[CTRL] Fwd: Mars may have underground water reservoir

2001-08-16 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 8/16/01 1:36:15 AM Central Daylight Time, CalamariJoe42 writes: Subj:Mars may have underground water reservoir Date:8/16/01 1:36:15 AM Central Daylight Time From:CalamariJoe42 To:Ahab42 Mars may have underground water reservoir Wednesday, 15 August 2001 20:02 (ET)Mars

Re: [CTRL] Utterly bitching crop circle found in Wiltshire!

2001-08-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- On 15 Aug 01, at 23:05, Terry W. Colvin wrote: Man, feast your eyes on this thousand-footer! Uhhh... we *are* sure these things aren't made by flying saucers, right? Just checking. Awe inspiring, jaw dropping, mind warping, incomprehensible, bloody huge, are a few phrases

[CTRL] Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA'

2001-08-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- Wednesday, 15 August, 2001, 16:47 GMT 17:47 UK Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA' By BBC News Online's environment correspondent Alex Kirby Greenpeace is asking scientists worldwide to help identify a fragment of DNA found in genetically-modified (GM) soya. The presence of

[CTRL] Pope Urged To Apologise For Vatican Castrations

2001-08-16 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- Pope Urged To Apologise For Vatican Castrations By Susan Page USAToday.com 8-15-1

Re: [CTRL] Abortion Cams Coming to A Station Near You

2001-08-16 Thread Edward Britton
-Caveat Lector- June: Emboldened by a recent federal appeals court ruling granting broad First Amendment protection for menacing political speech on the Internet, Which is NOT the same thing as displaying video images taken without the permission of the people shown in those videos. I

[CTRL] Women Sue Planned Parenthood Over Abortion-Breast Cancer Link (fwd)

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- Women Sue Planned Parenthood Over Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Source: Thomas More Law Center; August 15, 2001 San Diego, CA -- Three California women are suing Planned Parenthood to force the nation's largest abortion business to reveal scientific evidence of a substantial

[CTRL] Fwd: Freemasonry Watch continues their anti-masonic attack

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting Item: Note they say here, and this of course is official, that Bnai Brith is not a masonic order officially but they stole their rituals etc. And all the time I was seeing Italian? Bnai Brith is a Mafia confraternity and they got into the business sometime ago.using masonic

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- but the claim that you made was that only jews are citizens. which is a lie. The above is false. I never stated anywhere that only Jews are citizens of Israel. What I did post was that only foreign born Jews are automatically eligible to become Israeli citizens. It is almost

[CTRL] Fwd: Question 16.3: What is the connection between Judaism and Freemasonry?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now here is another line on the Bnai Brith and Jewish Masons? One God fits all, sound familiar? Adolph Hitler took all religions and secret societies and put them into one order - Hitler, was a Zionist for he paved the way to the oil fields Only problem here it is the people of the

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- I am not a racist. Yes you are. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;} J2 Just as convenient patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, a false accusation of racism is the ulitmate refuge of the sanctimonious hypocrite. flw A

[CTRL] Question 16.5: Did the Jews kill Jesus?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/FAQ/09-Antisemitism/section-10.html A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- And in that dual identity lies the key to his anger--and to the rage of thousands of Israeli Arabs who have joined the street protests here in recent days. Life is tough when you're an enemy isn't it? J2 BUT BUT BUT! J2, aren't these enemies one

[CTRL] Nails and a cross killed Jesus?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- How about the Italian Kiss of Death at the Last Supper.betray me with a kiss Judas? Remember Joe Valachi sang in October of 1964 for Vito Genevese had given him the dreaded kiss of death in prison and out came stuff on the Mafia for none dared call it murder inc. or

Re: [CTRL] ADL Outraged at Red Cross Statement Calling Israeli Settlements War Crimes

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Didn't a Jewish Order - Hadassah or something like that just take over certain Red Cross authorites from the UN? Maybe the time is ripe for the ADL does more harm than it does good. This Jewish Defense League, a group of killers - why the ADL did not even put them on the FBI

[CTRL] Env: Have We A Prediction Here? YASS??

