application file. For example if 
 you're using SQL lite, I have an example variable setup in the 
 wsgi/application handler and then in your model you'd just use something 

 db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',folder=SQLITE_DIR)

 If you want to use the admin, you'll need to create a parameters_443.py 
 with your hashed password in it but there are caveats to using the IDE in 
 the cloud since app changes are applied via rhc / git. This is why I 
 created the openshift deployer.



[web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread Luc Chase
just to clarify please... is this to show the model using a graphical model?
Or is it for extending the DAL to support Graph 
databasehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_databasemodels ?


On Saturday, 15 December 2012 14:49:48 UTC, Jose wrote:


 I modified the admin and welcome, to allow create a model  graph.

 The click in button grahp model shows something like:


 depends only of pygraphviz.

 Best Regards,


Re: [web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread António Ramos

2012/12/28 Alan Etkin spame...@gmail.com

 Too bad graphviz does not accept css (and  the  source  is weird
 also). I wonder if there is any alternative library with similar
 functionality. Maybe something to produce an svg visual model with a simple
 API. Am I asking too much?



Re: [web2py] WWW SQL Designer to DAL converter

2012-12-28 Thread Derek
Yes, it's pretty much the same, you can also generate web2py from it, and 
it works just fine. Well, the relations needs a bit of work, but it does 
make it easier.

On Friday, December 28, 2012 12:12:32 AM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Didn't we have this already?


 I am not sure who owns that. I think this is the source:
 but I am not 100% sure.

 Anyway, probably the one by Elcio is better. It would be nice if it could 
 go both ways (export and import).


 On Friday, 28 December 2012 00:56:28 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:


 It would be nice if we automate the whole process, users put the .xml in 
 /models or /private folder and this script can be called automatically if 
 model doesnt exists, or we can put a button in admin generate models -- 
 upload the xml

 I will do some tests!

 On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 10:28 PM, Elcio Ferreira elc...@gmail.comwrote:


 Feedback and suggestions, please.



[web2py] Re: Upload field with clear text filename

2012-12-28 Thread Joe Barnhart
Hi Anthony --

I want the opposite of this -- I want the actual text filename, not the 
encoded one.  The book example I followed did not work.

-- Joe

On Friday, December 28, 2012 2:18:24 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:

 Are you saying you want the name in the filename field to be encoded 
 into the string stored in the upload field so the file has the name in 
 the filename field upon download? If so, then try:

 if request.vars.upload and request.vars.filename:
 request.vars.upload.filename = request.vars.filename
 form = SQLFORM(db.fileobject)

 That will re-assign the filename of the uploaded file to the value entered 
 by the user, and web2py will then encode that user-entered filename into 
 the new filename. Another option is to do nothing upon upload and instead 
 replace the original filename with the user-entered filename upon download 
 (which you could do via a custom_retrieve function for the upload field).

 Note, web2py relies on the filename extension to set the HTTP headers 
 appropriately upon download, so you may want to add some logic to obtain 
 the original filename extension in case the user fails to enter it.


 On Friday, December 28, 2012 4:15:52 AM UTC-5, Joe  Barnhart wrote:

 I'm not sure why this is difficult, but I see many posts about this when 
 I search, yet none exactly work for me.  This seems like it should be easy 
 but is surprisingly difficult in web2py.

 I want to keep a table of uploaded files with the uploads in a blob 
 field and the names in clear text in a filename field.  Like this model:

 Field(owner,reference auth_user,default=auth.user_id,readable=

 Reading the relevant posts and the online book lead me to believe the way 
 is with a controller like this one:

 def index():
 if request.vars.upload:
 form.vars.filename = request.vars.upload.filename
 if form.process().accepted:
 response.flash = 'form accepted'
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = 'form has errors'
 return dict(form=form)

 And yet this controller does not work.  The blob is filled in but the 
 filename is ignored and shows in the table as None.  In fact, form.vars 
 is an empty collection and placing form.vars.filename in it does not 
 produce an error, but it is ignored by the form processing.  In addition to 
 the filename, I'd like to add the information about the object type etc. at 
 the same point in the process, i.e. after the file has been chosen but 
 before it has been loaded into the database.

 I've been trying to scan through the code (I'm using 2.3.2 source) to 
 answer my own questions about the upload field but it's just taking too 
 much time.  The upload field is one of those parts of web2py that you 
 either love or... uh... don't.  To me it seems designed for a very specific 
 use model.  If my use model deviates too much then using upload is like 
 pounding square pegs into round holes.  I'm tired of pounding.  Someone 
 show me how to whittle off the corners of my square peg!

 (You would think this would be an easy task, yet from the number of posts 
 on this exact topic I know I'm in the company of a large number of others.)


[web2py] Re: new admin in trunk

2012-12-28 Thread Joe Barnhart
Works fine for me too.  It's a little large looking on my screen.  But I 
notice the same about my own Bootstrap-based app.  I almost feel like I 
need to find a way to trim out some of the extra whitespace and reduce the 
font sizes a tad.  But that's probably just me.

-- Joe B.

On Monday, December 24, 2012 12:00:29 PM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 As a Christmas present (not from me but from Paolo) there is a new admin 
 in trunk based on Bootstrap. Please check it out.
 If this is ok we should soon commit 2.4.1 because there are yet more bug 
 fixes. ;-)



Re: [web2py] Replaced `auth_user` fields 'first_name' and 'last_name' with 'name'; now getting errors

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

This defaults to user_identifier='%(first_name)s' but you do not have a 
first name.

On Friday, 28 December 2012 01:10:34 UTC-6, Alec Taylor wrote:

 Thanks, but that also isn't working: `type 
 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'Row' object has no attribute 

 But I do get a different traceback, i.e., here: 

 web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1285, in navbar 
 user_identifier = user_identifier % self.user 

 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Bruno Rocha 
  For the record: 
  There is a problem on this line 
  If you use auth.signature it will raise an error do I propose to change 
  return '%s %s' % (user.get(first_name, email), user.get(last_name, 
  or some other check. 


