[WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Lodhiya, Harshil
Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what the 
problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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Re: [WiX-users] Wix UI navigation Help

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)


Let's go back to your original message:

{If the user presses WarningDialog 'Do not proceed' button in
WarningDialog, i should close WarningDialog and return to Dlg1.
Everything works fine till this point.

What i want is If the user presses 'Proceed Anyways' dialogbox in
WarningDialog, i should close WarningDialog and navigate to Dlg2.}

As I can see that now on clicking Proceed Anyways you are setting a
property PROCEED=1. What you need now is only to check this property on
Dlg1's Next button's NewDialog event. 

Publish Dialog=Dlg1 Control=Next Event=NewDialog
Value=CustomizeDlg Order=5![CDATA[PROCEED =1]]/Publish

This should work.


-Original Message-
From: Sagar [mailto:sagarkavitak...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:57 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix UI navigation Help

Hi Rohit

How can we call a WarningDialog from custom action ?

Following is the code snippet of my wxs file which is calling

Control Id=Next Type=PushButton X=236 Y=243 Width=56
Height=17 Default=yes Text=amp;Next
  Publish Event=DoAction Value=Check Order=11/Publish
  Publish Event=SpawnDialog Value=WarningDialogWARNING =
  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=Dlg2PROCEED = 1 OR

  Dialog Id=WarningDialog Width=260 Height=85
Control Id=No Type=PushButton X=132 Y=57 Width=56
Height=17 Default=yes Cancel=yes Text=!(loc.WixUINo)
  Publish Event=EndDialog Value=Return1/Publish
Control Id=Yes Type=PushButton X=72 Y=57 Width=56
Height=17 Text=!(loc.WixUIYes)
  Publish Property=PROCEED Value=11/Publish
  Publish Event=EndDialog Value=Return1/Publish
Control Id=Text Type=Text X=48 Y=15 Width=194
NoPrefix=yes Text=Hey Do u wish to proceed? /
View this message in context:
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties 3:-2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)

Looks like this is not a windows installer error. Maybe it's not able to
find a file its looking for. Run your installer from a command prompt

C:\msiexec /I complete path toyourinstaller.msi /l*vx c:\install.log

This should produce complete installation log where in you can search
for exact problem before you get the error.


-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:50 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what
the problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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[WiX-users] Uninstall UI for database settings

2010-03-26 Thread Peter Joseph Solomon
Hi All,

I have an installer which installs scripts in the database and on
install it provides screens for the user to input the correct
settings.  But on uninstall there seems to be no way to have a UI to
prompt for the settings.  The only options available seem to be to
store the settings in the registry or to have the user enter the
settings on the commandline.

Does anyone know if there will be any development for uninstall UI's?

Kind regards


Peter Joseph Solomon
082 535 1844

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[WiX-users] don't delete/overwrite a file during major upgrade

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



I read the WiX Tutorial from http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/ and there are 
some things I didn't understand or couldn't find and as I read that this is the 
best place for questions, I'll write them here, but for an easier followup I 
will write each question into a separat email. I appreciate your answers/help.

When I install my application, along with the binaries, in the same directory a 
conf file is placed that the user can change as he needs.
I would like for this conf file to not be deleted (or overwritten) when we do a 
major upgrade, but only when we remove the application completely from the 
computer, b/c otherwise the user needs to do the right settings in the conf 
file every time after an upgrade.
In other words, for this conf file, I would like to have the following 
behaviour: when the product is upgraded (major upgrade which means first 
uninstall old version meaning deleting all installed files and then install a 
new version) the conf file should NOT be deleted  or overwritten. But if the 
user uninstalls our product, for instance from add/remove program, then b/c I 
want to clean everything I would like that conf file to be deleted. How could I 
have this behaviour?



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[WiX-users] stop the service before uninstall

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



My installer besides my application installs also a service which is the 
babysitter for my application, eg takes care to restart my application if it 
crashes. When I want to uninstall everything I get the error message: The 
setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is 
running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the 
setup.. If I manually stop the service before running the uninstaller I don't 
get this msg.  But I actually told the uninstaller to stop the service on 


ServiceControl Id='MyServiceControl' Name='MyServiceForTest' Start='install' 
Stop='uninstall' Remove='uninstall'/


1) How can I get rid of this problem? I don't want to get the mesasage with 
reboot the system as the uninstaller should be itself able to stop de service 
and then to do the uninstall.

2) And related to services: what happens if I have:


ServiceControl Id='MyServiceControl' Name='MyServiceForTest' Start='install' 
Stop='install' Remove='uninstall'/


the translation would be: start on install, stop on install. Which one is it 


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[WiX-users] save in the registry the path to my application's installation directory

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



I want to save the path where my binaries are installed somewhere in the 
registry so I'm doing:


Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder
Directory Id=MyFirstSetup Name=MyFirstSetup
  Directory Id=INSTALLLOCATION Name=MyFirstSetup1.0

Component Id=MyExe Guid=9660051E-43CA-4459-AEF1-290BBE3DE544
  File Id=MyMainExe Name=MyApp.exe 
Source=..\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe DiskId=1 KeyPath=yes/

!-- Create also a registry entry with the INSTALLLOCATION. For now 
it's getting in the registry as an empty value, probably b/c when this is done 
INSTALLLOCATION was not yet evaluated to it's final value--
Component Id=MyRegistryComponent 
  RegistryKey Id=MySetupRegKey Root=HKLM 
Key=Software\MySetup Action=createAndRemoveOnUninstall
RegistryValue Id=MySetupRegValue Type=string 
Name=InstallDir Value=[INSTALLOCATION]/



but the string in the registry is empty. How can I do so that in the registry I 
get the INSTALLLOCATION? What am I doing wrong in the above sample?



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[WiX-users] FileSearch on INSTALLLOCATION, whereas INSTALLLOCATION is either registry entry or nested Directory tag

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



In the WiX tutorial is a sample that does:
  - reads the path to the installation directory from the registry
  - checks if in that directory a specific file exists
  - if yes, installs the a specific feature (docu)
What I would have wanted would have been:
  - reads the path to the installation directory from the registry
  - checks if in that directory a specific file exists OR checks if in the 
default path (created by the nested Directory tags) the file exists
  - if yes, installs the docu feature

I thought that by doing the FILEEXIST File search by using the INSTALLDIR would 
mean that the File search is done in the INSTALLDIR which is either the 
registry value if that one exists in the registry, OR the default directory 
paths specified by nested Directory tags if the registry value was not found. 
But it seems that when the FILEEXIST condition is evaluated the INSTALLDIR is 
set to whatever was found in the registry, which means if the registry entry 
was not found, at this point the INSTALLDIR will be empty and it won't be, as I 
expected, the nested Directory tags we specified.