2001-08-16 Thread Fernando Sobral
Saludos, Fer ___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information,


2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Lee Harvey Oswald as written by this lady named Mae Brussells. In Oswald's diary he left many cryptic messages (as did John Wilkes Booth); however, the one interesting statement I found to be most cryptic was many friends and neboribos which was interpreted to mean neighbors by the

[CTRL] ISRAELI DIVESTMENT: UC Sudent Movement Underway (fwd)

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- ISRAELI DIVESTMENT: UC Sudent Movement Underway by Camille T. Taiara San Francisco Bay Guardian UC Berkeley students have launched an Israel divestment campaign targeting the very institution that holds the purse strings to their education: the UC Regents. The people who run

[CTRL] The Hate Crimes You Don't Hear About

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- Subject: The Hate Crimes You Don't Hear About.htm http://www.loompanics.com/Articles/hatecrimes.html -- --- © 2001 by Russ Kick The Hate Crimes You Don't Hear About - by Russ Kick Cleveland,

[CTRL] Fwd: Hiding Human Radiation Experiments in Plain Sight

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
http://www.sonic.net/~doretk/Issues/97-10%20OCT/hiddeenin.html HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT by Richard Korn, Ph.D., Professor of Criminal Justice For over twenty years (1974-1994) the U.S. Government conducted a wide range of secret experiments on unwitting Ameri-can citizens, exploring the

[CTRL] The (Unintended) Ignorance of David Icke

2001-08-16 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector- In his latest book, Children of the Matrix, David Icke weaves together another confusing chain of mysterious connections that prove the human race is captive to a race of reptilian controllers who have us confined dimensionally on Prison Planet Earth. From his perspective on the

[CTRL] Home Guard

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From http://tampatrib.com/floridametronews/MGAMZCKCAQC.html }}Begin Aug 12, 2001 Pentagon May Expand CIA's Domestic Role By GEORGE CORYELL [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jane's Defence Weekly reports that an intelligence review panel is exploring possible new roles for the CIA and other spy

[CTRL] Home Gore(d)

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?17728 Tuesday, December 5, 2000 ELECTION 2000, Day 29 Why Gore lost Tennessee Tennessee cops, media credit Al's

[CTRL] Nanny NEATO Nuts (Numb)

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From http://www.serbianna.com/news/08_15/17.shtml }}Begin ANALYSIS-Pitfalls loom for NATO mission in Macedonia By Mark Heinrich SKOPJE, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Renegade armed bands, weapons hidden in remote highlands, clashing expectations of peace terms and a local culture of

Re: [CTRL] Home Gore(d)

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Why Gore lost Tennessee? Old saying when you sleep with dogs, you get fleas..no offense to the dogs, but the story of his own little pet lying on the steps of his palatial palace, wounded, unattended, and nearly dying from these unattended wouds - this above all showed the

[CTRL] Fwd: will it not be poetic justice when this happens to the farmers in the napa valley

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
THURSDAY AUGUST 16 2001 Mugabe troops will carve up white farms http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001283765,00.html FROM MICHAEL HARTNACK IN HARARE IN A further move towards militarising Zimbabwean society, President Mugabe plans to deploy soldiers to subdivide 5,000 white-owned farms

[CTRL] Fwd: Masonic Ritual Combat

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
The Gulf War As A Mental Disorder.htm www.psychohistory.com Since it is the task of a leader to provide enemies when required, Bush was not about to be caught short when his nation asked him to find an enemy. Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, had long been a U.S. satrap. Bush, as Vice

[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #32 - Sole Pre-Bilderberg Source Closed Down

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
1. Bilderberg Steering Committee Member Clarke To Lead UK Conservative Party? 2. World's Only Bilderberg Pre-Conference Source Dries Up - Spotlight Newspaper Closes 3. Spotlight Busts Bilderbergers As They Meet On Guarded Island - Final Spotlight Report

[CTRL] Is President Bush Being Outfoxed? (fwd)

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- Is President Bush Being Outfoxed? August 15, 2001by: Phyllis Schlafly When demonstrators displayed anti-American signs against our President while traveling to Europe last month, we could brush it off as a bunch of street

[CTRL] Bumble Baby Bush Balkan Bondsteel Bunkers

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From http://www.hackworth.com/13aug01.html }}Begin WHEN THE CANNONS SHOOT, THERE'S BROWN ROOT BY DAVID H. HACKWORTH Candidate George Bush told the voters that if they got him into the White House, he'd get our troops out of the Balkans. He promised to use our forces for

[CTRL] Both Sides Worthy of Criticism

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- http://inq.philly.com/content/inquirer/2001/08/16/opinion/LONG16.htm In the debate on Middle East, both sides worthy of criticism By Jerry Long When debating what level of support the United States should give to the state