[web2py] Re: nesting in views

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
*{{=A(T('New Ticket'), _href='#', **_style=('text-decoration: bold;' if** 
in request.env.path_info else None))}} *

On Friday, 28 December 2012 05:42:07 UTC-6, _developer_ wrote:

  I have a following problem with the syntax, 
 who can help me here please.
 here is my code: 

 *{{=A(XML(T('New Ticket')), _href='#', [if '/ttracker/index' in 
 request.env.path_info: _style='text-decoration: bold;' pass])}} *

 syntax error: [if... 
 what is the correct syntax?


Re: [web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I would very much prefer if the graph were generated in JS instead of using 
serverside code.

On Friday, 28 December 2012 12:34:49 UTC-6, Ramos wrote:


 2012/12/28 Alan Etkin spam...@gmail.com javascript:

 Too bad graphviz does not accept css (and  the  source  is weird 
 also). I wonder if there is any alternative library with similar 
 functionality. Maybe something to produce an svg visual model with a simple 
 API. Am I asking too much?



[web2py] Redmine beside web2py with Nginx deployment script

2012-12-28 Thread Richard

This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside web2py... 


The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script (

I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright it 
and distribute it under CC without commercial use. 

Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
- Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org), 
- Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
- Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu 
ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
- working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM), 
- web2py (latest stable) 
- uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
- Nginx (Ubuntu default)
- PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
- Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
- Self Signed SSL Certificat

I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the 
installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation 
asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for 
the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine 
default values.

At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :

# web2py Welcome should appear
# Redmine!

Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I 
will be glad to improve the script.

Happy new year to all!




# --
# Description : Installation and basic configuration of web2py, uWSGI, Redmine,
#   Unicorn, Nginx and PostgreSQL.
#   Usage : Copy the script in /home/username and run it as root, you may 
#   need to allow exectuion (chmod +x). Ex.: 
#   sudo ./setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh
#File : setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh
#  Author : Richard V?zina
#   Email : ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com
#   Copyright : Richard V?zina
#Date : ven 28 d?c 2012 13:27:11 EST
# Disclaimers : This script is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
# Licence : CC BY-NC 2.5 CA
# --

echo 'setup-ubuntu-12-04-redmine-unicorn-web2py-uwsgi-nginx.sh'
echo 'Requires Ubuntu = 12.04 (May works with 12.10 not tested) and installs Redmine + Unicorn + Web2py + uWSGI + Nginx + PostgreSQL'
# Check if user has root privileges
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
   echo You must run the script as root or using sudo
   exit 1

# --
# We concentrate here user prompts!!
# Get Redmine Postgres Database Password
echo -e Redmine Postgres Database Password: \c 
# Get Web2py Admin Password
echo -e Web2py Admin Password: \c 
read  PW

cd ~
openssl genrsa 1024  self_signed.key
chmod 400 self_signed.key
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 1780 -key self_signed.key  self_signed.cert
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -text  self_signed.cert  self_signed.info
# --

apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get autoremove
apt-get autoclean
apt-get -y install postgresql
apt-get -y install nginx-full
apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev libxml2-dev python-pip unzip
apt-get -y install ruby1.9.3 # Ref.: http://askubuntu.com/questions/137485/rails-3-not-using-rvm
apt-get -y install libpq-dev # Required for gem1.9.3 install pg Ref.: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6040583/unable-to-install-pg-gem-on-ubuntu-cant-find-the-libpq-fe-h-header

gem1.9.3 install rails --no-rdoc --no-ri # For testing (faster) --no-rdoc --no-ri
gem1.9.3 install unicorn --no-rdoc --no-ri # For testing (faster) --no-rdoc --no-ri
gem1.9.3 install pg --no-rdoc --no-ri # For testing (faster) --no-rdoc --no-ri
cd /opt
wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/76627/redmine-2.2.0.tar.gz
wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/76628/redmine-2.2.0.tar.gz.md5
md5sum --check redmine-2.2.0.tar.gz.md5  redmine_md5_checked_successfully
if [ -f redmine_md5_checked_successfully ]
	tar xvfz redmine-2.2.0.tar.gz
	rm redmine_md5_checked_successfully
echo Redmine md5 check sum failed...
exit 1
cd redmine-2.2.0
bundle install --without development test rmagick sqlite mysql
mkdir /var/www
ln -s /opt/redmine-2.2.0/public /var/www/redmine
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www
chown -R www-data.www-data /opt/redmine-2.2.0/public
# To avoid prompt during execution of the script use psql instead of createuser
#echo Enter a postgres redmine user password twice:
#createuser -P -S -D -R -l -e redmine
# createuser switch: -P --pwprompt -S --no-superuser -D --no-createdb  -R --no-createrole -l 

Re: [web2py] Re: new setup-web2py-nginx-uwsgi-ubuntu.sh

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Vézina

I publish a new script that allow deployment of Redmine beside web2py.

Here :

Notice : After some read, I choose Unicorn over Phussion Passenger.


On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Massimo Di Pierro 
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:

 please email me the patch of latest file when ready for inclusion.

 On Thursday, 20 December 2012 03:18:20 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:

 perfect, Ccing Massimo on this final one.

 Il giorno giovedì 20 dicembre 2012 00:16:25 UTC+1, Paolo ha scritto:

 I was trying with the script that comes with the stable web2py. with the
 one on dropbox I problem has gone.


 2012/12/19 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com

 @Simone, an other improvement to the script could be to combine into a
 single server the 80, and 443 to avoid duplicating configuration, as 
 here :
 I don't had test this.

 Also, here the code for permanent redirection
 server {
   server_name $hostname;
   listen  80;
   return 301 http*s*://$hostname$request_uri; # NOTE: I am not sure
 for $hostname here, because I didn't set hostname for my VM until now, as
 in the example (URL below) we can use domainName.com instead if properly
 configure in nginx

 People may want separate configs for http and https. The script
 objective is to have a working copy of web2py. If we start to follow such
 requests, we'd end up installing postgresql and redis too :P

 @Paolo: try the script found at the dropbox link. If the same error
 happens I think we need the log of pip and a hand by Roberto on the
 specific error...





Re: [web2py] Can the parametric router 301 redirect from www?

2012-12-28 Thread HittingSmoke
I'm using my host's shared nginx instance to serve web2py through uwsgi to 
save RAM and keep responsiveness up. I can't really do any server-side 
configuration that isn't through uwsgi or web2py without building my own 
nginx instance unfortunately.

