Re: Cfqueryparam and a list

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Wright
Richard Dillman wrote: The *BIG* Question is do I need to use a cfqueryparam in the second query, and IF I do, how would I put the info into it IE what cfsqltype? You can use cfqueryparam value=#kidlist# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER list=Yes But you also might want to think about combining the

Re: Firefox Compatibility

2006-11-30 Thread Jim Wright
As for the cause of this, it looks like Firefox will send a form value for anything with name=, but IE does not, so perhaps that is the problem. It seems like you should see that listed in your cfdump though, and I don't see anything without a name. It looks like both IE and FF will submit

conference registration app

2006-11-30 Thread Jim Wright
Any recommendations/leads on a CF based conference registration app, preferably with integration? ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion information by

Re: conference registration app

2006-11-30 Thread Jim Wright
Snake wrote: It only took me a couple of days to knock together the cfdevcon site, so I'd say do it yourself. That is what I am leaning towards...but also I'm betting that the level of reporting and admin access that you expected of yourself was a bit lower that what a paying customer would

Re: Sean Corfield, it's time to approve my post

2006-11-30 Thread Jim Wright
Will Tomlinson wrote: Good timing Ray Camden! Thanks for posting this. Perfect timing! Of course, the links don't help much when, like the FAO Schwarz example, they describe a project that was built on CF 5 and Spectra, and then link to a

Re: CFQUERY: comma delimited list of id values

2006-11-29 Thread Jim Wright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All, I'm trying to figure out how best to pass a list of comma delimited id (numeric) values to another query. I'm having trouble with getting the list of id values to not have a , (comma) after the last value in the output. Any help would be very appreciated.

OT:robocopy gui

2006-11-29 Thread Jim Wright
I just saw this article, and thought some people here may find it useful..I use robocopy a lot for deploying files, but the array of switches can be a bit daunting...this utility seems to make it much easier to create a script...

Re: VPS - Rehashed....

2006-11-29 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Root wrote: Munson, Jacob wrote: I highly recommend viviotech for Linux VPS hosting... comes with BlueDragon at no extra charge if you ask for it. I'd highly recommend it as well. Jordan might jump in and correct me, but I believe they no longer offer the free BD Server with VPS

Re: Challenging Loop problem.

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Wright
Ian Skinner wrote: Then enhance it so that it can expand the pattern to more then 3 values per column. As mentioned in an earlier response, my pattern always has three columns, but it would be nice if I could have N possible values per column. The original assumed the same number of

Re: Challenging Loop problem.

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Wright
Ian Skinner wrote: Thanks again Jim, that looks pretty good on first blush. I was still working my brain through your first example. Hope it works for you...if you can tell us, I'm curious to find out what this is used for.

Re: Challenging Loop problem.

2006-11-28 Thread Jim Wright
Ian Skinner wrote: Yeah I'll let everybody know when I'm done. I was curious if anybody would guess from the patterns. My first thought when looking at them was that they had something to do with DNA sequencing (of course, then the list would be A,C,G,T).

Re: DateAdd in Query Statement

2006-11-27 Thread Jim Wright
Mark Leder wrote: I'm attempting to filter a query set based on a date. However, it looks like the DateAdd function is not in an ODBC format, so I can't compare the current date to the filePostDate + twgFileExpDate. I've looked around CFLib without success. How would I write this?

Re: DateAdd in Query Statement

2006-11-27 Thread Jim Wright
Mark Leder wrote: Outstanding! That was it (the filePostDate value not existing problem). Thanks Jim and Ryan. You also might want to use the CreateODBCDate function (without the time)...with the time part, you will have cases where... if now() = 11/27/2006 09:46AM and F.filePostDate =

Re: DateAdd in Query Statement

2006-11-27 Thread Jim Wright
sorry...shouldn't have had those #s around the right hand sides. fixed below. Jim Wright wrote: You also might want to use the CreateODBCDate function (without the time)...with the time part, you will have cases where... if now() = 11/27/2006 09:46AM and F.filePostDate = 11/6/2006 00

Re: Challenging Loop problem.