[CTRL] Fwd: the matter with ebay

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
Title: the matter with ebay The Matter with Ebay It was early 1998 and business at the fleamarket where my leather shop was located was just so-so. There hadn¹t been a lot of business at that fleamarket for a while, because a major corporation had come in a few years before and built a

[CTRL] Happy Anniversary, B. Woods

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From www.wsws.org WSWS : News Analysis : World Economy When the Bretton Woods system collapsed By Nick Beams 16 August 2001 Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of one of the most significant turning points in

Re: [CTRL] Home Gore(d)

2001-08-16 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector- on 8/16/01 12:46 PM, Aleisha Saba at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Then we had the matter of his daughter married to member of the Jacob Schiff family - the head guy or one in this Illuminati thing? Now Schiff has dual personality too - for one man's meat, is still another

[CTRL] Bed to Crate to Pound

2001-08-16 Thread magnetic_field
-Caveat Lector- Off post but should be read How Could You? A man in Grand Rapids, Michigan took out a $7000 full page ad in the paper to present the following essay to the people of our community. It really touched my heart and I hope it will yours too. HOW COULD YOU?

[CTRL] Israelis Indians

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow.asp?art_id=1121905986prtPa ge=1 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow.asp?art_id=715611466prtPag e=1 }}Begin The Times of India Online Printed from www.timesofindia.com Americas Israeli teams training forces in

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- Nude female soldiers new 'Zionist' weapon This IS a Monty Python sketch, isn't it? Or perhaps an old Benny Hill routine? June ;-) - ---


2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- SMIRKING SKAKEL TRIES TO KO CASE By ANGELA C. ALLEN --- - TIME OUT: Michael Skakel (left) leaves Stamford, Conn., Superior Court yesterday after his lawyers argued that the case against him is too old

[CTRL] Adult Stem Cell Miracle Breakthrough Reported in Canada

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- Tuesday August 14, 2001; 2:20 p.m. EDT Adult Stem Cell Miracle Breakthrough Reported in Canada In a development that could halt the political momentum behind embryonic stem cell research, a scientist working at Montreal's McGill University has made the first-ever discovery of

[CTRL] L.A. Jailed 400,000 Illegally

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2001 L.A. Jailed 400,000 Illegally Los Angeles County taxpayers are out $27 million because the county illegally jailed about 400,000 people over five years. County supervisors agreed Tuesday to the payment to settle five class-action lawsuits. The longtime

[CTRL] Researchers Alrady Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- Well, that was quick! All of 48 hours and already they are demanding MORE cell lines. Looks like some more human life has to be taken but not to worry as we can always blame the Pope. He reads the paper, doesn't he? Ditto those 40 million abortions. Is the embryo human, yes

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- So if a majority (let's say whites just for theory) wanted to eliminate a minority (let's use blacks for this theory) it would be perfectly acceptable to do absolutely anything to get them to leave? But I thought this was what groups like the ADL were OPPOSED to being practiced.

Re: [CTRL] Researchers Alrady Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector- on 8/16/01 2:33 PM, Amelia at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: eggs are not people sperm are not people cells are not people not every fertilized egg in a woman's body actually becomes a baby it is not a 1 to 1 correlation between zygote and birth do we have to through every


2001-08-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- Be sure to buy shoes for June. [snip] Junie needs a new pair of shoes. As much as I needed a new pair of shoes, I wish to go on record that I never got them. No shoes that ever resided in New Orleans or visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. No sleazy Dallas-strip-joint

Re: [CTRL] Abortion Cams Coming to A Station Near You

2001-08-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- Try doing that, and you'll soon find yourself running afoul of privacy laws in many jurisdictions... Curious; how do such laws apply to people walking into a business establishment from a public street? Remember Tampa's camera defense? Presumably, people walking on a public

[CTRL] Florida voters sue the state over new voting guidelines!

