Re: [AMRadio] Antenna/Coax

2006-12-31 Thread Jack Schmidling
Ed Sieb wrote: You're missimg nothing, Jack. There is no issue, really. Hooking up 50 ohm coax to a 75 ohm anteena only provides an SWR of 1.5:1, which is not excessive. From a student's point of view, most of the discussions on the subject start out with titles such as the importance of

Re: [AMRadio] Heavy Metal Survey

2006-12-31 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Wilhite wrote: At one time, I found 5 different conversations on different frequencies, so I would say the night has been a success and welcomed. I found it a great opportunity to wring out my brand new S38B receiver. I bought it in the morning and spent hours putzing with it. I rigged

[AMRadio] Hallicrafters S38B

2006-12-31 Thread Jack Schmidling
I started my career as a ham with an S38B so yesterday I bought one to relive the good old days. It worked so well that I am going to set it up as my regular AM receiver. I was not too impressed with a wire hung around the room but when I put the dipole on it, it really came alive. After

Re: [AMRadio] creep

2006-12-31 Thread Jack Schmidling
A.R.S. - W5AMI wrote: Jack, to just assume that one of us using a Heavy metal rig might, or could, or does run illegal power is a slap in the face to the many folks To assume that my simple question assumes any such thing is a slap in my face. Don't troll here. I guess if you think

Re: [AMRadio] Heavy Metal Survey

2006-12-30 Thread Jack Schmidling
kenw2dtc wrote: Jack asked: wouldn't it be interesting to know how many of the folks with the capability to run illegal power, didn't or never do? I think it would be about as interesting as knowing how many people who own automobiles ever exceeded the speed limit. That's one way of

[AMRadio] Crystals, was... Forty and 80 meter AM freqs

2006-12-28 Thread Jack Schmidling
Donald Sanders wrote: Jack, crystals are hard enough to find and Bry does a service to most of us by providing a reputable source of needed crystals. Believe me he does not get rich off his service. He provides them at 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of other sources. Use your delete key. If all of the

[AMRadio] Heavy Metal Night

2006-12-28 Thread Jack Schmidling
I have been hearing of Heavy Metal Night this weekend but no info on what it is. I checked the ARRL sight and it does not seem to rise above the horizon there. What is this? Does a Ranger with my wife standing on it count? js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy,

Re: [AMRadio] The Attribution of Seminal Inventions

2006-12-27 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Lawson wrote: I'm looking forward to your info - there seems to be a possible lack in my own rather extensive collection of materials, books, papers and publications on this subject, some reaching back now over a hundred years Possibly time to eat crow here. I have accepted the

Re: [AMRadio] The Attribution of Seminal Inventions

2006-12-26 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Lawson wrote: but also the first working cathode ray tube usable for TV. H... NOT Braun, Thomson, Zworykin, Farnsworth... but Schmidling? I'm looking forward to your info - there seems to be a possible lack in my own rather extensive collection of materials, books, papers

Re: [AMRadio] Forty and 80 meter AM freqs

2006-12-26 Thread Jack Schmidling
I hate to be a creep but I find it hard to believe that I am the only one who finds your crystal peddling here just a bit tiresome and probably in violation of the group charter. It is one thing to offer personal gear for sale but you are clearly promoting a business here and it should be

[AMRadio] PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Ham Radio

2006-12-25 Thread Jack Schmidling
This seems like a good time to start putting together a Radio web page so I have featured my current station as a Photo of the Week. The POW started out as the Astro Photo of the Week but after about ten years of that I sort of used up the sky. I then started posting pictures of a General

Re: [AMRadio] HV Wire

2006-12-24 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rick Brashear wrote: Jack, How far do you have to run the wire(s)? Less than two feet. I made a new dolly for the cabinet which now extends about 8 out the back where the transformer will be bolted. I just need to run the HV to some sort of terminal strip and then to the plates of the

Re: [AMRadio] Forty and 80 meter AM freqs

2006-12-24 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I understand that there has been some AM action on the new part of the phone band on 75/80 meters - where should I look for activity these days? I think the best answer is to MAKE activity and stop looking for it. Like, call CQ anywhere you are allowed to and see

