Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS, Oracle and Nexenta

2011-05-25 Thread C Bergström
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 7:15 PM, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
 You are welcome to your beliefs.   There are many groups that do standards 
 that do not meet in public.  In fact, I can't think of any standards bodies 
 that *do* hold open meetings.

I think he may mean open to public application.  Not everyone will be
accepted or partake in the meetings, but anyone can apply.  Right now
the group is secret - there's no or little information on
who/when/where or anything.  It's basically the ZFS Standards Mafia
maybe you guys live by..

Rule #1 - Don't talk about ZFS club


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] GPU acceleration of ZFS

2011-05-10 Thread C Bergström
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Anatoly wrote:
 Good day,

 I think ZFS can take advantage of using GPU for sha256 calculation,
 encryption and maybe compression. Modern video card, like 5xxx or 6xxx ATI
 HD Series can do calculation of sha256 50-100 times faster than modern 4
 cores CPU.

 kgpu project for linux shows nice results.

 'zfs scrub' would work freely on high performance ZFS pools.

 The only problem that there is no AMD/Nvidia drivers for Solaris that
 support hardware-assisted OpenCL.

 Is anyone interested in it?

This isn't technically true.  The NVIDIA drivers support compute, but
there's other parts of the toolchain missing.  /* I don't know about
ATI/AMD, but I'd guess they likely don't support compute across
platforms */

/* Disclaimer - The company I work for has a working HMPP compiler for
Solaris/FreeBSD and we may soon support CUDA */
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] native ZFS on Linux

2011-02-12 Thread C. Bergström

Ray Van Dolson wrote:

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 09:18:26AM -0800, David E. Anderson wrote:

I see that Pinguy OS, an uber-Ubuntu o/s, includes native ZFS support.
Any pointers to more info on this?

Probably using this[1].

doubtful.. It's more likely based on

Why not post to the distro mailing list or look at the source though?
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS ... open source moving forward?

2010-12-16 Thread C. Bergström

Linder, Doug wrote:

Why do you want them to GPL ZFS?  In what way would that save you


I actually think Doug was trying to say he wished Oracle would open the
development and make the source code open-sourced, not necessarily

Yes.  I don't really care which specific license it is, as long as it allows 
ZFS to go into Linux.
feeding-trollsI'm very happy it's not in linux since linux is 
usually a low quality pile of crap cobbled together.  If you're not 
writing the code to zfs or btrfs then you don't get a vote and just 
making noise on a public mailing list/feeing-trolls

How about doing some work instead of just complaining about things that 
are outside of our control..

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS ... open source moving forward?

2010-12-16 Thread C. Bergström

The reason for not being able to use ZFS under Linux is not the license used by 
ZFS but the missing will for integration.

Several lawyers explained already why adding ZFS to the Linux would just create 
a collective work that is permitted by the GPL.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] [Totally TO] 64-bit vs 32-bit applications

2010-08-19 Thread C. Bergström

Garrett D'Amore wrote:

On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 21:25 +1200, Ian Collins wrote:

On 08/19/10 08:51 PM, Joerg Schilling wrote:

Ian  wrote:


A quick test with a C++ application I'm working with which does a lot of
string and container manipulation shows it
runs about 10% slower in 64 bit mode on AMD64 and about the same in 32
or 64 bit on a core i7. Built with -fast.

This may be a result of the way the libC you are using was compiled.

Try to compare performance tests that only depend on code you did write by your

Most of the C++ standard library (at least the containers part I'm 
using) is header only code, so it is mainly code I compile my self.

Not using libC is somewhat impractical in real world applications!

Not if the program isn't written in C++!

The binary compatibility problems (plus a million other reasons) of C++
make me strongly urge people not to choose C++ as the language for their
project unless they are forced to by other constraints.  (And then they
will have to live with the consequent problems.)
I wish you luck in encouraging people to not use C++.  While I 
personally prefer C there is a strong uptake in C++ adoption that is 
only likely to increase. :)  Anyway.. just because you don't have any 
solution to replacing libCrun doesn't mean you have to blacklist the 
whole language...  (keeping in mind that hotspot and a ton of your 
java/enterprise stack on Solaris is written or dependent on C++)

(Why is this being discussed on zfs-discuss)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] 64-bit vs 32-bit applications

2010-08-19 Thread C. Bergström

Garrett D'Amore wrote:

On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 20:14 +0100, Daniel Taylor wrote:

On 19 Aug 2010, at 19:42, Garrett D'Amore wrote:

Out of interest, what language do you recommend?

Depends on the job -- I'm a huge fan of choosing the right tool for the
job.  I just think C++ tries to be jack of all trades and winds up being
master of none.

For the work I do, I mostly prefer C.

(My perspective is biased, but...)

End users from my experience and perspective pick a language that offers 
them a balance between easy to use programming model and performance.  
C++ is a language standard and not a jack of all trades...   It's like 
saying don't use ZFS because it's trying to be jack of all trades and 
used across many different industries and applications (successfully)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] 64-bit vs 32-bit applications

2010-08-19 Thread C. Bergström

Garrett D'Amore wrote:

That is a major concern.  But the problem is also that the ABIs created
by different compilers vary.  You can't mix g++ and studio generated
code, for example.  That's not FUD, its technical fact. 
Not today, but it's my understanding this will be possible in the 
future..  (At least in theory)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Opensolaris is apparently dead

2010-08-16 Thread C. Bergström

Tim Cook wrote:

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:21 AM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

On Sun, August 15, 2010 20:44, Peter Jeremy wrote:

 Irrespective of the above, there is nothing requiring Oracle to
 any future btrfs or ZFS improvements (or even bugfixes).  They can't
 retrospectively change the license on already released code but they
 can put a different (non-OSS) license on any new code.

That's true.

However, if Oracle makes a binary release of BTRFS-derived code,
they must
release the source as well; BTRFS is under the GPL.

BTRFS can be under any license they want, they own the code.  There's 
absolutely nothing preventing them from dual-licensing it.

