Re: [CTRL] Memo on the Margin

1999-06-19 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: How does one distinguish between the rare "compassionate" conservative, and all the insensitive, loutish, selfish, heartless, greedy, porcine conservatives that abound? that's easy. the compassionate ones are the ones that are running. of

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Mumia college invitation criticized]

1999-06-10 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Actually, Prudy, I *do* think Mumia did it. Did he get a fair trial? Hey--this is Philadelphia! Of *course* he didn't. The judge made some bad mistakes, the DA was obnoxiously racist...but that doesn't mean Mumia is innocent. This is one of the

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fw: End-Times Times]

1999-06-09 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: In a message dated 06/09/1999 2:02:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: "Great God! I'd rather be/A pagan suckl'd in a creed outworn..." than this kind of Christian. Yeah, I know how you feel. Prudy christians give

Re: [CTRL] Did anyone win the war? [your chance to vote]

1999-06-08 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Take part in Internet's latest daily survey Bard Visit me at: The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government Federal Government defined:

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: [TheEagle-L] [Fwd: Al Gore and the Earth Spirit]]

1999-06-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: This is totally right on. Who is blind as one who denies God? Who is deceived as one who sees with blindness? Terry how about " they are not so blind as those who will not hear." huh that one too huh. DECLARATION

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.2/2

1999-06-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: There are actually many people who come to their conclusions on their own. - J2 - just like josh here DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed.

Re: [CTRL] The Legal System As a Conspiracy

1999-06-04 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Wrongfully convicting the innocent --through concealing or destroying exculpatory evidence, ordering witnesses to lie, or worse-- is today's guaranteed ticket to the top. According to a recent Chicago newspaper study,

Re: [CTRL] Constitutional gun control

1999-06-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller) writes about "constitutional rights involving gun control". As you know, the Bilderbergers are reputedly in session in Portugal. They, the CFR, the Tri lateralists and the International bankers (

Re: [CTRL] Say NO To Socialized Health Care Today!

1999-06-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- amen [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Caveat Lector- Strong and able-bodied parents, can work, and earn, and pay for their own health care, just like the rest of the working class do . . . Not all of the "rest of the working class" CAN pay for their own health

Re: [CTRL] To All

1999-06-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I will be away from the computer for the next week, so if any of you wish to contact me or send me e-mail, please be aware that I will not be able to respond to you until I get back. Keep everything civil while I'm gone (yeah, right!). Cheers


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Now that I am being smeared by the venomous disinformation specialist, Colleen Jones, on an almost daily basis, I must be telling the truth. I guess the left liberals and the Clinton apologists are getting scared. I notice that she hardly ever


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: One last chance for you to quit defaming me. I plan to sue if you do not immediately desist. Byron T. Weeks, MD ~ you would do well to shut the hell up and sell youe SNAKE oil to someone who gives a damn. DECLARATION


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- so all of this makes you a qualified idiot. sell it someplace else where somebody gives a damn. [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Caveat Lector- Attached is my Resume' Byron Weeks, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE, RECERTIFIED 1977 February 1998 CURRICULUM VITAE [Retired 1995


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- "An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less." [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Caveat Lector- Attached is my Resume' Byron Weeks, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE, RECERTIFIED 1977 February 1998 CURRICULUM VITAE [Retired 1995 due to Hypertensive Heart Disease,


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: What is it about free speech that so frightens liberal demagogues? Is it, perhaps, that free speech indicates free thought and is not amenable to the herd mentality required by the current neo-Stalinist left wing? Jamieson so you call a


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Well...what exactly qualifies you to be an idiot? :) my taking this split second to respond to your inanity. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not

Re: [CTRL] Say NO To Socialized Health Care Today!

1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: If health care is a "human right", then the rest of us should have a vested interest in your diet, exercize, not smoking, doing drugs etc. You can bankrupt us if you don't take care of yourself! there is just not enough for everybody.