2006-11-27 Thread Jim Wright
Try this out... cfset thelist = 0,8,16 !---Seed the list with values, by default the first element is the last value in the list, and all of the others are the first value in the list, could also be set manually--- cfset p1 = listlast(thelist) cfloop index=lp from=2 to=#listlen(thelist)#

Re: multiple selection drop down list

2006-11-25 Thread Jim Wright
Pete wrote: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Law,2) INSERT INTO tbl_staffpracareas(practiceid,staffid) VALUES(Planning L' at line 2 I had assumed the practiceid would be a integer, but it

Re: multiple selection drop down list

2006-11-25 Thread Jim Wright
Pete wrote: If a user only selects one checkbox and hits submit then everything works fine. I would have the values 3,2 to work with. 3 being the value for pracarealist and 2 being the value for the staffed. If a user selects multiple checkboxes, the it falls over. I get values such as

Re: multiple selection drop down list

2006-11-25 Thread Jim Wright
Jim Wright wrote: Also, I just saw your message saying you are using default it will not accept multiple statements in a query batch, so the above method may not work at all, but I believe the solution that Michael sent will work. And I should qualify that by saying

Re: How do I get number of birthdays?

2006-11-25 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Faircloth wrote: CFIF Form.Earliest_Birthdate_Day is not Day and Form.Earliest_Birthdate_Month is not Month and Form.Latest_Birthdate_Day is not Day and Form.Latest_Birthdate_Month is not Month and (((Month(Client_Birthdate) =

Re: How do I get number of birthdays?

2006-11-24 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Faircloth wrote: Hi, all.yes, some of us are working today. I'm trying to output client info for clients who have birthdates between two designated months and days.not years. For example, I need to return all clients who have a birthday including and between Nov 27 and Dec 3, no

Re: multiple selection drop down list

2006-11-24 Thread Jim Wright
Pete wrote: td width=10%input cfif (#staffid# IS NOT )checked=checked/cfif name=#qGetPracticeAreas.practicearea# type=checkbox value='1'/td I would actually make the check boxes have the same name, and then just work off the list of values that is submitted... inputcfif (#staffid#

Re: Question about importing into access from tab delimited txt file

2006-11-24 Thread Jim Wright
Steve Good wrote: 2. Using code i'll put below, i get this error, and i am baffled. Here is the error: Invalid list index 17. In function ListGetAt(list, index [, delimiters]), the value of index, 17, is not a valid as the first argument (this list has 16 elements). Valid indexes are

Re: multiple selection drop down list

2006-11-23 Thread Jim Wright
Peter Tanswell wrote: I will probably save the selected practice areas in one field probably as a string. I would recommend against this...create a table to store the individual practice areas associated with a employee...something like tblEmployeePracticeArea employeeid practiceid Then when

Re: How can I make this query run correctly?

2006-11-22 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Faircloth wrote: Good morning, all. I'm having to directly query a MySQL database for a client because they can't access their web app on my server. I'm trying to get clients' whose birthdates fall with a date range. I've tried variations, with no success in returning *any*

Re: cfhttp - column name is invalid - huh?

2006-11-22 Thread Jim Wright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My syntax is correct yet I'm getting this error. Maybe I just a second pair of eyes to look at this. Thanks. Code CFIF ISDEFINED (FORM.client_family_id) CFHTTP url=; method=post name=keg

Re: Error handling best practices :)

2006-11-22 Thread Jim Wright
Oğuz Demirkapı wrote: Here is a good sample link. :) Interesting that the email address at the bottom to report the error still directs you to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What is wrong with this query?

2006-11-21 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: I have a sort function on a search results page that is giving me an Ambiguous column name error, and for the life of me I do not know why. I can sort by price, SKUName and photo just fine but cannot sort by city or state. I have a city and state column in the table I am

Re: Ok...I give up...why won't this code work?

