[Ontbirds] 50+ Greater White-fronted Geese - Hagersville

2015-04-07 Thread Holden Family
Just found a group of 50+ Greater White-fronted Geese north of Hagersville, ON (Haldimand County) East (or southeast) side of the road, directly across from house #4353 on Hwy 6. Many birds are sleeping and some are below a hill, but a rough count hit 52 birds at one point... This ebird

[Ontbirds] Impure Common Teal (Green-winged Teal) in Stoney Creek

2015-04-02 Thread Holden Family
As unusual as this sounds - I'm currently looking at a Green-winged Teal that shows the features of a Eurasian Green-winged Teal - also known as Common Teal. Yet the bird shows a faint vertical white bar on the side of the breast, indicating its parents (or grandparents) have mingled with our

[Ontbirds] Neotropic Cormorant just flew east - Stoney Creek

2015-04-02 Thread Holden Family
Birders, some slight internet trouble here - but my Dad just spotted the Neotropic Corm flying east with 2 Double-crests past my condo near Green Rd. in Stoney Creek. We managed a few new photos. Earlier this morning, an adult male King Eider flew west and a female King Eider has been present

[Ontbirds] NEOTROPIC CORMORANT - Hamilton (flyby)

2015-03-31 Thread Holden Family
Birders, Around 8am this morning I had a small cormorant fly east past my condo (near Green Rd. in Stoney Creek on Lake Ontario), but did not have my camera ready and watched it slowly fly away... About 45 minutes later I watched a similar group (~20 Double-crested Corms) flying WEST, containing

[Ontbirds] Probable/Presumed Neotropic Cormorant - Fort Erie - 7 Oct 2014

2014-10-07 Thread Holden Family
Birders, Just after noon today at Mather's Park in Fort Erie - 2 Cormorants flying very close to shore (50ft) with one being notably smaller than the other. A quick look in the scope showed a bird with a dark bill and dull throat, but no obvious white feathers (that I could see, with precious

[Ontbirds] Cattle Egret at Tilbury SL

2014-10-06 Thread Holden Family
Andrea Orr, Natalie Leava and I just watched a Cattle Egret at the Tilbury Sewage Lagoons. After making several prolonged circles around the lagoons. Not sure if it landed out of sight, or kept going. Could be a sign of things to come, as Ontario has been under the influence of strong SW winds for

[Ontbirds] Lake Ontario @ Hamilton - 7 Sep highlights so far

2014-09-07 Thread Holden Family
Despite NW early, I had a number of highlights from my condo balcony looking at the west end of Lake Ontario. In the past hour, winds have shifted from the NE (typically much better), so hopefully the birds keep coming! So far today: 3 adult LITTLE GULLS (rare in Hamilton) 9 juv SABINE'S GULLS 3

[Ontbirds] Female Eurasian Wigeon at Hillman Marsh

2014-04-28 Thread Holden Family via ONTBIRDS
Birders, This evening there was a female EURASIAN WIGEON associating with several male American Wigeon in the far SW corner of the Hillman Marsh Shorebird Cell. The bird showed a rich reddish/orange cast to its brown head, and lacked the black spot at the base of the bill as shown by female

[Ontbirds] Franklin's Gull at Point Pelee

2013-10-20 Thread Holden Family
* If replying to this email - please respond to peregrin...@gmail.com* -- Birders, Around 3:15pm this afternoon I had prolonged looks at a 1st basic (1st winter) FRANKLIN'S GULL off the east beach of Point Pelee (due east of the Visitor's Centre). The bird was reasonably close

[Ontbirds] *** BROWN-CHESTED MARTIN *** flyby in Stoney Creek

2013-09-09 Thread Holden Family
Birders, This morning around 0915 I watched a BROWN-CHESTED MARTIN fly in off of Lake Ontario from the northwest, turn eastwards upon nearing the shore, then steadily fly past (perhaps 250-300ft up) until out of sight. The entire observation was probably 60-90 seconds. It was first obvious as a

[Ontbirds] Hamilton Lakewatching - Neotropic Cormorant and other recent highlights

2013-08-20 Thread Holden Family
Birders, A concentrated effort to turn up a Neotropic Cormorant from my Condo (301 Frances Ave in Hamilton) has turned up a noteworthy bird both yesterday and this morning. Thankfully I managed better photos today. A link to view them is here:

[Ontbirds] Kirtlands Warbler Pelee

2013-05-18 Thread Holden Family
10am along the bike path on the west beach. Just across from the group campground. Bird is a female and is slowly moving north. Brandon and Eric Holden ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization.