So, if they're going to use it in any way as a product, they have to
release the source.  If they want to use it just internally they
can do
anything they want, of course.

No, no they don't.  You're under the misconception that they no longer 
own the code just because they released a copy as GPL.  That is not 
true.  Anyone ELSE who uses the GPL code must release modifications if 
they wish to distribute it due to the GPL.  The original author is 
free to license the code as many times under as many conditions as 
they like, and release or not release subsequent changes they make to 
their own code.

I absolutely guarantee Oracle can and likely already has dual-licensed 
No.. talk to Chris Mason.. it depends on the linux kernel too much 
already to be available under anything, but GPLv2

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Opensolaris is apparently dead

2010-08-16 Thread C. Bergström

Joerg Schilling wrote:

C. Bergström wrote:

I absolutely guarantee Oracle can and likely already has dual-licensed 
No.. talk to Chris Mason.. it depends on the linux kernel too much 
already to be available under anything, but GPLv2

If he really believes this, then he seems to be missinformed about legal 

The question is: who wrote the btrfs code and who owns it.

If Oracle pays him for writing the code, then Oracle owns the code and can 
relicense it under any license they like.
Why don't all you license trolls go crawl under a rock.. Are you so 
dense to believe

1) Only Oracle devs have by now contributed to btrfs?
2) That it's so tightly intermingled with the linux kernel code you 
can't separate the two of them.

Just STFU already and go check commit logs and source if you don't believe..

ZFS-discuss != BTRFS+Oracle-license troll-ml

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Opensolaris is apparently dead

2010-08-16 Thread C. Bergström

Tim Cook wrote:

2010/8/16 C. Bergström

Joerg Schilling wrote:

C. Bergström wrote:


I absolutely guarantee Oracle can and likely already
has dual-licensed BTRFS.

No.. talk to Chris Mason.. it depends on the linux kernel
too much already to be available under anything, but GPLv2

If he really believes this, then he seems to be missinformed
about legal background.
The question is: who wrote the btrfs code and who owns it.

If Oracle pays him for writing the code, then Oracle owns the
code and can relicense it under any license they like.

Why don't all you license trolls go crawl under a rock.. Are you
so dense to believe

1) Only Oracle devs have by now contributed to btrfs?
2) That it's so tightly intermingled with the linux kernel code
you can't separate the two of them.

Just STFU already and go check commit logs and source if you don't

ZFS-discuss != BTRFS+Oracle-license troll-ml

Before making yourself look like a fool, I suggest you look at the 
BTRFS commits.  Can you find a commit submitted by anyone BUT Oracle 
employees?  I've yet to see any significant contribution from anyone 
outside the walls of Oracle to the project.

I think I've probably dug into the issue a bit deeper than you..

Oh. .and if you don't believe me ask Josef Bacik from RH..

I'm not directing this at anyone specifically..  Pretty please..  STFU 
and go back to trolling somewhere else...

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS development moving behind closed doors

2010-08-13 Thread C. Bergström

Gary Mills wrote:

If this information is correct,

further development of ZFS will take place behind closed doors.
Opensolaris will become the internal development version of Solaris
with no public distributions.  The community has been abandoned.
It was a community of system administrators and nearly no developers.  
While this may make big news the real impact is probably pretty small.  
Source code updates will get tossed over the fence and developer 
partners (Intel) will still have access to onnv-gate.

In a way i see this as a very good thing.  It will not *force* the 
existing (small) community of companies and developers to band together 
to actually work together.  From there the real open source momentum can 
happen instead of everyone depending on Sun/Oracle to give them a free 
lunch.  The first step that I've been adamant about is making it easier 
for developers to play and get their hands on it..  If we can enable 
that it'll swing things around regardless of what mega-corp does or 
doesn't do...

Just my 0.02$

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Opensolaris is apparently dead

2010-08-13 Thread C. Bergström

Erast wrote:

On 08/13/2010 01:39 PM, Tim Cook wrote:

I'm a bit surprised at this development... Oracle really just doesn't
get it.  The part that's most disturbing to me is the fact they won't be
releasing nightly snapshots.  It appears they've stopped Illumos in its
tracks before it really even got started (perhaps that explains the
timing of this press release)

Wrong. Be patient, with the pace of current Illumos development it 
soon will have all the closed binaries liberated and ready to sync up 
with promised ON code drops as dictated by GPL and CDDL licenses.
Illumos is just a source tree at this point.  You're delusional, 
misinformed, or have some big wonderful secret if you believe you have 
all the bases covered for a pure open source distribution though..

What's closed binaries liberated really mean to you?

Does it mean
   a. You copy over the binary libCrun and continue to use some version 
of Sun Studio to build onnv-gate
   b. You debug the problems with and start to use ancient gcc-3 (at 
the probably expense of performance regressions which most people would 
find unacceptable)

   c. Your definition is narrow and has missed some closed binaries

I think it's great people are still hopeful, working hard and going to 
steward this forward, but I wonder.. What pace are you referring to?  
The last commit to illumos-gate was 6 days ago and you're already not 
even keeping it in sync..  Can you even build it yet and if so where's 
the binaries?

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Oracle to no longer support ZFS on OpenSolaris?

2010-04-19 Thread C. Bergström

Ken Gunderson wrote:

Greetings All:

Granted there has been much fear, uncertainty, and doubt following
Oracle's take over of Sun, but I ran across this on a FreeBSD mailing
list post dated 4/20/2010

...Seems that Oracle won't offer support for ZFS on opensolaris

This guy probably
1) Doesn't know the difference between OpenSolaris and Solaris
2) Doesn't know anything
3) Doesn't cite a source

Stop wasting everyone's time with speculation and FUD
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] [indiana-discuss] future of OpenSolaris

2010-03-01 Thread C. Bergström

Troy Campbell wrote:

On 02/24/10 12:04 PM, Marc Nicholas wrote:

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Troy Campbell wrote: 

Half way down it says:
Will Oracle support Java and OpenSolaris User Groups, as Sun has?