2006-11-21 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Faircloth wrote: By studying your examples below, it seems that I would need to group the various query data on the output and not for the query itself? You need to ORDER the data in your query in whatever manner you want it output. So in the case of your query, you would want it

Re: Queries adding table Alias to column name - update

2006-11-18 Thread Jim Wright
Jochem van Dieten wrote: The only sensible response is to throw an error because the column name is ambiguous. IT would seem sensible...but no error occurs (at least in SQL Server..) cfquery name=test datasource=myDSN SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE TABLE ##thread ( threadID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,

Re: Queries adding table Alias to column name

2006-11-17 Thread Jim Wright
Dave Watts wrote: And, as far as what the driver is supposed to do: I would argue that it shouldn't let you run the query at all. You can't have two columns in the same query object with the same name. If it let you do this before, it shouldn't have. Perhaps it shouldn't...but at least in


2006-11-16 Thread Jim Wright
Axel Jensen wrote: I'm trying to create a most recently updated list of tracks that we update, and track our bugs, and feature requests with. SELECT DISTINCTe.createdByUserID,i.itemID, i.title, e.datecreated FROMevents e JOINv_items i ON e.itemID = i.itemID

Re: SQL Problem

2006-11-16 Thread Jim Wright
Mark Leder wrote: I'm stumped on this. How to I retrieve records that do not match (I'm wanting to display orphaned Companies that are not associated with Projects). Tried and using NOT and NOT IN() without success. SELECT, C.companyID, C.companyCity, C.companyState,

Re: Stupid Field Names

2006-11-16 Thread Jim Wright
James Smith wrote: While processing Amazon report files I notice that they have labelled most of their fields with - in. For example order-id and payments-date. Having queried this file how am I going to be able to refer to the field, obviously #order-id# won't work as it will try to

Re: Image manipulation

2006-11-10 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Root wrote: I'm gonna add a scaleToFit() method too that takes a maximum width and height and forces your image to fit within that space but still maintain aspect ratio. I have a mod to the resize() method which adds a preserveAspect argument that probably does what the

Re: Generating a spam score

2006-11-09 Thread Jim Wright
Jordan Michaels wrote: To do this, you could run the following command in CFEXECUTE: /path/to/spamassassin mailmessage.txt and then save the results. The results themselves will look something like this: # spamassassin test.txt X-Spam-Flag: YES X-Spam-Checker-Version:

Re: optimise sql

2006-11-06 Thread Jim Wright
Richard Cooper wrote: hi all, just looking at this query and thought there must be a better way of writing it. I'm probabley missing something obvious, here's the code: cfquery name=editAllPages datasource=#REQUEST.theDatabase# UPDATEcorpPages SET priority = priority -

CFHTTP Citrix Login

2006-11-03 Thread Jim Wright
From the Using CFHTTP to login thread Dave Watts wrote: are you trying to log your user into .NET so that later, when that user visits the .NET app directly, that user is logged in? If the former, you're on your way. If the latter, things get a little more complicated. In that case, you

Re: hosting recommendations

2006-11-03 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Root wrote: Jim Wright wrote: Their reliability seems to have improved lately, but I'll agree on the Control least on the linux side of things. With their linux control panel, you can't even create your own DSN or mappings. The windows CP is much nicer. that's

Re: hosting recommendations

2006-11-02 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Root wrote: HostMySite meets most of those - though I don't particularly like their control panel and they seem to have occassional reliability issues. I love their support though. Their reliability seems to have improved lately, but I'll agree on the Control least on

Re: hosting recommendations

2006-11-02 Thread Jim Wright
Munson, Jacob wrote: Vivio has shared accounts too. I don't believe they offer CF or BD on their shared accounts, though. ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion

Re: SQL while loop

2006-10-28 Thread Jim Wright
Richard Cooper wrote: Hi All, How would I turn this into an SQL while loop rather than a nested query? I never used while loops and can't quite suss it. Here's the code: !--- Select the priority of this service --- cfquery name=getAllServices datasource=#REQUEST.theDatabase# SELECT

Re: code beautifier for ColdFusion

2006-10-27 Thread Jim Wright
Jason Manaigre wrote: Hi guys, I could never get tidy to work properly with CF files, does anyone have a config file to share? I use tidy all the time, its fantastic. I was curious to see if HS had a config file...and the file are kept in... C:\Program