1999-06-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: This is absolutely deja vu.I remember Dr. Weeks posting his resume on SNETNEWS--was it two years ago?? sno0wl two years and how threats (HAH!!!) ago. GGD bye meezder TwwKz. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Heathers Home Page.............How Very!

1999-05-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: If I ever ran for a public office again (I did, and won)you write original thoughts, and I have never known you to solicit for money - nor attempt to lead someone down the road to treasonous activity. Farewell..Moo Moo is going back to

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: These stupid NRA arguments don't cut it anymore. You are now fighting a rearguard defensive action, and you think your in some kind of strong position. YOU ARE NOT. Everything has changed. Joshua2 not quite, bellybutton lint. the idiot

Re: [CTRL] Moral Relativism: The Phantom Menace

1999-05-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Is there any way to stop these mailings from the Libertarians? There must be an egroup for those people to use w/o bothering us. we put the internet in jail, easy. there ought to be a law. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Post This]

1999-05-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Furthermore, Dr. or Colonel Weeks and Williams: How long did it take you to write Timothy McVeigh's alledged letter? Even he couldn't be that stupid...after all, whenever, whoever got through with him was done with him, they left him like

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Heathers Home Page.............How Very!

1999-05-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Well, if this is what this country is to be, it is in serious trouble..the forces of evil, will take overcome the forces of good. Colleen this post reminded me of something that happened some years back, the day before wallace was shot,

Re: [CTRL] Say NO To Socialized Health Care Today!

1999-05-30 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Yea, Joshua 2. Prudy eventually the half that works had to kick in. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These

Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-30 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Joshua 2 and Emael and William" Can't I leave you kids alone five minutes ? Who needs guns with you three around. Moo Moo Jones sorry ma; but they're still under the delusion that they can change somebody's mind or that anybody cares that

Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-30 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I think that we need to be more considerate of Emael. His medicine is obviously not working, and the poor pudwhacker is going over the edge. Is there anything I can do to help? Buy you a new tweezers perhaps? Concerned, Joshua2 my

Re: [CTRL] How Can We Blame all on Guns?

1999-05-25 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: You guys take yourselves WAY to seriously. Most people would give up their guns grudgingly, but quite easily. Those that won't, well...those who live by the gun, shall die by the gun. Let's see if Charlton Heston and Wayne LaPierre (sp?)will

Re: [CTRL] NATO Bombs Pizzeria in Brooklyn

1999-05-17 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Has Clinton lost control of the Pentagon; I do not believe thathe is the Commander in ChiefI do not hold him entirely responsible for the mess we are in becaue, no one person could make all that mess. Who needs enemies when we got

Re: [CTRL] implant activity

1999-05-17 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Please do not waste our time posting this junk please specify whose junk you are referring to. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed.

Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-11 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I wish to avert that violence because I live in this society, and I don't want to go down with it. If you think you can avert violence by not being ready to counter it, you are a fool. Violence is part of life; it is NOT going away just

Re: [CTRL] Urantia

1999-05-11 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Has anyone had any experience/knowledge of the Urantia ( ) following? Some friends of mine have really gotten into this...I was particularly curious if there was a Zechariah Sitchin (

Re: [CTRL] Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

1999-05-09 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: When I was 14 or 15 I read the O'Neil bio on Tesla. I had read a lot of books by that time about inventors and science. I became convinced then that Tesla was the one who really understood how the universe worked. I was disapointed to

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-08 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: MONKEY BOY!!! NAVEL LINT!!! Listen here you wayward wad of whapit. The best part of you streamed down the pigs thigh. It contained the chromosomes with the instructions to develop a brain. How do you write this shit anyway? Who can stand you

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-06 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: No no. They are the creation of Capitalists with the license from government. Jeez guys, can't you get over this government as bogeyman shit? It positively ruins your thinking abilities. Joshua2 pretty kewl huh josh; when someone actually

Re: [CTRL] A Yugoslav who made a difference

1999-04-22 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I have no problem. You are the one who has cast aspirations on Thomas Edison, a great benefactor of humanity, and have failed to provide the means for others on this list to verify that your charges have merit. It is you who have the problem. I

Re: [CTRL] Gallery of Rape Defenders! (Must View!)ThouShaltNotCommitAdultery!