[Ontbirds] Spring update from the OBRC

2013-04-18 Thread Holden Family
Ontbirds subscribers, The annual meeting of the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC) was held on April 7th, 2013. At this meeting, the minutes of the 2013 OBRC Policy Meeting were formally accepted, and can be emailed to anyone upon request. We also formally adopted many changes to the OBRC

[Ontbirds] Update from the Ontario Bird Record Committee

2013-04-04 Thread Holden Family
Hello Ontario Birders! The Ontario Bird Record Committee (“OBRC”) held a policy meeting in Peterborough on Jan 26, 2013; with the goal of improving how the OBRC (a committee of OFO) operates to better serve the Ontario birding community. Comments were solicited in various venues, with the

[Ontbirds] Pelee Island Report: May 2, 2012

2012-05-02 Thread Holden Family
Pelee Island Highlights today: Least Bittern: Fish Point Peregrine Falcon: 1 at Fish Point early, 1 at Lighthouse Point in the afternoon Cerulean Warbler: Fish Point Grasshopper Sparrow: (2) NE corner of Island LeConte's Sparrow: NE corner of Island 22 species of Warblers were recorded on

[Ontbirds] 11 Marbled Godwits at Hillman Marsh - Apr 19, 2012

2012-04-19 Thread Holden Family
This evening there were 11 striking Marbled Godwits at the shorebird cell. Around 7pm they flew to the north. This seems to be an annual event at the Hillman Cell over the past few years, occurring on sporadic days (often warm SW winds) in late April. An extremely confusing passerine inside Point

[Ontbirds] Additional Niagara Birds today - Nov 27, 11

2011-11-27 Thread Holden Family
Apologies for the additional Niagara River posting. My darling girlfriend Jenn and I had some additional birds of note today along the river, beyond the previously reported Razorbill, AW Pelican etc. Black Vulture - 5 birds seen circling over NY between Adam Beck and the Queenston Docks mid

[Ontbirds] Northern Cardinal in Moosonee

2011-08-13 Thread Holden Family
This morning, Mark Jennings, Alan Wormington and I had a singing male Northern Cardinal in Moosonee at the intersection of Bay Rd. And Butcher St. Alan states this is the 2nd record for southern James Bay. Good Birding! Brandon Holden www.PeregrinePrints.com

[Ontbirds] Long-billed Dowitchers at Tilbury SL - Aug 4, 2011

2011-08-04 Thread Holden Family
Two adult Long-billed Dowitchers were present at the Tilbury Sewage Lagoons this morning (Aug 4) in the small/centre lagoon. Adult Long-billed Dowitchers have a habit of staying around in August when found, so there is a decent chance they will be present for a while yet (not that you heard it

[Ontbirds] Cattle Egret at Holiday Beach CA - Jul 22, 2011

2011-07-22 Thread Holden Family
Ontbirders, Very early this morning, Ken Burrell and I found an adult Cattle Egret at Holiday Beach Conservation Area. We observed the bird from the hawk platform, looking north into the marsh. It was roosting on a small snag near a feeding group of Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons, a bit

[Ontbirds] Fish Crows - Point Pelee

2011-05-16 Thread Holden Family
2 birds calling over the road to the tip, right now! Flying back and forth. Brandon/Eric Holden ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca For

[Ontbirds] Hornemann's-ish Hoary Redpolls - East of Matheson - Feb 18

2011-02-18 Thread Holden Family
If replying to this email, please send to peregrin...@gmail.com --- Birders, Today while birding in the far north, I encountered an incredible flock of Redpolls pulling seeds from a roadside snowbank.

[Ontbirds] Photos of the Netitishi Point Sooty Shearwater more

2010-11-25 Thread Holden Family
For those interested, I've added my collection of the distant images of the Sooty Shearwater Alan Wormington and I had at Netitishi Point, James Bay on November 13th, online here: http://www.blog.peregrineprints.com/2010/11/sooty-time.html Over the next 7-10 days, I'll be adding more

[Ontbirds] Moosonee area birds - Oct 24 to 29th. Sabine's Gull

2010-10-31 Thread Holden Family
My lovely girlfriend Jenn and I spent 5 days in the Moosonee area this past week. Bird life generally had a winter/boreal trend, with winter fiches, northern owls, boreal landbirds and gulls making for most of the noteworthy sightings. The most unusual observation came in the form of an adult

[Ontbirds] The Van Wagner's Beach Long-tailed Jaeger

2010-09-19 Thread Holden Family
Apologies for the continued posting about the Van Wagner's Long-tailed Jaeger, but this bird continued to be extremely cooperative throughout the day. Those with a few hours to spare were rewarded with surprisingly good views as it travelled the beach to harass Ring-billed Gulls. Later in the