!-- Check if in the registry we have already saved the path where the app 
should be installed --
  RegistrySearch Id=MyPathsFromRegistry Type=raw Root=HKLM 
Key=Software\MySetup Name=InstallDir/

Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder
Directory Id=MyFirstSetup Name=MyFirstSetup
  Directory Id=INSTALLLOCATION Name=MyFirstSetup1.0

Component Id=MyExe Guid=9660051E-43CA-4459-AEF1-290BBE3DE544
  File Id=MyMainExe Name=MyApp.exe 
Source=..\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe DiskId=1 KeyPath=yes/

Component Id=MyDocumentation 
  File Id=MyDocu Name=readme.txt 
Source=..\MyApp\Debug\readme.txt DiskId=1 KeyPath=yes/


!-- check if in the installation directory (egal if it's the one gathered 
from registry or the default one) has a lookfor.txt file and if not don't 
install the documentationc --
!-- !!! ACTUALLY !!! for some reason, when the following Property is 
evaluated the INSTALLLOCATION is set to whatever was in the registry, and if no 
key was found in the registry this value is empty, so it was not yet set to 
whatever default directory path was specified with the nested Directory tags--
Property Id='FILEEXISTS'
  DirectorySearch Id='DirSearch' Path='[INSTALLLOCATION]' Depth='0'
FileSearch Id='FileSearch' Name='lookfor.txt'/

Feature Id=CompleteExe Level=1
  ComponentRef Id=MyExe /
!-- install this feature only if you find the lookfor.txt file (Level 0 
means the feature won't be installed) --
Feature Id=CompleteDoc Level=1
  ComponentRef Id=MyDocumentation /
  Condition Level=0 NOT FILEEXISTS /Condition


How can I do so that the FileSearch is done in INSTALLLOCATION whereas the 
INSTALLLOCATION is either the registry entry if found or the nested directory 
tag if registry entry was not found?



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Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)
Logs says: MainEngineThread is returning 1602 which comes when User
cancels the install operation... Do you have any condition which does
that or have you manually cancelled the install?

Do you get any dialog box stating any error?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:20 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Thanks for reply Rohit..Here is the full installation log.. 

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Looks like this is not a windows installer error. Maybe it's not able to
find a file its looking for. Run your installer from a command prompt

C:\msiexec /I complete path toyourinstaller.msi /l*vx c:\install.log

This should produce complete installation log where in you can search
for exact problem before you get the error.


-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:50 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what
the problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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Re: [WiX-users] save in the registry the path to my application's installation directory

2010-03-26 Thread ricky sundrani
Check the spelling INSTALLLOCATION in the value attribute

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Viv coco vcotirl...@hotmail.com wrote:


 I want to save the path where my binaries are installed somewhere in the
 registry so I'm doing:

Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder
Directory Id=MyFirstSetup Name=MyFirstSetup
  Directory Id=INSTALLLOCATION Name=MyFirstSetup1.0

Component Id=MyExe
  File Id=MyMainExe Name=MyApp.exe
 Source=..\MyApp\Debug\MyApp.exe DiskId=1 KeyPath=yes/

!-- Create also a registry entry with the INSTALLLOCATION. For
 now it's getting in the registry as an empty value, probably b/c when this
 is done INSTALLLOCATION was not yet evaluated to it's final value--
Component Id=MyRegistryComponent
  RegistryKey Id=MySetupRegKey Root=HKLM
 Key=Software\MySetup Action=createAndRemoveOnUninstall
RegistryValue Id=MySetupRegValue Type=string
 Name=InstallDir Value=[INSTALLOCATION]/


 but the string in the registry is empty. How can I do so that in the
 registry I get the INSTALLLOCATION? What am I doing wrong in the above


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[WiX-users] No Name needed for predefined directories

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



Why would one do:


Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder Name=PFiles


In this specific case (as ProgramMenuFolder is a predefined directory) the 
Name doesn't have any means at all right? We could simply do:


Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder


Is that correct?



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[WiX-users] Why explicitly delete the ProgramMenuFolder\MyAppGuiSetupShortcutDir?

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



When I specify for instance the directory where the shortcut should be I also 
have to add a component to delete that folder when uninstalling, eg:


  Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder
Directory Id=ProgramMenuDir Name=MyAppGuiSetupShortcutDir
  !--For some reason we have to specify that this directory needs to 
be removed on uninstall, and for that we need a component--
  Component Id=ProgramMenuDirRemoval 
RemoveFolder Id=ProgramMenuDir On=uninstall/
RegistryValue Root='HKCU' 
Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Type='string' Value='' 
KeyPath='yes' /


Without the RemoveFolder tag and the component I get the error:
The directory ProgramMenuDir is in the user profile but is not listed in the 
RemoveFile table.


How come one has to explicitly delete this folder but doesn't have to 
explicitly delete the INSTALLDIR/TARGETDIR directory structure? Why it's 
automatically done for INSTALLDIR/TARGETDIR but not for this one?



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[WiX-users] manual cleanup if msi uninstaller corrupted

2010-03-26 Thread Viv coco



If I make a faulty uninstaller and I can't uninstall my product again using the 
.msi, how could one do a manual uninstall and cleanup, including hidden issues 
that are coming from the .msi file?

I got into this trouble when I added into my installer:

Condition Message='This installation can only run in full UI mode.'
  ![CDATA[UILevel = 5]]


The uninstaller bails out by showing me this msg This installation can only 
run in full UI mode..


Actually here are 2 questions:
1) Why does the uninstaller bail out when I have the code above?
2) How could I manually cleanup a computer if I ruin the uninstaller? 
(including everything .msi adds into the system)


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Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Lodhiya, Harshil
I am using 

  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=ExitDialog![CDATA[1]]/Publish

to navigate to exitdialog in second last screen so that user can exit. I am new 
to WiX so not sure is this breaking the installation. I am not getting any 
dialog box stating any error..

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:47 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038 

Logs says: MainEngineThread is returning 1602 which comes when User
cancels the install operation... Do you have any condition which does
that or have you manually cancelled the install?

Do you get any dialog box stating any error?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:20 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Thanks for reply Rohit..Here is the full installation log.. 

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Looks like this is not a windows installer error. Maybe it's not able to
find a file its looking for. Run your installer from a command prompt

C:\msiexec /I complete path toyourinstaller.msi /l*vx c:\install.log

This should produce complete installation log where in you can search
for exact problem before you get the error.


-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:50 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what
the problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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[WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

2010-03-26 Thread Christian McArdle
I'm getting trouble with light using Wix3 with TFS Build.

The basic problem is that TFS build redirects $(OutputPath) to its own
location. This is fine and looking at the log and the command parameters
sent to light, the msi/msm files will be written there. All well and
good. The problem is that light.exe still looks for the .dll files that
it intends to package up in the non-redirected solution output
directory. How can I get it to look in the right place?

A excerpt from the .wixproj file:

  PropertyGroup Condition= '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' ==
LinkerAdditionalOptions-b $(OutputPath)

Note that the output path is correctly redirected by TFS Build. However,
the LinkerAdditionalOptions expands $(OutputPath) to mean
$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration) and not the new value for $(OutputPath)
provided by TFS Build.

A typical log line for the call to light.exe is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\Light.exe
-out D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Binaries\Win32\Release\SDLXUserInterface.msm
-b D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Sources\Source\solutions\Everything\Release\
obj\Release\Binaries.wixobj obj\Release\MergeModule.wixobj

What magic incantation can I use to fix this so that the -b line reads

-b D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Binaries\Win32\Release\ -v

It all builds fine from the Desktop.


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Re: [WiX-users] No Name needed for predefined directories

2010-03-26 Thread ricky sundrani
thats correct and that is what is given in the wix.chm of wix v3.0

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Viv coco vcotirl...@hotmail.com wrote:


 Why would one do:

 Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder Name=PFiles

 In this specific case (as ProgramMenuFolder is a predefined directory) the
 Name doesn't have any means at all right? We could simply do:

 Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder

 Is that correct?


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[WiX-users] Product-Id as commandline Input

2010-03-26 Thread Arun


How do I pass productid as commanline parameter to MSI using WIX?