1999-04-22 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: "Anyone who defends Clinton might as well hold down a woman while he rapes her." --- Cheryl Enyart there is no black and white in this world; the truth and life is gray. anyone who believes otherwise

Re: [CTRL] A Yugoslav who made a difference

1999-04-21 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: That's a reference? You make accusations against a man of far greater value to society than yourself and this is the kind of proof you offer? Howard Davis i thought that nail was in but look here; nature has made a better idiot. the

[CTRL] Fwd: Deepak Chakra

1999-04-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- Harry Meeker wrote: Dear Alton, Thank you for such a wonderful gift filled knowledge and wisdom. Harry Alton Kanter wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Alton Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Deepak Chopra Wisdom Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments:

Re: [CTRL] A Yugoslav who made a difference

1999-04-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I had never ead that Thomas Edison electrocuted a dog in the electric chair. This would make him about the most vicious and cruel - no wonder - well, from now on I will no longer defend that BASTARD when they say he was a homosexual. Colleen

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: And oh this police official - not one word that he had been approached about the one kid being possibly a bit psycho - but then who woud ever notice someone dressed in black every dayafter all we are getting accusomed to the D Platoons and

Re: [CTRL] Drug-Dealing Gun Runners with Badges

1999-04-16 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: The accused officer, gang-crimes investigator Joseph Miedzianowski, has been indicted on charges of conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine. He has not been charged with weapons violations. was that specifically cocaine?; because the

Re: [CTRL] impeach this

1999-04-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- you sure got me there. who bitch-slapped you into such a sorry lather? you sound as though you are very obedient to something really weird. speaking of panty waste you should check the pound cake in your own panties before you start pointing fingers at anyone else. you and your

[CTRL] impeach this

1999-04-12 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- * It's Over The impeachment has ended. The results are now known. The will of the Congress Has clearly been shown. So let's all get together, Let the bitterness pass. I'll hug your elephant And you kiss my ass. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Economy 101

1999-04-10 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- i sent that one to you, whats up widdat? DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its many

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, ...

1999-04-09 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Not necessarily. Blanket statements are never an accurate assessment of the capabilities of people. Some will do as you say, and some will not. NO ONE but the people who commit the acts are responsible for the harm they cause. If I see

Re: [CTRL] O.J. ???

1999-04-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Mr. William Shannon, Truly you are a gentleman, and you have found me outfor I'm NO racist, and I fear Ms. Colleen has deeply wounded me for even remotely suggesting such a thingand nope, not from Chicago.but, as sure as the sun

Re: [CTRL] O.J. ???

1999-04-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Actually Colleen, I haven't but thank you for asking.but, why not address the issue I raised, which is that OJ is not a stereotypical African American, and w/ the MONSTROUS AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE against him I find it hard to believe you can

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Poor Ant

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- this was posted as an example of propaganda was it not? abdication of the plight of the poor equals abdication of responsibility for the planet. for my part; f*** the ant and the grasshopper and the writer for that matter. [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Interesting new

[CTRL] ilkmates

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- the same ilk; and for these reasons, my child you must die. [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: The Bill of Common Sense Rights ~~~ We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice,

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Poor Ant

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- a fine example to contrast my post but if you dig a little deeper you would see that for every subsidy program the gov comes up with for the poor, there are a thousand republican busybodies already in the works to distort loopholes (placed intentionally by, guess who) so that

Re: [CTRL] ilkmates

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- sounds slightly abusive and there are laws agin dat. [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Well now, I don't know about all that. My sister always said I thought Manual Labor was a Mexican. My mother always had a cleaning lady; me. My sister had two maids and a gardner, and

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Poor Ant

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: The Truth, Not reported anywhere that I know of. When I was a child about 11 years old I had a friend that lived across the street. There were four children in her family and four in mine. She only had a Mother, no Father was around,

