[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: How the US created al Qaeda

2010-08-18 Thread Scott Munson
*Brasscheck TV: How the US created al Qaeda* http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/915.html How the US created al Qaeda. Video: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/915.html NWO Brasscheck TV: How the US created al Qaeda http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/915.html Video: Nwo’s Secret Weapon!! –

[cia-drugs] The Story of Your Enslavement

2010-08-08 Thread Scott Munson
The Story of Your Enslavement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A ECO http://earthchangesmedia.com The Sun Wakes Up; M-Class Flare Heading Our Way NWO Brasscheck TV: How TV programs us http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/695.html VIDEOS New SFpark San Francisco Parking

[cia-drugs] Facebook a CIA Front? Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

2010-05-06 Thread Scott Munson
Facebook a CIA Front? Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook To: crowdpo...@yahoogroups.com Cc: boyc...@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook Yeah, still the alleged second-round funding from *In-Q-Telhttp://www.iqt.org/ * (Accelerating Innovation for the

[cia-drugs] LA Times 4/11/10: Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor killings

2010-04-12 Thread Scott Munson
Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor killings http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-kissinger11-2010apr11,0,3413800.story To: The Forum Yahoo Group the_for...@yahoogroups.com Kissinger cable heightens suspicions about 1976 Operation Condor killings

[cia-drugs] What do Lincoln, Kennedy, and the Polish President all have in common?

2010-04-11 Thread Scott Munson
What do Lincoln, Kennedy, and the Polish President all have in common? 4-11-10 Was it they all said no to the banksters? Here is an interesting article that some are saying could have been the reason the polish pres was suddenly relieved of life in the tragic air crash. Kinda funny how after

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: Life, liberty and the pursuit of sanity

2010-03-01 Thread Scott Munson
Free Speech: see just how fun and empowering it can be. Try it. You'll like it! Brasscheck TV: Life, liberty and the pursuit of sanity ... cia-drugs-subscr...@yahoogroups.com for more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAQrsA3m8Bg Brasscheck TV: Life, liberty and the pursuit of sanity Life,

[cia-drugs] Sovereign: Canadian Customs Wants Your Laptop, Too …

2010-01-20 Thread Scott Munson
Sovereign: Canadian Customs Wants Your Laptop, Too… http://bit.ly/6Sasao Mark Nestmann (January 18, 2010) http://sovereignsociety.com/2010/01/18/sovereign-canadian-customs-wants-your-laptop-too%E2%80%A6 U.S. customs authorities have assigned themselves the authority to copy all data on your

[cia-drugs] Doug Valentine: CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan

2010-01-10 Thread Scott Munson
Doug Valentine: CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistan http://mindbodypolitic.com/2010/01/05/doug-valentine-cia-killings-spells-defeat-in-afghanistan January 5, 2010 http://mindbodypolitic.com/category/war/ *Douglas Valentine*http://www.douglasvalentine.com/the_hotel_tacloban_11711.htm *,*

[cia-drugs] Police use DRONES to spy on AMERICANS http://ur1.ca/j22w

2010-01-05 Thread Scott Munson
(truthnews.us) Police use DRONES to spy on AMERICANS http://ur1.ca/j22w SOS Patriots Cave 2010 Situation Report http://patriotscave.blogspot.com/2010/01/patriots-cave-2010-situation-report.html THE AMERICAN ZOMBIE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keXKgjs6eqw http//sheriffmack.com Very

[cia-drugs] Very cool G. Edward Griffin documentary: The Capitalist Conspiracy http://bit.ly/lU5Ud Pass it on!! CFR Council on Foreign Relations

2009-12-29 Thread Scott Munson
Very cool G. Edward Griffin documentary: The Capitalist Conspiracy http://bit.ly/lU5Ud Pass it on!! CFR Council on Foreign Relations 23:00 As far back 1907 Trotsky was financed by British Bankers. By 1917 the major financing of the Communist Revolution in Russia was coming through Lord Alfred

[cia-drugs] new monetary regime coming soon

2009-12-28 Thread scott munson
The dollar has lost 95% of its value since 1900. It will soon loose much of what's left. Buy land, with water so you can raise your own food. Invest in CSA agriculture or start an organic farm. Pool your resources with neighbors and friends. BUY GOLD do something, but: GET OUT OF THE DOLLAR

[cia-drugs] SoverAnia: Singing ~ DOWN ~ the Gore-Lords!