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Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)
So when does the installation begins? When do you call the
VerifyReadyDlg dialog?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:58 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of2262 2:AdminProperties

I am using 

  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=ExitDialog![CDATA[1]]/Publish

to navigate to exitdialog in second last screen so that user can exit. I
am new to WiX so not sure is this breaking the installation. I am not
getting any dialog box stating any error..

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:47 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Logs says: MainEngineThread is returning 1602 which comes when User
cancels the install operation... Do you have any condition which does
that or have you manually cancelled the install?

Do you get any dialog box stating any error?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:20 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Thanks for reply Rohit..Here is the full installation log.. 

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Looks like this is not a windows installer error. Maybe it's not able to
find a file its looking for. Run your installer from a command prompt

C:\msiexec /I complete path toyourinstaller.msi /l*vx c:\install.log

This should produce complete installation log where in you can search
for exact problem before you get the error.


-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:50 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what
the problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038

2010-03-26 Thread Lodhiya, Harshil
I am not calling as of now. I have try to call it at the same place instead of 
calling Exit dialog. But it was giving me same error.

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 3:22 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of2262 2:AdminProperties 3:-2147287038 

So when does the installation begins? When do you call the
VerifyReadyDlg dialog?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:58 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of2262 2:AdminProperties

I am using 

  Publish Event=NewDialog Value=ExitDialog![CDATA[1]]/Publish

to navigate to exitdialog in second last screen so that user can exit. I
am new to WiX so not sure is this breaking the installation. I am not
getting any dialog box stating any error..

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:47 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Logs says: MainEngineThread is returning 1602 which comes when User
cancels the install operation... Do you have any condition which does
that or have you manually cancelled the install?

Do you get any dialog box stating any error?

-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:20 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2:AdminProperties

Thanks for reply Rohit..Here is the full installation log.. 

-- H

-Original Message-
From: Rohit Sharma (SIDC) [mailto:rohit.sha...@symyx.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Looks like this is not a windows installer error. Maybe it's not able to
find a file its looking for. Run your installer from a command prompt

C:\msiexec /I complete path toyourinstaller.msi /l*vx c:\install.log

This should produce complete installation log where in you can search
for exact problem before you get the error.


-Original Message-
From: Lodhiya, Harshil [mailto:harshil.lodh...@eclipsys.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:50 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Getting error of 2262 2: AdminProperties

Hi all,

I am getting error of

Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038

While installing sample msi created using WiX v3. I am not getting what
the problem is. Please help me out..

-- Harshil

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Re: [WiX-users] Product-Id as commandline Input

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)

Probably wix has nothing to do with it. Try running msiexec and refer
help or check here:

-Original Message-
From: Arun [mailto:a...@srasys.co.in] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:55 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Product-Id as commandline Input



How do I pass productid as commanline parameter to MSI using WIX?



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Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

2010-03-26 Thread Igor Paniushkin
I added a bug couple of weeks before about the same thing:
Is it the same as yours?

And Mike already fixed it in the latest Wix build which should be
available today.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Carlson (DEV DIV) [mailto:mica...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:55 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I'd file a bug with the authoring you pasted below, and the answers to
these questions, if possible:

What's the exact error message you get (use a verbose logfile to find
Does it work correctly if you install to an IIS6 machine?

Mike Carlson

-Original Message-
From: Ivo Stoyanov [mailto:ivos...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:01 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

I spent hours trying to add web feature to my wix project.
Once it failed with wrong web site created - after that all attempts
fail and nothing is being created.
My attempt looks like this

Component ...
   File ...
  Description=Default Web Site
  iis:WebAddress Id=WebAddress Port=80 Header=localhost/
  iis:WebVirtualDir Id=LoggingService
iis:WebApplication Id=LogService Name=LogService /

Can somebody share working snippet?

I am using latest 3.5 on IIS 7.5

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Re: [WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)


Can you check if TFS build use msbuild and if they do you may set a
property to over-ride the Outdir so that it would run something like:

Msbuild yoursolution.sln /p:OutDir=newpath to build the project. This
will compile all the projects and make sure $(OutPutPath) variable has
same value (i.e. newpath) whenever its referenced from any of the
projects in solution at anytime.


-Original Message-
From: Christian McArdle [mailto:cmcar...@sdl.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 3:03 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

I'm getting trouble with light using Wix3 with TFS Build.

The basic problem is that TFS build redirects $(OutputPath) to its own
location. This is fine and looking at the log and the command parameters
sent to light, the msi/msm files will be written there. All well and
good. The problem is that light.exe still looks for the .dll files that
it intends to package up in the non-redirected solution output
directory. How can I get it to look in the right place?

A excerpt from the .wixproj file:

  PropertyGroup Condition= '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' ==
LinkerAdditionalOptions-b $(OutputPath)

Note that the output path is correctly redirected by TFS Build. However,
the LinkerAdditionalOptions expands $(OutputPath) to mean
$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration) and not the new value for $(OutputPath)
provided by TFS Build.

A typical log line for the call to light.exe is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\Light.exe
-out D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Binaries\Win32\Release\SDLXUserInterface.msm
-b D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Sources\Source\solutions\Everything\Release\
obj\Release\Binaries.wixobj obj\Release\MergeModule.wixobj

What magic incantation can I use to fix this so that the -b line reads

-b D:\SDLX\SDLX_2010_Core\Binaries\Win32\Release\ -v

It all builds fine from the Desktop.


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Re: [WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

2010-03-26 Thread Christian McArdle
 Note that the output path is correctly redirected by TFS Build. However,
 the LinkerAdditionalOptions expands $(OutputPath) to mean
 $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration) and not the new value for $(OutputPath)
 provided by TFS Build.

Apparently, I needed to use $(OutDir) instead of $(OutputPath). The problem 
when I tried this before was that $(OutDir) is not actually defined. By adding 
a line OutDir$(OutputPath)/OutDir just after the definition of OutputPath 
in the wixproj, I was able to use $(OutDir) and it is correctly overridden by 
TFS Build.

Christian McArdle | Senior Developer | SDL  | Language Technologies Division | 
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Re: [WiX-users] manual cleanup if msi uninstaller corrupted

2010-03-26 Thread Pally Sandher
The uninstaller fails your Launch Condition because when you remove it
using Add/Remove programs it runs in basic UI which I'm guessing means
the UILevel != 5. It should probably work if uninstalled using the MSI
itself by running msiexec /x your.msi but you may need to append
/qf to that command to force full UI.
What you should've done was add OR Installed to your Launch Condition,
that way it will always be able to be uninstalled.

To manually fix it you either need to patch it with the above logic or
reinstall it with a fixed version by setting v in the REINSTALL
property (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa371182.aspx). If
it's out in the wild patching it is likely the easier solution.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

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Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: Viv coco [mailto:vcotirl...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 09:20
To: WiX
Subject: [WiX-users] manual cleanup if msi uninstaller corrupted



If I make a faulty uninstaller and I can't uninstall my product again
using the .msi, how could one do a manual uninstall and cleanup,
including hidden issues that are coming from the .msi file?

I got into this trouble when I added into my installer:

Condition Message='This installation can only run in full UI
  ![CDATA[UILevel = 5]]


The uninstaller bails out by showing me this msg This installation can
only run in full UI mode..


Actually here are 2 questions:
1) Why does the uninstaller bail out when I have the code above?
2) How could I manually cleanup a computer if I ruin the uninstaller?
(including everything .msi adds into the system)


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Re: [WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)

Bullseye :)

-Original Message-
From: Christian McArdle [mailto:cmcar...@sdl.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 4:23 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Problem using Wix3 in TFS Build.