I really like the simplicity of the parametric router so I was hoping it 
would be possible there. Maybe it's something that could be added to the 
newer router at some point.

On Friday, December 28, 2012 7:39:36 AM UTC-8, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

 On 27 Dec 2012, at 10:31 PM, HittingSmoke hittin...@gmail.comjavascript: 

 Pretty straight forward question. Can I use the parametric routes.py 
 language to 301 redirect from www.domain.com to domain.com for proper 
 search engine crawling?

 You'd be better off configuring your server to do that. If you want to use 
 web2py routes, I think you need the pattern-matching router.


Re: [web2py] setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh and Python 2.7

2012-12-28 Thread Khalil KHAMLICHI
root@N4050:~# which python
root@N4050:~# file /usr/bin/python
/usr/bin/python: symbolic link to `python2.7'
root@N4050:~# ls /usr/bin/python
root@N4050:~# ls -al /usr/bin/python
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Oct 10 20:51 /usr/bin/python - python2.7
root@N4050:~# which python2.7

looks better with colors :)   but I hope you get the point that there is a
default python for the operating system that you can change simple by
creating a symbolic link using /usr/bin/python


rm /usr/bin/python   # its just a simple link
ln /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python

this should do it

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Martin Weissenboeck mweis...@gmail.comwrote:

 I want to make a new Python installtion on a Debian computer.
 I have installed Python 2.7.3, because there are some new language
 constructs I want to use.
 Afterwards I have made a new installation of web2py using the script
 setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh. Works fine, but it uses Python 2.6

 What changes should I make?
 Regards, Martin



Re: [web2py] Can the parametric router 301 redirect from www?

2012-12-28 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On 28 Dec 2012, at 12:56 PM, HittingSmoke hittingsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using my host's shared nginx instance to serve web2py through uwsgi to 
 save RAM and keep responsiveness up. I can't really do any server-side 
 configuration that isn't through uwsgi or web2py without building my own 
 nginx instance unfortunately.
 I really like the simplicity of the parametric router so I was hoping it 
 would be possible there. Maybe it's something that could be added to the 
 newer router at some point.

Here's something you can do without any routing at all: first thing in your 
model, check the hostname for www, and call redirect() with an edited (to 
remove the www.) of the incoming URL. It's not as efficient as doing it in the 
server itself, it's not much overhead, and for a 301 it isn't all that critical 

 On Friday, December 28, 2012 7:39:36 AM UTC-8, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
 On 27 Dec 2012, at 10:31 PM, HittingSmoke hittin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Pretty straight forward question. Can I use the parametric routes.py 
 language to 301 redirect from www.domain.com to domain.com for proper search 
 engine crawling?
 You'd be better off configuring your server to do that. If you want to use 
 web2py routes, I think you need the pattern-matching router.


[web2py] Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases?

2012-12-28 Thread Alex Glaros
Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases for large fiscal 
projects? Example: California's Fi$cal project - 
 - with roughly 10,000 tables and many complex joins.

What components of web2py would start to get slow or not work well when 
having so many tables? 

If web2py would instead be better used to prototype the Fi$cal system, what 
would be good production-version candidates to migrate to? Pure Python 
using sqlAlchemy? Java? Anything that would make migration easier such as 
Python-based frameworks?


Alex Glaros


[web2py] Requirement for Oracle R12 General Ledger / Cost Management Functional Consultan

2012-12-28 Thread Manish Kaul
Requirement for Oracle R12 General Ledger / Cost Management Functional

Position: General Ledger / Cost Management Resource

Work Location: Keene, NH

Duration: 9 months

Strong Oracle R12 General Ledger / Cost Management Functional Consultant

•  Knowledge of Inventory Costing / Strong Inventory
Transaction Background a Plus

•  Knowledge of Sub Ledger Accounting

•  Strong Understanding of Various Cost Methods, Especially FIFO

•  Additional Skills: Design, conceptualize, lead solution
workshops, conduct CRP sessions, manage stakeholders

•  Good understanding of Oracles capabilities and implications
to external systems

•  Must be able to lead workshops and teams

•  Must have knowledge and experience with requirements
definition, process design, application design and configuration and
testing of GL / Cost Mgmt / Inventory Costing and sub ledger accounting
•  Knowledge / Experience in the Food Industry a Plus

CONTACT :   manish@gmail.com

Thanks and REGARDS
HMG America


[web2py] Intro and my Web2py app

2012-12-28 Thread Ilya

I'm new to Web2py having used it for a few assignments and final project in 
our web frameworks class. Here's my app that I'm hoping to take a little 
further as I get a better handle on Web2py and Python. It's not deployed on 
any domain, so just posting the source:


The basic idea is to give roommates an easy option to split bills, i.e. the 
main/responsible (admin) roommate pays, uploads the bills to the app, and 
roommates sign up to auto-pay their portions.

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!




[web2py] Re: upload from Edit page

2012-12-28 Thread ArNew
Hi Massimo,

I am using upload attachments. I have Create and Edit pages with number of 
fields. Upload is one of the fields. Now in create page, it was pretty 
straight forward using, Upload field in model. 

Table name is service_attachments
'attachments')) (Model)

if form.vars.attachment:
form.vars.attachment_name = request.vars.attachment.filename

   id = 

And this works great.It inserts the record into the table and also saves 
the attachment into the folder as -  
Now for edit functionality page, I want users to be able to add more 
images. Just calling the form.custom.widget.attachment again is not serving 
the purpose. So I tried doing, manual upload for this particular page. Eg, 

input class=upload id=service_attachments_attachment name=attachment 
type=file / (view)

I recreated this HTML statement with taking reference of what the Create 
upload field creates in HTML.. 

In Controller,

 if request.vars.attachment != '':
 form.vars.attachment = request.vars.attachment.file
 filename = request.vars.attachment.filename
 form.vars.attachment_name = filename
 id = 

Just Assigning this manual field to the already existing upload field. 

This saves the file, the same way as upload field does. It does save the 
file in the folder specified and also inserts the record in the 
service_attachments table.But, it saves the extension of that field as 
.txt, regardless of what the file type is. It saves the file as .txt in the 
folder and the db record.
Let me now if this is giving you the clear picture. 


On Thursday, December 20, 2012 7:10:47 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish and what your models 
 are? I do not understand from the code.