2009-11-26 Thread Scott Munson
From: millennium yoniblues...@yahoo.co.uk World Temperature Changes Chart for the Last Two Thousand Years -- Note that it has risen dramatically over the last four hundred years ... COPENHAGEN Lord Monckton rap battles Al Gore - Climate-Gate? - Rap News Video -- * *

[cia-drugs] [PEPIS] PEPIS#118 CIA documentary maker Allan Francovich

2009-11-02 Thread scott munson
From: Tony Gosling n...@cultureshop.org.uk Date: November 1, 2009 4:42:35 PM PST To: PEPIS pe...@googlegroups.com Subject: [PEPIS] PEPIS#118 CIA documentary maker Allan Francovich Allan Francovich - Operation Gladio part 2 of 3, BBC Timewatch (1993)

[cia-drugs] Breaking swine flu news: State opts not to give flu shots at schools + anthrax vaccine GWI

2009-07-26 Thread Scott Munson
One down . forty-nine to go. Rock-n-roll or be ready to lock-n-load. - TR *Besides these forwarded links, note:* *Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination Risks* Excellent documentation http://www.wanttoknow.info/health/vaccines_swine_flu_mandatory Blessings, the Toxic Reverend


2009-02-24 Thread scott munson
You are 99% mistaken, radar, if you say he is a total fraud. If he omits 1% of the info, well that's still BETTER than anyone I know exposing the Global Police State. Nobody is perfect. I am not perfect. you are not perfect. I don't know anyone who is perfect. I will not discredit Alex Jones

[cia-drugs] Dick Cheney admits Bin Laden is innocent of 911

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
Dick Cheney admits Bin Laden is innocent of 9/11! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgtWjGZhk8 Family Pets: Victims of Hard Economic Times http://advocacy.britannica.com/blog/advocacy/2008/05/family-pets-victims-of-hard-economic-times

[cia-drugs] Obama and Biden To Protect Bush Administration Criminals

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
Obama Biden To Protect Bush Administration Criminals Reply-To: governmentsha...@yahoogroups.com Obama Biden To Protect Bush Administration Criminals Nuremberg trials also judged a waste of time Paul Joseph Watson December 22, 2008 It's par for the course for Obama and Biden, the men who

[cia-drugs] merry pranksters solstice! Santas Wrap Up Traffic Cameras in Arizona

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
merry pranksters solstice! Santas Wrap Up Traffic Cameras in Arizona Reply-To: activist_l...@yahoogroups.com On 12/23/08, Robert Jereski mutual...@earthlink.net wrote: http://www.myfoxny.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=8132384version=1locale=EN-USlayoutCode=TSTYpageId=3.1.1 *Santas

[cia-drugs] World Faces Total Financial Meltdown: Bank of Spain Chief

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
World Faces Total Financial Meltdown: Bank of Spain Chief doctorplum-subscriberyahoogroups.com http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5h2SsVV8JJZk5ooieD_bfpKcrg_qw MADRID (AFP) — The governor of the Bank of Spain on Sunday issued a bleak assessment of the economic crisis, warning

[cia-drugs] FDA Warns Coca Cola Over Nutrient Claims In Diet Coke

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
FDA Warns Coca-Cola Over Nutrient Claims In Diet Coke activist_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com http://www.naturalnews.com/News_000631_FDA_diet_coke_product_labeling.html FDA Warns Coca-Cola Over Nutrient Claims In Diet Coke