 Note that the output path is correctly redirected by TFS Build. However,
 the LinkerAdditionalOptions expands $(OutputPath) to mean
 $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration) and not the new value for $(OutputPath)
 provided by TFS Build.

Apparently, I needed to use $(OutDir) instead of $(OutputPath). The problem 
when I tried this before was that $(OutDir) is not actually defined. By adding 
a line OutDir$(OutputPath)/OutDir just after the definition of OutputPath 
in the wixproj, I was able to use $(OutDir) and it is correctly overridden by 
TFS Build.

Christian McArdle | Senior Developer | SDL  | Language Technologies Division | 
(t) +44 (0)1628 410140 | (m) +44 (0) 78111 433688

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Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall UI for database settings

2010-03-26 Thread Pally Sandher
UI works fine for uninstall. Your problem is that when uninstalling from
Add/Remove programs it automatically runs in basic UI. You need to find
some way of changing this behaviour. MSDN is probably a good place to

Also don't cross post to the wix-dev list. Like the majority of
questions on here these days this isn't even a WiX specific question,
it's an issue you have with Windows Installer.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

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-Original Message-
From: Peter Joseph Solomon [mailto:pe...@nextsteps.co.za] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 08:36
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net; wix-d...@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Uninstall UI for database settings

Hi All,

I have an installer which installs scripts in the database and on
install it provides screens for the user to input the correct settings.
But on uninstall there seems to be no way to have a UI to prompt for the
settings.  The only options available seem to be to store the settings
in the registry or to have the user enter the settings on the

Does anyone know if there will be any development for uninstall UI's?

Kind regards


Peter Joseph Solomon
082 535 1844

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Re: [WiX-users] Disable UI in patch by default

2010-03-26 Thread Ujjwal Vyas


I have followed the following steps in my Original.wxs file as well as the
New wxs file but I am not able to disable the UI while Patching. Any
pointers would really help me out as I have been struggling with this for 2
days now. 

 CustomAction Id=SetLIMITUI Property=LIMITUI Value=2/


  Custom Action=SetLIMITUI After=LaunchConditionsPATCH AND


If someone can help me out with a sample piece of code, I would be grateful. 

My scenario is i need to use the UI while I install the base but during
patching i would want to disable the UI, i.e. a silent installation with no

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[WiX-users] Question on heat output

2010-03-26 Thread Bill McCormick (LIST)
I 'm using heat to harvest binary output of a VB.NET project. The 
project output is an executable that runs as a service and a few DLL's. 
The output that heat generates looks rather sparse for what I would 
expect. I was expecting to see DLL component/files and maybe even 
something to install the service.

I used the following command line:

heat project
-pog:Binaries -var var.TCPDbSvc -dr TCPDbSvc -ag -template:fragment
-out TCPDbSvc.wxs

And the TCPDbSvc.wxs output was this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
DirectoryRef Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
Component Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481
File Id=filDC28E99A47F7AA3C43324EB0770DBA14
Source=$(var.TCPDbSvc.TargetDir)\TCPDbSvc.exe /
ComponentGroup Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
ComponentRef Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481 /

Any insight on what my next step would be to make sure all of the 
components for this application are installed, as well as proper 
installation as a service would be greatly appreciated.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

2010-03-26 Thread Kerber, Cameron
I just got over the heat output hurdle.  The heat output, is really only a 
directory/component/file listing of the directory you gave it.  It isn't going 
to produce any xml that'll install the service.  You will have to write that 

I haven't used the heat project as a directive, I used tfs build to build the 
.net project, then pointed heat to the output contents.  It will then build the 
fragment.  I also use the -cg argument to define a component group so I can 
reference that.

-Original Message-
From: Bill McCormick (LIST) [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:59 AM
To: WiX
Subject: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

I 'm using heat to harvest binary output of a VB.NET project. The
project output is an executable that runs as a service and a few DLL's.
The output that heat generates looks rather sparse for what I would
expect. I was expecting to see DLL component/files and maybe even
something to install the service.

I used the following command line:

heat project
-pog:Binaries -var var.TCPDbSvc -dr TCPDbSvc -ag -template:fragment
-out TCPDbSvc.wxs

And the TCPDbSvc.wxs output was this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
DirectoryRef Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
Component Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481
File Id=filDC28E99A47F7AA3C43324EB0770DBA14
Source=$(var.TCPDbSvc.TargetDir)\TCPDbSvc.exe /
ComponentGroup Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
ComponentRef Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481 /

Any insight on what my next step would be to make sure all of the
components for this application are installed, as well as proper
installation as a service would be greatly appreciated.


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WiX-users mailing list

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protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the 
addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified 
that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this message is 
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, 
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

2010-03-26 Thread Igor Paniushkin
I already tried the same on new build 3.5.1526 and I still can't create
website (tried on Windows 2008 32 bit machine). Next error messages in
log file:

Action start 16:09:59: InstallFinalize.
StartIIS7ConfigTransaction: Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable WOW64.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: IIS: site not found for create
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: Failed to configure IIS VDir.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges Failed.
Action ended 16:10:00: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction: Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable
Action ended 16:10:00: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:10:00: ExecuteAction. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:10:00: INSTALL. Return value 3.
=== Logging stopped: 3/26/2010 16:10:00 ===
MSI (c) (F8:44) [16:10:00:387]: Product: ConfigureIIs7Test --

MSI (c) (F8:44) [16:10:00:402]: Windows Installer installed the product.
Product Name: ConfigureIIs7Test. Product Version: Product
Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 1603.

-Original Message-
From: Igor Paniushkin [mailto:ipaniush...@sdl.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:33 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I added a bug couple of weeks before about the same thing:
Is it the same as yours?

And Mike already fixed it in the latest Wix build which should be
available today.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Carlson (DEV DIV) [mailto:mica...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:55 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I'd file a bug with the authoring you pasted below, and the answers to
these questions, if possible:

What's the exact error message you get (use a verbose logfile to find
Does it work correctly if you install to an IIS6 machine?

Mike Carlson

-Original Message-
From: Ivo Stoyanov [mailto:ivos...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:01 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

I spent hours trying to add web feature to my wix project.
Once it failed with wrong web site created - after that all attempts
fail and nothing is being created.
My attempt looks like this

Component ...
   File ...
  Description=Default Web Site
  iis:WebAddress Id=WebAddress Port=80 Header=localhost/
  iis:WebVirtualDir Id=LoggingService
iis:WebApplication Id=LogService Name=LogService /

Can somebody share working snippet?

I am using latest 3.5 on IIS 7.5

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WiX-users mailing list

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Re: [WiX-users] stop the service before uninstall

2010-03-26 Thread Wilson, Phil
On pre-Vista (pre MSI 4.0) the ServiceControl entries aren't considered for 
files-in-use situations. On Restart Manager systems with MSI 4.0 and above, it 
does look at the ServiceControl table but there have been some reports that it 
doesn't work with every entry in the ServiceControl table and may be 

Start on install and stop on install? It does both. There is a StopServices 
action early in the execute sequence that stops services. Later on (after files 
have been installed/replaced) there's a StartServices action. 