Yes, Oracle will indeed enthusiastically support the Java User
Groups, OpenSolaris User Groups, and other Sun-related user group
communities (including the Java Champions), just as Oracle actively
supports hundreds of product-oriented user groups today. We will be
reaching out to these groups soon.

Supporting doesn't necessarily mean continuing the Open Source projects!

More info: 

There may be some things we choose not to open source going forward, 
similar to how MySQL manages certain value-add[s] at the top of the 
stack, Roberts said. It's important to understand the plan now is to 
deliver value again out of our IP investment, while at the same time 
measuring that with continuing to deliver OpenSolaris in the open.

This will be a balancing act, one that we'll get right sometimes, but 
may not always.

From the feedback data I've seen customers dislike this type of 
licensing model most.  Dan may or may not be reading this, but I'd 
strongly discourage this approach.  Without knowing more I don't know 
what alternative I could recommend though.. (Too bad I missed that irc 


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] [indiana-discuss] future of OpenSolaris

2010-03-01 Thread C. Bergström

Thomas Burgess wrote:
There may be some things we choose not to open source going forward, 
similar to how MySQL manages certain value-add[s] at the top of the 
stack, Roberts said. It's important to understand the plan now is to 
deliver value again out of our IP investment, while at the same time 
measuring that with continuing to deliver OpenSolaris in the open.

This will be a balancing act, one that we'll get right sometimes,
but may not always.

From the feedback data I've seen customers dislike this type of
licensing model most.  Dan may or may not be reading this, but I'd
strongly discourage this approach.  Without knowing more I don't
know what alternative I could recommend though.. (Too bad I missed
that irc meeting..)


I may be wrong, but isn't this already what they do?  I mean, there is 
a bunch of proprietary stuff in solaris that didn't make it into 
opensolaris.  I thought this was how they did things anyways, or am i 
misunderstanding something.
Not exactly..  From my understanding.. (and I put a lot of time removing 
the proprietary stuff) is that for OpenSolaris the closed parts simply 
weren't available under and open source license.

tail/cli - Probably from 20+ years ago and it's exact origins may not be 
all known
libc - The wide character support in libc from IBM, who isn't exactly 
open source friendly
drivers - I didn't look into specific things with drivers and just never 
used them.

C++ runtime/compilers - no comment :)

With regards to the 7000 series or other appliances which may bring the 
trolls further...  Personally, I consider that an appliance and not 
OpenSolaris proper..  I don't know where I draw the line, but I'd be 
disappointed if zfs didn't have all the full features in OpenSolaris, 
but also surprised if the landscape and management interfaces were made 
open source.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] future of OpenSolaris

2010-02-22 Thread C. Bergström

Eugen Leitl wrote:

Oracle's silence is starting to become a bit ominous. What are
the future options for zfs, should OpenSolaris be left dead
in the water by Suracle? I have no insight into who core
zfs developers are (have any been fired by Sun even prior to
the merger?), and who's paying them. Assuming a worst case
scenario, what would be the best candidate for a fork? Nexenta?
Debian already included FreeBSD as a kernel flavor into its
fold, it seems Nexenta could be also a good candidate.

Maybe anyone in the know could provide a short blurb on what
the state is, and what the options are.
Without saying anything negative about Nexenta I would strongly 
recommend you go try to send a single patch to their equivalent of 
onnv-gate before recommending it as any sort of replacement for OpenSolaris.

Generally, I think the few open source engineers who actually work with 
the code are taking a wait-n-see approach.  If doom-n-gloom will happen 
there is nothing we can do to stop it and might as well enjoy the free 
ride while it's there.  Sending patches and encouraging the open source 
model for OpenSolaris directly is probably the best way to convince 
Oracle it makes business sense to maintain things as they are.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] freeNAS moves to Linux from FreeBSD

2009-12-08 Thread C. Bergström

Andrey Kuzmin wrote:

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Michael DeMan (OA) wrote:

Args for FreeBSD + ZFS:

- Limited budget
- We are familiar with managing FreeBSD.
- We are familiar with tuning FreeBSD.
- Licensing model

Args against OpenSolaris + ZFS:
- Hardware compatibility
- Lack of knowledge for tuning and associated costs for training staff to
learn 'yet one more operating system' they need to support.
- Licensing model

If you think about it a little bit, you will see that there is no
significant difference in the licensing model between FreeBSD+ZFS and
OpenSolaris+ZFS.  It is not possible to be a little bit pregnant. Either
one is pregnant, or one is not.

Well, FreeBSD pretends it's possible, by shipping zfs and bearing BSD
license at the same time.
CDDL only covers the files which are already CDDL so they can't claim a 
pure BSD licensed release, but they probably have to include GPL stuff 
as well and no idea the status of removing whatever parts of that may be 
hanging around.  Who cares about license as long as you have the right 
to do what *you* need with the source.

/me - back to coding..

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS dedup issue

2009-12-02 Thread C. Bergström

Colin Raven wrote:

Hey Cindy!

Any idea of when we might see 129? (an approximation only). I ask the 
question because I'm pulling budget funds to build a filer, but it may 
not be in service until mid-January. Would it be reasonable to say 
that we might see 129 by then, or are we looking at summer...or even 

I don't see that there's a wrong answer: here necessarily, :) :) :) 
I'll go with what's out, but dedup is a big one and a feature that 
made me commit to this project.
The unstable and experimental Sun builds typically lag about 2 weeks 
behind the cut of the hg tag.  (Holidays and respins can derail that of 
course.)  The stable releases I have no clue about.  Depending on the 
level of adventure osunix in our next release may be interesting to you.

Feel free to email me off list or say hi on irc #osunix


zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] Where is green-bytes dedup code?