[Ontbirds] Jaegers Continued - Van Wagner's Beach, Hamilton

2010-09-11 Thread Holden Family
The Jaeger show continued throughout the afternoon at Van Wagner's Beach in Hamilton. My Dad and I had the chance to view the show from an unusual location (boat) - so we missed out on several birds seen from shore. I heard the end of day totals were over 20 Parasitic Jaegers, 5 Long-tailed

[Ontbirds] Cackling Geese at the Toronto Zoo - June 13

2010-06-14 Thread Holden Family
A bit of a strange observation, but perhaps noteworthy for June. -- Yesterday at the Toronto Zoo - My lovely girlfriend Jenn Bock and I came accross 3 Cackling Geese in the Africa exhibit, mainly staying on their own away, but nearby to other wild Canada Geese and Mallards. As far as I could

[Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon at Point Pelee

2010-04-02 Thread Holden Family
11:55am, I had a gray juv. GYRFALCON fly south over the onion fields at the eastern end of Concession C. (towards the pelee marsh). The bird flew 1-2ft above the ground with steady, lazy flaps for 95% of the observation. The most recent observation in the sightings book of white speckled falcon

[Ontbirds] Kamchatka Mew Gull - Northwest of Belwood

2009-11-19 Thread Holden Family
Jon Pleizier and I had an adult Mew Gull today in a farmers field northwest of the town of Belwood (Near Arthur/Fergus) late this afternoon. The bird was seen at close range for a few minutes, before flying further into the field, and was eventually lost. The bird was quite large (Ring-billed Gull

[Ontbirds] phainopepla re-found

2009-11-11 Thread Holden Family
Just got a message from Stu Mackenzie saying he's refound the bird at 92 Aberdeen. Brandon Birdberry post ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list

[Ontbirds] Phainopepla correction

2009-11-11 Thread Holden Family
That's 92 Addington! Not aberdeen.. This is what happens when you try to put things out quickly! B ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list

[Ontbirds] new Dickcissel - Point Petre area - Prince Edward County

2009-10-06 Thread Holden Family
Jon Pleizier and I spent an hour around Point Petre this morning when Jon picked out a very colourful Dickcissel in a roadside pocket of warblers and sparrows.We had great views in the early morning sunlight. Directions: Point Petre is the southernmost point in Prince Edward County. The bird was

[Ontbirds] More on the Port Burwell Black-tailed Gull - and some photos of it

2009-09-29 Thread Holden Family
Many thanks to Ken for putting the word out about the gull on Ontbirds for me! I was checking the beach for gulls taking shelter from the very strong winds that were blowing from the SW. There was probably 10-15'000 birds between the beach at the provincial park and the beach on the oppsiite side

[Ontbirds] Hudsonian Godwit @ Mosaic Ponds - near Rock Point

2009-09-20 Thread Holden Family
Was visible from the road until a Peregrine arrived and started chasing Caspian Terns, flushing the bird out of sight to the back of the property. Lots of other waterbirds present, so maybe worth a look if you're in the area. Brandon Directions; Just south of Stromness on Haldimand County Road 3

[Ontbirds] Western Kingbird - Point Petre area - Prince Edward County

2009-09-17 Thread Holden Family
Not sure who first found this bird (initially seen sept 14/15 I think?) , but I stumbled across it today driving north away from the southern tip of Point Petre on RR 24. The bird was with a juv. Eastern Kingbird and was catching insects on the wire between the houses numbered 934 and 808. No idea

[Ontbirds] Long-billed Dowitchers at Amherstview Sewage Lagoons

2009-09-16 Thread Holden Family
Seven Juv. Long-billed Dowitchers present this evening. One of the most numerous shorebird species present! A Merlin flew by twice, which may have been the cause for low numbers. A large variety of ducks also present. Below are some old directions posted for this site on ontbirds: but be warned!

[Ontbirds] Dickcissel - Prince Edward County

2009-09-14 Thread Holden Family
Seen this morning at 7am at the very end of Point Petre Rd. Sitting on the hydro wires between the lighthouse driveway and the blue sign! Brandon Directions: from Picton follow RR 10 south through Cherry Valley. Turn right onto RR 24 and follow it as far south as you can go. Near the end of the

[Ontbirds] Black-throated Sparrow photos

2009-08-30 Thread Holden Family
I thought this bird was exciting enough to post some photos online for all to see. I have also noticed some of Alan Wormington's photos on the OFO photo page, as well as a few of Jean Iron's images on her own website (hopefully I'm not spoiling anything by announcing that). My own attempts can be