[cia-drugs] Culture of Surveillance Creeps Across Europe, Despite Resistance

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
Culture of Surveillance Creeps Across Europe, Despite Resistance doctorplum-subscr...@yahoogroups.com http://www.kansascity.com/451/story/942458.html Despite the fact that fascism and repressive state security services dominated Europe - East and West - at different points in the 20th

[cia-drugs] Rachel Maddow BailOut Blues

2008-12-24 Thread scott munson
Rachel Maddow - BailOut Blues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nbOXvM91kA AIG Got $150 Billion bailout of taxpayer $, still has 7 corporate jets. JP MORGAN received $25 BIllion, 4 jets B of A (a Rothschild bank) got $15 Billion, still has 9 corporate jets Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

[cia-drugs] Change? Obama Inner Circle Filled With Bilderbergers

2008-12-18 Thread scott munson
Change? Obama Inner Circle Filled With Bilderbergers doctorplum-subscr...@yahoogroups.com http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/obama_bilderbergers_160.html By Victor Thorn FOR TWO YEARS, Americans have heard an unrelenting mantra of change emanating from the campaign trail. But now that

[cia-drugs] Time To Arrest War Criminal Dick Cheney

2008-12-18 Thread scott munson
Time To Arrest War Criminal Dick Cheney? bushshouldhavebeenimpeached-subscr...@yahoogroups.com http://zct168.blogspot.com/2008/12/time-to-arrest-war-criminal-dick-cheney.html Time To Arrest War Criminal Dick Cheney? (video) Dick Cheney went on record this week admitting to ABC News that he knew

[cia-drugs] Wall Streets Disaster Capitalism for Dummies

2008-12-14 Thread scott munson
From: a_cascadian no_re...@yahoogroups.com Date: December 12, 2008 6:41:46 PM PST To: cascadian_bioregional...@yahoogroups.com Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies' Reply-To: cascadian_bioregional...@yahoogroups.com Wall Street's 'Disaster

[cia-drugs] US troops new mission Americas special events

2008-12-14 Thread scott munson
U.S. troops' new mission: America's 'special events'... Reply-To: c...@yahoogroups.com U.S. troops' new mission: America's 'special events': Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent 'environmental damage' By Bob Unruh,December 13, 2008 U.S. soldiers and weaponry New

[cia-drugs] ISI 911 involvement

2008-12-14 Thread scott munson
ISI 9/11 involvement Reply-To: c...@yahoogroups.com from the book, Parapolitics (AUP, 2006) Q: The ISI. A: Right, the ISI, their military intelligence. The head of the ISI at the time of 9/11, General Mahmoud Ahmed, reportedly, according the Times of India and also Wall Street Journal

[cia-drugs] So Little Time, So Much Damage

2008-11-30 Thread scott munson
So Little Time, So Much Damage November 3, 2008 http://tinyurl.com/5kwspl http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/opinion/04tue1.html?ex=1383541200en=d1f187ca43fa8c3fei=5124partner=facebookexprod=facebook While Americans eagerly vote for the next president, here’s a sobering reminder: As of Tuesday,

[cia-drugs] George Washington, James Bovard, Joseph Sobran

2008-11-30 Thread scott munson
George Washington, James Bovard, Joseph Sobran Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. -- George Washington (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country' http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/George.Washington.Quote.2202 Subsidies entail politicians’


2008-11-24 Thread scott munson
From: Bob Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 22, 2008 2:52:17 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] BAIL-OUT Or MARTIAL LAW Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] BAIL-OUT Or MARTIAL LAW is the title I gave to an article that I felt important enough to be added to the two articles already


2008-11-22 Thread scott munson
U.S. ECONOMY WILL CRASH WITHIN 6 MONTHS is a 'Special' topic added 11/21/08 to the http://www.truthquestonline.info/NEWS_VIEWS.html page of the Truth Quest website, that also includes a 10 minute Hal Turner video. Is this possible in this 'once great country of ours' ? Best wishes, Bob