2009-11-03 Thread C. Bergström
Green-bytes is publicly selling their hardware and dedup solution 
today.  From the feedback of others with testing from someone on our 
team we've found the quality of the initial putback to be buggy and not 
even close to production ready.  (That's fine since nobody has stated it 
was production ready)

It brings up the question though of where is the green-bytes code?  They 
are obligated under the CDDL to release their changes *unless* they 
privately bought a license from Sun.  It seems the conflicts from the 
lawsuit may or may not be resolved, but still..

Where's the code?

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] dedupe is in

2009-11-02 Thread C. Bergström
Why didn't one of the developers from green-bytes do the commit? :P 

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Dumb idea?

2009-10-29 Thread C. Bergström

Miles Nordin wrote:

pt == Peter Tribble writes:

pt Does it make sense to fold this sort of intelligence into the
pt filesystem, or is it really an application-level task?

in general it seems all the time app writers want to access hundreds
of thousands of files by unique id rather than filename, and the POSIX
directory interface is not really up to the task.

Dear zfs'ers

It's possible to heavily influence the next POSIX/UNIX standard if 
you're interested to test or give feedback ping me off list.  The Open 
Group does take feedback before they implement the next version of the 
standard and now is a good time to participate in that.


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs code and fishworks fork

2009-10-28 Thread C. Bergström

Eugen Leitl wrote:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 01:40:12PM +0800, C. Bergström wrote:


So use Nexenta?

Got data you care about?

Verify extensively before you jump to that ship.. :)

So you're saying Nexenta have been known to drop bits on
the floor, unprovoked? Inquiring minds...
I would say this same thing if it was my company or my product.. 
regardless if it's Sun, Nexenta or any company.. verify the product so 
you can know the risks.. It's an open source project.. talk with the 
developers and those in the community who are using it for similar usage 
as you would..

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs code and fishworks fork

2009-10-27 Thread C. Bergström

Tim Cook wrote:

PS: Not having enough engineers to support a growing and paying
customer base is a *good* problem to have.  The opposite is much, much

So use Nexenta?

Got data you care about?

Verify extensively before you jump to that ship.. :)
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] when will zfs have deduplication ?

2009-09-12 Thread C. Bergström

tranceash wrote:

Zfs will have deduplication in summer 2009 was the news ? But there seems to be 
no news when will it have this feature???
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Petabytes on a budget - blog

2009-09-02 Thread C. Bergström

Mario Goebbels wrote:

As some Sun folks pointed out

1) No redundancy at the power or networking side
2) Getting 2TB drives in a x4540 would make the numbers closer
3) Performance isn't going to be that great with their design but...they
might not need it.

4) Silicon Image chipsets. Their SATA controller chips used on a 
variety of mainboards are already well known for their unreliability 
and data corruption. I'd not want a whole bunch of SiI chips handle 67TB.

5) Where's the ECC ram?
6) Management interface? lustre + zfs...   I'm already bouncing around 
ideas with others about an open Fishworks.. Maybe this is the boost we 
needed to justify sponsoring some of the development... Anyone interested?


CTO PathScale // Open source developer
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] raidz

2009-08-11 Thread C. Bergström

glidic anthony wrote:

thanks but if it's experimental i prefer don't use. My server was use to an nfs 
share for an esxi so i prefer it was stable.
But i thnik the best way it's to add an other hdd to make the install and make 
my raidz with this 3 disks
Do you really consider OpenSolaris production ready?  After grub loads 
the kernel image what bugs/regressions can it include?  You may want to 
consider many things before discarding options or not realize fully what 
you're getting into.

Good luck :)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Shrinking a zpool?

2009-08-05 Thread C. Bergström

Martin wrote:

You are the 2nd customer I've ever heard of to use shrink.

This attitude seems to be a common theme in ZFS discussions: No enterprise uses 
shrink, only grow.

Maybe.  The enterprise I work for requires that every change be reversible and 
repeatable.  Every change requires a backout plan and that plan better be fast 
and nondisruptive.

Who are these enterprise admins who can honestly state that they have no requirement to 
reverse operations?  Who runs a 24x7 storage system and will look you in the eye and 
state, The storage decisions (parity count, number of devices in a stripe, etc.) 
that I make today will be valid until the end of time and will NEVER need nondisruptive 
adjustment.  Every storage decision I made in 1993 when we first installed RAID is still 
correct and has needed no changes despite changes in our business models.

My experience is that this attitude about enterprise storage borders on insane.
What's wrong with make a new pool.. safely copy the data. verify data 
and then delete the old pool..   Who in the enterprise just allocates a 
massive pool and then one day wants to shrink it...  For home nas I 
could see this being useful.. I'm not aruging there isn't a use case, 
but in terms of where my vote for time/energy of the developers goes.. 
I'd have to concur there's more useful things out there.  OTOH... 
once/if the block reallocation code is dropped (webrev?) the shrinking 
of a pool should be a lot easier.  I don't mean to go off on a side 
rant, but afaik this code is written and should have been available.  If 
we all pressured Green-bytes with an open letter it would maybe 
help..  The legal issues around this are what's holding it all up.  
@Sun people can't comment I'm sure, but this is what I speculate.


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] [storage-discuss] ZFS and deduplication

2009-08-03 Thread C. Bergström

James Lever wrote:

Nathan Hudson-Crim,

On 04/08/2009, at 8:02 AM, Nathan Hudson-Crim wrote:

Andre, I've seen this before. What you have to do is ask James each 
question 3 times and on the third time he will tell the truth. ;)
fwiw.. I totally could see this in a joking context.. I won't tell 
anyone to lighten up since I'm the one typically being so serious, but I 
can imagine how stressful/unfun it must be @Sun these days.

Next April I really hope someone has the nerve to float Larry's car as 
they did to Bill Joy.. [1]



zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Letter to Greenbytes WAS: ZFS and deduplication

2009-08-02 Thread C. Bergström

James C. McPherson wrote:

On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 15:26:12 -0700 (PDT)
Andre Lue wrote:

Was de-duplication slated for snv_119? 