[Ontbirds] Orange Male Ruff @ Blenheim sewage lagoons

2009-08-02 Thread Holden Family
I was just called by Brandon Holden and he said that he and Kenny Burrell have just found a Orange Male Ruff at the Blenheim sewage lagoons. There are many other shorebirds present but as a side note there are no juvenile shorebirds of note. Lagoon Directions: Exit 401 at #90 (Communications

[Ontbirds] Photos of May 17th Black Swift at Point Pelee

2009-05-19 Thread Holden Family
There has been a lot of interest in seeing photos of the Point Pelee Black Swift (May 17), and I figured the easiest way for most to see would be an ontbirds post. Apologies for not posting a current sighting. Photos can be seen here: http://www.peregrineprints.com/RBpg/z09_BLSW.htm If you wish

[Ontbirds]California Lesser Black-backed Gulls in Thunder Bay

2008-10-11 Thread Holden Family
~~~If replying to this e-mail, please send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Late yesterday evening, at the John St. Landfill in Thunder Bay: 1 Juv. Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 1st basic California Gull 10+ Thayer's Gulls (several Juv.'s, 3 adults and 1 2nd basic) 3-5000 Herring Gulls and ~50 Ring-billed

[Ontbirds]no Little Stint at Townsend - July 28

2008-07-28 Thread Holden Family
Jean Iron, Ron Pittiway and myself birded the lagoons today in both the morning and evening (along with a handfull of other observers throughout the day), and did not see the Little Stint. Migrant Juvenile Shorebirds today included Least Sandpiper(2) , Semipalmated Sandpiper(1), Lesser

[Ontbirds]apparent Little Stint at Townsend Sewage Lagoons

2008-07-27 Thread Holden Family
After many visits to the Townsend Sewage Lagoons so far this July, myself, along with my Dad and Girlfriend, had a bird I am quite sure is an Adult Little Stint in the SE cell today. Unfortunately, water levels in the lagoon have risen considerably due to recent rains, and there is little exposed

[Ontbirds] Hamilton Naturalists Club Birding Report - Friday, May 30th, 2008

2008-05-30 Thread Holden Family
On Friday May 30th, 2008, this is the HNC Birding Report: Northern Shoveler Redhead Lesser Scaup King Eider Surf Scoter Black Scoter Bufflehead Ruffed Grouse Common Loon Red-necked Grebe Bald Eagle Peregrine Falcon Red Knot White-rumped Sandpiper Black-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo

[Ontbirds] Hamilton Naturalists Club Birding Report - Friday, March 14th, 2008

2008-03-14 Thread Holden Family
On Friday, March 14th, 2008 this is the HNC Birding Report: CALIFORNIA GULL Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Great Blue Heron Snow Goose Tundra Swan Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Bald Eagle Northern Goshawk Red-shouldered Hawk Golden Eagle American Kestrel Wild Turkey Killdeer Thayer's Gull

[Ontbirds]Niagara Falls area today

2008-01-30 Thread Holden Family
My Dad and I spent several hours (11am till dusk) around the falls, checking from the control gates to below the falls, on both the American and Canadian sides of the river. We somehow managed to miss the bird the entire day (we left goat island at 2:55pm), but both weather and gulls were very

[Ontbirds]Ross's Gull - FOund at the Niagara River

2008-01-28 Thread Holden Family
The Ross's Gull just landed on the middle of the river, half way between the Falls and the barge with a group of Bonapartes. Susan Holden for Brandon Holden ___ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding

[Ontbirds]Niagara River - Kittiwake and Harlequin

2008-01-10 Thread Holden Family
If replying to this e-mail, please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - as this e-mail is only used for ontbirds posts Birders, My Dad and I spent the last 2 hours of daylight making a quick check of the Niagara River. The only gull highlight was the 2CY Black-legged Kittiwake still flying below the

[Ontbirds]Niagara River - Unusual Birds - Dec 4th, 2007

2007-12-04 Thread Holden Family
If replying this e-mail, please send the e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - thanks! Birders, With cold temps keeping the fields frozen, we decided to check the gulls around the Niagara River. We checked from Queenston to above the falls. Great numbers of Bonaparte's, Ring-billed, Herring and Great

[Ontbirds] Fifty Point, Grimsby - Nov 23 - Purple Sandpipers, Cackling Geese etc.

2007-11-24 Thread Holden Family
Birders, Today at Fifty Point C.A. in Grimsby, my dad and I had: 2 Purple Sandpipers on the eastern most rock point (closest to Kelson rd.) 2 Northern Shrike's (one adult, one young bird - actually chased each other and gave loud calls) 2 Cackling Geese - in the main pond.. with one