[CTRL] Fwd: Re(2): [CTRL] Fwd: Poor Ant

1999-03-31 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Of course it is propaganda, BUT one must not forget ones own personal responsibility. The poor must not be forgotten and in the "land of plenty" that is the US it should be something that is of paramount importance. I think it is an object

Re: [CTRL] the meaning of the word socialist

1999-03-29 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- on this list and for the most part, you will not find a real definition of socialism or liberal because there is a conspiracy by a number of people on this list to stack and balance the pandora's box of world problems on the terms socialism and liberalism. it is a concerted

Re: [CTRL] Kevorkian News

1999-03-29 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: look DIVINE, i fail to see how you could take my response as "hateful" i dont know where u are coming from. All I know is JACK KEVORKIAN is a serial killer, in my book. because--he LOVES what he does-if u cant see that, im sorry. in no way was

Re: [CTRL] Reptiles/Serpents/Lizards in History/Mythology/Religion

1999-03-28 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Does the bible say that in so many words, those that were bitten by the snake lived; and is that why the AMA (American Medical Association) chose the Serpent and the Staff as a symbol? Could the devil have been a doctor; doctor's are by

Re: [CTRL] Reptiles/Serpents/Lizards in History/Mythology/Religion

1999-03-28 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Now do not forget, it was the Bright and Morning Star, that fell from heaven; Revelantions - Last Chapter - I AM the bright and Morning Star.. And God remembered when all the morning stars sang together better go back and read because

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: August Eclipse

1999-03-12 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Also, in Zecharia Sitchin's book, "The 12th planet," he argues for an extra planet which has an extremely different orbit, so different that it goes way out in space for something like 2600 years and then returns in its orbit to where we can

Re: [CTRL] Big Bad Socialism

1999-03-10 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Unfortunately as long as we have "true believers" who insist on forcing their irrational political statist philosophy founded on religiosity rather then rationality, we will be plagued by socialist murderers and dictators. flw your battle is

Re: [CTRL] interpol heroin (fwd)

1999-03-02 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Unfortunately, sucker is the right choice in words. Socialism in all its forms is nothing but a ruse to enslave. Do you really think compassionate is an accurate word for Clinton? The first two words my nephew learned were: cookie and grandma.

[CTRL] Fwd: hmm

1999-02-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- ( warning! long rant... ) Now it does actually work like that as far as I can tell... The great push by those who control the government is a concerted attack on the bill of rights combined with ongoing television propaganda to manufacture the point of view they desire, which

Re: [CTRL] Calling all hippies

1999-02-19 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: 'Hippies' were self-centered, only interested in what made them individually 'feel good', and whose political and social awareness only extended to what was personally comfortable, and no further...they would rather sit around and 'think good

[CTRL] Fwd: Trivia Subscription

1999-02-16 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- Today's Trivia Question: Why do we knock on wood for luck? (answer below) $$$ THE INTERNET $$$ Make money signing people up for Internet accounts! Work at home! Part-time or


1999-02-14 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Differing is what makes this country great. . . try to differ to the gubmnt, the irs or a cop Chris (the other one) I would just add this. Your comments are probably correct in a "global" sense, in other words yes, we do sell them

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Cleared

1999-02-14 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Thanks for the kind words Chris (the other one). I think it puts things in perspective when they are clearly spelled out from time to time. Teo1000 i know i have a good rant building up in me somewhere as well, that may flood at its own

[CTRL] Fwd(2): Foul(well) Play!

1999-02-14 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- Copied without permission form the NY Times: --- February 13, 1999 And the Road Runner Fosters Disrespect for Speed Limits By JEFF MACGREGOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL REPORT! READ AND DESTROY! To: The Reverend Jerry Falwell From: Special Detectives Hunt,

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Cleared

1999-02-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: While I don't agree with the verdict and have some definite thoughts as to what should be done with Mr. Clinton I am glad that this whole thing is over because I just can't take any more of the political mutual cover up society in Washington.