If not can anyone say which snv_xxx and in which form will we
see it (synchronous, asynchronous both)?

No, and no.


If anyone from Greenbytes is reading this..  If you would have released 
the source and been community friendly about your dedup you could have 
had an Ubuntu cult-like following by now.  By this I mean thousands of 
users and companies possibly using it.  This may not have been what you 
originally envisioned, but there are business models which would have 

Where are things now and how can that all be turned around?

If you want dedup in OpenSolaris please vote in the poll I just setup.

If they realize there's a voice listening maybe they will listen back.



zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Fed up with ZFS causing data loss

2009-07-30 Thread C. Bergström

Ross wrote:

Supermicro AOC-SAT2-MV8, based on the Marvell chipset.  I figured it was the 
best available at the time since it's using the same chipset as the x4500 
Thumper servers.

Our next machine will be using LSI controllers, but I'm still not entirely 
happy with the way ZFS handles timeout type errors.  It seems that it handles 
drive reported read or write errors fine, and also handles checksum errors, but 
it's completely missed drive timeout errors as used by hardware raid 

Personally, I feel that when a pool usually responds to requests in the order 
of milliseconds, a timeout of even a tenth of a second is too long.  Several 
minutes before a pool responds is just a joke.

I'm still a big fan of ZFS, and modern hardware may have better error handling, 
but I can't help but feel this is a little short sighted.

patches welcomed


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best ways to contribute WAS: Fed up with ZFS causing data loss

2009-07-30 Thread C. Bergström

Rob Terhaar wrote:

I'm sure this has been discussed in the past. But its very hard to
understand, or even patch incredibly advanced software such as ZFS
without a deep understanding of the internals.

It will take quite a while before anyone can start understanding a
file system which was developed behind closed doors for nearly a
decade, and then released into opensource land via tarballs thrown
over the wall. Only until recently the source has become more
available to normal humans via projects such as indiana.

Saying if you don't like it, patch it is an ignorant cop-out, and a
troll response to people's problems with software.
bs.  I'm entirely *outside* of Sun and just tired of hearing whining and 
complaints about features not implemented.  So the facts are a bit more 
clear in case you think I'm ignorant...

#1 The source has been available and modified from those outside sun for 
I think 3 years??

#2 I fully agree the threshold to contribute is *significantly* high.  
(I'm working on a project to reduce this)

#3 zfs unlike other things like the build system are extremely well 
documented.  There are books on it, code to read and even instructors 
(Max Bruning) who can teach you about the internals.  My project even 
organized a free online training for this

This isn't zfs-haters or zfs-.

Use it, love it or help out...

documentation, patches to help lower the barrier of entry, irc support, 
donations, detailed and accurate feedback on needed features and lots of 
other things welcomed..  maybe there's a more productive way to get what 
you need implemented?

I think what I'm really getting at is instead of dumping on this list 
all the problems that need to be fixed and the long drawn out stories..  
File a bug report..  put the time in to explore the issue on your own.. 
I'd bet that if even 5% of the developers using zfs sent a patch of some 
nature we would avoid this whole thread.

Call me a troll if you like.. I'm still going to lose my tact every once 
in a while when all I see is whiny/noisy threads for days..  I actually 
don't mean to single you out.. there just seems to be a lot of 
negativity lately..


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] article on btrfs, comparison with zfs

2009-07-30 Thread C. Bergström

James C. McPherson wrote:

An introduction to btrfs, from somebody who used to work on ZFS:
*very* interesting article.. Not sure why James didn't directly link to 
it, but courteous of Valerie Aurora (formerly Henson)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Apple Removes Nearly All Reference To ZFS

2009-06-10 Thread C. Bergström

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

Only a lunatic would rely on Apple for a mission-critical server 

It's funny, but I suspect you just called a large portion of the mac 
userbase lunatics..  While my reasons my differ I wouldn't disagree ;)


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] how to prevent that two clients open the same document

2009-06-02 Thread C. Bergström

Tobs wrote:

Hi There,

We're running the latest OpenSolaris version with the build-in CIFS service.

We experienced the problem that some users were opening the same Excel document 
at the same time. One was using MS Excel, the other one OpenOffice. This 
happend by accident. At the end, both weren't able to save it.

What can I do to prevent that this happens again?

Before, when the majority was using MS Excel, this problem never occured, 
instead the user got an error message, that informed her/him, that the document 
was already in use and it opened in read-only mode.

Could this be an OpenOffice bug?


OSUNIX - Built from the best of OpenSolaris Technology
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] eon or nexentacore or opensolaris

2009-05-23 Thread C. Bergström

Anil Gulecha wrote:

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Bogdan M. Maryniuk wrote:

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Joe S wrote:


No idea.

NexentaCore Platform (v2.0 RC3)

Personally, I tried it few times. For now, it is still too much broken
for me yet and looks scary. Previous version is much more stable but
also older. Newer v2.0 looks exactly like bleeding edge Debian old
times: each time you run apt-get upgrade you have to use shaman's
tambourine dancing around the fireplace. I don't remember exactly, but
some packages are just broken and can not find dependencies,
installation crashes, pollutes your system and can not be restored
nicely etc. However, when it will be not that broken anymore, it must
be a great distribution with excellent package management and very
convenient to use.

Hi Bogdan,

Which particular packages were these? RC3 is quite stable, and all
server packages are solid. If you do face issues with a particular
one, we'd appreciate a bug report. All information on this is
I've done some preliminary patch review on the core on-nexenta patches 
and I'd concur to put Nexenta pretty low on the trusted list for 
enterprise storage.  This is in addition to the packaging problems 
you've pointed out.  If the issues at hand were not enough when I sent 
an email to their dev list it was completely ignored.  Marketing for 
Nexenta as Anil points out is strong, but like many other distributions 
outside Sun there's still a lot of work to go.  I'm not sure EON's 
update delivery, but I believe it's just a minimal repackage of 
OpenSolaris release.  This isn't the advocacy list so if you're 
interested in other alternatives feel free to email me off list.