 On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 13:51:12 UTC-6, ArNew wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

 I need help urgently.

 In my application, I am have included upload fields in Create and edit 
 page. Through create page, it was very straight forward with:
 td{{=form.custom.widget.attachment}}/td (View)
 'attachments')) (DAL). 
 if form.vars.attachment:
 form.vars.attachment_name = 
 id = 
 .(Controller) And this works great.

 That with Edit page is not the same, as it is not about editing the 
 current image, but uploading more attachments. So I tried doing something 
 like this:

 input class=upload id=service_attachments_attachment 
 name=attachment type=file / (view)
 if request.vars.attachment != '':
 form.vars.attachment = request.vars.attachment.file
 filename = request.vars.attachment.filename
 form.vars.attachment_name = filename
 id = 
 This follows the very similar procedure of saving the encrypted version 
 of attachment name in the attachment field, but it changes the extension to 
 .txt for all the attachments. It saves the attachment as 
 where as the orginal attachment is photo.JPG. So ideall it should save it 
 as  service_attachments.attachment.b19d4ef38978e8e6.746d707437756c626f.JPG. 

 Can anyone please help me with this?


Re: [web2py] Redmine beside web2py with Nginx deployment script

2012-12-28 Thread Arnon Marcus
Holy Shit !

Just the kind of combination I was looking for !

I am so trying this at work next week...

10x a lot!

Couple of questions:
1. Can that be used on a vm-based ubuntu, say, on VirtualBox on win7 ?
2. Is it a 64bit flavour of ubuntu?
3. What python version is it using? 2.6/2.7? 32/64 bit?
4. What version/flavor of PostgresSQL is it insalling? 8.x/9.x? 32/64bit?

On Friday, December 28, 2012 12:17:12 PM UTC-8, Richard wrote:


 This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside web2py... 


 The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script (

 I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright it 
 and distribute it under CC without commercial use. 

 Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
 - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org), 
 - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
 - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu 
 ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
 - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM), 
 - web2py (latest stable) 
 - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
 - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
 - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
 - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
 - Self Signed SSL Certificat

 I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the 
 installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation 
 asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for 
 the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine 
 default values.

 At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :

 # web2py Welcome should appear
 # Redmine!

 Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I 
 will be glad to improve the script.

 Happy new year to all!



[web2py] Re: Can the parametric router 301 redirect from www?

2012-12-28 Thread HittingSmoke
I ended up setting up a new static app using my host's shared Apache 
instance. I'm pointing all my www.* domains at it which simply contains a 
mod_rewrite entry to remove www from URLs. This should be less overhead 
than configuring it in the model and doesn't use any more of 
my allotted memory.

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:31:01 PM UTC-8, HittingSmoke wrote:

 Pretty straight forward question. Can I use the parametric routes.py 
 language to 301 redirect from www.domain.com to domain.com for proper 
 search engine crawling?


Re: [web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread Alan Etkin
 El viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012 15:34:49 UTC-3, Ramos escribió:D3js

I'm looking at the awsome examples of D3.js at http://d3js.org/

The thing is that I can't find anything pre-built to show a relational 
database scheme as graphviz does.


[web2py] Re: Upload field with clear text filename

2012-12-28 Thread Anthony
I see. I think the problem is that you have set the writable attribute of 
the filename field to False. In that case, try setting the default value of 
that field:

if request.vars.upload:
db.fileobject.filename.default = request.vars.upload.filename
form = SQLFORM(db.fileobject)


On Friday, December 28, 2012 2:28:53 PM UTC-5, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 Hi Anthony --

 I want the opposite of this -- I want the original text filename, not a 
 replacement.  The book example I followed did not work.

 I found at least one problem -- the test if request.vars.upload: does 
 not work.  Even though the upload field has a valid filename, the 
 FieldStorage object returns False for the test.  In the book the 
 recommended test was if request.vars.upload != None but that was found to 
 have a walkback if the submit button was pressed without choosing a 
 filename, as request.vars.upload returns an empty string in that case.

 -- Joe

 On Friday, December 28, 2012 2:18:24 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:

 Are you saying you want the name in the filename field to be encoded 
 into the string stored in the upload field so the file has the name in 
 the filename field upon download? If so, then try:

 if request.vars.upload and request.vars.filename:
 request.vars.upload.filename = request.vars.filename
 form = SQLFORM(db.fileobject)

 That will re-assign the filename of the uploaded file to the value 
 entered by the user, and web2py will then encode that user-entered filename 
 into the new filename. Another option is to do nothing upon upload and 
 instead replace the original filename with the user-entered filename upon 
 download (which you could do via a custom_retrieve function for the 
 upload field).

 Note, web2py relies on the filename extension to set the HTTP headers 
 appropriately upon download, so you may want to add some logic to obtain 
 the original filename extension in case the user fails to enter it.


 On Friday, December 28, 2012 4:15:52 AM UTC-5, Joe  Barnhart wrote:

 I'm not sure why this is difficult, but I see many posts about this when 
 I search, yet none exactly work for me.  This seems like it should be easy 
 but is surprisingly difficult in web2py.

 I want to keep a table of uploaded files with the uploads in a blob 
 field and the names in clear text in a filename field.  Like this model:

 Field(owner,reference auth_user,default=auth.user_id,readable=

 Reading the relevant posts and the online book lead me to believe the 
 way is with a controller like this one:

 def index():
 if request.vars.upload:
 form.vars.filename = request.vars.upload.filename
 if form.process().accepted:
 response.flash = 'form accepted'
 elif form.errors:
 response.flash = 'form has errors'
 return dict(form=form)

 And yet this controller does not work.  The blob is filled in but the 
 filename is ignored and shows in the table as None.  In fact, form.vars 
 is an empty collection and placing form.vars.filename in it does not 
 produce an error, but it is ignored by the form processing.  In addition to 
 the filename, I'd like to add the information about the object type etc. at 
 the same point in the process, i.e. after the file has been chosen but 
 before it has been loaded into the database.

 I've been trying to scan through the code (I'm using 2.3.2 source) to 
 answer my own questions about the upload field but it's just taking too 
 much time.  The upload field is one of those parts of web2py that you 
 either love or... uh... don't.  To me it seems designed for a very specific 
 use model.  If my use model deviates too much then using upload is like 
 pounding square pegs into round holes.  I'm tired of pounding.  Someone 
 show me how to whittle off the corners of my square peg!