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV Dick Cheney indicted in Texas criminal conspiracy charges

2008-11-21 Thread scott munson
Brasscheck TV: Dick Cheney indicted in Texas - criminal conspiracy charges http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/486.html I'm not sure anyone can fix the trashed world financial system...but I'll personally feel a whole lot better when Dick Cheney and George Bush are in jail. Half of that ideal

[cia-drugs] the birth pangs of this new global order

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: Survival Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 16, 2008 8:58:24 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: News-Alert -- the birth pangs of this new global order , Ron Paul Warns , Calif. Fires , Fast Computer e-mail News Letter-Alerts-Specials from The Survival Center Box 234

[cia-drugs] Kucinich grills criminal Banker YouTube CSPAN video links

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: Toxicr Reverend [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 15, 2008 11:20:48 PM PST To: Justice is Homeless [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Kucinich grills criminal Banker 2 YouTube CSPAN video links Congressional Hearing Kucinich grills criminal Banker CSPAN YouTube video posted at :

[cia-drugs] Worlds First Solid State Battlefield Laser Now On Sale

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: Doctor Plum [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 17, 2008 11:03:32 PM PSTTo: Doctor Plum Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [doctorplum] World's First Solid-State Battlefield Laser Now On Sale[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.tomsguide.com/us/War-Laser-Battlefield-Tanks,news-2957.html Military tanks

[cia-drugs] Fremont Nov 23 Attorney Tom Cryer What The Government Doesnt Want You To Know About The I R S

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 17, 2008 5:52:04 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fremont, 11/23: Attorney Tom Cryer Flyer is at: http://www.welcome.freeenterprisesociety.com/PDF/Cryer_meeting.pdf Website at: http://www.welcome.freeenterprisesociety.com/ Phone: 209 - 966 - 7040

[cia-drugs] Bail Outs or Ladeling Out

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: Tom Koutsoukos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 18, 2008 4:23:01 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: !b_a_Act: Bail Out's or Ladeling Out Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why all the 'bailouts' aren't working- It's like being on your deathbed and having Dr. Mengele in

[cia-drugs] $2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who Got It, Nobody Knows

2008-11-18 Thread scott munson
From: a_cascadian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 18, 2008 1:28:54 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] $2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who Got It, Nobody Knows Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] $2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who

[cia-drugs] Rocket Fuel Ingredient Perchlorate In Our Tap Water

2008-11-16 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 15, 2008 8:00:38 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Rocket-Fuel Ingredient, Perchlorate In Our Tap Water Reply-To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com Rocket-Fuel Ingredient, Perchlorate In Our Tap Water By WaterTech, on 14-11-2008

[cia-drugs] Global Push to Create MultiNational Spy Agency

2008-11-16 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 15, 2008 9:19:24 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Global Push to Create Multi-National Spy Agency Reply-To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com GLOBAL PUSH TO CREATE MULTI-NATIONAL SPY AGENCY By NWV News Director, Jim

[cia-drugs] Security officials fear spectacular'terror attack during transition period 14 Nov 2008

2008-11-15 Thread scott munson
From: Lori R. Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 14, 2008 7:38:19 PM PST To: Lori R. Price - CLG [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [bushsshitlist] Security officials fear 'spectacular' terror attack during transition period 14 Nov 2008 Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Breaking News and Commentary

[cia-drugs] The Federal Reserve Swindle

2008-11-15 Thread scott munson

[cia-drugs] The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole

2008-11-14 Thread scott munson

[cia-drugs] Wall Streets Trillion Dollar Crime Scene Bush's Last Crazy Act Crying Makes

2008-11-14 Thread scott munson
WALL STREET'S BAILOUT IS A TRILLION-DOLLAR CRIME SCENE -- WHY AREN'T THE DEMS DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT? By Naomi Klein, The Nation Washington's handling of the bailout is not merely incompetent. It may well be illegal. http://www.alternet.org/workplace/107000/ JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDES ARE ON THE