Re: [AMRadio] HV Wire

2006-12-24 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rick Brashear wrote: If you decide to go with the GTO-15 let me know and I'll send you enough to take care of it. Appreciate the offer but what is it? js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

Re: [AMRadio] Forty and 80 meter AM freqs

2006-12-24 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I did as you are suggesting for an hour and a half this afternoon on 7130 kc with the Harvey-Wells TBS-50 and had no response of any kind. Then I rigged up a VFO to it and snagged a short QSO right away on 7290. I have no experience with AM on 40 as I don't have an

Re: [AMRadio] The making of a Triode

2006-12-23 Thread Jack Schmidling
KA5MIR wrote: This is too cool. Also, they have a Triode Festival. Bet there's some serious AM'ing going on over there. This was my first youtube experience and I take back everything I thought about it (all bad). The only problem is that it is

Re: [AMRadio] HV Wire

2006-12-23 Thread Jack Schmidling
The electric fencer comes in two flavors, high impedance and low impedance. I haven't a clue how they work as they just contain a potted black box and some controls and leads. The functional differences are that one is faster and lower in voltage (roughly 1pps) and the other is higher in

[AMRadio] HV Wire

2006-12-21 Thread Jack Schmidling
Seems to me that inserting common lamp cord into clear PVC tubing, like 1/4 id, 3/8 od would make an easy to work and readily available HV wire and also serve the purpose of grommets. Problem is, I haven't a clue and can't seem to find any info on the insulation resistance of this tubing.

Re: [AMRadio] Tips for a newb?

2006-12-21 Thread Jack Schmidling
Conor Farrell wrote: Hey all, I'm interested in radio DXing (I'm an astronomer and radio astronomy is a big part of it), but as for equipment my setup goes as far as a FM/LW/AM receiver with CD and cassette players :) My budget of time and money wouldn't extend to much more at the moment (in

[AMRadio] WTB: HV Transformer

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
Seems like transformers are going the way of CW. After a month of looking, posting on 3 classified sites and several mail lists, Classic Radio Net and usenet, I am still looking for something as basic as 3000vct transformer. I can order one new from Dahl but that sort of takes the fun out of

Re: [AMRadio] WTB: HV Transformer

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Coleman ARS WA5BXO wrote: Jack: I really think you should consider the solid state rectifier option for at least the other two diodes and go bridge with the XFMR. That you have. Did some more research on that issue and it's a cute idea but as we discussed, the xformer has a WV of

[AMRadio] 811A Socket

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
Will an 811a fit into the same socket as an 866? js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver __ AMRadio mailing list List Home:

Re: [AMRadio] 3 kV CT transformer

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Lyles wrote: Jack, K9ACT, before you pay Peter D. to make a new transformer, I wanted to tell you that EBAY has transformers that meet your needs quite often. Search under HV Transformers, and Plate Transformers as keywords, and you will find various parts Been there and found nothing

Re: [AMRadio] 811A Socket

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
crawfish wrote: Yes. I got tricked on a socket I bought for my 866 supply. I thought all 4 pin ceramic sockets were the same as long as the hole size was the same. I bought a pair of Johnson types only to find they were to big by about a half inch. I had to rearrange things to get it in.

Re: [AMRadio] WTB: HV Transformer

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: I think the problem is the weight. I have a BC610 transformer, I don't want to sell it, but if I did, it's a bit crazy to ship something that heavy. It's only money but that is more than I need. Someone has offered me one but I am thinking of 50 lbs max. No matter

Re: [AMRadio] 811A Socket

2006-12-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Either way, a regular 4-pin socket (ceramic preferred of course) also works just fine. The same socket that holds your type 80 rectifier in your 1932 Philco, works just fine for the 811A. Guess I confused things a bit. I have two nice Johnson sockets for the 811

Re: [AMRadio] the 3600 - 3635 spectrum

2006-12-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
david knepper wrote: I am really tired of all the grumbling. Thank goodness they did not take any frequencies from us and you know that they could. Let's be pleased for what we got. Before we bang our heads on the ground groveling, keep in mind that these people owe their jobs to