 (You would think this would be an easy task, yet from the number of 
 posts on this exact topic I know I'm in the company of a large number of 


Re: [web2py] Re: Graph Model (proposal to contribute)

2012-12-28 Thread António Ramos
D3js seems Awsome. Its already included in Meteorjs


2012/12/28 Alan Etkin spame...@gmail.com

  El viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012 15:34:49 UTC-3, Ramos escribió:D3js

 I'm looking at the awsome examples of D3.js at http://d3js.org/

 The thing is that I can't find anything pre-built to show a relational
 database scheme as graphviz does.



[web2py] Re: Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases?

2012-12-28 Thread Cliff Kachinske
My advice would be to start with the database back end you will ultimately 

With 10,000 tables you would have to explore a way to avoid running the 
model files with every request.  There are posts in this forum that explain 
how to do it.

On Friday, December 28, 2012 10:38:25 AM UTC-5, Alex Glaros wrote:

 Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases for large 
 fiscal projects? Example: California's Fi$cal project - 
  - with roughly 10,000 tables and many complex joins.

 What components of web2py would start to get slow or not work well when 
 having so many tables? 

 If web2py would instead be better used to prototype the Fi$cal system, 
 what would be good production-version candidates to migrate to? Pure Python 
 using sqlAlchemy? Java? Anything that would make migration easier such as 
 Python-based frameworks?


 Alex Glaros


Re: [web2py] Re: Unable to set is_active=True when record_versioning is enabled

2012-12-28 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I agree this is the right way to do it.

On Friday, December 28, 2012 2:03:13 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 If we allow setting is_active from False to True we would be able to 
 re-cycle the record and there would be a record of the recycling (who 
 deleted it, who restored it, and when).

 If we clone a deleted record we break references to it and it would be 
 hard to track the consequences of the restoration.


 On Friday, 28 December 2012 00:19:54 UTC-6, Mandar Vaze wrote:


 You should be able to clone a deleted record however.

 I agree. An ability to clone the deleted record would be great. I 
 assume no such feature exists (correct ? I didn't find any)

 If you are just using your auditing log like a recycle bin, then please 
 name it as such.

 Minor nitpick - Current behavior isn't EXACTLY like a recycle 
 bin. Recycle Bin indicates an object has gone FROM one location to recycle 
 bin. But in this case, the older copy of record is copied to archive table 
 and record itself is MODIFIED (is_active=False)

 In any case, you can count this as a vote for not allowing undeletes by 
 changing the is_active flag.

 I'm OK with this as well. 



[web2py] Re: Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases?

2012-12-28 Thread VP
What is the level of dependency of this application?  I bet you can factor 
this project into dozens of different apps, which communicates with each 
others through APIs if needed.   It's hard to think of an app with 10,000 
tables all interdependent.  


Re: [web2py] Redmine beside web2py with Nginx deployment script

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Vézina
My configuration is pretty similar to what you have. Just try it and report
here any issue.


On Friday, December 28, 2012, Arnon Marcus a.m.mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Holy Shit !

 Just the kind of combination I was looking for !

 I am so trying this at work next week...

 10x a lot!

 Couple of questions:
 1. Can that be used on a vm-based ubuntu, say, on VirtualBox on win7 ?
 2. Is it a 64bit flavour of ubuntu?
 3. What python version is it using? 2.6/2.7? 32/64 bit?
 4. What version/flavor of PostgresSQL is it insalling? 8.x/9.x? 32/64bit?
 On Friday, December 28, 2012 12:17:12 PM UTC-8, Richard wrote:

 This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside
 The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script
 I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright
it and distribute it under CC without commercial use.
 Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
 - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org),
 - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
 - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu
ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
 - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM),
 - web2py (latest stable)
 - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
 - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
 - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
 - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
 - Self Signed SSL Certificat
 I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the
installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation
asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for
the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine
default values.
 At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :
 # web2py Welcome should appear
 # Redmine!
 Please report issue, submit improvement or post any comment here, and I
will be glad to improve the script.
 Happy new year to all!



[web2py] Re: Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases?

2012-12-28 Thread Alex Glaros

Right, all files won’t be joined at once; it’s the state’s accounting 
system.  If it were my project, I would probably use Postgres as the 



On Friday, December 28, 2012 4:57:24 PM UTC-8, VP wrote:

 What is the level of dependency of this application?  I bet you can factor 
 this project into dozens of different apps, which communicate with each 
 others through APIs if needed.   It's hard to think of an app with 10,000 
 tables all interdependent.  


Re: [web2py] Re: session.flash not working?

2012-12-28 Thread VP
I do not think it s a js issue, because there's no js error and after 
removing the js (my own, not web2py's), the problem is still there.

Say I have a controller f

def f():
  form = 
  if form.processes(onvalidation=...).accepted:
  session.flash = 'Test'
  redirect(URL('f', args=form.vars.id))

Session.flash does not work for this particular controller.  For other 
controller, it seems fine.

This also is related to what I think another web2py bug.  The reason I had 
to redirect to the same controller after form submission, is because the 
model has some fields of type list:integer.  The problem is that when you 
have a list of integers with duplicates values, web2py (probably form), 
does not process that properly;

=== Web2py essentially messes up everything when you have a list:integers 
with same values **and** you do not redirect.

This is why I had to redirect, but when I redirect to the same update page, 
session flash does not seem to work (for this particular controller).

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:39:31 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Please post an example to reproduce the problem. Could it be a js issue? 
 Do you get chrome errors? Is the flash in the page text?

 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 17:55:46 UTC-6, VP wrote:

 session.flash does not work properly for me either (latest web2py stable 

 when i redirect to the same controller , it works for some controller and 
 doesn't work for other controllers.

 Have no idea why.


Re: [web2py] Replaced `auth_user` fields 'first_name' and 'last_name' with 'name'; now getting errors

2012-12-28 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks, but that still isn't working for me.

Interesting parts of the traceback:

 type 'exceptions.AttributeError'('Row' object has no attribute 'first_name')

   web2py\gluon\dal.py in __getitem__ at line 6453 code arguments variables
Function argument list

(self=Row {'interests': ['chocolate'], 'registration_...1,
'name': '', 'email': 'alectay...@gmail.com'}, key='first_name')

Maybe there's some way to change the 'key' there?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:


[web2py] Server-side AngularJS execution?