[cia-drugs] Red Light Cameras are a big business

2008-11-14 Thread scott munson
Did you know... Red light cameras are not for safety, but for income! That is why the yellow light cycle is shortened when they install the camera: to trap income. From: Super Bodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 14, 2008 10:11:55 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] Red Light

[cia-drugs] New Blackwater Iraq Scandal Guns Silencers and Dog Food

2008-11-14 Thread scott munson
From: Lori R. Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 14, 2008 12:29:25 PM PST To: Lori R. Price - CLG [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [bushsshitlist] New Blackwater Iraq Scandal: Guns, Silencers and Dog Food Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government 14 Nov

[cia-drugs] ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson
From: Deon M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 12, 2008 1:43:59 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Buy Now/Celente Predicts Depression Revolution on Fox Date: 11/11/2008 6:12:32 AM Every ammo

[cia-drugs] Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson
From: GeorgiaAnn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 12, 2008 7:57:22 AM PST To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: [ctrl] Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Secret Plan For IMF World Dictatorship Webster Tarpley, Nov 12, 2008 This is a confidential strategy paper for

[cia-drugs] Unseen 911 Footage Finally Being Released By FBI DOJ

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson
From: Doctor Plum [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 11, 2008 11:29:56 PM PST To: Doctor Plum Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [doctorplum] Unseen 9/11 Footage Finally Being Released By FBI, DOJ Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Still no footage of flight 77's impact at the Pentagon The FBI and the

[cia-drugs] AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury Retreat

2008-11-12 Thread scott munson
From: a_cascadian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 12, 2008 2:24:49 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury Retreat Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From DemocracyNow.org AIG Execs Hold Another Luxury Retreat And executives at the

[cia-drugs] Seize this Moment of Change in our World to Create a New World Order

2008-11-11 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 11, 2008 6:12:26 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [cia-drugs] Seize this Moment of Change in our World to Create a New World Order Reply-To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com UK's Brown: Now is the time to build global society

[cia-drugs] Against Intellectual Monopoly by Michele Boldrin and David Levine

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
From: Pepper Cartwright [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 9, 2008 8:33:25 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] Against Intellectual Monopoly by Michele Boldrin and David Levine Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Against Intellectual Monopoly by Michele Boldrin and David Levine BOOK FORUM

[cia-drugs] Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse And why are they being given top positions in Obama Administration

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse? (And why are they being given top positions in Obama's Administration?) By Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, November 9, 2008 www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=vaaid=10860

[cia-drugs] Fwd Obama or the new world order?

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
From: tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: July 25, 2002 2:09:19 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Global_Police_State] Obama or the new world order? Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Obama IS A PART of the NWO. As usual Time magazine engages in the duplicious

[cia-drugs] Feds refuse to identify bank loan recipients

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
From: a_cascadian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 10, 2008 11:52:20 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Feds refuse to identify bank loan recipients Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well Cascadians you should be pissed at this. And here is the other thing. Senate

[cia-drugs] CLOSED 67000 Factories CHINA Revultion will not be Organized

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
From: Deon M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 10, 2008 11:05:32 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] -CLOSED 67,000 Factories CHINA-Revultion will not be Organized Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Original Message - From: golfwriter1 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November

[cia-drugs] End the Federal reserve Nationwidel Rally for Real Money November 22nd

2008-11-10 Thread scott munson
End the Federal 'reserve'! Nationwidel Rally for Real Money, November 22nd[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ojaipost.com/2008/11/the_times_they_are_a_changin.shtmlEnd the Federal Reserve Bank! National Rally for Sound Money, November 22ndSubject:End the Federal Reserve Bankster! National Rally for