1999-02-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: This is the real issue that never will see the light of day in any proceedings against Bill Clinton et al. The whole China issue was conveniently and maybe permanently hidden and shoved under the rug by the masters in DC. Why? Because the

[CTRL] Fwd: *Corporate* Perjury and Obstruction of Justice

1999-02-11 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. Today we hear the case of corporate perjury, corporate fraud and corporate obstruction of justice. Members of the Senate, let us turn to exhibit one: the 1994 transcripts of tobacco industry executives' testimony before a House of Representatives

Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Sounds like Zecharia Sitchin and others like Van Danniken who believe that aliens visited earth in the past and were mistaken as demons and the like, as well as being the source of ancient technology. A bunch of hooey, IMO. Teo1000 sounds

Re: [CTRL] Pope to Meet w/Clinton in Hanger to View Alien Craft?

1999-01-23 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I'll admit that I have not read the material thoroughly or completely. But I am familiar with it. At least enough to comment. You, of course would be aware that many academics have called into question whether Sitchin is as good a Sumerian

Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-17 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: In a message dated 1/17/99 10:03:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We believe in 'such conspiracies', but we also know that Klinton has absolutely NO self-control, and is the sole cause of his own loss of 'credibility

Re: [CTRL] Slave Documentation - H.H.

1999-01-17 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I understand, some persons are simply unable to bear the discomfort that can result from exposure to the ideas of others, and are especially confounded when those ideas directly challenge their own world view. It is probably better that you

Re: [CTRL] Republican Hate Rhetoric Turns Deadly

1999-01-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: There is primarily ONE reason for the burden of violence we experience... When a crime is committed, it is not followed SWIFTLY by CERTAIN (and appropriate) punishment. Over 95% of FELONIES in the U.S. are "unsolved," whereas in Japan, over

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Price We Pay: The 10 Worst Corporations of 1998

1999-01-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Speaking of the clammoring for "documentation" and "citations" and "URL's" for everything contrary to what the brain-dead liberals believe where is the documentation for all of this? Hawk you would do well to look and see where you got

Re: [CTRL] William: Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

1999-01-13 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: William: He's a true champion of the 1st Amendment and is simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the radical right. Cheers to Larry! Keep up the fight! Here! Here! If there's anything which pisses me off more than Clinton's illegal behavior,

Re: [CTRL] hello (again)

1999-01-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: In a message dated 1/4/99 10:49:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Well, I will tell you one thing I am NEVER going to call the Art Bell show! Because if I do then the whole list will erupt into a flame war like WWIII!

Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men and helpless victi

1999-01-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Ladies and gentleman I am wtriting a thesis paper on Milton and need an illustration. What is in your opinion the most despicable business transaction that ever took place and what is in your opinion the most despicable con that ever took

Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men andhelpless vic

1999-01-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Thank you, but I choose to express my opinion, regardless of your approval or disapproval. To your list that includes "capitalism," you might also add, "communism, socialism, facism, witchcraft, imperialism, sickness, disease, famine, and

Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men and helpless vi

1999-01-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: E Mael wrote: how about the buying (ultimately) of this whole country for a few beads and trinkets. spare me the stupid indian posts. juda's betrayal of jesus is up there in religious terms but i think that j. would agree that his one life

Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men andhelpless vic

1999-01-05 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Your post is exceedingly and unnecessarily cruel to those persons whose feelings of moral superiority necessitate their bearing a burden of guilt and forever paying penance for the actions of distant ancestors (real or imagined). It is unwise,

Re: [CTRL] hello

1999-01-03 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: June I made a harmless comment wondering if it was Teo on the Art Bell show and I get a batch of hooey , comments about using multiple ISPs, wondering if I w as you and all that garbage. To me, it was an insult, There may be some people who

Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

1999-01-01 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Of course if an uneducated pedophile can collect a gang of same in Waco, why not the clever Knight? Jerry that bait is awfully old. no one is going to bite on that anymore. you are obviously an agent for some right wing police state advocacy


1999-01-01 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Of course, many do not require even common sense to believe most anything. Surely the Nobel prize for credulity should be given to those poor souls who have their bodies or heads frozen in hopes they will be brought back to life when cures are

Re: [CTRL] (no subject)