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
From: Viv coco [mailto:vcotirl...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 2:12 AM
To: WiX
Subject: [WiX-users] stop the service before uninstall



My installer besides my application installs also a service which is the 
babysitter for my application, eg takes care to restart my application if it 
crashes. When I want to uninstall everything I get the error message: The 
setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is 
running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the 
setup.. If I manually stop the service before running the uninstaller I don't 
get this msg.  But I actually told the uninstaller to stop the service on 


ServiceControl Id='MyServiceControl' Name='MyServiceForTest' Start='install' 
Stop='uninstall' Remove='uninstall'/


1) How can I get rid of this problem? I don't want to get the mesasage with 
reboot the system as the uninstaller should be itself able to stop de service 
and then to do the uninstall.

2) And related to services: what happens if I have:


ServiceControl Id='MyServiceControl' Name='MyServiceForTest' Start='install' 
Stop='install' Remove='uninstall'/


the translation would be: start on install, stop on install. Which one is it 


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

2010-03-26 Thread Igor Paniushkin
Oops. My mistake. I had a typo in my wxs project file. I got successful
installation with website created on both (2008 64bit and 32bit), but on
windows 2008 64 bit I still got some error messages in log file:

StartIIS7ConfigTransaction:  Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable WOW64.
CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction:  Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable WOW64.

But now I have another problem, I had custom action which rely on
created website (doing some modifications to website which is not
supported on iis wix extension) and on sequence it was after
ConfigureIIs custom action, but now as I understood website created in
commit custom action. What is the best approach now to execute my own
custom action? How to schedule it after creation of website?

-Original Message-
From: Igor Paniushkin [mailto:ipaniush...@sdl.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 4:15 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I already tried the same on new build 3.5.1526 and I still can't create
website (tried on Windows 2008 32 bit machine). Next error messages in
log file:

Action start 16:09:59: InstallFinalize.
StartIIS7ConfigTransaction: Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable WOW64.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: IIS: site not found for create
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: Failed to configure IIS VDir.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges: Error 0x80070002: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges Failed.
Action ended 16:10:00: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction: Error 0x80070001: Failed to disable
Action ended 16:10:00: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:10:00: ExecuteAction. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:10:00: INSTALL. Return value 3.
=== Logging stopped: 3/26/2010 16:10:00 ===
MSI (c) (F8:44) [16:10:00:387]: Product: ConfigureIIs7Test --

MSI (c) (F8:44) [16:10:00:402]: Windows Installer installed the product.
Product Name: ConfigureIIs7Test. Product Version: Product
Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 1603.

-Original Message-
From: Igor Paniushkin [mailto:ipaniush...@sdl.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:33 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I added a bug couple of weeks before about the same thing:
Is it the same as yours?

And Mike already fixed it in the latest Wix build which should be
available today.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Carlson (DEV DIV) [mailto:mica...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:55 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX

I'd file a bug with the authoring you pasted below, and the answers to
these questions, if possible:

What's the exact error message you get (use a verbose logfile to find
Does it work correctly if you install to an IIS6 machine?

Mike Carlson

-Original Message-
From: Ivo Stoyanov [mailto:ivos...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:01 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] How to create web app/service on IIS 7 with WiX 3.0

I spent hours trying to add web feature to my wix project.
Once it failed with wrong web site created - after that all attempts
fail and nothing is being created.
My attempt looks like this

Component ...
   File ...
  Description=Default Web Site
  iis:WebAddress Id=WebAddress Port=80 Header=localhost/
  iis:WebVirtualDir Id=LoggingService
iis:WebApplication Id=LogService Name=LogService /

Can somebody share working snippet?

I am using latest 3.5 on IIS 7.5

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WiX-users mailing list

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Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

2010-03-26 Thread Bill McCormick
So you're using the dir Harvest Type command line switch for everything 



On 3/26/2010 10:12 AM, Kerber, Cameron wrote:
 I just got over the heat output hurdle.  The heat output, is really only a 
 directory/component/file listing of the directory you gave it.  It isn't 
 going to produce any xml that'll install the service.  You will have to write 
 that code.

 I haven't used the heat project as a directive, I used tfs build to build the 
 .net project, then pointed heat to the output contents.  It will then build 
 the fragment.  I also use the -cg argument to define a component group so I 
 can reference that.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill McCormick (LIST) [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:59 AM
 To: WiX
 Subject: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

 I 'm using heat to harvest binary output of a VB.NET project. The
 project output is an executable that runs as a service and a few DLL's.
 The output that heat generates looks rather sparse for what I would
 expect. I was expecting to see DLL component/files and maybe even
 something to install the service.

 I used the following command line:

 heat project
 -pog:Binaries -var var.TCPDbSvc -dr TCPDbSvc -ag -template:fragment
 -out TCPDbSvc.wxs

 And the TCPDbSvc.wxs output was this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
 DirectoryRef Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 Component Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481
 File Id=filDC28E99A47F7AA3C43324EB0770DBA14
 Source=$(var.TCPDbSvc.TargetDir)\TCPDbSvc.exe /
 ComponentGroup Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 ComponentRef Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481 /

 Any insight on what my next step would be to make sure all of the
 components for this application are installed, as well as proper
 installation as a service would be greatly appreciated.


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 WiX-users mailing list

 The information contained in this message may be confidential and legally 
 protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the 
 addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified 
 that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this message is 
 strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended 
 recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and destroy all copies 
 of the original message.

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 WiX-users mailing list

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See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] UAC, InstallService, verify user account...

2010-03-26 Thread Stryder Crown
Sorry I didn't follow up (on my own post none-the-less!  for shame!)  The
error code was 0x8013141A.  I was completely thrown by this, because
everything I read related to signed code...I wasn't signing any of my code,
and as far as I could tell, the assembly was a Microsoft (.net) assembly
(Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller).   It then occurred to me though
that I was working in a wix-development environment (built some custom
extensions to votive and the pre-processo), having compiled wix from the
source code (p.i.t.a.).  One of the articles I'd read talked about how the
Wix team signs the assemblies with their own private key...

Long story short, Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller is NOT part of the
.NET framework, and is an assembly created by the Wix team.  The one being
used in my installer was not signed with their private key, and so wouldn't
get loaded at install time (on any other machine).  I rolled back my dev
environment, installed the pre-compiled binaries and badda bing:  we're good
to go.

Sorry for the total lack of communication, my bad.


On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:46 AM, dB. dbl...@dblock.org wrote:

 I couldn't get elevation to happen programmatically, but my installers run
 in a bootstrapper, so I got the bootstrapper to elevate (dotnetinstaller,
 http://dotnetinstaller.codeplex.com supports a custom manifest). It seems
 like this is the only easy option, because from my understanding elevation
 is per process. Maybe someone can implement an elevated server piece, do the
 checks and come back with the result?

 If you don't want to reinvent the wheel, http://msiext.codeplex.com has
 all this stuff nicely implemented in a wix UI extension. The CAs are C++.

 Hope this helps,

 dB. @ dblock.org
 Moscow|Geneva|Seattle|New York

 -Original Message-
 From: Stryder Crown [mailto:stryde...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 2:04 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] UAC, InstallService, verify user account...

 Getting all three to work together isn't...well, working.  Hoping somebody
 might have a suggestion as to how this could work better...

 I've got a complete handle on the actual service installation and start up
 (and tear down) and can even have the user enter account information to run
 the service as via an install dialog.

 But, if the account information isn't correct, when the service is
 (and started) I get the 'insufficient privileges' dialog box with only
 'retry' and 'cancel' buttons.  The user has no opportunity (at that point)
 to re-enter the account information (user name and password).