2012-12-28 Thread Alec Taylor
Search spiders such as Google—though they now execute AJAX and parse
the result—do not work as well with dynamic content as static content.

So I was thinking if there was some way to execute the AngularJS as
static files; for search-spiders and non-javascript enabled
browsers; but when they have JavaScript support execute it

It would also save the trouble of implementing each view twice; once
in web2py views the other in AngularJS MVC.

Would this be possible?

If not, how would you recommend I go about doing this?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor


Re: [web2py] Re: Unable to set is_active=True when record_versioning is enabled

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
OK. I will look into this.


On Friday, 28 December 2012 18:35:10 UTC-6, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 I agree this is the right way to do it.

 On Friday, December 28, 2012 2:03:13 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 If we allow setting is_active from False to True we would be able to 
 re-cycle the record and there would be a record of the recycling (who 
 deleted it, who restored it, and when).

 If we clone a deleted record we break references to it and it would be 
 hard to track the consequences of the restoration.


 On Friday, 28 December 2012 00:19:54 UTC-6, Mandar Vaze wrote:


 You should be able to clone a deleted record however.

 I agree. An ability to clone the deleted record would be great. I 
 assume no such feature exists (correct ? I didn't find any)

 If you are just using your auditing log like a recycle bin, then please 
 name it as such.

 Minor nitpick - Current behavior isn't EXACTLY like a recycle 
 bin. Recycle Bin indicates an object has gone FROM one location to recycle 
 bin. But in this case, the older copy of record is copied to archive table 
 and record itself is MODIFIED (is_active=False)

 In any case, you can count this as a vote for not allowing undeletes by 
 changing the is_active flag.

 I'm OK with this as well. 



Re: [web2py] Redmine beside web2py with Nginx deployment script

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Would you suggest we include it in web2py/scripts/?

On Friday, 28 December 2012 14:17:12 UTC-6, Richard wrote:


 This is a new year gift for the one who would use Redmine beside web2py... 


 The script is largely base on new Niphold web2py nginx deployment script (

 I spend many hours write it, test it and debug Redmine, so I copyright it 
 and distribute it under CC without commercial use. 

 Executing it in a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server you will get :
 - Latest Redmine stable (2.2.0 from http://rubyforge.org), 
 - Rails (3.2.9 from GEM)
 - Ruby (ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]) (Ubuntu 
 ruby-dev package that should correspond to the latest stable Ruby)
 - working with Unicorn (latest stable from GEM), 
 - web2py (latest stable) 
 - uWSGI (I think latest stable), start in Emperor mode
 - Nginx (Ubuntu default)
 - PostgreSQL (Ubuntu default)
 - Redmine database will be installed in PostgreSQL
 - Self Signed SSL Certificat

 I try to make the script asking all the question at the beginning of the 
 installation process just after launch it, but there is a confirmation 
 asked during execution where you have to choose which language to use for 
 the Redmine default values. Just hit enter you will get English Redmine 
 default values.

 At the end of the execution, you should access your sever like this :

 # web2py Welcome should appear
 # Redmine!

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 Happy new year to all!



[web2py] Re: Intro and my Web2py app

2012-12-28 Thread webpypy
Welcome ..:)

On Friday, December 28, 2012 11:11:46 PM UTC+3, Ilya wrote:


 I'm new to Web2py having used it for a few assignments and final project 
 in our web frameworks class. Here's my app that I'm hoping to take a little 
 further as I get a better handle on Web2py and Python. It's not deployed on 
 any domain, so just posting the source:


 The basic idea is to give roommates an easy option to split bills, i.e. 
 the main/responsible (admin) roommate pays, uploads the bills to the app, 
 and roommates sign up to auto-pay their portions.

 Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!




[web2py] RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Penman
I have had an app running for a few months and recently could not connect 
to (nginx) server. Then after restart got this error:
RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

If I add migrate=False,fake_migrate=True to DAL then app works. But when 
remove this error returns. 
Any idea what is going wrong?


[web2py] Re: Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases?

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I have some experience with a large peoplesoft system where they claims 
thousands of tables. Turns out almost everything I needed was in less than 
10 tables.

Basically most of the tables were lookup tables used simply as key:value 
store for the possible values of a field. For example table GENDER 

So 10 tables with 100 columns each and one lookup table for each column 
gives you more than 10,000 tables. I suspects that is your case too.

All systems that claim an insane amount of tables belong to this category.

The way to handle it is to load all lookup tables in cache and use cache 
instead of database access to convert key-value. In fact the values for 
lookup tables almost never change.

I suggest before you embark in this venture do the following exercise: make 
a list of all table names. For each table make list of fields in the table 
and count the number of records (more or less).

You will find many tables with less then 100 records and less then 10 
columns. You will find a few tables with more than 10 columns and more then 
10 records. You need to find out how many tables belong to one category 
and how many to the other.

If this is the case, as I suspect, than you can use web2py but you need to 
setup some clever caching system to hable the lookup tables. It would be 
the same with other frameworks since you don't want to join everything all 
the time or your database will grind to a halt.

It is also possible I am completely wrong in my assumption.

In the case of the peoplesoft system I studied they also were storing all 
past versions of each record in the same table as the current record. 
Basically every record had had two dates (valid_from, valid_until). Current 
records had valid_until set to 2999-12-31. records would never be modified. 
The process for modifying a record consisted of creating a copy of the 
current record, editing the copy, setting the valid_until=now for the 
previous current record, updating all references pointing to the record. Af 
course all  tables used the same mechanism for versioning thus making the 
update process very slow and cumbersome, and all tables un-necessary large. 
Yet this simplifies auditing because you can go back to any moment in time 
simply by filtering records in a query.

The reason I am explaining all of this is that probably you are going to 
have to deal with something like this. The problem is not web2py vs other 
framework. The problems will be that you need special logic to handle those 
tables which is foreign to web2py and many modern frameworks which simply 
assume more moder database design practices.

My suggestion is start small and see what happens. Find who are your 
primary target users. Find which tables they need to access and create a 
web interface for those tables. You will probably be able to factorize the 
interaction with the database in many small apps.