[cia-drugs] Alcohol is worse than cannabis - British researchers

2008-11-09 Thread scott munson
From: Geese 4 Peace [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 8, 2008 10:32:46 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [sfbarea] Alcohol is worse than cannabis - British researchers Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: How to create a sub-prime mess

2008-11-09 Thread scott munson
Brasscheck TV: How to create a sub-prime mess It's a mess. Banks have failed, people have lost jobs and homes by the hundreds of thousands, and sober minded analysts say that the worst is yet to come. And the news media says it was all caused by sub-prime mortgages. Is that true? Yes and

[cia-drugs] 911 New Building 7 Collapse Video Clearly Shows Demolition

2008-11-08 Thread scott munson
From: smacko [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 7, 2008 5:00:05 PM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [GovernmentShadow] New Building 7 Collapse Video Clearly Shows Demolition Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] New Building 7 Collapse Video Clearly Shows Demolition Kurt Nimmo Infowars November 3,

[cia-drugs] our boy obama

2008-11-08 Thread scott munson
From: Zero to Hero Productions [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 7, 2008 10:34:54 PM PST Subject: our boy obama Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] i got bad news for us folks our boy obama is nothing but a puppet for rockefeller frontman bryzinski and now his first appointment of a son of a zionist

[cia-drugs] Now That Obama Has Won There is No Excuse

2008-11-05 Thread scott munson
From: smacko [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 5, 2008 11:11:49 AM PST To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [GovernmentShadow] Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.911blogger.com/node/18413 Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse via

[cia-drugs] The More Things 'Change' The More They Stay The Same

2008-11-05 Thread scott munson
The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same Obama the Messiah-Dictator is more dangerous than Bush Paul Joseph Watson Alex Jones | Nov 4, 2008 http://www.prisonplanet.com/the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same.html also, from another email: Remember Remember the Fifth of

[cia-drugs] Peak recycling

2008-11-03 Thread scott munson
From: Michael Poremba [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 2, 2008 11:33:41 PM PST To: SF Bay Oil [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [sfbayoil] Peak recycling? Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recycling in the dumps http://www.contracostatimes.com/news/ci_10883791?source=rss By Matthias Gafni Contra Costa

[cia-drugs] Petro Dollar Method Part 3 Nothing Lasts Forever 911

2008-11-02 Thread scott munson
From: smacko [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: November 1, 2008 5:41:40 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [GovernmentShadow] Petro Dollar Method Part 3 Nothing Lasts Forever 9/11 Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] video: Petro Dollar Method Part 3 Nothing Lasts Forever 9/11

[cia-drugs] Police fear riots if Barack Obama loses US election

2008-10-29 Thread scott munson
OK TO FORWARD FAR AND WIDE http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news SWAT teams on standby if McCain wins US election 24 Oct 2008 US police fear riots could break out if John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, wins steals the election next month. Telegraph.co.uk

[cia-drugs] What Do They Have to Do to Lose Your Vote? by Matt Gonzalez

2008-10-29 Thread scott munson
What Do They Have to Do to Lose Your Vote? The Trail of Broken Promises By MATT GONZALEZ http://counterpunch.com/gonzalez10292008.html What you need under the Police State http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/10/29/18547293.php World faces natural resources crisis worse than financial crunch


2008-10-29 Thread scott munson
From: sue.jonez [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 29, 2008 5:10:37 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [imp-bush] ANOTHER DETROIT BAILOUT ... ALREADY? WEEKLY UPDATE ANOTHER DETROIT BAILOUT ... ALREADY? October 29, 2008: We always expected U.S. automakers would go back to Congress hat in hand


2008-10-28 Thread scott munson
From: radar runner [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 28, 2008 10:40:07 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] MASONICHIP INTERNATIONAL Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well..here's the problemyou are a MASTER MASON husband and father and your EASTERN STAR wife and mother are concerned

[cia-drugs] Colin Powell's New Crisis 'Warning'

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:14 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Global_Police_State] Colin Powell's New Crisis 'Warning' Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is important and very bizarre, and comes from the mouths of Colin Powell and Joe Biden, Obama's