 So, I thought I'd be clever and execute a custom action that uses
 to validate the users information at the installer dialog, before the
 service is installed.  And this works too!  Except under UAC conditions
 (Vista/windows 7).  If I have UAC disabled, I have no problems.  So, this
 means I have to elevate the custom action...but since we're talking UAC, I
 have to defer it to InstallInitialize/InstallFinalize...At which point
 there's no dialog entry available.  And at that point, I can't even get a
 dialog going from the Custom Action (via winforms/WPF) from which I
 set the verified and set the Properties being used by the ServiceInstall

 So, any ideas?  Did any of that make sense?  Anybody else out there try to
 tackle User Authentication/Impersonation during an install?  I'm about to
 see if I can't push the custom action back to the end of the installation
 process, and update the service at that point, but I'm not feeling too
 confident (or proud) of this sort of hackery.


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 WiX-users mailing list

 Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
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Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
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Re: [WiX-users] UAC, InstallService, verify user account...

2010-03-26 Thread Stryder Crown
Unfortunately, using a bootstrapper .exe or the like isn't an option for the
environment I'll be deploying to.  I've decided to just use the LogonUser in
the advapi32 dll.  Still some teaks to make it work as smooth as I want, but
the logon process itself doesn't need to be elevated and all I'm really
trying to do (atm) is verify that the user credentials are corrrect.  So
far, I'm able to do this as an immediate action and no longer have to run it
as a deferred action.  I may still go that route though.  The concrete is
still wet.

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:46 AM, dB. dbl...@dblock.org wrote:

 I couldn't get elevation to happen programmatically, but my installers run
 in a bootstrapper, so I got the bootstrapper to elevate (dotnetinstaller,
 http://dotnetinstaller.codeplex.com supports a custom manifest). It seems
 like this is the only easy option, because from my understanding elevation
 is per process. Maybe someone can implement an elevated server piece, do the
 checks and come back with the result?

 If you don't want to reinvent the wheel, http://msiext.codeplex.com has
 all this stuff nicely implemented in a wix UI extension. The CAs are C++.

 Hope this helps,

 dB. @ dblock.org
 Moscow|Geneva|Seattle|New York

 -Original Message-
 From: Stryder Crown [mailto:stryde...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 2:04 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: [WiX-users] UAC, InstallService, verify user account...

 Getting all three to work together isn't...well, working.  Hoping somebody
 might have a suggestion as to how this could work better...

 I've got a complete handle on the actual service installation and start up
 (and tear down) and can even have the user enter account information to run
 the service as via an install dialog.

 But, if the account information isn't correct, when the service is
 (and started) I get the 'insufficient privileges' dialog box with only
 'retry' and 'cancel' buttons.  The user has no opportunity (at that point)
 to re-enter the account information (user name and password).

 So, I thought I'd be clever and execute a custom action that uses
 to validate the users information at the installer dialog, before the
 service is installed.  And this works too!  Except under UAC conditions
 (Vista/windows 7).  If I have UAC disabled, I have no problems.  So, this
 means I have to elevate the custom action...but since we're talking UAC, I
 have to defer it to InstallInitialize/InstallFinalize...At which point
 there's no dialog entry available.  And at that point, I can't even get a
 dialog going from the Custom Action (via winforms/WPF) from which I
 set the verified and set the Properties being used by the ServiceInstall

 So, any ideas?  Did any of that make sense?  Anybody else out there try to
 tackle User Authentication/Impersonation during an install?  I'm about to
 see if I can't push the custom action back to the end of the installation
 process, and update the service at that point, but I'm not feeling too
 confident (or proud) of this sort of hackery.


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 WiX-users mailing list

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 WiX-users mailing list

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See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] manual cleanup if msi uninstaller corrupted

2010-03-26 Thread MikeR

You may want to consider just conditioning the LaunchConditions action
itself, so that you don't need to update each individual launch condition
you have.

  ![CDATA[NOT Installed]]

You would want to add this to both the InstallUI and InstallExecute

The basic idea is that once your MSI is installed you don't want to prevent
any repairs or uninstall from running.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
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proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

2010-03-26 Thread Zhou, Lei
My application creates a data folder under a user's AppData/Local
(Win7/Vista, XP: Local Settings\Application Data). I have the following
in WiX,

Directory Id=AppDataFolder Name=AppDataFolder
Directory Id=MYDATA_ROOT Name=myAppData
Component Id=MYDATA_ROOT
RegistryKey  Action=none Key=dummy Root=HKCU

RegistryValue Type=integer  Value=1
KeyPath=yes /
CreateFolder /

My application would actually create the directory if it does not exist.
But I want the uninstaller to remove it therefore I put it in the

Checking the log, I found out that the above snippet created myAppData
folder under AppData/Roaming instead of AppData/Local. Could someone
please tell me how to correct this? Thank you in advance.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

2010-03-26 Thread Kerber, Cameron

So for example.

heat.exe dir C:\filepath\folder\ -gg -cg WebServiceGrp -var var. WebServicePath 
-dr WEBSERVICE -o src\DeploymentServices\InstallPackage\WebServiceFrag.wxs

-Original Message-
From: Bill McCormick [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

So you're using the dir Harvest Type command line switch for everything 



On 3/26/2010 10:12 AM, Kerber, Cameron wrote:
 I just got over the heat output hurdle.  The heat output, is really only a 
 directory/component/file listing of the directory you gave it.  It isn't 
 going to produce any xml that'll install the service.  You will have to write 
 that code.

 I haven't used the heat project as a directive, I used tfs build to build the 
 .net project, then pointed heat to the output contents.  It will then build 
 the fragment.  I also use the -cg argument to define a component group so I 
 can reference that.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill McCormick (LIST) [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:59 AM
 To: WiX
 Subject: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

 I 'm using heat to harvest binary output of a VB.NET project. The
 project output is an executable that runs as a service and a few DLL's.
 The output that heat generates looks rather sparse for what I would
 expect. I was expecting to see DLL component/files and maybe even
 something to install the service.

 I used the following command line:

 heat project
 -pog:Binaries -var var.TCPDbSvc -dr TCPDbSvc -ag -template:fragment
 -out TCPDbSvc.wxs

 And the TCPDbSvc.wxs output was this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
 DirectoryRef Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 Component Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481
 File Id=filDC28E99A47F7AA3C43324EB0770DBA14
 Source=$(var.TCPDbSvc.TargetDir)\TCPDbSvc.exe /
 ComponentGroup Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 ComponentRef Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481 /

 Any insight on what my next step would be to make sure all of the
 components for this application are installed, as well as proper
 installation as a service would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

2010-03-26 Thread Pally Sandher
Use LocalAppDataFolder
(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa369768.aspx) not
AppDataFolder (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367565.aspx)

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: Zhou, Lei [mailto:lz...@sychip.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 16:55
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

My application creates a data folder under a user's AppData/Local
(Win7/Vista, XP: Local Settings\Application Data). I have the following
in WiX,

Directory Id=AppDataFolder Name=AppDataFolder
Directory Id=MYDATA_ROOT Name=myAppData
Component Id=MYDATA_ROOT
RegistryKey  Action=none Key=dummy Root=HKCU

RegistryValue Type=integer  Value=1
KeyPath=yes /
CreateFolder /

My application would actually create the directory if it does not exist.
But I want the uninstaller to remove it therefore I put it in the

Checking the log, I found out that the above snippet created myAppData
folder under AppData/Roaming instead of AppData/Local. Could someone
please tell me how to correct this? Thank you in advance.


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yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune
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Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

2010-03-26 Thread little.forest
First of all, thank you so much for your reply, Bob.