On Friday, 28 December 2012 09:38:25 UTC-6, Alex Glaros wrote:

 Can web2py be used for highly complex relational databases for large 
 fiscal projects? Example: California's Fi$cal project - 
  - with roughly 10,000 tables and many complex joins.

 What components of web2py would start to get slow or not work well when 
 having so many tables? 

 If web2py would instead be better used to prototype the Fi$cal system, 
 what would be good production-version candidates to migrate to? Pure Python 
 using sqlAlchemy? Java? Anything that would make migration easier such as 
 Python-based frameworks?


 Alex Glaros


Re: [web2py] Re: session.flash not working?

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I am now are of this problem. Can you please post a complete minimalist 
code example (model, controller, view) so we can try reproduce it? What 
web2py version are you using?

On Friday, 28 December 2012 20:18:17 UTC-6, VP wrote:

 I do not think it s a js issue, because there's no js error and after 
 removing the js (my own, not web2py's), the problem is still there.

 Say I have a controller f

 def f():
   form = 
   if form.processes(onvalidation=...).accepted:
   session.flash = 'Test'
   redirect(URL('f', args=form.vars.id))

 Session.flash does not work for this particular controller.  For other 
 controller, it seems fine.

 This also is related to what I think another web2py bug.  The reason I had 
 to redirect to the same controller after form submission, is because the 
 model has some fields of type list:integer.  The problem is that when you 
 have a list of integers with duplicates values, web2py (probably form), 
 does not process that properly;

 === Web2py essentially messes up everything when you have a list:integers 
 with same values **and** you do not redirect.

 This is why I had to redirect, but when I redirect to the same update 
 page, session flash does not seem to work (for this particular controller).

 On Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:39:31 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Please post an example to reproduce the problem. Could it be a js issue? 
 Do you get chrome errors? Is the flash in the page text?

 On Thursday, 27 December 2012 17:55:46 UTC-6, VP wrote:

 session.flash does not work properly for me either (latest web2py stable 

 when i redirect to the same controller , it works for some controller 
 and doesn't work for other controllers.

 Have no idea why.


[web2py] Re: `@service.json` works locally but not on Heroku?

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Did you enable json generic view?


On Friday, 28 December 2012 22:34:03 UTC-6, Alec Taylor wrote:

 def v1(): 
 return dict(version=0.5) 

 curl -X GET http://localhost/api/v1.json 
 {version: 0.5} 

 curl -X GET http://appname.herokuapp.com/api/v1.json 
 htmlbodyh1invalid view (api/v1.json)/h1/body/html!-- 



 The application itself is identical; to be specific I created a hard 
 link from my heroku app to my local web2py folder. 

 How do I get JSON services working remotely? 

 Thanks for all suggestions, 

 Alec Taylor 


Re: [web2py] Replaced `auth_user` fields 'first_name' and 'last_name' with 'name'; now getting errors

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
We can fix this but can't you just leave the first_name and last_name 
fields alone, as suggested in the book, but make them invisible? 
readable=False, writable=False. And just change the field used in the 
navbar as in the example?

On Friday, 28 December 2012 21:12:01 UTC-6, Alec Taylor wrote:

 Thanks, but that still isn't working for me. 

 Interesting parts of the traceback: 

  type 'exceptions.AttributeError'('Row' object has no attribute 

web2py\gluon\dal.py in __getitem__ at line 6453 code arguments 
 Function argument list 

 (self=Row {'interests': ['chocolate'], 'registration_...1, 
 'name': '', 'email': 'alect...@gmail.com javascript:'}, 

 Maybe there's some way to change the 'key' there? 

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Massimo Di Pierro 
 massimo@gmail.com javascript: wrote: 


[web2py] Re: RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

migrate=True, fake_migrate=True 

than (after it works)


or (if you plan to change your tables)


and you should be fine.

On Friday, 28 December 2012 22:33:11 UTC-6, Richard Penman wrote:

 I have had an app running for a few months and recently could not connect 
 to (nginx) server. Then after restart got this error:
 RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

 If I add migrate=False,fake_migrate=True to DAL then app works. But when 
 remove this error returns. 
 Any idea what is going wrong?


Re: [web2py] Replaced `auth_user` fields 'first_name' and 'last_name' with 'name'; now getting errors

2012-12-28 Thread Alec Taylor
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:
 We can fix this but can't you just leave the first_name and last_name
 fields alone, as suggested in the book, but make them invisible?
 readable=False, writable=False. And just change the field used in the navbar
 as in the example?

That's what I've been doing so far (just 'first_name' was needed).

But if at all possible I would like as few fields as possible per table.

I also wanted to set the primary key of that table to 'email', but it
looks like you have to have the 'id' field no matter what.

 On Friday, 28 December 2012 21:12:01 UTC-6, Alec Taylor wrote:

 Thanks, but that still isn't working for me.

 Interesting parts of the traceback:

  type 'exceptions.AttributeError'('Row' object has no attribute

web2py\gluon\dal.py in __getitem__ at line 6453 code arguments
 Function argument list

 (self=Row {'interests': ['chocolate'], 'registration_...1,
 'name': '', 'email': 'alect...@gmail.com'}, key='first_name')

 Maybe there's some way to change the 'key' there?

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
 massimo@gmail.com wrote:



[web2py] Conditional {{extend layout.html}}?

2012-12-28 Thread Simon Ashley
Wondering if it is possible to have a conditional {{extend layout.html}} 
similar to the following?

 {{if session.call:}}
  {{extend 'layout_XXX.html'}}

{{if not session.call:}}
  {{extend 'layout.html'}}
  {{include 'YYY.html'}}

Required for users with requiring different configurations. 
Have tried alternative approaches without success.


Re: [web2py] Re: RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Baron Penman
 migrate=True, fake_migrate=True

strangely that produces the same table corrupted error


Re: [web2py] Re: RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Baron Penman
These work:
DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=False)
DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=True)

These produce Runtime error:
DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False)
DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=True)


Re: [web2py] Conditional {{extend layout.html}}?

2012-12-28 Thread Bruno Rocha
You can, but will not work if you compile your app.