[AMRadio] Aurora Alert.... It's here

2006-12-14 Thread Jack Schmidling
There is a nice auroral display going on now (7PM CST) which started about an hour ago. Be interesting to see how it develops. Right now it's up about 40 degs from the horizon with curtains, flares and fountains but no color other than vague green. Should be an exciting night. js --

Re: [AMRadio] Band Warming and K5SWK

2006-12-14 Thread Jack Schmidling
ronnie.hull wrote: who is gonna be net control for this wildness? I think you are dreaming but we will see. Me thinks what is needed is lots of the hated and despised QSO parties. If a bunch of people sit around and call CQ till they get bored and another bunch roam around and answer till

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-13 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: 2000 volt center tap is going to give you about 850 to 900 volts output max. I was affraid of something like that. Seems I got my RMS, Average and Peak screwed up. So before I do something dumb again, I need a 3000vct xformer to get about 1300vdc. Is this correct?

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-13 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jay Rusgrove wrote: js Might be a good time for you to take a break and hit the books for a while. It's one thing to ask for help on a particularly sticky or unusual problem but it's another matter to pose questions that are easily answered with a few minutes of study on your own. I have read

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-13 Thread Jack Schmidling
D. Chester wrote: I presume I can eliminate that drain if I drive with the Ranger and keep it all under 500 ma? Not sure what you mean by that. The power supply voltage will be much more steady if you have a constant load on it. What I meant by that is the power supply has only 500ma

[AMRadio] WTD: 1955 Handbook

2006-12-13 Thread Jack Schmidling
Anyone have a 1955 Handbook for sale? The only one I have is 1971 and far to modern for my needs. The magic of 1955 is that is the year I got my Novice license. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

Re: [AMRadio] I wish the Sun would control himself

2006-12-13 Thread Jack Schmidling
I really wish the Sun would avoid these outbursts while I'm trying to build stuff... Steve WD8DAS Indeed. He ruined the Noon Time Forum today. I could only hear two checkins one of which was about 90bd below his usual and the other about that much louder but no one else. Same thing

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-12 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: They look nice, but the mercury vapor rectifiers need to be treated well especially after a long idle period. You can direct sub a 3B28 argon rectifier tube, and not have to worry about the 866s. I took the trouble to put a window in the front panel and so, I

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-12 Thread Jack Schmidling
uvcm inc. wrote: Mercury ref tubes of all types have mercury that sticks to the glass and components inside. If you need any more info be glad to help. I have several patents in mercury vapor designs Problem is that this stuff is not mercury at least not liquid. There is plenty of that

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-12 Thread Jack Schmidling
D. Chester wrote: I'm not sure how much plate voltage and current you plan to run from the power supply, but it has been my experience with loads on the order of 2000-2500 volts at 600-700 mills or so, you don't have to worry about the need for step-start with choke input filter using a

[AMRadio] Millen HV connector

2006-12-12 Thread Jack Schmidling
Anyone have a male Millen HV connector? I only need the male part and hate to pay $17 for the set. Thanks, js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

Re: [AMRadio] Screen Modulated 813

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Wilhite wrote: A bit of cherry red is ok. Just remember what KYV said, don't exceed the plate dissipation of the tubes. Roger but isn't color a function of plate dissipation? In other words, can one use shades of red as real world indication instead of relying on theoretical

[AMRadio] Component ID please

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
The HV meter on my supply does not work and the series resistor inside seems to be open. No problem but there is another component across the resistor that I have never seen before and assume is a cap but don't know.. it also reads open. I posted a pic at for

[AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
I just ordered a trans for my pwsup and need to work around the hi/low step start designed into it. It uses the 220 line to provide 110 or 220 to the transformer. The new one is 110 so I do not have this option. I plan to reroute the hi/low switch to a resistor or better yet a light bulb to

Re: [AMRadio] Component ID please

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote: So perhaps the other device was another resistor to adjust the value so that the meter is more accurate than it was with just the one resistor. Well, the bands are black (background yellow) blue. Which would be 17 meg but it is also open and it is unlikely

Re: [AMRadio] AM 813s X 813s

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rbethman wrote: Hello All, Take a look at W3BYM's pair of 813s modulating a pair of 813s. A VERY robust, well designed, engineered, AND FINE sounding Homebrew! My recommendation would be to get the back issues. The price of back issues is $3.75 ea. The specific issues are: Number