OSUNIX - Built from the best of OpenSolaris Technology

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Zfs and b114 version

2009-05-18 Thread C. Bergström

Jorgen Lundman wrote:

This URL makes me think that if I just sit down and figure out how to 
compile OpenSolaris, I can try b114 now^h^h^h eventually ? I am really 
eager to try out the new quota support.. has someone already tried 
compiling it perhaps? How complicated is compiling osol compared to, 
say, NetBSD/FreeBSD, Linux etc ? (IRIX and its quickstarting??)

If you like I can ping you when we're done packaging onnv_115.  I'm 
trying to resolve some tricky issues, but I would assume days from now.  
From there to build the source of any release is pmerge -1 onnv-gate or 
for a specific version pmerge -1 =onnv-gate-115.  I could go into great 
detail how /we/ community developers face(d) many difficulties building 
onnv-gate.  I doubt I would ever call it a straight forward process 
and I don't see it changing for *Solaris distro any time soon.  imho the 
legacy scripts (bldenv + nightly) are very poorly documented for how affects Makefile.master*

This may help give more concise instructions.  If you find errata please 
ping me and I'll update it.

Good luck,


OSUNIX - Built from the best of OpenSolaris Technology
zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] Anyone willing to sponsor an ARC case for grub2?

2009-05-07 Thread C. Bergström

Hi.. I'm not exactly familiar with the ARC/sponsor process, but thought 
I'd toss this out since Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko mentioned the 
benefits of his port for grub2.

I think by doing some sort of formal process we'll actually get feedback 
about the best way to move forward.  There are assumptions and 
limitations with grub-0.97 that be possibly be addressed as well.



OSUNIX - Open Source Uncertified NIX
built from the best of OpenSolaris Technology
zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] preview zfs port to grub2 + raidz

2009-04-26 Thread C. Bergström

Hi zfsers

Just wanted to ping the list since one of the osunix/grub devs has been 
working hard at porting zfs to grub2.  I don't think he's subscribed to 
zfs-discuss so quoting his original email and cc'ing him.

Drop by #osunix on freenode if you're interested in the raidz/compressed 
rpool support
Hello, here is initial port of zfs from grub-solaris. It can only read 
file by its name. No ls or tab completition yet. Also identation and 
error handling in this patch is completely wrong. To choose the dataset 
set zfs variable. Here is an example of how I tested it:

grub zfs=grubz/grubzfs
grub cat (hd0)/hello
hello, grub
Such syntax is temporary and heavily restricts what you can do with 
different zfs filesystems (e.g. you can't cmp files on different 

I propose the following syntax for the future:
(one of vdevs:fs name)
Any other porposition?
Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs related google summer of code ideas - your vote

2009-03-04 Thread C. Bergström

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
I don't know if anyone has noticed that the topic is google summer of 
code.  There is only so much that a starving college student can 
accomplish from a dead-start in 1-1/2 months.  The ZFS equivalent of 
eliminating world hunger is not among the tasks which may be 
reasonably accomplished, yet tasks at this level of effort is all that 
I have seen mentioned here.
May I interject a bit.. I'm silently collecting this task list and even 
outside of gsoc may help try to arrange it from a community 
perspective.  Of course this will be volunteer based unless /we/ get a 
sponsor or sun beats /us/ to it.  So all the crazy ideas welcome..

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] zfs related google summer of code ideas - your vote

2009-03-03 Thread C. Bergström

For reasons which I don't care about Sun may not apply to be a gsoc 
organization this year.  However, I'm not discouraged from trying to 
propose some exciting zfs related ideas.  On/off list feel free to send 
your vote, let me know if you can mentor or if you know a company that 
could use it.

Here's more or less what I've collected...

  1) Excess ditto block removing + other green-bytes zfs+ features - 
*open source* (very hard.. can't be done in two months)
  2) raidz boot support (planning phase and suitable student already 
found. could use more docs/info for proposal)

  3) Additional zfs compression choices (good for archiving non-text files?
  4) zfs cli interface to add safety checks  (save your butt from 
deleting a pool worth more than your job)

  5) Web or gui based admin interface
  6) zfs defrag (was mentioned by someone working around petabytes of 
  7) vdev evacuation as an upgrade path (which may depend or take 
advantage of zfs resize/shrink code)

  8) zfs restore/repair tools (being worked on already?)
  9) Timeslider ported to kde4.2 ( *cough* couldn't resist, but put 
this on the list)

  10) Did I miss something..

#2 Currently planning and collecting as much information for the 
proposal as possible.  Today all ufs + solaris grub2 issues were 
resolved and will likely be committed to upstream soon.  There is a one 
liner fix in the solaris kernel also needed, but that can be binary 
hacked worst case.

#5/9 This also may be possible for an outside project.. either web 
showcase or tighter desktop integration..

The rest may just be too difficult in a two month period, not something 
which can go upstream or not enough time to really plan well enough..  
Even if this isn't done for gsoc it may still be possible for the 
community to pursue some of these..

To be a mentor will most likely require answering daily/weekly technical 
questions, ideally being on irc and having patience.  On top of this 
I'll be available to help as much as technically possible, keep the 
student motivated and the projects on schedule.


#ospkg - (Mostly OpenSolaris development rambling)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Details on raidz boot + zfs patents?

2009-02-28 Thread C. Bergström

Mike Gerdts wrote:

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 4:53 AM, C. Bergström wrote:

The other question that I am less worried about is would this violate any
patents.. I mean.. Sun added the initial zfs support to grub and this is
essentially extending that, but I'm not aware of any patent provisions on
that code or some royalty free statement about ZFS related patents from
Sun.. (Frankly.. I look at Sun as /similar/ to Cononical in that I assume
they only sue to protect themselves and not go after any good intention foss

Sun has contributed zfs code to their grub fork, but it's not under the 
CDDL.  So this doesn't apply.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] GSoC 09 zfs ideas?