This can be done with.

in models/anything.py

response.layout_path = layout_XXX.html  if session.call else 'layout.html'

# this can also be changed in controller if needed

def action():
if something:
response.layout_path = otherfile.html

So in view

{{extend response.layout_path}}

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Simon Ashley gregs...@gmail.com wrote:

 Wondering if it is possible to have a conditional {{extend layout.html}}
 similar to the following?

  {{if session.call:}}
   {{extend 'layout_XXX.html'}}

 {{if not session.call:}}
   {{extend 'layout.html'}}
   {{include 'YYY.html'}}


 Required for users with requiring different configurations.
 Have tried alternative approaches without success.



Re: [web2py] setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh and Python 2.7

2012-12-28 Thread Martin Weissenboeck
Thank you, but it did not solve the problem.
Python 2.7.3 is the standard version:

~# python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Dec 28 2012, 09:37:13)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

~# python2.7
Python 2.7.3 (default, Dec 28 2012, 09:37:13)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2

And in a test application I have:

def index():
import sys, sqlite3
return dict(message=Python %s, SQlite %s % (sys.version,

Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 26 2010, 22:48:11) [GCC 4.4.5], SQlite 3.7.3
Any ideas?

2012/12/28 Khalil KHAMLICHI khamlichi.kha...@gmail.com

 root@N4050:~# which python
 root@N4050:~# file /usr/bin/python
 /usr/bin/python: symbolic link to `python2.7'
 root@N4050:~# ls /usr/bin/python
 root@N4050:~# ls -al /usr/bin/python
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Oct 10 20:51 /usr/bin/python - python2.7
 root@N4050:~# which python2.7

 looks better with colors :)   but I hope you get the point that there is a
 default python for the operating system that you can change simple by
 creating a symbolic link using /usr/bin/python


 rm /usr/bin/python   # its just a simple link
 ln /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python

 this should do it

 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Martin Weissenboeck 

 I want to make a new Python installtion on a Debian computer.
 I have installed Python 2.7.3, because there are some new language
 constructs I want to use.
 Afterwards I have made a new installation of web2py using the script
 setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh. Works fine, but it uses Python 2.6

 What changes should I make?
 Regards, Martin



Re: [web2py] Re: RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Can you try delete (backup first) all yourapp/database/*.table then try 

On Friday, 28 December 2012 23:48:51 UTC-6, Richard Penman wrote:

 These work: 
 DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=False) 
 DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=True) 

 These produce Runtime error: 
 DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False) 
 DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=True) 


Re: [web2py] Conditional {{extend layout.html}}?

2012-12-28 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Can be done but won't work if you try distribute your app bytecode compiled.

On Friday, 28 December 2012 23:50:11 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:

 You can, but will not work if you compile your app.

 This can be done with.

 in models/anything.py

 response.layout_path = layout_XXX.html  if session.call else 

 # this can also be changed in controller if needed

 def action():
 if something:
 response.layout_path = otherfile.html

  So in view

 {{extend response.layout_path}}


 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Simon Ashley greg...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Wondering if it is possible to have a conditional {{extend layout.html}} 
 similar to the following?

  {{if session.call:}}
   {{extend 'layout_XXX.html'}}

 {{if not session.call:}}
   {{extend 'layout.html'}}
   {{include 'YYY.html'}}


 Required for users with requiring different configurations. 
 Have tried alternative approaches without success.



Re: [web2py] Re: Auth.wiki() classes in tags

2012-12-28 Thread Andrew W
you just attach it to the textarea...:

I don't quite follow.  Can you expand please, do I add the script code to 
layout.html, do I need to actually download the plugin as the src points to 
the website ?
This could be worth adding to the book as anyone using render='html' would 
want to add an editor.


On Sunday, December 16, 2012 8:32:23 AM UTC+13, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 In default MAKRMIN mode you can create blocks with classes with


 (standard markmin class)

 To switch from markmin to HTML you do:


 (assuming you don't have data already in db)

 Then if you have a wysiwyg plugin you just attach it to the textarea. For 
 example assuming http://speckedit.com/demo this is done with:

 type=text/javascript/scriptlink href=
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css /scriptspeckInit();/script

 That should be all.

 On Saturday, 15 December 2012 11:26:23 UTC-6, Andrew W wrote:

 On developers forum,  Massimo mentioned:

  auth.wiki() supports html tags (float divs, tables, image uploading, 


 How do I enter a generic tag like a div with a class?

 Notice that auth.wiki() can use wysiwyg if you simply set it up that way 
 and including an appropriate js editor. 
 How ?


Re: [web2py] Re: Auth.wiki() classes in tags

2012-12-28 Thread Andrew W
P.S.  I'm talking about using it with auth.wiki

On Saturday, December 29, 2012 8:35:34 PM UTC+13, Andrew W wrote:

 you just attach it to the textarea...:

 I don't quite follow.  Can you expand please, do I add the script code 
 to layout.html, do I need to actually download the plugin as the src points 
 to the website ?
 This could be worth adding to the book as anyone using render='html' would 
 want to add an editor.


 On Sunday, December 16, 2012 8:32:23 AM UTC+13, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 In default MAKRMIN mode you can create blocks with classes with


 (standard markmin class)

 To switch from markmin to HTML you do:


 (assuming you don't have data already in db)

 Then if you have a wysiwyg plugin you just attach it to the textarea. For 
 example assuming http://speckedit.com/demo this is done with:

 type=text/javascript/scriptlink href=
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css /scriptspeckInit();/script

 That should be all.

 On Saturday, 15 December 2012 11:26:23 UTC-6, Andrew W wrote:

 On developers forum,  Massimo mentioned:

  auth.wiki() supports html tags (float divs, tables, image uploading, 


 How do I enter a generic tag like a div with a class?

 Notice that auth.wiki() can use wysiwyg if you simply set it up that 
 way and including an appropriate js editor. 
 How ?


Re: [web2py] Re: RuntimeError: table appears corrupted

2012-12-28 Thread Richard Baron Penman
Thanks - that did it.

Any idea what happened and how to prevent this?
If helpful I can send the previous and current .table files.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you try delete (backup first) all yourapp/database/*.table then try

 On Friday, 28 December 2012 23:48:51 UTC-6, Richard Penman wrote:

 These work:
 DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=False)
 DAL(uri, migrate=False, fake_migrate=True)

 These produce Runtime error:
 DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False)
 DAL(uri, migrate=True, fake_migrate=True)