[cia-drugs] EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management)

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:51 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Global_Police_State] EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management) Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management)

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: There's a hole in the market

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson
Brasscheck TV: There's a hole in the market http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/457.html Back to the market... Remember the 750 billion that ex-Goldman Sachs CEO/ Us Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said we needed to give to...Goldman Sachs and other banks to save the markets? That worked well,

[cia-drugs] How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:08 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Global_Police_State] How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash


2008-10-27 Thread scott munson
From: Alamaine, IVe [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 27, 2008 4:52:36 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] VERDICT OF HISTORY ON BUSH WILL BE HARSH Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://impeachforpeace.org/impeach_bush_blog/?p=5829 October 27, 2008 Bush exhibit number one for the danger of

[cia-drugs] Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson
From: Linda Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 22, 2008 9:16:42 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [doctorplum] Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/10/darpa-see-throu.html The Pentagon

[cia-drugs] With oil at $145 and gold looking to leave $1000 in the dust, the US was on the verge of collapse

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson
From: Bryan Boot [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 22, 2008 6:45:01 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Jim Sinclair [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [sfbayoil] (unknown) Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:36 PM, Jeane Rosenmeier wrote: But Washington - and the world - are working very hard

[cia-drugs] ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson
From: elvis oner [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 22, 2008 10:10:24 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED], Conspiracy- [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctrl [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

[cia-drugs] Message from HSUS prez: Our TV ad is about to be yanked

2008-10-21 Thread scott munson
From: Nora Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 21, 2008 12:33:05 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], BAARN Animal Rights [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [baarn] Message from HSUS prez: Our TV ad is about to be yanked See Wayne Pacelle's urgent message below. Please donate!!! We cannot afford to NOT

[cia-drugs] NEWS: A Canadian Responds to the NAU and America

2008-10-21 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 21, 2008 10:04:54 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [BushShouldHaveBeenImpeached] NEWS: A Canadian Responds to the NAU and America Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OK TO FORWARD FAR AND WIDE

[cia-drugs] Surveillance

2008-10-20 Thread scott munson
From: Sir Bodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 20, 2008 2:21:12 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] Surveillance Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yesterday, the first worldwide protests against surveillance measures such as the collect- ion of all telecommunications data,the

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Thomas Jefferson

2008-10-20 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 19, 2008 10:18:10 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Thomas Jefferson I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance.

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: How countries go broke

2008-10-20 Thread scott munson
Brasscheck TV: How countries go broke http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/450.html Countries can and do go broke. At least one European country is currently teetering on the edge. Iceland...a nice, friendly, hardworking, modern place that as recently as a year ago was super-prosperous. What

[cia-drugs] US Economy Collapsing?

2008-10-18 Thread scott munson
YouTube - US Economy Collapsing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHraTPUbsgg Truth is treason in the empire of lies Ron Paul George Bush - Wall Street Got Drunk - Wednesday July 23 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT_wpmsj9LM Bush - Wall Street Got Drunk

[cia-drugs] British Government trying to outlaw Critical Mass protests

2008-10-17 Thread scott munson
From: ELP Support Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 17, 2008 10:32:43 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [EF!] British Government trying to outlaw Critical Mass protests Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[cia-drugs] How Deeply is the US involved in the Afghan Drug Trade?

2008-10-17 Thread scott munson
How Deeply is the U.S. involved in the Afghan Drug Trade? [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.uruknet.de/?p=m48016hd=size=1l=e Experience in Indochina and Central America suggests that CIA, the principal paymaster for U.S.-backed Afghan warlords, may be more deeply involved in the drug trade

[cia-drugs] Federal Reserve Abolition Act - HR 2755

2008-10-15 Thread scott munson
Federal Reserve Abolition Act - HR 2755 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h110-2755 Federal Reserve Abolition Act - HR 2755 9-25-08 Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (Introduced in House) HR 2755 IH 110th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 2755 To abolish the Board of

[cia-drugs] Who is in Control?