Re: [AMRadio] Component ID please

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote: Jack, Check the meter with another meter and see if it is reading 1ma and is accurate enough. Actually, with the new 500k in the meter, it reads 10v with 10v in. Couldn't think of anything with a higher DC voltage to calibrate with but at least is is

Re: [AMRadio] Step Start

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote: Jack I would dispense with the startup circuit. With the choke input filter system and only 4mf of output capacitance you want need a start up circuit. It's a total of 8 mf for the record but I am now thinking that the hi/low switch was for low power tune

Re: [AMRadio] Component ID please

2006-12-11 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Coleman ARS WA5BXO wrote: Well then that proves that the movement is indeed a 1ma movement. Now you need to remove the 500K ohm if you are going to be using it with an external 5Meg else you will be 10 percent off in measurments. You could also leave the 500K inside, and replace

Re: [AMRadio] Re: Pw Supply

2006-12-08 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim candela wrote: Hey Jack, it is possible to use your two 866's or 3B28's in the positive side of the full wave bridge rectifier(+ output), and semiconductor diodes for the other two legs of the bridge (- output). Interesting idea. I will keep that in mind. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK:

Re: [AMRadio] A moment, a day, a passing of a generation

2006-12-07 Thread Jack Schmidling
As a reality check, I was infuriated yesterday when an Administration war monger declared that Iran has inflicted more injury and damage to the US than any other country in our history. No further comment. Jack K9ACT -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer,

Re: [AMRadio] Pw Supply

2006-12-07 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: Looking for a transformer since 1955, or a power supply? Actually, my brain. But a pair 813's modulated by a pair of 811's was a sort of mantra in those days. As a teenager in high school, all I could afford was an 807 modulated by a key and an S38. Now I'm rich

Re: [AMRadio] Re: Pw Supply

2006-12-07 Thread Jack Schmidling
Gary Schafer wrote: Now if you put two transformer secondary's in series and use a BRIDGE rectifier you don't have the core saturation problem because there is no DC in the individual cores. Current flows both ways in each transformer over the full cycle. Now that we settled that, we have

Re: [AMRadio] Pw Supply

2006-12-06 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: I would not buy anything from MFJ! The transformers are Ameritron for whatever that is worth. Why the big hurry, wait to find a good transformer, they are around. I have wanted one of these since 1955. I have waited long enough besides, at my age, time is at a

Re: [AMRadio] Pw Supply

2006-12-06 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Candela wrote: No you cannot do this. For full wave center-tap rectification the two windings must be on the same core. So much for that great idea. Thanks, js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

[AMRadio] Algore stuff

2006-12-05 Thread Jack Schmidling
Unfortunately, I just deleted the message before reading several more on the same topic and decided I needed to defend myself. Someone with a long sig file on Collins is complaining about my comments on Al Gore. For some reason he has singled me out as being particularly offensive and

[AMRadio] Pw Supply

2006-12-05 Thread Jack Schmidling
I am not having much luck finding a HV xformer for my power supply so an idea occurred to me that I would like to pass around. MFJ has a 900v one for about $100. Is there any reason why I can not use two of these and tie one side of the secondaries together and call that the center tap and

Re: [AMRadio] Pw Supply

2006-12-05 Thread Jack Schmidling
John Lawson wrote: On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Jack Schmidling wrote: I am not having much luck finding a HV xformer for my power supply so an idea occurred to me that I would like to pass around. Answer one of my emails, if you're getting them If you're *not* getting them, well, hey

Re: [AMRadio] PW Supply

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: All the homebrew power supply decks have voltage and current meters, then all the modulators and RF decks also have current meters. If you run both rf and modulator off one power supply, you get an indication on the power supply of the total current. Now that I am used

[AMRadio] Breaker Info

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
I need some help understanding the main power switch on my powersupply. I posted a pic to In the on position, the top and the bottom terminals are connected. This makes sense as this is one side of the AC line. I can not figure out what the center terminal

