[cobirds] Administrative message --- new moderator

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Peterson
COBirders, Rachel Hopper is going to be moderating COBirds, at least through August, please refer to her if you need anything. She can be contacted at:  r-hop...@comcast.net - Mark Peterson Colorado Springs --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Conventi

[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, May 12, 2009 - long

2009-05-12 Thread JOYCE TAKAMINE
Compiler: Joyce Takamine Date:May 12, 2009 e-mail: r...@cfo-link.org phone: 303-659-8750 This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 5 am sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. Highlight species include (*Denotes that there

[cobirds] Eastlake Park Migrants in Thornton

2009-05-12 Thread Peggy Gonder
Eastlake Park in Adams County had some good migrants when I explored it this afternoon for about an hour. The park has a good-sized reservoir with lots of cattails, a variety of trees and a grassy meadow. On a sunny May 11 afternoon I found: Yellow-headed blackbirds (FOS) Red wing blackbirds

[cobirds] Evening Grosbeak, Larimer

2009-05-12 Thread Connie Kogler
I have a stunning male EVENING GROSBEAK in my yard this morning! Connie Kogler BirdsOTheMorning.com AslansOwn.com Loveland, Colorado. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/convention/index.php You received this


2009-05-12 Thread Bill Maynard
COBirders, Brandon Percival just called at 7:35 A.M. He is looking at, and trying to photograph, a calling Acadian Flycatcher in Van's Grove in Bent County. Consult the CFO county birding guide for directions. If accepted, this species will become the first Colorado State Record. Bill Ma

[cobirds] White-eyed Vireo, Colorado Springs, 5/12/09

2009-05-12 Thread Allan Burns
This morning, not long after 7 a.m., I had a White-eyed Vireo at Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs. I saw it well, and it was actively calling, in the dense thickets near where the Lilac and Mesa Valley Connection Trails meet. A White-eyed Vireo was previously found in this location in May of

[cobirds] May 11 SE Colorado

2009-05-12 Thread Scott Shaum
Sorry for the late post, got in late last night and crashed. Overall the migrants were thin (e g. Van's Grove, where Brandon is chasing a potential Acadian Flycatcher this morning, was silent yesterday - only a single Swainson's Thrush in there). Here are highlights: Two Buttes (Baca County) -

[cobirds] Denver area Spring Counts

2009-05-12 Thread Hugh and Urling Kingery
Sunday, May 10, at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Urling led us to an incredible day. Weather conditions - cloudy and occasional showers for two days -- helped down birds and keep them there all day. The 122 species total more than we've ever seen

[cobirds] young Swainson's Hawk yesterday at Crow Valley

2009-05-12 Thread Dave Leatherman
Yesterday I reported seeing what I was thinking was a young-of-the-year Swainson's Hawk out on its own at Crow Valley. In the Clark and Wheeler hawk field guide the authors state (photo and caption on page 199 in my second edition) many young birds arriving back on the breeding grounds for thei


2009-05-12 Thread Glenn Walbek
Folks, Brandon called, indicating the Acadian Flycatcher was being seen at the time of this post. 3 individuals have seen the bird and 2 have photographed it. The bird remains on the west side of Van's Grove in Bent county. Glenn Walbek Castle Rock, CO - Original Message - From: "Bi

[cobirds] Nashville Warbler, Warbler Woods, Boulder

2009-05-12 Thread Walter M Szeliga
Dear Cobirders, Much slower birding this morning as compared with yesterday. Still two Yellow Warblers have set up territory and are singing away at each other along Boulder Creek below Folsom Field (Warbler Woods). Other birds present were Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, one Orange-cro

[cobirds] Little Blue Heron - Larimer County

2009-05-12 Thread Gregg Somermeyer
Yesterday during my lunchtime walk I flushed a Little Blue Heron on the east side of the south pond on Sharp Point Drive in Fort Collins. Gregg Somermeyer Fort Collins --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/convention

[cobirds] Lake Estes Warblers

2009-05-12 Thread GrayJay09
I saw a Palm Warbler at two locations below the dam this morning. I first saw one was on the railing of the walking trail bridge over the Big Thompson river. It soon went down and began working along the rocks next to the river. About thirty minutes later I saw a Palm Warbler in the willows

[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch Banding, Tuesday

2009-05-12 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBirders, Warm and slow. 22 new birds banded. Only real turnover noticed was in White-crowned Sparrows. Yesterday we banded Gambel's race - today they were all Mountain race. Today was also another "big bird day". Only one warbler banded (MacGillivray's, m), and only one thrush (

[cobirds] Breeding activity - El Paso County

2009-05-12 Thread Jeff J Jones
At I-25 & Rockrimmon; HP Campus/Ute Valley Park. . Pair of blue-gray gnatcatchers building nest in scrub-oak fork; 5 ft off ground . Two female broad-tailed hummingbirds collecting nest material; one from mullein stalk and another collecting cattail down. . Mourning do

[cobirds] Band-tailed Pigeon, El Paso County

2009-05-12 Thread Ron & Jeannie Mitchell
This morning my feeder was visited by a Band-tailed Pigeon. This is a new yard and county bird for me! (Photos available.) Jeannie Mitchell Black Forest El Paso County --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/conventio

[cobirds] Boyd Lake -Larimer county

2009-05-12 Thread warru2...@netzero.com
Hi! Yesterday on a trip to Boyd Lake we had a fall out of sparrows also. Saw many Chipping, Lark, Vesper, White-crowned, etc. Also 9 Great tailed Grackles, an Ash Throated Flycatcher, many Killdeer and Western Grebes. Warner and Ruth Reeser _

[cobirds] Re: Tennesee warbler, fort collins, 5/11

2009-05-12 Thread Matt Webb
I was at this spot in the afternoon/evening (4:30-6PM) on Monday May 11th, and accidentally scared off a Green Heron from a small stagnant pond just north of the bike trail, just west of where it intersects with the trail leading to the Mason / Cherry parking lot. The Green Heron flew low towards

[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch Black-throated Blue Photo

2009-05-12 Thread brian_gibb...@juno.com
Hi Cobirders I have posted my Black-throated Blue Warbler Photo from Chico Basin Ranch on the surfbirds North American Common & Scarce gallery. It has been great having two of these beauties around for days now. http://www.surfbirds.com/cgi-bin/gallery/display.cgi?gallery=gallery20 Brian Gib