1998-12-30 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: (For the rest of the list, THIS New England Yankee has NO idea what Lynne is babbling about.) June ... mmm, says a lot. DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic

Re: [CTRL] Snvel snivel was Re: Echoes from the Past

1998-12-28 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Smooth move from republicans and lying and blow jobs to sixties liberals fighting against the dreaded "Jim Crow south." Boy you sure can't argue with your reasoning or you'd be labeled a right wing radical racist. Just so we got it straight

Re: [CTRL] Capitol Punishment

1998-12-23 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Four Republican congressmen who voted to impeach President Clinton joined with those seeking presidential censure Tuesday by urging the Senate to consider options short of removal from office. I'm afraid that i have to agree with those

Re: [CTRL] Honour Among ...

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: For the sake of clarification, please note that my opinion, albeit shared by many, is neither new, nor the line of any party. BTW, watch that stereotyping! The claim that every nonmember of Cult Clinton is by default a Republican is as silly

Re: [CTRL] As Impeachment Looms, Clinton Seems In Denial (Reuters)

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Why expect more from me? I agree with you wholeheartedly. But it is unlikely that we will get him for the big stuff so I say get him for what we can. As for there being plenty more of the republicans who are assholes and rich, absolutely but

Re: [CTRL] The impeachment of President Clinton

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Well said, but this Jerry Harp won't understand, neither will Prudy or the other Clintonites. He could nuke Ohmaha and they would still support him, even though I issued a challenge to them to tell me what he had done that was so "good"

Re: [CTRL] The impeachment of President Clinton

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- not to justify anything for anybody but have you considered that this stuff would be going on, no matter who was in office? do you think that this stuff could go on without the knowledge and okay of the puppetmasters? which brings me to my point; it is the puppetmasters who are

Re: [CTRL] Title Change!

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Excuse me BUT the America's did not only belong to England or to the settlers from the Mayflower. Study history. We brought the Louisiana Purchase from France. France sold the Louisiana Purchase to America not to England. America is not a

Re: [CTRL] The impeachment of President Clinton

1998-12-20 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I noticed you always take the Clinton side of things... well, if he's your boy I feel sorry for you. People who watch wrestling (overgrown steroid types in diapers) are probably people I don't want around me. I'm not a nazi you putz... are

Re: [CTRL] Honour Among...

1998-12-19 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Caveat Lector- On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, E Mael wrote: it is the pervasiveness of alcoholic poisoning in this country that accounts for the all pervasive symptom that people think that they can change someone's mind about anything at all

Re: [CTRL] Mettle?

1998-12-19 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- i just bet that he did not volunteer any of this info. had he not been caught it would have been denial and business as usual. it is easy to be appropriately sorry when you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar. how many fine republicans are offering the info voluntarily.

Re: [CTRL] Honour Among ...

1998-12-18 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Or perhaps not doing anything at all, allowing Clinton to get away with perjury, while any regular citizen committing perjury would find the full weight of the jurisprudence system crashing down on their heads -- such a double standard would be

Re: [CTRL] Perjury

1998-12-18 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Or the coworkers who are expected to be at work on time, not come back late from lunch, and at least leave work on time, if not put in overtime, while the babe who's blowing the boss gets away with coming in late, taking long lunches, leaving

Re: [CTRL] Honour Among ...

1998-12-18 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: So it is irrelevant if Livingston's had an affair in his own is irrelevant if EVERYONE in the House of Representatives has had an extramarital affair, since the impeachment ISN'T ABOUT SEX... June you are right june; as everyone

Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob

1998-12-18 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: And they gave us a document that spells out the peaceful and legal process whereby the electorate (thru their elected representatives) are able to remove officials in public office who are guilty of misconduct in office, including the

Re: [CTRL] Perjury

1998-12-17 Thread E Mael
-Caveat Lector- [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Perhaps *you* should take your own advice. i will take my own advice. you seem to be the penultimate narcissist, no one can touch you. it would be adding hominem to suggest that the real red herring is the one in your underpants so i won't,

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