Re: [AMRadio] Catadioptric, was refractor

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
Geoff Edmonson wrote: In 1988, where was the Algore, then? He was sitting around thinking of things to invent while we were using them. Remember when there were 200 news groups? 'Reflector' is the proper term for the Mailing list your eyes are currently resting on. Never heard it

Re: [AMRadio] Catadioptric, was refractor

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
WØQFC wrote: Maybe you could find more information by using what President Bush uses: THE GOOGLE I wonder if he ever googled loser or failure or whatever it was that brought up his bio. He probably told Larry King about how you push little buttons and things. That what Larry asked a guest

Re: [AMRadio] Catadioptric, was refractor

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
ARS W5OMR wrote: That Al Gore story is an urban legend. That was but not the one about being a tree. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

Re: [AMRadio] Catadioptric, was refractor

2006-12-04 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Wilhite wrote: That is a hair splitter, Don. Al Gore took the initiative in creating the internet. I can see how some people shortened the quote. It doesn't take a whole lot of creativity to translate that into inventing it. He probably gets credit for coining the term electronic

Re: [AMRadio] where to sell AM stuff

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
VJB wrote: Brian, I support your policy development regarding the sale of items of interest to the AM Community via this Reflector. My brain is rebelling! What on earth is a reflector? js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems,

Re: [AMRadio] PW Supply

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: I would never use something that looked so nasty and poorly made Actually, it is very will made, laid out and laced like mil spec. I haven't a clue what you are talking about. like to use parts that look like they match Just what is it that does not match? You

Re: [AMRadio] where to sell AM stuff

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
Bry Carling wrote: Brian, I support your policy development regarding the sale of items of interest to the AM Community via this Reflector. My brain is rebelling! What on earth is a reflector? It's that thing wat sits next to the driven element and the director! Or perhaps a type of

Re: [AMRadio] PW Supply

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
Brett gazdzinski wrote: Its also poor practice to put the current meter on another deck, what happens when you want to use the power supply on something else? Yes indeed! How convenient to tune the RF deck while watching the plate current meter about 3 feet below it. The idea of putting a

Re: [AMRadio] Catadioptric, was refractor

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
VJB wrote: The term dates back quite a while, but maybe it's archaic now ! I have been on the Internet since before Al Gore invented it and I have never before heard the term. Darn thought I knew everything. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer,

[AMRadio] WTB: 866a socket

2006-12-03 Thread Jack Schmidling
I need one 866A socket for my power supply. I don't know if they come with this but the one in it is mounted on ceramic standoff's about half an inch long. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

[AMRadio] WTB HV PwTrans

2006-12-02 Thread Jack Schmidling
-- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver __ AMRadio mailing list List Home: Partner Website:

[AMRadio] PW Supply

2006-12-02 Thread Jack Schmidling
I am having some quality time with my new supply and have lots of questions about things I do not understand. First one is, this is a choke input with a pair of 4mf's across the output of the choke and a monster 100k bleeder. What bothers me is that there is a 10 ohm, many watt resistor

[AMRadio] pW SUP

2006-12-02 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rbethman wrote: Jack, What input volts, output volts, AND power rating are you looking for? You are faster than my fingers. That message went out before I finished it in fact I didn't even start it. I bought a HB powersupply today that for reasons too complicated to get into, does

Re: [AMRadio] AMRadio Net.... was AM contacts

2006-12-01 Thread Jack Schmidling
Todd, KA1KAQ wrote: On 11/30/06, Jack Schmidling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jim Miller WB5OXQ wrote: WB5OXQ will try to be there too. Called CQ for 10 mins and heard nothing. Were you or anyone else there? I had a couple of SSB ops light up on the frequency about 15 minutes before you said

[AMRadio] AMRadio Net.... was AM contacts

2006-11-30 Thread Jack Schmidling
Todd, KA1KAQ wrote: Sorry about that, Jack. I did listen earlier, then the band seemed to roll up. I shut of the tx and left the receiver running, but was in the basement hurling firewood. Hopefully tonight will be better? I am booked up from 8-9 local. It's the reading hour with my honey.