Re: Odd values appearing

2006-10-26 Thread Jim Wright
Pete wrote: Basically I don't know what these ContactFormGo.x and y values are or have come from. When you use a input type=image, the values that get sent buy clicking on that image are the x and y pixel count relative to the image you clicked on. This is used by server side image maps to

Re: Odd values appearing

2006-10-26 Thread Jim Wright
Adkins, Randy wrote: yes, you can change from using an IMG for your submit button to a normal submit type. Thus only the value of the submit button would be transmitted. alternatively, you could change your submit image to something like: a href=# onClick=document.myform.submit();img

Re: form target

2006-10-26 Thread Jim Wright
Ken wrote: Thanks guys. However, instead of passing the variable through a form variable, i decided to send it in the url. But its not working either. Here's my code. Please tell whats wrong in it: form name=popupform 1 input type=radio name=resid value=1 checked=checked /br / 2 input

Re: Firefox extension

2006-10-24 Thread Jim Wright
Bobby Hartsfield wrote: Ok let me rephrase that. Is there one in particular that you use and can vouch for as not being complete crap? For what you are looking for, you probably would want to get one of the BB, Palm or CE emulators

Re: code beautifier for ColdFusion

2006-10-23 Thread Jim Wright
Greg Luce wrote: Codesweeper works great for me in Homesite. I modified the default one a bit and use it on any inherited code. Anyone have any great Codesweeper profiles they are proud of and would like to share? Unless you are looking for an automated tool to do hundreds of files. As far

Re: Noob MSAccess query struggle

2006-10-22 Thread Jim Wright
Walter Conti wrote: cfquery name=getSigs datasource=firme select signerName, signerLocation, signerComment, dateSigned, MIN([dateSigned]) as startDate, MAX([dateSigned]) as endDate from signatures where signatures.petId ='#id#' group by signerName, signerLocation, signerComment, dateSigned

Re: verity search question (directory files and database)

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
alex poyaoan wrote: hi all is there a way i could combine a verity search for files on directories and also on a sql database? You can search multiple collections in a single cfsearch. There are some caveats depending on what you want to do with the results, though, and the subject was

Re: IE7 ?

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote: LOL... I suppose then your answer is...I bet you could get IE7 to run on Windows 2000 (even if it is standalone) but it would not be supported. I'm betting the only way you will get to run IE7 on Win2000 is in a VM running XP...or in a VM running linux with

Re: Get DNS servers programatically

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
lists wrote: Hello, I'm looking for a way to obtain the DNS servers of a domain without having to do a whois and parsing the whois information. I have been able to get the IPs of but can't get and from if those

Re: Recommendations for a mail server...

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
Rick Faircloth wrote: Thanks...I'll check it out... I did notice that I have to pay $199 for the Pro Edition for multiple domains and then only get 1 email or phone call for support before having to start paying for support. That's the open source model...not the retail software model.

Re: Recommendations for a mail server...

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
Jim Wright wrote: Rick Faircloth wrote: Thanks...I'll check it out... I did notice that I have to pay $199 for the Pro Edition for multiple domains and then only get 1 email or phone call for support before having to start paying for support. That's the open source model...not the retail

Re: Get DNS servers programatically

2006-10-19 Thread Jim Wright
Dave Watts wrote: Or nslookup on windows: cfexecute name=nslookup.exe timeout=5 arguments=-q=ns variable=dnsinfo / cfdump var=#dnsinfo# You will have to parse the output of nslookup or dig just like you would with whois. My understanding was that the original poster

Re: Old Bit mask Presentation

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Ken Monroe wrote: Howdy! There was a presentation on the use of bit masks and user permissions made to the Arizona CFUG back in 2000-2001. I'm trying to find a copy of that presentation or something similar. I went to the current Arizona CFUG but it doesn't come up when I search their

Re: Announce: RIAForge

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Ray, Do you have any plans to release the forge itself as a project? It looks like it makes use of many of your other projects, and the integrated product would probably make a pretty good project management/issue tracking app for many dev shops. My initial impression is a clean, uncluttered,