There are a couple of other things, not sure if related:
1. Only 3 files cause the problem. According to the developer, one dll file is 
a COM component, the manifest is associated with the COM dll, another dll is 
used by the COM dll. I also noticed the COM dll is registered by using 
regsvr32.exe in a custom action. Not sure if this is the problem. But I've a 
feeling that COM registration doesn't work that way even I never register a COM 
in Wix. 
2. Those two DLL files will cause 'Error 2836' directly. But the manifest file 
will cause the installer showing 'The system can not find the file specified.' 
first then showing the 'Error 2836'. So this is slightly different from those 
two DLL files.
3. I did look at the dll files' property, they seem normal. By using Orca, I 
also looked at the File table, these files entries look the same as others.

From #1, my guess is the COM registration could cause the problem, but I'm not 
sure. Please point out if my guess is correct or not:
1. If my guess is correct, please post some links here about how to register a 
COM component correctly in 2.0. Meanwhile, I'll dig in this topic as well.
2. If my guess isn't correct, please point me out where I should look into, or 
which file or flag or something I should check.

Thanks a lot.

From: Bob Arnson b...@joyofsetup.com
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 5:58:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get 
Error 2836 in Repair mode

On 3/25/2010 7:53 PM, little.forest wrote:
 DEBUG: Error 2836:  The control ChangeButton on the dialog MaintenanceTypeDlg 
 can not take focus
 The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. 
 This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2836. The 
 arguments are: MaintenanceTypeDlg, ChangeButton,

That's not a fatal error; is there some other symptom you're seeing?


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Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.yahoo.com
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Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

2010-03-26 Thread Pally Sandher
Tallow.exe in WiX v2.0 should be able to harvest the registry entries
required for COM registration (assuming the DLL exports
DLLRegisterServer function). Tallow.exe is with the WiX v2.0 equivalent
of heat.exe in WiX v3.0. I don't have a WiX v2.0 install lying around
but running tallow.exe /? should give you the parameters needed to
harvest the COM registration info. 

Sounds like the problem is the Self Reg of the COM DLL. If one of the 2
DLL's or the manifest file is deleted it may not be able to re-run the
Self Reg when you run your repair as it may not have replaced the files
at that point.

Yet another reason why Self-Reg is a very very very bad idea.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 18:12
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted,then we'll
get Error 2836 in Repair mode

First of all, thank you so much for your reply, Bob.

There are a couple of other things, not sure if related:
1. Only 3 files cause the problem. According to the developer, one dll
file is a COM component, the manifest is associated with the COM dll,
another dll is used by the COM dll. I also noticed the COM dll is
registered by using regsvr32.exe in a custom action. Not sure if this is
the problem. But I've a feeling that COM registration doesn't work that
way even I never register a COM in Wix. 
2. Those two DLL files will cause 'Error 2836' directly. But the
manifest file will cause the installer showing 'The system can not find
the file specified.' first then showing the 'Error 2836'. So this is
slightly different from those two DLL files.
3. I did look at the dll files' property, they seem normal. By using
Orca, I also looked at the File table, these files entries look the same
as others.

From #1, my guess is the COM registration could cause the problem, but
I'm not sure. Please point out if my guess is correct or not:
1. If my guess is correct, please post some links here about how to
register a COM component correctly in 2.0. Meanwhile, I'll dig in this
topic as well.
2. If my guess isn't correct, please point me out where I should look
into, or which file or flag or something I should check.

Thanks a lot.

From: Bob Arnson b...@joyofsetup.com
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 5:58:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then
we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

On 3/25/2010 7:53 PM, little.forest wrote:
 DEBUG: Error 2836:  The control ChangeButton on the dialog 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg can not take focus The installer has encountered an

 unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem 
 with this package. The error code is 2836. The arguments are: 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg, ChangeButton,

That's not a fatal error; is there some other symptom you're seeing?


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Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.yahoo.com

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Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

2010-03-26 Thread Bill McCormick
Can we get somebody else to chime in on this?

Is anybody using the */ project -pog:Binaries /* switches successfully? 



On 3/26/2010 11:55 AM, Kerber, Cameron wrote:

 So for example.

 heat.exe dir C:\filepath\folder\ -gg -cg WebServiceGrp -var var. 
 WebServicePath -dr WEBSERVICE -o 

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill McCormick [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com] 
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

 So you're using the dir Harvest Type command line switch for everything 



 On 3/26/2010 10:12 AM, Kerber, Cameron wrote:
 I just got over the heat output hurdle.  The heat output, is really only a 
 directory/component/file listing of the directory you gave it.  It isn't 
 going to produce any xml that'll install the service.  You will have to 
 write that code.

 I haven't used the heat project as a directive, I used tfs build to build 
 the .net project, then pointed heat to the output contents.  It will then 
 build the fragment.  I also use the -cg argument to define a component group 
 so I can reference that.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill McCormick (LIST) [mailto:wpmccorm...@ace-co.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:59 AM
 To: WiX
 Subject: [WiX-users] Question on heat output

 I 'm using heat to harvest binary output of a VB.NET project. The
 project output is an executable that runs as a service and a few DLL's.
 The output that heat generates looks rather sparse for what I would
 expect. I was expecting to see DLL component/files and maybe even
 something to install the service.

 I used the following command line:

 heat project
 -pog:Binaries -var var.TCPDbSvc -dr TCPDbSvc -ag -template:fragment
 -out TCPDbSvc.wxs

 And the TCPDbSvc.wxs output was this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
 DirectoryRef Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 Component Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481
 File Id=filDC28E99A47F7AA3C43324EB0770DBA14
 Source=$(var.TCPDbSvc.TargetDir)\TCPDbSvc.exe /
 ComponentGroup Id=TCPDbSvc.Binaries
 ComponentRef Id=cmpBA7CE1FE46350CBF9825BB2E0F904481 /

 Any insight on what my next step would be to make sure all of the
 components for this application are installed, as well as proper
 installation as a service would be greatly appreciated.


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 protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the 
 addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified 
 that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this message is 
 strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended 
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 WiX-users mailing list

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Re: [WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

2010-03-26 Thread Zhou, Lei
Palbinder, thank you. It's just what I was looking for.


-Original Message-
From: Pally Sandher [mailto:pally.sand...@iesve.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 12:57 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

Use LocalAppDataFolder
(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa369768.aspx) not
AppDataFolder (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367565.aspx)

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: Zhou, Lei [mailto:lz...@sychip.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 16:55
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] How do I create a folder under AppData/Local?

My application creates a data folder under a user's AppData/Local
(Win7/Vista, XP: Local Settings\Application Data). I have the following
in WiX,

Directory Id=AppDataFolder Name=AppDataFolder
Directory Id=MYDATA_ROOT Name=myAppData
Component Id=MYDATA_ROOT
RegistryKey  Action=none Key=dummy Root=HKCU

RegistryValue Type=integer  Value=1
KeyPath=yes /
CreateFolder /

My application would actually create the directory if it does not exist.
But I want the uninstaller to remove it therefore I put it in the

Checking the log, I found out that the above snippet created myAppData
folder under AppData/Roaming instead of AppData/Local. Could someone
please tell me how to correct this? Thank you in advance.


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Re: [WiX-users] Feature Tree modification based on property.

2010-03-26 Thread Sam Domonkos
Under your feature you can set display=hidden on the feature and the 
user will not be able to modify it.