Re: [AMRadio] Wanted S38

2006-11-30 Thread Jack Schmidling
Anthony W. DePrato wrote: I have 3 or 4 left in my collection are you looking for a restored one or one to restore ? i have both all are working . My idea of restore is to get it working and use it. Cosmetics are not an issue. Email me with prices and pics (small pics). Thanks, js --

Re: [AMRadio] AMRadio Net.... was AM contacts

2006-11-30 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Miller WB5OXQ wrote: WB5OXQ will try to be there too. Called CQ for 10 mins and heard nothing. Were you or anyone else there? Jack K9ACT - Original Message - From: Jack Schmidling [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service

Re: [AMRadio] Wanted S38

2006-11-30 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i have a s40a This is strictly nostalgia and has to be an S38. Does anyone know anything about the pre-selector I keep hearing about for it? js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver

Re: [AMRadio] Wanted: 6DS4 Nuvistors

2006-11-29 Thread Jack Schmidling
Todd, KA1KAQ wrote: You sounded fabulous up here last Friday with the Bartlesville transmitter. Wonderful audio, 20+ over S9. I know this was addressed to someone else but one of the most pleasant QSO's I have had recently was with Todd a couple nights ago. There was absolute silence in

Re: [AMRadio] Wanted: 6DS4 Nuvistors

2006-11-29 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rick Brashear wrote: Amazing.. my spell checker gave me figure, finger and booger. BOOGER! How did that come from figger? If you would move out of the Stone Age and try Thunderbird, you would quickly recognize all sorts of other wonderful features that MS doesn't bother with. The figger

Re: [AMRadio] AM contacts

2006-11-29 Thread Jack Schmidling
Todd, KA1KAQ wrote: The 'clump' factor puzzles me, too. Sure would be nice to have 3-4 QSOs going on around the band, not just 4-5 kcs away (if at all). I have taken upon myself the task of de-clumping, first in time and second in frequency. I started the Noontime forum on 85 to heat up

Re: [AMRadio] 75 Meters Long Already

2006-11-27 Thread Jack Schmidling
KA5MIR wrote: Nothing, as long as it's not your only choice. Normally, you can generally choose your skip distance by selecting the appropriate band for the time of day. 20 and up for longer distances. 40 short during the day and longer at night. 75 and 160 for shorter distances.

Re: [AMRadio] New Transmitter

2006-11-27 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Wilhite wrote: In my 1964 handbook there is a One-Band Kilowarr Amplifier that uses a pair of 813s. It is grid input and would be easy to modulate using 811s or 572Bs. That brings up something that is confusing to me. I have been reviewing specs to get familiar with the more popular

Re: [AMRadio] New Transmitter

2006-11-27 Thread Jack Schmidling
Mike Sawyer wrote: Jack, Did you mean 572's or 872's? 572's are triodes and 872's are mercury rectifiers. I suspect you meant 572's. The 572 are ok but I'm here to tell you that the 813 is a damn near indestructible tube! I have seen plenty of 572's that have crapped out from abuse of

Re: [AMRadio] 75 Meters Long Already

2006-11-26 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 11/26/06 3:27:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Have you guys in the N.E., East West coasts had the same lack of short skip on 75 after dark? I do not understand this discussion and am not sure if it is good news or bad news. But I hear it a

[AMRadio] New Transmitter

2006-11-26 Thread Jack Schmidling
I am in the thinking stages of my next rig and would like some ideas. I am thinking of a pair of 813's or maybe even 4-250's but I can't seem to find any specific plans or designs on line. There must be lots of them out there. I found a thing called the 813 Maul which is 813's modulated by

[AMRadio] SNC Transformers

2006-11-22 Thread Jack Schmidling
I received the below message in response to our discussion about the Ranger mod transformer. Really nice to know that some of these companies are still around and even willing to whip up a replacement if we really need it. I have copied Laurie on this if anyone needs anything you can

Re: [AMRadio] D104 element Rebuilding

2006-11-19 Thread Jack Schmidling
Jim Candela wrote: Many years ago my Astatic 'Rochelle salt crystal element died from prolonged exposure in my garage. The output from it was low, and distorted. With a burst of curiosity, and desperation I took the bad element apart. Feeling I had nothing to lose, I did just that yesterday