Re: Select distinct on multiple columns

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Gareth Hughes wrote: I'm turning my brain to mush with a SQL conundrum and wonder if anyone can offer some help. I keep a record of what people searched for, the date/time they searched for it and the page they were on when they searched. My table consists of three columns

Re: SQL compare software

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Mike Chabot wrote: Remember that the database is the most important part of the Web site, and you don't want to use any tool that may have some bug that could result in data loss. I believe that RedGate does a good job with QA testing and they have been supporting their software for a long

Re: Action Query

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Terry Troxel wrote: Has anyone run a MS Access action query using a cfquery statement or any other way in CF? I need to somehow do a Make Table query in Access and would appreciate any Input to help figure this out if it is possible. Terry Troxel This may help you...

Re: Action Query

2006-10-18 Thread Jim Wright
Terry Troxel wrote: My bad. I obviously stated my problem wrong. I have a make table query defined already in access as MakeAR1 that takes a link to an existing table(Mas90 ODBC source named AR1_CustomerMaster) and creates a new Access table(AR1). I would like to somehow run that

Re: Output Query over another Query Ahhh!

2006-10-17 Thread Jim Wright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All, I'm trying to take the records/coupons that match the first query criteria and pass them to the second query where and match. PROBLEM: I'm getting all the in one long bunch. So instead of being able to apply each id in the

Re: video hosting?

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Wright
Ray Champagne wrote: We have a client who is asking us our advice for hosting of a site that will be streaming a lot of video. Basically, the site is going to host virtual tours for Real Estate. His requirements are that the host has enough bandwidth to handle a lot of video requests, and

Re: video hosting?

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Wright
Russ wrote: Other then being able to seek within the stream, are there any other benefits of streaming vs progressive download that I'm not seeing? When I was looking into this, I came across this article which discussed the differences:

Re: Homesite Problem

2006-10-16 Thread Jim Wright
Richard Colman wrote: It used to work transparently for a long time. Nothing has changed on the client end and these are commercially hosted sites (Crystaltech, etc.). If any of the sites are hosted on HMS, I've had cases on two separate domains in the last week where their FTP user database

Re: how to create a new column in an exist ing table without uploading a new db fil e

2006-10-15 Thread Jim Wright
nick way wrote: is there a way to create new columns in tables (and even to create new tables perhaps) via CF so i dont have to do this downloading / uploading procedure to my mdb documnet (i'm using an access database by the way) What you are looking for is the Data Definition Language

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-13 Thread Jim Wright
Sixten Otto wrote: The information that the modification is needed is cleverly concealed in a single sentence in the livedocs (and probably also the dead tree version); see under Field Searches: Then scroll down to the

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
Sixten Otto wrote: That's not the case. (Certainly not in MX7, but I don't think it was true in earlier CF/Verity versions, either.) Our content management system uses the custom fields extensively when indexing both database content and physical files. They're pretty much the only way

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
Dave Watts wrote: I don't think this is directly possible. However, there's no reason why you couldn't index your files and your database content separately. Then, when someone searches, have them query both collections, and go through the results and match your database entries to your file

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
loathe wrote: Query of queries? QoQ can be very effective when combining a Verity search with a database query...allowing you to output more than just the data that verity has indexed, but still keep the order intact. But in this case there would be a search that results in something

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
project requirements cf_custom1:`application/msword` annual report cf_custom1:`application/pdf` design templates cf_custom1:`text/html` Does using this syntax actually do a search of the custom1 field, or just filter on exact matches?