2009-02-27 Thread C. Bergström

Blake wrote:

Care to share any of those in advance?  It might be cool to see input
from listees and generally get some wheels turning...

raidz boot support in grub 2 is pretty high on my list to be honest..

Which brings up another question of where is the raidz stuff mostly?

usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/vdev_raidz.c ?

Any high level summary, docs or blog entries of what the process would 
look like for a raidz boot support is also appreciated.


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] GSoC 09 zfs ideas?

2009-02-27 Thread C. Bergström

Blake wrote:

Gnome GUI for desktop ZFS administration

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Blake wrote:

zfs send is great for moving a filesystem with lots of tiny files,
since it just handles the blocks :)

I'd like to see:

pool-shrinking (and an option to shrink disk A when i want disk B to
become a mirror, but A is a few blocks bigger)

This may be interesting... I'm not sure how often you need to shrink a 
pool though?  Could this be classified more as a Home or SME level feature?

install to mirror from the liveCD gui

I'm not working on OpenSolaris at all, but for when my projects 
installer is more ready /we/ can certainly do this..

zfs recovery tools (sometimes bad things happen)

Agreed.. part of what I think keeps zfs so stable though is the complete 
lack of dependence on any recovery tools..  It forces customers to bring 
up the issue instead of dirty hack and nobody knows.

automated installgrub when mirroring an rpool

This goes back to an installer option?


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] GSoC 09 zfs ideas?

2009-02-27 Thread C. Bergström

Blake wrote:

Gnome GUI for desktop ZFS administration
With the libzfs java bindings I am plotting a web based interface.. I'm 
not sure if that would meet this gnome requirement though..  Knowing 
specifically what you'd want to do in that interface would be good.. I 
planned to compare it to fishworks and the nexenta appliance as a base..

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] GSoC 09 zfs ideas?

2009-02-25 Thread C. Bergström

Hi everyone.

I've got a couple ideas for good zfs GSoC projects, but wanted to stir 
some interest.  Anyone interested to help mentor?  The deadline is 
around the corner so if planning hasn't happened yet it should start 
soon.  If there is interest who would the org administrator be?


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best practice for swap and root pool

2008-11-26 Thread C. Bergström
Chris Ridd wrote:
 On 26 Nov 2008, at 13:12, dick hoogendijk wrote:

 On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:51:04 +
 Chris Ridd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm replacing the disk with my rpool with a mirrored pool, and
 wondering how best to do that.

 The disk I'm replacing is partitioned with root on s0, swap on s1
 and boot on s8, which is what the original 2008.05 installer created
 for me.
 Are you sure about this? OS2008-05 uses the whole disk as a ZFS and
 within that rpool creates the seperate filesystems (swap/dump,..)


 I've never seen a ZFS system on seperate slices. Slices are things  
 the past ;-)

 Maybe this is just a hangover from my original 2008.05 install?

 to mirror the root. The -f is to stop zpool whining about s0
 overlapping s2.
 If I use a disk for a root pool I create just one slice on it (s0).
 Nothing else. This is needed because booting of EFI labeled disks is
 not spuurted (yet).

 Nod, I had to use format -e to force an SMI label.

 But what do I do with that swap slice? Should I ditch it and create
 an rpool/swap area? Do I still need a boot slice?
 ALL parts are created within the one rpool.

 Hm, so it might be better to do a new install onto the new disk with  
 whatever slices the installer wants to set up, and then migrate the  
 filesystems across from the old rpool.

 So where does installgrub put the boot bits?
To clear up some confusion..

This is from a default indiana install

format -e


Part  TagFlag Cylinders SizeBlocks
  0   rootwm 262 - 19453  147.02GB(19192/0/0) 308319480
  1   swapwu   1 -   2612.00GB(261/0/0) 4192965

So clearly root is on 0 and swap is on 1.. You *can not* install zfs to 
a whole disk and expect it to boot..

As for installing grub so it's correct..

Choice 1) Best choice imho
/zfsroot/boot/solaris/bin/update_grub -R /zfsroot

Choice 2) (risky)
installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s0

If you're doing any sort of install by hand I have extensive notes on 
this I'm willing to share if you pm me.  There's a number of bugs you 
can easily hit/avoid as well. So be careful with have the root slice 
start at 1 for example.

Good luck

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best practice for swap and root pool

2008-11-26 Thread C. Bergström
Darren J Moffat wrote:
 dick hoogendijk wrote:
 On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:51:04 +
 Chris Ridd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm replacing the disk with my rpool with a mirrored pool, and  
 wondering how best to do that.

 The disk I'm replacing is partitioned with root on s0, swap on s1
 and boot on s8, which is what the original 2008.05 installer created
 for me.
 Are you sure about this? OS2008-05 uses the whole disk as a ZFS and
 within that rpool creates the seperate filesystems (swap/dump,..)

 The original builds of OpenSolaris 2008.05 did NOT use the whole disk. 
 They created a separate swap slice in the Solaris VTOC in side the 
 SOLARIS2 fdisk partition and put the pool on the rest.  That swap slice 
 was configured as swap and dump.

 I've never seen a ZFS system on seperate slices. Slices are things from
 the past ;-)

 Unfortunately not the case for ZFS pools that are to be booted from. 
 This is because we can't boot from an EFI labelled disk.  Well maybe 
 MacOS X hardware could but general x86 systems are still legacy BIOS and 
 not EFI loaders.

 Even the current 2008.11 development builds still use a Solaris VTOC it 
 is just that they make the slice the full size of the SOLARIS2 fdisk 
 partition so it looks like it is using the whole disk.

 to mirror the root. The -f is to stop zpool whining about s0  
 overlapping s2.
 If I use a disk for a root pool I create just one slice on it (s0).
 Nothing else. This is needed because booting of EFI labeled disks is
 not spuurted (yet).