On 3/25/2010 11:10 PM, Rohit Sharma (SIDC) wrote:
 So is there no way I can do this, even if I could HIDE the feature in
 selection tree that would work for me. But if that is also possible can
 you suggest me what else I can try? CustomAction in C++ which maybe
 allows to set Level for a feature. If not probably I would go for the
 workaround.. i.e. change the UI mode to INSTALLDIR and don't show the
 customsetup dialog to the user.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bob Arnson [mailto:b...@joyofsetup.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 6:31 AM
 To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Feature Tree modification based on property.

 On 3/25/2010 3:12 PM, Rohit Sharma (SIDC) wrote:

 I tried setting INSTALLLEVEL=101 from control event of next button as
 suggested in comment# 17 from Daniel in Bob's blog to trigger
 re-evaluation of feature condition but it didn't work for me.

 I don't think it's documented to work. Feature levels (and the selection

 tree control) might not provide the level of control you're looking for,

 which is why I discussed the AddLocal and Remove control events in my
 blog post.

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Re: [WiX-users] Feature Tree modification based on property.

2010-03-26 Thread Rohit Sharma (SIDC)
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Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

2010-03-26 Thread little.forest
Thanks Palbinder.

I'll try tallow.

From: Pally Sandher pally.sand...@iesve.com
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 11:26:09 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get 
Error 2836 in Repair mode

Tallow.exe in WiX v2.0 should be able to harvest the registry entries
required for COM registration (assuming the DLL exports
DLLRegisterServer function). Tallow.exe is with the WiX v2.0 equivalent
of heat.exe in WiX v3.0. I don't have a WiX v2.0 install lying around
but running tallow.exe /? should give you the parameters needed to
harvest the COM registration info. 

Sounds like the problem is the Self Reg of the COM DLL. If one of the 2
DLL's or the manifest file is deleted it may not be able to re-run the
Self Reg when you run your repair as it may not have replaced the files
at that point.

Yet another reason why Self-Reg is a very very very bad idea.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 18:12
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted,then we'll
get Error 2836 in Repair mode

First of all, thank you so much for your reply, Bob.

There are a couple of other things, not sure if related:
1. Only 3 files cause the problem. According to the developer, one dll
file is a COM component, the manifest is associated with the COM dll,
another dll is used by the COM dll. I also noticed the COM dll is
registered by using regsvr32.exe in a custom action. Not sure if this is
the problem. But I've a feeling that COM registration doesn't work that
way even I never register a COM in Wix. 
2. Those two DLL files will cause 'Error 2836' directly. But the
manifest file will cause the installer showing 'The system can not find
the file specified.' first then showing the 'Error 2836'. So this is
slightly different from those two DLL files.
3. I did look at the dll files' property, they seem normal. By using
Orca, I also looked at the File table, these files entries look the same
as others.

From #1, my guess is the COM registration could cause the problem, but
I'm not sure. Please point out if my guess is correct or not:
1. If my guess is correct, please post some links here about how to
register a COM component correctly in 2.0. Meanwhile, I'll dig in this
topic as well.
2. If my guess isn't correct, please point me out where I should look
into, or which file or flag or something I should check.

Thanks a lot.

From: Bob Arnson b...@joyofsetup.com
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 5:58:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then
we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

On 3/25/2010 7:53 PM, little.forest wrote:
 DEBUG: Error 2836:  The control ChangeButton on the dialog 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg can not take focus The installer has encountered an

 unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem 
 with this package. The error code is 2836. The arguments are: 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg, ChangeButton,

That's not a fatal error; is there some other symptom you're seeing?


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Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers.yahoo.com

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Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

2010-03-26 Thread little.forest
OK, I tried tallow. But it doesn't work.

First, I tried tallow.exe -c my.dll, but I got System.BadImageFormatException.
Then I tried tallow.exe -s my.dll, but I got 

I also tried heat from 3.0 heat.exe file my.dll -out my.wxs, but I only got 
DirectoryRef Id=mydir FileSource=C:\mydir
Component Id=my.dll Guid=PUT-GUID-HERE
File Id=my.dll Name=my.dll KeyPath=yes 
Source=C:\mydir\my.dll /

There is no any COM related info there. 

Help please. I appreciate it.

From: little.forest little.for...@ymail.com
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 3:25:42 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get 
Error 2836 in Repair mode

Thanks Palbinder.

I'll try tallow.

From: Pally Sandher pally.sand...@iesve.com
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 11:26:09 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then we'll get 
Error 2836 in Repair mode

Tallow.exe in WiX v2.0 should be able to harvest the registry entries
required for COM registration (assuming the DLL exports
DLLRegisterServer function). Tallow.exe is with the WiX v2.0 equivalent
of heat.exe in WiX v3.0. I don't have a WiX v2.0 install lying around
but running tallow.exe /? should give you the parameters needed to
harvest the COM registration info. 

Sounds like the problem is the Self Reg of the COM DLL. If one of the 2
DLL's or the manifest file is deleted it may not be able to re-run the
Self Reg when you run your repair as it may not have replaced the files
at that point.

Yet another reason why Self-Reg is a very very very bad idea.

Palbinder Sandher 
Software Deployment  IT Administrator
T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 
F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 

**Design, Simulate + Innovate with the Virtual Environment**
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No.
Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park,
Glasgow G20 0SP
Email Disclaimer

-Original Message-
From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com] 
Sent: 26 March 2010 18:12
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted,then we'll
get Error 2836 in Repair mode

First of all, thank you so much for your reply, Bob.

There are a couple of other things, not sure if related:
1. Only 3 files cause the problem. According to the developer, one dll
file is a COM component, the manifest is associated with the COM dll,
another dll is used by the COM dll. I also noticed the COM dll is
registered by using regsvr32.exe in a custom action. Not sure if this is
the problem. But I've a feeling that COM registration doesn't work that
way even I never register a COM in Wix. 
2. Those two DLL files will cause 'Error 2836' directly. But the
manifest file will cause the installer showing 'The system can not find
the file specified.' first then showing the 'Error 2836'. So this is
slightly different from those two DLL files.
3. I did look at the dll files' property, they seem normal. By using
Orca, I also looked at the File table, these files entries look the same
as others.

From #1, my guess is the COM registration could cause the problem, but
I'm not sure. Please point out if my guess is correct or not:
1. If my guess is correct, please post some links here about how to
register a COM component correctly in 2.0. Meanwhile, I'll dig in this
topic as well.
2. If my guess isn't correct, please point me out where I should look
into, or which file or flag or something I should check.

Thanks a lot.

From: Bob Arnson b...@joyofsetup.com
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 5:58:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 2.0: if some dll file(s) deleted, then
we'll get Error 2836 in Repair mode

On 3/25/2010 7:53 PM, little.forest wrote:
 DEBUG: Error 2836:  The control ChangeButton on the dialog 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg can not take focus The installer has encountered an

 unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem 
 with this package. The error code is 2836. The arguments are: 
 MaintenanceTypeDlg, ChangeButton,

That's not a fatal error; is there some other symptom you're seeing?


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[WiX-users] Several Questions - Zip64, Debugging

2010-03-26 Thread Dariel Marlow
1.   Does WIX support MSI files larger than 4GB? If so, what's the best 
practice on very large MSI files? I'm aware of the CAB file limitations, but 
I've also run into WIX complaining about large files even if they aren't being 
placed into a CAB file. I read briefly in the DTF chm that there is ZIP64 
support for large files. Is that something that is used from within the WXS 

2.   Debugging managed custom actions does not load symbols. After reading 
the different ways on getting debugging to work 
 I've not been able to successfully step through in VS with my code and 
symbols. Is there documentation on how to get this working successfully?

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