Re: Google Table of content in search results

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
Ben Nadel wrote: Hey all, On some of clients, we have noticed that when we google them, the home page will come up and then under it, there will be a sort of table of contents of the site. See Dewey Ballantine: Is this something that

Re: cfindex type=file question

2006-10-12 Thread Jim Wright
Sixten Otto wrote: If you're asking, can I do field searches that still benefit from the stemming, etc. that Verity applies to regular search words? then... I'm not sure. For example, if you put a set of keywords in custom2, and wanted to do something like: cf_custom2:important

Re: Just joined; looking for advice

2006-10-11 Thread Jim Wright
All that said, there is a good chance that you'll spend less time coding as a business owner and more time dealing with crazy insane client issues. I think this is one of the best comments that I've seen in this thread. Be prepared to deal with billing, contracts, negotiations,

Re: Output list of fields names from table

2006-10-07 Thread Jim Wright
Les Mizzell wrote: What's the quickest dirtiest way (for testing only) to output all the field names from a specific table - assuming you've *no* idea what the field names are to start with and can only get at the table (for the moment) through a query on a CF page? cfquery

Re: multiple selects problem

2006-10-06 Thread Jim Wright
Seamus Campbell wrote: Hi I've got a field called category - which can have multiple parent_categories. I want to display all the parent_categories a category has in a drop down box in a form. I can only get it to show ONE parent_category. Below is my current code - can anyone give a

Re: [Reply To] Re: multiple selects problem

2006-10-06 Thread Jim Wright
Seamus Campbell wrote: Many thanks - worked perfectly Seamus Glad that helped, and I hope I don't confuse matters, but I wanted to point out another method you could use... Your first query could be changed to something like: CFQUERY NAME=get_parent_categories DATASOURCE=#request.DSN_main#

Re: CF SQL question

2006-10-05 Thread Jim Wright
Tim Laureska wrote: I hope this is an easy one. using SQL Server 2000.. Have a query trying to test for empty fields. tried the following and other variations but no luck: where members.speakers IS NOT WHERE members.speakers '' Also you might need to add in a AND

Re: CF sort of fully qualified objects

2006-10-05 Thread Jim Wright
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All, I'm using SQL Server and we login in under an account other than dbo When I do my cfquery's, they won't work select * from tablename unless I use select * from username.tablename. Why is this and do I want to use fully qualified objects? Thanks. D If

Re: CFIF statement in query

2006-10-04 Thread Jim Wright
Aaron Rouse wrote: He wants it when the ucDescription contains that value and is not just equal to it or was that a typo in his CFIF? The case when then method may not work depending on what DB he is using and the version of it. Use a CASE statement in your SQL... cfquery

Re: Another MSSQL issue, why is DISTINCT so slow?

2006-10-04 Thread Jim Wright
James Smith wrote: In CF and that takes about a second, so why is it taking 1:15 for MSSQL do do it in one operation? One thing to keep in mind is that the SQL you write and send to SQL Server is being interpreted by their query optimization code...which is written by humans and

Re: accordion css control?

2006-10-03 Thread Jim Wright
Ray Champagne wrote: Does anyone have any good examples of an accordion css control? I basically need to have 3 sections be completely collapsed on page load, then open when clicked on, and have linked content underneath that pushes any content under the control downward. I think this is

Re: SQL 2005 using .sql file for new db

2006-10-03 Thread Jim Wright
Dave Watts wrote: Thanks Dave. You said open Query Analyzer and run the file. I don't see where in QA I can open a file... I don't have it in front of me, but I'm pretty sure there's an option to open a text file. If you can't find it, you could open the file in Notepad, then copy and

Re: CFIF statement in query

2006-10-03 Thread Jim Wright
Adrian Wagner wrote: Hi all, Here's the deal. I need to order a query by a particular sequence that is not in the database, nor can it be implemented in the database (the data is imported daily from a third party which does not provide this sequence). So, the solution my co-worker came

Re: Interesting new MSSQL problem.

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
How can I randomise these records while having them remain distinct? Perhaps making use of a temporary table... SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 t1.Field1, t2.Field2 INTO #foo FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (some id's) SELECT field1,field2 FROM #foo ORDER BY newID() DROP TABLE #foo SET NOCOUNT

Re: Arghhhh!!

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: Ok, I found the culprit, but still do not understand why it only happens with one certain make. ORDER BY CASE WHEN categories.category = 'Other' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, categories.category Doug, What results do you get back if you run this query directly on the

Re: Arghhhh!!