2008-10-13 Thread scott munson
From: Doctor Plum [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 12, 2008 12:27:56 AM PDT To: Doctor Plum Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [doctorplum] Who is in Control? Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is a key link between what is happening in the global economic crisis and the growing surety of World

[cia-drugs] nature loss dwarfs bank crisis

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 10, 2008 11:51:23 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [nocalpcn] nature loss dwarfs bank crisis Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank God someone is reporting the real crisis. Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis' By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC

[cia-drugs] California Makes It a Crime to 'Skim' RFID Tags

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: Internet Cop [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 10, 2008 2:52:19 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [ctrl] California Makes It a Crime to 'Skim' RFID Tags Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This week, California became the second state to pass a law making it illegal to steal data from RFID

[cia-drugs] Run On The System: Black Friday

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: GeorgiaAnn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 10, 2008 1:27:08 PM PDT To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: [ctrl] Run On The System: Black Friday Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Run On The System: Black Friday MIKE WHITNEY COUNTER PUNCH Friday, October 10, 2008 Stock markets across the world

[cia-drugs] re: AIG execs vacationed at lavish expensive re...

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 4:22:53 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [BushShouldHaveBeenImpeached] AIG execs vacationed at lavish expensive re... Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How did the Bush administration respond? Did they ask for the early half million spent on

[cia-drugs] Threatened with Martial Law !

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 3:21:57 PM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [BushShouldHaveBeenImpeached] Threatened with Martial Law ! Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unbelievable, Outrageous, Scary If True!bd Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry

[cia-drugs] Wayne Madsen: FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law

2008-10-11 Thread scott munson
From: a_cascadian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 9, 2008 10:10:50 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Wayne Madsen: FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wayne Madsen: FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law Published on 09-10-2008

[cia-drugs] Fox Guarding The Henhouse: Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec To Oversee Bailout

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
From: GeorgiaAnn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 7, 2008 8:05:32 PM PDT To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: [ctrl] Fox Guarding The Henhouse: Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec To Oversee Bailout Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fox Guarding The Henhouse: Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec To Oversee Bailout Paul

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: Fraud, bribery and threats of violence

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
Brasscheck TV: Fraud, bribery and threats of violence http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/441.html Do you wonder how the Wall Street Welfare plan (aka the bailout plan) ever passed Congress. In most Congressional offices opposition by voters ran 10 to 20 to 1 AGAINST it. And for good reason.


2008-10-08 Thread scott munson

[cia-drugs] What is a Trillion?

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
From: Arthur Cottrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 6:16:52 AM PDT To: Power Hour [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Global_Police_State] What is a Trillion? Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] What is a Trillion? If you had gone

[cia-drugs] Bailout Has Already Been Proven Worthless (Can We Cancel It Now?)

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
From: GeorgiaAnn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 8:34:43 AM PDT To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: [ctrl] Bailout Has Already Been Proven Worthless (Can We Cancel It Now?) Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bailout Has Already Been Proven Worthless (Can We Cancel It Now?) George

[cia-drugs] madashellnetwork.org/ - Noted NYU economist Nouriel Roubini's take: Dow 7,000 inevitably w/n next year.

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
From: Peter L. Thottam, Esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 8:43:21 AM PDT To: 911TruthLA [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [911TruthLA/MAHN]: http://www.madashellnetwork.org/ - Noted NYU economist Nouriel Roubini's take: Dow 7,000 inevitably w/n next year. Reply-To:

[cia-drugs] Chevron can't arbitrate Ecuador liability: US court

2008-10-08 Thread scott munson
From: Teresa binstock [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: October 8, 2008 7:35:14 AM PDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [EF!] Chevron can't arbitrate Ecuador liability: US court Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chevron can't arbitrate Ecuador liability-US court Braden Reddall Tue Oct 7, 2008 8:54pm EDT

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