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- As the saying goes, Now I've seen just about everything! Florida voters sue the state for the right to be ignorant! http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/8/15/180447.shtml A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a

Re: [CTRL] L.A. Jailed 400,000 Illegally

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 8/16/01 12:26:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The longtime problem of the sheriff's department in keeping prisoners in jail after courts have ordered them released is far greater than previously known, the Los Angeles Times reported today. Hey, at least

Re: [CTRL] L.A. Jailed 400,000 Illegally

2001-08-16 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector- you know Bill, i know we dont agree on much, but it wasn't until this post i thought you were a complete heartless asshole. Try a day in jail, then open your mouth. Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Re: [CTRL] Abortion Cams Coming to A Station Near You

2001-08-16 Thread Edward Britton
-Caveat Lector- June: Try doing that, and you'll soon find yourself running afoul of privacy laws in many jurisdictions... Curious; how do such laws apply to people walking into a business establishment from a public street? Remember Tampa's camera defense? Presumably, people walking

[CTRL] [Fwd: Neocolonial Invitation to a Tribal War (Noam Chomsky)]

2001-08-16 Thread Mark McHugh
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E http://www.ainfos.ca/ News for Anarchists Activists: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smygo Published on Monday, August 13, 2001 in the

[CTRL] Military Revolution

2001-08-16 Thread radtimes
-Caveat Lector- Military Revolution Red Herring (08/01/01) No. 101, P. 47; Williams, Mark; Madden, Andrew P. New Mexico's Sandia National Laboratories is one of the few companies bold enough to try to influence the military's way of viewing warfare, with its development of a small,

[CTRL] Knights Of Malta

2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
http://www.geocities.com/newworldorder_themovie/knightsofmalta.html Knights of Malta This closed fraternity is a military order of the Roman Catholic Church. Its initiated members must be Catholic, and have served in the military. They participate in secret ceremonies and

[CTRL] Chomsky- US Backing Israel Pushing ME To War

2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
http://www.dawn.com/2001/08/16/int13.htm US backing for Israel pushing ME towards war By Noam Chomsky LOS ANGELES: "What we feared has come true," Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling writes in Israel's leading newspaper. Jews and Palestinians are "regressing to superstitious tribalism -

[CTRL] The Heritage Foundation Soars

2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
http://www.zmag.org/ZMag/articles/june01berkowitz.htm The Heritage Foundation Soars By Bill Berkowitz In early April, the Heritage Foundation announced its most ambitious expansion plans in its 28-year history. Thanks to the family of the late Thomas Johnson of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

[CTRL] [AL-AWDA] Here is the future of the Middle East (fwd)

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
Friends: Below is a post from Bill Friend, who runs Palestine Diary. I think this is one of the most clear assessments of the situation you are about to see. It involves the new strategic imperatives of the US. Please read this...and take note. Jaffer No, Bob, WE take out Saddam. We get to

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- flw wrote: -Caveat Lector- And in that dual identity lies the key to his anger--and to the rage of thousands of Israeli Arabs who have joined the street protests here in recent days. Life is tough when you're an enemy isn't it? J2 BUT

Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/16/01 5:28:19 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Now isn't that a more realistic scenario? They will NEVER get Israel back. So are you agreeing that the Zionists STOLE the land from the original owners? And that they are now acting in a manner that would

[CTRL] Animal Husbandry of a Different Nature

2001-08-16 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- http://www.nationalpost.com/commentary/columnists/story.html?f=/stories/20010816/648161.html August 16, 2001 Animal husbandry of a different nature Guys who like to make the beast with two backs and six legs do it as a conscious lifestyle choice Mark Steyn

[CTRL] US Plots To Contaminate Iraqi Drinking Water

2001-08-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- http://www.theprogressive.org/0801issue/nagy0901.html Thomas J. Nagy, progressive: Over the last two years, I've discovered documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used

[CTRL] Gun Owners Likelier to Distrust Government

2001-08-16 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- Gun Owners Likelier to Distrust Government NewsMax.com Wires Friday, Aug. 17, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio - An Ohio State University study indicates that people who distrust the government own guns in greater proportion than those who expressed trust in at least one branch. The study,

Re: [CTRL] L.A. Jailed 400,000 Illegally

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 8/16/01 2:06:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: you know Bill, i know we dont agree on much, but it wasn't until this post i thought you were a complete heartless asshole. Try a day in jail, then open your mouth. You're correct. We don't agree. I don't need


2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/16/01 8:48:38 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Part II of a Multi-Part Series. To read Part I please visit www.copvcia.com As a subscriber to the FTW newsletter I've been looking forward to this!! Thanks for the scoop!! And if Lehder IS free,

Re: [CTRL] Researchers Alrady Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread Theodor Parada, MD
-Caveat Lector- Abortion is a billion dollar business in this country! They need a market for this dead tissue, so why not create it using another government subsidy. All three cell lines (endodermal,ectodermal, mesodermal) are needed to form an organ. Contrary to what the media would like you