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: Jim, I think this is happening in the second query that I am running. I was having a problem with my menu system to where when there was no more data to populate the menu it would dissapear. anyhow I added a second query to get the last set of cat_id's viewed. I have

Re: Arghhhh!!

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: BadaBing. That did the trick. I think I need to brush up on my SQL a bit. :-p Thanks alot Bud Doug I'm glad you figured it would be a real shame for a car like this to just disappear...

Re: Arghhhh!!

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: Hey Jim...I have one more quick question for you. As I stated before I have just the one table to display the makes and models for the menu, and I am kinda dumbfounded as to how to display all the makes on one page with their corresponding models beneath them. Can this be

Re: Interesting new MSSQL problem.

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
DURETTE, STEVEN J (ASI-AIT) wrote: Actually, this can be done like this... Select top 5 field1, field2 From (select distinct t1.Field1, t2.Field2 from t1 join t2 on (some id's)) Order by newID() The inner query takes care of the distinct and makes the outer query believe that it

Re: Arghhhh!!

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: See, there I go again not making my self clear. The table actually has more than just makes and models of cars. It has antiques, autos, furniture, blah blah. each parent category has it's child category and each child has it's own child. As an example, Antiques would have a

Re: good file/folder icons?

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Ray Champagne wrote: Anybody got any good icons (for web, gifs preferable) for files and folders? ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date

Re: Inner Join Across Two Data Sources?

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Tim Claremont wrote: I see where I can create the linked server, but the foxpro database and the SQL database are on the same server. When I enter the name of the server, it says I cannot create the local server as a linked server. To clarify, the FoxPro database is in a directory on the

Re: slightly OT? CF based print driver?

2006-09-28 Thread Jim Wright
Peterson, Chris wrote: Has anyone ever looked into writing some form of windows print driver before? What I would like is to have a printer installed on the end user's machine that, when they print, an image is inserted into my database, with a screen to allow them to index it (maybe have

Re: Help displaying a query result

2006-09-27 Thread Jim Wright
Doug Brown wrote: I have a list of categories, and I want to sort them ascending, but I need to have the category (other) always listed last. Anyone have ideas on how to accomplish this? IE: Baby Backpacks Baby Carriers and Slings Baby Jumpers Play Pens Vibrating Chairs Other My

Re: Outside domain emails causing error

2006-09-26 Thread Jim Wright
Web Master wrote: Can anyone explain why I am receiving this error? It only occurs when my program tries to send a conformation email to someone with a email address outside our domain. i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] A problem occurred when attempting to deliver mail. This exception was caused

Re: Escaping parentheses in table names (querying MS Access DB)

2006-09-26 Thread Jim Wright
Jamie Jackson wrote: The table name is qry 1(1) (everything between the quotes). SELECT * FROM [qry 1(1)] I tried the above, but it yields: Error Executing Database Query. Undefined function 'FormatNumber' in expression. Any ideas? SELECT * FROM `qry

Re: Escaping parentheses in table names (querying MS Access DB)

2006-09-26 Thread Jim Wright
Jim Wright Wrote: SELECT * FROM `qry 1(1)` Thanks, but same issue with that syntax. Jamie Did you do an grave accent (ascii 96), not a single quote? That works in a local version of Access. ~| Introducing the Fusion

Re: Escaping parentheses in table names (querying MS Access DB)

2006-09-26 Thread Jim Wright
Perhaps you could just create a query in Access with a friendly name that just selects all from the oddly named table. Then use that query name in CF. ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of

Re: Escaping parentheses in table names (querying MS Access DB)

2006-09-26 Thread Jim Wright
Jim Write Wrote: Did you do an grave accent (ascii 96), not a single quote? That works in a local version of Access. Yeah, I used the `. Unfortunately, what works *in* Access doesn't necessarily work from CF. For instance (it's been a while since I've used Access from CF, so don't quote

spamassassin stopping cftalk messages

2006-09-25 Thread Jim Wright
I was noticing that quite a few messages from cftalk were not getting through to me...and finally had a chance to investigate. Apparently my server's spamassassin install doesn't like a lot of the messages that come through. Mainly it looks like this is due to the messages having elements

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