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the Pics

2006-11-18 Thread Jack Schmidling
I did some more sig tracing and came up with some pics of where the trouble seems to be. Putting a 500 hz sine wave into the mic input, I see a nice sine wave until I get to the modulator tubes. The grid in standby looks close enough but when I go to phone mode it gets flaky. The plates

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the Pics

2006-11-18 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just my opinion. I have not been following the problem. What are you looking for?? Well, the current problem is the fact everyone complains about my audio. Tinny, yucky, narrow... like an old telephone, etc. New (used) D104 is the worst of the bunch but known

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the Pics

2006-11-18 Thread Jack Schmidling
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Jack: You did not give any reference to the p/p amplitude of the signals?? Missed this but I posted the numbers in a previous post but basically, they started at about 10 mv and increased with each step but I was in error with the 6l6 plate saying it was 50 v

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the numbers

2006-11-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
Gary Schafer wrote: Check at the center tap of the mod driver transformer with your scope and see if you see anything there. Could be a bad or missing bypass cap there. It's brand new but I didn't have a 15mf so I used a 47mf.. ditto for C59A. Check the jumpers on the plug in the back to be

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the numbers

2006-11-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rick Brashear wrote: Jack, The adjustable resistor (R35) has a direct affect on the screen of the 6146, so that is normal if the clamper (V6) is performing correctly. Then why is is called the modulator screen voltage adjustment on the schematic and used to adjust the mod current? You may

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the numbers

2006-11-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
Gary Schafer wrote: It's beginning to sound like a partially shorted mod transformer. I checked the resistances of the transformer earlier in the game and they are nominal. With 20 volts signal on the grids of the mod tubes I would think that you should see at least 200 volts on the

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the numbers

2006-11-17 Thread Jack Schmidling
Larry Taft wrote: Just from rule of thumb for audio tube amps you should get a couple hundred volts audio swing (not related to BIRD WATTS) at each plate to ground. 50 v is only a couple of watts audio. Could you explain the math on that? How do you arrive at watts knowing only volts?

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Modulation

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
Gary Schafer wrote: You can't reverse the plate leads on the modulator tubes I nearly got out of bed in the middle of the night to do it but I waited till after breakfast. First check to see that you have proper grid current on the 6146. 2.5ma is what the manual says... no problem. Be

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Modulation

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
A.R.S. - W5AMI wrote: Let's back up for a minute here. Jack, I know you said you got some bad audio reports on the air. What about the amount of audio? Did they indicate you were under-modulated? Yes. Did any of these guys offer a recording so you could hear it yourself? No Why did

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Modulation

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
Larry Taft wrote: What happens when you hook the sig gen to the mic input, skipping the D104? While you're at it do a frequency response curve of the setup. Oft times this is an interesting test. I don't think I have actually gone directly in but I have used 3 different mics and even an

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote: A 150 watt bulb is going to be pretty dim with just 40 watts RF but does it brighten up with modulation at all? Sure. This would agree with my estimate of 50% modulation. js -- PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Astronomy, Beer, Cheese,

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Modulation

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
KEY5MIR wrote: Connecting your audio generator to the mic input and tracing the sine wave through your audio stages with an Oscilloscope can be fun and educational if you like that kind of stuff. That might help you zero in on the problem. Other than watching it get bigger and assuming

[AMRadio] Ranger Audio... the numbers

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
I can not do a freq response test because I do not have a proper sig gen. Mine is a cheap step job and the amplitude is all over the place. I put a 1khz sine wave into an earphone sitting on the mic and measured p-p values with a scope Pin 2 V7A (grid) 5mv Pin 7 V7b

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio

2006-11-16 Thread Jack Schmidling
John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) wrote: Here is a quick test that might make some sense. Reduce the loading to 50 percent of the current in the final so that the RF output is only about 20 watts. And check the voice peaks then. Did that makes no difference. Really it is just a

Re: [AMRadio] Ranger Audio

2006-11-15 Thread Jack Schmidling
Rick Brashear wrote: I know this is a dumb question, but are you sure the D-104 is of the High Z variety? Not dumb at all. How can I tell? It puts out about 10mv ptp into a scope. Did not measure the DC resistance because I am not sure I can apply voltage to it safely. js -- PHOTO OF

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