Re: [CTRL] Researchers Alrady Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/16/01 8:58:53 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Abortion is a billion dollar business in this country! They need a market for this dead tissue, so why not create it using another government subsidy. All three cell lines (endodermal,ectodermal, mesodermal)

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-16 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- YnrChyldzWyld wrote: -Caveat Lector- Nude female soldiers new 'Zionist' weapon This IS a Monty Python sketch, isn't it? Or perhaps an old Benny Hill routine? June ;-) No. No. I'm afraid it's true. You know those damn Jews will do anything to hurt poor clean living

[CTRL] (no subject)

2001-08-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- Take a look at page 10 of the 20 August issue of TIME. It seems that our friends in Washington have done a bait and switch. According to this little item, the 2,000 acres the oil companies can drill don't have to be contiguous, and only the area of the equipment touching the

[CTRL] The saga of Berry Seal by Nessie…

2001-08-16 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/44.html Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/44.html;The saga of Berry Seal | June 18, 2001 | Nessie…/A - Thanks, Nessie. Om K - The saga of Barry Seal The man behind the scenes By nessie Barry Seal could have been the

Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-16 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector- There's a fellow on another list I subscribe to, everyone who disagrees with his theories, is a Nazi. This includes Jews -- I know of 3 Jews whom he has called Nazi and anti-Semitic. Godwin is right, but doesn't go far enough: on a list that is not well-established (like this

Re: [CTRL] Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA'

2001-08-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/16/2001 2:49:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: But Monsanto says the information provided by Greenpeace has not changed the competent authorities' conclusions of their original risk assessment. Don't you just love this

[CTRL] Harry-ness

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?24080 Thursday, August 16, 2001 JUST WILD ABOUT HARRY Potter books: Wicked witchcraft? New documentary claims tales lead

[CTRL] Chamish: How Things Really Work ...Again

2001-08-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER
-Caveat Lector- - Original Message - From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 3:14 AM Subject: how things work HOW THINGS REALLY WORK ...AGAIN by Barry Chamish We had hoped that Shimon Peres' seemingly

[CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- Now I can remember thinking this very same way as a teenager when Roe v Wade and all of that was new but fortunately I kept thinking on the matter and got beyond the simplistic solution and hollow platitudes and TV sound-bite mantras and learned to think for myself, at least a

[CTRL] Scientists Claim Clinton Blocked Kennewick Man Research

2001-08-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER
-Caveat Lector- April 18, 2001 Scientists Claim Clinton Blocked Kennewick Man Research By William McCall AP Scientists who want to study the ancient skeleton known as Kennewick Man contend the Clinton administration improperly tried to prevent their research to avoid a messy debate over how

[CTRL] There are still 1,957 Americansmissing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War.

2001-08-16 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- UPDATE LINE: August 16, 2001 According to the Department of Defense, there are still 1,957 Americans missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. On July 31st, the League was informed that two Americans, initially listed as MIA on January 21, 1968, are now accounted for.

[CTRL] AP: Paula Jones Sues New York Tycoon

2001-08-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER
-Caveat Lector- Paula Jones Sues New York Tycoon August 15, 2001 at 18:50:33 PDT NEW YORK (AP) - Paula Jones says a colorful New York real estate tycoon promised her riches to drop a lawsuit against President Clinton but never showed her the money. Resurrecting a claim that was dismissed in

Re: [CTRL] Researchers Alrady Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread Theodor Parada, MD
-Caveat Lector- Approximately $1.6 Billion is spent on the programs each year! On 16 Aug 2001, at 22:12, William Shannon wrote: In a message dated 8/16/01 8:58:53 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Abortion is a billion dollar business in this country! They need a

[CTRL] WSJ: Foster Footnote

2001-08-16 Thread MIKE SPITZER
-Caveat Lector- http://interactive.wsj.com August 16, 2001 Asides Foster Footnote It's fine by us if Bill Clinton tries to recoup Knopf's $10 million-plus book advance by settling every score in sight, as Michael Tomasky suggests in substituting for Albert Hunt nearby [included below].

Re: [CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines

2001-08-16 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Researchers Already Whining for MORE Stem Cell Lines It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is

Re: [CTRL] Abortion Cams Coming to A Station Near You

2001-08-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- A public street is just that -- PUBLIC. One can't expect complete privacy when out in PUBLIC. Precisely, but the cameras in question are aimed at people on public streets. No they're not. People walking on a public street are of absolutely no interest to these people. They