 That is what the current 2008.11 dev builds do.
Ok. here's a trick question.. So to the best of my understanding zfs 
turns off write caching if it doesn't own the whole disk.. So what if s0 
*is* the whole disk?  Is write cache supposed to be turned on or off? 
(Haven't check this locally)  Also is it more efficient/better 
performing to give swap a 2nd slice on the inner part of the disk or not 
care and just toss it on top of zfs?

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Best practice for swap and root pool

2008-11-26 Thread C. Bergström
dick hoogendijk wrote:
 On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 15:29:50 +0100
 C. Bergström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To clear up some confusion..
 This is from a default indiana install
 format -e
 Part  TagFlag Cylinders SizeBlocks
   0   rootwm 262 - 19453  147.02GB(19192/0/0)
 308319480 1   swapwu   1 -   2612.00GB
 (261/0/0) 4192965

 So clearly root is on 0 and swap is on 1.. You *can not* install zfs
 to a whole disk and expect it to boot..

 How can you say this?
 SXCE and S10U6 are both installed on a disk with only a S0
 ZFS takes care of the swap space!
 I do not only expect it to boot; I see it boot whenever I want to ;-)

I was directly responding to

I've never seen a ZFS system on seperate slices. Slices are things from
the past ;-)

slice(s) are still around whether it takes up the whole disk or not.. Also the 
work-around to the bug which requires -f can be worked around by changing swap 
to sector 1 afaik.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS, Smashing Baby a fake???

2008-11-24 Thread C. Bergström
Will Murnane wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:40, Scara Maccai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still don't understand why even the one on, ZFS 
 – A Smashing Hit, doesn't show the app running in the moment the HD is 
 smashed... weird...
Sorry this is OT, but is it just me or does is only seem proper to have 
Gallagher do this? ;)

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] External storage recovery?

2008-10-13 Thread C. Bergström
I had to hard power reset the laptop...  Now I can't import my pool..

zpool status -x
bucket  UNAVAIL  0 0 0  insufficient replicas
  c6t0d0UNAVAIL  0 0 0  cannot open


usb8/4 usb-storage  connectedconfigured   ok

I see a ton of these in dmesg

Oct 13 17:22:08 fuzzy scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: 
PROTECTED],0 (sd2):
Oct 13 17:22:08 fuzzy drive offline
What's the best way to proceed?  (I don't have time to kmdb the issue 
right now, but hopefully that won't be necessary)


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Comments on green-bytes

2008-10-07 Thread C. Bergström
Joerg Schilling wrote:

 ZFS is licensed under the CDDL, and as far as I know does not require
 derivative works to be open source.  It's truly free like the BSD license in
 that companies can take CDDL code, modify it, and keep the content closed.
 They are not forced to share their code.  That's why there are closed
 patches that go into mainline Solaris, but are not part of OpenSolaris.

 The CDDL requires to make modifications public.

 While you may not like it, this isn't the GPL.

 The GPL is more free than many people may believe now ;-)

 The GPL is unfortunately missunderstood by most people.

 The GPL allows you to link GPLd projects against other code
 of _any_ other license that does not forbid you some basic things.
 This is because the GPL ends at the work limit. The binary in this
 case is just a container for more than one work and the license of
 the binary is the aggregation of the requirements of the licenses
 in use by the sources.

 The influence of the CDDL ends at file level. All changes are covered by
 the copyleft from the CDDL.

My apologies to Matt as I didn't expect so much noise over the issue, 
but mostly for things to be clarified more clearly.  If anything 
positive can still come from this let us know.

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] Comments on green-bytes

2008-10-06 Thread C. Bergström
Hi all

In another thread a short while ago.. A cool little movie with some 
gumballs was all we got to learn about green-bytes.  The product 
launched and maybe some of the people that follow this list have had a 
chance to take a look at the code/product more closely?  Wstuart asked 
how they were going to handle section 3.1 of the CDDL, but nobody from 
green-bytes even made an effort to clarify this.  I called since I'm 
consulting with companies who are potential customers, but are any of 
developers even subscribed to this list?

After a call and exchanging a couple emails I'm left with the impression 
the source will *not* be released publicly or to customers.  I'm not the 
copyright holder, a legal expert, or even a customer, but can someone 
from Sun or green-bytes make a comment.  I apologize for being a bit off 
topic, but is this really acceptable to the community/Sun in general?  
Maybe the companies using Solaris and NetApp don't care about source 
code, but then the whole point of opening Solaris is just reduced to 
marketing hype.

In the defense of green-bytes.. I think they've truly spent some time 
developing an interesting product and want to protect their ideas and 
investment.  I said this on the phone, but in my very humble opinion 
nobody is going to steal their patches.  In a way I'm curious what 
others think before a good company gets a lot of bad PR over an honest 
and small oversight.


Christopher Bergström


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Comments on green-bytes

2008-10-06 Thread C. Bergström
Matt Aitkenhead wrote:
 I see that you have wasted no time. I'm still determining if you have a 
 sincere interest in working with us or alternatively have an axe to grind. 
 The latter is shining through.

Hi Matt,

I'd like to make our correspondence in public if you don't mind so my 
intention isn't mistaken.  My point wasn't at all to grind an axe.

1) That's no way to encourage a company which is already scared of open 
source to even think about releasing patches. (Sun's marketing isn't 
stupid.. they did this because it's good for them)
2) I am sincerely interested in your product (as others seem to be as well)

Code review, increased testing and viral marketing are all typically 
good things.  Anyway, hope this clears things up.


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Greenbytes/Cypress

2008-09-23 Thread C. Bergström
Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
 Today while reading EE Times I read an article about a startup company 
 named Greenbytes which will be offering a system called Cypress which 
 supports deduplication and arrangement of data to minimize power 
 consumption.  It seems that deduplication is at the file level.  The 
 product is initially based on Sun hardware (Sunfire 4540) and uses 
 OpenSolaris and a modified version of ZFS.

 I am surprised to first hear about this in EE Times rather than on 
 this list.
maybe you didn't grok it.
zfs-discuss mailing list